Re: [Evolution] Have I pushed Evolution beyond where it is designed to go?

2022-11-08 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 9:58 AM Paul Smith  wrote:
> On Tue, 2022-11-08 at 09:33 +, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > I know this is getting way of topic, but this is primarily why I shy
> > away from Flatpak. You download a blob of "stuff" and you have no
> > real idea what is in that - it could be some ancient bug-ridden
> > library that the dev has decided to use because that's what was on
> > their system then writing it 20 years ago and they can't be bothered
> > to update it.
> I get that people are concerned and there are some legitimate concerns.
> But some of these are just due to misunderstandings or NIH syndrome.
> First, flatpaks are created from a known set of content which is
> described by a declarative file.  The content is controlled so you know
> you're rebuilding from the same thing all the time.
> Second, flatpaks for Gnome tools such as Evolution are created and
> managed by the same people who create the Gnome software.  Snaps are
> created by Canonical, for Ubuntu.  They're not just some random
> assortment of junk that some hacker cobbled together in their basement
> and tossed out on the internet.  If you trust Gnome or Canonical to
> create the _software_ you run on your system it seems odd to not trust
> them to build a flatpak or snap for it; really there's no one better to
> do it.

Do you really think Canonical understands linux?  They have zero
developers in the kernel development process, plus Debian only has (2)
that I know of..  So, please do not use distros as live bait - it is
inappropriate - you use software from a distro that has no regard for
how the kernel / OS actually works - just a bunch of js programmers.

> The content of a flatpak/snap is actually MORE rigorously managed than
> whatever assortment of package versions you have currently installed on
> your system.

rigorously - really..

> And yes, containers can be leaky.  In fact some of that leakage is
> needed (you certainly want to be able to attach files to emails, that
> exist outside the flatpak container!)  But the leaks are minimal and
> getting plugged more and more every day.  They're very very good by
> now.
> And with respect to the specific leak mentioned earlier, "dependency
> hell", they've never been leaky in that way because that's one of their
> primary design goals.
> > And the fact that it doesn't interact with anything makes it less
> > integrated into your system - unless you go through a load of arcane
> > Flatpak command line arguments to make it talk to your environment.
> I didn't say it didn't interact.  I said it didn't _interfere_.  The
> Gnome services talk to each other over dbus etc. and of course
> Evolution is no exception.  Evolution sends notifications for new mail,
> calendar events, etc. to the desktop and all this works correctly, even
> though I'm running Gnome 3.36 and Evolution 3.46.
> The Evolution database etc. is maintained inside the flatpak container
> and it doesn't interfere with the system installed version (if any).
> I literally did NOTHING except "flatpak install org.gnome.Evolution"
> and it worked.
> > Yes, I know it's not that difficult, probably. But it's also not
> > always as straightforward as you are making out.
> Maybe not always: of course I can't speak to all flatpak packages.
> But for Evolution, it absolutely is.

flatpaks, et all are just as vulnerable to library faults as a regular
install...  The thing with flatpak / ubuntu'isms is they do not
publish them along with the flatpak versions...  If a flatpak is built
with lib x.y.z, you will never know bugs with lib x.y.z since it is
not published.

> I was skeptical too.  But I needed a newer Evo because my company was
> bought and switched from GMail to Exchange, so I tried it.  And, it
> Just Works.

Just Works :)

I like that!

Until it doesn't

> I do have many problems with the UI changes introduced in Evo 3.46:
> putting buttons for important things on the title bar makes NO sense.
> But, that's not an issue with the flatpak.
> ___
> evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] What do I do now? V2

2022-11-02 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 10:33 AM Milan Crha via evolution-list
> On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 20:23 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> > It is clear that the vast majority simply do not want a mailing list.
> Hi,
> well, I believe that's a wrong assumption. You might also consider that
> if "random people create random list" is not the right thing to do. The
> community should work together, not to be split, because some random
> folks think they do the best for the community even they do not wait
> for the community decision.  Okay, yes, there is not much time, that's
> true, but still. As had been said by someone, there can be made also a
> Discourse post about where the "real" new mailing list is handled.
> That's the reason why I didn't act on my own and did not create the
> list myself, on a place I would prefer. I want to be sure the people
> are willing to move that way first. And there are supposed to be
> multiple moderators/admins, as poc said. I'm not the admin at the
> moment and I'd prefer not to be. I've no idea how long I'll stay with
> the project and my free time is kinda limited, as for everybody else.
> poc, there had been multiple people offering help even with the
> infrastructure. In case the current list admins do not respond, say
> till the 6th (this Sunday), would it make sense to engage those folks,
> if they are still willing to co-admin the list, wherever it is? There
> should be a voice from them too, of course. I suppose to make the list
> alive will take some time, hence I chose the 6th, to have at least a
> week for it to set up.
> Bret, what about you? Would you be willing to co-admin such list?
> I think there had been at least two other folks mentioned here, but I
> lost their names, I'm sorry. If you read this, please respond.
> Just my personal opinion and thoughts.
> Thanks and bye,
> Milan

I know I said I would not chime in again regarding the mailing list,
but I also subscribe to one other list "network-manager" that is/was
housed on gnome infrastructure.  Today I received a very simple email
from it that stated it was being re-homed to a list
and a simple reply to that email (with nothing else) subscribed me to

I think that should be possible here as well, no?
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Re: [Evolution] Oh for heavens sake ....

2022-10-21 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:31 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:

> Pete,
> Emmanuele is looking into it, thanks for all your efforts here! With any
> change it comes some pain, when we initially moved from cgit to GitLab a
> lot of people complained on with more features comes additional complexity,
> when we introduced Matrix to IRC many complained we were slowly going away
> from a protocol that has been around in the community for ages.
> There will always be someone complaining but it's fundamental to give
> things a try and helping out others to succeed as well making sure their
> workflow is replicated to the new tool/platform/protocol.
> Thanks again for your efforts here! Really appreciate it!


I really appreciate the efforts, but you also have to understand you are
replacing something very simple with something more complex..  Anyhow -
this is my last post on the subject, and while Pete is willing to at least
try, I am  not.  Good luck keeping those of us who are absolutely unwilling
to join a forum..


> On Fri, Oct 21, 2022, 19:24 Pete Biggs  wrote:
>> On Fri, 2022-10-21 at 15:03 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
>> > What new fresh hell is this:
>> >
>> >We appreciate your enthusiasm, keep it up! That said, for the safety
>> >of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new
>> >user can create on their first day. Please wait 21 hours and you’ll
>> >be able to create more replies.
>> >
>> > I can't even reply to my own Topic in "Site Feedback".
>> >
>> > I wondered why my email reply to a user I WAS TRYING TO HELP hadn't
>> > appeared. It looks like it was just silently dropped.
>> The frustration is that I can see posts that I could comment on and
>> help people with following what I've found today, but I can't because
>> I've been banned for 21 hours - for what? Being too enthusiastic and
>> trying to get to grips with the system in the disgustingly short
>> timescale we've been given; trying to sort out the issues even though
>> we were told it just works and that it's an oven-ready, pain-free
>> solution.
>> 20 years of helping people with Evolution and I've been told to sit
>> down at the back of the class because I'm making too much noise.
>> The first day of using this thing does not appear to have been an
>> overwhelming success. For anyone.
>> I may, or may not, return after being released from the sin-bin.
>> P.
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Re: [Evolution] Discourse -- Insufficient Trust Level

2022-10-21 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 11:35 AM Steve Litt 

> Pete Biggs said on Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:42:57 +0100
> >Yup. You're a new user so not trusted to do things. See
> >
> >
> >
> >It doesn't take much to get to Level 1 - I've got there already - but
> >all new users start at Level 0, which is heavily restricted "for safety
> >– both theirs and yours".
> The fountain of youth. With badges and levels, I'm a 12 year old Boy
> Scout again!
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Summer 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

You know - I am not one to bad mouth anyone, but us od timers who remember
when the web did not exist - only gopher, irc and nntp - we appreciate the
ease of scripting email and perusing the subject as well.  Nowadays, we are
being forced to login to some BS app because social media and the newer
generation dictates it..  It makes me sick..  My own family cannot even eat
a meal without checking their damn phones under the table - it really makes
me sick that I helped build build all this stuff - it is just as addictive
(albeit not as unhealthy (mentally)) as doing drugs.

That said - every new release of Gnome / KDE, etc seems to fall in line
with the universal dictators (MS and Apple) and it really starts to piss me
off just as bad.  What says their ideas are always the best - example -
scrolling up versus down with my mouse wheel or touchpad.  That was the
dumbest shit ever..

Anyway - this list will lose me if I have to go sign in anywhere.  Like I
said before though - I just read it mostly and do not contribute much - BUT
- if I ever do, it will be lost.  Email versus forums is so much better...

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Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

2022-10-20 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 3:58 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:

> Greg,
> nobody is requiring you to use a web forum, the only time where you need
> to use it is the first time where you'd be configuring the tag you want to
> watch, in this case the evolution one. Once that has happened you'll get
> all the notifications sent via mail and you'll be able to respond directly
> from within your mail client like you do today, for anyone not familiar
> with the tagging process:
> Tagging means adding a tag to a specific thread that is created to make
> sure it can easily be filtered out and most importantly it can easily be
> configured as a watcher (i.e the process that allows you to receive an
> email when a new email / response has been added to a thread). Our
> Discourse instance already has a tag called "evolution", which can be used
> to tag a specific thread at creation time (or later on in the process) to
> make sure it gets properly filtered for contributors that are only
> interested in mc conversations. Each Discourse category comes with an email
> endpoint, let's say you want to create a new thread under the Applications
> category, you can send an email to the
> email and it gets automatically posted to Discourse, like you do today with
> Mailman. In the background we can configure an automatic tag, that is
> whenever the Evolution or Evo (or anything you prefer) word is mentioned
> (similar to what happens today with Mailman list name tag on subjects) the
> "evolution" tag is automatically added to your thread, that eases
> consumption by your contributors which have watchers defined for the
> "evolution" tag.
> I'm more than happy to work with you guys to ease this transition. But
> please keep in mind that nobody is forcing you to use a web forum,
> Discourse (NOT Discord) can also work as a plain mailing list (please see
> Andre's mail [1] around this), so don't be alarmed.

OK, so scripting something to add the existing mail list users to Discourse
should be fairly simple, so none of us are required to go sign up, etc
elsewhere right?  I am a good scripter and would be willing to help with
that, but if I am forced to go sign up on some other web site, I think I
would just ditch it all.  Just let me know.

> Thanks,
> [1]
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:51 PM Greg Oliver 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 3:45 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:
>>> And it seems I forgot both [1] and [2], there you go.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>> I have to agree with Pete - there were no notifications to this list
>> until {to|yester}day...  Also in agreement - I will no visit an web forum.
>> Been using Evo as far as I can remember running Linux - early 2k - hate to
>> drop this off my mailing lists..  I am on a huge amount of lists because
>> like it has been mentioned, they are easy to peruse..  Make me go to a web
>> page, which then has topics with sub-topics, etc and you will lose me (even
>> if I am unimportant to the project).
>> -Greg
>>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:43 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:
>>>> Pete,
>>>> what you're saying is a honestly a bit unfair, lists decommission has
>>>> been communicated multiple times over the past few months, see [1] and [2],
>>>> but what's even more discouraging is seeing users on your list mentioning
>>>> we're switching to *Discord*, or others not even understanding Discourse
>>>> has the same mailing list workflow that you have today but has some sugar
>>>> added on top for people who like web forums and other features Discourse
>>>> provides. I'm not forcing you to remain, but I'd appreciate you trying to
>>>> recreate your workflow in Discourse: that is totally possible and I can
>>>> work with you and any other stakeholder to make sure that happens.
>>>> There's a subset of lists (the l10n ones) which have requested an
>>>> exception from October's deadline, we can surely offer that in case you
>>>> want some more time in order to migrate somewhere else or just give
>>>> Discourse a try. But please, very please, let's just stop complaining for
>>>> the sake of doing so and without having even tried using the new tool.

Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

2022-10-20 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 3:45 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:

> And it seems I forgot both [1] and [2], there you go.
> [1]
> [2]

I have to agree with Pete - there were no notifications to this list until
{to|yester}day...  Also in agreement - I will no visit an web forum.  Been
using Evo as far as I can remember running Linux - early 2k - hate to drop
this off my mailing lists..  I am on a huge amount of lists because like it
has been mentioned, they are easy to peruse..  Make me go to a web page,
which then has topics with sub-topics, etc and you will lose me (even if I
am unimportant to the project).


> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:43 PM Andrea Veri  wrote:
>> Pete,
>> what you're saying is a honestly a bit unfair, lists decommission has
>> been communicated multiple times over the past few months, see [1] and [2],
>> but what's even more discouraging is seeing users on your list mentioning
>> we're switching to *Discord*, or others not even understanding Discourse
>> has the same mailing list workflow that you have today but has some sugar
>> added on top for people who like web forums and other features Discourse
>> provides. I'm not forcing you to remain, but I'd appreciate you trying to
>> recreate your workflow in Discourse: that is totally possible and I can
>> work with you and any other stakeholder to make sure that happens.
>> There's a subset of lists (the l10n ones) which have requested an
>> exception from October's deadline, we can surely offer that in case you
>> want some more time in order to migrate somewhere else or just give
>> Discourse a try. But please, very please, let's just stop complaining for
>> the sake of doing so and without having even tried using the new tool.
>> Thanks,
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 8:24 PM Pete Biggs  wrote:
>>> Andrea -
>>> I hope you are following the Evolution list.  You certainly haven't
>>> been "communicating" anything to the Evolution list about this until
>>> now and it is the first that most people know about it.
>>> It's really disappointing to see you close down a mailing list that has
>>> been active and useful for 20 years with just a few days notice. That's
>>> not really good "community engagement".
>>> It seems really bizarre that you are getting rid of a mailing list for
>>> a mail client.
>>> I know the attitude will be "tough, they'll get over it", but it's not
>>> going to win over the hearts and minds of your constituency.
>>> Pete
>>> On Thu, 2022-10-20 at 13:09 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > As we have been communicating during the past few months GNOME's
>>> > Mailman platform is being decommissioned (python2 deprecation, major
>>> > burden in managing lists spam). The deadline is currently set to the
>>> > end of October 2022. Mailing list subscribers are invited to migrate
>>> > to GNOME's Discourse instance [1]. Neil made sure [2] to create a set
>>> > of tags you can re-use to initiate a new topic in the new platform,
>>> > if a tag is missing please reach out to me directly.
>>> >
>>> > Jehan (from the GIMP Team) kindly provided some instructions you can
>>> > follow [3] in order to safely migrate your reading workflow to
>>> > Discourse. The new platform supports several login methods including
>>> > your GNOME Account and other major OpenID providers.
>>> >
>>> > After the deadline of the end of October Mailman archives will remain
>>> > alive in read only mode for posterity. If the mailing list was used
>>> > behind an alias, please let me know so we can re-do the same setup
>>> > but on Discourse instead.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > P.S All the l10n lists are still pending code changes in damned-lies,
>>> > the deadline to decommission those lists may slip by a week or two
>>> > depending how soon those changes will be made available in DL
>>> > codebase
>>> >
>>> > [1]
>>> > [2]
>>> >
>>> > 00018.html
>>> > [3]
>>> >
>>> > e/11534/5
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > evolution-list mailing list
>>> >
>>> > To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...
>>> >
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Andrea
>> Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
>> GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
>> Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
>> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
>> Homepage:
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
> GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
> Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,

Re: [Evolution] High disk usage

2022-10-10 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 5:46 AM Pelle Windestam via evolution-list <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2022-10-10 at 11:36 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> > On Mon, 2022-10-10 at 10:55 +0200, Pelle Windestam via evolution-list
> > wrote:
> > > when I by accident looked at my "System Monitor" tool I noticed that
> > > it was writing huge amounts of data to my disk.
> >
> > Hi,
> > does it report what file it is? Is the file itself such large, or so
> > much data is written during the say, keeping the file relatively small?
> > Being it about mail file, do you receive many mails each day?
> > Bye,
> > Milan
> >
> No, unfortunately not. I shows open files, but not how much that it has
> written
> to each specific one.
> I do not receive many mails at all, maybe 20 per day or so. Mostly without
> attachments, and in any case the attachments would be small.
> //Pelle

Without knowing where your evolution files reside - do not use Manjaro, you
can go into the directories and run this command.  Largest files will be at
the bottom:

find . -type f -exec du -b {} \; | sort -n
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Re: [Evolution] Help me understand something please

2022-06-29 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 12:43 PM Jaroslaw Rafa  wrote:

> Dnia 29.06.2022 o godz. 12:30:10 Tim McConnell via evolution-list pisze:
> > Unlikely but true, I copied one of the cron reports into an email and
> > attached the original one sent and sent it to myself in gmail.
> > My CPU stayed under 35% usage when it was opened in gmail (IMAP) both
> > the body and attachment didn't spike the CPU. I can send it if you
> > want)
> > But if I go into "On This Computer-> Inbox and view mail the CPU goes
> > crazy.  I could see if changing to a different font (not sure what
> > plain text uses) but I haven't changed anything like that since I
> > installed Bookworm.
> There are still a few *very basic* facts we don't know.
> 1) How large (average) are the messages that you have problem displaying?
> 2) What type of local mail account does your Evolution use? "Local
> delivery"
> (ie. *copying* mail from system mbox to Evolution-specific location), mbox
> (directly) or Maildir (directly)?
> 3) The above is connected with another question: what format does your
> local
> mail system use? mbox or Maildir?
> 4) If this is mbox, how large it is?
> Scanning a large mbox may involve significant CPU load.
> Without this information, actually very little is known about your local
> mail system. In my opinion, debugging any local mail related problem
> without
> this information is not possible.

I do not want to hijack a thread, but I too have had severe performance
impacts with WebKit (reported previously on the list) since it is not multi
threaded.  I prefer plain text, but as everyone knows, corporate america
has succumbed to html for the MS monster (exchange).  As far as the
difference between local accounts and IMAP accounts, I cannot speak to that
- I have not used evo for a local mbox or maildir account in over 15 years,
but the WebKit rendering is horrendous.  My previous threads to the list
show webkit was using a single thread (this on a 3GHz CPU) and taking over
3 seconds to render the email to my display.  I know we are at the mercy of
WebKit since that was the decision made, but damn - it is quite cumbersome
at times.

I would not quite using evo because of this since I would snip those
messages that took some time to render afterward before a reply, but the
snip takes time as well.

> --
> Regards,
>Jaroslaw Rafa
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Re: [Evolution] XFS being remounted at Evo Startup

2021-01-18 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 5:35 AM Sorin Srbu via evolution-list <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2021-01-18 at 04:43 -0600, Greg Oliver via evolution-list wrote:
> > I still have the long standing issue of Webkit not utilizing SMP and it
> taking several seconds to render a reply window on very large HTML email
> replies.  It has been years, but I still cannot get used to having to wait
> to start typing a reply with CPU usage sitting @ 100% on a single core
> until it finishes, but that's a separate topic.
> Out of curiousity, how large are the large html-mails you refer too?

They are up to 300MB on Office365 - here is the original thread as to not
lengthen this one:

Basically I am a keyboard shortcut (as I am sure most here are) and
pressing Ctrl-R, then starting to type the reply - I can miss whole
sentences if I am not watching the window.

> --
> Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
> Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
> Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
> Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion
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Re: [Evolution] XFS being remounted at Evo Startup

2021-01-18 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 4:29 AM Milan Crha via evolution-list <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2021-01-17 at 19:39 -0600, Greg Oliver via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > They converted their evolution package to flatpak once I downloaded
> > their source and looked inside it.
> Hi,
> apparently they did not. Fedora offers both Flatpak and RPM Evolution.
> You can choose which you install. (Kind of) Sadly, GNOME Software
> prefers the Flatpak version over the RPM version (which causes
> confusion to the users). You did not install the Evolution through
> GNOME Software though, because you do not have it installed, thus I
> miss how you could get the Flatpak version of it. Maybe due to using
> Silverblue? You know.
> One thing, maybe I'm wrong, but WebKitGTK 2.30.x defaults to use its
> own sandbox, which has some limitations (one of the most common is an
> inability to print from the Evolution). The sandbox use can be disabled
> with:
> $ WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution

bingo!  I was in fact webkit.  I mistakenly assumed it was flatpak when I
saw the flatpak files in the RPM from fedora for evolution.  Man I hate
Webkit more and more every day.  I am eventually going to have to stop
using evolution because of it :(

I still have the long standing issue of Webkit not utilizing SMP and it
taking several seconds to render a reply window on very large HTML email
replies.  It has been years, but I still cannot get used to having to wait
to start typing a reply with CPU usage sitting @ 100% on a single core
until it finishes, but that's a separate topic.

Thanks again Milan -

> As it runs bubble wrap in the background, which is used in Flatpak too,
> it can be related. Just a guess from my side, though.
> Bye,
> Milan
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Re: [Evolution] XFS being remounted at Evo Startup

2021-01-17 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 4:51 PM Pete Biggs  wrote:

> >
> > I of course read all of those same google posts as well before I
> > posted here.  I still do not see why starting evolution causes it.
> > It is definitively Evolution startup that makes it happen.
> >
> >
> > [  579.985355] xfs filesystem being remounted at
> /newroot/home/greg/.local/share/webkitgtk/databases supports timestamps
> until 2038 (0x7fff)
> > [  579.986015] xfs filesystem being remounted at
> /newroot/home/greg/.cache/fontconfig supports timestamps until 2038
> (0x7fff)
> > [  579.986268] xfs filesystem being remounted at
> /newroot/home/greg/.cache/gstreamer-1.0 supports timestamps until 2038
> (0x7fff)
> >
> Ok. It may be starting Evolution that initiates the process that
> results in those message being printed, but none of those file paths
> are anything to do with Evolution as far as I know.
> I suspect that what's happening is that those remounts have been
> happening all along silently.  A change in the kernel code has put
> these 2038 warnings in, and so they are now visible. There's a
> discussion about it at

Yep - I read that too, but it is evolution under Fedora.   They converted
their evolution package to flatpak once I downloaded their source and
looked inside it.  Bummer.

-rw-rw-r--. 1 greg greg 12,159,492 Jan  8 05:02 evolution-3.38.3.tar.xz
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 greg greg660 Jan  8 05:35
-rw-r--r--. 1 greg greg  1,348 Jan  8 05:35
Thanks for investigating with me!


> P.
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Re: [Evolution] XFS being remounted at Evo Startup

2021-01-16 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 6:15 PM Ángel  wrote:

> On 2021-01-15 at 15:33 -0600, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 3:26 PM Andre Klapper wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2021-01-15 at 15:17 -0600, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > > > Any ideas why this is happening all of the sudden?
> > >
> > > What does this have to do with Evolution?
> >
> > That's why I am asking - starting evolution causes it.
> How are your mounts set up?
> Are you using some kind of autofs?

Nothing unusual AFAIK.

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Tue Dec 29 08:18:52 2020
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk/'.
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info.
# After editing this file, run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to update systemd
# units generated from this file.
#UUID=36bd86e9-6056-417b-a4ce-7ebdc5d0a6f6 /   xfs
defaults0 0
#UUID=11fb6d5f-751b-4029-90f2-30915d915a2b /boot   ext4
 defaults1 2
#UUID=C36E-436A  /boot/efi   vfat
 umask=0077,shortname=winnt 0 2
#UUID=7c7a269c-389a-4d1d-8842-1c44a6378bd7 /home   ext4
 defaults1 2
#UUID=cede6ead-27aa-4ce3-bf42-e7247c016929 noneswap
 defaults0 0
LABEL=ROOT /   ext4defaults0 0
LABEL=BOOT /boot   ext4defaults1 2
LABEL=EFI /boot/efi   vfatumask=0077  0 2
LABEL=HOME /home   xfs defaults0 0
LABEL=SWAP noneswapdefaults0 0

Filesystem Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs   devtmpfs  7.7G 0  7.7G   0% /dev
tmpfs  tmpfs 7.8G   29M  7.7G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs  tmpfs 3.1G  1.9M  3.1G   1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p3 ext4   39G   10G   27G  28% /
/dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4  976M  198M  711M  22% /boot
/dev/nvme0n1p1 vfat  511M   48M  464M  10% /boot/efi
/dev/nvme0n1p5 xfs   1.8T  548G  1.3T  31% /home
tmpfs  tmpfs 7.8G  3.0M  7.8G   1% /tmp
tmpfs  tmpfs 1.6G  148K  1.6G   1% /run/user/1000
I just upgraded to the latest available and it does the same thing.

[greg@carbon Evo]$ evolution &
[1] 5413
[greg@carbon Evo]$
(evolution-alarm-notify:5430): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 06:35:52.738: Your
application did not unregister from D-Bus before destruction. Consider
using g_application_run().

[greg@carbon Evo]$ dmesg
[ 1357.401728] xfs filesystem being remounted at
/newroot/home/greg/.local/share/webkitgtk/databases supports timestamps
until 2038 (0x7fff)
[ 1357.402413] xfs filesystem being remounted at
/newroot/home/greg/.cache/fontconfig supports timestamps until 2038
[ 1357.402680] xfs filesystem being remounted at
/newroot/home/greg/.cache/gstreamer-1.0 supports timestamps until 2038
[greg@carbon Evo]$ rpm -qa |grep evo
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[Evolution] XFS being remounted at Evo Startup

2021-01-15 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list

Running Fedora 33 (this just started with an update)

Kernel 5.9.16-200.fc33.x86_64

Jan 15 15:13:40 carbon systemd[1603]: Started Application launched by
Jan 15 15:13:41 carbon goa-daemon[1843]: goa_ews_client_autodiscover()
failed: 2 — Error resolving “”: Name or
service not known

*Jan 15 15:13:41 carbon kernel: xfs filesystem being remounted at
/newroot/home/greg/.local/share/webkitgtk/databases supports timestamps
until 2038 (0x7fff)Jan 15 15:13:41 carbon kernel: xfs filesystem being
remounted at /newroot/home/greg/.cache/fontconfig supports timestamps until
2038 (0x7fff)Jan 15 15:13:41 carbon kernel: xfs filesystem being
remounted at /newroot/home/greg/.cache/gstreamer-1.0 supports *timestamps
until 2038 (0x7fff)
Jan 15 15:13:41 carbon evolution-alarm[21137]: Your application did not
unregister from D-Bus before destruction. Consider using

Any ideas why this is happening all of the sudden?


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[Evolution] Message Search without AT-SPI

2020-09-17 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list

When searching "message body" in evolution, it tries to invoke AT-SPI (with
Fedora anyhow).  I disable AT-SPI completely, so the results never come :

Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain dbus-broker-launch[1247]: Activation
request for 'org.a11y.atspi.Registry' failed.
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain WebKitWebProces[8709]: AT-SPI: Could
not obtain desktop path or name
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain dbus-daemon[1208]: [session uid=1000
pid=1206] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.systemd1' requested by
':1.5' (uid=1000 pid=1247 comm="/usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain dbus-daemon[1208]: [session uid=1000
pid=1206] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process
org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain dbus-broker-launch[1247]: Activation
request for 'org.a11y.atspi.Registry' failed.
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain WebKitWebProces[8709]: atk-bridge:
GetRegisteredEvents returned message with unknown signature
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain WebKitWebProces[8709]: atk-bridge:
get_device_events_reply: unknown signature
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain WebKitWebProces[8709]: atk-bridge:
get_device_events_reply: unknown signature
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain evolution[8683]: atk-bridge:
GetRegisteredEvents returned message with unknown signature
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain evolution[8683]: atk-bridge:
get_device_events_reply: unknown signature
Sep 17 15:50:17 localhost.localdomain evolution[8683]: atk-bridge:
get_device_events_reply: unknown signature

Is there anyway known (without recompiling) to make it work.  This is
against Office365, so I am unsure.  It appears to call WebKit, which in
turn uses the accessibility interface for some reason.

I will not pretend to be an expert on any of it, just seems a little
weird.  I can select any other search filter (other than "message
contains") and it works with no issues.


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Re: [Evolution] Folders Unavailable During Searches

2020-03-06 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 12:19 AM Milan Crha via evolution-list <> wrote:

> On Thu, 2020-03-05 at 21:58 -0600, Greg Oliver via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > when performing a search with these versions, I can no longer moves
> > messages to folders that are search results.  The entire folder pane
> > is grayed out.
> Hi,
> check out the search panel at the top, it says:
>Show: [ All Messages ] Search: [ your text ] in [ Current Folder ]
> While the first two ('Show' and 'Search') are not that important (for
> this), the 'in' part is. I guess you've there something else than the
> "Current Folder", which disables the folder tree. It behaves like that
> to indicate that what you see is not the folder selected in the folder
> tree. It works like that for a long time. You probably switched it to
> "Current Folder and Subfolders", which is a new option there.

You are absolutely right - just the other day I needed to search my entire
account and changed that for a search and did not put it back.  Thanks for
the quick reply!

> Bye,
> Milan
> ___
> evolution-list mailing list
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[Evolution] Folders Unavailable During Searches

2020-03-05 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list



connected to Office 365, when performing a search with these versions, I
can no longer moves messages to folders that are search results.  The
entire folder pane is grayed out.

This recently started and I have made no changes to any settings, but it is
how I manage folders (like most I am sure) for customers.

Not sure if I did something or MS enabled something in their web that
caused it..?


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Re: [Evolution] Reversed To: recipients displayed

2019-11-07 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 1:43 PM Greg Oliver  wrote:

> Just wandering if this is something I can change somehow.
> evolution-3.34.1-1.fc31.x86_64
> evolution-ews-3.34.1-1.fc31.x86_64
> evolution-data-server-langpacks-3.34.1-1.fc31.noarch
> evolution-data-server-3.34.1-1.fc31.x86_64
> evolution-langpacks-3.34.1-1.fc31.noarch
> evolution-ews-langpacks-3.34.1-1.fc31.noarch
> If there are 2 or more recipients in the To: field, and say they are
> and, in the message list pane, it displays them in
> the order,
> In the preview pane, it displays them in the proper order,
> This just started happening with Fedora 31's shipped version of Evolution.
> It is pretty annoying since I usually browse sent mails this way and I
> know the second person is not in my mind to look for and I do not need to
> go through many emails and glancing is faster than searching via the search.
> This is an EWS account that does this - I do not know if it is the only
> one affected as I have no other account types to test with.

Sorry - a picture is probably easier than I can describe it :)
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[Evolution] Reversed To: recipients displayed

2019-11-07 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
Just wandering if this is something I can change somehow.


If there are 2 or more recipients in the To: field, and say they are and, in the message list pane, it displays them in the

In the preview pane, it displays them in the proper order,

This just started happening with Fedora 31's shipped version of Evolution.

It is pretty annoying since I usually browse sent mails this way and I know
the second person is not in my mind to look for and I do not need to go
through many emails and glancing is faster than searching via the search.

This is an EWS account that does this - I do not know if it is the only one
affected as I have no other account types to test with.


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[Evolution] evolution -i (import)

2019-04-16 Thread Greg Oliver via evolution-list
Hi, i have a bunch of files I need to import one by one (too many to chug
through the 4 clicks in the GUI each time), so I found the import option,
but there is no way for me to get the rest of the command line options (if
they exist) for the command.

When I invode it from a shell for each file, it pops the GUIs import screen
up with the file already selected.

Does anyone know if I can specify the file format and destination
account/folder to automatically import it into with requiring any clicks?


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Re: [Evolution] evolution-ews handling of recurring appointments got worse

2018-01-27 Thread Greg Oliver
On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 2:53 PM, Michael Hirmke 

> Hi *,
> since evolution-ews-3.26.3 handling of recurring appointments got even
> worse.
> Before, I had problems when modifying a single appointment in a series
> from evolution calendar gui. This lead to a duplicate entry:
> Since 2.6.3 *every* modification of a recurring appointment leads to a
> duplicate entry, even modifications for meeting requests sent by the
> original organizator. The same entry shows correctly in Outlook -
> modified and without a bad brother 8-<
> Even worse: Deleting the duplicate entry in evolution removes both
> entries in evolution, the correct entry in outlook and sends out a
> decline message to the organizator.
> With this behaviour evo has become completely useless for me, because I
> need calendar and meetings requests more than even email.
> Does anyone have any hint?
> EWS is talking to an Exchange Server 2016 CU5.
> TIA.
> Bye.
> Michael.
> --
> Michael Hirmke

I am using 3.26.4, and we do not use Exchange, but office365 rather.  We
also have a corporate WebEx server at my disposal to test.  I just created
recurring meetings on both systems, and edited them several times.  Evo
Calendar correctly updated the meeting every time and no duplicates

Sounds like your Exchange Admin might have some settings causing this more
than likely.  I have been using evo for a very long time and have never
witnessed the symptoms you are seeing, and I am a very heavy
calendar/meeting user.

I just went through all of the tick boxes, and while I am not positive,
none of the options under preferences seem like they could cause this
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Re: [Evolution] Long reply time - webkit hogs CPU

2017-08-21 Thread Greg Oliver
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Milan Crha <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2017-08-11 at 17:04 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > Hitting reply to emails that are html formatted takes several seconds
> > (up to 30 on long emails!!!) before I can reply.
> Hi,
> is evolution frozen during that time, or it's a WebKitWebProcess being
> busy with anything? Evolution 3.22.x uses webkitgtk4. There used to be
> an issue with hyphenation in webkitgtk4, but I think you have that fix
> included (though I do not know it for sure). There was an issue with
> spell checking too

o  Evolution is not frozen
o  The Webkit Process is a CPU hog during this wait - it is clearly not
optimized for multi-core - it only hogs a single CPU core (on this email
for ~25 seconds)..

greg 21209 44.5  0.3 2304024 10 tty2   Sl+  10:30   0:14
/usr/libexec/webkit2gtk-4.0/WebKitWebProcess 55

is the culprit...

o  The timeout before typing catches up is directly dependent on how large
the html email I am replying to it

> If it doesn't do anything, neither CPU has higher usage, then the 30
> seconds can be a timeout on D-Bus. Try running evolution from a
> terminal, it may show something useful there.
> Having a backtrace of evolution, eventually of the busy/frozen
> WebKitWebProcess, would help.

I am going to install F26 tonight (probably).  If it still persists, I will
install the debug symbols and get a backtrace of it.

> Note that there are always two WebKitWebProcess-es tight to evolution,
> one is for the message preview, one for message composers.
> The interesting one might be the later.
> I would try it with your test message, but it seems you already removed
> it (the link returns Forbidden).

Sorry - when evolution saved it out, it made it 600 - I just fixed that.
That particular message takes ~25 seconds before typing catches up.  It is
a very large html email.

Thanks for looking into this.  I'll post back after my upgrade.


> Bye,
> Milan
> ___
> evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] Long reply time - webkit hogs CPU

2017-08-11 Thread Greg Oliver
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 6:02 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2017-08-11 at 17:22 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > webkitgtk4-2.16.3-1.fc25.x86_64
> >
> > [...]
> > webkitgtk-2.4.11-3.fc25.x86_64
> Two versions of Webkitgtk4?
> poc

Those are different..  webkit4 vs webkit
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Re: [Evolution] Long reply time - webkit hogs CPU

2017-08-11 Thread Greg Oliver
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2017-08-11 at 17:04 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > In the latest version I have:
> >
> > evolution-3.22.1-2.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-3.22.6-2.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-data-server-3.22.1-1.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-data-server-3.22.7-2.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-ews-3.22.1-1.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-ews-3.22.6-1.fc25.x86_64
> > evolution-help-3.22.1-2.fc25.noarch
> > evolution-help-3.22.6-2.fc25.noarch
> Do you mean all of those are installed? That can't be right.
> poc

That was odd - glad you caught it - not sure how I ended up that way since
I only do dnf updates..  I just deleted the older versions, but same effect
after restarting everything.  I only have single versions of webkit2 and
webkit4 installed though:



I have a video of it happening, but I do not have video tools to black out
the addresses, etc or I would share it.
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[Evolution] Long reply time - webkit hogs CPU

2017-08-11 Thread Greg Oliver
In the latest version I have:


Hitting reply to emails that are html formatted takes several seconds (up
to 30 on long emails!!!) before I can reply.

If I do reply before the reply-all is finished loading and moves down 2
lines to reply above, it always cuts off the first character of my typing
when it catches up.   I cannot recall this happening before the latest
round of updates I installed, but I cannot be sure.  I am planning on
upgrading to Fedora 26 sometime soon, but this is happening nonetheless.

The email in question is here @

in case it helps.

Anyone else know how to get rid of this nuisance.  I have signature above
reply set and this is corporate, so format in html set as well.


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Re: [Evolution] Replying to email inserting previous reply

2016-09-22 Thread Greg Oliver
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 2:10 AM, Milan Crha <> wrote:

> On Wed, 2016-09-21 at 12:04 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Greg Oliver <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Next email in thread, I hit reply all - Evolution is adding the
> > > reply I just sent in the previous email above everything (not
> > > quoted like my reply style is set to) as a reply to this new reply
> > > automatically.
> Hi,
> I think what you face is a problem with quotation of HTML messages,
> where the HTML part could sometimes be mispositioned. This is addressed
> in 3.22.0+, as part of the switch to WebKit2.
> > Oh yes, and one weird thing I neglected to mention is that when
> > evolution does this, and I close the email, it does not prompt to
> > discard or save as usual when closing a partially composed email.  It
> > just happily closes like a blank email with no typing in it so far.
> It asks for "discard changes" only if anything changed by the user. The
> prefill of the message on forward/reply doesn't qualify as user's
> change. Imagine you accidentally press Ctrl+R, then you can just press
> Escape and the composer will happily close, because nothing changed,
> instead of forcing you to do one more action after the accidental key
> press.
> Bye,
> Milan

Hmmm, is that going to require a full gnome upgrade to rawhide, or just
webkit?  I may go back to F23 until F25 - this is really frustrating :)
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Re: [Evolution] Replying to email inserting previous reply

2016-09-21 Thread Greg Oliver
On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Greg Oliver <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Pete Biggs <> wrote:
>> > Something I have never encountered with evolution throughout the past
>> > 10+ years of using it is happening to me.  When replying to an email,
>> > Evolution is putting the previous email reply (same thread email)
>> > into the composing window on top.
>> Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> General Tab
>> Make sure the "Start typing at bottom" and "Keep signature above
>> original message" are unticked - or at least set to what you want them
>> to be. And make sure the "Reply style" is what you need.
>> P.
>> ___
>> evolution-list mailing list
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> Thanks Pete,
> Those options are all set the way I like (and have been for years).  I
> might have not explained correctly.
> I will reply to an email (and it is only emails that are 100% base64
> encoded due to damn graphic happy ass people's signatures being so large).
> I reply above (as most corp people do).  Email sent...
> Next email in thread, I hit reply all - Evolution is adding the reply I
> just sent in the previous email above everything (not quoted like my reply
> style is set to) as a reply to this new reply automatically.
> I will include a picture if it helps..
> I did not type what is in the red box above my signature...
> Oh yes, and one weird thing I neglected to mention is that when evolution
does this, and I close the email, it does not prompt to discard or save as
usual when closing a partially composed email.  It just happily closes like
a blank email with no typing in it so far.
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Re: [Evolution] Replying to email inserting previous reply

2016-09-21 Thread Greg Oliver
On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Pete Biggs  wrote:

> > Something I have never encountered with evolution throughout the past
> > 10+ years of using it is happening to me.  When replying to an email,
> > Evolution is putting the previous email reply (same thread email)
> > into the composing window on top.
> Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> General Tab
> Make sure the "Start typing at bottom" and "Keep signature above
> original message" are unticked - or at least set to what you want them
> to be. And make sure the "Reply style" is what you need.
> P.
> ___
> evolution-list mailing list
> To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...

Thanks Pete,

Those options are all set the way I like (and have been for years).  I
might have not explained correctly.

I will reply to an email (and it is only emails that are 100% base64
encoded due to damn graphic happy ass people's signatures being so large).
I reply above (as most corp people do).  Email sent...

Next email in thread, I hit reply all - Evolution is adding the reply I
just sent in the previous email above everything (not quoted like my reply
style is set to) as a reply to this new reply automatically.

I will include a picture if it helps..

I did not type what is in the red box above my signature...
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[Evolution] Replying to email inserting previous reply

2016-09-20 Thread Greg Oliver
Hi, I am using (Fedora versions)


Something I have never encountered with evolution throughout the past 10+
years of using it is happening to me.  When replying to an email, Evolution
is putting the previous email reply (same thread email) into the composing
window on top.  Now the only thing I can determine that is a tad different
from other emails is that due to excessive signatures from this company,
Exchange is 100% encoding the message base64.  Not sure what to make of
this, so just wondering if anyone has seen it and if they know how to stop

I have enabled CAMEL_DEBUG and restarted evolution, but none of the output
stands out to me as far as throwing a previous reply into the message body
(also, it is a reply not even found in the original message I am replying
to.  Itr is very bizarre behavior.



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Re: [Evolution] IMAP server dead, but evolution has my emails

2014-11-02 Thread Greg Oliver
- Original Message -
 From: Milan Crha
 To: evolution-list
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:18:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [Evolution] IMAP server dead, but evolution has my emails

 On Thu, 2014-10-30 at 17:39 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
 My mail server did some nasty things the other night, and I was
 forced to rebuild without a backup to restore.  Most users were ok
 since they had cached copies of their emails, and could copy them to
 local folders, and the re-create the server in their client and copy
 them to the server's folders.
 I have a predicament where all of my mail is still in
 ~/.cache/evolution/mail., but evolution will not let me copy the
 messages to local folders from the GUI since the IMAP server is
 offline (I am doing all of this unconnected, and not accepting the
 new cert for the new machine), so I cannot easily move them back and
 while running evolution on a disconnected machine might work the same,
 try to run evolution from a terminal like this:
   $ evolution --offline
 That will start evolution in offline mode, thus showing you only
 offline data. I do not know your evolution version, but I suppose
 it'll work too, especially if it's something like 3.12.4+ [1].
 Otherwise create a Maildir account, pointing to some local directory.
 Create a folder in it in the evolution's UI, which will be reflected
 in that local directory. Then copy files from
 to the
 directory, and then refresh the folder view in the evolution. It'll
 move the messages from the 'new' directory to the 'cur' directory and
 show them as available in the UI. It's laborious, because a need of
 doing it folder by folder, unfortunately. Also delete and expunge the
 *Maildir's* messages from the evolution's UI to not mix folder's
 Definitely make a copy of the ~/.cache/evolution/mail/imap-account/
 before doing anything with the underlying files, thus you'd not lose
Hope it helps,


Thanks for the reply - I was able to accomplish it by highlighting all of the 
emails and saving as mbox and opening in local folders and then dragging back 
to my IMAP account once I was back on-line.

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[Evolution] IMAP server dead, but evolution has my emails

2014-10-30 Thread Greg Oliver

My mail server did some nasty things the other night, and I was forced to 
rebuild without a backup to restore. Most users were ok since they had cached 
copies of their emails, and could copy them to local folders, and the re-create 
the server in their client and copy them to the server's folders. 

I have a predicament where all of my mail is still in 
~/.cache/evolution/mail., but evolution will not let me copy the messages 
to local folders from the GUI since the IMAP server is offline (I am doing all 
of this unconnected, and not accepting the new cert for the new machine), so I 
cannot easily move them back and forth. 

Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I just need to get the emails from 
an offline account into my local folders (either the GUI or copying the files 
somewhere will be fine by me). 

I got Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail to all do it successfully, just not 
Evolution - and of course I am the only one who uses evolution. I do not care 
about settings, etc - just the email since it is my only copy. Dropping to a 
shell and grep'ing through my Sent folder is not my choice for the future when 
I need to find something :) 

Thanks in advance for any insight! 

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Re: [Evolution] Evolution JESCS

2006-01-24 Thread Greg Oliver
Thanks for the reply.  The option for WCAP does show up under new mail
account when I set up a new account.   I built it from source from the
following url:

Command line results:

Initializing evolution-jescs...
Setting up calendar factory...

(evolution-jescs:9637): libedata-cal-WARNING **:
e-data-cal-factory.c:411: cannot register the calendar factory
OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_SunOneStorage_CalendarFactory (not listed)

** (evolution-jescs:9637): WARNING **:
Could not register the calendar factory

** (evolution-jescs:9637): WARNING **: Could not register jescs calendar
backend services.
This probably mean another copy of evolution-jescs is already running.

In fact - it does appear to be running (with evolution closed)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ps awx | grep evolution
9435 ?Ssl
0:00 /usr/libexec/evolution/2.4/evolution-alarm-notify
--sm-config-prefix /evolution-alarm-notify-jmSGJH/ --sm-client-id
117f0100011379779960085730007 --screen 0
9448 ?Sl 0:00 /usr/libexec/evolution-data-server-1.4

Killing those processes and trying again from the command line produces
the same results.



On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 10:32 +0800, Harry Lu wrote: 
 Hi, Greg,
   Are you building evolution-jescs from source or get a package from
   The jescs account cannot do upgrade automatically. You have to setup an
 account manually again. You can setup it through the new mail account
   To make sure it can star up correctly, please find it in location
 $PREFIX/lib/evolution/2.4/evolution-jescs.  You can star it in a command
 line to see whether it can work. Then start evolution to have a try.
 On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 12:42 -0600, Greg Oliver wrote:
  DS - the same
  JESCS - 2.4.3
  I started on Evo 2.2, then upgraded in hopes of this working.
  The connector options show up in the new account type, etc, but when I
  start Evolution, I never get the button for it like the FAQ states.
  Anyone successfully using this?  I get no mention of the account
  anywhere in evolution once I set it up.  It never even asks me for a
  Any ideas?
  Evolution-list mailing list

Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] Evolution JESCS

2006-01-23 Thread Greg Oliver
DS - the same
JESCS - 2.4.3

I started on Evo 2.2, then upgraded in hopes of this working.

The connector options show up in the new account type, etc, but when I
start Evolution, I never get the button for it like the FAQ states.

Anyone successfully using this?  I get no mention of the account
anywhere in evolution once I set it up.  It never even asks me for a

Any ideas?



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