[FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Hmmm, even God can miss now and then -- I suggest you spend the 
 rest of your life looking over your shoulder.  He's sure to try 
 again.  My job is to not get between you two.

You know you've created God in your own image when
He hates the same people you do. - Gordon Charrick

Somehow I feel relieved after reading Edg's comment.
Even if there were a God (I'm pretty sure there is 
not), and even if that God were so petty as to have
it in for me personally, He/She/It would never be
able to hit with any of His/Her/Its thunderbolts or
planetfart clouds because I'm always being shadowed
by my stalkers like Edg and...uh...others. The shit
would hit those fans instead, not me.

I just knew they were good for something...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   Animation of ash cloud over Europe from Iceland's volcano: 
  Notice in this animation the one country not covered 
  by the cloud. Some have suggested that this is because
  of the powerful Woo Woo emanating from Sitges. But I 
  think it's because Penelope Cruz was seen sunbathing 
  nude near here recently and no god in his right mind 
  is going to let clouds force *her* to cover up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
I think an appropriate deeper, probing question might
be along the lines of What has being 'the center of the
universe' ever done for anyone except yourself? 

There *might* be some interesting answers to this. If
there are, *that* might interest those who care about 
other human beings in the concept of everyday enlight-
enment. If it's just feelgood stories, as tartbrain
has said more eloquently than I before, I don't see
these stories appealing to anyone who isn't Only in
it for the self.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 I think all of that is good. However, as stated, I have not found it very 
 interesting, yet. I have not listened as extensively as you, and there may be 
 great gems that I missed. However, others seem to be having the same problem 
 as I -- in maintaining interest. Perhaps these
 may be raw feeds that need a bit of editing -- with the whole left for those 
 that want full access. 
 And as I have suggested in several posts, some deeper probing, while 
 considerate and sensitive to the fact that these are very personal stories, 
 would be useful. For example, a Curtis type (Curtis, you are an archetype 
 already!) examining the statements in an epistimological framework would be 
 fascinating, IMO.  And, bold claims, such as I experienced being the center 
 of the universe  deserve a bit more follow-up -- not just Gee that s great.
 Perhaps you can share the segments, experiences, ideas from the tapes that 
 you found most interesting.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
  For more than two weeks I have repeatedly and closely listened to the 
  BATGAP episodes via iTunes downloads via a portable iPod. The BATGAP 
  episodes are a fascinating record of the personal histories and subjective 
  perspectives of persons who have courage to publicly discuss permanently 
  established positive shifts in awareness. Here-to-fore, an individual's 
  declaration of a permanent shift in awareness called into question the 
  validity of the experience. Rick Archer and the BATGAP interviewees promote 
  egalitarian principles of experience and expression of higher states of 
  awareness. BATGAP is a vehicle for positive cultural advancement by 
  diminishing the influence of exploitive individuals and hierarchical 
  institutions that for control purposes employ excessively exclusive 
  principles of experience and expression by default and discourage members' 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:

And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way 
into their heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry expositions. 
While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging 
from their words.
   Hard to strike gold twice.  FFL with all it's problems has some good edg 
   (edge) and gets into some interesting discussions. But I think you've 
   pretty well nailed this Buddha at the Gas Pump.  And those 
   interviews-I've only listened to the Foster's piece, but there wasn't 
   much there to make me want to push on.  Then again, I don't have time to 
   do a lot of speculative exploring.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
I should point out that this is the third gratuitous,
unprovoked Get Barry post of the week *so far* from
THE CORRECTOR. I consider the issue of whether she is
stalking me for no other reason than because she's 
obsessed by me closed, and proven.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   Animation of ash cloud over Europe from Iceland's volcano: 
  Notice in this animation the one country not covered 
  by the cloud. Some have suggested that this is because
  of the powerful Woo Woo emanating from Sitges. But I 
  think it's because Penelope Cruz was seen sunbathing 
  nude near here recently and no god in his right mind 
  is going to let clouds force *her* to cover up.
 (How would clouds force her to cover up? Don't you
 mean to let clouds cover her up?)
 FWIW, as scary as it looks in the animations and on radar,
 the cloud is virtually invisible from the ground over
 Europe; it's very high up, and the particles are too tiny
 and too widely dispersed to be seen as a cloud--but they're
 still a serious threat to aircraft. (And they may well
 result in some spectacular sunsets.)
 This has been an advisory from:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Father Len Dubi: How TM enriches my religious life

2010-04-19 Thread Carol
Bernie's site was a huge validation to me when I found it. It was the
only site that came up when I googled anti-cult cults. It may sound
exaggerated, but I felt ...well... traumatized, when the shit hit the
fan with the anti-Way crowd.  I again found myself not knowing who to
trust, including myself.  It was...bizarre to me.  Since then I see it
wasn't bizarre, but rather very human. And a result of many dynamics.  I
think that will be made clearer (at least for me) as I continue to
chronicle the events via memoir.
I didn't meet Bernie until a few months ago, online. And only briefly. 
It was a pleasure to exchange a bit of dialog.  I don't know if you know
that he has a blog now, http://anotherlookatscientology2.blogspot.com/
though he apparently barely keeps up with it anymore.
I read the dialog posts of yours over on Bernie's site.  I think maybe
ya'll were ahead of your time? ;-)
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that cult-critics are moving more
toward moderate ground in that they are recognizing more of the idea
expressed in the questions I previously linked from Diekman's site.
I've lately thought of the word usage of anti-cult, in regard to
myself.  I am anti-cult in the sense of endeavoring to be
Hmmm, writing that out like that. Well, I recognize those four aspects
as attributes that were squelched within my self, were silenced, were
part of that soul murder and soul suicide. That said, it wasn't total
murder or suicide because I feel I'm rediscovering my self again (and
parts for the first time).  Perhaps it was more of a soul paralysis or
soul coma.  I use soul in the sense of the self. And then some of the
discovery/rediscovery can be mixed in with age and mid-life and lord
knows what else.
Oh well, more rambling.
Yah, I write a lot.  I quite literally journaled my way out The Way. I
began the delve onto paper around 1998 and officially left The Way in
latter 2005.  I have at least 16 journals I wrote through that time.  I
write using some Gregg shorthand; therefore, my 16+ journals hold more
words due to the shorthand.  I might have an extra journal in there if
it were all long hand. Ha! ;-D I wrote a lot of poetry my first year or
so out of The Way. Then last year I discovered memoir and am now doing
that, until I stop.
So Judy, why do you call yourself author's friend?  If you don't mind me
Thanks again!
Rambling on,~carol***

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
  Tough cookie.  Ha.  Not sure about that, but I am putting
  on weight, becoming a larger cookie.  ;-)
  I don't know how far you read the narrative and if you read
  about my dad.  He was (and still is in memory), one tough
  cookie.  After his wreck and subsequent quadriplegia, he
  continued to live (13 years) as fully as one can.  I have a
  few stories on my blog about that.  Even as type this I
  shake my head at how he faced that part of his life.  And my
  mom too, as she was his main caretaker.

 I did read about that. Amazing. Bless 'em both.

  I agree with you that folks can become life time TB in a
  field and still maintain enough autonomy to be who they
  are and be happy.  Those of us who succumb(ed) to the soul
  murder that totalistic groups can exact, do so for various
  reasons.  Still the group holds some (much?) of the
  responsibility for that.

 Unquestionably. The group ought to do whatever it can to
 ensure that members *don't* create cultlike relationships
 with it. The TMO doesn't, unfortunately.

  It is something I continue to ponder on varying levels.
  When I first began to experience the cult-like behaviour
  of the anti-Way folks, I googled anti-cult cults and
  found the following link. Another Look at Scientology

 Oh, yeah, Bernie. Good guy. More than a decade ago, a
 discussion on alt.religion.scientology about anticult
 groups was crossposted to alt.meditation.transcendental
 (maybe by Bernie, I don't remember, but he participated),
 where I was hanging out at the time. If you go to his
 home page, click on his Third Way section, and look
 under Moderate Participants and then Moderate
 Critics, you'll see a link to some posts of mine he's
 reproduced from that discussion.

 He and I had something of a mutual admiration society
 going. I've had no contact with him since, but I was glad
 to see just now that he's kept the site relatively
 current. It's really well done.

  After that, over the following couple years, I made all
  sorts of connections which led to all sorts of conversations
  (3-D and 2-D) and some books, of course. I was quite naive
  in regard to group dynamics, so it's been a learning
  process.  Hopefully I've learned something!  :-D

 You sound like you've learned more than most!

  I like the question posted on Arthur Diekman's site

[FairfieldLife] Re: Look on the bright side.

2010-04-19 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  This is what the sudden removal of the thousands of large
  jets circling over the towns of southern England is like.
  I can sit in my garden and without realizing what it is 
  that's missing I can hear what bird song actually sounds 
  like, there is a deep silence that seem to go on forever.
 The NY Times's The Lede blog had a poignant video someone
 made in Garden Valley in the U.K.--dunno where that is--

Somewhere in Sussex apparently, nice part of the world,
close to the south coast. 

Seems like everyone is noticing this silence, I sat and
watched a cricket match on the village green yesterday
it was like travelling back in time to a much better age,
you could hear the birds in the woods from fields away. 
It really is striking.

I'd love to think it's the start of a social movement 
that tries to reclaim the skies for the sake of our 
sanity but, realistically, the summer holidays will
start soon and it'll be business as usual.

And then work will start on the new high speed railway
that will run right past our cricket pitch with trains
every 15 mins going to Birmingham at 250mph (why?) You
can't stop progess.

 of a blackbird singing at dawn, something he apparently
 never normally hears uninterrupted because of the jets
 flying over:
 I grew up in New York City and was totally inured to the
 constant sound of airplanes. Where I am now on the Jersey
 Shore, there's maybe one a week or so that comes over,
 and it always feels like a big intrusion. So I can

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-19 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  The most recent findings I know of are that the face is
  identical to one of Leonardo's drawings that he made of
  a cadaver he was studying in one of his pursuits of 
  understanding how the body really worked. Facial recognition
  software apparently matches them perfectly.
  Also the head is too small for the body and the picture 
  is bigger at the front than the back, meaning that when
  the exposure was made (it really appears to be a photograph)
  they did the front and back seperately and got the wrong 
  distance from the camera obscura in one of them.
  The most obvious error to me is that it looks like a photo
  and not like the image would if it had been draped over some-
  ones head. That would've stretched it and he'd end up looking 
  like an alien - which might start a whole new conspiracy!
  I saw these guys do a lecture on it that became a docmentary
  that I can't find a link to:
 Fascinating. They say the Shroud image is a perfect
 match with a Leonardo painting of Christ, Salvator
 Mundi (minus the moustache and beard). They have
 links to two very impressive .wmv videos; the first
 juxtaposes the painting with the Shroud image, the
 second juxtaposes the Leonardo painting to another
 painting somebody else made from a negative image of
 the Shroud. Worth a look.
 Turin Shroud to Salvator Mundi:
 Aggemian's Shroud Portrait to Salvator Mundi:

I think these were the ones they showed there lecture, they 
had only just worked it out and were rather excited. Don't 
blame them.

  They are very convincing and have left the ball in the court 
  of the believers to disprove them. I think it will run and run
  at least until it gets handed over to science so they can do a
  better job of testing it than they did last time.
 Hard to see how the similarity between the Shroud
 image and the paintings could be explained otherwise.
 Maybe scientific evidence dating the Shroud isn't even

No amount of evidence will convince a believer to the
contrary as, erm, someone said. But definitively dating 
it to Leonardo's day would really be something, if only
because it would push the date of the first photograph 
back by a few hundred years!

Whatever the truth of it is I still think it's a beautiful 
thing. Very eerie, I'd love to see it in it's religious home,
if only there wasn't a bloody volcano erupting I'd get a 
cheap flight over there

[FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded.....

2010-04-19 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  I'm hoping mount Eyjafjallajokull (will we ever learn how to
  pronounce that) 
 My wild guess:
 ~ ey-yah-fyal-lah-yir [for 'jö'] -cool   :D
 That's at least how that'd approx. be pronounced in Swedish...

According to yesterdays Observer it's: AYA-feeyapla-yurkul.

Which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and isn't anywhere near
as memorable as Krakatoa, Tambora or Vesuvius. Our new boy is 
nowhere near as destructive either (so far) he'll have to turn up
the heat a bit to enter the volcano hall of fame.

[FairfieldLife] My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Alex Stanley
Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. He 
speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly fatiguing 
for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much tuned him out 
and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.

When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if they'd 
mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my reading glasses 
and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I borrowed a pen and went 
right up to one of the bright little floor lights and did my best to read the 
form and sign it. 

He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray to 
god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his energy 
transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants and animals 
you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray in order for your woo-woo 
to work, so why do we? My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded ineffable 
transcendence is the closest I get to having anything resembling an 
understanding of god, and it's certainly not something I would pray to. 

So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering me 
for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, I'm 
not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized blessing 
because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank account. At least part 
of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, which is struggling 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Look on the bright side.

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  Cities promote monkey mind. Little itty bitty towns have peace 
  and bliss that promotes serenity.
  My opinion. 
 Oh yea. This is definitely the case.  How one raises kids etc. 
 has nothing to do with it.  Itty bitty towns are just magical, 
 idyllic, paradise - almost entirely devoid of problems.  (?)

I've been holding my tongue lately, trying not to 
Bash The Blissninnies too much, so I'm happy to see
that I'm not the only person here aware of the Bliss-

My first reaction at seeing and browsing through the
book that Dick Mays touted here last night:
was that for $29.95 ($39.95 for hardback) for a 40-page
book, the authors should have included a free gift, your 
choice of either a bong or a barf bag. I know that I 
would have required one or both to get through the 
whole book.

[FairfieldLife] New MMY book: Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay

2010-04-19 Thread Vaj
Maharishi fans will be happy to hear a new book on the once popular  
mountebank is about to be released. Planned release, Spring 2010


This new book is the true story of a love affair with Maharishi  
Mahesh Yogi, the Indian Guru made famous by the Beatles, Donovan, Mia  
Farrow, Deepak Chopra and David Lynch.

Maharishi was very successful in spreading his technique of  
Transcendental Meditation around the world. But rumours that he was  
not the celibate monk he claimed to be have been circulating for  

In this book Judith Bourque describes the love affair she experienced  
with Maharishi when she went to India as a young woman to become a  
teacher of Transcendental Meditation. Once you have read it, the  
choice to believe the rumours or not will still be yours, but you  
will be better informed.

The book is planned for release sometime during the spring of 2010

[FairfieldLife] Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes......

2010-04-19 Thread Hugo

.warns Iranian cleric.
A SENIOR Iranian cleric has claimed that dolled-up women incite
extramarital sex, causing more earthquakes in Iran, a country that
straddles several fault lines, newspapers reported today.
Many women who dress inappropriately ... cause youths to go astray,
taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which
increases earthquakes, Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi told worshippers at
overnight prayers in Tehran.

Calamities are the result of people's deeds, he was quoted as saying
by reformist Aftab-e Yazd newspaper.

We have no way but conform to Islam to ward off dangers.

The Islamic dress code is mandatory in Iran, which has been under
clerical rule for more than three decades.

Every post-pubescent woman regardless of her religion or nationality
must cover her hair and bodily contours in public. Offenders face
punishment and fine.

But this has not stopped urban women from appearing in the streets
wearing tight coats and flimsy headscarves and layers of skilfully
applied makeup.

Iran is prone to frequent quakes, many of which have been devastating.

The worst in recent times hit the southern city of Bam in December 2003,
killing 31,000 people - about a quarter of the population - and
destroying its ancient mud-built citadel. From:  

[FairfieldLife] Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Hugo

The European aviation industry emits 344,109 tons of CO2 per day.

Eyjafjallajokull emits about 15,000 tons of CO2 a day.

The 60% flight ban in Eurpoe has thus saved 206,465 tons every day.

Which, from a battling global warming perspective, is an 
amazing amount to be thankful for.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
Gaia, dude. Can't get much clearer than that.  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 The European aviation industry emits 344,109 tons of CO2 per day.
 Eyjafjallajokull emits about 15,000 tons of CO2 a day.
 The 60% flight ban in Eurpoe has thus saved 206,465 tons every day.
 Which, from a battling global warming perspective, is an 
 amazing amount to be thankful for.

[FairfieldLife] Political slogan FAIL

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
Given recent stories about Goldman Sachs and its leaders'
inappropriate and possibly illegal behavior:


and even more outrageous stories of it paying out 5 *billion*
dollars in pay and bonuses to its employees for three months'


I think that the oft-tossed-around buzzphrase Too big to fail
followed by a period as if were actually true needs to be 
changed to TOO BIG TO JAIL, followed by a question mark.

I think that the only fitting karma for bankers who have 
considered the fast-growing prison-building industry as 
a safe and stable investment is for them to spend some time
taking advantage of it. 

[FairfieldLife] Hey, you Old Codgers

2010-04-19 Thread Jason
   Lobsters may hold paralysis cure
   Sun, Apr 18 12:00 PM
London, Apr 18 (ANI): A new treatment based on the shells of sea creatures like 
lobsters may offer fresh hope to paralyzed and brain-damaged patients.

US researchers have found that a simple sugar found in crustacean shells 
appears to be able to cure damaged spinal chords, reports The Daily Express.

Professor Richard Borgens, director of the Centre for Paralysis Research in 
Indiana, which is pioneering the new treatment, said: This is the most 
exciting development for spinal cord and brain injury since Second World War.

I am very excited. Using chemicals to repair the damaged nervous system is a 
completely new way to treat people with these terrible injuries. It's amazing 
one of these special chemicals would turn out to be a sugar.

In the treatment, the sugar, mixed with sterile water, is injected into the 
bloodstream and then migrates to the spinal cord injury where it plugs holes in 
the coating of the nerve cells.

Borgens added: Science has moved in a new direction. Previously we have been 
looking at drugs which would potentially reduce damage. Now we are looking at 
complete repair.

The treatment, successfully used in guinea pigs, will also work in human 
trials, says the expert.

The spinal cord of a guinea pig is very similar to that of a human - it is 
just smaller, he said.

This is not like a drug which may work in some species and not in others. This 
is a mechanical effect.

The sugar molecules migrate to the nerve injury target and repair the injured 
area, not the undamaged area.

The discovery, published in The Journal of Experimental Biology, was made by 
Youngman Cho, a chemist in his team. (AN)



[FairfieldLife] Re: Political slogan FAIL

2010-04-19 Thread Jason
    In India there is a Cap on the bonuses for the board of directors.  It 
cannot be more than 10% percent of the total profits made that year.

    Is there any percentage Cap or Ceiling in the US.?

--- On Mon, 4/19/10, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Political slogan FAIL
Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 6:00 AM

Given recent stories about Goldman Sachs and its leaders'
inappropriate and possibly illegal behavior:

http://www.nytimes. com/2010/ 04/19/business/ 19goldman. html?hp

and even more outrageous stories of it paying out 5 *billion*
dollars in pay and bonuses to its employees for three months'

http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ 2010/04/18/ goldman-sachs- bonuses-ban_ 
n_542006. html

I think that the oft-tossed-around buzzphrase Too big to fail
followed by a period as if were actually true needs to be 
changed to TOO BIG TO JAIL, followed by a question mark.

I think that the only fitting karma for bankers who have 
considered the fast-growing prison-building industry as 
a safe and stable investment is for them to spend some time
taking advantage of it. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic Ash Cloud Turns Out to Be Finale of Lost

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

  An Egyptian stele or obelisk is a funery monument, 
  not a phallic symbol...

 Not phallic?

That's right, the Egyptian Obelisks were not built as
a means to increase agricultural fertility. Sometimes
an obelisk is just an obelisk.

The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the 
brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be 
a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also 
thought that the god existed within the structure...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I should point out that this is the third gratuitous,
 unprovoked Get Barry post of the week *so far* from

Guess what? Barry's lying.

So far this week, I have made:

--One post Sunday morning *in response to* an attack
from Barry, so neither gratuitous nor unprovoked.

--One post Sunday afternoon in response to Tartbrain's
comments on that post that amounted to a couple of
mild quips referring back to Barry's attack, so
again neither gratuitous nor unprovoked.

--The one Barry quotes here, which is obviously only
minimally Get Barry, twitting him about a
miswritten phrase, and then providing some info to
counter a *general* misimpression about the
volcano cloud, the main reason for my post, which
had virtually nothing to do with Barry.

So only one post, not three, that could even
*vaguely* be counted as gratuitously Get Barry.

The attack of Barry's that I was responding to in
the first post made this prediction:

Watch closely over the next week, and note how many
times she feels it necessary to fire off a Get
Barry post. Then do the same with me with regard to
mentions of her.

He made that post Friday afternoon. It was the last
of a series of *five* posts from him viciously and
gratuitously attacking me that began on Thursday.

 I consider the issue of whether she is
 stalking me for no other reason than because she's 
 obsessed by me closed, and proven.

So much for Barry's ability to consider, close,
and prove what he claimed and predicted. He can
only do it by lying, and even then he has to
drastically shorten the original period his
prediction covered, from a week to two days (not
to mention the five gratuitous and unprovoked 
attacks of his in the two days before that).

Then there's his indirect reference to me as a 
stalker this morning in a post responding to Edg.

In fact, so far this week, the score on the
gratuitous and unprovoked side of the ledger is
*two-for-one Barry*. And that's only if he 
considers himself gotten by my tiny dig about his
miswritten phrase.

I suspect what's going on here is that Barry knew
he'd never make it to the end of the week without
a bunch of unprovoked attacks on me, so he had to
end his prediction week prematurely.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
Animation of ash cloud over Europe from Iceland's volcano: 
   Notice in this animation the one country not covered 
   by the cloud. Some have suggested that this is because
   of the powerful Woo Woo emanating from Sitges. But I 
   think it's because Penelope Cruz was seen sunbathing 
   nude near here recently and no god in his right mind 
   is going to let clouds force *her* to cover up.
  (How would clouds force her to cover up? Don't you
  mean to let clouds cover her up?)
  FWIW, as scary as it looks in the animations and on radar,
  the cloud is virtually invisible from the ground over
  Europe; it's very high up, and the particles are too tiny
  and too widely dispersed to be seen as a cloud--but they're
  still a serious threat to aircraft. (And they may well
  result in some spectacular sunsets.)
  This has been an advisory from:

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.

 Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
 He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
 fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
 tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.
 When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
 transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
 they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my reading 
 glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I borrowed a pen 
 and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights and did my best to 
 read the form and sign it. 
 He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray to 
 god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his energy 
 transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants and 
 animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray in order for 
 your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded 
 ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to having anything resembling an 
 understanding of god, and it's certainly not something I would pray to. 
 So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering me 
 for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, I'm 
 not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized blessing 
 because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank account. At least 
 part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, which is 
 struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obscene crucifix shocks parishioners.

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

 The erotic art of South Indian temples...

The Khajuraho images are not based on the 'Kama Sutra' 
or on the 'Tantras'. None of the images depict tantric 
imagery. The images are simply depictions of erotic 
art from the Gupta Age in India. 

The Khajuraho temples do not contain sexual or erotic 
art inside the temple or near the deities, therefore 
they are not considered to be Tantric icons. 

The carvings indicate that instead of being Tantric, 
simply indicate that for the visitor, they must leave 
their sexual desires outside the temple doors.

[FairfieldLife] Don't-miss volcano photos

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend

Three shots in the NYTimes today, taken at night,
that are the most spectacular, amazing volcano
photos I've ever seen (look at them full-screen if
you can):


http://tinyurl.com/yyh5gup http://tinyurl.com/yyh5gup

The photographer, an Icelander, is quoted as saying:

Standing in front of it at night is magnificent because you
can really see the lightning that is at the center of the
eruption. It's incredibly exciting. The adrenaline flows and
I was shouting `wow look at that' over and over. I've never
seen something like this before.

Another spectacular photo, a daytime shot taken
by an Icelandic farmer:

See it in a larger size here:


http://tinyurl.com/yyshvwy http://tinyurl.com/yyshvwy

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 
 He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and
 instructs us to pray to god, as we understand him/her/it,
 with our desire while he does his energy transmission.
 And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants and
 animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to
 pray in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we?

Humans are more complicated? Lots more mental stuff
going on? Might inadvertently create some resistance?

 My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded ineffable
 transcendence is the closest I get to having anything
 resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly
 not something I would pray to. 

Why not do TM, or whatever gets you to the transcendent?
Or pray to the divine aspect of yourself?

If this dude does anything, I should think, it's to
somehow mobilize one's self-healing abilities. The
trick would be to get out of the way of whatever
aspect of one's self does the healing. Animals and
plants don't have anything to get *in* the way.

Just guessing...

 So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering me 
 for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, I'm 
 not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized blessing 
 because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank account. At least 
 part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, which is 
 struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Global Cooling unlikely

2010-04-19 Thread Jason
   Iceland volcano ash unlikely to cool planet, says Australian climatologist
   Mon, Apr 19 12:55 PM
Melbourne, April 19 (ANI): An Australian climatologist has said that the 
volcanic ash cloud that exploded from an Icelandic volcano is unlikely to have 
an impact on global temperatures.

The volcano, which is located under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, had erupted 
on April 15, producing a 10-kilometre high plume of ash and rock that extended 
across most of northern Europe.

And while the particles may have a short-term effect on the local temperature, 
experts believe that it will not have the same impact as the Pinatubo eruption 
did two decades earlier.

In June 1991, Mount Pinatubo, an active volcano in the Philippines, launched 
ten cubic kilometres of material into the atmosphere.

Particles from the eruption entered the Earth's stratosphere resulting in a 10 
percent reduction in sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and a 0.40C drop in 
global average temperatures.

Dr Blair Trewin of the National Climate Centre in Melbourne says, in its 
current form the ash cloud is unlikely to have the same impact on global 

For a volcano to have a significant global cooling effect it has to get its 
ash up into the stratosphere, ABC Science quoted him as saying.

If it doesn't, the ash will get rained out fairly quickly, he said.

But he said that even if the particles managed to reach the stratosphere, the 
location of the volcano will mean the ash will likely stay in the northern 

Once you're in the stratosphere the winds tend to flow out from the equator to 
the poles, Trewin said.

So if you get a big eruption in the tropics the winds in the stratosphere will 
tend to spread out material over the whole globe.

Whereas if it happens in the polar regions the stuff tends to get stuck - it 
doesn't spread up to lower latitudes, he stated.

Trewin says the volcanic ash cloud may have an impact locally.

When Mount St Helens erupted in 1980 it had no significant global impacts, but 
in the days immediately after the eruption you had cooling of daylight 
temperatures by 100C or more in some parts of the northwestern United States, 
he revealed.

Dr Jeff Masters, Director of Meteorology at Weather Underground says the 
eruption isn't expected to have a significant impact on weather patterns in the 
northern hemisphere.

However, the ash could bring spectacular sunsets to Europe over the next week, 
and to North America by sometime next week, as the jet stream wraps the ash 
cloud eastwards across the northern hemisphere, he added. (ANI)



[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
 Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.
I wonder if writing that report brought on some bad juju, because about 45 
minutes ago, I heard Bilitis, my favorite kitty, howling in distress. She was 
breathing hard and drooling, so I went over to talk to Petra about it. When I 
returned, Bilitis was dead.

Rest in Peace, Billie.

  Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
  He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
  fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
  tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.
  When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
  transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
  they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my reading 
  glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I borrowed a 
  pen and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights and did my 
  best to read the form and sign it. 
  He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray 
  to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his 
  energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants 
  and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray in order 
  for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was atheist, and 
  unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to having anything 
  resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly not something I 
  would pray to. 
  So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering 
  me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, 
  I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized 
  blessing because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank 
  account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic 
  center, which is struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread shukra69
Im sorry to hear about your cat. You only created good juju by taking a chance 
on your time and frustration and sharing your feelings with others and 
thank-you for that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.
 I wonder if writing that report brought on some bad juju, because about 45 
 minutes ago, I heard Bilitis, my favorite kitty, howling in distress. She was 
 breathing hard and drooling, so I went over to talk to Petra about it. When I 
 returned, Bilitis was dead.
 Rest in Peace, Billie.
   Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar 
   Trivedi. He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was 
   excruciatingly fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. 
   So, I pretty much tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of 
   my mind.
   When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
   transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
   they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my 
   reading glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I 
   borrowed a pen and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights 
   and did my best to read the form and sign it. 
   He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray 
   to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his 
   energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, 
   plants and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray 
   in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was 
   atheist, and unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to 
   having anything resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly 
   not something I would pray to. 
   So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering 
   me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to 
   say, I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an 
   individualized blessing because the only thing that would be blessed is 
   his bank account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to 
   the civic center, which is struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

So sorry for your loss Alex. Glad you included the picture, what a beautiful 
kittie. I lost my 17 year old Abyssinian over Christmas so I understand.  These 
little creatures become a part of our hearts.  I'm sure you gave her a 
fantastic life.

Our minds hate randomness and love to create connections.  The only connection 
I see here is that you made one little creature's life great till the end.  We 
should all be so lucky.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.
 I wonder if writing that report brought on some bad juju, because about 45 
 minutes ago, I heard Bilitis, my favorite kitty, howling in distress. She was 
 breathing hard and drooling, so I went over to talk to Petra about it. When I 
 returned, Bilitis was dead.
 Rest in Peace, Billie.
   Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar 
   Trivedi. He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was 
   excruciatingly fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. 
   So, I pretty much tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of 
   my mind.
   When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
   transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
   they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my 
   reading glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I 
   borrowed a pen and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights 
   and did my best to read the form and sign it. 
   He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray 
   to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his 
   energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, 
   plants and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray 
   in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was 
   atheist, and unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to 
   having anything resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly 
   not something I would pray to. 
   So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering 
   me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to 
   say, I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an 
   individualized blessing because the only thing that would be blessed is 
   his bank account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to 
   the civic center, which is struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water

2010-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I should point out that this is the third gratuitous,
  unprovoked Get Barry post of the week *so far* from
 Guess what? Barry's lying.

And ? Devoid of experiences he does what all aging armchair mystics do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 
 Rest in Peace, Billie.

Oh, Alex, so sorry. What a loss. Obviously a kitty with
charm and personality, as well as stunning looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.
 Me, too. I specifically liked the Sit there praying
 as hard as you possibly can for something to happen
 part. *No wonder* people report feeling something
 at his sessions. :-)
 This is such obvious pre-programming of expectations
 that only an idiot would try to defend it as being 
 anything else, or as even *possibly* being anything

Does it have to be anything else? Maybe 'pre-programming'
of expectations can trigger the body's self-healing

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 shukr...@... wrote:

 Im sorry to hear about your cat. You only created good juju by 
 taking a chance on your time and frustration and sharing your 
 feelings with others and thank-you for that.

Also so sorry to hear about your cat. That sucks.

I wouldn't worry too much about juju, though. In the
three hours since you made your post, at least 18,294
human beings around the world have died. I don't think 
you had any more to do with their deaths than you did 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   Thanks for the detailed report, I enjoyed that.
  I wonder if writing that report brought on some bad juju, because about 45 
  minutes ago, I heard Bilitis, my favorite kitty, howling in distress. She 
  was breathing hard and drooling, so I went over to talk to Petra about it. 
  When I returned, Bilitis was dead.
  Rest in Peace, Billie.
Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar 
Trivedi. He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was 
excruciatingly fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was 
saying. So, I pretty much tuned him out and sat there for two hours, 
bored out of my mind.

When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga 
energy transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been 
nice if they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have 
brought my reading glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now 
annoyed. I borrowed a pen and went right up to one of the bright little 
floor lights and did my best to read the form and sign it. 

He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to 
pray to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does 
his energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, 
plants and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to 
pray in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was 
atheist, and unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to 
having anything resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly 
not something I would pray to. 

So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been 
bothering me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. 
Needless to say, I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for 
an individualized blessing because the only thing that would be 
blessed is his bank account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see 
him goes to the civic center, which is struggling financially.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water

2010-04-19 Thread Jason
   Have you ever considered that you might be having Hyper-Libidinous 

   Conversely, celibate Yogis might be having Hypo-Libidinous disorder.??

   They say that Issac Newton was Hypo-Libidinous.

--- On Sun, 4/18/10, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Smoke on the Water
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 3:16 PM

Notice in this animation the one country not covered 
by the cloud. Some have suggested that this is because
of the powerful Woo Woo emanating from Sitges. But I 
think it's because Penelope Cruz was seen sunbathing 
nude near here recently and no god in his right mind 
is going to let clouds force *her* to cover up.

---  do.rflex do.rf...@.. . wrote:

 Animation of ash cloud over Europe from Iceland's volcano: 
 http://www2. dmu.dk/atmospher icenvironment/ Vulkansky/ dreameu_ani. gif


[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 
 I wonder if writing that report brought on some bad juju

Of course it didn't.

From your description, it sounds as if she may have had a
heart attack. Happens very suddenly with cats, and it's
almost always quickly fatal. Very tough on you, but 
minimal suffering for her, and nothing you could have done.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obscene crucifix shocks parishioners.

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

 Is there a religious worship of other similar phallics? 
 A big huge fat long doobie for instance? (If great sex 
 and great doobies don't bring you closer to god, what 
Maybe so, but a 'crucifix', strictly speaking, must be 
three dimensional. 

So, a painting is not considered to be a crucifix by 
symbologists. The 'cross' is one of the most ancient 
human symbols, probably originating sometime during the 
Stone Age. 

The cross symbol appears in South Asian inscriptions, 
in Persian and in Celtic inscriptions. In the Far East, 
the cross symbolizes the 'Tree of Life'.

The myth of the Sacred Tree in Genesis and the 
Great Flood myth mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh 
could be versions of two of the most basic myths known 
to history.

Read more:

Subject: Ficus Religiousus
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: January 27, 2002

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Humans are more complicated? Lots more mental stuff
 going on? Might inadvertently create some resistance?
  My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded ineffable
  transcendence is the closest I get to having anything
  resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly
  not something I would pray to. 
 Why not do TM, or whatever gets you to the transcendent?
 Or pray to the divine aspect of yourself?
 If this dude does anything, I should think, it's to
 somehow mobilize one's self-healing abilities. The
 trick would be to get out of the way of whatever
 aspect of one's self does the healing. Animals and
 plants don't have anything to get *in* the way.
 Just guessing...

Yep.  Actually, Mr. Trivedi also said that in the course of the evening.

[FairfieldLife] Mystical Placebos (Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-19 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  To me, its a fascinating illustration of projection manifesting -- a
sort of mystical placebo effect. If one believes a relic or symbol (or
for that matter practice, posture or pranayam -- or hug, darshan, or
saintly attention, or wafer/wine, incense and flowers, murtis and icons,
herbs and incantations) is blessed and real, then regardless of its
actual status, it can create the expected effect for the individual.
  Turquoise's Barry's brother saw white light -- perhaps a poetic
description o his feeling -- perhaps actual white light shone for him.
  Yet given the the below discussion, it would appear the dose is not
the real thing, but rather a mystical placebo.
  I can relate. I have taken mundane objects and santified them in
my mind -- and used a focus for appreciating nature and the universe --
and I walk away with a cleansed, uplifted, expanded state.
  Of course maybe my mundane object starting point was not mundane at
all -- but holy and sacred as everything. Perhaps the entire universe
and all of its contents is holy and sacred and worthy of respect and
reverance. Each step is on holy land, each heart a sacred heart. Even if
that is a placebo, it is a grand and magnificent one.
  Or perhaps, reflecting recent posts, there actually is that intense
self-referral Love bending back into itself, self sufficient and blazing
at the core of everything -- loving each particle of creation far more
intensely than we might love back. Then reverence and appreciation of
the sacred is not placebo, but a gateway to appreciating reality -- and
a process that invokes a real response from the universe -- or that
piece of it
  However, if the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part,
this holographic type structure would imply reverence for the part
brings a response -- blessings in mystical terms, from the Whole. And
reverence for the Whole may bring concentrated blessings to a singular
part in our gaze or vicinity.

 An odd but intriguing side thought: What if each of is an icon used
for worship by others in he cosmos. Devas, cells, existence itself. Fits
into the intense love the universe has for you -- idea / placebo /
fantasy / delusion. And that by pour blessings on you in their offerings
and santification of the idol He-Bajrangi-Bali-Hanuman
1269http://tinyurl.com/y26kwr7 http://tinyurl.com/y26kwr7God
http://tinyurl.com/y4e93dj http://tinyurl.com/y4e93dj
-- they purify and enliven we -- the stone murtis -- upon which
they put their loving attention.  We of stone become walk, talking
enlivened divinity.  
http://tinyurl.com/y63z6ef http://tinyurl.com/y63z6ef 

 I suppose this genre could be termed Spiritual Fiction -- akin to
Science Fiction. The latter has its value in pondering progress and
technological change, ethics and all. SpiFi i guess could also have
similar value -- in exploring mystic theses, gut feelings, intuitions
and simply speculation about the underlying realities of life and the

 The counter part to trekkie conventions -- hmmm maybe -- Burning Man
with shades of Fuiggi and Amma-thons. (And of course a dash of he latter
years' Dead Head concerts.)

  Then again it may be as delusional and temporary as a coke-head
believing they are king of the world -- their momentary state being so
grand. But I say, if one is going to be deluded, do it in a vast and
magnificent way. Go for the gold. Let the universe be a blazing inferno
of self-referral intense Love, where the part is the Whole and the Whole
is the part.  do not mind the kind of earthly mockery above BEAUTIFUL
WRITTEN Its not a crazy as thinking a larger granite counter top in
ones kitchen will actually bring sustained happiness. (Though per my
thesis, the granite counter top could be the placebo that opens up the
blazing love of the universe to Ashley an Biff in the upscale
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@
The most recent findings I know of are that the face is
identical to one of Leonardo's drawings that he made of
a cadaver he was studying in one of his pursuits of
understanding how the body really worked. Facial recognition
software apparently 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
   The most recent findings I know of are that the face is
   identical to one of Leonardo's drawings that he made of
   a cadaver he was studying in one of his pursuits of 
   understanding how the body really worked. Facial recognition
   software apparently matches them perfectly.
   Also the head is too small for the body and the picture 
   is bigger at the front than the back, meaning that when
   the exposure was made (it really appears to be a photograph)
   they did the front and back seperately and got the wrong 
   distance from the camera obscura in one of them.
   The most obvious error to me is that it looks like a photo
   and not like the image would if it had been draped over some-
   ones head. That would've stretched it and he'd end up looking 
   like an alien - which might start a whole new conspiracy!
   I saw these guys do a lecture on it that became a docmentary
   that I can't find a link to:
  Fascinating. They say the Shroud image is a perfect
  match with a Leonardo painting of Christ, Salvator
  Mundi (minus the moustache and beard). They have
  links to two very impressive .wmv videos; the first
  juxtaposes the painting with the Shroud image, the
  second juxtaposes the Leonardo painting to another
  painting somebody else made from a negative image of
  the Shroud. Worth a look.
  Turin Shroud to Salvator Mundi:
  Aggemian's Shroud Portrait to Salvator Mundi:
 I think these were the ones they showed there lecture, they 
 had only just worked it out and were rather excited. Don't 
 blame them.
   They are very convincing and have left the ball in the court 
   of the believers to disprove them. I think it will run and run
   at least until it gets handed over to science so they can do a
   better job of testing it than they did last time.
  Hard to see how the similarity between the Shroud
  image and the paintings could be explained otherwise.
  Maybe scientific evidence dating the Shroud isn't even
 No amount of evidence will convince a believer to the
 contrary as, erm, someone said. But definitively dating 
 it to Leonardo's day would really be something, if only
 because it would push the date of the first photograph 
 back by a few hundred years!

The camera obscura had been around since a few centuries
B.C.E., actually. Did Leonardo take a photograph by
putting on the Shround a layer of a substance that changed
color when hit by light, or did he just use the projected
Salvator Mundi image as an aid to paint it on the Shroud?

No idea of the details here...

 Whatever the truth of it is I still think it's a beautiful 
 thing. Very eerie, I'd love to see it in it's religious home,
 if only there wasn't a bloody volcano erupting I'd get a 
 cheap flight over there

I'd travel a ways to see it, not sure I'd go as far as
Europe. Very evocative, in any case.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Buck

 Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
 He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
 fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
 tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.
t. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, 
which is struggling financially.

I went last nite too.  The woo-woo was a nice shaktipat.

Yep, the talk part was a lot thick.  But he is sticking to his guns in what he 
has to say.  This is modern spirituality he is unfurling stripped of folklore 
mythology.  Like Yogananda and Maharishi in mission and ministry before him in 
sequence bringing science in to it.
 Mr. Trivedi's a very powerful emitter and healer in his way, like Christ was.

I found the shaktipat balancing and florescent of the chakras systems.  Was 
clearing or energizing of
the energetics of the subtle systems housing one's soul in the anatomy.  

Obviously created more visceral spaciousness within the subtle energetics of 
the body-mind complex.  He is really good.  Was an ultimately spiritual healing 
that way in addition to some aches and pains leaving.  

A pretty capable shaktipat.  Pretty reasonable for $15 per person in a group.  
In watching the show, is exciting to see him get going in the secular modern 
spirituality expression.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-Buck in Fairfield   

[FairfieldLife] MMY Quote

2010-04-19 Thread Rick Archer
From a friend:

Avidyayā mṛityuṁ tīrtvā vidyayā amṛitam aśhnute

Through Avidyā, ignorance, you cross beyond mortality, beyond death, beyond 
change; through Vidyā, knowledge, you taste immortality.

Īshā Upanishad 11

The Self is always the Self; it is never non-Self; but somehow it became 
identified with the body and with the whole objective field of life. So the ‘I’ 
got mixed up with ‘mine’; and when the ‘I’ awakens fully to its own original 
identity, then is the taste of immortality.

The practice is just for this—to awaken to one’s own immortal reality. And 
practice means we go beyond that which we have been identified all the time—we 
transcend that, and transcend, and transcend, and transcend With time the 
taste of transcendental consciousness begins to be a little more lasting, more 
lasting, more lasting, and gradually the long identification with the 
boundaries of the body and the surroundings begins to dissolve. Those 
impressions begin to melt.

So this practice, or Sādhanā, is just for the sake of transcending change. 
Through change you transcend change. That is why it says, through ignorance you 
cross beyond the field of change—through ignorance. Because enlightenment is 
the reality; ignorance is a mirage. You have the glasses on the eyes, but you 
are searching—where are the glasses? You are the Self, but you are 
searching—where is the Self, where is the Self? So the whole search is a kind 
of fraud, which is just Avidyā. The reality is eternity, immortality; so you 
taste immortality by virtue of being immortality. But to be immortal, you have 
first to cross beyond the boundaries of change. Through change you transcend 
change; through knowledge, that awakening, you taste immortality.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 6 December 1964, History of Thirty Years around the 
World, p.574.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic Ash Cloud Turns Out to Be Finale of Lost

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 An Egyptian stele or obelisk is a funery monument, 
 not a phallic symbol...
 Not phallic?

 That's right, the Egyptian Obelisks were not built as
 a means to increase agricultural fertility. Sometimes
 an obelisk is just an obelisk.

 The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the 
 brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be 
 a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also 
 thought that the god existed within the structure...


Slave, do you believe everything the Pharaoh tells you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
 He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
 fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
 tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.

 When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
 transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
 they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my reading 
 glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I borrowed a pen 
 and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights and did my best to 
 read the form and sign it. 

 He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray to 
 god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his energy 
 transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants and 
 animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray in order for 
 your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded 
 ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to having anything resembling an 
 understanding of god, and it's certainly not something I would pray to. 

 So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering me 
 for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, I'm 
 not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized blessing 
 because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank account. At least 
 part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic center, which is 
 struggling financially. 

Probably the main reason Maharishi was so successful was because he DID 
NOT have a thick accent and westerners were able to understand him.  
I've been telling my tantra teacher for years to go take an accent 
reduction course.  Living in Silicon Valley there are plenty of those 
offered and for a reasonable price.   Since most people taking these 
courses already know English it is usually about practicing some simple 
drills and eliminating some of the regional quirks in pronunciation.  
Some of the drills are even available online.   My teacher tends to drop 
vowels leaving one listening to a string of consonants.

Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
would-be gurus from India frequently make.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:
 I went last nite too.  The woo-woo was a nice shaktipat.
 Yep, the talk part was a lot thick.  But he is sticking to his guns in what 
 he has to say.  This is modern spirituality he is unfurling stripped of 
 folklore mythology.

Cool, can't wait to hear some examples.

  Like Yogananda and Maharishi in mission and ministry before him in sequence 
bringing science in to it.

That sounds very sciency, I'll look forward to some evidence for this claim.  
Otherwise I might think magic was the agent being invoked.

  Mr. Trivedi's a very powerful emitter and healer in his way, like Christ 

OOh dear, that isn't helping support the claim, but I'm sure this is just some 
rapport gaining warm up.

 I found the shaktipat balancing

MMM sounds kind of folkloreish to me.

 and florescent of the chakras systems.

Is that the chakras from Indian folklore you are talking about?

  Was clearing or energizing of
 the energetics of the subtle systems housing one's soul in the anatomy. 

You wouldn't be referring the the subtle bodies found in Indian folklore would 
you?  But I'm sure energizing the energetics is lots of fun.
 Obviously created more visceral spaciousness within the subtle energetics of 
 the body-mind complex.

Obviously.  And who wouldn't want or need some more visceral spaciousness 
within the energetics of their body-mind complex? (Has your body mind complex 
gone condo yet cuz even though there would be monthly fee the pool wouldn't end 
up looking like a science experiment.)

  He is really good.  Was an ultimately spiritual healing that way in addition 
to some aches and pains leaving.

Nice touch on the generalized specifics at the end. It almost made is sound as 
if more happened than a nice little excursion into your imagination.
 A pretty capable shaktipat.  Pretty reasonable for $15 per person in a group.

No doubt you are a connoisseur.  I suspect you are on every spiritual mailing 
list headed up by the title:easy mark.

  In watching the show, is exciting to see him get going in the secular modern 
spirituality expression.

Here is why you get both barrels of snark from me Doug.  You went to a 
spiritual healer and had a good time.  If that is how you presented it I 
wouldn't even bother you with a reply.  But you had to step into the 
flim-flamery zone with the science claims and that makes you an accessory to 
fraud.  He has neither scientific proofs nor has he demonstrated a genuine 
understanding of science on his site.  He is using pseudo science as marketing. 
 It is one thing to claim to be magical, it is another to claim that the 
methods of science lend credibility to the magical claims.  That for me is over 
the line and shifts my suspicions from guy getting rich from his own wacky 
beliefs about himself and his special abilities to this is a conscious fraud.

And you who have a freak'n college education have no excuse attempting to 
present this as scientific.  You are just being mentally lazy and not paying 
attention to the simplest fundamentals of the principles educated people use to 
distinguish fact from fantasy.  
 Jai Adi Shankara,
 -Buck in Fairfield

That kind of sums up what I am getting at.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC has the second 
volcano, the one with the pronounceable name Hekla, has begun erupting.  
If this is the one they are were worried on then all bets are off.

TurquoiseB wrote:
 Gaia, dude. Can't get much clearer than that.  :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:
 The European aviation industry emits 344,109 tons of CO2 per day.

 Eyjafjallajokull emits about 15,000 tons of CO2 a day.

 The 60% flight ban in Eurpoe has thus saved 206,465 tons every day.

 Which, from a battling global warming perspective, is an 
 amazing amount to be thankful for.




[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
 there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
 would-be gurus from India frequently make.

I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept at noticing 
gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up on figuring out what is 
being said. While most of use could spot a televangelist routine in our own 
language, we give a foreign person a lot more leeway and most people don't like 
to appear culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born speaker.  So 
much of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off as part of his 
inscrutable Indianness.

In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to follow until the 
person's eyes glaze over and they are given a direct command which due to brain 
overload they sometimes follow without reflection. 

So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm our mind's 
ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that didn't work he just wore us 
down with hours of speaking on abstract topics.

There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if you have been 
listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still haven't heard anything that 
you could put in a wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized.  State change 
language is not meant to inform, it is mean to shift you out of your conscious 
mind's usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the person doing this 
shifting you would either consider this a good or a bad thing.  But one thing 
for sure, your ability to apply the rules of reason gets impaired.

 Alex Stanley wrote:
  Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. 
  He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was excruciatingly 
  fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. So, I pretty much 
  tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of my mind.
  When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
  transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
  they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my reading 
  glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I borrowed a 
  pen and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights and did my 
  best to read the form and sign it. 
  He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray 
  to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his 
  energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants 
  and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray in order 
  for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was atheist, and 
  unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to having anything 
  resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly not something I 
  would pray to. 
  So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering 
  me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to say, 
  I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an individualized 
  blessing because the only thing that would be blessed is his bank 
  account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to the civic 
  center, which is struggling financially. 
 Probably the main reason Maharishi was so successful was because he DID 
 NOT have a thick accent and westerners were able to understand him.  
 I've been telling my tantra teacher for years to go take an accent 
 reduction course.  Living in Silicon Valley there are plenty of those 
 offered and for a reasonable price.   Since most people taking these 
 courses already know English it is usually about practicing some simple 
 drills and eliminating some of the regional quirks in pronunciation.  
 Some of the drills are even available online.   My teacher tends to drop 
 vowels leaving one listening to a string of consonants.
 Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
 there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
 would-be gurus from India frequently make.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just what America needs

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex
 ...the worldview for dummies.

So, you're a HuffPo reader - I thought so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and
  instructs us to pray to god, as we understand him/her/it,
  with our desire while he does his energy transmission.
  And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, plants and
  animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to
  pray in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we?
 Humans are more complicated? Lots more mental stuff
 going on? Might inadvertently create some resistance?

Trivedi specifically addressed resistance as being the reason why some people 
need more than one blessing to achieve results.
  My upbringing was atheist, and unbounded ineffable
  transcendence is the closest I get to having anything
  resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly
  not something I would pray to. 
 Why not do TM, or whatever gets you to the transcendent?
 Or pray to the divine aspect of yourself?
 If this dude does anything, I should think, it's to
 somehow mobilize one's self-healing abilities. The
 trick would be to get out of the way of whatever
 aspect of one's self does the healing. Animals and
 plants don't have anything to get *in* the way.
 Just guessing...

I'll just chalk this up as yet another case of me being out of step with the 
prevailing paradigms, because I feel like his instruction basically summoned my 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Jason
  Man, you have a point.  I hated his lectures.  It was full of shit.

  However, I loved to listen to Nader, Hagelin, Dilbeck etc etc.

--- On Mon, 4/19/10, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi
Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 9:52 AM

I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept at noticing 
gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up on figuring out what is 
being said. While most of use could spot a televangelist routine in our own 
language, we give a foreign person a lot more leeway and most people don't like 
to appear culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born speaker. So much 
of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off as part of his 
inscrutable Indianness.

In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to follow until the 
person's eyes glaze over and they are given a direct command which due to brain 
overload they sometimes follow without reflection. 

So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm our mind's 
ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that didn't work he just wore us 
down with hours of speaking on abstract topics.

There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if you have been 
listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still haven't heard anything that 
you could put in a wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized. State change language 
is not meant to inform, it is mean to shift you out of your conscious mind's 
usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the person doing this shifting 
you would either consider this a good or a bad thing. But one thing for sure, 
your ability to apply the rules of reason gets impaired. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 
 So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to
 overwhelm our mind's ability to analyze what he was saying.

And your scientific evidence that MMY deliberately
designed his speech patterns to prevent you from
analyzing what he was saying?

 There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that
 if you have been listening to someone for 5 minutes and
 you still haven't heard anything that you could put in a 
 wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized.

Gee, that sounds really scientific there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

 And who wouldn't want or need some more 
 visceral spaciousness within the energetics 
 of their body-mind complex... 

Doesn't that imply that there is a 'mind' with 
'space' and an 'energy' inside it, and that 
these two entities are separated? 

These are metaphysical terms, not scientific 

Is there any scientific proof that there 
is a human body-mind complex in the first 

We all have metaphysical beliefs, whether we 
want to admit it or not - you are a case in 

The 'singing bard' is probably one of the 
oldest types of spiritual teacher on the 
How is your 'singing the blues' to an audience
that different from an Indian fakir singing a 
bhajan to his God? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:

A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.

Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.

(Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)

OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
discussion of various points):



A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:

I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
erupting soon.

When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.


Here's a Hekla volcanocam:


BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
different audio clips:



Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
 has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
 name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
 are were worried on then all bets are off.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to
  overwhelm our mind's ability to analyze what he was saying.
 And your scientific evidence that MMY deliberately
 designed his speech patterns to prevent you from
 analyzing what he was saying?

Science is what Doug was claiming, and that I was challenging.  I make no 
claims that my analysis is scientific, it is a opinion from the body of work 
done by Bandler and Grinder analysing speech patterns of Milton Erickson and 
other state change experts.  I am certified as a practitioner of NLP (FWIW) so 
that is the basis of my opinion. You also added the word deliberately which I 
would not do.  Maharishi was probably just using the same techniques of 
language used on him.  One of the things I liked about NLP was that it gave a 
framework to understand language patterns that people use naturally through 
trial and error.  It is not claiming that every person using language that 
defies the conscious mind to keep track of the details is conscious of the 
techniques they are employing.

But after sitting in a room for hours and hours of tapes for what added up to 
over 2 years of my life, enduring endless repetition of the same phrases, I'm 
pretty sure Maharishi was not very interested in my conscious mind in his 
communications.  YMMV 

I am not even endorsing all the claims of NLP which get pretty far-fetched but 
I believe their language work was excellent and some of it has trickled down to 
mainstream psychology.

  There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that
  if you have been listening to someone for 5 minutes and
  you still haven't heard anything that you could put in a 
  wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized.
 Gee, that sounds really scientific there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

  And who wouldn't want or need some more 
  visceral spaciousness within the energetics 
  of their body-mind complex... 
 Doesn't that imply that there is a 'mind' with 
 'space' and an 'energy' inside it, and that 
 these two entities are separated? 
 These are metaphysical terms, not scientific 

You are addressing this to the wrong person Richard I was goofing on what he 
wrote.  Those are his terms not mine.

 Is there any scientific proof that there 
 is a human body-mind complex in the first 
 We all have metaphysical beliefs, whether we 
 want to admit it or not - you are a case in 

Do you understand that Doug and I are different people?

 The 'singing bard' is probably one of the 
 oldest types of spiritual teacher on the 

I would not consider myself or any blues performer I have ever heard to be a 
spiritual teacher.  If the subject of the blues even addresses spiritual topics 
as Son House does in Preach'n blues, it is in mockery of people who claim to 
know things that they could not.  Perhaps you are thinking of gospel which is 
the exact opposite of the devil's music I perform.

 How is your 'singing the blues' to an audience
 that different from an Indian fakir singing a 
 bhajan to his God?

I'm sure on some levels they are very similar.  But in this particular case the 
better comparison would be me singing my music to myself with no one there 
which is also actually the case for the Bhajan singer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to
   overwhelm our mind's ability to analyze what he was saying.
  And your scientific evidence that MMY deliberately
  designed his speech patterns to prevent you from
  analyzing what he was saying?
 Science is what Doug was claiming, and that I was
 challenging.  I make no claims that my analysis is
 scientific, it is a opinion from the body of work done
 by Bandler and Grinder analysing speech patterns of
 Milton Erickson and other state change experts.  I am
 certified as a practitioner of NLP (FWIW) so that is
 the basis of my opinion.

OK, so it's just your opinion, then. Thank you for

 You also added the word deliberately which I would
 not do.

Perhaps the word designed wasn't quite right, then,
because that implies intention.

But thank you for clarifying.

 Maharishi was probably just using the same techniques
 of language used on him.  One of the things I liked about
 NLP was that it gave a framework to understand language
 patterns that people use naturally through trial and
 error.  It is not claiming that every person using
 language that defies the conscious mind to keep track of
 the details is conscious of the techniques they are
 But after sitting in a room for hours and hours of tapes
 for what added up to over 2 years of my life, enduring
 endless repetition of the same phrases, I'm pretty sure
 Maharishi was not very interested in my conscious mind
 in his communications.  YMMV

Interesting that he would want his teachers not to
analyze what he said, but apparently had no such
reservations about ordinary TMers doing so.

Oh, wait, but so many of the tapes we saw were made
during TTCs. Did you notice that when the video
camera was on, he would suddenly stop using those
speech patterns and talk so that you could analyze
what he said for a while until the camera was turned

 I am not even endorsing all the claims of NLP which get
 pretty far-fetched but I believe their language work was
 excellent and some of it has trickled down to mainstream

Frankly, I think trying to apply NLP theories to MMY
doesn't make a whole lot more sense than trying to
apply quantum theory to the Unified Field. IMHO, of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just what America needs

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 ...the worldview for dummies.

 So, you're a HuffPo reader - I thought so.

And what exactly is wrong with that?  Actually the story was linked from 
Raw Story which I suppose with which you also have a problem.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
They were often redundant.  I know his theory was you have to say the 
same things over and over again for it to sink in but for me it heard 
that, got the t-shirt, what else you got?

Jason wrote:
   Man, you have a point.  I hated his lectures.  It was full of shit.

   However, I loved to listen to Nader, Hagelin, Dilbeck etc etc.

 --- On Mon, 4/19/10, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi
 Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 9:52 AM

 I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept at noticing 
 gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up on figuring out what is 
 being said. While most of use could spot a televangelist routine in our own 
 language, we give a foreign person a lot more leeway and most people don't 
 like to appear culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born speaker. 
 So much of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off as part of his 
 inscrutable Indianness.

 In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to follow until 
 the person's eyes glaze over and they are given a direct command which due to 
 brain overload they sometimes follow without reflection. 

 So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm our mind's 
 ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that didn't work he just wore 
 us down with hours of speaking on abstract topics.

 There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if you have been 
 listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still haven't heard anything that 
 you could put in a wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized. State change 
 language is not meant to inform, it is mean to shift you out of your 
 conscious mind's usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the person 
 doing this shifting you would either consider this a good or a bad thing. But 
 one thing for sure, your ability to apply the rules of reason gets impaired. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So it 
would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
control may no longer be possible.

authfriend wrote:
 From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:

 A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
 caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.

 Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
 nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
 like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.

 (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)

 OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
 alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
 discussion of various points):



 A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:

 I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
 about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
 are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
 volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
 no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
 erupting soon.

 When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
 earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
 there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.


 Here's a Hekla volcanocam:


 BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
 pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
 different audio clips:



 Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
 the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
 has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
 name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
 are were worried on then all bets are off.


[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

 They were often redundant...
So, how many years did you listen to 
the Maharishi give 'redundant' talks?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Duveyoung
That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew we 
ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event.  That's probably 
all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very real religion 
-- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So it 
 would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
 one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
 not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
 control may no longer be possible.
 authfriend wrote:
  From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
  A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
  caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
  Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
  nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
  like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
  (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
  OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
  alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
  discussion of various points):
  A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
  I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
  about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
  are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
  volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
  no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
  erupting soon.
  When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
  earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
  there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
  Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
  BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
  pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
  different audio clips:
  Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
  the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
  has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
  name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
  are were worried on then all bets are off.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 2:13 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano
That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew
we ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event. That's
probably all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very
real religion -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?
I nominate Nabby.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Mike Dixon
Al Gore, the High Priest of Global Warming?

--- On Mon, 4/19/10, Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 7:12 PM


That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew we 
ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event. That's probably all 
it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very real religion -- 
who will spring to the fore to be its high priest? 


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Bhairitu noozg...@.. . wrote:

 The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting. So it 
 would not be unusual at all for it to start up. Living around volcanos 
 one learns a bit about them. They could be doing damage control too as 
 not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
 control may no longer be possible.
 authfriend wrote:
  From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
  A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
  caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
  Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
  nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
  like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
  (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
  OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
  alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
  discussion of various points):
  http://scienceblogs .com/eruptions/ 2010/04/changes_ in_the_eruption_ 
  http://tinyurl. com/y3yjj8c
  A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
  I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
  about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
  are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
  volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
  no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
  erupting soon.
  When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
  earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
  there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
  http://www.jonfr. com/?p=3874
  Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
  http://www.ruv. is/hekla
  BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
  pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
  different audio clips:
  http://languagelog. ldc.upenn. edu/nll/? p=2257
  Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
  the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
  http://www.facebook .com/video/ video.php? v=1395588323904 ref=mf
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
  has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
  name Hekla, has begun erupting. If this is the one they
  are were worried on then all bets are off.


[FairfieldLife] Judith Bourke Conny Larsson - a cult?

2010-04-19 Thread yifuxero
From the pro-Sai Baba site:
This site attempts to link Judith Bourke and Conny Larsson in some type of 
guilt by association conspiration against Sathya Sai Baba.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Judith Bourke Conny Larsson - a cult?

2010-04-19 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of yifuxero
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 2:36 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Judith Bourke  Conny Larsson - a cult?
From the pro-Sai Baba site:
This site attempts to link Judith Bourke and Conny Larsson in some type of
guilt by association conspiration against Sathya Sai Baba.
They're friends. Whether or not Conny is a psychic trance medium has
little bearing on what Judith says she experienced 40+ years ago. Or
Jennifer, etc.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
Here's a link to Katla tremor updates:

Duveyoung wrote:
 That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew 
 we ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event.  That's 
 probably all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very 
 real religion -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  



[FairfieldLife] Conny Larsson on MMY, Sai Baba, and Kalki

2010-04-19 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Duveyoung
If Katla lights up tomorrow -- all the 420'ers'll think it's a sign from God.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Here's a link to Katla tremor updates:
 Duveyoung wrote:
  That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, 
  whew we ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event.  That's 
  probably all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very 
  real religion -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is
 erupting.  So it would not be unusual at all for it to
 start up.  Living around volcanos one learns a bit about

Yes, that's been in the news for days now; you don't
have to live around volcanos to have picked it up.
Hekla has erupted before when the other one did.

The point is that the report this morning was in error.

 They could be doing damage control too as not to
 alarm the public

I quoted two *bloggers*, Bhairitu, in addition to
MSNBC. One lives in Iceland within sight of the Hekla
volcano and is keeping tabs on the tremors; in Iceland,
you *want* to alarm the public if there's a volcano
erupting so those nearby can get out of the way. The
other blogger has a scientific reputation to uphold 
and isn't worried about alarming anybody.

 but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
 control may no longer be possible.

Nobody's doing damage control, Bhairitu. Hekla isn't
erupting, sorry. Maybe later. Maybe soon. If it does,
we'll hear about it right away. It's not exactly the
sort of thing you can keep under wraps even if you
wanted to.

I gave a link to a Webcam of the volcano. You can see
for yourself that it's quiet. Oh, wait, maybe they're
feeding it footage from last year so nobody will know
there's an eruption going on!


 authfriend wrote:
  From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
  A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
  caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
  Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
  nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
  like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
  (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
  OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
  alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
  discussion of various points):
  A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
  I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
  about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
  are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
  volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
  no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
  erupting soon.
  When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
  earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
  there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
  Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
  BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
  pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
  different audio clips:
  Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
  the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
  has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
  name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
  are were worried on then all bets are off.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Rick Archer
I heard the Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest have an old saying:
When little sister calls, big brother answers, referring to Mt. St. Helens
and Mt. Rainier. The answer is not necessarily immediate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

  Science is what Doug was claiming, and that I was
  challenging.  I make no claims that my analysis is
  scientific, it is a opinion from the body of work done
  by Bandler and Grinder analysing speech patterns of
  Milton Erickson and other state change experts.  I am
  certified as a practitioner of NLP (FWIW) so that is
  the basis of my opinion.
 OK, so it's just your opinion, then. Thank you for

It is my opinion based on Bandler and Grinder's theories about speech patterns. 
 I actually analyzed some of Maharishi's speeches with my instructors at my 
certification course in Colorado.  The whole thing is based on Grinder and 
Bandler's analysis which many might object to. I can't claim it is my personal 
opinion because I am basing it on their work.  I think you would enjoy their 
analysis of language if you are not already familiar with it.

  You also added the word deliberately which I would
  not do.
 Perhaps the word designed wasn't quite right, then,
 because that implies intention.

I agree that I don't know how deliberate any of this was.  I suspect it was a 
matter of trial and error.  The same patterns pop up in Rick's interviews and 
I'm sure that is just from telling the story a bunch of times and eliminating 
things that make people go wh.  When Bandler and Grinder presented their 
analysis after modeling Milton Erickson he said Oh that's what I do!.  He 
wasn't aware of any of it as being a pattern that could be analyzed. 
 But thank you for clarifying.
  Maharishi was probably just using the same techniques
  of language used on him.  One of the things I liked about
  NLP was that it gave a framework to understand language
  patterns that people use naturally through trial and
  error.  It is not claiming that every person using
  language that defies the conscious mind to keep track of
  the details is conscious of the techniques they are
  But after sitting in a room for hours and hours of tapes
  for what added up to over 2 years of my life, enduring
  endless repetition of the same phrases, I'm pretty sure
  Maharishi was not very interested in my conscious mind
  in his communications.  YMMV
 Interesting that he would want his teachers not to
 analyze what he said, but apparently had no such
 reservations about ordinary TMers doing so.

Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more analyzing than they 
were.  Mostly we fit together phrases from his language patterns like a puzzle. 
 I'm sure you are familiar with the concept of sacred science language from 
Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a lot more confidence in their 
understanding than I believe is deserved.

 Oh, wait, but so many of the tapes we saw were made
 during TTCs. Did you notice that when the video
 camera was on, he would suddenly stop using those
 speech patterns and talk so that you could analyze
 what he said for a while until the camera was turned

Maharishi has lots of different speech patterns if you hang out with him long 
enough.  Most of the tapes reflect his state change patterns.  On TTC we also 
had tapes of specific instructions like how to handle the press which use his 
down to biz style. It is quite distinct. 

  I am not even endorsing all the claims of NLP which get
  pretty far-fetched but I believe their language work was
  excellent and some of it has trickled down to mainstream
 Frankly, I think trying to apply NLP theories to MMY
 doesn't make a whole lot more sense than trying to
 apply quantum theory to the Unified Field. IMHO, of

I don't see why not, it analysis in great detail his specific forms of speech 
patterns. This is not an overlay of different subjects in a metaphorical 
context, it is the actual subject matter of the theories. And since I was 
certified to teach it, NLP is a framework I was trained to apply in this exact 
way.  Of course that doesn't prove anything about NLP's validity which, as I 
have mentioned, I have different feelings about depending on the aspect of NLP 
we are discussing.  

It is extremely useful in art like poetry and songwriting to understand the 
mechanics of how you turn a person's mind inward with language and how to avoid 
internal contradictions that disturb invoking and internal connection with the 
words. Maharishi was very good at this style of speech and you can analysis him 
using it in a positive way if you are inclined to assign positive motivations 
to him. And for the most part I do, with some important exceptions. 

My training from Maharishi in using this language form made me a quick study in 
NLP, particularly in trance inductions. You can also discuss this as the 
language of gaining rapport with someone.  This is a very non sinister use 
where you want the person to have as little specific conflict with what you are 
saying as possible.  In my own 

[FairfieldLife] Funniest volcano moment yet !

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
I was just on Skype with my bro, who is of course
still stuck in Turin unable to get home, Shroud
Woo Woo notwithstanding. And we were just chatting
about various stuff when for some reason Scientology
entered the conversation.

Both of us had the same idea at the same time.

Are the Scientologists going crazy because of L.Ron's
paranoid mythology of bad Body Thetans emerging from
volcanos and causing humans horrible distress and
taking over their bodies? Are there Scientologists 
all over the world hunkered down in bunkers fearing 
the end of the world?

This idea tickled me so much that I decided to write
a meme about this very subject and set it loose on
the Internet, to see how long it would take to echo
back to me. So I started researching Xenu and volcanos
and Body Thetans, and then I thought to check whether
anyone *else* had hit upon this wild hair idea. So
I Googled Thetans AND volcanos and to my mild
disappointment but my overall pleasure discovered
that I was NOT the first to make such a connection
or start such a meme. 

From a post today on alt.religion.scientology:

Europeans Beware - Thetans from Iceland volcano might 
body-snatch with a vengeance.

From: Gregory Hall, Esq.

Just imagine the millions or billions of disembodied thetans 
trying to find bodies as they rain down on Europe from the 
volcano in Iceland.

The authorities aren't telling anybody but the REAL reason 
aircraft won't fly is not because of a little dust. It's 
because of all those thetans exiled for billions of years 
by the Xenu in the Earth's volcanoes. Aircraft certainly 
aren't proof against them.

Stay indoors, don't expose yourself to this clear and 
present danger. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has
 blown before, whew we ain't seen nothing yet.could be
 a world crushing event.

The volcano that was incorrectly reported to have erupted
was Hekla. The big mofo is Katla. It blows about twice a
century, so I guess the world must have been crushed on a
pretty regular basis.

 That's probably all it would take to precipitate the fears
 about 2012 into a very real religion

Not. It's unlikely to be a big threat anywhere but in
Iceland. If it spews a lot of ash and the wind is right,
that could be a problem elsewhere, but not a world-
crushing one.

 -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So it 
  would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
  one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
  not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
  control may no longer be possible.
  authfriend wrote:
   From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
   A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
   caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
   Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
   nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
   like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
   (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
   OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
   alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
   discussion of various points):
   A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
   I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
   about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
   are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
   volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
   no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
   erupting soon.
   When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
   earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
   there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
   Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
   BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
   pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
   different audio clips:
   Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
   the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
   has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
   name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
   are were worried on then all bets are off.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Funniest volcano moment yet !

2010-04-19 Thread Duveyoung
I do believe Turq has turned a corner.  Lookie lookie he's telling folks not to 
expose themselves. A first! 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I was just on Skype with my bro, who is of course
 still stuck in Turin unable to get home, Shroud
 Woo Woo notwithstanding. And we were just chatting
 about various stuff when for some reason Scientology
 entered the conversation.
 Both of us had the same idea at the same time.
 Are the Scientologists going crazy because of L.Ron's
 paranoid mythology of bad Body Thetans emerging from
 volcanos and causing humans horrible distress and
 taking over their bodies? Are there Scientologists 
 all over the world hunkered down in bunkers fearing 
 the end of the world?
 This idea tickled me so much that I decided to write
 a meme about this very subject and set it loose on
 the Internet, to see how long it would take to echo
 back to me. So I started researching Xenu and volcanos
 and Body Thetans, and then I thought to check whether
 anyone *else* had hit upon this wild hair idea. So
 I Googled Thetans AND volcanos and to my mild
 disappointment but my overall pleasure discovered
 that I was NOT the first to make such a connection
 or start such a meme. 
 From a post today on alt.religion.scientology:
 Europeans Beware - Thetans from Iceland volcano might 
 body-snatch with a vengeance.
 From: Gregory Hall, Esq.  
 Just imagine the millions or billions of disembodied thetans 
 trying to find bodies as they rain down on Europe from the 
 volcano in Iceland.
 The authorities aren't telling anybody but the REAL reason 
 aircraft won't fly is not because of a little dust. It's 
 because of all those thetans exiled for billions of years 
 by the Xenu in the Earth's volcanoes. Aircraft certainly 
 aren't proof against them.
 Stay indoors, don't expose yourself to this clear and 
 present danger. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
  there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
  would-be gurus from India frequently make.
 I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept at noticing 
 gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up on figuring out what is 
 being said. While most of use could spot a televangelist routine in our own 
 language, we give a foreign person a lot more leeway and most people don't 
 like to appear culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born speaker.  
 So much of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off as part of his 
 inscrutable Indianness.
 In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to follow until 
 the person's eyes glaze over and they are given a direct command which due to 
 brain overload they sometimes follow without reflection. 
 So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm our mind's 
 ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that didn't work he just wore 
 us down with hours of speaking on abstract topics.
 There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if you have been 
 listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still haven't heard anything that 
 you could put in a wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized.  State change 
 language is not meant to inform, it is mean to shift you out of your 
 conscious mind's usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the person 
 doing this shifting you would either consider this a good or a bad thing.  
 But one thing for sure, your ability to apply the rules of reason gets 

This is really interesting stuff, Curtis.  If youw were so inclined, this could 
be a thesis or a really interesting book - how language patterns are used in 
religions and by gurus, whether intentional or not.  And then there is the 
likelihood that different brains are more or less susceptible to those language 
patterns.  Probably those of us who tend to be religious or spiritual by nature 
are less inclined to analyze things or stay rooted in logic.   
  Alex Stanley wrote:
   Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar 
   Trivedi. He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was 
   excruciatingly fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was saying. 
   So, I pretty much tuned him out and sat there for two hours, bored out of 
   my mind.
   When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga energy 
   transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been nice if 
   they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have brought my 
   reading glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now annoyed. I 
   borrowed a pen and went right up to one of the bright little floor lights 
   and did my best to read the form and sign it. 
   He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to pray 
   to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does his 
   energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, 
   plants and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to pray 
   in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was 
   atheist, and unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to 
   having anything resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly 
   not something I would pray to. 
   So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been bothering 
   me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. Needless to 
   say, I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for an 
   individualized blessing because the only thing that would be blessed is 
   his bank account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see him goes to 
   the civic center, which is struggling financially. 
  Probably the main reason Maharishi was so successful was because he DID 
  NOT have a thick accent and westerners were able to understand him.  
  I've been telling my tantra teacher for years to go take an accent 
  reduction course.  Living in Silicon Valley there are plenty of those 
  offered and for a reasonable price.   Since most people taking these 
  courses already know English it is usually about practicing some simple 
  drills and eliminating some of the regional quirks in pronunciation.  
  Some of the drills are even available online.   My teacher tends to drop 
  vowels leaving one listening to a string of consonants.
  Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
  there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
  would-be gurus from India frequently make.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just what America needs

2010-04-19 Thread WillyTex

  So, you're a HuffPo reader - I thought so.
 Actually the story was linked from Raw Story...

So, you're a Raw Story reader - I thought so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 
 Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more
 analyzing than they were.  Mostly we fit together phrases
 from his language patterns like a puzzle.  I'm sure you
 are familiar with the concept of sacred science language
 from Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a
 lot more confidence in their understanding than I believe
 is deserved.

ROTFL! Citing Lifton in relation to TM is sillier than
citing Erikson, IMHO.

Yes, I've read him. Remember how you refused to discuss
his theories with me on alt.m.t? I must have asked you a
dozen times.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 waybac...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in 
   Fairfield there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's 
   another mistake would-be gurus from India frequently make.
  I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept 
  at noticing gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up 
  on figuring out what is being said. While most of use could spot 
  a televangelist routine in our own language, we give a foreign 
  person a lot more leeway and most people don't like to appear 
  culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born speaker.  
  So much of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off 
  as part of his inscrutable Indianness.
  In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to 
  follow until the person's eyes glaze over and they are given a 
  direct command which due to brain overload they sometimes 
  follow without reflection. 
  So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm 
  our mind's ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that 
  didn't work he just wore us down with hours of speaking on 
  abstract topics.
  There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if 
  you have been listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still 
  haven't heard anything that you could put in a wheelbarrow, you 
  are being hypnotized.  State change language is not meant to 
  inform, it is mean to shift you out of your conscious mind's 
  usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the person 
  doing this shifting you would either consider this a good or a 
  bad thing.  But one thing for sure, your ability to apply the 
  rules of reason gets impaired.  
 This is really interesting stuff, Curtis.  If youw were so 
 inclined, this could be a thesis or a really interesting book - 
 how language patterns are used in religions and by gurus, whether 
 intentional or not.  And then there is the likelihood that 
 different brains are more or less susceptible to those language 
 patterns.  Probably those of us who tend to be religious or 
 spiritual by nature are less inclined to analyze things or stay 
 rooted in logic.  

I tend to agree with Curtis' theory, and have for years.
It's the same monotone, sing-song speech pattern, pretty 
much no matter who the teacher is. I also agree with him 
that many of the people doing this are not consciously 
aware that they are doing it; they are just mimicking 
speech patterns that worked on *them*.

Might I remind people of a quote from the Braco healer
guy whose name came up here recently. According to his
site, while you're waiting to have your individual session
standing in front of him, during which he blasts you with
his Woo Woo, he plays audio tapes, which everyone has to
listen to while waiting for their turn. Here are *his*
words (or the words of whichever of his followers wrote 
the website) on the subject:

Braco does not talk to his visitors, nor does he touch them or 
use any other form of nonverbal suggestion: He simply is gazing 
at them. ... When the groups are listening to Braco´s voice, 
Braco is not standing in front of them. Braco is not there, 
you will only listen to a tape, which has been recorded. But 
just to listen to the sound of his voice is enough to experience 
similar feelings, reactions and effects as the people do, when 
they are looking into Braco´s eyes.


Why do they feel a hit while he's gazing at him? They've
been state changed first.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more
  analyzing than they were.  Mostly we fit together phrases
  from his language patterns like a puzzle.  I'm sure you
  are familiar with the concept of sacred science language
  from Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a
  lot more confidence in their understanding than I believe
  is deserved.
 ROTFL! Citing Lifton in relation to TM is sillier than
 citing Erikson, IMHO.

Not according to Lifton himself. His use of the language of sacred science is 
dead on IMO. Singer, his partner in applying his theory to the movement, agreed.

 Yes, I've read him. Remember how you refused to discuss
 his theories with me on alt.m.t? I must have asked you a
 dozen times.

I remember discussing it with you on numerous occasions although I am sure I 
also refused sometimes.  I find his model very useful in understanding my 
experience in the TM movement which we have clarified was very different from 
your own.  Applying his principles to a person who was not in a fulltime 
facility and subject to the rules of a teacher seems pointless.  I am certainly 
not interested in convincing you of anything here.

Lifton's were a critical piece for my understanding of what happened to me in 
the movement.  I offer my experience to others who want to do their own study 
and decide if it applies to their experience.  Your opinions about either his 
theories or my application of them to my own unshared movement experiences is 
worthless to me.

I accept that you don't find the model useful in evaluating your relationship 
with Maharishi and the movement.  Given our different history in the movement 
that does not surprise me. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 waybac...@... wrote:

 This is really interesting stuff, Curtis.  If youw were so inclined, this 
 could be a thesis or a really interesting book - how language patterns are 
 used in religions and by gurus, whether intentional or not.  And then there 
 is the likelihood that different brains are more or less susceptible to those 
 language patterns.  Probably those of us who tend to be religious or 
 spiritual by nature are less inclined to analyze things or stay rooted in 

Thanks I appreciate what you wrote but I would not be the qualified guy for 
these jobs!  In my experience you have to walk this road of research yourself 
if you are interested.  All the material is there from many sources including 
cold reading and NLP and Lifton and even Steve Hassen wrote a book that 
really turned my head around when I needed it.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   Sounds like he is Americans as if they are Indians.  Even in Fairfield 
   there would be a tremendous cultural gap.  That's another mistake 
   would-be gurus from India frequently make.
  I think the accent thing is a help since we are much more adept at noticing 
  gaps in logic when our conscious mind is not hung up on figuring out what 
  is being said. While most of use could spot a televangelist routine in our 
  own language, we give a foreign person a lot more leeway and most people 
  don't like to appear culturally insensitive by challenging a foreign born 
  speaker.  So much of Maharishi's personal pettiness was just written off as 
  part of his inscrutable Indianness.
  In some street cons the person purposely speaks too rapidly to follow until 
  the person's eyes glaze over and they are given a direct command which due 
  to brain overload they sometimes follow without reflection. 
  So much of Maharishi's speech patterns were designed to overwhelm our 
  mind's ability to analyze what he was saying. And if that didn't work he 
  just wore us down with hours of speaking on abstract topics.
  There is an old saw from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that if you have been 
  listening to someone for 5 minutes and you still haven't heard anything 
  that you could put in a wheelbarrow, you are being hypnotized.  State 
  change language is not meant to inform, it is mean to shift you out of your 
  conscious mind's usual organization. Depending on your beliefs in the 
  person doing this shifting you would either consider this a good or a bad 
  thing.  But one thing for sure, your ability to apply the rules of reason 
  gets impaired.  
 This is really interesting stuff, Curtis.  If youw were so inclined, this 
 could be a thesis or a really interesting book - how language patterns are 
 used in religions and by gurus, whether intentional or not.  And then there 
 is the likelihood that different brains are more or less susceptible to those 
 language patterns.  Probably those of us who tend to be religious or 
 spiritual by nature are less inclined to analyze things or stay rooted in 
   Alex Stanley wrote:
Out of curiosity, I went to last night's event with Mahendra Kumar 
Trivedi. He speaks English, but his accent is so thick that it was 
excruciatingly fatiguing for me to follow along with what he was 
saying. So, I pretty much tuned him out and sat there for two hours, 
bored out of my mind.
When it came time to do the blessing, where he does his ooga-booga 
energy transmission, we had to sign a release form. It would have been 
nice if they'd mentioned that in the flyer, because I would have 
brought my reading glasses and a pen. So, on top of boredom, I was now 
annoyed. I borrowed a pen and went right up to one of the bright little 
floor lights and did my best to read the form and sign it. 
He then tells us to take off our shoes and socks and instructs us to 
pray to god, as we understand him/her/it, with our desire while he does 
his energy transmission. And, I'm yet again going WTF? All those seeds, 
plants and animals you supposedly performed magic on didn't have to 
pray in order for your woo-woo to work, so why do we? My upbringing was 
atheist, and unbounded ineffable transcendence is the closest I get to 
having anything resembling an understanding of god, and it's certainly 
not something I would pray to. 
So, I sat there and put my attention on my neck, which has been 
bothering me for a couple years. This morning, my neck is unchanged. 
Needless to say, I'm not the least bit inspired to fork over $300 for 
an individualized blessing because the only thing that would be 
blessed is his bank account. At least part of the $15 I did pay to see 
him goes to the civic center, which is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
You SOUND like you're trying to do damage control.   :-D

All I did was pass along the info the MSNBC reported plus comment on 
what would happen if it blows.  Ever been to a volcano?  Ever look at 
the mapping of how the lava flows to the surface.   I would suspect at 
the some point there is a split that goes one way the volcano that is 
currently blowing and the bigger volcano.  It  may take more energy for 
the bigger one to blow.  There is a map of that kind of flow at the 
local volcano which shows how they thing the flow worked it way to the 
surface at the main peak and the one next door.  Fortunately it blew 
about 4000 years ago.  Mt. Tamalpais just north of San Francisco is also 
an extinct volcano.

We'll see what happens.

authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is
 erupting.  So it would not be unusual at all for it to
 start up.  Living around volcanos one learns a bit about

 Yes, that's been in the news for days now; you don't
 have to live around volcanos to have picked it up.
 Hekla has erupted before when the other one did.

 The point is that the report this morning was in error.

 They could be doing damage control too as not to
 alarm the public

 I quoted two *bloggers*, Bhairitu, in addition to
 MSNBC. One lives in Iceland within sight of the Hekla
 volcano and is keeping tabs on the tremors; in Iceland,
 you *want* to alarm the public if there's a volcano
 erupting so those nearby can get out of the way. The
 other blogger has a scientific reputation to uphold 
 and isn't worried about alarming anybody.

  but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
 control may no longer be possible.

 Nobody's doing damage control, Bhairitu. Hekla isn't
 erupting, sorry. Maybe later. Maybe soon. If it does,
 we'll hear about it right away. It's not exactly the
 sort of thing you can keep under wraps even if you
 wanted to.

 I gave a link to a Webcam of the volcano. You can see
 for yourself that it's quiet. Oh, wait, maybe they're
 feeding it footage from last year so nobody will know
 there's an eruption going on!


 authfriend wrote:
 From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:

 A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
 caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.

 Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
 nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
 like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.

 (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)

 OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
 alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
 discussion of various points):



 A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:

 I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
 about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
 are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
 volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
 no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
 erupting soon.

 When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
 earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
 there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.


 Here's a Hekla volcanocam:


 BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
 pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
 different audio clips:



 Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
 the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
 has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
 name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
 are were worried on then all bets are off.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 I heard the Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest have an old saying:
 When little sister calls, big brother answers, referring to Mt. St. Helens
 and Mt. Rainier. The answer is not necessarily immediate.

It's called the Pacific Ring of Fire and when St. Helen's blew then 
activity was observed later on Rainier, I think more in the 1990s.  The 
devastation if Rainier blew would be something.  But Seattle worries 
more about the subduction fault the city is built on.  Frankly San 
Francisco should be nothing but a port with single level warehouses and 
not a city at all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just what America needs

2010-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 So, you're a HuffPo reader - I thought so.

 Actually the story was linked from Raw Story...

 So, you're a Raw Story reader - I thought so.

So you really have nothing to say -- but we all know that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more
   analyzing than they were.  Mostly we fit together phrases
   from his language patterns like a puzzle.  I'm sure you
   are familiar with the concept of sacred science language
   from Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a
   lot more confidence in their understanding than I believe
   is deserved.
  ROTFL! Citing Lifton in relation to TM is sillier than
  citing Erikson, IMHO.
 Not according to Lifton himself.


 His use of the language of sacred science is dead on IMO.
 Singer, his partner in applying his theory to the movement,

Singer's even worse.

  Yes, I've read him. Remember how you refused to discuss
  his theories with me on alt.m.t? I must have asked you a
  dozen times.
 I remember discussing it with you on numerous occasions

I could get you to talk about his work in only the very
most general terms, as you do here. You were never willing
to go into his theories in detail with me.

The basic problem with Lifton is that his theories and
models are so poorly worded and described that depending
on how you choose to interpret them, you can apply them to
almost anything.

 although I am sure I also refused sometimes.  I find his model very useful in 
understanding my experience in the TM movement which we have clarified was very 
different from your own.  Applying his principles to a person who was not in a 
fulltime facility and subject to the rules of a teacher seems pointless.  I am 
certainly not interested in convincing you of anything here.
 Lifton's were a critical piece for my understanding of what happened to me in 
 the movement.  I offer my experience to others who want to do their own study 
 and decide if it applies to their experience.  Your opinions about either his 
 theories or my application of them to my own unshared movement experiences is 
 worthless to me.
 I accept that you don't find the model useful in evaluating your relationship 
 with Maharishi and the movement.  Given our different history in the movement 
 that does not surprise me. 

[FairfieldLife] Statistically better than a monkey with a coin

2010-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Statistically better than a monkey with a coinBy Raj
http://rajpatel.org/author/raj/  on 04/19/2010 in Uncategorized
On 7th April, Alan Greenspan appeared before the Financial Crisis
Inquiry Commission http://fcic.gov/hearings/04-07-2010.php , to
explain what happened. He testified
tives+we+warned+about+mortgage+risk.aspx  that he was right 70% of
the time and wrong 30% of the time. That's great. He spends 70%
of his day asleep, eating, pooping, and commuting. It's hard to
screw these things up. Which suggests that the screw-uppy 30% was
limited to those parts of the day when he was sitting in front of a desk
making monetary policy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 You SOUND like you're trying to do damage control.   :-D

No damage to BE controlled.

 All I did was pass along the info the MSNBC reported plus
 comment on what would happen if it blows.

No reason for you not to do that. But all I did was 
quote an MSNBC update and two reputable blogs to the
effect that the earlier report was false, and point
out that nobody else was reporting it.

And you suggested the report was being denied because
they didn't want the public to be alarmed--as if you
could keep a volcano eruption from the public!

  Ever been to a volcano?  Ever look at 
 the mapping of how the lava flows to the surface.

Bhairitu, I'm not disputing that one or the other of
the two nearby volcanos could well blow. They've done
it before when this one erupted; and it's well known
that volcanos that are near each other can be
connected in various ways. It wouldn't surprise me
a bit if one of the others erupted. It's just that
it didn't happen *this morning*.

   I would suspect at 
 the some point there is a split that goes one way the volcano that is 
 currently blowing and the bigger volcano.  It  may take more energy for 
 the bigger one to blow.  There is a map of that kind of flow at the 
 local volcano which shows how they thing the flow worked it way to the 
 surface at the main peak and the one next door.  Fortunately it blew 
 about 4000 years ago.  Mt. Tamalpais just north of San Francisco is also 
 an extinct volcano.
 We'll see what happens.
 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is
  erupting.  So it would not be unusual at all for it to
  start up.  Living around volcanos one learns a bit about
  Yes, that's been in the news for days now; you don't
  have to live around volcanos to have picked it up.
  Hekla has erupted before when the other one did.
  The point is that the report this morning was in error.

  They could be doing damage control too as not to
  alarm the public
  I quoted two *bloggers*, Bhairitu, in addition to
  MSNBC. One lives in Iceland within sight of the Hekla
  volcano and is keeping tabs on the tremors; in Iceland,
  you *want* to alarm the public if there's a volcano
  erupting so those nearby can get out of the way. The
  other blogger has a scientific reputation to uphold 
  and isn't worried about alarming anybody.

   but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
  control may no longer be possible.
  Nobody's doing damage control, Bhairitu. Hekla isn't
  erupting, sorry. Maybe later. Maybe soon. If it does,
  we'll hear about it right away. It's not exactly the
  sort of thing you can keep under wraps even if you
  wanted to.
  I gave a link to a Webcam of the volcano. You can see
  for yourself that it's quiet. Oh, wait, maybe they're
  feeding it footage from last year so nobody will know
  there's an eruption going on!

  authfriend wrote:
  From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
  A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
  caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
  Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
  nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
  like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
  (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
  OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
  alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
  discussion of various points):
  A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
  I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
  about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
  are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
  volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
  no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
  erupting soon.
  When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
  earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
  there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
  Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
  BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
  pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
  different audio clips:
  Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
  the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
  has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
  name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
  are were worried on then all bets 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more
analyzing than they were.  Mostly we fit together phrases
from his language patterns like a puzzle.  I'm sure you
are familiar with the concept of sacred science language
from Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a
lot more confidence in their understanding than I believe
is deserved.
   ROTFL! Citing Lifton in relation to TM is sillier than
   citing Erikson, IMHO.
  Not according to Lifton himself.
  His use of the language of sacred science is dead on IMO.
  Singer, his partner in applying his theory to the movement,
 Singer's even worse.

I found her both sincere and extremely perceptive concerning issues fulltime 
people had in the movement.

   Yes, I've read him. Remember how you refused to discuss
   his theories with me on alt.m.t? I must have asked you a
   dozen times.
  I remember discussing it with you on numerous occasions
 I could get you to talk about his work in only the very
 most general terms, as you do here. You were never willing
 to go into his theories in detail with me.
 The basic problem with Lifton is that his theories and
 models are so poorly worded and described that depending
 on how you choose to interpret them, you can apply them to
 almost anything.

I'm not claiming he is speaking from a mountaintop, I just found his model 
useful.  There are certainly more ways to misuse the model than to use it 
correctly.  But according to him applying it to fulltime TM people was 
appropriate.  According to you perhaps not.  I'll go with my experience which 
is that I found it useful.  I don't have any reason to debate your POV I'm sure 
there is much I would agree with.  But your lack of experience with the levels 
of the movement that exhibited the things Lifton and Singer discuss makes it 
all kind of a moot point.  If you had the experiences of the movement I had you 
might not find that his theories were either poorly worded or vague.  And I 
certainly have not found that they could be properly used to describe anything. 
If you would care to give some examples I would certainly read it with 

He was attempting to describe a phenomenon in human behavior. Given his initial 
work with Korean war vets it was a valuable humanitarian project to attempt to 
understand what had happened to them.  But it isn't hard science so take what 
is useful and leave the rest. (where have I heard this before?)  

  although I am sure I also refused sometimes.  I find his model very useful 
 in understanding my experience in the TM movement which we have clarified was 
 very different from your own.  Applying his principles to a person who was 
 not in a fulltime facility and subject to the rules of a teacher seems 
 pointless.  I am certainly not interested in convincing you of anything here.
  Lifton's were a critical piece for my understanding of what happened to me 
  in the movement.  I offer my experience to others who want to do their own 
  study and decide if it applies to their experience.  Your opinions about 
  either his theories or my application of them to my own unshared movement 
  experiences is worthless to me.
  I accept that you don't find the model useful in evaluating your 
  relationship with Maharishi and the movement.  Given our different history 
  in the movement that does not surprise me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread Duveyoung
Too lazy to look it up, but I did read that Katla is able to be almost a world 
killer -- but that was about almost killing all life on Earth -- the lesser 
damage of killing humanity due to mass starvation is a much more possible 
result out of a Katla event.

Here's a concept that most folks really don't have a handle on:  the thinness 
of the Earth's crust.

How thin?  Well the Earth's diameter is about 8,000 miles, and the crust is at 
most 50 miles thick and under the oceans it's only about five to ten miles 
thick.  About a third of one percent of the diameter of the Earth.

Sounds like a lot of rock between us and the hot interior, right?

Well it is -- we're not boiling, right?, but though rock has great insulating 
properties, the crust's thinness is very very much thinner than you might 
expect -- relatively speaking, and it is this I wish to underline -- with a 
metaphor that packs a punch for me.

Consider this:  if the Earth were the size of a billiard ball, if one touches 
the ball where there is ocean, it would feel only barely moist to the touch.  
And if you breathed upon it -- fogged it as if to clean your eyeglasses -- then 
that layer of water you've put upon the ball would be one of Earth's deepest 


The oceans are about five miles deep, and so is the crust under the 
oceansthat's about 1/1000th of the Earth's diameter.

The crust is thinner than an egg shell and the inside of the egg is up to about 
10,000 F degreeshotter than the surface of the sun.

There's your protection that volcanoes so easily pierce.  

Feeling a bit more at risk?  My job is done here.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has
  blown before, whew we ain't seen nothing yet.could be
  a world crushing event.
 The volcano that was incorrectly reported to have erupted
 was Hekla. The big mofo is Katla. It blows about twice a
 century, so I guess the world must have been crushed on a
 pretty regular basis.
  That's probably all it would take to precipitate the fears
  about 2012 into a very real religion
 Not. It's unlikely to be a big threat anywhere but in
 Iceland. If it spews a lot of ash and the wind is right,
 that could be a problem elsewhere, but not a world-
 crushing one.
  -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So it 
   would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
   one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
   not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
   control may no longer be possible.
   authfriend wrote:
From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
(Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
discussion of various points):
A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
erupting soon.
When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
different audio clips:
Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
are were worried on then all bets are off.


[FairfieldLife] Isha Upanishad 11

2010-04-19 Thread Buck
Avidyayâ mṛityuṁ tîrtvâ vidyayâ amṛitam

Through Avidyâ, ignorance, you cross beyond mortality, beyond death,
beyond change; through Vidyâ, knowledge, you taste immortality.

Îshâ Upanishad 11

The Self is always the Self; it is never non-Self; but somehow it became
identified with the body and with the whole objective field of life. So
the `I' got mixed up with `mine'; and when the
`I' awakens fully to its own original identity, then is the
taste of immortality.

The practice is just for this—to awaken to one's own immortal
reality. And practice means we go beyond that which we have been
identified all the time—we transcend that, and transcend, and
transcend, and transcend With time the taste of transcendental
consciousness begins to be a little more lasting, more lasting, more
lasting, and gradually the long identification with the boundaries of
the body and the surroundings begins to dissolve. Those impressions
begin to melt.

So this practice, or Sâdhanâ, is just for the sake of transcending
change. Through change you transcend change. That is why it says,
through ignorance you cross beyond the field of change—through
ignorance. Because enlightenment is the reality; ignorance is a mirage.
You have the glasses on the eyes, but you are searching—where are
the glasses? You are the Self, but you are searching—where is the
Self, where is the Self? So the whole search is a kind of fraud, which
is just Avidyâ. The reality is eternity, immortality; so you taste
immortality by virtue of being immortality. But to be immortal, you have
first to cross beyond the boundaries of change. Through change you
transcend change; through knowledge, that awakening, you taste

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 6 December 1964, History of Thirty Years around
the World, p.574.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Too lazy to look it up, but I did read that Katla is able
 to be almost a world killer -- but that was about almost
 killing all life on Earth -- the lesser damage of killing
 humanity due to mass starvation is a much more possible
 result out of a Katla event.

Conceivable, but unlikely. AS I SAID, Katla erupts about
twice a century, and it hasn't killed the world or killed
humanity by mass starvation yet. Icelanders living anywhere
near it should be worried, and depending on what it spews
and which way the winds are blowing, it could cause big
problems in Europe with air travel and maybe some crops.

Iceland's Laki eruption in 1783 killed thousands across
Europe and caused a famine in France and a very cold
winter around the globe. Could that be what you're thinking
of? That was the worst one in recent history from Iceland.

What you really need to worry about, of course, is the
Yellowstone caldera. Definitely a potential world-killer.
But apparently the uplift has slowed way down recently,
so geologists aren't as concerned as they were.


 The crust is thinner than an egg shell and the inside of
 the egg is up to about 10,000 F degreeshotter than the
 surface of the sun.
 There's your protection that volcanoes so easily pierce.  
 Feeling a bit more at risk?  My job is done here.

Not even a tad bit. But you've shot your wad, so your job
is done here anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-04-19 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Apr 17 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 24 00:00:00 2010
232 messages as of (UTC) Tue Apr 20 00:11:53 2010

29 authfriend jst...@panix.com
27 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
25 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
21 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
16 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
12 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
12 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
11 Hugo fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 8 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 8 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Carol jchwe...@gmail.com
 5 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 5 Joe geezerfr...@yahoo.com
 5 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
 4 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 3 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 3 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 2 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 2 m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 2 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 2 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 scienceofabundance no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 1 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 AnkhAton ankha...@yahoo.com

Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] The Names of theTranscendent

2010-04-19 Thread Buck
Rick started on the batgap homepage this description referencing the 
cross-cultural experience of the spiritual transcendent.

Craig Pearson enumerates this too in some of his writing:

This same field is described everywhere in the world's great philosophical and 
religious traditions. Plato refers to it as the Good and the Beautiful. 
Aristotle calls it Being. For Plotinus it is the Infinite, for St. Bernard of 
Clairvaux the Word, for Ralph Waldo Emerson the Oversoul. It is referred to in 
Christiantity as the kingdom of Heaven within, in Judaism as Ein Sof. The 
direct experience of this transcendental field is referred to in India as Yoga, 
in Buddhism as Nirvana, in Islam as fana, in Christianity as spiritual 
marriage. It is a universal teaching based on a universal reality and a 
universal experience.


Evidently is 'repeatable' in experience.  Seems scientific as it appears 
universal across culture and time. 

Rick writing on batgap:
   People everywhere are undergoing a shift to an Awakened state of 
   consciousness which is transforming their understanding of themselves and 
   the world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For others, 
   it has been so gradual that they may not have realized it has occurred. 
   Such shifts, or awakenings, are not new: Christ spoke of the Kingdom 
   of Heaven within, Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, 
   Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard these states as 
   rare and difficult to attain. 
   Many people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of 
   consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently ordinary 
   friends and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary. 
   Maybe they expect Enlightenment to look as remarkable on the outside as 
   it is reputed to be on the inside.
  This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by week 
  after week, allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experience 
  of spiritual awakening. The terminology is tricky, because there are no 
  universally agreed upon definitions to describe this experience. Also, 
  enlightenment is not something that an individual person gets. It's not 
  even something that the mind can grasp. It's an awakening to that which 
  contains the mind and all other things. So it's not surprising that 
  language is inadequate to convey it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I kind of hope this thing doesn't peter out for your sake Edg.  You seem to 
thrive on this sort of thing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew 
 we ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event.  That's 
 probably all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very 
 real religion -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So it 
  would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
  one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
  not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
  control may no longer be possible.
  authfriend wrote:
   From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
   A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
   caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.
   Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
   nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
   like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
   (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
   OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
   alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
   discussion of various points):
   A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
   I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
   about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
   are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
   volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
   no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
   erupting soon.
   When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
   earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
   there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.
   Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
   BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
   pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
   different audio clips:
   Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
   the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   Gaia is really pissed now as Breaking News on MSNBC
   has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
   name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
   are were worried on then all bets are off.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Duveyoung
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 2:13 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano
 That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has blown before, whew
 we ain't seen nothing yet.could be a world crushing event. That's
 probably all it would take to precipitate the fears about 2012 into a very
 real religion -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?
 I nominate Nabby.

Maybe Edg can do a version of his, get ten people to vouch for him sort of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Planes V volcano

2010-04-19 Thread lurkernomore20002000
That's really neat.  Although I could look it up, can you tell us again, what 
keeps the earth's core continually hot, as in, why hasn't it cooled down 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Too lazy to look it up, but I did read that Katla is able to be almost a 
 world killer -- but that was about almost killing all life on Earth -- the 
 lesser damage of killing humanity due to mass starvation is a much more 
 possible result out of a Katla event.
 Here's a concept that most folks really don't have a handle on:  the thinness 
 of the Earth's crust.
 How thin?  Well the Earth's diameter is about 8,000 miles, and the crust is 
 at most 50 miles thick and under the oceans it's only about five to ten miles 
 thick.  About a third of one percent of the diameter of the Earth.
 Sounds like a lot of rock between us and the hot interior, right?
 Well it is -- we're not boiling, right?, but though rock has great insulating 
 properties, the crust's thinness is very very much thinner than you might 
 expect -- relatively speaking, and it is this I wish to underline -- with a 
 metaphor that packs a punch for me.
 Consider this:  if the Earth were the size of a billiard ball, if one touches 
 the ball where there is ocean, it would feel only barely moist to the 
 touch.  And if you breathed upon it -- fogged it as if to clean your 
 eyeglasses -- then that layer of water you've put upon the ball would be one 
 of Earth's deepest oceans. 
 The oceans are about five miles deep, and so is the crust under the 
 oceansthat's about 1/1000th of the Earth's diameter.
 The crust is thinner than an egg shell and the inside of the egg is up to 
 about 10,000 F degreeshotter than the surface of the sun.
 There's your protection that volcanoes so easily pierce.  
 Feeling a bit more at risk?  My job is done here.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   That second volcano is a mofo and if it blows like it has
   blown before, whew we ain't seen nothing yet.could be
   a world crushing event.
  The volcano that was incorrectly reported to have erupted
  was Hekla. The big mofo is Katla. It blows about twice a
  century, so I guess the world must have been crushed on a
  pretty regular basis.
   That's probably all it would take to precipitate the fears
   about 2012 into a very real religion
  Not. It's unlikely to be a big threat anywhere but in
  Iceland. If it spews a lot of ash and the wind is right,
  that could be a problem elsewhere, but not a world-
  crushing one.
   -- who will spring to the fore to be its high priest?  
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is erupting.  So 
would not be unusual at all for it to start up.  Living around volcanos 
one learns a bit about them.  They could be doing damage control too as 
not to alarm the public but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
control may no longer be possible.

authfriend wrote:
 From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:

 A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
 caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized.

 Not sure who/what minimized its impact. But there's
 nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
 like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.

 (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)

 OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
 alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
 discussion of various points):



 A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:

 I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
 about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
 are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
 volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
 no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
 erupting soon.

 When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
 earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
 there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano.


 Here's a Hekla volcanocam:


 BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
 pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
 different audio clips:



 Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
 the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Names of theTranscendent

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Rick started on the batgap homepage this description referencing the 
 cross-cultural experience of the spiritual transcendent.
 Craig Pearson enumerates this too in some of his writing:
 This same field is described everywhere in the world's great philosophical 
 and religious traditions. Plato refers to it as the Good and the Beautiful. 
 Aristotle calls it Being. For Plotinus it is the Infinite, for St. Bernard of 
 Clairvaux the Word, for Ralph Waldo Emerson the Oversoul. It is referred to 
 in Christiantity as the kingdom of Heaven within, in Judaism as Ein Sof. The 
 direct experience of this transcendental field is referred to in India as 
 Yoga, in Buddhism as Nirvana, in Islam as fana, in Christianity as spiritual 
 marriage. It is a universal teaching based on a universal reality and a 
 universal experience.
 Evidently is 'repeatable' in experience.  Seems scientific as it appears 
 universal across culture and time.

You mean like belief in witchcraft and the lower status of women from men?  
Both are super popular on this planet.  Or perhaps the now trans cultural 
popularity of Mcdonald's should grant it status as a universally healthy diet?

It is OK to just believe things because you want to.  Just keep the misleading 
term scientific out of it.  There is nothing scientific about collaging 
together a bunch of poorly defined terms as a poetic exercise.

If you really believed in the methods of science as a way to increase the 
reliability of knowledge you wouldn't be slap dashing the term where it doesn't 
belong.  Like in the humanities where all these vague terms in the world salad 
paragraph come from.  Using the terms of science to market ideas in the 
humanities is an obvious con.  No one is being fooled.  

Scientific knowledge isn't the only knowledge worthy of asserting.  But 
misapplying it isn't going to help your argument of the value of these ideas.  
And if you do misapply science and look down under your butt and don't see a 
deerskin on a silk couch, don't be surprised if someone points their finger and 
says bullshit.  You don't have the insulated environment Maharishi had to get 
away with this.

 Rick writing on batgap:

People everywhere are undergoing a shift to an Awakened state of 
consciousness which is transforming their understanding of themselves 
and the world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For 
others, it has been so gradual that they may not have realized it has 
occurred. Such shifts, or awakenings, are not new: Christ spoke of 
the Kingdom of Heaven within, Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters 
of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard 
these states as rare and difficult to attain. 

Many people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of 
consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently ordinary 
friends and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary. 
Maybe they expect Enlightenment to look as remarkable on the outside as 
it is reputed to be on the inside.
   This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by week 
   after week, allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experience 
   of spiritual awakening. The terminology is tricky, because there are no 
   universally agreed upon definitions to describe this experience. Also, 
   enlightenment is not something that an individual person gets. It's not 
   even something that the mind can grasp. It's an awakening to that which 
   contains the mind and all other things. So it's not surprising that 
   language is inadequate to convey it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My experience with Trivedi

2010-04-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 Both teachers and meditators believe they were doing more
 analyzing than they were.  Mostly we fit together phrases
 from his language patterns like a puzzle.  I'm sure you
 are familiar with the concept of sacred science language
 from Lifton.  Using TM terms and phrases gives people a
 lot more confidence in their understanding than I believe
 is deserved.

ROTFL! Citing Lifton in relation to TM is sillier than
citing Erikson, IMHO.
   Not according to Lifton himself.
   His use of the language of sacred science is dead on IMO.
   Singer, his partner in applying his theory to the movement,
  Singer's even worse.
 I found her both sincere and extremely perceptive concerning
 issues fulltime people had in the movement.

Yes, I know.

  The basic problem with Lifton is that his theories and
  models are so poorly worded and described that depending
  on how you choose to interpret them, you can apply them to
  almost anything.
 If you would care to give some examples I would certainly
 read it with interest.  

Naah. I just wanted to register my opinion. I've done
that. And since my opinion is worthless to you, as yours
is to me, I don't see any point in discussing it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Fairfield

2010-04-19 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 But if these people are expressing true significant shifts of consciousness 
 that would benefit humanity then Rick's project is going way beyond the 
 movement in opening them for examination.  I think either way Rick is really 
 on to something with this project.  By now we should expect people living in 
 the states Maharishi described vaguely and promised repeatedly.  Hearing from 
 them is a great resource for all of us interested in evaluating these claims. 

Curtisdeltablue, well that is a large ascent in your POV.  Nice.  Yes, I think 
Rick is on to something also.
 timely in its way.

Is quite cool, are a lot more posted to the site now.   Rick Archer 
obviously has been quite busy interviewing.  Is some great journalism  
And good commentary too about spirituality. Thanks for taking the time 
to do this Rick.  


   FF Buddhas at the gas pumps.
   Funny that Rick has scooped the TM movement on this.  Interviewing and 
   publishing the 'awakened' this way.  These various Fairfield neighbors 
   (buddhas at the gas pump) seems are all of old TM movement. 
In the domes Bevan calls in every day to hear and commentate on the 
   meditating experiences.  Has been doing that for months as his domain.  
   Those tapes available to publicly listen to?  YouTube?  Folks on the IA 
   course have to stay put and listen to that commentary there as part of 
   their program there.  
   Rick's found buddhas out at the gas pumps of the larger meditating 
   community would all welcome, in the domes as old meditators?  A large 
   irony of course is that they all seem to give credit to TM along the way 
   yet by 'guideline' of the TM movement they mostly would not be welcome in 
   the domes as most have visited with other holy people, saints or gurus. 
  I have only seen one BudPump, but seek to watch more. 
  The contrast of unfettered description of change in ones inner life (kind 
  of ironic huh) from the high-tea, silk couch, victorian approach of the 
  TMO, to a more blue jeans approach of BudGas, (The greening of the TMO -- a 
  reference to another 1970ish book that had a lot of impact The Greening of 
  America by Reich) raises the question of what other different kinds of 
  change may be manifesting in people's inner and outer lives. Stuff that may 
  not be the darling spiritual catch  phrase of the moment. Stuff that may 
  not sound hot and sexy -- more mundane. 
  And parallel to my adjacent post on social change, is the change 
  accelerating? Is it manifesting in new and unexpected ways? Can there be 
  opposite, multi-varied change that is far outside the spiritual-cafe norm. 
  More spiritual or inner core outliers. Can anyone define (and limit, by 
  that definition) what inner change consists of?  
  If change is accelerating, it may be unsettling. Like a rapid build 
  construction site, if you just saw the demolition of the old site, and the 
  deep excavation of the new, you might thing something bas was happening. 
  Without seeing more of the totality, it may seem bleak.  
  Are different parts of the change related --  and if so how? Are outer 
  peoples change and pattern an pace of change related?

I just listened to the Andy Schulman interview.  Honest and cogent.  I 
also like the first three or so minutes in this Schulman-buddha 
interview as Rick describing how people might see or react to 
spiritual-ized people.  Seems a good real categorization of what one 
hears around.  Can see that kind of variation in the skepticism in 
anti-meditation/anti=spiritual response and TM-deniers on FFL too.   


  Transcendental Fairfield:
  People everywhere are undergoing a shift to an Awakened state of 
  consciousness which is transforming their understanding of 
  themselves and the world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and 
  dramatic. For others, it has been so gradual that they may not have 
  realized it has occurred. Such shifts, or awakenings, are not 
  new: Christ spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven within, Buddhists 
  speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but 
  these traditions generally regard these states as rare and 
  difficult to attain. 
  Many people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of 
  consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently 
  ordinary friends and neighbors might be experiencing something 
  extraordinary. Maybe they expect Enlightenment to look as 
  remarkable on the outside as it is reputed to be on the inside.
 This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by 
 week after week, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas Pump Blues (no more?)

2010-04-19 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I think an appropriate deeper, probing question might
 be along the lines of What has being 'the center of the
 universe' ever done for anyone except yourself? 
 There *might* be some interesting answers to this. If
 there are, *that* might interest those who care about 
 other human beings in the concept of everyday enlight-
 enment. If it's just feelgood stories, as tartbrain
 has said more eloquently than I before, I don't see
 these stories appealing to anyone who isn't Only in
 it for the self.

I don't recall characterizing them as feel good stories ( i may have -- lots of 
posts recently) -- just not so interesting for a prolonged listen. 

But on Edg's advice, I read a thread in which he engaged one of the people on 
the Pump list, and it was interesting. So I posted some questions, and the 
members have been very nice, supportive, helpful. And they have some good 
insights. So I probably sampled too few posts to draw a strong conclusion. Same 
with the video and tapes. I will give them another go in a few days or this 

Some posts may be a bit intellectual, but dome are on here are also. 

So, I have a new view of things over yonder.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  I think all of that is good. However, as stated, I have not found it very 
  interesting, yet. I have not listened as extensively as you, and there may 
  be great gems that I missed. However, others seem to be having the same 
  problem as I -- in maintaining interest. Perhaps these
  may be raw feeds that need a bit of editing -- with the whole left for 
  those that want full access. 
  And as I have suggested in several posts, some deeper probing, while 
  considerate and sensitive to the fact that these are very personal stories, 
  would be useful. For example, a Curtis type (Curtis, you are an archetype 
  already!) examining the statements in an epistimological framework would be 
  fascinating, IMO.  And, bold claims, such as I experienced being the 
  center of the universe  deserve a bit more follow-up -- not just Gee that 
  s great.
  Perhaps you can share the segments, experiences, ideas from the tapes that 
  you found most interesting.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
   For more than two weeks I have repeatedly and closely listened to the 
   BATGAP episodes via iTunes downloads via a portable iPod. The BATGAP 
   episodes are a fascinating record of the personal histories and 
   subjective perspectives of persons who have courage to publicly discuss 
   permanently established positive shifts in awareness. Here-to-fore, an 
   individual's declaration of a permanent shift in awareness called into 
   question the validity of the experience. Rick Archer and the BATGAP 
   interviewees promote egalitarian principles of experience and expression 
   of higher states of awareness. BATGAP is a vehicle for positive cultural 
   advancement by diminishing the influence of exploitive individuals and 
   hierarchical institutions that for control purposes employ excessively 
   exclusive principles of experience and expression by default and 
   discourage members' advancement. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
   steve.sundur@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
 And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way 
 into their heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry 
 While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging 
 from their words.

Hard to strike gold twice.  FFL with all it's problems has some good 
edg (edge) and gets into some interesting discussions. But I think 
you've pretty well nailed this Buddha at the Gas Pump.  And those 
interviews-I've only listened to the Foster's piece, but there wasn't 
much there to make me want to push on.  Then again, I don't have time 
to do a lot of speculative exploring.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Fairfield

2010-04-19 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  But if these people are expressing true significant shifts of consciousness 
  that would benefit humanity then Rick's project is going way beyond the 
  movement in opening them for examination.  I think either way Rick is 
  really on to something with this project.  By now we should expect people 
  living in the states Maharishi described vaguely and promised repeatedly.  
  Hearing from them is a great resource for all of us interested in 
  evaluating these claims. 
 Curtisdeltablue, well that is a large ascent in your POV.  Nice.

That section is misleading out of the full context of my post. In context it is 
not an ascent of my POV large or small.  I always keep the option open that 
someday you all who practice spiritual techniques may do or say something that 
indicates you are functioning on a higher level from the rest of us.  It just 
hasn't happened yet.  

Same thing with the God idea.  He might show up someday and insist that I get 
baptized in the Potomac and accept Jesus as my personal savior.  I'll bring my 
kayak and make a day of it on the condition that it includes a happy ending.

  Yes, I think Rick is on to something also.
  timely in its way.

Agreed.  As I said in the full context of the post there interviews are 
valuable no matter where you fall on the belief spectrum.  I think he could 
easily get some national coverage of this project if the right person checks it 
out.  I'm not so sure that the actual content of what people are saying in the 
interviews will motivate people to take up a spiritual practice but I haven't 
heard them all.  


 Is quite cool, are a lot more posted to the site now.   Rick Archer 
 obviously has been quite busy interviewing.  Is some great journalism 
  And good commentary too about spirituality. Thanks for taking the 
 time to do this Rick.  

FF Buddhas at the gas pumps.

Funny that Rick has scooped the TM movement on this.  Interviewing and 
publishing the 'awakened' this way.  These various Fairfield neighbors 
(buddhas at the gas pump) seems are all of old TM movement. 

 In the domes Bevan calls in every day to hear and commentate on 
the meditating experiences.  Has been doing that for months as his 
domain.  Those tapes available to publicly listen to?  YouTube?  Folks 
on the IA course have to stay put and listen to that commentary there 
as part of their program there.  

Rick's found buddhas out at the gas pumps of the larger meditating 
community would all welcome, in the domes as old meditators?  A large 
irony of course is that they all seem to give credit to TM along the 
way yet by 'guideline' of the TM movement they mostly would not be 
welcome in the domes as most have visited with other holy people, 
saints or gurus. 

   I have only seen one BudPump, but seek to watch more. 
   The contrast of unfettered description of change in ones inner life (kind 
   of ironic huh) from the high-tea, silk couch, victorian approach of the 
   TMO, to a more blue jeans approach of BudGas, (The greening of the TMO -- 
   a reference to another 1970ish book that had a lot of impact The 
   Greening of America by Reich) raises the question of what other 
   different kinds of change may be manifesting in people's inner and outer 
   lives. Stuff that may not be the darling spiritual catch  phrase of the 
   moment. Stuff that may not sound hot and sexy -- more mundane. 
   And parallel to my adjacent post on social change, is the change 
   accelerating? Is it manifesting in new and unexpected ways? Can there be 
   opposite, multi-varied change that is far outside the spiritual-cafe 
   norm. More spiritual or inner core outliers. Can anyone define (and 
   limit, by that definition) what inner change consists of?  
   If change is accelerating, it may be unsettling. Like a rapid build 
   construction site, if you just saw the demolition of the old site, and 
   the deep excavation of the new, you might thing something bas was 
   happening. Without seeing more of the totality, it may seem bleak.  
   Are different parts of the change related --  and if so how? Are outer 
   peoples change and pattern an pace of change related?

 I just listened to the Andy Schulman interview.  Honest and cogent.  
 I also like the first three or so minutes in this Schulman-buddha 
 interview as Rick describing how people might see or react to 
 spiritual-ized people.  Seems a good real categorization of what one 
 hears around.  Can see that kind of variation in the skepticism in 
 anti-meditation/anti=spiritual response and TM-deniers on FFL 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Names of theTranscendent

2010-04-19 Thread emptybill

Once he gets past Aristotle his statement of equivalence between
traditions is just new age amateurism. He plainly doesn't know much of
anything about the traditions he is comparing. In terms of the
philosophy of religion this is just a waste of time.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Rick started on the batgap homepage this description referencing the
cross-cultural experience of the spiritual transcendent.
  Craig Pearson enumerates this too in some of his writing:
  This same field is described everywhere in the world's great
philosophical and religious traditions. Plato refers to it as the Good
and the Beautiful. Aristotle calls it Being. For Plotinus it is the
Infinite, for St. Bernard of Clairvaux the Word, for Ralph Waldo Emerson
the Oversoul. It is referred to in Christiantity as the kingdom of
Heaven within, in Judaism as Ein Sof. The direct experience of this
transcendental field is referred to in India as Yoga, in Buddhism as
Nirvana, in Islam as fana, in Christianity as spiritual marriage. It is
a universal teaching based on a universal reality and a universal

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Names of theTranscendent

2010-04-19 Thread yifuxero
Ssssettt...wary sswweeet!  I've heard that the Eskimos have numerous 
names for Snow. The Christian references could easily have dualistic 
meanings, not necessarily the sole Gnostic interpretation.
But first one should (imo) lay the groundwork for such a discussion by stating 
the objective. Are there benefits to experiencing or realizing the Spiritual 
If so, what are the benefits?
What are the effective techniques of realizing the goal?
How long does it take?
Why should people experience the Transcendent?...as opposed to (say), spending 
time getting involved with the Tea Party Movement?
Does the Transcendent make people Happy?
Does it make them self-actualized?
How about rich?  Improve one's health?...cure diseases?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Rick started on the batgap homepage this description referencing the 
 cross-cultural experience of the spiritual transcendent.
 Craig Pearson enumerates this too in some of his writing:
 This same field is described everywhere in the world's great philosophical 
 and religious traditions. Plato refers to it as the Good and the Beautiful. 
 Aristotle calls it Being. For Plotinus it is the Infinite, for St. Bernard of 
 Clairvaux the Word, for Ralph Waldo Emerson the Oversoul. It is referred to 
 in Christiantity as the kingdom of Heaven within, in Judaism as Ein Sof. The 
 direct experience of this transcendental field is referred to in India as 
 Yoga, in Buddhism as Nirvana, in Islam as fana, in Christianity as spiritual 
 marriage. It is a universal teaching based on a universal reality and a 
 universal experience.
 Evidently is 'repeatable' in experience.  Seems scientific as it appears 
 universal across culture and time. 
 Rick writing on batgap:

People everywhere are undergoing a shift to an Awakened state of 
consciousness which is transforming their understanding of themselves 
and the world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For 
others, it has been so gradual that they may not have realized it has 
occurred. Such shifts, or awakenings, are not new: Christ spoke of 
the Kingdom of Heaven within, Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters 
of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard 
these states as rare and difficult to attain. 

Many people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of 
consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently ordinary 
friends and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary. 
Maybe they expect Enlightenment to look as remarkable on the outside as 
it is reputed to be on the inside.
   This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by week 
   after week, allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experience 
   of spiritual awakening. The terminology is tricky, because there are no 
   universally agreed upon definitions to describe this experience. Also, 
   enlightenment is not something that an individual person gets. It's not 
   even something that the mind can grasp. It's an awakening to that which 
   contains the mind and all other things. So it's not surprising that 
   language is inadequate to convey it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-19 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 I just got a letter in the mail from the Minneapolis TM center suggesting
 that I might like to announce Jerry's lecture on my blog.

Apparently Keith Wallace recently called folks to a meeting on the West Coast 
to consider the straits the TM movement is in.  Sanctioning a Jerry touring is 
likely some part of charting a hopeful rehab.  The large irony of course is 
that he has to be 'brought back' to do the reconciliation.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-19 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I just got a letter in the mail from the Minneapolis TM center suggesting
  that I might like to announce Jerry's lecture on my blog.
 Apparently Keith Wallace recently called folks to a meeting on the West Coast 
 to consider the straits the TM movement is in.  Sanctioning a Jerry touring 
 is likely some part of charting a hopeful rehab.  The large irony of course 
 is that he has to be 'brought back' to do the reconciliation.

Seems changes are coming to the TMO. Maybe a return to the feel of the 
mid-70's.   I think Rajaism may go, be swept under the rug since it is so 
weird.  Changes to make TM more mainstream  seem to be  inching in - reducing 
the price, Jerry tours,  TM higherups attend healings by healers, measuring the 
brainwaves of non TM healers at MUM, asking Rick to publicize Jerry. Each of 
these would have been shocking, shocking just 3 years ago. 

If Tm is in straits now, and Judith's book rings true, it may take a  toll on 
the TMO as people get really upset or at least filled with doubts.

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