Re: [O] evaluation of perl in babel

2013-02-25 Thread D M German
 Achim Gratz twisted the bytes to say:

 Achim D M German writes:
  There are some bugs. For example, the interpretation of :results table,
  vector and list.

 Achim You may misunderstand some things, or I don't understand what you are
 Achim asking.  It is (at least currently) the responsibility of the Perl
 Achim program (or any other Babel language) to deliver the result in such a
 Achim way that it can be interpreted correctly by the result type chosen (in
 Achim other word, the program output must be valid Org syntax in the given
 Achim context).  You can't have the same program produce tables, vectors and
 Achim LaTeX output just by switching the results type.

I understand. But what I want is the output to be wrapped accordingly,
and my script to deliver exactly the output as expected. So say I want
to generate HTML in my script, I can use :results output, but then I
have to change to replace the #+being_example with #+begin_HTML.

I guess that I can generate a two dimensional table with perl too
using output (printing the necessary | and \n), but then it will be
wrapped with #+begin_example.

  But I think the main problem comes from the way that Babel expects the
  result. In Babel, and except for :results output, the last expression in
  perl is considered the input to the results.

 Achim That is with the default wrapper function, which expects the program to
 Achim return something that either is a string or interpolates to a string
 Achim that Babel can interpret.  You can easily define one yourself that does
 Achim different things, like simply open the output file then select the
 Achim filehandle for output.  That's what I'd do in any case and I think it
 Achim would work just as you want.

Perhaps a string can be the solution. Ok, I am testing:

#+begin_src perl :results table

| a | b | c | \n | c | d | e |

Ok, this seems to be more useful that returning a list of values. 
Is there a way to separate two rows in the result?

Thanks again Achim,


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] [PATCH] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-25 Thread D M German

 Achim D M German dmg at writes:
  I think the issue is that, at least in my computer the variable $\
  returns empty (the record separator).

 Achim Thinko on my side, what I wanted was the input record separator $/
 Achim (to avoid
 Achim specifying a literal newline for those systems where this is actually
 Achim multi-character).

Hi Achim,

Once I changed it:

(defvar org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
  my @r = eval( q(
  open my $BO, qq(%s) or die qq( Perl: Could not open output file.$\\ );
  print $BO join($/, @r), $/ ;

the result now has \n in between fields (literally):

#+name: t_output_table
#+begin_src perl :results table
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_table
| 1\n2\n |

what is the expected field separator for Org-babel?

 Achim Regards,
 Achim Achim.

Daniel M. German  Prose is intrinsically linear; 
   a good book carries the reader forward
   The Economist -on the crest of the words
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

Hi Everybody,

I found a bug in the Babel perl code. When a table is used as input, the
values of the table  are not escaped. In fact, they are surrounded by
double quotes  instead of single ones '. This means that special
characters are interpreted: $string, and @variable are considered
variables. See below.

For example:
#+RESULTS: patito
| alias| uniname
| Jon  | jon

#+name: output(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results output
print Begin\n;
print $$data[0][0], \n;
print End\n;


#+RESULTS: output
: Begin
: Jon
: End   


I see two ways to solve this. The first is simply to replace the output
format of the variable from %S to '%s' (use quotes '). The other one
is to optionally escape the fields of the table (which is more
complicated, and would require replacing each). The third one is a
combination of both: replace them only if desired, via some header
configuration variable.

diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..2f795aa 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ The elisp value, VAR, is converted to a string of perl source 
 specifying a var of the same value.
   (if (listp var)
   (concat [ (mapconcat #'org-babel-perl-var-to-perl var , ) ])
-(format %S var)))
+(format '%s' var)))

Debugging perl is very cumbersome in org-mode. It would be nice to have
a feature to export the source to a file. This is because the variable
expansion needs to be done before the code can be used (hence simply cut
and paste does not work, nor shell-command-on-region)

I used the org-babel-perl-command variable to replace perl with a script
that simply wrote to a file. 

It would be nice to be able to write the script created by org a file,
so this can be debugged (it would have the variable definitions). Maybe
this is already a feature and I don't know about it.

As we are into it, I found this declaration to be very useful. 

(setq org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
use strict;

sub org_columns
my ($table) = @_;
my $y = $$table[0];
return scalar(@$y);

sub org_rows
my ($table) = @_;
return scalar(@$table);

sub main {

my @r = main;
open(o, \%s\);
print o join(\\\n\, @r), \\\n\)

It does two things: it uses strict, so undeclared variables create
errors, and it also creates two functions: org_columns and org_rows
that, when used on the variable declared as input, return its number of
columns and rows:

my $rows = org_rows($data);
my $columns = org_columns($data);

the only problem with using strict is that variables would have to be
defined with my too: so that would require this patch:

diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..82f8086 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'.
   Return list of perl statements assigning the block's variables.
(lambda (pair)
- (format $%s=%s;
+ (format my $%s=%s;
 (car pair)
 (org-babel-perl-var-to-perl (cdr pair
(mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var

Finally, if interested, i can write a couple of examples for Perl that
could help people who want to use it. 

thanks again,

Daniel M. German  Great algorithms are
   Francis Sullivan - the poetry of computation
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

 dmg Mm, I also noticed that when :results output is used, there is no way
 dmg to insert perl code before or after the executed code.
 dmg org-babel-perl-wrapper-method only works for all the methods but
 dmg output. It would be nice to have a variable that
 dmg does this for any output type.

I implemented a proof-of-concept. The idea is to have a variable called
org-babel-perl-preface that is inserted before the code. I also like to
be able to use my in all variables, so I can use strict, if I choose
to. See the patch at the bottom. 

here is a test example:

Input table

#+RESULTS: patito
| id | title   | year | index | notes | attr |
| Taxi Driver (1944) | Taxi Driver | 1944 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1954) | Taxi Driver | 1954 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1973) | Taxi Driver | 1973 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1976) | Taxi Driver | 1976 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1978) | Taxi Driver | 1978 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1981) | Taxi Driver | 1981 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (1990) | Taxi Driver | 1990 |   |   |  |
| Taxi Driver (2004) | Taxi Driver | 2004 |   |   |  |

Simple row output: the last statement is returned as a list, each in a line.

#+name: output2(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results raw
org_rows($data), org_columns($data);

#+RESULTS: output2

More complex example. By defining org_rows and org_columns in the
preface, it makes it easier to manipulate them. org-babel implements
tables as a reference to an array of references to arrays.

#+name: rip(data=patito)
#+begin_src perl :results output
my $rows = org_rows($data);
my $columns = org_columns($data);

for (my $j=0;$j$rows; $j++) {
for (my $i=0;$i$columns; $i++) {
print $i:$j ;
print $$data[$j][$i];
print |\n;
print Row $rows\n;
print Columns $columns\n;

#+RESULTS: rip
0:0 Taxi Driver (1944)   ;1:0 Taxi Driver   ;2:0 1944   ;3:0;4:0;5:0
0:1 Taxi Driver (1954)   ;1:1 Taxi Driver   ;2:1 1954   ;3:1;4:1;5:1
0:2 Taxi Driver (1973)   ;1:2 Taxi Driver   ;2:2 1973   ;3:2;4:2;5:2
0:3 Taxi Driver (1976)   ;1:3 Taxi Driver   ;2:3 1976   ;3:3;4:3;5:3
0:4 Taxi Driver (1978)   ;1:4 Taxi Driver   ;2:4 1978   ;3:4;4:4;5:4
0:5 Taxi Driver (1981)   ;1:5 Taxi Driver   ;2:5 1981   ;3:5;4:5;5:5
0:6 Taxi Driver (1990)   ;1:6 Taxi Driver   ;2:6 1990   ;3:6;4:6;5:6
0:7 Taxi Driver (2004)   ;1:7 Taxi Driver   ;2:7 2004   ;3:7;4:7;5:7
Row 8
Columns 6


diff --git a/lisp/ob-perl.el b/lisp/ob-perl.el
index ccd3826..65e6b88 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-perl.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-perl.el
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'.
   Return list of perl statements assigning the block's variables.
(lambda (pair)
- (format $%s=%s;
+ (format my $%s=%s;
 (car pair)
 (org-babel-perl-var-to-perl (cdr pair
(mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var
@@ -85,13 +85,34 @@ specifying a var of the same value.
 (defvar org-babel-perl-wrapper-method
 sub main {
-@r = main;
+my @r = main;
 open(o, \%s\);
 print o join(\\\n\, @r), \\\n\)
+(defvar org-babel-perl-preface
+use strict;
+sub org_columns
+my ($table) = @_;
+my $y = $$table[0];
+return scalar(@$y);
+sub org_rows
+my ($table) = @_;
+return scalar(@$table);
 (defvar org-babel-perl-pp-wrapper-method
@@ -102,11 +123,11 @@ of the statements in BODY, if RESULT-TYPE equals 'value 
 return the value of the last statement in BODY, as elisp.
   (when session (error Sessions are not supported for Perl))
   (case result-type
-(output (org-babel-eval org-babel-perl-command body))
+(output (org-babel-eval org-babel-perl-command (format %s\n%s 
org-babel-perl-preface body)))
 (value (let ((tmp-file (org-babel-temp-file perl-)))
- (format org-babel-perl-wrapper-method body
+ (format org-babel-perl-wrapper-method org-babel-perl-preface body
  (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-file 'noquote)))
 (org-babel-eval-read-file tmp-file)

Daniel M. German  In questions of science the authority of
   a thousand is not worth the humble
   Galileo -  reasoning of a single individual.
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] babel :results output and format of output

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

hi everybody,

I have been testing babel with perl and I am very puzzled by the

Say I have the following script that outputs 10 numbers. org/babel wraps
it as a begin_example

#+begin_src perl :results output 
for (my $i=0;$i10;$i++) {
  print $i\n;


But if my script only outputs 9 lines then the format is not wrapped by
#+begin_example, and instead is prefixed by :

#+begin_src perl :results output 
for (my $i=0;$i9;$i++) {
  print $i\n;

: 0
: 1
: 2
: 3
: 4
: 5
: 6
: 7
: 8

Is this behaviour expected? Is the threshold at which it happens

thanks a lot for your help,


Daniel M. German  In questions of science the authority of
   a thousand is not worth the humble
   Galileo -  reasoning of a single individual.
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Re: [O] bug in expansion of variables in babel Perl

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

 Achim D M German writes:
 Achim […]

 Achim Please leave the formats alone, if you change the number of parameters
 Achim there folks that use their own definitions won't know what hit them.
 Achim What you want is to prepend something to the body that Babel gives you,
 Achim so let-bind that result and use it.  You could even advise the function
 Achim and have it submit to your will without changing Org.

Hi Achim, thanks for the recommendation. As I said before, see my
previous patch as a proof-of-concept and not as something that I think
should be applied. I am fully aware of the potential consequences.

 Achim BTW, now that I think some more about it: debugging Perl is much easier
 Achim than you seem to let on:

 Achim (setq org-babel-perl-command perl -Mstrict -ne print).

Using strict is complicated by use of variables from org tables and the
way that the code in R is executed. It would require the variable @r and
each of the created variables from tables to be defined as my. I know I
can change the behaviour of org-babel-variable-assignment, but perhaps
simply adding my to any variable created in org would be a good thing
to do. I don't think it would harm, anyways.

 Achim This will echo the program sent to Perl in full glory into the output
 Achim block.

thanks, this i a great suggestion that I didn't know about.


 Achim Regards,
 Achim Achim.
 Achim -- 
 Achim +[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]+

 Achim Waldorf MIDI Implementation  additional documentation:

Daniel M. German  Beware of bugs in the above code;
   I have only proved it
   Donald Knuth  -correct, not tried it.
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] evaluation of perl in babel

2013-02-24 Thread D M German

Hi Everybody,

I looked a bit more onto the way that perl is evaluated. I know the
support of perl is minor. I understand that, so please, don't see this
message as a complaint, so this is more for discussion and potential
improvements of the Perl support in Babel.

One of the things I have noticed is that the way that Babel handles the
results coming from the code is not the best.

Let me elaborate:

At the bottom you will find a set of test that stress the different
:results types.

There are some bugs. For example, the interpretation of :results table,
vector and list.

But I think the main problem comes from the way that Babel expects the
result. In Babel, and except for :results output, the last expression in
perl is considered the input to the results. This is implementing by
saving the last expression into a variable, and printing each value
separated by a \n (including the last). So basically, org takes the
last expression, and outputs them to the babel input file one per line.

This places some constraints. First, it is not currently capable of
dealing with two dimensional arrays. Second, it makes it hard to create
complex output (such as HTML or LaTeX), and third, it is hard to debug
without first printing the value of the array (this output would be lost
during the evaluation, so it would have be debugged outside org).

I feel that a better approach is to use std output as the default input
to any of these :results types, and then try to parse them into the
corresponding :results types. This will allow the creation of HTML and
LaTeX from perl (which the current implementation does not allow).

So recapitulating, my suggestion is that perl should use STDOUT as the
output of the snippet in any :results type, rather than the result of
the last expression.

I know this will break backwards compatibility. One solution is to keep
the current src perl and add a new perl_stdout mode (or something like
that) that implements this.


#+begin_src perl :results output 
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

: Test

#+name: t_output_raw
#+begin_src perl :results raw 
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_raw

#+name: t_output_table
#+begin_src perl :results table
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_table
| 1\n2\n |

#+name: t_output_vector
#+begin_src perl :results vector
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_vector
| 1\n2\n |

#+name: t_output_list
#+begin_src perl :results list
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_list
- 1

#+name: t_output_org
#+begin_src perl :results org
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_org

#+name: t_output_html
#+begin_src perl :results html
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_html

#+name: t_output_latex
#+begin_src perl :results latex
print Test\n;
(1, 2)

#+RESULTS: t_output_latex

Daniel M. German  I see no good reason why the
   views given in this volume
   should shock the religious
   Charles Darwin -   feelings of anyone.
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


[O] Tag columns in clock-table

2013-01-04 Thread Raghavendra D Prabhu


Is there a way to get tags (for the first level at least) in the 
org-clock-table? If not, it would be nice to have an option to 
have with it. The rationale behind it is this is to avoid 
multiple clock-tables and also to reduce confusion.

Suppose, I filter with 3 tags, currently I use explicit exclusion 
criteria (for multiple org-tables) - like  +A-B-C, -A+B+C and so on. Having a tags 
column would avoid having this, and also it becomes easier to 
identify when a certain heading is having more than one tag.

Raghavendra Prabhu
GPG Id : 0xD72BE977
Fingerprint: B93F EBCB 8E05 7039 CD3C A4B8 A616 DCA1 D72B E977

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] On org-clock-table and day-of-the-week

2012-12-29 Thread Raghavendra D Prabhu


* On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:36:42PM +0100, Bastien wrote:

Hi Raghavendra,

Raghavendra D Prabhu writes:

I am using org clock-table to generate reports etc. However, it has
starting day for the week hard-coded as Monday 0:00 (in
org-clock-special-range I believe). It would be nice if this is
configurable much like how org-agenda-start-on-weekday behaves (that
variable has no effect on clock-table though).

You can now (in git master) use the :wstart parameter in clocktables.

Thanks for suggesting this feature.

I will, thanks for adding the feature. 


Raghavendra Prabhu
GPG Id : 0xD72BE977
Fingerprint: B93F EBCB 8E05 7039 CD3C A4B8 A616 DCA1 D72B E977

Description: PGP signature

[O] On org-clock-table and day-of-the-week

2012-12-04 Thread Raghavendra D Prabhu


I am using org clock-table to generate reports etc. However, it 
has starting day for the week hard-coded as Monday 0:00 (in 
org-clock-special-range I believe). It would be nice if this is 
configurable much like how org-agenda-start-on-weekday behaves 
(that variable has no effect on clock-table though).

Raghavendra Prabhu
GPG Id : 0xD72BE977
Fingerprint: B93F EBCB 8E05 7039 CD3C A4B8 A616 DCA1 D72B E977

Description: PGP signature

[O] Emacs non-breaking space (Ctrl-x 8 space) doesn't export to HTML nbsp;

2012-11-13 Thread D. C. Toedt
Emacs allows you to enter a non-breaking space by typing Ctrl-x 8 space.
 That doesn't export to HTML as nbsp; though.  Is this expected behavior,
or a bug?

I've worked around it by globally-replacing non-breaking spaces with nbsp;
before exporting.

I'm using 7.9.2, the Nov. 5, 2012 build.

*D. C. Toedt III * |  Lawyer for tech companies  |  Houston, Texas (Central
time zone)|  Last name is pronounced Tate  |  +1 (713) 364-6545   |  *Blog:* On
Contracts  |
 *LinkedIn:* dctoedt  |

Re: [O] Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

2012-05-29 Thread Orlando López D .

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

After doing an evaluation, I am getting the correct path on my Windows
machine, which is c:/Users/User/Dropbox/MobileOrg

What do you recommend that I try next?


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:


 I think by default Windows tries to treat C:\ as ~ when it isn't
 explicitly defined beforehand.

 If you evaluate the following, does it give the same Windows path as
 to the actual folder?

 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (expand-file-name ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg)

 If not you'll want to try one of the following:

 1) Set the Windows Environment Variable HOME to the desired location
 (C:\Users\username for example)
 2) Move your Dropbox folder to the location shown by the above code
 snippet, it should then recognize it.
 3) Replace =~/Dropbox/= in your configuration with the full path to
 the Dropbox folder.



 On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Ian Barton wrote:
  On 28/05/12 15:45, Orlando wrote:
  Ian Bartonlistsat  writes:
  On 26/05/12 20:00, Orlando López D. wrote:
  I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my org
  files and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ).
  Now, I will like to get my emacs setup working properly on my Windows
  box. I have been able to get it working in terms of reading my .emacs
  file and emacs.d folder, shared through simlink config.
  Everything seems to be working properly, except that when I  want to
  execute org-mobile-pull or org-mobile-push on Windows, I get the
  following error: Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an
  existing directory 
  The problem seems to be that emacs isn't configured to read or point
  the org-mobile directory , per the paths set in .emacs (eg. =
  ~/DropBox/ ...).
  Running on Linux I found I needed the following in my .emacs:
  (setq org-directory ~/dropbox/org/org_files)
  (setq org-mobile-directory ~/dropbox/MobileOrg)
  (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull
  Have you got all these set? Somewhere there is a possible bug where a
  misleading error message gets displayed referring to
  org-mobile-directory, when it means org-directory. I keep meaning to
  and track it down.
  Ian, thanks for your e-mail.
  I have the following configuration, which doesn´t seems to defer in
  concept with
  ;; Set to the location of your Org files on your local system
  (setq org-directory ~/DropBox/org)
  ;; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored
  (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull ~/DropBox/org/
  ;; Set toyour Dropbox root directory/MobileOrg.
  (setq org-mobile-directory ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg)
  Which could be the reason why Windows isn´t locating the path to the
  directory? Do I need to have any specific configuration on .emacs for
  for Windows?
  I haven't used emacs on Windows for a long time. However, I don't know if
  Windows understands the concept of ~/, unless there is some emacs
  configuration that allows this. Have you tried setting the paths
  e.g. (setq org-directory C:/DropBox/org)

Re: [O] Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

2012-05-29 Thread Orlando López D .
Yes, my user on the computer is User. Thanks,

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:


 Is your username on the machine User?

 If it isn't you'll have to change User to whatever your account name is.

 If it is the right username, then I'm not sure why it wouldn't be
 detecting the correct path.


 On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Orlando López D. wrote:
  Thanks for your attention to this matter.
  After doing an evaluation, I am getting the correct path on my Windows
  machine, which is c:/Users/User/Dropbox/MobileOrg
  What do you recommend that I try next?
  On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:
  I think by default Windows tries to treat C:\ as ~ when it isn't
  explicitly defined beforehand.
  If you evaluate the following, does it give the same Windows path as
  to the actual folder?
  #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (expand-file-name ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg)
  If not you'll want to try one of the following:
  1) Set the Windows Environment Variable HOME to the desired location
  (C:\Users\username for example)
  2) Move your Dropbox folder to the location shown by the above code
  snippet, it should then recognize it.
  3) Replace =~/Dropbox/= in your configuration with the full path to
  the Dropbox folder.
  On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Ian Barton
   On 28/05/12 15:45, Orlando wrote:
   Ian Bartonlistsat  writes:
   On 26/05/12 20:00, Orlando López D. wrote:
   I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my
   files and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ).
   Now, I will like to get my emacs setup working properly on my
   box. I have been able to get it working in terms of reading my
   file and emacs.d folder, shared through simlink config.
   Everything seems to be working properly, except that when I  want
   execute org-mobile-pull or org-mobile-push on Windows, I get the
   following error: Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an
   existing directory 
   The problem seems to be that emacs isn't configured to read or
   the org-mobile directory , per the paths set in .emacs (eg. =
   ~/DropBox/ ...).
   Running on Linux I found I needed the following in my .emacs:
   (setq org-directory ~/dropbox/org/org_files)
   (setq org-mobile-directory ~/dropbox/MobileOrg)
   (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull
   Have you got all these set? Somewhere there is a possible bug where
   misleading error message gets displayed referring to
   org-mobile-directory, when it means org-directory. I keep meaning to
   and track it down.
   Ian, thanks for your e-mail.
   I have the following configuration, which doesn´t seems to defer in
   concept with
   ;; Set to the location of your Org files on your local system
   (setq org-directory ~/DropBox/org)
   ;; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored
   (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull ~/DropBox/org/
   ;; Set toyour Dropbox root directory/MobileOrg.
   (setq org-mobile-directory ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg)
   Which could be the reason why Windows isn´t locating the path to the
   directory? Do I need to have any specific configuration on .emacs for
   for Windows?
   I haven't used emacs on Windows for a long time. However, I don't know
   Windows understands the concept of ~/, unless there is some emacs
   configuration that allows this. Have you tried setting the paths
   e.g. (setq org-directory C:/DropBox/org)

[O] Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

2012-05-26 Thread Orlando López D .
I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my org files
and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ).

Now, I will like to get my emacs setup working properly on my Windows box.
I have been able to get it working in terms of reading my .emacs file and
emacs.d folder, shared through simlink config.

Everything seems to be working properly, except that when I  want to
execute org-mobile-pull or org-mobile-push on Windows, I get the following
error: Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory

The problem seems to be that emacs isn't configured to read or point to the
org-mobile directory , per the paths set in .emacs (eg. = ~/DropBox/

I found some info on the web, which pointed to setting a parameter on
.emacs so that it identified while running on Windows, that it should look
into a directory structure.

Now, how should I accomplish this appropriately?

I found some examples of:

;;On Windows
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
   (setq default-directory C:\Usuarios/User/)

But it doesn't seem to be doing the job.

Thanks for any help.

[O] External link abbreviations don't work when contained in #+INCLUDE file

2012-04-30 Thread D. C. Toedt
External link abbreviations don't seem to work if they're in an #+INCLUDE
file -- they end up pointing to a (non-existent) anchor within the main

The same external link abbreviations seem to work fine if they're in the
main file.

I'm using the latest build of GNU Emacs (, April 23) and the
latest version of Org-mode 7.8.09 (built-in).

I've done a fair amount of Google searching for possible answers.

Any thoughts?  Here are excerpts from the relevant files.  The same
(presumably-)erroneous behavior exists even with stripped-down files
containing only the text below.




For an example of a confidentiality provision protecting each party's
information, see [[Disney-Pixar][Disney Pixar]] § 19(c)(1).



 #+LINK: Disney-Pixar


[In Chapter.html:]

 For an example of a confidentiality provision protecting each party's
information, see a href=#Disney-PixarDisney Pixar/a § 19(c)(1).

Thanks in advance,

D. C.

*D. C. Toedt III * |  Lawyer for tech companies  |  Houston, Texas (Central
time zone)  |  O: +1 (713) 364-6545  C: +1 (713) 516-8968  |  Last name
pronounced: Tate
*LinkedIn:* dctoedt  |  *Blog: *  |  Twitter:

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:48, Bastien wrote:


 thank you very much for the generous donation, it is really appreciated.

 Just out of curiosity, may I ask you how you use Org-mode?  More
 precisely, do you use it as a publishing tool or in your publishing

 Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!

 Best regards,


Re: [O] org-protocol in windows and Acrobat Reader

2012-03-19 Thread d . tchin
 This indicates that .replace('|',':') didn't work out as expected and
 org-protocol received
 Maybe this could do the trick:
 | app.addMenuItem({cName:org-store-link, cParent:File,
 |  cExec:app.launchURL('org-protocol://store-link://'+ unescape
 |  (encodeURIComponent(this.URL.replace('|',':';});

Indeed  I get the corresponding character. 

The problem of the bad interpretation of the character / still remains when 
I go back to emacs. I get the following proposition when I use C-c C-l : file: 

Thank you for your help.

 I.e. replace | by : in the original URL before encoding it.
   -- David
 OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6
 Jabber dmjena at
 Email. dmaus at

[O] org-protocol in windows and Acrobat Reader

2012-03-15 Thread d . tchin

I try to use a function proposed with org-protocol as explained in this link. 

I would like to launch a pdf file in Acrobat Reader and to use org-store-
link.js to capture the full path of the document in an org file.I try to use 
what it was explained on the link I have already and I have a look on the 
following link.
It doesn't work as I expect.

As I just want to capture the full path of the file (example here is file.pdf 
in C:\Temp), I use the following javascript call org-store-link accessible in 
menu File of Acrobat Reader :
app.addMenuItem({cName:org-store-link, cParent:File,

I get the following string given to org-protocol:

There is several issue. The escaped character is not interpreted when feed in 
emacs and when I use C-c C-l (org-insert-link) I have the following 
proposition : 
file: (C|).

Then I try the following script, to get '/' character to feed org-protocol:
app.addMenuItem({cName:org-store-link, cParent:File,
 cExec:app.launchURL('org-protocol://store-link://'+ unescape

I get the following the expected string :

Again when I use C-c C-l, I have the proposition : file: (C|).

I made the assumption that it is a problem of interpretation of '/'.Then I 
replace this character with ++.
app.addMenuItem({cName:org-store-link, cParent:File,
 cExec:app.launchURL('org-protocol://store-link://'+ unescape

Then I obtain the following string :

This time when I use C-c C-l, I have the proposition : 
So I can get the full path when I replace afterwards each '++' to '/'.

Quite tricky to get the final full link !!

Do you have a more direct and simplest way to get the direct right link ?

Re: [O] taskjuggler3 export

2012-02-29 Thread d . tchin

I use the following file that I export to taskjuggler 3.0 :

|#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 5d 10d 20d 30d 35d 50d 
|* Action list  :taskjuggler_project:  
|** TODO Test tj3 A   
|:Effort:   1w
|:allocate: toA  
|** TODO Test tj3 B   
|:Effort:   1w
|:allocate: toB   
|:BLOCKER:  previous-sibling  
|** TODO Test 2 tj3 
|:Effort:   2w
|:allocate:  toA  
|:BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
|** TODO Test 2 tj3 B
|:Effort:   2w   
|:allocate: toB 
|:BLOCKER: previous-sibling   
|* Ressources  :taskjuggler_resource: 
|** A 
|:resource_id: toA
|** B 
|:resource_id: toB   
|# Local Variables:   
|# org-export-taskjuggler-target-version: 3.0   
|# org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports: (include \gantexport.tji\)  
|# End:

As you can see, I define in the org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports 
variable at the end of the file that I want to use gantexport.tji where the 
gant output directives are defined. This file is in the same directory as org 

The gantexport.tji is the following :

|### begin report definition   
|taskreport Gantt Chart {
|  headline Project Gantt Chart  
|  columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, effort, duration, completed, 
|  timeformat %Y-%m-%d   
|  hideresource 1  
|  formats html
|  loadunit shortauto  

Then the instruction tj3 testtj3.tjp generate the gant chart accessible 
in Gantt Chart.html file.

Hope that can help.

Re: [O] TaskJuggler 3.1 export (tj3)

2012-02-01 Thread d . tchin

Rainer M Krug r.m.krug at writes:

 I would like to use the export to taskjuggler, but somehow I don't get
 it working - might be me or the fact that I have taskjuggler 3.1.0.
 I am trying the example on
 but I somehow don't get it to work.

I tried to make this example work with tj3 some time ago but I didn't manage 
to make it work with the current taskjuggler export procedure. It seems that 
the instruction change a lot beetween tj2 and tj3 and as far I understand the 
export function was written for tj2.

 My questions are:
 1) does the taskjuggler export work with tj3 (version 3.1.0) (John
 Hendy says it doesn't (taskjuggler (tj3) export issues and
 proposals), but there are patches which should have made it work
 (e.g. Christian Egli, small edits to org-taskjuggler.el for tj3).
 So: what is the actual status?

I put here the link where you can see the change. 
Indeed it works with the change proposed by this patch.

This change is apparently not implemented in the current org-taskjuggler.el 

Re: [O] TaskJuggler 3.1 export (tj3)

2012-02-01 Thread d . tchin
John Hendy jw.hendy at writes:

 On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 6:25 AM, d.tchin d.tchin at wrote:
  Rainer M Krug r.m.krug at writes:
 Even so, see my most recent thread
 ( at
 Even if that patch works, it's not a viable solution. It sets a
 default value, but this is really *the* value as in there's no way
 to override it from the file. If you want a different export format,
 you have to edit your emacs config. The variable should be called
 'org-taskjuggler-export-report'. I think the ability to include a .tji
 file is the way to go. Write your report definition, add =include
 reports.tji= to the exporter and you're all set.

Thank you for the suggestion and for the link to thread. After several trials 
and make it work. As far I understand the tj2 is not maintained anymore and if 
users want to use the taskjuggler they will obtain tj3 version. Maybe this 
configuration should be described in the info file or perhaps in the tutorial.

  This change is apparently not implemented in the current org-taskjuggler.el

Thanks for the help and I would to thank people who invest their time and 
skill to develop orgmode and all these extensions. 


Re: [O] [bug] alias for list-diary-entries-hook creates loop in emacs 24

2012-01-11 Thread d . tchin
Eric S Fraga e.fraga at writes:

 one of the recent updates
   commit d6e40fb3472761ed51795f54491b969976167116
 to org has caused a problem with the latest emacs snapshot (version from
 5 January I believe).  Specifically, the alias for
 list-diary-entries-hook would appear to create an alias loop as
 diary-lib.el in emacs already has an alias.

 Removing two lines from org-agenda.el (patch attached) fixes the problem
 (for me).  I am not suggesting this as a patch as it would appear that
 an emacs version specific check should probably be made?  I don't know
 enough about this to suggest a proper solution unfortunately.

I think this bug is related to the correction of a bug I recently
submitted related to emacs 22.3. Please follow the link below :

Hope that can make help.


[O] [org-babel] break when used with header in emacs 22.3

2012-01-10 Thread d . tchin

I would like to report a problem of evalation when org-babel is used with 
emacs 22.3 on windows and recent org-mode 7.8.03.

I use the following code :

#+begin_src sh :results silent

It breaks when a header is used.

When evaluated with C-c C-c, the following message appears :
matched: Wrong type argument: listp, 58

The configuration is the following :
Org-mode version 7.8.03
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Mark set

With the following version of emacs, it works :
GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2011-03-10 on 3249CTO


Re: [O] [org-babel] break when used with header in emacs 22.3

2012-01-10 Thread d . tchin
Eric Schulte eric.schulte at writes:

 This same issue was raised recently on the mailing list and (I believe)
 a patch has been pushed to the git repository.  Would you mind checking
 if the problem persists in the git head?

I download archive and test it. This version solves this 
problem. I have a side effect : the agenda display doesn't work anymore.
I have the following message when I stroke C-c a a.
Press key for agenda command:
let*: Symbol's value as variable is void: diary-list-entries-hook



[O] org-velocity load problem

2011-09-20 Thread d . tchin
Hi all,

This post just to warn that org-velocity is not loaded with Emacs 22.3.1.

I try to load org-velocity but I have the following message :
error: Unknown keyword :safe

I use GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) and Org-mode version 7.7.

I had the possibility to try with emacs 23.3 with the same org-mode version 
and it is loaded correctly.

After investigation, it seems related to custom.el file. Indeed the keyword is 
defined in the later version of emacs. 

Re: [O] a window with my agenda at all times

2011-06-27 Thread D M German

Hi Erick,

 Eric D M German writes:
  Hi everybody,
  I struggle to keep (in emacs) a window with the agenda at all times. If
  anybody has any pointers on how to get a window or a frame to stick at
  all times with the contents of a frame, and basically be ignored from
  any window-related command (split, kill, etc), I would be grateful.
  For a long time I have wanted a sticky window that keeps this
  information. Like a sticky note on my desktop (think a widget in

 Eric I can't answer your question directly but I have done this in the past
 Eric by using /conky/ to display the contents of a file (updating
 Eric automatically) where the file is created by Emacs to consist of the
 Eric output of the agenda command.  This elisp snippet writes out the agenda
 Eric to a specified file (untested):

  (org-batch-agenda a)
  (org-write-agenda some-file-name))

I do something similar, but in the after-save-hook

(defun dmg-org-update-agenda-file (optional force)
  (let ((file /tmp/agenda.html))
(org-write-agenda file)

 Eric In conky, you can use the /head/ directive to output a specified number
 Eric of lines.

 Eric Conky can write to the root window (i.e. the screen) or to a window.
 Eric The former works better, in my opinion, but this may depend on the
 Eric window manager you use.

Thanks for the hint. Sometimes the problem is knowing the name of a tool.

I though about doing something like this, but I wanted rendering in
HTML. Searching on the Internet I found an alternative that does HTML 

I think at the end it is a matter of taste. With my utility a window is
created with scrollbars if the agenda is too large.

But it seems to be making a difference to me, which is what matters ;)


 Eric HTH,
 Eric eric

 Eric -- 
 Eric : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
 Eric : using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.461.g6d18)

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

[O] a window with my agenda at all times

2011-06-26 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

I struggle to keep (in emacs) a window with the agenda at all times. If
anybody has any pointers on how to get a window or a frame to stick at
all times with the contents of a frame, and basically be ignored from
any window-related command (split, kill, etc), I would be grateful.

For a long time I have wanted a sticky window that keeps this
information. Like a sticky note on my desktop (think a widget in

I wrote a small program in qt that simply monitors a file and displays
it. Nothing more. It does the work for me, and maybe somebody else will
find it useful. It relies on exporting the agenda as html every time the
org file is modified, and then this little program displays the html
file. The window manager is responsible of removing decorations, making
it sticky, and placing it in same place always.

Here is a screenshot (see window to the bottom right). The decorations
are removed by the window manager:

Here is the code. As I said, very, very simple, but maybe somebody will
find if useful.

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

[Orgmode] Re: Bug ? : org-babel and calc : calc-command-flags

2011-01-20 Thread d . tchin
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 Hi d.tchin,

Hi Eric

 This problem is caused because (as you point out) the calc-command-flags
 variable is not defined.  In my Emacs version calc-command-flags is
 provided by (require 'calc) which is part of Babel's calc support, this
 variable must be part of another package in your distribution.

Strange as I can load calc package in emacs. Indeed when I try to 
get information on this variable with C-h v, there is nothing.
I have a look on calc.el and I have the following lines (1428):

(defvar calc-aborted-prefix nil)
(defvar calc-start-time nil)
(defvar calc-command-flags)
(defvar calc-final-point-line)
(defvar calc-final-point-column)

Indeed, when I tried to use C-h v on the two first variable, it match.
But not for the following. The main difference is that the first two 
variable have the nil value and not the following.

 As a work around you should find which calc package provides the
 calc-command-flags variable and manually require that package, which
 should resolve this problem.  More generally it may be useful to upgrade
 from Emacs 22 if that is an option.

I put a (require 'calc) in my .emacs. It is still not working.
I decide to put the following instruction in my .emacs :

(require 'calc) 
(defvar calc-command-flags nil)

Then it works ! 
It seems that there is problem of initialization of this variable.
Shouldn't this variable be initialized by default in calc ?

Thank you for your help.


 Best -- Eric

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Bug ? : org-babel and calc : calc-command-flags

2011-01-20 Thread d . tchin

Eventually I prefer to use the following instruction in the
buffer where I will use calc with babel.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
  (require 'ob-calc)
  (defvar calc-command-flags nil)

Thank you for your help. 


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Bug ? : org-babel and calc : calc-command-flags

2011-01-19 Thread d . tchin

I tried to use calc with babel but it doesn't work as expected.

I use the following block with simple instruction :
#+begin_src calc 

I didn't get back any results.

I launch calc and it seems to be called as I have following output
--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
1:  6

So the instructions seems to be sent to calc. 

I have the following message error message :

executing Calc code block...
calc-push-list: Symbol's value as variable is void: calc-command-flags

I use :
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Org-mode version 7.4



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[Orgmode] Re: Property inheritance in Org-collector

2011-01-11 Thread d . tchin
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

I used new version of org-collector as you suggested. It works well.

Thank you.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Property inheritance in Org-collector

2011-01-08 Thread d . tchin
Christian Moe mail at writes:

 I'm trying to use an Org document as the database for a textbook 
 analysis and Org-collector.el to output reports.
 With org-use-property-inheritance set to `t', and working in sparse 
 trees, I fail to get inherited properties to show up in the dynamic 
 block: the value returned is 0. Is this the expected behavior, and is 
 there any way to change things so I can get inherited properties?

I am interested by this too. I tried to have inherited properties and 
had the same problem whereas I fixed org-use-property-inheritance 
to 't. 

I test that inheritance work with the following test :

* Inheritance
#+BEGIN: propview  :cols (ITEM test) :scope tree 
:conds ((string= test appear)) 
| ITEM| test   |
| First level | appear |
|   |  |

#+BEGIN: propview :cols (ITEM CATEGORY) :scope tree 
:conds ((string= CATEGORY level)) 
| First level| level|
| Test inheritance 1 | level|
| Test inheritance 2 | level|
|  ||

** First level
  :test: appear
  :CATEGORY:  level
  :COLUMNS:  %34ITEM %plats %ingredient
*** Test inheritance 1
(org-entry-get (point) test t)
 Test inheritance 2
 (org-entry-get (point) test t)
** Second level
*** Test inheritance 3
(org-entry-get (point) test t)

I expect to have the same behavior for CATEGORY and test properties.
If you evaluate lisp expression you will notice that inheritance seems 
to works.

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[Orgmode] Re: Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

Thank you for this document. It is really of great help.

I would like to do one remark. 

I tried to make gnuplot work on Windows system but I never 
really manageg to make it work in interactive way. I first
started to use org-plot. It doesn't work under Windows.  
In fact it seems related to way inferior process is handled 
in gnu emacs ? 

Anyway I tried to use gnuplot with org-babel. It doesn't
work very well unless I use session none. 

Below a thread related to this question :

I don't know if this situation is the same elsewhere and if it 
could be corrected. Anyway this solution works for me. 
Perhaps if it is checked elsewhere, it could be mentioned.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

 Forgive me... not sure I'm tracking completely.
 - When you say It doesn't work under Windows are you referring to the org-
plot method?
 - But org-babel does work if you use session none
 --- Sorry, what is session none? I've not heard of that before.

Don't be sorry, I wasn't clear. In fact org-plot doesn't on emacs running 
on Windows OS. 
With org-babel implementation it doesn't work (emacs freeze) except 
when I use option of :session none and direct output in png file.
An example below that was in post I gave in link in previous mail :

--8---cut here---start-8---

#+begin_src gnuplot :session none :file out.png
set terminal png
set xlabel gx;set ylabel gy;set zlabel gz
set grid xtics ytics 
set view 0,0
plot cos(x)

--8---cut here---end---8---



 My apologies if I'm being dense! Just not sure exactly what it is you're 
looking for. I have access to a Win machine (though am normally using Linux), 
so if you present your problem I can try to figure out what it is and include 
a note about it on Worg.

In fact I am interested to know if you have same kind of problem. 
I thought that could be mentioned if it is the case.

Many thanks to you.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Export function to Vcal file

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

I see that there is org-export-icalendar-* functions. 
Is there a function that allows to export to *.vcs file
which are recognized by Palm Os ?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

Just to follow previous discussion about having city.

Julien Danjou add a new entry in org-google-weather-format
that allows to get City for which the weather is asked for.
It is possible to customize this variable. 

The default format is %i %c, %l-%h %s . 
If you can add %C for city : %C %i %c, %l-%h %s.

For example I have the following entry :

#+CATEGORY: Meteo 
%%(org-google-weather Caen FR)

When I display agenda, I have the following :

 Meteo:  Caen, Lower-Normandy icon  Couverture nuageuse partielle, 12-22 ℃

Curiously, I have the city following by the region in english whereas the 
other outputs are in french as expected.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-09 Thread d . tchin
Julien Danjou julien at writes:

 Hi folks,
 If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
 weather forecasts in the agenda.
 It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
 curious you can read the entry[2].
 Happy hacking,

It is really beautiful extension. 

I would like to ask one question. I would like to be able
to do several forecast for different locations. 
For example I had the following entries : 
%%(org-google-weather Paris FR)
%%(org-google-weather Caen FR)

In the agenda I have the forecasts for the two locations but 
I have no idea on the output about the related locations. 
I have following ouput :

  Agenda: icon Couverture nuageuse partielle, 13-24 °C
  Agenda: icon Brouillard, 13-23 °C

How can we had the locations. Something like :

  Agenda: *Paris*, icon Couverture nuageuse partielle, 13-24 °C
  Agenda: *Caen*, icon Brouillard, 13-23 °C


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast | multiple forecasts

2010-09-09 Thread d . tchin
Juan Pechiar at writes:

 A simple way is to use the category declaration:
 #+CATEGORY: Paris
 %%(org-google-weather Paris FR)
 %%(org-google-weather Caen FR)
 #+CATEGORY: Agenda
 ... other stuff

Thank you for your answer. 

In fact I was thought that the information was already
in expression (org-google-weather Paris FR) and 
the way was to extract it. But I like your suggestion.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-09 Thread d . tchin
 d.tchin writes:

I didn't use the level I would like to use for answering.
As I reply to Juan, I like your suggestion of using CATEGORY. 

Thank you for your help.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] [babel] lob evaluation : a bug ?

2010-08-05 Thread d . tchin

I try to evaluate function already defined in library-of-babel. 
But whatever the function I try to evaluate I have the following
error output get from buffer *Messages* :

setf: Wrong type argument: consp, nil

For example I use the following :

#+tblname: R-plot-example-data
| 1 |  2 |
| 2 |  4 |
| 3 |  9 |
| 4 | 16 |
| 5 | 25 |

#+srcname: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
#+begin_src R :session *test*

When I evaluate block it works (with C-c C-c).

Then when I try to evaluate the following line :
#+lob: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)

With C-c C-c on this line I have the following answer :
Local setup has been refreshed

With C-c C-v e, emacs asks me : Evaluate this code on your system ?
I answer yes and I have the message :
Wrong type argument: consp, nil

I use the following versions of emacs and org-mode

GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Org-mode version 7.01g

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[Orgmode] [Babel] gnuplot, table entry and temporary file

2010-08-02 Thread d . tchin

Before asking my question, I would like to give few remarks
about use of gnuplot with org-babel and the reason why I
asked this question.
I tried to use it with org-plot but I was not really satisfied
as it didn't work clearly well with emacs installed on MS Windows.

Below a thread about this problem : 

Since gnuplot is available from Babel I tried to use to check
if I have less problem with MS Windows. If I used it with 
session none and make a redirection to output file, it works 
well for me.

Below an example the way I use it :

--8---cut here---start-8---

#+begin_src gnuplot :session none :file out.png
set terminal png
set xlabel gx;set ylabel gy;set zlabel gz
set grid xtics ytics 
set view 0,0
plot cos(x)

--8---cut here---end---8---


With org-plot it was possible to give a table in entry. Org-plot 
was able to write temporary file that was used by gnuplot. 

I haven't seen such a wrapped function for gnuplot use with babel
and I wonder if it is possible to pass a table in gnuplot
block that will create a generic tmpfile.dat used by gnuplot ?

Is there a elisp function that could be use to create such file 
that could be used afterwards ?

Something that could look like this :

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+tblname: tablein
 |  A |  B|
 | 257.72 | 21.39 |
 | 165.77 | 19.68 |
 |  71.00 | 11.50 |
 | 134.19 | 14.33 |
 | 257.56 | 17.67 |

#+lob: functiontowrite(table=tablein, filename=tmpfile_tablein.txt)
--8---cut here---end---8---

An then use tmpfile_tablein.txt in gnuplot block.

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+begin_src gnuplot :session none :file test.png
  set terminal png
  plot 'tmpfile_tablein.txt' us 1:2
--8---cut here---end---8---

Is there a tips that could be used to approach this way of doing ?

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[Orgmode] Re: [Babel] gnuplot, table entry and temporary file

2010-08-02 Thread d . tchin
 d.tchin write 

Sorry, please forget the last question. 
I have just seen a thread related to gnuplot that answers 
to this question. 

Below a link to this thread :

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[Orgmode] Re: [BABEL] Output with octave

2010-07-26 Thread d . tchin
Eric S Fraga ucecesf at writes:

 I don't think you are missing anything obvious as for the :results
 value case, I get the same thing.  In fact, for :results output, I
 don't actually get any output!  I'm not sure why.  I wonder if there
 is a dependence on the version of Octave?  I'm using a fairly old
 version (3.0.x instead of 3.2.x).

I use following version of Octave : 

GNU Octave, version 3.2.0
Copyright (C) 2009 John W. Eaton and others.
This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  For details, type `warranty'.

Octave was configured for i686-pc-mingw32.

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[Orgmode] Re: org-collector : display problem with propview

2010-07-23 Thread d . tchin
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 The following minimal patch to org-collector.el should remove tags from
 the ITEM text, which will also remove the many \n characters.  Please
 let me know if this works for you.
 Thanks -- Eric
 Attachment (org-collector-w-o-tags.patch): text/x-diff, 569 bytes
 d.tchin d.tchin at writes:

Hi Eric,

It works as expected.



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[Orgmode] [BABEL] Output with octave

2010-07-23 Thread d . tchin

I use babel to use with octave language. I use it and
define a session so as to have interaction with
octave process. 

It is great to have interaction with octave and
check the action of the code easily.

I have problem to get output back in org mode file. 
I try the following code :

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+tblname: test
| 1 | 2 | 3 |

#+source: outtest
#+begin_src octave  :session *out*   :var vec=test :results output

--8---cut here---end---8---

You will get following output

#+results: outtest
: vec =
:1   2   3
: octave.exe vecb =
:1   2   3

As you see I get two outputs : vec variable and vecb (with octave prompt).
It is what I expected, excepted vec output.

With :results value 

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+tblname: test
| 1 | 2 | 3 |

#+source: outtest
#+begin_src octave  :session *out*   :var vec=test :results value

--8---cut here---end---8---

I get the following output 

#+results: outtest
: org_babel_eoe

In the octave process, I check that it the last intruction. But 
what I would expect is to get last instruction vecb.

I certainly miss something. Could someone help me on this ?

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[Orgmode] org-collector : display problem with propview

2010-07-22 Thread d . tchin

I try to use org-collector. Since I have changed org-mode to release 7.01
there is a modification in the display of propview.

Below an example :


* View
#+BEGIN: propview  :cols (ITEM CATEGORY) :scope tree :match Inside1 
| Inside first a \n\n\n\n\n\n:Inside1: | firstentry |
| Inside first b \n\n\n\n\n\n:Inside1: | firstentry |
||  |

#+BEGIN: propview  :cols (ITEM CATEGORY) :scope tree :match Inside2 
| Inside second\n\n\n\n\n\n:Inside2: | secondentry |
|  |   |
** First entry
   :CATEGORY:  firstentry
*** Inside first a  :Inside1:
*** Inside first b  :Inside1:
** Second entry
   :CATEGORY:  secondentry
*** Inside second   :Inside2:

There were \n added after ITEM entry then the tag. 

Subsidiary question : is it possible not to display the tag in propview
ang ITEM entry. 

GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Org-mode version 7.01

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[Orgmode] Re: org-collector : display problem with propview

2010-07-22 Thread d . tchin
 d.tchin writes:



 Subsidiary question : is it possible not to display the tag in propview
 ang ITEM entry. 

Sorry. For this question, what I want is to get ITEM entry without the
tag in propview display.

 GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
 Org-mode version 7.01
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[Orgmode] Re: Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry

2010-07-02 Thread d . tchin
 d.tchin writes:

 Julien Danjou julien at writes:
  Hi there,
  I've recently wrote a Google Maps extension for Emacs[1].
  Therefore, I've extended org-mode to display a Google Maps' map for an
  event location. The extension, which is very simple, is available
  here[2] and I wanted you to know about it.
  I'd be glad to have feedback. patches or ideas. ;)
  Happy hacking.
 Dear Julien
 I tried to use Google Maps extension. When I tried to load it, I found out 
 that json.el was required. It seems that this package is included 
in recent 
 emacs version (?).  My version is GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) 
 2008-09-06. I loaded it but then I have another error telling that the 
 use-region-p doesn't exist. It seems that this function appears with emacs 
 So this mail just to tell that it seems necessary to have at emacs 23 
 to make this function work.

Just one comment following previous mail.
Just tried with emacs 23.2. It works very well on this version and it is 
really great.

The bad thing is that this version of emacs is quite slow on Windows system. 
As far I understood it seems to be related to font handling. There is a lot of 
lag, the system freeze. 

So sadly I have to return to release 22.3.1 which is more robust.


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[Orgmode] How to control visibility cycling of headlines using custom tags?

2010-03-26 Thread Kevin D. Robbins

I have not been able to find how to control visibility cycling of individual
headlines. I want to be able to use my own tags, but have their visibility
cycling behave just like when the headline is tagged with the archive tag.
That is, I want to create custom tags that keep a headline closed except for
when using C-TAB on the headline.

Is this currently possible?


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Re: [Orgmode] How to control visibility cycling of headlines using custom tags?

2010-03-26 Thread Kevin D. Robbins
Hi Carsten,

Thanks for your quick reply. Would you consider this as a feature request to
add the option to define new tags that will provide the same visibility
cycling behavior as the archive tag? I do use archiving, so while it works
for now it isn't a great solution to have lots of headings tagged archive
that aren't really archived. For example, agenda views will skip over my
headlines that I've tagged archive just to keep them closed by default.

Thanks for your great work! I really enjoy orgmode.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Carsten Dominik

 On Mar 26, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Kevin D. Robbins wrote:


 I have not been able to find how to control visibility cycling of
 individual headlines. I want to be able to use my own tags, but have their
 visibility cycling behave just like when the headline is tagged with the
 archive tag. That is, I want to create custom tags that keep a headline
 closed except for when using C-TAB on the headline.

 Is this currently possible?

 No, only a single tag is supported for this purpose.  You can change the
 tag name with the variable org-archive-tag.

 - Carsten

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[Orgmode] org-protocol: non-ASCII characters

2010-02-04 Thread D M German

 Jan After learning about org-protocol on worg, I got it working.
 Jan There seems to be a problem with non-ASCII characters in the file names,
 Jan though: an ü in the file path arrived in emacs as %0 %)).

I have been looking around and I am not sure how to solve this
problem. Withing Evince and Xournal I am encoding any non alphanum (as
defined by the C macro) each byte that is contained in the filename

Does anybody know which are the characters above 0 (zero) that need to
be encoded for a safe org link? 


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] org-remember support in xournal

2010-01-31 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

I am sorry I have been a bit slow to finish the integration of xournal
with remember mode. I think I got it working. 

My branch of xournal is available at github:

If the loaded file in xournal is a PDF, the remember link is created to
the .pdf file. Otherwise it is created to the .xoj file.

In both cases the protocol is docview:

emacsclient 'org-protocol://remember://docview:filename::pagenumber

Evince has become a bit trickier because it does not support jumping to
a specific page number (it uses labels instead). So I need to do a bit 
more hacking within it.

Remember, this is an unofficial branch of xournal. It actually supports
more features than xournal (such as jumping to previous, next
annotation, very, very rough search features, and ability to attach
images to the xoj file. 


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] patch to support remember in evince

2010-01-31 Thread D M German

here is a patch to support remember inside evince.

I tried to pass the text selection to remember, but it does not
work (org-protocol://remember://docview:filename::pagenumber::selection).

Looking at the code of org-docview.el I can see that its code does not
support splitting the selection. I suspect this is a minor change
required. Any suggestions on how to change it?

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] Re: org-babel-R and windows ?

2010-01-13 Thread d . tchin
Dan Davison davison at writes:
 The org-babel default is to invoke R as an external shell command, and I
 think this is what is causing the problem. It requires that the emacs
 function shell-command can use the string R to invoke an R process,
 i.e. the R installation and the shell path must be such that this is the

Thank you for the information and explanation.
It seems that the problem comes from the windows shell. 

I try the following :  I explicitely told emacs to use bash 
with the following instructions :
(setq explicit-shell-file-name C:/msys/1.0/bin/bash.exe)
(setq shell-file-name explicit-shell-file-name)

It works with bash.

 #+begin_src R :session org-babel-R-session

The session way works too.

Thank you.

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[Orgmode] org-babel-R and windows ?

2010-01-12 Thread d . tchin

I need help to be able to use org-babel functionality. 
I use emacs 22.3.1 in windows XP and org-mode 6.34.

I have the following instructions in .emacs

(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-plot)
(require 'org-babel-init)  
(require 'org-babel-R) ;; requires R and ess-mode
(require 'org-babel-python);; requires python, and python-mode
(require 'org-babel-ditaa)

ESS module is loaded before :

(load ~/emacs/emacs-22.3/site-lisp/ess-5.7.1/lisp/ess-site)

I don't manage to get any output with R Software. 

Below you will find test I have done :

#+begin_src sh
  echo output

#+results: trial
: output

#+begin_src R

I manage to have shell output, but when I tried R procedure,
I have the following output in *Messages* buffer

executing R source code block...
Syntaxe du nom de fichier, de répertoire ou de volume incorrecte.
Source block produced no output

I have a look on temporary directory and I have the folllowing
file :


Inside the following source code :

main - function ()


write.table(main(), file=c:/Temp/emacs/tmp/R-out-functional-results4452y8r, 
sep=\t, na=nil,row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

The file  R-out-functional-results4452y8r exists but is empty.
What I miss to make it work ?


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[Orgmode] Tips on maintaining a knowledge-base ?

2010-01-09 Thread d . sturb
I've been using org-mode for a little while, I've kept it really simple for  
now, with only two files :

- one to act as an inbox, with remember-mode
- another where I stick just about anything that's been processed from the  

This is great for managing somewhat 'actionable' items, fitting a  
projects/tasks paradigm, but I keep adding things of a more general nature,  
that I won't be needing on a day-to-day basis.
ie outlines describing a general topic, some sysadmin how-tos, reading  
notes etc
I see these notes more as an archive of knowledge nuggets on selected  
topics, rather than something I'd need to show up in my agenda view.
Ideally they would be heavily interlinked in a wiki fashon for easy  
navigation when referring to it int he future, but I haven't put much  
effort into that yet (well it's all in one file for now...).

I was wondering if anyone uses org-mode for this kind of use, and would  
really be interested in reading how you maintain such a system.
I'm especially interested in methods that relate to structuring  
and 'querying' the knowledge base, since it's of no use if information  
can't be found easily.

regards, julien.

PS : by the way, first post here, so hey everyone !
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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

 Jan Böcker twisted the bytes to say:
 Jan Example:

 Jan [[docview:/home/jan/some-file.pdf::7][Page 7]]

 Jan Of course, these links open the file by visiting it in emacs.
 Jan I would propose to modify org-docview.el to look in org-file-apps for an
 Jan entry for \.pdf\'

thanks. This will get me going for the time being.

Also, keep in mind that some people use xournal for native .xoj files,
so it will be nice to generalize this for any extension (provide a
handler for the given type of document).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German
 Jan Böcker twisted the bytes to say:

 Jan On 02.01.2010 16:20, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
  Evince also has an option (-p) to open the file in a
  given page and this would be enough for a link to a PDF file. Since I prefer
  using Evince instead of docview mode I would be very happy to test it.

 Jan I have implemented an experimental version of org-docview.el which
 Jan allows you to specify an external PDF viewer. Check out the docview-dev
 Jan branch at


 Jan To test this, pull from there or apply the following patch, then:
 Jan M-x customize-variable org-docview-pdf-app

 Jan Set it to evince %s -p %p and docview: links to PDF files should now
 Jan open in evince. There may still be bugs lurking here, and I am thinking
 Jan about generalizing this to use a variable org-docview-apps which would
 Jan behave like org-file-apps.

Great. I have now a patch for xournal that supports page numbers from
the command line:

The format is --page=%p or -p %p

It is likely to make it into xournal.  I am now adding an option to use
org-protocol to create the link from xournal. more later.


 Jan This would duplicate functionality of file: links again, which bugs me,
 Jan but on the other hand it would be difficult to reuse org-file-apps for
 Jan this, as I suggested in my previous email -- when opening a file: link
 Jan to a PDF, the %p would not get replaced and may confuse the PDF viewer
 Jan application :(

 Jan Also, YAGNI may apply here if nobody uses docview: links to link to
 Jan non-PDF files anyway.

 Jan ---

 Jan new experimental variable: org-docview-pdf-app

 Jan External application to open docview: links pointing to a pdf file.
 Jan Possible values:

'emacs:Visit the file with emacs using doc-view-mode.
string:An external PDF viewer application.
   %s will be replaced by the file name.
   %p will be replaced by the page number.

   evince %s -p %p

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

I have implemented 'Remember' in xournal. I doubt this feature will ever
make into the mainstream. You can check out my fork. it contains many
features not in the current distribution, but useful, including very
rudimentary search support, ability to jump to next and previous

or you can cherry pick my commits.

Look for Remember under the edit menu. By default it would use the name
of the PDF file (if one exits), otherwise it will use the .XOJ file.  I
am curious to see if we can select text in xournal.

I don't use Link (only remember) but that would be easy to implement
too. The infrastructure is there now.

 Jan PS: I am very interested in integrating Xournal with Org. I use Xournal
 Jan for doing all my homework for university; when I have saved the file, I
 Jan manually add a file: link to my org file. It would be great to store
 Jan that link directly from Xournal!

 Jan - Jan

Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] protocol for PDFs?

2010-01-02 Thread D M German

 Jan It allows you to link to any document format which doc-view-mode
 Jan supports, which includes PDF files. The syntax is:

 Jan docview:file name::page number

 Jan Example:

 Jan [[docview:/home/jan/some-file.pdf::7][Page 7]]

I have started modifying evince. I got to the point in evince that I can
now call emacs-client. The problem is, what do I pass to it?

Will the call to emacsclient be:


By the way, the way I envision it, xournal will have an option to open
evince in the same page (already implemented), and then one can select
text from the PDF and send it to org.

In xournal one can create a hyperlink to a given page using org, but no
selection is possible (no support in xournal yet).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] Encrypting files for org-mobile

2009-12-29 Thread D M German

Hi Richard,

 Richard Hi Daniel,
 Richard There is no support for this in MobileOrg yet, but it has resided on 
my todo list for a while.

 Richard Do you currently use any encryption on your local Org-files in 
Emacs?  I've been meaning to examine AutoEncryption or CryptPlusPlus (http://
 Richard to see how it plays 
with Org.  If it worked well, my rough plan was to make MobileOrg able to en/
 Richard decrypt files along those lines.

 Richard If anyone has any better ideas, let me know.  I'm not sure how this 
would best be implemented.

I think there are two use cases for this problem. 

* On one side is the people who work with encrypted files. the
  mobile-org application would need to be aware of the type of
  encryption used. I suspect many people would be willing to change
  encryption method to the one used in org if it was good enough.

* On the other there is the people who are only interested in encrypting
  the files in the server to avoid them to be browsed by unwanted
  eyes. I suspect that even a simple symmetric encryption method will be
  sufficient here for the majority of the users.

these two uses cases are not mutually exclusive. One can imagine an
scenario where only one or more files are encrypted at the client level,
but the user wants all the files uploaded to the server to be made
available in encrypted mode at the file system level on the server.

Which get me thinking... is there a way to decrypt the files on the file
at the server as they are requested by the mobile-org client? In other
words, the files are encrypted in the server, but when the user requests
them (and provides the proper credentials---such as in the current
environment) the files are then decrypted on the file before they are
sent to the iphone. I suspect this is probably implemented somehow.

I have an iphone development environment (no dev. license though) and I
learning objective-C. I am not very good at UI, but I can help with the
backend code, if necessary.


 Richard -Richard

 Richard On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:04 AM, D M German wrote:

Hi everybody,
Does anybody know if it is possible to keep the files for org-mobile
encrypted in the server? I know you can protect them with a password,
but that protection is from people who look into the server. How about
protecting it from the people who run the server?
thanks a lot!
Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] Re: Encrypting files for org-mobile

2009-12-29 Thread D M German
 Bernt Hansen twisted the bytes to say:

 Bernt Hi Richard,  I don't currently use MobileOrg but I do use encryption
 Bernt with org-mode as described here:


 Bernt Regards,
 Bernt Bernt

Thanks Bernt, for calling my attention to this feature. It certainly
works as a way to avoid my most important data to be server
readable. I'll give it a try.


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] Browser Interface to org-mode?

2009-12-21 Thread D M German
 Manish  twisted the bytes to say:

 Manish On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:24 PM, sumeet pareek wrote:
  I am not a 100% sure but I believe I heard some where in the google tech
  talk about browser interface to org-mode. Could anybody tell me where can I
  find it? It would be a boon to me as I am mostly on a windows box where
  running org-mode is not the most simple thing to do.

 Manish I do not think there is any browser interface to Org mode.

 Manish Do you use Org on non-Windows system at present?  Do you use Emacs on
 Manish Windows at present?  Have you tried Org with Emacs on Windows?  What
 Manish difficulties did you face?

  I also work from multiple systems and would seriously benefit from any
  org-mode interface/clone that works from the browser!?

 Manish Most folks here use DVCS based syncing solutions.

I use org-mobile to synchronize an iphone. this has the advantage of
uploading the files to a web site.

You can use it for a simple way to read-only browse your org files
from another computer (which I just had to do few minutes ago).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] running org-mode (inside emacs) in the n900

2009-12-14 Thread D M German

Yes, it can be done:

I just got it running. The instructions are there. Now I need to figure
out where the meta key is ;)


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-mode and Nokia N900

2009-12-11 Thread D M German

 Óscar Thierry Guillemin writes:

  This question comes after reading
  and before buying a N900...
  Will it be possible to install Org-mode on the N900 (only Emacs available is
  Qemacs) ?

 Óscar It seems that QEmacs has no Emacs Lisp support. Hence org-mode cannot
 Óscar run on it.

 Óscar You need either Emacs or XEmacs for running org-mode.

I just got a N900.I was using emacs on the N810, with org-mode on
it. Then synchronizing my files using subversion.

Applications are being made available for the N900. Hopefully emacs will
be too (at least without N900 support, as it was with the N900).


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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[Orgmode] Re: Latex export and label entries

2009-12-08 Thread d . tchin

Carsten Dominik carsten.dominik at writes:

 On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:51 PM, d.tchin at wrote:
  I use org-export-latex to create latex powerdot
  file. I make adaptation of template defined for
  beamer class and it works quite well.
  I have a problem I would like to submit :
  By default in each section or slide (frame) environment,
  there is a label added by default. This instruction
  is not recognized by powerdot class. Is there a way
  to prevent org-export-latex function to add such label
  entries ?
 a work-around would be to add this to your powerdot definition of org- 

Thank you for the advice. I add the instruction you suggest.
with org-export-latex-classes. In fact it work if this intruction
appears after \begin{document}. 
I have managed to add it before \begin{document} with 
org-export-latex-classes but not after . How could I make appear
this intruction only one time after \begin{document} ?


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[Orgmode] Latex export and label entries

2009-12-02 Thread d . tchin


I use org-export-latex to create latex powerdot
file. I make adaptation of template defined for 
beamer class and it works quite well. 

I have a problem I would like to submit :

By default in each section or slide (frame) environment, 
there is a label added by default. This instruction 
is not recognized by powerdot class. Is there a way 
to prevent org-export-latex function to add such label 
entries ? 

My document is following

#+LaTeX_CLASS: powerdot
#+TITLE: Presentation
#+AUTHOR: author
#+OPTIONS: H:2 num:t toc:nil

* Test 1
** Test in 1
*** Test in 1 in 1
* Test 2
** Test in 2
*** Test in 2 in 2

If you want to reproduce, you can substitute powerdot 
by beamer for LaTeX_CLASS definition. You will find in 
tex file the following :

\section{Test 1}
\label{sec-1} = 


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[Orgmode] enabling org-protocol with Firefox 3 and Ubuntu 9.04

2009-11-09 Thread D M German

Hi everybody,

if you have tried to enable org-protocol under Firefox you might run
into the issue that firefox does not start emacsclient, no matter what
the about:config variables say.

After spending some time I discovered that this is an issue of Firefox's
integration with Gnome. What you need is to tell Gnome that you have a
new URI protocol called org-protocol, and that emacsclient is
responsible for it. This is done with the following two commands (be
careful to indicate the correct full path of emacsclient):

gconftool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/org-protocol/command -t string 
'/usr/bin/emacsclient %s'
gconftool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/org-protocol/enabled -t boolean true


Daniel M. German
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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Re: [Orgmode] org-plot : interaction problem with gnuplot

2009-06-30 Thread d . tchin

Thank you for your help.

1°) I try to use comint buffer and to launch few commands. I don't
really understand the way comint works but it seems that each 
time that I use a command, there is a freeze, and to access 
back to the emacs  buffer I have to use \C-g several times. 

2°) I put the instruction you suggested. I try to use org-plot/gnuplot 
and I have the following output on message buffer:

Loading d:/perso/home/emacs/emacs-22.2/lisp/org/lisp/org-plot.el (source)...done
script is reset
set title 'Citas'
set yrange [0:]
progn: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (line) (block add-to-script (setf 
script (format %s
%s script line, 2
Mark set


 Message du 26/06/09 à 03h37
 De : Eric Schulte 
 A :
 Copie à :
 Objet : Re: [Orgmode] org-plot : interaction problem with gnuplot writes:
  I would like to use gnuplot with org-mode tabular function.But I
  haven't managed to use it until now. 
  I would like to submit to you few remarks I have done.
  I use GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) on Microsoft Windows XP OS.
  I have installed gnuplot and I can use it with gnuplot-mode. 
  I tried to follow the tutorial of Eric Schulte but I didn't manage to get a 
  plot of
  simple example extracted from the tutorial.
  I use these data defined in a file :
  #+PLOT: title:Citas ind:1 deps:(3) type:2d with:histograms set:yrange 
  | Sede | Max cites | H-index |
  | Chile | 257.72 | 21.39 |
  | Leeds | 165.77 | 19.68 |
  | São Paolo | 71.00 | 11.50 |
  | Stockholm | 134.19 | 14.33 |
  | Morelia | 257.56 | 17.67 |
  When I use org-plot/gnuplot, gnuplot is launched with only the reset command
  and emacs is totally freezed. To get back to emacs, I use \C-g command. 
 Hmm, it is not clear to me what is happening here. It is possible that
 the problem is somehow related to running on a windows machine, as I
 have only personally tested org-plot on linux and Mac OS's.
 The only two things I can think of at the moment are
 1. the reset command is freezing on your machine, you could test this
 out by starting up a gnuplot comint buffer and entering the reset
 2. for some reason the script is not being set to the correct value, you
 could test this by adding the following line
 (message script is %s script)
 right after line 263 in lisp/org-plot.el, then reloading that
 function (with C-M-x) and running org-plot-gnuplot again, checking
 the message buffer to see the contents of the script variable.
 Sorry I can't be of more help. If I find time I may re-write org-plot
 to use org-babel (see any of my other recent emails for more information
 on org-babel) which could eliminate this problem.
 Please do let me know the results of looking into the above suggestions,
 or if you have any ideas breakthroughs.
 Thanks -- Eric
  I have checked few things :
  - org-plot/gnuplot managed to build a temporay file org-plot with the 
  Chile 257.72 21.39
  Leeds 165.77 19.68
  São Paolo 71.00 11.50
  Stockholm 134.19 14.33
  Morelia 257.56 17.67
 That looks right
  - I suppose that org-plot/gnuplot builds a temporary buffer with the 
  that will be sent to gnuplot. I checked that *gnuplot* buffer with 
  gnuplot-show-gnuplot-buffer. There is only the reset command.
 That makes sense, it is still possible that the entire command is being
 constructed, but that Emacs is freezing before anything after the
 reset line are evaluated and dropped into the *gnuplot* buffer. The
 above `message' statement should resolve whether this is the case.
  Do you have any idea to solve this problem ?
  Découvrez Cocoon et Catpower dans notre sélection musicale folk sur Voila
  Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Retrouvez les meilleurs titres de Michael Jackson sur

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[Orgmode] org-plot : interaction problem with gnuplot

2009-06-19 Thread d . tchin

I would like to use gnuplot with org-mode tabular function.But I
haven't managed to use it until now. 
I would like to submit to you few remarks I have done.

I use GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) on Microsoft Windows XP OS.
I have installed gnuplot and I can use it with gnuplot-mode. 

I tried to follow the tutorial of Eric Schulte but I didn't manage to get a 
plot of
simple example extracted from the tutorial.

I use these data defined in a file :
#+PLOT: title:Citas ind:1 deps:(3) type:2d with:histograms set:yrange [0:]
| Sede   | Max cites | H-index |
| Chile  |257.72 |   21.39 |
| Leeds  |165.77 |   19.68 |
| São Paolo | 71.00 |   11.50 |
| Stockholm  |134.19 |   14.33 |
| Morelia|257.56 |   17.67 |

When I use org-plot/gnuplot, gnuplot is launched with only the reset command
and emacs is totally freezed. To get back to emacs, I use \C-g command. 

I have checked few things :

- org-plot/gnuplot managed to build a temporay file org-plot with the 

Chile 257.72  21.39
Leeds 165.77  19.68
São Paolo71.00   11.50
Stockholm 134.19  14.33
Morelia   257.56  17.67

- I suppose that org-plot/gnuplot builds a temporary buffer with the 
  that will be sent to gnuplot. I checked that *gnuplot* buffer with 
  gnuplot-show-gnuplot-buffer. There is only the reset command.

Do you have any idea to solve this problem ?



Découvrez Cocoon et Catpower dans notre sélection musicale folk sur Voila

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[Orgmode] Re: feature request

2009-03-26 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Hello Carsten,

Carsten Dominik writes:

 if you pull a new git version, the page title will now correctly
 appear in links created in w3-mode buffers.

 Thanks to all who contributed to this discussion.

Thank you.  I just tested it and works well.  Exactly what I needed.

Robert D. Crawford

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[Orgmode] Re: generating titles in remember templates from w3 buffers [was:Re: feature request]

2009-03-25 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Hello Carsten,

Carsten Dominik writes:

 Unfortunately I do not know about a variable that does hold the
 title of a page in w3.  In w3m there is w3m-current-title.
 In w3, all I was able to find is the URL via

 (org-view-url t)

 If anyone knows the magic incantation to extract the page
 title in a w3 buffer, I'd be happy to make it the default
 for the link description.

The way this is implemented in emacspeak and in bmk-mgr is to use the
buffer-name.  As far as I know that is the only way to get the current
title from w3.  IIRC, I implemented this in emacspeak and I know I did
it in bmk-mgr.  I assume that if Dr. Raman signed off it can't be too

Thanks for your help,
Robert D. Crawford

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[Orgmode] Re: feature request

2009-03-25 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Hello Charles,

Charles Philip Chan writes:

 Robert D. Crawford writes:

 I use emacs and emacspeak almost exclusively for my computing
 needs. Sorry I wasn't clear in my needs and use.

 I am curious as to why you are using w3, since, from what I have read,
 emacspeak supports w3m as well:

That is true.

 w3 is so slow and feature incomplete.

Slow, yes.  Feature incomplete, no.  There are several things w3 can do
that w3m cannot.  Table navigation, support for aural css, fontification
of all tags (pre, code, and the like immediately come to mind),
different attributes for h[1-6] tags, I am aware of nothing w3m can do
that w3 cannot.  Also, since w3 is pure lisp it can be extended in ways
that w3m cannot.  

Robert D. Crawford

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[Orgmode] Re: generating titles in remember templates from w3 buffers [was:Re: feature request]

2009-03-25 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Carsten Dominik writes:

 I have just tried a few pages including, and
 the buffer name is Untitled.  Am I using an old version of w3,
 or if broken in this way?

Not sure.  If I open and then eval the expression
(buffer-name) it returns the name of the buffer, which w3 gets from the
title tag.  Considering the speed of w3 releases (or lack thereof) I
doubt you have a different version from what I have here.  Here are the
pertinent version numbers:

emacs/w3: WWW p4.0pre.47, URL Emacs
emacs: GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of 2009-02-03 on t40

I am running about a month and a half behind upgrading emacs.  If you
think that might be a problem I can update.

Thanks for your help,
Robert D. Crawford

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[Orgmode] Re: feature request

2009-03-24 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Sebastian Rose writes:

 You night want to use this:

Please correct me if I am wrong but this seems to be the wrong solution
for w3 and w3m.  I don't use a graphical browser because of my need for
a screen reader.  I use emacs and emacspeak almost exclusively for my
computing needs. Sorry I wasn't clear in my needs and use.

Robert D. Crawford

All kings is mostly rapscallions.
-- Mark Twain

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[Orgmode] generating titles in remember templates from w3 buffers [was:Re: feature request]

2009-03-24 Thread Robert D. Crawford
As I mentioned below, using the annotation expansion in the template
does not work when using w3.  I did see the error in my template and
have fixed it (unnecessary brackets).  I am wondering if there is some
other way to get the title or if it can be added as a feature.

I've changed the post below to reflect the change in my template and
what it returns.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Robert D. Crawford writes:

 Matthew Lundin writes:

 I've been trying to make an org-remember template that will grab the
 title of the webpage I want to create a link to.  This seems to not be
 possible, although I could very well be wrong.  I was curious as to
 whether a new keyword could be created for w3 and w3m links.  Seems that
 :title would be very useful.

 When I use w3m, the annotation substitution (%a) in the remember
 template does the trick. It grabs the url and title of the current page
 (using org-store-link).

 Thanks.  This does work for w3m but using w3 it returns this:

* [[]]  :gnu:

 from this template:

'((?b * %a %^g %! ~/ bottom)

 Later today, if I get the chance, I'll explore the solution proposed by
 Sebastian Rose.

As stated in a previous mail, Sebastian's solution works for browsers
outside of emacs.

Robert D. Crawford

If your mother knew what you're doing, she'd probably hang her head and cry.

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[Orgmode] Re: feature request

2009-03-23 Thread Robert D. Crawford
Hello Matthew,

Matthew Lundin writes:

 I've been trying to make an org-remember template that will grab the
 title of the webpage I want to create a link to.  This seems to not be
 possible, although I could very well be wrong.  I was curious as to
 whether a new keyword could be created for w3 and w3m links.  Seems that
 :title would be very useful.

 When I use w3m, the annotation substitution (%a) in the remember
 template does the trick. It grabs the url and title of the current page
 (using org-store-link).

Thanks.  This does work for w3m but using w3 it returns this:


from this template:

'((?b * [[%a] %^g %! ~/ bottom)

Later today, if I get the chance, I'll explore the solution proposed by
Sebastian Rose.

Thanks again,
Robert D. Crawford

Chinese saying: He who speak with forked tongue, not need chopsticks.

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[Orgmode] feature request

2009-03-22 Thread Robert D. Crawford
I've been trying to make an org-remember template that will grab the
title of the webpage I want to create a link to.  This seems to not be
possible, although I could very well be wrong.  I was curious as to
whether a new keyword could be created for w3 and w3m links.  Seems that
:title would be very useful.

I am pretty sure I could code this myself... doesn't seem to be terribly
difficult.  It is not likely though that I would ever contribute code to
anything else, so filling out the form and waiting for all of it to get
where it needs to go seems a bit of a waste.

Thanks for listening,
Robert D. Crawford

Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.

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[Orgmode] agenda files separation

2008-07-15 Thread D. Kapetanakis
Dear All,
Since like most of us I live a double or triple life I would like to 
have a separation of the agenda files. I mean that I have one org-file 
for work with all the todo items, projects etc, one for my personal 
study, books I want to read, songs I want to learn to play etc, for 
home, for my kids and the list goes on...

But I would like them to appear in different agenda views, i.e. at work 
only the work file, or if I want to see how my other projects are going 
to see that only. If I use all of them together, they look very messy 
and cluttered.

Any ideas?

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[Orgmode] org/blorg and mysql

2008-03-27 Thread D. Kapetanakis

Hey, I also want to look at it, but where???


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:37:20 -0700
From: Cezar Halmagean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: org/blorg and mysql
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Xin Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Hi Cezar,

It's a good idea!

I've been using the weblogger.el to post on the mysql server,
interfaced by wordpress. You may want to take a look at it.


Thanks Xin, I think that will help me build a publish/sync function.


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[Orgmode] Horizontal lines in tables

2007-11-28 Thread D. Kapetanakis
Thanks for 5.14.

works pretty good except that when I try to export in HTML an org file
containing a table with a first horizontal line like the following

| 172141 ||
|  16000 | 20582162-6 |
|  2 ||
|   7725 | 20582165-1 |
|   5000 | 20582166-9 |
|   1000 ||
| 221866 ||
#+TBLFM: @7$1=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

I get

mapconcat: Args out of range: [2], 1

while if I delete the first line (the horizontal) I get HTML but the
horizontal line inside the table does not get transformed to an html
horizontal line.

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[Orgmode] Latex Export

2007-09-29 Thread D. Kapetanakis
Hello All,
I am desperately trying to go from org to Latex without success. I am using 
org-mode 5.10b. I receive the following

Exporting to LaTeX...
Loading latexenc...done
(New file)
Loading tex...done
Loading latex...done
Loading font-latex...
Loading bytecomp...done
Loading font-latex...done
Applying style hooks... done
Sorting environment...
Removing duplicates... done
Loading tex-bar...done
Loading reftex...done
Loading reftex-dcr...done
Automatic display of crossref information was turned on
Loading preview...
Loading byte-opt...done
Loading preview...done
Applying style hooks... done
format: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, t

Can you please help? I think the same question was posted by Xiao-Yong Jin, on 
26/09, but was never answered.

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