thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant


I was wondering whether it was any useful to have the thisArg argument 
in Array#find and Array#findIndex.
As of ES6, the language has Function.prototype.bind and arrow functions 
and I would imagine these to be enough to cover any use case where 
thisArg would be used.

I know that in the majority of cases I have experienced, there is no 
need for a specific 'this' at all. In the majority of the remaining 
cases arrow functions would have been enough. I guess .bind can do the 
job find for the remaining 0.1% after that...

es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Claude Pache

Le 10 juil. 2013 à 11:26, David Bruant a écrit :

 I was wondering whether it was any useful to have the thisArg argument in 
 Array#find and Array#findIndex.
 As of ES6, the language has Function.prototype.bind and arrow functions and I 
 would imagine these to be enough to cover any use case where thisArg would be 
 I know that in the majority of cases I have experienced, there is no need for 
 a specific 'this' at all. In the majority of the remaining cases arrow 
 functions would have been enough. I guess .bind can do the job find for the 
 remaining 0.1% after that...
 es-discuss mailing list

* Consistency with every other Array methods that takes a predicate as first 
argument, and thisArg as second argument (map, filter, every, etc.).

* You can use Array#find (and Array#filter, Array#every, ...) now (with a 
polyfill), but you have to wait, say, six years until you can use arrow 
functions on the web (until non-ES6 browsers are dead). Meanwhile, using this 
as second argument is the most concise and most elegant way to simulate arrow 

es-discuss mailing list

Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the `Object.prototype` I
already know many will kill me for even trying to ...

**tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through this utility
called [eddy.js](

### Event Target All The Things
One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is based on a
combination of these methods:

 * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of `addEventListener`
in the DOM namespace, also used in every library that would like to be
event driven. Smart enough to avoid duplicated entries for the same handler
over the same event type.
 * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()` within an
`.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a one shot only event
 * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set event
handler or silently failif not present
 * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world where almost
every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter anyhow since it's needed
and has been proven it's a highly appreciated/welcome approach.
 * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it triggers/fires
an event object with some extra method such
`evt.stopImmediatePropagation()` or others DOM related when the event comes
from DOM

The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners event handlers
only once these methods are invoked for the very first time.

This makes every object able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
var o = {};
// o is just an object

o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
// now o has internals able to work with handlers

// will log an Event object

### An Extra Should Have Utility
We talk a lot about GC these days and performance impact this has on slower
device (or embedded ARM boards such R-PI or Cubieboard, hardware used in
production and as server too in some crazy case!).

There is a common **anti pattern** in JS code since some library introduced
`Function#bind()` and ES decided to adopt it: it creates N new objects per
each call.

This makes it impossible to remove listeners so we are forced to address
every single object. As example, back to a similar previous code example:
window.addEventListener('load', console.log.bind(console));
// now how to drop that ?
There is no way to remove that listener after that and developers keep
passing functions, instead of objects with `handleEvent()` methods, and
more complex code becomes easily messed up.

`Object.prototype.boundTo(method)` would be able to solve this in a very
simple way: creates, if not created already, a bound version of that method
so that any further call to the same method will result in the same bound

window.addEventListener('load', console.boundTo(console.log));

// whenever we want to ...
window.removeEventListener('load', console.boundTo(console.log));
In my `eddy.js` proposal this method has a shortcut too, shortcut that
might break if some obtrusive minifier as Closure Compiler with ADVANCED
option is taking care of the build process. This is why I am not expecting
much consensus about the overload of this `boundTo()` method but here what
I've done:
window.addEventListener('load', console.boundTo('log'));

// whenever we want to ...
window.removeEventListener('load', console.boundTo('log'));
// same as
window.removeEventListener('load', console.boundTo(console.log));
The method can accept either a function or a string, where in latter case,
the `context[methodName]` is used to check if the bound object has been
created already.

`.boundTo(method)` should not accept extra arguments since in that case
advantages are less than a generic bind due very exponential nature of the
possible check over all arguments. In that case developers can use bind and
address it if really needed but I've seen this is not the majority of the

**Thank You** for listening, reading, sharing thoughts, or proposing any
change ... I know I'm going to be probably the only one in this planet that
will pollute in a non enumerable way the `Object.prototype` with the stuff
I need the most in every single piece of JS software I've written but hey
... maybe it was worth it to try to propose here too :-)

Best Regards
es-discuss mailing list

Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Jonas Sicking
Hi all,

What is the current expected way for an author to throw a custom
errors? You obviously could do something like:

throw { reason: TimeoutError };
throw TimeoutError;

However that makes it very hard for anyone receiving an exception to
inspect what it is. I.e. you'd first have to check what type of value
it is, i.e. if it's a string, something that's instanceof Error, or
something with just custom properties.

Instead you can do

throw new Error;

However, as I understand it, that doesn't let you pass
machine-readable information in the error. You can only pass a message
which is intended for human consumption. I.e. something like:

throw new Error(operation took too long and timed out.);

Yet another alternative is to do

let e = new Error; = TimeoutError;
throw e;

This is a little bit more code than expected though.

A shorter alternative that is somewhat compatible with Error is

throw { name: TimeoutError };

However this means that 'instanceof Error' returns false, which could
mean that code is forced to check which properties are set.

The reason I'm asking is that the DOM has invented a completely new
interface, DOMError. This seems pretty heavy-handed and yet another
instance of the DOM doing it in its own way rather than using existing
ES functionality.

I'd like for the DOM to mimic what we expect authors to do. It's just
not obvious to me what authors are expected to do if they want to
throw a machine readable error. I.e. one that allows code to catch the
error and handle it.

/ Jonas
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread François REMY
In some browsers, using the native Error class enables cool features like 
automatic stack trace.

Just in case you need special kind of Error (ie: subclasses), I recommend doing 
it that way:

  function SomeError(message) {
   // the real instance should be an Error:
   var self = new Error(message);
   // but the prototype could be updated
   if(self.__proto__) { self.__proto__ = SomeError.protoype }
   else { copyProperties(SomeError.prototype, self); }
   // do some more custom things
   // ...
   // return the instance
   return self;
  SomeError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
  throw new SomeError('abc');

 Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:23:54 -0400
 Subject: Creating your own errors

 Hi all,

 What is the current expected way for an author to throw a custom
 errors? You obviously could do something like:

 throw { reason: TimeoutError };
 throw TimeoutError;

 However that makes it very hard for anyone receiving an exception to
 inspect what it is. I.e. you'd first have to check what type of value
 it is, i.e. if it's a string, something that's instanceof Error, or
 something with just custom properties.

 Instead you can do

 throw new Error;

 However, as I understand it, that doesn't let you pass
 machine-readable information in the error. You can only pass a message
 which is intended for human consumption. I.e. something like:

 throw new Error(operation took too long and timed out.);

 Yet another alternative is to do

 let e = new Error; = TimeoutError;
 throw e;

 This is a little bit more code than expected though.

 A shorter alternative that is somewhat compatible with Error is

 throw { name: TimeoutError };

 However this means that 'instanceof Error' returns false, which could
 mean that code is forced to check which properties are set.

 The reason I'm asking is that the DOM has invented a completely new
 interface, DOMError. This seems pretty heavy-handed and yet another
 instance of the DOM doing it in its own way rather than using existing
 ES functionality.

 I'd like for the DOM to mimic what we expect authors to do. It's just
 not obvious to me what authors are expected to do if they want to
 throw a machine readable error. I.e. one that allows code to catch the
 error and handle it.

 / Jonas
 es-discuss mailing list  
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Domenic Denicola
Woah, François, that seems pretty overcomplicated; why not replace everything 
inside the constructor with `this.message = message`? It has the same effect in 
the browsers I've seen. (Also don't forget `SomeError.prototype.constructor = 

Anyway, to Jonas's point: I think `DOMError` is actually pretty OK. One thing I 
noticed is that the ES5 spec (and presumably ES6, although I haven't checked) 
is careful to never throw simple `Error` objects, but instead `TypeError`s or 
`RangeError`s or so on. I infer that they are leaving bare `Error` for user 
cases. I think the platform should generally follow this lead; that is, the 
DOM should leave bare `Error`s to the user, and throw `DOMError`s or 
`TypeError`s or `RangeError`s for its own errors.

To answer your more general question, authors are strongly discouraged from 
ever throwing anything that is not `instanceof Error`, see e.g. Guillermo 
Rauch's [A String is not an 
Error]( Also, 
the `name` property is generally the same across all instances of a particular 
error type, i.e.

```js === === === 

(You can verify this for all the built-in ES5 errors.) Usually a `code` 
property is used for more specific information, from what I've seen. But yes, 
that has to be added manually with a bit of awkwardness, i.e.

const e = new DOMError(The message);
e.code = TimeoutError;
throw e;
es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 14:48, Claude Pache a écrit :

Le 10 juil. 2013 à 11:26, David Bruant a écrit :


I was wondering whether it was any useful to have the thisArg argument in 
Array#find and Array#findIndex.
As of ES6, the language has Function.prototype.bind and arrow functions and I 
would imagine these to be enough to cover any use case where thisArg would be 

I know that in the majority of cases I have experienced, there is no need for a 
specific 'this' at all. In the majority of the remaining cases arrow functions 
would have been enough. I guess .bind can do the job find for the remaining 
0.1% after that...

es-discuss mailing list

* Consistency with every other Array methods that takes a predicate as first 
argument, and thisArg as second argument (map, filter, every, etc.).
I can't find it anymore, but I read a message from Mike Shaver (I think 
it was him) saying that these methods have been standardized after 
SpiderMonkey implementation without other form of rationale.

Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

* You can use Array#find (and Array#filter, Array#every, ...) now (with a 
polyfill), but you have to wait, say, six years until you can use arrow 
functions on the web (until non-ES6 browsers are dead).
I've been using arrow functions for the last 2 weeks with TypeScript. 
True story :-)
Note that even if you don't want to use the whole type infrastructure, 
you can always use TypeScript to get most of ES6 sugar (if the compiler 
raises type errors, you can ignore them: js files are outputted anyways)

Meanwhile, using this as second argument is the most concise and most elegant 
way to simulate arrow functions.
.bind(this) is barely less concise. I have no opinion on elegancy in 
this case.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:
I can't find it anymore, but I read a message from Mike Shaver (I 
think it was him) saying that these methods have been standardized 
after SpiderMonkey implementation without other form of rationale.

Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

Users generally benefit from this kind of consistency; we hear 
complaints about reduce/reduceRight.

The perf savings is an allocation, but the cognitive load win seems more 
important. Telling people to use .bind (polyfilled) involves more typing 
and thinking.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 16:53, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :
Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the 
`Object.prototype` I already know many will kill me for even trying to 

**tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through this 
utility called 

### Event Target All The Things
One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is based on a 
combination of these methods:

 * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of 
`addEventListener` in the DOM namespace, also used in every library 
that would like to be event driven. Smart enough to avoid duplicated 
entries for the same handler over the same event type.
 * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()` within 
an `.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a one shot only event
 * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set event 
handler or silently failif not present
 * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world where 
almost every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter anyhow since 
it's needed and has been proven it's a highly appreciated/welcome 
 * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it 
triggers/fires an event object with some extra method such 
`evt.stopImmediatePropagation()` or others DOM related when the event 
comes from DOM

The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners event 
handlers only once these methods are invoked for the very first time.

This makes every object

... inheriting from Object.prototype...

able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
var o = {};
// o is just an object

o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
// now o has internals able to work with handlers

// will log an Event object

I believe events should be part of the object MOP interface (regardless 
of the [[Prototype]] value). Events are already part of the interface of 
objects as people use them:
* in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties 
and methods.
* In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits from 

Also, Object properties now have their events (Object.observe), 
following DOM mutation-related events (DOM Observers API). It won't take 
long before someone asks for mutation events in ES6 Maps and Sets...

Anyway, I agree with the intent, but I would put the tool at a 
lower-level if given the choice.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Chad Austin
Hi Jonas,

As an example from the field, here is how we extend our own error types:

You can either switch on or use e instanceof ErrorType in your catch

Like Francois's approach, it also preserves the 'stack' property if the
browser supports it.

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Hi all,

 What is the current expected way for an author to throw a custom
 errors? You obviously could do something like:

 throw { reason: TimeoutError };
 throw TimeoutError;

 However that makes it very hard for anyone receiving an exception to
 inspect what it is. I.e. you'd first have to check what type of value
 it is, i.e. if it's a string, something that's instanceof Error, or
 something with just custom properties.

 Instead you can do

 throw new Error;

 However, as I understand it, that doesn't let you pass
 machine-readable information in the error. You can only pass a message
 which is intended for human consumption. I.e. something like:

 throw new Error(operation took too long and timed out.);

 Yet another alternative is to do

 let e = new Error; = TimeoutError;
 throw e;

 This is a little bit more code than expected though.

 A shorter alternative that is somewhat compatible with Error is

 throw { name: TimeoutError };

 However this means that 'instanceof Error' returns false, which could
 mean that code is forced to check which properties are set.

 The reason I'm asking is that the DOM has invented a completely new
 interface, DOMError. This seems pretty heavy-handed and yet another
 instance of the DOM doing it in its own way rather than using existing
 ES functionality.

 I'd like for the DOM to mimic what we expect authors to do. It's just
 not obvious to me what authors are expected to do if they want to
 throw a machine readable error. I.e. one that allows code to catch the
 error and handle it.

 / Jonas
 es-discuss mailing list

Chad Austin
Technical Director, IMVU
es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread K. Gadd
In addition to the perf savings from not having to allocate (to call bind)
not needing to use bind() for cases like .find() can have beneficial
effects for JITs as well. It's my understanding that at a recent point in
time (maybe even still today?) functions created by bind() had the ability
to deoptimize call sites in V8 and Spidermonkey in certain scenarios. If
the existing design lets developers use free functions without having to
use bind(), that makes it easier for them to end up in the performance
sweet spot we know about when it comes to crunching data. The longer they
can stay in that sweet spot and still use built-ins like find/findIndex,
the better.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 David Bruant wrote:

 I can't find it anymore, but I read a message from Mike Shaver (I think
 it was him) saying that these methods have been standardized after
 SpiderMonkey implementation without other form of rationale.
 Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

 Users generally benefit from this kind of consistency; we hear complaints
 about reduce/reduceRight.

 The perf savings is an allocation, but the cognitive load win seems more
 important. Telling people to use .bind (polyfilled) involves more typing
 and thinking.


 es-discuss mailing list**listinfo/es-discuss

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Jeremy Martin
 Events are already part of the interface of objects as people use them:
 * in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties and
 * In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits from

I don't think that Node.js is a relevant example here.  Events are only
exposed on instances (or subclasses) of EventEmitter.  This happens to
include a lot of the core objects, but it is nonetheless implemented via
the [[Prototype]] and object-level properties (rather than anything
resembling a MOP).  I'm less familiar with FirefoxOS WebAPIs, but the same
appears to be true here as well, unless I'm missing something.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:33 PM, David Bruant wrote:

 Le 10/07/2013 16:53, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

  Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the `Object.prototype`
 I already know many will kill me for even trying to ...

 **tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through this
 utility called [eddy.js](**WebReflection/eddy#event-**

 ### Event Target All The Things
 One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is based on a
 combination of these methods:

  * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of
 `addEventListener` in the DOM namespace, also used in every library that
 would like to be event driven. Smart enough to avoid duplicated entries for
 the same handler over the same event type.
  * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()` within an
 `.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a one shot only event
  * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set event
 handler or silently failif not present
  * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world where almost
 every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter anyhow since it's needed
 and has been proven it's a highly appreciated/welcome approach.
  * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it triggers/fires
 an event object with some extra method such `evt.stopImmediatePropagation(
 **)` or others DOM related when the event comes from DOM

 The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners event
 handlers only once these methods are invoked for the very first time.

 This makes every object

 ... inheriting from Object.prototype...

  able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
 var o = {};
 // o is just an object

 o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
 // now o has internals able to work with handlers

 // will log an Event object

 I believe events should be part of the object MOP interface (regardless of
 the [[Prototype]] value). Events are already part of the interface of
 objects as people use them:
 * in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties and
 * In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits from

 Also, Object properties now have their events (Object.observe), following
 DOM mutation-related events (DOM Observers API). It won't take long before
 someone asks for mutation events in ES6 Maps and Sets...

 Anyway, I agree with the intent, but I would put the tool at a lower-level
 if given the choice.

 es-discuss mailing list**listinfo/es-discuss

Jeremy Martin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Matthew Robb
I'd rather do something like:

Object.addEventListener(obj, eventName, function(){});

I think this matches very closely the way you do property descriptors and
I'd love to see

var obj = {
on eventName() {}

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:33 AM, David Bruant wrote:

 Le 10/07/2013 16:53, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

  Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the `Object.prototype`
 I already know many will kill me for even trying to ...

 **tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through this
 utility called [eddy.js](**WebReflection/eddy#event-**

 ### Event Target All The Things
 One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is based on a
 combination of these methods:

  * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of
 `addEventListener` in the DOM namespace, also used in every library that
 would like to be event driven. Smart enough to avoid duplicated entries for
 the same handler over the same event type.
  * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()` within an
 `.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a one shot only event
  * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set event
 handler or silently failif not present
  * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world where almost
 every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter anyhow since it's needed
 and has been proven it's a highly appreciated/welcome approach.
  * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it triggers/fires
 an event object with some extra method such `evt.stopImmediatePropagation(
 **)` or others DOM related when the event comes from DOM

 The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners event
 handlers only once these methods are invoked for the very first time.

 This makes every object

 ... inheriting from Object.prototype...

  able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
 var o = {};
 // o is just an object

 o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
 // now o has internals able to work with handlers

 // will log an Event object

 I believe events should be part of the object MOP interface (regardless of
 the [[Prototype]] value). Events are already part of the interface of
 objects as people use them:
 * in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties and
 * In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits from

 Also, Object properties now have their events (Object.observe), following
 DOM mutation-related events (DOM Observers API). It won't take long before
 someone asks for mutation events in ES6 Maps and Sets...

 Anyway, I agree with the intent, but I would put the tool at a lower-level
 if given the choice.

 es-discuss mailing list**listinfo/es-discuss

- Matthew Robb
es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 19:28, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:
I can't find it anymore, but I read a message from Mike Shaver (I 
think it was him) saying that these methods have been standardized 
after SpiderMonkey implementation without other form of rationale.

Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

Users generally benefit from this kind of consistency; we hear 
complaints about reduce/reduceRight.

People seem to have survived reduce/reduceRight.

The perf savings is an allocation
Do engines allocate each time when a function expression is used as 
first argument?

If so, .bind doesn't cost more than a function expression.

but the cognitive load win seems more important. Telling people to use 
.bind (polyfilled) involves more typing and thinking.

I guess... Are reduce/reduceRight acquiring a thisArg, then?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 19:57, Jeremy Martin a écrit :

 Events are already part of the interface of objects as people use them:
 * in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties 
and methods.
 * In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits 
from EventTarget.

I don't think that Node.js is a relevant example here.  Events are 
only exposed on instances (or subclasses) of EventEmitter.  This 
happens to include a lot of the core objects, but it is nonetheless 
implemented via the [[Prototype]] and object-level properties (rather 
than anything resembling a MOP). I'm less familiar with FirefoxOS 
WebAPIs, but the same appears to be true here as well, unless I'm 
missing something.
That's not my point. I was explaining that people consider events as 
part of the object interface (regardless of how the event system is 

Currently, to express events in JavaScript, one has to go through a 
specific [[Prototype]] or extending with a mixin which feels awkward to 
me. Do we need a mixin to add properties to an object? or a specific 
[[Prototype]] to add methods?

In the DOM, having to inherit from EventTarget creates this weird 
situation where events can't be part of WebIDL. It is even rarely 
possible to be able to list all events supported by a given object 
(which in turns makes documenting event quite of a nightmare). Supported 
events have to be aliased via on* properties to be feature-detectable.
This madness really has to stop. We need first class events (and I'm 
praying for a way to retrofit them into the DOM if possible)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 20:00, Matthew Robb a écrit :

I'd rather do something like:

Object.addEventListener(obj, eventName, function(){});

I think this matches very closely the way you do property descriptors 
and I'd love to see

var obj = {
on eventName() {}
That's the spirit. I don't care for particular syntax, but that's what I 
had in mind too.
A while ago, I started a library to have first-class events as object 
properties in specialized proxies [1]. It has some inherent limitations 
but is a start in one direction.



On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:33 AM, David Bruant wrote:

Le 10/07/2013 16:53, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the
`Object.prototype` I already know many will kill me for even
trying to ...

**tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through
this utility called

### Event Target All The Things
One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is
based on a combination of these methods:

 * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of
`addEventListener` in the DOM namespace, also used in every
library that would like to be event driven. Smart enough to
avoid duplicated entries for the same handler over the same
event type.
 * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()`
within an `.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a
one shot only event
 * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set
event handler or silently failif not present
 * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world
where almost every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter
anyhow since it's needed and has been proven it's a highly
appreciated/welcome approach.
 * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it
triggers/fires an event object with some extra method such
`evt.stopImmediatePropagation()` or others DOM related when
the event comes from DOM

The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners
event handlers only once these methods are invoked for the
very first time.

This makes every object

... inheriting from Object.prototype...

able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
var o = {};
// o is just an object

o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
// now o has internals able to work with handlers

// will log an Event object

I believe events should be part of the object MOP interface
(regardless of the [[Prototype]] value). Events are already part
of the interface of objects as people use them:
* in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than
properties and methods.
* In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits
from EventTarget.

Also, Object properties now have their events (Object.observe),
following DOM mutation-related events (DOM Observers API). It
won't take long before someone asks for mutation events in ES6
Maps and Sets...

Anyway, I agree with the intent, but I would put the tool at a
lower-level if given the choice.

es-discuss mailing list

- Matthew Robb

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:
 This madness really has to stop. We need first class events (and I'm praying
 for a way to retrofit them into the DOM if possible)

If you don't do the latter, I wonder how you'll achieve the former.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Matthew Robb
On further thought I think doing something like:

Object.defineEventListener(obj, eventName, {
handler: function(){},
phase: before // , after,  defaults to `on`


var obj = {
on eventName(){},
after eventName(){},
before eventName(){}

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:22 AM, David Bruant wrote:

  Le 10/07/2013 20:00, Matthew Robb a écrit :

   I'd rather do something like:

  Object.addEventListener(obj, eventName, function(){});

  I think this matches very closely the way you do property descriptors
 and I'd love to see

  var obj = {
  on eventName() {}

 That's the spirit. I don't care for particular syntax, but that's what I
 had in mind too.
 A while ago, I started a library to have first-class events as object
 properties in specialized proxies [1]. It has some inherent limitations but
 is a start in one direction.



 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:33 AM, David Bruant wrote:

 Le 10/07/2013 16:53, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :

  Just a humble attempt to propose some addiction to the
 `Object.prototype` I already know many will kill me for even trying to ...

 **tl;dr** - everything proposed can be already tested through this
 utility called [eddy.js](

 ### Event Target All The Things
 One of the most widely adopted API in JavaScript world is based on a
 combination of these methods:

  * `.on(type, handler[, capture])` used as equivalent of
 `addEventListener` in the DOM namespace, also used in every library that
 would like to be event driven. Smart enough to avoid duplicated entries for
 the same handler over the same event type.
  * `.once(type, handler[, capture])` used to simplify `.on()` within an
 `.off()` at the top of the invocation to ensure a one shot only event
  * `.off(type, handler[, capture])` to remove a previously set event
 handler or silently failif not present
  * `.emit(type[, arg1][, argN])` directly from node.js world where
 almost every object is an EventTarget and EventEmitter anyhow since it's
 needed and has been proven it's a highly appreciated/welcome approach.
  * `.trigger(type[, data])` similar to `.emit()` except it
 triggers/fires an event object with some extra method such
 `evt.stopImmediatePropagation()` or others DOM related when the event comes
 from DOM

 The proposed implementation lazily assign internal listeners event
 handlers only once these methods are invoked for the very first time.

 This makes every object

  ... inheriting from Object.prototype...

  able to be promoted at runtime as event emitter:
 var o = {};
 // o is just an object

 o.on('event-name', console.log.bind(console));
 // now o has internals able to work with handlers

 // will log an Event object

  I believe events should be part of the object MOP interface (regardless
 of the [[Prototype]] value). Events are already part of the interface of
 objects as people use them:
 * in Node.js, events are documented at the same level than properties and
 * In new FirefoxOS WebAPIs, pretty much every new object inherits from

 Also, Object properties now have their events (Object.observe), following
 DOM mutation-related events (DOM Observers API). It won't take long before
 someone asks for mutation events in ES6 Maps and Sets...

 Anyway, I agree with the intent, but I would put the tool at a
 lower-level if given the choice.

 es-discuss mailing list

 - Matthew Robb

- Matthew Robb
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread David Bruant

Le 10/07/2013 20:27, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:

This madness really has to stop. We need first class events (and I'm praying
for a way to retrofit them into the DOM if possible)

If you don't do the latter, I wonder how you'll achieve the former.
The former can be achieved independently of anything else. It only 
requires for the ECMA 262 spec to say now, objects have events! (like, 
say, the way Jeremy Martin proposed).
Whether that event system works well and intelligently with the current 
event systems (DOM especially since it has lots of quirks) is a 
different matter.

But I agree it would be wise to do both at the same time.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Yeah, so what I meant was how you'd stop the madness if you don't do
them in a way that works with DOM (as DOM works today). My bad.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Jeremy Martin
 (like, say, the way Jeremy Martin proposed)

FTR, I haven't proposed anything just yet :)

Although if I did, I think I would be more fond of something like:

Object.mixin({ foo: 'bar' }, EventEmitter);

... that is, I can see the value of events as an object-level API that
doesn't imply actual inheritance from something else.  The use of `mixin`
is probably a distraction here, but the main point is that it's opt-in.
 Events inherently have semantics around them, and they're certainly not
universal semantics for objects.  In fact, event semantics aren't even
universal for events (e.g., bubbling).  It seems better to me to have some
sort of explicit contract before those semantics kick in.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:31 PM, David Bruant wrote:

 Le 10/07/2013 20:27, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

  On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:

 This madness really has to stop. We need first class events (and I'm
 for a way to retrofit them into the DOM if possible)

 If you don't do the latter, I wonder how you'll achieve the former.

 The former can be achieved independently of anything else. It only
 requires for the ECMA 262 spec to say now, objects have events! (like,
 say, the way Jeremy Martin proposed).
 Whether that event system works well and intelligently with the current
 event systems (DOM especially since it has lots of quirks) is a different

 But I agree it would be wise to do both at the same time.


Jeremy Martin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 Woah, François, that seems pretty overcomplicated; why not replace everything 
 inside the constructor with `this.message = message`? It has the same effect 
 in the browsers I've seen. (Also don't forget 
 `SomeError.prototype.constructor = SomeError`.)

 Anyway, to Jonas's point: I think `DOMError` is actually pretty OK. One thing 
 I noticed is that the ES5 spec (and presumably ES6, although I haven't 
 checked) is careful to never throw simple `Error` objects, but instead 
 `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s or so on. I infer that they are leaving bare 
 `Error` for user cases. I think the platform should generally follow this 
 lead; that is, the DOM should leave bare `Error`s to the user, and throw 
 `DOMError`s or `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s for its own errors.

 To answer your more general question, authors are strongly discouraged from 
 ever throwing anything that is not `instanceof Error`, see e.g. Guillermo 
 Rauch's [A String is not an 
 Error]( Also, 
 the `name` property is generally the same across all instances of a 
 particular error type, i.e.

 ```js === === === 

 (You can verify this for all the built-in ES5 errors.) Usually a `code` 
 property is used for more specific information, from what I've seen. But yes, 
 that has to be added manually with a bit of awkwardness, i.e.

 const e = new DOMError(The message);
 e.code = TimeoutError;
 throw e;

Note that

(new DOMError) instanceof Error;

returns false. So the DOM does do the strongly discouraged thing. Is
this ok or bad?

Also, the DOM does not create a new class for each different value of .name.

I.e. you can get a DOMError whose .name is NetworkError or
AbortError. DOMError even has a constructor which allows setting
.name to anything: new DOMError(name, message);

In fact, there are no defined situations where the DOM creates
DOMError objects whose .name is DOMError.

Again, is this ok or is it bad practice?

/ Jonas
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser environment,
including `window`.

I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case I'd
use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause almost
every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit something
to some other object.

Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as it's
possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach very
boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

// current eddy.js status
var obj = {}
  .on(type1, handler1)
  .on(type2, handler2)
  .on(type3, handler3)
This allows multiple operations with the same object, something not
possible with the `Object.publicStatic` alternative if not repeating same
thing many times.

The chainability won here in both jQuery and node.js world, together with
many other libraries.

I know it's hard to even think about polluting the `Object.prototype` but
indeed FirefoxOS uses events all over the place, node.js is basically 90%
event driven, so is the DOM, and every observable object is firing
indirectly events for third parts.

What else do we need to understand that maybe we could simplify this in
core and make event driven development **way easier** and finally more

Even keeping the double firing approach, both `trigger` and `emit` since
these two do different things (slightly, but still...)

Last wonder, nobody said a word about the `.boundTo(method)` solution for a
very very common/frequent problem.

Thanks for all other thoughts though, best regards.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@annevk.nlwrote:

 Yeah, so what I meant was how you'd stop the madness if you don't do
 them in a way that works with DOM (as DOM works today). My bad.

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Matthew Robb
You can do chainability at object define time with the sugar form:

var obj = {
on type1(){},
on type2(){},
on type3(){}

OR add to it using one of the following options:

Object.mixin(obj, {
on type1(){},
on type2(){},
on type3(){}

on type1(){},
on type2(){},
on type3(){}

obj := {
on type1(){},
on type2(){},
on type3(){}

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser environment,
 including `window`.

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case I'd
 use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause almost
 every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit something
 to some other object.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as it's
 possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach very
 boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)
 This allows multiple operations with the same object, something not
 possible with the `Object.publicStatic` alternative if not repeating same
 thing many times.

 The chainability won here in both jQuery and node.js world, together with
 many other libraries.

 I know it's hard to even think about polluting the `Object.prototype` but
 indeed FirefoxOS uses events all over the place, node.js is basically 90%
 event driven, so is the DOM, and every observable object is firing
 indirectly events for third parts.

 What else do we need to understand that maybe we could simplify this in
 core and make event driven development **way easier** and finally more

 Even keeping the double firing approach, both `trigger` and `emit` since
 these two do different things (slightly, but still...)

 Last wonder, nobody said a word about the `.boundTo(method)` solution for
 a very very common/frequent problem.

 Thanks for all other thoughts though, best regards.

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@annevk.nlwrote:

 Yeah, so what I meant was how you'd stop the madness if you don't do
 them in a way that works with DOM (as DOM works today). My bad.

 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

- Matthew Robb
es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:

Le 10/07/2013 19:28, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:
I can't find it anymore, but I read a message from Mike Shaver (I 
think it was him) saying that these methods have been standardized 
after SpiderMonkey implementation without other form of rationale.

Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

Users generally benefit from this kind of consistency; we hear 
complaints about reduce/reduceRight.

People seem to have survived reduce/reduceRight.

This isn't about survival as you yourself pointed out, since bind 
(polyfillable) is an option. This is about best API 
ergonomics/consistency/cognitive-load. Play fair now!

The perf savings is an allocation
Do engines allocate each time when a function expression is used as 
first argument?

If so, .bind doesn't cost more than a function expression.

So? My main point was not perf.

but the cognitive load win seems more important. Telling people to 
use .bind (polyfilled) involves more typing and thinking.

I guess... Are reduce/reduceRight acquiring a thisArg, then?

No, it's too late for those two, and thisArg didn't fit consistently in 
the parameter list anyway, as we have discussed here in the past.

It's not too late for find and findIndex, and they do fit the pattern.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Erik Arvidsson
Jonas, DOM never throws DOMError. DOMErrors are used for other error
mechanisms, such as callbacks. [1]

The DOM spec does however throw DOMException objects [2]. These are
instanceof Error (see WebIDL [3])

var ex;
try {
} catch (e) {
  ex = e;
assert(ex instanceof Error);
assert(ex.contructor === DOMException);
assert( === 'HierarchyRequestError');

In Blink DOMException also have a stack property
assert(stack in ex);


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 Woah, François, that seems pretty overcomplicated; why not replace 
 everything inside the constructor with `this.message = message`? It has the 
 same effect in the browsers I've seen. (Also don't forget 
 `SomeError.prototype.constructor = SomeError`.)

 Anyway, to Jonas's point: I think `DOMError` is actually pretty OK. One 
 thing I noticed is that the ES5 spec (and presumably ES6, although I haven't 
 checked) is careful to never throw simple `Error` objects, but instead 
 `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s or so on. I infer that they are leaving bare 
 `Error` for user cases. I think the platform should generally follow this 
 lead; that is, the DOM should leave bare `Error`s to the user, and throw 
 `DOMError`s or `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s for its own errors.

 To answer your more general question, authors are strongly discouraged from 
 ever throwing anything that is not `instanceof Error`, see e.g. Guillermo 
 Rauch's [A String is not an 
 Also, the `name` property is generally the same across all instances of a 
 particular error type, i.e.

 ```js === === === 

 (You can verify this for all the built-in ES5 errors.) Usually a `code` 
 property is used for more specific information, from what I've seen. But 
 yes, that has to be added manually with a bit of awkwardness, i.e.

 const e = new DOMError(The message);
 e.code = TimeoutError;
 throw e;

 Note that

 (new DOMError) instanceof Error;

 returns false. So the DOM does do the strongly discouraged thing. Is
 this ok or bad?

 Also, the DOM does not create a new class for each different value of .name.

 I.e. you can get a DOMError whose .name is NetworkError or
 AbortError. DOMError even has a constructor which allows setting
 .name to anything: new DOMError(name, message);

 In fact, there are no defined situations where the DOM creates
 DOMError objects whose .name is DOMError.

 Again, is this ok or is it bad practice?

 / Jonas
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
 In Blink DOMException also have a stack property
 assert(stack in ex);

Since they are just Error objects

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Jonas Sicking []

 Note that

 (new DOMError) instanceof Error;

 returns false. So the DOM does do the strongly discouraged thing. Is this 
 ok or bad?

This is horrible! I had no idea! It should definitely derive from `Error`.

 Also, the DOM does not create a new class for each different value of .name.

 I.e. you can get a DOMError whose .name is NetworkError or AbortError.

 In fact, there are no defined situations where the DOM creates DOMError 
 objects whose .name is DOMError.

 Again, is this ok or is it bad practice?

This seems bad, although in practice not nearly as bad as the broken 
inheritance. (I guess because getting `name` correct is subtle; many user-space 
custom errors do not do so, so you can't always rely on it.) In an ideal world, 
I think you could do a few things:

- A hierarchy, where e.g. `NetworkError` derives from `DOMError` derives from 
`Error`, and all have the correct `name` properties.
- A reform, where `DOMError` derives from `Error` and both have the correct 
`name` properties; but, specific `DOMError` instances thrown by certain APIs 
can have a `code` property containing strings like `NetworkError`.

 DOMError even has a constructor which allows setting .name to anything: new 
 DOMError(name, message);

This seems quite bad: error constructors always (in ES)/almost always (in user 
space) take `message` as their first parameter, with other parameters beyond 
that being introduced by various user-space errors.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
I know but people use prefixes and unique ids for events too and I am not
sure if that would work so well.

Also, this is not backward compatible, or better, this is impossible to
polyfill so it won't bring benefits to the current scenario.

If only I could already `Object.mixin(Object.mixin({}, EventEmitter),
EventTarget)` and alias those prolix names as `on()` and `off()` it would
be already great but this is too much in between the DOM, behind WebIDL,
and ECMAScript ... something I know already historically incompatible,
that's why I've proposed new names hopefully one day (and hopefully soon)
in core, something that will be inherited in current implementation in any
case, as it was in my case simply polluting the `Object.prototype` with
those non enumerable properties luckily inherited in hosted DOM objects too.

best regards

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Matthew Robb matthewwr...@gmail.comwrote:

 You can do chainability at object define time with the sugar form:

 var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 OR add to it using one of the following options:

 Object.mixin(obj, {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 obj := {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser environment,
 including `window`.

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as it's
 possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach very
 boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)
 This allows multiple operations with the same object, something not
 possible with the `Object.publicStatic` alternative if not repeating same
 thing many times.

 The chainability won here in both jQuery and node.js world, together with
 many other libraries.

 I know it's hard to even think about polluting the `Object.prototype` but
 indeed FirefoxOS uses events all over the place, node.js is basically 90%
 event driven, so is the DOM, and every observable object is firing
 indirectly events for third parts.

 What else do we need to understand that maybe we could simplify this in
 core and make event driven development **way easier** and finally more

 Even keeping the double firing approach, both `trigger` and `emit` since
 these two do different things (slightly, but still...)

 Last wonder, nobody said a word about the `.boundTo(method)` solution for
 a very very common/frequent problem.

 Thanks for all other thoughts though, best regards.

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@annevk.nlwrote:

 Yeah, so what I meant was how you'd stop the madness if you don't do
 them in a way that works with DOM (as DOM works today). My bad.

 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

 - Matthew Robb

es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 It's not too late for find and findIndex, and they do fit the pattern.

Is an options object as the last parameter out of the question? For find(), I’d 
love to have the option to specify a result other than `undefined` if the value 
isn’t found. Such a result would be an option, as would be `thisValue`.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Brendan Eich
Also, who needs to find undefined? It's a good notFound default value 
but I go further: it is the only notFound you're gonna need. IOW, YAGNI.


Brendan Eich wrote:

Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

It's not too late for find and findIndex, and they do fit the pattern.

Is an options object as the last parameter out of the question? For 
find(), I’d love to have the option to specify a result other than 
`undefined` if the value isn’t found. Such a result would be an 
option, as would be `thisValue`.

If there's a pigeon-hole problem where thisArg and notFound fight, 
then maybe -- but there's another object allocation, and we're not 
really following any existing pattern at this point. Option objects 
are common but not in built-in APIs, esp. not in the Array generic 

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
I am not sure where this conversation ended up so I hope I am not repeating
already said stuff but you can always create constructors that inherits
from Error and set the name.

function CustomError(message) {
  this.message = message || '';
CustomError.prototype = new Error; =;
CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError;

// whenever you need
throw new CustomError;

That will be highlighted in most consoles as red **CustomError** instance
you can inspect to read the message.

Hope this helped anyhow.

Best Regards

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Hi all,

 What is the current expected way for an author to throw a custom
 errors? You obviously could do something like:

 throw { reason: TimeoutError };
 throw TimeoutError;

 However that makes it very hard for anyone receiving an exception to
 inspect what it is. I.e. you'd first have to check what type of value
 it is, i.e. if it's a string, something that's instanceof Error, or
 something with just custom properties.

 Instead you can do

 throw new Error;

 However, as I understand it, that doesn't let you pass
 machine-readable information in the error. You can only pass a message
 which is intended for human consumption. I.e. something like:

 throw new Error(operation took too long and timed out.);

 Yet another alternative is to do

 let e = new Error; = TimeoutError;
 throw e;

 This is a little bit more code than expected though.

 A shorter alternative that is somewhat compatible with Error is

 throw { name: TimeoutError };

 However this means that 'instanceof Error' returns false, which could
 mean that code is forced to check which properties are set.

 The reason I'm asking is that the DOM has invented a completely new
 interface, DOMError. This seems pretty heavy-handed and yet another
 instance of the DOM doing it in its own way rather than using existing
 ES functionality.

 I'd like for the DOM to mimic what we expect authors to do. It's just
 not obvious to me what authors are expected to do if they want to
 throw a machine readable error. I.e. one that allows code to catch the
 error and handle it.

 / Jonas
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread François REMY
 function CustomError(message) { 
this.message = message || ''; 
 CustomError.prototype = new Error; 
 // whenever you need 
 throw new CustomError; 

At best, this will not preserve the stack trace property, at worse this will 
lead to a bad one.   
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Claus Reinke

function CustomError(message) {
   this.message = message || '';
CustomError.prototype = new Error;

// whenever you need
throw new CustomError;

At best, this will not preserve the stack trace property, at worse this will 
lead to a bad one.

Because the location info will be that of the new Error? One could
try this instead, which seems to work for me:

throw { __proto__ : new Error(), reason: Monday }


es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Claude Pache
Le 10 juil. 2013 à 19:05, David Bruant a écrit :

 Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

IMO, when designing an API, the right question is not: Why would I be 
consistent in that particular case?, but: Why would I be inconsistent in that 
particular case? You didn't give a good reason for breaking consistency.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: thisArg in Array#find and Array#findIndex

2013-07-10 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Claude Pache wrote:
 Le 10 juil. 2013 à 19:05, David Bruant a écrit :
 Who needs this particular consistency anyway?

 IMO, when designing an API, the right question is not: Why would I be 
 consistent in that particular case?, but: Why would I be inconsistent in that 
 particular case? You didn't give a good reason for breaking consistency.

+1.  Anyone who's had to suffer through PHP knows the pain of APIs
that didn't care about being consistent.  There are sometimes good
reasons to not be consistent, but there's always a strong mental-tax
reason for maintaining it.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread François REMY
 Because the location info will be that of the new Error? One could
 try this instead, which seems to work for me:

 throw { __proto__ : new Error(), reason: Monday }

That one seems to be working (except in IE11 since IE didn't support __proto__ 
prior to that). That somehow surprises me that browser unwrap the prototype 
chain but they seem to do in this case. 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

For example...

class Light {
  constructor() {
// initialize Light control instance
  on() {
// send bits to turn Light on
  off() {
// send bits to turn Light off

So what happens now? All of my Led instances have emit, trigger, once and
boundTo methods that are actually useless now. No thanks. I also don't want
Object.prototype.* and Object.* to suffer the same way that the [[Global]]
(window) object in browsers has suffered. Give a hoot, don't pollute.

Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a blessed
standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

import { Emitter } from @event;

class Foo extends Emitter {}


More inline...

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 I know but people use prefixes and unique ids for events too and I am not
 sure if that would work so well.

 Also, this is not backward compatible, or better, this is impossible to
 polyfill so it won't bring benefits to the current scenario.

 If only I could already `Object.mixin(Object.mixin({}, EventEmitter),
 EventTarget)` and alias those prolix names as `on()` and `off()` it would
 be already great but this is too much in between the DOM, behind WebIDL,
 and ECMAScript ... something I know already historically incompatible,
 that's why I've proposed new names hopefully one day (and hopefully soon)
 in core, something that will be inherited in current implementation in any
 case, as it was in my case simply polluting the `Object.prototype` with
 those non enumerable properties luckily inherited in hosted DOM objects too.

 best regards

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Matthew Robb matthewwr...@gmail.comwrote:

 You can do chainability at object define time with the sugar form:

 var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

This is the dark days of DOM element properties as event handlers:


Assigning to this paves over the previous assignment, leaving no way to
have multiple handlers registered for the same event type.

 OR add to it using one of the following options:

 Object.mixin(obj, {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 obj := {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser
 environment, including `window`.

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

Standard lib approach (a la node) works today and tomorrow.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as
 it's possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach very
 boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

It's also (subjectively) hideous.

 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)

That's great for your use case, but I would never want this by default.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread K. Gadd
I think at this point we have a long history of language designs where
random stuff has been tacked onto the core base class (i.e. Object) that
really shouldn't have gone there - hashCode/toString in Java/C#, etc - such
that any proposal to put something on Object instances deserves extreme
skepticism. Static methods on Object aren't nearly so bad.

In this case, the problem being solved can almost certainly be solved
through composition or some other design mechanism. Bolting it onto every
instance of Object, even if the only universally paid cost is a reserved
name on the prototype, is simply not the right solution unless the
downsides of other approaches are intolerable. Which they aren't.

In practice a lot of these use cases call for event subscription and
broadcasting to occur through a separate coordinator ('event bus') object
and not through the object in question, anyway. This addresses a bunch of
reference cycle problems that are caused when you subscribe directly to an
object. You don't need to look much further than the DOM for examples...

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
 something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

 For example...

 class Light {
   constructor() {
 // initialize Light control instance
   on() {
 // send bits to turn Light on
   off() {
 // send bits to turn Light off

 So what happens now? All of my Led instances have emit, trigger, once and
 boundTo methods that are actually useless now. No thanks. I also don't want
 Object.prototype.* and Object.* to suffer the same way that the [[Global]]
 (window) object in browsers has suffered. Give a hoot, don't pollute.

 Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a blessed
 standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

 import { Emitter } from @event;

 class Foo extends Emitter {}


 More inline...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 I know but people use prefixes and unique ids for events too and I am not
 sure if that would work so well.

 Also, this is not backward compatible, or better, this is impossible to
 polyfill so it won't bring benefits to the current scenario.

 If only I could already `Object.mixin(Object.mixin({}, EventEmitter),
 EventTarget)` and alias those prolix names as `on()` and `off()` it would
 be already great but this is too much in between the DOM, behind WebIDL,
 and ECMAScript ... something I know already historically incompatible,
 that's why I've proposed new names hopefully one day (and hopefully soon)
 in core, something that will be inherited in current implementation in any
 case, as it was in my case simply polluting the `Object.prototype` with
 those non enumerable properties luckily inherited in hosted DOM objects too.

 best regards

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Matthew Robb matthewwr...@gmail.comwrote:

 You can do chainability at object define time with the sugar form:

 var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 This is the dark days of DOM element properties as event handlers:


 Assigning to this paves over the previous assignment, leaving no way to
 have multiple handlers registered for the same event type.

 OR add to it using one of the following options:

 Object.mixin(obj, {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 obj := {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser
 environment, including `window`.

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

 Standard lib approach (a la node) works today and tomorrow.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as
 it's possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach
 very boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

 It's also (subjectively) hideous.

 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)

 That's great for your use case, but I would never want this by default.



 es-discuss mailing list


Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
yep, I thought it was about having meaningful red errors with a proper name
in console. The stack can be addressed passing the `new CustomError
(new Error('message'))`
using error as argument, not big deal ... abusing __proto__ for this seems
like the wrong answer to a concrete problem

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:53 PM, François REMY wrote:

  function CustomError(message) {
 this.message = message || '';
  CustomError.prototype = new Error;
  // whenever you need
  throw new CustomError;

 At best, this will not preserve the stack trace property, at worse this
 will lead to a bad one.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: more numeric constants please (especially EPSILON)

2013-07-10 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 9, 2013, at 6:09 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 FWIW, we include 2**53 as in the contiguous range of exactly representable 
 natural numbers.
What you want is: the continuous range of exactly and  unambiguously 
representable natural numbers

es-discuss mailing list

[module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk
Consider this simple construct:

module test {
export function setVar() {
gvar = GVAR;   // note 'gvar' is not defined in the module
export function getVar() {
return gvar;

module Test from test;

Having this in place I am calling


Question: where is that 'gvar' created? Possible case:

a. {{globalns}}.gvar == GVAR   // so in global namespace or
b. {{globalns}}.Test.gvar == GVAR // in module namepspace

In other words does the module establish its own dynaimic namespace/scope?

If that behavior is spec'ed already I'll appreciate for the link.

Andrew Fedoniouk.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
inline ...

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
 something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

 For example...

 class Light {
   constructor() {
 // initialize Light control instance
   on() {
 // send bits to turn Light on
   off() {
 // send bits to turn Light off

tis works same way you can define toString during class definition ... so
what happens, nothing unexpected.

 boundTo methods that are actually useless now.

I think you didn't understand what is boundTo ... completely a part from

You can bind any method or function, borrowed or not, and only once, I
don't see how you can do the same with current proposal in ES6

genericObject.boundTo(genericMethod) returns always the same bound object.

This is actually trivial enough as utility since chainability is not even
an option.

Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a blessed
 standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

Because in  10 years I haven't seen such standard Emitter so it's about the
time to agree on an event based mechanism, IMO, since we all talk about
events in every asynchronous world. ain't good for all cases but only for few of them. We all
know how powerful are events.

 var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 This is the dark days of DOM element properties as event handlers:


it's also more semantic than `node.addEventListener('load')` since you say
and write and mean `node.on('load');`

What's less semantic is `.off()` if you want, but it works as counter part.

And back to the light, I would rather use `switch(onOrOff) {}` as method

 Assigning to this paves over the previous assignment, leaving no way to
 have multiple handlers registered for the same event type.

You are right, in that inline version this is correct.
I didn't propose that indeed and you can use more than a handler without

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

 Standard lib approach (a la node) works today and tomorrow.

it works in the meaning that in node you give for granted that basically
every object is an EventEmitter.

If there was a mechanism to have that simplified today I believe it would
have been used.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as
 it's possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach
 very boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

 It's also (subjectively) hideous.


 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)

 That's great for your use case, but I would never want this by default.

So are you willing to talk about that standard EventEmitter and put it in
ASAP as native constructor every object could inherit from ?

'cause this would be already a lot for me and everyone else out there, a
native way to have emitters in core (hopefully able to work with DOM nodes

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Forbes Lindesay
What's wrong with:


throw new CustomError('message')

function CustomError(message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {, message) = 'CustomError'
   * add any custom error info here
CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)
CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError

In ES6 land this becomes:


throw new CustomError('message')

class CustomError extends Error {
  constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
super(message) = 'CustomError'

 * add any custom error info here

Doesn't that seem like an obvious enough solution?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk

 Consider this simple construct:

 module test {
 export function setVar() {
 gvar = GVAR;   // note 'gvar' is not defined in the
 export function getVar() {
 return gvar;

 module Test from test;

 Having this in place I am calling


 Question: where is that 'gvar' created? Possible case:

 a. {{globalns}}.gvar == GVAR   // so in global namespace or
 b. {{globalns}}.Test.gvar == GVAR // in module namepspace

 In other words does the module establish its own dynaimic namespace/scope?

 If that behavior is spec'ed already I'll appreciate for the link.

It gets created nowhere, because the body of a module is implicitly strict,
so the above code produces a Reference Error.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi

these are already examples of an over-polluted prototype with methods
nobody uses ... I thought 4 extra methods everyone is using same way except
for Rick that honorees Tesla in this day would not hurt much but once
again, my point is that it's really about the time to put some standard
mechanism to deal with events in ES code.

The fact Object.observe is already accepting a handler with an argument
which is fired as an event smells to me ... I'd rather define upfront a
common definition of handlers then propose any extra method based on them

Best Regards

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:04 PM, K. Gadd wrote:

 I think at this point we have a long history of language designs where
 random stuff has been tacked onto the core base class (i.e. Object) that
 really shouldn't have gone there - hashCode/toString in Java/C#, etc - such
 that any proposal to put something on Object instances deserves extreme
 skepticism. Static methods on Object aren't nearly so bad.

 In this case, the problem being solved can almost certainly be solved
 through composition or some other design mechanism. Bolting it onto every
 instance of Object, even if the only universally paid cost is a reserved
 name on the prototype, is simply not the right solution unless the
 downsides of other approaches are intolerable. Which they aren't.

 In practice a lot of these use cases call for event subscription and
 broadcasting to occur through a separate coordinator ('event bus') object
 and not through the object in question, anyway. This addresses a bunch of
 reference cycle problems that are caused when you subscribe directly to an
 object. You don't need to look much further than the DOM for examples...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
 something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

 For example...

 class Light {
   constructor() {
 // initialize Light control instance
   on() {
 // send bits to turn Light on
   off() {
 // send bits to turn Light off

 So what happens now? All of my Led instances have emit, trigger, once and
 boundTo methods that are actually useless now. No thanks. I also don't want
 Object.prototype.* and Object.* to suffer the same way that the [[Global]]
 (window) object in browsers has suffered. Give a hoot, don't pollute.

 Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a
 blessed standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

 import { Emitter } from @event;

 class Foo extends Emitter {}


 More inline...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 I know but people use prefixes and unique ids for events too and I am
 not sure if that would work so well.

 Also, this is not backward compatible, or better, this is impossible to
 polyfill so it won't bring benefits to the current scenario.

 If only I could already `Object.mixin(Object.mixin({}, EventEmitter),
 EventTarget)` and alias those prolix names as `on()` and `off()` it would
 be already great but this is too much in between the DOM, behind WebIDL,
 and ECMAScript ... something I know already historically incompatible,
 that's why I've proposed new names hopefully one day (and hopefully soon)
 in core, something that will be inherited in current implementation in any
 case, as it was in my case simply polluting the `Object.prototype` with
 those non enumerable properties luckily inherited in hosted DOM objects too.

 best regards

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Matthew Robb 

 You can do chainability at object define time with the sugar form:

 var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 This is the dark days of DOM element properties as event handlers:


 Assigning to this paves over the previous assignment, leaving no way to
 have multiple handlers registered for the same event type.

 OR add to it using one of the following options:

 Object.mixin(obj, {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 obj := {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 my implementation works already with `DOM` nodes and browser
 environment, including `window`.

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

 Standard lib approach (a la node) works today and tomorrow.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long 

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
wrong at least two things for the non ES6 version

 1. `, message)` does not do what you think it should do
 2. `CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)` has a typo, you meant `

In the ES6 version, I am not sure about constructors and classes, but name
should be inherited or the console won't even look for it as own property
so it should be

class CustomError extends Error {
  name = 'CustomError'
  constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
only in case CustomError won't have already a `name` property as it is for
ES3=ES5 constructors.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Forbes Lindesay

 What's wrong with:


 throw new CustomError('message')

 function CustomError(message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {, message) = 'CustomError'
* add any custom error info here
 CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)
 CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError

 In ES6 land this becomes:


 throw new CustomError('message')

 class CustomError extends Error {
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 super(message) = 'CustomError'

  * add any custom error info here

 Doesn't that seem like an obvious enough solution?
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 It gets created nowhere,

This is right.

 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,

And this is right.

 so the above code produces a Reference Error.

But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

 Consider this simple construct:

 module test {
 export function setVar() {
 gvar = GVAR;   // note 'gvar' is not defined in the
 export function getVar() {
 return gvar;

 module Test from test;

 Having this in place I am calling


 Question: where is that 'gvar' created? Possible case:

 a. {{globalns}}.gvar == GVAR   // so in global namespace or
 b. {{globalns}}.Test.gvar == GVAR // in module namepspace

 In other words does the module establish its own dynaimic namespace/scope?

 If that behavior is spec'ed already I'll appreciate for the link.

 It gets created nowhere, because the body of a module is implicitly strict,
 so the above code produces a Reference Error.


Thanks Rick. And I suspect there is no way to reclaim that strictness, right?

Asking because it could be useful in cases like this :

module Safe {
   not use strict;
export function eval(str) {
 return std.eval(str);

And so if I will call:

Safe.eval(gvar=666) ;

it will not pollute global namespace.

Andrew Fedoniouk.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 It gets created nowhere,

 This is right.

 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,

 And this is right.

 so the above code produces a Reference Error.

 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.


Sam, I don't think that generation of static check/error is possible
in this case.
{{globalns}}.gvar can be created after the module gets loaded/compiled
but before
Test.setVar() invocation.

Andrew Fedoniouk.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 wrong at least two things for the non ES6 version
  1. `, message)` does not do what you think it should do
  2. `CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)` has a typo, you meant 
 In the ES6 version, I am not sure about constructors and classes, but name 
 should be inherited or the console won't even look for it as own property so 
 it should be
 class CustomError extends Error {
   name = 'CustomError'
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 only in case CustomError won't have already a `name` property as it is for 
 ES3=ES5 constructors.

You need to say:

class CustomError extends Error {
  get name() {return 'CustomError'}
  constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {

or alternatively:

class CustomError extends Error {
  constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
} = 'CustomError';

This is one of the rare places where it is inconvenient that class declarations 
don't provide syntax for defining data properties on the prototype.

Forbes class version should be fine if you don't mind each CustomError instance 
having an own 'name' data property.


 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Forbes Lindesay 
 What's wrong with:
 throw new CustomError('message')
 function CustomError(message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {, message) = 'CustomError'
* add any custom error info here
 CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)
 CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError
 In ES6 land this becomes:
 throw new CustomError('message')
 class CustomError extends Error {
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 super(message) = 'CustomError'
  * add any custom error info here
 Doesn't that seem like an obvious enough solution?
 es-discuss mailing list
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:
 It gets created nowhere,
 This is right.
 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,
 And this is right.
 so the above code produces a Reference Error.
 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.

Ah, do you mean this is a link time check?

It isn't a regular early error situations because gvar could be a dynamically 
added property on the global object.

Not sure what your current semantics are, but I thought it was established a 
long time ago that modules needed free references in order to deal with global 
object properties.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Jeremy Martin
Once again, this problem goes beyond simply polluting the prototype (which
is enough of an issue by itself). The semantics for Emitters are somewhat
of an 80/20 thing: 80% of all emitters need some common behavior, but the
remaining 20% is custom.

Going back to Node.js, for instance: everything would be great with
`emitter.on(...)`, `emitter.once(...)`, ``,
`emitter.emit(...)`, etc.

But now we need `emitter.listeners(event)`, `emitter.setMaxListeners(n)`,
etc.  So, we still end up with a custom EventEmitter that implements the
additional node-specific stuff, but we have a new problem: how do we
implement `emitter.listeners(event)`? Without an exposed
`emitter._listeners` (or similar) mapping, we're hosed.  So do we
monkey-patch the listener (de)registration methods? Yada yada, you get the

The same problem exists with DOM events and most likely in any other
non-trivial Emitter scenario.  As I see it, it simply isn't practical at
this level.  The pollution issue goes far beyond 4 or 5 or even 10 new
properties/methods if it's going to be robust enough to handle the
already-common use cases, and if anything is missed developers will still
be forced to sub-class it anyway (which is the only hassle that might've
been worth avoiding in the first place).

Alternatively, as Rick said, we could simply have:

class Foo extends Emitter {}
// or
class Foo extends EventEmitter {}
// or
class Foo extends EddyEmitter {}
// etc.

This, IMO, is *far* more favorable and *far* less obtrusive (and already in
the works).

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:


 these are already examples of an over-polluted prototype with methods
 nobody uses ... I thought 4 extra methods everyone is using same way except
 for Rick that honorees Tesla in this day would not hurt much but once
 again, my point is that it's really about the time to put some standard
 mechanism to deal with events in ES code.

 The fact Object.observe is already accepting a handler with an argument
 which is fired as an event smells to me ... I'd rather define upfront a
 common definition of handlers then propose any extra method based on them

 Best Regards

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:04 PM, K. Gadd wrote:

 I think at this point we have a long history of language designs where
 random stuff has been tacked onto the core base class (i.e. Object) that
 really shouldn't have gone there - hashCode/toString in Java/C#, etc - such
 that any proposal to put something on Object instances deserves extreme
 skepticism. Static methods on Object aren't nearly so bad.

 In this case, the problem being solved can almost certainly be solved
 through composition or some other design mechanism. Bolting it onto every
 instance of Object, even if the only universally paid cost is a reserved
 name on the prototype, is simply not the right solution unless the
 downsides of other approaches are intolerable. Which they aren't.

 In practice a lot of these use cases call for event subscription and
 broadcasting to occur through a separate coordinator ('event bus') object
 and not through the object in question, anyway. This addresses a bunch of
 reference cycle problems that are caused when you subscribe directly to an
 object. You don't need to look much further than the DOM for examples...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
 something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

 For example...

 class Light {
   constructor() {
 // initialize Light control instance
   on() {
 // send bits to turn Light on
   off() {
 // send bits to turn Light off

 So what happens now? All of my Led instances have emit, trigger, once
 and boundTo methods that are actually useless now. No thanks. I also don't
 want Object.prototype.* and Object.* to suffer the same way that the
 [[Global]] (window) object in browsers has suffered. Give a hoot, don't

 Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a
 blessed standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

 import { Emitter } from @event;

 class Foo extends Emitter {}


 More inline...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 I know but people use prefixes and unique ids for events too and I am
 not sure if that would work so well.

 Also, this is not backward compatible, or better, this is impossible to
 polyfill so it won't bring benefits to the current scenario.

 If only I could already `Object.mixin(Object.mixin({}, EventEmitter),
 EventTarget)` and alias those prolix names as `on()` and `off()` it would
 be already great but this is too much in between the 

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.eduwrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron
  It gets created nowhere,

 This is right.

  because the body of a module is implicitly strict,

 And this is right.

  so the above code produces a Reference Error.

 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.

Thanks for the correction, I based my response on Appendix C of ES5.1,
which of course doesn't know anything about module bodies ;)



es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:49 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Rick Waldron
  On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
  Consider this simple construct:
  module test {
  export function setVar() {
  gvar = GVAR;   // note 'gvar' is not defined in
  export function getVar() {
  return gvar;
  module Test from test;
  Having this in place I am calling
  Question: where is that 'gvar' created? Possible case:
  a. {{globalns}}.gvar == GVAR   // so in global namespace or
  b. {{globalns}}.Test.gvar == GVAR // in module namepspace
  In other words does the module establish its own dynaimic
  If that behavior is spec'ed already I'll appreciate for the link.
  It gets created nowhere, because the body of a module is implicitly
  so the above code produces a Reference Error.

 Thanks Rick. And I suspect there is no way to reclaim that strictness,

One of the goals of ES6 (and all future versions) is to promote strict mode
to become the only or at least preferred mode. Wherever reasonably
possible new syntactic forms, such as class and module, will be designed as
strict by default, with no opt out.


 Asking because it could be useful in cases like this :

 module Safe {
not use strict;
 export function eval(str) {
  return std.eval(str);

 And so if I will call:

 Safe.eval(gvar=666) ;

 it will not pollute global namespace.

 Andrew Fedoniouk.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
node.js allows same listener type with same handler multiple times ... but
it has `maxListeners` number which is kinda pointless if events are not
even tracked and can be duplicated.

node also has this thing that you can drop everything from an emitter even
if you don't own registered events which is, in my opinion, undesired,
specially when you pass around your own modules expecting them to react in
certain cases.

That said, node.js folks had to quickly define/decide what was needed and
that's what they came up with ... it worked until now but I think I've
never seen a module that really needed all that API (there are too many out
there though so I might be wrong)

Not having this in core means every implementation will differ somehow and
this is the annoying part ... there's no way to write code that is
compatible with both worlds or all libraries without sniffing the
surrounding environment.

Let's say my module would like to intercept some generic event and react
... no standard way to even know which was the fired event in node, since
no type is passed, no easy way to check for errors in DOM world.

Keep telling devs to create their own Emitter because of this and that
weird case that should probably not exist in first place, and here I
believe that DOM and DOM based libraries have more experience than node.js,
cannot benefit anyone in both worlds for something needed since the very
beginning in every organized asynchronous situation.

As example, I do like the `{handleEvent:function(evt){}}` concept and used
that a lot without needing to bind anything because the context is always
the expected one (unless handleEvent has been bound differently, of course)
... in node I need to be careful that no extra listeners are added but the
amount of garbage created per each Emitter usage and bound objects is not
considered a problem? This is just weird, as weird is the decision that
since it's hard to make it right we rather prefer anarchy around the topic
per each slightly different, who knows why, behavior ...

node.js could have simply followed DOM logic passing Event or instanceof
Error as single argument, there is massive fragmentation there already but
here there was my attempt to bring more harmony around events.

node.js guys are OK with that, I can cope with that too, but having 2
different models without any win in both environment does not look like the
right approach to me.

Anyway, I started saying I was not even expecting people considering a
change ... so it's OK.

Best Regards

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Jeremy Martin wrote:

 Once again, this problem goes beyond simply polluting the prototype (which
 is enough of an issue by itself). The semantics for Emitters are somewhat
 of an 80/20 thing: 80% of all emitters need some common behavior, but the
 remaining 20% is custom.

 Going back to Node.js, for instance: everything would be great with
 `emitter.on(...)`, `emitter.once(...)`, ``,
 `emitter.emit(...)`, etc.

 But now we need `emitter.listeners(event)`, `emitter.setMaxListeners(n)`,
 etc.  So, we still end up with a custom EventEmitter that implements the
 additional node-specific stuff, but we have a new problem: how do we
 implement `emitter.listeners(event)`? Without an exposed
 `emitter._listeners` (or similar) mapping, we're hosed.  So do we
 monkey-patch the listener (de)registration methods? Yada yada, you get the

 The same problem exists with DOM events and most likely in any other
 non-trivial Emitter scenario.  As I see it, it simply isn't practical at
 this level.  The pollution issue goes far beyond 4 or 5 or even 10 new
 properties/methods if it's going to be robust enough to handle the
 already-common use cases, and if anything is missed developers will still
 be forced to sub-class it anyway (which is the only hassle that might've
 been worth avoiding in the first place).

 Alternatively, as Rick said, we could simply have:

 class Foo extends Emitter {}
 // or
 class Foo extends EventEmitter {}
 // or
 class Foo extends EddyEmitter {}
 // etc.

 This, IMO, is *far* more favorable and *far* less obtrusive (and already
 in the works).

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:


 these are already examples of an over-polluted prototype with methods
 nobody uses ... I thought 4 extra methods everyone is using same way except
 for Rick that honorees Tesla in this day would not hurt much but once
 again, my point is that it's really about the time to put some standard
 mechanism to deal with events in ES code.

 The fact Object.observe is already accepting a handler with an argument
 which is fired as an event smells to me ... I'd rather define upfront a
 common definition of handlers then propose any extra method based on them

 Best Regards

 On Wed, Jul 10, 

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 It gets created nowhere,

 This is right.

 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,

 And this is right.

 so the above code produces a Reference Error.

 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.

 Ah, do you mean this is a link time check?

 It isn't a regular early error situations because gvar could be a dynamically 
 added property on the global object.

 Not sure what your current semantics are, but I thought it was established a 
 long time ago that modules needed free references in order to deal with 
 global object properties.

No, that's not what I mean.  The semantics we've discussed multiple
times are that modules are compiled with respect to the global object
at compilation time, and free variables at that point (ie, compilation
time) are a static error.  This is implicit in the discussion here: (see the
global objects section) and explicit in some of the notes, I'm sure.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 inline ...

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't want any of this on my Object objects. Not all objects represent
 something that can or should emit/publish/trigger/broadcast.

 For example...

 class Light {
   constructor() {
 // initialize Light control instance
   on() {
 // send bits to turn Light on
   off() {
 // send bits to turn Light off

 tis works same way you can define toString during class definition ... so
 what happens, nothing unexpected.

This response completely dodges the point I've made and toString is a poor
comparison. toString is only one method and it's expected that a class (or
previously Constructor.prototype.toString) would define it's own toString
with an appropriate return value.

 boundTo methods that are actually useless now.

 I think you didn't understand what is boundTo ... completely a part from

No, I understood it just fine. I was just listing out every method listed
here but you snipped
the rest of the sentence, so now it's out of context.

 You can bind any method or function, borrowed or not, and only once, I
 don't see how you can do the same with current proposal in ES6

 genericObject.boundTo(genericMethod) returns always the same bound object.

 This is actually trivial enough as utility since chainability is not even
 an option.

 Post ES6 world makes creating emitter objects trivial—so why not a blessed
 standard lib module that can be imported and used to extend a class

 Because in  10 years I haven't seen such standard Emitter so it's about
 the time to agree on an event based mechanism, IMO, since we all talk about
 events in every asynchronous world.

What I'm saying is: let's agree to an Emitter and make it a standard
library module. ain't good for all cases but only for few of them. We all
 know how powerful are events.

  var obj = {
 on type1(){},
 on type2(){},
 on type3(){}

 This is the dark days of DOM element properties as event handlers:


 it's also more semantic than `node.addEventListener('load')` since you say
 and write and mean `node.on('load');`

What are you talking about? Look again at the example I'm commenting on and
explain to me how to register two different handlers for an event named
type1. Yes, addEventListener sucks. Yes, on(foo, handler) is great.

 What's less semantic is `.off()` if you want, but it works as counter part.

 And back to the light, I would rather use `switch(onOrOff) {}` as method

 Assigning to this paves over the previous assignment, leaving no way to
 have multiple handlers registered for the same event type.

 You are right, in that inline version this is correct.
 I didn't propose that indeed and you can use more than a handler without

Of course, I was referring to the syntactic form that Matthew proposed:

var obj = {
  on foo() {}

(this is still part of my point above, re: registering multiple handlers
for the same named event)

 I've also already written an `EventTarget` mixin object but in my case
 I'd use that via `Object.mixin(Object.prototype, EventTarget);` 'cause
 almost every object I use in my logic should be observed or should emit
 something to some other object.

 Standard lib approach (a la node) works today and tomorrow.

 it works in the meaning that in node you give for granted that basically
 every object is an EventEmitter.

 If there was a mechanism to have that simplified today I believe it would
 have been used.

It may not be simple by your definition (it isn't simple by mine), but
it's the most common practice...

var Emitter = require(events).EventEmitter;

function Foo() {;

Foo.prototype = Object.create(Emitter.prototype);
Foo.prototype.constructor = Foo;

Which corresponds to:

class Foo extends Emitter {
  constructor() {

Maybe I'm missing something in your argument here? If so, I apologize.

 Of course Dictionaries are out of the game but that's OK, as long as
 it's possible to promote them later on via `Object.setPrototypeOf(dict,

 I find the `Object.addEventListener(obj, type, handler)` approach
 very boring for the simple reason that it does not make sense to use
 chainability there, another de-facto thing when it comes to events.

 It's also (subjectively) hideous.


 // current eddy.js status
 var obj = {}
   .on(type1, handler1)
   .on(type2, handler2)
   .on(type3, handler3)

 That's great for your use case, but I would never want this by default.

 So are you willing to talk about that standard EventEmitter and put it in
 ASAP as native constructor every object could inherit from ?

I absolutely stand by 

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt

 No, that's not what I mean.  The semantics we've discussed multiple
 times are that modules are compiled with respect to the global object
 at compilation time, and free variables at that point (ie, compilation
 time) are a static error.  This is implicit in the discussion here: (see the
 global objects section) and explicit in some of the notes, I'm sure.

 Yes, that is what I remember. A case I no longer remember though: What if a
 property is deleted from the global object after the module is compiled?

This is still a dynamic error (a reference error, like Rick said),
which I'm not really happy about.  The only alternative I've thought
of is changing such properties to non-configurable at compilation time
of the module that references them.  But that's a weirdly non-local
effect, and is probably worse than the disease.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:


 these are already examples of an over-polluted prototype with methods
 nobody uses ... I thought 4 extra methods everyone is using same way except
 for Rick that honorees Tesla in this day would not hurt much but once
 again, my point is that it's really about the time to put some standard
 mechanism to deal with events in ES code.

 The fact Object.observe is already accepting a handler with an argument
 which is fired as an event smells to me ... I'd rather define upfront a
 common definition of handlers then propose any extra method based on them

But they're different things entirely. Object.observe is an implicit
invocation, observer pattern (some may accuse me of being redundant there,
I forgive them) that announces the relevant states and state changes in the
life of an object.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I absolutely stand by championing such a standard module.

then I stop here waiting for other opinions about championing an Emitter
mixin/module/constructor in core.

best regards
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object#extra hazard

2013-07-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I absolutely stand by championing such a standard module.

 then I stop here waiting for other opinions about championing an Emitter
 mixin/module/constructor in core.

 best regards

I feel like we've made progress

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 10, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron 
 It gets created nowhere,
 This is right.
 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,
 And this is right.
 so the above code produces a Reference Error.
 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.
 Ah, do you mean this is a link time check?
 It isn't a regular early error situations because gvar could be a 
 dynamically added property on the global object.
 Not sure what your current semantics are, but I thought it was established a 
 long time ago that modules needed free references in order to deal with 
 global object properties.
 No, that's not what I mean.  The semantics we've discussed multiple
 times are that modules are compiled with respect to the global object
 at compilation time, and free variables at that point (ie, compilation
 time) are a static error.  This is implicit in the discussion here: (see the
 global objects section) and explicit in some of the notes, I'm sure.

Hmm..has this been thought about in light of the decision to structure the 
global scope into to environment records (a object ER for the global object 
(and var/function declarations) and a declarative ER for let/consts, etc.)

Also, aren't free references (to globals) quite similar to imports that can't 
be satisfied at link time.   I can imagine that such free variables could be  
treated as implicit imports from the global scope and resolved at the same time 
and in a similar manner to explicit imports.  There is something that seems 
more satisfying about all linking errors occurring at the same time rather 
than some occurring as early errors and others occurring as linking errors. 

Finally, are there races between an async script block that define modules and 
subsequent html elements  with id attributes.  If such a module uses a free 
global reference to access the DOM node with the matching id won't the 
occurrence of the compile time error depend upon whether or not the the async 
script loader gets around to compiler the the script before the html parser 
gets to the element with the id?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [module] dynaimic namespace/scope

2013-07-10 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 10, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Rick Waldron 

 It gets created nowhere,

 This is right.

 because the body of a module is implicitly strict,

 And this is right.

 so the above code produces a Reference Error.

 But this is incorrect, because modules check that their bodies don't
 have free variables, so the above code has a _static_ error.

 Ah, do you mean this is a link time check?

 It isn't a regular early error situations because gvar could be a 
 dynamically added property on the global object.

 Not sure what your current semantics are, but I thought it was established 
 a long time ago that modules needed free references in order to deal with 
 global object properties.

 No, that's not what I mean.  The semantics we've discussed multiple
 times are that modules are compiled with respect to the global object
 at compilation time, and free variables at that point (ie, compilation
 time) are a static error.  This is implicit in the discussion here: (see the
 global objects section) and explicit in some of the notes, I'm sure.

 Hmm..has this been thought about in light of the decision to structure the 
 global scope into to environment records (a object ER for the global object 
 (and var/function declarations) and a declarative ER for let/consts, etc.)

Yes, we've thought about this.  I don't think it changes much, other
than to make the case Mark worried about less prevalent.

 Also, aren't free references (to globals) quite similar to imports that can't 
 be satisfied at link time.   I can imagine that such free variables could be  
 treated as implicit imports from the global scope and resolved at the same 
 time and in a similar manner to explicit imports.  There is something that 
 seems more satisfying about all linking errors occurring at the same time 
 rather than some occurring as early errors and others occurring as linking 

I believe that this may end up being a distinction without a
difference. When a module is compiled, the names it imports from other
modules must be present, or there's a static error.  There's no case
where a module is compiled-but-not-linked, and thus I don't think the
difference would be observable.

 Finally, are there races between an async script block that define modules 
 and subsequent html elements  with id attributes.  If such a module uses a 
 free global reference to access the DOM node with the matching id won't the 
 occurrence of the compile time error depend upon whether or not the the async 
 script loader gets around to compiler the the script before the html parser 
 gets to the element with the id?

There are certainly races here, just the way that:

script async

races with such dynamic DOM insertions.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Jul 10, 2013 3:49 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

 Jonas, DOM never throws DOMError. DOMErrors are used for other error
 mechanisms, such as callbacks. [1]

Indeed. But this is one of the things I'm trying to fix. It seems very
silly that the DOM defines two classes of error objects. Neither of which
are following the patterns used by ES.

/ Jonas

 The DOM spec does however throw DOMException objects [2]. These are
 instanceof Error (see WebIDL [3])

 var ex;
 try {
 } catch (e) {
   ex = e;
 assert(ex instanceof Error);
 assert(ex.contructor === DOMException);
 assert( === 'HierarchyRequestError');

 In Blink DOMException also have a stack property
 assert(stack in ex);


 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
  Woah, François, that seems pretty overcomplicated; why not replace
everything inside the constructor with `this.message = message`? It has the
same effect in the browsers I've seen. (Also don't forget
`SomeError.prototype.constructor = SomeError`.)
  Anyway, to Jonas's point: I think `DOMError` is actually pretty OK.
One thing I noticed is that the ES5 spec (and presumably ES6, although I
haven't checked) is careful to never throw simple `Error` objects, but
instead `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s or so on. I infer that they are
leaving bare `Error` for user cases. I think the platform should
generally follow this lead; that is, the DOM should leave bare `Error`s to
the user, and throw `DOMError`s or `TypeError`s or `RangeError`s for its
own errors.
  To answer your more general question, authors are strongly discouraged
from ever throwing anything that is not `instanceof Error`, see e.g.
Guillermo Rauch's [A String is not an Error]( Also, the
`name` property is generally the same across all instances of a particular
error type, i.e.
  ```js === === ===
  (You can verify this for all the built-in ES5 errors.) Usually a
`code` property is used for more specific information, from what I've seen.
But yes, that has to be added manually with a bit of awkwardness, i.e.
  const e = new DOMError(The message);
  e.code = TimeoutError;
  throw e;
  Note that
  (new DOMError) instanceof Error;
  returns false. So the DOM does do the strongly discouraged thing. Is
  this ok or bad?
  Also, the DOM does not create a new class for each different value of
  I.e. you can get a DOMError whose .name is NetworkError or
  AbortError. DOMError even has a constructor which allows setting
  .name to anything: new DOMError(name, message);
  In fact, there are no defined situations where the DOM creates
  DOMError objects whose .name is DOMError.
  Again, is this ok or is it bad practice?
  / Jonas
  es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Creating your own errors

2013-07-10 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
oh well ... I've missed the part when you guys decided that inherited
defaults are useless as properties ... :-/

as you said, inconvenient, and not only this case ... also good to know ^_^

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 On Jul 10, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 wrong at least two things for the non ES6 version

  1. `, message)` does not do what you think it should do
  2. `CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)` has a typo, you meant `

 In the ES6 version, I am not sure about constructors and classes, but name
 should be inherited or the console won't even look for it as own property
 so it should be

 class CustomError extends Error {
   name = 'CustomError'
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 only in case CustomError won't have already a `name` property as it is for
 ES3=ES5 constructors.

 You need to say:

 class CustomError extends Error {
   get name() {return 'CustomError'}

   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {

 or alternatively:

 class CustomError extends Error {
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 } = 'CustomError';

 This is one of the rare places where it is inconvenient that class
 declarations don't provide syntax for defining data properties on the

 Forbes class version should be fine if you don't mind each CustomError
 instance having an own 'name' data property.



 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Forbes Lindesay

 What's wrong with:


 throw new CustomError('message')

 function CustomError(message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {, message) = 'CustomError'
* add any custom error info here
 CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error)
 CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError

 In ES6 land this becomes:


 throw new CustomError('message')

 class CustomError extends Error {
   constructor (message /* accept any custom arguments here */) {
 super(message) = 'CustomError'

  * add any custom error info here

 Doesn't that seem like an obvious enough solution?
 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

[syntax] arrow function notation is too greedy

2013-07-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk
I see [1] that arrow function syntax got specification state.

The problem with this construction: it's the only feature in ES syntax
so far that
requires compiler to use full AST implementation at compilation phase.

Consider this:

var val1 = 1;
var val2 = 2;
var sum1 = (val1, val2) + 1; // integer
var sum2 = (val1, val2) = val1 + val2 ; // function
var sum3 = (val1, true) ; // true

As comma is a valid operator in ES than to generate code for the expression
(val1, val2) is only possible when next token past ')' is seen. That requires
as I said full blown AST analysis - list in '(' ')' parenthesis shall
be parsed and
stored. Only next token triggers how that list will be interpreted.

So far almost all other syntax features in ES can be parsed with
single token look ahead.
That makes possible quite fast source- bytecode translation schema that makes
great sense for the embeddable languages like ES.

Is that arrow syntax still debatable?

Asking because Ruby-ish syntax [2] is significantly better in this respect.

And in TIScript [3] I am using similar approach but with ':' symbol:

':' param-list ':' expresion
':' param-list '{' statement-list '}'

Example, descending sorting:

 arr.sort( :a,b: a - b );

Too late?


Andrew Fedoniouk.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [syntax] arrow function notation is too greedy

2013-07-10 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 10, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

 I see [1] that arrow function syntax got specification state.

so, you should probably look at the relevant parts of the draft specification 

 The problem with this construction: it's the only feature in ES syntax
 so far that

no, it also occurs between object literals and destructuring assignment object 

 requires compiler to use full AST implementation at compilation phase.

you don't necessarily have to built a full AST.  In some cases you will need to 
at least do multiple parses of the same text.

 Consider this:
 var val1 = 1;
 var val2 = 2;
 var sum1 = (val1, val2) + 1; // integer
 var sum2 = (val1, val2) = val1 + val2 ; // function
 var sum3 = (val1, true) ; // true
 As comma is a valid operator in ES than to generate code for the expression
 (val1, val2) is only possible when next token past ')' is seen. That requires
 as I said full blown AST analysis - list in '(' ')' parenthesis shall
 be parsed and
 stored. Only next token triggers how that list will be interpreted.
 So far almost all other syntax features in ES can be parsed with
 single token look ahead.
 That makes possible quite fast source- bytecode translation schema that makes
 great sense for the embeddable languages like ES.
 Is that arrow syntax still debatable?

No really.  This was known when the arrow syntax was choses.

 Asking because Ruby-ish syntax [2] is significantly better in this respect.
 And in TIScript [3] I am using similar approach but with ':' symbol:
 ':' param-list ':' expresion
 ':' param-list '{' statement-list '}'
 Example, descending sorting:
 arr.sort( :a,b: a - b );
 Too late?

Yes, but primarily in the sense that such issues were already considered.


 Andrew Fedoniouk.
 es-discuss mailing list

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