Leibniz: When God calculates, the world is made

2015-08-06 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

Leibniz' note on his Dialogs:

When God calculates and thinks things through, the world is made.

Cum Deus calculat et cogitationem exercet, mundus fit.

I have found it in M. Heller, Ultimate Explanations of the Universe.


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RE: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread chris peck
@ Pierz

 >> If he refuses to  
> acknowledge MWI as a valid account due to his pronoun concerns, then  
> fine, maybe he should publish a refutation of Everett to that  
> effect.

but isn't John's point that pro-nouns do not cause much trouble when duplicates 
end up in separate universes? Thats a fair point right? So, Im not sure he 
feels his concerns are relevent to Everett. Ive never seen Bruno respond 
adequately to that point. 

All this 'troll' baiting reminds me of when I first came into contact with step 
3. Bruno and a bunch of others were mocking John for saying that 1 person could 
experience being in moscow and washington at the same time. I thought it was 
odd that someone like John would think that, so I looked up what he had 
actually written and lo and behold Bruno and co. were just lying. lying out of 
their lazy fat academic arses! lol. He'ld said nothing of the sort. So you have 
to be careful to read what John says rather than rely what Bruno says John 
says. The two can be very different.

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 17:59:25 -0700
From: pier...@gmail.com
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

On Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 8:06:31 PM UTC+10, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 06 Aug 2015, at 02:39, Pierz wrote:

> Mein Gott, this argument reminds me of the fire in Siberia that  

> started burning in the Holocene and is still going. Why do you keep  

> taking the troll bait Bruno?

Because it is not under my back, and I want to make clear that the  

person who have a problem with this are troll.

> JC is a physicist so I presume he understands Everett. Ergo, he  

> understands, in principle, first person indeterminacy.

See the attempt by Quentin and others to make John C realizing this,  

but he answers by the same hand-waving method, confirming (that's the  

goal of answering) that he is a troll.

> He just loves tormenting you.

Possible. But then why? Jealousy? Inability to say "I was wrong"?

I try to understand such "bad faith" as this might make the difference  

between coming back to the scientific attitude in theology next  

century or next millennium. My goal is harm reduction, and the sooner  

we can be serious on this, the less useless suffering for humans.

> You can ask the simple question: if the quantum state evolves  

> deterministically where does randomness come from according to MWI?  

> I'd like to hear JC's answer to that. If he says it's due to  

> multiple versions of the observer ending up in different branches of  

> the multiverse, he's shown he understands. If he refuses to  

> acknowledge MWI as a valid account due to his pronoun concerns, then  

> fine, maybe he should publish a refutation of Everett to that  

> effect. I'm sure the physics world would be fascinated to learn of  

> its error.

John Clark has given already both answers, and has oscillate between  

accepting the FPI o-and rejecting it. When he accepts it, he insist it  

is trivial and does not deserve the Nobel Prize (like if that was on  

the table!), but fail to explain why he still does not address the  

next step in the reasoning. I think that to avoid this, he knows  

prefer to stick on his 1p3p-difference abstraction of.

Keep in mind that I got the 1p-indeterminacy more than 40 years ago,  

and that I have never had any problem in explaining it to scientist.  

But then some scientist decided that it was philosophy, and hired some  

(non-analytical) philosopher who pretended that the FPI does not  

exist. As I have never been able to met them, I felt frustated (for 40  

I see, I think. JC is a proxy for the guy who robbed you of your prize, and 
you're still hoping for a victory of logic over malice. You're still trying to 
deal with your hurt. In Australia we have a term for what John is doing; it's 
considered a national pastime: cutting down the tall poppies. Whenever someone 
sticks their head up above the crowd with a claim to greatness or originality, 
somebody will try to lop their head off out of jealousy and small-mindedness. 
John tries to act as if it's all about the logic, but his nastiness and sarcasm 
give away the underlying emotional motivations of a thwarted embittered person 
who hasn't achieved the recognition he craves and so feels compelled to cut 
down anyone who dares to stand out with a claim for attention. so I still try 
to see where is the problem: and JC helps a lot  

in showing that the problem is simply its inability, or unwillingness,  

to take the 1p/3p difference into account in the question and  

verification. But he has show to grasp the difference, so it is  

probably just unwillingness.

Then the question remains: why such unwillingness? I'm afraid it is  

just jealousy or something of that type. each post by JC confirms  

that, and it *might* someday help people to understand how  

obscurantist people can be on this subject.

Then JC, like

Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread Pierz

On Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 8:06:31 PM UTC+10, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 06 Aug 2015, at 02:39, Pierz wrote: 
> > Mein Gott, this argument reminds me of the fire in Siberia that   
> > started burning in the Holocene and is still going. Why do you keep   
> > taking the troll bait Bruno? 
> Because it is not under my back, and I want to make clear that the   
> person who have a problem with this are troll. 
> > JC is a physicist so I presume he understands Everett. Ergo, he   
> > understands, in principle, first person indeterminacy. 
> See the attempt by Quentin and others to make John C realizing this,   
> but he answers by the same hand-waving method, confirming (that's the   
> goal of answering) that he is a troll. 
> > He just loves tormenting you. 
> Possible. But then why? Jealousy? Inability to say "I was wrong"? 
> I try to understand such "bad faith" as this might make the difference   
> between coming back to the scientific attitude in theology next   
> century or next millennium. My goal is harm reduction, and the sooner   
> we can be serious on this, the less useless suffering for humans. 
> > You can ask the simple question: if the quantum state evolves   
> > deterministically where does randomness come from according to MWI?   
> > I'd like to hear JC's answer to that. If he says it's due to   
> > multiple versions of the observer ending up in different branches of   
> > the multiverse, he's shown he understands. If he refuses to   
> > acknowledge MWI as a valid account due to his pronoun concerns, then   
> > fine, maybe he should publish a refutation of Everett to that   
> > effect. I'm sure the physics world would be fascinated to learn of   
> > its error. 
> John Clark has given already both answers, and has oscillate between   
> accepting the FPI o-and rejecting it. When he accepts it, he insist it   
> is trivial and does not deserve the Nobel Prize (like if that was on   
> the table!), but fail to explain why he still does not address the   
> next step in the reasoning. I think that to avoid this, he knows   
> prefer to stick on his 1p3p-difference abstraction of. 
> Keep in mind that I got the 1p-indeterminacy more than 40 years ago,   
> and that I have never had any problem in explaining it to scientist.   
> But then some scientist decided that it was philosophy, and hired some   
> (non-analytical) philosopher who pretended that the FPI does not   
> exist. As I have never been able to met them, I felt frustated (for 40   
> years) 

I see, I think. JC is a proxy for the guy who robbed you of your prize, and 
you're still hoping for a victory of logic over malice. You're still trying 
to deal with your hurt. In Australia we have a term for what John is doing; 
it's considered a national pastime: cutting down the tall poppies. Whenever 
someone sticks their head up above the crowd with a claim to greatness or 
originality, somebody will try to lop their head off out of jealousy and 
small-mindedness. John tries to act as if it's all about the logic, but his 
nastiness and sarcasm give away the underlying emotional motivations of a 
thwarted embittered person who hasn't achieved the recognition he craves 
and so feels compelled to cut down anyone who dares to stand out with a 
claim for attention.

> so I still try to see where is the problem: and JC helps a lot   
> in showing that the problem is simply its inability, or unwillingness,   
> to take the 1p/3p difference into account in the question and   
> verification. But he has show to grasp the difference, so it is   
> probably just unwillingness. 
> Then the question remains: why such unwillingness? I'm afraid it is   
> just jealousy or something of that type. each post by JC confirms   
> that, and it *might* someday help people to understand how   
> obscurantist people can be on this subject. 
> Then JC, like Jean-Paul Delahaye, makes me think that maybe the FPI   
> does deserve the Nobel Prize after all. If it is that subtle to grasp   
> for grown up, it might be worth to make clearer. After all, all the   
> rest of the work exploit that FPI.  Tegmark and Schmidhuber missed it,   
> as Tegmark confirms by "rediscovering it" in his book (as Jason Resch   
> quoted some times ago). 
> So, the FPI is certainly very simple, but the 1p/3p difference is not   
> that simple for some physicists and philosophers (sic), as the way JC   
> and some part of the academical world have illustrated since long. 
> Another problem, is that his post confused people, so we have to   
> answer them for possible new bees. 
> Yes. The western scientific mindset has become so conditioned to think 
only in terms of 3p, that it is difficult for some people to think any 
other way. These are the same people who fail to grasp the "hard problem".

> Now, anyone can ask more interesting question, or discuss other   
> points... It is not difficult to filter the thread if an

Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread Pierz

On Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 11:39:47 AM UTC+10, John Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Pierz > 
> wrote:
>> ​> ​
>> if the quantum state evolves deterministically 
> ​The wave function most certainly evolves deterministically but that's 
> not important because the wave function is not observable, I want to know 
> if the actual physical state evolves deterministically. The answer is far 
> from obvious. If everything that can happen does happen then did anything 
> determine one particular branch of the multiverse?  

My point isn't that MWI is true. My point is you understand it and how it 
leads to the appearance of indeterminacy in a completely determined system. 
Indeterminacy is a 1-p illusion, to use Bruno's detested terminology. I 
don't understand your last sentence/question. The laws of the physics 
determined every branch, and none of them are privileged in any way. 

>  ​
>> ​> ​
>> where does randomness come from according to MWI? I'd like to hear JC's 
>> answer to that. If he says it's due to multiple versions of the observer 
>> ending up in different branches of the multiverse, he's shown he 
>> understands.
> ​Of course I understands that! 

I know you do - because who could fail to understand it?

> If the multiverse really exists then that explains quantum indeterminacy, 
> but Bruno claims he has found a new sort of indeterminacy independent of 
> both the quantum type and also of the Godel/Turing type and I don't think 
> he has. 

To my mind, the logic is completely isomorphic with MWI. i.e., the 
duplication or branching of an observer leads to the appearance of 
randomness from the perspective of that observer, even though the objective 
situation contains no indeterminacy. If Bruno is claiming there is some 
striking originality about his idea of FPI then I'd point to Everett and 
say, that guy thought of it first. Obviously Bruno's argument hypothesises 
this first-person indeterminacy occurring in a context of computationally 
defined observers (whether in a physical machine, a duplication experiment, 
or pure mathematics) rather than the multiverse, but that context is 
irrelevant to the question of the validity of the logic of FPI, which is 
entirely abstractable from the context in which it occurs. If you can see 
how indeterminacy works *logically* in MWI, you have agreed with the *logic* of 
step 3. If that is not the case, you need to explain how the situations are 
logically different, because AFAICT the only difference between the two 
cases is the nature of the duplicator. Perhaps you can explain why it 
matters whether the duplicator is the multiverse or a teleportation device?

> I think he's just rehashing the sort ​indeterminacy first discovered about 
> 90 years ago.
> OK, so Bruno is an upstart! A pompous ass! An incompetent fewl! And what's 
worse, these dorks on the Everything List treat his damnfool ideas with 
respect, stroke his bloated ego and foster his pretensions to genius! Let's 
face it, that's what gets your goat and why you will never in a million 
years admit that step 3 is valid even though you admit to the validity of 
Everett's identical logic.

> ​>​
>>  Why do you keep taking the troll bait Bruno?
> ​Clearly a troll, Bruno and you are so brilliant nobody could really 
> disagree, they can only pretend to disagree for some obscure but 
> undoubtedly sinister reason.
The motivations of trolls are not obscure and yours are no exception. 


>  John K Clark  ​

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread smitra
You can just define personal identity as a single observer moment, which 
includes any memories of the outcomes of the duplication experiments, so 
the string of the "W"'s and "M"'should be included in the definition of 

You can also invent a machine that creates a consciousness that has 
false memories of having been Bruno and also John Clark in the past, but 
such that these memories are inconsistent with each other. E.g. it has 
the memory of having been at Brussels, but also in New York at the same 

But there is not problem here if you just take the formal description of 
any conscious being as defining its personal identity.


On 06-08-2015 11:27, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 06 Aug 2015, at 02:37, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 PM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

​>> ​But there is no genuine reason to prefer one over the

​> ​Thta's the point, and that is why they both get one bit of

​No new information has been received. Long before the duplication
button was pressed John Clark already knew that one John Clark would
receive a W bit and one John Clark would get a M bit. No new
information was generated. ​

You go ou of your body to get the 3-1 view, but forget that from the
copies perspective, it does look like they are in only one place, and
looking at which one, they do get 1 bit of information.

So, what you say is that in the 3-view, there is no new information.
Indeed the 3-view is the protocol itself.

But the question was about the expected 1p experience, and both
confirm that they got one bit of information. The result of "pushing
on the button and deciding which cities is behind" is always either W
or M, and never both.

​> ​You
​] ​seem to just persist ignoring the question like John

​Ignore isn't the right word, there is no question to ignore;
there is just a sequence of personal pronouns, none of which has a
referent but all are liberally spiced with peepee and with a
question mark at the very end. ​A question needs more than a
question mark.

The question is what do you expect to live, and every one grasp,
without any trouble, that it can only be W, or M, and never both. "W &
M" is never written in any copies' diary, except when they describe
the 3-1 view that they *imagine* correct instead of the 1p-experience
that they directly live (which was what the question is all about).

Sorry John, but your hand-waving does not succeed in hiding that you
avoid the question asked. We have agreed on all definitions, but you
keep talking like if someone can distinguish, directly from its
subjective experience, the difference between a simple teleportation
and a duplication. So you need some magic to get your point
meaningful. But mechanism does not allow it. Without magic, both
copies see only one city, and cannot decide if there is or not a
doppelganger in the other city.


​ John K Clark​

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread John Clark
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 5:13 AM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> ​>>>  ​
>>> the nuance is not in the name or in the pronouns, but in the 1p/3p
>>> difference, or in the 1-1p/3-1p difference.
>> ​>> ​
>> ​In a world with people duplicating machines ​what exactly is the
>> difference between
>> *THE*​
>> 1p
>> ​ and the​
>> 3p difference
>> ​ and​
>> ​the difference between ​
>> ​*THE​*
>> 1-1p
>> ​ and the
>> 3-
>> ​1​
>> p difference
>> ​? And whose "1p" is it anyway? ​
>> ​
> ​> ​
> It is the difference between what is written in a diary of a person,
> ​ ​
> and what an outsider can describe

​If after the duplication
 Bruno Marchal
​ can point to the one and only person that unambiguously wrote all that
stuff in that diary then it will have been proven that there really is such
a thing as **THE** 1P, if not then ​
Bruno Marchal
​ is talking gibberish.

> ​>> ​
> ​Expects? That depends entirely on who the Helsinki guy is, as
> interminable ​posts on this subject have conclusively shown John Clark and
> Bruno Marchal expect very different things.
> ​> ​
> But we do agree on who the guy is. He is the guy who remember Helsinki.

​But today is thursday so we don't agree.

​>> ​
>> But why is this even relevant?

​> ​
> You would read step 4, 5, ... you would have a pretty clear idea why it is
> relevant

​If step 4 is built on the foundations of

​step 3 then it would be pointless to read step 4 until
the blunders in step 3
​are repaired, and if it is not built on those foundations then it was
unnecessary and foolish to include step 3 at all in your "proof". ​

> ​>> ​
>> The Helsinki guy will have whatever future subjective experience he has
> ​> ​
> The point is that there are more than one which is available.

So you agree the Helsinki guy will have a
future subjective experience
​ ​
of Moscow and you agree
​ ​
the Helsinki guy will have a future subjective experience
​ ​
of Washington but insist the Helsinki guy
​ ​
will not experience Moscow and Washington in the future.
​ Are you sure you're a logician? ​

​> ​
>> and his expectations, correct or incorrect, have absolutely positively 
>> *to do with it.
> ?

​Which word didn't you understand?​

> ​>
>>> ​>>​
>>> ​
>>> w
>>> ​​
>>> e have agreed on: both the M and W men are the same person as the H-man
>> ​
>> ​>> ​
>> Yes the Moscow man and the Washington man are the Helsinki man, but it's
>> important to remember that ​
>> ​t​
>> he Washington man
>> ​is *NOT* the Moscow man; and that's why personal identity can only be
>> traced from the past to the present, never from the present to the future.​
> ​> ​
> Your own copies in W and M refute this immediately.

​Bullshit. W says I remember seeing Washington ​one minute ago, and M says
I remember seeing Moscow one minute ago, so W is *NOT* M . But both W and M
say I remember seeing Helsinki one hour ago so both W and M *are* H.

> ​> ​
>> ​Until a city was spotted ​John Clark would know that John Clark had NOT
>> been duplicated, although John Clark's body may or may not have been.
> ​> ​
> So you say that at a time he might know what happened. Pure nonsense.

​ ​
outside stimulation
​ is received​
, like seeing
​a ​
, both brains would be running identical programs in parallel
so John Clark would have only one conscious experience regardless of how
many identical brains were involved.

​> ​
> He should just never expect experiencing being in two cities, and the
> point is that the guy cannot see the difference, unless telepathy

​Telepathy?? Oh for christ sake!​

​  John K Clark​

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Aug 2015, at 02:39, Pierz wrote:

Mein Gott, this argument reminds me of the fire in Siberia that  
started burning in the Holocene and is still going. Why do you keep  
taking the troll bait Bruno?

Because it is not under my back, and I want to make clear that the  
person who have a problem with this are troll.

JC is a physicist so I presume he understands Everett. Ergo, he  
understands, in principle, first person indeterminacy.

See the attempt by Quentin and others to make John C realizing this,  
but he answers by the same hand-waving method, confirming (that's the  
goal of answering) that he is a troll.

He just loves tormenting you.

Possible. But then why? Jealousy? Inability to say "I was wrong"?

I try to understand such "bad faith" as this might make the difference  
between coming back to the scientific attitude in theology next  
century or next millennium. My goal is harm reduction, and the sooner  
we can be serious on this, the less useless suffering for humans.

You can ask the simple question: if the quantum state evolves  
deterministically where does randomness come from according to MWI?  
I'd like to hear JC's answer to that. If he says it's due to  
multiple versions of the observer ending up in different branches of  
the multiverse, he's shown he understands. If he refuses to  
acknowledge MWI as a valid account due to his pronoun concerns, then  
fine, maybe he should publish a refutation of Everett to that  
effect. I'm sure the physics world would be fascinated to learn of  
its error.

John Clark has given already both answers, and has oscillate between  
accepting the FPI o-and rejecting it. When he accepts it, he insist it  
is trivial and does not deserve the Nobel Prize (like if that was on  
the table!), but fail to explain why he still does not address the  
next step in the reasoning. I think that to avoid this, he knows  
prefer to stick on his 1p3p-difference abstraction of.

Keep in mind that I got the 1p-indeterminacy more than 40 years ago,  
and that I have never had any problem in explaining it to scientist.  
But then some scientist decided that it was philosophy, and hired some  
(non-analytical) philosopher who pretended that the FPI does not  
exist. As I have never been able to met them, I felt frustated (for 40  
years) so I still try to see where is the problem: and JC helps a lot  
in showing that the problem is simply its inability, or unwillingness,  
to take the 1p/3p difference into account in the question and  
verification. But he has show to grasp the difference, so it is  
probably just unwillingness.
Then the question remains: why such unwillingness? I'm afraid it is  
just jealousy or something of that type. each post by JC confirms  
that, and it *might* someday help people to understand how  
obscurantist people can be on this subject.
Then JC, like Jean-Paul Delahaye, makes me think that maybe the FPI  
does deserve the Nobel Prize after all. If it is that subtle to grasp  
for grown up, it might be worth to make clearer. After all, all the  
rest of the work exploit that FPI.  Tegmark and Schmidhuber missed it,  
as Tegmark confirms by "rediscovering it" in his book (as Jason Resch  
quoted some times ago).

So, the FPI is certainly very simple, but the 1p/3p difference is not  
that simple for some physicists and philosophers (sic), as the way JC  
and some part of the academical world have illustrated since long.

Another problem, is that his post confused people, so we have to  
answer them for possible new bees.

Now, anyone can ask more interesting question, or discuss other  
points... It is not difficult to filter the thread if annoyed by the  
admittedly boring repetition of Clarks last attempt to ridicule the  

It is "holiday". The list is quite, so take this as a little snack,  
like an attempt to understand the psychology of trolls and harassers,  
or just skip those posts, and enjoy the sun and the beach :)


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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Aug 2015, at 02:37, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015  PM, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

​>> ​But there is no genuine reason to prefer one over the other.

​> ​Thta's the point, and that is why they both get one bit of  

​No new information has been received. Long before the duplication  
button was pressed John Clark already knew that one John Clark would  
receive a W bit and one John Clark would get a M bit. No new  
information was generated. ​

You go ou of your body to get the 3-1 view, but forget that from the  
copies perspective, it does look like they are in only one place, and  
looking at which one, they do get 1 bit of information.

So, what you say is that in the 3-view, there is no new information.  
Indeed the 3-view is the protocol itself.

But the question was about the expected 1p experience, and both  
confirm that they got one bit of information. The result of "pushing  
on the button and deciding which cities is behind" is always either W  
or M, and never both.

​> ​You ​[​​C​hris ​P​eck​] ​seem to just persist  
ignoring the question like John Clark.

​Ignore isn't the right word, there is no question to ignore; there  
is just a sequence of personal pronouns, none of which has a  
referent but all are liberally spiced with peepee and with a  
question mark at the very end. ​A question needs more than a  
question mark.

The question is what do you expect to live, and every one grasp,  
without any trouble, that it can only be W, or M, and never both. "W &  
M" is never written in any copies' diary, except when they describe  
the 3-1 view that they *imagine* correct instead of the 1p-experience  
that they directly live (which was what the question is all about).

Sorry John, but your hand-waving does not succeed in hiding that you  
avoid the question asked. We have agreed on all definitions, but you  
keep talking like if someone can distinguish, directly from its  
subjective experience, the difference between a simple teleportation  
and a duplication. So you need some magic to get your point  
meaningful. But mechanism does not allow it. Without magic, both  
copies see only one city, and cannot decide if there is or not a  
doppelganger in the other city.


​  John K Clark​

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 06 Aug 2015, at 00:57, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Bruno Marchal   
​>> ​​Since ​Bruno is clear about all this Bruno should have  
no difficulty in complying to the request of substituting  "John  
Clark" for the personal pronoun "you".
​> ​We did this already, but you came up with non sense again.  
More than one person did this. It changes nothing, as the nuance is  
not in the name or in the pronouns, but in the 1p/3p difference, or  
in the 1-1p/3-1p difference.

​In a world with people duplicating machines ​what exactly is the  
difference between ​THE​1p​ and the​ 3p difference​  
and​ ​the difference between ​​THE​ 1-1p​ and the 3-​ 
1​p difference​? And whose "1p" is it anyway? ​

It is the difference between what is written in a diary of a person,  
and what an outsider can describe as exclusive content of a collection  
of diaries. It is the difference , in this case, between the semantic  
of "I open the door and saw M (resp W) and the list "I open the door  
and saw M" + "I opened the door and saw M".

In this case the difference is the difference between "and" and "or".

​> ​you kept confusing the 1p and the 3p,

In short, YCT1PAT3P.​ And it's true, John Clark is very confused  
about which 1p Bruno Marchal is talking about, although probably not  
as confused as Bruno Marchal.

​> ​as comp explains that NO copies at all will *live* all  

​John Clark is profoundly uninterested in "comp" and does not  
believe that "comp" can explain anything at all.

Computationalism is used only to formulate the problem, to get the  
shape of the solution (the reversal), and to motivate for the  
technical definitions and the mathematical solution (the Arithmetical  
UDA, alias the machine's interview, where the "pronouns" are defined  
with the technic exposed in Smullyan's Forever Undecided, notably.

​>> ​​Well now that's all very nice but ​John Clark still has  
one question, ​there are two ​first person experiences, which one  
is Bruno talking about?

​> ​The one the Helsinki guy expect to live subjectively,

​Expects? That depends entirely on who the Helsinki guy is, as  
interminable ​posts on this subject have conclusively shown John  
Clark and Bruno Marchal expect very different things.

But we do agree on who the guy is. He is the guy who remember Helsinki.

But why is this even relevant?

You would read step 4, 5, ... you would have a pretty clear idea why  
it is relevant (of course).

The Helsinki guy will have whatever future subjective experience he  

The point is that there are more than one which is available.

and his expectations, correct or incorrect, have absolutely  
positively NOTHING to do with it.


That's why trying to define personal identity by looking to the  
future rather than the past is just nuts.

Yes, but that has not been done.

​> ​we have agreed that both the Moscow man and the Washington  
man is the Helsinki man.

​What day is itlets see... it's Wednesday, so yes today we  
agree on that. ​​Tomorrow we won't.​

You should try to not show so much clearly that you are a troll, as I  
will lose credits just by answering such remark.

​> ​w​​e have agreed on: both the M and W men are the same  
person as the H-man

​Yes the Moscow man and the Washington man are the Helsinki man,  
but it's important to remember that ​​t​he Washington man ​is  
NOT the Moscow man; and that's why personal identity can only be  
traced from the past to the present, never from the present to the  

Your own copies in W and M refute this immediately. You confirms (if  
that was necessary) that you never complete the thought experience.  
You don't interview the copies. You don't put your shoes in their shoes.

​> ​which explains why the H-man can only be uncertain if he (the  
1p, well defined in H) will live the W or the M experience.

​The only uncertainty is who "he" is.

We have agreed that he is the guy remembering pushing the button. We  
have agreed that he will find himself in bioth city, and we have  
agreed that in both cities both live an experience logically  
incompatible with their doppelganger experience, and thus live W or M  
(even W xor M).

If "he" is the guy experiencing Helsinki today then "he" will  
experience NEITHER Washington nor Moscow ​tomorrow. However if "he"  
is the guy who remembers experiencing Helsinki today (or if "he" is   
Bruno Marchal) then "he" will experience Washington AND Moscow  

That will never happen. Nobody will experience W and M tomorrow or any  
day. Both experience will occur, but a couple of incompatible  
experience is NOT an experience. It is only two experience of  
different person, who happen to be both the H-guy.

I think you have stabilized on the first/third person pov.

> ​I​n Helsinki, we decide with a coin between the alternative  
described just below, but we don't let you know the res