Re: A use for sockpuppets and trolls

2019-10-23 Thread Truth Teller
I don't find this radical enough. We have to think outside the box, not repeat 
this boring shit FSF* has been doing. Blah blah, compromises, working together 
with traitors.

Free software is about revolution, we need to change society from the bottom up!


Oct 23, 2019, 10:08 by
* Lori Nagel  [2019-10-23 02:56]:
It is time to movepast the controversies and discuss the real
issues, the issue of howto be more effective as free software

Very good initiative!

As free software philosophy is freely licensed to spread and
duplicate, every individual loyal to free software philosophy may
advocate and bring understanding to own friends and society in

Articles are free to duplicate and place on your own websites.

It is very beneficial to speak about free software philosophy in
universities, schools and people's universities.

Agenda for such presentation could be as simple as:

1. Who is Dr. Richard Stallman?

2. What is GNU Project?

3. What are 4 software freedoms and what are users' human rights in computing.

4. Where such freedoms are defined, in the GPL license.

5. Examples of great free software projects

6. Distribution and duplication of DVDs with free operating system

7. Making your own GNU Friends Club in your community and helping
 others to liberate computers from proprietary software, including
 liberating their Linux kernels from proprietary blobs.

The above agenda is simple and can be presented within 15 minutes,
everybody may do it in their own community.
Free software activists should go into the enemy territory and post
messages aboutwhy xyz piece of proprietary software is bad.

In general ANY proprietary software is bad for reason of being

Free software movement is about free software and liberation.

"Open source" is movement of people who rather advocate better
software quality, not quite freedoms, it is mixture of people who
understand free software and those who simply appreciate that software
is there for use. We are friends.

People from "open source" are rather to speak about qualities of
software. While those from free software movement will speak about

That is the difference and for this reason all proprietary software
has no place on this planet as all of such software are abusing human
They should do so in groups going into the same community so that it
isn’t just one lone voice who is a troll.

You are right. That is how many social actions are spread and

Yet strength of the free software philosophy is that people adopt it
individually and spread it individually.

Before some time, maybe few years, I have seen some commotion when GNU
was mentioned as true name of system with explanation that "Linux" is
a kernel and not the operating system.

Today I see not much of turmoil on that subject and the facts are
accepted as such, and people support GNU and GNU project and getting
the facts.
Non-technical users do not have to settle for DRM or take it when a
proprietary software company takes their software and community out
from under them. Many people hate thesethings but take it with some
kind of acceptance, like it is a fact oflife like eating or
breathing air. It is not and the proprietary software industry does
not have to exist.

Proprietary software is set of hidden commands which one cannot know
what they are doing to you. And the fact is that society have been
manipulated by using proprietary software, series of hidden commands
that manipulate users' data, users' rights in computing. 

For those who know what proprietary software does, it is kind of
masochism without sex.

For those who are not aware of problems with proprietary software,
they can be enlightened.

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Re: A use for sockpuppets and trolls

2019-10-23 Thread Truth Teller
Hail Daniel for your sacrifices you did to destroy these suckers!


Oct 23, 2019, 01:02 by

On 22/10/2019 23:24, Lori Nagel wrote:

Discussion mailing list

Re: New heroes for a clean future

2019-10-20 Thread Truth Teller
Oct 19, 2019, 04:24 by
> Heroes are to be eliminated. Heroes keep the people dumb.

So would you say we need to kill RMS and Linus to bring the community forward? 
Do we need to kill Snowden?

> Not labelled a traitor, Trump is a traitor. Asshole Trump betrays the people 
> of the USA every single day. 

Why? He fulfills more of his promises than the left-wing hero Obama.


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RE: a gift to SJW

2019-10-20 Thread Truth Teller
Why do you think I should go home? Do you even know me? Should it not be clear 
from my statements that I do not belong to the scum we need to fight?


Oct 19, 2019, 03:57 by

Oct 17, 2019, 18:03 by
Finally the masses open up to promote the true elite of the world and send the
scum that is among us back home.

Yes you go home.

Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
Oct 18, 2019, 19:06 by
> That type of "speech" falls into harassment, is not protected by free
> speech laws. Mailing list owner could moderate it to keep nice
> conversation. 
You want to introduce censorship? Then why are we discussing in this forum 
where free speech and telling the truth is still allowed, and not on 
libreplanet or fsfe lists?

We must not trust a single leader who controls our communication. If people 
cannot stand other people sharing their opinions, they should leave and go into 
their whiny corners which get smaller every day.


Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
If you cannot handle opinionated discussions and put the blame on your lack of 
mail inbox capabilities you seem to be wrong here. Please leave the list then.

Alternative: set your list mode to digest.


Oct 18, 2019, 18:12 by
Yep, I’ll agree there’s a lot of fascist-like behavior under the guise of 
freedom of speech. Quite the horseshoe effect!

Here’s what I propose:

Let’s all take the weekend off! 
Give the list a break, spare our inboxes!
Enjoy a short break to reflect and think about the future.
Then, we can all get back to it on Monday.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 7:58 AM Christian Imhorst  
Dear Daniel,
 Am 18.10.19 um 11:24 schrieb Daniel Pocock:
 > As a native English speaker, I'll simply comment that some people do
 > generally use the word "gas" in that context
 okay but ahilter doesn't, because he wrote:
 Am 17.10.19 um 16:41 schrieb
  > people like you *would have been gassed* for attacking our leader!
 This cannot be misunderstood with farting:
 "Had we arrived just two days earlier, we *would have been gassed* 
 immediately." --
 RMS Support uses the language of fascists extensively:
 Am 18.10.19 um 03:11 schrieb RMS Support :
  > We have to defend our owns. It is time to stand up against the scum
  > that infiltrates us, against the intruders in our once clean and pure
  > societies. We have to regain free speech. The death of free forums may
  > not be forgotten! And the first outbursts of rebellion have already
  > been seen, just recently in Germany.
 Here we have a pronounced dichotomous or fascist thinking in the 
 mutually exclusive categories friend and enemy, we and the others, 
 especially with regard to the interior of society. The inner enemy of 
 fascist society plays at least as important a role as the outer enemy. 
 He is identified as a "popular pest", a threat to one's own "blood" or 
 as "scum" of the once clean and pure society. Above all the own fiction 
 of the "Jew", "Semite" and the other "race" serves this purpose also 
 "Feminists", "Gay/Trans people", "Greens", "the Left" etc. From them it 
 is necessary to purify their society.
 See also:
 Last but not least he is linking to the platform for the alt-right and 
 he really claims that the anti-Semitic attack in Halle could be fake news:
 Am 18.10.19 um 15:03 schrieb Truth Teller :
  > Killing people is the last resort. That is why there are still wars 
 going on even under participation of honest countries and leaders. I 
 don't precizely know what happened in Halle but as always we have to 
 look out for fake news. Like I said earlier, let us not be distracted by 
  > -->
 Do you really want to attack the free software movement together with 
 alt-right fascists?
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Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
Oct 18, 2019, 17:58 by

> RMS Support uses the language of fascists extensively:

Are you calling me a fascist? My grandfather fighted against fascists in war, 
and today I fight SJW fascists wherever I can. I don't call you bad just 
because you have a different opinion. But you do so -- you do not even address 
me personally but blaming me at Daniel as if I was not here.

It more seems to me you are the real fascist here. You depersonate me, treat me 
like I am not even a human, belittle my opinion and beliefs. You have the 
typical black/white opinion where anyone voicing hurting truths is killed off.

> Last but not least he is linking to the platform for the alt-right and he 
> really claims that the anti-Semitic attack in Halle could be fake news:

I did not say that, and you know it. I said that we have to be cautious of fake 
news. You brought up Halle, I don't even know exactly what happened there like 
I wrote before.

> Do you really want to attack the free software movement together with 
> alt-right fascists?

Are you speaking to Daniel? Who is attacking the free software movement? He 
protects it.

And again, you are calling us names. "Alt-right" is a label invented by a 
little group of politicians and media moguls. It is a label to stigmatize 
conservatives. But just because we might be more "right" than "left", you try 
to silence us.

Would you call Stallman "alt-right" because he has more conservative opinions 
than you have?

RMS, Linus, Daniel: if you are reading this, please do not listen to such 
accusations. We are your friends. We stand by you. We know the truth.


Discussion mailing list

New heroes for a clean future

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
Heroes are important. After the last messages in this forum I started to think 
about this in more detail.

Certain forces try to eliminate our heroes one by one.

Some examples:

1) The USA was the biggest nation in the world because they worshiped their 
soldiers and martyrs as heroes. This raises moral standards in society and the 
legitimate citizens of this country are more willing to sacrifice themselves 
for the country and thus protect the nation and its interests.

But the USA is on the decline as we can see these days. Trump, the legitimately 
elected leader, protects this nation's heroes by taking them out of the dirty 
desert of northern Syria and saving them from the crazy Turkish. But no, he is 
not thanked for this, he is labelled as a traitor. Politically correct 
opportunists prefer that the soldiers die a senseless death in a desert that 
interests no one.

And still people like JFK are celebrated as false heroes, while Lee Harvey 
Oswald can only be whispered about in the new "safe public spaces".

2) Let's look at China. Why is this country so successful? Because it worships 
its heroes, even if they have brought pain and suffering upon them. Chinese can 
suffer in the softened world because it is necessary. They worship Mao Zedong 
because he taught them that Western culture is the best. Many have lost 
relatives, but it was necessary. Today, they are the most advanced nation that 
quickly recognizes and neutralizes internal adversaries thanks to technological 

3) In the free software society we allow our leaders to be eliminated one by 
one. Linus is censored, RMS suffers reputation murder, Daniel is expelled from 
Debian. They are heroes but nobody dared to call them like that because the 
movement was already started in a time when weakness and political correctness 
made it to the core of our society.

                               *    *    *

But we have to defend our heroes! And much more: we have to create new heroes, 
call them by their name and spread their message as far as possible!

So I ask you: who are your heroes?

Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
18 Oct 2019, 09:47 by
> I hardly can imagine how fearful it has to be for you wimpy whiners to see 
> the world your dads showed you through their eyes to change to something you 
> can't understand out of your holes and echo chambers.

Are you blaming our dads for preparing us for the world, that some things have 
to be fighted for? Some days ago I read a good analysis that proves that 
false-feminists and loud SJWs -- like the ones who made heroes like RMS and 
Marvin Minsky step down -- often come rom failed parenthoods, raised by single 
moms. Understandably for them they then try to tear down the natural order but 
that is not what we should want. Mankind [you notice? it's not "womankind"] 
only got so far by the law and order that morons now want to destroy.

> If you take the idiot Nazi from Halle, who killed two innocent people while 
> trying to kill more people for being jewish, as part of your peergroup, I can 
> only feel sorrow for you. Yet I hope you will actually experience love and 
> see how the world is changing for the better.

Killing people is the last resort. That is why there are still wars going on 
even under participation of honest countries and leaders. I don't precizely 
know what happened in Halle but as always we have to look out for fake news. 
Like I said earlier, let us not be distracted by these:



Discussion mailing list

Re: FSFE minutes, or a vendetta?

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
18 Oct 2019, 12:54 by
> You forgot Canada. The British are still in North America. The rebels were 
> able to beat Spain or the Mexicans, but not the British in Canada.

Canada is a interesting topic. There are almost no British left in Canada. 
Extreme left-wing Trudeau [ever noticed his name is French? Coincidence?] and 
his puppets work on smuggling a huge number of non-British in the country with 
the goal to irritate locals and distract them from making big leaps forward in 
their societal progression.

But people start to see the pattern. In fact, it's the same pattern 
backstabbers like Bradley, Brock and bald-headed feminists apply. And again, 
people start to rise up and spread the truth:


But let us not be distracted from listening to these liars. We have to act, not 


Discussion mailing list

Re: on SJWs and feminists

2019-10-18 Thread Truth Teller
18 Oct 2019, 11:24 by
> As a native English speaker, I'll simply comment that some people do 
> generally use the word "gas" in that context

THANK YOU DANIEL! I am no native english speaker but I am annoyed every day 
that you cannot say "gas" and "jews" on one sentence any more. RMS stumbled 
over the same thing, he was just stating the facts that sex with children was 
legally fine until not so many years ago. 

There is so much censorship offline and online and it already reaches our 
brains. But there are people who deserve medals and military honors for their 
ability to tell the truth and withstand all the drama bitches in our once 
bright, now rotten society.

We need more heroes and they have to step out of the shadows like Daniel did 
with his blog posts and RMS supporters to on and [thank YOU!]. It goes far beyond RMS, it is about 
fundamental truths. That is why I also renamed me here. We need to concentrate 
on the big picture, our whole society, and the true enemies!


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