Re: [E-devel] Nightly build log for E17

2007-07-21 Thread Eugen Minciu
 - Unmaintained, broken, and too old to fix.
 notgame - Unmaintained, broken, and too old to fix.
 webcam  - Unmaintained, broken, and too old to fix.
 enotes  - Unmaintained, broken, and too old to fix.
 etk_server  - Uses huge amounts of RAM, so may fail.
 gfx_routines- This was just a bunch of graphics tests.
 NOTE: sometimes an ERROR is the result of a failed dependency.  The epdf
 project is a prime example, as it often requires the very latest poppler
 version, and not everybody is using the latest version of everything.
 Some people are quite happy running a slightly older, stable OS.

Of course, these are all my opinion, and you know what those are like
... :)

Eugen Minciu.

Wasting valuable time since 1985.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] Nightly builds - Was: Is this a community project?

2007-07-19 Thread Eugen Minciu
 Stashing it all on a web page means that people will not bother to look
 at it.  Sending a built/not built summary to this list means that
 people will actually read it.  Stashing the full build logs on the web
 is good, it doesn't fill the list with tons of shit no one needs to
 look at, and the one or two people that note that their project is not
 building know where to find the full build log to investigate further.
Maybe the the full output could be sent to the CVS mailing list. That sounds a 
bit counterintuitive but if you think about it it's purpose is to alert 
developers of changes to the codebase. This is somewhat similar.
Then again, I don't know ... Just my 2% of a dollar.
Eugen Minciu.

Wasting valuable time since 1985.

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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] Nightly builds - Was: Is this a community project?

2007-07-19 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:51:13 +0300
Chady Kassouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 7/19/07, Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Stashing it all on a web page means that people will not bother to look
   at it.  Sending a built/not built summary to this list means that
   people will actually read it.  Stashing the full build logs on the web
   is good, it doesn't fill the list with tons of shit no one needs to
   look at, and the one or two people that note that their project is not
   building know where to find the full build log to investigate further.
  Maybe the the full output could be sent to the CVS mailing list. That
  sounds a bit counterintuitive but if you think about it it's purpose is to
  alert developers of changes to the codebase. This is somewhat similar.
 Well, not really...
 when information get bigger, you will tend to start skipping it.
 A summary like this is great, cause all you have to do is skim the list for
 ERROR and then you'll know what broke and you go check it out, but trying to
 wade through all the output of a build to find an error is painful.
That's probably true. However it could be shortened a bit. You could have the 
script output something like this:

Build results: 232 passed, 5 failed.
Failing modules: foo bar baz 
To see a full output of the build script please go to link here. Pretty 
please ;)

I think that's short enough not to hurt anyone's eyes.
 Chady 'Leviathan' Kassouf
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 enlightenment-devel mailing list

Eugen Minciu.

Wasting valuable time since 1985.

This email is sponsored by DB2 Express
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control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] Some TODO enlightenment please

2006-11-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
Christopher Michael wrote:
 Alberto wrote:
 Christopher Michael wrote:
 Writting to try and get some clarification on a few TODO items:

 -- snip --
 * make e internal windows (config panel, dialogs, config windows etc.) 
 use special border styles by default.

 Which style do we want by default?
 Instead of using a border style that already exists, I suggest adding 
 two or three new border styles, specific to internal E17 configuration 
 windows. Their physics should differ from regular client borders.

 That is the plan :)

 For instance, dialog windows should not be re-sizable and they should 
 not be allowed to shade. (they are the typical confirmation dialogs). 
 Also, their border icon should probably match the confirmation dialog.


 I think we can all agree that popup dialogs (ie: msg dialogs) should 
 not be resizable, As for shading...IMHO, not a good idea :( These type 
 dialogs are usually meant to notify the user about a question/problem. 
 Allowing a user to shade them means allowing them to potentially ignore 
 the dialog forever (ie: it got shaded and they forgot about it), which 
 could render some pretty nasty problems if it was an important 
 dialog/question/warning. By not allowing a shade/iconify on these, we 
 force them to look at/deal with the dialog. Also (imho) they really 
 shouldn't have a close button (read X in corner) for pretty much similar 
Once again, here's a thought I'm having. If it sounds stupid or 
anything, please ignore it.

Would it be possible to have an Expose-like shading of everything 
besides the popup dialog?

Basically you need to
1) Set it on top of everything else
2) Somehow disable everything else
3) Shade everything else.

Or maybe it's too much to do, or bad from a usability point of view.

My $0.02

 Configuration windows could use the no_resize border that already exists 
 (if its suitable for the window) but with an extra flag, these windows 
 should not be allow to shade. If you don't exactly agree with this, then 
 I suggest you at least allow the themer to set this flag within the 
 border's edc source with an option similar to the shaped flag.

 data {
item: shade 0;

 I'm with David on this one :) Some config dialogs you may want/need to 
 be able to resize. As far as shading them, imho this should be allowed 
 for these type of borders. I don't see much of a problem with allowing 
 themers to use a shade: 0 optionother than potential 
 inconsistencies (ie: User: E won't shade this window :(...Devs: Theme 
 issue)imho doesn't provide a consistent feel to things. I'm all 
 about allowing power user feaures and giving themers flexibility but 
 something that makes the general interface behave differently on a 
 per-theme basis needs to be thought out, discussed and either agreed on 
 or shot down.


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Re: [E-devel] Some TODO enlightenment please

2006-11-26 Thread Eugen Minciu
Christopher Michael wrote:
 Writting to try and get some clarification on a few TODO items:

 * IBar will resize itself down to single icon size on start/restart 
 under some circumstances.

 Any use cases? Reproduction methods?

 * make e internal windows (config panel, dialogs, config windows etc.) 
 use special border styles by default.

 Which style do we want by default?

 * accidental DND removals of icons from ibar - make it harder by not 
 removing if you do not drag it far enough away (put the icon back where 
 it was).

 Drag Delta?
Maybe it would be better not to remove the icon unless it has been 
grabbed by a minimum amount of time? Dunno, just a thought.
 * remove a lot of ipc commands that should be done via the gui now

 Is this safe/ok to start doing?

 * maybe look at improving config panel layout - list is getting VERY long

 What direction do we want to go with this? Winblows Control Panel type 
 deal, or something enlightened ? :)


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[E-devel] E17 installer script.

2006-11-16 Thread Eugen Minciu


I've written a small script that downloads e17 from CVS and builds it.

It's written in Ruby. Sorry if you don't like that :). You'll need Ruby 

It also does a few trivial checks for a few things (cvs, make, automake, 
autoconf, gettext, libtoolize, pkg-config, autoheader).

It's output is rather clean as it logs the command's output to a log file.

There's a configuration file (which is written in ruby as well) that you 
can modify.

The source is commented and so's the config file.
If anyone finds this useful, or interesting or has patches or whatever, 
drop me a line.

Make it executable and run ./my_e or just run it with 'ruby my_e'

In the future, I will modify the script to stop when something doesn't 
build properly (or prompt the user or whatever). Right now it doesn't 
but a simple ^C will stop it.

Hope this is useful. Cheers.
# This is My E script.
# It is released under the BSD license
# Written by Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
require 'fileutils'
require 'my_e.conf'

# trap INT to exit more gracefully then the default backtrace
Signal.trap(INT) do
  puts * Exiting ...

# Execute a command. 
# We fork before we execute so we can catch SIGINT while
# the process is still running.
def exec_cmd(cmd)
  fork { exec(#{cmd}  #{LOG_FILE} 2 #{LOG_FILE}) }
  if $?.exitstatus == 0 then
return true 
return false

# The base package class. This implements common procedures for a 
# package, wether it is a library, application, misc package or a module
class Package
  attr_accessor :name
  # We initialize the packages class variable with whatever we got from
  # the config file
  def Package.init
@@packages = []

LIBRARIES.each do |item|

APPLICATIONS.each do |item|

MISC.each do |item|

MODULES.each do |item|

  def initialize(name, options={})

  # Execute an action.
  # Writes a nice little output, calls exec_cmd and prints out the result of
  # the operation accordingly
  def item_cmd(action,cmd)
  puts The source directory for [EMAIL PROTECTED] cannot be found on your 
  puts Perhaps you should run '#{$0} checkout' first.
  exit 0

print   * #{action} [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... 

if exec_cmd(cmd) then
  puts  [ok]
  puts  [failed]

  # Execute an action as root.
  # This one's a bit trickier. 
  # If we're not root it uses SUDO_CMD to ask for a password
  # SUDO_CMD needn't be 'sudo', it can be 'su -c'
  # You'll just be typing your root password and you'll be typing it a bit more
  def root_item_cmd(action,cmd)
if Process.euid!=0 then
  cmd=#{SUDO_CMD} make install

  # Cleanup a package
  def clean
item_cmd(Cleaning,make distclean)
  # Update a package from CVS
  def update
item_cmd(Updating,cvs -z3 -d#{CVS_SERVER} update)
  # Configure a package (actually runs ./
  def configure
item_cmd(Configuring,./ --prefix=#{INSTALL_PATH})

  # Compile a package
  def compile
item_cmd(Compiling, make)

  # Generate documentation
  def gendocs
item_cmd(Generating docs for,./gendoc)
  # Install a package
  def install
root_item_cmd(Installing,make install)
  # Uninstall a package
  def uninstall
root_item_cmd(Unstalling,make uninstall)

  # Register libraries with ldconfig
  def register

  # Checkout the CVS modules
  def Package.checkout
puts(* Checking out ...)


for i in [e17,misc, e_modules] do
  print( * Checking out #{i} ...)
  exec_cmd(cvs -q -d#{CVS_SERVER} co #{i})
  sleep 10
puts(* Checkout complete.)
  # Build all the items in @@packages
  def Package.do_build
puts* Building Enlightenment 
@@packages.each do |p|
  puts  * Building #{}

  # Uninstall all the items in @@packages
  def Package.do_uninstall
puts *Uninstalling Enlightenment
@@packages.each do |p|

  # Check if a program is available on a given machine
  def Package.check_item(item,cmd)
puts  * Checking for #{item}
if (!item_exists) then
  puts  * #{item} is not installed on your system.
  puts#{item} is required

Re: [E-devel] E17 installer script.

2006-11-16 Thread Eugen Minciu
Luchezar Petkov wrote:
 Well, there are some other scripts for that purpose, such as Raster's or I've seen script for download/install E17 
 from CVS even written in Python, but never in Ruby. So, thank you. 
 Ruby fans will like it and maybe will help you to improve it.
 Also, you may be interested in EFL's Ruby bindings to write one very 
 nice GUI app for us. :-)

 What's the license? BSD?


 On 11/16/06, * Eugen Minciu* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've written a small script that downloads e17 from CVS and builds it.

 It's written in Ruby. Sorry if you don't like that :). You'll need

 It also does a few trivial checks for a few things (cvs, make,
 autoconf, gettext, libtoolize, pkg-config, autoheader).

 It's output is rather clean as it logs the command's output to a
 log file.

 There's a configuration file (which is written in ruby as well)
 that you
 can modify.

 The source is commented and so's the config file.
 If anyone finds this useful, or interesting or has patches or
 drop me a line.

 Make it executable and run ./my_e or just run it with 'ruby my_e'

 In the future, I will modify the script to stop when something doesn't
 build properly (or prompt the user or whatever). Right now it doesn't
 but a simple ^C will stop it.

 Hope this is useful. Cheers.

 Luchezer P. Petkov

I've seen Ruby-EFL and I do plan to write a couple of nice apps with it. 
I just haven't had that much time lately (does this seem familiar? :) )

I can do a bit of C so I might try to do things in C as well.

And as for the license, yes, it's BSD (it says so at the beginning of 
the my_e.rb file).


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Re: [E-devel] entrance is now bloated.

2006-09-26 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 14:31:04 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My entrance is built on September 11th and I don't have this problem.

Hope this helps you narrow it down.
 OK - a quick check today:
  4183 root  15   0 79712  28m 5216 S0  2.9   0:35.94 Xorg  
  9385 raster15   0  106m  21m  11m S0  2.1   0:03.04 sylpheed  
  4189 root  16   0 65112  13m 3060 S0  1.3   0:04.72 entrance  
  4600 raster16   0 65112  11m  704 S0  1.1   0:00.00 entrance  
  4601 raster15   0 70988 9604 3984 S0  0.9   1:50.63 enlightenm
  4168 root  16   0 41956 1248  860 S0  0.1   0:00.00 entranced 
 ... now yes - i know how top and ps can lie - BUT, i only now JUST noticed -
 someone has removed my work of using entrance_login. ie entranced spawns (and
 manages) X and entrance (entrance is the gui front end). when you authenticate
 - entrance runs the login session. in order to make sure that when your login
 ends everything is cleaned up login-wise, entrance_login sits and waits for 
 user's login to end. entrance_login is small - it uses no efl libs. it is
 intended to be so small as to use very little ram while you are logged in. 
 seems to have been thrown out the window now with entrance spawning 2
 incarnations of itself and just siting around hogging stale unused memory that
 will eventually need to be swapped out - while a user is logged in.
 why was this removed? why suddenly consume about 20MB worth of resident pages
 of ram when this is really not needed? just exec() entrance_login so it
 replaces the entrance process with a brand new one that has no allocated
 memory, fragmented pages etc. if any housekeeping needs to be added - add it 
 entrance_login and pass it in via cmd-line, stdin or something. as it stands
 entrance is hogging a huge amount of memory for no useful purpose. entranced
 should stick around - and really - it's not fat at all (400k of resident pages
 or so). look at the above - enlightenment is leaner than entrance - by  50%
 mem use. and entrance should be doing NOTHING - it should be idle and 
 basically no resources as it's only waiting for my login session to end.
 now - this brings me to my point. people need to think about what they are
 patching and changing - not just in terms of features, but what they might
 break, destroy and then bloat-up. this isn't gnome people. we CARE about
 resource usage. if you are going to use ram or cpu - do it for a reason - get
 something out of it (functionality, prettiness, etc.) but profile your work -
 check its memory usage, check its process spawning - do the processes go away?
 so you leave them hanging around consuming precious ram and/or cpu.
 pay attention to the details. details make the difference between a $1 piece 
 plastic imitation junk churned out by a chinese factory and a masterpiece of
 i am sorry to have to say this - but i'm disappointed to see lax work like
 this. :(
 - Codito, ergo sum - I code, therefore I am --
 The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)
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Re: [E-devel] entrance is now bloated.

2006-09-26 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:58:33 +0200
Morten Nilsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
  On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:58:36 +0100 Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  all fixed now.
  actually not all fixed. 1 entrance process floating around. there's no need 
  it to hang about like a bad smell. :) i am pretty damn sure that when i 
  it before entrance spawned off the user's login session then REPLACED itself
  with entrance_login so it became small and unobtrusive. there were not 2
  entrances and entrance became entrance_login :) i'm pretty damn sure that's 
  it was... :)
 I think this was a result of the whole yahoo about shells a bit back..
 The one that ended with entrance executing the chosen environment
 directly, and not run it by /bin/sh or /bin/bash
That was my patch.

I apologize, for not seeing this. I really suck. I tried to do a lot more then 
was initially required. Someone should probably bash me for changing code I 
don't understand and they'd have a point. You should probably revert the entire 

The mess it created is a lot worse then the (small) benefit it created.

You might want to keep that strtok() parsing when starting the X server but I 
don't know really.

 Personally, the ~9MB out of 2GB the entrance process is hogging is
 negligible, but still wasted RAM..
 My biggest problem is having to execute xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap by hand all
 the time. I didn't have to do that a few weeks back.
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[E-devel] Small bug in font configuration dialog.

2006-09-26 Thread Eugen Minciu
Here's a small problem I'm having with the font dialog. 

It's nothing major (you might even be aware of it) but I just though I should 
let you guys know.

I go the font configuration dialog to enable a font class (Modules - Small). 
However, nothing happens (the font and its size don't change). I change the 
size from the default in the dialog. I click apply and it doesn't change 

The settings only get applied after I restart E. I then try to disable that 
font class and the same thing happens. It's only disabled after I restart E.


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Re: [E-devel] itray module

2006-09-19 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 05:57:50 GMT

  it can't. it's a window. just like tray icons. windows cant be
  part of a canvas.
   I think that given the current design of the systray spec,
 what we have here is just that, currently, implementing this may
 give ugly stuff for many systray-apps.. But I don't think it means
 that the concept is a bad one and should not be pursued.
   If the concept is useful, then it could be made to work well
 with 'enlightened' systray related apps - there may not be many such
 right now, but maybe some will develop soon... :)
   Better to have good with e-systray-aware-apps and some
 others, but ugly with many others... than nothing at all?
Hmm ... I don't share that opinion :)

I think for now we can get away with just a notification module. Is there any 
spec for this? Anything we should be looking at? (maybe the Gnome  KDE code). 

Basically, it would be nice if we could, maybe extend the IBox so each 
minimized application can send notifications. Maybe we could somehow fool other 
applications into thinking they've been trayed so that they can send 
notifications and we can capture them.

These are just my thoughts, dunno if they're good. Waiting to hear your 
opinions. I might get into this module, in a few days, when I finish my current 
work. I have other things on my list as well (I have updating the carbon theme, 
and integrating some power management into E on my list at the moment).

So basically, I'd like to collect some thoughts on these items. But mostly, on 
this notification thing.

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Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-12 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 00:41:42 -0400
Michael Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday, 12 September 2006, at 01:08:22 (+0300),
 Eugen Minciu wrote:
  Ruby on Rails is a web application development framework. For more
  info see It's like the advanced brother
  of PHP. The really, really advanced brother of PHP. It's not a
  CMS. It should allow you to build anything you can think of.
 In other words, Ruby on Rails isn't even a CMS.  It's a way to build

Read what I've said in the other message. I'm just proposing an alternative. If 
you guys want to use it, I'd be glad to help.
 Nowhere near what we need to be discussing right now, IMHO.
 And stop comparing PHP to RoR.  Your advanced brother analogy is
 fallacious and misleading.
Maybe I should be comparing PHP  Zend with RoR, you're right. Sorry for that. 
I'm just saying developing in RoR is saner and faster and cleaner then writing 
your applications in pure PHP or Perl code.

  You could continue to use XSM. But XSM is not a framework and adding
  functionality to the site will get harder and harder.
 As I'm guessing you know very, very little about how XSM is built,
 what the code looks like, and what the plans for it are, you are in no
 position to make this claim.  So please don't.

Correct, I'm taking a wild guess. Now here's a 'non-wild guess'. XSM probably 
isn't as flexible as Rails. I'm just saying that because not many things are. 
But I'd just like to hear what Andy has to say about my claim.

  You could use another framework or, gasp, PHP or Perl. It's just
  that Ruby on Rails is familiar to some people.
 So are PHP and Perl.  Familiar to more people, in fact, probably by
 several orders of magnitude.
There are other issues with PHP or Perl sites. They're, by nature, a lot less 
secure and many are difficult to maintain. You might end up needing more people 
to spend time on the website. 
  It doesn't really matter how many there are,
 Then you can't use that as a point against XSM either.
In that statement I wasn't. I was saying that if we decide to write a RoR 
application there are people who would work on it. Just as there are people 
working on XSM now. Obviously, there won't be dozens of people contributing to 
it just like there aren't dozens of people contributing to XSM at this point. 
That's what I was saying.

  1) A website is not composed just of documentation. It's not just
  based on text. You can use HTML for that but if you want to
  integrate the desktop and the website, if you want to integrate the
  code in CVS and the website, if you want to integrate bug reports on
  the website and the mailing list, you can't use HTML.
 Of course you can.  FAQ's, bug reports, and web sites in general have
 been working in HTML for years and years.  The question is how the
 HTML comes into existence.
Can you integrate bug reports on the website with the mailing list and the TODO 
files on the server with HTML? No, you'll have to use PHP or Perl for that, 
both of which are notoriously good at letting people write unsafe applications.

Can you make the content automatically add or edit site based on email 
messages? Can you integrate forums and the mailing list like David said? Can 
you make the website accept bug reports from an application on the desktop that 
is just sending an XML request to the website, send those reports directly on 
the mailing list and in the TODO files?

Not with HTML, you can do it with PHP and Perl. And if you feel that you can 
and want to do that go ahead. Do it. Be my guest. Same for anyone else. I was 
saying that I can do it with RoR and _I want to_. If you feel like you don't 
want or need what I can do, fine, no problem.
Oh, and can you do all that with XSM? How much time would it take you to code 
the features?
  I could go on, but I'll stop here. I may be biased I may be
  wrong. Personally, I don't think that just the people who are
  maintaining the site should decide this. But they should all agree
  with the final solution.
 You are biased.  Everyone is. :-)  I just think you need to be more
 careful about your claims and upon what you base them.
Read those two tags? personal opinion/personal opinion. I don't need to be 
right about everything, but I'm right about some things I have said (the bit 
about XSM being a CMS). I tend not to explain my opinions too well and I'm 
sorry for that. 

 On Tuesday, 12 September 2006, at 08:29:12 (+0900),
 Carsten Haitzler wrote:
  at last! someone is mentioning something that we need to
  address. xsm permissions model. maybe the page just needs to be
  split up into 3 pages?
 One page that references all the themes, then a page per theme for
 file attachments and such.  Seems fairly obvious to me
  but xsm's permissions model is a little painful - if you want to
  give a new site maintainer access - you have to go to every page,
  1 by 1, and add them in. it's unmanageable

Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:38:30 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I noticed that, and I've also noticed a couple of other things that may not be 
so apparent to you guys.

There's and and This 
really seems like a far stretch to me, imho there should be just one

This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it lightly). Generally, 
one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need some sort of way to edit 
content quickly.

I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could create your 
website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll probably have to go 
for either XSM or another CMS.

If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.

I thought about this a little and this is how I think this site should be layed 

 - general
 - e16
 - e17
 - efl
 - news
 - screenshots
 - documentation
 - download
   - e16
   - e17
   - themes
   - backgrounds
   - etc...
 - news
 - documentation
   - core libraries
   - widget sets
   - programming guides/howtos
   - api references
   - todo items
 - cvs
contact us

Here's a little bit about these items
about: small introduction to e. Don't go into details, that's for the 

news both in users and developers. Generally this news differs. You should have 
two checkboxes for each news item, allowing you to post it either to only one 
of the two, or to both. 

documentation in both places. user documentation is not developer documentation 
so they should be separate.

screenshots: a mini-gallery sort of thing. maybe with videos too

download: both releases and daily (nightly) snapshots.

api references: maybe they should be rebuilt automatically? (or maybe just 
manualy, but we all know where that leads to :) )

todo items should be automatically extracted from the TODO files of each 

cvs: maybe a web ui for cvs along with info on how to get it

bugs: small 'contact us' sort of thingie. user is required to fill in what he 
sees in an image (to prevent spam). Once he posts, this is automatically routed 
to the devel list, or maybe some new ml created just for that (since people 
will probably send lots of useless reports, report bugs that have been fixed, 
complain about e not building because they don't have foo etc.). Let them 
upload a core, etc.

the other items should be fairly self explanatory.

So here are a couple of sugestions about this stuff:
1) Don't bother with a cute interface to edit content. Just use a markup 
language. (like you edit a wiki)
2) news can be posted, either from an application (with a web service) or from 
an email (with some encryption). First would probably be easier.
3) you can use a webservice to allow users to download and install themes etc. 
directly from
4) api references should be automatically generated, speaking of automatic 
here's another idea (or brainfart, depending on how you see it)
5) have the server try to build the current version of e (or maybe a separate 
build machine). Constantly show a status of what builds and doesnt build on (sorry if this is too SF, just a thought)
6) todo items come from the TODO files. maybe use the same markup in the todo 
files as well. you could do it both ways (add todo items in the files based on 
bug reports)

Now ... I can't say all of this stuff is easy to build. But it can be built. I 
think I could actually make a page like what I've just babbled about for 

It would require quite a bit of time. But I need the RoR experience and any way 
to help you guys out would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :d 

If you want this to happen quick then just go for an existing CMS or wever, if 
you think you this stuff is actually worthwhile (worth the wait) then let me 
know, let's discuss what you guys need and I'll begin working on it ;)


 On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:48:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
  As many may have noticed, e's official website, is
  pretty painfully out of date. The screenshots on the front page are all
  from e16, and there have been a total of 3 news items this year.
 yup. i have been mulling what to do about this for a while.
 FYI we are getting a new box - donated to us from coolcheeze (from the arcane
 linux project - he also does consulting and box building). a fairly beefy box.
 it will be on 100mbit at osuosl and has a fair bit of juice (dual opteron, 2gb
 ram, sata raid). i am thinking
 1. anoncvs will move here.
 2. move www for here - now we have 100% control over what we can run and
 how it runs. we can trivially run scripts to auto-build daily tarballs (make
 dist ones) and more. i think this may make a good case for re-vamps to
 accommodate such things - and maybe a complete re-design. our current layout
 has been with us for many 

Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:38:30 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I noticed that, and I've also noticed a couple of other things that may not be 
so apparent to you guys.

There's and and This 
really seems like a far stretch to me, imho there should be just one

This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it lightly). Generally, 
one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need some sort of way to edit 
content quickly.

I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could create your 
website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll probably have to go 
for either XSM or another CMS.

If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.

I thought about this a little and this is how I think this site should be layed 

 - general
 - e16
 - e17
 - efl
 - news
 - screenshots
 - documentation
 - download
   - e16
   - e17
   - themes
   - backgrounds
   - etc...
 - news
 - documentation
   - core libraries
   - widget sets
   - programming guides/howtos
   - api references
   - todo items
 - cvs
contact us

Here's a little bit about these items
about: small introduction to e. Don't go into details, that's for the 

news both in users and developers. Generally this news differs. You should have 
two checkboxes for each news item, allowing you to post it either to only one 
of the two, or to both. 

documentation in both places. user documentation is not developer documentation 
so they should be separate.

screenshots: a mini-gallery sort of thing. maybe with videos too

download: both releases and daily (nightly) snapshots.

api references: maybe they should be rebuilt automatically? (or maybe just 
manualy, but we all know where that leads to :) )

todo items should be automatically extracted from the TODO files of each 

cvs: maybe a web ui for cvs along with info on how to get it

bugs: small 'contact us' sort of thingie. user is required to fill in what he 
sees in an image (to prevent spam). Once he posts, this is automatically routed 
to the devel list, or maybe some new ml created just for that (since people 
will probably send lots of useless reports, report bugs that have been fixed, 
complain about e not building because they don't have foo etc.). Let them 
upload a core, etc.

the other items should be fairly self explanatory.

So here are a couple of sugestions about this stuff:
1) Don't bother with a cute interface to edit content. Just use a markup 
language. (like you edit a wiki)
2) news can be posted, either from an application (with a web service) or from 
an email (with some encryption). First would probably be easier.
3) you can use a webservice to allow users to download and install themes etc. 
directly from
4) api references should be automatically generated, speaking of automatic 
here's another idea (or brainfart, depending on how you see it)
5) have the server try to build the current version of e (or maybe a separate 
build machine). Constantly show a status of what builds and doesnt build on (sorry if this is too SF, just a thought)
6) todo items come from the TODO files. maybe use the same markup in the todo 
files as well. you could do it both ways (add todo items in the files based on 
bug reports)

Now ... I can't say all of this stuff is easy to build. But it can be built. I 
think I could actually make a page like what I've just babbled about for 

It would require quite a bit of time. But I need the RoR experience and any way 
to help you guys out would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :d 

If you want this to happen quick then just go for an existing CMS or wever, if 
you think you this stuff is actually worthwhile (worth the wait) then let me 
know, let's discuss what you guys need and I'll begin working on it ;)


 On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:48:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
  As many may have noticed, e's official website, is
  pretty painfully out of date. The screenshots on the front page are all
  from e16, and there have been a total of 3 news items this year.
 yup. i have been mulling what to do about this for a while.
 FYI we are getting a new box - donated to us from coolcheeze (from the arcane
 linux project - he also does consulting and box building). a fairly beefy box.
 it will be on 100mbit at osuosl and has a fair bit of juice (dual opteron, 2gb
 ram, sata raid). i am thinking
 1. anoncvs will move here.
 2. move www for here - now we have 100% control over what we can run and
 how it runs. we can trivially run scripts to auto-build daily tarballs (make
 dist ones) and more. i think this may make a good case for re-vamps to
 accommodate such things - and maybe a complete re-design. our current layout
 has been with us for many 

Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 16:04:13 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:38:30 +0900
 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I noticed that, and I've also noticed a couple of other things that may not 
 be so apparent to you guys.
 There's and and This 
 really seems like a far stretch to me, imho there should be just one
 This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it lightly). 
 Generally, one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need some sort of way 
 to edit content quickly.
 I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could create your 
 website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll probably have to go 
 for either XSM or another CMS.
 If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.
 I thought about this a little and this is how I think this site should be 
 layed out:
  - general
  - e16
  - e17
  - efl
  - news
  - screenshots
  - documentation
  - download
- e16
- e17
- themes
- backgrounds
- etc...
  - news
  - documentation
- core libraries
- widget sets
- programming guides/howtos
- api references
- todo items
  - cvs
 contact us
 Here's a little bit about these items
 about: small introduction to e. Don't go into details, that's for the 
 news both in users and developers. Generally this news differs. You should 
 have two checkboxes for each news item, allowing you to post it either to 
 only one of the two, or to both. 
 documentation in both places. user documentation is not developer 
 documentation so they should be separate.
 screenshots: a mini-gallery sort of thing. maybe with videos too
 download: both releases and daily (nightly) snapshots.
 api references: maybe they should be rebuilt automatically? (or maybe just 
 manualy, but we all know where that leads to :) )
 todo items should be automatically extracted from the TODO files of each 
 cvs: maybe a web ui for cvs along with info on how to get it
 bugs: small 'contact us' sort of thingie. user is required to fill in what he 
 sees in an image (to prevent spam). Once he posts, this is automatically 
 routed to the devel list, or maybe some new ml created just for that (since 
 people will probably send lots of useless reports, report bugs that have been 
 fixed, complain about e not building because they don't have foo etc.). Let 
 them upload a core, etc.
 the other items should be fairly self explanatory.
 So here are a couple of sugestions about this stuff:
 1) Don't bother with a cute interface to edit content. Just use a markup 
 language. (like you edit a wiki)
 2) news can be posted, either from an application (with a web service) or 
 from an email (with some encryption). First would probably be easier.
 3) you can use a webservice to allow users to download and install themes 
 etc. directly from
 4) api references should be automatically generated, speaking of automatic 
 here's another idea (or brainfart, depending on how you see it)
 5) have the server try to build the current version of e (or maybe a separate 
 build machine). Constantly show a status of what builds and doesnt build on (sorry if this is too SF, just a thoughe.t)
 6) todo items come from the TODO files. maybe use the same markup in the todo 
 files as well. you could do it both ways (add todo items in the files based 
 on bug reports)

Oh todo items could also come from a web service. You could have a 'report a 
bug' application that send the bug report all the way into the TODO.

 Now ... I can't say all of this stuff is easy to build. But it can be built. 
 I think I could actually make a page like what I've just babbled about for 
 It would require quite a bit of time. But I need the RoR experience and any 
 way to help you guys out would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :d 
 If you want this to happen quick then just go for an existing CMS or wever, 
 if you think you this stuff is actually worthwhile (worth the wait) then let 
 me know, let's discuss what you guys need and I'll begin working on it ;)
  On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:48:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
   As many may have noticed, e's official website, is
   pretty painfully out of date. The screenshots on the front page are all
   from e16, and there have been a total of 3 news items this year.
  yup. i have been mulling what to do about this for a while.
  FYI we are getting a new box - donated to us from coolcheeze (from the 
  linux project - he also does consulting and box building). a fairly beefy 
  it will be on 100mbit at osuosl and has a fair bit of juice (dual opteron, 
  ram, sata raid). i am thinking

Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:04:22 -0400
Michael Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday, 11 September 2006, at 15:49:22 (+0300),
 Eugen Minciu wrote:
  There's and and This really seems like a far stretch to me, imho
  there should be just one is geared toward developers, not users.  I agree that
 there should not be a, but there is.  It's far more
 political than practical (as to why it exists), but the bottom line is
 this:  Those who contribute to get-e refuse to contribute to, and that's their choice.
  This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it
  lightly). Generally, one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need
  some sort of way to edit content quickly.
 It does have the advantage of serving static pages.  I couldn't name
 any other advantages, though.  Then again, no one has seen fit to
 provide me (or a number of other developers, from what I gather) with
 an account, so...

I can cache pages with Rails (quite easily). That should pretty much give you 
the same speed and is better because it keeps the data in the database too.

We could also do a dozen things which would take a million years to do with 
something like PHP. There is lots of code already written for Rails, which can 
easily be plugged in.

  I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could
  create your website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll
  probably have to go for either XSM or another CMS.
  If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.
 Thanks, but I think we'd rather not.  Not many of us know or use Ruby,
 and some of the most fundamental Ruby software (Rake!) is broken.  I'd
 rather stick with something more mature and more supported by the

You've told me this before. Rake works for me and just about anyone else I 
know. True, I use gems but I've used debian packages in the past and it still 
works fine. What exactly is wrong with it?

IIRC you had problems of some kind with building it. I've used it from debian 
packages, *buntu packages and I've used a FreeBSD port so other people don't 
seem to have this problem (or they seem to have packages)

Ruby is 11 years old. It's as stable as stable gets.

I need Rake to develop but you guys shouldn't need it to deploy. It's also not 
part of the Ruby distribution so I don't see why you should blame Ruby for your 
issues with Rake. And it's not 'fundamental' in any way, if you ask me.

Now about Rails. It's pretty new but catchy as hell, there are a lot of 
developers out there already. It lets you do very advanced stuff in very simple 
ways. It structures web development by design. And most of all, it's a 
framework, not just a language or a CMS.
As for not many of you guys using Ruby, you could create a separate module in 
the repo to store the site. That should make it pretty easy for anyone to 
contribute to the site and improve it.

 On Monday, 11 September 2006, at 08:51:54 (-0500),
  I like this idea. Personally, I was never clear on where either of
  the two 'other' domains came from. They just popped up and started
  serving content.
 Pet projects.
  I'm assuming two different sets of people were frustrated with the
  limitations of hosting on and independently went about
  rectifying things. (I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that
  :) )
 Not exactly, but close enough.
 Like I said, it was more political than practical.
 Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 enlightenment-devel mailing list

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 22:49:19 +0200
Brian Miculcy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i think we have three maintainers for now: Shadoi doing the development
 stuff part, me and devilhorns doing the users stuff part. This can be
 moved to I think the main problem is that everyone want's to work
 differently on . Shadoi using ruby on rails (whatever this is, i
 have no glue), me using plain html files in cvs and devilhorns... - well
 he can talk for his own. I suggest to simply ask the maintainers, which
 will work on - us three. I accept that Handyandy wanted to talk
 about that, but he don't maintain something. Even the other people here.

personal view
Ruby on Rails is a web application development framework. For more info see It's like the advanced brother of PHP. The really, 
really advanced brother of PHP. It's not a CMS. It should allow you to build 
anything you can think of. 

You could continue to use XSM. But XSM is not a framework and adding 
functionality to the site will get harder and harder.

You could use another CMS. Some are really nice to use but most have a bloated 
interface (look at drupal or mambo or joomla).

You could use a wiki. But you can't do much with a wiki besides hosting 
documentation. The site should have a screenshot gallery, a place to download 
files etc. A wiki just isn't cut out for something like that.

You could use another framework or, gasp, PHP or Perl. It's just that Ruby on 
Rails is familiar to some people. It doesn't really matter how many there are, 
I don't see dozens of people commiting to XSM. If we build the site and it 
works we've got what we wanted.

So far I see a lot of people on this list making two confusions.

1) A website is not composed just of documentation. It's not just based on 
text. You can use HTML for that but if you want to integrate the desktop and 
the website, if you want to integrate the code in CVS and the website, if you 
want to integrate bug reports on the website and the mailing list, you can't 
use HTML.  

2) Ruby on Rails is a framework. With it, you develop and deploy a website. 
From that point on, content in the site can be edited however we choose. It is 
not a CMS. Just look at the link if you don't know much about RoR.

OK. So it's a framework. Here's what you can do with it.

a) You can develop your site in any way. You can thus edit your textual context 
in any way ( be it HTML, Textile or something else ). It's not a CMS, you get 
the choice to implement what you want.

b) You can integrate it with other things. You can use web services to 
integrate it with the desktop. You can integrate it with the mailing list via 

c) You can develop your own website. It's not just a place where you pile up 
textual information. You can modify it to suit your own needs. And you have an 
excellent codebase to begin with (the framework itself).

d) It's good. It's not just my opinion it's the opinion of many other people as 

e) It makes changing sites easy. If we decide we were wrong we can easily 
'change our mind' in code as well, later.
/personal opinion

I could go on, but I'll stop here. I may be biased I may be wrong. Personally, 
I don't think that just the people who are maintaining the site should decide 
this. But they should all agree with the final solution.

Sorry if this is flaming,

 So for me, i would suggest using plain html files, which can be easily
 committed to a cvs server, and that's it. There is some prework to do,
 but this would be also need to do if we would switch to ${cms}.
 So what do the others want to use?
 Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 11:29:11PM +0300, Hisham Mardam Bey wrote:
  Hello folks,
  This email is not in direct response to any of the previous replies,
  it is the result of a discussion that took place on #edevelop between
  (mainly) shadoi, devilhorns, morlenxus, and myself (HandyAndy was also
  consulted, as he is directly concerned in all of this).
  The current situation is that we have (terribly unmaintained), (mainly user docs, themes, general resources), and edevelop
  (developer information, developer blogs, development news, info about
  development projects).
  The suggestion that took place on irc was mainly that we merge the
  three separate efforts into a single entity ( and have the
  corresponding teams work together to do what they do best, maintain
  the content, keep it up to date, and make sure its in tip-top shape
  around the clock.
  This thread is currently discussing what to use, and how to do things.
  Our discussion on irc suggested that since we already have a general
  idea about who the team will consist of, we should primarily let that
  team (while keeping everyone up to speed via the mailing list) decide
  on what they would like to use and how things should be done. They
  will be updating 

Re: [E-devel] website maintainers needed

2006-09-11 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 08:15:45 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 21:52:55 +0300 Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:
  On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:04:22 -0400
  Michael Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Monday, 11 September 2006, at 15:49:22 (+0300),
   Eugen Minciu wrote:
There's and and This really seems like a far stretch to me, imho
there should be just one is geared toward developers, not users.  I agree that
   there should not be a, but there is.  It's far more
   political than practical (as to why it exists), but the bottom line is
   this:  Those who contribute to get-e refuse to contribute to, and that's their choice.
This CMS you guys are using is ... not so good (to put it
lightly). Generally, one probably doesn't need a CMS but you do need
some sort of way to edit content quickly.
   It does have the advantage of serving static pages.  I couldn't name
   any other advantages, though.  Then again, no one has seen fit to
   provide me (or a number of other developers, from what I gather) with
   an account, so...
  I can cache pages with Rails (quite easily). That should pretty much give 
  the same speed and is better because it keeps the data in the database too.
  We could also do a dozen things which would take a million years to do with
  something like PHP. There is lots of code already written for Rails, which
  can easily be plugged in.
 and there is even more code already done in php - as it's much more mature and
 wide-spread. most of the cms's and wiki's use it. i don't think this is a

Yes but everyone is implementing the same things over and over again. Rails has 
plugins which can load functionality and generators which create code for you 
and this allows you to reuse other people's code in your application. 

This is what I meant when I said easily plugged in. You literally plug it in in 
minutes, sometimes seconds.

 decent argument for OUR NEEDS. this is not about arguing the technical
 potential of one language vs another. this is about making more
 accessible to 1. readers (re-arrange navigation, pages etc. etc.) and 2. more
 accessible to contributors. let's not make this a my language/cms/whatever is
 better than yours debate.
 let's focus on bringing out the REAL ISSUES first - is it simply minor things
 that xsm needs added/changed/fixed? will it be fixed by a massive speedup to
 the publish process? is it something that xsm will need a mountain of work 
 to make it better for us (and resources to do that work are slim) so it might
 be better to look at alternate solutions?

I only asked if we should do this, never said that we should. If you decide 
that XSM doesn't cut it and you have to work a ton to get it to do the stuff 
you want, the nice thing about Rails is that (from a developer point of view) 
it scales. 

We start off with a small XSM-like site (which should just take a couple of 
weeks to develop). 

Decent user registration and management. 
Easy to setup rights. 
Easy to add/edit/remove content (whatever you think that means). 
Use any common DB you want (even SQLite) or just plain files, if you like that 

You can add features to your heart's desire and applications don't grow into 
unamangeable monsters (like some PHP apps do). Conventions keep the code clean.
 so let's focus on what is the real problem - not jumping to let's write a 
 let's use wiki X, lets use cms Y.
Absolutely! I'm just saying that if you guys decide not to use XSM anymore, 
developing a RoR based application might be a solution and I'd be interested in 
helping you guys out with that.


I have some experience with Ruby on Rails so I'm thinking I could
create your website and so on. If you want this done quickly, you'll
probably have to go for either XSM or another CMS.

If not, I could write something that's tailored for your needs.
   Thanks, but I think we'd rather not.  Not many of us know or use Ruby,
   and some of the most fundamental Ruby software (Rake!) is broken.  I'd
   rather stick with something more mature and more supported by the
  You've told me this before. Rake works for me and just about anyone else I
  know. True, I use gems but I've used debian packages in the past and it 
  works fine. What exactly is wrong with it?
  IIRC you had problems of some kind with building it. I've used it from 
  packages, *buntu packages and I've used a FreeBSD port so other people don't
  seem to have this problem (or they seem to have packages)
  Ruby is 11 years old. It's as stable as stable gets.
  I need Rake to develop but you guys shouldn't need it to deploy. It's also
  not part of the Ruby distribution so I don't see why

Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-30 Thread Eugen Minciu
Hi, here's another patch for entrance.OK, I've done this acccording to what raster told me, I hope I understood these things properly.1) A shell should be run, so the users's profile is loaded. After thinking about it, this is a great idea indeed, this way if I have a ~/bin in my PATH my wm can run those applications directly (no strings attatched) and it's the right thing to do.
2) The first attempted shell should be the users's shell. This is almost guaranteed to have -l. We only try to run this if the shell isn't .3) We run /bin/sh -l. If the users's shell with a '-l' didn't work (maybe because it was uninstalled or something) we may get to this point.
4) If the above didn't work, we log a warning message and try to run /bin/sh without -l anyway. Note that the users's PATH, will probably not be setup properly in this case (at least for me programs in /usr/local/bin weren't available with the run thingie and my eapps in the favorite applications menu were missing)
Oh, btw does the run thingie have a name so I can stop calling it the run thingie? :)5) If the above failed as well (the user's shell is uninstalled and /bin/sh was linking to it or whatever) we log an error message and cry :((
Some things that should me noted about my patch1) As before, X isn't started through a shell anymore. The cmdline is parsed and executed directly, since this was desired.2) I've cleaned up the code in entrance_session_start_user_session if a few ways.
a) there was a 'shell' variable which wasn't getting used. I found a good use for it. b) the current code is structured in a weird way imho. The call to execl() is outside the fork switch, so, somehow, it would call the session in the child pid and recall entrance_login in the parent pid.
Why would we want to do that? X will restart and entrance_login will get called again anyway, when the program exits.In my patch, the parent calls wait(), holding its pants on until the child's session ends. No more sleep(), less code in the function and things look a bit more normal().
3) In _entrance_session_execute_in_shell, each shell is called inside a fork, and waited for by the parent process. This is done so we can catch errors like 'sh: Illegal option -l'. Is this in any way wrong?

4) Oh,  and ecore_x_shutdown(); and ecore_shutdown() are being called now, just like the TODO says.5) I've tested it in three ways.- working user shell- user shell not working, sh is a login shell- user shell not working, sh is not a login shell.
Everything went well in all these circumstances.That's about it. Is this one any good?Cheers,Eugen.PS: Congrats Essien for changing the session handling. It works great now. 

On 8/29/06, The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 06:12:47 +0200 Sebastian Dransfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]babbled: Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
  On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:55:19 +0200 Sebastian Dransfeld
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled:   Eugen Minciu wrote:
  On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:29:08 +0100  Essien Ita Essien 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Well .. then maybe we shouldn't clearenv() in the first place? We may not
  need to, since setenv(x,y,1) is called, which overwrites the var's
  contents anyway. I didn't want to try it before because I suspected  clearenv() was there for good reasons (and it feels right, too).   However, it's strange you should mention this .. there is:
  entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display,  const char *path) so the display is sent as a paramter and it _should be_  set by the function itself.
   Could you investigate this a bit further? I'm willing to try not clearenv  ()  - ing but it may introduce some even subtler (and weirder) problems. If
  you think it shouldn't though I'll try it out later on tonight, when I've  some free time on my hands.  clearenv must stay. The user must not inherit any environment from
  entrance.   well- it does NEED to inherit DISPLAY... for starters. :) the problem is  actually entrance executing enlightenment directly. no other dm does this as
  best i know. every login session is first executed by a shell which then
  executes the wm or session manager etc. thus the behavior issues. wm's like  e expect to have a users environment already loaded by the time they run.  (ie users $PATH is set and all the other goodies a user wants in their
  SHELL) DISPLAY is set by entrance for the user, so I would not call it inherit from entrance. clearenv first, then set user environment (DISPLAY++), then launch user session in a login shell.
well the only way to set an env var inchild process is to set it before theprocess runs (either in the parent env or explicitly in the exec) :)but edoesnt magically set it itself :)--- Codito, ergo sum - I code, therefore I am --
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]裸好多Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)-
Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need

Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-28 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:01:54 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And here is another version that frees the memory it allocates in the correct 

Sorry about so many posts on what should have been a simple thingie. It's the 
first patch I'm sending you guys, I promise I'll try to shut up a bit more from 
now on ;)

 On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 05:04:10 +0100
 Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ouch, sorry, lol :)
 Here it is
  Eugen Minciu wrote:
   On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:22:38 +0300
   Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   And finally, I've got it.
   The problem was in entrance_auth_setup_environment() which called 
   For some reasong calling getenv() there did not return the path either. 
   So I added an extra parameter, const char *path.
   This finally works, I can run apps and everything appears to be working 
  Nice, but no patch attached ;)
   On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:36:31 +0300
   Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've figured out what causes the problem, but I don't know how to fix it 
   this time.
   This happens because once I replace the execl() call in 
   entrance_session_start_user_session, the environment variables for the 
   user are no longer loaded. If anyone could tell me how to load these 
   settings from C code, I'd very much appreciate it.
   As things stand, at this point, entrance does work with this, and the 
   E17 session starts, but many issues can quickly be noticed, probably 
   caused by not setting the environment variables to some proper values.
   On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:30:58 +0300
   Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sorry, it seems that if I use this I get some issues within e. If I try 
   to start an application from the run command thingie, it will tell me 
   that the application failed to start.
   I'll try to see what causes this. If anyone would be willing to 
   investigate and/or give me any clues it would be appreciated.
   Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.
   This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used 
   strtok and parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by 
   If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to 
   tell me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.
   BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this what 
   you meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?
   Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
   Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job 
   Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
   enlightenment-devel mailing list
Index: src/client/entrance_auth.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/client/entrance_auth.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 entrance_auth.c
--- src/client/entrance_auth.c  9 Aug 2005 08:11:32 -   1.26
+++ src/client/entrance_auth.c  28 Aug 2006 08:15:59 -
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
  * I'm not sure if this is correct, but for now it works.
-entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display)
+entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display, const 
char *path)
extern char **environ;
int size;
@@ -394,10 +394,15 @@
environ = NULL;
+   /* We purge the config but keep $PATH in place */
+   /* We need this because we're not running sh -l anymore */
e-env = environ;
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, %s/.Xauthority, e-pw-pw_dir);
setenv(XAUTHORITY, buf, 1);
setenv(TERM, vt100, 0);  // TERM=linux?
+   setenv(PATH, path, 1);
setenv(HOME, e-pw-pw_dir, 1);
setenv(SHELL, e-pw-pw_shell, 1);
setenv(USER, e-pw-pw_name, 1);
Index: src/client/entrance_auth.h
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/client/entrance_auth.h,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 entrance_auth.h
--- src/client/entrance_auth.h  28 May 2005 09:31:14 -  1.13
+++ src/client/entrance_auth.h  28 Aug 2006 08:15:59 -
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 /* 0 on success, 1 on no user by that name */
 int entrance_auth_user_set(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *str);
-void entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display);
+void entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char 
*display,const char *path);
 void entrance_auth_reset(Entrance_Auth * e);

Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-28 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:29:08 +0100
Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well .. then maybe we shouldn't clearenv() in the first place? We may not need 
to, since setenv(x,y,1) is called, which overwrites the var's contents anyway. 
I didn't want to try it before because I suspected clearenv() was there for 
good reasons (and it feels right, too).

However, it's strange you should mention this .. there is:
entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display, const 
char *path)
so the display is sent as a paramter and it _should be_ set by the function 

Could you investigate this a bit further? I'm willing to try not clearenv() - 
ing but it may introduce some even subtler (and weirder) problems. If you think 
it shouldn't though I'll try it out later on tonight, when I've some free time 
on my hands.

One more thing, this could actually be caused by the parsing thingie. Maybe 
just using strtok() on spaces is breaking something? What are the command lines 
for X, entranced, entrance and e? on your system. (both with and without the 
patch) ?

If you can't find anything I might find some time to look through xdm's code 
tonight. I hope I don't have to look at the other two :)


 Eugen Minciu wrote:
  On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:01:54 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And here is another version that frees the memory it allocates in the 
  correct place.
  Sorry about so many posts on what should have been a simple thingie. It's 
  the first patch I'm sending you guys, I promise I'll try to shut up a bit 
  more from now on ;)

 I've tested this here and it doesn't start Enlightement at all. The 
 DISPLAY environment variable is not set, but I'm not sure that simply 
 setting it like you set the PATH variable is a good work-around. It will 
 probably hide something else untill it blows up in our collective faces :)
 I'm going to commit the bash before sh work around, which at least works.
 Do you think you could find out how gdm and kdm even xdm solves this 
 problem? Display Managers have evolved so I'm guessing this is an 
 already solved problem. If you think you need anyhelp... shout... at me 
 even :). Other safe targets for *help-me* are (in no order of preference 
 really), raster, raster, raster, rephorm, rephorm, rephorm, Codewarrior, 
 Codewarrior, Codewarrior [there... without adding me, you now have 9 
 ppl!!! you can get help from) :P
 /me boards the next space-shuttle headed for pluto - catch me if you can ;)

  On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 05:04:10 +0100
  Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ouch, sorry, lol :)
  Here it is
  Eugen Minciu wrote:

  On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:22:38 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And finally, I've got it.
  The problem was in entrance_auth_setup_environment() which called 
  For some reasong calling getenv() there did not return the path either. 
  So I added an extra parameter, const char *path.
  This finally works, I can run apps and everything appears to be working 

  Nice, but no patch attached ;)


  On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:36:31 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've figured out what causes the problem, but I don't know how to fix 
  it this time.
  This happens because once I replace the execl() call in 
  entrance_session_start_user_session, the environment variables for the 
  user are no longer loaded. If anyone could tell me how to load these 
  settings from C code, I'd very much appreciate it.
  As things stand, at this point, entrance does work with this, and the 
  E17 session starts, but many issues can quickly be noticed, probably 
  caused by not setting the environment variables to some proper values.

  On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:30:58 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry, it seems that if I use this I get some issues within e. If I 
  try to start an application from the run command thingie, it will tell 
  me that the application failed to start.
  I'll try to see what causes this. If anyone would be willing to 
  investigate and/or give me any clues it would be appreciated.

  Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.
  This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used 
  strtok and parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by 
  If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to 
  tell me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.
  BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this 
  what you meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?

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Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-28 Thread Eugen Minciu
It _should_ inherit DISPLAY (as it's passed through a parameter to the function. This thing does work on my machine, remember?Also Essien told me he is currently working on fixing up session detection through ecore_desktop, so this may just be a case of our code not playing nice together ;)
Could someone else test this? Pretty please? .If this doesn't work and you decide you do want a shell to be launched (it might be better indeed), could we at least do the 'bash first' thing so systems with /bin/sh linking to braindamaged shells like dash can work? (as long as the _do_ have bash). We could also try other ones, bash is just the only one I know that works for sure with the SIGUSR1 thingie.
Cheers,Eugen.On 8/29/06, Essien Ita Essien 
Justin Patrin wrote: On 8/28/06, The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:55:19 +0200 Sebastian Dransfeld 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled: Eugen Minciu wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:29:08 +0100
 Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well .. then maybe we shouldn't clearenv() in the first place? We may not
 need to, since setenv(x,y,1) is called, which overwrites the var's contents anyway. I didn't want to try it before because I suspected clearenv() was there for good reasons (and it feels right, too).
 However, it's strange you should mention this .. there is: entrance_auth_setup_environment(Entrance_Auth * e, const char *display, const char *path) so the display is sent as a paramter and it _should be_
 set by the function itself. Could you investigate this a bit further? I'm willing to try not clearenv() - ing but it may introduce some even subtler (and weirder) problems. If you
 think it shouldn't though I'll try it out later on tonight, when I've some free time on my hands. clearenv must stay. The user must not inherit any environment from entrance.
 well- it does NEED to inherit DISPLAY... for starters. :) the problem is actually entrance executing enlightenment directly. no other dm does this as best i know. every login session is first executed by a shell which then
 executes the wm or session manager etc. thus the behavior issues. wm's like e expect to have a users environment already loaded by the time they run. (ie users $PATH is set and all the other goodies a user wants in their SHELL)
 FWIW I have also modified entrance to start a shell script instead of X directly for use in OpenZaurus to allow the normal X startup scripts to be run.

In that case, what's the right approach here? I don't pretend to knowwhich is prefarable really. Raster, is there something unique about Ethat necessitated Entrance to be written that way? Or would it be better
for E as a whole if it where changed to be more like others... roughlyin the direction that Justin has gone for OpenZaurus?-Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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[E-devel] Entranced does not start entrance properly

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
Hi, I have an issue with running entranced.

I have a Debian 3.1 Testing box with XOrg 7.0.0 running. I've compiled Entrance 
sucessfully but running entranced (either directly, or from 
/etc/init.d/entrace) does not start entrance itself.

When I run entranced, X starts but entrance does not start within it. After 
this, entranced bails out, saying it cannot start the X server. However, the X 
server is successfully started, and it continues to run after entranced has 

Also, If i start xinit -e entrace, entrance starts successfuly.

I had already compiled entrance with -g and I tried debugging it, but I'm not a 
genius at that. It seems to me that before x is started the x_cmd variable is 
somehow corrupted.

Is there any chance of that happening? How do I turn debugging on so I can see 
more of what's happening? What other information would you guys want? 


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] Entranced does not start entrance properly

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 14:39:45 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry, I ran the debug again. It isn't corrupted. There was a \000 at the end 
of the string like there should have been, it was just gdb printing more data 
beyond that \000
The command that get executed is:
/usr/X11R6/bin/X -quiet -nolisten tcp vt7 -auth /var/lib/entrance/:0.Xauth :0

 Hi, I have an issue with running entranced.
 I have a Debian 3.1 Testing box with XOrg 7.0.0 running. I've compiled 
 Entrance sucessfully but running entranced (either directly, or from 
 /etc/init.d/entrace) does not start entrance itself.
 When I run entranced, X starts but entrance does not start within it. After 
 this, entranced bails out, saying it cannot start the X server. However, the 
 X server is successfully started, and it continues to run after entranced has 
 Also, If i start xinit -e entrace, entrance starts successfuly.
 I had already compiled entrance with -g and I tried debugging it, but I'm not 
 a genius at that. It seems to me that before x is started the x_cmd variable 
 is somehow corrupted.

 Is there any chance of that happening? How do I turn debugging on so I can 
 see more of what's happening? What other information would you guys want? 

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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] Entranced does not start entrance properly

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 14:50:24 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I found out what was causing the problem. Just like it says in the code.

  /* FIXME: need to parse command and NOT go thru /bin/sh */
  /* why? some /bin/sh's wont pass on this SIGUSR1 thing... */

apparenty dash is one of those /bin/sh's :(
Maybe it would be better if we were to check that /bin/bash exists and 
execute that instead of /bin/sh if it does?

If that seems OK to you guys I'll write the patch in a couple of hours.
 On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 14:39:45 +0300
 Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, I ran the debug again. It isn't corrupted. There was a \000 at the end 
 of the string like there should have been, it was just gdb printing more data 
 beyond that \000
 The command that get executed is:
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -quiet -nolisten tcp vt7 -auth /var/lib/entrance/:0.Xauth :0
  Hi, I have an issue with running entranced.
  I have a Debian 3.1 Testing box with XOrg 7.0.0 running. I've compiled 
  Entrance sucessfully but running entranced (either directly, or from 
  /etc/init.d/entrace) does not start entrance itself.
  When I run entranced, X starts but entrance does not start within it. After 
  this, entranced bails out, saying it cannot start the X server. However, 
  the X server is successfully started, and it continues to run after 
  entranced has quit.
  Also, If i start xinit -e entrace, entrance starts successfuly.
  I had already compiled entrance with -g and I tried debugging it, but I'm 
  not a genius at that. It seems to me that before x is started the x_cmd 
  variable is somehow corrupted.
  Is there any chance of that happening? How do I turn debugging on so I can 
  see more of what's happening? What other information would you guys want? 

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Re: [E-devel] Entranced does not start entrance properly

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
Fixed it.
Here's a patch that runs /bin/bash first.

If that doesn't work execl should return so the next line should run after that 
( execl(/bin/sh, ...)

I also found the same issue when entrace starts the session. The same fix 
finally got everything working corectly.

BTW, I'm new to this patching thing ... Should I have ran cvs diff -u in 
e17/apps/entrance so both files would have been inside the same diff?

Index: entranced_display.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/daemon/entranced_display.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 entranced_display.c
--- entranced_display.c 1 Aug 2006 05:30:58 -   1.2
+++ entranced_display.c 27 Aug 2006 15:50:27 -
@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@
 sigaction(SIGUSR1, _entrance_x_sa, NULL);
   /* FIXME: need to parse command and NOT go thru /bin/sh */
   /* why? some /bin/sh's wont pass on this SIGUSR1 thing... */
+  /* FIXME: PARTIAL FIX: try to run /bin/bash before /bin/sh 
+   * because /bin/bash works */
+   execl(/bin/bash,/bin/bash,-c, x_cmd, NULL);
 execl(/bin/sh, /bin/sh, -c, x_cmd, NULL);
 syslog(LOG_WARNING, Could not execute X server.);
Index: entrance_session.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/client/entrance_session.c,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -r1.84 entrance_session.c
--- entrance_session.c  3 Jun 2006 07:24:49 -   1.84
+++ entrance_session.c  27 Aug 2006 16:07:16 -
@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@
/* replace this process with a clean small one that just waits for its */
/* child to exit.. passed on the cmd-line */
+   execl(/bin/bash, /bin/bash, -l, -c, buf, NULL);
execl(/bin/sh, /bin/sh, -l, -c, buf, NULL);
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enlightenment-devel mailing list

[E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.

This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used strtok and 
parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by execv/execvp.

If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to tell me 
what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.

BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this what you 
meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?

Index: src/client/entrance_session.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/client/entrance_session.c,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -r1.84 entrance_session.c
--- src/client/entrance_session.c   3 Jun 2006 07:24:49 -   1.84
+++ src/client/entrance_session.c   27 Aug 2006 22:25:00 -
@@ -377,10 +377,16 @@
pid_t pid;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
+   char *session_cmd_argv[32];
char *shell = NULL;
struct passwd *pwent = NULL;
Entrance_X_Session *exs = NULL;
+   int i;
+   for (i=0;i32;i++) session_cmd_argv[i]=NULL;
if (e-session)
   exs = evas_hash_find(e-config-sessions.hash, e-session);
@@ -497,7 +503,13 @@
/* replace this process with a clean small one that just waits for its */
/* child to exit.. passed on the cmd-line */
-   execl(/bin/sh, /bin/sh, -l, -c, buf, NULL);
+   session_cmd_argv[0]=strtok(buf, );
+   i=1;
+   while ((session_cmd_argv[i]=strtok(NULL, ))!=NULL) {
+  i++;
+   }
+   execvp(session_cmd_argv[0], session_cmd_argv);
Index: src/daemon/entranced_display.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/e/e17/apps/entrance/src/daemon/entranced_display.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 entranced_display.c
--- src/daemon/entranced_display.c  1 Aug 2006 05:30:58 -   1.2
+++ src/daemon/entranced_display.c  27 Aug 2006 22:25:00 -
@@ -124,6 +124,11 @@
double start_time;
char x_cmd[PATH_MAX];
+   int i;
+   char *x_cmd_argv[32]; 
+   for (i=0;i32;i++) x_cmd_argv[i]=NULL;
/* Ecore_Exe *x_exe; */
pid_t xpid;
@@ -160,9 +165,15 @@
 _entrance_x_sa.sa_flags = 0;
 sigaction(SIGUSR1, _entrance_x_sa, NULL);
-  /* FIXME: need to parse command and NOT go thru /bin/sh */
-  /* why? some /bin/sh's wont pass on this SIGUSR1 thing... */
-execl(/bin/sh, /bin/sh, -c, x_cmd, NULL);
+   x_cmd_argv[0]=strtok(x_cmd, );
+   i=1;
+   while ((x_cmd_argv[i]=strtok(NULL, ))!=NULL) {
+  i++;
+   }
+execvp(x_cmd_argv[0], x_cmd_argv);
 syslog(LOG_WARNING, Could not execute X server.);
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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:36:31 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've figured out what causes the problem, but I don't know how to fix it this 

This happens because once I replace the execl() call in 
entrance_session_start_user_session, the environment variables for the user are 
no longer loaded. If anyone could tell me how to load these settings from C 
code, I'd very much appreciate it.

As things stand, at this point, entrance does work with this, and the E17 
session starts, but many issues can quickly be noticed, probably caused by not 
setting the environment variables to some proper values.

 On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:30:58 +0300
 Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, it seems that if I use this I get some issues within e. If I try to 
 start an application from the run command thingie, it will tell me that the 
 application failed to start.
 I'll try to see what causes this. If anyone would be willing to investigate 
 and/or give me any clues it would be appreciated.
  Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.
  This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used strtok 
  and parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by execv/execvp.
  If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to tell 
  me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.
  BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this what you 
  meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?

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Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:49:40 +0100
Essien Ita Essien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed. But it seems that just passing the environ pointer to an execve() call 
is not sufficient. What bash -l does is invoke /etc/profile ~/.bash_profile etc.

So I need a way to parse those files (at least from a command line).
The problems comes from the fact that my torture shell of the day (dash) does 
not implement a '-l' option.

While I can easily run any other shell besides dash (and right now I run bash, 
for the time being), doing so does not hide the problem. It may be possible 
that other shells besides dash do not implement the -l option either.

But for now, just applying the part of the patch that reffers to 
src/daemon/entranced_display.c means Entrance will work for shells that don't 
do SIGUSR1 but _do_ implement a -l option. So this may actually do some good 
(not sure though). 
 Eugen Minciu wrote:
  On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:30:58 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry, it seems that if I use this I get some issues within e. If I try to 
  start an application from the run command thingie, it will tell me that the 
  application failed to start.
  I'll try to see what causes this. If anyone would be willing to investigate 
  and/or give me any clues it would be appreciated.

 I'm not sure... but can you check that your environment variables are 
 intact? It seems you'll need to pass the environment with the exec call 
 so entrance can also pass that to e when it spawns e.
 Good job tackling that tho... appreciated :)
  Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.
  This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used strtok 
  and parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by execv/execvp.
  If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to tell 
  me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.
  BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this what you 
  meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?
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Re: [E-devel] New patch for entranced and entrance

2006-08-27 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:22:38 +0300
Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And finally, I've got it.

The problem was in entrance_auth_setup_environment() which called clearenv().

For some reasong calling getenv() there did not return the path either. So I 
added an extra parameter, const char *path.

This finally works, I can run apps and everything appears to be working 

 On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:36:31 +0300
 Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've figured out what causes the problem, but I don't know how to fix it this 
 This happens because once I replace the execl() call in 
 entrance_session_start_user_session, the environment variables for the user 
 are no longer loaded. If anyone could tell me how to load these settings from 
 C code, I'd very much appreciate it.
 As things stand, at this point, entrance does work with this, and the E17 
 session starts, but many issues can quickly be noticed, probably caused by 
 not setting the environment variables to some proper values.
  On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:30:58 +0300
  Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry, it seems that if I use this I get some issues within e. If I try to 
  start an application from the run command thingie, it will tell me that the 
  application failed to start.
  I'll try to see what causes this. If anyone would be willing to investigate 
  and/or give me any clues it would be appreciated.
   Here's a new patch for entranced and entrance.
   This time I did what the comment suggested in both places. I used strtok 
   and parsed directly into a char ** which then gets run by execv/execvp.
   If my code strikes you as ugly (I'm not sure if it should) be sure to 
   tell me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it some more.
   BTW, this diff is made from e17/apps/entrance. I'm sorry, is this what 
   you meant or should I have made it dirrectly from e17/ ?

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[E-devel] Suspend functionality for Entrance

2006-08-24 Thread Eugen Minciu

I'd like to add functionality for a 'suspend to disk' feature in Entrance, on 
Linux boxes. Right now, I'd like to allow this using uswsusp, which is the 
easiest to set up (it does require a very new Linux kernel version though). Of 
course, it should also be easy to setup for swsusp2. 

Suspend to RAM could also be used with uswsusp, though I'm not sure about 

Also, I'm not aware of 'suspend to whatever' status in FreeBSD or any other 
supported operating systems at the moment.

So as I see it right now, I should code the following.

1) Check to see wether the OS supports suspend to ram or suspend to disk.
2) Add two callbacks for each of the operations.
3) Display two buttons for this functionality. In fact it could even be 3 
buttons as uswsusp can suspend to both at the same time.

Or maybe we shouldn't even bother with extra buttons
maybe the user should see a menu, or maybe he should be allowed to select a 
'default mode of operation', where, if he chooses so, the power off button 
would suspend to hard-drive, or to RAM.

I'm waiting on your opinion regarding this entire thing. Also, I can't do any 
graphical stuff (clueless) so if I you guys decide you want me to do this, I 
can't be of any help with the graphics.


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Re: [E-devel] Suspend functionality for Entrance

2006-08-24 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:08:52 +
Hannes Janetzek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This sounds good too. It would be even better as a module, I think. I'm waiting 
for some other opinions on this subject and if other people agree, I'll try to 
start writing it in a few days.

 Am Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:43:58 +0300
 schrieb Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I'd like to add functionality for a 'suspend to disk' feature in
  Entrance, on Linux boxes. Right now, I'd like to allow this using
  uswsusp, which is the easiest to set up (it does require a very new
  Linux kernel version though). Of course, it should also be easy to
  setup for swsusp2. 
  Suspend to RAM could also be used with uswsusp, though I'm not sure
  about swsusp2.
  Also, I'm not aware of 'suspend to whatever' status in FreeBSD or any
  other supported operating systems at the moment.
 Hm, I don´t think entrance would be the best place for this
 funtionality, since suspend is normaly used to resume to all open
 applications in their current state. 
 But a module would be really nice :) I thought about doing such a
 module. With config for what should happen on acpi events like
 lid-open/close, etc, etc..
 If you start making a module, I could do the suspend2 stuff, since it is
 the only method that works for me.
  So as I see it right now, I should code the following.
  1) Check to see wether the OS supports suspend to ram or suspend to
  disk. 2) Add two callbacks for each of the operations.
  3) Display two buttons for this functionality. In fact it could even
  be 3 buttons as uswsusp can suspend to both at the same time.
  Or maybe we shouldn't even bother with extra buttons
  maybe the user should see a menu, or maybe he should be allowed to
  select a 'default mode of operation', where, if he chooses so, the
  power off button would suspend to hard-drive, or to RAM.
  I'm waiting on your opinion regarding this entire thing. Also, I
  can't do any graphical stuff (clueless) so if I you guys decide you
  want me to do this, I can't be of any help with the graphics.
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[E-devel] Devian module proposal

2006-08-19 Thread Eugen Minciu
I was thinking it would be very cool if the devian module could have email 
modules (or devians if you will), that would display the sender , the subject 
and maybe a snippet from the message body of one's email messages.

Most of the code could probably be reused from the mail module.

Is this possible? Would it be practical? Does anyone else share my opinion that 
this would be a nice feature? I'm waiting on your thoughts regarding this?


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Re: [E-devel] Devian module proposal

2006-08-19 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:42:49 -0500
Sthithaprajna Garapaty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its definitely possible. You might be limited to a text or very
 limited html mail viewer.

Or you could not display the body for html messages and just do it for text 
ones, or not display the body at all. What I want is a way to see if the latest 
email in my inbox is worth reading.

 However, I believe it is a lot more work on top of the mail module.
 Plus, you need to deal with issues like.. which mail do you show on
 there? Is it always the latest email? 
Well you see the latest RSS feed don't you?

 What if the latest email sends
 to be spam.. do you really want that on your desktop? Do you want a
 whole menu system so the user can select the email to be displayed?

Well, if it's in my inbox I'll see it when I open my mail application anyway. 
While I agree that this is objectionable, that's why it's a module. If you have 
children or can't stand spam messages on your desktop you don't turn it on.

 Also, while it sounds like an interesting idea.. I dont see much use
 for it when I can see ALL my email (not just one) by firing up my mail

Because it would be more efficient then keeping an email client open at all 
times (less mem), because I could see it without specifically  looking for the 
email client, and because it isn't an extra opened window (which gets in my 
 (You know what'd be useful.. a devian mod that prints kernel messages ;))
 On 8/19/06, Eugen Minciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was thinking it would be very cool if the devian module could have email 
  modules (or devians if you will), that would display the sender , the 
  subject and maybe a snippet from the message body of one's email messages.
  Most of the code could probably be reused from the mail module.
  Is this possible? Would it be practical? Does anyone else share my opinion 
  that this would be a nice feature? I'm waiting on your thoughts regarding 
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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-18 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:24:45 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1) Move the data into its own repository

 not going to happen. the data is an internal part of the projects - it gets
 modifed 8new icons, images etc.) and is part of the build process. so not 
 to happen. the code is useless without the data - there is no point splitting
 it and doing so is a tonne of work that makes building more painful for
 developers and users.
I can agree to the fact that it is hard. But it's only hard because it would 
take some amount of time to perform. The process of doing so isn't that complex.

Yes, the code does require the data so ...
  5) Make the source require the data through pkg-config

Secondly, I looked around to see just how much data was modified in e17 in the 
last month (with git you could have e16 as a separate repo, as I doubt it 
generates that much traffic).

So here it is:
apps/e: 8 modifications
proto/etk: 8 modifications
libs/ewl: 6 modifications
proto/estickies: 6 modifications
apps/entrance: 4 modifications
proto/emphasis: 4 modifications
apps/elicit: 2 modifications
apps/e_utils: 1 modification
libs/edje: 1 modification

That's it. Now how many modification did the source code itself receive during 
this period? 

 at this point - why bother with git at all. just ake tarball snaps. much less

Things would get up to 7 times faster then they are now, it's a lot easier to 
make multiple repositories, you don't have to mess with .cvsignore, and because 
it sends compressed data over the network you use up less bandwidth (if that's 
of any concern). It's a lot easier to mirror too.
 though git seems nice - i am beginning to think its not going to solve a lot. 
 need to really just provide alternate mechanisms to get the code and moe
 anoncvs mirros i think.

At this point I doubt you guys agree with my view. So, my opinion is probably 
wrong and this is just a case of me being hard-headed. It would take about a 
week to get everything into place and there are probably many easier ways to 
get the same results.


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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-18 Thread Eugen Minciu
OK. I'm done supporting git now ;) Time for other ideas.
From what has allready been presented I find anoncvs mirrors as a better 
approach to tarballs, as many of us actually don't have the bandwith to 
download a dist tarball every week.

CVS has hooks from what I can see.Yay. So after every commit we could set 
something up on the server to:

Idea 1:
1) export the directory main directory (like apps/e)
2) make an archive of the export.

Idea 2:
The zip utility can update only a part of the archive that has changed. You 
could run something like zip -u e17 path/to/e17. I made a zip of the whole e17 
module, changed a single file then ran update. It ran and updated everything in 
11.5 seconds on my laptop. On your machine it could probably happen in less 
then 5. 

Again, you could combine this with the above and generate archives like or whatever, which would update in less then a second.

Thus, you could store just one version of the file at all times. People don't 
get confused with versions, they're always in sync with the repo and they can 
easily check if they're up to date with the help of md5 hashes. I could even 
write you some script which checks to see if a user is up to date and downloads 
the modified archives.


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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-17 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 02:19:28 -0400
Lyle Kempler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Git is interesting and all, and may offer some development advantages,
 but I keep harking back to 2 statements made earlier in this thread: 1)
 that we're interested in performance, and 2) the developer base is
 pretty small vs the userbase.
 In terms of (1), git may run slightly faster in some cases, but you're
 saying it's actually a little worse for checkouts (especially fresh
 ones, which I would not be surprised to find most users doing as they
 build or use Gentoo or whathaveyou).

As I said, I'm not convinced that GIT is actually slower, there may be a 
bottleneck on the client's machine and packing data does seem to improve the 
process. For a single checkout Git/git takes 1:51 vs so long I got bored and 
killed it and Git/http takes 1:03 vs 1:38. 

But as I said, I'm quite convinced one of my machine's HDDs is actually the 
bottleneck, which is why I'm asking for someone to give us some other data.
 More importantly, this isn't a thread about developers or even would-be
 developers complaining it's too hard to do what they want to contribute
 to the source tree due to the SCM choice. This is all about users
 checking out code that's in development.

Oh, I never said it was. From what I can see you guys are quite happy working 
with CVS. But it's never a bad idea to look at the alternatives. 

Even if you're not finding it too hard to do what you want now, you should 
check to see if other systems will actually let you do more. 

I'm just saying, in theory git can probably do more. The development model can 
be almost the same as with CVS or it can evolve into something completely 

Whether that makes sense for Enlightenment, or whether you really care is 
ultimately your decision. One should choose the tool which is best suited for 
his work.


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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-17 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:43:47 -0400
Michael Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 CPU load depends entirely on the box, but anoncvs is a P4 1.7 GHz with
 15 minute load averages fairly consistently under 2.  And it's doing

 Not exactly.  The machine is doing fine; the only problem is that I
 had to limit simultaneous CVS pserver connections to 1 per IP and 24
 total to keep the box usable.  The result is that some people will
 have their connections refused during peak times, but the machine
 spends an awful lot of time doing nothing too, so unless everyone hits
 it all at once, it's fine.

Any statistics on the load when 24 anon checkouts occur?


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Re: [E-devel] wallpaper theme dialogs

2006-08-17 Thread Eugen Minciu
Maybe a little out of context but Aleksej wrote: 

 So, from the user perspective, I have to think - what is going on, and
 which bg is the current. iirc, the ideology of good gui is make user to
 think as less as possible.

It works that way for MS Windows, I guess. But it's not a good ui policy. 

A good UI policy is 'Make the default something that the majority likes and can 
work with easily and make it easy for people who don't to change it to their 

That's what the dialogs have those sizes, but as for the remembering of the 
curent bg, I agree with you. 


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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-17 Thread Eugen Minciu
Hi everyone.

I've been doing some thinking today. And I've been doing some testing as well. 
And there are a few things I realized.

The first thing I realized is a reason why the pseudo-benchmark I created was 
giving out evil data. In git's case this is because git does a lot of extra 
operations on the client's disk (unpacking and such) which take up a lot of 
time. During that time the server wouldn't be under any load, which shows why 
the load on the server wasn't anywhere near constant.

And then I realized why git wasn't really doing so well. And at the same time 
this is the reason why cvs isn't doing so well and, frankly no scm possibly 

The problem is that you have a truckload of binary data in the repository. 
There are many reasons why this shouldn't be so.

1) Binary data is way better off distributed in the form of archives, that can 
be mirrored by anyone (I'm thinking at least SF). That way people can get that 
data a lot faster and your server is happy too.

2) You don't change the binary data that much. And even when you do so, you 
could pacakge your data into archives like imlib2-data.tar.bz2 so that you 
repackage less.

3) Changes in binary data don't generally affect dependencies. They're not like 
API changes or whatever. Most of the time people will just need to grab one 
updated archive and that's it.

4) You could then use pkg-config to ensure the right version of the data is 
actually installed from your configure scripts.

5) Let's do some simple math. 

You have 100MB worth of files. These account to 60MB binary and 40MB text. When 
you try to compress this, as git does, you get around 50MB binary and 8MB test. 
So that accounts for almost 60MB. 

That means for every 60 people that would simultaneously download through CVS 
you can have 100 download through git (let's just ignore the other factors and 
focus on bandwith a little).

Now suppose you have 40MB of text. With git you can then down to about 20% of 
the original size (maybe less, who knows). That means you could (in theory) 
actually have 5 times more downloads with git then with CVS.

Now I'm not saying to not keep that data in a repo. You obviously have to. I'm 
just saying there's no need for people to have anonymous access to that repo, 
it could be for developers only.

So, my suggestions are:
1) Move the data into its own repository
2) Convert the two repositories to git
3) Make that data repository devel-only.
4) Split the data into small packages (one for each data/ dir in the tree, I 
5) Make the source require the data through pkg-config
6) Have the data released as tarballs once it's changed (you can have that 
happen automatically with git, I'm assuming you can with the others as well)

And that's it. But for all this babbling, is this really worth it? 
Like I said, I found client-side disk I/O to make the benchmarks mostly 
useless. But they still provide me with a good overview on server-side CPU  
Memory usage

So I opted for a new approach. I would have two terminals on my client. In one 
I'd do something like 'sleep 5 ; svn checkout ...'. In the second I'd do 'time 
read'. I would press enter once when network traffic actually began and once 
again when it stopped and that showed me how much everything took.

So here's the timings. The repos have no history attatched.

Repo with data:
SVN(svnserve):  1:16
SVN(HTTP):  1:58
GIT(git):   1:23
GIT(HTTP):  1:53

Same repo without data:
SVN(svnserve):  0:28
SVN(http):  0:37
GIT(http):  0:13

And what about Git with its built in protocol? Just six seconds. How's that for 
taking some load off :) Of course you have to add/substract 1s for my timings 
on the keyboard but you get the overall idea.

This is a very complicated way of doing things. But data should probably be 
separated from code. And it should probably be distributed in small archives. 
And people shouldn't have to use an SCM to get it.

So ... Wadda ya say. Is this too complicated/ not worth it / stupid / 
braindamaged / interesting ?

My brain farts more things like that on a regular basis. If the above makes 
sense, let me know and I'll give you a couple of other ideas as well :d


P.S: I knew Linus wouldn't lie ;)

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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-16 Thread Eugen Minciu
Hello again,

I was thinking that you might want to try something if you get a second machine 

From the man page of git-cvsimport:
Imports a CVS repository into git. It will either create a new repository, or 
incrementally import into an existing one.

So you might want to try using a git mirror of what you guys actually have on 
CVS. Now personally, I think moving to git alltogether is much better then this 
follow the cvs server sort of thing. There are just a couple of things that 
are really cool about git (and any distributed scm) versus cvs or svn. 

For those of you who know git well enough, sorry for writing this stuff, but I 
imagine there's an equal number of devs who don't so I just wanted to give 
people an idea on what it's about.

1) Local commits. You clone a remote repository (you get the history and 
everything) and you can then commit to your own local copy of the repository. 

Not only that but you can do just about everything you would do with cvs 
locally without even needing access to the server. Then when you're done you 
can merge your superfanstasticincredible feature with the main repository.

2) Local tags and branches. Well, it's part of what I said above but it should 
get some special notice. You get to branch from what you just cloned and so on 

3) It's easy to setup. Basically you don't need to set it up at all. You just 
copy the .git/ directory from your repository to a server in something like and you're all done. Then anyone can mirror it very easily.

4) The repository is well compacted with git-repack. For example, the part of 
the repository I had was 135MB in size (e17 without the history). With 
git-repack it all shrunk down to 52MB. Thanks for pointing that out, I wasn't 
aware of it.

5) The server seems to handle the load quite well, even though downloads may be 
a tad slower. Ultimately, the compression might turn out to make retrieving 
faster, and it is probably 

Now I know those so called benchmarks of mine don't indicate these but I have 
strong doubts about the conditions in which they are run. I believe git to be 
much faster then cvs if properly set up. And I've seen first hand that it 
doesn't beat the server to death on 20 simultaneous checkouts.

6) It can be mirrored and offered for retrieval in a variety of methods. 
There's git:// rsync:// and http:// and it can probably be setup with other 
webservers like lighttpd (though my attempts to use lighttpd with a git repo 
misteriously failed).

7) A larger emphasys on branching may actually be good. You might eventually 
want to create a more stable branch, or you might want to try to rewrite some 
library in the EFL, in a new cooler way or whatever.

Ultimately that's my best argument for it. With git you can do stuff like that 
in a more natural way and I generally found that it offers an almost unlimited 
degree of freedom. 

I tend to believe it's more efficient but I can't really back my claim up with 
consistent numbers. I have provided a way to test it but my hardware isn't cut 
out for that. I'm still waiting for someone else's benchmark...

But finally, the best way to test would be to use that second machine as a git 
mirror and see how well it behaves. You might even go as far as denying anoncvs 
for a while and telling people to use git for anonymous access instead. 

Well, anyway, you guys know better then I do. If you decide to keep on using 
CVS, I could make some sort of script to do CVS updates and make dist stuff on 
an event (like upon email notification or whatever), but it would have to be in 
Ruby. I can do that if you want to use SVN or Git as well. Your call. 


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Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu
I will try to benchmark cvs, subversion and git today. If this doesn't take me 
too long I might throw in Mercurial as well.

I'll set up a (insert one of the above SCMs) server on my desktop, with the 
repository on a tmpfs, with the enlightenment repository, and I'll grab it 100 
times with my laptop on tmpfs as well, or maybe even more. 

That way I think I have a pretty good way of assessing exactly how well the 
server handles that kind of a load. I'll use tmpfs so that, my hdds aren't a 
bottleneck. The network works quite well, I hit 9MB/s on a regular basis so 
that should not be a problem either. 

There are basically 3 things I will be checking, and I'll average the results:
1) How much does it take to checkout the repository?
2) What is the average load on the machine during this time, in terms of CPU 
and Memory
3) How much network bandwidth is being used in the process.

I'll post the exact details when I'm done but I think it's better that we see 
some hard numbers and not just try to convince everyone to use our own 
favorite. (Though in the process I hope I'll be able to convince you to use 

I'll post the exact way I did this so that people may replicate what I've done 
if anyone desires so.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 16:55:50 +0100
Shish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In real life disks will be involved, it'd probably be good to take
 them into account. (I'd recommend doing both, to see what effect the
  I'll grab it 100 times with my laptop
 I was thinking a more appropriate benchmark would be to see how many
 parallel checkouts can be done at once before performance starts
 -- Shish

The problem comes from the fact that I can't really limit the connection speed 
in a process-based way. 

Basically, when I try to run x threads simultaneously the hdd will pull the 
speed of the entire process down and you have basically no way of telling which 
SCM is faster. 

They would probably all finish at once, or close to that, because they're 
limited by the speed of the device. 

Now I'd love to be able to run multiple threads simultaneously with tmpfs but 
this is a big repository and I haven't got the RAM to duplicate it that much.

This benchmark is, well, a benchmark, so a big ball of salt should be carried 

But I tend to believe that at least in terms of CPU, the load on the server is 
equivalent if you have one client churning away at 4MB/s or a lot of smaller 
ones doing the same thing.

It's really the memory that is affected but I understood this wasn't really the 

The script is almost done, all I have to setup now is the git repository and 
I'm done.

I have a problem because I didn't get all the cvs (just e17) and I don't have 
the history information anymore (you can't keep it unless you use a mechanism 
like rsync). 

I hope this isn't an issue but I will post the script along with the results 
and I encourage anyone with enough time on their hands to run the test on their 
own machines/network.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu

I've spent a lot of time on this, but the results are ... shall we say ... 
interesting. Before proceeding I have to remind you, again that I only used e17 
without the version info, so you will probably want to try this out for 

The script I wrote checked the average time for a checkout. I found that 
checkouts from the git server take a pheonmenally long time and I was too tired 
to wait for it (somewhere along the lines of 3-5 minutes, not sure really). 

That makes me think I may have not set it up. If there's anything I should have 
done, or more info you would like, include it here.

I've also found that git offers another very interesting thing. Rsync as a 
protocol for its client (similar to the way it uses http, there's no need for 
any extra modules or configuration, you just copy the tree somewhere and it 

I also kept an eye on the CPU and memory load on the server. So here's what I 

- Average checkout time: 41.843s
- CPU used: Constantly around 70% (something like 60-80%
- MEM used: 2-3%

SVN (svnserve):
- Average checkout time: 27.921s
- CPU used: 50-90%
- Mem used: 2%

SVN (http):
- Average checkout time: 61.239s
- CPU used: 70-90%
- Mem used: 10-12% *

- Average checkout time: 98.962s
- CPU used:  4%
- Mem used: 10-12 *

* Somehow I think Apache caches a lot of the stuff out because the memory gets 
allocated and remains there after the fun is over.

So this looks very weird. And at the end of the day it doesn't really prove too 
much. SVN and Git (particularly Git) are really gentle on the server's 
resources at the expense of higher download times.

But this is once again, a single connection, in a pedal-to-the-metal attempt to 
get the repository as quickly as possible. I have not optimized anything in 
here, but feel free to do it yourselves.

The script is written in Ruby, just make sure to change the constants for the 
commands at the top of the file. I eventually ran in 20 times because 100 
seemed like way too much.

Hope you guys can use the data, or at least the script.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu
Well I went outside for a while and it did me good. I have a new ideea for 
testing out the scm servers. Yay ;)

Instead of trying to actually save the items on my hard disk I'll try to 
redirect them to /dev/null. I allready saw how I can do this with cvs and I 
hope I'll find a way to do it with both svn and git.

So I'll be modifying the script, I'll have it create around 500 threads so that 
each thread will receive about 10K/s. I guess that should be a pretty acurate 
description of how much load a large system takes upon itself.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:07:16 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 actually - i think we need to know how this works WITH data on disk - why? 
 scm's may invoke much more disk IO than others and thus bottleneck at the disk
 earlier than others. we need to know. unless you mean save on the client side 
 then thats fine. but its server-side we really care about here - remember :)
Well ... it was client side, but it didn't work as I couldn't find a way to 
send the files to the bit bucket with either svn or git.

 word seems to have it that git is da shitsnizzle when it comes to 
 - but i am going to want to see the numbers. how many clients can connect and
 checkout and/or update and how long does it take vs. the load on the server 

Well I oficially declare my numbers crap. I hold my laptop responsible for this 
mess and I don't really trust a single number here. And I'll explain why in a 

Here are the numbers, but as I said, I really don't think they should be 
considered usefull. Consider this to be FUD.

- CPU Load: Max
- Mem Load: 45%
- Checkout Time: 296.374s

- CPU Load: 20% ( It was 20% in the last test as well I believe, all processes 
seem to share the same CPU usage.)
- Mem Load: 40%
- Checkout Time: 658.576

- CPU Load: 70-90%
- Mem Load: 60%
- Checkout Time: 874.618

GIT (git protocol):
- CPU Load: Max
- Mem Load: 10-15%
- Checkout Time: 2345.243

GIT (http):
- CPU Load:  5%
- Mem Load: 10-12%
- Checkout Time: A lot, from what I could see, it was cloning at a very low 

I used actual disk access on both the client and the server, 
Apache2-mpm-worker, SVN with FSFS and that's about it. A spec of machines would 
be missing the point. The point is they aren't any good for these kinds of 

It looks really suspicious to me that times seem to increase linearly among the 
tested SCMs, even though this wasn't the case in the first test. 

Also, I often found network traffic dropping to 0 because the laptop's HDD 
couldn't take the heat anymore.

Also, the version of the script I tested with did not wait after one SCM 
finished and moved directly to the next one. I don't think that was a good idea.

Now, Git with http was excellent in terms of CPU  Memory usage but I'm not 
really sure why it wouldn't go past 1.5MB/s (ever). It would have probably 
taken me an hour or so, and that's on a LAN which is pretty much unacceptable.

But here's the script. Feel free to change the number of threads at the top of 
the script (it's currently at 20) but please make note that you need about 
180MBx number of threads available.

Change the lines near the top to specify how the checkout commands should be 
run in your environment. If you want to add another test but lack the Ruby 
know-how just tell me what you need and I'll patch it up for you.

Finally make a new directory, copy the script there and execute 'ruby 
scm_benchmark.rb'. And that's it.

So ultimately I urge someone with more patience and two solid machines to give 
my little test a spin. Please don't make any decision based on my data. Pretty 
please! And Carsten, if this doesn't turn you on, I'm sorry ;)


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-15 Thread Eugen Minciu
Now I wonder what that 'Attatch' button does? ...
Sorry bout that.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-14 Thread Eugen Minciu
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
 It has come to my attention that yet again we are killing systems.

 yes - we are becoming a burden on yet more cvs servers. we are monsters! :(

 anyway - we have been living on caosity's cvs for a while now - but we are
 killing it (sorry kainx!)

 so its time to finally bite the bullet and dredge up the issue of us needing
 servers again.

 here is what i think we need:

 1. devel cvs server + future web server (for downloads too of official
 tarballs etc.)
 2. an anonymous cvs server and possibly second download mirror.

 so 2 systems really.

 i hear that svn is significantly less load for anonymous access - even
 developer - who has experience with this server-side? can you confirm or deny?
 i would consider a possible move to svn if we can keep our history from cvs.

 so - let the flames begin.

Now I know this is probably not going to sound right but how about a git 

I'll give you some information about in case you're not up to speed with 
it and/or what it can do. If you are then sorry for wasting your time.

It is a distributed revision control system but it has a whole bunch of 
very cool features. Here are a few of them, stolen from git's homepage:
- supports rapid and convenient branching and merging
- repositories can be easily accessed via the efficient Git protocol 
(optionally wrapped in ssh)
- they can also be accessed simply using HTTP - you can publish your 
repository anywhere without _any_ special webserver configuration 
required. (that should make it very easy to mirror).
- very fast and scales well even when working with large projects and 
long histories
- commonly an order of magnitude faster than most other revision control 
systems, and several orders of magnitude faster on some operations

You can find the said webpage on
There's a section called Git for CVS users you might want to check out.

I've actually worked with if for a couple of small projects of mine. 
Anyway here are a few extra things to note.

Git in itself is rather complicated to use. It is designed to be quite 
low-level. However, there are programs like cogito, that work on top of 
the low-level git commands. Now I've used subversion for a couple of 
years, and I've used CVS for a very short time and if you've used either 
one of them, cogito is a snap.

There are conversion tools available, but again I haven't tested them 
just yet. But if you're interested I can give it a spin and tell you 
guys how everything goes.

Here's a page to check out CVS importing:

There's a tool called gitweb, which is a web interface for Git 
repositories. For an example, you might want to try the kernel's git 

I for one, think it would be pretty cool if enlightenment was to be 
developed using cogito. It allows for very quick branching/merging, it's 
very fast and quite easy to pick up as well. I haven't used it for 
anything massive though but you could always just set up a read-only 
repository and ask people to download from it. All you have to do is 
convert your CVS tree into a git tree and copy that on one of your 

That's my (rather long) 2 cents anyway.


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enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] cvs, servers and stuff.

2006-08-14 Thread Eugen Minciu
On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:01:06 +1000
David Seikel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Strangely enough, another large, old open source project I am involved
 in is having exactly the same conversation.  One of them came up with
 this -
 It may be helpful.

Git isn't there. Now I hope I understand all of the points in that table, and I 
also hope I understand git well enough, but here's a listing for git (based on 
my knowledge).

- Protocol: dedicated / ssh / http-based/ email (at least partially).
- Learning curve from CVS: medium (imho)
- Network based access: No, it uses smoke signals. Doh!
- Multiplatform: Yes.
- Access control lists: Yes, with SSH
- Read-only access to everyone: Yes
- Supported by Sourceforge  co.: Yes, with SSH (though I don't think it's that 
relevant here).
- Receive email notification upon a commit: Almost, you have to do a chmod +x 
on a script to enable it to be run. ( see ) 
- Readily available/easily installable software: Yes
- Tracking of when merges are done: Yes
- Good branch handling: Yes
- Efficient use of resources: From what I can tell it's impressive, the git 
developers say it's around an order of magnitude faster, sometimes more. It was 
designed with a primary focus on efficiency so I tend to think it's pretty good.
- Global revisioning: Yes
- support for symbolic tagging within one repository: Yes
- Atomic checkins: Yes (I think)
- Maximum ability to do SCCS operations without access to repository: Yes (and 
it's a great thing to have imho)
- good binary file handling: From what I've read yes, I believe GZip 
compression is used on binary data.
- Ability to do local branches: Yes
- Rename support: Yes.
- Web view of repository: Yes

So this is _my_ knowledge of how git works. If it's wrong sorry for any 
confusions this may cause. Anyway, I'll stop zealoting for git from now on, I 
just think it's really cool. 

But even if you guys won't go with it, I would still suggest using Subversion 
which I believe to be better then CVS.


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