[FairfieldLife] Re: Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 13, 2005, at 5:30 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
Are you afraid of death?
   No, been there done that!
  Got more T-shirts than I can count...
 You laugh but I was serious. 

Actually, I was laughing while serious, 
and agreeing with you.  Both in terms 
of Bardo experiences between incarnations,
and during this one.

 Part of samadhi is death and also there are those 
 that decide to consciously experience death while they are 
 still alive. The whole experience of life, death and rebirth is 
 fractally embedded in numerous experience in life (e.g. falling 
 asleep) but there is nothing like samadhi to experience it in it's 
 fullness. When 'your time comes', you're really ready for the ride.

Agree completely.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread Sal Sunshine
Sounds like there's going to be another call for $$ any day now...

On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:58 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

John H. reported that Maharishi has 175 groups of 350 pandits
 each in India performing graha shanti and Peace Yagya programs.  That's
 55,000 pandits in decentralized, localized groups, even more than Guru Dev
 had in the 40's.  They have been in place for several weeks and the numbers
 are growing.
   - Bevan, in Vlodrop, reported that Maharishi is feeling extremely
 fulfilled to the degree that all his desired world transformation is finally
 coming to fruition.  He's never seen Maharishi with such energy and
 enthusiasm.  He's unfolding new aspects of creation day after day and
 keeping people at rapt attention until the wee hours.  Then he's off doing
 other projects while his loyal troops stagger off to bed.  It's all very
 productive and joyful.

[FairfieldLife] Re: a very specific Jyotish prediction-the current Discovery launch time

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bbrigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   The situation is extremely difficult 
   because of bad jyotish chart Personally, I hope that the 
   launch is delayed or postponed. Otherwise, there may be 
   a major problem for the crew, and there will not be a safe 
   and successful mission. I am also sending copy of this 
   email to NASA in the hopes that it will be received and 
   seriously considered
  The shuttle launch has been scrubbed due to
  the failure of a sensor in a fuel tank (I
  think I got that right).  NASA is saying
  fixing the problem will take quite a while.
 ...till Saturday, according to their front page:
 Seems a bit excessive. But the $64,000 question is
 whether bbrigante's astrological software puts them
 in a better position or worse still.

Back when I lived in LA, I knew a few NASA
scientists who worked at JPL in Pasadena.
Based on the guys I knew, if they actually
became convinced that the position of the
planets could affect one of their space
shots, they'd be at work trying to rearrange
the position of the planets rather than scrub
the mission.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ishaya

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
  And after some time, Vaughn used to show up to residence courses he
   was giving there  wearing robes / dhoti .. and acting guru like.
  Right. Sitting up on a raised couch, taking flowers from people, 
 Some really took a shot at Gurudom.  Makes you wonder what 
 personality trait makes them do it.  

Yes, it does.  All of them.  Including Maharishi.

 Or maybe they're really there, for all I 
 know.  But I've seen many get tripped up on their own egos trying to 
 assume this role. Better to go the Johnny Gray route.  Find something 
 that needs a new age spin or perspective on it, and run with it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Sal Sunshine
Yes, Bob, it's obvious that ll the attention you've put on the friendliness, happiness and compassion mantras have just done wonders. :)  Now if the primordial sound technique works half as well...

On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:12 PM, bbrigante wrote:

 The sound amrita means nectar of immortality, and like putting 
 attention on happiness, or friendliness, or other qualities as people 
 do in the TM-Siddhi program

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Original Message  Subject:  Fwd:
  Please Circulate: All Governors invited to Guru
  Purnima at MERU, Holland 
  Date:  Wed, 13 Jul 2005 08:07:41 -0700 (PDT) 
  From:  Kordis Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Before clarification I would guess that Governor would now mean
 recertified Governor. (I believe George Orwell spoke about this
 redefinition of words.) So don't wip out the credit card yet.

On the other hand, didn't Maharishi just wave his
magic flower and declare everyone who even applied
for the recent recert course that got cancelled
recertified?  This is probably your chance to 
get legal for the price of a plane ticket and a
hotel room.  :-)

Joking, but also serious.  This sounds like a last
gathering before the Bardo guru thang to me, even
if it turns out to be far from the last one.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful World

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
Nice post.  And yes, I love film, and yes, for many of 
the same reasons you seem to.  It's the art form of our
time; it has the ability to uplift and transform, and
sadly it also has the ability to drive people further
into complacency.

The amazing thing to me, having known a lot of people
in the film industry, is that any good films get made
at all.  It's an assembly line of untalented idiots,
run by even more untalented committees of middle 
managers who self-promoted themselves to the position
of upper managers.  The whole *system* should prohibit
any good films being made at all.

And yet, good films get made.  It's a tribute to the
enduring power of the artist, and his or her ability
to make lemonade out of sour lemons.  Or shinola from
a pile of shit.  Whatever.

Paris is about as international a city as one could
hope to find, with its modern population reflecting
generations of conquest and colonization.  The French,
because they realized the futility of trying to rule
Vietnam a lot earlier than the Americans did, have a 
huge population of French-Vietnamese citizens, most
of whom have now blended into the melange that is the
French population here.  Same with Algerians and
Moroccans, and people from Ivory Coast and other former
French colonies.  Walking down the street in Paris is
like a history lesson in the footprints of the French
empire.  And it's sometimes depressing, when you think
of all the things that went down in those colonies, but
just as often inspiring, when you see the former 
oppressors and the formerly oppressed living side by
side and just trying to do today what they were trying
to do then -- figure things out, and make it to

A good film *can* change the world.  I just hope there
are enough of them to change it quickly enough so that
we all get to live side by side in the near future,
rather than getting to die side by side in it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 After some posts tonight on (some real) christian values (IMO) in 
 the 60's related to Vietnam protests, I happened to view a portion 
 of Good Morning Viet-Nam. Though not a great film, it has some 
 great cinematic moments. Though we may bicker and have some 
 different points of view. I appreciate your love of films. I have 
 such too, though I am sure not as extensive and as refined a 
 sensibility as you have.
 There is a one minute sequence in this film, that is IMO, awesome in
 conveying the power of cinema, while devestating to the heart.  Back
 ground music is Louie Armstrong's great... , or i should say the 
 great Louie Armstrong's rendition of Its a Wonderful World. 
 With footage of the real ironies and contradictions of Viet-nam:
 beautiful landscapes, pastoral villages, sweet people, then with US
 soldiers propositioning young girls on the street, indigant protests
 being met by brutal repression by vietnamese police (smelling of US
 training ), helicopters napalming villages, etc. 
 All of which, ironically brings to mind the sweetness I feel for
 Viet-nam still today -- even amid the horror of the war and, IMO, US
 arrogance -- similar to Iraq today. Perhaps such memories are
 influenced by the Vietnamese reastuarant I use to eat at in France
 when I lived their in the early 70's.
 The sweetness is for the Buddhist soul of the country, co-mingled 
 with French and catholic sensibilities -- while imperialist and 
 still the mixture of a sweet gentle buddhism with french design,
 culture and tastes, to me leaves a fragrant feeling for that era and
 the country.
 Not so much a question or point to make. More an observation -- 
 which made me think of you, in Paris, a Buddhist of sorts, and a 
 fan of cinema.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don¹t know who the ³Bob² is who wrote this:
 Hello everyone,
   M'lou and I spent a couple of weeks on the road, and so much is
 that it's worth while putting together a summary for our friends. 
We met
 with the Charlotte Peace Palace team and the one in Pittsburgh,
attended a
 Trustees meeting at MUM, visited both vedic agriculture projects and the
 pandit campus and met with two rajas.  I realize that many of you are
 rightfully wary of superlatives...

...Yes, you are not wrong. It seems to me that either
they have all found some Nepalise Temple Balls or they
have pushed forward the frontiers of mood making to a 
degree which is beyond any form of measurement.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
I'm staying out of this whole trying-to-second-guess-
you-read-in-the-papers thing.  

It's already starting to sound like the pissing and
moaning about the fraudulent election results in the
last election.  And all the big talk about how we're
not going to stand for it, and we're going to do
something about it.  Yeah, right.  We all know how
that turned out. A buncha people expressing righteous
anger at Karl Rove, revealing more about themselves 
and their desperate need to believe that justice will 
finally be done in America than about Karl Rove and 
the (IMO) obvious outcome of this case.

Rove's gonna walk.  Nothing bad will happen to him
except possibly being forced to resign and phone in
his puppeteering of George W. Bush instead of being
able to do it from within the White House.  Done
deal.  From where I sit, and the history of the
Bush administration and America's ball-less reaction
to it for the last few years, there is no other
possible scenario.  They can't *allow* any other

I'd like to see the guy take a fall, too.  I'd like
to be surprised by America actually doing the right
thing for a change.  In the biz, we call it hope in
a time of hopelessness.  But whether justice is done
doesn't really affect me any more than whether it
isn't.  I'm not really attached to America, or to
any idealized image of it.  It is what it is, a 
crying shame, and a real and present danger to the
continued existence of the planet.  I don't see this 
changing overnight, just because a lot of people *do* 
identify with the fictional version of America, and 
would like to believe it's not fiction.

They might even give Rove a medal.  And America would
stand for it.  Or, more accurately, sit for it, in
front of their televisions.  And watch the fictional
versions of the American Dreams instead of coming to
grips with the reality of the American Nightmare.

I'd like to be proved wrong.  But I honestly don't 
think it's gonna happen.  IMO it'll take actual star-
vation in the streets to get Americans off their asses 
at this point.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread off_world_beings
  We learned that the buildings for Peace Palaces which have been
ordered are actually panelized construction, 

That means they are not built an nowhere near finished.

not modular like the bouncy,
noisy things here at Heavenly Mt.   We happened to see panelized 
houses from
Ryan Homes going up while we were in PA.  A 2,500 sf house was 
framed to dry in from cinder block in only 4 days. 

This is a bit of a myth. Panelized is no faster than a team of 
carpenters. Its just harder to find a team these days. Panelized was 
built by a team of non-carpenters in a factory. How is this faster?
And once the panels go up, it is far from finished. Just started 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread off_world_beings
lol, that sounds right.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
 Sounds like there's going to be another call for $$ any day now...
 On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:58 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  John H. reported that Maharishi has 175 groups of 350 pandits
   each in India performing graha shanti and Peace Yagya programs. 
   55,000 pandits in decentralized, localized groups, even more 
  Guru Dev
   had in the 40's.  They have been in place for several weeks and 
   are growing.
     - Bevan, in Vlodrop, reported that Maharishi is 
   fulfilled to the degree that all his desired world 
transformation is 
   coming to fruition.  He's never seen Maharishi with such energy 
   enthusiasm.  He's unfolding new aspects of creation day after 
day and
   keeping people at rapt attention until the wee hours.  Then 
he's off 
   other projects while his loyal troops stagger off to bed.  It's 
   productive and joyful.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm Sorry

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

This is the missing piece Kirk was searching 
for. We may well see a different Kirk after this 
post.lurk-Yes. That's it! I'm also going to go get 
help too. 

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[FairfieldLife] Culture Clash and the Commandments

2005-07-14 Thread Jason Spock

Article byMichael Bindel" 
 Culture Clash and the Commandments  It's amazing how much has always been at stake in the interpretation of these 10 terse phrases.  A pair of Supreme Court rulings dealing with the display of the Ten Commandments on public property are only the most recent illustration of the power of the Decalogue (from the Greek, meaning “ten words”) to illuminate philosophical, religious, and cultural fault lines. For two thousand years, it has served as a potent symbol of the clash between moral cultures.

 The identity of the cultures has changed, but this most familiar of all biblical law codes has remained the ultimate token of victory: He who controls the meaning of the Ten Commandments and the purpose to which they may be put, has won the culture war. Ancient Christians and Jews, 20th-century fascists, and 21st-century political liberals and conservatives have all understood the stakes in the tug-of-war over the Decalogue. 
 That this would prove to be the case wasn’t necessarily obvious to the first people to hear the Ten Commandments.

 The Bible’s Book of Exodus relates how the Jews were liberated by their God from Egyptian slavery, fled into the desert, and, at the foot of Mt. Sinai, heard the Lord’s voice speaking the commandments that would become the heart of Jewish faith, as well as of the Christian religion. After the Hebrew tribes had spent 40 years in the wilderness, immediately before entering the promised land of Israel, Moses reviewed for them the whole Teaching (or “Torah,” as the Five Books of Moses are called in Hebrew) that God had revealed at Sinai. As given in the written text of the Torah, this Teaching actually comprises 613 commandments (according to Jewish tradition)–including rules for everything from distinguishing between kosher and forbidden foods to circumcising baby boys–of which the Ten Commandments add up to less than one-sixtieth.
Yet neither in Exodus, nor in a slightly different version given in Deuteronomy, is there any explicit indication that the Decalogue stands out for special regard among all the other commandments in the Torah. Distinctions that later religious thinkers would make between the Ten Commandments and all the rest, or between “moral” and “ritual” commandments, are nowhere evident in the Torah itself, which recounts the giving of the whole body of the commandments in the form of a narrative of those 40 years in the desert. The commandments are simply recorded in the order in which God chose to reveal them.

 Thus, in the Exodus narrative, the Decalogue is followed almost immediately by instructions on a matter that some much later biblical interpreters would anachronistically regard as being of “merely” ritual significance--how to build an altar for animal sacrifice. The latter subject is treated in the Bible with no hint of a suggestion that we’re making a transition from commandments of ultimate, permanent importance to others of lesser or transient value. The fact that God makes no distiction of the kind that these later Bible readers would make should suggest to us that either in his eyes, or (if you prefer the conventional academic viewpoint) in the eyes of the Pentateuch’s editors, there was no such distinction to be made. In any event, from the Bible’s own perspective, the Decalogue is simply 10 out of 613.
So where, then, did there arise the idea that these ten are The Ten–the vaunted Ten Commandments, as if the other 603 were little more than chopped liver?

 That idea didn’t arise in Judaism, though the ancient rabbis did grant a certain elevated status, of purely symbolic significance, to the Decalogue. The rabbis taught--as an oral tradition which they said went back to a body of teaching given by God to Moses at Sinai, called the Oral Torah, as an accompaniment to or explanation of the Written Torah and finally written down for the first time about 200 C.E. in the Mishnah–that the Ten Commandments were different from other commandments in one respect. 

 That was, besides being commandments in their own right, they functioned as a sort of a table of contents for the rest of the commandments. The 10 items of the Decalogue are like chapter headings to a book, with the other commandments each falling under one of these 10 headings. Just as a book’s table of contents is only that–the table of contents, not the full text–so the Decalogue is not the whole account of what God told Moses to command the Jewish people. 

 In this sense, as a summary of the 613 commandments, the Ten Commandments still held a special place in Jewish eyes. That is why, according to the Mishnah, when the Jerusalem Temple still stood, before its destruction by Roman forces in 70 C.E., the reading of the Ten Commandments was a central fixture of the Temple liturgy. In the order of prayers, it came immediately before recitation of the Sh’mah, the central statement of Jewish belief in God’s indivisible oneness. When Jesus attended worship services 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread inthislifetime300
Hi Kevin,

I have several of those sounds.  The first one I received was 
specifically for the problem you are talking about...at least I think 
I did.  I described at length the uncomfortable energetic problems I 
was experiencing and he proceeded to give me a specific sound to 
remedy that. (so he said)  It seemed to help somewhat.  Sharon

 I began using a couple of them to help with some health problems I am
 having which I believe are in part due to an ongoing kundalini 
 I am experiencing.One thing I have noticed is that with one sound in
 particular it seems to have a soothing effect.But Chopra never really
 talked about what specific effect any of the sounds were meant to 
 have.Thanks in advance.Kevin

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub
Title: Notes from the Field

Sounds like the Hollywood ending. They ride off into 
the sunset.

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Archer 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Notes from the Field
I don’t know who the “Bob” is who wrote 
this:Hello everyone,M'lou and I spent 

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[FairfieldLife] Free Scientology DVD

2005-07-14 Thread Jeff Fischer
Presentation by David Miscavige about Scientology and its worldwide 
humanitarian efforts.
Email me privately if you'd like one.  Your privacy will be respected.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM grad school?

2005-07-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  that ain't courage. the boy's a crazy mutha
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
   You are an inspiration to us all.  Your courage to tread
   where lesser mortals do not dare is awe inspiring.
 They like me! They really like me!
 /sally field

Hey, this taking slight blows without alot umbrage and stretching 
tiny disagreements into 20 posts has got to stop.  Nice comeback.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful World

2005-07-14 Thread Patrick Gillam
Two other arrangements of What a Wonderful 
World that I like are by Joey Ramone and 
Innocence Mission. Each is at the opposite 
end of the spectrum from the other. Go to 
iTunes Music Store and listen to the samples.

   I see friends shaking hands, saying, 'How 
do you do?' / They're really saying, 'I love you.'

My eyes tear up just writing the lyric.

 - Patrick Gillam

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don¹t know who the ³Bob² is who wrote this:
 Hello everyone,..They are now on the job and the 
tractors are rolling in just a few weeks. The only downside
 is that the deep well water in Fairfield is too salty. 
So they have to dig a shallow well, reconstitute the sulfur water 
from that level in holding ponds and then spray it on the crops.
That may hold back development for a little while.

...which means we have no idea when...

If you look in the eyes of the Raja's you can definitely see the
 changes Maharishi has rendered in them.

...which means thatHang on, we can; its here:
and he looks as if he has been beaten up.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful World

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

I used to wait tables at a Sheraton here in NOLA where 
all they played needless to say was Old Satchmo. So consequently I enjoyed 
the irony of being under pressure and listening to the Oh-So-Happy lyrics. Of 
course after hearing the song half a million times I was making up my own 

I see skys of gray, 
fireworks in the night
Dessert Storm on TV, 
the whole world likes a fight,

and I say to myself, 
what a beautiful world? 

Atom bombs on Tokyo,
Genetic mutants in Rangoon,
Hoards of angry Muslims
With body parts all strewn.

The whores have pinpoint pupils
and will do anything,
around the world, or double,
from LA to Peking.

Slavery's alive and doing fine,
Only the second black market commodity
After drugs, and before guns,
Used to be it was an oddity.

And I say to myself, 
what a beautiful world

- Original Message - 
From: Patrick Gillam 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:03 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful 
Two other arrangements of "What a Wonderful World" that I 
like are by Joey Ramone and Innocence Mission. Each is at the opposite 
end of the spectrum from the other. Go to iTunes Music Store and listen 
to the samples. "I see friends shaking hands, saying, 'How 
 do you do?' / They're really saying, 'I love 
you.'"My eyes tear up just writing the lyric.- Patrick 
GillamTo subscribe, send a message 
to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/and 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

Wouldn't it be great if things really worked out?

Yes. Then we could all sit with folded arms and watch the angels sing. 
I'll take the job of the Rajas dope dealer. I always prefered the estoteric to 
the straightfoward. Raja Howard Bell needs a bump now and again when all those 
pundits get uppity about their stipends. The days of three waking state hours 
get long between seven hours of samadhi. Sometimes some methamphetamine is 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    Original Message  Subject:  Fwd:
   Please Circulate: All Governors invited to Guru
   Purnima at MERU, Holland 
   Date:  Wed, 13 Jul 2005 08:07:41 -0700 (PDT) 
   From:  Kordis Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Before clarification I would guess that Governor would now mean
  recertified Governor. (I believe George Orwell spoke about this
  redefinition of words.) So don't wip out the credit card yet.
 On the other hand, didn't Maharishi just wave his
 magic flower and declare everyone who even applied
 for the recent recert course that got cancelled
 recertified?  This is probably your chance to 
 get legal for the price of a plane ticket and a
 hotel room.  :-)
 Joking, but also serious.  This sounds like a last
 gathering before the Bardo guru thang to me, even
 if it turns out to be far from the last one.

  I didn't realize that anyone who applied got recertified. It must
have been anyone who applied and PAID. (No, we don't need no pesky


PS. 350*175 is not equal to 55,000  
A whole hour in full Raja regalia, whew! 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Culture Clash and the Commandments

2005-07-14 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Article by  Michael Bindel
Culture Clash and the Commandments 
It's amazing how much has always been at stake in 
the interpretation of these 10 terse phrases.  

A pair of Supreme Court rulings dealing with the 
display of the Ten Commandments on public property 
are only the most recent illustration of the power 
of the Decalogue (from the Greek, meaning ten words)
 to illuminate philosophical, religious, and cultural
 fault lines.

Is it my ignorance, or is it true that this stuff is 
worth no more than a box of horses hooves?

Oh, he is as tedious as a tired horse, a railing wife, worse than a 
smoky house.  Henry IV, part I .

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[FairfieldLife] John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. When John was on
MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in Interlaken, M used to use his
name (Black) to ridicule him, indicating the evil implied by his name was
reflected in his personality.


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[FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
This just in from someone on Mother Divine

Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see

We will build following vastu buildings:

10 000 peace palaces 5000 peace colonies with each 200 houses 108 national
yogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 sidhas 10  8000-groups 5000 schools for each
200 children 1000 hospitals with each 200 beds 12 time zone groups with each
2000 sidhas

500 yagja groups in india 5000 hotels and resorts and lots of land for vedic

All Governors are invited to realize and enjoy these project.

Well Maharishi is getting more and more inspired to inaugurate Sat Yuga in a
very big way...He has asked every TM center in the world to organize a big
group of Yogic Flyers to fly together at the dawning of the full moon on
Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their cosmic hops, they are
asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.

Jai Guru Dev

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[FairfieldLife] Ride available to NYC

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Ride available to NYC

Rosemary Gabriel is driving from Fairfield to NYC for Ammas program and would like a driving companion. She had planned to leave today and the person who was going to go with her cancelled. If youd like to go, call her at 472-4404.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful World

2005-07-14 Thread anonymousff
Worshipped by musicians, adored by the public and loved by the people
who knew him (including ex-wives), the mature Armstrong's career was
dazzling, his life positively storybook.

And through it all, he smoked his gage.

His regimen, wrote David A. Jasen and Gene Jones in Black Bottom
Stomp (Routledge, 2002), included a daily dose of Swiss Kriss (an
herbal laxative that he swore by), a few applications of the lip salve
made for him by a German trombonist named Franz Schuritz, some red
beans and rice -- when he could find them on a hotel menu -- and
several marijuana cigarettes.

Despite his habit, he was always a meticulous professional,
dependable, emotionally stable and universally cherished for his
folksy wit and wisdom. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I used to wait tables at a Sheraton here in NOLA where all they
played needless to say was Old Satchmo.  So consequently I enjoyed the
irony of being under pressure and listening to the Oh-So-Happy lyrics.
Of course after hearing the song half a million times I was making up
my own lyrics:
 I see skys of gray, 
 fireworks in the night
 Dessert Storm on TV, 
 the whole world likes a fight,
 and I say to myself, 
 what a beautiful world? 
 Atom bombs on Tokyo,
 Genetic mutants in Rangoon,
 Hoards of angry Muslims
 With body parts all strewn.
 The whores have pinpoint pupils
 and will do anything,
 around the world, or double,
 from LA to Peking.
 Slavery's alive and doing fine,
 Only the second black market commodity
 After drugs, and before guns,
 Used to be it was an oddity.
 And I say to myself, 
 what a beautiful world
 - Original Message - 
 From: Patrick Gillam 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful
 Two other arrangements of What a Wonderful 
 World that I like are by Joey Ramone and 
 Innocence Mission. Each is at the opposite 
 end of the spectrum from the other. Go to 
 iTunes Music Store and listen to the samples.
I see friends shaking hands, saying, 'How 
 do you do?' / They're really saying, 'I love you.'
 My eyes tear up just writing the lyric.
 - Patrick Gillam
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: Notes from the Field

on 7/13/05 9:31 PM, David Hawthorne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

University has also managed a sizable donation to India which has been
described as key to the U's long term viability.

The above sentence bothers me. I have always seen this tithing to India as a constant bloodletting which has sapped the universitys strength. How is it key to the Us long term viability? Ms nephews are saying keep sending us money and we wont sell the place out from under you?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This just in from someone on Mother Divine
 Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see

Just now.what's he been doing for the last 50 years?

 We will build following vastu buildings:
 10 000 peace palaces 5000 peace colonies with each 200 houses 108 
 yogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 sidhas 10  8000-groups 5000 schools 
for each
 200 children 1000 hospitals with each 200 beds 12 time zone groups 
with each
 2000 sidhas
 500 yagja groups in india 5000 hotels and resorts and lots of land 
for vedic
 All Governors are invited to realize and enjoy these project.

You mean create these projects!!

 Well Maharishi is getting more and more inspired to inaugurate Sat 
Yuga in a
 very big way...He has asked every TM center in the world to 
organize a big
 group of Yogic Flyers to fly together at the dawning of the full 
moon on
 Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their cosmic hops, 
they are
 asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
 Jai Guru Dev

Whoa...What corney garbage! Asked *every* TM Center eh? What's a TM 
center, I mean really, I want to know, haven't seen one lately. You 
mean all 3 of them!  Nyuk, nyuk! And next week I'm going to win the 
lottery and fly to the moon and eat green cheese! This is what I will 
do, would you like to join me?

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[FairfieldLife] [was Re: This is a religious war] causes of terrorism

2005-07-14 Thread anonymousff
  akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   And like any religion, Islam has fundamentalists that try to 
  everything required of them,
 The problem is that in Islam those fundamentalists seems to be 
 Seems to be are the operative words. Have you traveled or lived 
 muslim countries much? 
Yes, 35 years.

Have you gone to the muslim areas in your


There are a lot of sweet gentle kind people there.
sure there are, that's not the point.

 I hope
 your assessment of seems to be a majority is empiracally based 
 not just some armchair, pipedream, dogmatic racism/religous 

Are you hoping or telling me that this is what I am, under a cover 
of hope.

 while holding captive the other, silent by consent, Muslims.
 I don't like the influence of radical fundmentalist muslims and I
 don't like the power of radical fundmentalist christians. 

same here, but my criticism of Islam doesn't imply that I don't have
one on radical fundamentalist Christians.

 Though recently, I have been inspired by the power of radical
 fundmentalist muslims in resisting the horrific Russian invasion of
 Afghanistan in the 80's. Their courageous resistance, and their
 austere, spiritual ways are inspiring. I believe they were A major
 force, if not THE major force that caused the Soviet Union to 

So what, is that another way to justify the Muslim's horrors ?

 Note majority not by quantity here but rather by power etc.
 Their tolerance towards other religions is very small.
 And so are fundamentalist Christians. And they are growing so 
 Their intolerance, bigotry and arrogance is quite scary, don't you

I absolutely agree with that and nothing in my previous email 
suggests differently,
At least in Christian countries there is a strong opposition to 
fundamentalist Christians, while almost none in the Muslim 
countries, that is to say that their majority
is actually passively agreeing with the fundamentalist.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The event of war is a natural phenomenon...MMY

2005-07-14 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
   Yeah, but MMY has also said that the war described in the Gita 
   resolution between negative and positive forces *within one's 
   consciousness*. He responded to just such a question during one 
   press conferences.
  MMY speaks in contradictions today...(He speaks with forked 
  I believe he had it right in the Gita!
 According to MMY, any/all Vedic writings can be interpreted from 4 
 states of consciousness: waking. TC. CC. GC (unity requires/allows 
 interpretation I guess).
 War in the material world would be from a waking state perspective. 
 War as a metaphor for the mind might be from a TC (meditation?) 

Well, there you go..(don't tell Judy).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM grad school?

2005-07-14 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   that ain't courage. the boy's a crazy mutha
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
You are an inspiration to us all.  Your courage to tread
where lesser mortals do not dare is awe inspiring.

  They like me! They really like me!
  /sally field
 Hey, this taking slight blows without alot umbrage and
 stretching tiny disagreements into 20 posts has got to
 stop.  Nice comeback.

Chalk it up to Karunamayi. I used to spend most of my online time
getting into various arguments with people. Then after starting to
chant the Gayatri Mantra, the desire to do so just faded away. If my
writing honestly and frankly about the nature of Waking Down and my
experiences with it invoke snarky comments directed at me, so be it.
I figure it says a whole lot more about the commenter than me.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Ingegerd
I received my first Primodial Sound, many years ago from Dr. Chopra. 
The sound was for thhe head and neck, and Dr. Chopra said that I should 
feel the specific areas in the head when I used the sound. It had a 
great effect. I have a damage in the neck after an accident as a child. 
One year after I got my second Primodial Sound, and I asked him to 
check my 1st sound. Than he changed the instruction - saying that I 
should use the sound as a Sidhi-Technique. Very little effect. So I use 
the Primodial Sounds from time to time - and I just love them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shanti2218411 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I would appreciate any feedback/comments re the orgin and efficacy
 of the primordial sound Chopra was teaching while still in TMO.
 I learned a # of these sounds and have used them sporadically.Recently
 I began using a couple of them to help with some health problems I am
 having which I believe are in part due to an ongoing kundalini process
 I am experiencing.One thing I have noticed is that with one sound in
 particular it seems to have a soothing effect.But Chopra never really
 talked about what specific effect any of the sounds were meant to 
 have.Thanks in advance.Kevin

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: [Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi] invitatiun uf all governer to gurupurnima- global reconstruction

2005-07-14 Thread Ingegerd
I am so tired of all the talks about Buildings and Towers and Rajas 
and reconstructions of Towns. I want simple knowledge and anything 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron F [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note: forwarded message attached.
 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
 dear friends,
 all governers are invited to come to holland from 17. - 21. july
 to welcome sat juga.
 maharishi is just starting the reconstruvtion of the world.
 see http://www.globalreconstruction.org
 maharishi want to build following vastu buildings
 10 000 peace palaces
 5000 peace colonies with each 200 houses
 108 national yogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 sidhas
 10  8000-groups
 5000 schools for each 200 children
 1000 hospitals witg each 200 beds
 12 tomezone groups with each 2000 sidhas
 500 yagja groups in india
 5000 hotels and resorts
 and lots of land for vedic agriculture
 we all are invited to realise and enjot these project.
 jai guru dev

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

Chris Rock move over. Your talents are no longer 

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Archer 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times 
This just in from someone on Mother 
DivineMaharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. 
will build following vastu buildings:10 000 peace palaces 5000 peace 
colonies with each 200 houses 108 nationalyogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 
sidhas 10 8000-groups 5000 schools for each200 children 1000 hospitals 
with each 200 beds 12 time zone groups with each2000 sidhas500 yagja 
groups in india 5000 hotels and resorts and lots of land for 
vedicagricultureAll Governors are invited to realize and enjoy these 
project.Well Maharishi is getting more and more inspired to inaugurate 
Sat Yuga in avery big way...He has asked every TM center in the world to 
organize a biggroup of Yogic Flyers to fly together at the dawning of the 
full moon onGuru Purnima evening. As they come down from their cosmic hops, 
they areasked to all together yell "welcome to Sat-Yuga".Jai 
Guru DevTo subscribe, send a message 
to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/and 
click 'Join This Group!' 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful World

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

Well, yeah. You don't think it would have been 
such a wonderful world back then do ya without the herb?

- Original Message - 
From: anonymousff 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure Post to Unc: Its a Wonderful 
Worshipped by musicians, adored by the public and loved by 
the peoplewho knew him (including ex-wives), the mature Armstrong's career 
wasdazzling, his life positively storybook.And through it all, he 
smoked his gage."His regimen," wrote David A. Jasen and Gene Jones in 
Black BottomStomp (Routledge, 2002), "included a daily dose of Swiss Kriss 
(anherbal laxative that he swore by), a few applications of the lip 
salvemade for him by a German trombonist named Franz Schuritz, some 
redbeans and rice -- when he could find them on a hotel menu -- 
andseveral marijuana cigarettes."Despite his habit, he was always a 
meticulous professional,dependable, emotionally stable and universally 
cherished for hisfolksy wit and wisdom. http://www.cannabisnews.com/news/thread17749.shtml--- 
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Llundrub" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: I used to wait tables at a Sheraton here in NOLA where all 
theyplayed needless to say was Old Satchmo. So consequently I enjoyed 
theirony of being under pressure and listening to the Oh-So-Happy 
lyrics.Of course after hearing the song half a million times I was making 
upmy own lyrics:  I see skys of gray,  fireworks in 
the night Dessert Storm on TV,  the whole world likes a 
fight,  and I say to myself,  what a beautiful world? 
  Atom bombs on Tokyo, Genetic mutants in 
Rangoon, Hoards of angry Muslims With body parts all 
strewn.  The whores have pinpoint pupils and will do 
anything, around the world, or double, from LA to 
Peking.  Slavery's alive and doing fine, Only the second 
black market commodity After drugs, and before guns, Used to be 
it was an oddity.  And I say to myself,  what a 
beautiful world  - Original Message -  From: 
Patrick Gillam  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  Sent: 
Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:03 AM Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Obsure 
Post to Unc: Its a WonderfulWorld   Two other 
arrangements of "What a Wonderful  World" that I like are by Joey Ramone 
and  Innocence Mission. Each is at the opposite  end of the 
spectrum from the other. Go to  iTunes Music Store and listen to the 
samples.  "I see friends shaking hands, 
saying, 'How  do you do?' / They're really 
saying, 'I love you.'"  My eyes tear up just writing the 
lyric.  - Patrick Gillam
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

on 7/14/05 11:09 AM, Ingegerd at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: I happen to know that MMy has turned to an Independent 
TM-Teacher to offer a position in the World Government. Not to teach TM. 
It seems that it must be too few foot-soldiers among the re-certificated 
TM- Teachers, if he has to use Independent TM-Teachers.Maybe 
he's trying to woo him back so he won't be independent anymore.

--Maybe he's the one who 
possessed Maharishi and then built a world government so that he could later 
become part of it.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 7/14/05 11:09 AM, Ingegerd at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I happen to know that MMy has turned to an Independent TM-Teacher to
  offer a position in the World Government. Not to teach TM. It seems
  that it must be too few foot-soldiers among the re-certificated TM-
  Teachers, if he has to use Independent TM-Teachers.
 Maybe he's trying to woo him back so he won't be independent anymore.

In many senses of the word 'independent.'

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm staying out of this whole trying-to-second-guess-
 you-read-in-the-papers thing.  

And yet you are still mucking around in it five paragrahps later.
 It's already starting to sound like the pissing and
 moaning about the fraudulent election results in the
 last election.  And all the big talk about how we're
 not going to stand for it, and we're going to do
 something about it.  

Since this has not been a part of the discussion per the actual text,
either you have an intensively active imagination (do flowers talk top
you?) Or you have an extraordinary ability to accurately read between
the lines. I am sure its the latter.

 A buncha people expressing righteous
 anger at Karl Rove, revealing more about themselves 
 and their desperate need 

My, who is revealing what about whom?

 From where I sit, 

the wc?

  They can't *allow* any other

Ah, who is expressing righteous anger? 

 I'd like to see the guy take a fall, too.  I'd like
 to be surprised by America actually doing the right
 thing for a change.

What is the right thing? Letting the investigation unfold? And then
figure out what crimes were committed and what the punishment should be? 

 I don't see this 
 changing overnight, just because a lot of people *do* 
 identify with the fictional version of America, and 
 would like to believe it's not fiction.

And you are the clear seer with brilliant truth pervading searing
vision to awaken us neanderthals from our slumbering dreams? From
France, even.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 It seems unlikely that Rove, as campaign stragegist in 2003, would
 have clearance to know who covert CIA ops were. And even if he DID, he
 would have had to have a need to know -- which is even more
 unlikely. So it appears to me that Rove is not eligible for

If Rove sat in on a briefing with President Bush where Valerie Plame 
was identified in some way, he de facto had clearance for that 

 As I have stated, the real focus is on the person who had clearance,
 and the need to know, AND who leaked the info to Rove. Or who leaked
 it to an intermediary who leaked it to Rove.

Right. However, as I said, if Rove was in an official meeting where 
classified info was discussed, he had official access to that info and 
was liable.

 Beyond its high probability that Rove is not the focus of the
 investigation, it is far more interesting to think of those at a level
 above Rove who are now in the prosecutor's sights.

Actually, given Rove's status in the White House, there's only one 
person above him --the one he advises directly.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 7/14/05 11:09 AM, Ingegerd at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I happen to know that MMy has turned to an Independent TM-Teacher to
  offer a position in the World Government. Not to teach TM. It seems
  that it must be too few foot-soldiers among the re-certificated TM-
  Teachers, if he has to use Independent TM-Teachers.
 Maybe he's trying to woo him back so he won't be independent anymore.

It is too late. The train has gone and MMY has lost his Charisma.

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[FairfieldLife] 'London: One City, One World...'

2005-07-14 Thread Robert Gimbel

The prayer vigil today in London, and the silence thereof, seems to be a wave of a renewed sense of spirituality in Britain, andaround the world.

Because this last terrorist attack, seemed to have stirred the common folk to feel vulnerable, then it has stirred them to pray and be in touch with spirit more.

It is good that at least something positive can come out of such a despicable act.

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[FairfieldLife] Shards of the Diamond Matrix

2005-07-14 Thread Vaj
(footnotes at bottom)

x-tad-biggerShards of the Diamond Matrix/x-tad-biggerx-tad-bigger
/x-tad-biggerSelections from the Notebooks of Lance Daybreak  

by Erik Davis

 Originally appeared in FringeWare Review, no. 5, 1994


In January, while attempting to scrounge up my first assignment for Wired, I visited a Tibetan Buddhist monastery located in the Indian state of Karnataka. Along with their usual tasks, the young monks at Sera Mey were inputting rare and crumbling woodblock sutras onto cheap XTs. Under the auspices of the Asian Classics Input Project, mountains of this digital dharma eventually found its way onto freely-distributed CD-ROMs and the Internet.

One evening, after the monks served me a bowl of noodles and beef my vegetarians self choked down out of politeness, an older monk sidled up to the table. Furtively he reached into his maroon robes and handed me a thick dog-eared notebook, wrapped in a pair of sweat socks. He made sure I secured the book in my satchel, but when I asked what was going on, he only smiled, bowed and walked quickly from the dining hall.

I unwrapped the package late that night. The words Open the Folds!! were scrawled on the notebook cover and the sticky pages gave off a faint odor of opium. The yellowing pages were covered with a minute, seemingly impenetrable scrawl. Like a printed circuit or a magical grimoire, the indecipherable density of these bug doodles signified, and when I returned to the States, a microscope confirmed my suspicions: the scrawl was a dense molecular text, written in English, and employing a curious variant of the arcane Chinese art of microscopic calligraphy.

The author himself turned out to be no less arcane, though in a manner far closer to home. His name was Lance Daybreak, and a subsequent call to a Southern California pop historian corroborated his claim to be one of the first surfers to hang around the Santa Monica pier in the late 1940s. In fact, all Daybreak's assertions about his Stateside activities checked out. After getting his B.A. in archeology from UCLA in under two years, he did a long stint as a merchant seamen and treasure hunter. In 1965, he enrolled in Stanford, where he was working on a thesis that combined Maturana's cybernetics with Nagarjuna's second-century Madhyamika Buddhist philosophy in order to solve some dizzying problems in data sets and computational linguistics. Socially, Daybreak covered all the fronts: he huffed it over the Bay Bridge for SDS actions, designed psychedelic light shows for the Pranksters and the Family Dog, and cranked out idiosyncratic code with the hackers at SAIL. In 1968, Daybreak either dropped out or was expelled. On July 20, 1969, the day Apollo 11 landed on the moon, the man left for Asia.

It's here that Daybreak's tale becomes pretty ludicrous. In the manuscript, he claims to have somehow eluded the Soviet authorities and entered East Turkestan. There, in the savage gullies of the Karakorum Mountains, a few hundred kilometers southwest of the Taklamakan Desert, on the southern fork of the ancient Silk Road, he discovered an unknown and isolated people—the ngHolos. Though the lay ngHolos had settled down into a sedentary life of subsistence farming, weaving, and hash-growing, the community's religious order of monks and nuns, known as the Virtuous Ones remained nomadic. The Virtuous Ones wandered on foot or horseback through the Folds: the high passes, hidden valleys, and endless plateaus of their severe mountain surroundings. But Daybreak's descriptions also make it clear that for the Virtuals, this bleak physical environment unfolded into an abstract, visionary realm, a constantly-shifting locus of cosmic memory and oracular landscapes haunted by demons, alien gods and insectoid Buddhas. Daybreak repeatedly cites one of the ngHolo's countless slogans: Here your eye does not follow the warp of the land. Here you follow the warp of your own eye.

To judge from his tone, Daybreak does not seem to have gone insane or sunk into the mire of narcotic psychosis. I choose to read his text as I read Castaneda, with an open mind not particularly concerned with anthropological accuracy I wouldn't really be able to judge anyway. In any case, from the fragments I've been able to decipher, the Virtuous Ones—or Virtuals, as Daybreak sometimes calls them—are fascinating. Their radically eclectic and syncretic religious philosophy juggles elements from the various faiths that passed along the Silk Road—gnostic Manicheaism, Mahayana Buddhism, Mongolian shamanism, Catholicism, heretical Sufism, Taoism—without trying to tie them up into one grand system.[1] As Daybreak writes, The path is a network of paths.

Even more fascinating that the ngHolo's religious collages are their spiritual machines. In the early 17th century, a Jesuit named Francis Lumiere brought the first clock to the region. Daybreak writes: Having long since assimilated whatever Christian motifs that compelled them, the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 4:38:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  gonna walk. Nothing bad will happen to himexcept possibly being 
  forced to resign and phone inhis puppeteering of George W. Bush instead of 
  beingable to do it from within the White House. Donedeal. 
  From where I sit, and the history of theBush administration and America's 
  ball-less reactionto it for the last few years, there is no 
  otherpossible scenario. They can't *allow* any 
  otherscenario.I'd like to see the guy take a fall, too. I'd 
  liketo be surprised by America actually doing the rightthing for a 
  change. In the biz, we call it hope ina time of hopelessness. 
  But whether "justice is done"doesn't really affect "me" any more than 
  whether itisn't. I'm not really attached to America, or toany 
  idealized image of it. It is what it is, a crying shame, and a real 
  and present danger to thecontinued existence of the planet. I don't 
  see this changing overnight, just because a lot of people *do* 
  identify with the fictional version of America, and would like to 
  believe it's not fiction.They might even give Rove a medal. And 
  America wouldstand for it. Or, more accurately, sit for it, 
  infront of their televisions. And watch the fictionalversions of 
  the American Dreams instead of coming togrips with the reality of the 
  American Nightmare.I'd like to be proved wrong. But I honestly 
  don't think it's gonna happen. IMO it'll take actual star-vation 
  in the streets to get Americans off their asses at this 

Years ago I realized that one of the reasons for gambling, 
playing the lottery , was bad for you was because of the slightly raised hopes 
that you might win when you bought your ticket were quickly dashed by the let 
down of realizing that you lost later. Hopes raised, then dashed. Up then down. 
Can't be good for your overall Psychology. I see the same thing here. Not with 
just this one post but so many others. I see people getting their hopes up that 
they are "finally" going to nail either Bush or another republican to the wall 
only to have their hopes dashed again. It must be very frustrating, creating 
even more anger, hate and hostility. Years ago I saw a therapist abouta 
similar issue and each time he saw me he emphasized my need to be able to "let 
go". Telling me to repeatedly squeeze a ball and let go. It's the letting go 
that feels so good. The same key to Transcending. Just let go! The anger and 
hostility only makes that person look ridicules to others. Not good in the field 
of politics. The shrillness I constantly see , hear and read coming from the 
left in their anger to resist the out come of two elections is many 
timeshysterically funnyand yet sometimes pathetic and it is this, 
that drives the undecided voter to the other side, in many cases , IMO of 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: [Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi] invitatiun uf all governer to gurupurnima- global reconstruction

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
 I am so tired of all the talks about Buildings and Towers and Rajas 
 and reconstructions of Towns. I want simple knowledge and anything 
Ironically when I worked on the Kansas City Capital Project in 1979-
80, we completed a grand building near Waverly, MO with about 40 rooms-
 maybe more, a dining hall, a central dome and flying rooms on either 
wing. Only thing was, the front entrance faced directly South...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. When 
John was on
 MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in Interlaken, M used to 
use his
 name (Black) to ridicule him, indicating the evil implied by his 
name was
 reflected in his personality.

No offense to the man, but what about his first name?


Definition:  toilet bowl; toilet; WC; restroom; lavatory


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 PS. 350*175 is not equal to 55,000  
 A whole hour in full Raja regalia, whew!


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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. When John 
was on
 MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in Interlaken, M used to use 
 name (Black) to ridicule him, indicating the evil implied by his name 
 reflected in his personality.

He would have been on MY shit-list for organizing a puja to MMY.

MMY was quite gentle and understanding with him, IMHO.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This just in from someone on Mother Divine
 Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see
 We will build following vastu buildings:

The bigger the plan, the more support of nature you get...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. 
  When John was on MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in 
  Interlaken, M used to use his name (Black) to ridicule him, 
  indicating the evil implied by his name was
  reflected in his personality.
 He would have been on MY shit-list for organizing a puja to MMY.

Yeah!  Pujas are tacky.  Everybody knows that the 
appropriate way to honor Maharishi is to give him 
what he asks for -- money.  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
 I happen to know that MMy has turned to an Independent TM-Teacher to 
 offer a position in the World Government. Not to teach TM. It seems 
 that it must be too few foot-soldiers among the re-certificated TM-
 Teachers, if he has to use Independent TM-Teachers.

Did MMY know he was teaching TM outside the TMO?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
 I received my first Primodial Sound, many years ago from Dr. Chopra. 
 The sound was for thhe head and neck, and Dr. Chopra said that I 
 feel the specific areas in the head when I used the sound. It had a 
 great effect. I have a damage in the neck after an accident as a 
 One year after I got my second Primodial Sound, and I asked him to 
 check my 1st sound. Than he changed the instruction - saying that I 
 should use the sound as a Sidhi-Technique. Very little effect. So I 
 the Primodial Sounds from time to time - and I just love them.

INstruction learned in private, stays in private...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This just in from someone on Mother Divine
  Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see
  We will build following vastu buildings:
 The bigger the plan, the more support of nature you get...

Sure worked out for the Thousand Year Reich.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread akasha_108
 Unc wrote:

It's already starting to sound like the pissing and
moaning about the fraudulent election results in the
last election. And all the big talk about how we're
not going to stand for it, and we're going to do
something about it. Yeah, right. We all know how
that turned out. A buncha people expressing righteous
anger at Karl Rove, revealing more about themselves
and their desperate need to believe that justice will
finally be done in America than about Karl Rove and
the (IMO) obvious outcome of this case.

 I see the same thing here. Not with  just this 
 one post but so many others. I see people getting their hopes up
that  they 
 are finally going to nail either Bush or another republican to the
 wall  only  to have their hopes dashed again. It must be very 
 frustrating, creating  even 
 more anger, hate and hostility. 

You guys seem obsessed or at least pre-occupied with looking for (and
finding) partisian motives here. Maybe some have it. All I can say is
I find high level 'disclosures' fascinating. Dem or Rep. Kennedy's
filandeering, Johnson's business deals, Nixon's Watergate, Reagan's
Iran Contra, Clinton Monicagate, Bush's Downing Street Memos and the
current Rove situation (not to equate it in magnitude with some of the
other scandals).

So I may have another type of deviance, but its not a partisian one.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. 
   When John was on MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in 
   Interlaken, M used to use his name (Black) to ridicule him, 
   indicating the evil implied by his name was
   reflected in his personality.
  He would have been on MY shit-list for organizing a puja to MMY.
 Yeah!  Pujas are tacky.  Everybody knows that the 
 appropriate way to honor Maharishi is to give him 
 what he asks for -- money.

What objection do you have to the stated reason to raise the money?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This just in from someone on Mother Divine
   Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see
   We will build following vastu buildings:
  The bigger the plan, the more support of nature you get...
 Sure worked out for the Thousand Year Reich.  :-)

How well would it have worked if they called it the 7 year Reich?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 11:54:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Beyond its high probability that Rove is not the focus of the 
  investigation, it is far more interesting to think of those at a level 
  above Rove who are now in the prosecutor's sights.Actually, given 
  Rove's status in the White House, there's only one person above him --the 
  one he advises directly.

Why would Rove had to have known any thing about Wilson's wife 
being a covert operative? What I'm more curious about is the Times writer in 
jail andwho her source was. Could it have been her own husband or anybody 
on the Senate intelligence committee?Why is she so quiet? Would a Times reporter 
go to jail to protect a republican source?Something is 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd 
  I received my first Primodial Sound, many years ago from Dr. 
  The sound was for thhe head and neck, and Dr. Chopra said that I 
  feel the specific areas in the head when I used the sound. It had 
  great effect. I have a damage in the neck after an accident as a 
  One year after I got my second Primodial Sound, and I asked him 
  check my 1st sound. Than he changed the instruction - saying that 
  should use the sound as a Sidhi-Technique. Very little effect. So 
  the Primodial Sounds from time to time - and I just love them.
 INstruction learned in private, stays in private...
Are you my Guru?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 11:54:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
   Beyond its high probability that Rove is not the focus of the
   investigation, it is far more interesting to think of those at 
a level
   above Rove who are now in the prosecutor's sights.
 Actually, given  Rove's status in the White House, there's only 
 person above him --the  one he advises directly.
 Why would Rove had to have known any thing about Wilson's wife  
being a 
 covert operative? What I'm more curious about is the Times writer 
in  jail and who 
 her source was. Could it have been her own husband or anybody  on 
the Senate 
 intelligence committee?Why is she so quiet? Would a Times 
reporter  go to jail 
 to protect a republican source?Something is  fishy.

I was curious about this too, given the odd juxtaposition between 
the NY Times and WH. I've chalked it up to the self-importance of 
the press. 'Standing on principle' for once...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This just in from someone on Mother Divine
  Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the world. see
  We will build following vastu buildings:
 The bigger the plan, the more support of nature you get...

I tend to agree, as I read this from my condo located in the world's 
tallest building, located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, having just returned 
from a vacation in Vedaland. What an Amusement Park that is!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 12:14:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I was 
  curious about this too, given the odd juxtaposition between the NY Times 
  and WH. I've chalked it up to the self-importance of the press. 'Standing 
  on principle' for once...

NY Times standing on principle when they could nail a 
Republican administration official? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The shrillness I constantly see , hear and read coming from the  
 left in their anger to resist the out come of two elections is 
 many  times hysterically funny and yet sometimes pathetic and it is 
 this,  that drives the undecided voter to the other side, in many 
 cases , IMO of  course.

Oh, yeah, the left should take a lesson from
the right about never indulging in shrillness;
it does nothing but lose elections.

Just think, if the Swift Boat Vets had been
shrill, Kerry might have won the election!

Heck, if the right had been shrill about Clinton
and Gore, Gore could have won the electoral in
addition to the popular vote.

trying to uncross eyes

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 12:14:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 I was  curious about this too, given the odd juxtaposition between 
 the NY Times  and WH. I've chalked it up to the self-importance of 
 the press. 'Standing  on principle' for once...
 NY Times standing on principle when they could nail a  Republican 
 administration  official?  Naaa!

Actually I find the NY Times (and the Wahington Post) far more 
obedient to the WH than they would have their readers believe. Often 
they will make a big splash to bolster their image, but it amounts 
to very little sustained investigation at the end of the day  
(similar to the way the democratic party conducts itself).  
Contributing more to the myth of a liberal news media than the 

As with much in the current administration, the so-called liberal 
news media is a fiction invented to bolster the idea that there is 
actual organized and sustained opposition to them, so that the 
republican controlled White House, Congress and Supremes can blame 
any failures on 'the opposition' vs their breathtaking and sustained 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  It seems unlikely that Rove, as campaign stragegist in 2003, would
  have clearance to know who covert CIA ops were. And even if he
DID, he would have had to have a need to know -- which is even more
unlikely. So it appears to me that Rove is not eligible for
 If Rove sat in on a briefing with President Bush where Valerie Plame 
 was identified in some way, he de facto had clearance for that 
Perhaps. But that still seems to miss the point. Rove could have
gotten the info in any number of ways. The technical point that seems
lost in all of this is that if Rove did not have a formal clearance (a
forma CIA piece of paper) from the CIA for the security level required
to access information on the IDs of covert ops (a very high level of
clearance I assume and not give out lightly), then under the statute,
Rove can not be prosecuted.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You guys seem obsessed or at least pre-occupied with looking for
 (and finding) partisian motives here.

One would think they'd been reading the Republican
talking points on Rove.

The funny thing is, I haven't seen that much
not going to stand for it talk here.  The
vast majority of it has been about the legal
intricacies, which are fascinating in and of

 Maybe some have it. All I can 
 say is  I find high level 'disclosures' fascinating. Dem or Rep. 
 Kennedy's filandeering, Johnson's business deals, Nixon's 
 Watergate, Reagan's Iran Contra, Clinton Monicagate, Bush's Downing 
 Street Memos and the current Rove situation (not to equate it in 
 magnitude with some of the other scandals).

Gee, right, imagine thinking that a serious
breach of classified information that could
endanger national security was anywhere near
the same magnitude as Clinton's and Kennedy's
zipper problems!  I mean, get some perspective,

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from the Field

2005-07-14 Thread Patrick Gillam
I imagine that donation is sold as something 
of a yagya -- a sacrifice that garners the goodwill 
of the gods.

 - Patrick Gillam

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 7/13/05 9:31 PM, David Hawthorne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  University has also managed a sizable donation to India which has been
  described as key to the U's long term viability.
 The above sentence bothers me. I have always seen this tithing to India as a
 constant bloodletting which has sapped the university¹s strength. How is it
 key to the U¹s long term viability? M¹s nephews are saying keep sending us
 money and we won¹t sell the place out from under you?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Patrick Gillam
I didn't know there were multiple primordial 
sounds. I learned one from Dr. Chopra in 1989. 
At that time the choice was between a bliss 
technique and the primordial sound. Deepak 
took my pulse to determine which was more 
suitable for me. Apparently I was too messed 
up to merit the bliss technique. (Or I had enough 
bliss already, either one.)

I was told to use the primordial sound as 
Ingegard describes below, for 10 to 30 minutes 
a day. The default area of the body to feel was, 
I believe, the forehead. 

It struck me as something of a healing mantra. 
Instead of simply feeling the body, now I can 
bathe it in this sound. 

I asked if I could use it lying down, which Deepak 
answered in the affirmative. That made it more 
practical, for it became something I could fit into 
my day upon going to bed, or if I awoke in the 
wee hours and couldn't fall back to sleep.

Don't do it much at all any more. Can't say why. 
Maybe it's from doing it lying down.

 - Patrick Gillam

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ingegerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I received my first Primodial Sound, many years ago from Dr. Chopra. 
 The sound was for thhe head and neck, and Dr. Chopra said that I should 
 feel the specific areas in the head when I used the sound. It had a 
 great effect. I have a damage in the neck after an accident as a child. 
 One year after I got my second Primodial Sound, and I asked him to 
 check my 1st sound. Than he changed the instruction - saying that I 
 should use the sound as a Sidhi-Technique. Very little effect. So I use 
 the Primodial Sounds from time to time - and I just love them.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shanti2218411 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I would appreciate any feedback/comments re the orgin and efficacy
  of the primordial sound Chopra was teaching while still in TMO.
  I learned a # of these sounds and have used them sporadically.Recently
  I began using a couple of them to help with some health problems I am
  having which I believe are in part due to an ongoing kundalini process
  I am experiencing.One thing I have noticed is that with one sound in
  particular it seems to have a soothing effect.But Chopra never really
  talked about what specific effect any of the sounds were meant to 
  have.Thanks in advance.Kevin

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  You guys seem obsessed or at least pre-occupied with looking for
  (and finding) partisian motives here.
 One would think they'd been reading the Republican
 talking points on Rove.
 The funny thing is, I haven't seen that much
 not going to stand for it talk here.  The
 vast majority of it has been about the legal
 intricacies, which are fascinating in and of
  Maybe some have it. All I can 
  say is  I find high level 'disclosures' fascinating. Dem or Rep. 
  Kennedy's filandeering, Johnson's business deals, Nixon's 
  Watergate, Reagan's Iran Contra, Clinton Monicagate, Bush's Downing 
  Street Memos and the current Rove situation (not to equate it in 
  magnitude with some of the other scandals).
 Gee, right, imagine thinking that a serious
 breach of classified information that could
 endanger national security was anywhere near
 the same magnitude as Clinton's and Kennedy's
 zipper problems!  I mean, get some perspective,

not to equate it in magnitude with some of the other scandals could
be interpreted in two ways, Rovegate is larger or smaller than the
others. I left my take ambiguous. Mainly becasue we don't know how big
a story this is. It could be next to nothing, it could unravel into
something huge. I don't know and I don't think anyone does at this
point (other that Fitzgerald and the Grand Jury). Though I did hear a
justice dept insider say that Fitzgerald  has a huge stack of material
that has not yet become public. Regardless, I doubt this will have the
magnitude of watergate. But lets wait and see and not speculate too
far ahead.

But as far as zippers, that falls way down my list of issues being of
 importance, wheher it was Lincoln (gay?), Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson
(his famous line among the traveling seretarial pool is said to have
been, how would you like to serve your President of the United
States?), Bush I, Clinton, or Jenna and Barbara. 

Direct lies and coverups are more problematic.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:

 I didn't know there were multiple primordial

It was my understanding that there were different sounds for different 
parts of the body.

I forget where this came from. I used to receive notes from a purusha 
that had all this stuff in it. They were also using a technique at that 
time whereby you could do samyama of the numerical value of a specific 
herb and get the same value as taking the herb.

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[FairfieldLife] Mystical Poetry Reading

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Mystical Poetry Reading

Mystical Poetry, Friday, July 15, 8 PM at Revelations

All cultures and all ages have created beautiful mystical poetry. Such 
poets as Tagore, Dante, Hafiz, Whitman, Dickinson, Kabir, Mirabai, 
Rumi, Jimnez, St Teresa of Avila, Lao Tzu, Paz have all contributed to world mystical poetry. The Candlelight Reading Series is happy to present an evening of inspiring, uplifting, and often humorous poetry by Persian, Indian, Spanish, Italian, Mexican, British, French and American poets and saints, past and present, on Friday, July 15, 8 PM at Revelations. Freddy Niagara Fonseca, the series founder, has invited Sharalyn Harris, whose specialty as a performer is spiritual poetry, to read with him. 

Laughter Came from Every Brick
by Teresa of Avilla

Just these two words He spoke
changed my life,

Enjoy Me.

what I burden I thought I was to carry--
a cruifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, I know a song,
Would you like to hear it?

And laughter came from every brick in the street
and from every pore
In the sky.

After a night of prayer, He
He changed my life when
He sang,

Enjoy me.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Bright

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
on 7/14/05 11:56 AM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note that MMY has changed John Black's name to John Bright. When John
 was on
 MMY's shit list for organizing the puja in Interlaken, M used to use
 name (Black) to ridicule him, indicating the evil implied by his name
 reflected in his personality.
 He would have been on MY shit-list for organizing a puja to MMY.
 MMY was quite gentle and understanding with him, IMHO.

He was banned from courses for years, but took it like a man.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But as far as zippers, that falls way down my list of issues being of
 importance, wheher it was Lincoln (gay?), Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson
 (his famous line among the traveling seretarial pool is said to have
 been, how would you like to serve your President of the United
 States?), Bush I, Clinton, or Jenna and Barbara. 
 Direct lies and coverups are more problematic.

Your priorities are way out of whack.  
What kind of American are you?  :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

What herb was 69?

- Original Message - 
From: Vaj 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial 
On Jul 14, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Patrick Gillam 
wrote: I didn't know there were multiple primordial 
sounds.It was my understanding that there were different sounds for 
different parts of the body.I forget where this came from. I used to 
receive notes from a purusha that had all this stuff in it. They were also 
using a technique at that time whereby you could do samyama of the numerical 
value of a specific herb and get the same value as taking the 
herb.To subscribe, send a message 
to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/and 
click 'Join This Group!' 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 12:30:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  I find the NY Times (and the Wahington Post) far more obedient to the WH 
  than they would have their readers believe. Often they will make a big 
  splash to bolster their image, but it amounts to very little sustained 
  investigation at the end of the day

Or, they might find that they have been on a wild goose chase 
and have nothing to show at the end of the day. Nobody wants to go on one of 
those and not come home with the prize. In other words maybe there wasn't 
anything there in the first place to 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 12:31:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  yeah, the left should take a lesson fromthe right about never indulging in 
  shrillness;it does nothing but lose elections.

Bingo! It helped Clinton get 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 What herb was 69?

And, since I'm an old Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy fan, what was 42?  :-)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Vaj 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds
 On Jul 14, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
  I didn't know there were multiple primordial
 It was my understanding that there were different sounds for 
 parts of the body.
 I forget where this came from. I used to receive notes from a 
 that had all this stuff in it. They were also using a technique at 
 time whereby you could do samyama of the numerical value of a 
 herb and get the same value as taking the herb.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 12:31:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 Oh,  yeah, the left should take a lesson from
 the right about never indulging in  shrillness;
 it does nothing but lose elections.
 Bingo! It helped Clinton get  re-elected.

Who's Clinton? Wasn't he president wy back in the 20th century??

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 12:14:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 I was  curious about this too, given the odd juxtaposition between 
 the NY Times  and WH. I've chalked it up to the self-importance of 
 the press. 'Standing  on principle' for once...
 NY Times standing on principle when they could nail a  Republican 
 administration  official?  Naaa!

I know I must be hopelssly naive, but it seems to me that Judith
Miller, being a reporter of merit and integrity, might actually being
upholding long honored journalistic ethics. 

I wonder if your view relects your own level of integrity and portends
what you would do if you were able to BF a liberal official by
revealing confidential sources.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 1:41:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Oh, yeah, the left should take a lesson from the right about 
  never indulging in shrillness; it does nothing but lose 
  elections.Bingo! It helped Clinton 
  get re-elected.Who's Clinton? Wasn't he president wy back in 
  the 20th century??

Your foot bridge to the 21st century or some such 

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub


- Original Message - 
From: TurquoiseB 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:34 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
"Llundrub" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... 
wrote: What herb was 69?And, since I'm an old Hitchhiker's 
Guide to theGalaxy fan, what was 42? :-) - Original 
Message -  From: Vaj  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:59 PM Subject: Re: 
[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds
On Jul 14, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:   I 
didn't know there were multiple primordial  sounds.  
It was my understanding that there were different sounds for different 
 parts of the body.  I forget where this came from. I 
used to receive notes from a purusha  that had all this stuff in it. 
They were also using a technique at that  time whereby you could do 
samyama of the numerical value of a specific  herb and get the same 
value as taking the herb.To subscribe, send 
a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Or go to:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/ 
and click 'Join This Group!' 
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subscribe, send a message 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread gullible fool
 Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
 cosmic hops, they are
 asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.

As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
like parody.

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This just in from someone on Mother Divine
 Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the
 world. see
 We will build following vastu buildings:
 10 000 peace palaces 5000 peace colonies with each
 200 houses 108 national
 yogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 sidhas 10 
 8000-groups 5000 schools for each
 200 children 1000 hospitals with each 200 beds 12
 time zone groups with each
 2000 sidhas
 500 yagja groups in india 5000 hotels and resorts
 and lots of land for vedic
 All Governors are invited to realize and enjoy these
 Well Maharishi is getting more and more inspired to
 inaugurate Sat Yuga in a
 very big way...He has asked every TM center in the
 world to organize a big
 group of Yogic Flyers to fly together at the dawning
 of the full moon on
 Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
 cosmic hops, they are
 asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
 Jai Guru Dev
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[FairfieldLife] Houston Peace Palace

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569
I got an e-mail saying the Houston Peace  Palace was finished and there would 
be a celebration on the 20th at it's  opening. I just had to drive by and 
take a peek and while there is a lot of work  to be done on the outside, 
landscaping etc, the place really is quite beautiful.  Now in order to make it 
Vedic , I think a few hundred cow patties plastered  on the outside walls along 
with some Bally-wood film posters, filthy windows and  thoroughly coated in 
soot, should remind anybody that sees it of the mother  country.  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 1:41:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
   Oh,  yeah, the left should take a lesson from
  the right about  never indulging in  shrillness;
  it does nothing but lose  elections.
  Bingo! It helped Clinton  get  re-elected.
 Who's Clinton? Wasn't he president wy back in  the 20th century??
 Your foot bridge to the 21st century or some such  idea.

I have seen several recent interviews with Clinton. IMO, the contrast
to Bush in terms of wit, speaking ability, grasp of concepts,
intellectual abilities, poltical sense, are day and night. ( I wont
tell you which is day and which is night :) )

If you had the choice to vote for Bush as Bush, or a Clinton who was a
Bush clone ideologically,  who would you vote for? Just curious.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread gullible fool

 I tend to agree, as I read this from my condo
 located in the world's 
 tallest building, located in Sao Paolo, Brazil,
 having just returned 
 from a vacation in Vedaland. What an Amusement Park
 that is!

Did you fly back and forth on your own power? 

Great post.  

--- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
   This just in from someone on Mother Divine
   Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of
 the world. see
   We will build following vastu buildings:
  The bigger the plan, the more support of nature
 you get...
 I tend to agree, as I read this from my condo
 located in the world's 
 tallest building, located in Sao Paolo, Brazil,
 having just returned 
 from a vacation in Vedaland. What an Amusement Park
 that is!
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread Bhairitu
Do you think that Americans would wake up if the economy collapsed?


In a message dated 7/14/05 4:38:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Rove's  gonna walk.  Nothing bad will happen to him
except possibly being  forced to resign and phone in
his puppeteering of George W. Bush instead of  being
able to do it from within the White House.  Done
deal.   From where I sit, and the history of the
Bush administration and America's  ball-less reaction
to it for the last few years, there is no  other
possible scenario.  They can't *allow* any  other

I'd like to see the guy take a fall, too.  I'd  like
to be surprised by America actually doing the right
thing for a  change.  In the biz, we call it hope in
a time of hopelessness.   But whether justice is done
doesn't really affect me any more than  whether it
isn't.  I'm not really attached to America, or to
any  idealized image of it.  It is what it is, a 
crying shame, and a real  and present danger to the
continued existence of the planet.  I don't  see this 
changing overnight, just because a lot of people *do*  
identify with the fictional version of America, and 
would like to  believe it's not fiction.

They might even give Rove a medal.  And  America would
stand for it.  Or, more accurately, sit for it,  in
front of their televisions.  And watch the fictional
versions of  the American Dreams instead of coming to
grips with the reality of the  American Nightmare.

I'd like to be proved wrong.  But I honestly  don't 
think it's gonna happen.  IMO it'll take actual star-
vation  in the streets to get Americans off their asses 
at this  point.


Years ago I realized that one of the reasons for gambling,  playing the 
lottery , was bad for you was because of the slightly raised hopes  that you 
win when you bought your ticket were quickly dashed by the let  down of 
realizing that you lost later. Hopes raised, then dashed. Up then down.  Can't 
good for your overall Psychology. I see the same thing here. Not with  just 
one post but so many others. I see people getting their hopes up that  they 
are finally going to nail either Bush or another republican to the wall  
to have their hopes dashed again. It must be very frustrating, creating  even 
more anger, hate and hostility. Years ago I saw a therapist about a  similar 
issue and each time he saw me he emphasized my need to be able to let  go. 
Telling me to repeatedly squeeze a ball and let go. It's the letting go  that 
feels so good. The same key to Transcending. Just let go! The anger and  
hostility only makes that person look ridicules to others. Not good in the 
field  of 
politics. The shrillness I constantly see , hear and read coming from the  
left in their anger to resist the out come of two elections is many  times 
hysterically funny and yet sometimes pathetic and it is this,  that drives the 
undecided voter to the other side, in many cases , IMO of  course.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
  cosmic hops, they are
  asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
 As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
 between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
 like parody.

Sounds like classic Maharishi to me. A spontaneous idea that he
readiliy and gleefully endorsed. 

 --- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This just in from someone on Mother Divine
  Maharishi is just starting the reconstruction of the
  world. see
  We will build following vastu buildings:
  10 000 peace palaces 5000 peace colonies with each
  200 houses 108 national
  yogic flyer-gruups with 100 000 sidhas 10 
  8000-groups 5000 schools for each
  200 children 1000 hospitals with each 200 beds 12
  time zone groups with each
  2000 sidhas
  500 yagja groups in india 5000 hotels and resorts
  and lots of land for vedic
  All Governors are invited to realize and enjoy these
  Well Maharishi is getting more and more inspired to
  inaugurate Sat Yuga in a
  very big way...He has asked every TM center in the
  world to organize a big
  group of Yogic Flyers to fly together at the dawning
  of the full moon on
  Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
  cosmic hops, they are
  asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
  Jai Guru Dev
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
on 7/14/05 1:59 PM, anonymousff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
 cosmic hops, they are
 asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
 As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
 between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
 like parody.
 Sounds like classic Maharishi to me. A spontaneous idea that he
 readiliy and gleefully endorsed.

Like Hail, President Marcos

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
on 7/14/05 1:52 PM, gullible fool at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
 cosmic hops, they are
 asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
 As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
 between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
 like parody.

Nope. For real. I learned the name of the woman who wrote it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 1:44:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Times standing on principle when they could nail a Republican  
  administration official? 
  Naaa!I know I must be hopelssly naive, but 
  it seems to me that JudithMiller, being a reporter of merit and integrity, 
  might actually beingupholding long honored journalistic ethics. I 
  wonder if your view relects your own level of integrity and portendswhat 
  you would do if you were able to BF a liberal official byrevealing 
  confidential sources.

Well, I suppose if I knew about some 
criminal activity that endangered the lives of government employees or 
anybody else, I would have to go public with it. What is more important, 
my journalistic word to a criminal or somebody protecting one, or the 
lives of innocent people?And wouldn't the left hold Judith Miller up on a 
pedestal if she could kill two birds with one stone?Protect lives, put away 
somebody in the administration. I think the left would actually congratulate her 
for "overcoming" such a dilemma and doing the right thing. That is, if it was a 
republican. However,she could be perceived as a traitor and violator of 
journalistic ethics by her own peers and political persuasion if her source were 
any thing other than a republican.

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[FairfieldLife] Yantra

2005-07-14 Thread Ingegerd
I have a question about yantra. I think Llundrup knows a lot about 
these things.
I have received three different yantras, properly blessed, I think - to 
hang around the neck - Hanuman, Surya and Ganesh. I do not know how to 
use them. Does anybody know?
Should I use one at a time - like a talisman? What is the effect?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread gullible fool
I'll be with Amma when Sat Yuga dawns. You coming to
MA, Rick?

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 7/14/05 1:52 PM, gullible fool at

  Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from
  cosmic hops, they are
  asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
  As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
  between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
  like parody.
 Nope. For real. I learned the name of the woman who
 wrote it.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I tend to agree, as I read this from my condo
  located in the world's 
  tallest building, located in Sao Paolo, Brazil,
  having just returned 
  from a vacation in Vedaland. What an Amusement Park
  that is!
 Did you fly back and forth on your own power? 
 Great post.  
Actually I flew first class roundtrip on a commercial airline, paid 
entirely with Raam! They had copies of Age of Enlightenment magazine 
on the flight for our reading enjoyment too! It was truly incredible!!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 1:54:17 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I have 
  seen several recent interviews with Clinton. IMO, the contrastto Bush in 
  terms of wit, speaking ability, grasp of concepts,intellectual abilities, 
  poltical sense, are day and night. ( I wonttell you which is day and which 
  is night :) )If you had the choice to vote for Bush as Bush, or a 
  Clinton who was aBush clone ideologically, who would you vote for? 
  Just curious.

Hm. cloning presidents, now that would be interesting. I 
suppose I would have to stick with the original, not the clone. But it is a nice 
idea to toy with.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/14/05 1:57:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Do you 
  think that Americans would wake up if the economy 

You are assuming they are a sleep? Maybe they just don't agree 
with your perspective on things so they must be stupid or 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 7/14/05 1:59 PM, anonymousff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool 

  Guru Purnima evening. As they come down from their
  cosmic hops, they are
  asked to all together yell welcome to Sat-Yuga.
  As LB is fond of saying, it's hard to distinguish
  between what's real and what's parody. This sounds
  like parody.
  Sounds like classic Maharishi to me. A spontaneous idea that he
  readiliy and gleefully endorsed.
 Like Hail, President Marcos

How about Klaatu barada nikto! ??

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Welcoming Sat Yuga Incredible times coming

2005-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
on 7/14/05 2:23 PM, gullible fool at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll be with Amma when Sat Yuga dawns. You coming to
 MA, Rick?

Working on it. Wife is ambivalent. I'll let you know.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Special Prosecutor; Rove Not Target of Investigation

2005-07-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/14/05 1:44:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
  NY  Times standing on principle when they could nail a  Republican 
   administration  official?   Naaa!
 I know I must be hopelssly naive, but  it seems to me that Judith
 Miller, being a reporter of merit and integrity,  might actually being
 upholding long honored journalistic ethics. 
 I  wonder if your view relects your own level of integrity and portends
 what  you would do if you were able to BF a liberal official by
 revealing  confidential sources.
 Well, I suppose if  I knew about some   criminal  activity that
 the lives of government employees or  anybody else, I would have to
go public 
 with it. What is more important,  my  journalistic word to a
criminal or 
 somebody protecting one, or the  lives of innocent people?

And if you were a lawyer who knew something under attorney client

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Yantra

2005-07-14 Thread Llundrub

My knowledge of yantras is limited. I'm not really into 
talismans. Rudraksha, yes, most other stuff, no. Sorry.

- Original Message - 
From: Ingegerd 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yantra
I have a question about yantra. I think Llundrup knows a lot 
about these things.I have received three different yantras, properly 
blessed, I think - to hang around the neck - Hanuman, Surya and Ganesh. I do 
not know how to use them. Does anybody know?Should I use one at a time - 
like a talisman? What is the 
effect?IngegerdTo subscribe, send a message 
to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Or go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/and 
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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Invitation

2005-07-14 Thread Peter Sutphen

--- Ingegerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
  on 7/14/05 11:09 AM, Ingegerd at
   I happen to know that MMy has turned to an
 Independent TM-Teacher to
   offer a position in the World Government. Not to
 teach TM. It seems
   that it must be too few foot-soldiers among the
 re-certificated TM-
   Teachers, if he has to use Independent
  Maybe he's trying to woo him back so he won't be
 independent anymore.
 It is too late. The train has gone and MMY has lost
 his Charisma.

But he can never lose THAT no matter how crazy or
senile he gets. Always Blazin' Brahman Yee haaa!
Ride 'em Krishna!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra-Primordial Sounds

2005-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2004, at 2:22 PM, Llundrub wrote:

 What herb was 69?

Preparation H.

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