Re: [Drakelist] L4B (Harbach Soft Start)

2011-03-24 Thread LEE BAHR
The soft start kits sold by Harbach are totally different for SB-220 amps and 
L-4B amps.  My opinion is they are both way over
 priced.  The PC layouts are done in amateur fashion and not very  logical, in 
my estimation.  (They certainly could be layed out much smaller and have much 
shorter trace lines to help RF from seeping into the circuit).  Their "hang 
time" is very short, and it is fixed unless you change cap and resistor values. 
 For about the same money, you can put in a new surplus real adjustable time 
delay relay plus another new 40 amp solid state relay to take the load off the 
"on-off" switch and it will switch "in" at the right phase angle to stop the 
transformer from thumping when energized. 

Just my opinion, but each to his own.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
  From: Joe Loverti 
  Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] L4B (Harbach Soft Start)

  I put a Harbach Soft Start in my Heathkit SB-200. It was wired correctly and 
installed per instructions – everything was double and triple checked. When I 
powered up the amp the Harbach Soft Start immediately when up in smoke – boy 
did it stink up the shack for a few days.

  I contacted Jeff Harbach and told him what had happened. He told me I must 
have done something wrong well, that is remotely possible I guess. He 
didn't offer to replace the kit and I didn't ask. But, I seriously doubt I did 
anything wrong...I've built many kits in the past and have a good track record 
with them.

  Later, on the Yahoo Heathkit amp forum, I found out Harbach Soft Starts are 
not without problems – a bad or sticky relay coul to begin with. Other guys 
have had similar problems with them.

  The L4B is obviously a much different animal than an SB-200... but, for what 
it's worth, that's my story with a Harbach Soft Start. 

  Joe WW8X


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] L-7 Amp Soft Start.

2011-03-11 Thread LEE BAHR
Has anyone on here installed a Harbach SS-400 type "Soft Start" kit in their 
L-7?  (This is the kit with the single relay and single dropping resistor 
and not the one used in a Heath SB-220).  I know the SS-400 was made to 
install in a L-4B amp.  I have not really studied the room requirements, but 
I suspect there is little room for this board in a L-7.  If it won't fit, 
I'll consider a time delay relay instead or redesign a board to fit any 
available space in the amp.

(I realize some guys feel no soft start is needed for a 3-500Z tube as you 
feel it is "instant on", nor is needed to protect an on-off switch if a 
relay is used to isolate the power surge from an on-off switch.  I 
understand all that).  Just want to find out if the SS-400 will fit 
somewhere within a L-7 and if someone has already installed one.


Lee, w0vt 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] The Heathkit Shop L-4/L-7 Power Supply Upgrade Board

2011-03-09 Thread LEE BAHR
I just got another batch of The Heathkit Shop L-4/L-7 Power Supply Upgrade 
Boards from Mike Bryce for some Drake amps around here.  (Bare Boards). 
Everytime I look at them I am amazed at the quality of these 1/8th inch 
thick boards.  This was my third or fourth order for them.   As far as I am 
concerned, this is the only way to go!  They truly are Upgrade Boards from 
original. (1/8th inch thick fiberglass, silk screened and masked for 
accepting modern 105 degree C "snap in caps" plus use of all new 3 amp 
diodes, 2 watt balancing resistors and 5 watt bleeder/balancing resistors 
and all on one board too.)

I've got an old Swan Mark 1 amplifier using 3-400Z tubes sitting around here 
too and plan to also put one of these boards in there.  (lots of room to do 
this).  I am also thinking of installing 2 or 3 Russian GI-7BT ceramic tubes 
in this amp. They only cost around $20 to $25 each so they would be fun to 
mess plus I have some around the shack.

Lee, w0vt 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC-4R kit

2011-02-25 Thread LEE BAHR

In today's society you never blame fault on yourself or your own ignorance!  
You have to blame it on others.  Installing your AC-4R and the one for the 
Drake amps is a no brainer if you can read a schematic.  You  don't even need 
written instructions if you can read a schematic and understand how the device 
works.  This whole discussion points out how inebt ham radio has become in 
general over time.  

I think I have purchased around 20 AC-4R boards and around 3 or 4 boards for 
Drake amps from you.  Never a problem and you supply a great 1st class product 
and service.

There is a discussion going on right now on another reflector over doing some 
simple math using Algebra.  One guy needs to get a solution but doesn't know 
algebra.  I say, go to night school and get some remeadial training.  There are 
just too many people today wanting others to always "bail them out".

Lee, w0vt
Houston, Texas

   MikeSubject: Re: [Drakelist] AC-4R kit

  Boys and girls...

  Well since I'm getting beat up here, I may as well defend my honor.

  The biggest problem with installing the ac4r is the color codes used by drake 
changed over production runs.

  Some units use a gray wire, then next a black wire and sometimes a gray wire 
with a white tracer.

  the wire that goes to the radio cable carrying the the +800 volts is really 

  1. orange
  2. orange with white tracer
  3. white with orange tracer
  4. red

  now, pick one! ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] What is the TR7 Case Color?

2011-02-09 Thread LEE BAHR

I think it is called Drake TR-7 grey.

Take the cover to Sherwin Williams and they will match the color for you.

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Noise In R4-C

2011-01-15 Thread LEE BAHR
Best bet, leaking capacitor, or even a small chance it is a cracked resistor.

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin Nathan 
  Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 12:53 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] Noise In R4-C

  Hi All,

  I would like to draw on the wisdom of the group here.  My R4-C seems to be 
developing a sort of frying noise when I am listening.  It is really apparent 
on SSB but also now is getting worse on AM as well.  It does not seem to effect 
audio quality but is running competition at times with the received signal.  
Does anyone have an idea what this might be?  Someone mentioned that there is a 
particular tube, perhaps a 6EJ7, that gets gassy and can cause this.  Any 

  Thanks all and very 73.

  Kevin :)
  Amateur Radio:  K7RX


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L-7, 3-500Z filament out??

2010-12-17 Thread LEE BAHR
Yes,  you got it, the filament wire coming out of the glass envelope is most 
likely not soldered to it's pin.  (Outside looks mean nothing).  It could be 
one pin or the other.  Maybe it was never soldered properly by the manufacturer 
but as someone else mentioned, many times the tension of the spring in the tube 
socket can "let go" and thus not make a good connection with the tube pin.  
then the resistance heats up the connection and the solder "lets go" and/or the 
tension on the tube socket from the heat gets even weaker.  Bending the tube 
socket pins can help, but if the spring action is gone due to heat, the tube 
socket should be replaced with one with better "spring tension" built into the 
metal itself.  (heat is a killer).  Silver solder is a good idea too when re 
soldering the pins as well as a heat shield for the glass as you re-solder the 
two pins.  You have all the good advice you need.  Go do it.  We all think your 
problem will then be solved.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
  From: Joe Loverti 
  Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] L-7, 3-500Z filament out??

  Thanks for the replies Everyone,

  I'm gathering that it's possible for the pins to look good, with a nice 
closure on the end of the pin, even though the solder has re-melted and 
disassociated from the wire up inside?? 

  As suggested, I will attempt to re-solder the filament pins and see what 
happens. I guess nothing would be lost, as the alternative is purchasing 
another tube. 

  Does anyone have any suggestions for what type of solder and flux should be 
used in this process? Are there any special considerations that should be taken 
into account here due to the heat sensitivity of the application?  

  73 with regards,

  Joe Loverti Jr.


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L-7, 3-500Z filament out??

2010-12-17 Thread LEE BAHR
Why don't you do the obvious?  That is, resolder the filament pins.  Seems to 
me a filament wire coming out of the glass envelope is not making a good solder 
connection to the filament wire.  Just because the solder at the end of the 
filament pins look good doesn't mean the wire within the pin is actually 
soldered to it's pin.

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Joe Loverti 
  Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:51 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] L-7, 3-500Z filament out??

  Hello to All-

  Let me preface this by stating that I am very "green" at troubleshooting 
amplifiers, so please bear with me :)

  I've owned and operated a Drake L-7 amplifier for several years without 
incident. The other day I noticed my output pwr was diminished by about 400 
watts. I had a look at the back of the RF deck and noticed the outboard 3-500Z 
filament was extinguished. After the sinking feeling set it in, I un-plugged 
everything and took the cover off the amp. I pulled the tube that was un-lit 
and inspected it visually. I could see no signs of anything cooked, cracked, 
burnt, et al. I decided to swap the tube positions and put the good tube in the 
outboard socket and put the bad tube in the other socket. I put everything back 
together and lit the amp off again. I noticed that both filaments were now 
glowing brightly and I was getting full output again in my dummy load. 

  All was OK for a day or so. Then yesterday, I noticed the filament was out 
again on the tube that was switched. Only now this tube was in the other 
socket. I've read on the web that it's common to the solder on the filament 
pins on the 3-500Z to run out due to heat over time. This causes a bad 
connection between the filament pins and the tube socket. I've inspected the 
pins on the tube and they do not reveal any signs of solder leaking out of the 
bottoms whatsoever. They all look perfectly intact. I also inspected the socket 
and the "pin grippers" in the sockets. They look to be in good shape and seem 
fairly snug. I cleaned the contacts with a Q-tip and some De-oxit while I was 
in there. 

  Some research on the Web suggested that a check of continuity is recommended 
to see if the tube is the culprit and / or if it can be fixed. I tested the 
filament pins (1 and 5) on the suspected culprit 3-500Z and I AM reading 
continuity. But... the reading jumps around and isn't stable. I also tested the 
wires above the pins that lead up into the envelope of the tube. The readings 
here are also showing continuity but, aren't stable. The meter jumps around a 
lot. I'm planning on checking the "good" tube tomorrow to see how the readings 
compare on it. I did not have time enough to get to it today. 

  Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what might be the cause or if 
there are other tests I could conduct to help diagnose the issue? I suppose I 
could go and buy a new set of bottles for the amplifier. The tubes that are 
currently in the amp are most likely the original Eimac's. They have had a long 
service life. I think I'd rather get do some more testing before "throwing 
tubes" at a problem. Especially, if there is something else that I may be 
overlooking due to inexperience. 

  As usual, thanks for your time and assistance going forward!

  Happy Christmas and New Year,

  Joe Loverti Jr.


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4 Low Receive

2010-12-16 Thread LEE BAHR
I had a TR-4 once I acqured with the same problem.  The calibrator signal 
was very strong but the reciever was deaf.  Apparently the rig was hit with 
a lightning strike and took out the couple turn link from the antenna to one 
of the can transformers.  (I don't have a schematic in front of me).  I had 
to remove a coupling shaft to get at the can transformer and remove it and 
then remove the can over the RF transformer.  The link coil was melted 
apart.  All I had to do was make a new link, maybe 2 or 3 turns as I recall, 
out of magnet wire and reverse the process.  My protection lamp also needed 
replacing as well as the slide switch.  Once this was done, everything 
worked just fine.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Gerhardt" 

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:23 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] TR-4 Low Receive


TR-4 I am working now seems to have two main 'issues'
1. Low Receive.  I have checked and cleaned the antenna relay and
ohming out the circuit it appears to be switching OK.  The Cal
Function seems to work normally and according to the schematic seems
to inject the signal to the grid of V7 which is nearly the same point
that the Receive Antenna Signal comes in.  The Cal Signal provides a
S9 plus some S meter reading on 40M and plenty of audio to the
speaker.  The receive signals are quite weak and even the strongest
signals do not move the meter.  They are copyable with the audio gain
up all the way however.  The transmitter seems to work normally. Other
bands are pretty much the same with the Cal signal being weaker as one
goes up in freq.  The transmitter seems normal.

2. One Xtal filter seems 'dead'  only the X position works on any band.

All the tubes have been checked and the V7 has been subbed with the
same result.  Transmitter shows good power and modulation on both SSB
and AM (in the X pos)

I am tempted to start trying to align the RF and mixer transformers T9
T10 but I really think there is an open or hi resistance in the RX ant
path.  The antenna jack reads a short in the RX position and this
seems to be 'normal' as the coupling to T9 should show only the
resistance of the T9 and the small coax from the Lamp Fuse.

Any other troubleshooting ideas from the group?

Paul Gerhardt
FP 274

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] My AC-4 is humming just a little.

2010-11-13 Thread LEE BAHR
When you installed the AC-4R kit, you most likely mounted the board using the 
transformer bolts.  If you used them, are the bolts and nuts tight?  If not, 
this could have created your hum.

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 6jb6

2010-11-05 Thread LEE BAHR

  The color of Sylvania tubes had to do with were they "AFTERMARKET" or 
"ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT."  The tubes were the same, just how they were purchased .

  Lee, w0vt___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] High Voltage Wirei

2010-11-02 Thread LEE BAHR
You can use the center conductor and insulation from a piece of RG-8 coax.

Lee, w0vt___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake Cabinet painting

2010-10-14 Thread LEE BAHR
My post has nothing to do with 7-Line paint finishes.

Lee, w0vt

  I could never understand why anyone would send their cabinet to Harzell for 
repainting in the first place.  Since they powder coat them now, their process 
is not the same as when they first painted them with Polane paint.  If the 
company is not going to make them look original, why use them?  You can have 
anyone repaint the cabinet to have it look different.  I have no doubt their 
repaint cabinets look nice, but original look, NO!  Better to spend the $45 
finding a nice original one and use the $45 to buy it.

  Or, repaint the cabinet yourself for the experience.  You can simulate the 
Polane look by spraying with Satin Black and then over spraying with Semi-Gloss 
black.  Spatter the Semi-Gloss bye drilling out the spray can nozzle before 
over spraying and allowing the paint to dribble onto the cabinet in small 
droplets.  (The droplets will flatten out as it dries). 

  Practice the technique before actually restoring your Drake cabinet.  You 
will be suprised how nice the final product looks.  

  Remember how well you do the metal prep work and primer coat will affect your 
final finish.  No final paint job is going to hide your prep work mistakes or 
lack of it.

  Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 4:26 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Drake Cabinet painting

Hi folks,
FWIW  Took a cabinet up to Hartzell in Miamisburg, OH today, as they did 
the original Drake cabinets. I live about three miles from them.  Was going to 
have refinished.  I had sticky paint, which is/was literally impossible to sand 
In any case somewhere in the list stuff it says $25 per piece , and lots of 
folks have done so. (I could live with that its been a pain)
TODAY I was quoted $45 for one piece.
Yes I know $ everything is up...but perhaps they really don't want to do it.

For that amount I'll grind it off.
Carl wd8nhk

Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drake Cabinet painting

2010-10-14 Thread LEE BAHR
I could never understand why anyone would send their cabinet to Harzell for 
repainting in the first place.  Since they powder coat them now, their process 
is not the same as when they first painted them with Polane paint.  If the 
company is not going to make them look original, why use them?  You can have 
anyone repaint the cabinet to have it look different.  I have no doubt their 
repaint cabinets look nice, but original look, NO!  Better to spend the $45 
finding a nice original one and use the $45 to buy it.

Or, repaint the cabinet yourself for the experience.  You can simulate the 
Polane look by spraying with Satin Black and then over spraying with Semi-Gloss 
black.  Spatter the Semi-Gloss bye drilling out the spray can nozzle before 
over spraying and allowing the paint to dribble onto the cabinet in small 
droplets.  (The droplets will flatten out as it dries). 

Practice the technique before actually restoring your Drake cabinet.  You will 
be suprised how nice the final product looks.  

Remember how well you do the metal prep work and primer coat will affect your 
final finish.  No final paint job is going to hide your prep work mistakes or 
lack of it.

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 4:26 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] Drake Cabinet painting

  Hi folks,
  FWIW  Took a cabinet up to Hartzell in Miamisburg, OH today, as they did the 
original Drake cabinets. I live about three miles from them.  Was going to have 
refinished.  I had sticky paint, which is/was literally impossible to sand off.
  In any case somewhere in the list stuff it says $25 per piece , and lots of 
folks have done so. (I could live with that its been a pain)
  TODAY I was quoted $45 for one piece.
  Yes I know $ everything is up...but perhaps they really don't want to do it.

  For that amount I'll grind it off.
  Carl wd8nhk


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 6JB6 vs.6JB6A

2010-09-30 Thread LEE BAHR
Many years ago, just before Drake stopped accepting TR-4 s for repair, my 
neighbor, WA5VGO sent his TR-4 to Drake for some repair.  The radio came 
back with three different final tubes then when shipped to Drake.  One of 
the three new tubes was as you described.  A sweep tube with a printed 
circuit on the bottom changing the pin out of the tube.  I don't know if it 
was a 6JM6 or not.  However, the tube was put in there by Drake.  Also, the 
three new tubes were taller then original and Drake had dimpled the top tube 
cage cover to accommodate the extra height of the new tubes.  Strange 
indeed, but the radio worked just fine with these tubes.

Lee, w0vt


Just to complicate a bit more this subject ;-), some years ago I worked on 

TR-4C which had 6JM6 tubes on it. You can read about that here:

They had a professional-looking adaptor on their bases but, definitely, 

And were labeled as 6JB6A!

So it seems that, with some imagination, you can get a Drake transmitter 
with slightly different tubes. Of course, I would stick with 6JB6 while 




73 EB5AGV - JOSE V. GAVILA - IM99sm La Canyada - Valencia(SPAIN)

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Fire... really

2010-08-20 Thread LEE BAHR
It's been my experience when this happens, it is a tantalum capacitor that blew 
up.  Is there was there one nearby?

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Palmer 
  To: Ron 
  Cc: Drakelist 
  Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 8:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fire... really

  I forgot to mention that there was a 2" flame... hence fire. The tune and 
load caps were clean as are the coils in the tank. I thought that maybe 
something wrapped in paper light up. The flame was by where the relay is. I 
would have bet good money that some sign of the fire would be obvious. But no 
signs on either side of the chassis, no sign on either of the case covers. No 
bare leads where something use to be and no blistered pieces. But that smell 
was very acid. Even the memory of it makes my head pang.

  It's sitting for now and I'm using a TS-570G. (I prefer my Drake though)

  On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Ron  wrote:

  Sorry to her you had issues with one of our "loved ones" :-)

  Acidic smell sounds like an electrolytic cap.  Don't recall if any 
exist in the PA area, but if they do they would not be in "the cage".  There 
might be something below the cage under the chassis.

  If there was a fire and now it is gone without an obvious trace, have 
a look at your tune and load caps.  Arc over in tank circuit caps tend to occur 
and then vanish, but they leave scorch and pits marks on the caps.  
Unfortunately those marks are there to assist another arc over in the future.  
But I would not think that a tank circuit cap would be acidic smelling.

  Ron WD8SBB

  --- On Fri, 8/20/10, Richard Palmer  wrote:

From: Richard Palmer 
Subject: [Drakelist] Fire... really
To: "Drakelist" 
Date: Friday, August 20, 2010, 8:04 PM

My TR-4 did not want to tune... it caught on fire that looked like 
it was at the PA section probably around the relay. All I could really do was 
grab switches and plugs faster than anything I've done in the last twenty 

The smoke was not the conventional electric smell. It was very acid 
and burning. I sorta took in a nose full doing the above and felt high, in a 
bad way. I just got around to looking at it and can not find any burnt or 
distorted part. There is absolutely no sign of soot or heat anywhere. Seeing 
this I tried to tune her up again. I was getting a very solid 4.5 for the plate 
current. Now it's only 3. Is it possible (likely) that I "smoked" one of my PA 

Thanks in advance,
Richard Palmer

-Inline Attachment Follows-

Drakelist mailing list


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] The OTHER Drake List

2010-08-12 Thread LEE BAHR
I need to apologize as pointed out by another member to Garey.  As it turns 
out, my message never got sent to the Drake Yahoo group moderator, Garey.  I 
sent a copy of the message to Garey.  I also found out my Yahoo e-mail 
started to bounce at the same time.  I have no idea why it was bouncing. 
Anyway,  I am calmed down and all is well.  Garey  is a great asset and I 
value him as a friend and the advice he gives all of us.  Thanks all for 
putting up with my rant.

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] The OTHER Drake List

2010-08-12 Thread LEE BAHR
It's now been over 5 hrs 20 min since I posted a message on the Yahoo Drake 
Radio list.  Still no post.  I would suggest to anyone wanting to post 
something about Drake stay away from that list.  I was told to be patient. 
Why?  A moderated list should not only have great members, but also great 
list owners and moderators.  It's a two way street,  especially when you set 
up a reflector on Yahoo which is FREE to the list owner.  Surely you could 
find a number of moderators who could take turns watching the board.  The 
great thing about e-mail is it is fast.  If it takes e-mail more time then 
it takes to send a message through the US Postal Service, something is 
WRONG!  Run a list correctly, or we will go away.

I had a message for Garey as I was working on a project and had a simple 
question for him regarding a transistor he recommended a couple weeks ago. 
I forgot the part number.  I needed the msg posted then.  I should have put 
it on this reflector.  I now used what I thought best but wanted Garey's 
recommendation.  I no longer need the info.  That list SUCKS!

Yes, I am upset.  Why can't a list moderate for awhile and then stop for 
that member if the member gives them no grief.  I will think twice about 
ever posting something of value on there in the future.  Thank goodness we 
have choices.

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] The OTHER Drake List

2010-08-12 Thread LEE BAHR
It took less then 2 minutes to get this message posted.  Still waiting for 
the yahoo one.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "LEE BAHR" 

To: "Drake list" 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:54 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] The OTHER Drake List

I give up and don't plan to use the other Drake list unless I have to.  I 
sent a message 4 1/2 hrs ago and it still is not posted.  Sent another one 
and that too is not posted.  Life is too short for this!  If they want to 
moderate, fine, but get some moderators on board.  Thank goodness this list 

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] The OTHER Drake List

2010-08-12 Thread LEE BAHR
I give up and don't plan to use the other Drake list unless I have to.  I 
sent a message 4 1/2 hrs ago and it still is not posted.  Sent another one 
and that too is not posted.  Life is too short for this!  If they want to 
moderate, fine, but get some moderators on board.  Thank goodness this list 

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Value of a Drake Rig

2010-08-01 Thread LEE BAHR
I know I am not alone when I say the value of Drake radios today has 
something to do with the great advice Garey Barrell always gives freely to 
many needing help with their Drake radios.  Garey's vast knowledge of these 
radio is a goldmine to all of us as has helped keep many of these fine 
radios working these many years after production.  His fine DVD photos made 
available have helped many of us when working on our Drake gear too.

Day after day, I see Garey helping someone on here.   I just wanted you to 
know Garey, we notice and appreciate deeply all the help you have given to 
all of us.  I bet at some time or another you have helped most everyone on 
here with one problem or another.  I think I can say for many, nobody has 
given as much freely as you have to the group towards or beloved Drake gear.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Garey Barrell" 

Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] T/R relay source for a T4XC? 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] table saw for cutting phenolic and fiberglass boards

2010-07-24 Thread LEE BAHR
I use my table saw and chop saw to cut fiberglass PC board all the time.  They 
cut great, true, accurate and very easily.  It's a piece of cake.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 

  Fellow Drake Enthusiasts, 

  Yes, the subject line is strange but trust me, it does relate to Drake.  I'm 
in the process of finalizing a project and will be describing it in some open 
source publication or website.  It relates to the power supplies used with the 
Drake L4, L4B, and L7 linear amplifiers.

  As part of this project, I need to saw the phenolic boards used in the 
supplies as well as sawing fiberglass-epoxy board, 1/8 inch thick, that is 
similar to high quality printed circuit boards, only without any foil on either 
side.  My question is, can I use my table saw typically used to cut wood, to 
cut the phenolic and the fiberglass-epoxy board?  I'm not sure if the material 
is so hard that it would cause heating and binding, or whether it would rapidly 
dull the blade.  Your expert advice would be greatly appreciated.

  Enjoy those Drakes.




  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C issues

2010-05-30 Thread LEE BAHR
Why would you want to know about the chokes?  There are more then one type in 
the radio.  One is in the final plate lead or are you talking about the small 
ones or all of them?  Is there more to this story?  You need to give more 
information for help.  Such as, how did it work prior to your cosmetic 
maintenance.  If all you did was cosmetic stuff and it worked before you worked 
on it, I would suspect something simple such as the wrong tube in the wrong 
socket, or is the same tube in it's same socket?  

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Loren McCullough 
  Cc: drakelist 
  Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C issues

  No, hasn't been cleaned like that in many years.  I should mention the 
maintenance I was doing was cosmetic, not electrical/mechanical.

  Loren - WA3WZR

  On 5/30/2010 11:08 PM, LEE BAHR wrote: 
Did you spray a lot of some sort of spray cleaner on the switch contacts 
and all over the tube socket pins?  If you did, you could have set up leakage 
paths over insulation. 

Lee, w0vt 

- Original Message - From: "Loren McCullough" 
To: "drakelist"  
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:59 PM 
Subject: [Drakelist] TR-4C issues 

  Was just putting my TR-4C back in service after having done some minor 
maintenance on it, now I am having some issues and need some assistance. 

  Here are the symptoms: 

  was tuning it up on 40m and could only get a maximum of about 80 watts 
out of it.  I started going to different bands to check the output, on 80m I 
was getting about 150 watts out when the relay started oscillating in and out 
of transmit.  Now it oscillates on all bands.  Tried adjusting the vox controls 
and it does vary the oscillation, but not enough to stop it in the on 
position.. I don't have a spare 6EV7 for V19 (will have to get one on order), 
is this simply a VOX/RELAY problem, or should I be looking for something else? 

  This TR-4C is s/n 39366. 

  Also, is there a good source for the RF chokes? 

  Loren - WA3WZR 

  Drakelist mailing list 

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Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C issues

2010-05-30 Thread LEE BAHR
Did you spray a lot of some sort of spray cleaner on the switch contacts and 
all over the tube socket pins?  If you did, you could have set up leakage 
paths over insulation.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Loren McCullough" 

To: "drakelist" 
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:59 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] TR-4C issues

Was just putting my TR-4C back in service after having done some minor 
maintenance on it, now I am having some issues and need some assistance.

Here are the symptoms:

was tuning it up on 40m and could only get a maximum of about 80 watts out 
of it.  I started going to different bands to check the output, on 80m I 
was getting about 150 watts out when the relay started oscillating in and 
out of transmit.  Now it oscillates on all bands.  Tried adjusting the vox 
controls and it does vary the oscillation, but not enough to stop it in 
the on position.. I don't have a spare 6EV7 for V19 (will have to get one 
on order), is this simply a VOX/RELAY problem, or should I be looking for 
something else?

This TR-4C is s/n 39366.

Also, is there a good source for the RF chokes?

Loren - WA3WZR

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Hamvention Drake Forum

2010-05-15 Thread LEE BAHR

Why don't you give a run down as to what is on the DVD?  Without knowing what 
was covered,  I among others may have no idea if they want the DVD.

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 4:30 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] Hamvention Drake Forum

  Fellow Drake Enthusiasts, 

  Thanks to all who attended.  I enjoyed meeting many of you and I hope you all 
had a good time and a safe return trip home.  We gave out all 150 raffle 
tickets, and were surprised that there were still more in attendance that 
arrived after that.  Next year we'll have more tickets for the free raffle so 
everybody is accommodated and has a chance to win a free prize.  The Drake pens 
are sure to be collectibles and the other prizes will be great additions to 
your Drake gear.

  True, Hamvention 2010 has one day left to this weekend with GREAT weather.  
Still it isn't too soon to be thinking about the Drake Forum for 2011.  I'd 
like to solicit your inputs in terms of constructive criticism of this year's 
Forum as well as suggestions for next year's Forum.  I have a hard outer shell 
so please be brutally honest with your comments and questions.

  We got off to a rushed start this year due to a carryover delay from the 
previous forum as well as tracking down the projection system connector that 
somebody had disconnected.  So some of the onset material was presented in 
hyperspeed in an attempt to get caught up.  If you need any fills, or info that 
was presented that there wasn't time to copy, please feel free to contact me 
and I'll do my best to help you out.

  Copies of the CD of the Forum will be made on a "break even" basis to cover 
mailing costs and materials.   As soon as I can determine mailing costs, US 
mailing only and I am unable to ship outside continental US, I will let the 
group know what the cost will be.

  Thanks again for supporting the Dayton Hamvention and the Drake Forum.  Hope 
to see you hear next year.


  Evan, K9SQG
  For the Drake Forum Committee


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] C-line vs TR-7

2010-03-09 Thread LEE BAHR
I have both.  I bought the TR-7 new.  Of course the TR-7 is solid state.  I 
like them both.  I think you mean R-4C and T4-XC rather then a TR-4C.  I have 
both types of Drake too.  If I were going to make a choice, I'd stay with the 
Drake.  Drake is easier to fix and parts are more available.  It would be very 
hard to beat a Drake receiver and transmitter.  It would be a toss up if you 
have a Drake transceiver.  

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
  From: AirRadio 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:14 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] C-line vs TR-7

  Dilemma time... I have been offered a TR-7 but I have to sell my C-line to 
make room, now, comparisons, is the TR-7 any better than the C-line or the 
same, apart from the normal cosmetic issues (sticky paint etc) am I going to 
gain in the rx dept, also any other faults etc, the TR-7 seems to have a good 
write up etc though, but so does the C-line. 
  73 Max

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  Drakelist mailing list
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Re: [Drakelist] TR-4 (and R4C) Noise Blanker question

2009-10-10 Thread LEE BAHR
I'm getting into this Noise Blanker thing, late.  Have not read all the posts.  
If FAR Circuits were given a board layout, he is most willing to make small lot 
single sided boards at nominal cost.  I used him not too long ago for a special 
board I needed and he made them for me.  I think he is in Dundee, Illinois near 

Lee, w0vt___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4 (and R4C) Noise Blanker question

2009-10-10 Thread LEE BAHR
Do you all realize there was a web site a few years ago that showed you how to 
modify a TenTec noise blanker to work in a Drake R-4C?   The thing was modified 
by Rob Frohne, KL7NA.  I don't know if his e-mail address is still good but it 
was   (E.F. Cross School of Engineering).

Lee, w0vt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Pruitt 
  To: DrakeList 
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 4:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] TR-4 (and R4C) Noise Blanker question


  I had tried a few times to contact Martin Sole, HS0ZED about his noise 
blanker for the R4C on his web page at  
  but so far have never been able to get in touch with him or at least get a 
reply but he apparently had pc boards for the R4C noise blanker at one time.  I 
do not know how much that helps with the 34PNB Blanker but if they are the same 
then it might be one avenue to get or make replacements.  He does have a 
picture of his pc board at  and and .

  Martin used to hang out on this reflector and may still be here.

  Thank you.

  Jim Pruitt

  From:   Garey Barrell 
  To: , Drakelist 
  Date:   10/7/2009 7:42 PM
  Subject:Re: [Drakelist] TR-4  Noise Blanker question

  I have a copy of the 34-PNB manual on my CD.  There is also a hi-res 
  color photo of the 34-PNB board (both sides) with the transistors id'd 
  and a table of voltages, along.  The 34-NB manual has the circuit and 
  Drake's photo of the component side and installation procedure in a TR-4.

  The circuit is the same in all of them, and the basic circuit topology 
  is the same all the way back to the 9-NB.

  73, Garey - K4OAH
  Glen Allen, VA

  Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

  Ron wrote:
  > Pete,
  > I gave Garey a copy of the 34NB kit that Drake sold for wired install to 
the TR3 and early TR4s.  I have the electronic copy somewhere, and I think 
Garey has it on his CDs, but am not sure.  I seem to remember that it had a 
picture of the PC board, so it might be fairly easy to fabricate.  About the 
only hard part would be any toroids.  Seems like it has 2 or 3 of them.  I 
could guess resonate at the IF freq, but not really sure.
  > If you are serious, I will try to look up the electronic doc and get it to 
  > 73,
  > Ron WD8SBB
  > --- On Tue, 10/6/09, RadiosRUs  wrote:
  >> From: RadiosRUs 
  >> Subject: [Drakelist] TR-4  Noise Blanker question
  >> To: 
  >> Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 9:38 PM
  >> This may have been covered before; but ... has
  >> anyone ever hand built a 
  >> noise blanker using the Drake schematic and installed it in
  >> a TR-4?
  >> Pete N6QW 


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] L7 linear 10 m mod question

2009-08-31 Thread LEE BAHR
I did the mod to my first L-7 after I bought it new. 

1.  You remove a set stop screw on the bandswitch so it can go into the 10 
meter slot position.
2.  You remove a coax assembly which is made up of two pieces of coax and a PC 
board in between the two.  (It filtered out any 11 meter RF that was feed into 
 This removed assy went between the coax input so-239 connector and the 
grid input coils.
  You then but in a new piece of coax between the input coax jack and the 
input coils.  It did not contain the 11 meter trap.
 3.  You then changed out a silver mica cap on the 15 m coil to I think a 
smaller size.  You then used the 15 meter input coil for both 10 meters and 15  
  The coil was then peaked between the two bands so the tubes so grid 
current on both bands.

This is what I remeber I did to make the mod.   
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:41 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] L7 linear 10 m mod question

  Had a question about the L7 with 10 meter coverage, either the export version 
or the modified/upgraded version.  The 10 m coverage is achieved by adding a 
couple of 68 pf capacitors, aligning an input coil, etc.  Does anybody know the 
theory or philosophy behind this design?  Electrically, the same thing can be 
achieved by using just a single 68 pf cap on the S1A input switch, the side 
going to the RF input, and then short the 10 m and 15 meter contacts together.  
The output side of the input pi-network then functions the same as if two caps 
were installed, one for 10 m, and one for 15m.  There is no need to put the 
other 68 pf cap near coil L4.  Since companies try to save pennies on parts, 
plus labor costs, I was wondering why Drake went to the extra trouble to use 
this design.  I'm sure there is a reason and, inquiring minds want to know... 

  Enjoy those Drakes.




  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Copper plating for Drake Gear

2009-08-30 Thread LEE BAHR
Here is the problem as I see it.  The sub base metal on the chassis has to 
be pit free before any plating is going to restore the copper finish on a 
Drake chassis.  Whenever I have seen the copper in bad shape on a Drake 
Chassis, the steel chassis has also been pitted.  In my mind, if you plate 
over a pitted steel chassis, you are still going to have a bad looking 
chassis.  Short of stripping the whole chassis down with no parts on it, 
(which is almost impossible and not worth the effort),  before plating, I 
don't think any plating restoration will look good.

I know when you have an old car bumper rechromed for a classic car, the 
plater removes the old chrome and the sub plating, as chrome can't be 
directly plated to steel.  Then the entire bumper is buffed smooth before 
the replating process takes place.

My guess is this rejuvinator won't do much for a pitted Drake Chassis.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Ted Schurter" 

Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:51 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Copper plating for Drake Gear

Hello fellow Drake users:

Like many other users of Drake equipment, the copper plating on my R4- B, 
T4X-B, etc. is less than perfect. I recently stumbled across a web  site 
which makes me wonder about the possibilities of correcting some  of the 
problem areas.  This is a do-it-yourself plating scheme, from a  company 
called Caswell Plating.

I guess my question is... could this technique be used to 
rejuvenate the copper plating on Drake chassis? Any comments from 
chemists or someone knowledgeable about plating will be welcome.

The web site is listed below

TNX and 73,


Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Great R4B questions

2009-06-24 Thread LEE BAHR
No, it won't start a car but it will start a solid state answering machine or 
trip a wired burgler alarm.

Lee, w0vt
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck Grandgent 
  To: drake 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:17 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] Great R4B questions

  There's an R4B currently on the e-place, with the following wonderful 
question to the seller:

  Q: Is this Drake amplifier Stereo or Mono and will it remote start a car 
with some buttons ?Jun-22-09
  A: I'm sure this don't have anything to do with starting a car, It a ham 
radio RECEIVER, Like a shortwave radio, Thinks for asking

  nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

 Chuck, K1OM


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4C PTO Gear Differences

2009-05-11 Thread LEE BAHR

I bought one of the first C line transmitters and recievers when they first 
came out.  They had the plastic gears.  I ruined the receivers PTO gearing 
twice before I learned not to 'BANG" the dial against the dial stops on each 
end.  Before obtaining my C line I had a TR-4 with metal gears and I "BANGED" 
the dial on it's end stops all the time.  No problem.  But with the plastic 
gears, you could ruin them in a day.  I learned very quickly, you never do this 
with the plastic gearing.  It took 3 PTO changes before I got smart to all this.

Also, you never oil the plastic gears as the oil can and will make the gears 
swell and bind up.

I found that if you don't put oil/grease  on the plastic gears and don't bang 
the dial on it's end stops the plastic gears will last and not give any 
problems.  You don't have to worry about this with metal gearing.  Plastic 
gearing is fine if you don't abuse them or buy a radio that had been abused.  
Longivity has to do with how they were treated and not how much operating time 
is on them.

Lee, w0vt
  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Christensen 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 7:02 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] R-4C PTO Gear Differences

  Anyone have any data relating to PTO gear longevity in the R-4C when 
comparing Nylon with metal geared versions?  

  I have two R-4Cs, one is S/N 25K with Nylon gears, the other is 28K with a 
combination of metal and Nylon. The Nylon geared unit has almost no operating 
time but its back-lash mechanism appears a bit inferior to that of the 
metal/Nylon unit.  On the other hand, overall tuning feel and rotational noise 
is less with the metal/Nylon unit.

  Paul, W9AC


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC Problem

2009-05-07 Thread LEE BAHR

Sorry, didn't read your second paragraph.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Fish" 

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] T-4XC Problem

Hi Guys,
My T-4XC has stopped transmitting. I have normal idle current. But not 
much more. If I turn the gain way up I can get a barely perceptible dip 
in plate current.90 or 100 ma. So I turned the bias voltage all the way 
down and put it in tune very briefly to see if the finals were at least 
functional. I get about 260ma when I do that. I presume this means they 
still work?

It looks like I have lost drive somewhere. I checked the carrier 
oscillator and it is up and running, I can see it with a scope and a 
freq counter. However, I don't see my 5.645 Mhz at the plate of V2 (IF 
amp). I did a voltage check and all of the voltages on V2 look normal. 
Then I did a resistance check on V2. I found everything normal except 
the cathode measures 5.5k to ground. The book says it should measure 
infinite. Is this potentially my problem or is this non critical. I 
thought I would see if you guys think I am on the right track before I 
start lifting one leg of every cap in that circuit.


Bob  K6GGO

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4XC Problem

2009-05-07 Thread LEE BAHR
My guess is the bias supply caps are probably bad and you are getting AC on 
the bias which does not show up on the meter.  (The peak AC volts are 
masking your DC set point).  At least replace the bias electrolytics, but 
why not just put in an AC-4R board with all new parts including all the 

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Fish" 

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] T-4XC Problem

Hi Guys,
My T-4XC has stopped transmitting. I have normal idle current. But not 
much more. If I turn the gain way up I can get a barely perceptible dip in 
plate current.90 or 100 ma. So I turned the bias voltage all the way down 
and put it in tune very briefly to see if the finals were at least 
functional. I get about 260ma when I do that. I presume this means they 
still work?

It looks like I have lost drive somewhere. I checked the carrier 
oscillator and it is up and running, I can see it with a scope and a freq 
counter. However, I don't see my 5.645 Mhz at the plate of V2 (IF amp). I 
did a voltage check and all of the voltages on V2 look normal. Then I did 
a resistance check on V2. I found everything normal except the cathode 
measures 5.5k to ground. The book says it should measure infinite. Is this 
potentially my problem or is this non critical. I thought I would see if 
you guys think I am on the right track before I start lifting one leg of 
every cap in that circuit.


Bob  K6GGO

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Fried T-4XC MEASURE THE PI-CHOKES !!!!!!

2009-04-11 Thread LEE BAHR

Sorry to hear this, Bob.  That is a wierd situation.  It is an obvious melt
down somewhere in the high voltage chain in the radio from the prolonged
keydown situation.
 The finals are gone, we know that.  Do you have another AC-4 power supply?
It might be possible the the power transformer now has some kind of short to
one of the other windings from the prolonged high current draw.  Another
power supply could tell you if this is where the problem resides.  Of course
those cathode resistors and screen resistors should match up.  You need to
fix this.  I don't know if this would keep from neutralizing the rig.

One more thing!  A long time ago I had a new L-4B.  Within weeks of 
ownership one of the 3-500Z tubes shorted out.  Since I just bought the amp, 
I called Drake.  They told me to make sure I replaced the small pi choke 
under the tube socket of the tube that went bad.  i told Drake it looked 
good.  They told me it is bad.  They melt down internally from the excess 
current draw.  They said they look good from the outside but I should trust 
them and replace it.  So I did this and then unwound the old pi-choke.  Sure 
enough, internally things got melted together.  The choke looked good but 
was bad.  You might check the chokes with an inductance meter.  I would not 
be surprised to find out you melted them internally and they are bad.

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] I Fried my T-4XC

2009-04-11 Thread LEE BAHR
Most likely you did not head warnings about rebuilding AC-4 power supplies. 
When the old bias supply goes out, and it will, the final tubes will draw 
unlimited current and you have melt down.  Most likely this is what happened 
to you.  You need to rebuild the AC-4.  I'd use The Heathkit Shops 
replacement board AC-4R.  Your original final tubes are shot.  Don't try any 
new tubes until you rebuild the AC-4 power supply.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Ladden" 

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:23 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] I Fried my T-4XC

I had an unfortunate accident. I was using my T-4XC in CW. I finished but 
left it in CW mode. I was doing something else in the basement (where the 
shack is) when I heard a fizzle. I saw the T-4XC turn off. I ran to it and 
saw the 6JB6's fade from orange. The keyer did something bad, and I was 
not paying attention (never leave it in CW mode). Not good, but I have 
several spare 6JB6's. The fuse in the AC-4 blew. I replace the fuse and 
the 6JB6's and it powers up again. I try to neutralize the finals on 10m 
but get little output and high current. Not good. I try on 40m and it does 
tune, but at .4 on the meter I get low output. Trying the load control 
gets full output, but pegs the current meter and I cannot dip the plate. I 
quickly turn it off.

Cathode resistors test inline at 16 and 30 Ohms. Needs replacing, but 
probably not the source of this problem. Tuning is too weird.

There is no obvious burns on the chokes or anywhere else, but I fear for 
the bandswitch back there. Hard to get a good look.

Is there more I can check? Or is it time for an expert surgeon?


Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C resistor identification help

2009-04-05 Thread LEE BAHR

It's 27 ohms  (RED-VIOLET-BLACK).

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Loren McCullough" 

To: "drakelist" 
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 7:57 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] TR-4C resistor identification help

I just had a resistor on the relay board burn out.  According to the 
Board picture (from K4OAH) it is R192 from what is left of this 
resistor (and the pictured on the board) it appears to be a 27 Ohm 
resistor (red-violet-black), but according to the schematic it is a 
.27 Ohm resistor (red-violet-silver?).

It took me awhile to find it on the schematic, this is the second 
component out of the power supply receptacle pin 11.

Is 27 Ohms the correct value?  My TR-4C is Ser.# 39366.

Loren - WA3WZR

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Special tubes for special rigs!

2009-03-19 Thread LEE BAHR
So what were your reports before you put in the black plate tubes?  Maybe black 
beauty caps will give EQ reports for you.  Go for it!  Personally I use grey 
plate tubes and people tell me my audio sounds like "sawdust through a tin 
horn"!  It doesn't get better then that!
Lee, w0vt
  - Original Message - 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Special tubes for special rigs!

  Some time ago, I switched out all of the tubes in my TR-4CW to "black plate" 
tubes to make sure that the tubes are color coordinated to the Drake's black 
case.  Since then, I've got consistent "GQ" signal reports!

  Lee WB6SSW

  No trees were harmed in sending this email, 
  but a whole lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

  Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or less. 


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] No signal on R-4C after work on PTO

2009-03-15 Thread LEE BAHR
Did you turn on the receiver before you hooked up the three PTO wires?  As I 
remember, there is a tantalum cap that can BLOW if the PTO wires are not hooked 
up.  As I remember the low voltage for the PTO derives from a high voltage 
point and if you have "no load', the dropping resistor doesn't drop the voltage 
and the low voltage cap then goes BANG.  If the cap goes and shorts out due to 
excessive voltage, the dropping resistor could burn up from the cap blowing up.

Lee, w0vt
  - Original Message - 
  From: George Roberts 
  Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:11 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] No signal on R-4C after work on PTO

  Dear List,
  I've been reading the mail in this site for a long time, with much 
appreciation for the knowledge and willingness you guys have to share it with 
the folks. This is my first input and question:

  No signal after cleaning PTO Drive on Drake R-4C as per instructions on the 
K4OAH site. I first cleaned bearing and shaft on preselector. Cleaned switches 
and tube sockets and pins. Tested tubes with my Jackson Dynanic 648S Tube 
Tester. Had to disconnect 3 wires (red, brown and white) on PTO to work on 
drive. Re-connecting PTO wires to PWB #2, the white went to the pin next to the 
ground lug, the Brown to the pin just above the white, and the Red to the right 
of the Brown. After putting it all together, I get noise that I can peak 
ABNORMALLY with preselector as follows:

  BandSwitch  Slugs
  1.5-3.0Can't peak
  14Can't peak, louder with slugs at bottom 
  21Can't peak
  28.5  Can't peak 

  but no signal.
  Connecting freq counter to INJ jack gives no reading. Connecting to shielded 
cable leaving PCB 2 after adjusting disks, reading at 500 is steady 4994.8 Khz. 
Reading at 0020 (can not go lower because the slug is at its outer limit) is an 
erratic 1395-1540 Khz.
   Does any of this make sense?  Note: I did not "adjust" any trimmers!
  Serial number is 20620 and uses 6HS6 instead of 6EJ7  in premixer and 1st 
mixer. My schematic shows 6EJ7's.
   Wondering if the pinouts are the same?

  My test gear consists of a 20 Mhz scope, Precision E200D RF Signal Generator, 
Victor VC 3165 frequency counter,  a DMM and VTVM. I don't have much successful 
experience trouble shooting, so I'm asking the esteemed panel on this Drake 
website if there is any hope for my R-4C. Thanks much and best 73.
  George   K2HRS


  Drakelist mailing list
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Mounting Fans

2009-01-19 Thread LEE BAHR


All kidding aside, your idea of using magnets is a really great idea.  I'll 
use your idea to good advantage with my Drake equipment.  I've got a lot of 
it and your idea will allow me to use ONE FAN on all my Drakes, depending on 
which one is on the operating table to be put into use.



Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "w9nm" 

Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 4:55 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Mounting Fans

I haven't been on the list very long, and I don't know if this has been 
covered before:

I used this method for mounting  three fans on the radiator for my 
computer. No physical changes to my TR-4CW/RIT, and easy removal for 
filter cleaning , I super-glued a couple of rare earth magnets to my fan. 
The magnets shown are larger in diameter than necessary... but I didn't 
have any smaller on hand.  Also, RTV to mount the fan speed control.

As soon as the smaller magnets (allow more flexibility in positioning) 
arrive I will replace the large dia magnets.

The following are links to pictures posted on


Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Mounting Fans

2009-01-18 Thread LEE BAHR
Yes, but do the rare earth magnets suck your 40 meter signal into the fan 
and then expel it out on 20 meters?

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "w9nm" 

Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 4:55 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Mounting Fans

I haven't been on the list very long, and I don't know if this has been 
covered before:

I used this method for mounting  three fans on the radiator for my 
computer. No physical changes to my TR-4CW/RIT, and easy removal for 
filter cleaning , I super-glued a couple of rare earth magnets to my fan. 
The magnets shown are larger in diameter than necessary... but I didn't 
have any smaller on hand.  Also, RTV to mount the fan speed control.

As soon as the smaller magnets (allow more flexibility in positioning) 
arrive I will replace the large dia magnets.

The following are links to pictures posted on


Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Hammarlund

2009-01-07 Thread LEE BAHR

To the RACK, I say!

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Garey Barrell" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Hammarlund

I am shocked, SHOCKED I say, to hear that you spend time with Hammarlund 
equipment  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Al Parker wrote:

Hi Bill,
   2 good ones are:   &
   Take a look at the "H-Files" on the first one, you should see the 
original ads, maybe more.
   The same sight might have manuals for each, if not, let me know.  
You could also find them on .

   (I love my Drakes, and my Hammarlunds)
Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC

"there is nothing -absolutely nothing- half as much worth doing as 
simply messing about in boats."

  Ratty, to Mole

- Original Message - From: "billjhs" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:46 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Hammarlund

Sorry guys, I know this doesn't have anything to do with Drakes (I 
love my r4/t4x) but does anyone know of good Hammarlund websites. I 
acquired an hq 100 and 110, I would like to get more info on them..

Bill Wa2jhs

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] plug in relay for TR-4C

2008-12-26 Thread LEE BAHR
The relay in my TR-4C is indeed has a 2.5K coil but the resistor in series 
with the coil is 27 ohms @1/2 watt.  It is R192.

Lee, w0vt 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] t4x case type

2008-12-25 Thread LEE BAHR
Smooth.  The Polane paint jobs came later, I think it started with the C 

Lee, w0vt
 - Original Message - 
 From: Carey Lockhart

 Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:57 PM
 Subject: [Drakelist] t4x case type

 hi gang and merry christmas

 does the t-4x have the splatter paint job or a smooth paint on the case?

 Carey Lockhart, KC5GTT

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] plug in relay for TR3

2008-12-25 Thread LEE BAHR
The relay used in some Drakes rigs including some TR-4s and the TR-4C is 
Mouser Part Nbr  655-R10-E1Y4-V2.5KIt is a Potter Brumfield
R10-E1Y4-V2.5K  I bought one a few days ago and it cost $16.68.  This is a 
2.5K relay.  Some Drakes used a 15K relay but they can be interchanged if a 
resistor is changed.  I don't know what conversion relay you have in there. 
Most likely it is a 15K unit.

Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "John King" 

Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] plug in relay for TR3

My TR 3 has been converted to the plug in type relay. Can anyone tell me 
the manufacturer of the relay, its' part number, where I can get it and 
the price? Thanks and 73, John, K5PGW

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list


2008-12-25 Thread LEE BAHR

This is for reference:

I am working on restoring a stripped TR-4C.  One thing wrong with it is the 
filter cap needs replacing (the 4 section can electrolytic in my case.  I 
think earlier ones had a 3 section can electrolytic).  My can electrolytic 
is definately bad.  That resistor you are talking about in my radio is 
cracked and broken in two and it is a 47 ohm resistor.  It is called R-163 
in a TR-4C.  I think it got ruined when the can electrolytic went bad. 
Maybe your resistor is getting hot due to a bad can electrolytic.  When I 
got my radio the relay was also missing and the 27 ohm resistor in series 
with the relay coil was also burned up and broken in two.  (My radio uses a 
different relay then yours).  I don't know if this also happened when the 
can capacitor went bad.

Now here is some info for maybe your radio.  Looking at an earlier  TR-4 
manual, not a TR-3 manual,  I see the  resistor is marked R-111 and is a 
3.3k resistor.  I'm talking about the resistor you are having trouble with 
going between the two boards.  Again, maybe your electrolytic is bad and 
causing your replacement 3.3k resistor to get hot.

I bought the CD service information disc for the TR-4 and TR-4C radios from 
K4OAH.  It saves me a lot of time finding the parts on the radio.  The 
schematics and color shots of all the sections of the radio are of very high 
resolution.  Also, I purchased a fresh replacement can electrolytic from 
Hayseed Hamfest Co.   www.hayseedhamfest.comIt is "drop in", fresh, 
newly made, great construction and the voltage ratings of each section are 
slightly better then those of the original cap.

Hope this helps.

Lee, w0vt
Houston, TX

My radio came
- Original Message - 
From: "John King" 

Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] REALLY DIFFERENT TR3

Thanks to some very nice guys on this list, who have been helpful to me, I 
have determined that I have a WEIRD Drake TR 3.

My TR 3 is Serial # 6564 and since there were various versions, I now know 
that the two boards between tube sockets V 18 and V 19 and the audio 
transformer are wired differently than those two TR3s below #10,000 owned 
by my friends Doyle and Larry. When I hook up the 3.3K resistor to the 
terminals used in their TR 3s I get hot resistors and SMOKE

When I put the 3.3k resistor between the top left terminal on the 
"forward" of the two boards and the top right  terminal of the "next board 
back" from the front the receiver works albeit it is NOT very "hot" and 
the crystal calibrator reads only about S5 on the S meter. NO SMOKE when 
resistor is mounted between the two boards in that manner.

Does anyone have a TR 3 which has the 3.3k resistor mounted between the 
two boards at the top terminals of each???

MY schematic diagram is almost unreadable and the part designations and 
values are almost unreadable. In addition, my manual and schematic did not 
come with the TR 3 I have.

I love Drakes, but sometimes I think each was wired as if it was a 
prototype wired and assembled by retarded CHIMPS.

Anyone have any suggestions for trouble shooting this WEIRD conglomeration 
without the specific schematic and manual for this run of TR3s. Speaking 
of "runs" this thing gives me the runs!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL!!! 73, John, K5PGW

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C (Need 43.6 Mhz and 42.5 Mhz Crystals)

2008-12-09 Thread LEE BAHR
Well now that I have bought this "In Need" TR-4C, I need some parts.  I 
ordered some tubes I didn't have on hand plus a new 4 section can 
electrolytic made for this radio from Hayseed Hamfest today.  (I had 
purchased some of Tom's caps for my Heath DX-60A and DX-60B and liked them 
very much.  They were new fresh electrolytics in the proper size can with 
slightly increased cap values and voltage rating).  I had a spare Drake knob 
to replace the missing one on the radio.  I'll order a new relay to replace 
the missing one from Mouser.  I'll probably replace the 15 ohm 1 watt 
resistors under the finals and the 68 ohm 1/2 watt ones under there too. 
It's been my experience the heat causes these resistors to "drift".  I have 
a resistor to replace the burned out one in series with the relay coil.  I 
like to use Ohmite OX and OY resistors (one and two watt) for the 15 ohm and 
68 ohm replacement resistors under the finals.

I'm in need of at least two Drake crystals.  They are 43.6 Mhz and 42.5 Mhz, 
as they are missing in the radio.  I have the other three (43.0 Mhz, 35.5 
Mhz, and 21.5 Mhz crystals).   If anyone has these two crystals as "extra", 
I would be interested in buying them from you.  Or I'd even buy all 5 
crystals if you have them.  (It's been my experience some Drake crystals 
"drift" off of their value and you can't "zero" them in when going from band 
to band.  So, a spare or two would be nice.  I have not tested my three to 
find out if they are within a resonable distance from their stated 

I think I can manage all else for now, but the 43.6 Mhz and 42.5 Mhz 
crystals need to found.

One last thing.  If anyone has a MS-4 speaker and or a AC-4 power supply for 
sale, I'd be interested in them.  My plan is to re-build the power supply 
once found with The Heathkit Shop's replacement AC-4R power supply board.  I 
have used one before in another AC-4 and the board and finished "upgrade" 
look beautiful and work great.  I'm using it right now on my TR-4. 
Consequently, the shape of the "present electrolytics in an available AC-4 
does not interest me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Let me know if you have anything 
available I might be able to use for this project.


Lee, w0vt
Houston, TX 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR-4C

2008-12-08 Thread LEE BAHR
Well, I never learn.  I saw a TR-4C with a nice front panel, no cabinet 
screws, missing one small knob, no relay, burned out 1/2 watt resistor on 
relay board, missing 7 small tubes, missing two crystals, and no pilot lamps 
just loose lamp sockets.  I also was told the multi section can electrolytic 
on the radio is bad.  Lots of dirt and dust but no corrosion.  No idea if it 
needs more work besides cleaning, lubricating, and alignment.  Who know what 
shape the finals are in.

BUT, I had to have it.  It was sitting on my local ham dealer's work bench 
for years.  (Oh, I'm sure the blue dial lenses are washed out too).  It has 
no noise blanker.  I picked it up for a fair price if you figure the parts 
value.  If you figure what I have to put into it, maybe $100 if I have no 
unexpected suprises without counting my labor, I figure I could maybe sell 
it working for around $50 under my actual parts cost.  That is, if the 
finals still work and the filters are good.  Otherwise it could swallow up 
another $200 to $250.  What a deal.  It had to be rescued.  Was I wrong? 
Was I bad?  Whats the matter with me?

Now I need to buy a MS-4 and AC-4 and then rebuild the AC-4 too!  I must be 

Lee, w0vt

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T-4X Mic Jack

2008-08-17 Thread LEE BAHR
Yes, others have done it, (1/4 inch jack), and when I acquired the radios, I 
put the original size jack back into the radio.  The smaller size plugs are 
so easy to find/buy as they are used in aircraft, so I can't understand why 
someone would screw up a vintage radio like this with such a modification. 
(Why not go to the hardware store and buy/install a wall outlet jack on the 
radio as a mic jack as they are really easy to obtain).  A can opener will 
"widen the hole for you".  While one is at it, paint it "pink too".  That 
will give it a really nice "touch".

Lee, w0vt 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [drakelist] FS-4 --$$$$

2005-03-12 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Not true about the cost of Beppe's unit vs Dan's unit.  Beppe said they are
working on a NEW DFS-4 that used a chip producing NO spurs, and the new unit
would be less expensive then thier present DDS-4.  (See below).  Plus it has
a neat cabinet.  If you figure the cost of a box plus silk screening and you
don't have to buy a power supply or any knobs or hardware plus the unit
includes a display, I would say the unit easily could sell for more then
$130 and have to sell for more then $130..  Also, Beppe's unit is built.  So
far there is no mention if the $130 unit is a kit where you have to build
the unit or if it is a pre stuffed tested board ready to mount in a cabinet.
Also how does it compare to Beppe's unit on spurs?.  Beppe claims his unit
has no spurs at all.  That would be impressive.  Beppe has given us some
real facts regarding his unit.  I find that relevant.  Talking about what
colored LEDs are going to be on a board and how many there are tells me very
little about the unit.  (It also tells me something about the producer).
Maybe the $130 unit will be a good deal, but from what I have heard to date,
you could not determine much from what was given the group. It doesn't sound
like much engineering has been done on the unit if any to date from my
prospective. So how do you come up with $130 before the design is firm?
(The truth is, you can't).   I would consider this project pie in the sky
until I knew more about what actually if ever will be offered.

I realize some of you guys take exception with me.  So be it. I learned a
long time ago, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is too
good to be true.  I am impressed with Beppe's unit because, they already
have one product for sale, they are now developing another one at lower
cost, and he has given us some real facts about his unit. Their design is
not as yet firm and consequently they have not as yet determined the cost
but their target is to lower it from the DDS-4 price.  This is good
engineering and marketing practice.  Also, Beppe's unit will be complete. I
feel a complete unit with no spurs is worth more then $130 and feel such a
unit will cost the manufacturer more then $130 to produce. So, I'll be
willing to pay more then $130 for his new DFS-4. (Let's see how much you
have in a $130 unit after you add all the extra stuff to make it work and
look good). Also, will this unit really be offered for $130 or will the
price slide and float? Sure, I would like a Rolls Royce for $20,000 but I
realize you can't have something like that for this price. If the $130 unit
turns out to be a real product, great!  But to finish it off it is surley
going to cost more then $130.  Time will tell which race horse will deliver.
For now, based on what has been told to me, I'm betting on Beppe's unit to
be a winner.

The cost of Drake twins costing less then a Wood Box unit?  Well are you
talking about 1975 dollars or 2005 dollars?  Are we talking about a DDS-4 or
a DFS-4?  (Maybe the apples and the oranges are getting mixed up here).  My
advice to myself is: don't buy based on price, buy based on value. Take it
or leave it.  I don't care.

It will be interesting see what the future holds and what is developed by
these two groups and see who's intuitive reasoning was correct about these
two groups in the final analysis.

Lee, w0vt

"I'm Beppe IK3VIG, member of WoodBoxRadio Team maker of DDS-4."
"Reading discussion about the "new" FS-4 generator, we are working on
a simplified and less expensive DDS-4, called DFS-4.?"

> PWells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
> --
> Dan Cotsirilos mentioned two days ago that he knew of  an engineer
> wanting to produce a FS-4 clone. It received mixted reactions and then
> Beppe IK3VIG one of the DDs-4 came up and mentioned his synthesizer.
> Curiouly only positve comments were posted about the Italian product.
> Great so far . But one thing must be mentioned I am interested in Dans's
> synthesizer because its going to cost about $130 while the Italian
> component costs $475 + $58 shipping!! That's $533..double what I
> payed for my Drake twins!!
> Peter VE2FAR

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4 - my DFS-4

2005-03-12 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Now here is some real data to go on!  Looks great.  Would probably be very
interested in purchasing two of them when available after field trial..

> > Hello group,
> >
> > I'm Beppe IK3VIG, member of WoodBoxRadio Team maker of DDS-4.
> >
> > Reading discussion about the "new" FS-4 generator, we are working on
> > a simplified and less expensive DDS-4, called DFS-4.
> >
> > This Digital Frequency Synthesizer is a Xtal frequency generator like
> > great FS-4,
> > using spures free AD9951 DDS chip. with these features:
> >
> > Pre- programmed IF shift: 5.645.000 Hz
> > Xtal frequency generator from 1.5 to 30.0 Mhz in fixed 500 Khz. STEP.
> > Tuning with UP / DOWN keys
> > LCD 1 x 16 car. display for Xtal frequency readout and BAND indication.
> > Adjustable level output from 0.0 to 1.8 V pep
> > Black metal enclosure mm. 180 x 55 x 20 with printed front panel in
> > style.
> >
> > this is a preliminary DFS-4 picture/idea
> >
> >
> >
> > We appreciate any comments and suggestion about DFS-4.
> >
> > Thanks for your attention and best regards.
> >
> > Beppe IK3VIG
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > On Behalf of Highq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
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> body
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> > Zerobeat Web Page:
> > Brought to you courtesy of
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.2 - Release Date: 3/11/05
> >
> >
> --
> On Behalf of "Allen \(Marty\) Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> --

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-11 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
One more thing!  What kind of readout is on this thing?  LED display?, LCD
display? No display?  How do you tell what frequency you are on?  Using a
push button for changing frequency would require some kind of readout.  If
rotary detent switches were used you could at least look at the numbers on a
knob.  Not possible with push buttons as you describe.  Or, is the readout
part of the "etc" provided by the purchaser?   Maybe you have a voice
annunciator in mind!  Me thinks I shall wait for more info and unit testing
before I would take this project seriously

In all seriousness, you really have to do better then this to get any real
serious feedback.  As described, this project is a Pig in a Poke!. I've been
having fun with this.  It's OK to say you are going to design something and
give no real info but to ask a group for the amount of serious  interest
based on this given description with glaring and obvious flaws and/or
mistakes is a waste of everyone's time and energy..  (Your's included).
There has been no science or logic in the description.  I hope you really
meant to say 500hz steps rather then 500 khz steps as you say in your
corrected message.  500 hz is truly not even enough resolution..  100 hz is
really what is needed.  Also the readout methode is a VERY IMPORTANT part of
all this .Give some good data and you will get some good answers and real
help from knowledgeable people..  Right now, you say the unit has "push
button" switching and doesn't use rotory switches. Thus you would need a
readout of some kind or annunciator or the unit would be useless.  With many
hams and non hams today not knowing morse code, the annunciator would have
to be in voice rather then in cw.  With readout I don't see how you could do
it on $130.  You could do it with rotary switches for that amount of money.
I have a feeling none of the above has been thought through in its design..
Lee, w0vt

> "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the
drakelist gang
> --
> First of all "hosing" was a typo I meant "housing". 12 volts would also be
> needed also. Second 3 LED's was a brief description of the device. The
> will be clean. It is being designed by a ex-Collins RF engineer who can
> build communications receivers from scratch so all worries of poor design
> are not necessary.

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[drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-11 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
One more thing!  What kind of readout is on this thing?  LED display?, LCD
display? No display?  How do you tell what frequency you are on?  Using a
push button for changing frequency would require some kind of readout.  If
rotary detent switches were used you could at least look at the numbers on a
knob.  Not possible with push buttons as you describe.  Or, is the readout
part of the "etc" provided by the purchaser?   Maybe you have a voice
annunciator in mind!  Me thinks I shall wait for more info and unit testing
before I would take this project seriously

In all seriousness, you really have to do better then this to get any real
serious feedback.  As described, this project is a Pig in a Poke!. I've been
having fun with this.  It's OK to say you are going to design something and
give no real info but to ask a group for the amount of serious  interest
based on this given description with glaring and obvious flaws and/or
mistakes is a waste of everyone's time and energy..  (Your's included).
There has been no science or logic in the description.  I hope you really
meant to say 500hz steps rather then 500 khz steps as you say in your
corrected message.  500 hz is truly not even enough resolution..  100 hz is
really what is needed.  Also the readout methode is a VERY IMPORTANT part of
all this .Give some good data and you will get some good answers and real
help from knowledgeable people..  Right now, you say the unit has "push
button" switching and doesn't use rotory switches. Thus you would need a
readout of some kind or annunciator or the unit would be useless.  With many
hams and non hams today not knowing morse code, the annunciator would have
to be in voice rather then in cw.  With readout I don't see how you could do
it on $130.  You could do it with rotary switches for that amount of money.
I have a feeling none of the above has been thought through in its design..
Lee, w0vt

> "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the
drakelist gang
> --
> First of all "hosing" was a typo I meant "housing". 12 volts would also be
> needed also. Second 3 LED's was a brief description of the device. The
> will be clean. It is being designed by a ex-Collins RF engineer who can
> build communications receivers from scratch so all worries of poor design
> are not necessary.

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-10 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I would say any FS-4 clone should provide steps of 100hz. (.1 Khz).
Anything less then this would be a drawback and design flaw.  500 khz step
spacing as described  is rediculous and useless.
Lee, w0vt
PS:  What are the LED colors?

> "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the
drakelist gang
> --
> First of all "hosing" was a typo I meant "housing". 12 volts would also be
> needed also. Second 3 LED's was a brief description of the device. The
> will be clean. It is being designed by a ex-Collins RF engineer who can
> build communications receivers from scratch so all worries of poor design
> are not necessary.
> These will be available for both the 4 line and the SPR-4. It will consist
> of 2 up down buttons that change in 500 khz steps. So I would like to know
> what kind of interest this group would have in a correctly designed unit?
> Dan

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-10 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I am not interested.  A 500 khz step unit would be useless for ham use..  I,
as most hams would require as a maximum, a 500 hz step design..
Lee Bahr, w0vt

> "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the
drakelist gang
> --
> First of all "hosing" was a typo I meant "housing". 12 volts would also be
> needed also. Second 3 LED's was a brief description of the device. The
> will be clean. It is being designed by a ex-Collins RF engineer who can
> build communications receivers from scratch so all worries of poor design
> are not necessary.
> These will be available for both the 4 line and the SPR-4. It will consist
> of 2 up down buttons that change in 500 khz steps. So I would like to know
> what kind of interest this group would have in a correctly designed unit?
> Dan

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-10 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
How pure is the output signal?   Have you run tests to see if the unit has
birdies?  If it has birdies, where are they?
Lee, w0vt

 > drakelist gang
> > --
> > A friend of mine is thinking about manufacturing a freq generator that
> > will duplicate the FS-4 output. It will be 3 LED's on a circuit board
> > and the user will provide the hosing etc. It will sell for about $130.
> > would anyone here be interested in one?  Dan

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-10 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I read the post again and it says we need to provide the 'hosing"  Does this
thing use a tube and consequently need air cooling from an external blower?
I would think stability would be a problem here.  How loud is the blower in
db?  Also, I am a little nervous about providing the "etc".  Does this mean
I have to perfect the circuit to make it work?
Lee, w0vt

> > A friend of mine is thinking about manufacturing a freq generator that
> > will duplicate the FS-4 output. It will be 3 LED's on a circuit board
> > and the user will provide the hosing etc. It will sell for about $130.
> > would anyone here be interested in one?  Dan

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Re: [drakelist] FS-4

2005-03-10 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
How do 3 LEDs and a board duplicate a FS-4?  How clean is the signal?  If it
is dirty I would not be interested.  If it is clean I maybe would be
interested.  How does this thing operate?  How do you change frequency?
What is the size of the board?  What kind of power does it run on?  Where
does the power come from?  Does "your friend" include the power supply?   Is
the board built and tested or do you have to build it?  If I have to build
it what are the sizes of the parts?  (Do I have to solder SMT parts?)   What
kind of plans will he provide?   Why doesn't your friend poll the group
directly?  What kind of warranty is provided?   Seems like he is getting off
to a bad start without a better more professional plan.  You have alerted
flags of doubt in my mind!.
Lee,  w0vt
PS:  Does anyone want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?  A  friend of mine is
thinking of selling it.. Anyone interested?

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: [drakelist] FS-4

> "Dan Cotsirilos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the
drakelist gang
> --
> A friend of mine is thinking about manufacturing a freq generator that
> duplicate the FS-4 output. It will be 3 LED's on a circuit board and the
> user will provide the hosing etc. It will sell for about $130. would
> here be interested in one?  Dan

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Re: [drakelist] R-4C gears nylon or metal?

2005-02-13 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
What can wipe out the plastic gearing besides oiling and lubricating them is
BANGING THE GEARS ON THEIR END STOPS!  I'm talking about running the dial to
the end of their travel rotation quickly while tuning across the band.  You
can do this all day long with metal geared radios but not those with plastic

I bought a new C-line when they first came out and the radios had plastic
gearing.  (I had been using a metal geared TR-4 up until this point in time
and had been used to running and banging the dial up to it's end points
while scanning the band.). I found out very quickly you could not do this
with a radio with plastic gears.  Within two months of purchase Drake had
sent me 3 new geared PTOs as replacements.  (The banging warped the gearing
so they did not rotate smoothly and freely as when new).  Once I changed my
ways and did not bang against the end stops, my problems with plastic gears
went away.

Lee, w0vt

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[drakelist] Resistors in Plate Suppressor Chokes

2005-01-23 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I would like to hear from those who ACTUALLY DID rebuild their plate
suppressor chokes.  We all know 2 watt carbon composition resistors are hard
to find.  We hear stories MAYBE carbon film is not the way to go because of
inductance reasons.  We hear metal film resistors may work.  We hear you
PROBABLY should use Ohmite OY ceramic carbon film resistors.  (This makes a
lot of sense to me).

I sure would like to hear from those who ACTUALLY DID try carbon film, metal
film, and of course, the logical choice Ohmite OY ceramic carbon film
resistors to replace 2 watt 47 ohm to 120 ohm carbon composition resistors
when rebuilding their plate suppressor chokes.  Who has actually tested
these newer resistors in their Drake and or Collins S-line equipment?  Did
you actually find carbon film did not work?  Did you find ohmite OY to work
as well as composition resistors for this application?  Have you looked at
the outcome with a spectrum analyzer for parasitics?

The reason I ask is I am about to order a BUNCH of Ohmite OY resistors (200
of them) and they are not cheap.  I want to replace a lot of my old chokes
with new ones.  (I don't trust the old coils Q any longer).  Consequently,
I'd like to buy the best alternative choice and get some first hand
knowledge from those that have gone before me.  (I'm not looking for theory
but info from those that actually have tried these other resistors to find
out what they experienced when they tried the different types).  I am not
interested in finding NOS carbon resistors for replacements.  I'm guessing
Ohmite OY is the way to go but I really don't want to guess.  WHO REALLY HAS
DONE THIS AND KNOWS?  I sure would appreciate hearing from you.  (I hope I
have not offended anyone.  It is just that I am not interested in hearing
about finding some NOS resistors, or Wille has 5 carbon composition ones he
would sell or why carbon film resistors probably would not work, or don't
change them out as your's are probably OK, etc).

Lee Bahr

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Fw: [drakelist] L-7 10m Mod Help -- Thanks...

2005-01-09 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I bought one of the first L7 amps made by Drake.  I wrote them immediately
after the purchase and asked how to open the amp for 10 meters.  They sent
me instructions on how to do it.  I still own the amp but don't know where I
placed those instructions..  I think the steps were as you describe.  I had
no problem installing the silver micas.  As I remember I had to remove one
or two mica caps and install one or two micas (change value).  I do remember
changing value on the 15 meter coil, removing the switch stop and the trap
coil in the input line with a piece of coax and then repeaking the 15 meter
input coil to work on both bands.  Worked like a champ.  I even rubbed on a
10 meter rub on decal that you cant tell from original on the front panel.
That was close to 30 years ago and it still has not rubbed off as of today.
The amp still works great..

So the first mod was put out by Drake and not someone from Hints and Kinks.
I know this as a fact.

> For those others who may be in a similar situation here are the things
> I found out:
> (1)  Your L-7 may or may not have the two additional 68pF silver mica
> caps installed in the input circuitry.  The original mod was described
> by Jeem Newland WB8RXI in the Jan '81 QST Hints & Kinks and repeated in
> the collected Hints & Kinks 11th edition.  In his note Jeem tells us

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Fw: [drakelist] KA1FAN diode question

2004-12-26 Thread Lee Bahr

In my estimation, replacing 45 year old electrolytics and poor quality 
paper caps that are 45 years old is not doing shotgun or unreasonable 
restoration. On the contrary, it is the prudent way.  You are not 
being stupid, lazy, or ignorant.  You are being wise and smart.  In 
fact you have engaged in a lot of extra work up front.  I have found very 
few paper caps that old that don't leak.  Plus electrolytic manufacturers 
back then never designed their caps to last this long.  A leaky cap can 
introduce hum and if and when it shorts, it can take out a lot of components 
hard to come by today. (Look at a government issue R-390A 
receiver.  It's power supply electrolytics were plug in)!  I 
would rather take preventative measures and use modern fresh and better made 
components to protect my radio and the parts in it which are becoming ever so 
more scarce.  Maybe sometimes you can repair a radio without doing the 
above, but you sure have not restored it and you probably have set in motion a 
ticking time bomb.  Just have your bias supply fail by taking the 
cheap route and see what you think needed to be replaced as a precautionary 
measure once you have the failure.  We are taking about 45 year old 
equipment here.  You don't order parts from the factory anymore for these 
radios.  They are not 5 years old. We are not working, "on the 
clock",  and trying to figure out how to keep the repair charges down 
to $100 by putting in only $2.00 worth of parts into a repair that takes 5 
minutes to accomplish.   Protect your radio by replacing 
problematic parts before you have a catastrophic failure.  These radios are 
already taking a pounding by having 123 volts pumped into their primaries rather 
then the designed 110 volts of yester year.  Todays caps are made much 
better, have MUCH better tolerence, are smaller and cost very little.  
Diodes are made better with closer tolerances and of greater current capacity 
and give me much peace of mind knowing at least these parts won't let me 
down.  Even installing a relay circuit to switch on power from the small 
on-off switch thus taking the load off the switch makes sence today.  
Try and find a new switch when this puppy fails!  While we are at it, 
don't forget to replace all the out of tolerance resistors too!  (Sometimes 
with a modern higher wattage unit of equal size).
I just had my auto's timing belt replaced at 60,000 miles per the mfg 
maintenance schedule.  The price was $400 but that was much cheaper then it 
would cost me to rebuild my engine if the old belt failed and  I neglected 
to replace it as specified in my manual.  Just think what the manufacturer 
would have in the manual if they knew I would be driving this car 45 years later 
to keep it running reliably!  To each his own, but the chief engineer at 
radio station w0vt plans to keep on taking preventative measures with this 
station's vintage equipment.  If you don't head this advice and your radio 
blows up, let me know, I'd be happy to buy your radio as a parts radio for a few 
pennies on the dollar.
Lee Bahr, w0vt
Finally, a voice of REASON rising out of the "cap" and "recap"
CRAP! I have replaced a lot of condensers and capacitors,
in over 50 years of repairing, designing and building electronic
equipment, but i've never replaced a "cap" in or "recapped" a
If it is, replace it. IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!
We used to call wholesale replacement of components the
"shotgun" servicing method, not looked upon as a favorable
procedure by a technically competent person.
73   Bob, KC8YY

Fw: [drakelist] L4-PS R12 burned - .825 ohm 2W resistor on pin 6 of cable harness

2004-12-07 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
One more thing to look at when the resistor blows!  Many years ago I had a
3-500Z short and take out the resistor in my L4B.  I called Drake and they
told me to be sure and check the pi-wound RF chokes at the base of the
tubes. They said they "COLLAPSE" when a tube shorts.  I looked the chokes
over and they looked good.  I then replaced both tubes and the resistor and
fired up the amp.  POW! the resistor blew again.  I called Drake and they
told me to change the pi choke or chokes.  They sent them to me and I
replaced them and the resistor fuse again.  I then fired up the amp with the
new tubes and never had another problem.  I called Drake about this and they
told me my choke had "collapsed" internally when it drew too much current
even though it looked perfectly fine on the outside with no burned wires or
black carbon marks.  Each of the wires on the choke looked good but they
must have melted and shorted way down inside the pies.  I measured the
removed chokes from the amp with a ohmmeter and indeed one choke had less
resistance then the other one.  This was the choke in line with the bad
tube.  Apparently Drake saw a lot of pi RF chokes go bad when 3-500Zs
shorted to tell me this before I even tried to repair my amp!

One side note.  The tube that shorted never did give me a short indication
on an ohmmeter.  It apparently had a saged element and would flash to ground
only with high voltage applied to the tube.

Lee, w0vt

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Fw: [drakelist] L4B vox relay connector

2004-10-21 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Why don't you do the mod as Drake came up with for their customers many
years ago and has been outlined on this reflector before?  Once the mod is
made, you can use regular audio line cords with a RCA plug attached on one

All you have to do is remove the old 2-pin jack, replace it with a small
rectangle piece of  aluminum with a hole drilled into it to hold a RCA jack.
Then using the same mounting screws as held the 2-pin jack,  mount the new
piece of aluminum.  Then place a RCA jack into the newly installed aluminum
plate.  Wire up the new RCA jack.  Now you can use a wire line cord fitted
with a RCA plug to go between your amp and radio.  No more problem and you
have now done an authorized Drake factory mod.  The job looks professional
and the power supply looks like it came from the factory that way.

I got this mod from Drake as a kit many years ago.  Why would anyone have a
problem with an authorized DRAKE kit/mod?

Lee, w0vt

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[drakelist] AC-4 Voltage Carrying Cable to Radio Needed

2004-10-06 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Does anyone on here have an idea where I can get a replacement power cable
for my AC-4 power supply?  I'm talking about the cord carrying the filament,
B+, bias, and switch voltages going to the Jones plug.  (Not the AC power
cord).  If all fails, I guess I'll have to make up a harness out of discreet
wires and bundle them together.  I hate thinking of doing that.  (The
present cord is shot, cut, kaput)!  I can't find a wire supplier with the
appropriate number of wires and wire size needed to make one up and it
appears places like Allied or Mouser either want to sell 100 or 1000 foot
spools of control wire if I could even find the right cable.  The Jones plug
is in OK shape.  I think the cable was probably made up special for Drake.
(I can live with the wrong `wire colors.  I can even live with more wires in
the bundle doubled up to handle the filament current if required to do so.
I just don't want so many extra wires that the cable diameter becomes to
much larger then an original cable).

Maybe someone has an AC-4 with a burned out power transformer and bad
electrolytics I could purchase.  I'd sure appreciate hearing from anyone
with ideas on how to handle the problem.  I'd prefer either a salvaged old
cable from an AC-4, a new piece of power cable that would have the correct
wires within it, or a burned up AC-4 supply with a good cable.  What have i
not thought of on this?
Lee, w0vt

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Fw: [drakelist] tectured paint experiment that worked!

2004-08-28 Thread Lee Bahr

How can this be?  There is no gray on Drake 
Lee, w0vt
I first stripped away that disgusting sticky 
I heated the cabinet in the oven at about 220F. I 
then applied brown primer spray. The primer boils on contact causing a rough 
surface. I let the primer dry. I then applied alternating very light coats of 
gray then black textured paint until I matched the shade of my other equipment. 
Unbelievable! it is almost a perfect match.

Fw: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really! Antenna wax???? I want some

2004-08-09 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Wellerrraaahhh, yes, it's a joke!  (Maybe I should say it's all sold
Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "PWells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really! Antenna wax I want

> PWells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
> --
> Well!
> I had a lot of fun with the antenna wax thingny. Its a joke
> ...isn'
> t it?
> 73's
> Peter

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Fw: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really!

2004-08-08 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I have no interest in the author or his contraption.  This is just like the
auto inventions that gets you 100 miles per gallon by just inserting the
device in the fuel line!  This reminds me of the TV antennas you plug into a
wall outlet so you can pick up TV signals from all over the world.  They out
perform an outside antenna, you know!  Maybe you should try one of these
antennas on your highly modified Drake rig.   I don't happen to subscribe to
perpetual motion devices that defy logic and science.  If you have an
interest in this type stuff, go for it.  A sucker is born every day.  I'll
put my time and money elsewhere.  This guy is probably looking for suckers
to "invest" in his new company.  Once he has gone through the funds, the
company will fold and he will come up with a "new" contraption and form a
new company for new investors.  I think this guy is nothing more then a tech
at this school anyway.  He probably figured out how to bilk our Federal
government out of some research grant money.  (Easy to do).  No, I'll just
keep using my unmodified Drake rigs with proven technology antennas.  In the
meantime, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.  Sure wish we could talk
about Drake here and leave this antenna for the Alchemy list.
Lee, w0vt

PS:  I am selling Dr Vandegraph antenna wax for only $10.95 a jar, today
only!  (Normally $19.95)  Put it on and then take it off!  A little bit goes
a long way!  (Leave it on too long and you will have antenna lock).  It will
boost your signals a minimum of 10 db if applied properly.  It is amazing
what it can do for your station.  Some of our customers tell us they no
longer turn on the amp now that they are using Dr Vandegraph Antenna Wax.
You will be glad you tried it.  (patent pending)   Please, one jar per
customer only!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really!

> If you think it a hoax or nonsense, why don't you write the University of
> Rhode Island and ask about him and the exact patent name to search under?
> 73,
> Mike -  K7OV

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Fw: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really!

2004-08-07 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
This guys BS has been circulating for a couple of years now.  It's alchemy
so don't hold your breath.  It's best to listen to people who know something
about what they are talking about.  Remember, there is no free lunch and if
it's too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.  (It all comes
down to efficient matching, efficient loading coils and efficient vertical
top hats and efficient grounds).  (This is just another Cold Fusion type
story.  Too bad 73 isn't around anymore,  This would be right up their
Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "richard radke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 7:48 AM
Subject: [drakelist] Interesting

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[drakelist] Drake Synthesizer in QST

2004-07-22 Thread Lee Bahr

"Lee Bahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I need help guys.  Remember the QST article on building a synthesizer for
Drake rigs that was in QST a couple of months ago?  Some of you guys said a
key part was no longer available.  Now I have the ARRL Lab Manager asking me
what is no longer available.  (Read my post and his reply to me).  Maybe he
really can find the part for us or at least right now he appears to know
nothing about a key part no longer being available.  (The request for info
is from Ed Hare, W1RFI.  Please write him direct with a copy to me or send
me the info and I will forward it on to him.  (I complained and now he is
looking for backup info).  Some of you guys were trying to look for a source
but I never heard if one was ever found.
Lee Bahr w0vt

> Lee,
> If that were the case, then I do hope that everyone who was disappointed
> would take a few minutes to let [EMAIL PROTECTED] know that parts were no
> available. A construction article that can't be built should not be run in
> QST.
> What parts were not available? Perhaps our Lab guys can help find a
> Ed Hare, W1RFI
> ARRL Laboratory Manager
> 225 Main St
> Newington, CT 06013
> Tel: 860-594-0318
> Web:
> Member: ASC C63 EMC Committee
>Chairman: Subcommittee 5, Immunity
>Chairman: Ad hoc BPL Working Group
> Member: IEEE SCC-28 RF Safety
> Member: Society of Automotive Engineers EMC/EMR Committee
> Member: IEEE

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Re: [drakelist] Removing the RF Gain Lever R-4C

2004-05-15 Thread Lee Bahr

No, the lever is soldered to a collar and the collar is pushed over the
shaft.  Pull on the lever without cocking it and it along with its collar
will pull off the shaft.
Lee, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Gene McCalmont" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: [drakelist] Removing the RF Gain Lever R-4C

> Does anyone have a favorite method for removing the RF gain lever from the
> Drake R-4C AF/RF gain assembly? I can see no other way to facilitate
> of the front panel. I have searched the archives, the WB4HFN website and
> other sources finding little information. Obviously, the connection
> soldered to the RF gain pot. Surely, I'm not the only one to have asked
> question.
> My sincerest thanks up front!
> Gene
> Gene McCalmont
> 270 Oakridge Road
> Argyle Texas 76226
> --
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Re: [drakelist] PTO

2004-04-28 Thread Lee Bahr

Permeable Tuned Oscillator.  The vfo oscillator is tuned by moving a piece
of ferrite in and out of a coil thus changing it's inductance.
Lee Bahr, w0vt

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas E Collis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: [drakelist] PTO

> Greetings,
> I am a vintage radio rookie and would like to know what the letters PTO
> stand for.
> Thanks
> Tom
> --
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Re: [drakelist] L4B tube

2004-04-01 Thread Lee Bahr

The solder has melted inside the pin.  When cold or just looking at it all
checks and looks well.  JUST RESOLDER THE FILAMENT PINS!
Lee, w0vt, Houston

Subject: [drakelist] L4B tube

> In my L4B amplifier, the tubes burn nicely for a short time, then one of
> tubes' filaments go out. I removed the tubes and switched them. Same tube
> goes out after abit. Took that tube out again, checked filament to
> pins, "zero" on the Simpson 260. Also checked for a filament to grid
> (tapping tube didn't change reading) and that reading was "infinity". So
> tube is OK, until it heats up. The solder blob on the pin bottoms are OK.
> I think the filaments are getting HOT while I'm transmitting, and possibly
> 'fracture' in the filament somewhere, getting hot, expands, then when I'm
> the 'listening' mode long enough, the fracture presents itself as an OPEN
> the filament line. Comments welcome.
> 73, Gerald, KB7QQ

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Re: [drakelist] L4B tube

2004-04-01 Thread Lee Bahr

You need to resolder the filament pins to the wires coming out of the
envelope.  The tubes do not get enough cooling and the solder has melted
within the tube base.  (This is not the first time this has happened).
Lee/ w0vt

Subject: [drakelist] L4B tube

> In my L4B amplifier, the tubes burn nicely for a short time, then one of
> tubes' filaments go out. I removed the tubes and switched them. Same tube
> goes out after abit. Took that tube out again, checked filament to
> pins, "zero" on the Simpson 260. Also checked for a filament to grid
> (tapping tube didn't change reading) and that reading was "infinity". So
> tube is OK, until it heats up. The solder blob on the pin bottoms are OK.
> I think the filaments are getting HOT while I'm transmitting, and possibly
> 'fracture' in the filament somewhere, getting hot, expands, then when I'm
> the 'listening' mode long enough, the fracture presents itself as an OPEN
> the filament line. Comments welcome.
> 73, Gerald, KB7QQ

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Re: [drakelist] Blue filter gel (C-line)

2004-02-26 Thread Lee Bahr

I bought some of this stuff awhile back, but can't 
remember where I sent off for it. I did it because someone posted that this 
is what Drake used and they also mentioned where it could be purchased. 
 But, I was dissappointed.  It is NOT the same as what Drake 
used.  The film is much thinner then what Drake used.  I would not buy 
anymore of it myself. However, the clor looked pritty good.   I 
kind of dissapointed me to have someone say this is what the mfg used and then 
when I got it, it was not even close to being original,  I think I paid 
something like $30 for this stuff.  More then likely if you used it, you 
would have to "stiffin" it with some clear plastic.
Lee Bahr

  - Original Message - 
  David Austin 
  To: Drakelist 
  Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:54 
  Subject: [drakelist] Blue filter gel 
  Just trying to get hold of some new filter gel 
  for the displays on my C-line. A previous posting suggested that Drake 
  actually used a Rosco filter material known as Roscolene #853. I have been in 
  touch with Rosco (UK) and they say this is a discontinued gel series. Does 
  anyone know of a source of the original Roscolene #853, or if not, the nearest 
  equivalent gel in one of Rosco's (or other manufacturer's) current range? 
  Rosco tell me that there is no direct equivalent, but someone else may know of 
  a satisfactory match?
  Thanks and 73

Re: [drakelist] lafs

2004-02-05 Thread Lee Bahr

I think a seller can do anything he wants with his 
radio short of misrepresenting himself. If he chooses not to test it before 
selling it, fine, but don't say you have done so.  A buyer has an 
obligation to look for an oxymoron and quiz the seller on his ad. (How can a 
radio be known to be in "good shape" when the cord is frayed and the radio is 
Then, there are many types of 
collectors.  What does "good shape or "excellent shape" 
mean?  Some want parts, some want an ugly radio that works to just 
use, some want a totally restored radio for looks and don't plan to use the 
radio, some want an original not working with all original parts.  Some of 
the latter guys feel they would rather restore their own radio so it is done 
"their" way or they may just want to leave it entirely original with no modern 
parts put into it. To me, excellent shape means more to the cosmetics then 
how well the radio plays.  I am looking for a radio to fix myself the way I 
want it fixed and I only want to do this to a good looking candidate or one I 
can get there. Frankly, when a guy says he has refurbished" a radio, 
 I am leery!  I don't want a radio with some shoe horned cobbled parts 
put in under the chassis or given some poor re-alignment.  But, that is 
just my own direction and wishes and this is not the same for everyone.  
(different strokes for different folks".  To me, the seller should just be 
honest and tell potential sellers what he knows about the radio and what has 
been done to it  And for me, the less he has done, the better.
Lee, w0vt
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 11:12 
  Subject: Re: [drakelist] lafs
  if a ham has a transmitter and wants top dollar 
  he should test it! A ham should have no excuse not to test a transmitter. To 
  me it is a oxymoron.
- Original Message - 
Jim W7RY 


Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:57 
Subject: Re: [drakelist] lafs

I fail to see the humor in the listing 
Jim W7RY

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 
  7:59 AM
  Subject: [drakelist] lafs
  This was listed on eham by a ham The lafs are 
  not limited to Ebay.
  Viking Ranger all original no mods. Paint and front panel in 
  excellent shape. Original power cord is frayed. Original Manual and 
  schematic included. This is an estate radio and I have not tested it. $400 
  + shipping 

Re: [drakelist] TR-4

2004-02-01 Thread Lee Bahr

Check the power supply electrolytics, check the diodes.  Jumper the power
supply plug without the TR-4.  Does the fuse stop blowing?  You need to
isolate your problem.  It could be many things.  Could be a short in the
plug where the wire goes into it.  You need to do basic trouble shooting so
you can isolate the trouble area.  If the power supply doesn't blow a fuse
with a jumper in the on-off switch lead, then it is in the rig.  If it keeps
blowing with just the jumper and no rig, it is in the power supply.
Outside chance it is your transformer too.  The first thing to suspect is
the electrolytics and/or the diodes in the power supply.   You didn't say if
it blew a fuse in receive or just in transmit.  The way you word the
question makes any possible problem suspect.  Nobody can give you an answer
without more information then you provide.  One can only guess with your
input,   electrolytics and diodes will probably be the first guess.  That
is, if you are saying it blows when you just turn it on in receive.
Guessing just shot guns the trouble shooting.  Stop and think, use logic,
don't panic, and start isolating things so you get closer and closer to the
problem.  I am not trying to put you down, but being an extra class ham, I
would hope you would have put in a little more effort into this before
asking for help for your own sake.  It is frustrating with a question as you
posed it since there are a zillion reasons why a fuse blows.  Let me ask
this question.  Are you installing the proper size fuse in fuse holder?  Do
you have a manual?  Are the right tubes in the right sockets?  Are any of
the tubes shorted.  Since this is a new rig to you, don't assume my prior
questions don't need to be addressed. You can't assume anything with a new
to you DOA radio.  Has anyone gone in there and tried to fix something and
screwed something else up?  Do any of the wires look like someone has been
soldering in there that maybe didn't know what he was doing or does
everything look like it was soldered by the factory?  How are the
electrolytics in the transceiver?  How can anyone really give you any help
with a comment, it's broke, what is wrong?   Again, this is not to put you
down but nobody can help you if you don't help yourself with some
preliminary diagnotics.  Are you plugging a 120 volt power supply into a 220
volt outlet?  Seems crazy but I have no idea what you have done or someone
else has done before you with this rig.  It's hard to diagnose a problem by
LOOKING.  One needs to use an ohm meter at bare minimum and start taking
some resistance measurements. This should be a good learning experience for
you to develope some good trouble shooting techniques.
Lee, w0vt

> Hi gang:
> I just bought a TR-4 and AC-4 Power Supply and it was almost DOA.  It
> blew a fuse in the p/s and I put another in and same.  I looked in the
> p/s for all the obvious stuff but nothing.  Any ideas? I really am
> depressed on this I can't afford to spend about $200.00 for
> repair..Thanks
> Fred  AI5I

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Re: [drakelist] ac-4's

2004-01-30 Thread Lee Bahr

Did someone modify one of the power supplies and 
install a relay in it so the on/off  switch controls it rather then 
the primary of the transformer?  If so, they would not be neccessarily 
compatible depending on the voltage relay used in the mod.
Lee, w0vt
Houston, Texas 
