Re: [O] Saving org-capture buffer while writing it

2017-02-21 Thread Ian Barton

> > Hi,
> >
> > Sometimes when I am taking notes, I end up spending a lot of time in a
> > capture buffer. If I happen to switch to something else, I end up
> > loosing the capture buffer. I probably just kill the buffer
> > accidentally, or do `C-c C-k'.
> >
> > Is there a way I can take backups of the buffer to a file?
> I usually just save it (C-c s) and it is saved to where it would be
> saved anyway when I eventually do C-c C-c.
> Myles
If I am going to leave a capture buffer open for a long time I just do
C-u C-c C-c, which saves the capture buffer and then switches to the
buffer where it's saved where you can continue entering text.


Re: [O] Possible Bug in Capture.

2017-02-21 Thread Ian Barton

> Your template is invalid. Per `org-capture-templates', it should be
>   (file+datetree "path/to/file")
> IOW, there should be no "Notes."
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas Goaziou

Thank you! Things have obviously changed since the last time I set up
a capture template. Note to self: "Remember to RTFM first".


Re: [O] Capture Bug?

2016-09-22 Thread Ian Barton
On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:51:46PM +0200, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> writes:
> > commit 5485170263a46fa17db67b0324c4c4e48bcdfe49
> > Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
> > Date:   Fri Jun 24 01:11:49 2016 +0200
> >
> > org-capture: Remove forbidden value type from "file" templates
> >
> Try wrapping `capture-pelican-draft-file' call within a function instead
> of putting a raw sexp.

I have tried:

   "New blog post ("
 (file (funcall(capture-pelican-draft-file
  "#+AUTHOR: Ian Barton\n#+DATE: %u\n#+PROPERTY: MODIFIED:
   SUMMARY \n#+SETUPFILE: ../\n\n")

Not sure if that's what you meant. It didn't work.

Best wishes,


Re: [O] Why no secure code retrieval

2016-07-02 Thread Ian Barton
On Sat, Jul 02, 2016 at 04:18:42PM +0200, Bastien Guerry wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
> > GPG signing tags is OK, but I wouldn't like to request every commit to
> > be signed.
> Agreed.
> >>> I know that https can be a bit tedious to setup so I am not asking for it
> >>> (though I do think it would be great if it was enabled on the site in some
> >>> fashion).
> >>
> >> HTTPS is not so tedious these days with Let's Encrypt.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> We should set up HTTPS as well.
> >
> I'm considering paying for a digitalocean instance, with https via
> letsencrypt for both the website and git.
> I'm also considering switching from our current git setup to using
> Gogs ( this would ease the process of adding new
> contributors, welcoming more org repositories, etc.
> The other solution would simply to use
> One remaining problem for both gogs and savannah is to ensure web
> references to commits are correctly redirected, which I think is
> one line of nginx configuration.
> I'm curious to know what people think about the switch to something
> like gogs*.
> Thanks,
> * gitlab seems too heavy, and I'm more experienced in maintaining
>   gogs instances than gitlab instances.
> --
>  Bastien
Not heard of Gogs before, although it looks nice. Another possiblity
would be gitolite with cgit. Gitolite is very flexible and as a
consequence can be hard to set up initially. The documentation is very
comprehensive. It supports mirroring of repos.

Best wishes,


[O] Problems with M- on Emacs 25.

2016-04-17 Thread Ian Barton
I think that this is an Emacs not org-mode problem, but maybe somebody
can throw some light on it.

On my computer running 24.5.1 M works as expected. However, on
emacs I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "There is no other window")
  funcall-interactively(scroll-other-window-down nil)
  call-interactively(scroll-other-window-down nil nil)

However, in my org buffer:

c-h w org-metaup
org-metaup is on 

which seems to indicate that the key is correctly bound.

If I start emacs with a minimal config that just has (require
org-mode), I still get the error.

I then tried the "If it doesn't work hit it with the biggest hammer
available" approach:

(require 'org)
(require 'ob-tangle)
(eval-after-load "org"
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "M-") 'org-metadown)
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "M-") 'org-metaup)))

but emacs thinks that M- is bound to scroll other window.

Best wishes,


Re: [O] Publishing a Book as PDF and ePub.

2015-11-05 Thread Ian Barton
On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 10:56:14AM +, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Monday,  2 Nov 2015 at 15:37, Ian Barton wrote:
> > Next year our mountaineering club has its 50th anniversary. On the
> > 21st anniversary we published a book of articles written by members of
> > the club.
> [...]
> > However, as a Latex
> > neophyte I was wondering which of the several Latex packages would be
> > suitable.
> The book class may be enough for you.  In org, it is trivial to
> use.  Simply put the line

Thanks, that looks as though it will do what I need and much simpler
than KOMA scrbook.

Best wishes,


[O] Publishing a Book as PDF and ePub.

2015-11-02 Thread Ian Barton
Next year our mountaineering club has its 50th anniversary. On the
21st anniversary we published a book of articles written by members of
the club. Luckily the text was written in WordPerfect and I have
converted it to a series of org-mode files, one per chapter. For the
upcoming 50th anniversary we want to make the book available in both
pdf and ePub or mobi format.

Creating ePub doesn't look too hard by exporting to html and using
something like Calibre to make the ePub/mobi file. However, as a Latex
neophyte I was wondering which of the several Latex packages would be
suitable. The structure of the book is very simple. No tables or
formulae but has some photos and cartoons, which I have scanned from
the originals.

All I need is something that will let me format chapter headings,
author attributions and produce a TOC. Templates like Memoir seem to
be vast overkill for my needs and have documentation several times
longer than our book!

Best wishes,


[O] org-weather Update to OpenWeather API.

2015-10-12 Thread Ian Barton
In the past few days I have noticed that org-weather from was no longer working. It
appears that OpenWeather now requires you to get an API key. You can
get a free one by registering.

As a temporary horrible hack you can update org-weather-api-url in
org-weather.el to include your API key:

(defvar org-weather-api-url 

Obviously it would be better if this was a configurable variable,
probably read from your .emacs.
Best wishes,


Re: [O] Plotting with gnuplot

2015-07-29 Thread Ian Barton
On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 08:46:30AM +0200, Michael Welle wrote:
  With two code blocks, use :session foo for one and :session bar for the
  other.  Does your problem persist?
 yepp, that was the idea. But no success.

If I understand the problem correctly, you need to put reset as the
first argument:

#+begin_src gnuplot :var data2015=days_cycling[2:-5] :var 
data2014=days_cycling[3:-4] :var data2013=days_cycling[4:-4,] :var 
data2012=days_cycling[5:-4,]  :file ../images/number_of_days_cycling.png
  set title 'Number of Days Cycling Each Month.'
  #  set ylabel 'Days' set xlabel 'Speed Mbps' lw2
  set style data histogram
  set style histogram cluster gap 1
  set style fill solid border -1
  set boxwidth 0.9

  set xlabel 'Month'
  set ylabel 'Days'
  plot data2015 u 5:xticlabels(1) title 2015, data2014 u 4:xticlabels(1) 
title 2014, data2014 u 3:xticlabels(1) title 2013, data2014 u 
2:xticlabels(1) title 2012


I have holes in my foor from using that particular gun.

Best wishes,


Re: [O] Can't save file with latest version of org

2015-05-01 Thread Ian Barton
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 02:06:22PM -0400, Kyle Meyer wrote:

 Richard Stanton wrote:
  I just ran git pull to update to the latest version of org-mode. Now, when 
  I try to save an org file, I get the error message:
  user-error: Not in a sub-editing buffer

 I think this issue is already being discussed in another thread:


Just in case it's not fixed yet, you can work around it by M-x
org-src-mode to toggle org-src-mode off.
Best wishes,


Re: [O] refiling with helm

2015-03-01 Thread Ian Barton
On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 08:19:17AM +0200, Xebar Saram wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone uses helm for refiling org capture data. and if
 so can anyone share his methods/setup?

 googling for it didnt yield to many results (especially for people like me
 who dont know to code :))

I tried using the patch mentioned in However, I
encountered some problems. The main one was that completion wasn't
showing all possible targets. I went back to using ido for
refile. However, I wold be interested if someone has got this to work.
Best wishes,


[O] EXPORT_FILENAME Doesn't Seem to Be Documented.

2015-01-21 Thread Ian Barton
Following my earlier post about how to specify and export filename on a 
per buffer basis the variable EXPORT_FILENAME doesn't seem to be 
documented in anywhere in the current git version of org, although it 
appears in

I think it should appear at least in Summary of in-buffer settings as 
well as Export Settings. I am happy to provide a patch, but before I 
do is there anywhere else it should be documented?


[O] Setting The Output Directory for Markdown Export.

2015-01-19 Thread Ian Barton
I want to export a single file to somewhere other than its current 
directory. Using publish seems to be over the top for this simple use case.

I can't find a variable or in buffer option that lets me set the output 
directory. Searching the list turns up org-export-publishing-directory, 
but this seems to have been deprecated. Is there something obvious I 
have missed?


Re: [O] Setting The Output Directory for Markdown Export.

2015-01-19 Thread Ian Barton
Thanks, that's a good idea. However, half an hour after posting my 
message I discovered #+EXPORT_FILENAME, which does exactly what  want!


On 19/01/15 11:06, Dieter Van Eessen wrote:


Just something which might be usefull as a workaround.
I know org-babel-tangle allows you to tangle blocks to certain location,
and there is also a hook available for post-processing.

Now what if you'd put your whole file in a source block, with language
tangle it to the location you want and use exporting capabilities as
post-processing tool?

Could be an awfull workaround :)
but it's the first thing that popped up in my mind when reading your

have fun,

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Ian Barton wrote:

I want to export a single file to somewhere other than its current
directory. Using publish seems to be over the top for this simple
use case.

I can't find a variable or in buffer option that lets me set the
output directory. Searching the list turns up
org-export-publishing-__directory, but this seems to have been
deprecated. Is there something obvious I have missed?


Re: [O] Customizing Timestamps in html Export.

2014-12-03 Thread Ian Barton

On 02/12/14 09:45, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


Ian Barton writes:

However, the using the minimal.el:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; activate debugging
(setq debug-on-error t)
(setq debug-on-quit t)

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/src/lisp)
(require 'org)

;; The following lines are always needed.  Choose your own keys.
   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org\\' . org-mode))
   (global-set-key \C-cl 'org-store-link)
   (global-set-key \C-ca 'org-agenda)
   (global-set-key \C-cb 'org-iswitchb)

(setq org-html-metadata-timestamp-format %a %d %B %Y )
(setq org-time-stamp-custom-formats  %a %d %B %Y )


and the following


The date: [2014-12-01 Mon]


gives the following result with C-c C-x C-t

The date: [2014-12-01 Mon]

Since nobody else has reported this, I imagine it's a case of user
stupidity, rather than a bug.

Can anyone point out my error?

You need to set `org-display-custom-times' to a non-nil value, too. If
you need this feature only during export, you could use a BIND keyword:

   #+BIND: org-display-custom-times t

assuming `org-export-allow-bind-keywords' is also non-nil.

Thanks for the help. Unfortunately it still doesn't work. Using the 
following minimal.el and test files:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; activate debugging
(setq debug-on-error t)
(setq debug-on-quit t)

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/src/lisp)
(require 'org)

;; The following lines are always needed.  Choose your own keys.
 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org\\' . org-mode))
 (global-set-key \C-cl 'org-store-link)
 (global-set-key \C-ca 'org-agenda)
 (global-set-key \C-cb 'org-iswitchb)

(setq org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
(setq org-display-custom-times t)
(setq org-html-metadata-timestamp-format %a %d %B %Y)
(setq org-time-stamp-custom-formats  %a %d %B %Y)


#+BIND: org-display-custom-times t

The date: [2014-12-01 Mon]


I see the message in the mini buffer Timestamps are overlaid with 
custom format, but the format is unchanged. I have tried both with and 
without the #+bind directive.


Emacs: 24.4.1
Org version: a712cec60fbb9a3384f209f96d43b8e3dfd2d9ce


[O] gnupg-2.1.0-4 Breaks Encryption in Emacs.

2014-12-02 Thread Ian Barton
This happened to me yesterday. Thought I would re-post here as there is 
a potential loss of data and I use org-mode in my encrypted files.

Symptoms are errors like:

Opening output file: [pub f 1024 17 3B6F8AF143C21F3B 1320594077 
1509822256 nil u nil ...], 15

The error only happens when you change the content and try to save the 
file. Sometimes the file will be deleted (thank goodness for git).

Bug report here:


Re: [O] Customizing Timestamps in html Export.

2014-12-01 Thread Ian Barton

On 26/11/14 11:23, Ian Barton wrote:

I can't work out how to do this. I want to customize the format of
timestamps when I publish a project to html. There seem to be various
variables, such as org-html-metadata-timestamp-format, which customize
the format in pre and postambles and when using the DATE: buffer option,
but nothing that affects the format of timestamps in the body text.

The nearest I can find is org-time-stamp-custom-formats, which works if
org-display-custom-times is set. However, I am happy with the default
when I am working in an org buffer and only want to customize the html
exported timestamp.


Thanks to Rick Frankel for confirming this. Sorry I can't reply 
directly, bu the cat just deleted your message:)

However, the using the minimal.el:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; activate debugging
(setq debug-on-error t)
(setq debug-on-quit t)

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/src/lisp)
(require 'org)

;; The following lines are always needed.  Choose your own keys.
 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org\\' . org-mode))
 (global-set-key \C-cl 'org-store-link)
 (global-set-key \C-ca 'org-agenda)
 (global-set-key \C-cb 'org-iswitchb)

(setq org-html-metadata-timestamp-format %a %d %B %Y )
(setq org-time-stamp-custom-formats  %a %d %B %Y )


and the following


The date: [2014-12-01 Mon]


gives the following result with C-c C-x C-t

The date: [2014-12-01 Mon]

Since nobody else has reported this, I imagine it's a case of user 
stupidity, rather than a bug.

Can anyone point out my error?


[O] Customizing Timestamps in html Export.

2014-11-26 Thread Ian Barton
I can't work out how to do this. I want to customize the format of 
timestamps when I publish a project to html. There seem to be various 
variables, such as org-html-metadata-timestamp-format, which customize 
the format in pre and postambles and when using the DATE: buffer option, 
but nothing that affects the format of timestamps in the body text.

The nearest I can find is org-time-stamp-custom-formats, which works if 
org-display-custom-times is set. However, I am happy with the default 
when I am working in an org buffer and only want to customize the html 
exported timestamp.


Re: [O] What is the Preferred Method for Logging Creation Date?

2014-11-10 Thread Ian Barton

On 06/11/14 20:20, Dominic Surano wrote:

I'm a huge fan of Org-mode and have been using it daily for a little over a
year. I've been following this list for about 8 months and really benefit
the level of technical discussion. I've finally encountered a methodology
problem that I haven't quite been able to wrap my head around and I'm
how other people implement this functionality.

I'm a heavy user of capture templates. One thing I've been struggling with
for a while now is how to appropriately log the creation time of such
in a way that can be useful for agenda views. Knowing WHEN I created a
heading is often just as useful as the content in the heading. The end goal
is to
be able to quickly pull up an agenda view that shows each entry on the day /
time it was created.

For all the examples below, I've just included the FINAL output from org-
capture rather than the templates themselves. I feel I have a pretty good
understanding of capture templates, but can provide them if you think
they'll help in formulating a solution.

Org-mode currently has built in support for DEADLINE, SCHEDULED, and CLOSED
times. Ideally, for my use cases, CREATED would also be built in such that
headings would look like:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu CREATED: [2014-
11-06 Thu 10:50]
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

And I would be able to pull up an agenda view using a similarly named
special property (
properties). Unfortunately, since CREATED is not a special property, I end
up with:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   CREATED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

I consider this similar to Bernt Hansen's approach
( Turning on
inactive timestamps, using v
[ in the agenda view, doesn't just pull up the CREATED time, but also the
state change time in LOGBOOK in addition to any other inactive timestamps
(either in the entry, notes in LOGBOOK, etc.). I've considered using the
special property TIMESTAMP_IA, but unfortunately, as shown above CREATED:
always ends up getting bumped down when a state change is made or note is
taken, and the :LOGBOOK: drawer is created.

I have no doubt that implementing CREATED as a special time would be non-

Here are some solutions I've contemplated implementing:

1) Including the creation date in the logbook using a format consistent with
org-todo state changes:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - State TODO   from[2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This seems to make a lot of sense (although I'm still unclear about how to
generate the aforementioned agenda view), but it breaks down for capture
templates that don't use org-todo-keywords (i.e. are ALWAYS stateless).

2) Including the creation date in the logbook using something similar to
note (C-c z):

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - Created from capture template on [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This makes sense, but breaks consistency with org-todo state changes and has
the same agenda problem described in (1).

3) Including the creation date in a the property drawer:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - State TODO   from[2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :Created:  [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This would maintain consistency with org-todo, but I'm not sure how I would
generate the agenda view. It seems to be the preferred method for users of

Not quite what you wanted, but I use CREATED in the PROPERTY draw:

(t Todo entry (file+headline
~/Documents/emacs/org/org_files/tasks/ Tasks) * TODO 
%?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n

:PROPERTIES:\n:CREATED: %U\n:LOGGING: DONE(@)\n:END:\n%a\n :prepend t)

I haven't 

Re: [O] What is the Preferred Method for Logging Creation Date?

2014-11-10 Thread Ian Barton

On 10/11/14 14:18, Ian Barton wrote:

On 06/11/14 20:20, Dominic Surano wrote:

I'm a huge fan of Org-mode and have been using it daily for a little
over a
year. I've been following this list for about 8 months and really benefit
the level of technical discussion. I've finally encountered a methodology
problem that I haven't quite been able to wrap my head around and I'm
how other people implement this functionality.

I'm a heavy user of capture templates. One thing I've been struggling
for a while now is how to appropriately log the creation time of such
in a way that can be useful for agenda views. Knowing WHEN I created a
heading is often just as useful as the content in the heading. The end
is to
be able to quickly pull up an agenda view that shows each entry on the
day /
time it was created.

For all the examples below, I've just included the FINAL output from org-
capture rather than the templates themselves. I feel I have a pretty good
understanding of capture templates, but can provide them if you think
they'll help in formulating a solution.

Org-mode currently has built in support for DEADLINE, SCHEDULED, and
times. Ideally, for my use cases, CREATED would also be built in such
headings would look like:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu CREATED:
11-06 Thu 10:50]
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

And I would be able to pull up an agenda view using a similarly named
special property
properties). Unfortunately, since CREATED is not a special property, I
up with:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   CREATED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

I consider this similar to Bernt Hansen's approach
( Turning on
inactive timestamps, using v
[ in the agenda view, doesn't just pull up the CREATED time, but also the
state change time in LOGBOOK in addition to any other inactive timestamps
(either in the entry, notes in LOGBOOK, etc.). I've considered using the
special property TIMESTAMP_IA, but unfortunately, as shown above
always ends up getting bumped down when a state change is made or note is
taken, and the :LOGBOOK: drawer is created.

I have no doubt that implementing CREATED as a special time would be non-

Here are some solutions I've contemplated implementing:

1) Including the creation date in the logbook using a format
consistent with
org-todo state changes:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - State TODO   from[2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This seems to make a lot of sense (although I'm still unclear about
how to
generate the aforementioned agenda view), but it breaks down for capture
templates that don't use org-todo-keywords (i.e. are ALWAYS stateless).

2) Including the creation date in the logbook using something similar to
note (C-c z):

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - Created from capture template on [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This makes sense, but breaks consistency with org-todo state changes
and has
the same agenda problem described in (1).

3) Including the creation date in a the property drawer:

* DONE Task
   CLOSED: [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59] DEADLINE: 2014-11-06 Thu
   - State DONE   from TODO   [2014-11-06 Thu 10:59]
   - State TODO   from[2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :Via:  Origin of this task
   :Note: Note describing task
   :Created:  [2014-11-06 Thu 10:50]
   :ID:   64f7fa18-0936-46cb-a2c8-21a0fbc9bae3

This would maintain consistency with org-todo, but I'm not sure how I
generate the agenda view. It seems to be the preferred method for
users of

Not quite what you wanted, but I use CREATED in the PROPERTY draw:

(t Todo entry (file+headline
~/Documents/emacs/org/org_files/tasks/ Tasks) * TODO
%?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n

Re: [O] Editing Org-mode syntax in a web-browser (textarea)?

2014-09-25 Thread Ian Barton

On 25/09/14 07:58, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Hi List,

this question is explicitly *not* about popping up an emacsclient
instance from firefox or chrome to edit an html textarea in Emacs. And
its *not* about emacs-w3m or eww.

Not an answer to your question, but I sometimes use Stackedit:

This can export to several backends, so maybe it could be adapted to 
export in org-mode, although editing in org-mode would be nicer!


Re: [O] Make html password protected?

2014-09-10 Thread Ian Barton

On 08/09/14 11:22, Rainer M Krug wrote:


I do not have much experience with html and websites (what an
understatement!) but I would like to publish / export a simple html page
password protected. Is ther an easy way to do it in word?

The content is not highly confidential or sensitive, just some analysis
for a paper of which I would like to provide regular feedback to my
co-authors and which should not be to easily readable by others.

Any suggestions?

It depends if you have access to your web server configuration.	If you 
are able to modify it the simplest way is to create an .htacess file in 
the directory containing your file:

AuthTypeDigest file:
Require valid-user
Order   allow,deny
Satisfy any

You can create a password file with:

htdigest -c /etc/httpd/journal.passwd Journal username

To add more users omit the -c argument, which will create a new file.

Make sure you use digest authentication not basic (ie don't use 
htpasswd). Basic authentication transmits user names and passwords in 
plain text.


Re: [O] Tables of contents for individual sections wanted -- will donate

2014-06-30 Thread Ian Barton

On 29/06/14 19:51, D. C. Toedt wrote:
 at, and plan to expand and maintain it.

QUESTION:  I'm currently using a single, multi-level table of contents
(TOC) at the beginning of the document.  That ends up being a lot to
scroll through to get to the first chapter.  I'd like instead to have:

  * a one-level master TOC at the beginning of the document, listing
and linking to just the articles (in contracts, articles are the
same as chapters in books, that is, the top-level sections); and

  * at the beginning of each article, a TOC listing and linking to the
subheadings within that article.

Not an org-mode solution, but if your audience is consuming the content 
as a web page generated from org-mode, you can do most of this using jQuery.

What I am suggesting is you make your TOC collapsible and clicking on a 
heading in the TOC expands the links to the sub headings underneath the 
heading. You can probably do nested collapsible headings so you can 
expand various level of subheadings like a concertina.

I am definitely not a Javascript expert, but I have managed to use this 
technique on some of my documents.


Re: [O] Tables of contents for individual sections wanted -- will donate

2014-06-30 Thread Ian Barton

On 2014-06-30 19:55, D. C. Toedt wrote:

Thanks, Ian.  I've done things like that in the past, but it'd entail
maintaining the TOC by hand, which I was hoping to avoid.  True, I'd
be able to create the initial TOC using org-mode, followed by manually
inserting jQuery calls.  But I'd have to manually edit the TOC every
time I added a new chapter or section and every time I edited a
heading title.  

You can do it without editing the TOC manually. You use the div /div 
of each level of the org headline css as a selector in jQuery. You then 
add a JS function to the DocumentReady function which does the jQuery 
expanding/collapsing. This can all be done as part of your org-mode 
document. I can knock up a simple example tomorrow if it's of interest.

Best wishes,


Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Ian Barton

On 15/06/14 12:54, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Not sure though if this data (except the moon phase) is as universally
and easily available as the data you display  Sunset and rise would
be interesting too of course.

You can get sunrise and sunset by doing something like in an Agenda file:

* Weather.

Lat N 51 57.931
Long W 03 33.191

#+CATEGORY: Day/Year
#+CATEGORY: Weather



Re: [O] org-weather for

2014-06-16 Thread Ian Barton

On 16/06/14 11:45, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

On 15/06/14 12:54, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

Not sure though if this data (except the moon phase) is as universally
and easily available as the data you display  Sunset and rise would
be interesting too of course.

You can get sunrise and sunset by doing something like in an Agenda file:

* Weather.

Lat N 51 57.931
Long W 03 33.191

#+CATEGORY: Day/Year
#+CATEGORY: Weather


Thanks, had to use this to make it work:


  City:  6:32.. Sunrise (CEST), sunset 11:16pm (CEST)

But somehow lat/long are right, but time is 2h off ... I'm GMT+2 (CEST) here.
Where is the time adjusted for diary entries?

The Emacs manual has the information:

Also information on Lunar phases:


[O] Way OT: Xah Lee.

2014-05-18 Thread Ian Barton
Please feel free to delete this if you think it's not appropriate for 
the list.

Many people will have read Xah Lee's excellent Emacs tutorials at and possibly seen his interview 
with Sacha Chua at

Xah has contributed a lot to the Emacs community over the years, but is 
now going through a very hard time. See

If you think you can help either with food, employment, accommodation or 
cash see the above page for details.


Re: [O] crossing out tasks

2014-05-08 Thread Ian Barton

On 08/05/14 11:12, Sharon Kimble wrote:

This is so simple but I can't find a solution. If I have a list of
tasks with + in front, when done I can put a + at the end which
crosses them out, making it very easy to see what I have left to
do. Except, sometimes the preceding task inherits the crossing out
too, even though it does not have a + at the end, so how can I stop
the inheritance please?


I seem to remember that Carsten doesn't like strike through faces. Maybe 
it's his secret plot to stop people using them:)

On a more constructive note. Why don't you just make them TODO's and 
then mark them DONE in the usual way. You should be able to customize 
the DONE face to a strike through one.


Re: [O] Using KOMA and Memoir?

2014-05-07 Thread Ian Barton

On 07/05/14 06:48, Martin Schöön wrote:

On 6 May 2014 23:28, Suvayu Ali wrote:

On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 09:41:27PM +0200, Martin Schöön wrote:

  I the altered #+latex_class: article to #+latex_class:
komaarticle in my
  Whe trying to export it I am told komaarticle is not a known
Latex class.

Did you restart Emacs after that?

Yes. No better.
And I had restarted emacs after editing .emacs before I started working
on my org-document.


I am a very novice Latex user, so forgive me for asking but do you have 
the KOMA package installed?


Re: [O] org-caldav: problems connecting to owndrive

2014-05-07 Thread Ian Barton

On 07/05/14 14:43, Seb Frank wrote:

Hi there,

I've been trying to setup org-caldav to sync to my owndrive calendar.

Setup is

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-caldav-url;)
(setq org-caldav-calendar-id myid)
(setq org-caldav-inbox ~/org/

When I try org-caldav-sync, it fails with:

Contacting host:
gnutls.c: [0] (Emacs) fatal error: Public key signature verification has
gnutls.el: (err=[-89] Public key signature verification has failed.)
boot: (:priority NORMAL :hostname :loglevel 0 :min-prime-bits 256 :trustfiles nil
:crlfiles nil :keylist nil :verify-flags nil :verify-error nil
:callbacks nil)
edebug-signal: GnuTLS error: #process, -89

Testing this with gnutls on the command line confirms the problem:
% gnutls-cli -V -p 443
- Status: The certificate is NOT trusted. The signature in the
certificate is invalid.
*** Verifying server certificate failed...
*** Fatal error: Error in the certificate.
*** Handshake has failed
GnuTLS error: Error in the certificate.

Does anyone know if there is a way to tell org-caldav or url-dav to use
an untrusted certificate?

Hi Seb,

I think you need to handle it at the gnutls level. Have a look at



In GnuTLS, you set the list of trusted CAs using 
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file. By convention this function is 
pointed to the /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt file mentioned above


Re: [O] org-caldav: problems connecting to owndrive

2014-05-07 Thread Ian Barton

On 07/05/14 14:43, Seb Frank wrote:

Testing this with gnutls on the command line confirms the problem:
% gnutls-cli -V -p 443
- Status: The certificate is NOT trusted. The signature in the
certificate is invalid.
*** Verifying server certificate failed...
*** Fatal error: Error in the certificate.
*** Handshake has failed
GnuTLS error: Error in the certificate.

Just tried this from here and it works OK:

- Status: The certificate is trusted.
- Description: (TLS1.2)-(ECDHE-RSA-SECP256R1)-(ARCFOUR-128)-(SHA1)
- Session ID: 

- Ephemeral EC Diffie-Hellman parameters
 - Using curve: SECP256R1
 - Curve size: 256 bits
- Version: TLS1.2
- Key Exchange: ECDHE-RSA
- Server Signature: RSA-SHA256
- Cipher: ARCFOUR-128
- Compression: NULL
- Channel binding 'tls-unique': 60fb61844dfc5bf9d2c35875
- Handshake was completed

- Simple Client Mode:

Maybe you need to update your certs list?


Re: [O] Error with org-agenda-write

2014-04-30 Thread Ian Barton

On 29/04/14 19:06, Bastien wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

The only version of the file I have on my disk is in

Looks like a problem with one of your (customized?) face.
Can you reproduce it with emacs -Q ?

Well I had narrowed it down to this part of my init file:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun my-adjoin-to-list-or-symbol (element list-or-symbol)
(let ((list (if (not (listp list-or-symbol))
(list list-or-symbol)
  (require 'cl-lib)
  (cl-adjoin element list)))
   (lambda (face)
  face nil
   (face-attribute face :inherit
   (list 'org-code 'org-block 'org-table 'org-block-background 
'org-date 'org-link 'org-footnote))


After removing this the error went away. However, just to confirm this 
was the problem I put that section back in my init file, to see if the 
error re-occurred, and now it all works perfectly with no errors.

I blame the goblins in my computer:) Sorry for the noise.


[O] Error with org-agenda-write

2014-04-29 Thread Ian Barton
I haven't used this function for a while, but now get the following 
error. Backtrace below. I am using a recent git clone: 

I am simply doing M-x org-agenda-export end entering a filename 

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument symbolp (fixed-pitch 

  internal-get-lisp-face-attribute((fixed-pitch link) :height nil)
  face-attribute((fixed-pitch link) :height)
  (setq h (face-attribute f :height))
  (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f 
:inherit))) (not (or (not f) (eq f (quote unspecified) (setq h 
(face-attribute f :height)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (if (eq h (quote 
unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- nil))
  (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn 
(setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (or (not 
f) (eq f (quote unspecified) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) 
(setq --cl-var-- (cons (if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) 
--cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--))
  (progn (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while 
(progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not 
(or (not f) (eq f (quote unspecified) (setq h (face-attribute f 
:height)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) 
--cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--)))
  (let ((size-list (progn (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) 
(--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f ...) (not ...)) (setq h 
(face-attribute f :height)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons ... --cl-var--)) 
(setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--) (reduce (quote 
htmlize-merge-size) (cons nil size-list)))

  (let ((size (htmlize-face-size face))) (if (eql size 1.0) nil (progn 
(or (and (vectorp fstruct) (= (length fstruct) 10) (memq (aref fstruct 
0) cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s accessing a non-%s 
(quote htmlize-fstruct-size) (quote htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v 
fstruct)) (aset v 3 size)
  (if htmlize-running-xemacs (let* ((font-instance (face-font-instance 
face)) (props (font-instance-properties font-instance))) (if (equalp 
(cdr (assq (quote WEIGHT_NAME) props)) bold) (progn (progn (or (and 
(vectorp fstruct) (= ... 10) (memq ... cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) 
(error %s accessing a non-%s (quote htmlize-fstruct-boldp) (quote 
htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v fstruct)) (aset v 4 t) (if (or (equalp 
(cdr (assq (quote SLANT) props)) i) (equalp (cdr (assq (quote SLANT) 
props)) o)) (progn (progn (or (and (vectorp fstruct) (= ... 10) (memq 
... cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s accessing a non-%s 
(quote htmlize-fstruct-italicp) (quote htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v 
fstruct)) (aset v 5 t) (progn (or (and (vectorp fstruct) (= (length 
fstruct) 10) (memq (aref fstruct 0) cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) 
(error %s accessing a non-%s (quote htmlize-fstruct-strikep) (quote 
htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v fstruct)) (aset v 8 (face-strikethru-p 
face (progn (or (and (vectorp fstruct) (= (length fstruct) 10) 
(memq (aref fstruct 0) cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s 
accessing a non-%s (quote htmlize-fstruct-underlinep) (quote 
htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v fstruct)) (aset v 6 (face-underline-p 
face) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (quote (:weight :slant 
:underline :overline :strike-through))) attr) (while --dolist-tail-- 
(setq attr (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((value (if ... ... ...))) (if 
(and value (not ...)) (progn (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr fstruct attr 
value (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--) (let ((size 
(htmlize-face-size face))) (if (eql size 1.0) nil (progn (or (and 
(vectorp fstruct) (= (length fstruct) 10) (memq (aref fstruct 0) 
cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s accessing a non-%s (quote 
htmlize-fstruct-size) (quote htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v fstruct)) 
(aset v 3 size))
  (let ((fstruct (make-htmlize-fstruct :foreground 
(htmlize-color-to-rgb (htmlize-face-foreground face)) :background 
(htmlize-color-to-rgb (htmlize-face-background face) (if 
htmlize-running-xemacs (let* ((font-instance (face-font-instance face)) 
(props (font-instance-properties font-instance))) (if (equalp (cdr (assq 
(quote WEIGHT_NAME) props)) bold) (progn (progn (or (and ... ... ...) 
(error %s accessing a non-%s ... ...)) (let* (...) (aset v 4 t) 
(if (or (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) i) (equalp (cdr (assq ... 
props)) o)) (progn (progn (or (and ... ... ...) (error %s accessing a 
non-%s ... ...)) (let* (...) (aset v 5 t) (progn (or (and (vectorp 
fstruct) (= (length fstruct) 10) (memq (aref fstruct 0) 
cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s accessing a non-%s (quote 
htmlize-fstruct-strikep) (quote htmlize-fstruct))) (let* ((v fstruct)) 
(aset v 8 (face-strikethru-p face (progn (or (and (vectorp fstruct) 
(= (length fstruct) 10) (memq (aref fstruct 0) 
cl-struct-htmlize-fstruct-tags)) (error %s 

Re: [O] Error with org-agenda-write

2014-04-29 Thread Ian Barton

On 29/04/14 15:56, Bastien wrote:

Hi Ian,

Ian Barton writes:

I haven't used this function for a while, but now get the following
error. Backtrace below. I am using a recent git clone:

I am simply doing M-x org-agenda-export end entering a filename

This is a problem with htmlize.el: what version are you using?
Do you use the one from the Org distribution?

Hi Bastien,

The only version of the file I have on my disk is in 


Re: [O] [babel] Setting python interpreter version on per-block or per-subtree basis

2014-04-25 Thread Ian Barton

Is there an easy way to specify the python version to use for a
particular block or sub-tree?

My use case is that I have mainly migrated to python 3, but there is
still the occasional library that has not been updated yet, so I need to
fall back to python 2.7 for some tasks.

I can work around the problem by putting the python 2 code in a separate
org file and use

# Local Variables:
# org-babel-python-command: /path/to/python2
# End:

I think you can use shebang for this. It definitely works for tangling 

#+begin_src python :shebang #!/usr/bin/python2 :tangle 
./raspberrypi/ :exports none :noweb yes


Re: [O] Using Emacs Org-mode on a server with ssh on an iPad

2014-04-04 Thread Ian Barton

On 02/04/14 14:10, Pere Quintana Seguí wrote:

As I mentioned in a previous message, I recently bought an iPad.

I'm considering the possibility to not use Mobileorg and use Emacs on a
server (Digital Ocean) with an ssh client and a bluetooth keyboard.

Is anyone using Emacs and org-mode this way regularly? Which ssh client
are you using? Which bluetooth keyboard?

I don't have an iPad but on my Chromebook I use the Chrome browser with 
the Secure Shell plugin. This supports password based and public key 
authentication. A quick Google shows that you can install Chrome on an iPad.

For a bluetooth keyboard I use this one:


Re: [O] TODOs and birthdays

2014-03-28 Thread Ian Barton

On 28/03/14 08:19, Sharon Kimble wrote:

And for the birthday TODOs, how can I include the date of birth so that it shows
their age please? Like -
| *** TODO Winnie Poohs birthday - is 83
| SCHEDULED: 2014-12-02 Tue AGE: 1930-12-02

You can use the following expression for birthdays

%%(diary-anniversary 11  2 1955) Daddy is %d years old


Re: [O] TODOs and birthdays

2014-03-28 Thread Ian Barton

On 28/03/14 16:02, Sharon Kimble wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

On 28/03/14 08:19, Sharon Kimble wrote:

And for the birthday TODOs, how can I include the date of birth so that it shows
their age please? Like -
| *** TODO Winnie Poohs birthday - is 83
| SCHEDULED: 2014-12-02 Tue AGE: 1930-12-02

You can use the following expression for birthdays

%%(diary-anniversary 11  2 1955) Daddy is %d years old


I have this for my mums birthday

| *** SCHEDULED Mums birthday, she is %d years old
| %%(diary-anniversary 02-12-1930) Daddy is %d years old
| DEADLINE: 2014-12-02 Tue 12:00 SCHEDULED: 2014-12-02 Tue
| :END:

but it isn't giving any output, and btw, that is 2nd December. So how should it
be used then please?


I am pretty sure the date needs to be in the same format as my example:

%%(diary-anniversary 2 12 1930) Mum is %d years old

Have a look at 
for more info. Also contains 
lots of useful hints on how to do more complicated things like repeating 


Re: [O] Is anyone spending money for Org-mode?

2014-03-13 Thread Ian Barton

On 12/03/14 20:50, William Denton wrote:

How much money is coming in?  Might there be something that could be
paid for that would be helpful, such as getting professionally done
subtitles/captions on one of the videos?  Or something else that's in
the class of tasks that someone could volunteer to do but if it's
possible to spend a bit of money to get it really well done then it ends
up being worth it.  I have no strong opinion about the money but wanted
to mention this as a possible idea.

My continuing thanks to Bastien, Nicholas, Carsten and everyone else for
such amazing work on Org!


Just to throw in another possibility, what about helping to sponsor an 
org conference? Obviously not paying for a whole conference, but perhaps 
helping speakers to attend.


Re: [O] Selecting Date Causes Complete Lockup of Emacs

2014-01-13 Thread Ian Barton

On 13/01/14 00:05, Bastien wrote:

Hi Ian,

Ian Barton writes:

Place the point in the Date column and type C-c !. Now select a date in
the calendar. I chose a date in the past few days, but don't know if
this is relevant. Emacs locks up completely, no back trace and the only
way out is kill -9.

I can't reproduce this with a more recent Emacs.

Maybe you can use gdb:

~$ gdb emacs
[then run in the prompt]

and report what's going on to the Emacs developers.

Thanks Bastien. However, gdb doesn't help as my Emacs doesn't have 
debugging symbols. I'll try compiling Emacs with the debugging symbols 
and see what happens.


[O] Selecting Date Causes Complete Lockup of Emacs

2014-01-11 Thread Ian Barton

#+TITLE: Log of Various Bike Rides in 2014.
#+STARTUP: overview indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:2 tags:t toc:nil timestamps:t eX:t LaTeX:t
#+TAGS: n_wales(n) lakes(l) scotland(s) peak_district(p)

* January.
#+tblname: january

| Date | Distance (km) | Notes |
|  |   |   |
#+TBLFM: @$2=vsum(@2..@-1)


Place the point in the Date column and type C-c !. Now select a date in 
the calendar. I chose a date in the past few days, but don't know if 
this is relevant. Emacs locks up completely, no back trace and the only 
way out is kill -9.

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.2)
 of 2013-08-06 on -mnt-storage-buildroots-staging-x86_64-eric

This has been happening for a while, so over several git updates. 
However, I haven't been able to reproduce the sequence of events causing 
the lockup until just now.

If anyone else can reproduce this I'll try and track down when it 
started happening. Otherwise I'll try bisecting my configuration.


Re: [O] working on cloud

2014-01-09 Thread Ian Barton

On 09/01/14 08:36, David Belohrad wrote:

I was using before Dropbox for all sort of syncing, especially my org
mode files, which change quite often. Dropbox is generally very fine (as
well e.g. for sharing screenshots between windows and linux
machines). At certain moment I started to have two issues with this:

I have had problems with Dropbox generating Conflicting files. I think 
this is because some of my computers are only intermittently connected 
to Dropbox. Sorting this out can be very time consuming, especially if 
it happens inside a .git directory.

I have now gone down the git route for emacs init files and all my .org 
files. I keep a separate branch for each computer and do a git pull and 
git merge when I move to a different computer. This does have some 
disadvantages - you need to remember to commit and push your changes on 
each computer. However, sorting out mistakes is generally much easier.

Regarding your .emacs you can use elisp to distinguish various bits of 
your configuration on an OS and computer name basis. Have a look at for a 
good guide.


[O] Remote References to Tables in Included Files.

2013-12-12 Thread Ian Barton
I am trying to combine summary data from org tables. Data for each year 
is stored in a separate org file, with a table for each month. I have 
created a file called, which INCLUDES the org files for 
each of the 12 months.

Can't find remote table october2012.

* November.
#+tblname: november2013
| Date | Distance | Heading 3 |
| [2012-11-03 Sat] |42.70 |   |
| [2012-11-04 Sun] |31.97 |   |
| Total|74.67 |   |

* November.
#+tblname: november2013
| Date | Distance | Heading 3 |
| [2012-11-03 Sat] |42.70 |   |
| [2012-11-04 Sun] |31.97 |   |
| Total|74.67 |   |


* Monthly Totals.

#+tblname: monthly_total_mileage
| Month | Distance |
| Oct   |  |
| Nov   |  |
| Total |  |
|   |  |
#+TBLFM: @2$2 = remote(october2012,@2$2)::@3$2 = remote(november2013,@3$2)::


Re: [O] Latex Missing number, treated as zero.

2013-12-02 Thread Ian Barton

On 01/12/13 20:23, Michael Strey wrote:

Hi Ian, writes:

This is a Latex problem, but I am hoping someone here can trow some
light on it.

No, it's not a LaTeX problem.

\documentclass{scrlttr2} \usepackage[english]{babel}  [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]

This line is no valid LaTeX code.  As you already mentioned, if you
remove `[NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]', the pdflatex run works.

Please check your Emacs variable org-latex-classes.

Here is what I have in this variable for my letter class:

|  (letter_private 
|   (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
|   (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
|   (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s}))

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the help. I did have org-latex-classes set correctly. I 
discovered the cause of the problem when I found that if I let org 
generate the pdf file it worked correctly. However, if I used pdflatex, 
or xelatex from the command line on the generated tex file, I still got 
the error.

Looking at how org produces the pdf file it uses the nonstopmode in 
the command line arguments to pdflatex. So when I used xelatex with this 

xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode test.tex

The pdf file was generated correctly. I don't think this actually fixes 
the error, but the sledgehammer approach seems to work in this case:)


[O] Latex Missing number, treated as zero.

2013-12-01 Thread Ian Barton
This is a Latex problem, but I am hoping someone here can trow some 
light on it. I was trying out the Koma Letter Export script. I get the 
following error when trying to create a pdf from the Simple letter 

)) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/koma-script/DIN.lco)
! Missing number, treated as zero.
to be read again

Chopping down the text file to the minimal:

\documentclass{scrlttr2} \usepackage[english]{babel}  [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES]



still gives the error. However, if I remove [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES] I 
don't get the error. I spent some time Googling, but can't find anything 

latex --version gives:

pdfTeX 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Arch Linux)
kpathsea version 6.1.1
Copyright 2013 Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
There is NO warranty.  Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the pdfTeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the pdfTeX source.
Primary author of pdfTeX: Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Compiled with libpng 1.6.6; using libpng 1.6.7
Compiled with zlib 1.2.8; using zlib 1.2.8
Compiled with poppler version 0.24.2


Re: [O] managing articles in my personal library, and their citational material, using org mode instead of bibtex

2013-11-19 Thread Ian Barton

On 19/11/13 01:40, Christopher W. Ryan wrote:

Not sure citational is even a word, but hopefully it conveys my meaning!

I've been using LaTeX for academic writing and reading for quite some
time, with emacs as my editor. I'm pretty familiar with managing a .bib
file containing all the references I've collected, and using it in LaTeX
\cite commands.

I've come to org-mode more recently. I'm trying to imagine how I might
use it to manage my personal library. I have a directory full of pdf
files, each a downloaded article. Some articles I reference in papers I
write; others I just read and want to keep.  I also have a .bib file
where I put the citational material for all those articles. Whenever I
download an article, I add its entry to my .bib file. I tend to manage
this with JabRef because it searches Medline so easily, but I also will
edit the .bib file directly when necessary.

I like the idea of an org file containing the citational information
(authors, title, journal, etc)  *plus* links to the pdfs on my hard
drive, or on the internet. I could also include my notes about the
articles. But what would that org file look like? How do I insert a
reference to an article into the org file which contains the article I
am writing?

I'd be grateful for any explanations, or links to tutorials.

Can't help with managing the citations in org, as the last time I had to 
do this I was using a card index file:)

However, to address your other questions one way of doing this would be 
to create an org file with a heading for each article:

* Article 1.
Here are some notes.

* Article 2
My notes

You can create hyperlinks to each article from org. See for more detailed information.

However, you should perhaps decide first how you might structure your 
org file. You might want to group articles under an author heading, or 
perhaps more likely by subject area, with a sub heading for each article 
under the main heading.

You may also want to tag each article. See Org lets you quickly narrow your view 
of an org file so that you are only seeing headings with specific tags.


Re: [O] org-writers-room sort of works! just in time for NaNoWriMo

2013-11-01 Thread Ian Barton

On 01/11/13 06:08, Alan L Tyree wrote:

Matt Price writes:

I have just pushed a more-or-less-working version of my Org Writer's
Room mode to github:


PS, the readme on github is a little out of date, but the code itself
is mostly documented so I hope that helps.  Though there's no general
documentation at the top of the file -- oops, sorry.

Hi Matt,
Looks very promising. My first look at it and the middle column
doesn't preserve visual line mode. I have taken to using this a lot
since it is much easier to interact with non-emacs/org-mode users.

I'll put it through some more testing in the next day or so.

Thanks for sharing it. I have just started on a short non-fiction book 
and I can see it being very useful. If only you could add a Locked cell 
with no Internet connection, or other distractions mode.


Re: [O] Full org-mode on unrooted Android

2013-10-13 Thread Ian Barton

On 09/10/13 14:57, Alexander Vorobiev wrote:

There is also emacs for Android but
after trying it and playing with some other ports of unix
applications, I decided to bit the bullet and install full Ubuntu on

That looks interesting too. I have to see if it runs on my Nexus 7. 
Emacs for Android is like a bus. You wait ages and nothing comes, then 
suddenly two arrive together.


Re: [O] Full org-mode on unrooted Android

2013-10-09 Thread Ian Barton

On 08/10/13 11:36, Scot Becker wrote:

Just a quick note to say that it's possible to get a full Emacs+org-mode
on (unrooted) Android using an app called 'zshaolin'.  You can either
download the app from the Google Play store for approx $3 or download
the toolchain and source from their website and compile it yourself
(which I haven't tried).
(for source, follow links to their FTP site, about 2/3 down the page)

Emacs is version 24.1.50.

The following needs to be added to the .zshrc for org-mode to work:

export TMPDIR=${HOME}/tmp

Thanks for sharing. I have been using emacs via ssh on my Nexus 7. 
However, obviously this only works if I can get an Internet connection. 
So far this setup looks as though it will meet all my simple mobile 
needs, which are just to edit my org files in native Emacs.

I see that git is also built in. I haven't tested it yet, but if it 
works I can just pull and push my org files from my repos, rather than 
copying them to the Nexus manually.


Re: [O] Using Variable Width Fonts for org-mode and Fixed Width forTabless

2013-10-02 Thread Ian Barton

On 27/09/13 08:19, Alan Schmitt wrote:

Hi Ian, writes:

I am struggling to get this to work. In my init files I have:

(set-default-font DejaVu Serif Italic)

I have followed the advice on StackOverflow
and customized my Init file to include:

(set-face-attribute 'org-table nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)

However, table formatting is still screwed up. C-u C-x = shows

  xft:-unknown-IM FELL DW
Pica-normal-italic-normal-*-15-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1 (#x29)

Character code properties: customize what to show
general-category: Lu (Letter, Uppercase)
decomposition: (70) ('F')

There are text properties here:
face org-table
line-prefix  [Show]
wrap-prefix  [Show]

I have tried setting the font for org-table using Emacs Customize
Interface, but without any success. Ideally I want tables to use a
monospace font like Inconsolata or DejaVu mono. Can anyone provide an
example of how to set org-table to use a specified fixed width font.

I've played a little with this, and here is what I have (straight from
my config file).

First, I set up the font for variable pitch, and I tell emacs to use it
for text modes.

** setup
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family Ubuntu)
   (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :height 140)

   (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'variable-pitch-mode)

Then I set up exceptions for some faces in some modes. I have exceptions
for info, mu4e, and org mode. Here are the ones for org mode.

** org

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   (defun my-adjoin-to-list-or-symbol (element list-or-symbol)
 (let ((list (if (not (listp list-or-symbol))
 (list list-or-symbol)
   (require 'cl-lib)
   (cl-adjoin element list)))

(lambda (face)
   face nil
(face-attribute face :inherit
(list 'org-code 'org-block 'org-table 'org-block-background 'org-date 
'org-link 'org-footnote))

What this says is: use fixed-pitch for the faces in the list at the
end. I have to include dates, links, and footnotes because I use them in
tables and I don't know how to conditionally change a face (i.e., use
fixed-pitch for links in tables but not for links in other places).

Hopefully this will work for you.


Hi Alan,

That sort of works. The fonts in org-table, etc are fixed pitch as 
expected. However, I seem unable to set a variable width font using 
text-mode-hook. Whatever font I choose Emacs ends up using DejaVu Sans 
Mono. I have tried several fonts that Emacs should be able to use by 
listing them with (print (font-family-list)).

If I set the font instead using set-default-font org-table, etc claim 
they are using a fixed pitch font, but they don't look as though they are.


Re: [O] Using Variable Width Fonts for org-mode and Fixed WidthforTablesss

2013-10-02 Thread Ian Barton

On 02/10/13 10:10, Alan Schmitt wrote:

Hi Ian, writes:
ur help.

That sort of works. The fonts in org-table, etc are fixed pitch as
expected. However, I seem unable to set a variable width font using
text-mode-hook. Whatever font I choose Emacs ends up using DejaVu Sans

Is it because the variable-pitch-mode is not set, or because the face
associated with it is not applied? What happens when you do a M-x


Aha! As you suggest variable-pitch-mode isn't being set. Doing an M-x 
variable-pitch-mode sets the font correctly. So either text-mode-hook 
isn't being called, or something is resetting it.

[Time passes...]
Just had a look through my .emacs and I was using text-mode-hook later 
on to turn on autofill. So problem solved, thanks very much for your help.


Re: [O] Org Tutorials need more structure

2013-09-28 Thread Ian Barton

On 28/09/13 07:11, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Can we have a discussion here on how this path should look like?
When you came to Org-mode as a newby, what were the three resources
that really made an impression on by being accessible and
providing feel and promise for digging deeper?

- Carsten

I think we need to try and identify why most new users come to org-mode. 
This might give a better idea of how to re-organize things.

I am guessing that initially many users are attracted by the task 
management and outlining features. From these basic features flow things 
such as publishing, clocking, Babel. So maybe listing Tutorials in this 
order would be a start.

Personally if I am learning something new I want a broad overview of the 
main features, with links to places where I can find more detail.

For example  David O'Toole's and Sacha's tutorials cover this very well. 
The videos are an excellent resource, but require the user to set aside 
30-60mins in one block of time. People are more likely to watch them if 
their initial interest has been piqued by something they can read and 
digest in small blocks.


[O] Using Variable Width Fonts for org-mode and Fixed Width for Tables

2013-09-26 Thread Ian Barton

I am struggling to get this to work. In my init files I have:

(set-default-font DejaVu Serif Italic)

I have followed the advice on StackOverflow 
and customized my Init file to include:

(set-face-attribute 'org-table nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)

However, table formatting is still screwed up. C-u C-x = shows

xft:-unknown-IM FELL DW 
Pica-normal-italic-normal-*-15-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1 (#x29)

Character code properties: customize what to show
  general-category: Lu (Letter, Uppercase)
  decomposition: (70) ('F')

There are text properties here:
  face org-table
  line-prefix  [Show]
  wrap-prefix  [Show]

I have tried setting the font for org-table using Emacs Customize 
Interface, but without any success. Ideally I want tables to use a 
monospace font like Inconsolata or DejaVu mono. Can anyone provide an 
example of how to set org-table to use a specified fixed width font.


Re: [O] advice needed: how do you guys sync org files between devices?

2013-07-04 Thread Ian Barton

On 01/07/13 13:06, Xebar Saram wrote:

Hi all

I have been using dropbox since i started using orgmode a few weeks ago
(yeah im a neewb :)), which kinda works but i find it very annoying as
it keeps creating conflicted copies, isnt reliable on my Linux main
machine etc etc..

I was wondering what you guys do for syncing org files between PC's,
Os's, devices (android etc)..

I used to use Dropbox and git. However, as you have found I often got 
Conflicted Files. This is a particular problem if it happens in your 
.git folder, because it can lead to a corrupt git repo. Even though I 
have a remote git repo, this still lead to lots of wasted time trying to 
sort out the mess.

Recently I have been using BitTorrent Sync from So far this works 
really well. If you are using Linux you need to do a bit of fiddling to 
get it to run as your local user, as it doesn't preserve file 
permissions. So if you are running it as a daemon files at the remote 
end all get up being owned by root.

The default is for two way synchronization. However, it's easy to set up 
one way sync. This is useful for backups. If you accidentally made a 
change in your backup, you wouldn't want it pushed back to your aster 

I also run a cron job on my laptop, which is my main work machine. Every 
hour this commits my org files to my git repo and pushes the changes to 
my remote on a different computer.


Re: [O] New maintainer

2013-04-20 Thread Ian Barton

On 18/04/13 22:52, Tom Davey wrote:

Hi everybody,

I'm just an Org user, one of the many anonymous persons who have
benefited from this fantastic piece of software. Over the past two
years I have come to use Org every day, all day long, more than any
other application with the possible exception of a Web browser. It's
hard to overestimate the value I receive from Org, the sheer personal
effectiveness I've gained.

Bastien, a thousand thanks for your work as maintainer. Thanks as well
to all the other skillful and creative programmers on this list who
make org continually more powerful and astonishing. Especial thanks to
Carsten, both for the past and now in advance as the new maintainer.

With grateful regards to all,
Tom Davey

Me too:) Many thanks to Bastien for all his hard work and for patiently 
answering questions and fixing bugs. Also welcome back to Carsten!

Best wishes,


Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

2013-04-06 Thread Ian Barton
On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 11:02:56AM -0500, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
 Ian Barton writes:

  On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:
  Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you 
  need to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and 
  so on in the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be 
  a matter of let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right 
  point in the template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never 
  took the time to get it right ...
  I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
  Jekyll to generate the site:
  I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted 
  compared to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose 
  fontification of code snippets and the like?
  As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is
  convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use
  There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I
  find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found
  hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.
  I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts.
  However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter
  So my work flow now is Emacs- export as html - run Jekyll

 Heya Ian,

 I've been planning to switch my blog over to pelican.  It's cool to hear
 you say this.

 Is there any special elisp you use for the export, including converting
 things like the title, etc?

  - Chris

Hi Chris,

No, nothing special. I just use org's standard publish functions. However, I 
publish only the body part of the html and place the yaml tags in the org file. 
A typical org file for a blog post would look like:

#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:nil
title: My Fire Steel Crumbles to Dust.
date: 2013-02-17
tags: [gear]
category: blog


After my walk over Moel Famau and Moel Arthur I was looking forward
to making a hot drink. My brew kit lives permanently in the boot of

org pubish then creates a file with a yaml header and html body text. Then I 
just run Pelican to publish the post. I have written a Pelican yaml reader 
which converts the yaml files to allow Pelican to process them. I'll document 
the whole process over the next couple of days and put it on Worg. I keep 
meaning to contribute my yaml reader back to Pelican, but it's quite specific 
to publishing org-mode files and not really a general purpose yaml importer.


Best wishes,


Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

2013-04-06 Thread Ian Barton

On 06/04/13 16:15, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:

Cool, thanks for that info!

Ian Barton writes:

On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 11:02:56AM -0500, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:

Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you need 
to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and so on in 
the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be a matter of 
let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right point in the 
template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never took the time to 
get it right ...

I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
Jekyll to generate the site:

I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted compared 
to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose fontification of 
code snippets and the like?


As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is
convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use

There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I
find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found
hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.

I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts.
However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter

So my work flow now is Emacs- export as html - run Jekyll


Heya Ian,

I've been planning to switch my blog over to pelican.  It's cool to hear
you say this.

Is there any special elisp you use for the export, including converting
things like the title, etc?

  - Chris

Hi Chris,

No, nothing special. I just use org's standard publish functions. However, I 
publish only the body part of the html and place the yaml tags in the org file. 
A typical org file for a blog post would look like:

#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:nil
title: My Fire Steel Crumbles to Dust.
date: 2013-02-17
tags: [gear]
category: blog


After my walk over Moel Famau and Moel Arthur I was looking forward
to making a hot drink. My brew kit lives permanently in the boot of

org pubish then creates a file with a yaml header and html body text. Then I 
just run Pelican to publish the post. I have written a Pelican yaml reader 
which converts the yaml files to allow Pelican to process them. I'll document 
the whole process over the next couple of days and put it on Worg. I keep 
meaning to contribute my yaml reader back to Pelican, but it's quite specific 
to publishing org-mode files and not really a general purpose yaml importer.


I have just written a short post at: 
which describes how I use org-mode and Pelican.

I'll write a more comprehensive explanation for Worg.


Re: [O] What Happened to org-export-html-extension?

2013-04-05 Thread Ian Barton

On 03/04/13 12:26, Bastien wrote:

Hi Ian,

Ian Barton writes:

Thanks for the clear explanation. Using my own function works, but this
does seem to be a regression. Defining your own extension is useful e.g. if
you want to emit .php files.

Indeed.  I fixed this regression, and using either :html-extension in
publication projects or (setq org-html-extension php) globally will
work now.

Thanks for reporting this,

And thanks for fixing it!


Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

2013-04-01 Thread Ian Barton

On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:

Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you need 
to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and so on in 
the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be a matter of 
let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right point in the 
template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never took the time to 
get it right ...

I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
Jekyll to generate the site:

I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted compared 
to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose fontification of 
code snippets and the like?


As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is 
convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use 

There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I 
find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found 
hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.

I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts. 
However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter 

So my work flow now is Emacs- export as html - run Jekyll


[O] What Happened to org-export-html-extension?

2013-03-31 Thread Ian Barton
I am trying to publish a project where the files have a custom extension 
using the new exporter:


  :base-extension org

  :recursive t
  :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
  :headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this 

  :auto-preamble t
  :auto-index f
  :html-extension yml
  :auto-preamble t
  :body-only t

However, all files are published with an .html extension. My Emacs 
customize interface claims that org-export-html-extension doesn't exist. 
Grepping the source for org-export-html-extension doesn't find anything. 
So has the variable been renamed to something else?


Re: [O] What Happened to org-export-html-extension?

2013-03-31 Thread Ian Barton

On 31/03/13 11:01, Suvayu Ali wrote:

Hello Ian,

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 10:43:21AM +0100, Ian Barton wrote:

However, all files are published with an .html extension. My Emacs customize
interface claims that org-export-html-extension doesn't exist. Grepping the
source for org-export-html-extension doesn't find anything. So has the
variable been renamed to something else?

All variables and functions called org-export or org-e- have been
renamed to org-backend-oldname.  So org-export-html-extension is
now, org-html-extension.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, it does and it doesn't. I have set the variable, but still get 
files with a .html extension.

I can reproduce the problem with the following minimal emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.emacs.d/src/lisp)
(require 'org)

(require 'ox-html)

(setq org-publish-project-alist

   ;; ... add all the components here (see below)...

  :base-extension org

  :recursive t
  :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
  :headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this 

  :auto-preamble t
  :auto-index f
  :org-html-extension yml
  :auto-preamble t
  :body-only t


  :recursive t
  :publishing-function org-ox-publish-attachment)

(ianbarton :components (org-ianbarton org-static-ian))


Re: [O] What Happened to org-export-html-extension?

2013-03-31 Thread Ian Barton

org-html-publish-to-html is defined in ox-html.el and looks like this
(sans doc):

   (defun org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
 (org-publish-org-to 'html filename .html plist pub-dir))

You could define your own publishing function, e.g.

   (defun my-org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
 (org-publish-org-to 'html filename .yml plist pub-dir))

and refer to that in your org-publish-project-alist.

org-html-extension is used in org-html-export-to-html which calls
org-export-to-file, which is the same function org-publish-org-to
calls (so org-html-extension is bypassed).

There's also the export option :html-extension but it doesn't look
like it's used to name published files.

Thanks for the clear explanation. Using my own function works, but this 
does seem to be a regression. Defining your own extension is useful e.g. 
if you want to emit .php files.


[O] Publishing to html With the New Exporter

2013-02-18 Thread Ian Barton
I am trying to change my publishing setup over to use the new exporter. 
With the recent merge and change of names from -e-backend to -ox-backend 
I am a bit confused as to how I should set up my publishing alist.

I have tried:


(require 'ox-html)
(require 'ox-publish)
;;(require 'org-publish)
(setq org-publish-project-alist

  :base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts

  :recursive t
  :publishing-function org-ox-publish-attachment)

  :base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts
  :base-extension org

  :recursive t
  :publishing-function org-ox-html-publish-to-html
  :headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this 

  :auto-preamble t
  :auto-index f
  :html-extension yml
  :auto-preamble t
  :body-only t

(ianbarton :components (org-ianbarton org-static-ian))



However, org-ox-html-publish-to-html isn't defined anywhere. Browsing 
through ox-publish.el it seems I should be using org-publish-org-to to 
with a symbol, but I can't seem to manage to find the correct syntax. 
Can anyone enlighten me?


Re: [O] Publishing to html With the New Exporter

2013-02-18 Thread Ian Barton

On 18/02/13 13:54, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


Ian Barton writes:

I am trying to change my publishing setup over to use the new exporter.
With the recent merge and change of names from -e-backend to -ox-backend
I am a bit confused as to how I should set up my publishing alist.

I have tried:


(require 'ox-html)
(require 'ox-publish)

FWIW, (require 'ox-html) also requires 'ox-publish.

;;(require 'org-publish)
(setq org-publish-project-alist

:base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-ox-publish-attachment)

This should be `org-html-publish-to-html'.

:base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts
:base-extension org
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-ox-html-publish-to-html
:headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this
:auto-preamble t
:auto-index f
:html-extension yml
:auto-preamble t
:body-only t

  (ianbarton :components (org-ianbarton org-static-ian))



Thanks, I had already tried `org-html-publish-to-html, but got the 
following backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p nil)
nil nil t (:base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts 
:base-extension org :publishing-directory 
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/pelican/blog/content :recursive t 
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 
:auto-preamble t :auto-index f :html-extension yml :auto-preamble t 
:body-only t :filter-parse-tree (org-publish-collect-index)))
.html (:base-directory ~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts 
:base-extension org :publishing-directory 
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/pelican/blog/content :recursive t 
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 
:auto-preamble t :auto-index f :html-extension yml :auto-preamble t 
:body-only t) /home/ian/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/pelican/blog/content/)
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts :base-extension org 
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/pelican/blog/content :recursive t 
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 
:auto-preamble t :auto-index f :html-extension yml :auto-preamble t 
:body-only t) 

(org-ianbarton :base-directory 
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/org/_posts :base-extension org 
~/Dropbox/web_sites/ianbarton/pelican/blog/content :recursive t 
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 
:auto-preamble t :auto-index f :html-extension yml :auto-preamble t 
:body-only t) t)

  #[(project) \306@!\210A\307  \310\\307\311\\307

A bit more investigating showed that the file causing the problem was a 
blank .org file with no content at all. Removing this fixed the problem 
and I can now export! I don't know if not being able to handle files 
with no content should be considered a bug or not.


Re: [O] Publishing to html With the New Exporter

2013-02-18 Thread Ian Barton

On 18/02/13 17:25, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

Ian Barton writes:

A bit more investigating showed that the file causing the problem was
a blank .org file with no content at all. Removing this fixed the
problem and I can now export! I don't know if not being able to handle
files with no content should be considered a bug or not.

There was a bug in org-element.el, which returned an error when parsing
an empty file. I fixed it a few days ago. Is your Org version recent

My org was about a week old. I have just pulled again and the error with 
the empty file has gone.

Best wishes,


[O] Using Properties in Capture Templates.

2013-01-19 Thread Ian Barton
I want to create a capture template which prompts for certain properties 
in a property draw, but alos creates some other properties without 
prompting for a value. However, I am having trouble mixing properties 
which are entered by the user and blank properties. The following 
example shows what I mean:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun capture-letter-file (path)
  (let ((name (read-string File name: )))
(expand-file-name (format
  (format-time-string %Y-%m-%d)
  name) path)))

   Letter template
   (file (capture-letter-file  ~/dropbox/org/org_files/letters))
   #+STARTUP: showall indent\n#+STARTUP: hidestars\n#+OPTIONS: H:2 
num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:nil\n* 
Letter\n:PROPERTIES:\n:to_address:%^{salutation}p %^{to_name}p 
%^{subject}p %^{the_closing}p:END:\n


This produces:

#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:nil
* Letter
:salutation: aaa
:to_name:  bbb
:subject:  ccc
:the_closing: zzz
:to_address:   :END:

Note the two :END: values and the :to_address: is placed outside the 
values for which the user was prompted. I have tried omitting the 
:PROPERTIES: and :END: from the template and letting org create them, 
but still end up with the :to_address: property being placed outside the 
property draw.


Re: [O] Trimming quotes

2012-12-30 Thread Ian Barton

On 30/12/12 05:01, Nick Dokos wrote:

PS. FWIW, my guidelines are to trim as much as possible. I include the
question(s) that I respond to and insert my answers inline.  I try to
include enough context so that somebody reading just that piece of mail
can make (at least some) sense of the questions and the answers. And I
delete any part that I'm not directly commenting on.

I agree with most of what Nick said. However, it's nice if you find a 
thread on something like gmane that you can get all the information in 
one message, so you don't have to hunt up and down the thread. So I like 
to see:

* Original problem
** Quoted stuff showing whats been suggested and if it failed the reasons.
** Final solution and other suggestions

In summary I would just like to look at the last message in a thread to 
gather all the relevant information.


[O] Org/LaTex setup for Business Letter Revisited

2012-12-24 Thread Ian Barton
I have been following the various threads about using the scrlttr2 
class. However, none of them quite worked for me.

I have come up with the following hack using Babel. There are three 
files attached which illustrates the general principles.

* koma variables which don't change are defined in an LCO file.
* koma variables (toaddress, etc) which change between letters are 
defined using org PROPERTIES.

* a letter template in defined in a latex src block.
* The letter body is written in an org_mode src block.
* The final letter is produced by tangling the body, the lco file and 
the letter template.

In normal use you would simply modify the PROPERTIES and body text to 
suit each letter. The whole thing can probably be made into a yasnippet.

Suggestions for improvement welcome, as the existing stuff is just a 
quick hack.

Happy Christmas everyone and best wishes for the New Year.


 2002/07/09 v0.9a LaTeX2e unsupported letter-class-option]

\usepackage[english] {babel}


% Make the toaddress flush left with the body text.
% Default is to position it further left.
% Obtained from nowindow.lco by Markus Kohm.

% ==
% ==
\setkomavar{fromname}{The Black Dalek}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Traffic Enforcement HQ Skyro City Skyro}
\setkomavar{mobile}{Top Secret}

\setkomavar{signature}{The Black Dalek}
\setkomavar{subject}{Illegal Parking}

% ==
% ==

% === font settings
\setmainfont {STIXGeneral}
\setsansfont {Impact}

% date
\newcommand{\todayiso}{\the\year \dateseparator \twodigit\month \dateseparator 

% Set the date to flush left.

%set the font size and leading

% === header settings
Traffic Enforcement\\[5mm]
  \fontsize{12}{12}{\Large \Email}\usekomavar{fromemail} {\Large 
\Telefon}\usekomavar{fromphone} {\Large \Mobilefone}\usekomavar{mobile}


% === footer settings
  \usekomavar{fromaddress} \\
  \usekomavar{fromemail} \usekomavar{fromphone}

Description: Lotus Organizer

\documentclass[dalek, subject=afteropening, subject=left]{scrlttr2}



\setkomavar{toname}{Dr Who}
\setkomavar{toaddress}{The Tardis\\ Gailfrey-on-Sea\\ Galifrey}
\setkomavar{subject}{Illegal Parking.}
\opening{Dear Doctor Who,}

It has come to our notice that your Tardis was illegally parked on
the streets of the capital city of Skyro. Accordingly I am instructed
to issue with a fine of 10,000 Galactic Credits. If you pay within 7
days there is a discount of 2,000 Galactic credits.

Failure to pay may result in your Tardis being towed away and
crushed. Also, you will be exterminated!



[O] [babel] Using Property Drawers to Pass Values to a Variable

2012-12-23 Thread Ian Barton

I am trying to pass a variable value to a latex source code block:

* Letter.
:first_name: Ian
:last_name: Barton

#+begin_src latex var: last_name =(org-get-entry nil last_name)


However, it appears as though it's only supported for lisp. Any 
suggestions as how to do this?

I am trying to construct a business letter template using the KOMA 
scrlttrs class. I have got the letter looking the way I want it in tex. 
I propose to use babel to produce the tex, but need a way to pass 
variables stored in my org file to the various komavar.

I have tried org-koma-letter.el, which isn't quite flexible enough for 
my needs. I know there have been several postings in the list about 
using KOMA. If anyone is interested I found this site a great help in getting my 
design the way I wanted it.


Re: [O] Org css

2012-12-13 Thread Ian Barton

On 10/12/12 12:17, Vladimir Lomov wrote:


** flav [2012-12-10 13:03:52 +0100]:

I can't find out the css of the orgmode web site.
Is it possible to get it ?
Where ?


A more generic solution, which should work for any web site, is to 
display the page source in your browser. For most browsers this is 
Ctrl-U. Find the link for the style sheet(s) and click on it. In most 
browsers this will display the style sheet as plain text, which you can 
then save as a text file.


Re: [O] Suggestions for progress tracking

2012-11-11 Thread Ian Barton

On 11/11/12 03:48, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

David Rogers writes:

Eric Abrahamsen writes:

I'm starting another novel translation, and want to keep track of
progress in org (I've blown too many deadlines in the past). I've been
looking at the habits functionality, but it doesn't quite match what I
want, and I'm looking for a little advice here. I'd like to:

1. Set myself a minimum of pages translated per day, on weekdays.
2. Record how many pages I do each day.
3. View some habit-style report of how I'm doing relative to my goal.
4. Project when I will be done with the novel at the current rate of

I am assuming that the novel is available in plain text. Why not turn it 
into an org file. Divide it up into units, with each unit being a day's 
worth of translation. Make each unit a separate TODO with either a 
SCHEDULED or DEADLINE. The you can use the Agenda to see how far in 
front, or behind, you are.


Re: [O] Babel: Processing Tables - Ignore Some Rows

2012-10-31 Thread Ian Barton
Thanks Thomas that works fine. Can you point me to where indexable 
variables are documented, as my feeble search skills seem to be faiing.


On 30/10/12 16:25, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Ian,

Will indexable variable values do what you want? Something like :var


Ian Barton writes:

I am using gnuplot to plot some data from a table:

#+tblname: monthly_total_mileage
| Month | Distance |
| Jan   |   272.04 |
| Feb   |   317.11 |
| Mar   |   354.27 |
| Apr   |   288.21 |
| May   |   488.35 |
| Jun   |   444.92 |
| Jul   |   497.21 |
| Aug   |   625.35 |
| Sep   |  821 |
| Oct   |717.9 |
| Nov   |  |
| Dec   |  |
| Total |  4826.36 |

#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=monthly_total_mileage :file

set boxwidth 0.5
set xlabel 'month'
set ylabel 'distance, km'

plot data u 2:xticlabels(1) notitle with boxes fs solid 0.5

Ideally I want Babel to ignore the Totals row, so it doesn't get
processed and plotted by gnuplot. Is there any way of doing this? I want
to publish the data in several formats, some of which require me to
display the total and some of which don't.

Any other workarounds gratefully accepted.


[O] Babel: Processing Tables - Ignore Some Rows

2012-10-30 Thread Ian Barton

I am using gnuplot to plot some data from a table:

#+tblname: monthly_total_mileage
| Month | Distance |
| Jan   |   272.04 |
| Feb   |   317.11 |
| Mar   |   354.27 |
| Apr   |   288.21 |
| May   |   488.35 |
| Jun   |   444.92 |
| Jul   |   497.21 |
| Aug   |   625.35 |
| Sep   |  821 |
| Oct   |717.9 |
| Nov   |  |
| Dec   |  |
| Total |  4826.36 |

#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=monthly_total_mileage :file 


  set boxwidth 0.5
  set xlabel 'month'
  set ylabel 'distance, km'

  plot data u 2:xticlabels(1) notitle with boxes fs solid 0.5

Ideally I want Babel to ignore the Totals row, so it doesn't get 
processed and plotted by gnuplot. Is there any way of doing this? I want 
to publish the data in several formats, some of which require me to 
display the total and some of which don't.

Any other workarounds gratefully accepted.


[O] Setting Tags Using #+INCLUDE:

2012-10-22 Thread Ian Barton
I have tags defined in my .emacs using setq org-tag-alist. However, I 
have a group of files (100) for which I want to define a different set 
of tags. Rather than place a #+TAGS directive I thought I would define 
them in another file ( and INCLUDE this in each of the 100 files.

However, this doesn't seem to work. Pressing C-q on the first headline 
of only offers me the inherited tags defined in org-tag-alist. 
Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
#+TITLE: Common Setup Parameters for All Blog Files.
#+TAGS: blog(b) gear(g) mountaineering(m) emacs(e) linux(l) mythtv(m) 
backpacking(k) review(r)

#+STARTUP: logdone noptag

#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+TITLE: First Pinnacle Rib.

* First Pinnacle Rib - Tryfan

Re: [O] Setting Tags Using #+INCLUDE:

2012-10-22 Thread Ian Barton

Thanks Carsten,

Works perfectly.


On 22/10/12 13:59, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi Ian,

you need to use #+setupfile instead of #+include for this purpose.

- Carsten

On 22 okt. 2012, at 14:39, Ian Barton wrote:

I have tags defined in my .emacs using setq org-tag-alist. However, I have a group 
of files (100) for which I want to define a different set of tags. Rather than 
place a #+TAGS directive I thought I would define them in another file ( 
and INCLUDE this in each of the 100 files.

However, this doesn't seem to work. Pressing C-q on the first headline of only offers me the inherited tags defined in org-tag-alist. Is this 
expected behaviour or a bug?
#+TITLE: Common Setup Parameters for All Blog Files.
#+TAGS: blog(b) gear(g) mountaineering(m) emacs(e) linux(l) mythtv(m) 
backpacking(k) review(r)
#+STARTUP: logdone noptag

#+STARTUP: showall indent
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+TITLE: First Pinnacle Rib.

* First Pinnacle Rib - Tryfan

- Carsten

[O] Bug:install: cannot stat ‘org-install.elc’

2012-10-03 Thread Ian Barton
Just done a git pull followed by make clean, make all and make install. 
I get the following error:

install: cannot stat ‘org-install.elc’: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/Dropbox/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/lisp'
make: *** [install-lisp] Error 2

Looking in the lisp directory I have an org-install.el but no .elc file, 
so it looks as thought he makefile isn't compiling it.


Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-21 Thread Ian Barton

On 20/09/12 20:38, Eric Schulte wrote:


Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I can't get org-e-groff to
generate anything but an empty output file.  I've boiled this down to
the following minimal example.  First save the attached file
to /tmp/  Then run the following in your shell,

 # -*- shell-script -*-
 emacs --batch --eval '(let ((org-path ~/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/))
 (add-to-list (quote load-path) (expand-file-name lisp org-path))
 (add-to-list (quote load-path) (expand-file-name contrib/lisp org-path))
 (require (quote org))
 (require (quote org-e-groff)))' /tmp/ -f 

The above generates an empty file in /tmp/example.groff.

What am I missing?

I don't think you are missing anything. I tried the grof exporter out a 
couple of weeks ago and it worked fine for me. I just tried it on the 
file I used before and I also get blank output. I have also tried your 
minimal example and get no output.

I am on org-mode fa15516a16df6c9ca060c56e85


Re: [O] info org section 3.1

2012-09-07 Thread Ian Barton

On 07/09/12 10:16, Jude DaShiell wrote:

As an experiment, I replaced the org-mode from git with the debian
org-mode package version 7.8.11 and tried creating the table again.
This time, no errors.  Apparently something happened between 7.8.11 and
7.9.11 to make this happen even with emacs 23.x systems.

On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Charles Philip Chan wrote:

Jude DaShiell writes:

Hi Jude:

This happens using gnu-emacs 23.41 and org 7.9.11 and that emacs is
the current debian package version.  I used git clone to install and
update org mode too.

Maybe it is a mixed installation problem again. Have you tried the
suggestions here:

,[ ]
| Is my Orgmode installation mixed?
| Emacs is distributed with a version of Orgmode bundled with it. A common
| problem among users who install a newer version of Orgmode separately is
| a mixed install where Emacs loads some files from the bundled and the
| rest from the latest version. This can lead to unending troubles in the
| future. An easy first step to investigate this is to look at the output
| of M-x org-version.
| Good
| Org-mode version 7.8.11 (release_7.8.11-448-g1737d3 @ 
| Bad
| Org-mode version 6.33x (release_7.8.11.409.ga3778)
| You should go through the output of list-load-path-shadows line-by-line
| to get hints to what in your configuration is causing the issue. Among
| the most common reasons is Orgmode gets loaded before the load-path
| variable is updated to include the installation directory of the latest
| Orgmode. To avoid issues like this, it is recommended that the load path
| is updated very early on in your init file.


I am using a recent git version 97c1b93e045e90ebb6d8a9d15a064d8ae717260b 
and the example works correctly here.


Re: [O] Alternate format for datetree

2012-09-06 Thread Ian Barton

On 29/08/12 21:01, Ian Barton wrote:

On 29/08/12 15:25, John Hendy wrote:

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Ian Barton wrote:

On 28/08/12 13:50, Nick Dokos wrote:

Ian Barton wrote:

I would like to use something like this. However, using a recent git
checkout of org mode and the following simple template from the
original list message:

   (file+headline ~/
  ,(format %s %s
   (format-time-string %B)
   (format-time-string %Y
I get the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (\, (format
%s %s (format-time-string %B) (format-time-string %Y
regexp-quote((\, (format %s %s (format-time-string %B)
(format-time-string %Y
call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)

I also get the same error from John Hendy's template. Is this a bug in
recent versions of org, or is there an error in the template lisp? I
have tried doing a git bisect, but can only go back a few commits, as
my config now includes  several things that have only recently been
added to org.

You are missing the backquote:

--8---cut here---start-8---
(file+headline ~/
   ,(format %s %s
(format-time-string %B)
(format-time-string %Y
--8---cut here---end---8---


Thanks Nick. Hwever with the following minimal template, from the OP, I
still get the error:

;; org-capture settings.
(setq org-capture-templates
`((t test entry
(file+headline ~/
,(format %s
(format-time-string %m)))
,(format ** %s \n*** %s-%s \n [%s-%s-%s %s %s:%s] 
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %A)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %m)
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %a)
(format-time-string %H)
(format-time-string %M))

Odd. I just copied and pasted this into my .emacs and commented out my
actual capture templates section entirely, leaving only this and it
works as expected.

(Just saw Nick's response as well and was going to both try and
suggest similar with a minimal .emacs).

Thanks both. I'll try with a minimal emacs and post the results.
However, it may be a day or two as I am currently in the far West of
Ireland with very variable Internet connections

Now back with a reliable Internet connection. Thanks for the minimal 
example, which worked correctly. In my full setup, I have quite a lot of 
template definitions. It turned out that I had put the backquote the 
wrong side of a bracket.


Re: [O] Google-weather.el and the Latest Git Version of Org-mode

2012-09-05 Thread Ian Barton

On 04/09/12 08:54, Ian Barton wrote:

On 31/08/12 14:19, Carson Chittom wrote:

Jude DaShiell writes:

It might be near time to investigate and loose
google for
weather before igoogle disappears.  Other weather sites capable of text
output may also be available, I haven't investigated that yet.

For those in the US, the National Weather Service has forecasts
available in XML, which could be parsed, requestable via latitude and
longitude.  I haven't done anything with that other than noting its
existence.  URL seems to be

There is also Yahoo, which uses The Weather Channel. Their official
interface is documented at This
returns a three day forecast. However, there is an undocumented
interface that returns a five day forecast. See for an example

I have a python script that uses the undocumented interface, which I'll
put on Github when I have tidied it up a bit. It doesn't look too hard
to adapt the current googleweather.el script to use Yahoo.

I have pushed my python script to

This shows how to retrieve the five day forecast from Yahoo, with an 
example XML page of the results returned by Yahoo. As an added benefit 
Yahoo also returns the lat, long, sunrise and sunset data. For people in 
the UK, there is a complete list of all location codes for towns and cities.

I have also included a copy of Julien Danjou's original library for 
Google in the repo. As a first step I renamed all occurrences of Google 
to Yahoo. Other than that it doesn't do anything useful yet.

Since my elisp skills are very limited, if anyone else wants to hack on 
this too, I would be more than happy to merge your changes.


Re: [O] Google-weather.el and the Latest Git Version of Org-mode

2012-09-04 Thread Ian Barton

On 31/08/12 14:19, Carson Chittom wrote:

Jude DaShiell writes:

It might be near time to investigate and loose google for
weather before igoogle disappears.  Other weather sites capable of text
output may also be available, I haven't investigated that yet.

For those in the US, the National Weather Service has forecasts
available in XML, which could be parsed, requestable via latitude and
longitude.  I haven't done anything with that other than noting its
existence.  URL seems to be

There is also Yahoo, which uses The Weather Channel. Their official 
interface is documented at This 
returns a three day forecast. However, there is an undocumented 
interface that returns a five day forecast. See for an example 

I have a python script that uses the undocumented interface, which I'll 
put on Github when I have tidied it up a bit. It doesn't look too hard 
to adapt the current googleweather.el script to use Yahoo.


Re: [O] Alternate format for datetree

2012-08-29 Thread Ian Barton

On 28/08/12 13:50, Nick Dokos wrote:

Ian Barton wrote:

I would like to use something like this. However, using a recent git
checkout of org mode and the following simple template from the
original list message:

  (file+headline ~/
 ,(format %s %s
  (format-time-string %B)
  (format-time-string %Y
I get the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (\, (format
%s %s (format-time-string %B) (format-time-string %Y
   regexp-quote((\, (format %s %s (format-time-string %B)
(format-time-string %Y
   call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)

I also get the same error from John Hendy's template. Is this a bug in
recent versions of org, or is there an error in the template lisp? I
have tried doing a git bisect, but can only go back a few commits, as
my config now includes  several things that have only recently been
added to org.

You are missing the backquote:

--8---cut here---start-8---
   (file+headline ~/
  ,(format %s %s
   (format-time-string %B)
   (format-time-string %Y
--8---cut here---end---8---


Thanks Nick. Hwever with the following minimal template, from the OP, I 
still get the error:

;; org-capture settings.
(setq org-capture-templates
`((t test entry
(file+headline ~/
,(format %s
(format-time-string %m)))
,(format ** %s \n*** %s-%s \n [%s-%s-%s %s %s:%s] 
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %A)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %m)
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %a)
(format-time-string %H)
(format-time-string %M))


Re: [O] Alternate format for datetree

2012-08-29 Thread Ian Barton

On 29/08/12 15:25, John Hendy wrote:

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Ian Barton wrote:

On 28/08/12 13:50, Nick Dokos wrote:

Ian Barton wrote:

I would like to use something like this. However, using a recent git
checkout of org mode and the following simple template from the
original list message:

   (file+headline ~/
  ,(format %s %s
   (format-time-string %B)
   (format-time-string %Y
I get the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (\, (format
%s %s (format-time-string %B) (format-time-string %Y
regexp-quote((\, (format %s %s (format-time-string %B)
(format-time-string %Y
call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)

I also get the same error from John Hendy's template. Is this a bug in
recent versions of org, or is there an error in the template lisp? I
have tried doing a git bisect, but can only go back a few commits, as
my config now includes  several things that have only recently been
added to org.

You are missing the backquote:

--8---cut here---start-8---
(file+headline ~/
   ,(format %s %s
(format-time-string %B)
(format-time-string %Y
--8---cut here---end---8---


Thanks Nick. Hwever with the following minimal template, from the OP, I
still get the error:

;; org-capture settings.
(setq org-capture-templates
`((t test entry
(file+headline ~/
,(format %s
(format-time-string %m)))
,(format ** %s \n*** %s-%s \n [%s-%s-%s %s %s:%s] 
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %A)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %m)
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %a)
(format-time-string %H)
(format-time-string %M))

Odd. I just copied and pasted this into my .emacs and commented out my
actual capture templates section entirely, leaving only this and it
works as expected.

(Just saw Nick's response as well and was going to both try and
suggest similar with a minimal .emacs).

Thanks both. I'll try with a minimal emacs and post the results. 
However, it may be a day or two as I am currently in the far West of 
Ireland with very variable Internet connections



Re: [O] Alternate format for datetree

2012-08-28 Thread Ian Barton

On 27/08/12 07:08, John Hendy wrote:

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

John Hendy wrote:

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 3:11 PM, c b wrote:


I have been using org-mode for about 18 months now and love it. I recently
came across the org-capture file+datetree format and it is just what I am
looking for, except that I need a slightly different format described as

Currently format is

* 2012
** 2012-08
*** 2012-08-26 Sunday
 [2012-08-26 Sun 13:00] My note for this Sunday afternoon

Needed format is

* 08
** 26
*** 2012 Sunday
 [2012-08-26 Sun 13:00] My note for this Sunday afternoon

Basically, I need to have the root of the date tree on the month, followed
by date and then Year, so that for a particular date, I can see all yearly

Is there currently a way to alter this?

If not, how would I go about adding a file+monthtree format for org-capture?

Any suggestions would be appreciated

I was looking for something similar and someone provided a custom
capture template that allowed for using inactive timestamps vs. the
default datetree format.

See the example provided here:

I fiddled with this a bit, not really being familiar and learned a
good bit in the process to achieve your desired format. Give this a

#+begin_src .emacs
(setq org-capture-templates
`((t test entry
(file+headline ~/
,(format %s
(format-time-string %m)))
,(format ** %s \n*** %s-%s \n [%s-%s-%s %s %s:%s] 
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %A)
(format-time-string %Y)
(format-time-string %m)
(format-time-string %d)
(format-time-string %a)
(format-time-string %H)
(format-time-string %M))

One thing I couldn't figure out was how to insert a %? after that
second long format option. If I just put in %?, loading .emacs caused
the error Not enough arguments to format or something like that. I'm
sure there's some secret elisp escape syntax I just don't know. I
tried various combinations of \ and '() with no success.


--8---cut here---start-8---
,(format ** %s \n*** %s-%s \n [%s-%s-%s %s %s:%s] %%?
--8---cut here---end---8---

You basically need to escape the % from being interpreted by format.
C-h f format RET says

| ...
| Use %% to put a single % into the output.
| ...

Perfect -- thanks!


That'd put the finishing touch on things so your cursor was where you wanted it.

I would like to use something like this. However, using a recent git 
checkout of org mode and the following simple template from the original 
list message:

 (file+headline ~/
,(format %s %s
 (format-time-string %B)
 (format-time-string %Y
I get the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (\, (format 
%s %s (format-time-string %B) (format-time-string %Y
  regexp-quote((\, (format %s %s (format-time-string %B) 
(format-time-string %Y

  call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)

I also get the same error from John Hendy's template. Is this a bug in 
recent versions of org, or is there an error in the template lisp? I 
have tried doing a git bisect, but can only go back a few commits, as my 
config now includes  several things that have only recently been added 
to org.


Re: [O] GNU Emacs ported to Android

2012-08-21 Thread Ian Barton

On 21/08/12 16:22, Karl Voit wrote:

I just stumbled upon

It is still in an early phase but still I am dreaming of having
Org-mode on my XOOM tablet ... :-)

HW/SW-keyboard is still an issue here IMHO. The Ctrl/ESC keys of my
freedom pro HW-Bluetooth-keyboard does not seem to work on Android
:-( I tried it for using mutt/slrn over ConnectBot/ssh ...

Anybody else sharing experiences with Emacs or HW-keyboards on

Thanks for the heads up. Off to play. The android Hackers Keyboard has 
Ctrl, Alt, etc. I use it to run Emacs via a terminal. However, a 
hardware keyboard that worked would be great.


Re: [O] Using Capture to Append a Line to a Table

2012-08-20 Thread Ian Barton

On 19/08/12 16:41, Bastien wrote:

Hi Ian,

Ian Barton writes:

I am not sure if this is user error, or a bug. I want to append a line to
table using Capture.

This if fixed in git, thanks for reporting this!

That was quick! Thanks, can confirm it's fixed for me.


Re: [O] Re-align All Tables in a Region.

2012-08-19 Thread Ian Barton

On 18/08/12 09:40, Andrew Young wrote:
Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 4:14 AM, Ian Barton wrote:

I have a file which contains lots of tables. The document is created by a
shell script, so when it's opened none of the tables are aligned. Is there a
command that will let me re-align all tables in a region? There are a lot of
tables, so I don't want to do them one at a time.

As a workaround I have used #+STARTUP: align in the buffer, which aligns
them if I C-c on the in buffer setting.


Not sure if there is a built-in, but this seems to work for me:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (defun my-align-all-tables ()
 (org-table-map-tables 'org-table-align 'quietly))

Hope this helps.


Thanks Andrew, that works perfectly.


[O] Using Capture to Append a Line to a Table

2012-08-19 Thread Ian Barton
I am not sure if this is user error, or a bug. I want to append a line 
to table using Capture.

My Capture template is:

(b Bike log table-line (file 

 |%u|%?|| :prepend t )

In I have just:

| Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 |
|   |   |   |

When I run capture I get the following back trace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error Capture template `b': Invalid 
search bound (wrong side of point))
  signal(error (Capture template `b': Invalid search bound (wrong side 
of point)))
  error(Capture template `%s': %s b Invalid search bound (wrong 
side of point))


My org from git is 952d722dcddb275d84ad6dd356bee2fd


[O] Re-align All Tables in a Region.

2012-08-18 Thread Ian Barton
I have a file which contains lots of tables. The document is created by 
a shell script, so when it's opened none of the tables are aligned. Is 
there a command that will let me re-align all tables in a region? There 
are a lot of tables, so I don't want to do them one at a time.

As a workaround I have used #+STARTUP: align in the buffer, which aligns 
them if I C-c on the in buffer setting.


Re: [O] Reporting Errors in Org Mode Manual

2012-06-26 Thread Ian Barton

On 26/06/12 12:16, Bastien wrote:

Hi Varun,

Varun Vats writes:

I looked through the Org Mode manual for a way to report errors and/
or suggest changes in it, but could not find anything other than a
way to report bugs in the Org Mode implementation itself. I was
wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to report
errors and/or suggest changes in the Org Mode manual.

This list is the central place for *any* report -- if you spot errors in
the manual, place report them here.

If you are thinking of doing anything other than minor changes, it's 
worth reading, which is in the doc folder of 
the git repo.

Re: [O] Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

2012-05-29 Thread Ian Barton

On 28/05/12 15:45, Orlando wrote:

Ian Bartonlistsat  writes:

On 26/05/12 20:00, Orlando López D. wrote:

I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my org
files and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ).

Now, I will like to get my emacs setup working properly on my Windows
box. I have been able to get it working in terms of reading my .emacs
file and emacs.d folder, shared through simlink config.

Everything seems to be working properly, except that when I  want to
execute org-mobile-pull or org-mobile-push on Windows, I get the
following error: Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an
existing directory 

The problem seems to be that emacs isn't configured to read or point to
the org-mobile directory , per the paths set in .emacs (eg. =
~/DropBox/ ...).

Running on Linux I found I needed the following in my .emacs:

(setq org-directory ~/dropbox/org/org_files)
(setq org-mobile-directory ~/dropbox/MobileOrg)
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull

Have you got all these set? Somewhere there is a possible bug where a
misleading error message gets displayed referring to
org-mobile-directory, when it means org-directory. I keep meaning to try
and track it down.


Ian, thanks for your e-mail.

I have the following configuration, which doesn´t seems to defer in concept with

;; Set to the location of your Org files on your local system
(setq org-directory ~/DropBox/org)
;; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull ~/DropBox/org/
;; Set toyour Dropbox root directory/MobileOrg.
(setq org-mobile-directory ~/Dropbox/MobileOrg)

Which could be the reason why Windows isn´t locating the path to the existing
directory? Do I need to have any specific configuration on .emacs for Mac and
for Windows?


I haven't used emacs on Windows for a long time. However, I don't know 
if Windows understands the concept of ~/, unless there is some emacs 
configuration that allows this. Have you tried setting the paths 
explicitly e.g. (setq org-directory C:/DropBox/org)


Re: [O] Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

2012-05-27 Thread Ian Barton

On 26/05/12 20:00, Orlando López D. wrote:

I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my org
files and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ).

Now, I will like to get my emacs setup working properly on my Windows
box. I have been able to get it working in terms of reading my .emacs
file and emacs.d folder, shared through simlink config.

Everything seems to be working properly, except that when I  want to
execute org-mobile-pull or org-mobile-push on Windows, I get the
following error: Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an
existing directory 

The problem seems to be that emacs isn't configured to read or point to
the org-mobile directory , per the paths set in .emacs (eg. =
~/DropBox/ ...).

Running on Linux I found I needed the following in my .emacs:

(setq org-directory ~/dropbox/org/org_files)
(setq org-mobile-directory ~/dropbox/MobileOrg)
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull 

Have you got all these set? Somewhere there is a possible bug where a 
misleading error message gets displayed referring to 
org-mobile-directory, when it means org-directory. I keep meaning to try 
and track it down.


[O] Problem Installing Info Files

2012-05-23 Thread Ian Barton

When I run make install I am getting the following error:

make -C doc install
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/Dropbox/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc'
if [ ! -d ~/.emacs.d/src/info ]; then mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/src/info; else 
true; fi ;

install -p org ~/.emacs.d/src/info
install-info --infodir=~/.emacs.d/src/info org
~/.emacs.d/src/info/dir: could not read (No such file or directory) and 
could not create (No such file or directory)

make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/Dropbox/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc'
make: *** [install-doc] Error 2

The ~/.emacs.d/src/info exists and is writable. The file 
/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc/org exists and looks like an info file. I 
have install-info installed.


install-info --infodir=~/.emacs.d/src/info org

from the directory containing org gives the following error:

~/.emacs.d/src/info/dir: could not read (No such file or directory) and 
could not create (No such file or directory)

However, the org info file is copied into the directory. So it appears 
to be a problem with install-info. I have now run out of ideas.


Re: [O] Problem Installing Info Files

2012-05-23 Thread Ian Barton

On 23/05/12 11:19, Jude DaShiell wrote:

sudo make .install-info while in the org directory and see what happens.
On Wed, 23 May 2012, Ian Barton wrote:

When I run make install I am getting the following error:

make -C doc install
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ian/Dropbox/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc'
if [ ! -d ~/.emacs.d/src/info ]; then mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/src/info; else true;
fi ;
install -p org ~/.emacs.d/src/info
install-info --infodir=~/.emacs.d/src/info org
~/.emacs.d/src/info/dir: could not read (No such file or directory) and could
not create (No such file or directory)
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ian/Dropbox/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc'
make: *** [install-doc] Error 2

The ~/.emacs.d/src/info exists and is writable. The file
/.emacs.d/src/org-mode/doc/org exists and looks like an info file. I have
install-info installed.


install-info --infodir=~/.emacs.d/src/info org

from the directory containing org gives the following error:

~/.emacs.d/src/info/dir: could not read (No such file or directory) and could
not create (No such file or directory)

However, the org info file is copied into the directory. So it appears to be a
problem with install-info. I have now run out of ideas.


Thanks, tried that but got same error. In any case the directory is 
owned by me, so it shouldn't be a permission problem.

Re: [O] Problem Installing Info Files

2012-05-23 Thread Ian Barton

On 23/05/12 11:35, suvayu ali wrote:

Hello Ian,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Ian  wrote:

from the directory containing org gives the following error:

~/.emacs.d/src/info/dir: could not read (No such file or directory) and
could not create (No such file or directory)

I think your info setup is a bit different. It would help if you could
describe it briefly. In any case, I would recommend you take a look at
this FAQ; maybe the answer is already there. :)


I have found the problem, the clue was in the error message:) When I was 
using Debian/Ubuntu I got fed up of trying to get the info file to 
install in the correct place. Using a large bit of duck tape, I put it in:

~/.emacs.d/src/info org

then defined the following key binding:

(global-set-key (kbd f9 i) (lambda ()


Since this isn't an info directory it doesn't contain a dir file for 
install-info to update, so make-info complains.

I have now stuck some duck tape on the Makefile and changed make-info to 
a simple cp command to get the file into the place where I want it.


Re: [O] Google Summer of Code -- 3 Org projects for our first participation!

2012-04-24 Thread Ian Barton

we will have 3 students hacking Org thanks to Google and the GSoC
program.  The list of all accepted projects can be checked here:

Congratulations to Thorsten, Aurélien and Andrew who made it!
And special thanks to Thorsten, who really pushed me into this.

Here is a short description of these projects:

Bugpile - a bugtracker for GNU Emacs Org-mode written in Elisp and
Org-mode (Thorsten)

   The Bugpile project has two goals: 1. Develop a bugtracker (called
   Bugpile) for GNU Emacs Org-mode, using Elisp, Elnode, Org-mode, and a
   dVCS. 2. As part of the engineering process, abstract out a
   web-framework (called iOrg) based on these GNU Emacs technologies. A
   web-framework written in Elisp, with Org files used for database
   functionality, is a new approach that enables interactive web
   applications built on top of GNU Emacs. Bugpile is an example
   application, but useful in itself.

Great news!

For the dim witted (me) can you explain if Bugpile is meant to be a bug 
tracker specifically for tracking bugs in Emacs and org, or can it be 
used as a generic bug tracker for any project.


Re: [O] ledger file in org mode hangs during code block eval

2012-04-09 Thread Ian Barton

On 09/04/12 11:37, Bastien wrote:

Hi Alexandros,

Alexandros  writes:

Have you got:
  '((R . t)
(ditaa . t)
(dot . t)
(emacs-lisp . t)
(gnuplot . t)
(haskell . nil)
(latex . t)
(ledger . t)
(ocaml . nil)
(octave . t)
(python . t)
(ruby . t)
(screen . nil)
(sh . t)
(sql . nil)
(sqlite . t)))

somewhere in your .emacs. FWIW Ledger and Babel work fine on Arch here.


Yes. This morning I reverted to version 7.7 and the problem went away.

You should not have to revert to 7.7 to have babel/ledger work.
And others reported it worked for them -- maybe we just need to
investigate further?

It works correctly for me on master 38b2291c1dbc7294f28bafe1546a2f439c61fc62

Maybe try checking this out and see if it works for you?


Re: [O] ledger file in org mode hangs during code block eval

2012-04-09 Thread Ian Barton

On 09/04/12 16:24, Ian Barton wrote:

On 09/04/12 11:37, Bastien wrote:

Hi Alexandros,

Alexandros writes:

Have you got:
'((R . t)
(ditaa . t)
(dot . t)
(emacs-lisp . t)
(gnuplot . t)
(haskell . nil)
(latex . t)
(ledger . t)
(ocaml . nil)
(octave . t)
(python . t)
(ruby . t)
(screen . nil)
(sh . t)
(sql . nil)
(sqlite . t)))

somewhere in your .emacs. FWIW Ledger and Babel work fine on Arch here.


Yes. This morning I reverted to version 7.7 and the problem went away.

You should not have to revert to 7.7 to have babel/ledger work.
And others reported it worked for them -- maybe we just need to
investigate further?

It works correctly for me on master

Maybe try checking this out and see if it works for you?


Sorry, forgot to append a short test file that I was using:

#+name: igb_income
#+begin_src ledger :noweb yes
2012/02/01 Salary
  income:salary  £1000

#+name: igb_expenses
#+begin_src ledger :noweb yes

2012/02/01 St James Place Int
expenses:insurance:life  £400.00

2012/02/01 Pinnacle Pursuits
expenses:holiday   £25.00

2012/02/20 Tfr to Joint Account
assets:bank:joint  £500


#+name: summary
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline -s bal :noweb yes



#+RESULTS: summary
:£-1425.00  assets:bank
:  £500.00joint
:  £425.00  expenses
:   £25.00holiday
:  £400.00insurance:life
: £1000.00  income:salary

#+name: igbbalance
#+begin_src ledger :cmdline bal :noweb yes


#+results: igbbalance
:   £-3000  assets:bank:igb
:£3000  income:salary

Re: [O] ledger file in org mode hangs during code block eval

2012-04-08 Thread Ian Barton

On 08/04/12 05:06, Alexandros Bantis wrote:

Hello all,

Hoping someone might be help me diagnose this problem. I recently
changed my linux distro from ubuntu to arch linux. I had an org-file
that was running very well (over a year) up until the switch over. I
have monthly entries separated into separate src ledger code blocks.
When I do C-c C-c on a code block, it updates the results just fine. But
when I try to update a report, it hangs for about 15 seconds and I get
the following message:

executing Ledger code block...
executing Ledger source code block
ledger -f /tmp/babel-13899vK/ledger-1389JnV -c -d Tl=3 bal
Error: Please specify ledger file using -f or LEDGER_FILE environment
Code block evaluation complete.

The code block that is being evaluated is only 127 lines in length.

emacs version: GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
2.24.9) of 2012-02-01 on shirley.hoetzel.inf

org-version: Org-mode version 7.8.08

$ ledger -version
Ledger 2.6.3, the command-line accounting tool

The file that I'm using is an org-mode file encrypted with ccrypt, but
when I create a duplicate unencrypted file, I get the same exact
results. Thus, the problem doesn't seem to be related to ccrypt.

When I paste the code block to a separate text file and run the command
that was output from the *Messages* buffer. Thus, the problem doesn't
seem to be related to ledger.

Here's the relevant output from my installation log (pacman.log):

[2012-04-06 18:38] Running 'pacman -U
[2012-04-06 18:38] To enable this version of org-mode instead of the one
shipped with emacs,
[2012-04-06 18:38] add the line:
[2012-04-06 18:38] (require 'org-install)
[2012-04-06 18:38] to your .emacs file.
[2012-04-06 18:38]
[2012-04-06 18:38] NOTE: info documentation for emacs-org-mode goes now
as 'orgmode' in /usr/share/info,
[2012-04-06 18:38] It does NOT replace the 'org' info files shipped with
[2012-04-06 18:38] $ info orgmode ## this version
[2012-04-06 18:38] $ info org ## emacs' org version (currently 6.21)
[2012-04-06 18:38] installed emacs-org-mode (7.8.08-1)

$ whereis emacs
emacs: /usr/bin/emacs /usr/lib/emacs /usr/share/emacs

relevant part from my .emacs file:

;; with a new installation
(setq load-path (cons /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp load-path))
(require 'org-install)

Have you got:
 '((R . t)
   (ditaa . t)
   (dot . t)
   (emacs-lisp . t)
   (gnuplot . t)
   (haskell . nil)
   (latex . t)
   (ledger . t)
   (ocaml . nil)
   (octave . t)
   (python . t)
   (ruby . t)
   (screen . nil)
   (sh . t)
   (sql . nil)
   (sqlite . t)))

somewhere in your .emacs. FWIW Ledger and Babel work fine on Arch here.


Re: [O] relative links in html export

2012-03-27 Thread Ian Barton

On 26/03/12 23:53, Matt Price wrote:


I want to include a link like this in a document intended only for html
[[/][Front Page]]
I've also tried

[[http:/][Front Page]]

Neither produces the result I want, which is a href=/Front Page/a

Is there any way to get the latter result?

a href=/Front Page/a

However, they may be other ways of doing it.


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