Re: [cfe-dev] LLVM / Clang 3.0 rc1 Binaries Available

2011-10-27 Thread David Chisnall
P.S.  Please can you check that -fexceptions is being passed to clang.  
-fobjc-exceptions doesn't seem to do anything in 3.0 (I thought it implied 
-fexceptions in 2.9, but I could be wrong).  If this is the problem, then it's 
an easy fix.  


On 27 Oct 2011, at 12:33, David Chisnall wrote:

 On 27 Oct 2011, at 09:14, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
 Is this the compiler passing the wrong value, or possibly something wrong in 
 the objc library?
 Neither - this is the correct behaviour.  That method doesn't exist, and 
 trying to call it is supposed to throw an exception.  The problem is not that 
 the exception is thrown, it is that it is not caught.
 This means that either:
 - There is a bug in libobjc2's exception handling, or
 - One of your stack frames does not have unwind information.
 One of the bug changes that LLVM 3.0 made over 2.9 was to emit .cfi* 
 directives in the assembler, instead of emitting the unwind tables directly.  
 Do you get any warnings from the assembler about unknown directives when you 
 compile?  Do simple @throw / @catch tests pass for you?  What about C++ 
 exceptions (Sebastian - did you check that on OpenBSD?)
 This email complies with ISO 3103
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-- Sent from my brain

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Fwd: [cfe-dev] LLVM / Clang 3.0 rc1 Binaries Available

2011-10-21 Thread David Chisnall
FYI: Please test on platforms you care about and file bugs...

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Bill Wendling
 Subject: [cfe-dev] LLVM / Clang 3.0 rc1 Binaries Available
 Date: 21 October 2011 09:41:34 GMT+01:00
 To: llvmdev List, cfe-dev
 Hello developers!
 We have binaries available for download and testing! Please visit:
 download the appropriate binaries for your system (they have obvious names), 
 and start compiling things with it. Things to look for:
 • Compile failures that compiled in 2.9
 • Execution failures that executed in 2.9
 • Incorrect results that were correct in 2.9
 • Massive compile time or execution slowdowns when compared to LLVM 2.9
 For all problems you find, please create a PR for it (
 Many thanks go to our team of testers for their hard work!
 P.S. The 3.0 rc1 sources have been moved here:
 P.P.S. You'll notice that this is the Release+Asserts builds of rc1. I 
 intentionally asked the testers for this one because it is most likely to 
 ferret out bugs.
 cfe-dev mailing list

-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

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Re: [cfe-dev] LLVM / Clang 3.0 rc1 Binaries Available

2011-10-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Oct 2011, at 17:40, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 Just a tiny question: Apple has already shipped Apple LLVM Compiler 3.0 or 
 something like that in Xcode 4.2. (I have not upgraded yet on my current 
 machine, so I cannot check the exact naming).
 I suppose that Clang shipped by Apple is actually a prerelease as well?

Yup.  Apple periodically branches LLVM releases for Darwin independently of the 
official LLVM release cycle, because LLVM releases don't often coincide with 
XCode / OS X / iOS releases.  You can check this with a Mac:

$ clang -v
Apple clang version 2.1 (tags/Apple/clang-163.7.1) (based on LLVM 3.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0

'Apple's LLVM Compiler 3.0' is a trunk snapshot (with some bug fixes back 
ported) of Everyone Else's LLVM Compiler sometime between 2.9 and 3.0.  
Basically, they wanted to ship a version with ARC support immediately after the 
WWDC presentation, but there wasn't a release ready, so they shipped a trunk 
version.  They may do a small update for XCode that upgrades LLVM / Clang to 
the real release, or they may not.

Apparently they do periodic snapshots for internal use (every 2 months, I 
think), which then go through some extra testing, and then get used by Apple 
once any regressions have been fixed - I'm not sure how these correspond to 
their public releases either.


-- Sent from my brain
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: building a self-contained deployable gnustep

2011-10-13 Thread David Chisnall
I have some out-of-tree patches that make this quite easy - I wrote them for 
deploying on WebOS, where I wanted to do the same thing.  I hope to have time 
to tidy them up (and make sure that they don't break other configurations) 

Basically, you can link the GNUstep libraries just as you would others, but 
they need to be able to find the their resources.  There is some optimisation 
in NSBundle that, unfortunately, has the side effect of breaking everything 
when the GNUstep libraries are not where they expect to be.  This primarily 
means that the time zone data is not in the right place.

I'm not 100% certain why the time zone data needs to be bundled with GNUstep, 
since it's present on most systems anyway, so I also want to look at factoring 
this out a bit.


On 13 Oct 2011, at 11:25, Julian Mayer wrote:

 hello all
 i recently started porting a Mac OS X game to linux via gnustep, you may have 
 seen the flood of bugreports. thanks for the fixes so far!
 while i am waiting for some showstopper bugs which are too complicated for me 
 to fix myself (mainly #34492 and #34481) i thought i would move forward in 
 other direction.
 the problem i am facing is that i want to create a binary-only deployable 
 package (more of a .tgz'ed folder - akin to sauerbraten) that linux users 
 regardless of distribution can download and run without having to install 
 dependencies, namely GNUstep. 
 (since my app requires svn gnustep, recent clang, recent libobjc2, and some 
 unmerged gnustep fixes, i.e. #34490 it won't run on what distributions ship 
 for a few years anyway)
 for the non-gnustep libraries i figured this would not be too hard to do. 
 just build dependencies on a distribution with an old glibc, and either link 
 statically (if license permits) or shared and adjust the LD load path to be 
 inside my folder (ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--rpath='$$ORIGIN/').
 the remaining problem is, i do not know how to build and package gnustep in a 
 way so it is loaded from my app-folder wherever it resides. it seems to 
 expect being in a global location.
 the only resources i could find on this topic are
 which applies to windows only - i'd need the same thing for linux.
 there is also the GNUstep Deployment Environment on the GNUstep wish list 
 in the wiki - which sounds what i need, but it being a wishlist-item is 
 so, does anyone know how to:
 • build gnustep in a way so it can operate from a location relative to my 
 binary so i can deploy it?
 • how to handle the dependencies of gnustep itself - so that the whole thing 
 runs on an as-large-as-possible pool of distributions:
  • i guess libtiff and libpng and possibly libxml2 can be statically linked 
 but what about libffi, libxt, libXft, freetype2 and libart?
 for additional complication i absolutely need the embedded gnustep to use 
 either the gnome-theme (which probably is a deploy-dependency nightmare) or a 
 (good looking theme  get rid of the weird separate-window-horizontal-menu) 
 so that my future users don't turn away laughing or even crying.
 thanks for any help, julian
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list

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Re: Please remove NFMake from GNA

2011-10-10 Thread David Chisnall
On 10 Oct 2011, at 14:57, Gregory Casamento wrote:

 Also, it was me that did the relicense... I just removed it.  I had
 thought Karl's code was open source, but I was mistaken since he never
 put it under any open source license.

The source files all have a LGPLv2.1 or later header, there just wasn't a 

Karl: The initial commit (from 1999) is in your name and does have a FSF 
copyright header.  If you didn't assign copyright to the FSF formally, then I'm 
not sure why this is the case.


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Steven P. Jobs 1955-2011: Here's to the crazy one who inspired us all...

2011-10-08 Thread David Chisnall

As the founder of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation, when you 
make comments like this in public, it reflects on all of us who contribute to 
these projects.  When you use the death of someone who made huge contributions 
to the industry (some negative, a lot positive) to score political points, then 
that reflects on the GNU project, the FSF, and all of us.  

I notice that you put iTunes in the same category as the App Store.  Perhaps 
you should recall that the iTunes Music Store was instrumental getting the 
entire music industry to abandon DRM.  I'd contrast this with your achievements 
with the Defective By Design campaign, and say that's a clear win by Steve Jobs 
on behalf of end user freedom.  

What else did Steve Jobs make cool?  I can think of a few things that 
immediately come to mind:

- Graphical user interfaces
- Object oriented programming
- Rapid Application Development
- Using computers!

All of these have enriched the Free Software world.  How many hackers in the 
80s learned to program on an Apple II?  How many in the '90s on a NeXT 
computer?  How many in the last decade on a Mac?  At FOSDEM, I lost count of 
the number of people who said to me something along the lines of 'Oh, you work 
on GNUstep?  I learned to program on NeXTSTEP'.  Many of these people moved on 
from Objective-C and are now working at companies like Red Hat, being paid full 
time to write Free Software.

During Steve Jobs time at Apple, the company released a lot of Free Software, 
including (off the top of my head - not an exclusive list) original authorship 
or significant contributions to:

- Launchd
- LLVM / Clang
- libdispatch
- libc++
- Darwin Streaming Server
- Darwin Calendar / Contacts Server
- WebKit

In fact, the C++11 stack that we are currently testing in FreeBSD was primarily 
written by Apple employees, on company time.  

I'm assuming when you talk about 'making jails cool', you're talking about the 
App Store.  I would certainly agree that denying users the right to run any 
software that they choose is a bad thing, but in Apple's product lines this 
kind of lock in is restricted to iOS devices, which currently have a declining 
market share.  The same model is also used by Android, which claims to be open 
but, to coin an OpenBSD slogan, is only open for business.  Perhaps your ire 
would be better directed there...

If you are actually talking about making proprietary software cool, I'd say 
that this honour probably goes to the author of the Open Letter to Hobbyists, a 
certain William Henry Gates III.

So, a summary of Steve Jobs achievements, good and bad:

- Ran a company that was responsible for a number of developments we take for 
granted in modern computer.

- Ran a company that released several million lines of Free Software and pushed 
open standards

- Forced the music industry to abandon DRM

- Sold proprietary software

- Sold a handheld computing environment so attractive to users that they didn't 
notice how locked down it was for the first couple of years

If you believe that the last two of these outweigh the first three, then that's 
your prerogative.  It's not a point of view that I would agree with, but I 
respect your right to hold this opinion.  I do not respect your choice to use 
his death as a political platform, and I believe that your tendency to ignore 
the good that individuals and companies do and focus entirely on their negative 
aspects is detrimental to the Free Software movement.  

Given the choice of releasing proprietary software and being ignored by you and 
releasing some Free Software and being harangued by you for keeping some 
proprietary, it's little wonder that we have difficulty persuading companies to 
open parts of their product lines.  If we are judging people's lives by a few 
actions, then I can think of several instances when you have caused serious 
harm to the public image of Free Software.  Perhaps you would like your 
obituary to focus entirely on these, and ignore your significant positive 


On 8 Oct 2011, at 09:50, Richard Stallman wrote:

   So it is unfair of RMS to
characterize Steve as the one who made jail cool. 
 That is fair because that is the most important effect he had on the
 Don't let one
bad thing tarnish a myriad of great things.
 I don't think anyone here disagrees with that.
 If Jobs did several things, the rational way to judge these things is
 separately.  Thus, the App Store does not make the NextSTEP design
 bad, and the NextSTEP design does not make the App Store good.
 If the question is to judge Jobs, that requires adding them all up.  I
 conclude that his net effect was very negative, because the App Store
 and iTunes did tremendous harm.  However, when judging Jobs' legacy
 isn't the question, we don't need to add them up.  We can keep them
 In particular, 

Re: GNUstep on 10.7

2011-10-08 Thread David Chisnall
On 8 Oct 2011, at 12:40, Nat! wrote:

 Am 07.10.2011 um 23:24 schrieb Gregory Casamento:
 What I was particularly wondering about is why try to get GNUstep to
 work on Mac OS X since the Mac has it's own implementation of GNUstep
 it's called Cocoa.
 Which is closed-source and non-free. If you don't put a value on these
 two properties, then yes I can see, why you are wondering.

But no more non-Free than most of the rest of OS X.  If you're targeting OS X, 
then you've already decided that using non-Free software is acceptable.  It 
therefore makes sense to use the implementation of the frameworks that is 
better tested and supported on this platform.

If you want to run your code on other platforms, then it makes more sense to 
use GNUstep.  If you care about software freedom, then you should write your 
code on GNUstep and then port it to Cocoa, because that will ensure that you 
don't use any of the APIs that aren't supported by the Free Software 

 But I find it just a little bizarre to read this on a FSF-mailing list 
 from the maintainer of said FSF-project. I thought freedom is the core
 value of the Free Software Foundation. 

So what would you want the reply to be?  The answer to the question of how to 
run GNUstep on OS X should be 'uninstall OS X, install HURD, and use GNUstep 


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Steven P. Jobs 1955-2011: Here's to the crazy one who inspired us all...

2011-10-07 Thread David Chisnall
It would be nice if we could link to (or host) some of the videos of Steve Jobs 
demoing the NeXT stuff (NeXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, PDO, WebObjects).  All of these 
demos show just how far ahead NeXT was.  I just watched the one about the 
design of the DMA architecture on the NeXT workstation - it looks crazy today 
because he's talking about stuff that everyone does as if it's new and 
exciting.  Then you realise that the reason that he's having to explain in so 
much detail is that this really is a new concept for anything smaller than a 
mainframe - PCs and workstations are all doing it now, but they weren't back 

Many of the presentations have the same quality.  You watch them and think 
'well, of course - why would you do it any other way?'  Then you remember that 
the rest of the industry at the time was doing it another way. 


On 7 Oct 2011, at 04:08, Gregory Casamento wrote:

 That link is just fine.   I can't think of anything better.   I'll put it up.
 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 I thought of linking just to the page Apple has set up:
 But there may be a better place.
 On the road
 Am 06.10.2011 um 22:28 schrieb Gregory Casamento
 I think it's a wonderful idea.
 Give me the link and I can do it, I have access to the webpage code,
 just tell me where you think we should put it.
 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 Thank you for writing this note. I have been thinking about putting a link 
 to the commemoration page on the GNUstep web page. What do you think about 
 this and who would be able to make this change?
 It has been twenty years now, but I still remember opening the first mail 
 that got send to every account on a Next computer and hearing his voice, 
 Hi, this is Steve Jobs, I want to welcome you...
 On the road
 Am 06.10.2011 um 19:57 schrieb Gregory Casamento
 Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.
 I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved
 what I did. -  (Steve Jobs, 2005 Commencement Speech at Stanford)
 Steve Jobs 1955-2011.  Through your shining example, you gave many of
 us the courge to act, believe and think different.  Thank you.
 Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
 yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
 (240)274-9630 (Cell)
 Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
 yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
 (240)274-9630 (Cell)
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list
 Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
 yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
 (240)274-9630 (Cell)
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list

-- Sent from my IBM 1620

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Re: Steven P. Jobs 1955-2011: Here's to the crazy one who inspired us all...

2011-10-07 Thread David Chisnall
Reading that made me feel faintly ashamed that I contribute to a GNU project.  
Especially given that, looking at my GNUstep development system, I see more 
lines of Free Software written by people than by people  

Fortunately, his attitude doesn't seem to be prevalent in the GNUstep 
community.  Having a competitor like NeXT and later Apple forced the Free 
Software community to set high standards for itself.  Imagine how bad life 
would be if we were only trying to build something better than Windows...


On 7 Oct 2011, at 16:48, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 And then, we also have comments like these.
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 05:08, Gregory Casamento 
 That link is just fine.   I can't think of anything better.   I'll put it up.
 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
  I thought of linking just to the page Apple has set up:
  But there may be a better place.
  On the road
  Am 06.10.2011 um 22:28 schrieb Gregory Casamento
  I think it's a wonderful idea.
  Give me the link and I can do it, I have access to the webpage code,
  just tell me where you think we should put it.
  On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
  Thank you for writing this note. I have been thinking about putting a 
  link to the commemoration page on the GNUstep web page. What do you think 
  about this and who would be able to make this change?
  It has been twenty years now, but I still remember opening the first mail 
  that got send to every account on a Next computer and hearing his voice, 
  Hi, this is Steve Jobs, I want to welcome you...
  On the road
  Am 06.10.2011 um 19:57 schrieb Gregory Casamento
  Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.
  I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved
  what I did. -  (Steve Jobs, 2005 Commencement Speech at Stanford)
  Steve Jobs 1955-2011.  Through your shining example, you gave many of
  us the courge to act, believe and think different.  Thank you.
  Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
  yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
  (240)274-9630 (Cell)
  Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
  yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
  (240)274-9630 (Cell)
  Discuss-gnustep mailing list
 Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
 yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
 (240)274-9630 (Cell)
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list
 Ivan Vučica -
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list

-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Failed gui test:NSView_autoresize_and_rounding WAS: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem

2011-10-05 Thread David Chisnall
On 5 Oct 2011, at 10:46, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On Wednesday, October 5, 2011 11:18 CEST, Fred Kiefer 
 First off and completely unrelated to the actual issue: GNUstep seems to 
 use fake main on your system. Why is this the case? As far as I know 
 this shouldn't be needed on any normal operating system. Could you 
 please check the configuration output of base to find out what is going 
 on here?
 what is actually the purpose of this fake main? I just hear the first time 
 about it.

GNUstep needs access to the program arguments.  If there is a libc API for 
doing this, it could use that.  Typically it uses procfs to look up the 
arguments.  If neither of these is available, it will interpose its own main() 
function in front of the real one so that it can capture argc / argv and then 
call your main().  This is a really ugly hack, but it's sometimes the only 

 configure is called this way:
  $ ./configure --disable-procfs --disable-procfs-psinfo --enable-debug 
 --disable-strip --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/local/man 
 --infodir=/usr/local/info --disable-silent-rules

If you're disabling procfs, then you're probably getting fake main.

 in configure output I see:
 checking use of pass-through arguments... no
 checking use of fake-main definition... yes
 checking ffi.h usability... yes
 checking ffi.h presence... yes
 in config.log I see:
 configure:21520: checking use of fake-main definition
 configure:21563: result: yes
 in configure:21520 I see:
 { $as_echo $as_me:$LINENO: checking use of fake-main definition 5
 $as_echo_n checking use of fake-main definition...  6; }
 # Check whether --enable-fake-main was given.
 if test ${enable_fake_main+set} = set; then
 if test $enable_pass_arguments = no; then
  case $target_os in
freebsd2*)  enable_fake_main=yes;;
freebsd*)   ;;
openbsd*)   enable_fake_main=yes;;
*sysv*) enable_fake_main=yes;;
 so it's set unconditionally.
 I can remove the line, and retry rebuilding everything and test whether it 
 will work without the fake main.

It will only work if there is some other mechanism for getting the arguments.  
I don't know if there is a codepath for OpenBSD.  If not, and there is a 
sensible way of accessing it, then it's worth adding...


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem

2011-10-05 Thread David Chisnall
Can you test with libobjc2 svn?  That test should pass with 1.6 (which is 
probably due a release about now), but it is an expected fail with 1.5.1.  It 
was added because someone recently pointed out that Apple libobjc does inherit 
+initialize and, even though it is weird, we should do the same because some 
people seem to rely on it...


On 4 Oct 2011, at 17:04, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 Here the test results for -base and -gui compiled with clang 3.0 and libobjc2 
 6528 Passed tests
  7 Dashed hopes
  1 Failed test
 The failed test is the following:
 Testing initialize.m...
 Running gnustep-base-1.23.1/Tests/base/NSObject/initialize.m...
 Start set:   initialize.m:128 ... +initialize
 Passed test:   initialize.m:133 ... initialize test starts
 Failed test:   initialize.m:139 ... inherited +initialize is called 
 Passed test:   initialize.m:50 ... Superclass +initialize called before 
 Passed test:   initialize.m:79 ... First initialize method did not finish 
 too early
 Passed test:   initialize.m:85 ... +initialize called exactly once
 Passed test:   initialize.m:86 ... +initialize completed before another 
 method started
 Passed test:   initialize.m:85 ... +initialize called exactly once
 Passed test:   initialize.m:86 ... +initialize completed before another 
 method started
 End set: initialize.m:164 ... +initialize
 Completed file:  initialize.m
 737 Passed tests
  5 Failed tests
 The 5 failed tests are the same that failed with just only using clang or gcc.
 On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 11:40 CEST, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote: 
 On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 11:05 CEST, David Chisnall 
 So, do you have tests that pass with gcc but fail with clang?
 for -base, there is this failed build, which works with gcc,
 6436 Passed tests
 17 Dashed hopes
  1 Skipped set
  1 Failed test
  1 Failed file
  1 Failed build
 6428 Passed tests
 17 Dashed hopes
 1 Skipped set
 1 Failed test
 1 Failed file
 with gcc, it just doesn't run all the tests it runs with CLANG, but that is 
 I guess due to the failed build.
 I used gcc-4.2.1 that comes with OpenBSD base installation.
 for -gui it looks like this:
 737 Passed tests
  5 Failed tests
 773 Passed tests - since I did not cut n pasted, I may have accidently 
 mixed up the last 7 and 3 I guess
 5 Failed tests
 the 5 failed tests are the same. And the test that Fred says should not 
 fail, has the same output: NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m
 so its pretty much the same.
 On 4 Oct 2011, at 10:03, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 this is just to confirm, the numbers of the test results are not different 
 whether using clang 2.9 or svn a.k.a 3.0.
 The only difference is that with gui I now have:
 737 Passed tests
 5 Failed tests
 but this is due to the lazy copy test, which failed with clang 2.9 because 
 of not started gpbs.
 Now I'll recompile with clang and libobjc2, test results will follow.
 On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 09:44 CEST, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote: 
 here the gnustep-tests results from base and gui, compiled with clang 2.9.
 clang 3.0 is also ready, these are just for reference and for comparison.
 looks fairly similar to what gcc produced. One build failure of a -base 
 is strange, this did not happen with gcc.
 I was using the same svn revision like I did with gcc.
 Here the relevant parts of the -base tests:
 6436 Passed tests
 17 Dashed hopes
 1 Skipped set
 1 Failed test
 1 Failed file
 1 Failed build
 Testing initialize.m...
 Running gnustep-base-1.23.1/Tests/base/NSObject/initialize.m...
 Start set:   initialize.m:128 ... +initialize
 Passed test:   initialize.m:133 ... initialize test starts
 Failed test:   initialize.m:139 ... inherited +initialize is called 
 2011-10-04 09:05:13.022 initialize[17875] WARNING your program is 
 becoming multi-threaded, but you are using an ObjectiveC runtime library 
 which does not have a thre
 ad-safe implementation of the +initialize method. Please see 
 README.initialize for more information.
 Failed file: initialize.m aborted without running all tests!
 GNU gdb 6.3
 Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you 
 welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
 Type show copying to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for 
 This GDB was configured as i386-unknown-openbsd5.0...
 Breakpoint 1 at 0x1c0046e0: file Testing.h, line 149.
 (gdb) break -[NSException raise]
 Function -[NSException raise] not defined.
 Make breakpoint pending on future

Re: Failed gui test:NSView_autoresize_and_rounding WAS: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem

2011-10-05 Thread David Chisnall
On 5 Oct 2011, at 11:18, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 Besides its ugly, and forces one more step to do on the user before he can 
 use gnustep programs, is there any good advantage of using procfs instead of 
 the fake main?
 Will stuff be noticeably faster, more stable, whatever?

The fake main stuff is fragile, because it will break if the compilation unit 
containing main() does not include the GNUstep headers.  For example, if you 
have a main.c that then calls into some Objective-C stuff later, it won't work.

On FreeBSD, we use kvm to get this, with some slight fudges.  I don't know if 
the same code path works on OpenBSD - you can try it (you may need to enable 
kvm in configure).


-- Sent from my Cray X1
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem

2011-10-04 Thread David Chisnall
These are both libobjc problems.  The failed build is because that test is 
checking property introspection.  With GCC, it just skips compiling the test 
entirely because GCC can't parse the property notation.  With clang, it 
compiles but then you are linking to a libobjc that doesn't have the property 
introspection functions, so it fails.

The +initialise test is also failing due to problems with your runtime.  


On 4 Oct 2011, at 10:40, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 11:05 CEST, David Chisnall 
 So, do you have tests that pass with gcc but fail with clang?
 for -base, there is this failed build, which works with gcc,
 6436 Passed tests
  17 Dashed hopes
   1 Skipped set
   1 Failed test
   1 Failed file
   1 Failed build
 6428 Passed tests
 17 Dashed hopes
 1 Skipped set
 1 Failed test
 1 Failed file
 with gcc, it just doesn't run all the tests it runs with CLANG, but that is I 
 guess due to the failed build.
 I used gcc-4.2.1 that comes with OpenBSD base installation.
 for -gui it looks like this:
 737 Passed tests
   5 Failed tests
 773 Passed tests - since I did not cut n pasted, I may have accidently 
 mixed up the last 7 and 3 I guess
 5 Failed tests
 the 5 failed tests are the same. And the test that Fred says should not fail, 
 has the same output: NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m
 so its pretty much the same.
 On 4 Oct 2011, at 10:03, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 this is just to confirm, the numbers of the test results are not different 
 whether using clang 2.9 or svn a.k.a 3.0.
 The only difference is that with gui I now have:
 737 Passed tests
  5 Failed tests
 but this is due to the lazy copy test, which failed with clang 2.9 because 
 of not started gpbs.
 Now I'll recompile with clang and libobjc2, test results will follow.
 On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 09:44 CEST, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote: 
 here the gnustep-tests results from base and gui, compiled with clang 2.9.
 clang 3.0 is also ready, these are just for reference and for comparison.
 looks fairly similar to what gcc produced. One build failure of a -base 
 is strange, this did not happen with gcc.
 I was using the same svn revision like I did with gcc.
 Here the relevant parts of the -base tests:
 6436 Passed tests
 17 Dashed hopes
  1 Skipped set
  1 Failed test
  1 Failed file
  1 Failed build
 Testing initialize.m...
 Running gnustep-base-1.23.1/Tests/base/NSObject/initialize.m...
 Start set:   initialize.m:128 ... +initialize
 Passed test:   initialize.m:133 ... initialize test starts
 Failed test:   initialize.m:139 ... inherited +initialize is called 
 2011-10-04 09:05:13.022 initialize[17875] WARNING your program is becoming 
 multi-threaded, but you are using an ObjectiveC runtime library which does 
 not have a thre
 ad-safe implementation of the +initialize method. Please see 
 README.initialize for more information.
 Failed file: initialize.m aborted without running all tests!
 GNU gdb 6.3
 Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you 
 welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
 Type show copying to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
 This GDB was configured as i386-unknown-openbsd5.0...
 Breakpoint 1 at 0x1c0046e0: file Testing.h, line 149.
 (gdb) break -[NSException raise]
 Function -[NSException raise] not defined.
 Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
 Breakpoint 2 (-[NSException raise]) pending.
 (gdb) r
 Starting program: 
 Breakpoint 3 at 0x1004101: file NSException.m, line 956.
 Pending breakpoint -[NSException raise] resolved
 Start set:   initialize.m:128 ... +initialize
 Passed test:   initialize.m:133 ... initialize test starts
 [Switching to process 21264, thread 0x8b735000]
 Breakpoint 1, testStart () at Testing.h:149
 149 }
 Current language:  auto; currently minimal
 (gdb) bt
 #0  testStart () at Testing.h:149
 #1  0x1c003488 in gnustep_base_user_main () at initialize.m:139
 #2  0x010ca627 in main (argc=1, argv=0xcfbd7734, env=0xcfbd773c) at 
 #3  0x1c0015d7 in ___start ()
 #4  0x1c001552 in _start ()
 (gdb) c
 Failed test:   initialize.m:139 ... inherited +initialize is called 
 2011-10-04 08:58:31.700 initialize[21264] WARNING your program is becoming 
 multi-threaded, but you are using an ObjectiveC runtime library which does 
 not have a thread-safe implementation of the +initialize method. Please 
 see README.initialize for more information.
 [New process

Re: problem with gworkspace-0.9.0 and gnustep-base-1.23.0

2011-10-03 Thread David Chisnall
On 3 Oct 2011, at 10:53, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On 10/02/11 19:46, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 2 Oct 2011, at 18:43, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 Right now I'm experimenting with clang/libobjc2 again on OpenBSD. It seems 
 to not crash randomly anymore (which is better than half a year or so ago 
 when I tried last time), but still applications seem to be unusable. Will 
 open a new thread for that topic...
 Clang / LLVM is going in to feature freeze in a couple of weeks for the 3.0 
 release, so now is a really good time to identify bugs...
 are there maybe daily snapshots of the svn repo available?

I don't think so.  You need to grab the source and compile.


-- Sent from my PDP-11

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gworkspace-0.9.0 and gnustep-base-1.23.0

2011-10-02 Thread David Chisnall
On 2 Oct 2011, at 18:43, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 Right now I'm experimenting with clang/libobjc2 again on OpenBSD. It seems to 
 not crash randomly anymore (which is better than half a year or so ago when I 
 tried last time), but still applications seem to be unusable. Will open a new 
 thread for that topic...

Clang / LLVM is going in to feature freeze in a couple of weeks for the 3.0 
release, so now is a really good time to identify bugs...


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

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Re: Opal, CGLayer and OpenGL in UIKit

2011-09-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Sep 2011, at 17:48, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 I've been reading the Apple docs on Quartz/CoreGraphics, and I've stumbled 
 upon CGLayer. Upon first look, it looks like CGLayer is already implemented.
 My first thought is that perhaps we don't need to actually use OpenGL when 
 implementing UIKit, at least not initially. What do you guys think?

CGLayer is implemented, but it currently only does the very basic stuff.  It 
currently uses a Cairo pattern to allow it to be composited.  This works, but 
it's going to be fairly slow.  UIKit (and modern AppKit) do a lot more.  For 
example, even the very basic swoosh effect as you slide a layer off the screen 
is going to require compositing the texture a few dozen times.  This can be 
very fast in OpenGL, but is likely to be slow with Cairo.  CoreAnimation wants 
to move layers around in 3D space (well, rotate them in 3D, move them in 2D), 
while CoreImage wants to run shader programs on them.  All of these things are 
trivial with OpenGL, but very hard in Cairo.

So, in theory it's possible, but in practice it will be hard.

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Re: Cross-compiling GNUstep?

2011-09-28 Thread David Chisnall
On 28 Sep 2011, at 07:58, Fred Kiefer wrote:

 On 27.09.2011 20:09, David Chisnall wrote:
 HP has kindly sent me a TouchPad to play with, so I wanted to run
 GNUstep on it.   I've managed to get clang to use their cross-build
 toolchain, but I'm having problems with the configure script for
 -base.  It just aborts if you're cross compiling.
 Am I the first person to try cross-compiling GNUstep?  I was fairly
 sure Nikolaus had done this before.  Is there an easy way to tell the
 configure thing 'really, I know what I'm doing, just trust me...' and
 have it assume that the test programs will work?  I can always tweak
 configure options until they actually later...
 Nikolaus Schaller isn't using GNUstep itself. He has his own fork mySTEP and 
 to my knowledge he uses XCode to do the compilation for the different 
 environments. As he only needs to support a few well controlled target 
 systems, he gets along without all these compilcated configure scripts we are 
 I tried myself to cross compile GNUstep ages ago and failed. One problem was 
 that gnustep-make was using the terms host/build/target in a different order 
 than the cross compilation standard. No idea whether Nicola fixed that.

The 'standard' definition is somewhat unintuitive, but it seems that -make now 
uses the correct values.

 I agree with Richard that it is probably best to just generate the results of 
 autoconf in a different way and use these then. I created them manually at 
 that time. It would help to document what gets changed by the configure step.

I've poked the configure script a lot now and basically disabled all of the 
executable tests when it detects that you're cross-compiling.  I now have a 
pretty minimal GNUstep (no ICU, no XML, no SSL) building on the Mac for 
deployment on WebOS.

My aim with this is to get the native GNUstep .so talking to Objective-C that's 
been compiled down to JavaScript with my clang plugin.


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Cross-compiling GNUstep?

2011-09-27 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

HP has kindly sent me a TouchPad to play with, so I wanted to run GNUstep on 
it.   I've managed to get clang to use their cross-build toolchain, but I'm 
having problems with the configure script for -base.  It just aborts if you're 
cross compiling.

Am I the first person to try cross-compiling GNUstep?  I was fairly sure 
Nikolaus had done this before.  Is there an easy way to tell the configure 
thing 'really, I know what I'm doing, just trust me...' and have it assume that 
the test programs will work?  I can always tweak configure options until they 
actually later...


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

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Re: Compiling corebase on Windows

2011-09-25 Thread David Chisnall
I had the same problem with libobjc2 on Windows.  I worked around it by doing 
something like this:

#include windows_stuff.h
#undef BOOL

And then including Objective-C headers.


On 25 Sep 2011, at 18:19, Stefan Bidi wrote:

 I booted into Windows today and figured it would be a good idea to try 
 corebase there.  I ran into some problems that I was able to fix, but I don't 
 know what to do with the set of error I'm getting now.  It's about BOOL being 
 defined by both windef.h and objc/objc.h.  I'm sure I'm screwing something 
 up, can anyone more familiar with Windows please shed some light?  I've 
 attached the output.
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-- Sent from my brain

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Re: Doxygen documentation

2011-09-20 Thread David Chisnall
Unfortunately, the output from doxygen is pretty horrible for Objective-C.

You might like to take a look at the DocGenerator that Quentin wrote, in Étoilé 
svn.  It uses simpler markup and produces much nicer output.


On 20 Sep 2011, at 01:23, Stefan Bidi wrote:

 I just wanted to let everyone know that I've started documenting corebase 
 with doxygen instead of autogsdoc.  The learning curve is quite steep if 
 you're just starting out, but I'm getting the hang of it.  The configuration 
 file has at least a few hundred options... I managed to understand only 5 of 
 them.  The output is decent, but needs a lot more work to be be useful.
 I know there was some talk about it a few weeks ago.  I just took a better 
 look at it and I found doxygen much more powerful than autogsdoc.  I had to 
 download 100+ MB worth of packages to get it to even do anything on my 
 system, however.  Corebase is still a very small project so I figured it was 
 a good test bed for this sort of thing.  Let me know what you guys think (run 
 doxygen Doxyfile to have it output the html).
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-- Sent from my Difference Engine

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Re: Why is +initialize not inherited?

2011-09-15 Thread David Chisnall
I'm not sure how that would help you.  Your subclasses would only receive a 
+initialize message once you'd sent them some other message, which requires 
some other bit of code to be able to locate them, which means the other code 
can trivially register them...

That said, I agree that we should aim to be compatible with Apple, although in 
this case I think the GNU behaviour is more logical.  I've made that change in 
the GNUstep Objective-C runtime, and it will be part of the 1.6 release unless 
someone objects strongly...


On 15 Sep 2011, at 19:28, Larry Campbell wrote:

 The problem I have is when some shared behavior is implemented in a 
 superclass, and it doesn't get called for the subclass. Something like:
 @implementation Superclass
 + (void)initialize
[OtherClass registerNewClass:self];
 Now if I subclass Superclass, my subclass doesn't get registered, unless I 
 explicitly call +[Subclass initialize] myself. But I don't think I should 
 have to call initialize myself; the runtime should do it for me.
 - lc
 On Sep 15, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 I have to apologize, sticking to these simple rules isn't as easy as I 
 thought it would be. I just fixed a bug in Gorm that was inside of an 
 +initialize method in a category. Just imagine somebody had implemented that 
 method in the main class later on.
 On 14.09.2011 23:39, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 What exactly was the problem that you experienced?
 In GNUstep we always write our +initialize methods like this and I don't
 know of any problem with that style:
 + (void)initialize
 if (self == [MyClass class])
 // do stuff
 There are certain differences between the different runtimes, but in
 most cases you are save to ignore them as long as you stick to a careful
 coding style.
 On 14.09.2011 23:09, Larry Campbell wrote:
 Today, having forgotten this five-year-old conversation, I was burned
 by this again.
 I cannot think of any good reason (other than inertia) for +initialize
 not to be inherited as it is on Mac OS X. It's incompatibilities like
 this that make it hard to recommend Objective-C. Does anyone else care
 about this?
 - lc
 On Jan 21, 2006, at 1:31 PM, David Ayers wrote:
 Larry Campbell schrieb:
 On Jan 21, 2006, at 4:50 AM, David Ayers wrote:
 Have a look at this discussion:
 Now, I'm no advocate of being different just for the sake of being
 different, but I also think that '+load' and '+initialize' are simply
 special wrt inheritance and guarantees on how/when they are
 called and
 I would assume that we would break code written for the FSF libobjc
 runtime if FSF's libobjc started to inherit +initialize.
 However, I think that:
 1. The difference between FSF here and Apple is a trap for the unwary
 2. It would be best to remove such traps when possible
 3. Due to binary compatibility it's extremely unlikely Apple will
 4. There's no clear advantage to the FSF approach (or the Apple
 All of these points could be applied for most of the FSF libobjc API.
 (E.g., did you know that the class pointer of an 'id' in FSF's libobjc
 is called 'class_pointer' instead of 'isa'? But yes, I realize the
 inconsistency that Object.h still uses 'isa' as the ivar name.)
 The reasons are historical and I assume have to do with the reluctance
 of NeXT to release their GCC modifications to ObjC in the first place.
 I kind of doubt that the FSF wanted to make their libobjc incompatible,
 but I don't know the details of what happened and they seem to diverge
 quite a bit more than I would have expected... Anyway, now there is
 code out there that relies on FSF's libobjc and we should consider
 changes carefully.
 5. If you really want to share initialization code with subclasses, you
 have to move such initialization code into a separate method, or
 subclasses have to call [super initialize]
 Moving them to separate methods that get invoked by +initialize seems
 like the most robust approach to me.
 So I think I would argue that FSF should consider changing; not
 precipitously, and with perhaps a way to override via an environment
 variable in case of compatibility bugs.
 Well this is the type of discussion that the above mentioned list was
 created for. I am personally undecided on the issue and would insure
 that any code I write today would be portable. Even if it is decided to
 change the GNU semantics I believe the earliest libobjc release would be
 4.2 (or possibly 4.3 depending on libobjc maintainers view this in light
 of the pending switch to Stage 2 of gcc's trunk) and any code relying on
 NeXT/Apple semantics would have to wait until that compiler version is
 in wide spread use.
 Note that if you actually invoked either +initialize or +load in a
 method invocation, the normal inheritance techniques would be used.
 be warned, code often is not 

Re: Interesting error in GWorkspace

2011-09-12 Thread David Chisnall
On 11 Sep 2011, at 20:01, Eric Wasylishen wrote:

 I wonder if the clang static analyzer can find places where we send a message 
 returning something other than an object to something that might be nil?

Clang will automatically insert a check that receivers are nil for structure 
returns and substitute a zero-initialised structure instead of doing the 
message send in these cases.  It's done this for about a year, so the simplest 
fix is just to use clang to compile.

The static analyser also warns if you do this, but you only need to bother 
fixing it in code that you intend to compile with gcc.


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA

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Re: GNU Hackers Meeting Presentation

2011-09-04 Thread David Chisnall
On 1 Sep 2011, at 20:51, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf wrote:

  I hope David got a chance to grab a HP TouchPad

Sadly not - they were all sold out here too.  The demo of JTalk running on the 
Touchpad was pretty amazing, and even without it WebOS is so far ahead of 
Android in terms of usability that it would be a tragedy if it died, but it 
looks like HP is going to mismanage it to death.

If anyone spots somewhere selling Touchpads for about £100 that delivers in the 
UK, let me know...


-- Sent from my brain

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Re: GNU Hackers Meeting Presentation

2011-09-01 Thread David Chisnall
Thanks Quentin,

I've also put my slides from the 2011 International Smalltalk Conference, where 
I was invited to talk about Étoilé / Pragmatic Smalltalk on the Étoilé blog.  
This talk was mostly aimed at Smalltalk developers, but it may be of interest 
to other people.


On 1 Sep 2011, at 10:48, Quentin Mathé wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 I just posted a short summary of the GNU hackers meeting where I went to last 
 You can read the presentation slides in PDF that covers both GNUstep and 
 Étoilé here:
 A short overview of the talk is given in the schedule if you want some 
 additional background:
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Re: Setting up Clang compiler

2011-09-01 Thread David Chisnall
I wrote a tutorial for installing GNUstep on FreeBSD a week or so ago:

For Windows, you'll need to change a few things.  For a start, all of this 
stuff will need to run inside a MinGW install.  You may want to use a different 
filesystem layout (do we have a standard Windows layout?  With everything 
inside an application's install directory?)  You may also need to disable 
native exceptions - I've no idea if they work on Windows.


On 1 Sep 2011, at 13:42, Omar Campos wrote:

 Hi everyone,
   A while back I asked on this list why things like @property don't seem to 
 work on GNUStep, and I was told that these belong to Objective-C 2.0, and 
 that if I wanted to use them, I needed to either use the Clang compiler, or 
 something called lib_objc2 (if I remember correctly). I downloaded Clang, but 
 I have no idea how to get GNUStep to use it. Are there any tutorials or 
 instructions on how to set this up? Note than I am using the Windows version 
 of GNUStep. Thanks for any info!
 Omar Campos Rivera
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-- Sent from my Apple II

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Re: Setting up Clang compiler

2011-09-01 Thread David Chisnall
On 1 Sep 2011, at 18:40, Eric Wasylishen wrote:

  I think implementing support for Window's native SEH is on both gcc's and 
 clang/llvm's wish list.

SEH is a parent nightmare, so I don't think anyone is working on it - doing so 
would basically mean you can't distribute in the USA.  There is work in LLVM to 
support the exception model that Win64 uses for C++ exceptions, which is quite 
similar to the zero-cost mode on most UNIX systems.


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Re: Setting up Clang compiler

2011-09-01 Thread David Chisnall
On 1 Sep 2011, at 18:40, Eric Wasylishen wrote:

 When mingw does a release with gcc4.6 or clang, it should be easy for us to 
 make an installer where ObjC2 works out of the box.

There are prebuilt binaries of Clang for MingW32 available from the LLVM web 


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

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Re: GNUstep on 10.7

2011-08-28 Thread David Chisnall
On 27 Aug 2011, at 22:15, artware wrote:

 /usr/include/objc/message.h:72:1: error: unknown type name 'OBJC_EXPORT'

This is a header that, as far as I know, only exists in the Mac Objective-C 
runtime.  It may be possible to use GNUstep with this runtime, but it's 
completely untested and some bits of the code almost certainly won't work 
(we've tidied those up a bit over the last couple of years, but it's still 
probably not a good idea).  

If you want to use GNUstep on OS X (which I wouldn't recommend - Apple has 
their own clean-room reimplementation of GNUstep called Cocoa), then you will 
need to install another Objective-C runtime.


-- Sent from my Apple II
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Re: GNUstep on 10.7

2011-08-28 Thread David Chisnall
On 28 Aug 2011, at 14:57, Adam Fedor wrote:

 Better to build on OSX/Cocoa and deploy on FreeBSD/GNUstep. You'd have to 
 test on FreeBSD anyway due to operating system differences.

I agree with this.  OS X and FreeBSD have almost the same libc, making it the 
easiest place to port OS X code to, but there are still some subtle differences 
that can bite you if you're unlucky.  

If you don't want another physical machine, it only takes about an hour to 
install FreeBSD in a VirtualBox VM and then install GNUstep on top.  This is 
what I do, so that I can test my code on 32-bit and 64-bit FreeBSD easily.  

And, if you find that you want to use some Cocoa classes or methods that are 
not yet present in GNUstep, then patches are very welcome...


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Re: GNUstep on 10.7

2011-08-27 Thread David Chisnall
On 27 Aug 2011, at 07:17, artware wrote:

 I've been working for 14 hours
 straight trying to get GNUstep-base installed on FreeBSD

I wrote instructions for installing GNUstep and Étoilé on FreeBSD last week:

These are tested on a fresh install of 9-BETA1, but they should work on 8 too.

Note: the options selected are for people intending to hack on Étoilé, so they 
may not be ideal for you.


-- Sent from my brain
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: gcc warnings

2011-08-17 Thread David Chisnall
On 17 Aug 2011, at 14:22, Andreas Höschler wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am cross-building on GNUstep/Solaris and MacOSX. When I build code like 
 NSString *message = @some string
 [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:message];
 on MacOSX 10.6 using GNUstep make, gcc gives the following warning
   SOEditingContext.m:3574: warning: format not a string literal and no 
 format arguments

Any vaguely-recent compiler will give you the same warning.

 Any idea how to get rid of that one?

Yes, use a constant string, not a variable, for the format string.  Here, you 
are assigning the constant string to a variable and then passing it as the 
format string.  The compiler can not tell at this point that the string is 
constant (it can only tell that after doing data-flow analysis, which doesn't 
happen until much later).

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: gcc warnings

2011-08-17 Thread David Chisnall

On 17 Aug 2011, at 14:41, Andreas Höschler wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am cross-building on GNUstep/Solaris and MacOSX. When I build code like 
   NSString *message = @some string
   [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:message];
 on MacOSX 10.6 using GNUstep make, gcc gives the following warning
 SOEditingContext.m:3574: warning: format not a string literal and no 
 format arguments
 Any idea how to get rid of that one?
  [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:  @%@, 
 The warning is because it can't do a compile time check of message to see if 
 it's a valid format string ... you need to use a string literal as the 
 format string.
 Thanks for your feedback! I know that this prevents the warning, but I can't 
 do that. The message is calculated by some method and then returned as a 
 string. I then need to raise the exception with the readily build string. If 
 NSException had a +[raise:string:] method I would use that, but it hasn't! :-(
 I have the same problem with NSLog(). I am again building the message 
 somewhere and get it as a NSString. I then simply want to log it out and get 
 the above warning. 
   NSLog([localException description]);   

This is just plain wrong.   Do that, and you can get random stack corruption.  
You should always do this instead:

NSLog(@%@, [localException description]);   

 That's simply annoying! :-( Isn't there some compiler switch that could be 
 used to suppress these kind of warnings?

Well, the best way of getting rid of compiler warnings is to write correct 
code.  If you have a string that is generated programatically, then you can't 
generally guarantee that it doesn't contain format escape sequences, so if you 
pass it to something that expects a format string then you may have things 

If you have a function that returns output that is usable in format strings in 
the same context as its input, then there is an __attribute__() that you can 
add to let the compiler know.  See the localisation stuff in NSBundle.h for 
some examples of this.


-- Sent from my Apple II

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Re: New -base release?

2011-08-16 Thread David Chisnall
On 16 Aug 2011, at 07:37, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 OpenBSD sparc was switched to gcc-4.2 some weeks ago.

OpenBSD SPARC was, as far as I know, the last platform we supported that used 
GCC 2.95.  Does this mean that we can finally require GCC 3 or later and switch 
to C99 mode?


-- Sent from my PDP-11

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Re: GSIMap and OpenBSD (Was: Re: GSIMap and gcc 2.95)

2011-08-16 Thread David Chisnall

On 16 Aug 2011, at 20:38, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

 I forgot to mention that it was OpenBSD/sparc
 On my OpenBSD/x86 computer however I get the same problem and it has gcc 4.2
 Thus it appears to be an OpenBSD problem? I reconfigured and made clean. I 
 don't see any apparent OS difference there.

This may be an OpenBSD libc problem.  Can you check how NULL is defined?  I 
fixed a bug in FreeBSD libc a couple of years back that would cause this, and 
they may have inherited the same bug from some common ancestor.  In C, the 
definition of NULL is usually (void*)0, but in C++ it is supposed to be 0 
(except that 0 is an int so on LP64 this causes stack smashing on variadic 
functions, but I digress), and it's possible that they just #define it to 0 for 
C and C++.  GCC provides a builtin __null which works better - it's a special 
literal that is a 0 value in any pointer type.  

If you replace the NULL with (void*)0 in GSIMap.h, does that fix it?

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Re: OsiriX [Was: environment]

2011-08-14 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Aug 2011, at 11:05, Philip G Batchelor wrote:

 (For the moment, Osirix compilation fails at  'libkern/OSByteOrder.h: No such 
 file or directory' but that was a first attempt,
 I'll try more).

The OSByteOrder stuff is more or less the same as the NSByteOrder stuff, so it 
should be relatively simple to rewrite it to use NSByteOrder.  No idea why 
they'd use the libkern interfaces - they're only meant to be used for low-level 
things that can't link against Foundation.


-- Sent from my Difference Engine

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Re: New -base release?

2011-08-04 Thread David Chisnall
On 2 Aug 2011, at 19:02, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

 And nowadays we really need to test builds with clang, new runtime, and with 
 the latest gcc and the new gcc runtime, and we have two new GC variants ...

I regularly run the test suite with FreeBSD/x86-32 and Linux/x86-64, both with 
the non-fragile ABI for everything (clang + libobjc2).

 So three different compiler/runtime setups at least, various cpu 
 architectures, and now four memory management schemes (trad retain/release, 
 gc with gnu runtime, gc with new runtime, automated retain/release).
 That's a lot to get tested ... so the timescale may not be realistic :-(

ARC is not a new scheme, it's intended to be compatible with manual retain / 
release.  You can't mix ARC and non-ARC code in the same compilation unit, but 
you can mix them in different .o files in the same project.  Most of the 
ARC-related changes are tweaking method declarations so that they can be called 
from ARC.  GNUstep is not built with ARC - that would require some massive and 
invasive changes to the code - it is just used with code that is compiled in 
ARC mode.  

Think of ARC like C99 or C++ - you can mix GNUstep's Objective-C89 code with 
Objective-C99 or or Objective-C++0x code in other projects, as long as the 
GNUstep headers are compatible with these languages.

I'm happy to call the Apple-compatible GC mode experimental in the next 
release.  Apple seems to be ditching this mode in the long term (everyone at 
Apple except the 5 guys on the autozone team hates it) so it's mainly of 
interest to people who are porting code that only worked on OS X =10.5 (not 
iOS or OS X =10.4) to GNUstep, so I'm not sure it's of much interest in the 
long term as more than a tick in a feature checklist.


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: New -base release?

2011-08-02 Thread David Chisnall
On 2 Aug 2011, at 09:44, Fred Kiefer wrote:

 Hi David,
 you don't seem to get the point. I don't have to tell you that a change the 
 contains the word fix is just as likely to break something as if it doesn't 
 contain that word.
 And even if these fixes where 100% correct, we still need to make sure that 
 none of the other changes has any effect outside the proper target 

I agree.

 I would suggest that we start a code freeze for GNUstep base on the next 
 weekend. This gives people some time (although rather little) to push in 
 features that they really want to see in the next release.
 Then we have two weeks of code freeze during which only changes to the test 
 are allowed, plus bug fixes that are supported by tests. NO new features 
 during that time, not even tiny ones.
 After that a release would be fine for me.

Sounds good to me.

 Could we agree on that schedule? I will try to get some response from Richard 
 on this.
 As tests go, I just run the base tests and had quite a few failing for me:
   6248 Passed tests
 13 Dashed hopes
  8 Skipped sets
  5 Failed tests
  2 Failed files
  1 Failed build
 I would prefer to see skipped tests and dashed hopes here.  A failing test 
 always should mean that my system is broken and unusable in some sense, for 
 example because my objc runtime isn't thread safe. But I don't want to see a 
 failed test because I don't have ICU installed. In that case we should report 
 a skipped test. Of course this will mean that some features of GNUstep base 
 aren't available on my system, but basically GNUstep is still usable.
 The failed tests are:

These are expected failures - the tests are actually wrong (I based them on 
common sense, not on the crazy things that OS X actually does) and I need to 
revert some things.


It should be relatively easy to turn this one into a dashed hope - I'll fix 
these three tomorrow.  As with the rest of the NSRegularExpression tests, it 
depends on ICU, so we should be skipping it for you.  

 I will look into the last one that fails to compile without C99 and add an 
 autorelease pool to the regex test. Could you please make the first three 
 tests dashed hopes?

Will do.  


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

New -base release?

2011-08-01 Thread David Chisnall
Hello all of the people,

What do you think about the idea of doing a new point release of -base soon?  
Most of the changes I've made in -base since the last release have been bug 
fixes and cleanups - and looking at the commit logs, I'm far from being the 
only person to do this - so trunk is probably in a more stable state than it 
was when we did the last release.  We've also got some shiny new features, like 
some 10.7 classes and methods and support for ARC / GC.

I'd like to do a little bit more ARC-related cleanup, but I'd be in favour of 
doing a release in the next week or two.


-- Sent from my Apple II

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: New -base release?

2011-08-01 Thread David Chisnall
On 1 Aug 2011, at 16:27, Fred Kiefer wrote:

 we also should get rid of the compiler warnings from NSRegularExpression and 

I get no warnings at all from base - what do you get in NSRegularExpression?  
And did you try removing the @ from the string in the assert() in NSThread (and 
does it make that one go away)?


This email complies with ISO 3103

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: New -base release?

2011-08-01 Thread David Chisnall
Well, looking through the change log, about 90% of the changes since the last 
release have contained the word 'fix'.  A lot of the changes I made were fixes 
because PyObjC discovered bugs in GNUstep.  I'd like to tighten up some of the 
ARC-related stuff, but I'm not too bothered about the stability of things like 
ARC / GC - they're not yet used by many people yet - but lots of the other 
stuff has been bug fixed since the last release.  

We don't have many new untested features, but we do have a lot of fixes since 
the last release.  I think we've actually done more bug fixing since the 
release than during the code freeze period prior to it...


On 1 Aug 2011, at 23:16, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

 you added great stuff, but I think it should settle a bit... Just to ensure 
 that base is not causing things to be crashy and/or less portable.
 David Chisnall wrote:
 Hello all of the people,
 What do you think about the idea of doing a new point release of -base soon? 
  Most of the changes I've made in -base since the last release have been bug 
 fixes and cleanups - and looking at the commit logs, I'm far from being the 
 only person to do this - so trunk is probably in a more stable state than it 
 was when we did the last release.  We've also got some shiny new features, 
 like some 10.7 classes and methods and support for ARC / GC.
 I'd like to do a little bit more ARC-related cleanup, but I'd be in favour 
 of doing a release in the next week or two.
 -- Sent from my Apple II
 Discuss-gnustep mailing list

-- Sent from my Cray X1

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: another exception triggered by OGo in gnustep-base

2011-07-29 Thread David Chisnall
On 29 Jul 2011, at 13:51, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 I found this documentation here:
 Initializes a newly allocated data object by adding to it length bytes of 
 data from the buffer bytes.
 but it doesn't state that a subclass should implement it???
 SkyDecodeWrapperData is a subclass of NSData, so I should implement that 
 method there?

I think this is a GNUstep bug.  The default implementation o 
initWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone: should probably be releasing self and 
returning a new instance of the class that does support this initialiser (as 
happens in the placeholder data class).


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: question regarding explicit exception in NSKeyValueCoding.m:429 -[NSObject(KeyValueCoding) setValue:forUndefinedKey:]

2011-07-28 Thread David Chisnall
On 28 Jul 2011, at 15:06, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 the exception happens here:NSKeyValueCoding.m:429 -[NSObject(KeyValueCoding) 
 This exception is unconditionally. I first tried to 
 WANT_DEPRECATED_KVC_COMPAT, and recompiled, but that did not helped.
 Then I commented out the exception, and OGo is just fine with that.
 Obviously, libFoundation did not raised an exception, so I'm a bit wondering, 
 who is/was right?

GNUstep is right.  On OS X:

$ cat undefined.m
#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

int main(void)
[NSAutoreleasePool new];
[[NSObject new] setValue: @foo forUndefinedKey: @bar];
return 0;
$ clang -framework Cocoa undefined.m 
$ ./a.out
2011-07-28 15:17:05.872 a.out[56109:903] *** Terminating app due to uncaught 
exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[NSObject 0x100111410 
setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for 
the key bar.'

 I don't have a mac, so cannot check what would happen there if I'd run into 
 this setValue:forUndefinedKey:?

It throws an NSUnknownKeyException.  This is the documented behaviour when you 
try to set a nonexistent key.  Why is OGo trying to do this?  What is it 
expecting to happen?

 Anyways, instead of commenting out the exception, I guess I need to put an 
 exception handler somewhere, and catch it?
 Am I on the right track here?

No, silently discarding missing key error is almost certainly the wrong thing 
to do.  If that is the desired behaviour for a specific class, then it should 
override setValue:forUndefinedKey: and discard it, but more likely it should 
not be setting values for keys that don't exist...

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Odd problem

2011-07-25 Thread David Chisnall
On 25 Jul 2011, at 11:44, Fred Kiefer wrote:

 Could it be that there are cases (64-bit machine?) where node-key is not 
 equal to GSI_MAP_READ_KEY(map, node-key), that is (*(node-key))?

I don't think it's a 64-bit issue.  I see valgrind errors in the NSSet tests on 
a 32-bit system.  I'll take a look now.


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: API diffs

2011-07-25 Thread David Chisnall
On 23 Jul 2011, at 14:41, Quentin Mathé wrote:

 Le 21 juil. 2011 à 11:34, David Chisnall a écrit :
 Hi Everyone,
 Just in case you've not see this already, this release Apple has published 
 diffs against the last set of APIs, so it's easy to see what was added 
 across an entire framework with 10.7:
 Lots of new AppKit stuff, and a little bit of new Foundation stuff.
 The NSOrderedSet, NSJSONSerialization are welcome additions.

NSOrderedSet would be trivial to implement in Objective-C++ with std::map (in 
fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Apple implements it).  Since we're 
not allowed to use Objective-C++ in base, it will be a bit trickier.

I've just committed an implementation of NSJSONSerialization.  Please test it - 
I've committed some tests for the NSData API, but the NSStream API is not well 
tested at all.

 The NSLinguisticTagger looks promising too.

Yup, although it depends on some other things that we don't have (I added stubs 
for the bits that NSRegularExpression needs, but this would be worth doing 

 But my favorite additions is the layout constraint support in the AppKit… I 
 have been waiting this feature for ages.

Yes, should make localisation easier.

 The other thing I really appreciate is that dragging sessions are now clearly 
 reified, until now it was hard to take control precisely over the dragging 
 (this gave me some headaches for EtoileUI).
 It looks like there are some interesting small additions to NSResponder. 

These mostly seem to be syncing with UIKit.  AppKit now should support a 
superset of the interaction models that UIKit supports.

 And it's good to see that the view-support has been added to NSTableView and 
 NSOutlineView :-)

Yes, I wonder a bit if it would be worth rewriting NSTableView to always use 
views (and use NSControl where NSCell is used), rather than try to integrate 
views into the existing stuff.


-- Sent from my Apple II

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Odd problem

2011-07-25 Thread David Chisnall
On 25 Jul 2011, at 18:17, Germán Arias wrote:

 NSJSONSerialization.m:104:5: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations
 and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]

This code may need some tweaking to compile with compilers that don't support 
the 12-year-old version of the C standard.


-- Sent from my Cray X1
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Odd problem

2011-07-24 Thread David Chisnall
On 24 Jul 2011, at 01:03, Germán Arias wrote:

 As I can see this is a problem with libobjc in gcc, so I will ask at gcc
 help list. Thanks.

While I wouldn't completely rule out a libobjc bug, this kind of crash is 
usually caused by a message being sent to a dangling pointer.  Try using 
valgrind or NSZombieEnabled to find what it is and where it's being deallocated.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSZone pointers

2011-07-23 Thread David Chisnall
On 23 Jul 2011, at 07:57, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

 David, I've never liked zones, but we probably need to keep them around for 
 people who *do* want them.  I implemented per-object zone pointers simply 
 because I couldn't figure out a way to get reasonable performance if people 
 used a lot of zones and we had to look outside the object to determine the 
 zone, but that was back when machines were slower (and when I thought people 
 actually used zones a lot), and the world has changed in the last decade or 
 so :-)

I think people DID use zones a lot - they just don't anymore.

 Even now, if we continue to support zones without zone pointers in objects, 
 we will slow down a bit because we have to do some sort of check to see 
 whether an object is in a zone or not, but I suspect that
 a. practically nobody uses zones

This seems to be the case.  The only program I found that used zones was one I 
wrote - and that was just a research prototype.

 b. the slowdown is relatively unimportant on modern hardware

If anything, I'd expect the reduced cache churn to have more of an impact.  
-zone is called relatively infrequently over an object's lifetime, but we lose 
a word of cache per object for the zone pointer.  By the way, I did some 
profiling a few years ago and found that the average size for Objective-C 
objects (counting allocations - actually, in an NSZone) was 24 bytes (on a 
32-bit system), so removing the zone pointer gives about a 15% memory saving in 
object memory.  In Gorm, it's about a 2% saving, because object memory is 
dwarfed by things like images and mapped code.

 Why don't we make them a configurable default, but with the default setting 
 being to NOT have them?

Well, as a first step, I can commit the NSObject.m part of my diff.  This still 
allows zones to work, but removes the pointer.  We can then think about 
removing them completely.  I'm a bit hesitant to make that a configuration 
option, because I suspect that will leave us with a code path that hardly 
anyone uses, and which is therefore easy to break.

 If we build with zones turned off (the default), we could just optimise the 
 NSZone... functions to be direct calls to the malloc family of functions, and 
 code would be a tiny bit faster than at present.
 If we build with zones on, we could maintain a map from objects to zones and 
 the -zone method could consult the map to see if an object is in a 
 non-standard zone (or we could ask each zone if the object is in it), rather 
 than keeping a pointer before the object.  These lookups would make 
 everything slower, but we'd then have a consistent memory layout for an 
 object irrespective of the configuration option.

The diff I sent calls NSZoneForPointer() in -zone, which then asks each zone if 
it owns the pointer.  In the no-zones case, this function already has a fast 
path that skips the lookup and just returns NSDefaultMallocZone().  If someone 
is implementing a custom zone that doesn't use a contiguous block of memory 
(allowing fast checks by just checking if the pointer is in the range), then 
they need to implement a map or similar.  The most common use for zones even in 
the NeXT days was implementing short-lived bump-the-pointer allocators.  These 
can have a very fast lookup, and there generally weren't many of them alive at 

With GC, we do use two zones - one for the malloc zone and one for the GC zone 
- but the GC code paths have their own NSZoneForPointer() that handles this, by 
just asking the GC if it's managing the pointer.  If we're going to remove 
zones, then we need to make sure that we remember about this...


-- Sent from my IBM 1620
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSZone pointers

2011-07-22 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 23:26, Stefan Bidi wrote:

 Just wondering... how's CoreFoundation affected by this?  CFAllocators 
 (NSZone's equivalent) is everywhere.  Does it also get disregarded?  I've 
 been overlooking CFAllocator for a while now, so I would prefer if it wasn't 
 used at all, too.

On OS X, NSZone and CFAllocator are not the same.  NSZone is something 
inherited from NeXT.  CFAllocator is a C version of std::allocator from C++.  
CF structures that use allocators store their own reference to them, although I 
wouldn't be surprised if some of the toll-free bridged versions don't bother 
and always use malloc().

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

[ANN] PyObjC for GNUstep

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

Are you worried that your Objective-C code is too fast?  Too readable?  Too 
maintainable?  Well now you can fix that, by adding Python!

Attached is a diff against PyObjC that allows it to build with GNUstep[1].  
This allows Python to use Objective-C objects, to subclass them, and to pass 
Python objects to Objective-C.  There are still some bugs, but please try it, 
play with it, and see what breaks!

With PyObjC, it's trivial to export a Python interface for scripting your 
Objective-C code, so you can allow Python programmers to write plugins and so 
forth without needing to modify your Objective-C code.

This port was funded by Inverse:  


[1] Tested with libobjc2 1.5, GNUstep-base and corebase from trunk on 
Linux/PowerPC and FreeBSD/x86.

Description: Binary data

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

API diffs

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

Just in case you've not see this already, this release Apple has published 
diffs against the last set of APIs, so it's easy to see what was added across 
an entire framework with 10.7:

Lots of new AppKit stuff, and a little bit of new Foundation stuff.

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

NSZone pointers

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
Hello the list.

I said a little while ago that I was uncertain about the utility of the zone 
pointer for every object, because in most cases it would be wasting one word 
per object to store a value that is the same for every single object.

I decided to test this, with the attached diff.  Please test it and see what 
you find.  On exit, it will log the number of times zone lookup was performed 
and the number of times that it returned a zone other than the default malloc() 

In my testing, Gorm's memory usage dropped by about 2MB and it used a 
non-default zone precisely zero times.  If this is representative, then it 
would make sense to commit the NSObject portion of this diff, so we can avoid 
burning RAM for no benefit.  If, on the other hand, people are actually using 
zones a lot, then this will make their code slower and so is a bad idea.

This email complies with ISO 3103

Index: Source/NSObject.m
--- Source/NSObject.m   (revision 33594)
+++ Source/NSObject.m   (working copy)
@@ -409,7 +409,6 @@
  * (before the start) in each object.
 typedef struct obj_layout_unpadded {
-NSZone *zone;
 NSUInteger retained;
 } unp;
 #defineUNP sizeof(unp)
@@ -420,7 +419,6 @@
  * structure correct.
 struct obj_layout {
-NSZone *zone;
 NSUInteger retained;
 char   padding[ALIGN - ((UNP % ALIGN) ? (UNP % ALIGN) : ALIGN)];
@@ -770,7 +768,7 @@
   GSOnceFLog(@GSObjCZone() is deprecated ... use -zone instead);
   if (object_getClass(object) == NSConstantStringClass)
 return NSDefaultMallocZone();
-  return ((obj)object)[-1].zone;
+  return NSZoneFromPointer(object);
@@ -818,7 +816,6 @@
   if (new != nil)
   memset (new, 0, size);
-  ((obj)new)-zone = zone;
   new = (id)((obj)new)[1];
   object_setClass(new, aClass);
   AADD(aClass, new);
@@ -861,7 +858,7 @@
   if ((anObject != nil)  !class_isMetaClass(aClass))
   obj  o = ((obj)anObject)[-1];
-  NSZone   *z = o-zone;
+  NSZone   *z = NSZoneFromPointer(o);
   /* Call the default finalizer to handle C++ destructors.
@@ -2160,7 +2157,7 @@
   return NSDefaultMallocZone();
-  return (((obj)self)[-1]).zone;
+  return NSZoneFromPointer(self);
Index: Source/NSZone.m
--- Source/NSZone.m (revision 33594)
+++ Source/NSZone.m (working copy)
@@ -1932,14 +1932,26 @@
 static void rnfree (NSZone *zone, void *ptr);
+static long long defaultZoneLookups;
+static long long otherZoneLookups;
+static void logStats(void)
+fprintf(stderr, NSZoneFromPointer() called %lld times.  %lld non-default 
zones returned\n, defaultZoneLookups + otherZoneLookups, otherZoneLookups);
 NSZoneFromPointer(void *ptr)
   NSZone   *zone;
   if (ptr == 0) return 0;
-  if (zone_list == 0) return default_zone;
+  if (zone_list == 0)
+  defaultZoneLookups++;
+  return default_zone;
*   See if we can find the zone in our list of all zones.
@@ -1953,6 +1965,16 @@
   [gnustep_global_lock unlock];
+  if (0 != zone)
+  otherZoneLookups++;
+  NSLog(@Non-default zone found); 
+  else
+  defaultZoneLookups++;
   return (zone == 0) ? default_zone : zone;

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: [ANN] PyObjC for GNUstep

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 13:13, Stefan Bidi wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 I am not interested in Python, but looked over your changes to see what 
 functionality is missing or different in GNUstep. One thing that I noticed 
 was that this code expects that result of a copy operation on an 
 NSMutableArray is a mutable array, and that on GNUstep you had to use 
 mutableCopy. If this is true we should change the GNustep behaviour and add 
 a test case for this.
 Any other interesting stuff you found while working on this?
 That's probably because NS(Mutable)Array objects in Cocoa are actually 
 NSCFArray objects (due to the toll-free bridging mechanism), which can be 
 either mutable or immutable.

I just tested it, and the GNUstep behaviour is correct.  [NSMutableArray -copy] 
does return an immutable array:

NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray new];
id b = [a copy];
[b addObject: @foo];

This terminates with an exception:

2011-07-21 13:17:19.940 a.out[15566:903] *** Terminating app due to uncaught 
exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '*** -[NSCFArray 
insertObject:atIndex:]: mutating method sent to immutable object'

So, it's probably one of the many bits in the PyObjC code that didn't work on 
GNUstep because it was Just Plain Wrong™ and shouldn't work on OS X either.

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: [ANN] PyObjC for GNUstep

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 14:04, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 Hi David,
 that's great! Will this be submitted upstream?

Ask Ludovic.  I'm not sure if the plan is to merge it or for Inverse to 
maintain a GNUstep branch of PyObjC.  I'd imagine the latter in the short term 
and the former in the longer term.

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSZone pointers

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 14:16, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 I didn't even bother looking up what zones are for until now.

They're not used very much anymore, because half of Cocoa is not zone-aware.  
On OS X, zones are opaque, so they're not even very useful, they just act as 
hints for the allocation policy.  

 Judging by information on CocoaDev, it looks to me like zones might primarily 
 be interesting to games, screensavers and other continuously-rendered and 
 high-performance applications.

Not really.  They were mainly used on OPENSTEP for optimisation where lots of 
short-lived objects that would never be aliased were created and destroyed at 
once.  Generally though, if that's the problem then the right solution is to 
use C structure rather than objects.  Given the throughput of a modern malloc() 
implementation, it's largely irrelevant.

I've done some things with zones in the past, for example defining a persistent 
zone backed by an mmap()'d segment, so that objects could persist between 
program invocations (needed some hacks to update their isa pointers on each 
restart though, so it wasn't very useful), but I've not seen any post-NeXT code 
that used them for anything.

 It would be interesting to have this as a ./configure-able setting when 
 building the runtime, with the default being current behavior. Reducing RAM 
 usage is not very important these days.

I disagree.  Reducing RAM is still important, and in this case it's a trade: 
either reduce RAM or reduce CPU cycles.  I think we're optimising for the very 
unlikely case and burning RAM.  

More importantly, we're burning cache.  Objects are allocated starting at the 
zone pointer, which means that we're wasting one word of a cache line in every 
object for a value that almost never needs to be accessed - every time you 
touch an object, you'll be pulling it into cache.  Reducing cache churn is 
likely to make more of a performance difference than anything else in this diff 
- on a modern system, efficient cache usage is one of the biggest factors in 

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: NSZone pointers

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 14:27, David Chisnall wrote:

 On 21 Jul 2011, at 14:16, Ivan Vučica wrote:
 I didn't even bother looking up what zones are for until now.
 They're not used very much anymore, because half of Cocoa is not zone-aware.  
 On OS X, zones are opaque, so they're not even very useful, they just act as 
 hints for the allocation policy.  

Oh, and apparently I missed that in Objective-C 2 they were removed.  
+allocWithZone: on OS X now apparently ignores the zone pointer and -zone 
always returns the default malloc() zone. 

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Logging NSData

2011-07-21 Thread David Chisnall
On 21 Jul 2011, at 20:12, Andreas Höschler wrote:

 Hi Ivan,
 Could it be preferring -localizedDescription? Is -localizedDescription also 
 implemented? Just guessing here.
 Thanks for the hint. I tried that, but still no avail! :-(
 Any more ideas?

I wondered if it was a class cluster problem - NSData is a class cluster, but 
as far as I could see none of the subclasses implemented -description.  Are you 
sure that your category is actually being loaded?  

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

[ANN] GNUstep Objective-C Runtime 1.5

2011-07-20 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

I've just pushed the 1.5 release of libobjc2 (yes, I said I would do this a 
week ago, but PyObjC uncovered a couple of bugs that I wanted to fix first).  
Thanks to Niels, Quentin, Sebastian, Wolfgang, Ludovic, and everyone else who 
helped me find and fix bugs and test new features.

This is an important release for GNUstep, because it's one of the few times 
when we're not playing catchup with Apple.  This release of the runtime 
supports all of the Objective-C language features supported by the compiler 
that Apple ships for OS X 10.7 and iOS 5 under the brand Apple's LLVM Compiler 

This includes support for automatic reference counting, which is now the 
default development mode for OS X and is fully supported by the runtime, in 
combination with LLVM / Clang trunk.


[1] Actually a snapshot of LLVM / Clang trunk from between 2.9 and 3.0.  LLVM 
releases don't always happen at convenient times for Apple, so the use their 
own release numbers.  

GNUstep Objective-C Runtime 1.5

This is the sixth official release of the GNUstep Objective-C runtime (a.k.a.
libobjc2).  This runtime was designed to support the features of Objective-C 2
for use with GNUstep and other Objective-C programs.  Highlights of this
release include:

- Support for Apple-compatible garbage collection APIs, along with extensions
  to support CoreFoundation-style explicit reference counting in a garbage
  collected environment.  This uses the Boehm garbage collector and is enabled
  by specifying boehm_gc=yes when building.  This requires version 7.1 or later
  of libgc.  Code compiled with -fobjc-gc can be mixed with code that
  implements normal reference counting and with code compiled with
  -fobjc-gc-only.  The runtime supports both GC and non-GC code when compiled
  with GC support and will automatically select the correct behavior depending
  on the loaded code.

- The runtime will now use Boehm GC for several internal data structures, if it
  is built with GC enabled.  This avoids the need for defensive programming
  with respect to thread safety in several places.

- This is the first release to provide a superset of the functionality provided
  by the Mac Objective-C runtime, as shipped with OS X 10.6.

- Full support for Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), compatible with OS X
  10.7 and iOS 5, including support for __weak references.

- The LLVM optimisation passes have been improved and better tested.  Code
  compiled with them now passes the EtoileFoundation test suite.

You may obtain the code for this release from subversion at the following
subversion branch:


Alternatively, a tarball is available from:

The runtime library is responsible for implementing the core features of the
object model, as well as exposing introspection features to the user.  The
GNUstep runtime implements Apple's Objective-C Runtime APIs, and a small number
of GCC APIs for legacy compatibility.

This library is based on the Étoilé Objective-C Runtime, an earlier research
prototype, and includes support for non-fragile instance variables,
type-dependent dispatch, and object planes.  It is fully compatible with the
FSF's GCC Objective-C ABI and also implements a new ABI that is supported by
Clang and Étoilé's LanguageKit and is required for some of the newer features.

Although the runtime has been tested by several people, and is being used
extensively by the Étoilé project, it is entirely new (MIT licensed) code and
may still contain bugs.  If you come across any problems, please report them to
the GNUstep Developer mailing list  

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64 -- the journey goes on

2011-07-08 Thread David Chisnall
On 8 Jul 2011, at 15:00, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 I'm not sure if it's related, but I was seeing 'conditional jump depends on 
 uninitialised value' errors in valgrind while loading defaults.  I think it 
 was somewhere in GSXML, but I'm not completely sure - by the time I got 
 around to trying to find the cause, they'd stopped happening.  I assumed 
 that meant someone had fixed the relevant bug, but it might just have meant 
 that my defaults settings had changed in a way that stopped the bug from 
 being triggered.
 I guess, uninitialized variables, the compiler should warn, when it 
 encounters it while compiling.

Not always.  In GCC, it only warns at all in an optimised build, because it 
only computes a code flow graph during optimisation.  In any case, often the 
compiler doesn't have enough information to know.  For example:

int foo;

Is foo used uninitialized?  Maybe.  If bar starts with *foo = 0, then no.  If 
bar starts with if (foo) then yes.  If bar is defined in another compilation 
unit, the compiler can't tell.  


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
On 7 Jul 2011, at 09:56, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

 ... and here. The sizeof_type callback expects an argument with type size_t 
 *, but element_size has type int *. This does work on 32-bit architectures 
 where sizeof(size_t) = sizeof(int) and it works coincidentally on low-endian 
 64-bit architectures like x86_64, but is definitely wrong for big-endian 
 64-bit machines like sparc.

Ugh - obvious bug that I completely missed, thanks.  It's fixed in svn, and I 
had a look at all of the other places where that pattern is used.  They all use 
size_t correctly.  Thanks for looking at that, and many thanks to Sebastian for 
testing on SPARC64.  I really should get my USii out of the attic and test 
GNUstep stuff on it...


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
On 7 Jul 2011, at 09:01, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 sizeof_type: after calling parse_array: element_size: 0, element_count: 4, 
 size pointern: 0xfffcf0d0
 ^^^ as far as I can see, the value on address 0xfffcf0d0 should be 
 32, but I have no idea, why it is not 32???

It's possible that it's a compiler bug, which compiler are you using?  Can you 
add a watchpoint on that address in gdb and see when it is assigned to?

Can you also try adding volatile to the declaration of element_count?  That 
shouldn't make a difference, but if it's a bug with the compiler's optimiser 
then that might tell it not to do incorrect optimisation...


This email complies with ISO 3103

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64 -- the journey goes on

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
On 7 Jul 2011, at 10:25, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 I updated libobjc from svn, and starting i.e. addressmanager now I get some 
 steps further, but I run into this bus error:

Try r33476.


-- Sent from my Cray X1

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Automatic Reference Counting

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
On 7 Jul 2011, at 20:52, Ondřej Hošek wrote:

 They remain untouched by ARC. ObjC pointers are detected using
 semantic analysis -- a heuristic along the lines of oh, an asterisk,
 I'm taking over would break everything (including the strict
 superset of C philosophy).

C or C++.  ARC works extremely nicely with Objective-C++.  C++ structures can 
contain Objective-C pointers, but then they become non-POD types and have a 
destructor added that releases the Objective-C ivars.  C++ templates can take 
Objective-C types and will have the retain / release calls added automatically. 
 This means that you can write things like:

std::mapint, __weak NSString* foo;

The variable foo will then be a(n ordered) map from integers to NSStrings.  If 
you do:

id a = foo[12];

Then a will be nil if the string that was inserted into the collection has been 
deallocated before this line is reached.  

This makes Objective-C++ a lot nicer to work with - you don't need to worry 
about memory management for Objective-C objects, it happens automatically even 
when you store them in C++ variables.  You don't have to think about copy 
constructors calling retain and so on, all of this Just Works™.


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Automatic Reference Counting

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
Ooops, forgot to CC: the list:

On 7 Jul 2011, at 19:23, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 I just read this, so I have a couple of questions :-)
 On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 15:36, David Chisnall wrote:
 ARC does some quite nice things for you.  For every assignment, the compiler 
 will automatically insert calls to runtime functions that do the retain / 
 release juggling for you.  It will also implicitly add code to your objects 
 freeing all instance variables.  Because of this, some things are not allowed 
 in ARC mode:
 - Implementing -retain, -release, or -autorelease
 - Calling -retain, -release, or -autorelease
 - Storing object pointers that are not __unsafe_unretained qualified in 
 If calling -retain, -release and -autorelease is not allowed, how is it 
 possible to mix ARC with non-ARC code? Does the compiler throw a warning, an 
 error, or the thing just silently doesn't work?

You can only mix them in separate compilation units, you can't mix them within 
the same source file.  The compiler will reject any code that explicitly calls 
any of these methods in ARC mode.  In non-ARC mode, it will permit them and 
will not insert the barrier functions.

 What happens when -retain, -release and -autorelease are overridden?

This is not allowed in ARC compilation units.  My ARC implementation will call 
them if the class declaring them does not explicitly opt in to ARC (see README 
for how to do this).  Not sure about Apple's.

 What happens when non-__unsafe_unretained pointers are stored in structure? 
 Does it silently crash?

The compiler rejects the code.  

 Are all pointers __strong by default?

All object pointers, yes.

 What happens with non-Objective-C pointers, such as results of SDL functions?

Nothing.  ARC only affects objects.  Other pointers are treated just as they 
are in C.

 Will I have any problems using SDL if ARC is used in same codebase?

Not unless you are passing objects to SDL code (e.g. for callbacks) without 
calling CFRetain() on them.


-- Sent from my Difference Engine
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64 -- the journey goes on

2011-07-07 Thread David Chisnall
On 7 Jul 2011, at 22:10, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 defaults read works well, when there are no defaults existing, but with the 
 copied .GNUstepDefaults file, it runs into the bus error.

I'm not sure if it's related, but I was seeing 'conditional jump depends on 
uninitialised value' errors in valgrind while loading defaults.  I think it was 
somewhere in GSXML, but I'm not completely sure - by the time I got around to 
trying to find the cause, they'd stopped happening.  I assumed that meant 
someone had fixed the relevant bug, but it might just have meant that my 
defaults settings had changed in a way that stopped the bug from being 


-- Sent from my Difference Engine

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 10:55, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 Error: Instance variables in NSTextTable overlap superclass NSTextBlock.  
 Offset of first instance variable, _layoutAlgorithm, is 196.  Last instance 
 variable in superclass, _widthType, ends at offset 148.  This probably means 
 that you are subclassing aclass from a library, which has changed in a 

I think this is a bug in how libobjc2 is calculating sizes.  The last ivar of 
NSTextBlock is an array of arrays, and my guess is that the runtime thinks that 
it is smaller than it is.


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 11:02, David Chisnall wrote:

 On 6 Jul 2011, at 10:55, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 Error: Instance variables in NSTextTable overlap superclass NSTextBlock.  
 Offset of first instance variable, _layoutAlgorithm, is 196.  Last instance 
 variable in superclass, _widthType, ends at offset 148.  This probably means 
 that you are subclassing aclass from a library, which has changed in a 
 I think this is a bug in how libobjc2 is calculating sizes.  The last ivar of 
 NSTextBlock is an array of arrays, and my guess is that the runtime thinks 
 that it is smaller than it is.

Having said that, I can't actually reproduce this, and objc_sizeof_type() seems 
to return the same size as sizeof() for me when I copy the last ivar into a 
file and test it.  

Both of these numbers look a bit wrong.  For me, class_getInstanceSize() 
returns 172 for NSTextBlock, so unless you've got some very strict alignment 
requirements 196 looks too large.  The header doesn't seem to have been 
modified for a long time, so I'm not sure how it could happen.

Can you tell me from the debugger:

- What the type encoding of the last ivar is
- What the calculated size of the last ivar is
- How big void* is on your platform


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall

On 6 Jul 2011, at 11:45, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On Wednesday, July 6, 2011 12:14 CEST, David Chisnall 
 On 6 Jul 2011, at 11:02, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 6 Jul 2011, at 10:55, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 Error: Instance variables in NSTextTable overlap superclass NSTextBlock.  
 Offset of first instance variable, _layoutAlgorithm, is 196.  Last 
 instance variable in superclass, _widthType, ends at offset 148.  This 
 probably means that you are subclassing aclass from a library, which has 
 changed in a binary-incompatibleway.
 I think this is a bug in how libobjc2 is calculating sizes.  The last ivar 
 of NSTextBlock is an array of arrays, and my guess is that the runtime 
 thinks that it is smaller than it is.
 Having said that, I can't actually reproduce this, and objc_sizeof_type() 
 seems to return the same size as sizeof() for me when I copy the last ivar 
 into a file and test it.  
 Both of these numbers look a bit wrong.  For me, class_getInstanceSize() 
 returns 172 for NSTextBlock, so unless you've got some very strict alignment 
 requirements 196 looks too large.  The header doesn't seem to have been 
 modified for a long time, so I'm not sure how it could happen.
 IIRC, the alignment is fairly strict on sparc64, but I'm not an expert ;)

Hmm, 196 might be correct for SPARC64.

 Can you tell me from the debugger:
 - What the type encoding of the last ivar is
 - What the calculated size of the last ivar is
 Do you can give me a hint how I can figure this out? At which frame stack I 
 should potentially go, or where to set a breakpoint, and what to enter?

The stack frame that calls abort (objc_compute_ivar_offsets()).  It has a local 
variable called ivar, which is the last ivar in the superclass.  It uses this 
to calculate the size from the type.


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 13:01, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 69  /* Find the last superclass with at least one ivar. */
 70  while (NULL == super-ivars) 
 71  {
 72  super = class_getSuperclass(super);
 73  }
 74  struct objc_ivar *ivar =
 77  // Find the end of the last ivar - instance_size 
 contains some padding
 78  // for alignment.
 Do you maybe can propose an NSLog() statement that I could add somewhere 
 after teh line 74 to print out the values you would like to see?
 Easiest would be a patch for me that I can apply and recompile, and report 

On line 76:

fprintf(stderr, Ivar type: %s, size: %d\nSuperclass size: %d, ivar-type, 
(int)objc_sizeof_type(ivar-type), (int)super-instance_size);


-- Sent from my Apple II

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 13:13, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 Ivar type: [3[4i]], size: 0

Well, that's obviously wrong, but I can't reproduce it.  We can, at least, work 
from a simpler test case now though:

$ cat test.c
#include stdio.h
size_t objc_sizeof_type(const char*);

int main(void)
printf(%d\n,  (int)objc_sizeof_type([3[4i]]));
return 0;
$ cc size.c -lobjc  ./a.out 

On SPARC64, I think sizeof(int) is 8, so I'd expect this to be 96.  If it 
isn't, we need to work out why.  Can you step through this call and see if it's 
doing anything obviously wrong?


-- Sent from my PDP-11

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 13:44, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 running it in gdb, I see the following:

It helps me if you can tidy up the gdb traces a bit before sending them.  It's 
easy to miss important things in the middle of a load of list commands and 
frames in libc with no debugging info.

 Breakpoint 1, objc_sizeof_type (type=0x200c10 [3[4i]]) at encoding2.c:319
 319 sizeof_type(type, size);

This is calling the real sizeof function, which calls itself recursively on 

 (gdb) print type
 $1 = 0x200c10 [3[4i]]
 (gdb) s
 sizeof_type (type=0x200c10 [3[4i]], size=0xfffdebd8) at 
 152 type = objc_skip_type_qualifiers(type);

No type qualifiers on this, skip it.

 0x000204d64c94 in objc_exception_throw () at encoding2.c:85

Well, that's wrong.  Looks like the debug info is mangled.  What did you 
compile libobjc2 with, and did you do a debug build?

 85  static void parse_struct_or_union(const char **type, type_parser 
 callback, void *context, char endchar)

This is the generic visitor function that walks a structure or union type.  It 
can only be invoked via parse_struct() or parse_union(), and these are only 
invoked as a result of encountering { or ( in the input stream, so it shouldn't 
be there...  

 (gdb) s
 0x000204d64c98  85  static void parse_struct_or_union(const char 
 **type, type_parser callback, void *context, char endchar)
 (gdb) s
 objc_skip_type_qualifiers (type=0x200c10 [3[4i]]) at encoding2.c:20
 20  while('\0' != *type  strchr(type_qualifiers, *type))

Ah, now we're back somewhere sensible...

 strchr (p=0x204e74c68 rnNoORV, ch=91) at /usr/src/lib/libc/string/index.c:41
 41  /usr/src/lib/libc/string/index.c: No such file or directory.
in /usr/src/lib/libc/string/index.c
 objc_skip_type_qualifiers (type=0x200c10 [3[4i]]) at encoding2.c:20
 20  while('\0' != *type  strchr(type_qualifiers, *type))
 25  }

Okay, we've passed the (nonexistent) type qualifiers, now we're really parsing 

 sizeof_type (type=0x200c10 [3[4i]], size=0xfffdebd8) at 
 153 switch (*type)
 196 int element_count = parse_array(t, 
 (type_parser)sizeof_type, element_size);

First character is [, therefore this is an array type.  Parse it as an a array 

 (gdb) print type
 $4 = 0x200c10 [3[4i]]

None of the input stream has been consumed yet.

 (gdb) s
 193 const char *t = type;
 196 int element_count = parse_array(t, 
 (type_parser)sizeof_type, element_size);
 194 int element_size = 0;

This will be set by the recursive call.

 (gdb) s
 196 int element_count = parse_array(t, 
 (type_parser)sizeof_type, element_size);
 parse_array (type=0xfffdeb08, callback=0x204d652a0 sizeof_type, 
 context=0xfffdeb00) at encoding2.c:77
 77  (*type)++;
 (gdb) print type
 $5 = (const char **) 0xfffdeb08
 (gdb) print *type
 $6 = 0x200c10 [3[4i]]

In the array type.  The line after this, type will be 4[4i]].  It's helpful 
if you print values after they've been modified...

 (gdb) s
 78  int element_count = (int)strtol(*type, (char**)type, 10);

Array encodings start with the number of elements, parse it.

What was the result?

 (gdb) print *type
 $7 = 0x200c10 [3[4i]]

Well, that's wrong.  Might be incorrect debug info, or optimisation not 
actually committing the change until the end of the function.  Maybe add a 
printf() here?

 (gdb) s
 75  {
 (gdb) print element_count
 No symbol element_count in current context.

Not so helpful - are you sure you did a debug build?

 (gdb) s
 77  (*type)++;
 78  int element_count = (int)strtol(*type, (char**)type, 10);

Optimisation stuff - reordered all of these expressions.

 (gdb) print type
 $8 = (const char **) 0xfffdeb08
 (gdb) print *type
 $9 = 0x200c10 [3[4i]]
 (gdb) s
 strtol (nptr=0x200c11 3[4i]], endptr=0xfffdeb08, base=10) at 
 133 return (c == -1 ? 0 : ((_ctype_ + 1)[(unsigned char)c]  _S));

Here we go.  *type is the correct value here.  strtol should return 3 (did it?) 
and set *type to [4i]] (did it?)

 parse_array (type=0xfffdeb08, callback=0x204d652a0 sizeof_type, 
 context=0xfffdeb00) at encoding2.c:79
 79  *type = callback(*type, context);

Now we're calling sizeof_type() again, on the array element type.

Did you skip over that?  That should be parsing the element type [4i] as an 
array of 4 integers and returning the size.  

Unfortunately, you seem to have stepped over the bit that actually calculated 
the array element size, so I can't tell if it's doing anything sensible.


-- Sent from my Apple II


NSMutableDictionary Vs std::tr1::unordered_map

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure if this is interesting to anyone else, but I thought I'd share it 

One of the interesting things about ARC is that it makes it trivial to use C++ 
collections with Objective-C objects: the compiler will insert the relevant 
read / write barriers on every assignment, including ones in templates.  This 
means that you can do things like std::mapint, __weak id and get a map from 
integers to zeroing weak references to objects.  

With this in mind, I thought I'd see how GNUstep's NSMutableDictionary 
implementation held up against the C++ TR1 / C++0x unordered_map, as 
implemented in GNU libstdc++.  I generated a large array of NSNumber instances 
containing pseudorandom values, then populated each of the collections with 
them (same key and value) and then searched for each one.

The three collections I tested were:

- The stock NSMutableDictionary, as returned by +new
- A new NSMutableDictionary subclass (CXXMap), which is a thin wrapper around 
- Using unordered_map directly.

I tested on a couple of machines.  Unfortunately, modern CPUs are rubbish for 
benchmarking, because there is no longer a strong correlation between CPU 
seconds and work done.  My rough tests showed:

- Inserting into CXXMap was roughly 20-30% faster than inserting into 
- Searching CXXMap was about 10% faster than searching NSMutableDictionary
- The performance difference between CXXMap and using unordered_map directly 
was negligible.

I've attached my CXXMap code at the end of this email.  Feel free to use it in 
your own workloads and see if you see anything different.


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

namespace {
struct eqid
bool operator()(const id s1, const id s2) const
return (s1 == s2) || [s1 isEqual: s2];

struct hashid
size_t operator()(const id s1) const
return (size_t)[s1 hash];

@interface CXXMap : NSMutableDictionary
std::tr1::unordered_mapid, id, hashid, eqid map;
@implementation CXXMap
- (void)setObject: (id)obj forKey: (id)key
key = [key copy];
map[key] = obj;
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)aKey
- (NSUInteger)count
return (NSUInteger)map.size();
- (id)objectForKey: (id)key
return map[key];

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
The stuff around skip type qualifiers is irrelevant - there aren't any, this 
function is a no-op in this case, ignore it.

On 6 Jul 2011, at 18:38, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 I added some more fprintf's to the functions that are involved, hope the 
 output also helps:
 $ ./a.out  
 parse_array: element_count: 3, type: [4i]]
 parse_array: element_count: 4, type: i]]

Well, this shows that it is finding the correct number of elements for each 
array.  So, there are two places where it could be going wrong:

- Calculating the size of int (line 161)
- Combining the size of the elements with the count (line 197)

Please see my earlier mail where I explained the code flow.


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: problem with gnustep on OpenBSD sparc64

2011-07-06 Thread David Chisnall
On 6 Jul 2011, at 19:35, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On Wednesday, July 6, 2011 19:47 CEST, David Chisnall 
 The stuff around skip type qualifiers is irrelevant - there aren't any, this 
 function is a no-op in this case, ignore it.
 On 6 Jul 2011, at 18:38, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 I added some more fprintf's to the functions that are involved, hope the 
 output also helps:
 $ ./a.out  
 parse_array: element_count: 3, type: [4i]]
 parse_array: element_count: 4, type: i]]
 Well, this shows that it is finding the correct number of elements for each 
 array.  So, there are two places where it could be going wrong:
 - Calculating the size of int (line 161)
 I added two fprintfs before and after that line
 - Combining the size of the elements with the count (line 197)
 and another fprintf before that line, after the parse_array:
 and another 2 fprintf in parse_array, before and after calling the callback.
 $ ./a.out  
 parse_array: type: [4i]]
 parse_array: type: i]]
 ^^^ those lines are in parse_array before the callback

That's good.  The elements of the outer array are of type [4i], the elements of 
the inner array are of type i.

 sizeof_type: sizeof(typeName): 4
 sizeof_type: size: 32
 ^^^ those lines are around line 161

int is 32 bits, that looks sensible.  The size of the inner array is 32 bits 
(note: we work with bits internally because this code needs to handle 
bitfields, which are ugly and evil).

 parse_array: type: ]]
 ^^^ fprintf after calling callback

Okay, now it's coming back up.  

 element_size: 0, element_count: 4
 ^^^ this line is before line 197

Hmm, why is element_size 0 here?  It was 32 just now - somehow it got reset to 
0.  This looks like the bug. element_size should have been set to 32 on line 
161.  Can you check that the address of element_size passed in here is the same 
as the address of size on line 161?

 parse_array: type: ]
 ^^^ fprintf after calling callback
 element_size: 0, element_count: 3
 ^^^ this line is before line 197
 as far as I can see in line 194:
int element_size = 0;
// FIXME: aligned size
int element_count = parse_array(t, 
 (type_parser)sizeof_type, element_size);

That FIXME should go in the bin, it was fixed ages ago, so ignore that.

 element_size goes into parse_array with a value of 0, and it also gives 
 itself as the callback function, then in parse_array I see:
 static int parse_array(const char **type, type_parser callback, void *context)
// skip [
int element_count = (int)strtol(*type, (char**)type, 10);
*type = callback(*type, context);
// skip ]
return element_count;

This is a generic visitor function for walking arrays.  There are similar ones 
for walking structures and unions.  All of the objc_{something}of_type() 
functions are implemented in terms of a simple case function that handles the 
primitive types and calls these to recursively visit complex types.

 I don't get it what the code is doing in the #define APPLY_TYPE, where the 
 switch statement checks for the case: i 
 That #define is kind of puzzling me. It seems to detect the size of the i 
 correctly, sizeof(typeName): 4, but it somewhere gets lost in the 

Yup, that's just applying the macro defining the case for every one of the 
valid primitive type encodings.  The APPLY_TYPE() macro is instantiated once 
for each primitive type encoding by type_encoding_cases.h.  For the int case, 
it matches the case 'i', rounds up size to the alignment required bit int, and 
then adds the size of integer (the first bit is only relevant when visiting 
structures - we need to make sure that we the field in the right place).

 And I'm kind of lost too

Well, it seems to be getting lost returning the size up the stack...


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Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: new attempt GNUstep on cygwin

2011-07-04 Thread David Chisnall
On 4 Jul 2011, at 10:14, Fred Kiefer wrote:

 you need to run configure --enable-server=win32 if you want the native 
 display and why wouldn't you want that?

When I ran Cygwin, I wanted everything using it to use X11 (XFree86, which 
shows how long ago it was), so that I could access it remotely or locally.  X 
on Windows had a nice rootless mode (actually, two - one where you ran a WM and 
one where windows were decorated by Windows), so when I didn't want a full 
Cygwin environment, I could just run a few apps, but when I did I could just 
make the X server full screen and ignore Windows completely.

I'm not sure if it's still true, but back then it was fairly common for apps to 
use a native Win32 UI with MinGW and X11 with Cygwin.


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: build failure on FreeBSD

2011-06-30 Thread David Chisnall
You probably need to rerun configure.  I added some qualifiers in various 
places to allow code using ARC to use the GNUstep headers.  In preface.h, there 
is some code that checks if you are using ARC and #defines these qualifiers 
away if you are not, but preface.h seems not to be automatically regenerated by 
make when changes.


On 30 Jun 2011, at 08:00, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

 on FreeBSD with gcc, no GC, standard runtime, I get:
 Making all for tool make_strings...
 Compiling file make_strings.m ...
 In file included from ../../Source/./common.h:34,
 from make_strings.m:23:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:78: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:312: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' 
 or '__attribute__' before 'void'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:319: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' 
 or '__attribute__' before 'void'
 In file included from make_strings.m:25:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h:56: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h:95: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 In file included from ../../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:30,
 from make_strings.m:26:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSEnumerator.h:40: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 gmake[5]: *** [obj/make_strings.obj/make_strings.m.o] Error 1
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Re: build failure on FreeBSD

2011-06-30 Thread David Chisnall
Ah, actually the problem is related to make_strings specifically.  It still 
looks for Additions/GNUstepBase/preface.h in preference to Additions/preface.h. 
 Unfortunately, when someone (Richard?) deleted Additions, the old preface.h 
file won't have been removed because it was not owned by svn, so it will find 
that one instead of the new one...


On 30 Jun 2011, at 09:12, David Chisnall wrote:

 You probably need to rerun configure.  I added some qualifiers in various 
 places to allow code using ARC to use the GNUstep headers.  In preface.h, 
 there is some code that checks if you are using ARC and #defines these 
 qualifiers away if you are not, but preface.h seems not to be automatically 
 regenerated by make when changes.
 On 30 Jun 2011, at 08:00, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
 on FreeBSD with gcc, no GC, standard runtime, I get:
 Making all for tool make_strings...
 Compiling file make_strings.m ...
 In file included from ../../Source/./common.h:34,
from make_strings.m:23:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:78: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:312: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' 
 or '__attribute__' before 'void'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSZone.h:319: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' 
 or '__attribute__' before 'void'
 In file included from make_strings.m:25:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h:56: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h:95: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 In file included from ../../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:30,
from make_strings.m:26:
 ../../Headers/Foundation/NSEnumerator.h:40: error: expected 
 specifier-qualifier-list before '__unsafe_unretained'
 gmake[5]: *** [obj/make_strings.obj/make_strings.m.o] Error 1
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NSProxy retain / release

2011-06-30 Thread David Chisnall

I was looking at NSProxy's code, and it seems to store its retain count in an 
ivar, rather than using the standard one.  Is there a reason for this?  It 
means that:

- NSProxy uses one word more than it needs to, two more than it needs to in GC 
- -retain and -release on NSProxy subclasses are not thread-safe (they don't 
use atomic ops)
- -retainCount and NSExtraRefCount give different results (contrary to the 
Cocoa behaviour)


$ cat proxy.m
#import Foundation/Foundation.h

int main(void)
[NSAutoreleasePool new];
id p = [NSProxy alloc];
NSLog(@%d (%d), (int)[p retainCount], (int)NSExtraRefCount(p));
[p retain];
NSLog(@%d (%d), (int)[p retainCount], (int)NSExtraRefCount(p));
NSLog(@%d (%d), (int)[p retainCount], (int)NSExtraRefCount(p));
return 0;

# On Cocoa:
$ clang proxy.m -framework Foundation ./a.out 
2011-06-30 14:52:45.314 a.out[63606:903] 0x10010ce90
2011-06-30 14:52:45.318 a.out[63606:903] 1 (0)
2011-06-30 14:52:45.318 a.out[63606:903] 2 (1)
2011-06-30 14:52:45.319 a.out[63606:903] 3 (2)

# On GNUstep:
$ clang `gnustep-config --objc-flags` `gnustep-config --base-libs` proxy.m  
2011-06-30 13:53:55.789 a.out[61681] 0x29ec7c28
2011-06-30 13:53:55.792 a.out[61681] 1 (0)
2011-06-30 13:53:55.795 a.out[61681] 2 (0)
2011-06-30 13:53:55.795 a.out[61681] 2 (1)

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Please test libobjc2

2011-06-29 Thread David Chisnall
Hello everyone,

I'd like to do a release of the GNUstep Objective-C runtime soon, so please can 
everyone test the current trunk.  This adds, among other things, support for 
Apple-compatible garbage collection and the core support for automatic 
reference counting.

The ARC support is compatible with OS X 10.6.  OS X 10.7 and iOS 5 add support 
for zeroing weak references in ARC mode, which I will add soon, but possibly 
after the next release, as they require some support from Foundation to work 

You will need Boehm GC 7 (I think, maybe 7.1) or greater to enable GC mode.  If 
you do not have this, then you must build with:

[g]make boehm_gc=no

I've tested GC mode building everything with -fobjc-gc-only.  The GC-optional 
mode for frameworks should work if -base is built with -fobjc-gc or 
-fobjc-gc-only and the frameworks are built with -fobjc-gc.

You can't build GNUstep with -fobjc-arc and some parts of Foundation can not be 
implemented in ARC mode.  For other code, you can try ARC by simply omitting 
-retain, -release, and -autorelease calls.  

Clang includes a migration tool that allows you to switch your code over to 
using automatic reference counting.  You can first add -ccc-arrmt-check to your 
OBJCFLAGS to see if there are any migration issues in your code that need to be 
manually fixed.  Then, after fixing them if you add -ccc-arrmt-modify, clang 
will rewrite your code to use automatic reference counting.  Automatic 
reference counting is now the default development style in XCode.  It's 
important to test this with GNUstep, as code coming from OS X is increasingly 
going to be using this mode.


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Automatic Reference Counting

2011-06-29 Thread David Chisnall
Hi Everyone,

This year I got a birthday present from Apple's compiler team: the open source 
release of the compiler part of their automatic reference counting (ARC) 
implementation.  I've just finished adding the relevant support code to the 
GNUstep runtime and to GNUstep Base.

If you're on the OS X or iOS developer programme (I'm not), then you've 
probably already played with ARC.  If you're not, then here's a quick overview:

Object pointers are now either __strong (the default), __weak, or 
__unsafe_unretained.  A __strong pointer contains an owning reference, meaning 
that it accounts for one retain on the object.  A __weak reference does not 
contain an owning reference and will be automatically zero'd when the object 
begins deallocation.  An __unsafe_unretained pointer is not tracked by ARC at 

ARC does some quite nice things for you.  For every assignment, the compiler 
will automatically insert calls to runtime functions that do the retain / 
release juggling for you.  It will also implicitly add code to your objects 
freeing all instance variables.  Because of this, some things are not allowed 
in ARC mode:

- Implementing -retain, -release, or -autorelease
- Calling -retain, -release, or -autorelease
- Storing object pointers that are not __unsafe_unretained qualified in 

ARC code can be mixed with non-ARC code without any problems.  This means that 
you can compile GNUstep with manual reference counting, link against frameworks 
that use manual reference counting, 
and still use ARC in your own code.

Note that, unlike GC mode, __weak pointers are allowed on the stack in ARC 
mode.  You can, for example, do this:

Foo *f = [Foo new];
__weak id weak = f;
f = nil;
fprintf(stderr, Weak: %p\n, weak);

This will always print Weak: 0 when you run it.  ARC, like manual reference 
counting, is deterministic.  This code compiles to the equivalent of:

Foo *f = [Foo new];  // No retain, because +new returns an owning 
id weak;
objc_initWeak(weak, f); // Register weak as a weak pointer, stores f 
in it
objc_release(f);  // Release f
f = nil;

Apple has also open sourced the optimiser component, which will remove 
redundant retain/release pairs and attempt to combine various calls into single 
aggregate ones.  

ARC is now the default mode for OS X and iOS development, so expect to see a 
lot of code that uses it...


P.S. Apple's implementation of ARC is not available to the general public until 
10.7 is released next month, so this means that GNUstep is shipping the first 
publicly available (if not officially released) implementation of ARC.

-- Sent from my Difference Engine

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Re: UIKit

2011-06-29 Thread David Chisnall
On 28 Jun 2011, at 05:30, Amr Aboelela wrote:

 So later you guys are going to use Chameleon framework as a start to build 
 your own UIKit framework?

There may be some code in Chameleon that is useful, but I'm not certain, and 
the FSF's copyright assignment requirement would be problematic if we did 
incorporate any.

 what about QuantumStep is it related to building the UIKit also?

As far as I know, QuantumStep doesn't have a UIKit implementation.  It uses 
AppKit on mobile devices.

 what do u mean by the missing part of CoreAnimation, is CoreAnimation only in 
 UIKit and not AppKit?
 and isn't it implemented in the Chameleon implementation?

CoreAnimation is used by both AppKit on OS X and UIKit on iOS, however AppKit 
predates CoreAnimation by about 15 years so can be used quite happily without 
it.  UIKit, in contrast, was designed with CoreAnimation in mind and makes 
(very) heavy use of layers and transitions.  CoreAnimation is nice to have with 
AppKit, but is pretty much essential with UIKit.


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep

2011-06-29 Thread David Chisnall

Please read emails before replying half a dozen times.  I said:

 There may be some code in Chameleon that is useful, but I'm not certain, and 
 the FSF's copyright assignment requirement would be problematic if we did 
 incorporate any.

You somehow interpreted this as 'GNUstep is GPL'd and therefore can't 
incorporate Chameleon code'.  GNUstep is not GPL'd, and even if it were there 
is no problem incorporating permissively licensed code in a restrictively 
licensed project - that's the point of permissive licenses.  

The problem is that GNUstep is part of the GNU project, and requires copyright 

That said, there's really no point in incorporating Chameleon into GNUstep.  If 
it provides a working implementation of UIKit on top of our AppKit 
implementation, then you are free to use both projects without the need for 
either to subsume the other.


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: UIKit

2011-06-28 Thread David Chisnall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
 At the FOSDEM this year we decided to start a GNUsep sub project to
 implement UIKit. And just a few weeks later we learned about UIKit:
 This made us stop our own efforts in this direction. I think nobody ever
 tried to use this code on top of GNUstep gui and you will need the missing
 bit CoreAnimation for this. But implementing that should be easier than an
 full UIKit implementation.

Did it?  I'm still interested in a proper UIKit implementation - Cameleon is 
not really equivalent, and is less interesting - I just haven't had time to 
work on it.  

I think lack of people with both time and inclination to work on UIKit is more 
to blame than the existence of Cameleon.


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Re: Category for NSString not included?

2011-06-27 Thread David Chisnall
On 26 Jun 2011, at 18:38, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

 I have a category for NSString which defines a method isEmpty.  However, I 
 am getting the following error:
 GSCSubString (instance) does not recognize isEmpty.  Is this because this 
 class is not inheriting from NSString, or something else?

Which Objective-C runtime are you using?  There was a bug with older versions 
of the GNUstep runtime which occasionally caused categories that were loaded 
before the classes to get lost.

GSCSubString is a(n indirect) subclass of NSString, so a category on NSString 
should be working.  If it isn't, then it's a bug in either your compiler or the 
runtime.  Can you send this message to other string objects?  What happens if 
you do this:

[class_createInstance(objc_getClass(NSString)) isEmpty];


-- Sent from my Apple II

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Category for NSString not included?

2011-06-27 Thread David Chisnall
On 27 Jun 2011, at 16:06, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

 It's the standard gcc 4.1 on CentOS, so it is probably an older runtime.  
 When I built the latest GNUstep, it turned off exceptions, so that is 
 probably the case.  Thanks!

If you're using the GCC runtime, then you shouldn't be seeing this behaviour - 
I'm not aware of any shipped versions that included this bug.  If you're using 
a packaged version, you probably don't have debugging symbols switched on in 
the runtime, which makes this a little bit difficult to track down.  You can 
try inspecting the NSString class in gdb and seeing if your isEmpty method 
appears in its method list.  If it doesn't, then the category has not been 
loaded.  If it does, then the dtable has not been correctly constructed...


-- Sent from my IBM 1620

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Implementation of CommonCrypto?

2011-06-26 Thread David Chisnall
On 26 Jun 2011, at 05:32, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

 Has anyone worked on getting an implementaiton of CommonCrypto for GNUstep?  

As far as I am aware, there is no need.  Apple released CommonCrpyto under a 
BSD license[1].  Someone (Niels, I think) checked with them to confirm that the 
EULA-style license for part of it was put there in error a while ago, and it's 
all available under a BSD license.  

It is not, as far as I know, packaged by any open source operating systems, so 
you might want to poke your favourite distribution to produce packages.



-- Sent from my Apple II

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Re: Objective-C code running on Android

2011-06-25 Thread David Chisnall
On 25 Jun 2011, at 00:45, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 Regarding getting GUI to work, that would be something amazing. It would 
 perhaps be even more interesting to get Java-ObjC bridge to work -- that 
 would allow getting native GUI to work. AppKit user interfaces are pretty 
 much designed for use on desktops, and one would need to redesign the GUI 
 anyway to run it on mobile. (Using an NSPanel, for example, would be quite a 
 strange experience on a mobile device.)
 It looks like there will be more work involved in getting clang to work. I 
 just tried using Apple's clang to compile code for Android. Instead of using 
 the custom compiler,  I've tried to use clang with specified -arch armv6 and 
 with added appropriate include paths.
 OBJC=clang -I `dirname 
  -print-libgcc-file-name\``/include -I `dirname 
 -print-libgcc-file-name\``/include -arch armv6

It's slightly more complicated.  You also have to tell clang which as and ld to 
use.  I think you should be able to do this with -triple rather than -arch 
(which will still be trying to produce Darwin Mach-O binaries, just for ARM).  
It also needs to know to produce Linux / ELF binaries.

 It is already quite promising; I did not really connect the dots enough to 
 expect to find an ARM backend.
 However, headers from the same GCC version conflict among themselves:
 In file included from test.m:1:
 In file included from 
 In file included from 
 In file included from 
 In file included from 
  typedef redefinition with different types ('long' vs 'int')
 typedef long   ptrdiff_t;
 In file included from test.m:1:
 In file included from 
 In file included from 
  previous definition is here
 typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
 It's the same if I specify only the custom compiler (the 4.2.1), and if I 
 specify the Android compiler (4.4.3).
 Apparently GCC tolerates int being used as equal to long, while clang does 
 not. I would fix this in headers, but I suspect there might be more such 
 Any tips on getting clang to be more tolerant?

I don't think so.  You can try -std=gnu99, but this redefinition of the typedef 
is not allowed in standard C (int and long are distinct types, even if they 
have the same type), so if gcc accepts it then it's a GCC bug.


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Objective-C code running on Android

2011-06-24 Thread David Chisnall
On 24 Jun 2011, at 21:58, Ivan Vučica wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 22:55, Pirmin Braun wrote:
 Am Fri, 24 Jun 2011 22:03:31 +0200
 schrieb Ivan Vučica :
  Is there any interest in getting at least GNUstep's Foundation to run on
 I am almost certain that I will NOT be able to successfully do this, which is 
 why I have posted on this list. :-)

I'm interested.  The clang that Apple ships can target ARM and the GNU 
runtimes, so you should be able to target android without a custom compiler, 
although you will need a copy of Android binutils for linking, along with the 
Android headers.

With the latest NDK, there is even the possibility of running -gui.  There's a 
Skia back end for Cairo, so it should be possible to port the drawing part with 
minimal effort, although the event handling and window management code will 
need writing.


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Re: Please test pending bugfix release of base

2011-06-18 Thread David Chisnall
On 18 Jun 2011, at 14:07, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

 The solution here might be to cast the argument to match the format string 
 rather than trying to make the format string fit the argument.  The only 
 problem with that is a possible loss of precision when casing a 64bit value 
 to int/unsigned.  I'm not really certain what the *ideal* solution is.

C comes with a convenient set of macros to solve this kind of problem, in 
inttypes.h.  The macro PRIdPTR will expand to either d or lld, depending on 
whether intptr_t is int or long long (or to something else, if applicable).  
Since NS[U]Integer is the same as [u]intptr_t, then it seems to make sense to 
use these macros.  Format strings can be written as:

NSLog(@some integer: % PRIdPTR, someNSInteger);

Note: This does not work with strings being localised.  In that case, casting 
to long and using %ld or %lu is probably better (this is what Apple recommends).


-- Sent from my PDP-11
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Please test pending bugfix release of base

2011-06-18 Thread David Chisnall
On 18 Jun 2011, at 08:41, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

 I've toyed with the idea of providing a standard mechanism to register 
 objects in some way rather than storing them in static variables, so we could 
 (when in debug mode) release all such registered objects from an atexit 
 handler.   Of course, going through all the codebase and changing all the 
 deliberately 'leaked' data to be registered that way would be a large 
 undertaking for no operational gain ... but the advantage for tracking leaks 
 is big enough that I'd be prepared to devote some time to it.

Valgrind will not report things stored in static variables as leaked (they will 
be in the still reachable at exit total), so anything that valgrind is 
reporting is really being lost.  


-- Sent from my PDP-11
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-15 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Jun 2011, at 23:19, Nat! wrote:

 Am 14.06.2011 um 23:47 schrieb David Chisnall:
 On 14 Jun 2011, at 22:38, Nat! wrote:
 Hmm interesting, though I don't see offhand, why dividing  what 
 objc_msgSend does  into separate steps makes it inherently more portable. I 
 will have to look into my code, to see if its feasible to roll my own 
 objc_msgSend, (because I use it a lot as I found out :) ).
 objc_msgSend() is a trampoline function.  It must pass all of its arguments 
 to the called IMP.  This is not possible in C.  Apple implements a version 
 of it in assembly for every calling convention, for every architecture, and 
 for every platform that they support (currently, this comes to about a dozen 
 implementations, and they support a very narrow range of platforms compared 
 to GNUstep).
 Ah I see. I hope, that if I reduce the scope to a small fixed number of id 
 parameters, I can get by. 

It's really better to just call class_getMethodImplementation() and call the 
returning IMP.  This code will work everywhere, and the performance difference 
between using it and using objc_msgSend() is tiny.

Note that you are supposed to cast objc_msgSend() to the correct type before 
use anyway (95% of the time, this doesn't matter, 5% it will corrupt your 
stack), and you need to make sure that you call the _sret, _fpret suffix 
versions (not all of which exist on all Darwin targets) to call it correctly.  
objc_msgSend() is designed for compilers to use, not for you to use.  The logic 
required to select the correct one is nontrivial, to say the least.

 Ah and one more question, regarding forwarding is __objc_msg_forward 
 (instead of __objc_msg_forward2) ever really used or can I ignore it, when 
 I run atop a current runtime ?
 The forwarding hooks that are used depend on the runtime. See 
 GSFFIInvocation.m for how they are all used.  
 Is there some exported #define (like OBJC_API_VERSION) that could be checked, 
 which runtime I am compiling against ? 

Not really.  GCC 4.6 and later define something.  The GNUstep Runtime defines 
__GNUSTEP_RUNTIME__ in objc/runtime.h and then provides a set of capability 
flags in objc/caps.h to let you check at compile time and run time which 
capabilities the runtime that you are using supports.

 You should never need to care about any of them in your own code.
 Hmm, maybe it is different on GNUstep. On OSX I know that I care :)

On OS X, these forwarding hooks are not even part of the semi-public API.  You 
can only find them by digging around in the libobjc source.  They also have a 
habit of changing without notice and without backwards compatibility.  If you 
are using them on OS X, then you are definitely doing something wrong.  The 
only reasons that they are part of the 'public' API with GNU libobjc 
implementations is that they are part of the libobjc-Foundation interface, 
and we don't have the luxury of tying libobjc to Foundation quite as closely as 
Apple does.

With the GNUstep runtime, all hooks like this are declared and documented in 
objc/hooks.h.  If you're including this file outside of a compiler or a 
Foundation implementation, then you are almost certainly doing something very, 
very wrong.


-- Sent from my Difference Engine

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-15 Thread David Chisnall
On 15 Jun 2011, at 10:16, Nat! wrote:

 It's more of an experiment porting my stuff to GNUstep, so your advice 
 nonwithstanding I think my plan, will work, because I believe I only use it 
 objc_msgSend for simple calls (max. one or two id parameters and return 
 value). Otherwise I would have to change a lot of source.

I used to have a macro that did this in runtime.h, but I removed it because 
it's very easy to use it wrongly.  If you're sure that you're only using id 
parameters, then you can use something like this:

#define objc_msgSend(obj, sel, ...) 
class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(obj), sel)(obj, sel, ## 

 Hmm, this could indicate that I _do_ have the wrong set of headers. In 
 /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.5/include/objc I neither see caps.h nor 
 But it's not a big problem, for my experiments I can live without them.

That means that you're using the GCC runtime (the gcc in the path is a hint).  
Since it's the 4.5 runtime, you will be using the runtime API implementation 
from the ObjectiveC2 framework in GNUstep-base.


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Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-14 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Jun 2011, at 08:46, Matt Rice wrote:

 what version of gdb?

I mainly use the last GPLv2 release, but I tried installing the latest 7.x, and 
aside from the fact that it's much easier to crash the debugger I've not 
noticed any difference.  The bugs I'd got used to working around are all there.


-- Sent from my Apple II

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Problem with exception handling: WAS: no thread-safe +initialize in old gnustep runtime?

2011-06-14 Thread David Chisnall
Which compiler / flags are you using?  The ability to generate a backtrace is 
HIGHLY dependent on the compiler.  For example, -fomit-frame-pointer (default 
at some optimisation levels) will break it.  There are also some linker flags 
required for undwind-based backtraces to work.


On 14 Jun 2011, at 09:31, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 On Monday, June 13, 2011 16:41 CEST, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote: 
 On Monday, June 13, 2011 14:30 CEST, David Chisnall 
 On 13 Jun 2011, at 13:19, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
 I just reread the Linux signal manual, and saw, its not retruning the 
 address of the actual handler, but of the old handler, so  I exchanged the 
 calls later in that function from i.e. signal(SIGSEGV, env-segv) to 
 but without difference in the behaviour observed.
 This will break any code that had already set a signal handler (for 
 example, anything using GC, since libgc implements dirty bits for its 
 generational garbage collection by marking pages as no-access and then 
 catching the SIGSEGV).  A better solution would be to stop using the C 
 signal() function and use the POSIX sigaction() function.  Since this has 
 been in the standard since 1990, I'd imagine that it's pretty well 
 supported, although someone should check MinGW.  
 Even with that change, this code isn't even remotely thread safe, so it 
 would be better to replace it with something less fragile.  Is there no 
 port of libexecinfo to OpenBSD?  If there is, then it would be a good idea 
 to add that as a dependency for the FreeBSD port and use the backtrace() 
 Thanks for pointing me to libexecinfo, I wasn't aware of it. There exists a 
 port for it for OpenBSD, and I got gnustep-base configure to find and link 
 against it. (I had to use LDFLAGS=-lexecinfo) in the configure and make 
 Unfortunately, Sudoku now crashes in libexecinfo ;)
 I really ugly hacked libexecinfo, to not to crash, and then Sudoku was able 
 to successfully generate the sudoku.
 Libexecinfo, when the crasher there is investigated and fixed, could be a 
 way to go, but still doesn't explain the hanger, when its not used.
 After bothering ports@openbsd with the crasher I've seen in libexecinfo, I 
 was told, that this library seems to be kind of broken in general. I was also 
 pointed to libbacktrace:
 Which I installed, and linked gnustep-base against it. It actually fails the 
 same way like libexecinfo fails. Looking at the code, it is more or less 
 doing the same like libexecinfo. 
 I also tried to run Sudoku without HAVE_BACKTRACE on Linux. After ./configure 
 I edited the config.h and change the #define HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 into a #undef 
 HAVE_BACKTRACE. Now gnustep-base was using the gnustep internal backtrace 
 generation, which just worked as expected.
 If I don't find a solution to the problem, I think, I kind of have to assume 
 that the backtrace generation is not working on OpenBSD, and will just 
 disable the generation of the backtrace, with the little patch I had. 
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Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-14 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Jun 2011, at 09:35, Nat! wrote:

 Yes, sure works better this way. This leads to the next question, how do I 
 set a breakpoint on
 raise ?
 gdb /usr/bin/Gorm
 break -[NSException raise]
 ... future...  y

I think break [NSException raise] (no -) should work.  Alternatively, putting a 
breakpoint on objc_exception_throw will work.


-- Sent from my Difference Engine

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-14 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Jun 2011, at 21:43, Nat! wrote:

 Am 10.06.2011 um 03:08 schrieb Richard Stonehouse:
 GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4
 Ok, two more questions popped up:
 I am trying to build UnitKit. I can build the framework. When I say make 
 install, this framework then gets installed (by GNUstep make) into 
 But, the compiler doesn't find the headers when compiling the tool. So
 #import UnitKit/UKRunner.h fails
 Even if I give it -F/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Frameworks, it makes no 
 If I create a symlink in /usr/local/include 
 ln -s /usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Frameworks/UnitKit.framework/Headers UnitKit
 it works.

Odd.  UnitKit in the Étoilé repository installs correctly.  That symlink should 
be created by [g]make install...

 Secondly, where is objc_msgSend (or objc_msg_send as it's probably called in 
 GNUstep) ? There is a reference in the headers, but it's nowhere declared, 
 which I find a bit peculiar/troubling.

objc_msgSend() is an implementation detail of the NeXT and Apple runtimes.  It 
is not possible to implement in a portable fashion, so the GCC and GNUstep 
runtimes use a different approach.  For portable code, use 
class_getMethodImplementation() and then call the returned function.


-- Sent from my brain
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: GNUstep 2.6.0 for openSUSE 11.4

2011-06-14 Thread David Chisnall
On 14 Jun 2011, at 22:38, Nat! wrote:

 Hmm interesting, though I don't see offhand, why dividing  what objc_msgSend 
 does  into separate steps makes it inherently more portable. I will have to 
 look into my code, to see if its feasible to roll my own objc_msgSend, 
 (because I use it a lot as I found out :) ).

objc_msgSend() is a trampoline function.  It must pass all of its arguments to 
the called IMP.  This is not possible in C.  Apple implements a version of it 
in assembly for every calling convention, for every architecture, and for every 
platform that they support (currently, this comes to about a dozen 
implementations, and they support a very narrow range of platforms compared to 

 Ah and one more question, regarding forwarding is __objc_msg_forward (instead 
 of __objc_msg_forward2) ever really used or can I ignore it, when I run atop 
 a current runtime ?

The forwarding hooks that are used depend on the runtime.  See 
GSFFIInvocation.m for how they are all used.  You should never need to care 
about any of them in your own code.


-- Send from my Jacquard Loom

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: One Step to GNUstep - pre-release version 0.9

2011-06-13 Thread David Chisnall

On 13 Jun 2011, at 00:54, Nicola Pero wrote:

 Then there is the point that, if all that matters is the technical feature 
 parity with Apple, then buy an Apple; why bother with GNUstep.

If that's your view, then why bother with GNUstep at all?  Why not work on an 
Objective-C framework that doesn't aim for Cocoa compatibility.

 and for many people in the project using a GNU/FSF compiler is important, 
 more important than having some small additional feature.

I'd hardly call full support for the language that GNUstep uses a 'small 
feature', nor would I put the ability to reuse the front end for IDE 
integration or the static analyser in the same category.  We've fixed well over 
a hundred GNUstep bugs so far that have been found by the static analyser 

 If you consider the track record of Apple dealing with
 open source projects, you'll clearly see the dangers.  Apple likes their 
 version of open source, where you can see the code,
 send bug fixes and contribute improvements (so that they save money on 
 development costs) but to actually use the result
 you'll have to buy an Apple product;

Let's see, Apple's open source record...

Well, they took the FreeBSD useland, libc, and chunks of the kernel and... 
released improvements upstream.  The bastards!

They published Launchd under an open source license (APSL) and, when the 
FreeBSD Foundation said that this license was too restrictive, Apple's evil 
response was... to relicense it under the Apache 2.0 License.  Freedom haters!

Then they forked KHTML and, when the KHTML team started complaining about their 
patch dumps being difficult to support... they started developing WebKit in an 
open subversion repository and soliciting outside contributions and ports to 
other platforms.  Deliciously evil!

Or are you talking about Apple-originated projects, like CalDAV server and 
libdispatch, which Apple callously and ruthlessly exploited the open source 
community by giving us large amounts of production-quality code under various 
open source licenses?  

In your release notes for GCC 4.6, I saw that you thanked some Apple developers 
for their assistance in porting features from their branch.  Did you mention 
that you viewed them as instruments of 'rapacity and amorality' at the time?

 the Apple Objective-C runtime is a great example.  

Do you mean the one that they inherited from NeXT under a proprietary license 
and released under APSL 2 (a FSF-approved license), or the one that they wrote 
from scratch and released under APSL 2?  If you want to use it on another 
platform then you are free to do so, but the design's pretty horrible so I 
don't think anyone does want to...

 With clang they're pushing even further,
 since clang on Linux is basically now the freeware trialware version of Apple 

This doesn't even make sense.  Clang has almost exactly the same feature set on 
OS X and on Linux (__thread only works on Linux, but aside from that they're 

XCode adds a lot of features on top, just as it did when it used GCC as the 
compiler.  For example, XCode uses clang for syntax highlighting, and those 
open source hating bastards at Apple have provided a C API with guaranteed 
forward compatibility to allow other IDEs to do the same.  

XCode provides a nice UI for viewing static analyser results, while Linux users 
with the 'trialware' version have to view the same results in a web browser.  
Well, actually clang emits the results in plist format, so it would be fairly 
trivial for GNUstep code to make use of it...

 of course to get the real thing you have to
 buy an Apple product because the license allows them to have open source 
 developers (ie, unpaid developers outside of Apple)
 look at the compiler code, debug and improve it, but the actual final product

That's how Free Software is supposed to work!  People who mutually benefit from 
the existence of a project collaborate to work on it.  

 (XCode where the compiler is deeply integrated
 into the real IDE) can only be obtained by purchasing an Apple product.  And 
 if something ever goes wrong with this model,
 they can still announce that they're merging clang/LLVM into XCode and you'll 
 never see a single line of source code of it again.

And then we'll have to rely on the other contributors, like Google (one of the 
biggest contributors to LLVM, as they are not moving a lot of their back end 
code over to LLVM / Clang - they also employ more of the GCC team than any 
other company at the moment).

Open source works best when it's backed by self interest.  Apple benefits from 
having a decent compiler with a reusable back end and a front end that can be 
used for analysis as well as compilation.  If they developed it in house then 
it would be more expensive than if they got outside contributors to do some of 
the work.  Replace Apple with Google, Adobe, or any of the other company or 
individual that contributes to LLVM / clang in the previous 

Re: ANN: One Step to GNUstep - pre-release version 0.9

2011-06-13 Thread David Chisnall
On 13 Jun 2011, at 12:49, Matt Rice wrote:

 I would take this one step further, and propose that such a project
 would benefit from severing its ties with objective-c all together.
 Take objective-c as a model, god forbid make a standard for it and
 call it something else.

A Small language, encapsulating the Objective-C object model, allowing objects 
to Talk to each other by sending messages, maybe?


-- Sent from my STANTEC-ZEBRA
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: Problem with exception handling: WAS: no thread-safe +initialize in old gnustep runtime?

2011-06-13 Thread David Chisnall
On 13 Jun 2011, at 13:19, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

 I just reread the Linux signal manual, and saw, its not retruning the address 
 of the actual handler, but of the old handler, so  I exchanged the calls 
 later in that function from i.e. signal(SIGSEGV, env-segv) to 
 but without difference in the behaviour observed.

This will break any code that had already set a signal handler (for example, 
anything using GC, since libgc implements dirty bits for its generational 
garbage collection by marking pages as no-access and then catching the 
SIGSEGV).  A better solution would be to stop using the C signal() function and 
use the POSIX sigaction() function.  Since this has been in the standard since 
1990, I'd imagine that it's pretty well supported, although someone should 
check MinGW.  

Even with that change, this code isn't even remotely thread safe, so it would 
be better to replace it with something less fragile.  Is there no port of 
libexecinfo to OpenBSD?  If there is, then it would be a good idea to add that 
as a dependency for the FreeBSD port and use the backtrace() version.


-- Sent from my brain

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: ANN: One Step to GNUstep - pre-release version 0.9

2011-06-13 Thread David Chisnall
On 13 Jun 2011, at 16:09, Richard Stonehouse wrote:

 Thanks, that's good to know. I see that openSUSE (the distribution I
 use) intends to adopt GCC 4.6 as default compiler in the next release
 but, currently, it is breaking quite a few of their package builds.
 However I don't know whether that is the fault of the compiler or the
 packages. I've seen no complaints about clang, but suspect this is
 because there is less work being done with it.

The only issues I've seen recently with clang have been caused by the 
integration of core libraries and headers with GCC packages, so the compiler 
hard-codes paths.  On some Linux distributions, standard headers are installed 
in non-standard locations with paths that change for every GCC release.  Clang 
needs to copy these hard-coded paths, which takes a little bit of effort and 
requires someone using the distribution to notice.  There are a few SuSE 
developers who are quite active in the LLVM community though, so hopefully this 
won't be a problem for you.

 Are you saying these are provided by clang but not by GCC 4.6?

Mostly.  A few are purely runtime features and don't require any compiler 
support.  These are available with GCC 4.6 and the GNUstep runtime.  Most 
require at least some assistance from the compiler.

 OK, from what you and Ivan say it seems clear that there's a need to do
 something about Objective C 2.0. I'll pull down the openSUSE packages
 of clang and gcc-4.6, and have a go at doing some GNUstep builds, then
 think about where to go from there. Either way, presumably, the GNUstep
 libobjc2 will be required.

It's not required for the core Objective-C 2 features, but it is required for 
the non-fragile ABI and most of the things on my earlier list.

 The licensing issues are important - we want to avoid lock-in. But
 this does not preclude developers using clang if it provides a better
 development environment. Dual-sourcing is good, if it is practicable.
 My worry is that the features supported by the two compilers may
 diverge (or have they done so already)?

The clang license is BSD-style.  It is a FSF-approved Free Software license.

GCC 4.6 supports a subset of the features of clang.  The biggest 
developer-visible example of this is the lack of blocks support.  Apple's most 
recent APIs make heavy use of blocks, so this is problematic for people coming 
from OS X.  GNUstep uses some macros to try to hack around this, but it's 
problematic in a few places.  For example the API documentation for 
NSRegularExpression requires that the primitive method be implemented with 
blocks and the other methods call this.  If you compile GNUstep-base with GCC 
then you get a version that doesn't work like that (because, while it's trivial 
to call blocks with macros, it's nontrivial to create them).

 What I'm leaning towards, if it turns out to be practicable, is using
 GCC 4.6 for the GNUstep library builds but including clang for
 developers' use. That is assuming there's no incompatibility between
 GCC-compiled GNUstep libraries and clang-compiled applications. But
 that's not necessarily my last word!

This would mean that you wouldn't be able to use blocks in -base, and you 
wouldn't be able to use the non-fragile ABI.  The main advantage of the 
non-fragile ABI is that you can add ivars to classes without needing to 
recompile their subclasses.  This is what the non-fragile part means: changes 
to one framework are much less likely to 

Unlike Apple's non-fragile ABI, the non-fragile ABI supported by the GNUstep 
runtime (and clang / LanguageKit) does permit code compiled with the GCC ABI to 
be used as well, but they suffer from the same limitations that they do in all 
contexts.  For example, if an application uses the fragile ABI, then it will 
need to be recompiled if framework classes that it uses are recompiled, even if 
they are compiled using the non-fragile ABI.  I'd have liked to do a 
break-the-world release, but the feedback I got suggested that this would lead 
to crowds of packagers with pitchforks and flaming torches outside my house.  

Clang uses a hybrid ABI when compiling in fragile mode, where it exports some 
extra metadata that only the GNUstep runtime will notice (the GCC runtime will 
ignore it).  


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