RE: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-14 Thread Luke Hoban

  Well, I think I understand what you're getting at: there's a sense in 
which generators don't add the ability to do something that's *absolutely 
impossible* to express in ES5.

  OTOH, generators make it possible to express something that otherwise -- 
in general -- requires a deep translation (in particular, a CPS transformation 
of the entire function). This is more than syntactic sugar. This is a new 
expressiveness that wasn't there before. The slope between 
Felleisen-expressiveness (is it possible to do X without a deep 
transformation?) and Turing-expressiveness (is it possible to do X at all?) 
is a slippery one.

  I don't want to quibble about philosophical pedantry, but that's really 
all I mean by my shyness about General Principles. They're strictly *harder* to 
decide on than the problem at hand. It's too easy to lose focus and waste time 
arguing abstractions. And then even when we agree on general principles, when 
we get into concrete situations it's too easy to start quibbling about exactly 
how to interpret and apply the principles for the problem at hand.

  I prefer to work out from the middle of the maze, learning and refining 
principles as I go, rather than trying to decide on them all up front.

Agreed.  The principle itself is not really the primary point.  But I do think 
there is a fairly crisp line that can be drawn at the level of any observable 
behaviour of an object that can be created with extended code can also be 
provided by an object created without using extended code.   Ultimately 
though, the goal is just to provide the most value to the most users.

  But it should not be necessary to have a callbacky version for builtin 
modules like @name -- the API should include a simple, synchronous way to 
test for the presence of modules in a loader. So it should be possible to do 
something like SystemLoader.getLoaded(@name).

That's good to hear.  I do hope we can ultimately make this API even simpler - 
both for convenient feature-detection and for authoring modular code in normal 
syntax.  require('@name') is a pleasantly simple primitive for modularity - 
while it may not be possible to be quite so terse in the API, I hope we 
can move in that direction.

(1) why is a child loader needed?

  Not needed, just the point of the example. Let me make the example more 

  You're writing an online code editor like CodeMirror or ACE, and you want 
to support the programmer running JS code from within the editor. So you want 
to run that code in a sandbox, so that it doesn't see the data structures that 
are implementing the IDE itself. So you create a child loader. Now, within that 
child loader, you might want the ability to construct some initial modules that 
make up the initial global environment that the user's code is running in. So 
you use buildModule to dynamically construct those modules.

  (2) any particular reason why the buildModule and registerModule are 

  Because you might want to build a single shared module instance that you 
register in multiple loaders. These are orthogonal primitives that can be 
composed. It may also make sense to have conveniences for common operations, 
layered on top of the primitives.

This use case makes sense.  Though generally the use of child loaders does feel 
like a 10% case for modules.  I'll be interested in discussing the 
conveniences for common operations here, once there are more details on the 
primitives to provide feedback on.

  (3) Would this allow declaring module dependencies for the new module?  
As one comparison, the require.js module definition syntax is simpler in terms 
of APIs, but also requires an extra closure due to module dependencies, which 
may also be needed in the model above:

  define(m, [], function() {
  return {
  x: 42,
  f: function() { ...  }

  I think the more straightforward approach is just to pre-load (and 
pre-register in the loader, if appropriate) whatever dependencies are needed.

I'm not sure I follow what this would look like.  Why would I need a new loader 
at all in this case?  I  think I just need to see some more examples to grok 
how this API is intended to be used.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-14 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 14, 2011, at 12:00 AM, Luke Hoban wrote:

 I don't want to quibble about philosophical pedantry, but that's really all I 
 mean by my shyness about General Principles. They're strictly *harder* to 
 decide on than the problem at hand. It's too easy to lose focus and waste 
 time arguing abstractions. And then even when we agree on general principles, 
 when we get into concrete situations it's too easy to start quibbling about 
 exactly how to interpret and apply the principles for the problem at hand.
 I prefer to work out from the middle of the maze, learning and refining 
 principles as I go, rather than trying to decide on them all up front.
 Agreed.  The principle itself is not really the primary point.  But I do 
 think there is a fairly crisp line that can be drawn at the level of “any 
 observable behaviour of an object that can be created with extended code can 
 also be provided by an object created without using extended code”.   
 Ultimately though, the goal is just to provide the most value to the most 

We could add some requirements to We already have this 
first bullet from Means:

 Minimize the additional semantic state needed beyond ES5.

Perhaps this should be an end in itself, but I don't think so -- not as stated. 
We serve the users, which may require new (minimized) semantic state, even if 
on the inside of the observable boundary (e.g., generators, yield).

To your point, if there are shared-heap-exposed new semantics that would 
surprise old script, that would be bad, but not strictly verboten in my view -- 
not the end of the world. We've had unusual host objects in various browsers 
(notably IE) for a long time.

But there's novel and then there is crazy.

Here's an example of crazy: were we to add call/cc to ES.something, an old 
script could lose its invariants by innocently calling a new function via the 
shared heap, where the new function captures the full continuation, returns to 
the event loop, and much later calls the continuation.

This is one reason we won't add call/cc (the other is that implementors would 
have to capture native activations, to preserve functional abstraction over 
self-hosted vs. embedding-native-code-hosted implementation, and that raises 
the bar, risking some defecting, harming interoperation).

If you want to propose some changes to please let me know. We 
could waste a lot of time on abstract principles, but any more concrete and 
crisp fixes or additions are welcome.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-12 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

 If so, it seems safe to consider generators as sugar for producing 
 objects whose visible behavior could have been built independently.  And 
 interoperation appears to work cleanly in both directions using these 
 You're talking about interoperation in the old script calls new generator 
 sense. That's using generators from old script, *not* implementing them 
 using imperative API *in old script*.
 I’m actually interested in both directions of interoperation.  For example, 
 future-jQuery might want to expose objects that are iterable and can be 
 consumed in generators when used in ES6 syntax, but without itself opting 
 into ES6.  It could presumably do so by implementing the required state 
 machines by hand and exposing next/send/throw/close.

Implementing a structural or duck-typed protocol such as the iteration 
protocol, or the generator interface, with legacy (I kid!) JS, meaning no new 
syntax, is absolutely part of the design. We've supported that since JS1.7 

That's not the same as somehow getting an API callable from old script, let's 
call it doYield(e), that captures the shallow continuation and returns e to the 
sender or .next caller. Yet such an API is what the Principle, with full 
capital P if not all-caps, implies. That's where I draw the line.


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Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-12 Thread David Herman
 My understanding of generators was naively that they are syntactic sugar for 
 defining an iterator.

Well, I think I understand what you're getting at: there's a sense in which 
generators don't add the ability to do something that's *absolutely impossible* 
to express in ES5.

OTOH, generators make it possible to express something that otherwise -- in 
general -- requires a deep translation (in particular, a CPS transformation of 
the entire function). This is more than syntactic sugar. This is a new 
expressiveness that wasn't there before. The slope between 
Felleisen-expressiveness (is it possible to do X without a deep 
transformation?) and Turing-expressiveness (is it possible to do X at all?) 
is a slippery one.

I don't want to quibble about philosophical pedantry, but that's really all I 
mean by my shyness about General Principles. They're strictly *harder* to 
decide on than the problem at hand. It's too easy to lose focus and waste time 
arguing abstractions. And then even when we agree on general principles, when 
we get into concrete situations it's too easy to start quibbling about exactly 
how to interpret and apply the principles for the problem at hand.

I prefer to work out from the middle of the maze, learning and refining 
principles as I go, rather than trying to decide on them all up front.

 Re-reading the generators proposal, I was concerned at first that somehow the 
 semantics of the syntactic desugaring might be taking dependencies on the 
 internal properties of the generator objects when consumed in a generator, 
 such as in a “yield* other”.  However, it looks like even there, the 
 semantics are in terms of the public API on the object, so that a user 
 defined object that provides next/send/throw/close can correctly 

Yup, nothing to worry about there. Fear not the yield*.

 I haven’t yet been able to intuit from the module_loaders page what is needed 
 to accomplish each of the above though.  For example, if it is the case that 
 loading the “@name” module required putting all my code in a callback passed 
 to SystemLoader.load, that feels like it might be too heavy.  Do you have 
 examples of what each of these would look like given the current proposal?

I need to have another go 'round at the module loaders API, and I will get 
there before too long. Sorry about that.

But it should not be necessary to have a callbacky version for builtin modules 
like @name -- the API should include a simple, synchronous way to test for 
the presence of modules in a loader. So it should be possible to do something 
like SystemLoader.getLoaded(@name).

 (1) why is a child loader needed?

Not needed, just the point of the example. Let me make the example more 

You're writing an online code editor like CodeMirror or ACE, and you want to 
support the programmer running JS code from within the editor. So you want to 
run that code in a sandbox, so that it doesn't see the data structures that are 
implementing the IDE itself. So you create a child loader. Now, within that 
child loader, you might want the ability to construct some initial modules that 
make up the initial global environment that the user's code is running in. So 
you use buildModule to dynamically construct those modules.

 (2) any particular reason why the buildModule and registerModule are 

Because you might want to build a single shared module instance that you 
register in multiple loaders. These are orthogonal primitives that can be 
composed. It may also make sense to have conveniences for common operations, 
layered on top of the primitives.

 (3) Would this allow declaring module dependencies for the new module?  As 
 one comparison, the require.js module definition syntax is simpler in terms 
 of APIs, but also requires an extra closure due to module dependencies, which 
 may also be needed in the model above:
 define(m, [], function() {
 return {
 x: 42,
 f: function() { …  }

I think the more straightforward approach is just to pre-load (and pre-register 
in the loader, if appropriate) whatever dependencies are needed.

 ASIDE: It still feels a bit odd to see ES5 syntax running on runtime 
 referred to as ‘legacy’.

No pejorative overtones intended. We just don't yet have any decent terminology 
for distinguishing the full front end from the backwards-compatible one.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-12 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 12, 2011, at 11:28 AM, David Herman wrote:

 No pejorative overtones intended. We just don't yet have any decent 
 terminology for distinguishing the full front end from the 
 backwards-compatible one.

In the working draft of the specification I'm using extended code to mean the 
extended language constructors that will require opt-in access.  I also 
redefine strict code to encompass both ES5 strict mode mode and extended code.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-11 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 10, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:02 PM, David Herman wrote:
 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on 
 instances of SubArray.
 All of them.  They are all generic.
 We're speaking too broadly here. It depends on what we want to work how. 
 For example, .map can't magically know how to produce a SubArray as its 
 result if that's how SubArray wants it to work.
 This is the real concern, I believe. The Array methods (all generic in that 
 they take array-like |this| -- at least one is Array-specific in argument 
 handling: concat) that return a new array always make an instance of Array.

This is something that is one my list to cleanup as part of my [[Class]] reform 

 Alex Russell brought up the idea of extending these array-producing methods 
 to call a user-defined constructor. We discussed doing it by reflecting on 
 this.constructor, but that is not a compatible change: people today call intending to get an Array instance 
 whose elements come from the arguments object. It would be wrong to change 
 this code to return a new Object, but that's what reflecting on 
 this.constructor would do, because:

My thinking was to make allow to have such methods look for a specific instance 
property (Smalltalk called its species, but we might want to use a private 
name) whose value is the constructor to use to create the private name.

The default value of the property would be Array.  Same if it was missing.  For 

const augmentedArrayProto = {
   species: AugmentedArray,
function AugmentedArray (...args) {
   return augmentedArrayProto | [...args]

The main problem with this approach is that the developer has to explicitly 
decide to do so.  However, if isn't clear that there is an automatic scheme 
that would preserve backwards compat.  Also, if you actually are create a new 
kind of Array-like collection this is probably something you do want to think 
about as you don't necessarily always want to produce the same kind of 
collection as the this value.

 js function f(){return arguments.constructor}
 js f()
 function Object() {[native code]}
 So we have two choices:
 1. Duplicate the array methods with new twins mutated to reflect on 
 this.constructor -- this is ugly and bloaty, even if we can segregate the 
 methods so as to avoid mangling the twins' names.

I've considered providing an Array.extensiblePrototype object that would be a 
better [[Prototype]] than Array.prototype for new collections. However, I 
always concluded that it would just create confusion.  It would be better to 
take the species approach which is a target solution to a specific problem.

 2. Add a new protocol, perhaps enabled by setting a well-known private name 
 object (i.e., a unique public name), denoted it kResultConstructor, so that 
 the methods can detect something like this[kResultConstructor].
see above
 (2) adds a bit of runtime cost to the methods, which are not super-optimized 
 in many way in today's engines. Not sure that hurts it much, compared to (1).

Except for very small collections, this extra indirection should be a small 
overhead compared to the actual cost of processing the collection.

 Do modules help us make a better, less bloaty form of (1)?
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-11 Thread Luke Hoban

 I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I'd go further on (2), and 
 say Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done 
 imperatively, using ES5 syntax.

  Like most principles, I think these are reasonable to keep in mind but 
not absolute. In particular, I see no sensible way to claim that generators can 
be done imperatively in the old language.

My understanding of generators was naively that they are syntactic sugar for 
defining an iterator.  From that perspective, iterators are the interoperable 
runtime mechanism that needs to be available in ES5 syntax, and being just 
duck-typed objects with next(), this appears to be okay.

Re-reading the generators proposal, I was concerned at first that somehow the 
semantics of the syntactic desugaring might be taking dependencies on the 
internal properties of the generator objects when consumed in a generator, such 
as in a yield* other.  However, it looks like even there, the semantics are 
in terms of the public API on the object, so that a user defined object that 
provides next/send/throw/close can correctly interoperate.

So I was wrong about iterators being the general interoperable runtime 
mechanism, but next/send/throw/close objects appear to be fully iterable and 
consumable in generators.   Is that right?  If so, it seems safe to consider 
generators as sugar for producing objects whose visible behavior could have 
been built independently.  And interoperation appears to work cleanly in both 
directions using these objects.

   I hope, and believe, there are actually not very many new runtime 
capabilities being added in that don't already have proposed libraries. 
 I do think there will need to be some rationalization of the goal to use 
built-in modules with the reality of ES5-syntax consumers of these libraries.  
I'm not sure whether module loaders currently provide a way to do this that 
would feel accessible.

   I agree, but I think this could be done with a minimum of global 
namespace pollution. For example, let's say we only make the Harmony 
SystemLoader available to legacy code. That would be enough for ES5 code to:
  - get access to new standard Harmony modules, such as @name
  - get access to a Harmony evaluator via SystemLoader.eval
  - get access to user-created Harmony modules
  And it wouldn't require overloading the Object constructor -- from here 
until eternity -- with a bunch of short-term backwards-compatibility cruft.

I generally like the idea of this.  It may indeed be able to provide convenient 
and object-detectable ES5 access to new library/runtime functionality.  
Reducing the global namespace pollution is certainly a good goal.  This would 
require that the syntax for loading these standard modules from ES5 is simple 
and can be implemented efficiently.  I haven't yet been able to intuit from the 
module_loaders page what is needed to accomplish each of the above though.  For 
example, if it is the case that loading the @name module required putting all 
my code in a callback passed to SystemLoader.load, that feels like it might be 
too heavy.  Do you have examples of what each of these would look like given 
the current proposal?

   But still, I agree with Allen that we should strive where possible to 
shoot for the goal of making dynamic/reflective analogs of static constructs. 
For example, Luke has mentioned that he'd like an ability to dynamically 
construct module instance objects. I think this is a good goal. But not so much 
for legacy code to have access to it, as for the ability for meta-level code to 
dynamically interact with base-level code. For example (using totally made-up 
API's, please don't bikeshed the names):
  childLoader = parentLoader.create();
  childLoader.registerModule(m, childLoader.buildModule({
  x: 42,
  f: function() { ... }

Great - agreed that this is a really valuable addition to module_loaders.  A 
few questions on the example: (1) why is a child loader needed? (2) any 
particular reason why the buildModule and registerModule are separated?  (3) 
Would this allow declaring module dependencies for the new module?  As one 
comparison, the require.js module definition syntax is simpler in terms of 
APIs, but also requires an extra closure due to module dependencies, which may 
also be needed in the model above:

define(m, [], function() {
return {
x: 42,
f: function() { ...  }

ASIDE: It still feels a bit odd to see ES5 syntax running on runtime 
referred to as 'legacy'.  For one thing, it doesn't even exist yet!  But there 
will be an enormous userbase in this situation beginning in a few years, and 
probably for many years to come.  Opting into ES6 syntax requires opting into 
at least strict mode breaking changes and a new script tag.  In contrast, every 
piece of existing JavaScript code on the web 

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-11 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:00 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

 So I was wrong about iterators being the general interoperable runtime 
 mechanism, but next/send/throw/close objects appear to be fully iterable and 
 consumable in generators.  Is that right?

That's right, there is no nominal type test.

 If so, it seems safe to consider generators as sugar for producing objects 
 whose visible behavior could have been built independently.  And 
 interoperation appears to work cleanly in both directions using these objects.

You're talking about interoperation in the old script calls new generator 
sense. That's using generators from old script, *not* implementing them using 
imperative API *in old script*.

The contested principle is Anything that can be done declaratively can also be 
done imperatively, using ES5 syntax.

You can't write a yield expression using an imperative API. Yielding is 
something that can be done (whether declaratively or by expression syntax, 
let's not quibble). So the principle overreaches.

As for someone using legacy to describe ES5-ish JS (JS of today), don't take 
it to heart. JS is JS, the new version is just that. We survived ES1/2 to ES3. 
We'll survive the next turn.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-11 Thread Luke Hoban
If so, it seems safe to consider generators as sugar for producing objects 
whose visible behavior could have been built independently.  And 
interoperation appears to work cleanly in both directions using these 

You're talking about interoperation in the old script calls new generator 
sense. That's using generators from old script, *not* implementing them using 
imperative API *in old script*.

I'm actually interested in both directions of interoperation.  For example, 
future-jQuery might want to expose objects that are iterable and can be 
consumed in generators when used in ES6 syntax, but without itself opting into 
ES6.  It could presumably do so by implementing the required state machines by 
hand and exposing next/send/throw/close.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-10 Thread David Herman
 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on 
 instances of SubArray.
 All of them.  They are all generic.

We're speaking too broadly here. It depends on what we want to work how. For 
example, .map can't magically know how to produce a SubArray as its result if 
that's how SubArray wants it to work. But what I'm actually more concerned 
about is the behavior of .length. Does the | semantics make .length work 
automagically the way it does for ordinary Array instances?

 However, subarray instances have all the internal state and methods that make 
 them true arrays so even if some of the inherited Array methods weren't 
 generic they would still work.

Including .length (which isn't a method, but YKWIM)?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-10 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:02 PM, David Herman wrote:

 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on 
 instances of SubArray.
 All of them.  They are all generic.
 We're speaking too broadly here. It depends on what we want to work how. For 
 example, .map can't magically know how to produce a SubArray as its result if 
 that's how SubArray wants it to work. But what I'm actually more concerned 
 about is the behavior of .length. Does the | semantics make .length work 
 automagically the way it does for ordinary Array instances?

Of course, since the thing on the right of | is a newly minted Array which has 
its own length.

There's no issue here -- are you thinking of the other case (which I showed), 
Object.create([])? That's where length doesn't inherit.

 However, subarray instances have all the internal state and methods that 
 make them true arrays so even if some of the inherited Array methods weren't 
 generic they would still work.
 Including .length (which isn't a method, but YKWIM)?

The | operator sets [[Prototype]] in the newborn-because-literally-expressions 
right operand, to the value of the left operand. So (proto | [1,2,3]) is an 
Array instance, no mystery or inheritance of Arrayness required. The trick as 
your SubArray example showed is not to lose the Array.prototype heritage -- 
proto ought to have Array.prototype on its proto-chain.

'length' is own in each Array instance, maintained by [[Put]] in ES1-3, 
[[DefineOwnProperty]] in ES5.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-10 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:02 PM, David Herman wrote:
 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on 
 instances of SubArray.
 All of them.  They are all generic.
 We're speaking too broadly here. It depends on what we want to work how. For 
 example, .map can't magically know how to produce a SubArray as its result 
 if that's how SubArray wants it to work.

This is the real concern, I believe. The Array methods (all generic in that 
they take array-like |this| -- at least one is Array-specific in argument 
handling: concat) that return a new array always make an instance of Array.

Alex Russell brought up the idea of extending these array-producing methods to 
call a user-defined constructor. We discussed doing it by reflecting on 
this.constructor, but that is not a compatible change: people today call intending to get an Array instance whose 
elements come from the arguments object. It would be wrong to change this code 
to return a new Object, but that's what reflecting on this.constructor would 
do, because:

js function f(){return arguments.constructor}
js f()
function Object() {[native code]}

So we have two choices:

1. Duplicate the array methods with new twins mutated to reflect on 
this.constructor -- this is ugly and bloaty, even if we can segregate the 
methods so as to avoid mangling the twins' names.

2. Add a new protocol, perhaps enabled by setting a well-known private name 
object (i.e., a unique public name), denoted it kResultConstructor, so that the 
methods can detect something like this[kResultConstructor].

(2) adds a bit of runtime cost to the methods, which are not super-optimized in 
many way in today's engines. Not sure that hurts it much, compared to (1). Do 
modules help us make a better, less bloaty form of (1)?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Brendan Eich wrote on the thread using Private 
 name objects for declarative property definition. :
 But whatever the class syntax, and the disposition of private in class and 
 even classes in, I agree we should expect private declarative and 
 expression forms to work the same in object initialisers and in classes.
 It would be good to get everyone buying into this 
 private-means-property-with-private-name-key-everywhere agreement.
 I wanted to generalize this a bit.  In designing classes and other new ES 
 abstractions there are a couple design principles that I think it is 
 important that we follow:
 1) Everything works with plain objects.
 Objects (and functions) are the primitive abstraction mechanisms of ES.
 Any new functionality we add must be applicable and available to plain 
 vanilla singleton objects.
 Anti-example:  super keyword that is only available in a class declaration
 Acceptable solution: super keyword is available for both class declaration 
 and object literals.
 2) Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively.
 Imperative/reflective object construction is a power feature of ES that has 
 been widely exploited by everyday developers as well as  metaprogrammers.
 Any new object capabilities that we make available via declarative  
 constructs must also be available via an imperative API.
 Anti-example: functions definitions using super keyword may only occur within 
 an object literal or class declaration.
 Acceptable solution: Object.defineMethod can be used to bind an externally 
 defined function that uses the super keyword to a specific object.
 I don't expect that anybody will significantly disagree with either of these 
 principles.  But I think it is good to explicitly articulate them and make 
 sure we have agreement one them. Sometimes we spend a lot of time discussing 
 an idea that doesn't or can't conform to these principles.


Note that generators as we've prototyped them have the same 
imperative/reflective constructor as functions: Function. You just use yield 
in the body string. In working on generators for standardization, we proposed 
requiring * after function at the head to distinguish (for readers) 
generator functions from non-generator functions, since yield in the body is 
sometimes far removed from the start of the function.

But the stronger reason for function* as mandator generator syntax introducer 
came when we considered yield* (yield from in Python's PEP380): the utility 
of a zero-iterations basis case for a sub-generator. As Dave noted, otherwise 
you'd have to write function* () {if (false) yield;} or some such.

Does this mean we need a distinguished generator function constructor, e.g. 
Function.createGenerator? Probably so, for the stronger (zero-iterations, empty 
generator basis case) and for symmetry. Not a big deal but something to 

In any case, I like the generalizations you make here.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 3:59 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 But the stronger reason for function* as mandator

mandatory of course (need new keyboard).

 generator syntax introducer came when we considered yield* (yield from in 
 Python's PEP380): the utility of a zero-iterations basis case for a 
 sub-generator. As Dave noted, otherwise you'd have to write function* () {if 
 (false) yield;} or some such.

function () {if (false) yield;} of course -- the hypothesis there assumes no 
* after function, in which case you must write a dead yield to make the 
function be a generator in the first place.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Luke Hoban
I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I'd go further on (2), and say 
Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively, using 
ES5 syntax. will have two syntaxes running on a single runtime, 
sharing objects across a shared heap.  I think we should ensure that all 
relevant semantics of are pushed down into the shared runtime, and 
exposed through libraries available to both syntaxes, to ensure full 
interoperability between the two.

The one additional place I know of in existing proposals where I 
believe this principle is not yet met is the ability to define a module from 
ES5 syntax, and consume it from syntax.  Inline with these principles, 
I expect the module loader API should offer a way to imperatively define a 
module that can be later loaded using module loader APIs.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Allen Wirfs-Brock
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions


I wanted to generalize this a bit.  In designing classes and other new ES 
abstractions there are a couple design principles that I think it is important 
that we follow:

1) Everything works with plain objects.

Objects (and functions) are the primitive abstraction mechanisms of ES.
Any new functionality we add must be applicable and available to plain vanilla 
singleton objects.
Anti-example:  super keyword that is only available in a class declaration
Acceptable solution: super keyword is available for both class declaration and 
object literals.

2) Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively.

Imperative/reflective object construction is a power feature of ES that has 
been widely exploited by everyday developers as well as  metaprogrammers.
Any new object capabilities that we make available via declarative  constructs 
must also be available via an imperative API.
Anti-example: functions definitions using super keyword may only occur within 
an object literal or class declaration.
Acceptable solution: Object.defineMethod can be used to bind an externally 
defined function that uses the super keyword to a specific object.

I don't expect that anybody will significantly disagree with either of these 
principles.  But I think it is good to explicitly articulate them and make sure 
we have agreement one them. Sometimes we spend a lot of time discussing an idea 
that doesn't or can't conform to these principles.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

 I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I’d go further on (2), and say 
 “Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively, using 
 ES5 syntax”.

The problem here is that some new syntax cannot be faked with old syntax, 
namely function calls, without quoting code in strings. This is not usable.

A second problem is that adding API functions means injecting more names into 
some extant object, probably not the global object. Must all new APIs be 
Object.createPrivateName and only that? We have already accepted proposals that 
use built-in modules instead, so that there is no name pollution. will have two syntaxes running on a single runtime, sharing objects 
 across a shared heap.

The shared heap imposes some requirements on us, including that old code 
operating using old syntax with known semantics on a new object must not behave 
badly (details vary).

But this does *not* require that all new features, especially those requiring 
new syntax to be *usable*, must have old, string-based, name-pollusting API 


es-discuss mailing list

RE: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Luke Hoban
 I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I'd go further on (2), and 
 say Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done 
 imperatively, using ES5 syntax.

The problem here is that some new syntax cannot be faked with old syntax, 
namely function calls, without quoting code in strings. This is not usable.

I think it's fine for the imperative solution to be less usable.  That's the 
value-add of opting-in to the syntax.  And of course some (most) new 
syntax is just syntax, and the ultimate objects it creates are ones that could 
have been created using some more complex path.  Those don't need any library 

When Allen mentioned imperatively, I assumed he meant with a library.  I'm 
not actually sure what other interpretation there would be.   So I sort of 
expected that clarification to using ES5 syntax to be a no-op, though I 
expect it is practically quite important.

A second problem is that adding API functions means injecting more names into 
some extant object, probably not the global object. Must all new APIs be 
Object.createPrivateName and only that? We have already accepted proposals 
that use built-in modules instead, so that there is no name pollution.

I hope, and believe, there are actually not very many new runtime capabilities 
being added in that don't already have proposed libraries.  I do think 
there will need to be some rationalization of the goal to use built-in modules 
with the reality of ES5-syntax consumers of these libraries.  I'm not sure 
whether module loaders currently provide a way to do this that would feel 
accessible. will have two syntaxes running on a single runtime, sharing 
 objects across a shared heap.

The shared heap imposes some requirements on us, including that old code 
operating using old syntax with known semantics on a new object must not 
behave badly (details vary). But this does *not* require that all new 
features, especially those requiring new syntax to be *usable*, must have 
old, string-based, name-pollusting API functions.

I agree, the shared heap requirement by itself does not impose this.  But I 
believe the design principle Allen outlined should lead us to this anyway, and 
the value we'll offer to the many millions of existing 'text/javascript' 
developers through object-detectable runtime capability additions is a nice 
bonus :).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

  I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I’d go further on (2), and 
  say “Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done 
  imperatively, using ES5 syntax”.
 The problem here is that some new syntax cannot be faked with old syntax, 
 namely function calls, without quoting code in strings. This is not usable.
 I think it’s fine for the imperative solution to be less usable.  That’s the 
 value-add of opting-in to the syntax.  And of course some (most) new 
 syntax is just syntax, and the ultimate objects it creates are ones that 
 could have been created using some more complex path.  Those don’t need any 
 library support.  
 When Allen mentioned “imperatively”, I assumed he meant “with a library”.  
 I’m not actually sure what other interpretation there would be.   So I sort 
 of expected that clarification to “using ES5 syntax” to be a no-op, though I 
 expect it is practically quite important.

Mostly, although
 obj[foo] = blah;
is also an imperative way to define a property. 

Also note that my intent was to restricted both principles to matters directly 
relating to objects even though I didn't explicitly mention objects in naming 
the 2nd principle.  There are many things  in (and ES5, for that 
matter) that can be done declaratively WRT constructing closures that has no 
API based alternative (other than eval, which I choose not to count).  There is 
probably an argument to be made for accomplishing the somethings via reflective 
APIs.  However, given that there is no history of that in ES I don't think we 
need to make it a requirement.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

  I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I’d go further on (2), and 
  say “Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done 
  imperatively, using ES5 syntax”.
 The problem here is that some new syntax cannot be faked with old syntax, 
 namely function calls, without quoting code in strings. This is not usable.
 I think it’s fine for the imperative solution to be less usable.

I think we need to agree that eval does not count, as Allen just wrote.

That is, if you'd be happy if old script could call, e..g


then we're done.

   That’s the value-add of opting-in to the syntax.  And of course 
 some (most) new syntax is just syntax, and the ultimate objects it creates 
 are ones that could have been created using some more complex path.  Those 
 don’t need any library support.  

If eval does count, we're done.

If eval doesn't count, then how pray tell does old code create a generator? Not 
by building an interpreter in JS.

 When Allen mentioned “imperatively”, I assumed he meant “with a library”.  
 I’m not actually sure what other interpretation there would be.   So I sort 
 of expected that clarification to “using ES5 syntax” to be a no-op, though I 
 expect it is practically quite important.

The issue is not with a library, it is whether the only new APIs in 
must be Object.uglyNameGoesHere, with string arguments for anything that can't 
be expressed in the old syntax (like yield in a generator).

If we have built-in modules in, we shouldn't have duplicate 
Object.mumble APIs for them as well (Object is one of those shared-heap objects 
common to old and new scripts loaded against the same global with the default 
module loader).

 A second problem is that adding API functions means injecting more names 
 into some extant object, probably not the global object. Must all new APIs 
 be Object.createPrivateName and only that? We have already 
 acceptedproposals that use built-in modules instead, so that there is no 
 name pollution.
 I hope, and believe, there are actually not very many new runtime 
 capabilities being added in that don’t already have proposed 
 libraries.  I do think there will need to be some rationalization of the goal 
 to use built-in modules with the reality of ES5-syntax consumers of these 
 libraries.  I’m not sure whether module loaders currently provide a way to do 
 this that would feel accessible.

That's a good point. If we expose just one property, say


then by my reading of the module loaders proposal, ES5 code can do whatever it 
wants with built-in and other new modules.

Would this be enough for what you're after?

 The shared heap imposes some requirements on us, including that old code 
 operating using old syntax with known semantics on a new object must not 
 behave badly (details vary). But this does *not* require that all new 
 features, especially those requiring new syntax to be *usable*, must have 
 old, string-based, name-pollusting API functions.
 I agree, the shared heap requirement by itself does not impose this.  But I 
 believe the design principle Allen outlined should lead us to this anyway, 
 and the value we’ll offer to the many millions of existing ‘text/javascript’ 
 developers through object-detectable runtime capability additions is a nice 
 bonus J.

Arguing about Principles as if they were ironclad law is a good timekiller, 
over which TC39 will fall out of Harmony quickly if we do make the mistake of 
killing too much time.

We need use-cases as well as abstractions like capital-P Principles. We need 
Aristotle as well as Plato 
( And we 
need some good taste and judgment in knowing when to ease off on the 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 2) Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively.

What's the imperative API for | (which has the syntactic property that it 
operators on newborns on the right, and cannot mutate the [[Prototype]] of an 
object that was already created and perhaps used with its original 
[[Prototype]] chain)?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread David Herman
I think I still haven't fully grokked what | means on array literals, but 
could it also be used to subclass Array? For example:

function SubArray() {
return SubArray.prototype | [];

SubArray.prototype = new Array;

I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on instances 
of SubArray.


On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:48 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Jul 8, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 2) Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done imperatively.
 What's the imperative API for | (which has the syntactic property that it 
 operators on newborns on the right, and cannot mutate the [[Prototype]] of 
 an object that was already created and perhaps used with its original 
 [[Prototype]] chain)?
 Fair point and one I was already thinking about :-)
 For regular objects, it is Object.create.
 For special built-in object with literal forms, I've previously argument that 
  | can be used to implement an imperative API:
 Array.create = function (proto,members) {
 let obj = proto | {};
  return obj;
 Basically, | is sorta half imperative operator, half declaration component.
 This may be good enough.  It would be nice it it was and we didn't have to 
 have additional procedural APIs for constructing instances of the built-ins.  
 Somebody has already pointed out | won't work for built-in Date objects 
 because they lack a literal form. I think the best solution for that is to 
 actually reify access to a Date object's timevalue by making it a private 
 named property.   BTW, way did ES1(?) worry about allowing for alternative 
 internal timevalue representations?  If in really there really any perf 
 issues that involve whether or not the timevalue is represented as a double 
 or something else?
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:48 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 What's the imperative API for | (which has the syntactic property that it 
 operators on newborns on the right, and cannot mutate the [[Prototype]] of 
 an object that was already created and perhaps used with its original 
 [[Prototype]] chain)?
 Fair point and one I was already thinking about :-)
 For regular objects, it is Object.create.
 For special built-in object with literal forms, I've previously argument that 
  | can be used to implement an imperative API:
 Array.create = function (proto,members) {
 let obj = proto | {};
  return obj;

And likewise for Function.create and RegExp.create. Boolean, Number, String, 
and Date get nothing :-P.

We have a somewhat-troubled proposal in Harmony to make Function.create an 
alternative Function constructor that takes a leading name parameter, and then 
parameters and body string parameters. But perhaps that could be renamed 

 Basically, | is sorta half imperative operator, half declaration component.
 This may be good enough.  It would be nice it it was and we didn't have to 
 have additional procedural APIs for constructing instances of the built-ins.  
 Somebody has already pointed out | won't work for built-in Date objects 
 because they lack a literal form. I think the best solution for that is to 
 actually reify access to a Date object's timevalue by making it a private 
 named property.

That is an old idea I've brought up from time to time. If that private name 
were exported, you could even make useful Date subclasses (rather than Date 
instances that have extended proto chains).

   BTW, way did ES1(?) worry about allowing for alternative internal timevalue 
 representations?  If in really there really any perf issues that involve 
 whether or not the timevalue is represented as a double or something else?

The extrapolated Gregorian calendar's range in milliseconds was chosen 
carefully to fit in an IEEE 754 double without loss of precision.

Real implementations decode the double into commonly-accessed fields that would 
have to track any updates to the milliseconds since (negative for before) the 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:53 PM, David Herman wrote:

 I think I still haven't fully grokked what | means on array literals, but 
 could it also be used to subclass Array? For example:
 function SubArray() {
 return SubArray.prototype | [];
 SubArray.prototype = new Array;
 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on instances 
 of SubArray.

Instances of SubArray must mean (new SubArray) results, but those are indeed 
true Array instances. They simply have a prototype chain that has been extended:

a = SubArray(); // or new SubArray

Object.getPrototypeOf(a) - SubArray.prototype (which is an Array)
Object.getPrototypeOf(SubArray.prototype) - Array.prototype
and Array.prototype of course delegates to Object.prototype

This allows new methods to be added to SubArray.prototype.

Sometimes people try to make a new Array instance be the prototype of some 
other object:

js var o = Object.create([])
js o[2] = 0
js o.length
js o[1] = 1
js o[0] = 2
js o.toString()

js o.slice(0,1)
js o.length = 3
js o.slice(0,1) 
js o.sort(function(a,b){return a-b}).toString()
js o.reverse().toString()

Note the lack of automagic length maintenance in this case. I think this is all 
per ES5.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock
On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:53 PM, David Herman wrote:

 I think I still haven't fully grokked what | means on array literals, but 
 could it also be used to subclass Array? For example:

yes, it creates a new object that is an array instance ([[Class]]=='Array', 
support the length constraints, etc.) that has LHS of | as its [[Prototype]] 
(BTW, in my initial working draft for the ES6 spec. I have already purged 
[[Class]] from the specification)

 function SubArray() {
 return SubArray.prototype | [];
 SubArray.prototype = new Array;
 I'm not sure what Array.prototype methods would or wouldn't work on instances 
 of SubArray.

All of them.  They are all generic.  However, subarray instances have all the 
internal state and methods that make them true arrays so even if some of the 
inherited Array methods weren't generic they would still work.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jul 8, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:48 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 On Jul 8, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 What's the imperative API for | (which has the syntactic property that it 
 operators on newborns on the right, and cannot mutate the [[Prototype]] of 
 an object that was already created and perhaps used with its original 
 [[Prototype]] chain)?
 Fair point and one I was already thinking about :-)
 For regular objects, it is Object.create.
 For special built-in object with literal forms, I've previously argument 
 that  | can be used to implement an imperative API:
 Array.create = function (proto,members) {
let obj = proto | {};
 return obj;
 And likewise for Function.create and RegExp.create. Boolean, Number, String, 
 and Date get nothing :-P.

Actually in the | proposal I define it to work with boolean, number, and 
string literals on the LHS.  Sorta useless but I included them so the complete 
set of literals was covered.  So it really is only Date that didn't get invited 
to the party.
 We have a somewhat-troubled proposal in Harmony to make Function.create an 
 alternative Function constructor that takes a leading name parameter, and 
 then parameters and body string parameters. But perhaps that could be renamed 

I think that create methods on Constructors should generally follow the 
argument pattern of Object.create.  Things that don't should get a different 

 Basically, | is sorta half imperative operator, half declaration component.
 This may be good enough.  It would be nice it it was and we didn't have to 
 have additional procedural APIs for constructing instances of the built-ins. 
  Somebody has already pointed out | won't work for built-in Date objects 
 because they lack a literal form. I think the best solution for that is to 
 actually reify access to a Date object's timevalue by making it a private 
 named property.
 That is an old idea I've brought up from time to time. If that private name 
 were exported, you could even make useful Date subclasses (rather than Date 
 instances that have extended proto chains).
  BTW, way did ES1(?) worry about allowing for alternative internal timevalue 
 representations?  If in really there really any perf issues that involve 
 whether or not the timevalue is represented as a double or something else?
 The extrapolated Gregorian calendar's range in milliseconds was chosen 
 carefully to fit in an IEEE 754 double without loss of precision.
 Real implementations decode the double into commonly-accessed fields that 
 would have to track any updates to the milliseconds since (negative for 
 before) the epoch.

Seems like this could be an invisible implementation detail.  An it is really 
worth the effort. How often does anybody set Date components in a situation 
that is so time critical that this would matter.  (any shouldn't dates be 
immutable...oh well)


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Design principles for extending ES object abstractions

2011-07-08 Thread Brendan Eich
On Jul 8, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 And likewise for Function.create and RegExp.create. Boolean, Number, String, 
 and Date get nothing :-P.
 Actually in the | proposal I define it to work with boolean, number, and 
 string literals on the LHS.  Sorta useless but I included them so the 
 complete set of literals was covered.  So it really is only Date that didn't 
 get invited to the party.

For ES4 we entertained date literals based ISO 8601 T literals. Couldn't 
justify 'em, the use-cases were all unlikely hardcodings.

 We have a somewhat-troubled proposal in Harmony to make Function.create an 
 alternative Function constructor that takes a leading name parameter, and 
 then parameters and body string parameters. But perhaps that could be 
 renamed Function.createNamed.
 I think that create methods on Constructors should generally follow the 
 argument pattern of Object.create.  Things that don't should get a different 


 The extrapolated Gregorian calendar's range in milliseconds was chosen 
 carefully to fit in an IEEE 754 double without loss of precision.
 Real implementations decode the double into commonly-accessed fields that 
 would have to track any updates to the milliseconds since (negative for 
 before) the epoch.
 Seems like this could be an invisible implementation detail.

Certainly, it is invisible.

  An it is really worth the effort. How often does anybody set Date components 
 in a situation that is so time critical that this would matter.  (any 
 shouldn't dates be immutable...oh well)

SunSpider, cough.

es-discuss mailing list