Re: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Jim Freeman

I don't feel embarassed. As a matter of fact, I feel proud that the US has
found a medium between suppression and freedom of expression.
How come every one in the world looks to the US for leadership in
conflicts? Probably because the ROW(rest of world) has never figured it

Jim Freeman

Robert Wilson wrote:

> "Free men own guns". Yeah right. The true mark of a civilized country is
> that its citizens all own guns. Never been anywhere else, have you? It
> is just this sort if immature 19th century frontier mentality that is
> embarrassing the US in the eyes of the rest of the world.
> Bob Wilson
> TIR Systems Ltd.
> Vancouver.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pettit, Ghery []
> Sent: May 6, 2002 4:24 PM
> To: 'Ted Rook'; <
> Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
> I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -
> Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
> neither - Benjamin Franklin.
> Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those
> of
> us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to
> take
> them away.
> Ghery S. Pettit
> Life Member, National Rifle Association
> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Rook []
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
> To: <
> Subject: stun guns on aircraft
> and other safety considerations
> keep the hijackers off planes using ground security
> an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights
> too many lives are at risk
> the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere
> then at least the passengers have a chance
> Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from
> having
> thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law
> and
> law enforcement before firearms were invented.
> America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as
> a
> negotiating tool.
> This is poor judgement.
> Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools.
> Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation.
> Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but
> also
> be an effective executioner.
> Asking too much IMHO.
> Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
> unlikely ever to change.
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For poli

Let's change the topic to something more descriptive Re: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Penny D. Robbins

For those of us who care to know the real info about the original topic -
stun guns and the RF problems they cause on aircraft, how about changing
your subject line. Let's have everyone who wants to give their opinions
about who should and shouldn't own guns and what the real problem is with
society change the subject line to something more reflective of the topic
at hand. How about: "Guns - Pro or Con?"
It certainly would make reading though and filtering out the information we
want to see easier.
- Forwarded by Penny D. Robbins/Telcordia on 05/07/02 01:20 PM -

"Robert Wilson" 
  cc: (bcc: Penny D. 
        Subject: RE: stun guns on 
05/07/02 12:41  
Please respond  
to "Robert  



"Crime rates drop drastically in nations where guns are freely owned by
the PUBLIC"?? I suppose this explains why the US has a murder rate some
10 to 20 times that of western Europe, and whose extreme violent crime
rates make it a pariah in the eyes of so many other nations? And where
do you think the "criminal approaching your wife with a gun" managed to
get a gun in the first place? Could it be because he lives in a country
that believes owning a gun should be a citizen's right? Nah! Couldn't
possibly be a connection!

Reminds me of a cartoon I once saw, where Uncle Sam is pointing a gun at
himself and has just managed to shoot another hole through his head. The
caption is "Damn! It did it again! I wonder what causes that?"

Ah, well, what else can one expect from yet another "proud member of the
NRA". Certainly not rational thinking when it comes to playing with toys
that go bang.

I'll get off my soap box now.

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Sam Davis []
Sent: May 7, 2002 6:51 AM
To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
public safety.

I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is
Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took
gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If
criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
pistol, or a whistle?

What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support
family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war,
worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

Guns even the playing field.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed,
almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing

I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in
defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and
defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the
knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our alli

Re: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Fred Townsend
Peter: Let me answer your questions and then I have a question for you.

"FLOWERDEW, Peter" wrote:

> I am reading this thread in the UK. I am a trained marksman, trained
> by our police, but I can not believe what I am reading. How many
> murders per day in New York?

Unless you count the murders at the World Trade center where there were
no guns involved, about 200 per year.  How does that compare with

> How many in any European capital?

> How many school massacres in USA?

Per capita about as many as Germany.

> How many in Europe? In Europe the police carry guns, not the next guy
> who is going to object to my driving.

My question for Peter is since Europe has had many extermination camps
in the last century, who at the extermination camps had guns and who did

Lots of guns in America but no extermination camps.  Do think there
might be a connection?

Fred Townsend

> I also happen to be a karate instructor, a professional doorman
> (bouncer) and I train nurses and counsellors, working with addicts and
> alcoholics off the streets, in low-arousal defence techniques and
> situation de-escalation - as well as being an FIEE emc engineer. I get
> scared in Houston at night (that's where an English engineer got lost,
> knocked on the door of  a house to ask directions and was shot dead
> through the door - anyone want to talk to his wife?), but in four
> years I have never faced a gun on the nightclub doors in Bristol.
> Also, our gun enthusiasts do not own handguns, combat rifles or
> pump-action shotguns - they still have fun.
> I will not be the only UK professional reading this thread and from
> the reactions in my company, which is American owned, the ease with
> which people are willing to deprive another human of their life is
> shocking.
> All that said, I do not see what the topic has to do with meeting
> health and safety regulations. Which standard are you referring to?
> Peter
> -Original Message-
> From: Sam Davis []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:51 PM
> To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
> Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
> This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal
> and
> public safety.
> I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is
> ludicrous.
> Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations
> where
> guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't
> took the
> gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.
> Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.
> If some
> criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have
> a
> pistol, or a whistle?
> What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about
> your
> military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support
> your
> family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of
> war, or
> worse?  What about the security force at your airport?
> Guns even the playing field.
> When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens
> turn
> them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY
> force.
> Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only
> allowed, but
> almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
> household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
> Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes
> have
> dropped.
> Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing
> heat.
> I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in
> self
> defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.
> BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and
> is
> defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with
> your
> first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the
> world
> knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
> because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to
> bail
> them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
> different thread).
> Remember grade school, who got picked on?  The kid that couldn't (or
> wouldn't) defend himself.  The guys that were obviously able to return
> injury never had to fight.  Think about that.
> If any of my statements offend you because of your national pride, I'm
> sorry.  My national pride is what brought me in here.  I mean no
> offense to

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Alexandru Guidea

Making an analogy with the EMC world, it is interesting how America, which
allows its citizens to bear firearms (for self-protection, of course), does
not enforce regulations on immunity.

As for Sam's reflections "The reason we're the prime superpower is because
the world
knows we will use it [the force] if we have to.  The reason our allies like
us is
because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to bail
them out without actually expecting payback ...", I hope the author realizes
the enormity of these words, especially within our forum.

Alexandru G.

-Original Message-
From: Sam Davis []
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:51 AM
To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
public safety.

I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is ludicrous.
Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took the
gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If some
criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
pistol, or a whistle?

What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support your
family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war, or
worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

Guns even the playing field.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed, but
almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing heat.

I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in self
defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and is
defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the world
knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to bail
them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
different thread).

Remember grade school, who got picked on?  The kid that couldn't (or
wouldn't) defend himself.  The guys that were obviously able to return
injury never had to fight.  Think about that.

If any of my statements offend you because of your national pride, I'm
sorry.  My national pride is what brought me in here.  I mean no offense to
your nation, just your government's  anti-gun laws.

My opinions are my own, but I know my boss will back me.  He's a member,

Proud member of the National Rifle Association, standing with my brothers,
supporting our constitutional right to protect ourselves until the cops are
able to arrive.

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Gert Gremmen
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:25 AM
To: Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

So Ghery,

Please let us all know your future flight schedual, so
we can avoid sharing the same plane ...

As you might know, yesterday, in analogy to USA 1963 Kennedy, a
Netherlands Prime Minister kandidate , Pim Fortuin,
a fighter for the rights for free speaking, to the degree
that he attacked laws against discrimination, was
killed by a such representative of the TRUE FREE MEN .

I supposed , Ghery , that your interpretation of being
a FREE man is not limited to the WORD...

Gert Gremmen

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Pettit, Ghery
Sent: dinsdag 7 mei 2002 01:24
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: &

Re: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Ken Javor

Precisely correct.  The thing that differentiates the US of A from the rest
of the world is our political genesis of limited government and unlimited
political freedom (including the right to bear arms), as opposed to the
opposite elsewhere. The fact that the land was taken from the natives by
force is not a differentiating factor - it is something we have in common
with the rest of the world, a fact that is obvious to students of history.

I shouldn't have to say it, but in the interest of limiting responses,
freedom in this context does not mean the ability or right to act on any
whim, but rather freedom from human tyranny.
>From: Bill Morse 
>To: "''" 
>Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
>Date: Tue, May 7, 2002, 10:32 AM

> I think he meant that swords are so much better then guns. Norman, Saxon,
> Gael, Roman, Aztec, Mayan, Mongol, Greek, English and the French and just
> every society I have read about or know seemed "taken by force and is defended
> by force"  and did quit well before the advent of the gun in killing
> and their neighbors.
> But would not presume to speak for him.
> Technical Staff
> Senior EMC Engineer
> William Morse NCE
>  -Original Message-
> From:  Pettit, Ghery []
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 4:24 PM
> To: 'Ted Rook'; <
> Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
> I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -
> Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
> neither - Benjamin Franklin.
> Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
> us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
> them away.
> Ghery S. Pettit
> Life Member, National Rifle Association
> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Rook []
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
> To: <
> Subject: stun guns on aircraft
> and other safety considerations
> keep the hijackers off planes using ground security
> an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights
> too many lives are at risk
> the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere
> then at least the passengers have a chance
> Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
> thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
> law enforcement before firearms were invented.
> America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
> negotiating tool.
> This is poor judgement.
> Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools.
> Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation.
> Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also
> be an effective executioner.
> Asking too much IMHO.
> Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
> unlikely ever to change.
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Sam Davis
RE: stun guns on aircraftThe numbers of horrendous crimes in the US is sadly
exaggerated by the press.  The defensive use of weapons is sadly dismissed
in the news, and reported as a killing, not as a defense against killing.

I don't own my handgun for entertainment, but for protection.  My bolt
action rifle is too unwieldy and clumsy.  I'm not easy about depriving
another's life, except when mine is threatened.

I'm glad you've never had to face a weapon.  Even though I live in the state
known for having many guns, I've never seen a gun used in a crime either.
None is not better than none.  It's just great.  I hope that if you ever
have to face a weapon that you'd be able to disarm him and restrain him
until the authorities arrive.  I have a black belt associate who has made
the statement he'd rather face a crook that has a gun than one with a knife.
The crook that uses a gun is usually too cocky, and can be disarmed fairly
easily with the right moves, where a knife wielder is usually a force to be

  -Original Message-
  From: FLOWERDEW, Peter []
  Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 11:17 AM
  To: 'Sam Davis'; Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
  Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

  I am reading this thread in the UK. I am a trained marksman, trained by
our police, but I can not believe what I am reading. How many murders per
day in New York? How many in any European capital? How many school massacres
in USA? How many in Europe? In Europe the police carry guns, not the next
guy who is going to object to my driving.

  I also happen to be a karate instructor, a professional doorman (bouncer)
and I train nurses and counsellors, working with addicts and alcoholics off
the streets, in low-arousal defence techniques and situation de-escalation -
as well as being an FIEE emc engineer. I get scared in Houston at night
(that's where an English engineer got lost, knocked on the door of  a house
to ask directions and was shot dead through the door - anyone want to talk
to his wife?), but in four years I have never faced a gun on the nightclub
doors in Bristol. Also, our gun enthusiasts do not own handguns, combat
rifles or pump-action shotguns - they still have fun.

  I will not be the only UK professional reading this thread and from the
reactions in my company, which is American owned, the ease with which people
are willing to deprive another human of their life is shocking.

  All that said, I do not see what the topic has to do with meeting health
and safety regulations. Which standard are you referring to?


  -Original Message-
  From: Sam Davis []
  Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:51 PM
  To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
  Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

  This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
  public safety.

  I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is
  Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
  guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took
  gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

  Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If
  criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
  pistol, or a whistle?

  What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
  military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support your
  family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war, or
  worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

  Guns even the playing field.

  When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
  them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
  Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed,
  almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
  household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
  Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

  Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing heat.

  I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in self
  defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

  BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and is
  defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
  first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the
  knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
  because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to
  them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
  different thread).


RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Robert Wilson

"Crime rates drop drastically in nations where guns are freely owned by
the PUBLIC"?? I suppose this explains why the US has a murder rate some
10 to 20 times that of western Europe, and whose extreme violent crime
rates make it a pariah in the eyes of so many other nations? And where
do you think the "criminal approaching your wife with a gun" managed to
get a gun in the first place? Could it be because he lives in a country
that believes owning a gun should be a citizen's right? Nah! Couldn't
possibly be a connection!

Reminds me of a cartoon I once saw, where Uncle Sam is pointing a gun at
himself and has just managed to shoot another hole through his head. The
caption is "Damn! It did it again! I wonder what causes that?"

Ah, well, what else can one expect from yet another "proud member of the
NRA". Certainly not rational thinking when it comes to playing with toys
that go bang.

I'll get off my soap box now.

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Sam Davis [] 
Sent: May 7, 2002 6:51 AM
To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
public safety.

I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is
Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took
gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If
criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
pistol, or a whistle?

What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support
family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war,
worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

Guns even the playing field.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed,
almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing

I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in
defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and
defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the
knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to
them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
different thread).

Remember grade school, who got picked on?  The kid that couldn't (or
wouldn't) defend himself.  The guys that were obviously able to return
injury never had to fight.  Think about that.

If any of my statements offend you because of your national pride, I'm
sorry.  My national pride is what brought me in here.  I mean no offense
your nation, just your government's  anti-gun laws.

My opinions are my own, but I know my boss will back me.  He's a member,

Proud member of the National Rifle Association, standing with my
supporting our constitutional right to protect ourselves until the cops
able to arrive.

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Gert Gremmen
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:25 AM
To: Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

So Ghery,

Please let us all know your future flight schedual, so
we can avoid sharing the same plane ...

As you might know, yesterday, in analogy to USA 1963 Kennedy, a
Netherlands Prime Minister kandidate , Pim Fortuin,
a fighter for the rights for free speaking, to the degree
that he attacked laws against discrimination, was
killed by a such representative of the TRUE FREE MEN .

I supposed , Ghery , that your interpretation of being
a FREE man is not limited to the WORD...

Gert Gremmen

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Pettit, Ghery
Sent: dinsdag 7 mei 2002 01:24
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential fre

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Steve Grobe

When insults start to fly perhaps it's time to take it off list.

> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Wilson []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 11:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
> "Free men own guns". Yeah right. The true mark of a civilized 
> country is
> that its citizens all own guns. Never been anywhere else, have you? It
> is just this sort if immature 19th century frontier mentality that is
> embarrassing the US in the eyes of the rest of the world. 
> Bob Wilson
> TIR Systems Ltd.
> Vancouver.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pettit, Ghery [] 
> Sent: May 6, 2002 4:24 PM
> To: 'Ted Rook'; <
> Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft
> I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -
> Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
> neither - Benjamin Franklin.
> Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long 
> time.  Those
> of
> us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to
> take
> them away.
> Ghery S. Pettit
> Life Member, National Rifle Association
> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Rook []
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
> To: <
> Subject: stun guns on aircraft
> and other safety considerations
> keep the hijackers off planes using ground security
> an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights
> too many lives are at risk
> the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere
> then at least the passengers have a chance
> Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from
> having
> thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law
> and
> law enforcement before firearms were invented.
> America is one of the few places in the West that relies on 
> firearms as
> a
> negotiating tool.
> This is poor judgement. 
> Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
> Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
> Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but
> also
> be an effective executioner. 
> Asking too much IMHO.
> Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by 
> force and is
> unlikely ever to change.
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:
>  Dave Heald:
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
> All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Ron Pickard:

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread FLOWERDEW, Peter
I am reading this thread in the UK. I am a trained marksman, trained by our
police, but I can not believe what I am reading. How many murders per day in
New York? How many in any European capital? How many school massacres in
USA? How many in Europe? In Europe the police carry guns, not the next guy
who is going to object to my driving. 

I also happen to be a karate instructor, a professional doorman (bouncer)
and I train nurses and counsellors, working with addicts and alcoholics off
the streets, in low-arousal defence techniques and situation de-escalation -
as well as being an FIEE emc engineer. I get scared in Houston at night
(that's where an English engineer got lost, knocked on the door of  a house
to ask directions and was shot dead through the door - anyone want to talk
to his wife?), but in four years I have never faced a gun on the nightclub
doors in Bristol. Also, our gun enthusiasts do not own handguns, combat
rifles or pump-action shotguns - they still have fun.

I will not be the only UK professional reading this thread and from the
reactions in my company, which is American owned, the ease with which people
are willing to deprive another human of their life is shocking.

All that said, I do not see what the topic has to do with meeting health and
safety regulations. Which standard are you referring to?


-Original Message-
From: Sam Davis []
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:51 PM
To: Gert Gremmen; Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
public safety.

I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is ludicrous.
Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took the
gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If some
criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
pistol, or a whistle?

What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support your
family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war, or
worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

Guns even the playing field.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed, but
almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing heat.

I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in self
defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and is
defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the world
knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to bail
them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
different thread).

Remember grade school, who got picked on?  The kid that couldn't (or
wouldn't) defend himself.  The guys that were obviously able to return
injury never had to fight.  Think about that.

If any of my statements offend you because of your national pride, I'm
sorry.  My national pride is what brought me in here.  I mean no offense to
your nation, just your government's  anti-gun laws.

My opinions are my own, but I know my boss will back me.  He's a member,

Proud member of the National Rifle Association, standing with my brothers,
supporting our constitutional right to protect ourselves until the cops are
able to arrive.

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Gert Gremmen
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:25 AM
To: Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

So Ghery,

Please let us all know your future flight schedual, so
we can avoid sharing the same plane ...

As you might know, yesterday, in analogy to USA 1963 Kennedy, a
Netherlands Prime Minister kandidate , Pim Fortuin,
a fighter for the rights for free speaking, to the degree
that he attacked laws against discrimination, was
killed by a such representative of the TRUE FREE MEN .

I supposed , Ghery , that your interpretation of being
a FREE man is not limited to the WORD...

Gert Gremmen


RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Robert Wilson

"Free men own guns". Yeah right. The true mark of a civilized country is
that its citizens all own guns. Never been anywhere else, have you? It
is just this sort if immature 19th century frontier mentality that is
embarrassing the US in the eyes of the rest of the world. 

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Pettit, Ghery [] 
Sent: May 6, 2002 4:24 PM
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but
be an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
unlikely ever to change.

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RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Naftali Shani

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety forum, so please stop this

Naftali Shani, Catena Networks (
307 Legget Drive, Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K 3C8
613.599.6430/866.2CATENA (X.8277); C 295.7042; F 599.0445

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Bill Morse

I think he meant that swords are so much better then guns. Norman, Saxon, Moor,
Gael, Roman, Aztec, Mayan, Mongol, Greek, English and the French and just about
every society I have read about or know seemed "taken by force and is defended
by force"  and did quit well before the advent of the gun in killing themselves
and their neighbors.

But would not presume to speak for him.

Technical Staff
Senior EMC Engineer
William Morse NCE

 -Original Message-
From:   Pettit, Ghery [] 
Sent:   Monday, May 06, 2002 4:24 PM
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject:    RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also
be an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
unlikely ever to change.

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
 Ron Pickard:
 Dave Heald:

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 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

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Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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 Jim Bacher:

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RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Sam Davis

This has nothing to do with EMC or Product safety, but with personal and
public safety.

I'm with Ghery.  Gert, your misrepresentation of his statement is ludicrous.
Statistics bear this out.  Crime rates drop drastically in nations where
guns are freely owned by the PUBLIC.  Look at Australia.  The gov't took the
gun ownership rights away, and violent crime rose horribly.

Guns are not only offensive weapons, but defensive weapons as well.  If some
criminal approaches your wife with a gun, would you prefer her to have a
pistol, or a whistle?

What do you want your cops to defend your streets with?  What about your
military, to guard your ability to go to work, make a living, support your
family, without having to worry if you'll be a captive prisoner of war, or
worse?  What about the security force at your airport?

Guns even the playing field.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.  Law abiding citizens turn
them in, and can no longer defend their homes with the NECESSARY force.
Fortunately, I live in a locale where gun ownership is not only allowed, but
almost expected.  Statistically, there are more guns than people per
household.  There is also a very low rate of home invasion.
Since concealed carry permits have been issued, all violent crimes have

Hijackers take planes because law-abiding travelers are not packing heat.

I own multiple guns, legally, and I pray I never have to fire them in self
defense, but I pray I don't have to use my AD&D policy either.

BTW, Ted, your statement "Unfortunately America was taken by force and is
defended by force and is unlikely ever to change", I disagree with your
first syllable.  The reason we're the prime superpower is because the world
knows we will use it if we have to.  The reason our allies like us is
because we've got their back, (and we've thrown billions of dollars to bail
them out without actually expecting payback, but that's a completely
different thread).

Remember grade school, who got picked on?  The kid that couldn't (or
wouldn't) defend himself.  The guys that were obviously able to return
injury never had to fight.  Think about that.

If any of my statements offend you because of your national pride, I'm
sorry.  My national pride is what brought me in here.  I mean no offense to
your nation, just your government's  anti-gun laws.

My opinions are my own, but I know my boss will back me.  He's a member,

Proud member of the National Rifle Association, standing with my brothers,
supporting our constitutional right to protect ourselves until the cops are
able to arrive.

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Gert Gremmen
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:25 AM
To: Pettit, Ghery; 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

So Ghery,

Please let us all know your future flight schedual, so
we can avoid sharing the same plane ...

As you might know, yesterday, in analogy to USA 1963 Kennedy, a
Netherlands Prime Minister kandidate , Pim Fortuin,
a fighter for the rights for free speaking, to the degree
that he attacked laws against discrimination, was
killed by a such representative of the TRUE FREE MEN .

I supposed , Ghery , that your interpretation of being
a FREE man is not limited to the WORD...

Gert Gremmen

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Pettit, Ghery
Sent: dinsdag 7 mei 2002 01:24
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-----
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement.
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools.
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation.
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the 

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Gert Gremmen

So Ghery,

Please let us all know your future flight schedual, so
we can avoid sharing the same plane ...

As you might know, yesterday, in analogy to USA 1963 Kennedy, a
Netherlands Prime Minister kandidate , Pim Fortuin,
a fighter for the rights for free speaking, to the degree
that he attacked laws against discrimination, was
killed by a such representative of the TRUE FREE MEN .

I supposed , Ghery , that your interpretation of being
a FREE man is not limited to the WORD...

Gert Gremmen

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Pettit, Ghery
Sent: dinsdag 7 mei 2002 01:24
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also
be an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
unlikely ever to change.

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Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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 Dave Heald:

For policy questions, send mail to:
 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
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This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
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RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-07 Thread Kazimier_Gawrzyjal

Aa fresh can of worms.

Kaz Gawrzyjal

-Original Message-
From: Pettit, Ghery []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 6:24 PM
To: 'Ted Rook'; <
Subject: RE: stun guns on aircraft

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also
be an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
unlikely ever to change.

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
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For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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 Dave Heald:

For policy questions, send mail to:
 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
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This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
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For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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 Richard Nute:
 Jim Bacher:

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Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

RE: stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-06 Thread Pettit, Ghery

I've resisted jumping in in this fashion, but -


Those who will trade essential freedoms for temporary security deserve
neither - Benjamin Franklin.

Folks, the 2nd Amendment pre-dates the wild west by a long time.  Those of
us who value our RIGHTS are tired of the wimps in the world trying to take
them away.

Ghery S. Pettit
Life Member, National Rifle Association

-Original Message-
From: Ted Rook []
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 1:08 PM
To: <
Subject: stun guns on aircraft

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and
law enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also
be an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is
unlikely ever to change.

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stun guns on aircraft

2002-05-06 Thread Ted Rook

and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having 
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and law 
enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a 
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also be 
an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is 
unlikely ever to change.

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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-06 Thread Fred Townsend

 I hate to pull rank here but I doubt if any of you have designed cock pit 
tested it, or done a FAA flight certification submittal.  I have.  Let me reply,
below, to points made by Jeff and Gregg.

"Collins, Jeffrey" wrote:

> Group,
> I happened to be flying on United Airlines this weekend and thought I'd run
> this topic by a few pilots. (I got a chance to speak with 4 pilots
> separately) The consensus from the UA pilots was:
> * The stun guns have been thoroughly tested in the cockpit and had no effect
> on the avionics systems.
> * Type of stun guns( Taser only) would be the type that shoot the electrode
> through the air at the target.
> * They all preferred hand guns with bullets over the Tasers. They all claim
> that tests have been done unloading
>   several rounds of bullets into the fuselage of an aircraft at critical
> altitudes without having severe affects.

I am in total agreement.  High Voltage guns, whatever you call them, deliver a 
voltage at a very low current. I have not tested with Tasers but I have done 
Tasers are roughly equivalent to an ESD test.  ESD Tests showed occasional  
damage to microphones, particularly those mounted on the wall to the side of the
pilot or the autopilot might disengage if the yoke were zapped.  Pilots are 
for autopilot disengagement.

Redundancy was tested in many ways.  One was to shoot virtual bullets at 
Virtual paths were selected at random.  All equipment in the path was suddenly 
off by tripping the breakers.  No single virtual bullet ever effected the 
of the airplane.

Two bullets on opposite sides of airplane could be troublesome but probably not
fatal.  All tests were conducted using simulation on the ground.


> The field of my survey was small and only targeted a single airline so I
> don't know how this would correlate across the entire pilots union. Just
> thought I'd share this piece of info for what its worth.
> Regards,
> Jeff Collins

IGregg Kervill wrote:

> Dear All,
> Many thanks for your comments - I think it may be worth making some comments
> in summary:
> 1-  Lightning has the same effect. Disagree - lightening is an external
> effect - Physics 101 and the "Ice Pail" experiment.   If anyone doubts the
> difference go and visit the Munich Science Museum where every day (I think
> they still do it) a volunteer climbs into a metal 'pod' and is winched
> between two electrodes (about 20 feet apart) and becomes part of the
> discharge path. Seeing it sure beat reading about it at school.  Any
> discharge on the inside of the "Ice Pail" is transferred 'instantaneously to
> the outside surface - this is, after all, the principle upon which the Van
> de Graff(sp?P generator is based. (Note the volunteer does NOT wave out of
> the window!!!)

You are partially correct.  Lightning is a much bigger problem.  The "E" field 
external to the airplane.  The "B" field enters the airplane and penetrates most
shielding and therefore is internal.

Stun guns are mostly a "E" field problem.  The "Ice Pail" shows immunity to "E"
fields.  The same is true of the cockpit equipment.  It is almost perfectly 
within ice pails called ATR boxes.  The same protection is afforded to stun 
guns. ATR
boxes usually do not protect against "B" fields making lightning the bigger 

Because lightning is not a question of "IF", but rather of "WHEN",  and because
lightning is bigger problem, equipment is designed to survive lightning.

> 2-  Holes in structure versus hole and carriers in semiconductor 
> substrates
> (yes it was a pun). I agree with those who preferred the idea of perforated
> eardrums (depressurization) to perforated electronics.
> 3-  Dead Pilot versus Dead Electronics. Neither is ideal - but many (most)
> commercial aircraft are fly be wire - One of my clients make Simulators -
> and I flew (for the first time ever) and Air Bus (simulator) from London
> Heathrow to London Gatwick - Landed (ON THE RUNWAY) and taxied (the most
> difficult part) to the airport.  I had full control of the simulator and was
> flying by instruments. The controls are ALL electronic and if there had been
> multiple (i.e. non-random) fails then even a pilot would not have been able
> to move the control surfaces.

I'm not sure what your point is here.  Air Buses use fiber optics for most 
critical systems.

> 4-  Testing - at 50kV? any comments from ESD engineers out there?

My tests only went to 25KV.  I think it largely a matter of current which is
determined by the size of the storage capacitor, more than the voltage.

> 5-  TASER versus Stun gun - thanks for correcting my misunderstanding - 
> Two
> comments -  First - if the stun gun is discharged through the airframe there
> will be an induced potential in local electronic systems.

Correction.  There will be an induced current.  The potential will be almost 

RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft - summary and comments GK

2002-05-06 Thread Robert Wilson

Regarding the perforation of the aircraft by bullets, and the supposed
gradual depressurization that "should" occur, it might be worth
remembering the disaster of the world's first fleet of jet passenger
aircraft, the British "Comet". In the early 1950s they were falling out
of the sky in some numbers. Very inconvenient. This was some 5 years
before Boeing came out with its 707. 

Stress cracking caused a single, small window (about the same size as
normal side windows) that the plane had on the top of the cabin, to
begin to weaken. At some point the window began to crack and then
suddenly gave way. 

The result was that nearly the entire contents of the cabin were
explosively sucked through the open window. It took years to understand
what had happened since all they could find was plane wreckage (usually
under water) with bodies and seats scattered over an improbably large
area. The result is that until the problem was found some years later,
and corrected, the aircraft was taken out of service. It was this that
allowed Boeing with its 707 (and shortly later, Douglas with its DC8) to
catch up and dominate the market at the time.

Suggesting that the only problem with bullet holes is that the
pressurization system couldn't keep up with the air leakage, is
therefore rather simplistic. The real problem is what happens when a
window is hit and the pressure differential takes over causing explosive

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Gregg Kervill [] 
Sent: May 6, 2002 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft - summary and comments GK

Dear All,

Many thanks for your comments - I think it may be worth making some
in summary:

1-  Lightning has the same effect. Disagree - lightening is an
effect - Physics 101 and the "Ice Pail" experiment.   If anyone doubts
difference go and visit the Munich Science Museum where every day (I
they still do it) a volunteer climbs into a metal 'pod' and is winched
between two electrodes (about 20 feet apart) and becomes part of the
discharge path. Seeing it sure beat reading about it at school.  Any
discharge on the inside of the "Ice Pail" is transferred
'instantaneously to
the outside surface - this is, after all, the principle upon which the
de Graff(sp?P generator is based. (Note the volunteer does NOT wave out
the window!!!)

2-  Holes in structure versus hole and carriers in semiconductor
(yes it was a pun). I agree with those who preferred the idea of
eardrums (depressurization) to perforated electronics.

3-  Dead Pilot versus Dead Electronics. Neither is ideal - but many
commercial aircraft are fly be wire - One of my clients make Simulators
and I flew (for the first time ever) and Air Bus (simulator) from London
Heathrow to London Gatwick - Landed (ON THE RUNWAY) and taxied (the most
difficult part) to the airport.  I had full control of the simulator and
flying by instruments. The controls are ALL electronic and if there had
multiple (i.e. non-random) fails then even a pilot would not have been
to move the control surfaces.

4-  Testing - at 50kV? any comments from ESD engineers out

5-  TASER versus Stun gun - thanks for correcting my
misunderstanding - Two
comments -  First - if the stun gun is discharged through the airframe
will be an induced potential in local electronic systems. Second - if I
turn off my tape recorder (powered but a single AA cell) because it may
affect systems then how is discharging 50k considered to be  safe and

6-  Design of interfaces to cope - some of the prototype systems
that I did
safety and reliability work on in (1995)uses surface mount components to
provide lightening protection - these devices would not provide Creepage
distances of more than a couple of millimeters.

7-  Ground computers - I agree that this is worrying - the UK has
even more
out of date equipment and then the new system (that will control air
in the South of England) used equipment (and software) purchased in the
80's early 90's. I just hope that it still works when they take it out
the box. The point is that RANDOM failures exist and there procedures
been developed (and practiced) to deal with them.  Anything that induces
non-random and multiple failures is - I suggest - another ball game.

8-  The chances are low - I agree - I was flying back from the west
coast the
morning of 9-11 and I did not get a warm fuzzy feeling about probability
when I watched the news footage - but I have made many flights since and
will not stop me from flying. I am grateful for the fact that Europe and
middle East are sharing their security experiences with the US. Security
a cultural thing and the US has a long way 

RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-06 Thread Collins, Jeffrey


I happened to be flying on United Airlines this weekend and thought I'd run
this topic by a few pilots. (I got a chance to speak with 4 pilots
separately) The consensus from the UA pilots was:

* The stun guns have been thoroughly tested in the cockpit and had no effect
on the avionics systems.

* Type of stun guns( Taser only) would be the type that shoot the electrode
through the air at the target.

* They all preferred hand guns with bullets over the Tasers. They all claim
that tests have been done unloading 
  several rounds of bullets into the fuselage of an aircraft at critical
altitudes without having severe affects.

The field of my survey was small and only targeted a single airline so I
don't know how this would correlate across the entire pilots union. Just
thought I'd share this piece of info for what its worth.


Jeff Collins

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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft - summary and comments GK

2002-05-06 Thread Gregg Kervill

Dear All,

Many thanks for your comments - I think it may be worth making some comments
in summary:

1-  Lightning has the same effect. Disagree - lightening is an external
effect - Physics 101 and the "Ice Pail" experiment.   If anyone doubts the
difference go and visit the Munich Science Museum where every day (I think
they still do it) a volunteer climbs into a metal 'pod' and is winched
between two electrodes (about 20 feet apart) and becomes part of the
discharge path. Seeing it sure beat reading about it at school.  Any
discharge on the inside of the "Ice Pail" is transferred 'instantaneously to
the outside surface - this is, after all, the principle upon which the Van
de Graff(sp?P generator is based. (Note the volunteer does NOT wave out of
the window!!!)

2-  Holes in structure versus hole and carriers in semiconductor substrates
(yes it was a pun). I agree with those who preferred the idea of perforated
eardrums (depressurization) to perforated electronics.

3-  Dead Pilot versus Dead Electronics. Neither is ideal - but many (most)
commercial aircraft are fly be wire - One of my clients make Simulators -
and I flew (for the first time ever) and Air Bus (simulator) from London
Heathrow to London Gatwick - Landed (ON THE RUNWAY) and taxied (the most
difficult part) to the airport.  I had full control of the simulator and was
flying by instruments. The controls are ALL electronic and if there had been
multiple (i.e. non-random) fails then even a pilot would not have been able
to move the control surfaces.

4-  Testing - at 50kV? any comments from ESD engineers out there?

5-  TASER versus Stun gun - thanks for correcting my misunderstanding - Two
comments -  First - if the stun gun is discharged through the airframe there
will be an induced potential in local electronic systems. Second - if I must
turn off my tape recorder (powered but a single AA cell) because it may
affect systems then how is discharging 50k considered to be  safe and OK???

6-  Design of interfaces to cope - some of the prototype systems that I did
safety and reliability work on in (1995)uses surface mount components to
provide lightening protection - these devices would not provide Creepage
distances of more than a couple of millimeters.

7-  Ground computers - I agree that this is worrying - the UK has even more
out of date equipment and then the new system (that will control air traffic
in the South of England) used equipment (and software) purchased in the late
80's early 90's. I just hope that it still works when they take it out of
the box. The point is that RANDOM failures exist and there procedures have
been developed (and practiced) to deal with them.  Anything that induces
non-random and multiple failures is - I suggest - another ball game.

8-  The chances are low - I agree - I was flying back from the west coast 
morning of 9-11 and I did not get a warm fuzzy feeling about probability
when I watched the news footage - but I have made many flights since and it
will not stop me from flying. I am grateful for the fact that Europe and the
middle East are sharing their security experiences with the US. Security is
a cultural thing and the US has a long way to go before it provides the same
level of security from officials AND MORE IMPORTANTLY from passengers.

These are Gregg's four pointers to improve security at ZERO cost:
Security guards most NOT walk around together.
ALL alarms must be investigated by security (a telephone call saying OK - is
ALL unattended baggage MUST be treated as a bomb.
ANYONE asking me to "keep and eye" on their baggage will be told to take it
with them or I will report it as a bomb.

Security is the responsibility of everyone that flies - Please help to keep
me safe and I will do my best for everyone else.

Best regards


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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-06 Thread David_Sterner

Relax.  The worst would be a modern Windows-based system that must be
rebooted after the 'blue-screens' and 'general protection faults'.


-Original Message-
From: Fred Townsend []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 2:24 PM
To: Gregg Kervill
Subject: Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

Do you think the EMI from a stun gun can compare to the airplane being hit
lightning? World wide, airplanes are hit by lightning every  day.  They
crash.  Relax

If you want something to worry about... worry about the FAA flight tracking
computers that were built the 1970s that fail every day somewhere across the
USA.  Be very worried.

Fred Townsend

Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread John Shinn

Actually, I understand that those devices that shoot darts are called
while stun guns have two metallic probes with about 20 kV across them when
the trigger is pushed.  Typically they are used in direct contact with the
aggressor, so there would not be any live wires or darts bouncing around
inside of the aircraft.

I agree with Scott in terms of holes in the aircraft skin.  There presently
is a
controlled leak, usually in the rear of the aircraft, which controls the
inside.  If there were some bullet holes in the skin, the controlled leak
just adjust to leak less. However, a window would be another story, but
it would not be as dramatic as shown in most movies. The windows are
plastic so probably would not completely blow out, but it would make a
lot of noise.

John Shinn, P.E.
(also a pilot)

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 1:56 PM
To: Gregg Kervill
Subject: Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.


I believe the type of device they are talking about is the kind that shoots
a projectile
with two electrodes that penetrate the skin. Thin wires remain attached to
the "gun"
and deliver shock pulses to the cockpit invader. I think that aircraft
has enough immunity to withstand emissions from the wires. The main trouble
this gadget (most of them are one shot deals) is if the bad guy was smart
enough to
bring friends.

As for bullets, aircraft pressurization systems are designed with excess
Even a couple of dozen bullet holes are very minor leaks for such a system.
would be a problem if a bullet damaged something but large aircraft have
systems for almost everything. Also, they would almost certainly only use
fragmented "safety rounds". These are made up of very small birdshot stuck
and are designed to disintegrate on impact.

I think by now it should be obvious which one I would want the pilot to have
if I were
one of the passengers.

Scott Lacey

On 3 May 2002 at 12:38, Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Doug McKean

> Gregg, it's bad enough being in Reliability getting on a plane without
> thinking of the probability of failure, how old the parts are, is there
> enough redundancy, number of failure free trips etc.  etc. etc.

Please, let's not go there ...  

Reissue those special air marshall pistols from when 
they used to carry pistols on planes and put a couple 
of undercover air marshalls on the plane. 

Anyway, I'm not sure what kind of "stun gun" they're 
talking about - stun guns that are tasers which shoot 
two metal darts attached by wire to a charge source 
or the stun guns which have two metal prongs permanently 
attached to the device which you have to stab at the 

In any event both, if accidentally contacted equipment 
in a cockpit, would cause massive contact currents to 
circulate across the equipment.  I don't think cockpit 
equipment is put through that much immunity testing. 

Regards, Doug McKean 

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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Robert Wilson least not North American trains, whose technology and
infrastructure has fallen embarrassingly far behind that of much of the
rest of the world.

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: May 3, 2002 1:38 PM
To: Fred Townsend
Cc:; Gregg Kervill;
Subject: Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

Well, I'd debate comparing lightning to a stun gun... one is on the
outside, and one on the  inside.   Lightning has a bit more of a barrier
overcome than say 3,000 Volts to an instrument panel.  I'm with Gregg...
Hadn't really thought of it, but now that I have, give them the guns!

Gregg, it's bad enough being in Reliability getting on a plane without
thinking of the probability of failure, how old the parts are, is there
enough redundancy, number of failure free trips etc.  etc. etc.

I think you've just put the last nail in the coffin  ; - ) .and
trains aren't building too much confidence these days either .


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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Pettit, Ghery

It has also been demonstrated that stun guns can be defeated by wearing the
right clothing.  Personally, I vote for real guns.  I want the perpetrator
down permanently.  

Ghery Pettit

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 1:56 PM
To: Gregg Kervill
Subject: Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.


I believe the type of device they are talking about is the kind that shoots
a projectile 
with two electrodes that penetrate the skin. Thin wires remain attached to
the "gun" 
and deliver shock pulses to the cockpit invader. I think that aircraft
has enough immunity to withstand emissions from the wires. The main trouble
this gadget (most of them are one shot deals) is if the bad guy was smart
enough to 
bring friends.

As for bullets, aircraft pressurization systems are designed with excess
Even a couple of dozen bullet holes are very minor leaks for such a system.
would be a problem if a bullet damaged something but large aircraft have
systems for almost everything. Also, they would almost certainly only use
fragmented "safety rounds". These are made up of very small birdshot stuck
and are designed to disintegrate on impact.

I think by now it should be obvious which one I would want the pilot to have
if I were 
one of the passengers.

Scott Lacey

On 3 May 2002 at 12:38, Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread scottl


I believe the type of device they are talking about is the kind that shoots a 
with two electrodes that penetrate the skin. Thin wires remain attached to the 
and deliver shock pulses to the cockpit invader. I think that aircraft 
has enough immunity to withstand emissions from the wires. The main trouble 
this gadget (most of them are one shot deals) is if the bad guy was smart 
enough to 
bring friends.

As for bullets, aircraft pressurization systems are designed with excess 
Even a couple of dozen bullet holes are very minor leaks for such a system. 
would be a problem if a bullet damaged something but large aircraft have 
systems for almost everything. Also, they would almost certainly only use pre-
fragmented "safety rounds". These are made up of very small birdshot stuck 
and are designed to disintegrate on impact.

I think by now it should be obvious which one I would want the pilot to have if 
I were 
one of the passengers.

Scott Lacey

On 3 May 2002 at 12:38, Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though of
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the though
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
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> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Gary McInturff

Try living with my wife - you'll beg for a stun gun to the old brain pan!

Wait, wait, I was just kidding DO NOT CALL HER! She's already miffed about some 
other stuff I did this week!
Have a good weekend.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Wilson []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 12:04 PM
Subject: RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

I wouldn't get too paranoid about it. You are probably far more at risk
on the ground in any US city, where a substantial number of people on
the street are packing heat.

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Gregg Kervill [] 
Sent: May 3, 2002 9:38 AM
Subject: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are
guns or stun-guns on aircraft.

I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
(and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
of a terrorist.

Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.

Best regards


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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Lisa_Cefalo

Well, I'd debate comparing lightning to a stun gun... one is on the
outside, and one on the  inside.   Lightning has a bit more of a barrier to
overcome than say 3,000 Volts to an instrument panel.  I'm with Gregg...
Hadn't really thought of it, but now that I have, give them the guns!

Gregg, it's bad enough being in Reliability getting on a plane without
thinking of the probability of failure, how old the parts are, is there
enough redundancy, number of failure free trips etc.  etc. etc.

I think you've just put the last nail in the coffin  ; - ) .and
trains aren't building too much confidence these days either .


  Fred Townsend 
   To:  Gregg Kervill 
  Sent by:   cc:
  owner-emc-pstc@majordo         Subject: Re: Stun Guns on 


  05/03/02 02:23 PM 
  Please respond to Fred



Do you think the EMI from a stun gun can compare to the airplane being hit
lightning? World wide, airplanes are hit by lightning every  day.  They
crash.  Relax

If you want something to worry about... worry about the FAA flight tracking
computers that were built the 1970s that fail every day somewhere across
USA.  Be very worried.

Fred Townsend

Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Ken Javor

Just to fuel the paranoia a tad further.  I'm traveling to south Florida 
next week and of course it is difficult these days to carry firearms on
commercial aircraft but I wish I were packing heat as you say in a city with
one of the highest murder rates in the country.

>From: "Robert Wilson" 
>Subject: RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.
>Date: Fri, May 3, 2002, 2:03 PM

> I wouldn't get too paranoid about it. You are probably far more at risk
> on the ground in any US city, where a substantial number of people on
> the street are packing heat.
> Bob Wilson
> TIR Systems Ltd.
> Vancouver.
> -Original Message-
> From: Gregg Kervill []
> Sent: May 3, 2002 9:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Stun Guns on Aircraft.
> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are
> placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
> of
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
> though
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
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>  Richard Nute:
>  Jim Bacher:
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> Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> Visit our web site at:
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>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
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RE: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Robert Wilson

I wouldn't get too paranoid about it. You are probably far more at risk
on the ground in any US city, where a substantial number of people on
the street are packing heat.

Bob Wilson
TIR Systems Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Gregg Kervill [] 
Sent: May 3, 2002 9:38 AM
Subject: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are
guns or stun-guns on aircraft.

I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though
ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
(and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the
of a terrorist.

Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.

Best regards


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Re: Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Fred Townsend

Do you think the EMI from a stun gun can compare to the airplane being hit by
lightning? World wide, airplanes are hit by lightning every  day.  They don't
crash.  Relax

If you want something to worry about... worry about the FAA flight tracking
computers that were built the 1970s that fail every day somewhere across the
USA.  Be very worried.

Fred Townsend

Gregg Kervill wrote:

> There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
> guns or stun-guns on aircraft.
> I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
> reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though of
> ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
> (and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the though
> of a terrorist.
> Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.
> Best regards
> Gregg
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
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Stun Guns on Aircraft.

2002-05-03 Thread Gregg Kervill

There have been several reports here (in the US) that airlines are placing
guns or stun-guns on aircraft.

I understand the risk of a bullet - I understand that the risk can be
reduced by using a flat, disc-shaped, rubber projectile. BUT, the though of
ANYONE discharging a stun gun on a flight deck full of mission critical
(and sometimes not well buffered) electronics scares me more that the though
of a terrorist.

Please can someone tell me that I should not worry - or to stop flying.

Best regards


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