[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-12 Thread Wouter In t Velt
Op woensdag 12 oktober 2016 06:17:37 UTC+2 schreef hoang...@gmail.com:
> But if I do it this way, it's gonna return both the player's move and the 
> AI's move at the same time. What I want to have is that the game displays 
> the player's move THEN call minimax function on current model and THEN 
> display the AI's move

The recursive call still needs a separate Msg (AIMove) for the AIMove. This 
separate Msg is not needed: there is no outside event (user click or server 
or subscription) that calls this message. It is the update function itself 
(during processing of user moves) that calls this. So in that case, it 
would be better to use setup from Luke, to limit all Msg to outside events, 
and remove the AIMove message.

But it sounds like you want something else: you need 2 discrete model 
states (1 after player move, 1 after AI move), because you want *both model 
states to be displayed separately*.

And for that (as far as I know) you need the setup with subscription (+ 
some 'isProcessing' flag like OvermindDL1 suggested), and you also need to 
keep the AIMove message for the subscription command to call.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-11 Thread hoangtkc95
I'm sorry. Don't why your answer wasn't loaded that day.

Aren't "set and unset whenever processing is started/finished" 
side-effects?  We can do that easily in imperative languages but all 
functions in ELM are pure.

Vào 03:55:33 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
> I'd set a flag on the model for when it is 'processing' (good flag name, 
> maybe `isProcessing` or so?) and just test that in the model and set and 
> unset it whenever processing is started/finished.  :-)
> Just think of it as another piece of 'state'.  In fact if it can be 
> gleaned from another piece of state (such as the animationframe being 'on') 
> then check that instead, you do not want duplicate pieces in your model 
> that hold essentially the same information, only have one place per piece 
> of data.  :-)
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 2:07:59 PM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
>> The AnimationFrame works perfectly. Thank you :D 
>> I have another question came in mind. How do you think can we make the 
>> view display, for example "Thinking", while the minimax algorithm is being 
>> executed?
>> Thank you a lot for your help. :D
>> Vào 00:11:59 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
>>> Most callbacks in a browser, such as the timeout used for Time, is 
>>> throttled to 4ms and behaves strangely below 16ms, if you want to execute 
>>> as fast as possible then you should use an AnimationFrame subscription. 
>>>  Time subscriptions should only be used for 500ms or larger or so, any less 
>>> and it starts to act odd.
>>> You should probably still do a test to make sure it is the ai turn in 
>>> your update for `AIMove` though, the browser can cache and send events 
>>> 'later' than you expect as well.
>>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:06:07 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:

 I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
 second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than 
 second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.

 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every millisecond AIMove

 Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
> The example he put above is fine:  :)
> ```
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> ```
> Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful 
> to batch functionality together):
> ```
> subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
> subAITick model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   subAITick
> ```
> Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:
> ```
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   Sub.batch
> [ subAITick
> ; otherSubscriptionsHere
> ]
> ```
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
>> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>> viết:
>>> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
>>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:

 This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that 
 can return a Sub Msg?

 Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t 
 Velt đã viết:
> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a 
> better, less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive 
> update 
> calls).
> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
> "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.
> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only 
> active if it is the AI's turn to move.
> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you 
> do not need to create your own command
> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, 
> the subscription is turned off.
> Something like this:
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else

[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-11 Thread hoangtkc95
But if I do it this way, it's gonna return both the player's move and the 
AI's move at the same time. What I want to have is that the game displays 
the player's move THEN call minimax function on current model and THEN 
display the AI's move

Vào 06:41:14 UTC+7 Thứ Tư, ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2016, Luke Westby đã viết:
> It's a common misunderstanding that every discrete change to a model must 
> originate from a different message. In general messages are for expressing 
> what is allowed to happen in your application as a result of outside 
> behavior like user input and server responses, whereas you want to run your 
> AI as a direct, immediate result of your user making a move. What you 
> should do instead is write two functions, toggleAtIndex : Int -> Model -> 
> Model which handles the model changes under Toggle indexToToggle, and runAi 
> : Model -> Model, which handles the call to miniMax. Then in your single 
> Toggle message branch, call them both in the right order:
> toggleAtIndex indexToToggle model =
>   { model | board = move indexToToggle model.turn model.board }
> runAi model =
>   fst (miniMax model 0)
> update msg model =
>   case msg of
> Toggle indexToToggle ->
>   ( model
>   |> toggleAtIndex indexToToggle
>   |> runAi
>   , Cmd.none
>   )
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 2:23:51 AM UTC-5, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I wrote an TicTacToe AI game. I published it here. 
>> https://tronyeu0802.github.io/TicTacToe-elm/
>> Currently, when you make a move, the game will calculate an AI move then 
>> the browser will display both your move and the AI move at the same time. I 
>> did this by create and perform a task that always succeeds with the AIMove 
>>   message. 
>> update msg model =
>> case msg of
>> Toggle indexToToggle ->
>> ( { model
>> | board = move indexToToggle model.turn model.board
>>   }
>> , Task.perform (\_ -> Debug.crash "This failure cannot 
>> happen.") identity (Task.succeed AIMove)
>>   --Cmd.Extra.message AIMove
>> )
>> AIMove ->
>> ( fst (miniMax model 0)
>> , Cmd.none
>> )
>>  How can I display the player's move, then the AI's move after that?
>> I'm thinking that this could be done by subscribing to the number of 
>> available moves left. If this is even then do an AI move else do nothing.
>> I'm very new to ELM , I hope you teach better ways to achieve this. :D 
>> Thank you

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-11 Thread Luke Westby
It's a common misunderstanding that every discrete change to a model must 
originate from a different message. In general messages are for expressing 
what is allowed to happen in your application as a result of outside 
behavior like user input and server responses, whereas you want to run your 
AI as a direct, immediate result of your user making a move. What you 
should do instead is write two functions, toggleAtIndex : Int -> Model -> 
Model which handles the model changes under Toggle indexToToggle, and runAi 
: Model -> Model, which handles the call to miniMax. Then in your single 
Toggle message branch, call them both in the right order:

toggleAtIndex indexToToggle model =
  { model | board = move indexToToggle model.turn model.board }

runAi model =
  fst (miniMax model 0)

update msg model =
  case msg of
Toggle indexToToggle ->
  ( model
  |> toggleAtIndex indexToToggle
  |> runAi
  , Cmd.none

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 2:23:51 AM UTC-5, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
> I wrote an TicTacToe AI game. I published it here. 
> https://tronyeu0802.github.io/TicTacToe-elm/
> Currently, when you make a move, the game will calculate an AI move then 
> the browser will display both your move and the AI move at the same time. I 
> did this by create and perform a task that always succeeds with the AIMove 
>   message. 
> update msg model =
> case msg of
> Toggle indexToToggle ->
> ( { model
> | board = move indexToToggle model.turn model.board
>   }
> , Task.perform (\_ -> Debug.crash "This failure cannot 
> happen.") identity (Task.succeed AIMove)
>   --Cmd.Extra.message AIMove
> )
> AIMove ->
> ( fst (miniMax model 0)
> , Cmd.none
> )
>  How can I display the player's move, then the AI's move after that?
> I'm thinking that this could be done by subscribing to the number of 
> available moves left. If this is even then do an AI move else do nothing.
> I'm very new to ELM , I hope you teach better ways to achieve this. :D 
> Thank you

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-11 Thread Wouter In t Velt
PS: The subscription to time is useful if you want some sort of timeout or 
delay between the user move and the AI move.
If you want to do the AI move immediately after the user move (without 
a pattern with a recursive update call (and without subscription) is 
probably more suited.

Like so:

update msg model =
  case msg of
Toggle indexToToggle ->
modelAfterUserMove =
  { model
  | board = move indexToToggle model.turn model.board
update AIMove modelAfterUserMove  -- here you do a recursive update 
call without any delay

AIMove ->
  ( fst (miniMax model 0)
  , Cmd.none

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread hoangtkc95
I had the solution. Just show thinking when its AI's turn and the game is 
not over. :D

Vào 03:07:59 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, hoang...@gmail.com đã 
> The AnimationFrame works perfectly. Thank you :D 
> I have another question came in mind. How do you think can we make the 
> view display, for example "Thinking", while the minimax algorithm is being 
> executed?
> Thank you a lot for your help. :D
> Vào 00:11:59 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
>> Most callbacks in a browser, such as the timeout used for Time, is 
>> throttled to 4ms and behaves strangely below 16ms, if you want to execute 
>> as fast as possible then you should use an AnimationFrame subscription. 
>>  Time subscriptions should only be used for 500ms or larger or so, any less 
>> and it starts to act odd.
>> You should probably still do a test to make sure it is the ai turn in 
>> your update for `AIMove` though, the browser can cache and send events 
>> 'later' than you expect as well.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:06:07 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
>>> second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than a 
>>> second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every millisecond AIMove
>>> Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>>> viết:

 The example he put above is fine:  :)
 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove
 Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful 
 to batch functionality together):
 subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
 subAITick model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
 Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
 [ subAITick
 ; otherSubscriptionsHere

 On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
> viết:
>> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that 
>>> can return a Sub Msg?
>>> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t 
>>> Velt đã viết:

 (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
 I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a 
 better, less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update 

 That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
 "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.

 What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only 
 active if it is the AI's turn to move.
 That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do 
 not need to create your own command
 Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
 subscription is turned off.

 Something like this:

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove

 You would of course have to define your own functions to check if 
 the game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the 
 turn to play.


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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread OvermindDL1
I'd set a flag on the model for when it is 'processing' (good flag name, 
maybe `isProcessing` or so?) and just test that in the model and set and 
unset it whenever processing is started/finished.  :-)

Just think of it as another piece of 'state'.  In fact if it can be gleaned 
from another piece of state (such as the animationframe being 'on') then 
check that instead, you do not want duplicate pieces in your model that 
hold essentially the same information, only have one place per piece of 
data.  :-)

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 2:07:59 PM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
> The AnimationFrame works perfectly. Thank you :D 
> I have another question came in mind. How do you think can we make the 
> view display, for example "Thinking", while the minimax algorithm is being 
> executed?
> Thank you a lot for your help. :D
> Vào 00:11:59 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
>> Most callbacks in a browser, such as the timeout used for Time, is 
>> throttled to 4ms and behaves strangely below 16ms, if you want to execute 
>> as fast as possible then you should use an AnimationFrame subscription. 
>>  Time subscriptions should only be used for 500ms or larger or so, any less 
>> and it starts to act odd.
>> You should probably still do a test to make sure it is the ai turn in 
>> your update for `AIMove` though, the browser can cache and send events 
>> 'later' than you expect as well.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:06:07 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
>>> second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than a 
>>> second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every millisecond AIMove
>>> Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>>> viết:

 The example he put above is fine:  :)
 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove
 Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful 
 to batch functionality together):
 subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
 subAITick model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
 Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
 [ subAITick
 ; otherSubscriptionsHere

 On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
> viết:
>> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that 
>>> can return a Sub Msg?
>>> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t 
>>> Velt đã viết:

 (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
 I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a 
 better, less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update 

 That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
 "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.

 What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only 
 active if it is the AI's turn to move.
 That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do 
 not need to create your own command
 Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
 subscription is turned off.

 Something like this:

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove

 You would of course have to define your own functions to check if 
 the game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the 
 turn to play.


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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread hoangtkc95
The AnimationFrame works perfectly. Thank you :D 
I have another question came in mind. How do you think can we make the view 
display, for example "Thinking", while the minimax algorithm is being 

Thank you a lot for your help. :D

Vào 00:11:59 UTC+7 Thứ Ba, ngày 11 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
> Most callbacks in a browser, such as the timeout used for Time, is 
> throttled to 4ms and behaves strangely below 16ms, if you want to execute 
> as fast as possible then you should use an AnimationFrame subscription. 
>  Time subscriptions should only be used for 500ms or larger or so, any less 
> and it starts to act odd.
> You should probably still do a test to make sure it is the ai turn in your 
> update for `AIMove` though, the browser can cache and send events 'later' 
> than you expect as well.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:06:07 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
>> second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than a 
>> second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.
>> subscriptions model =
>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>> Time.every millisecond AIMove
>> Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>> viết:
>>> The example he put above is fine:  :)
>>> ```
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every second AIMove
>>>   else
>>> Sub.none
>>> ```
>>> Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful to 
>>> batch functionality together):
>>> ```
>>> subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subAITick model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every second AIMove
>>>   else
>>> Sub.none
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   subAITick
>>> ```
>>> Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:
>>> ```
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   Sub.batch
>>> [ subAITick
>>> ; otherSubscriptionsHere
>>> ]
>>> ```
>>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:

 Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 

 Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that 
>> can return a Sub Msg?
>> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t 
>> Velt đã viết:
>>> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
>>> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a 
>>> better, less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update 
>>> calls).
>>> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
>>> "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.
>>> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only 
>>> active if it is the AI's turn to move.
>>> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do 
>>> not need to create your own command
>>> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
>>> subscription is turned off.
>>> Something like this:
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every second AIMove
>>>   else
>>> Sub.none
>>> You would of course have to define your own functions to check if 
>>> the game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's 
>>> turn to play.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread OvermindDL1
Most callbacks in a browser, such as the timeout used for Time, is 
throttled to 4ms and behaves strangely below 16ms, if you want to execute 
as fast as possible then you should use an AnimationFrame subscription. 
 Time subscriptions should only be used for 500ms or larger or so, any less 
and it starts to act odd.

You should probably still do a test to make sure it is the ai turn in your 
update for `AIMove` though, the browser can cache and send events 'later' 
than you expect as well.

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:06:07 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
> I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
> second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than a 
> second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every millisecond AIMove
> Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
>> The example he put above is fine:  :)
>> ```
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>> Time.every second AIMove
>>   else
>> Sub.none
>> ```
>> Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful to 
>> batch functionality together):
>> ```
>> subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subAITick model =
>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>> Time.every second AIMove
>>   else
>> Sub.none
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>   subAITick
>> ```
>> Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:
>> ```
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>   Sub.batch
>> [ subAITick
>> ; otherSubscriptionsHere
>> ]
>> ```
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
>>> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>>> viết:

 Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.

 On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that can 
> return a Sub Msg?
> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t 
> Velt đã viết:
>> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
>> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, 
>> less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).
>> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
>> "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.
>> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only 
>> active if it is the AI's turn to move.
>> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do 
>> not need to create your own command
>> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
>> subscription is turned off.
>> Something like this:
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>> Time.every second AIMove
>>   else
>> Sub.none
>> You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the 
>> game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn 
>> to 
>> play.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread hoangtkc95
I just found a problem with using subscription though. I tried replace 
second with millisecond, while the minimax was executing (about less than a 
second)  the program keep calling more AIMove.

subscriptions model =
  if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
Time.every millisecond AIMove

Vào 23:54:21 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
> The example he put above is fine:  :)
> ```
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> ```
> Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful to 
> batch functionality together):
> ```
> subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
> subAITick model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   subAITick
> ```
> Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:
> ```
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   Sub.batch
> [ subAITick
> ; otherSubscriptionsHere
> ]
> ```
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
>> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã 
>> viết:
>>> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
>>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:

 This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that can 
 return a Sub Msg?

 Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t Velt 
 đã viết:
> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, 
> less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).
> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
> "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.
> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only active 
> if it is the AI's turn to move.
> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do 
> not need to create your own command
> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
> subscription is turned off.
> Something like this:
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the 
> game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn 
> to 
> play.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread OvermindDL1
The example he put above is fine:  :)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
  if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
Time.every second AIMove
Though if you want it in another function you can do that too (useful to 
batch functionality together):
subAITick : Model -> Sub Msg
subAITick model =
  if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
Time.every second AIMove

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Or if you have other subscriptions too, batching them together:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ subAITick
; otherSubscriptionsHere

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:48:34 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com wrote:
> Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 
> Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
>> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that can 
>>> return a Sub Msg?
>>> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t Velt 
>>> đã viết:

 (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
 I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, 
 less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).

 That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a 
 "real" player, and another Msg from your AI player.

 What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only active 
 if it is the AI's turn to move.
 That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do not 
 need to create your own command
 Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
 subscription is turned off.

 Something like this:

 subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
 subscriptions model =
   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
 Time.every second AIMove

 You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the 
 game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn 


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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread hoangtkc95
Can you show code example :D I'm quite new to Elm and javascript. 

Vào 23:45:45 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, OvermindDL1 đã viết:
> Yep, just call it from the subscriptions callback then.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:36:58 AM UTC-6, hoang...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that can 
>> return a Sub Msg?
>> Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t Velt 
>> đã viết:
>>> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
>>> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, 
>>> less bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).
>>> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a "real" 
>>> player, and another Msg from your AI player.
>>> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only active 
>>> if it is the AI's turn to move.
>>> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do not 
>>> need to create your own command
>>> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
>>> subscription is turned off.
>>> Something like this:
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
>>> Time.every second AIMove
>>>   else
>>> Sub.none
>>> You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the 
>>> game is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn to 
>>> play.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread hoangtkc95
This is quite a good idea. But can we define our own function that can 
return a Sub Msg?

Vào 20:41:40 UTC+7 Thứ Hai, ngày 10 tháng 10 năm 2016, Wouter In t Velt đã 
> (disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
> I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, less 
> bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).
> That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a "real" 
> player, and another Msg from your AI player.
> What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only active if 
> it is the AI's turn to move.
> That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do not 
> need to create your own command
> Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
> subscription is turned off.
> Something like this:
> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
> subscriptions model =
>   if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
> Time.every second AIMove
>   else
> Sub.none
> You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the game 
> is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn to play.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Subscribe to a model value then call update function when condition is met

2016-10-10 Thread Wouter In t Velt
(disclaimer: I am also quite new to Elm) 
I always try to avoid creating my own Cmd: there is usually a better, less 
bug-prone way to achieve this (e.g. with resursive update calls).

That said: I can see the logic in having a Msg originating from a "real" 
player, and another Msg from your AI player.

What you could do, is make a subscription to Time, that is only active if 
it is the AI's turn to move.
That way, you get a) a delay before the AI makes a move + b) you do not 
need to create your own command
Whenever it is the user's turn, or as soon as the game is over, the 
subscription is turned off.

Something like this:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
  if (gameIsNotFinished model && model.turn == AIToMove) then
Time.every second AIMove

You would of course have to define your own functions to check if the game 
is still playing (no winner and no draw) and if it is the AI's turn to play.

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