Re: The Time Deniers

2005-07-11 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 03:48:48PM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> (c) A random string of binary code is run on a computer. There exists a 
> programming language which, when a program is written in this language so 
> that it is the same program as in (a) and (b), then compiled, the binary 
> code so produced is the same as this random string.
> Is this nonsense? Is (c) fundamentally different from (b)? If not, doesn't 
> it mean that any random string implements any program? We might not know 
> what it says, but if the program is self-aware, then by definition *it* 
> knows.

The space of all binary strings is vastly larger than the space of strings
constituting a valid program, and the space of "aware" (AI) programs is again
a tiny subset. It's a pretty sterile (and very rugged) fitness landscape.

The probability of finding a nontrivial program by pure chance is about the
same as a pebble in Gobi hopping through a fluke in Brownian noise.

(More abstract machines can be more forgiving, in regards of what is

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-11 Thread "Hal Finney"
Lee Corbin writes:
> Hal Finney writes
> > Can we imagine a universe like ours, which follows exactly the
> > same natural laws, but where time doesn't really exist (in some
> > sense), where there is no actual causality?
> You yourself have already provided the key example in imagining
> a two dimensional CA where the second dimension can be taken as
> y instead of t.

Okay, but perhaps I wasn't quite clear.  I meant this to be a two
dimensional CA that was completely self-contained, a universe of its own.
It is not something that is embedded in our own universe or any larger
structure.  It is a self-contained mathematical/physical object with
its own set of natural laws, just as we imagine our own universe to be.

My point was that whether we label the two dimensions x and t or x and
y shouldn't make any difference in the properties of that universe.
It still has the same fundamental structure.  Changing the names only
changes how we describe it, not what it is.

So I don't see this as an example of what I described above, a universe
which matches another in its "laws of physics" but where one has causality
and the other does not.  That is, not unless someone would claim that
it makes a difference whether the 2nd dimension is named y or t.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-11 Thread "Hal Finney"
Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> (c) A random string of binary code is run on a computer. There exists a 
> programming language which, when a program is written in this language so 
> that it is the same program as in (a) and (b), then compiled, the binary 
> code so produced is the same as this random string.

I don't know what you mean by "random" in this context.  If you mean
a string selected at random from among all strings of a certain length,
the chance that it will turn out to be the same program functionally is
so low as to be not worth considering.

But ignoring that, here is how I approach the more general problem of
whether a given string creates or instantiates a given observer.  I made
a long posting on this a few weeks ago.  In my opinion it follows simply
from assuming the Universal Distribution (UD).

In this model, all information objects are governed by this probability
distribution, the UD.  One way to think of it is to imagine all possible
programs being run; then the fraction of programs which instantiate a
given information object is that object's measure.

So to solve the problem of whether your program instantiates an
observer is a two step process.  First write down a description of the
information pattern that equals that observer.  More specifically, write
the description of the information pattern that defines that observer
experiencing the particular moments of consciousness that you want to
know if your program is instantiating.  Doing this will require a much
stronger and more detailed theory of conciousness than we now possess,
but I don't think there is any inherent obstacle that will keep us from
gaining this ability.

The second step is to consider your program's output and see if it
is reasonably similar to the information pattern you just defined.
The simplest case is where the output is identical.  Then you can
say that the program does instantiate that consciousness.  However it
could be that the program basically creates the same pattern but it is
represented somewhat differently.  How can we consider all possible
alternate ways of representing an information pattern and still let
them count, without opening the door so wide that all patterns count?

The solution follows rigorously from the definition of the UD.  We append
a second interpretation program to the first one, the one which ran the
putative conscious program.  This second program turns the output from
the first one into the canonical form we used to define the conscious
information pattern.  The concatenation of the two programs then outputs
the pattern in canonical form and we can recognize it.

The key point now is that the contribution to the measure of the
observer moments being simulated is, by the definition of the Universal
Distribution, based on the size of the program which outputs the
information pattern in question.  And the size of that program will be the
size of its two component parts: the first one, that you were wondering
about, which may have generated a consciousness; and the second one,
which took the output of the first one and turned it into the canonical
form which matched the OM pattern in question.

In other words, the contribution which this program makes to the measure
of a given observer's experience will be based on the size of the program
(smaller is better) and on the size of the interpretation program which
turns the output of the first program into canonical form (again, smaller
is better).  Obviously a sufficiently large interpretation program can
turn any output into what we want.  The question is whether a small
one can do the trick.  That is what tells us that the pattern is really
there and not something which we are forcing by our interpretation.

Standard considerations of the UD imply that the exact nature of the
canonical form used is immaterial, however it does matter how precisely
you need to specify the information pattern that truly does represent a
set of conscious observer moments.  That second question is a matter of
psychology and as we improve our understanding of consciousness we will
have a better handle on it.  Once we do, this approach will provide an
in-principle technique to calculate how much contribution to measure
any given program string makes to any given conscious experience.

Most importantly, this follows entirely from the assumption of the
Universal Distribution.  No other assumptions are needed.  It is a simple
assumption yet it provides a very specific process and rule to answer
this kind of question.

Hal Finney

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 10:31:56AM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> Perhaps, perhaps not. For one thing, in the brain's case we are relying on 
> the laws of chemistry and physics, which in the real world are invariable; 
> we don't know what would happen if these laws were slightly off in a 

A systematic error or noise beyond the homeostatic capability of the
simulation would generate nonsense, of course. 

So, stay below the error threshold.

> simulation. For another, we do know that tiny chemical changes, such as a 
> few molecules of LSD, can make huge behavioural changes, suggesting that 
> the brain is exquisitely sensitive to at least some parameters. It is 

So, don't put LSD in the simulated brain. Don't zap the CMOS junction with
electrostatics. Don't put the system nearby a Co-60 source. Do not mutate
bits randomly. Do not change the meaning of a primitive randomly every few

If it hurts, don't do it.

> likely that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems are in 
> place to ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified to cause 
> gross mental changes after a few seconds, and all these systems would have 
> to be simulated as well. The end result may be that none of the cellular 

Of course. And your point is?

> machinery can be safely ignored in an emulation, which is very far from 
> modelling the brain as a neural net. I may be wrong, and it may be simpler 

Strawman, again.

> than I suggest, but as a general rule, if there were a simpler and more 
> economical way to do things, evolution would have found it.

Biological tissues are not evolved to e.g. work with EM radio, or electron spin 
information processing, or nuclear fission for power sources, or an enzyme to
deposit diamond. Regardless how many gigayears you spend evolving, this will 
never be discovered due to kinetic blocks, fitness crevices, and sterile areas 
in fitness space which can't be crossed incrementally. Human design doesn't 
have that limitation. We can in principle do whatever evolution can do (by
explicitly invoking the process, in an accelerated model), and more.

The fitness function of discrete information processing in solid state is
entirely different from CNS. Most of what the genome does is not devoted to
neural information processing, and, frankly anisotropically excitable
nonlinear medium is a control paradigm from hell. 

There are simpler and more economical ways to do things, and we'll be there
in about 20-30 years. Meanwhile, biology reigns supreme in crunch/Joule, 
integration density, error tolerance and a few other things, but we're
gaining on it rapidly.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: UDA, Am I missing something?

2005-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 09-juil.-05, à 08:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

As such, I appreciate your willingness to have a discourse on the assumptions in the UDA.
Thanks. And to "derive" conclusions is a way to discuss hypotheses. I  have always been willing to discover that comp is contradictory. Until now I have only find out that comp is weird, but not so much more than QM.

Instead of "conscious brain" I should have said "consciousness".  The yes-doctor hypothesis in comp tells me that you are assuming the existence of consciousness. 

Yes. Under the form of a minimal amount of what is called (in philosophy of mind/cognitive science) "grandmother or folk psychology". 
Now (to cut the air a little bit) "assuming" does not seem right to me. I just hope people can understand in a mundane way question like "will I survive the operation in the hospital" etc. 
Also I don't like expression like "a conscious brain" or a "conscious program". It is "Searles' error". Only a person can be conscious. No doubt the brain plays some role but a brain is not conscious, nor a program, nor a string. 

Also, is not the "psychology" that you are reducing physics to "consciousness" (or an equivalent approximation)?

I don't understand the sentence.

Is not your use of the word "discourse", even though it is a "correct-by-definition discourse", and also your use of the words "observable" and "verifiable", meant to portray something that can be observed by, imagined by, and encoded into our consciousness?  So is not your assumption that we can fit this "fundamental/perfect physics" into our consciousness?

Yes if by "our" you refer to the lobian machines. But if you mean by it "human" then it is a big anthropomorphism. Also I avoid the term "consciousness". Eventually consciousness will be linked to
automatic (unconscious!) inference of self-consistency from some 1 person point of view.

>> So if A=“physical reality” and B=“consciousness”, then the assumption is A=B.

> This is much too vague. You identify physics and discourse. But I said "correct discourse" and this includes the semantics (meaning) of the discourse.

(Actually I should have said that the assumption seems to be that A is a subset of B.)  

That's better.

Are you saying that "correct-by-definition discourse" refers to a discourse that does not necessarily fit into our consciousness?  

A priori, at the first steps of the UDA. We just cannot know. 

If so, then why call it "discourse"?

Because it can be presented by strings of symbols. Like any papers written by a physicist. It can refer to things which a priori could well not "fit in our consciousness". we cannot know before proceeding from assumptions.

I am not assuming that our consciousness is necessarily physical, but again I still don't see why you use the term "discourse" if it does not refer to something that can be grasped by our consciousness.  Why not just say "correct physics" or "the way things really are, independent of our consciousness"?  But then, if you did that, wouldn't you lose any chance of coming to the conclusion of the UDA?

No problem at all. Also consciousness is vaster than all possible discourse (provably so for loebian machine).

I've read the UDA but not the second part of the SANE paper where you interview the machine.  Is not the result from the UDA needed to start the second half?  I am wary of being persuaded by an argument further down the line where the UDA is assumed.  It would seem that I should be able to understand the assumptions/axioms of the UDA first.

I think so. I would even encourage you to be sure of a step before going to the next step.
Only (some) mathematicians  understand more easily the "interview" than the UD Argument. But it is formal understanding without motivation then. And the "real" proof is the UDA. The interview just shows that by interviewing the machine on the UD we can get non trivial information on the measure problem.


Re: Rép : Thought Experiment #269-G (Duplicat es)

2005-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 10-juil.-05, à 04:11, Lee Corbin a écrit :

Bruno writes

You are asked to bet on your immediate and less immediate
future feeling. Precisely: we ask you to choose among the
following bets:

A. I will see 0 on the wall.
B. I will see 1 on the wall.
C. I will see 0 on the wall and I will see 1 on the wall.
D. I will see 0 on the wall or I will see 1 on the wall.

As I said I have no problem with accepting Lee = Lee' = Lee'' 

I think this will entail Lee = Bruno at some point, but I have no
problem with that and we can come back to this notion later). But I 

not argumentating on personal identity, only on the problem you face
when predicting your immediate future (or less future) experience. It
is a different matter.

You asked me to *predict*.  I did.

I asked you to predict your immediate first person experience, not a 
bird's view of the situation. This explain why if I'm in good move you 
just win nothing, and if I'm in bad mood you and all the Lees own me 
five dollars!

I duplicate you iteratively, by annihilating (painlessly!) you and
reconstituting you in the 0-room and the 1-room which differs from
having a 0 (resp. 1) painted on a wall. And I let you choose between
the bets A, B, C, D described above.

You choose C, that is: "I will see 0 on the wall and I will see 1 on
the wall".
Now, as I said this is ambiguous. So if I am in a bad mood, asking the
first 0-Lee' about its immediate apprehension if he answers me "I am
seeing 0 and I am seeing 1" I consider it as false (0-Lee' sees only
0!), and the same for the other Lee, so all the 2^n Lee must give 5$.

Now you are asking an instance a question (since there are
two of me), and it seems that you are playing on the ambiguity
of the term "you".  When you ask an instance---now, *after*
the copying has been done---whether he is seeing a 1 or seeing
a 0 or seeing both, he has to stop you (I mean I have to stop
you) and ask exactly what kind of information you are after.

Clearly, if you are talking to one instance (so far as that
instance knows) he'll say that he is seeing a "1" or he will
say that he is seeing a "0". This is because he'll take the
usual meaning of terms.


When you then inform him that he has actually been copied and
that there is another instance of him in the other room, then
naturally he should say "Okay, here I am seeing a "0" and in
the other room the opposite."

Precisely: here I see without much doubt a 0, and I believe 
intellectually, by trusting you, that another Lee see the opposite in 
the other room. Do you agree it is very different sort of knowledge? 
The question was concerning the first notion of knowledge.

We know all the facts. What we want are two things: (1) we want
to speak clearly.  (2) we want to know whether or not to regard
our duplicates as selves.

(2) is another thread. It is an interesting question, but it has 
nothing to do with the question of betting "experiences".

 I think that you've heard all my

Why not choose D, that is "I will see 0 on the wall OR I will see 1
on the wall."

Okay, now you have switched back to the prior (prediction)

I have not switch back. I always ask you the question before the 
duplication. And then, I ask for confirmation of the bet after the 
duplication. It is really like, in the MWI, to ask someone what he 
predict when he send trillions of electrons in a state like up+down in 
a up/down measuring Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Apparently you answer is 
"I will see only up electron + I will see one down electron and all 
others up + etc. (all possibilities)."

Here is the reason not to say that.  As the person who is about
to be duplicated knows all the facts, he is aware (from a 3rd
person point of view) that scientifically there will be *two*
processes both of which are very, very similar.


It will be
false that one of them will be more "him" than the other.


Therefore he must identify equally with them.  Therefore,
it is wrong to imply that he "I" will be one of them but not
the other of them.

This is a matter of choice and personal opinion. It does not address 
the question I asked. The question is not who you will be, but what 
will be your immediate feeling. Given that we assume comp it is easy to 
predict that you will either see 0 or see 1. You will not see a zero 
blurred with a one. You can in advance bet you will see only a zero 
(resp. one), and just intellectually know some "other you" will see a 
one (resp. zero).

But if you answer "I will see 0 on the wall OR I will see 1 on the 

then it makes it sound as though one of those cases will obtain but
not the other.

Actually I was using the non-exclusive OR! But I do think that the 
first person experiences of seeing 1 and 0 *are* indeed alternative 
experience. After one duplication, those experience will be exclusive 
of each other. You are not able to know the experience of the 

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Eugen Leitl writes:

> likely that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems are 
> place to ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified to 
> gross mental changes after a few seconds, and all these systems would 

> to be simulated as well. The end result may be that none of the cellular

Of course. And your point is?

> machinery can be safely ignored in an emulation, which is very far from
> modelling the brain as a neural net. I may be wrong, and it may be 

Strawman, again.

> than I suggest, but as a general rule, if there were a simpler and more
> economical way to do things, evolution would have found it.

Biological tissues are not evolved to e.g. work with EM radio, or electron 
spin for
information processing, or nuclear fission for power sources, or an enzyme 
deposit diamond. Regardless how many gigayears you spend evolving, this 
never be discovered due to kinetic blocks, fitness crevices, and sterile 

in fitness space which can't be crossed incrementally. Human design doesn't
have that limitation. We can in principle do whatever evolution can do (by
explicitly invoking the process, in an accelerated model), and more.

The fitness function of discrete information processing in solid state is
entirely different from CNS. Most of what the genome does is not devoted to
neural information processing, and, frankly anisotropically excitable
nonlinear medium is a control paradigm from hell.

There are simpler and more economical ways to do things, and we'll be there
in about 20-30 years. Meanwhile, biology reigns supreme in crunch/Joule,
integration density, error tolerance and a few other things, but we're
gaining on it rapidly.

There is a fundamental difference between copying evolution's version of, 
say, a pump, and a brain. The whole complex business of excitable cardiac 
muscle cells beating in synchrony with a pacemaker need not be emulated, of 
course, if you are just trying to build an efficient artificial heart. If 
the purpose is just to pump, what may have been necessary for nature is 
superfluous for an engineer. On the other hand, with a brain, all the 
elaborate detail is intrinsically important: the engineer doesn't just want 
to build an efficient processor which will keep the human body going, but to 
copy the *actual* processor, however needlessly complex.

But perhaps I should end this thread by admitting that I was not aware that 
there were "mind uploaders" out there seriously contemplating the emulation 
of a brain down to the molecular level, and express my astonishment, which 
hopefully will turn into admiration, at your 20-30 year time span for 
completing such a project.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

2005-07-11 Thread chris peck

Hi Stephen;

I suppose we can think of time as a dimension. However, there are provisos. 
Time is not like x, y, or z in so far as we have no ability to freely 
navigate the axis in any direction we choose. We are embedded in time and it 
moves onwards in a single direction without anyone’s consent. Furthermore, 
where it possible to move around in time all sorts of paradoxes would appear 
to ensue that just don’t when I traverse the spatial dimensions. I’d appeal 
to an asymmetry between time and space, it is a dimension of sorts, but not 
one that can conceptually swapped with a spatial dimension easily. I don’t 
think the a priori requirements for space will be necessarily the same as 
those for time.

Therefore, whilst our prior notions of space might be fairly complex, it 
seems to me that our a priori notion of time is in fact very simple. It is 
just the notion of succession. That time exists if there is a successor 
event to this event. I can imagine a succession of events that are 
repetitions of one another, and whilst I can agree that duration would not 
be measurable, that time might not be noticed, our a priori notion of time 
is not contradicted despite that.

'What is a "clock" if not an means to measure change?'

A clock changes in order to measure time. Change is the measure of time, but 
is not necessary for time to occur. Changes do not occur just because time 
passes. Change is just necessary for measurement. I agree that time carries 
with it the possibility of change, but that is not the same. It cannot be 
both necessary and just possible, and the notion of change being a 
possibility entails that there is no contradiction in the notion of time in 
which there is no change.

As to how we extract notions of transitivity from series of events, I would 
imagine it similar to how we extract notions of causation from sets of 
constant conjunctions.

'Does a "history"" include values that can be associated with either of 
McTaggart's A or B series?'

There is a strong argument to suppose it can be. The B series seems to carry 
all the information needed to judge truth conditions of reflexive statements 
such as 'event E is past' (from the A Series). The statement is true so long 
as it is occurs after event E. A B Series can then at least take a part in 
our conception of a history.

What is needed is a sense of 'now'. A change of time rather than a change in 
time, a succession of events. So temporal becoming has to be invoked somehow 
- but also, it shouldn’t be identified with conscious experience, there is 
no requirement for transitivity 'within the frame' so to speak. The danger 
with associating temporal becoming with our personal experience of time is 
that it is this that appears to deny time. To conclude that our experience 
of time is somehow fundamental to time itself, is to deny time exists when 
there is no observation of it.

Are you not open to the charge you are levelling at others? Are you not at 
least partially a time denier?

I accept that in  a sense we always imagine time from a temporal 
perspective, that we can not leap out of the temporal view so to speak, but 
whether that should lead to a conclusion that makes experience of time 
fundamental is not so clear.

I prefer to think that temporal becoming is in some way an objective 
property of time. I think of it as conceived by Aristotle, as the now that 
stays the same, as 'what is now' changes. We experience time as we do with a 
future past and present, because of the way time in fact is. Where I think 
computational models might break down regards what process they invoke to 
run the B series in order to stamp each event with future, now and past, - 
what is their incarnation of 'now' - and whether the adoption of such a 
process involves a pernicious infinite regress.



From: "Stephen Paul King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "chris peck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 11:26:45 -0400

Dear Chris,

   Thank you for this post! Interleaving...

- Original Message - From: "chris peck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

Hi Stephen;

I have a couple of quesitions.

"Emulations involve some notion of a process and such are temporal. The 
idea that a process, of any kind, can "occur" requires some measure of 
both transitivity and duration.
The mere *existence* of a process only speaks to its potential for 

Im not quite sure what you mean by this. Possibly you mean that to 
coherently describe time it isnt enough to have laid out in succession a 
series of moments, or events, described by real numbers or however. There 
must also be something running through the series in order for the concept 
of time to make any sense. If you like, there must be a 'now' - a tempor

The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

2005-07-11 Thread James N Rose
chris peck wrote:
> Hi Stephen;
> I suppose we can think of time as a dimension. However, there are provisos.
> Time is not like x, y, or z in so far as we have no ability to freely
> navigate the axis in any direction we choose. We are embedded in time and it
> moves onwards in a single direction without anyone’s consent. Furthermore,
> where it possible to move around in time all sorts of paradoxes would appear
> to ensue that just don’t when I traverse the spatial dimensions. I’d appeal
> to an asymmetry between time and space, it is a dimension of sorts, but not
> one that can conceptually swapped with a spatial dimension easily. I don’t
> think the a priori requirements for space will be necessarily the same as
> those for time.

Actually, this is not correct; but a presumption of experiential pre-bias.
While it is true that we can calculate negative spatial values and not
identify negative temporal values easily - or at all in some cases - let
me describe motion in this alternative way for you:

1. All action/motion is never a single dimension but instead, a net-vector.
(be it spatially evaluated or temporally or both).

therefore, it is quite possible to say that the impression of time
as a positive single vector is masking its composite dimensional structure
which it is really made of.

2. Negative spatial distances are calculation illusions, usable only because
we can visually identify a sequence reversal and label the suquences
alternatively - even though - in a relativistic universe, ALL actions and
traversals of 'distance' are and can only be done ... positively.
"Negative" dimension values are conditional computational handwavings.

And again, even spatial traversals are net-vectors.  A body in true motion
through space is ALWAYS in a positive net-vector; the same as 
presumptively ascribed only to time.

Therefore, Time can and undoubtably does have, internal dimesional 
structuring; contrary to the conventional view of it not.

James Rose
"Understanding the Integral Universe" (1972;1992;1995)

RE: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

2005-07-11 Thread chris peck

Hi James;

I suspected that this part of my argument to Stephen would raise objections 
from other members of this board.

'>Actually, this is not correct; but a presumption of experiential 

It may be. Nevertheless, without the experience to hand at all, I maintain 
that the asymetry exists in the sense that my movement in spatial dimensions 
is second nature, movement in time - other than the apparantly inevitable 
next step forward - is theoretical at best. It is not something I can just 
do, I am in the 'now' in a stronger sense than I am 'here'.

But, say time travel is possible, we have a futher asymetry in so far as the 
idea that time is a dimension in the same sense that x,y,z leads to 
paradoxes if we attempt to move around it. Spatial movement does not involve 

I think this is enough to establish an asymetry in nature rather than just 



From: James N Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Stephen Paul King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 07:11:55 -0700

chris peck wrote:
> Hi Stephen;
> I suppose we can think of time as a dimension. However, there are 

> Time is not like x, y, or z in so far as we have no ability to freely
> navigate the axis in any direction we choose. We are embedded in time 
and it
> moves onwards in a single direction without anyone’s consent. 
> where it possible to move around in time all sorts of paradoxes would 
> to ensue that just don’t when I traverse the spatial dimensions. I’d 
> to an asymmetry between time and space, it is a dimension of sorts, but 
> one that can conceptually swapped with a spatial dimension easily. I 
> think the a priori requirements for space will be necessarily the same 

> those for time.

Actually, this is not correct; but a presumption of experiential pre-bias.
While it is true that we can calculate negative spatial values and not
identify negative temporal values easily - or at all in some cases - let
me describe motion in this alternative way for you:

1. All action/motion is never a single dimension but instead, a net-vector.
(be it spatially evaluated or temporally or both).

therefore, it is quite possible to say that the impression of time
as a positive single vector is masking its composite dimensional structure
which it is really made of.

2. Negative spatial distances are calculation illusions, usable only 

we can visually identify a sequence reversal and label the suquences
alternatively - even though - in a relativistic universe, ALL actions and
traversals of 'distance' are and can only be done ... positively.
"Negative" dimension values are conditional computational handwavings.

And again, even spatial traversals are net-vectors.  A body in true motion
through space is ALWAYS in a positive net-vector; the same as
presumptively ascribed only to time.

Therefore, Time can and undoubtably does have, internal dimesional
structuring; contrary to the conventional view of it not.

James Rose
"Understanding the Integral Universe" (1972;1992;1995)

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Re: UDA, Am I missing something?

2005-07-11 Thread daddycaylor
Tom>> Instead of "conscious brain" I should have said "consciousness".  
The yes-doctor hypothesis in comp tells me that you are assuming the 
existence of consciousness.  

Bruno> Yes. Under the form of a minimal amount of what is called (in 
philosophy of mind/cognitive science) "grandmother or folk 
psychology". Now (to cut the air a little bit) "assuming" does not seem 
right to me. I just hope people can understand in a mundane way 
question like "will I survive the operation in the hospital" etc. Also 
I don't like expression like "a conscious brain" or a "conscious 
program". It is "Searles' error". Only a person can be conscious. No 
doubt the brain plays some role but a brain is not conscious, nor a 
program, nor a string.

Tom:  OK
Tom>> Also, is not the "psychology" that you are reducing physics to 
"consciousness" (or an equivalent approximation)? 

Bruno> I don't understand the sentence.

Tom:  My sentence was poorly worded.  I'll try again:  The UDA argues 
that "fundamental physics is necessarily reducible to fundamental 
psychology."  I've read a statement by you somewhere (I think on this 
list) that this fundamental psychology basically talking about 
consciousness.  Here it is one such quote:
"The reversal will be epistemological: the branch "physics" will be a 
branch of machine's psychology, and ontological: matter
will emerge from consciousness, in some sense, hopefully clearer after 
reading the proof."
Actually this particular quote seems to present consciousness as the 
ontological counterpart to the epistemological "fundamental 
psychology", just as matter is considered the ontological counterpart 
to epistemological "fundamental physics".  So "psychology" is our way 
of thinking about consciousness, just as "physics" is our way of 
thinking about matter.  So the statement "...physics is...reducible to 
psychology" is basically saying "our way of thinking about matter is 
reducible to our way of thinking about consciousness", or "physics is 
reducible to our way of thinking about consciousness".

Tom>> Is not your use of the word "discourse", even though it is a > 
"correct-by-definition discourse", and also your use of the words > 
"observable" and "verifiable", meant to portray something that can be > 
observed by, imagined by, and encoded into our consciousness?  So is > 
not your assumption that we can fit this "fundamental/perfect physics" 

into our consciousness? 

Bruno>> Yes if by "our" you refer to the lobian machines. But if you 
mean by it "human" then it is a big anthropomorphism. Also I avoid the 
term "consciousness". Eventually consciousness will be linked to 
automatic (unconscious!) inference of self-consistency from some 1 
person point of view. 

Tom: I guess I'll have to ponder this more.  In general I am 
uncomfortable with having terms like "physics" and 
"psychology/consciousness" defined (redefined?) later on in an argument 
rather than at the beginning.  In such a setting, I find it very 
difficult (impossible?) to get a grasp of what your hypotheses are.   
In parallel, I guess I have another question:  It seems that in the UDA 
you artificially limit all of physics to be the solution to one 
particular thought experiment.  This seems narrow to me.


What if computation is unrepeatable?

2005-07-11 Thread Norman Samish shows the following abstract, 
suggesting that complex computations are not precisely repeatable.  Doesn't 
Bruno's Computation Hypothesis imply that computations ARE precisely 

"Modern computer microprocessors are composed of hundreds of millions of 
transistors that interact through intricate protocols. Their performance 
during program execution may be highly variable and present aperiodic 
oscillations. In this paper, we apply current nonlinear time series analysis 
techniques to the performances of modern microprocessors during the 
execution of prototypical programs. While variability clearly stems from 
stochastic variations for several of them, we present pieces of evidence 
strongly supporting that performance dynamics during the execution of 
several other programs display low-dimensional deterministic chaos, with 
sensibility to initial conditions comparable to textbook models. Taken 
together, these results confirm that program executions on modern 
microprocessor architectures can be considered as complex systems and would 
benefit from analysis with modern tools of nonlinear and complexity 

RE: What if computation is unrepeatable?

2005-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

Norman Samish wrote: shows the following abstract,
suggesting that complex computations are not precisely repeatable.  Doesn't
Bruno's Computation Hypothesis imply that computations ARE precisely

"Modern computer microprocessors are composed of hundreds of millions of
transistors that interact through intricate protocols. Their performance
during program execution may be highly variable and present aperiodic
oscillations. In this paper, we apply current nonlinear time series 

techniques to the performances of modern microprocessors during the
execution of prototypical programs. While variability clearly stems from
stochastic variations for several of them, we present pieces of evidence
strongly supporting that performance dynamics during the execution of
several other programs display low-dimensional deterministic chaos, with
sensibility to initial conditions comparable to textbook models. Taken
together, these results confirm that program executions on modern
microprocessor architectures can be considered as complex systems and would
benefit from analysis with modern tools of nonlinear and complexity

I don't think that paper is talking about computations being 
nonrepeatable--they say that they're not talking about "stochastic 
variations" (which I think refers to genuine physical sources of 
randomness), but instead about some type of deterministic chaos. Since it's 
deterministic, presumably that means if you feed exactly the same input to 
exactly the same program it will give the same results, the "sensibility to 
initial conditions" probably just means if you change a single bit in the 
input the output will be very different, something along those lines. And 
when they say the performance is "variable", I think they're talking about 
some measure of performance during a single execution of a given program, 
not about repeating the execution of the same program multiple times and 
finding variations from one run to another.


Re: What if computation is unrepeatable?

2005-07-11 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 04:45:21PM -0400, Jesse Mazer wrote:

> I don't think that paper is talking about computations being 
> nonrepeatable--they say that they're not talking about "stochastic 
> variations" (which I think refers to genuine physical sources of 
> randomness), but instead about some type of deterministic chaos. Since it's 
> deterministic, presumably that means if you feed exactly the same input to 
> exactly the same program it will give the same results, the "sensibility to 

It is quite common that even different compiler optimization flags (nevermind 
different architectures) result in
very different trajectories in numerical simulation (e.g. MD is very
susceptible to a nonlinear/butterfly effect). 

> initial conditions" probably just means if you change a single bit in the 
> input the output will be very different, something along those lines. And 
> when they say the performance is "variable", I think they're talking about 
> some measure of performance during a single execution of a given program, 
> not about repeating the execution of the same program multiple times and 
> finding variations from one run to another.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Brent Meeker

>-Original Message-
>From: Stathis Papaioannou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 6:33 AM
>Subject: RE: where do copies come from?
>>Brent Meeker writes:
>>I find it hard to believe that something as stable as memories that last
>>decades is encoded in a way dependent on ionic gradients across cell
>>and the type, number, distribution and conformation of receptor and ion
>>proteins.  What evidence is there for this?  It seems much more likely that
>>long term memory would be stored as configuration of neuronal connections.
>You have to keep in mind that every living organism is being continually
>remodelled by cellular repair mechanisms. Jesse Mazer recently quoted an
>article which cited radiolabelling studies demonstrating that the entire
>brain is turned over every couple of months, and the synapses in particular
>are turned over in a matter of minutes. The appearance of "permanent"
>anatomical structures is an illusion due to the constant expenditure of
>energy rebuilding that which is constantly falling apart.

So?  I don't see the point of this observation.  If the structure is
maintained, then the structure *is* permanent and is suitable for storing long
term memories.  The fact that the physical elements of the structure are
replaced every five seconds or every ten years is neither here or nor there.

>If anything,
>parameters such as ionic gradients and protein conformation are more closely
>regulated over time than gross anatomy.

Gradients where?  Surely you aren't saying that there is a pattern of gradients
in the brain that is relative to (x,y,z) coordinates and is independent of the
neuronal structures.

>Cancer cells may forget who they
>are, what their job is, what they look like and where they live, but if an
>important enzyme curled up a little tighter than usual due to corruption of
>intracellular homeostasis mechanisms, the cell would instantly die.

I doubt that any memories are stored in intracelluar chemistry.

>Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that long term memory is
>mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses, which modulates the
>responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter release; that is, it isn't
>just the "wiring diagram" that characterises a memory, but also the unique
>properties of each individual "connection".

I would not have supposed otherwise.  I would guess that memories are stored as
they are in artificial neural networks: in the wiring diagram PLUS the strength
of the connections.

>But let's suppose, for the sake
>of argument, that each distinct mental state were encoded by the simplest
>possible mechanism: the "on" or "off" state of each individual neuron. This
>would allow 2^10^11 possible different mental states - more than enough for
>trillions of humans to live trillions of lifetimes and never repeat a

Yes, I'm well aware that a brain is really really complicated.

>In theory, it should be possible to scan a brain in vivo using some
>near-future MRI analogue and determine the state of each of the 10^11
>neurons, and store the information as a binary srtring on a hard disk. Once
>we had this data, what would we do with it? The details of ionic gradients,
>type, number and conformation of cellular proteins,

But what is the evidence that these play are part in long term memory?

>anatomy and type of
>synaptic connections,

That's wiring diagram and strength of connections.

>etc. etc. etc., would be needed for each neuron, along
>with an accurate model of how they all worked and interacted, in order to
>calculate the next state, and the state after that, and so on.

But calculating the next state corresponds to continuing consciousness without
a gap.  That I agree would require simulating all the gradients, etc, down to
near molecular level.  But my original contention was that you could simulate a
person, with a memory gap such as incurred under anesthesia, by just the wiring
diagram plus strength of connnections.

>This would be
>difficult enough to do if each neuron were considered in isolation, but in
>fact, there may be hundreds of synaptic connections between neurons, and the
>activity of each connected neuron needs to be taken into account, along with
>the activity of each of the hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those*
>neurons, and so on.

Sure  - but that's still wiring diagram.  I didn't say it was simple; but it's
a lot simpler than trying to capture the instantaneous chemistry.

Brent Meeker

Re: What if computation is unrepeatable?

2005-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

Eugen Leitl wrote:

On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 04:45:21PM -0400, Jesse Mazer wrote:

> I don't think that paper is talking about computations being
> nonrepeatable--they say that they're not talking about "stochastic
> variations" (which I think refers to genuine physical sources of
> randomness), but instead about some type of deterministic chaos. Since 
> deterministic, presumably that means if you feed exactly the same input 
> exactly the same program it will give the same results, the "sensibility 

It is quite common that even different compiler optimization flags 

different architectures) result in
very different trajectories in numerical simulation (e.g. MD is very
susceptible to a nonlinear/butterfly effect).

I don't know what compiler optimization flags are, but if the trajectories 
are different, presumably that means that you are not really running exactly 
the same algorithm, if you include the compiler as part of the whole 
algorithm (ie if you wanted to emulate what the computer is doing using a 
universal Turing machine, the input strings would have to be different for 
different compilers).


RE: What if computation is unrepeatable?

2005-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Norman Samish writes: shows the following abstract,
suggesting that complex computations are not precisely repeatable.  Doesn't
Bruno's Computation Hypothesis imply that computations ARE precisely

"Modern computer microprocessors are composed of hundreds of millions of
transistors that interact through intricate protocols. Their performance
during program execution may be highly variable and present aperiodic
oscillations. In this paper, we apply current nonlinear time series 

techniques to the performances of modern microprocessors during the
execution of prototypical programs. While variability clearly stems from
stochastic variations for several of them, we present pieces of evidence
strongly supporting that performance dynamics during the execution of
several other programs display low-dimensional deterministic chaos, with
sensibility to initial conditions comparable to textbook models. Taken
together, these results confirm that program executions on modern
microprocessor architectures can be considered as complex systems and would
benefit from analysis with modern tools of nonlinear and complexity

Isn't the noise in the system (with ensuing unpredictable behaviour) one of 
the main limits to how densely packed circuits on a chip can be? If 
computations are not precisely repeatable, then what is to stop my computer 
from garbling this email and sending it to some random destination? Now, in 
the case of complex analogue systems like human brains, it would be a 
different matter: you would expect classical chaos to have an effect, and 
different brain states might result even given the same inputs (or no 
inputs). We expect this unpredictability from people, but if our machines 
start behaving in a similar fashion, we assume that they're broken or 
incompetently designed. Is this an unfair double standard?

--Stathis Papaioannou

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RE: Rép : Thought Experiment #269-G (Duplicates)

2005-07-11 Thread Lee Corbin
Bruno writes

> I asked you to predict your immediate first person experience, not a 
> bird's view of the situation. This explain why if I'm in good move you 
> just win nothing, and if I'm in bad mood you and all the Lees own me 
> five dollars!

Of course, I predict that I'll have one 1st person experience
at one location, and a different one at a different location.

Instead of trying to trick me by doubling locations, just ask
yourself the same questions beforehand by doubling times:
"What do you expect, Bruno, to see?"  when the situation is
that every day at 9pm next week you will be shown a zero or
a one.

Well, you will naturally distinguish as to *when*, just as I
am trying to distinguish as to *where*.  But logically, you
must admit that it is the same thing!

> > When you then inform him that he has actually been copied and
> > that there is another instance of him in the other room, then
> > naturally he should say "Okay, here I am seeing a "0" and in
> > the other room the opposite."
> Precisely: here I see without much doubt a 0, and I believe 
> intellectually, by trusting you, that another Lee see the opposite in 
> the other room. Do you agree it is very different sort of knowledge? 
> The question was concerning the first notion of knowledge.

Okay, I'm glad you are making that clearer.  But I think
that my answer is still the same.  I will be having two
1st person experiences, one in one room and another in
another room.

> > Here is the reason not to say that.  As the person who is about
> > to be duplicated knows all the facts, he is aware (from a 3rd
> > person point of view) that scientifically there will be *two*
> > processes both of which are very, very similar.
> Right.
> > It will be
> > false that one of them will be more "him" than the other.
> Right.
> > Therefore he must identify equally with them.  Therefore,
> > it is wrong to imply that he "I" will be one of them but not
> > the other of them.
> This is a matter of choice and personal opinion. It does not address 
> the question I asked. The question is not who you will be, but what 
> will be your immediate feeling. Given that we assume comp it is easy to 
> predict that you will either see 0 or see 1. You will not see a zero 
> blurred with a one. You can in advance bet you will see only a zero 
> (resp. one), and just intellectually know some "other you" will see a 
> one (resp. zero).

> > But if you answer "I will see 0 on the wall OR I will see 1 on the 
> > wall"
> > then it makes it sound as though one of those cases will obtain but
> > not the other.
> Actually I was using the non-exclusive OR! But I do think that the 
> first person experiences of seeing 1 and 0 *are* indeed alternative 
> experience. After one duplication, those experience will be exclusive 
> of each other. You are not able to know the experience of the 
> doppelganger in the same sense that you will be able to see directly 
> the output on the wall.

That's right, of course. If you are speaking of what an
instance knows.

> You shift from 1-person to 3-person, when the question is a bet, before 
> the duplication, of the immediate first person experience.
> But you know, before the duplication that all the Lee will have 
> alternate experiences. So I really don't understand you bet. 
> Mathematically your bets make you win 0 dollars. By betting on your 
> ignorance (1 OR 0), you will always be confirmed and you win 5 dollars 
> at each duplication. You and all the Lee. It seems to me you are hard 
> with your (first person) selves.

What do you think about reworking your whole challenge
with *time* instead of *place*?   Especially if we allow
memory to be erased.  Same thing.


RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

>>Brent Meeker writes:
>>I find it hard to believe that something as stable as memories that last
>>decades is encoded in a way dependent on ionic gradients across cell
>>and the type, number, distribution and conformation of receptor and ion
>>proteins.  What evidence is there for this?  It seems much more likely 
>>long term memory would be stored as configuration of neuronal 

>If anything,
>parameters such as ionic gradients and protein conformation are more 

>regulated over time than gross anatomy.

Gradients where?  Surely you aren't saying that there is a pattern of 
in the brain that is relative to (x,y,z) coordinates and is independent of 

neuronal structures.

The ionic gradients across cell membranes determine the transmembrane 
potential and how close the neuron is to the voltage threshold which will 
trigger an action potential by opening transmembrane ion channels. Other 
factors influencing this include the exact geometry of the neuron and 
composition of the cell membrane (which determines capacitance and the shape 
and speed of propagation of the action potential), the number, type and 
location of voltage-activated ion channels, the number, type and location of 
various neurotransmitter receptors, the local concentration of enzymes that 
break down neurotransmitters, and many other things besides. The ionic 
gradients across cell membranes (all cell membranes, not just neurons) are 
actively maintained within tight limits by energy-requiring transmembrane 
proteins, such as Na/K ATPase, and if this suddenly stops working, the cell 
will quickly die. The moment to moment variations in ion fluxes and membrane 
potential may be allowed to collapse and the neuron will remain structurally 
intact, so to this extent the exact cellular chemistry may not be necessary 
for long term memories. However, all the other things I have mentioned are 
important in determining the "wiring diagram and strength of connections", 
and could easily be maintained over decades. Look up "action potential" in 
Wikipedia, and think about how you would design an equivalent circuit for 
even one neuron. It may be a ridiculously complex way to design a computer 
that would be able to run and maintain a human body, but whereas I would 
happily trade my heart or my kidneys for more efficiently engineered models, 
I would like any brain replacement to be an exact functional analogue of my 
present one.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread George Levy

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
The ionic gradients across cell membranes determine the
transmembrane potential and how close the neuron is to the voltage
threshold which will trigger an action potential by opening
transmembrane ion channels. Other factors influencing this include the
exact geometry of the neuron and composition of the cell membrane
(which determines capacitance and the shape and speed of propagation of
the action potential), the number, type and location of
voltage-activated ion channels, the number, type and location of
various neurotransmitter receptors, the local concentration of enzymes
that break down neurotransmitters, and many other things besides. The
ionic gradients across cell membranes (all cell membranes, not just
neurons) are actively maintained within tight limits by
energy-requiring transmembrane proteins, such as Na/K ATPase, and if
this suddenly stops working, the cell will quickly die. The moment to
moment variations in ion fluxes and membrane potential may be allowed
to collapse and the neuron will remain structurally intact, so to this
extent the exact cellular chemistry may not be necessary for long term
memories. However, all the other things I have mentioned are important
in determining the "wiring diagram and strength of connections", and
could easily be maintained over decades. Look up "action potential" in
Wikipedia, and think about how you would design an equivalent circuit
for even one neuron. It may be a ridiculously complex way to design a
computer that would be able to run and maintain a human body, but
whereas I would happily trade my heart or my kidneys for more
efficiently engineered models, I would like any brain replacement to be
an exact functional analogue of my present one.


you don't have to get down to that level of complexity. As long as the
high level function remains the same, you can still say "yes
doctor" to a substitution experiment. Example: artificial eye lenses
made of plastic and not of tissue, prostheses made of titanium steel
and not of bone.
