Re: [slim] Announcement: a new PSP skin

2007-10-25 Thread kingkano

Im having trouble getting this to work.  I've dropped it into my skins
folder, and I can access it fine on a pc browsing to //slimserver/psp
but on the psp it just keeps saying 'the connection to the server timed

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance


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Re: [slim] Can I Use Other Catalog Software?

2007-10-25 Thread aubuti

Have you visited the 'Slim Devices wiki Beginner's Guide'
( It has tons of
useful user-contributed information. 

As for not being able to add or change tag information in SS, that is
by design. SS is meant to stream your music, not rip, or tag, or do
anything else. I rather like the fact that it never modifies my files,
which is something I can't say for other audio software, especially

SS *will* show you information such as who is playing what on what
tracks, but only if you already have it in the tags, and they are the
correct tags. The metadata that SS presents is only what each user has
in the tags in his library. It's not at all the case that "we all get
the same information." If your tags are detailed and mine are a mess, I
get a mess and you get the details.

If you are going to rip your CDs, you only want to do it once, so I
strongly recommend a compressed lossless format. wav is lossless, but
not compressed. wma comes in both lossless and lossy flavors. mp3 is
lossy. My preference, and those of a lot of other SB users is flac
(Free Lossless Audio Codec). It's lossless, so it preserves all of the
data in the original CD, bit for bit. It's compressed, so the files are
typically 35-50% the size of a wav file. That's still big, but hard
drives are dirt cheap. If you want smaller files for a portable player,
it is easy to transcode your lossless files to a more compact, lossy
format like mp3 or wma. Finally, SB natively supports flac, so you
don't need to waste any processor cycles transcoding, plus you can FF
and RWD tracks.

Check out the wiki, it will explain all this and much much more.



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Re: [slim] Should crossfading work with synchronised players?

2007-10-25 Thread tgoodman

I, too, crave the cross-fade with synched players.  It just adds that
extra something for parties!  In fact, I bought 2 of these blasted
things thinking it would FIX the crossfade I was lacking with one using
Softsqueeze.  Oh well... still love these things, but come on,
SlimDevices, give us a decent synched crossfade!


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox stopping

2007-10-25 Thread redgum

Just to update you on my troubleshooting (with thanks to Slimdevices
support) and to clarify exactly what is going on in my situation (Now
with no wireless, ethernet cable everywhere, SB3, SS6.5.4, WHS).

I setup a playlist with about 100 songs from different albums and
started playing them. Here are the results:
1.  Plays, but at about song 22 stops, 33 seconds from end of song.
Pressing “play” on remote starts song again and it plays without
2.  Plays, but at about song 57 stops, 2:13 from end of song. Pressing
“play” on remote starts song again and it plays without failing.
3.  Plays but at about song 65 stops after 0:54. Pressing “play” on
remote starts song again and it plays until 0:54 and stops. Display
shows “Rebuffering…0%” shows as playing but has stopped.
4.  Replicate this three times for this particular song.
5.  Change to buffer display. Indicates buffer at 100%, still stops at
0:54 shows “Rebuffering…0%” just as it stops playing, then shows as
playing but has stopped.
6.  Played around with fastforward, if I go to after 0:54 it plays ok
from there.
7.  Tested the FLAC file (FLAC -T) and the file appears ok.

This is the more intersting part
8.  Play the song on its own in repeat mode. First time it plays
fine, second time stops at 0:54.
9.  Can replicate this. (ie plays fine first time when in repeat
mode, then stops on 2nd play.)

Hopefully this will help the Slimdevices people identify what is going


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Re: [slim] Can I Use Other Catalog Software?

2007-10-25 Thread JSharp

I downloaded Slimserver and took a look at it.  It has a handsome
interface with lots of white space which is easy on the eyes.  The
available information is nicely laid out and easy to read.  It can
browse by various categories such as genre, artist, track name.  

It doesn’t show who are the musicians and what they are playing for
each track, which is kind of an important topic in jazz.  There doesn’t
seem to be any way to customize the information so as to add notes about
the CD, or the record label, or URLs that have information about
Coltrane and his Giant Steps album, for example.  It doesn’t appear
possible to correct the data provided for the CD.  It gives you good,
fundamental information, but I think you are stuck with that.

I don’t want to sound like I am carping or finding fault with SS.  I am
not at all and it looks very nice and presents good information.  I am
only noting the limitations and regretting that there’s nothing more
the user can add.  It looks like we all get the same information.

At a minimum, it seems as though I could use Squeebox for the pleasure
of listening through my home audio system to all of the music stored on
a hard drive.  I can continue to store the information I want about the
music in my choice of software, identify those songs I want to hear and
then open SS to find the artists, titles and tracks and create a
playlist.  I’ll just use two applications to accomplish the task.
Someone here already suggested that idea and I can see how it would

Erland offered some encouragement.   It sounds as though developers may
already be thinking and implementing ways to make external software work
through SS.  Maybe in a year my problem will have been solved.

I really haven’t been ripping much music at all.  I haven’t been
interested in listening to music on the computer and until about the
day that I first posted, I hadn’t explored whether it was even possible
to listen to music stored on a hard drive through a home audio system. 
As I am sure everyone noted, I dived into this forum with my original
post knowing next to nothing about this process, but I learned a lot
(learned enough to know that I don’t know nearly enough, which is a
good start) in short order.  The music I have ripped has been through
Nero which doesn’t seem to access a very complete database and so I
have manually added artist name and individual track names, which has
been fine for the few CDs I have entered.  Now the idea of manual
entries with so many CDs is daunting.  On this laptop I have been using
to communicate with the forum, I don’t have Nero and so for the first
time used Windows Media Player to rip a CD to this hard drive to check
out how SS would show it.  WMP seemed to do an adequate job and saved
the information in the way I have done it, by artist name, CD title and
individual tracks.  It saved the files in .wma format, which I think is
okay.  I originally thought I would save them in .wav format, but jeez
those are large files, and I have read that .wma format is pretty
faithful to playing the music as it would off the CD directly.

I almost think I know better than to ask this, but is there a better
program than Windows Media Player for ripping?  And is there a file
format that is preferred over .wma?


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Re: [slim] What to do with my CDs?

2007-10-25 Thread iPhone

The CDs should be ones last resort for data loss. And that would be when
the computer is fried and your archived copies are also destroyed. Who
has the time to do all that converting over again when one can archive
the conversions to DL DVD in no time at all. Once the current library
is backed up, one will even notice the same amount of time it takes to
archive as one goes with new CDs.

I convert my CDs to FLAC Files (use whatever lossless format one
prefers) then when I have 8 gigs worth of new files, I archive them to
DL DVD that I store in my father’s almost empty gun safe. As for the
CDs, I keep them because I am data recovery anal-retentive. I use the
spindles left over from CD and DVD Burning ROMS. I get 100 CDs on a
spindle and then store as many spindles as will fit in a Rubbermaid
Tough Tote. It has a nice snap on lid, is easy to carry, and easy to
store and stack. No paper is involved so if it were to ever get wet
(which I doubt due to it all being plastic) no big deal. No paper also
means no place for bugs to breed. Storing cardboard boxes in the garage
or basement is a no no if one wants control over bugs.

Just something that works for me.


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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread radish

iPhone;238026 Wrote: 
>  Some nerve to ask somebody to pay royalties on their own songs!
But they aren't his - he sold them to the label. If I sold you my car,
and then six months later turned up and drove off with it you'd be
rightly annoyed. Did they overreact in this case? Probably - that's
certainly something the RIAA do with great frequency. But here's a tip
- if you want to retain control of something, don't sell it.

> Other then Congress allowing the illegal monopoly of the RIAA to exist
Illegal monopoly? What? I own well over 1000 CDs and the majority are
from non-RIAA member labels. Some monopoly.

> can anybody tell me why we are still paying $18 dollars for a new CD
> that costs less then a penny to make with a production cost under $200K
> for the album? 
I don't know - why are you? My guess is that it's because you think the
music is worth the cost. So what's the problem? You'd like it to be
cheaper? I'd like a lot of things to be cheaper but I buy them anyway.

> Now compare that to a $5.50 DVD at Wal-Mart that costs 25 cents to make
> and multiple millions to produce the movie.
You're not comparing like with like. There are plenty of cheap
discounted CDs out there, and just like the cheap discounted movies
they're the ones nobody wants. The new/good movies cost $20+. 

> I can tell you they would not be selling them for $5.50 if they were
> not making money.
Of course they're making money. They'd make more if they could charge
$20 and get the same sell rate, but obviously that wouldn't happen, so
they charge less. Again, if the $18 CDs weren't selling, they'd lower
the price (and to be honest, very few mainstream CDs cost anything like
$18 in my experience). 

> The RIAA is so greedy is what the problem is. They just do not
> understand that if CDs were $3 or $4 each that we would be buying the
> hell out of them and trying new music because hey its only four bucks.
Well first off, the RIAA don't sell anything, their member companies
do. But that aside, do you really think they haven't thought about
selling CDs for $4? Of course they have. And their pricing gurus have
obviously decided that it wouldn't be as profitable as what they're
doing now. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong. If you think it's
such an obvious thing, why not start your own record label and make a
killing? Otherwise, play your part as a smart consumer and vote with
your wallet.

> If things continue and the RIAA does not wake up, there will be no more
> CDs. 
A lot of people would think that was great (labels included - it costs
a lot less to sell a copy of a file than a CD). Personally I'd hate it,
at least until lossless downloads are common.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox stopping

2007-10-25 Thread JimC

Minora;237561 Wrote: 
> The only change I made to my SB, before it stopped playing was to put it
> in a slightly higher place and away from the amp.  This improved signal
> strength from a an average 20% (which was usually fine) to and average
> 50% in preparation for a party this weekend.  Now I have no music.
> The SB displays the song to be played, along with the duration etc. -
> but nothing starts up.  I can change menu's and select new songs, just
> nothing happens.  Any change made on the SB are reflected in Slim. 
> Similarly any changes made in Slim are reflected on the SB.
> Any advice

Great.  No one here is saying there's no problem -- we just need to
understand what the problem is so we can track it down.  Obviously, it
doesn't happen to everyone, but we'd like to fix it if we can figure it

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox stopping

2007-10-25 Thread mik63

I have just sent a very complete description of the whole set of
problems and setup.
If the wireless signal is always at 80% or above, I do not see how
there could be a problem, unless I am exceeding the wireless bandwidth,
but I have done tests with nothing else connected.
In nay case, wired or wireless would not explain why sometimes the
whole device crashes (today at least 7 times) and reboots.
There are too many people with similar problems, so the chance that we
all have the same problem related to something else but the SB3 is
quite slim.
I think that there is something related to their IP stack and how it
handles the handshake and synchronization with the server that
sometimes goes crazy.
This would explain crashes, skips, stops and freezes.
I will post back whatever I will discover with the Logitech support


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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread iPhone

You at both correct on all counts. The RIAA is the big problem. A friend
of mine owns a bar in Little Five Points. He is a musician and used to
be in a major label band. He hires bands to play in his club and when
they go on break he used to get up on the stage and play his old tunes.
Not anymore, the RIAA got wind of it and had a court order to shut down
the Club if he did not stop or start paying royalties. Some nerve to
ask somebody to pay royalties on their own songs!

Other then Congress allowing the illegal monopoly of the RIAA to exist,
can anybody tell me why we are still paying $18 dollars for a new CD
that costs less then a penny to make with a production cost under $200K
for the album? Now compare that to a $5.50 DVD at Wal-Mart that costs 25
cents to make and multiple millions to produce the movie. I can tell you
they would not be selling them for $5.50 if they were not making money.
The RIAA is so greedy is what the problem is. They just do not
understand that if CDs were $3 or $4 each that we would be buying the
hell out of them and trying new music because hey its only four bucks.
But instead they keep the prices up so people copy them illegally.

I also use the Internet Radio, Rhapsody, and Pandora to find new music
so I can hear it before I pay my hard earned dollars for a $12 to $20
CD. If things continue and the RIAA does not wake up, there will be no
more CDs. All the bands should all start selling digital direct and cut
the RIAA out. The RIAA is even trying to crush Internet Radio with fees
per listener that are 65 times higher then they are for Broadcast Radio
who has all the bucks!


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Secret Squirrel

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Zten;237968 Wrote: 
> I do not start it on boot up. First the computer starts, then I right
> click on the SB icon and select "start slimserver". Not sure if that
> answer's the question
> But now it sure seems like I would rather just have it start up
> automatically on boot up. How do I set it up that way?
> Also, no NAS and no iTunes.

First of all, you need to have SlimTray running which is sounds like
you already do. Then, you right click on the icon in the tray and you
will see the opinion to start on start up or on log on. Choose start on
start up. You might have problems with it starting that way however. If
so, just change it on start on log on.



Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread iPhone

Hey Bklaas,

No biggie and I did not take it as flaming but more of wondering. And
after reading your post and mine, I can see your point. Nobody else
knows what I have or what I use or more importantly what I was thinking
when I posted.

It’s all just e-mail. I never read anything into it because you can’t
see the other person’s face, body language, or hear the tone of their
voice. If diplomats used e-mail to communicate we would be having a new
war weekly due to all the misunderstanding and to much reading into!

Yes I am an iPhone user. I do not own a Mac or iPod. I have only bought
one iTune in my whole life and only then to make my custom ring tone out
of it which Apple requires you to do. As I said, I only even use iTunes
because I have to with the iPhone. I am a Professional Options Trader
and the iPhone works well (being able to landscape) for what I need to
do so I am not chained to a laptop or desktop. It replaced my
BlackJack, which replaced my CrackBerry. As for PCs, I have been
running Red Hat for so long I can’t remember when I first used it. And
it was UNIX before that. A personal PC with DOS on it was sort of OK.
Windows ruined everything. The Amiga and BE were both great personal
PCs but because they were not for business and people could not bring
their work home, Windows crushed them. If only Open Office had been


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox stopping

2007-10-25 Thread JimC

mik63;237995 Wrote: 
> I have lived with this crap for a while.
> I have a dedicated high performance PC for Slimserver.
> The connection is wireless but we are talking about the same room and
> the signal never ever goes below 80-85%.
> I use a channel that nobody else is using around my house.
> I have no wireless phones and the microwave is not being used when this
> happens.
> TV is off and there is nothing else going on!
> It is clearly an issue with the buffer and I suspect related to the
> firmware.
> Try to put your Slimbox display to "buffer fullness" and just look at
> it.
> At a certain point, you will see the buffer emptying out for no reason;
> eventually the music stops and then it tries to rebuffer; at a certain
> point the buffer shows as it is full, but the box is stuck. The song
> title is on the display, the buffer is full, but no music comes up.
> Sometimes it just restart from the start of the song. Other times it
> just crashes and reboots.
> Beats me

Have you posted a bug report on this?  It sounds, from the limited data
set here, that the SB2 may have a problem with WiFi cnnections (I'm
assuming that's what you're using; I know that's what the other folks

Since you're in the same room, have you tried a wired connection?  That
would help isolate a player / format / sofware problem from one with
your network.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Can I Use Other Catalog Software?

2007-10-25 Thread brockers

ML2008 uses Firebird 2.0.3 as the database back end according to

so some access via perl may be possible with

but it might require a running firebird server (although I think this
could be done using the instructions in the first link) Probably more
effort than is required as ML2008 can export at least some of the data
out in other formats.  Or if the developers get their tagging working
soon you might not need to bother trying to get at the database

As I am lazy I would probably wait for Code Aero to sort out the
tagging issues rather than try and get into their database layout and
work out how to import the information to the Slimserver database and
it's probably different layout.

I hope you at least try slimserver and softsqueeze to see if you like
the way it works whilst waiting for the tagging function to be



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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread alZmtbr

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

As a service. With iTunes as we have iPods: multiuser


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox stopping

2007-10-25 Thread mik63

I have lived with this crap for a while.
I have a dedicated high performance PC for Slimserver.
The connection is wireless but we are talking about the same room and
the signal never ever goes below 80-85%.
I use a channel that nobody else is using around my house.
I have no wireless phones and the microwave is not being used when this
TV is off and there is nothing else going on!
It is clearly an issue with the buffer and I suspect related to the
Try to put your Slimbox display to "buffer fullness" and just look at
At a certain point, you will see the buffer emptying out for no reason;
eventually the music stops and then it tries to rebuffer; at a certain
point the buffer shows as it is full, but the box is stuck. The song
title is on the display, the buffer is full, but no music comes up.
Sometimes it just restart from the start of the song. Other times it
just crashes and reboots.
Beats me


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread PSSO

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Running SqueezeCenter on a Windows 2003 Server box that hibernates if my
Transporter is inactive for more than an hour and would like to use Wake
On Lan ( to wake up the
Runs as a service on startup.
Music is on the same box.
No iTunes.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Zten

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

I do not start it on boot up. First the computer starts, then I right
click on the SB icon and select "start slimserver". Not sure if that
answer's the question

But now it sure seems like I would rather just have it start up
automatically on boot up. How do I set it up that way?

Also, no NAS and no iTunes.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Cruzan

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Log in
iTunes integration
Local music

Why does it matter what we think though? We are all competent enough to
fix it if the default is to allow for iTunes integration. Less savvy
users are more likely to be using iTunes - the default should be for
them, not us.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread EricBergan

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Runs on a server that's always on. Also, the server is set to
automatically log in on a reboot (other software on the machine only
runs on log in... :-( )


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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread bklaas

bklaas;237935 Wrote: 
> I find this an odd argument coming from a user called iPhone.

iPhone--- reading this over it comes across like a flame, which was not
my intention. Apologies if it came out that way. Merely wanted to make a
point about Apple and their proprietary model.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Richie

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

I run Slimserver as a service on a dedicated XP Pro box.
No iTunes


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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread bklaas

iPhone;237911 Wrote: 
> One only needs to know one word "Microsoft". If they are involved one
> just knows to stay away. The player itself is not a bad MP3 player in
> general terms. But the way Microsoft forces everybody to use it if one
> wants to get the most out of it is what sucks. So if one is looking for
> an expensive MP3 player that should only be used for ones own ripped WMA
> files its OK. IMO one would be better off with about anything else.
> Microsoft saw all the money Apple was making and wanted in on the
> greed. If they had been smart they would have looked at what Apple
> could not do or not allow and opened up their player, then offer 75
> cent downloads. Microsoft will never in our lifetime understand the
> term “open architecture” or the advantage it could give them. They are
> to smart for their own good and can not bring themselves to find a way
> to make money off of an open system.

I find this an odd argument coming from a user called iPhone. I don't
disagree with the anti-Microsoft sentiment, but the same can be said
for Apple, in some ways more so. They force users to use their hardware
if you want to run their OS. To my knowledge you can't mount and browse
the contents of an iPod reasonably without hackware. For years they
sold only tracks on iTunes store that wouldn't play on anything but
iTunes or iPods.

Personally, when it comes to music players, I stay away from both.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread radish

gtcharlie;237882 Wrote: 
> As much as I would like to separate the player from the MarketPlace that
> doesn't seem possible.  I am spending $15 a month already on Rhapsody to
> Go which I really like and use to stock my two sons MP3 players.  I need
> my player to be compatible also.

Makes sense. I actually just started playing with Rhapsody on the SB
and I quite like it, not for actual music collection but for sampling
things I might end up buying on CD.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Secret Squirrel

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

I am running Windows XP Pro, and had been running the service on start
up. However, I began having intermittent problems with the sevice
starting when I switched to 6.5.3 (I still have that problem in 6.5.4),
so I switch to on log in. I prefer on the start up but I guess it really
doesn't amke a huge difference to me at this point because I am the only
user on the machine.


Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread DVB

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Boot time service on a dedicated always-on Windows Server 2003.
Music stored on the same server.
No iTunes.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread byKnight

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Running SlimServer on a Windows Home Server box. 
Runs as a service on startup.
Music is also stored on the same box.
No iTunes.


Really, it was like that when I got here.

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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

iPhone;237911 Wrote: 
> If somebody were really smart they would open an online music store that
> offers lossless downloads for 85 cents and 128Kbps downloads for 45
> cents. They would probably corner the market on both audiophile and MP3
> online music sales.

Do you think the RIAA would let anyone do that?  The RIAA already
thinks Apple is charging too little.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Squeeze box...just stopped working.

2007-10-25 Thread dean

Is the screen completely blank when you unplug and plug it in again?  If
so, there's nothing you can really do except try  replacing the power
adaptor, then the Squeezebox.  Get in touch with the support team for further hardware support...


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread iPhone

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Running an NAS. Both the NAS and Squeezebox are always on so I have not
given it much thought but now you guys have me thinking about it. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of both. I have my MP3 in Music
Match and I also have iTunes which I only use for/with my iPhone. All
my real music is on the NAS in FLAC Files. Open to suggestions.


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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread iPhone

One only needs to know one word "Microsoft". If they are involved one
just knows to stay away. The player itself is not a bad MP3 player in
general terms. But the way Microsoft forces everybody to use it if one
wants to get the most out of it is what sucks. So if one is looking for
an expensive MP3 player that should only be used for ones own ripped WMA
files its OK. IMO one would be better off with about anything else.
Microsoft saw all the money Apple was making and wanted in on the
greed. If they had been smart they would have looked at what Apple
could not do or not allow and opened up their player, then offer 75
cent downloads. Microsoft will never in our lifetime understand the
term “open architecture” or the advantage it could give them. They are
to smart for their own good and can not bring themselves to find a way
to make money off of an open system.

If somebody were really smart they would open an online music store
that offers lossless downloads for 85 cents and 128Kbps downloads for
45 cents. They would probably corner the market on both audiophile and
MP3 online music sales.


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Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread Gibbo

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results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

No Nas
No ITunes

set to startup as soon as the computer turns itself on and loads xp.


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[slim] Macosx trouble

2007-10-25 Thread PontusS

I installed Slimserver 6.5.4. on a Mac G5 with no trouble. 

Everything worked fine.

However, perl started to run amok at >78 % CPU.

I tried to re-install but now nothing works.

My debug log looks like this.

2007-10-25 08:06:42.5189 SlimServer strings init...
2007-10-25 08:06:42.8853 SlimServer Setup init...
2007-10-25 08:06:42.9086 SlimServer setting language...
2007-10-25 08:06:42.9089 SlimServer MySQL init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.1211 Firmware init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.1257 SlimServer Info init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.7971 SlimServer IR init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8112 SlimServer Request init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8232 SlimServer Buttons init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8309 SlimServer Graphic Fonts init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8425 UDP init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8461 Slimproto Init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8486 mDNS init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8491 Async Networking init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8826 Cache init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.8946 UPnP init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.9030 SlimServer HTTP init...
2007-10-25 08:06:44.9141 Source conversion init..
2007-10-25 08:06:44.9175 SlimServer Plugins init...
2007-10-25 08:06:45.8439 mDNS startAdvertising...
2007-10-25 08:06:45.8779 SlimServer checkDataSource...
2007-10-25 08:06:45.8987 SlimServer persist playlists...
2007-10-25 08:06:45.9216 SlimServer done init...
2007-10-25 08:06:49.4999 ERROR: Error executing 'SELECT, me.url,
me.content_type, me.title, me.titlesort, me.titlesearch, me.album,
me.tracknum, me.timestamp, me.filesize, me.disc, me.thumb, me.remote,, me.audio_size, me.audio_offset, me.year, me.secs, me.cover,
me.vbr_scale, me.bitrate, me.samplerate, me.samplesize, me.channels,
me.block_alignment, me.endian, me.bpm, me.tagversion, me.drm,
me.musicmagic_mixable, me.musicbrainz_id, me.playcount, me.lastplayed,
me.lossless, me.lyrics, me.rating, me.replay_gain, me.replay_peak FROM
tracks me WHERE ( url = ? )': DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown
column 'me.thumb' in 'field list' at
line 771.

2007-10-25 08:06:49.5003 ERROR: Backtrace follows:

2007-10-25 08:06:49.5008 Backtrace:

frame 0: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception
line 773)
frame 1: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_execute
line 826)
frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_select
line 852)
frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single
line 94)
frame 4: Slim::Schema::Storage::select_single
line 509)
frame 5: DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single
line 123)
frame 6: Slim::Schema::ResultSet::Playlist::getPlaylistForClient
line 166)
frame 7: Slim::Music::Info::playlistForClient
line 383)
frame 8: Slim::Player::Client::startup
line 252)
frame 9: Slim::Player::Player::init
line 43)
frame 10: Slim::Player::Squeezebox::init
line 63)
frame 11: Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::init
line 848)
frame 12: Slim::Networking::Slimproto::_hello_handler
line 380)
frame 13: Slim::Networking::Slimproto::client_readable
line 238)
frame 14: (eval)
line 238)
frame 15: Slim::Networking::Select::select (./ line
frame 16: main::idle (./ line 452)
frame 17: main::main (./ line 1076)

2007-10-25 08:06:49.5014 Select task failed: Carp::Clan::__ANON__():
Error executing 'SELECT, me.url, me.content_type, me.title,
me.titlesort, me.titlesearch, me.album, me.tracknum, me.timestamp,
me.filesize, me.disc, me.thumb, me.remote,, me.audio_size,
me.audio_offset, me.year, me.secs, me.cover, me.vbr_scale, me.bitrate,
me.samplerate, me.samplesize, me.channels, me.block_alignment,
me.endian, me.bpm, me.tagversion, me.drm, me.musicmagic_mixable,
me.musicbrainz_id, me.playcount, me

Re: [slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread jmx

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

Boot time service.
No itunes.

(btw, I really like the boot-time service functionality. My server is
in the basement, and I'd rather not have to trudge down there to login
after a power cycle, automatic windows update & reboot, etc.)


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[slim] How are you running SlimServer/SqueezeCenter on Windows?

2007-10-25 Thread mherger

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: How are you starting SS/SC on Windows?

- when the machine is booted
- when I log in to Windows
- don't know
- I'm using iTunes integration
- my music is stored on a NAS

We are currently discussing the way we want SqueezeCenter to run on
Windows by default. There's a discussion with more technical details
going on in the developers forum

What I'm interested as well is the non-technical part: do you start
SlimServer/SqueezeCenter when the machine is booted ("as a service"),
or when you log on ("in application mode")?

When you answer, please tell us whether you're using iTunes and/or a
NAS (for storage only).




- - your SlimServer on a CD - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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Re: [slim] Can I Use Other Catalog Software?

2007-10-25 Thread Mark Lanctot


SS is needed to pick and choose tracks to play on the SB - so you do
need to know which track is which and unless you have tags or your
folders are organized a certain way, you won't know.

As I indicated, SlimServer will say "1 albums with 4677 songs by 1
artists" where album = "No Album" and artist = "No Artist".  It'll make
choosing tracks very difficult indeed.

SS will still work but choosing tracks will be next to impossible.

There is some hope - can ML2008 make playlists in .m3u format?  If it
can, there's a chance SS can use them.  However it's not a certainty,
SS is picky about how it wants playlists formatted, there's no
guarantee that they'll work.

BTW SS is free - you can download it and try it out right now.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Streaming Zune Market Place

2007-10-25 Thread gtcharlie

As much as I would like to separate the player from the MarketPlace that
doesn't seem possible.  I am spending $15 a month already on Rhapsody to
Go which I really like and use to stock my two sons MP3 players.  I need
my player to be compatible also.


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[slim] Squeeze box...just stopped working.

2007-10-25 Thread tokyosexwhale

For no reason whats-o-ever my Squeezebox has just stopped working. It's
about a year and a half old, it's never been dropped, to hot, to wet,
abused in any way shape or form but it's just stopped working.

I'm hoping it's a fuse in the transformer anyone have any other ideas?


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Re: [slim] Sonos getting smarter?

2007-10-25 Thread Empgamer

The 800 price has dropped here due to the announcement of the 810 I
suspect.  I think it's also importatnt to remember that the N800 does
far more than just control music and the SB3 too.  

I'm no flag waver either and took ages to decide between the two
systems but for me I can't see what the Sonos offers over the SB.  The
remote was a draw at first but I wondered how much I'd end up using it
and if it would actually get in the way.  With the SB you get a control
with each and the other options of using laptops and PDAs etc.  Radio is
far more flexible with the SB (we like Last FM) and I think music
searching (esp with Lazy Search) is much more advanced).  That display
is a real plus for us too, together with the design/style of the units.
I think Sonos does what it does very well but for me it's more limited
in its approach to doing so and more expensive to boot (albeit cost
wasn't actualy a consideration for us).

Whilst I had some initial pilot error with setting up my NAS I find SB3
works very well with it and it goes to sleep.  I also get a good signal
over my wireless network so Sonos having its own is not a selling point

The big thing for mw with Sonos is ease of set up straight out the box
and I think that's where they still have the edge.  For those who view
the remote with envy, I suspect the current beta for the SB3 will close
that gap eventually.


2 x SB3
1 x SoftSqueeze
QNAP TS109 Pro (v.1.1.2)/ Slimserver (6.5.4)
1 x Accoustic Energy Aego M
1 x Audioengine A5
Windows XP Home on Dell XPS 600

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