Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread MuckleEck

Howard Passman;310790 Wrote: 
 Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
 have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.

I use SB3s and the Duet listening to fiddling = 100:1 setup and go,
although no squeezenetwork and only locally stored music



SB3 - Linn Majik - Acoustic Energy Extreme 5 (garden) | SB3 -
Cambridge Audio 640R - Morduant Short (TV room) | SB3 - AudioEngine 2
(bedroom) | SB3 - AudioEngine 2 (kitchen) | SBR - Music Fidelity X-A1
- Mission 701 (office)| Chumby (bedroom)

Last Fm

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread Howard Passman

Goodsounds;311046 Wrote: 
 Howard, I have been following your ongoing problems, and I understand
 you have a more complicated setup than I have. You may want to try
 something else, you've proven (at least to me) that it wasn't meant to
 be for you. I wish you good luck.

I'm in agreement with you and starting to investigate some other ways
to accomplish what I want.  I really like the idea of the SB, but I
have a demanding job and a lifelong hobby/part time interest that
doesn't get much attention these days.  I simply wanted what a lot of
users got, but I don't think the DUET was the right choice.  I did ask
early on when I was starting to get a clue, whether the SB3 was less
buggy.  I didn't get much response, but I think that may have been a
better way to go.

Thanks and have a great day,


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread dsendecki

I have four receivers and a controller. I can honestly say that I have
spent — in total — about 30 minutes setting everything up. This
included a WHS out of the box. That was about two months ago.

I spent considerably longer re-organizing poorly tagged MP3s, but this
is hardly the fault of Slim Devices. Of course, everybody's mileage
varies, but my fiddle factor is and was 0.

Granted, I run everything stock and dont bother with plugins because I
don't have the time should anything go wrong!


HP MediaSmart Server EX475  Linksys WRT54G  4 Squeezebox Receivers
SBR#1  Yamaha HTR6060  Klipsch Quintet II — (Living Room)
SBR#2  Audioengine A2 — (Bedroom)
SBR#3  Creative Gigaworks T20 — (Kitchen)
Planned: SBR#4  Amphony 5.8 GHz Digital Wireless Transmitter/Amplifier
(Model 1520)  Yamaha All-Weather Speakers (NSAW150B) — (Outdoor Patio)

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread Sike

I have a SLMP3 14 SB2/3's and a duet and have been using them for 5, 6
or maybe even 7 years. 

Ratio is probably 100'000:1 

The only fiddling I do is getting things like MusicIP to work.

I remember to good old days when the reason an update wasn't working
could be solved by Sean putting a chip in an envelope and sending it
over.. and then exchanging it on the Slimp3..


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread Howard Passman

All I can say is WOW! 

Seems that the folks that are really getting along well are the ones
that avoid the 3rd party stuff and in some cases SN.  Of course I
really like the SN feature and XM radio.  


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread TCM

I've had my SB3 since November/December 2005 and I'm very happy with it.
I don't know the listening to fiddling ratio, but I do know that
there's been very little fiddling and very much listening :)


'' (
' ThisCharmingMan' (
***Now I found a SB2 - I'm happy.***

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-12 Thread maggior

I have 2 SB3s.  I regularly use SoftSqueeze and remote streaming at my
job.  I purchased my first one 1.5 years ago.  

Like most others here, my fiddling is by choice.  My most recent bout
of fiddling was to get set up with Music IP.  My other bout of fiddling
was when I moved from Windows to Linux.  That was mostly OS stuff -
getting SAMBA configured, pointing iTunes to my music files over the
network, etc.

I like the fact that there are things to fiddle with.  If I had to
fiddle because I was in a state where I could not play music, I would
be quite frustrated.  Fortunately, I haven't found myself in that
position yet.

Prior to getting my SB, I had a large learning curve with networking
and wireless configuration.  I'm glad I was over that prior to getting
my SB.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread andynormancx

6 weeks, 100:1 (listening to fiddling, it could well be even higher, it
isn't as if I have been keeping a careful track of my listening)

Just about none of my fiddling has been connected with fixing problems,
it has almost all been to do with installing interesting new plugins and
applets (AlienBBC, Lyrics, CustomBrowse, RetroBrowser, Games, Transition
Updater etc). I have had very few problems with the day to day use on my
SqueezeBox Controller/Receiver. It just works.

It should be said that I don't use SN, which seems to be something you
have a lot of issues with.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread chill

 1 year.   100:1

What andynormancx said.  Tinkering with plugins mostly.  My SB3 and SB2
just work - whether wired, wireless, connected to a homeplug+switch etc.
Very happy with them.



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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread MillmoorRon

Had SB almost 2 years.

Tinker time varies wildly - I have spells where I just listen then
others when I look heavily into what I can do with plugins!


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread finnbrodersen

Had the Duet system for 1 month now, ratio 100:1  (listen:fiddle)


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread ralphpnj

I been a SqueezeBox/Transporter user for about 1 1/2 years.

Ratio: about 50:1 listening time to fiddling time.

I do believe that most of my fiddling time has less to do with
SqueezeCenter and more to do with the computer and OS that I'm running
SC on. The computer is an old Dell 4600, which is on it's last legs,
and the OS is Windows XP. SqueezeCenter runs perfectly fine but the
computer ends up needing a reboot every day or two regardless of my
listening habits.

By the way, I have two SqueezeBoxes, one Transporter, one Squeeze
Controller and several plugins installed, all which normally work
without a hitch, as does SqueezeNetwork, on the rare occasions that I
listen to SN.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
Transporter 2

'' (

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread syburgh

SqueezeCenter is reliable and doesn't seem to need maintenance, so
fiddling seems to be entirely optional. Have had 3 SBs for about 2
years, with 2 SS/SC installs in that time.

Have cumulatively spent 24 hours of fiddling (OS and hardware issues,
SS/SC has never needed significant work) and about 922 hours of
listening (according TrackStat), or a 1:38 ratio. I expect this to
improve significantly over the next few years (or until I outsource SC

The first was a virtual machine, which took about 6 hours to set up and
tweak (CentOS 4 on VMWare ESX, SlimServer v6.5). Most of that time was
spent evaluating various SS plugins. I didn't bother messing around (or
updating) it for about a year-- just dropped in additional music using

As my library grew it consumed all the available storage on the VM
server, so I needed a separate system to run SC7. This took much longer
as I wanted it to be 

- Fanless: getting hardware to run this way is much harder than for a
  normal system
- Automatically suspend/hibernate when not in use: needed to learn
  SS/SC CLI, discover hardware specific power management quirks
- Install of SC7 itself required nearly no time at all: yum install
  squeezecenter (used same plugins as my previous install)
- CentOS 5 with readonly-root and scripted build (also evaluated
  FreeNAS+SlimNAS, but was not satisfied with lack FreeBSD support for
  Wake on LAN or usable ACPI power management)
Needed 2 (mostly fun) weekends of concerted hacking to make my
standalone system work (about 18 hours), but have not done anything to
it since March. SqueezeCenter is somewhat like Asterisk in that it can
be endlessly tweaked and modified, but doesn't actually need the

I want to outsource SC in the future and expect there will be a $20 VPS
with cheap storage (or hosted SC service) by the time I am in the market
for this again. (I hope) Nobody buys SB/Duet systems for the pleasure of
installing and maintaining a local SC instance.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread aubuti

Been using SBs about 2.5 years (1 SB3, 2 SB2s, 2 duets)
Listening:fiddling ratio is roughly 50:1, but it varies from 10:1 to

Hardly any of my fiddling is to fix problems. It usually has to do with
either (a) installing beta versions of SC, especially during the beta
test period for the Duet, or (b) hurdles related to my unorthodox
hacked Buffalo LinkStation servers, which often need fiddling to build
certain perl modules (one has a PowerPC processor, the other an ARM
processor, and each present their own challenges). Of course, fiddling
because of (b) is amplified by the bleeding-edge changes related to

I hardly fiddled at all during the year or so between when I got 6.5
beta running on the LinkStation and when I had to sort out installing
7.0 beta on the LinkStation to test the Controller. But during the
Controller test period I was fiddling all the time. And somewhere along
the way I picked up the habit of switching over to SN while I'm
tinkering so that I can listen and fiddle at the same time
( takes a long time to run on those NASs).

That said, I'm looking forward to retiring the LinkStations and using a
more conventional processor so that upgrades and testing require even
less fiddling. It's much easier with a standard x86 cpu.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread radish

Been a customer for somewhere around 4 years. Probably listen for an
average of 2-3 hours a day on one or other of my units. Time spent
fiddling is a tricky one. There's time spent fixing genuine problems
(very small - 20 minutes last week when my TP disagreed with an
unstable build of SC), then there's time I spend fiddling with plugins
etc to add features. That's longer but I don't count that as it's
entirely optional. Finally there's time I spend on here helping others
and trying to reproduce problems, which is longer again.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread egd

Very little time spent fixing problems (except for a recent spate with
the Controller) where the ratio of listening : fiddling inverted from
100:1 to 1:100.  End result - Controller and receiver are lying in a
cupboard and may re-emerge sometime in the future, but truth be told
I'm happier without it - with the IR I'm back to 100:1.  Anyone in AU
looking for a Duet going cheap, PM me.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Howard Passman

Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.


Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread jsprag

Have an SB3 (1.5 yrs) with controller (1.5 months).

Mandatory fiddling: probably 150:1
Includes installing original SS and doing periodic updates along the
way to now be at SC 7.1.  Also includes time setting up a dedicated
server somewhere along the way.

Discretionary or optional fiddling: maybe 60:1
Includes messing with plugins, trying out stuff on a virtual machine
that is configured the same as real server, etc

I don't have the duet package, but I do have the controller.  That
component integrated into my existing software/hardware setup
seamlessly and I had it up and running in less than three minutes.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Ben Sandee
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Howard Passman 

 Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
 have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.

Don't like the results? Change the question!  Still don't like the result?
Make up results!

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread iPhone

Howard Passman;310725 Wrote: 
 I guess in the interest of better data you should list how long you've
 had a SB.  So.
 How long have you been using a SB? 
Almost two years. SB3 first, then had to have a Transporter, more SB3s,
then a Duet right when it came out.
Howard Passman;310725 Wrote: 
 What is the ratio of listening time in relation to messing with it to
 make it work?
100,000:1 (listening to fiddling) Reason for the ratio is that I have
never had to fiddle with them to make them work as they have always
worked. And if you find that hard to believe, check out my Last.FM
Howard Passman;310725 Wrote: 
 Which version of SB do you have?
Three SB3s, one Duet, and one Transporter

Now I have a question that needs to be asked. Howard, why do you think
so many people have multiple Sqeezeboxes? It sure as hell is not
because they don't work and are a constant problem so we bought another
one just to try it again!


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread iPhone

Howard Passman;310790 Wrote: 
 Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
 have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.

Even more up time and more music with no fiddling because I don't have
to look for the remote (its in the charger) or go to a PC on the
network to use the Web UI because I have the Duet's Controller! Very
happy with Duet.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Nostromo

I bought my SB3 a couple of years ago and I listen to it all day long. I
didn't have to fiddle much with it to solve Squeezebox/SqueezeCenter
related problems. For a while, I did have frequent problems with my
wireless network. But that had nothing to do with the Squeezebox. But
now that I have changed my Internet service provider, my network
problems vanished. Musical bliss!


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Mitch Harding
I can't remember the last time I fiddled with it.  I'm sure during the
first few weeks of ownership I spent a lot of time fiddling, learning
new features, and deciding how exactly I wanted it set up.  Since then
I've only had to fiddle due to occasional problems or upgrades or when
I decided to try a new feature/plugin (like the Random Mix plugin
which I now regularly use).

I've owned SBs for over 5 years.  I forget exactly when I got my first one.

So my ratio of fiddling:listening has to be something like 1:60 or better.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 6:00 AM, Howard Passman

 I guess in the interest of better data you should list how long you've
 had a SB.  So.

 How long have you been using a SB?

 What is the ratio of listening time in relation to messing with it to
 make it work?

 Me: 2 months   ratio: 1/10


 Howard Passman

 Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.
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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Mitch Harding
I pre-ordered the Duet, so I've had mine for as long as anyone, other
than the beta testers.  Mine worked great out of the box and I've had
next to no problems with it.  I can recall only two issues I've had.
One problem was that the controller got stuck in a loop where it kept
trying to do firmware updates, which would fail, and then it would try
again.  There was an easy workaround for this issue posted on the
forums, so I probably only spent 5-10 minutes on it.

The other issue was that with some of the earlier builds, my SBC would
randomly reboot occasionally.  It never interrupted the music, and in
every case it was back up and running before I really needed to use it
again anyway.  I haven't observed this problem in some time, though.
Anyway, I spent no time fiddling on account of this, although I did
spend a few minutes searching the forums about it.

So, let's tally up.  I'll be generous and say I've spent 20 minutes
fiddling.  I've owned the Duet for, what, 3 months now maybe?  3
months * average of 30 days per month * 24 hours per day * 60 minutes
per hour = 129600 minutes of ownership, roughly.  Of course, I wasn't
listening all of that time, but I do listen quite a bit.  To be
conservative, I'll say I listened to it 10% of the time.  So 12960
minutes of listening, 20 minutes of fiddling Looks like (roughly)
a 1:648 ratio of fiddling to listening.

Even better than my SB experiences, to be honest.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Howard Passman

 Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
 have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.


 Howard Passman

 Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.
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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Nonreality

Like most that have posted almost all my fiddling has been of my own
choosing. Plugins, betas, and the like.  I do play around with it a lot
but not for the reasons that you are looking to uncover.  I'm probably
20:1 in favor of listening.




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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Howard Passman

Ben Sandee;310841 Wrote: 
 On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Howard Passman 
 Howard.Passman.3aufxz1213192801 (AT) no-mx (DOT) wrote:
  Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I
  have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm
 Don't like the results? Change the question!  Still don't like the
 Make up results!

I'm interested in finding out about the DUET because it's what I have. 
I may be guilty of not thinking my question out carefully enough at
first so I guess that gives you the right to be nasty.  I think the
results are pretty positive toward the product so far.  Of course there
had to be someone who would come along and not want to play, but had to
make a negative comment.  Congrats

P.S. Not sure where exactly I made up the results, but I'm sure you're

Howard Passman

Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Pat Farrell
Mine has to be many thousands of hours listening to each hour of 
fiddling. I've bought three SqueezeBoxes, a Transporter and a Duet. I 
bought them to listen to music.

No plugins for me.

But I do run a lot of beta software. Most of that doesn't need 
fiddling it either works or doesn't. I have reported a few bugs during 
the betas.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread JJZolx

I like fiddling.  I'd say it's about 1:1.



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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Ben Sandee
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Howard Passman 

 Ben Sandee;310841 Wrote:
  Don't like the results? Change the question!  Still don't like the
  Make up results!

 I'm interested in finding out about the DUET because it's what I have.
 I may be guilty of not thinking my question out carefully enough at
 first so I guess that gives you the right to be nasty.  I think the
 results are pretty positive toward the product so far.  Of course there
 had to be someone who would come along and not want to play, but had to
 make a negative comment.  Congrats

Thanks, I appreciate it.

 P.S. Not sure where exactly I made up the results, but I'm sure you're

I wasn't talking about you making up results, but that's the next logical
step with polls.  The poller usually has some agenda to push and I was just
pointing that out.

As always, message tone comes across not at all in an email and you've
attributed some level of nastiness to my post that was never there on my

Good luck with your polling.

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread smm

Duet owner for 3 months

Fiddling occurs in spurts. I had a lot of trouble at the beginning,
about 1:1 for about a week.  It would then act up every 1-2 days for a
couple of weeks, but I could usually get it to work with a few minutes
of fiddling, and then could listen for a couple of hours.  Now it acts
up about once a week. When that happens, I usually just turn it off and
do something else, and when i come back it more than likely works.

I like the idea of the Duet so much, and enjoy it so much when it does
work, that I put up with this performance, but if it were a TV or radio
or any other household appliance, I'd return it in a second.


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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread sebp

Got my first SB3 one year ago and the second one 6 months ago.
Fiddling (customization + plugins testing) to music listening ratio was
around 1:1000.

Upgrading my ReadyNAS with SqueezeCenter nightly betas in february was
a bit tricky at first, so I think the ratio went down to 1:100 during
this time.

My personal experience with the Duet, in early april, was not so good,
since the first unit I had received had a really flaky wireless. I
spent tens of hours trying to make it working until the tech support
accepted to replace the unit. Without the SB3s, the ratio would have
been 500:1.

Second Duet unit setup worked like a charm : it took me less than 10
minutes to have both the controller and the receiver working and
upgraded, of which 5 minutes were required to enter my 512 bit WPA key
(vs 1 mn for the SB3, don't like that wheel so much). But I'm still
out of luck : this controller's Back key is broken. This new hardware
problem hasn't required many fiddling anyway, just had to submit a
support ticket on the Logitech website and replied to them once or
twice. I'm still waiting for the new replacement unit, but the ratio is
back to what it's been with the SB3s since then.


System : Mac Mini for ripping to FLAC (Max)  SqueezeCenter 7.0.1
running on a ReadyNAS NV+
Living room : Squeezebox 3  Sony STR DE-875  Celestion F30  Yes,
I know I have to replace this amp-
Bedroom : Squeezebox 3  NAD C315BEE  Celestion F10  Yes, I know I
have to replace these speakers-
Kitchen : SB Receiver  Logitech SoundMan X1  What did you say?
Sorry, I can't hear you, I'm cooking! ;-)-
'' (

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Enoch Soames

Mostly listening, very little fiddling over the past 18 months.  And the
fiddling almost always turns out to be because of quirks in my system,
problems with my computer, etc.  I've got two SB3s and the Duet and all
three have worked great out of the box.

Enoch Soames

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread iPhone

smm;310956 Wrote: 
 Duet owner for 3 months
 Fiddling occurs in spurts. I had a lot of trouble at the beginning,
 about 1:1 for about a week.  It would then act up every 1-2 days for a
 couple of weeks, but I could usually get it to work with a few minutes
 of fiddling, and then could listen for a couple of hours.  Now it acts
 up about once a week. When that happens, I usually just turn it off and
 do something else, and when i come back it more than likely works.
 I like the idea of the Duet so much, and enjoy it so much when it does
 work, that I put up with this performance, but if it were a TV or radio
 or any other household appliance, I'd return it in a second.

When you say turn it off, do you mean with the remote or do you unplug
it? The Squeezebox family is never Off, when you press Power or
select 'Turn Off Player' from the SBC, the unit goes into standby (or
sleep if you prefer), but anything but Off. If you are not unplugging
it and it starts working again after being asleep, it sounds like a
network issue or software conflict on your PC.

Most people start fiddling with the Duet/SB3 when they should leave it
alone until they eliminate their own network or PC/Server being the
issue. After all the Squeezebox family of products are Network Devices.
If the PC/Server or network are not playing nice the Squeezebox doesn't
have a chance to play at all.

I find many people quick to blame the product when it is their Network,
PC/Server, Firewall, software conflict, LAN or PC power saving settings,
or AntiVirus that is actually the problem. Sometimes all that is needed
is to reboot ones PC and restart SC.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [slim] Survey: What's your listening to fiddling ratio?

2008-06-11 Thread Goodsounds

Seems like I've had my stuff forever - probably because I don't want to
remember when I didn't have them.  I think I bought my first SB3 about
3 years ago, unless they weren't out then, in which case it was 2 or 2
1/2 years ago.  Bought a second one about 6 months later.

I'm not an IT or technical or engineering type at all. Far from it.
Other than a few rare small issues (incl. one a few weeks ago caused by
a Microsoft overnight update that was pushed out), all of which were
quickly solved, it has been plug and play for me. The system works
day after day, it has been really a joy. I just add music, and an
add-on here and there. It may take me 10 minutes instead of the five it
should take if I knew what I was doing, but generally no problems. My
kids come home to visit and play their own music by running the server
program on their laptops. 

Howard, I have been following your ongoing problems, and I understand
you have a more complicated setup than I have. You may want to try
something else, you've proven (at least to me) that it wasn't meant to
be for you. I wish you good luck.


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