[FairfieldLife] Re: Joe Camel Obama'

2008-10-07 Thread Robert
   Life is Bliss, Yes?

 Life is a pack of Luckies...
My father was in the war; spent most of the time, in 'Patton's Army, 
in what would be now, The Czech Republic...It's cold there, sleeping 
outside in the winter; sometimes, he would wake up with three ft. of 
snow, on top of him, but it kept him war...the nazi's came up with 
all kinds of ways to terror-fie the oppostion army;

~This knight, was different, it felt dark and forbodding...
It was the third nite of the New German Weapon, which lit up the sky, 
like it was bright daylite, and made a terror-fieing sound like a 
scarey wistleing noise that would keep you from sleeping;
And it was cold, with the wind blowing, snowing and so cold.
Just as you would fall asleep, the Nazis would set them off.
The wistling sound...some guys couldn't take it anymore, so they 
would just stand up...
We we're told in 'Basic', to always remain down,
Especially, when danger is about.
So, standing up, was to commit suicide.
Some guys chose to stand up.

But, I didn't my Dad, said...
My Dad won a purple heart, a bronze star, and a sharp shooters medal.
Without my Dad, and Americans like my Dad,
The Germans would have won the war.
Thanks Dad.
Love, MEERobert J. 

There have been other President's of the UNited States,
Who have smoked...
As well as Gerenamo and Sitting Bull.
They include, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, William Jefferson Clinton,
FDR, and the Englishman of Great Character, Winston Churchill.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Joe Camel Obama'

2008-10-07 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Life is Bliss, Yes?
  Life is a pack of Luckies...
Oh, I forgot, that they used to hand out the 'Luckies'...
To all the troops, over there...
One of the brief breaks, in the noise of war.
The real deal will come, when this war winds down,
And all the guys, who have been, over there...
In Babylon, come back to the 'STates...
OMG...what then...there just boys and girls...
Torture, and stuff we can't even imagine...
Such are the fruits, Of WAr...
What is it good FOR?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dow Drops 800 Points

2008-10-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 6, 2008, at 10:07 PM, gullible fool wrote:

Someone had an interesting explanation on CNBC. He said concerned  
mutual fund holders wanted out over the weekend and that caused the  
big mutual fund companies like Fidelity to send in huge sell orders  
first thing Monday morning to satisfy these customer requests.

And here I was sure it was because they weren't living
in SV homes...

Late in the day, all that selling was over, at which point the lull  
brought in some buyers.


[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-07 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But thanks for bringing it up because it emphasizes my point: 
 warming is all conjecture into the future and no one knows what the 
 hell will happen

Not true, the computer models of our climate predict increasing
heat and changing weather patterns. They have been tested to be
accurate. A volcano in the 1990's gave just the sort of change
in atmospheric polution that the models need to work with, they
made a prediction of how it would affect the climate and it was
borne out. The models are good, therefore we DO know what will 
happen, just not the full extent or the exact time. But it's
all happening faster than expected with arctic ice thinning and
retreating faster than expected, the permafrost is melting too.
All predicted to be the among the first signs of a catastrophic 

  In related news, Fairbanks Alaska had the coldest start to winter 
in 16 

Just the sort of thing we'd expect funnily enough..

[FairfieldLife] Hamster attack warning!

2008-10-07 Thread Hugo


(Only posted cos the picture is so cute)

[FairfieldLife] Re: 24-hour global air traffic

2008-10-07 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  *Exceedingly* neat simulation. Among other things,
  watch the stream of traffic from the U.S. to Europe
  change direction.
  Mesmerizing. I watched it four times.
 Er, it's even more mesmerizing if you can
 actually watch the video...

No wonder the air is so brown.

[FairfieldLife] 'Pull' $$$ 'Out', says, Market Guru, Kramer'

2008-10-07 Thread Robert
Jim Cramer: Time to get out of the stock market
Financial guru warns that investments could lose 20 percent of their value


By Michael Inbar
TODAYShow.com contributor
updated 8:16 a.m. CT, Mon., Oct. 6, 2008

function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) {
var n = document.getElementById(udtD);
if(pdt != ''  n  window.DateTime) {
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Bullish investors should turn into shrinking violets as the stock market 
continues its shocking downward spiral, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer told 
Ann Curry on TODAY Monday.
In what Curry called a “dramatic statement,” Cramer emphatically urged any 
investor who has money they may need in the next five years tied to stocks to 
pull their dough out.
“I thought about this all weekend,” Cramer told Curry. “I do not want to say 
these things on TV.
“Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the 
stock market right now, this week. I do not believe that you should risk those 
assets in the stock market right now.”
While the animated Cramer is known for telling investors the best prospects for 
earning money on the stock market, he’s now saying retreat is the best position 
in the face of some of the worst financial news in decades. The bank lending 
default crisis that put financial firms around the country on the brink of 
collapse could bring “as much as a 20 percent decrease in the stock market,” 
Cramer predicted.
He noted that the world’s markets are nosing downward in the face of the U.S. 
fiscal trauma.
“One thing is certain — they are, in Europe, behind us,” Cramer told Curry. 
“We’ve experienced more pain than they have, we are surprised at their pain, we 
didn’t know how bad off they were.”
He called the U.S. government’s $700 billion bailout plan, which includes 
raising the insured rate on bank deposits from $100,000 to $250,000, as a “good 
one,” assuring bank depositors: “Your money is safe.”
But he warned that the same may not be true for stock market investors.
“I don’t care where stocks have been, I care where they’re going, and I don’t 
want people to get hurt in the market,” Cramer told Curry. “I’m worried about 
unemployment, I’m worried about purchases that you may need. I can’t have you 
at risk in the stock market.”
Still, those with the assets — and the stomach — to ride out the stock market’s 
ups and down over a five-year period might be best served by holding their nose 
and holding onto their stocks. 
“I think what you have to do, if you can withstand it, is just ride it out,” 
Cramer said.
Cramer’s gloomy scenario came from calculating individual Dow stocks and 
estimating how far they might yet fall, he told Curry. And companies’ 
third-quarter earning reports, due this week, aren’t going to be music to 
investors’ ears.
“I think the previous quarter, the one we’re now hearing from, was a terrible 
quarter — but it will look good versus the coming quarter,” Cramer warned.


[FairfieldLife] Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread TurquoiseB
McCain is not too bright, but sometimes manages
to hide this fact. Sarah Palin is dumber than a
bucket of hammers, and can't hide that fact no
matter what she does.

When McCain realizes that he's lost, and that his
*only* chance is to go all negative all the time,
he's too cowardly to do much of the negative smear-
ing himself. Instead, he brings in Sarah Palin to 
sling the mud for him, because she's too dumb to 
realize that it IS mud, and that all she's spouting 
is desperate, angry, racist bullshit. 

Meanwhile, back here on FFL, we've got two posters
whose only interest in this political campaign 
seems to be that it provides them a way to focus
the anger that is the essential core of their lives 
onto someone they hate. In both cases, the person 
they hate is Obama, because he committed the unpar-
donable sin of beating the pants off the candidate 
they had a crush on.

*Ever since that happened*, both of these women
have become essentially *unhinged*, crazy as loons.
Even former supporters here of one of them have 
noticed and commented on it. But isn't it fascinating 
that these two angry harpies managed to work out a 
tag-team act that is *remarkably* like the McCain/
Palin tag-team act?

Judy can barely hide the hatred she feels for Obama,
but she manages to try, because she's so cowardly 
and afraid of damaging her supposed credibility here
that she's afraid to come out and say what she really
thinks. So she was ecstatic when Raunchydog -- dumber 
than a bucket of hammers herself, but just as driven
by hatred of Obama as Judy is -- arrived on the scene.
Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in 
their shared go negative campaign, and post the 
smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
(and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
appeared on the scene to do it for her).

Macrocosm/microcosm. As above, so below. On a national
level, one candidate who has nothing but fear and
ignorance to sell giving the everyday dirty work of
smearing the people he wants to smear to his tag-team
partner, because she's too stupid to realize that's 
what he's doing. If, after the election, anyone takes 
the fall and is remembered for being able to do nothing 
but spout lies and venom, it'll be stupid Sarah, not 
coward John McCain.

On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
she knows that's what they are. Not a word.

Why? Because she wants to be posting the same smears,
but is too much of a coward to do it herself. And
besides, she's got this dumb bitch of a sidekick to
do it for her. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary's Senate Statement on the Economy

2008-10-07 Thread Robert
Ya know, that Hillary is so good with all those facts and figures...
She's a real cruncher of the details...and since the devil is in the 
details, as they say, it's good to have Hillary where she belongs:
On the Senate Floor...
Since Teddy got sick, the Lion of the Senate, as he's called, 
Hillary will act, as the Wild Boar of the Senate...so don't mess with 
Ya, know what I mean?
Just get out of her way...

 Anglachel's Journal Sunday, October 05, 2008 Hillary's Senate Floor
 Statement on the Hanky Panky http://tinyurl.com/4gousj
 ...What becomes clear in the statement is that there is at least 
 Democrat in the Senate who is thinking extremely concretely about 
 to reform the financial system from top to bottom. She opens with 
 straightforwardly constituent-oriented explanation for her vote: New
 York is the nation's financial center and is going to get the 
 beaten out of it unless things can be stabilized. She doesn't sugar
 coat it... http://tinyurl.com/4qqk3a
 Senator Clinton: Thank you Mr. President. Thank you very much, and I
 appreciate the extraordinary work that has been done with respect to
 the rescue package, led in a bipartisan fashion which has certainly
 produced significant changes in the original request that came to 
 Congress from the Treasury Department. And tonight we will vote on
 legislation none of us wish we were considering and none of us can
 afford to see fail. The costs of inaction are far too great. We are
 already seeing the consequences of a freezing credit market that 
 only worsen.
 I hear across my state of New York, small businesses are struggling 
 find affordable loans to keep their doors open and their inventory
 stocked. Even larger businesses are being pushed to the breaking 
 throughout the country, the impact of this credit crisis is 
 to be felt, with students who are seeing the sources of student 
 drying up, interest rates on car payments rising, families who had
 saved up and acted responsibly seeing higher mortgage rates, 
 their dream of homeownership.
 Our economy runs on credit, and underlying that credit is trust. 
 the credit and the trust is running out. Essentially what we are 
 here in an intangible way is restoring trust and confidence in a 
 tangible way: helping to restore credit. Banks will refuse to lend 
 businesses and even to one another. Investors continue to withdraw
 into the safest if investments, treasury bills, even cash. Tens of
 thousands of jobs in New York have been lost and a study this 
 projected that New York alone would lose at least 120,000 jobs.
 Now I think we are here in some respects because we failed to 
tackle a
 home mortgage crisis, and now we are facing a market crisis. If we
 fail to tackle the market crisis, we risk an even deeper economic
 crisis. I don't think any of us want to see irresponsibility on Wall
 Street compounded by ineffectiveness in Washington. That's why we 
 act, even as we do so with regret and reservations, because we have
 little choice.
 The proposal we are considering is far from perfect, but it is a far
 cry from the original plan sent over by the Treasury Department that
 installed virtually unlimited powers in the hands of the Treasury
 Secretary. As I said when we first examined that original three-page
 proposal, we needed a plan that included checks and balances, not a
 blank check.
 And thanks to the leadership here in the Senate and in the House, we
 have negotiated through the Congress, on a bipartisan basis, a 
 alternative that installs taxpayer protections, asserts oversight, 
 maintains greater accountability. As is the case very often in
 effective compromises, no one is happy. But we cannot let the 
 be the enemy of the good, or in this case, the enemy of what's
 necessary. But as we vote for this proposal tonight, we must do so
 considering what steps we will take next.
 On the floor at this moment are three of the leaders who shaped 
 under the very able leadership of Chairman Dodd, and the chief
 Republican negotiator, Senator Gregg, and of course the Chairman of
 the Finance Committee, Chairman Baucus.
 But I think we all recognize that this is not the end but the
 beginning of what we must do. And I believe there are three big 
 that we will have to address even after we pass the Rescue Package
 tonight here in the Senate and send it over to the House.
 First, we must address the home mortgage crisis. For two years, I 
 others have called for action as wave after wave of defaults and
 foreclosures crashed against communities and the broader economy. We
 are not yet through the woods. Millions of mortgages are underwater 
 under specter of adjustable rates set to rise.
 I am proposing what we're calling The Homeowners Mortgage 
 an acronym obviously spelling HOME, to rewrite mortgages and 

[FairfieldLife] The only thing Obama has to do to win the debate

2008-10-07 Thread TurquoiseB
It's really simple -- call America's attention
to the thing that several posters here and many
pundits in the press mentioned after the first
debate, John McCain's inability to look at him.

Obama should, at some appropriate point in the
debate, turn to McCain and say, John...I can't
help but notice that you haven't looked at me
once during this debate. Why is that? Are you
*afraid* to look me in the eye and say the 
things you are saying about me?

McCain's advisors are going to be telling him
NOT to repeat the obvious gaffe from the first
debate, and to look directly at Obama when he
is supposedly talking to him. But it's my bet
that he won't be able to. His aversion to and
fear of Obama -- as someone who is beating him 
without appearing to be breaking a sweat, as 
someone whose popularity has been largely 
unaffected by the worst smears McCain can have 
his henchmen and lackeys throw at him, and, 
essentially, as (in McCain's mind) an uppity 
nigger who has no place in white man's politics 
-- is so strong that I don't think he CAN look 
Obama directly in the eye. 

If Obama calls him on this, and then follows up
with, John...if you can't look your opponent in
a simple Presidential debate in the eye, what are
you going to do when you're eye to eye with Putin,
or with the terrorists you're trying your best to 
make Americans so afraid of? Are you going to 
stand there and fidget and look the other way, 
the way you're doing now?

Obama could then end by looking into the camera 
and saying, If you want a President who is not 
only afraid to discuss problems and look them in 
the eye, but is afraid to even look his opponent 
in a political debate in the eye, then John McCain 
is your man. If you want a President who doesn't 
act like a terrified little girl, vote for me.

It's NOT a smear; it's the truth. You all saw it
in the last debate. My bet is that you'll see the
same thing in this debate. If McCain is that stupid,
and Obama calls him on it, everyone in America will 
see that it IS the truth.

It's the simplest and fastest way to cut through
the bullshit and expose the man behind the curtain.
And it's a way of doing it *without* having to
go negative himself. Obama will just be pointing
out the truth about John McCain, on camera, so that 
it will become obvious to anyone watching.

And even the dumbest redneck isn't going to vote for
a guy too terrified to look another man in the eye.

[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Well, you better get busy learning this stuff, Spare Egg, because 
  from what you've told us about yourself, your weight, and your 
  health, you've probably only got 3 or 4 years left...
 Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they were 
 4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
 psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started 
 loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
 Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
 (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a 
 day programming, every day for the past week.
 the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in another 
 2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
 The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.

Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hannity�s Series: Barack Obama And The History of Radicalism, Videos

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hannity's Series: Barack Obama And The History of Radicalism, Videos
 Posted on October 6, 2008 by Uppity Woman http://tinyurl.com/4ssmkj
 ...the entire Hannity Series on Barack Obama. All parts are here...
 These are all the things that MSNBC, CNN, NY Times and others who are
 part of Obama's PRAVDA had deliberately ignored or skimmed over. If
 you do NOTHING between now and election day, see to it that others see
 this series. It may be the only chance they ever get to learn what we
 all know about this hoax of a candidate and what runs through his head.
 As Obama fluffs off these associations, ask others how many terrorists
 and radicals THEY have just happened to encounter in their lifetimes
 and then ask them how it could possibly be a coincidence that Barack
 Obama is a magnet for them.

Let me guess, you're one of those progressives who listens to Fox News
because they are fair and balanced...


[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
For the record, the way the Obama campaign has
used race and gender to its advantage is one of
the main reasons I don't support Obama. So
raunchydog and I are in agreement on this one.

It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the race card
 is at the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many have written
 about it. Google obama plays race card Here's one of the early
 articles: http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt Obama's lackeys in the media
 now push the meme that if he loses it's because of race. Isn't
 this playing the race card? You have no problem objecting to what
 you think is unfair to Obama in this article but you ignore the
 fact this article is about unfairness to women. Figures.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@
  This is so unfair!! Obama and his lackeys have dragged the 
 race into the mud. Oh look, there's that word again, race.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain�s spe ech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2008-10-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:34 AM, sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

John McCain's speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of the
best speeches. http://tinyurl.com/4gwk98

Do you ever check with any fact-checking organization before you refer
to something as one of the best speeches?

Supposedly it was just filled to the brim with coded
racist invective...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 7, 2008, at 6:08 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.

Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)

I was just going to say, normal?  What the hell is that, anyway?
I also can't wait to hear the report when spare gets there...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The bucket of hammers always has more fun than the nail.
 Judy's intellect is as sharp as a tack and she nails Barry
 every time. Love it.

Thanks, but you got your metaphors a bit mixed there,
raunchydog. Am I the bucket of hammers, or the tack?
Because I sure don't think Barry's having anywhere
near the degree of fun I am.

Actually you don't have to be sharp as a tack to nail
Barry. He has a perfectly good mind, but he's one of
the laziest, sloppiest thinkers I've ever encountered.
My sense of him has always been that he's *afraid* to
use his intellect; if he doesn't make an effort, he
can't fail. His whole life, it seems, has been about
protecting himself from the risk of failure, and as a
result he never really succeeds, either.

You always hope that one day he's going to wake up
and realize what a phony he's been. At the same time,
you kind of wince, because it'll be such an
incredibly painful experience. But it's his only
chance to become real.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
   who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
   who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
   Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
   she knows that's what they are. Not a word.
  Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
  aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
  any of what he claims are dishonest smears.
  Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
  forum, however.
  Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
  about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
  his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
  and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
  even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
  personally those who don't support him, as in this
  And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
  attacks on us right either (see below).
  Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
  denounced those of us who were promoting the 
  bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
  from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
  his very best to convince Americans the economic
  crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
  RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
  bailout bill.
  And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
  on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
  what she was posting were smears that I did not
  agree with, and that we had very different
  reasons for disliking Obama.
  But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
  that post. Here it is, #189670:
  [raunchydog wrote:]
   Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
   let the fur fly.
  I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
  they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
  Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
  his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
  above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
  a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.
  With regard to some of the associations, what
  bothers me is not the associations themselves but
  his lack of straightforwardness about them,
  particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
  to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
  his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
  Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
  running for president was terrible, and how he's
  handled the blowback has been dreadful.
  And I have plenty of other objections, many of
  which I've gone into here already.
  Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
  and I are joined at the hip in our views of
  Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
  facing in the same general direction, but we got
  there for different reasons.
  Here's another lie from Barry:
   Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
   their shared go negative campaign, and post the
   smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
   (and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
   appeared on the scene to do it for her).
  I've never posted smears of Obama. Barry had the
  chance to dispute what I did post but utterly
  failed to do so. Nobody else was able to refute
  any facts I posted about Obama either.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm the
bucket of hammers and proud of it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  The bucket of hammers always has more fun than the nail.
  Judy's intellect is as sharp as a tack and she nails Barry
  every time. Love it.
 Thanks, but you got your metaphors a bit mixed there,
 raunchydog. Am I the bucket of hammers, or the tack?
 Because I sure don't think Barry's having anywhere
 near the degree of fun I am.
 Actually you don't have to be sharp as a tack to nail
 Barry. He has a perfectly good mind, but he's one of
 the laziest, sloppiest thinkers I've ever encountered.
 My sense of him has always been that he's *afraid* to
 use his intellect; if he doesn't make an effort, he
 can't fail. His whole life, it seems, has been about
 protecting himself from the risk of failure, and as a
 result he never really succeeds, either.
 You always hope that one day he's going to wake up
 and realize what a phony he's been. At the same time,
 you kind of wince, because it'll be such an
 incredibly painful experience. But it's his only
 chance to become real.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
she knows that's what they are. Not a word.
   Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
   aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
   any of what he claims are dishonest smears.
   Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
   forum, however.
   Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
   about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
   his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
   and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
   even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
   personally those who don't support him, as in this
   And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
   attacks on us right either (see below).
   Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
   denounced those of us who were promoting the 
   bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
   from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
   his very best to convince Americans the economic
   crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
   RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
   bailout bill.
   And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
   on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
   what she was posting were smears that I did not
   agree with, and that we had very different
   reasons for disliking Obama.
   But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
   that post. Here it is, #189670:
   [raunchydog wrote:]
Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
let the fur fly.
   I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
   they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
   Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
   his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
   above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
   a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.
   With regard to some of the associations, what
   bothers me is not the associations themselves but
   his lack of straightforwardness about them,
   particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
   to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
   his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
   Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
   running for president was terrible, and how he's
   handled the blowback has been dreadful.
   And I have plenty of other objections, many of
   which I've gone into here already.
   Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
   and I are joined at the hip in our views of
   Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
   facing in the same general direction, but we got
   there for different reasons.
   Here's another lie from Barry:
Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
their shared go negative campaign, and post the
smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
(and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
appeared on the scene to do it for her).
   I've never posted smears of Obama. Barry had the
   chance to dispute what I did post but utterly
   failed to do so. Nobody else was able to refute
   any facts I posted about Obama either.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread feste37
Interesting that you are having a ball posting disgraceful,
preposterous smears against Barack. Have you no shame? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
 Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm the
 bucket of hammers and proud of it.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   The bucket of hammers always has more fun than the nail.
   Judy's intellect is as sharp as a tack and she nails Barry
   every time. Love it.
  Thanks, but you got your metaphors a bit mixed there,
  raunchydog. Am I the bucket of hammers, or the tack?
  Because I sure don't think Barry's having anywhere
  near the degree of fun I am.
  Actually you don't have to be sharp as a tack to nail
  Barry. He has a perfectly good mind, but he's one of
  the laziest, sloppiest thinkers I've ever encountered.
  My sense of him has always been that he's *afraid* to
  use his intellect; if he doesn't make an effort, he
  can't fail. His whole life, it seems, has been about
  protecting himself from the risk of failure, and as a
  result he never really succeeds, either.
  You always hope that one day he's going to wake up
  and realize what a phony he's been. At the same time,
  you kind of wince, because it'll be such an
  incredibly painful experience. But it's his only
  chance to become real.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
 who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
 who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
 Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
 she knows that's what they are. Not a word.

Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
any of what he claims are dishonest smears.

Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
forum, however.

Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
personally those who don't support him, as in this

And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
attacks on us right either (see below).

Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
denounced those of us who were promoting the 
bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
his very best to convince Americans the economic
crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
bailout bill.

And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
what she was posting were smears that I did not
agree with, and that we had very different
reasons for disliking Obama.

But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
that post. Here it is, #189670:

[raunchydog wrote:]
 Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
 let the fur fly.

I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.

With regard to some of the associations, what
bothers me is not the associations themselves but
his lack of straightforwardness about them,
particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
running for president was terrible, and how he's
handled the blowback has been dreadful.

And I have plenty of other objections, many of
which I've gone into here already.

Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
and I are joined at the hip in our views of
Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
facing in the same general direction, but we got
there for different reasons.

Here's another lie from Barry:

 Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
 their shared go negative campaign, and post the
 smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
 (and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
 appeared on the scene to do it for her).

I've never posted smears of Obama. Barry had the
chance to dispute 

[FairfieldLife] AIDS Vaccine 'By 2012'

2008-10-07 Thread Vaj


telegraph.co.uk — A French scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for  
medicine for discovering the AIDS virus immediately predicted there  
would be a therapeutic vaccine for the disease within four years.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The only thing Obama has to do to win the debate

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's really simple -- call America's attention
 to the thing that several posters here and many
 pundits in the press mentioned after the first
 debate, John McCain's inability to look at him.
 Obama should, at some appropriate point in the
 debate, turn to McCain and say, John...I can't
 help but notice that you haven't looked at me
 once during this debate. Why is that? Are you
 *afraid* to look me in the eye and say the 
 things you are saying about me?
 McCain's advisors are going to be telling him
 NOT to repeat the obvious gaffe from the first
 debate, and to look directly at Obama when he
 is supposedly talking to him. But it's my bet
 that he won't be able to. His aversion to and
 fear of Obama -- as someone who is beating him 
 without appearing to be breaking a sweat, as 
 someone whose popularity has been largely 
 unaffected by the worst smears McCain can have 
 his henchmen and lackeys throw at him, and, 
 essentially, as (in McCain's mind) an uppity 
 nigger who has no place in white man's politics 
 -- is so strong that I don't think he CAN look 
 Obama directly in the eye. 
 If Obama calls him on this, and then follows up
 with, John...if you can't look your opponent in
 a simple Presidential debate in the eye, what are
 you going to do when you're eye to eye with Putin,
 or with the terrorists you're trying your best to 
 make Americans so afraid of? Are you going to 
 stand there and fidget and look the other way, 
 the way you're doing now?
 Obama could then end by looking into the camera 
 and saying, If you want a President who is not 
 only afraid to discuss problems and look them in 
 the eye, but is afraid to even look his opponent 
 in a political debate in the eye, then John McCain 
 is your man. If you want a President who doesn't 
 act like a terrified little girl, vote for me.
 It's NOT a smear; it's the truth. You all saw it
 in the last debate. My bet is that you'll see the
 same thing in this debate. If McCain is that stupid,
 and Obama calls him on it, everyone in America will 
 see that it IS the truth.
 It's the simplest and fastest way to cut through
 the bullshit and expose the man behind the curtain.
 And it's a way of doing it *without* having to
 go negative himself. Obama will just be pointing
 out the truth about John McCain, on camera, so that 
 it will become obvious to anyone watching.
 And even the dumbest redneck isn't going to vote for

I'd love to see Obama do that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain�s speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
Supposedly, according to whom? Oh right, saying palling around is
now racist code. Obama plays the race card as a campaign strategy. So
if want to crack racist code look no further than Obama's butt crack.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:34 AM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@  
  John McCain's speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of the
  best speeches. http://tinyurl.com/4gwk98
  Do you ever check with any fact-checking organization before you refer
  to something as one of the best speeches?
 Supposedly it was just filled to the brim with coded
 racist invective...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
The shame will be on our nation, if we elect this fraud.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting that you are having a ball posting disgraceful,
 preposterous smears against Barack. Have you no shame? 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
  Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm the
  bucket of hammers and proud of it.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
The bucket of hammers always has more fun than the nail.
Judy's intellect is as sharp as a tack and she nails Barry
every time. Love it.
   Thanks, but you got your metaphors a bit mixed there,
   raunchydog. Am I the bucket of hammers, or the tack?
   Because I sure don't think Barry's having anywhere
   near the degree of fun I am.
   Actually you don't have to be sharp as a tack to nail
   Barry. He has a perfectly good mind, but he's one of
   the laziest, sloppiest thinkers I've ever encountered.
   My sense of him has always been that he's *afraid* to
   use his intellect; if he doesn't make an effort, he
   can't fail. His whole life, it seems, has been about
   protecting himself from the risk of failure, and as a
   result he never really succeeds, either.
   You always hope that one day he's going to wake up
   and realize what a phony he's been. At the same time,
   you kind of wince, because it'll be such an
   incredibly painful experience. But it's his only
   chance to become real.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
  who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
  who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
  Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
  she knows that's what they are. Not a word.
 Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
 aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
 any of what he claims are dishonest smears.
 Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
 forum, however.
 Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
 about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
 his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
 and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
 even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
 personally those who don't support him, as in this
 And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
 attacks on us right either (see below).
 Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
 denounced those of us who were promoting the 
 bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
 from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
 his very best to convince Americans the economic
 crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
 RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
 bailout bill.
 And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
 on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
 what she was posting were smears that I did not
 agree with, and that we had very different
 reasons for disliking Obama.
 But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
 that post. Here it is, #189670:
 [raunchydog wrote:]
  Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
  let the fur fly.
 I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
 they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
 Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
 his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
 above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
 a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.
 With regard to some of the associations, what
 bothers me is not the associations themselves but
 his lack of straightforwardness about them,
 particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
 to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
 his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
 Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
 running for president was terrible, and how he's
 handled the blowback has been dreadful.
 And I have plenty of other objections, many of
 which I've gone into here already.
 Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
 and I are joined at the hip in our views of
 Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
 facing in the same general direction, but we got
 there for different reasons.
 Here's another lie from Barry:
  Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
  their shared go negative campaign, and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
 Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm the
 bucket of hammers and proud of it.

In some people's minds this horseshit passes for meaningful dialogue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama File 32

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Saturday, September 27, 2008Obama
 File 32 Toxic Trio! Ayers, Davidson, Klonsky Linked to Pro-Obama

The latter organization has formed alliances with such groups
 as the League of Women Voters, Rainbow/PUSH, Citizen Action, People for
 the American Way, the Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Black
 Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Aiming ultimately to
 transform the United States into a socialist nation, Davidson advocates
 the mobilization of new grassroots majorities required for progressive,
 systemic change.
 In 1960s, Davidson was a national secretary of SDS and a key leader of
 the anti-Vietnam War campaign. With Tom Hayden, Davidson helped launch,
 in 1969, the Venceremos Brigades, which according to Discover the

You keep on portraying yourself as a progressive, and yet you tout stuff that
denounces the League of Women Voters...

Why, specifically?


[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the race card is at
the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many have written about it.
Google obama plays race card Here's one of the early articles:
http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt Obama's lackeys in the media now push the
meme that if he loses it's because of race. Isn't this playing the
race card? You have no problem objecting to what you think is unfair
to Obama in this article but you ignore the fact this article is about
unfairness to women. Figures.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is so unfair!! Obama and his lackeys have dragged the race into
the mud. Oh look, there's that word again, race.

[FairfieldLife] Obama Expands National Lead 53% to 45%

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex

The latest CNN/Opinion Research survey shows Sen. Barack Obama leading
Sen. John McCain nationally by eight points, 53% to 45%.

Key finding: Low approval numbers for the current commander-in-chief
may be part of the reason Obama's fortunes are rising in the latest
survey: Only 24% of those polled approve of President Bush's job
performance, an all-time low for a CNN survey... And that's bad news
for McCain, because the poll suggests a growing number of Americans
believe the Republican nominee would have the same policies as the
current GOP president. Fifty-six percent say McCain's policies would
be the same as Bush's, up from 50% a month ago.



PPP Poll: Obama Expands Lead in North Carolina 50% to 44%

A new Public Policy Polling survey in North Carolina finds Sen. Barack
Obama now leading Sen. John McCain, 50% to 44%.

For the first time, Obama is earning over 80% of the vote from self
identified Democrats, and that's fueling a four point increase in his
lead in the state compared to last week. He now has an 82% to 15% lead
with voters in his own party. His share of the Democratic vote had
been anywhere between 69% and 76% in PPP's previous five surveys of
the state.


Democracy Corps: Obama Up By Six in Ohio 49% to 43%

A new Democracy Corps poll in Ohio finds Sen. Barack Obama now leading
Sen. John McCain, 49% to 43%.

Obama's lead is built on an impressive 48% to 35% edge among
independent voters. McCain's attempt to seize the mantle of change is
falling on deaf ears in Ohio as by 24%, voters in the Buckeye state
believe Obama, not McCain, is the reformer and by 18%, Ohioans believe
Obama will bring the right kind of change. And in a state where the
economy is king, Obama's aggressive positioning of the economic
contrast with McCain has produced an 11-point Obama lead on which
candidate will do a better job on the economy.


Suffolk Poll: Obama Crushing McCain in Virginia 51% to 39%

A new Suffolk University poll in Virginia shows Sen. Barack Obama
leading Sen. John McCain by a stunning 12 points, 51% to 39%.

Said pollster David Paleologos: Barack Obama has built a coalition of
suburban DC area progressives from the north, African-American voters
from the south, and young voters statewide. That broad-based support
suggests a 44-year Republican run in the Old Dominion State, dating
back to Lyndon Johnson's victory in 1964, is in jeopardy.

Key finding: The poll shows last Thursday's vice presidential debate
was a net plus for the Democratic ticket.  Exactly three-quarters
(75%) of likely voters watched and scored Joe Biden (46%) the clear
winner over Sarah Palin (26%), while 20% said neither won the debate.
 When asked if the debate affected their presidential selection, 32%
said it made them more likely to vote Obama, while 18% said the debate
moved them to McCain, and 47% said the debate didn't affect their


SurveyUSA: Obama Pulls Away in Virginia 53% to 43%

A new SurveyUSA poll in Virginia shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen.
John McCain by ten points, 53% to 43%.

Since a similar poll conducted just after the Republican convention,
McCain has gone from up by 2 to down by 10.


SurveyUSA: Obama Way Ahead in New Hampshire 53% to 40%

A new SurveyUSA poll in New Hampshire finds Sen. Barack Obama leading
by an astonishing 13 points, 53% to 40%.

A little history: New Hampshire voted Republican in 1968, 1972, 1976,
1980, 1984, 1988 and 2000. New Hampshire voted Democrat in 1992, 1996
and 2004, but no Democrat running for President in New Hampshire has
received more than 50% of the vote in the past 44 years.

Key findings: Obama holds a 22-point advantage among women, 29-point
advantage among young voters, 21-point advantage among Moderates,
18-point advantage among those who consider themselves an
intellectual, 24-point advantage among lower-income voters, and
23-point advantage among college graduates.


Rasmussen: Florida   Obama leads McCain  52% to 45%

Barack Obama has pulled ahead to his biggest lead yet over John McCain
in Florida. The latest Fox News/Rasmussen Reports survey of the state
finds the Democrat ahead 52% to 45%.

With the release of the latest poll, Florida moves from Toss-Up to
Leans Democrat in the Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator.

Last week, the race was tied at 47%. Just one week prior, McCain had a
five percentage point lead.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
  Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm 
  the bucket of hammers and proud of it.
 In some people's minds this horseshit passes for meaningful 

The bottom line, John, is that I haven't read 
anything that any of the people on my Don't Bother
To Read List has said all week. All that is required
to tell what they're up to is to see their name, the
Subject line, and who/what they're responding to, and
then immediately click Next.

But, to make it more fun, sometimes I post a little
something that I know will push their buttons, and
then sit back and *count* the replies to what I've
written. So far this week, for an investment of two
such posts, without ever interacting with any of 
them, I've gotten these turkeys to waste a total 
of 31 posts replying. And they think that they're 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The only thing Obama has to do to win the debate

2008-10-07 Thread Vaj

On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:55 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:It's really simple -- call America's attention to the thing that several posters here and many pundits in the press mentioned after the first debate, John McCain's inability to look at him. That'd be a good one, if he could pull it off.I'd stick to the Keating 5 and the current Wall Street debacle. Peppered with snippets from the new Rolling Stone article to undermine his credibility and position as a spoiled daddy's boy with a bad temper, the "make-believe maverick".  A "bottom gun" who wrecks everything he impulsively gets into.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy wrote:
 With regard to some of the associations, what
 bothers me is not the associations themselves 
 but his lack of straightforwardness about them,
 particularly Ayers and Rezko. 

This is not the Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorhn,
Jermiah Wright, Father Phleger or Tony Rezko I 

Barack Obama knew, and knew well, that Bill Ayers 
and Bernadine Dohrn were terrorists when he met 
them. Apparently Obama just didn't care.

Re: [FairfieldLife] It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread Peter
This is so unfair!! Obama and his lackeys have dragged the race into the mud. 
Oh look, there's that word again, race.

--- On Mon, 10/6/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 11:29 PM

The Confluence October 6, 2008 by garychapelhill It is OK to be sexist as long 
as you pretend not to be racist 


McClatchy has an article today
suggesting that if Missouri goes to the Republicans this year it will
be because of racism. Never mind the fact that Missouri has gone
Republican in the last two elections. They are determined to make this
all about race, just as they did in the primaries.  I am shocked that
more people in the African American and civil rights communities aren't
outraged at having this issue used as a tool to elect a fraud to the
White House solely based on the color of his skin.  Because when it
comes to the content of his character, he doesn't have a shred of it.
Four years ago, one yard in a working-class Kansas City suburb sported a 
Kerry sign bigger than a bed mattress.
But this season there's no Obama sign there of any size, not even 
throw-pillow dimension.
It's the `B-L-A-C-K' issue, a neighbor explained. You hear it everywhere.
But it hardly has to be spelled out for most of us that race has been injected 
into presidential politics in unprecedented ways.
And who injected it into the race?  That would be Obama himself, and
his lackeys in the corporate, lying media, who care as much about race
relations as they do about telling the truth.  That would be not at
all.  See, they only cry bigotry when it suits their interests.  And
their interest is to have a sock puppet in the white house.  If they
truly cared about bigotry and hatred they would recognize the rampant
sexism that has gone on this election season. They might even write
articles contemplating that Obama might win in a given state because
the voters don't want to elect a W-O-M-A-N to the vice-presidency. 
Instead they engage in some of the most vile, hate-filled attacks on
women you can imagine.  If you don't believe me, take a look at these
editorial cartoons.  The media, while it falls all over itself to see
tinges of racism, openly engages in the worst kinds of misogyny.  I
found sixty cartoons about Palin at this site and not one of them was 
positive.  Here is a sample:

Not only that, they paint HER as the
anti-feminist sexist, and to prove beyond a doubt that they are
complete scumbags, they pile onto her teenage daughter as well.

If anyone dared draw a picture of Obama in
such a condescending and thoroughly dismissive way just because of his
race, I'd be the first to cry foul.  So why can they do it to a woman? 
So here's the deal the media is trying to
sell you:  If Obama loses it will be YOUR fault because YOU are a
racist.  If McCain/Palin lose, the fact that they used the most vile
and misogynistic tactics against her is fair game because, well, you
know she's a stupid girl. 
30% is all we need to stop this nonsense.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
Correction. That should be shit in a bucket. Quackser Fortune Has A
Cousin In The Bronx http://tinyurl.com/3kjzwt http://tinyurl.com/3ee7ul

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
  Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm the
  bucket of hammers and proud of it.
 In some people's minds this horseshit passes for meaningful dialogue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
feste wrote:
 Interesting that you are having a ball 
 posting disgraceful, preposterous smears 
 against Barack. 
So Obama chose to start his career in 
politics in the living room of Bernadine 

 Have you no shame? 

And now Obama denies knowing who Bernadine 
was or what she did.

'Running on Empty with Bernardine Dohrn'
Posted by Roger Simon
October 6th, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Expands National Lead 48% to 45%

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
John wrote:
 Obama Expands National Lead 53% to 45%

Obama 48
McCain 45

Reuters/CSpan/Zogby Tracking:

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's more scary?

2008-10-07 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  shempmcgurk wrote:
   Vaj, why couldn't there be a third possibility, such as THAT 
   Why is it that the only possibilities had to be something 
   And to now say, as you do, that the two possibilities were the 
   extremes -- extreme hot or extreme cold -- my gosh, I'm not a 
   scientist but I think I'm on safe ground when I say that THAT 
   wacky and kooky stuff and not something that can be 
 called science.
   How does that definition of science go?  That something is only 
   when it occurs as predicted as a repeatable experiment?  
   Well, you can't postulate two wildly opposite outcomes and 
   to be science.
   That's religion (actually, it's more like a cult).
  Shemp, don't you think its good to err on the side of caution and 
  some things about protecting the environment rather than 
 Yes, I would totally agree with that.
 And if erring on the side of caution means we do things like 
 alternative energies and such, that's only a win-win.
 But that's NOT the kind of things that Al Gore wants to do.  When 
 advocates things such as ethanol -- that is, food for fuel -- it is 
 outrageously wrong...and it's killing the weakest of the world and 
 that is simply a crime.

Agreed totally, it's a really stupid idea and is being abused by
farmers as a cash crop and is pushing up food prices worldwide.

There is no try something different answer, we have to cut back 
because there is nothing to replace fossil fuels with, the energy
stored from millions of years of ancient sunlight can't be replaced
with stuff we grow today because we use 400 years worth every year.
A bit of a shortfall eh?

Carbon trading is also bullshit. So lets stop kidding ourselves 
and make the neccesary cutbacks, only we can't because that would
ruin the economy. So, like I always say, whatever happens we are
going to have to put up with it because man is like the proverbial
lemming, except we know that jumping over the cliff is a stupid 

 Sure, let's do whatever we can to find cleaner energy sources but 
 there shouldn't be such a horrible, negative cost to doing it.
 AND the first thing that Al Gore can do is declare: I was wrong; 
the debate is NOT over.
   Even some of the folks who hate all these carbon tax 
  initiatives think its a good idea to conserve the environment.  
 Note the 
  word conserve.  So we can guess you're not much of 
 a conservative.  :-D

[FairfieldLife] More Obama smears

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
I guess what the American people want to 
know though Senator, is what is the real 
difference between you and John McCain. 

You are running this ad tying him to the 
industry saying that he has taken all of 
these contributions, but as you well know 
there is a story out today about how you 
supported the Dick Cheney bill and he 
opposed it. 

That bill gave subsidies to the oil and 
gas companies, John McCain opposed the 
bill saying those are tax breaks for 
those companies, Barack Obama favored 

Read more:

'Not quite ready for prime time'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff
Powerline, August 6, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Supporters...Still Creepy!

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
Typical deceptive practices of Fox News supporters. Leave out the bits that 
completely contradict the point you want to make:

I don't think that Obama is a messiah. I know that he has flaws, that he 
will fail in many 
ways, that the space between his ideals and his actions will often gape with a 
hypocrisy, or at the very least, inefficiency.

But I am almost certain that he is good deep down, that he believes, as I do, 
that we could 
do better, that we could be better, that we are †when stripped of 
bureaucracy and 
alienation and skepticism †already better.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Confluence Posted on October 4, 2008 by garychapelhill Obama
 Supporters...Still Creepy! http://tinyurl.com/4s3tru
 I came across this op/ed from the Christian Science Monitor.
 LsSyoKilKs0NUE   Is this a presidential election or a second coming?
 Like so many Americans, I feel as though I am holding my breath.
 Could the quiet seed of joy that was planted in my heart the day I heard
 Barack Obama speak for the first time take root and grow without fear of
 the brutal storms of disappointment?
 Could a leader that evokes awe in me actually win a presidential
 election? Could the beauty � and logic � of his words win over
 the majority of this country's voters? Could they see past the lies
 and distractions to the center of a human being who sincerely wants to
 invoke citizens' higher selves?
 Could a system that seems so broken, so moneyed, so corrupt actually
 serve to help the American people elect an authentic, complex thinker?
 Could it be that � despite all that is wrong with the electoral
 process � there is enough right to allow a thoughtful candidate to
 get through the muck and emerge earnest and excited to lead?
 Short answer:  What are you smoking?
 Seriously,  this is just too much.  Not even the deranged 33%ers who
 stuck by Bush through his most criminal and corrupt years as President
 ever sounded this nutty.
 But not only that, this person wants you to know that if all of her
 deluded dreams of grandeur are not fulfilled, it will all be YOUR fault
 It is not his inevitable fall from grace that I fear. It is the
 possibility that on Nov. 4, I will find out that my acute craving for a
 kind and complex leader is not shared by the majority of Americans. That
 conclusion to this breathtaking story would tempt me, not just to be
 alienated from American politics, but from the American people. I fear
 that the worst part of me would bully the best part with cruel words:
 I told you so. Hope is dangerous and naive.
 No, it couldn't possibly be that you got bamboozled by a used car
 a-used-car-from-this-man.html   That would be too difficult for your
 fragile psyche to reconcile. Above all this is a childish approach to
 convincing people to vote your way.  If you have a teenager you'll
 recongize it right away.  It's the old I will forever lose my
 faith in mankind if I don't get my way rouse.  My
 advice�same one your logical and beautiful candidate gave
 me:  Get over it.
 **UPDATE**  Zee suggests that maybe the author of this op-ed may have
 seen Jesus Christ Superstar one too many times
 Video I Don't Know How to Love Him  http://tinyurl.com/4msrua

[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
Outstanding, Lawson!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they
 were 4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
 psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started
 loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
 Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
 (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a day
  programming, every day for the past week.
 the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in
 another 2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
 The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread Peter
I'm just messin' with your ant-Obama screeds, raunchdog!

--- On Tue, 10/7/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not 
 to be racist
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 8:53 AM
 What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the
 race card is at
 the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many have
 written about it.
 Google obama plays race card Here's one of
 the early articles:
 http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt Obama's lackeys in the media
 now push the
 meme that if he loses it's because of race. Isn't
 this playing the
 race card? You have no problem objecting to what you think
 is unfair
 to Obama in this article but you ignore the fact this
 article is about
 unfairness to women. Figures.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  This is so unfair!! Obama and his lackeys have dragged
 the race into
 the mud. Oh look, there's that word again,
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[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah Palin- A Beauty Wrapped Beast?' (666)???

2008-10-07 Thread Robert
'Sarah Palin= A Desperate Soul, Lusting for Power'

A candidate, who uses political seduction, an art form.
We can study, in school, when this facade has finally ended...
All the winks, moves and grooves of Sarah Palin, of Alaska.
Like Ronald Reagan, the camera loves her, and she loves it.

Governor Palin, seems the opposite of Abraham Lincoln...
While Lincoln was not as easy to look at, he had a deep understanding:
Of governing fearlessly in a great crisis, and a man of profound character.
He didn't agree with Governor Palin, that America is so perfect, that he would 
hang out...
With radicals who wanted to abolish slavery, and defend the Union from chaos.

What an irony, that while Lincoln's strength and vision of soul...
Led him to defend the Union.
Governor Palin of Alaska, has associated herself with comrades who would like 
to Succeed from the Union. 

Words that sound like Maverick...

~~~hooked, crocked, besotted,blotto, blind drunk, irregular, unorthodox, 
Insurgent, rebel, nonconformist, bohemian...

Mr. Big...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
   At a certain point, it doesn't matter who is whacking or nailing
   Barry. In either case, I'm having a ball. For clarification, I'm 
   the bucket of hammers and proud of it.
  In some people's minds this horseshit passes for meaningful 
 The bottom line, John, is that I haven't read 
 anything that any of the people on my Don't Bother
 To Read List has said all week. All that is required
 to tell what they're up to is to see their name, the
 Subject line, and who/what they're responding to, and
 then immediately click Next.
 But, to make it more fun, sometimes I post a little
 something that I know will push their buttons, and
 then sit back and *count* the replies to what I've
 written. So far this week, for an investment of two
 such posts, without ever interacting with any of 
 them, I've gotten these turkeys to waste a total 
 of 31 posts replying. And they think that they're 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
 who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
 who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
 Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
 she knows that's what they are. Not a word.

Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
any of what he claims are dishonest smears.

Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
forum, however.

Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
personally those who don't support him, as in this

And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
attacks on us right either (see below).

Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
denounced those of us who were promoting the 
bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
his very best to convince Americans the economic
crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
bailout bill.

And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
what she was posting were smears that I did not
agree with, and that we had very different
reasons for disliking Obama.

But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
that post. Here it is, #189670:

[raunchydog wrote:]
 Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
 let the fur fly.

I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.

With regard to some of the associations, what
bothers me is not the associations themselves but
his lack of straightforwardness about them,
particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
running for president was terrible, and how he's
handled the blowback has been dreadful.

And I have plenty of other objections, many of
which I've gone into here already.

Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
and I are joined at the hip in our views of
Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
facing in the same general direction, but we got
there for different reasons.

Here's another lie from Barry:

 Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
 their shared go negative campaign, and post the
 smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
 (and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
 appeared on the scene to do it for her).

I've never posted smears of Obama. Barry had the
chance to dispute what I did post but utterly
failed to do so. Nobody else was able to refute
any facts I posted about Obama either.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If anyone dared draw a picture of Obama in such a condescending and
 thoroughly dismissive way just because of his race, I'd be the first
 to cry foul.  So why can they do it to a woman?
 So here's the deal the media is trying to sell you:  If Obama loses
 it will be YOUR fault because YOU are a racist.  If McCain/Palin lose,
 the fact that they used the most vile and misogynistic tactics against
 her is fair game because, well, you know she's a stupid girl.
 30% is all we need to stop this nonsense.

Do you really think this is all about the sex of the candidate?


[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain�s speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John McCain's speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of the
 best speeches. http://tinyurl.com/4gwk98

Do you ever check with any fact-checking organization before you refer
to something as one of the best speeches?


[FairfieldLife] The Joy of Sox documentary

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
By filmmaker and ex-TMer Joel Leskowitz 

Major league baseball just did an article about The Joy of Sox doc. Here's
the link. Please pass it along to as many as you can:



It keeps getting publicity (more publicity than money) and hopefully  
we can finish it sometime in the next few months.



[FairfieldLife] Aw shucks! Has Erja betrayed Elmore? : /

2008-10-07 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
Ayers was not convicted of any crime, but claims to have set bombs
near buildings when no one was around to get hurt.  It was in protest
of a war which many American patriots believed was illegal and
immoral.  Some patriots believed that our government had stopped doing
the will of the people and was following its own agenda against the
will of Americans.  Some of them were compelled (foolishly I believe)
to commit illegal acts to bring the country's attention to the
government's actions. One of them, Ayers, grew up and found better
channels for his activism than setting bombs.  Good for him.  Good for

Re-branding Ayers as a terrorist might work on someone who did not
live through that era as a young person I guess.  Although I was not a
supporter of the violent activists during the peace movement years, I
understand their frustration with what the government was doing.  Am I
the only one who remembers those days, and the many confusing choices
we were trying to make as young people?  Does anyone else remember how
it felt when we discovered we were illegally bombing Cambodia?  How
about the pictures of Mei Lai?  America had lost its way.  We were
wandering around dazed by the crashing sounds of 50's style patriotism
crumbling under weight of our government completely fucking up.  The
government was lying to us and we knew it, and acting like a terrorist
on steroids in South East Asia.  Collateral damage?  Nice try at
re-branding!  Maybe if you add some chicks in bikinis falling into a
pool...perfect!  Now lighting children on fire seems sooo...collateral!

The Ayers/Obama made-up issue demonstrates the kind of simplistic
thinking that exposes why politics depends on people thinking in
reductionist slogans. Life is more complex than simple slogans can
convey. But here is one that still works after all these years:

You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 feste wrote:
  Interesting that you are having a ball 
  posting disgraceful, preposterous smears 
  against Barack. 
 So Obama chose to start his career in 
 politics in the living room of Bernadine 
  Have you no shame? 
 And now Obama denies knowing who Bernadine 
 was or what she did.
 'Running on Empty with Bernardine Dohrn'
 Posted by Roger Simon
 October 6th, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, you better get busy learning this stuff, Spare Egg, because 
 from what you've told us about yourself, your weight, and your 
 health, you've probably only got 3 or 4 years left...

Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they were 4 months ago 
(under strict supervision of counselor and psychiatrist) and with the latest
increase, I've started loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 

Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep (usually) much 
and actually putting in 4+ hours a day programming, every day for the past week.

the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in another 2 weeks, and 
go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.

The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.


[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   Well, you better get busy learning this stuff, Spare Egg, because 
   from what you've told us about yourself, your weight, and your 
   health, you've probably only got 3 or 4 years left...
  Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they were 
  4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
  psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started 
  loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
  Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
  (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a 
  day programming, every day for the past week.
  the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in another 
  2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
  The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.
 Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
 in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
 let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)

Well, I have an inkling: I don't usually get lost counting to 10 mentally any 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
The bucket of hammers always has more fun than the nail.  Judy's
intellect is as sharp as a tack and she nails Barry every time. Love it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  On the FFL level, same thing. Note that the person
  who *poses* on this forum as the defender of those 
  who have been wronged *hasn't said a word* to defend 
  Obama against Raunchydog's dishonest smears, even though 
  she knows that's what they are. Not a word.
 Some of what raunchydog has posted are smears, some
 aren't. Note that Barry hasn't attempted to address
 any of what he claims are dishonest smears.
 Obama has more than enough other defenders on this
 forum, however.
 Barry, of course, is so butt-ignorant of the facts
 about any of the candidates that he falls flat on
 his face whenever he attempts even to attack McCain
 and Palin, as I've repeatedly shown. He doesn't
 even *try* to defend Obama except by attacking
 personally those who don't support him, as in this
 And as is standard with Barry, he can't get his
 attacks on us right either (see below).
 Barry's *especially* pissed off because when he
 denounced those of us who were promoting the 
 bailout as FEAR-mongers, I posted an excerpt
 from an Obama speech in which Obama himself did
 his very best to convince Americans the economic
 crisis was DANGEROUS and that a LONG AND PAINFUL
 RECESSION would be the result of not passing the
 bailout bill.
 And, of course, not long after raunchydog arrived
 on the scene, I made it VERY clear that some of
 what she was posting were smears that I did not
 agree with, and that we had very different
 reasons for disliking Obama.
 But Barry has conveniently forgotten all about
 that post. Here it is, #189670:
 [raunchydog wrote:]
  Chew on these links for a while, give me your best shot and
  let the fur fly.
 I'd like to dissociate myself from most of these;
 they don't represent *my* reasons for disliking
 Obama, except for the smear tactics of him and
 his followers. I'm inclined to think some of the
 above are smears of *him*, however; he's neither
 a Marxist nor an anti-Semite.
 With regard to some of the associations, what
 bothers me is not the associations themselves but
 his lack of straightforwardness about them,
 particularly Ayers and Rezko. I'm sympathetic
 to Black Liberation Theology personally but think
 his judgment in not cutting himself loose from
 Trinity Church and Wright well before he began
 running for president was terrible, and how he's
 handled the blowback has been dreadful.
 And I have plenty of other objections, many of
 which I've gone into here already.
 Bottom line, it's a mistake to think raunchydog
 and I are joined at the hip in our views of
 Obama, and of Hillary, for that matter. We're
 facing in the same general direction, but we got
 there for different reasons.
 Here's another lie from Barry:
  Now Judy can allow Raunchydog to take the point in
  their shared go negative campaign, and post the
  smears that Judy would otherwise have to post herself
  (and in fact, did post herself, before Raunchydog
  appeared on the scene to do it for her).
 I've never posted smears of Obama. Barry had the
 chance to dispute what I did post but utterly
 failed to do so. Nobody else was able to refute
 any facts I posted about Obama either.

[FairfieldLife] Sanskrit words of October-November: sara, paalin

2008-10-07 Thread cardemaister
 sara   mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{sR}) fluid , liquid VS. ; cathartic ,
purgative , laxative Sus3r. Va1gbh. ; 

pAlin   mfn. protecting , guarding , keeping S3ukas. BhP. ; m. (ifc.) a
ruler , king of. BhP. ; N. of a son of Pr2ithu Hariv. ; 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10:32 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal


Ayers was not convicted of any crime, but claims to have set bombs
near buildings when no one was around to get hurt. It was in protest
of a war which many American patriots believed was illegal and
immoral. Some patriots believed that our government had stopped doing
the will of the people and was following its own agenda against the
will of Americans. Some of them were compelled (foolishly I believe)
to commit illegal acts to bring the country's attention to the
government's actions. One of them, Ayers, grew up and found better
channels for his activism than setting bombs. Good for him. Good for

Fair and insightful as always, Curtis. I'm going to forward it to my
political list.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But, to make it more fun, sometimes I post a little
 something that I know will push their buttons, and
 then sit back and *count* the replies to what I've
 written. So far this week, for an investment of two
 such posts, without ever interacting with any of 
 them, I've gotten these turkeys to waste a total 
 of 31 posts replying. And they think that they're 

My God, he really is hallucinating.

Barry, get some help, FAST.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin is to McCain as Raunchydog is to Judy

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  But, to make it more fun, sometimes I post a little
  something that I know will push their buttons, and
  then sit back and *count* the replies to what I've
  written. So far this week, for an investment of two
  such posts, without ever interacting with any of 
  them, I've gotten these turkeys to waste a total 
  of 31 posts replying. And they think that they're 

Folie a deux. John's hallucinating right along
with Barry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Outstanding, Lawson!

Yep. Thanks. ;-)


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they
  were 4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
  psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started
  loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
  Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
  (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a day
   programming, every day for the past week.
  the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in
  another 2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
  The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.

[FairfieldLife] Barry Wright now endorsing TM

2008-10-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   Well, you better get busy learning this stuff, Spare Egg, 
   from what you've told us about yourself, your weight, and your 
   health, you've probably only got 3 or 4 years left...
  Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they were 
  4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
  psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started 
  loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
  Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
  (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a 
  day programming, every day for the past week.
  the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in another 
  2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
  The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.
 Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
 in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
 let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)

Good news all around, Barry?

All around must necessarily include the news that Spare Egg is 
being more regular in his practise of TM.

Gosh, aren't you the one who's always telling us how very average TM 
is?  And that there are SO many better systems of meditation that we 
brainwashed TMers have never tried so how the hell should we know 
that TM is so great?

Fucking hypocrite.  If you were truly sincere in extending your best 
wishes to Spare Egg instead of just paying lip service to words, you 
would be consistent with what you've written here over and over and 
over for the past umpteen years: you would be recommending one of the 
BETTER systems of meditation that you, O Great Knower of ALL 
Spiritual Systems, are so familiar with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the race card is at
 the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many have written about it.
 Google obama plays race card Here's one of the early articles:
 http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt Obama's lackeys in the media now push the
 meme that if he loses it's because of race. Isn't this playing the
 race card? You have no problem objecting to what you think is unfair
 to Obama in this article but you ignore the fact this article is about
 unfairness to women. Figures.

I've yet to hear of any of Obama's supporters yelling at a white reporter to
sit down, honky!

Nor have I heard of any Obama supporter yelling out that McCain is a terrorist, 
or that we should kill Keating, or the founder of Palin's husband's former 
political party.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  This is so unfair!! Obama and his lackeys have dragged the race into
 the mud. Oh look, there's that word again, race.

[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
Well, you better get busy learning this stuff, Spare Egg, 
from what you've told us about yourself, your weight, and 
health, you've probably only got 3 or 4 years left...
   Eh, incrementally increased my meds 8-fold from what they were 
   4 months ago (under strict supervision of counselor and 
   psychiatrist) and with the latest increase, I've started 
   loosing .5 pounds a day, every day for the past 2-3 weeks.
   Also started medtating far more regularly, going to sleep 
   (usually) much earlier, and actually putting in 4+ hours a 
   day programming, every day for the past week.
   the plan is to keep at the current level, re-evaulate in 
   2 weeks, and then go to 12x the dose from 4 months ago.
   The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.
  Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
  in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
  let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)
 Well, I have an inkling: I don't usually get lost counting to 10 
mentally any more.

...some of us may be hoping you get lost counting to 50...

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain�s speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:34 AM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@  
  John McCain's speech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of the
  best speeches. http://tinyurl.com/4gwk98
  Do you ever check with any fact-checking organization before you refer
  to something as one of the best speeches?
 Supposedly it was just filled to the brim with coded
 racist invective...

I don't know about coded racial invective, but it was certainly meant to 
a violence and hate-prone group to a greater frenzy.

and us vs them references could be taken as Republican vs Democrat or
American vs foreigner or white vs black, or some combination of the above.

At this point, I'm pretty sure that McCain is well aware that it is being taken
all sorts of ways by his base. He certainly didn't miss the terrorist label
someone used against Obama during one of his speeches. He even had the
grace to look aghast for a second before continuing. 

However, by the time he gave the speech that Raunchydog is so proud of,
he appears to have mastered his distaste and smiled throughout the entire
speech, even as the yells and catclls grew even louder against his opponent.


[FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 7, 2008, at 6:08 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  The 2-year goal is to become normal. Something I've never been.
  Good news all around, and my best wishes to you
  in this new program. When you get to 'normal,'
  let me know how it feels, eh?  :-)
 I was just going to say, normal?  What the hell is that, anyway?
 I also can't wait to hear the report when spare gets there...

Example of normal: deciding to drive someone to the store, NOT missing the
left turn and being forced to do a u-turn, and not missing the right turn and
being forced to do another u-turn to get to back to the original left turn.


[FairfieldLife] Re: AIDS Vaccine 'By 2012'

2008-10-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 telegraph.co.uk — A French scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for  
 medicine for discovering the AIDS virus immediately predicted there  
 would be a therapeutic vaccine for the disease within four years.

Does that mean fucking other men up the ass-hole without a condom will 
soon be back in vogue?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
 but claims to have set bombs near 
 buildings when no one was around to 
 get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
 which many American patriots believed 
 was illegal and immoral.  

You seem to have missed the point: it's
not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
in the past, it's that Obama said he 
hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 

There's something devious about Barack 
Obama - he wants to associate himself 
with individuals who openly expressed 
their hatred of America: Bill Ayers, 
Bernadine Dohrn, Jermiah Wright, and 
Father Pfleger. 

And then Obama says, that wasn't the 
Bill he knew. Now that's what a devious 
lawyer would say! Has Bill changed all 
that much since he set those bombs?

[FairfieldLife] The Real Obama?

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Despite his words today about change 
and cleaning up the mess in Washington, 
Obama was not on the side of reformers 
who were trying to change the status quo 
of corrupt, machine politics in Chicago 
and clean up the mess there. Obama came 
out in favor of the Daley machine and 
against reform candidates.

Read more:

'The Real Obama'
By Thomas Sowell
Election 2008, October 07, 2008 

He was a staunch backer of Richard Daley, 
who as mayor failed to stem the corruption 
that has made Chicago one of America's 
most notorious cities.

Read more:

'The Case Against Barack Obama'
by David Freddoso
Regnery, 2008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: AIDS Vaccine 'By 2012'

2008-10-07 Thread Vaj

On Oct 7, 2008, at 12:20 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


telegraph.co.uk — A French scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for
medicine for discovering the AIDS virus immediately predicted there
would be a therapeutic vaccine for the disease within four years.

Does that mean fucking other men up the ass-hole without a condom will
soon be back in vogue?

It's a therapeutic vaccine, not a preventative vaccine, so you will  
still have to wear a condom Shemp--unless of course you're in a  
committed relationship with a negative partner who doesn't fool  
around on you...

[FairfieldLife] Palin's Hate Rallies

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex

I believe it's only a matter of time before something happens at one
of these rallies. This ain't good.

Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill
into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with
shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to
blame Katie Couric's questions for her less-than-successful interview
with kinda mainstream media. At that, Palin supporters turned on
reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse.
Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter
shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a
network and told him, Sit down, boy.   


Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill
Ayers, Palin said.

B! said the crowd.

And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and
part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that
would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' she continued.

B! the crowd repeated.

Kill him! proposed one man in the audience.  


I don't know what they think they're accomplishing, but they sure seem
to be attracting mostly haters to these Palin rallies.

Media is not allowed to talk to Sarah Palin's supporters:

Constantly under the watchful eyes of security, the media wasn't
permitted to wander around inside Coachman Park to talk to Sarah Palin
supporters. When reporters tried to leave the designated press area
and head toward the bleachers where the crowd was seated, an escort
would dart out of nowhere and confront him or her and say, Can I help
you?'' and turn the person around.

When one reporter asked an escort, who would not give her name,
why the press wasn't allowed to mingle, she said that in the past,
negative things had been written. The campaign wanted to avoid that
possibility Monday. 


Seriously. What are they afraid of? Freedom of speech? 

via: http://blah3.com/ 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread raunchydog
Hold the phone. Do you really think setting a bomb so that no one
would get hurt is excusable? In fact people DID get hurt. When you
forward curtisdeltablues insightful ruminations on the merits of
Ayers political activism, don't forget to mention that three of his
jackass friends killed themselves making bombs intended to be set off
at a dance at a local Army base! http://tinyurl.com/2f2cb8 Ayers was
in hiding for ten years and he got off on a technicality because of
illegal wiretaps(no longer forbidden by FISA thanks to Obama)even
though he admits his crimes and is unrepentant for it. If you think
it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss it as a smear to even
talk about it, then all I can say is, you've been drinking too much
Kool Aid.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
 Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10:32 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal
 Ayers was not convicted of any crime, but claims to have set bombs
 near buildings when no one was around to get hurt. It was in protest
 of a war which many American patriots believed was illegal and
 immoral. Some patriots believed that our government had stopped doing
 the will of the people and was following its own agenda against the
 will of Americans. Some of them were compelled (foolishly I believe)
 to commit illegal acts to bring the country's attention to the
 government's actions. One of them, Ayers, grew up and found better
 channels for his activism than setting bombs. Good for him. Good for
 Fair and insightful as always, Curtis. I'm going to forward it to my
 political list.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The only thing Obama has to do to win the debate

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  It's really simple -- call America's attention
  to the thing that several posters here and many
  pundits in the press mentioned after the first
  debate, John McCain's inability to look at him.
  It's the simplest and fastest way to cut through
  the bullshit and expose the man behind the curtain.
  And it's a way of doing it *without* having to
  go negative himself. Obama will just be pointing
  out the truth about John McCain, on camera, so that 
  it will become obvious to anyone watching.
  And even the dumbest redneck isn't going to vote for
 I'd love to see Obama do that.

I wouldn't.  The election is going to result in quite a few deaths,
I think, before its over. No need to make it worse.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Ayers was not convicted of any crime

For the record (as I posted previously):

He and several others were indicted on federal
charges for crossing state lines to incite a riot
and for conspiracy to bomb government buildings. He
wasn't arrested because he had gone underground, and
before he surfaced the charges were dropped due to
prosecutorial misconduct, including improper
surveillance. So he got off on a technicality.

His girlfriend at the time was killed in the
explosion in a Greenwich Village townhouse where
she and other Weathermen were making a nail bomb--
an antipersonnel device designed to kill people.

 Re-branding Ayers as a terrorist might work on someone who
 did not live through that era as a young person I guess.

I lived through that era. I was an antiwar 
activist and was as appalled as anybody at what
the government was doing. But the Weathermen,
Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, included, most
certainly were terrorists. People *were* killed,
albeit not directly by Ayers. They were lucky
more people weren't killed given what they were
doing. That they may have been patriots doesn't
mean they weren't also terrorists.

As the saying goes, One man's terrorist is
another man's freedom fighter.

As I also wrote previously:

His relationship with Obama doesn't particularly
bother me, although he isn't somebody I'd want to
associate with. But what's problematic is that Obama
hasn't been straightforward about the extent of his
dealings with Ayers.

In one of the primary debates, when he was asked
about Ayers, he said:

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of
English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some
official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas
from [sic] on a regular basis.

In fact, Obama worked closely with Ayers on a number
of education reform projects (Ayers is a professor of
education, not English); Ayers and Dohrn hosted a
fundraiser for Obama's Illinois senatecampaign in their

[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the race
  card is at the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many
  have written about it. Google obama plays race card
  Here's one of the early articles: http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt
  Obama's lackeys in the media now push the meme that if he
  loses it's because of race. Isn't this playing the
  race card? You have no problem objecting to what you think
  is unfair to Obama in this article but you ignore the fact
  this article is about unfairness to women. Figures.
 I've yet to hear of any of Obama's supporters yelling at a
 white reporter to sit down, honky!

Obviously you don't understand what playing the
race card means.


And check out the article raunchydog cites:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Curtis wrote:
  Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
  but claims to have set bombs near 
  buildings when no one was around to 
  get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
  which many American patriots believed 
  was illegal and immoral.  
 You seem to have missed the point: it's
 not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
 in the past, it's that Obama said he 
 hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
 more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 

I'm sure he parsed his words pretty carefully.  We are in the area
where spin and reality meet.  I can understand that Obama might
minimize his association with controversial people.  Got caught with a
bit too much spin?  OK, politics as usual. Seeing what the right is
trying to do with this info, tell lies, I think I can understand his
reluctance to make a big deal about his association with certain
people.  I know all sorts of people whose pasts might have things I
would disagree with.  But I interact with them as they are now. 

 There's something devious about Barack 
 Obama - he wants to associate himself 
 with individuals who openly expressed 
 their hatred of America: Bill Ayers, 
 Bernadine Dohrn, Jermiah Wright, and 
 Father Pfleger.

Hatred of America is Fox news style spin.  People who have felt the
need for America to change may be just as patriotic as people who
think everything is fine.  Wright is black. (did ya notice?)  He has a
beef or two with how America has treated black Americans.  The changes
he wants makes America better and more in keeping with our
constitutionally stated ideals.  When speaking to a black audience he
doesn't have to parse his words and can be dramatic.  It doesn't mean
he has a hatred of America, but he may harbor a hatred for racial
discrimination.  Imagine that!  A black man who is against racial
discrimination in America and speaks about it in a dramatic fashion to
his mostly black congregation.  (Maybe we should just round em up and
learn em some patriotic manors?)
 And then Obama says, that wasn't the 
 Bill he knew. Now that's what a devious 
 lawyer would say! Has Bill changed all 
 that much since he set those bombs?

Why not?  Most of the radicals in that period changed completely. 
Jerry Rubin became a corporate trainer.  Most people age out of
criminal activities according to my friend who ran a school for
delinquents.  Sometimes they get married and their partner gets them
out of anti-social behavior. 

So Obama's statement makes perfect sense to me.  Ayer was a complex
guy and Obama interacted with the part of his personality that didn't
include his youthful bomb making.  I grew up with guys like Ayer who
did all sorts of crazy shit.  I guarantee you that most of them are
fat and happy on their couch with the game on and kids running around
today.  People change as they grow up. right?

I believe that we have all changed our basic ideals from the time we
were in our 20's to now.  Haven't you learned anything since you were
20 Richard?

[FairfieldLife] Her preferences?

2008-10-07 Thread cardemaister

If Her safety could be guaranteed, would She rather
shoot Rannians from a hellacopter with an AK 47, than
nuke them?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:34 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal


Hold the phone. Do you really think setting a bomb so that no one
would get hurt is excusable? In fact people DID get hurt. When you
forward curtisdeltablues insightful ruminations on the merits of
Ayers political activism, don't forget to mention that three of his
jackass friends killed themselves making bombs intended to be set off
at a dance at a local Army base! http://tinyurl.com/2f2cb8 Ayers was
in hiding for ten years and he got off on a technicality because of
illegal wiretaps(no longer forbidden by FISA thanks to Obama)even
though he admits his crimes and is unrepentant for it. If you think
it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss it as a smear to even
talk about it, then all I can say is, you've been drinking too much
Kool Aid.

I took a lot of drugs for a year or so during my teenage years and got
busted twice. Therefore anyone who associates with me now, even occasionally
and minimally, is guilty of associating with a drug abuser and criminal. 

That's your logic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Curtis wrote:
   Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
   but claims to have set bombs near 
   buildings when no one was around to 
   get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
   which many American patriots believed 
   was illegal and immoral.  
  You seem to have missed the point: it's
  not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
  in the past, it's that Obama said he 
  hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
  more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 
 I'm sure he parsed his words pretty carefully.  We are in the area
 where spin and reality meet.  I can understand that Obama might
 minimize his association with controversial people.

Had he been open about his association with Ayers
from the get-go, Ayers would have been much less of
a problem for him. Same with Wright, for that
matter, and Rezko as well.

As they say, it's not the crime (or other awkward
situation, in this case), it's the cover-up.

Obama has done far too much covering-up of his
past. That just shows really poor judgment on
his part.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[raunchydog wrote:]
 If you think it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss
 it as a smear to even talk about it, then all I can say is,
 you've been drinking too much Kool Aid.
 I took a lot of drugs for a year or so during my teenage
 years and got busted twice. Therefore anyone who associates
 with me now, even occasionally and minimally, is guilty of
 associating with a drug abuser and criminal.

Did you harm anybody or damage anyone's property
when you were high? Did you work to bring down
the U.S. government by violence?

There are crimes, and then there are crimes.

RE: [FairfieldLife] 24-hour global air traffic

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
check out this one too:

Worldwide Earthquakes 5/08 - 7/08 (subwoofer recommended!)


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6iNUvlU0SJYfeature=related feature=related


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:52 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[raunchydog wrote:]
 If you think it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss
 it as a smear to even talk about it, then all I can say is,
 you've been drinking too much Kool Aid.
 I took a lot of drugs for a year or so during my teenage
 years and got busted twice. Therefore anyone who associates
 with me now, even occasionally and minimally, is guilty of
 associating with a drug abuser and criminal.

Did you harm anybody or damage anyone's property
when you were high? Did you work to bring down
the U.S. government by violence?

No, but I turned my life around and so did Ayers, and neither of our lives
now bears any similarity to our earlier lives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
I thought guys like Ayers and Rubin were assholes even back then.  As
I'm sure you remember the peace movement has the whole continuum from
Leary followers who thought if enough people dropped acid (or did TM)
the world would change to people who wanted to tear down the
government. I'm not condoning bomb making as protest then or now.  I'm
just saying I understand the times and I can imagine that people can
change as they age.  It wasn't simple back then and it isn't simple now.

 This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of
 English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some
 official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas
 from [sic] on a regular basis.
 In fact, Obama worked closely with Ayers on a number
 of education reform projects (Ayers is a professor of
 education, not English); Ayers and Dohrn hosted a
 fundraiser for Obama's Illinois senatecampaign in their

It may still be true that Obama didn't exchange ideas with the guy
outside the specific context of his project with him.  And I think he
may not be the first politician who used a person's help without
agreeing with everything he has said.  I don't have the same problem
you have with his description of his relationship.  For all we know he
disagreed with the guy on most points other than education.  Politics
makes for strange bedfellows, right? 

Frankly I am glad that Obama can deal with a person in a specific task
without agreeing with everything they do.  This is one of the biggest
problems with the intellectual environment surrounding Bush,
intellectual conformity.  The fact that Obama saw that a former
bomber could help him reform education makes him more appealing.  I
think there is hope that he may even be able to extend himself to
former Bush supporters and work with them on specific projects to
improve the world.  Some of them may be rehabilitatable!   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Ayers was not convicted of any crime
 For the record (as I posted previously):
 He and several others were indicted on federal
 charges for crossing state lines to incite a riot
 and for conspiracy to bomb government buildings. He
 wasn't arrested because he had gone underground, and
 before he surfaced the charges were dropped due to
 prosecutorial misconduct, including improper
 surveillance. So he got off on a technicality.
 His girlfriend at the time was killed in the
 explosion in a Greenwich Village townhouse where
 she and other Weathermen were making a nail bomb--
 an antipersonnel device designed to kill people.
  Re-branding Ayers as a terrorist might work on someone who
  did not live through that era as a young person I guess.
 I lived through that era. I was an antiwar 
 activist and was as appalled as anybody at what
 the government was doing. But the Weathermen,
 Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, included, most
 certainly were terrorists. People *were* killed,
 albeit not directly by Ayers. They were lucky
 more people weren't killed given what they were
 doing. That they may have been patriots doesn't
 mean they weren't also terrorists.
 As the saying goes, One man's terrorist is
 another man's freedom fighter.
 As I also wrote previously:
 His relationship with Obama doesn't particularly
 bother me, although he isn't somebody I'd want to
 associate with. But what's problematic is that Obama
 hasn't been straightforward about the extent of his
 dealings with Ayers.
 In one of the primary debates, when he was asked
 about Ayers, he said:
 This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of
 English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some
 official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas
 from [sic] on a regular basis.
 In fact, Obama worked closely with Ayers on a number
 of education reform projects (Ayers is a professor of
 education, not English); Ayers and Dohrn hosted a
 fundraiser for Obama's Illinois senatecampaign in their

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:34 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal
 Hold the phone. Do you really think setting a bomb so that no one
 would get hurt is excusable? In fact people DID get hurt. When you
 forward curtisdeltablues insightful ruminations on the merits of
 Ayers political activism, don't forget to mention that three of his
 jackass friends killed themselves making bombs intended to be set 
 at a dance at a local Army base! http://tinyurl.com/2f2cb8 Ayers was
 in hiding for ten years and he got off on a technicality because of
 illegal wiretaps(no longer forbidden by FISA thanks to Obama)even
 though he admits his crimes and is unrepentant for it. If you think
 it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss it as a smear to 
 talk about it, then all I can say is, you've been drinking too much
 Kool Aid.
 I took a lot of drugs for a year or so during my teenage years and 
 busted twice. Therefore anyone who associates with me now, even 
 and minimally, is guilty of associating with a drug abuser and 
 That's your logic.

No, her logic is if, today, you still advocated that teenagers should 
abuse drugs that anyone associating with you would be guilty of 
associating with a low-life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Curtis wrote:
  Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
  but claims to have set bombs near 
  buildings when no one was around to 
  get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
  which many American patriots believed 
  was illegal and immoral.  
 You seem to have missed the point: it's
 not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
 in the past, it's that Obama said he 
 hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
 more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 
 There's something devious about Barack 
 Obama - he wants to associate himself 
 with individuals who openly expressed 
 their hatred of America: Bill Ayers, 
 Bernadine Dohrn, Jermiah Wright, and 
 Father Pfleger. 
 And then Obama says, that wasn't the 
 Bill he knew. Now that's what a devious 
 lawyer would say! Has Bill changed all 
 that much since he set those bombs?

Eh, John McCain sent a birthday card to Joe Bonano.

Come to think of it, McCain married the daughter of a 
convicted felon who made his fortune by gin running
and dealing with Mafioso types as well

O well...


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 12:02 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal


No, her logic is if, today, you still advocated that teenagers should 
abuse drugs that anyone associating with you would be guilty of 
associating with a low-life.

Ayers still advocates that people bomb buildings?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Obama has done far too much covering-up of his
 past. That just shows really poor judgment on
 his part.

He is spinning his past to accentuate the positives and de-accentuate
the negatives. Imagine that!  It is almost as if he is a professional
politician.  And he is being cautious knowing that anything he says
will be distorted by the right.  At worst he is being cagey. But to
try to use these associations as proof that Obama is somehow a secret
terrorist (which is on many of the emails I get from conservatives)
goes against the spirit of truth.  His associations are not a big deal
and neither are his desire not to get dragged over the coals for
working with a diverse group of people.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
  willytex@ wrote:
   Curtis wrote:
Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
but claims to have set bombs near 
buildings when no one was around to 
get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
which many American patriots believed 
was illegal and immoral.  
   You seem to have missed the point: it's
   not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
   in the past, it's that Obama said he 
   hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
   more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 
  I'm sure he parsed his words pretty carefully.  We are in the area
  where spin and reality meet.  I can understand that Obama might
  minimize his association with controversial people.
 Had he been open about his association with Ayers
 from the get-go, Ayers would have been much less of
 a problem for him. Same with Wright, for that
 matter, and Rezko as well.
 As they say, it's not the crime (or other awkward
 situation, in this case), it's the cover-up.
 Obama has done far too much covering-up of his
 past. That just shows really poor judgment on
 his part.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 I believe that we have all changed our 
 basic ideals from the time we were in 
 our 20's to now. Haven't you learned 
 anything since you were 20 Richard?

No, Curtis, I've never changed my basic
ideals. Unlike yourself, who apparently
spent years and years selling a cult 
religion to people, and then changing into 
a purveyor of atheistic musical nonsense 

Please point out where either Ayers or 
Dohrn has apologized for being a 
terrorists against the U.S.

When Ayers Dorhn planted the bombs they 
were revolutionaries who were driven by 
a hatred of the United States; they are 
driven by a hatred of United States now. 
Ayers was recently in Venezuela praising 
Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. 

You're talking about a couple who 
expressed enthusiastic approval of the 
Charles Manson murders! This is 

The question is, when did Obama learn 
that Ayers and Dohrn planted bombs at 
New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, 
and at the Capitol building in 1971, and 
then at the Pentagon in 1972? When did 
Obama find out that Ayers and Dorhn 
founded the Weather Underground? 

When, exactly, did Obama learn that 
Ayers and Dohrn  spent almost the entire 
1970's as fugitives from justice? 

So, does Obama now consider Ayers and 
Dorhn's bombing campaign to be a reform 
educational activity? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Ayers was not convicted of any crime
 For the record (as I posted previously):
 He and several others were indicted on federal
 charges for crossing state lines to incite a riot
 and for conspiracy to bomb government buildings. He
 wasn't arrested because he had gone underground, and
 before he surfaced the charges were dropped due to
 prosecutorial misconduct, including improper
 surveillance. So he got off on a technicality.
 His girlfriend at the time was killed in the
 explosion in a Greenwich Village townhouse where
 she and other Weathermen were making a nail bomb--
 an antipersonnel device designed to kill people.
  Re-branding Ayers as a terrorist might work on someone who
  did not live through that era as a young person I guess.
 I lived through that era. I was an antiwar 
 activist and was as appalled as anybody at what
 the government was doing. But the Weathermen,
 Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, included, most
 certainly were terrorists. People *were* killed,
 albeit not directly by Ayers. They were lucky
 more people weren't killed given what they were
 doing. That they may have been patriots doesn't
 mean they weren't also terrorists.
 As the saying goes, One man's terrorist is
 another man's freedom fighter.
 As I also wrote previously:
 His relationship with Obama doesn't particularly
 bother me, although he isn't somebody I'd want to
 associate with. But what's problematic is that Obama
 hasn't been straightforward about the extent of his
 dealings with Ayers.
 In one of the primary debates, when he was asked
 about Ayers, he said:
 This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of
 English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some
 official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas
 from [sic] on a regular basis.
 In fact, Obama worked closely with Ayers on a number
 of education reform projects (Ayers is a professor of
 education, not English); Ayers and Dohrn hosted a
 fundraiser for Obama's Illinois senatecampaign in their

I believe that last is not true. Obama attended the announcement of
his mentor's Congressional run at Ayer's house, but it wasn't specifically
a fund-raiser for Obama (I think).


[FairfieldLife] Re: It is OK to be sexist as long as you pretend not to be racist

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   What's unfair? Haven't you noticed that playing the race
   card is at the heart of Obama's campaign strategy? Many
   have written about it. Google obama plays race card
   Here's one of the early articles: http://tinyurl.com/2ve8jt
   Obama's lackeys in the media now push the meme that if he
   loses it's because of race. Isn't this playing the
   race card? You have no problem objecting to what you think
   is unfair to Obama in this article but you ignore the fact
   this article is about unfairness to women. Figures.
  I've yet to hear of any of Obama's supporters yelling at a
  white reporter to sit down, honky!
 Obviously you don't understand what playing the
 race card means.

Actually, for the second meaning of the term, as presented at wikipedia,
the outsider and Unamerican and not like us talking points certainly DO
fit playing the race card.

 And check out the article raunchydog cites:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain�s spe ech today in Albuquerque, New Mexico

2008-10-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 7, 2008, at 11:16 AM, sparaig wrote:

At this point, I'm pretty sure that McCain is well aware that it is  
being taken

all sorts of ways by his base.

I'm pretty sure that McCain is well aware he's tanking
faster than the Titanic, and with even more people
jumping ship...watch for ever-more
desperate gambits in the coming 4 weeks.

He certainly didn't miss the terrorist label
someone used against Obama during one of his speeches. He even had the
grace to look aghast for a second before continuing.

However, by the time he gave the speech that Raunchydog is so proud  
he appears to have mastered his distaste and smiled throughout the  
speech, even as the yells and catclls grew even louder against his  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: You just can't make this stuff up...

2008-10-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 7, 2008, at 11:19 AM, sparaig wrote:

I was just going to say, normal?  What the hell is that, anyway?
I also can't wait to hear the report when spare gets there...


Example of normal: deciding to drive someone to the store, NOT  
missing the
left turn and being forced to do a u-turn, and not missing the  
right turn and
being forced to do another u-turn to get to back to the original  
left turn.

I'm getting whiplash from all these u-turns...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Curtis wrote:
  I believe that we have all changed our 
  basic ideals from the time we were in 
  our 20's to now. Haven't you learned 
  anything since you were 20 Richard?
 No, Curtis, I've never changed my basic

Sorry to see yo have not learned anything since you were a young man.
 For me the concept of love for example has become much richer by my
years of living and loving.  I may use the same word I used as a kid,
but the basic ideal is so much more complete now.  For you...not so
much.  Good luck with that.  I'll bet you have been happy as a clam
with the last 8 years.

 Unlike yourself, who apparently
 spent years and years selling a cult 
 religion to people, and then changing into 
 a purveyor of atheistic musical nonsense 

Now you are just being a dick, Richard.

 Please point out where either Ayers or 
 Dohrn has apologized for being a 
 terrorists against the U.S.

I couldn't care less if they apologize.  Public apologies are a dime a
dozen.  I don't need another Dr. Phil moment, manipulation.

 When Ayers Dorhn planted the bombs they 
 were revolutionaries who were driven by 
 a hatred of the United States; they are 
 driven by a hatred of United States now. 
 Ayers was recently in Venezuela praising 
 Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. 
 You're talking about a couple who 
 expressed enthusiastic approval of the 
 Charles Manson murders! This is 

Supporting the Manson murders seems like a bad thing to me too.  But
what if Manson and his followers apologized?  Would that make it all OK?

The attacks on Obama's past associations reveal the lack of real ideas
in the slogan-rich McCain campaign.  After repeating the word
Maverick a few thousand times we find out that all he has to sell is
fear of Obama.

And I'm not buying it.

 The question is, when did Obama learn 
 that Ayers and Dohrn planted bombs at 
 New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, 
 and at the Capitol building in 1971, and 
 then at the Pentagon in 1972? When did 
 Obama find out that Ayers and Dorhn 
 founded the Weather Underground? 
 When, exactly, did Obama learn that 
 Ayers and Dohrn  spent almost the entire 
 1970's as fugitives from justice? 
 So, does Obama now consider Ayers and 
 Dorhn's bombing campaign to be a reform 
 educational activity?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:34 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal
 Hold the phone. Do you really think setting a bomb so that no one
 would get hurt is excusable? In fact people DID get hurt. When you
 forward curtisdeltablues insightful ruminations on the merits of
 Ayers political activism, don't forget to mention that three of his
 jackass friends killed themselves making bombs intended to be set off
 at a dance at a local Army base! http://tinyurl.com/2f2cb8 Ayers was
 in hiding for ten years and he got off on a technicality because of
 illegal wiretaps(no longer forbidden by FISA thanks to Obama)even
 though he admits his crimes and is unrepentant for it. If you think
 it's OK for Obama to hang with Ayers and dismiss it as a smear to even
 talk about it, then all I can say is, you've been drinking too much
 Kool Aid.
 I took a lot of drugs for a year or so during my teenage years and got
 busted twice. Therefore anyone who associates with me now, even occasionally
 and minimally, is guilty of associating with a drug abuser and criminal. 
 That's your logic.

And if you should go so far as to give them or find them a job... Gasp.

Of course, marrying convicted felon's children is ok, as long as they are 

Likewise with sending birthday cards to notorious gangsters.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
  willytex@ wrote:
   Curtis wrote:
Ayers was not convicted of any crime, 
but claims to have set bombs near 
buildings when no one was around to 
get hurt.  It was in protest of a war 
which many American patriots believed 
was illegal and immoral.  
   You seem to have missed the point: it's
   not so much what Ayers and Bernadine did
   in the past, it's that Obama said he 
   hardly knew them. Appreantly you know 
   more about Bill and Bernadine than Obama 
  I'm sure he parsed his words pretty carefully.  We are in the area
  where spin and reality meet.  I can understand that Obama might
  minimize his association with controversial people.
 Had he been open about his association with Ayers
 from the get-go, Ayers would have been much less of
 a problem for him. Same with Wright, for that
 matter, and Rezko as well.
 As they say, it's not the crime (or other awkward
 situation, in this case), it's the cover-up.
 Obama has done far too much covering-up of his
 past. That just shows really poor judgment on
 his part.

Unlike, say, the Clintons, Palin or McCain?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Too pornographic for a Victorian(?) translator? :D

2008-10-07 Thread Patrick Gillam
Well, Maharishi *did* say the knowledge 
had been lost. ...


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@
  All right, cardemaister, don't be coy - 
  how would those verses read if they had 
  not been bowdlerized?
  na seshe yasya rambate 'ntaraa sakthyaa kapRt
  sed iishe yasya romashaM niSeduSo vijRmbhate [vishvasmaad
  indra uttaraH]
  na seshe yasya romashaM niSeduSo vijRmbhate
  sed iishe yasya rambate 'ntaraa sakthyaa kapRd [vishvasmaad
  indra uttaraH]
 Let's suppose that the sandhi-vigraha for 'seshe' is 'sa iishe'.
 According to Monier-Williams, the verb 'iish' in Rgveda means
 at least 'belong to'. Thus the first line *might* mean
 something like 'he (Indra?) doesn't belong to someone
 whose (yasya) dick (kapRt) is hanging (rambate)'. I don't
 try to translate 'antaraa sakthyaa' because it doesn't seem
 to add that much into the general meaning, but 'sakthyaa'
 probably is instrumental singular from 'sakthi':
 sakthin. (derivation doubtful ; the base %{saktha4n} [fr. which acc.
 pl. %{sakthAni} RV. v , 61 , 3] appears in later language only in the
 weakest cases e.g. sg. instr. %{sakthnA4} gen. abl. %{sakthna4s} loc.
 %{saktha4ni} , or %{sakthni4} cf. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 75 ; there occurs also
 nom. acc. du. %{sakthyau4} [RV. x , 86 , 16 AV. vi , 9 , 1] formed fr.
 a fem. base %{sakthI4}) , ***the thigh , thigh-bone*** ; the pole or
 shafts of a cart (du. euphemistically ` the female organ ') RV.
c. c. 
 The second line *could* mean 'he (Indra?) belongs to [a man]
 whose dick becomes erect (vijRmbhate) near (niSeduSaH; cf.
 'upa-*ni-Sad*': ~sitting near) a cunt (romasham; literally:
 a hairy one). That doesn't feel a very good translation,
 but the general meaning almost certainly is something
 like that.
 But the second verse seems to turn the whole thing
 upside down, so to speak. Just read it carefully, and
 you might notice that yourselves...
 'vishvasmaad  indra uttaraH' is a slogan repeated at 
 the end of each verse, I believe.

[FairfieldLife] AP: McCain was on board of group linked to former Nazi collaborators

2008-10-07 Thread do.rflex

In the 1980s, McCain served on the advisory board to the U.S. chapter
of an international group linked to ultra-right-wing death squads in
Central America.

The U.S. Council for World Freedom aided rebels trying to overthrow
the leftist government of Nicaragua. That landed the group in the
middle of the Iran-Contra affair and in legal trouble with the
Internal Revenue Service, which revoked the charitable organization's
tax exemption.

The council created by retired Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub was the
U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League, an international
organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing
death squads in Central America. After setting up the U.S. council,
Singlaub served as the international league's chairman.

Full Associated Press article: http://tinyurl.com/4frjme

[FairfieldLife] I encourage everyone to change subject lines when appropriate, was: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Rick Archer
On another note, what the hell am I doing in the subject line of this

Like that, like that. Eh?

[FairfieldLife] Re: AIDS Vaccine 'By 2012'

2008-10-07 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  telegraph.co.uk — A French scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for  
  medicine for discovering the AIDS virus immediately predicted
  there would be a therapeutic vaccine for the disease within
  four years.
 Does that mean fucking other men up the ass-hole without a 
 condom will soon be back in vogue?

It already is. More and more porn features bareback fucking, and
thanks to new medications, there's a growing attitude that HIV is just
another treatable chronic condition, like diabetes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: AIDS Vaccine 'By 2012'

2008-10-07 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   telegraph.co.uk — A French scientist awarded the Nobel Prize 
   medicine for discovering the AIDS virus immediately predicted
   there would be a therapeutic vaccine for the disease within
   four years.
  Does that mean fucking other men up the ass-hole without a 
  condom will soon be back in vogue?
 It already is. More and more porn features bareback fucking, and
 thanks to new medications, there's a growing attitude that HIV is 
 another treatable chronic condition, like diabetes.

There will be another virus that will develop, or that the AIDS virus 
will become resistent to the vaccine.  Just another twist from Nature 
to even up the ante.

[FairfieldLife] Re: AP: McCain was on board of group linked to former Nazi collaborators

2008-10-07 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the 1980s, McCain served on the advisory board to the U.S.
 chapter of an international group linked to ultra-right-wing
 death squads in Central America.

So, McCain is tied to former Nazis and right-wing death squads, Palin
is tied to anti-American Alaskan separatists, and Obama is tied to
Ayers. I can just imagine the new slogan:

Obama/Biden: 50% less terrorist!

[FairfieldLife] Palin Blasts Obama's Ties to Weather Channel

2008-10-07 Thread Bhairitu
‘Palling Around with Meteorologists,' Guv Claims

Alaska governor Sarah Palin went on the attack today, claiming that 
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama had longstanding ties to 
The Weather Channel.

What does it say about our opponent that he thinks this nation's 
weather is so imperfect that he needs to be allied with The Weather 
Channel? she asked a crowd in Tampa, Florida. There's a fine line 
between hating America's weather and hating America herself.

Gov. Palin said that she learned about Sen. Obama's ties to The Weather 
Channel last week when I was trying hard to read The New York Times.

They said that Sen. Obama was hanging out with weathermen, she said. 
Do we really want to elect someone who has been palling around with 

Gov. Palin's latest attacks came on the heels of a new poll showing that 
the only demographic group that still support her are morons, sometimes 
referred to by political insiders as no-information voters.

It may sound like she spouting idiocy, but there's a method to her 
madness, said Tracy Klugian, a Republican strategist. She's speaking 
to her base.

Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain's practice session for the second 
presidential debate was cut short when his pants burst into flame.


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[FairfieldLife] CNN says Obama lying about Ayers

2008-10-07 Thread Vaj

CNN: Obama’s lying about William Ayers

You’ll want to double-check the logo at the bottom left corner during  
this report.  It really is CNN and Anderson Cooper fact-checking  
Barack Obama’s claims to have barely known William Ayers — and  
calling it dishonest.  Stanley Kurtz even gets to make an appearance  
on a network other than Fox for this report (via Dirty Harry’s Place):

Drew Griffin runs down most of the salient points raised by people  
like Kurtz, David Freddoso, Jerome Corsi, and others. Obama’s  
admission in a debate that he briefly served on “a board” with Ayers  
with little contact gets shot down. CNN followed up on Kurtz’ work  
with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and debunks that notion. They  
also — amazingly — report on the nature of the grants made by the CAC  
while Obama ran it to Ayers’ favored schools with radical agendas.

Griffin also tells a somewhat nonplussed Cooper that Obama has lied  
about his “coming out party” at the home of William Ayers and  
Bernardine Dohrn in 1995. Obama has said that Alice Palmer arranged  
the fundraiser and the venue, but Griffin spoke to two people who  
attended the event, who claim Obama lied. Palmer had nothing to do  
with that event outside of being invited to it. Obama and Ayers  
planned the event themselves.

Obama has lied repeatedly about his relationship with the unrepentant  
domestic terrorist. He spent years working for Ayers, promoting  
Ayers’ causes. Even CNN won’t buy the Obama line any longer. Expect  
John McCain to raise this point tonight in the debate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin's Hate Rallies

2008-10-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named 
 Bill Ayers, Palin said.
 B! said the crowd.
 And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist 
 and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings 
 that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' she 
 B! the crowd repeated.
 Kill him! proposed one man in the audience.  
 I don't know what they think they're accomplishing, but they sure 
 seem to be attracting mostly haters to these Palin rallies.

Why should you be surprised? Look who they attract
on this forum.

[FairfieldLife] What Obama Should Say tonight

2008-10-07 Thread Vaj

What Obama Should Say (Rude Version), Part 2:
If, at tonight's debate in Nashville, when Tom Brokaw or some  
undecided voter asks Barack Obama about his association with former  
Weather Underground member and current Distinguished Professor of  
Education at the University of Illinois - Chicago William Ayers, and  
the Democratic candidate doesn't say, Oh, fuck me, really? Okay,  
fine. You want me to talk about this shit? Here ya go: he's a dude on  
my street who held a coffee get-together for me years ago when I was  
gonna run to be the state senator of his 'hood. And we served at the  
same time on the board of the Woods Fund. You know what the Woods  
Fund does? It tries to help community organizers in Chicago get shit  
done for the poor, you know, like education, housing, and jobs. Now,  
Sarah Palin may think that community organizers don't do jack shit,  
but we did the work the government wouldn't or couldn't do. So, yeah,  
Ayers was there. But 'pal around' with him? Motherfucker, we followed  
Robert's Rules of
Order together. Maybe for people who scream at and abuse their  
friends that counts as being 'pals,' but for most of us, it ain't  
even an 'acquaintance.' Dude, Johnny, you signed a confession that  
degraded America when you were over in 'Nam. And I'm the traitor?

You really think people give a fat rat's fuck about William Ayers  
and what he did 40 years ago? Goddamn, Johnny Maverick, you must be  
shitting yourself so much that Cindy's gotta change them Depends  
every hour or you'll smell like you're rotting from the inside. You  
know what it means when all you got to throw at a candidate is people  
he's met? It means you're fuckin' frightened, man, and it means that  
you've maxed out your bullshit card - no one's buyin' what you're  
sellin', Johnny Maverick; just send that worthless shit back to the  
Republican warehouse of lies next to trickle-down and WMDs and commie  
spies in Hollywood.

So you can have your Muppet-sounding idiot VP bitch out there in  
front of crowds, talkin' smack about me and gettin' people to yell,  
'Kill him,' and you can try to convince everyone I'm a terrorist.  
Fuck, talk about Tony Rezko and Reverend Wright. Drag those corpses  
up there and cut new holes in 'em to try to show you can fuck 'em  
different than others have. But you know and I know that you're  
desperate. Motherfucker, you tied yourself to Reagan and Bush and now  
that ideology is sinkin' like cement shoes on a mob snitch. Drown,  
motherfucker, drown.

I faced down Bill and Hillary Clinton, Johnny Mac. They pulled all  
that shit on me. They raped and beat me like new prison meat. Do you  
honestly think that your gimpy ass and that dimwitted attack cunt  
with you are gonna lay a hand on me?

And you're in the shit now. 'Cause I've been waitin' for this  
moment, you fuckin' senile old fuck. I was waitin' until I could see  
the whites of your twitchy fuckin' eyes to pull the trigger on the  
Keating Gatling gun I've been holdin'. You wanted to take the gloves  
off. Then why are your hands shakin', bitch? You can send your people  
out there to say that you were cleared, but the name sticks, doesn't  
it? 'Keating Five'? I wasn't gonna go there, but you teed up the  
ball. I just swung the fuckin' club. Now, lemme ask you somethin'.  
What's more important - that some guy who did some shit four decades  
ago once said, 'Hi' to me or that you are one of the reasons that the  
federal government had to bail out the savings and loan industry?  
Moral equivalence doesn't work, does it, Johnny Mac?

You stupid cocksucker, get your head out of your piss hole in the  
Hanoi Hilton. There's people out there killing themselves because  
they can't pay the mortgage. Jobs are disappearing faster than liver  
spots are popping up on your skin. Pakistan's about to go nutzoid,  
and they have actual nukes, not hallucinated ones like you thought  
Iraq had. And you actually think that anyone cares about Ayers other  
than the backward ass redneck country fucks who are so fuckin'  
retarded that they think Sarah Palin is smart. America's scared, man.  
You can't scare it any more than it is already.

You decided to go from nasty to evil. You decided to make this  
personal. So when it's over, Johnny Mac, when your decrepit, crippled  
little body finally gives out on you after you lose this election, I  
want you to have to watch the TV and see me out there, livin' your  
dream, this Negro terrorist liberal elitist lawyer. I want the last  
thing you see on this earth to be me, standin' in the Rose Garden,  
smilin' at reporters and know that I'm smilin' at you, Johnny  
Maverick, knowin' that I'm right where you thought you would be then  
the debate will be worthless.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolf on the October 1st Coup

2008-10-07 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 Lemme just finish up with Bhairitu here:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 And has anybody heard of this martial law provision
 she speaks of?  I certainly haven't.

 Note that Bhairitu had never heard of the martial
 law provision of the House rules and doubted that
 it existed.

 So I proved it to him:

 You mean Wolf didn't mention it?


 Now that he knows it exists, he insists that if
 it had been threatened, it would have been in
 the headlines:

 And if this house rule had been the case it would have
 been part of the headlines that day.  But it wasn't.
 Nobody said it was the case. It was *threatened*,
 So?  It still would have been reported.

 Here's Rep. Michael Burgess explaining what happened
 to Alex Jones:


 Want to call Burgess a liar?

 Bhairitu claims (incorrectly) that the House martial
 law provision could not have been threatened because
 the threat would have been reported.

 OK, now look at this:

 And that it was fear mongering.  They were being pressured
 into passing the bill.
 Right. But not by an administration threat to
 impose martial law if they didn't.
 You don't know that for sure.

 A threat of martial law over the entire country
 wasn't reported either, even though that would
 have been *vastly* more inflammatory than the
 threat of invoking the House procedure--but
 Bhairitu still claims it's possible that national
 martial law *was* threatened.

 And he wants us to take his dire prognostications
 and conspiracy theories seriously!

 He's a bubblehead. There's no other word for it.
 On a par with Sarah Palin.
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Looks like I really pushed your buttons!  You're so predictable, Judy.  
That's why you're the butt of a lot of jokes around here.

Those who bothered to watch Wolf's video know that I referring to 
Sherman's comments in the context of that video.  And OMG!  I'm a 
conspiracy theorist!  I only offer these articles as food for thought as 
I know some of the folks here are interested in this stuff.  You don't 
have to read it.  Let's suppose that if we were hanging out at a cafe in 
Berlin in 1928 and I told you the Nazis were a threat and would impose 
fascism on the country you would also say I'm nuts.  Look I hope that 
fascism doesn't happen but it is pretty much getting there.  Just look 
at the executive orders that Bush has implemented, those are 
outrageous.   They're definitely up to something.

A bubblehead?  Maybe you ought to  look in a mirror, you Hillary loser. 
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Thanks for playing.
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] I encourage everyone to change subject lines when appropriate, was: Feste is to Turq as John is to Sal

2008-10-07 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 On another note, what the hell am I doing in the subject line of this

 Like that, like that. Eh?
Actually they should start a new topic instead of just change the 
subject line.  Changing the subject line appears computer illiterate but 
I know some people want to preserve their right to look computer 
illiterate on FFL.  :-D

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