[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
already mentally ill person to become more so. But
it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 

I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
those who have been sucked into his web will actually
learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
for trying. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows lordknows888@... wrote:

 Dear Robin,
 I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
 group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
 ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
 vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
 close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
 declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
 human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice 
 cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only 
 concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her 
 belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly 
 fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, about 15 members 
 of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in this and many other 
 heartless atrocities that took place over the years I was
  associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of 
 an ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after 
 being brutally confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected from the 
 cult with great scorn. This was the standard operating procedure and happened 
 to many others over the years. 
 Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you the 
 the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate value 
 of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of Christianity?  I 
 would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for the harm you had 
 done to so many people, the last thing you would have wanted to do is to give 
 into the temptation to represent yourself as an authority capable of passing 
 judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well as in some instances making 
 harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin you were never enlightened 
 nothing could be more obvious. The biographies of enlightened teachers down 
 through time are filled with stories of their extraordinary love, compassion 
 and sacrifice in being of profound service to their followers. Yours is a 
 record of extraordinary abuse done to your followers. I care not a whit for 
 your  experience of enlightenment it is all words,
  words, words. You did not walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my 
 opinion you were someone who was mentally unbalanced who had a very expansive 
 spiritual experience whose ego appropriated it instantly and you ran with it. 
 You have natural gifts of intellect and charisma which made it possible for 
 you to attract a small group around you who fell for it hook, line, and 
 sinker. The center piece of your unique revelations as an enlightened man 
 was the imperative to confront your followers in order to expose the demonic 
 and then expel it. Where in the biographies of enlightened sages do you find 
 this method being used to enlighten the disciples? The idea that you were  
 faithful and true to Maharishi and his teaching is pure fiction that lives on 
 in your mind and your mind alone.   
  To put into perspective and accurate chronology your revelation about the 
 Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you told the group that the 
 the mantras we received through TM were the names of demons or fallen angels. 
 It did not come years later after you had purged yourself of your supposed 
 enlightenment.It was while you were still in a self admitted deeply 
 disturbed state that you received this truth, and not as you have 
 represented here as coming years later. In fact at the time this revelation 
 came to you, you also  believed that your wife was the incarnation of the 
 devil and that Jewish people were evil. This was the nature of your very 
 disturbed mind when you had the revelation that the whole Eastern spiritual 
 tradition was satanic.   
 The one new conclusion that you have offered here on FFL is that the 
 Christian tradition and most significantly the Catholic tradition no longer 
 has any spiritual substance whatsoever and has not since the bombing by the 
 Allies of the monastery of Monte Cassino (1945) during World War II. A very 
 strange and eccentric theory, which is at odds with the example of Mother 

[FairfieldLife] Word!

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb



[FairfieldLife] Information on Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb


Narcissism, as in excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's
physical appearance.  noun (See egotism) definition:

• Psychology; extreme selfishness, with a  grandiose view of one's
own talents and a craving for admiration, as  characterizing a
personality type.

• Psychoanalysis;  self-centeredness arising from failure to
distinguish the self from  external objects, either in very young babies
or as a feature of mental  disorder.

Someone with Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPD) has at least 5 of
these symptoms:

*  has a grandiose  sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates
achievements and talents,  expects to be recognized as superior without
commensurate achievements)
*  is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
*  believes that he or she is special and  unique and can only be
understood by, or should associate with, other  special or high-status
people (or institutions)
*  requires excessive admiration
*  has a sense of entitlement, i.e.,  unreasonable expectations of
especially favorable treatment or automatic  compliance with his or her
*  is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others
to achieve his or her own ends
*  lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
*  is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of
him or her
*  shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Associated Features: Depressed Mood, Dramatic or Erratic or Antisocial

Differential Diagnosis. Not everyone who acts like a narcissist is one.

Some disorders have similar or even the same symptoms such as:

Histrionic  Personality Disorder;
 Antisocial Personality
Borderline  Personality Disorder;

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality  Disorder;
S chizotypal
Personality Disorder;
 Paranoid Personality  Disorder;

Manic Episodes;
 Hypomanic Episodes;
 Personality Change Due
to a  General Medical Condition;
 Symptoms that may develop in
association  with chronic substance use.

Psychology Today: A Field Guide To Narcissism Link

Here are some more signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder to look
out for:

* Jealousy and possessiveness
* Excessive need to feel special, adored, loved, appreciated, or
* Rage attacks when you do not sufficiently meet his/her needs
* Controlling behaviors (trying to control how you spend your time,
who you talk to, how you dress, etc.)
* Inflated self-esteem, or grandiosity (bragging, fishing for
* Dramatic, insecure behaviors
* Expecting you to take responsibility for making him/her feel better
about him/herself
* Blaming you for behaviors or feelings (i.e., YOU made me do this,
or YOU made me feel this way.)
* Not taking responsibility for angry behavior and justifying angry
* An attitude that demonstrates the world  revolves around me and
you need to cater to my ideas, opinions,  thoughts, and feelings.
* An unwillingness to reflect on his/her own behaviors

Half the harm that is done in this world
Is due to people who want to feel important
They don't mean to do harm ­
But the harm does not interest them.
Or they do not see it, or they justify it
Because they are absorbed in the endless struggle
To think well of themselves.

T. S. Eliot

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt just can't help himself

2012-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 This has been making the rounds for quite some time (since
 February, in fact). It's a Photoshop job. Here's the original
 AP photo:

Not the first time the Turq posts photoshopjobs here as if they are originals 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt just can't help himself

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  This has been making the rounds for quite some time (since
  February, in fact). It's a Photoshop job. Here's the original
  AP photo:
 Not the first time the Turq posts photoshopjobs here as if 
 they are originals ...

Nabby seems to be forgetting that only yesterday he 
weighed in as the photography expert he claims to
be and said that this photo was *not* Photoshopped.  :-)

I can only assume that his faulty memory is caused
by the same unreasoning hatred and need to get
critics of TM and Maharishi as the resident cult 
apologist. We should have compassion; its a disease.

Photoshopped or not, it's funny, and an accurate
portrayal of the man and what he stands for. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Vaj
This would make an excellent starting point for a RWC and WTS FAQ, in my 
opinion. It’s the bitch-slap of enlightened insight.

Thanks for taking the time, effort and emotional digging it took to write this. 
And ditto on wishing RWC the best - think of it as a ‘shirts off bear hug' R. 

On Aug 6, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Lord Knows lordknows...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Dear Robin,
 I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
 group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
 ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
 vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
 close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
 declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
 human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice 
 cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only 
 concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her 
 belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly 
 fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, about 15 members 
 of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in this and many other 
 heartless atrocities that took place over the years I was associated with 
 you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of an ultimate 
 pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after being brutally 
 confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected from the cult with great 
 scorn. This was the standard operating procedure and happened to many others 
 over the years. 
 Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you the 
 the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate value 
 of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of Christianity?  I 
 would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for the harm you had 
 done to so many people, the last thing you would have wanted to do is to give 
 into the temptation to represent yourself as an authority capable of passing 
 judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well as in some instances making 
 harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin you were never enlightened 
 nothing could be more obvious. The biographies of enlightened teachers down 
 through time are filled with stories of their extraordinary love, compassion 
 and sacrifice in being of profound service to their followers. Yours is a 
 record of extraordinary abuse done to your followers. I care not a whit for 
 your  experience of enlightenment it is all words, words, words. You did not 
 walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my opinion you were someone who 
 was mentally unbalanced who had a very expansive spiritual experience whose 
 ego appropriated it instantly and you ran with it. You have natural gifts of 
 intellect and charisma which made it possible for you to attract a small 
 group around you who fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The center piece of 
 your unique revelations as an enlightened man was the imperative to 
 confront your followers in order to expose the demonic and then expel it. 
 Where in the biographies of enlightened sages do you find this method being 
 used to enlighten the disciples? The idea that you were  faithful and true to 
 Maharishi and his teaching is pure fiction that lives on in your mind and 
 your mind alone.   
  To put into perspective and accurate chronology your revelation about the 
 Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you told the group that the 
 the mantras we received through TM were the names of demons or fallen angels. 
 It did not come years later after you had purged yourself of your supposed 
 enlightenment.It was while you were still in a self admitted deeply 
 disturbed state that you received this truth, and not as you have 
 represented here as coming years later. In fact at the time this revelation 
 came to you, you also  believed that your wife was the incarnation of the 
 devil and that Jewish people were evil. This was the nature of your very 
 disturbed mind when you had the revelation that the whole Eastern spiritual 
 tradition was satanic.   
 The one new conclusion that you have offered here on FFL is that the 
 Christian tradition and most significantly the Catholic tradition no longer 
 has any spiritual substance whatsoever and has not since the bombing by the 
 Allies of the monastery of Monte Cassino (1945) during World War II. A very 
 strange and eccentric theory, which is at odds with the example of Mother 
 Teresa's life (1910-1997) and also that of saint Padre Pio (1887-1968), to 
 give just two prominent examples. 
 Robin your record of accuracy on your grand theories and insights is abysmal. 
 A pharmacy student in college is allowed only 3 occasions of lethal errors in 
 making up prescriptions before 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

2012-08-07 Thread merudanda
got the joy of living and re-living



  got the fun of sharing [:D]


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/05/2012 10:34 PM, John wrote:

 I watched it on NASA TV but kept thinking it almost looked staged.
 Hollywood couldn't have done it better.  Now for them to find an
 artifact and hope they still show it to us.  There are some things
 there from previous pictures that even NASA doesn't know what to make
 of.  They don't look natural.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread cardemaister
Wonder if there could be even the remotest of possibilities
that the entities Robin and Lordknows occupy(?) exactly the
same space-time coordinates... ;D

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 This would make an excellent starting point for a RWC and WTS FAQ, in my 
 opinion. It's the bitch-slap of enlightened insight.
 Thanks for taking the time, effort and emotional digging it took to write 
 this. And ditto on wishing RWC the best - think of it as a `shirts off bear 
 hug' R. :-).
 On Aug 6, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Lord Knows lordknows888@... wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in 
  the group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread feste37

I have never been a spiritual leader, or a leader of any kind, so I have never 
had followers. My task has been different. In that respect, there may well be 
legions of girlfriends, semi-girlfriends, sort-of girlfriends from way back in 
the 1980s who if they wanted to might well be able to write a screed here on 
FFL about what a jerk I was in those days. And maybe they would be right. But 
we all work on our stuff, and we are not the same people we were. We improve. 
We learn things. And what counts is not so much what we did but what we are 
now. Best to you, Robin. I hope you continue to post here because I enjoy your 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Lord Knows,
 I don't think it is possible to answer to your accusations here and even try 
 to dispute your account of those years you knew me. I am not the person you 
 depict in your indictment of me. Those who know me best (including persons 
 who were there at the beginning, some 35 years ago, and remain in close 
 contact with me even now) know me as I am. They would not agree with your 
 assessment of my character or my motivation. And they would, in your 
 presence, claim to have a more profound understanding of me than is revealed 
 by what you say about me in your post at FFL. If your judgment is the correct 
 one, there will have to be a consensus about this. And if someone who has 
 known me through these last twenty-five years believes your judgment of me is 
 essentially false, you will have to consider that as contradicting what you 
 so sincerely believe is the truth about me. I certainly am not prepared to 
 defend anything I did during those ten years when I was 
 enlightened--certainly not the incidents you cite in your case against me. 
 But that you have got the person Robin in your sights in a way which is 
 meaningfully related to who I am, there is where I believe you are very much 
 I cannot and will not attempt to justify my actions while I was enlightened, 
 but in terms of where I have come since then I do not recognize myself in 
 your portrayal of me here. And either would anyone who has known me through 
 this past quarter of a century. I can never hope to challenge your 
 interpretation of me based upon the evidence you present here during that 
 time you knew me; but in my conscience and in my soul my conviction of the 
 wrongness of your estimation of me now compels me to protest the unfairness, 
 the inaccuracy, and the unnaturalness of your analysis of me. The person 
 Robin is not who you would have me be. I am not that person.
 In speaking about Eastern or Western traditions I am merely exercising my 
 free speech and what I have to say is based upon my own personal history, my 
 reading, and my sense of what is true. I am not seeking for anyone to follow 
 me, and I doubt that anyone on this forum feels in any way that I am not 
 playing by the rules.
 Of course you are entitled to your extremely severe appraisal of my sanity 
 and my integrity; and if you are essentially right about me, it is indeed a 
 terrible thing for me to believe, as I do certainly believe, that you are 
 prejudiced and blind in the damning conclusion you have reached about the 
 person that I am. Now.
 Only good, however, can come from someone who speaks as you have spoken, and 
 who has laid out the case against me in the way that you have. I suppose it 
 was inevitable that this would happen. And I am glad it has. In the end it 
 will be what the Creator makes of all this that counts, and I hope that he 
 sees things more from my perspective than from your perspective. I will pray 
 for you, as you evidently have already prayed for me.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows lordknows888@ wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in 
  the group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
  ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have 
  a vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
  close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
  declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
  human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with 
  ice cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, 
  your only concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items 
  from her belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a 
  horrible ugly fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, 
  about 15 members of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in 
  this and many other heartless atrocities that took place over the years I 
   associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end 
  of an ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt just can't help himself

2012-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   This has been making the rounds for quite some time (since
   February, in fact). It's a Photoshop job. Here's the original
   AP photo:
  Not the first time the Turq posts photoshopjobs here as if 
  they are originals ...
 Nabby seems to be forgetting that only yesterday he 
 weighed in as the photography expert he claims to
 be and said that this photo was *not* Photoshopped.  :-)

That's right, but I didn't study it in photoshop. If I did I would probably 
have discovered it was doctored, just like the many other pictures you have 
posted here over the years :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
 past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
 to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
 already mentally ill person to become more so. But
 it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
 here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
 I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
 of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
 those who have been sucked into his web will actually
 learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
 attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
 for trying. 

Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for Lordknows, given 
what you went through all those years ago, I think your post was not only 
informative and accurate and insightful, but rather generous to Robin.   He had 
and has apparently incredible charisma, intellect and ability to attract 
people.  I , too wish him well in dealing with such a combination of 
characteristics. Glad you made it out and away and on to your life.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows lordknows888@ wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in 
  the group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
  ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have 
  a vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
  close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
  declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
  human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with 
  ice cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, 
  your only concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items 
  from her belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a 
  horrible ugly fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, 
  about 15 members of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in 
  this and many other heartless atrocities that took place over the years I 
   associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end 
  of an ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and 
  after being brutally confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected 
  from the cult with great scorn. This was the standard operating procedure 
  and happened to many others over the years. 
  Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you 
  the the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate 
  value of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of 
  Christianity?  I would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for 
  the harm you had done to so many people, the last thing you would have 
  wanted to do is to give into the temptation to represent yourself as an 
  authority capable of passing judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well 
  as in some instances making harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin 
  you were never enlightened nothing could be more obvious. The biographies 
  of enlightened teachers down through time are filled with stories of their 
  extraordinary love, compassion and sacrifice in being of profound service 
  to their followers. Yours is a record of extraordinary abuse done to your 
  followers. I care not a whit for your  experience of enlightenment it is 
  all words,
   words, words. You did not walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my 
  opinion you were someone who was mentally unbalanced who had a very 
  expansive spiritual experience whose ego appropriated it instantly and you 
  ran with it. You have natural gifts of intellect and charisma which made it 
  possible for you to attract a small group around you who fell for it hook, 
  line, and sinker. The center piece of your unique revelations as an 
  enlightened man was the imperative to confront your followers in order to 
  expose the demonic and then expel it. Where in the biographies of 
  enlightened sages do you find this method being used to enlighten the 
  disciples? The idea that you were  faithful and true to Maharishi and his 
  teaching is pure fiction that lives on in your mind and your mind 
   To put into perspective and accurate chronology your revelation about 
  the Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you told the group 
  that the the mantras we received through TM were the names of demons or 
  fallen angels. It did not come years later after you had purged yourself of 
  your supposed enlightenment.It was while you were still in a self 
  admitted deeply disturbed state that you received this truth, and not as 
  you have represented here as coming years later. In fact at the time this 
  revelation came to you, you also  believed that your 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

2012-08-07 Thread Share Long
thank you so much for these.  Links previously posted had sound only.

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 7:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

got the joy of living and re-living



 got the fun of sharing


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/05/2012 10:34 PM, John wrote:
 I watched it on NASA TV but kept thinking it almost looked staged. 
 Hollywood couldn't have done it better.  Now for them to find an 
 artifact and hope they still show it to us.  There are some things up 
 there from previous pictures that even NASA doesn't know what to make 
 of.  They don't look natural.


[FairfieldLife] Nok has gone nuts??

2012-08-07 Thread cardemaister

Nokia 888 (ROFLMAO!)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Share Long
Thank you feste for this, its clarity and compassion.  I'd add only that if we 
have made mistakes that contributed, in the Marshall Rosenberg Non Violent 
Communication sense, to the pain of others, we can offer to make amends.  In my 
experience, that sets the healing in motion.  For all concerned.  I think it's 
big in 12 Steps too.

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / 
umasking the zebra


I have never been a spiritual leader, or a leader of any kind, so I have never 
had followers. My task has been different. In that respect, there may well be 
legions of girlfriends, semi-girlfriends, sort-of girlfriends from way back in 
the 1980s who if they wanted to might well be able to write a screed here on 
FFL about what a jerk I was in those days. And maybe they would be right. But 
we all work on our stuff, and we are not the same people we were. We improve. 
We learn things. And what counts is not so much what we did but what we are 
now. Best to you, Robin. I hope you continue to post here because I enjoy your 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Lord Knows,
 I don't think it is possible to answer to your accusations here and even try 
 to dispute your account of those years you knew me. I am not the person you 
 depict in your indictment of me. Those who know me best (including persons 
 who were there at the beginning, some 35 years ago, and remain in close 
 contact with me even now) know me as I am. They would not agree with your 
 assessment of my character or my motivation. And they would, in your 
 presence, claim to have a more profound understanding of me than is revealed 
 by what you say about me in your post at FFL. If your judgment is the correct 
 one, there will have to be a consensus about this. And if someone who has 
 known me through these last twenty-five years believes your judgment of me is 
 essentially false, you will have to consider that as contradicting what you 
 so sincerely believe is the truth about me. I certainly am not prepared to 
 defend anything I did during those ten years when I was
 enlightened--certainly not the incidents you cite in your case against me. But 
that you have got the person Robin in your sights in a way which is 
meaningfully related to who I am, there is where I believe you are very much 
 I cannot and will not attempt to justify my actions while I was enlightened, 
 but in terms of where I have come since then I do not recognize myself in 
 your portrayal of me here. And either would anyone who has known me through 
 this past quarter of a century. I can never hope to challenge your 
 interpretation of me based upon the evidence you present here during that 
 time you knew me; but in my conscience and in my soul my conviction of the 
 wrongness of your estimation of me now compels me to protest the unfairness, 
 the inaccuracy, and the unnaturalness of your analysis of me. The person 
 Robin is not who you would have me be. I am not that person.
 In speaking about Eastern or Western traditions I am merely exercising my 
 free speech and what I have to say is based upon my own personal history, my 
 reading, and my sense of what is true. I am not seeking for anyone to follow 
 me, and I doubt that anyone on this forum feels in any way that I am not 
 playing by the rules.
 Of course you are entitled to your extremely severe appraisal of my sanity 
 and my integrity; and if you are essentially right about me, it is indeed a 
 terrible thing for me to believe, as I do certainly believe, that you are 
 prejudiced and blind in the damning conclusion you have reached about the 
 person that I am. Now.
 Only good, however, can come from someone who speaks as you have spoken, and 
 who has laid out the case against me in the way that you have. I suppose it 
 was inevitable that this would happen. And I am glad it has. In the end it 
 will be what the Creator makes of all this that counts, and I hope that he 
 sees things more from my perspective than from your perspective. I will pray 
 for you, as you evidently have already prayed for me.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows lordknows888@ wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in 
  the group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
  ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have 
  a vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
  close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
  declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
  human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with 
  ice cold 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:
 On Aug 7, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Seraphita wrote:
  I only learned of the existence of Robin Carlsen when I read  
  Suzanne Segal's memoir Collision with the Infinite (she called
  him Robert Peterson in the text) which included a brief
  account of her troubling encounter with his cult.
  Being curious about TM heretics-cum-rebels I was wondering if  
  anyone has any photos of the Victoria community back in the 
  1980s they could post on FFL.
  Lord Knows? Masked Zebra?
 It's been requested in the past that such photos not be
 shared publicly because of privacy concerns for those
 involved, esp. since many now have children, etc.

As Vaj was told when he posted a photo of Robin and his
group in Fairfield awhile back. These were concerns Robin
himself voiced here. Interesting that Vaj doesn't mention
this. Notice the passive voice: It's been requested...

Of course, privacy concerns didn't appear to bother Vaj
when he subsequently threatened to post video of Robin's
seminars on YouTube:

Well, I try to be sensitive to the fact that this whole
thing has to have been very traumatic for R.

It's amazing that none of the video has been leaked yet, but
that's really just a matter of converting the old analog video
to digital and we could have them up on YouTube quickly
thereafter. The pathology of supposed higher states of
consciousness - meditative disease -  is a new field really,
and I think video documentation could go a long way to helping jumpstart that 
field, potentially preventing suffering from
faux meditative lineages like Mahesh  Co.

Yes, Vaj is obviously the most sensitive of individuals,
isn't he?

 It would be interesting if you'd share what Segal found
 troubling with RWC and the WTS - perhaps an excerpt or two?

Says Vaj, demonstrating his great sensitivity once again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
  past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
  to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
  already mentally ill person to become more so. But
  it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
  here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
  I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
  of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
  those who have been sucked into his web will actually
  learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
  attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
  for trying. 
 Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for
 Lordknows, given what you went through all those years ago, I
 think your post was not only informative and accurate and 
 insightful, but rather generous to Robin.

Generous to Robin? This is a joke, right? You don't
really think how Lord Knows has characterized Robin's
activities on FFL bears any resemblance to the reality,
do you? You're *agreeing* with Barry that Robin is
sucking people into his web?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
I was in the midst of replying to one of Robin's post to me, though work and 
events for me tend to put things on a hiatus from time to time. A number of 
things you have said here resonate with some of what I was going to say, but 
this post of yours is far more succinct and direct, and, I dare say, eloquent 
than what I could have produced, and also much clearer in delineating the 
issues. And you seem to have the advantage of knowing Robin, unlike me.

Most of the accounts of enlightenment and awaking I have encountered, including 
my own experiences give the distinct impression that this experience normally 
takes persons completely by surprise, and takes them aback in a way that leaves 
them essentially speechless, for it pulls the rug out from under one's beliefs 
and expectations.

I had been thinking of the analogy of American football, taking the ball and 
running with it, as you put it here before I even wrote it down. Robin 
definitely had an experience, but it does not appear to have shaken his world 
to its roots; instead he seems to have instantly taken it in hand rather than 
spending years afterward attempting to make sense of the insensible as other 
teachers have done. There is a gestation period of consolidation and growth in 
which one is certainly not ready to teach anything; one in fact may never teach 
anything at all and just choose to live quietly with it away from the eyes of 
the world.

Also the integrative experience is just that, one sees the commonality of 
spiritual traditions with a tendency to prune off the accumulated distractions 
of history and subsequent interpretation. That Robin maintains an essentially 
dualistic stance is an indication he did not experience true unity. I would say 
he had the experience of an ego having a unity-like experience. If he had 
experienced actual unity, he could not have undone it. One cannot really say 'I 
experience unity', there is just unity, and no one to observe it.

This post of yours was an especial treat. You could add a lot of value to this 
forum, should you choose to continue to post here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Lord Knows lordknows888@... wrote:
 Dear Robin,
 I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
 group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
 ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
 vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
 close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
 declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
 human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice 
 cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only 
 concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her 
 belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly 
 fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, about 15 members 
 of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in this and many other 
 heartless atrocities that took place over the years I was
  associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of 
 an ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after 
 being brutally confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected from the 
 cult with great scorn. This was the standard operating procedure and happened 
 to many others over the years. 
 Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you the 
 the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate value 
 of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of Christianity?  I 
 would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for the harm you had 
 done to so many people, the last thing you would have wanted to do is to give 
 into the temptation to represent yourself as an authority capable of passing 
 judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well as in some instances making 
 harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin you were never enlightened 
 nothing could be more obvious. The biographies of enlightened teachers down 
 through time are filled with stories of their extraordinary love, compassion 
 and sacrifice in being of profound service to their followers. Yours is a 
 record of extraordinary abuse done to your followers. I care not a whit for 
 your  experience of enlightenment it is all words,
  words, words. You did not walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my 
 opinion you were someone who was mentally unbalanced who had a very expansive 
 spiritual experience whose ego appropriated it instantly and you ran with it. 
 You have natural gifts of intellect and charisma which made it possible for 
 you to attract a small group around you who fell for it hook, line, and 
 sinker. The center piece of your unique revelations as an enlightened man 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great Stupa of Tibetan Buddhism, Ketut too (-:

2012-08-07 Thread Share Long
Good morning again, RC
It could be that we are expressing the very wide difference between masculine 
and feminine in these matters.  Indeed the practice Marnia Robinson suggests 
seems as if it would be quite challenging for males.  Thus the Taoist practices 
seem more realistic, compassionate and healthy for both masculine and feminine.

The other difference I sense we are expressing is that between East and West, 
the latter having been much more imbued with the spirit matter split I've 
written about in other posts.  I have turned from the epitome of that resulting 
ignorance, the Catholic Church.  Whereas you seem to be at least intrigued by 
the ideas on sexuality the Church both professes and attempts to enforce.

I readily admit that I could be wrong and deluded about all this.  However, I'm 
willing to take that chance in order to again experience that sex can indeed 
lead one to God.  If only momentarily.

PS  We have switched places Ghazali and I am cheering for you as you walk that 
high wire across Niagara Falls.  Being the Gemini I am I had already integrated 
many divergent points of view of you into my awareness.  So, no surprises. 

It's tricky when someone is so brilliant especially with words.  Others can 
come to distrust the sincerity of the words.  And to state the obvious, here on 
FFL we are limited to words.  None of us know you now as you are in 3D day to 
day life.  I rely on my own felt sense to grok the truth of what your words 
express.  Willing to take a chance on that too (-:  

 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 12:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great Stupa of Tibetan Buddhism, Ketut too (-:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

Share1: Marnia Robinson writes:  Take, for example, the ancient Tibetan 
Buddhist myth, The Great Stupa.  It confirms that passion is indeed the reason 
for mankind's fallen state, and says there are three paths to liberation:

~the overcoming of passion through renunciation
~the neutralization of passion by pouring all one's energy into selfless service
~the conquering of passion through controlled indulgence.  That is, using sex 
itself in such a way as to transcend passion's treacherous downward suction.

It says that the third path is the fastest and most powerful path, although 
also the easiest one to fall from...until one masters it.

Robin1: I think this just BS, Share. There is no spiritual path that entails 
sex or abstinence from sex: celibacy. Controlled indulgence--any being with 
the intelligence to know how susceptible we all are to the power of this 
reality inside our bodies, knows this is just plain ridiculous. 'Mastering' 
controlled indulgence--this is the most absurd and ludicrous idea I think I 
may have heard when it comes to traditional idea of spirituality, Share. 
Beautifully sincere, but hopelessly naive.

Look: here is where I come out on all this. I believe that only the grace of 
the Personal God can make of celibacy something real, creative, strong, holy. 
Without that grace, all you have is will power and some religious idea of how 
good and necessary it is to be abstain from sexual activity. 

The sexual drive in human beings, Share--unless it has simply just attenuated 
because of age, or just doesn't assert itself for some unknown reason--always 
conquers the individual person. One can only do one's best to act with 
integrity in this matter. But turning sex into some kind of path of truth, that 
is just a hoot.

Don't you see, Share, for this to be true would mean that encountering the 
methodology and teaching of Marnia Robinson *would be to encounter something 
more powerful, or potentially more powerful, than sexual desire*. That can't 
happen. The reality and power of sexuality is something *no human being in my 
lifetime* has ever mastered--mastered here means, having more control over and 
intelligence about than what the sensation of sexuality presents to us. *We 
cannot truly command this aspect of ourselves as human beings without the grace 
given to us by the author of sexuality* (before the Fall).

I have never seen a single human being, Share, who I intuitively knew: *This 
person knows more about his or her sexuality, what it is, how it acts within 
him or her, how it can be put it inside a context such as to make it submit 
itself to that person's will--than the power of this reality to determine that 
person's experience*.

Marnia Robinson: The myth, which is very old, predicted there would come a time 
when the unstable energies produced by increased indulgence in passion would 
create chaos at both seen and unseen levels across the globe.  The first two 
paths, celibacy and compassionate service to others, would no longer open the 
door to enlightenment, though they would remain useful spiritual disciplines.  
Why?  Because general 

[FairfieldLife] Things We Know More About Than Romney's Tax Returns

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
Fascinating bits of trivia in their own right, but I 
love HuffPost's title for the slide show at:


Things we know more about than a Presidential candidate's
tax returns include King Tut's penis, the secret forumula
for Coca-Cola, Area 51, The God Particle, and dinosaur sex.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread laughinggull108

Seraphita, your message sparked my curiosity regarding Suzanne Segal and
her memoir Collision with the Infinite (what a great title!), and some
Googling brought up a couple of links that may be of interest to some of
the readers here at FFL:

http://www.nonduality.com/suzanne.htm  (Robin, under Part 6, this
passage caught my eye: Segal, had she lived and integrated her vastness
'body' with the physical/emotional/mental/spiritual body, may have
composed something like that which Adi Da composed below. Segal could
only speak of the vastness; she had not yet made the return journey,
that Adi Da speaks of, back to the body, back to unenlightenment.)

http://www.spiritualteachers.org/suzanne_segal.htm  (link at bottom to
an interview several months before her death.)

I found it very interesting reading.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Seraphita s3raphita@... wrote:

 I only learned of the existence of Robin Carlsen when I read Suzanne
 Segal's memoir Collision with the Infinite (she called him Robert
 Peterson in the text) which included a brief account of her troubling
 encounter with his cult.
 Being curious about TM heretics-cum-rebels I was wondering if anyone
 any photos of the Victoria community back in the 1980s they could post
 on FFL.
 Lord Knows? Masked Zebra?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
   past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
   to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
   already mentally ill person to become more so. But
   it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
   here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
   I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
   of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
   those who have been sucked into his web will actually
   learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
   attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
   for trying. 
  Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for
  Lordknows, given what you went through all those years ago, I
  think your post was not only informative and accurate and 
  insightful, but rather generous to Robin.
 Generous to Robin? This is a joke, right?

Not at all a joke. LordKnows paid for a healing ceremony for Robin, and clearly 
stated Robin's gifts in addition to the problems.  

 really think how Lord Knows has characterized Robin's
 activities on FFL bears any resemblance to the reality,
 do you? 

In my opinion it sounds pretty accurate, and like a horrible experience.

You're *agreeing* with Barry that Robin is
 sucking people into his web?

I think Robin is brilliant and working things out about himself and his beliefs 
- and can still be very powerful with words and ideas.  His style of thinking 
and writing are unusual and make me uncomfortable - almost mersmerizing.  I 
have said this before here, and to Robin hmself.  I think he is powerful, 
without intending to do anything negative to others.  He just has incredible 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
 past, I don't interact with Robin

Interesting phrase considering how Barry has behaved
toward Robin.

For those who weren't here or don't recall, Barry's
first interactions with Robin were actually rather
friendly on both sides. But then when Robin had been
on FFL for about a week, Barry made a post that began:

MZ, here's a free clue to explain to you why I got no more
than two sentences into the self-serving drivel below: I
stories you tell others and yourself about your experiences
and what you think they mean or meant) obviously are
very important to YOU, because you just won't STFU about
them. All these years later and you still won't STFU about

This was a comment on a post Robin had made to Rick (not
to Barry) in response to Rick having questioned what Robin
had said about his enlightenment. As far as Barry was
concerned, it was inappropriate for Robin to describe his
experience in the face of Rick's challenge because Barry
wasn't interested in it.

Robin responded to Barry's attack with one of his irony
posts. From then on, Barry has continued to attack Robin
unrelentingly in posts to others. That's how he can say
he doesn't interact with Robin.

 because I believe
 to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
 already mentally ill person to become more so.

Right. But repeated vicious gratuitous, attacks on
such a person would definitely be helpful, I'm sure
we can all agree.

Oh, forgot to mention, while he's attacking Robin, Barry
brags over and over that he doesn't read any of Robin's

That must be why he gets so much of what he says about
Robin dead wrong.

 it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
 here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
 I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
 of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
 those who have been sucked into his web will actually
 learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
 attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
 for trying. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread merudanda
Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit (...)?
sit nomen Domini benedictum

and at a  far and forlorn  beach
merumaid fluttered with his wings
  in Job's morning cup
for the flagrance of a long forlorn flower

the hand and arm
who held this empty cup
holds a kite to surf
  with stench of sweat
the boat's in the sky

and  again
merumaid fluttered with his wings
feeling free
  when carried by the winds

Iob 1, 21
Nudus egressus sum
de utero matris meae
et nudus revertar illuc...
sit nomen Domini benedictum

Thanks for taking the time,...
good night
a night in rain storm and lightening
sleep well,
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
He had made me enlightened; I still acted as if he were my Master.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen
Dear Lord Knows,

There is something else which you must bear in mind in wondering how I received 
your categorical judgment of my sanity, my character, and my actions. It is 
this, Lord Knows: that I believe that the truth about those ten years, about my 
behaviour, about my enlightenment, about the pain and terror I created in the 
souls of other human beings, the matter of free will versus cosmic will--that 
all this is being discussed here inside what I believe is a context of reality 
where that reality--what created us, what created the universe, what created 
your first person subjective sense of yourself, what created even your ability 
to write that post--and for me to respond to it--will pass judgment (perhaps 
only silently within itself) on Robin Carlsen, and the extent to which you have 
represented the truth of those ten years.

I am keenly sensitive, then, Lord Knows, to those cues from within your 
post--and how you will act in response to the various rebuttals that have been 
directed towards you since you posted your letter--which would indicate--beyond 
what you yourself are identified with as the truth of this matter--reality's 
verdict here. In other words, Lord Knows--this is so important for you to grasp 
if you are sincere in wanting everyone to know the truth,--despite being the 
object of your castigation and damnation, I am still seeking to embrace the 
truth of those ten years. I have been dedicated to this very purpose for the 
past twenty-five years.

What this comes down to, Lord Knows, is that you must not let my own desire to 
know and to be responsible for the truth of my actions and all that happened 
during those ten years because of the assumption of my enlightenment, overtake 
and surpass your own honest and sincere determination to get the truth out. My 
philosophy asks this of me; that is, to recognize there may be more reality and 
truth inside the consciousness and point of view of another person than myself.

This, after all, is what got me launched on this self-rehabilitation project of 
the past twenty-five years. Someone demonstrating a more accurate perception of 
me than I had of myself. The beginning of the showdown: that I was gravely 
deceived about who I was and of course about the human normalcy of my 

Now if you do not depend only on the truth of your experience, and, in the face 
of challenges to the final validity or definitiveness of that experience, 
become defensive and evasive and belligerent in the presence of the 
complexities and contradictions of this whole affair, then I shall have to 
conclude that, in the end, you are not that sure of your judgment, you are not 
that sure of your sincerity, and you are not willing to go to where you must go 
in order to know with a sense of conviction and courage that all that you say 
in your post--and perhaps future posts--is 'true'.

Because if you are right in what you have said about me, in the kind of person 
I really am (unchanged from what I was when you knew me), that I am mentally 
ill, deluded, and simply plain wrong, then you will trust in the objectivity 
and truthfulness of your testimony--without the need for any personal venom or 
hatred or irrationality to come into what you write. This at least--perhaps 
this is a simplification of reality--is how I understand the means to measure 
the truth of what you have said, what you are going to say, about me. *Reality 
and truth will do the work for you, Lord Knows*.

I will then, declare that I hold myself to that standard of truth whereby I 
utterly trust reality to make its judgment of me known to me--even through you. 
But if I sense reality's refusal to go along with your judgment of me--at least 
to some extent--then I shall pay attention to this, because this, after 
all--and I know this is a point of much bitterness and condemnation for 
you--this is how my philosophy 'works': I seek the moral and metaphysical and 
aesthetic cues within the subjectivity of another person which will enable 
me--if we are arguing about matters where there is some dispute--to know the 
extent to which reality is getting behind that subjectivity, and the extent to 
which, because reality is not getting behind that subjectivity, that 
subjectivity must make up for this, by becoming more strident, more bellicose, 
more defensive, more isolated.

If we take your post as corresponding pretty much to the truth about Robin 
Carlsen then it must follow that anything which is said, which has been said, 
which will be said, contra your judgment of me, will be received by you within 
a context wherein your experience is supported by reality (even if you are 
unaware of this support, I assure you, reality will be present in your words, 
in your point of view). And I would like to feel this, Lord Knows. I believe I 
am entitled to feel this--as are the readers on this forum.

And should I find myself on the defensive, and preferring to adhere to notions 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
already mentally ill person to become more so. But
it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 

I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
those who have been sucked into his web will actually
learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
for trying. 
   Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for
   Lordknows, given what you went through all those years ago, I
   think your post was not only informative and accurate and 
   insightful, but rather generous to Robin.
  Generous to Robin? This is a joke, right?
 Not at all a joke. LordKnows paid for a healing ceremony
 for Robin, and clearly stated Robin's gifts in addition to
 the problems.

As I went on to make clear, I'm asking whether you truly
believe LK has been generous to Robin in his portrayals
of Robin's activities here on FFL (the only activities of
his you know about firsthand, obviously).

  really think how Lord Knows has characterized Robin's
  activities on FFL bears any resemblance to the reality,
  do you? 
 In my opinion it sounds pretty accurate, and like a horrible

I beg your pardon? Robin's activities on FFL sound like
a horrible experience?

You must mean Lord Knows's characterization of Robin's
activities 30 years ago. But that wasn't what I asked you
about. (On the other hand, how would you know whether
LK's description of Robin 30 years ago was accurate?)

Now, would you mind answering my question? Do you think
LK's descriptions of Robin's participation on FFL are

 You're *agreeing* with Barry that Robin is
  sucking people into his web?
 I think Robin is brilliant and working things out about himself
 and his beliefs

That, of course, is what he has repeatedly said himself:
that he is working things out about himself and his beliefs.

 - and can still be very powerful with words and ideas.  His
 style of thinking and writing are unusual and make me 
 uncomfortable - almost mersmerizing.  I have said this before
 here, and to Robin hmself.

I think you may be unique in this. I find what Robin writes
often compelling and fascinating, but it's never made me
uncomfortable; and I've never seen anybody else suggest that.

 I think he is powerful, without intending to do anything
 negative to others.  He just has incredible power 

I concur. But again, that isn't what I asked you. Do you
agree with Barry that Robin is trying to suck people into
his web?

And of course that's what LK has suggested as well. Do you
find that suggestion generous to Robin?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit (...)?

affero, abstuli, ablatum, afferre??

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
Xeno, thought you might find this excerpt from one of Robin's
books of interest. It describes his experience of becoming
enlightened on a mountain in Arosa, Switzerland, in 1976:

My friend by this time was asking what was happening, and by the look on my 
face, knew something powerfully expansive was taking place. I could not speak 
and by this time had fallen to my knees, turning in the opposite direction to 
give some respite to my exploding vision; here on the other side was the 
panorama of mountains, and they too assumed the form and reality of Beingness, 
of the most liquid yet ethereal immortality. I was moaning as I experienced all 
these boundaries of perception dissolving, and then, as I turned to look up 
into my friend's face, I saw the perfection of God shining from his face and 
body. I put my head down to touch the ground when suddenly my whole being began 
to flow out of its self, engulfing me in the same ocean of light which had 
swept over the rock face, the mountains, and my now Godlike friend.

And then I as if woke up. The spell was broken. I knew myself to have always 
existed. All my suffering, all my strivings, time, space, personal history was 
but a dream. There had never been anything but the light of consciousness. I 
had never been born nor would I ever die. Something disappeared forever, and I 
later came to know what that was. Something continued to form the apparent 
boundaries of Robin but the ego that had previously had so much to say about my 
sensation and experience of the world was now the individuated expression of 
what was the unmanifest reality of God.

With the completion of my being, I assumed a silence and inner repose, having 
been transformed into the actuality of what existence was. I was the substance, 
the reality that so obviously had its being before and beyond the phenomenal 
forms that before seemed to have an existence of their own. Now I had become 
invisibly one with something whose integrity could only be described as God, 
for I saw how that something was the essential character of everything, indeed 
was naught else but that something. I had lost everything only to gain 
everything, and that everything now supported and motivated the particular 
something I was, giving me a uniqueness that was the purest form of the 
universality which now was the primary reality of my existence and of my being.

By this time I spoke quietly and persuasively to my friend about what had 
happened--that I was in Unity, the term all meditators and teachers were 
familiar with as equated with liberation, Enlightenment. Apparently my actions 
and my appearance during and immediately after the experience testified to the 
authenticity of what I now simply and innocently declared. The integration of 
my personality was suddenly absolute and every sensation of tension, worry, or 
doubt had dissolved leaving only the self-confidence of Being.

--Excerpt from The Sunnyside Drama: The First Three Years of Enlightenment © 
Robin Woodsworth Carlsen, 1979, ISBN 09-20910-03-3

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 I was in the midst of replying to one of Robin's post to me, though work and 
 events for me tend to put things on a hiatus from time to time. A number of 
 things you have said here resonate with some of what I was going to say, but 
 this post of yours is far more succinct and direct, and, I dare say, eloquent 
 than what I could have produced, and also much clearer in delineating the 
 issues. And you seem to have the advantage of knowing Robin, unlike me.
 Most of the accounts of enlightenment and awaking I have encountered, 
 including my own experiences give the distinct impression that this 
 experience normally takes persons completely by surprise, and takes them 
 aback in a way that leaves them essentially speechless, for it pulls the rug 
 out from under one's beliefs and expectations.
 I had been thinking of the analogy of American football, taking the ball and 
 running with it, as you put it here before I even wrote it down. Robin 
 definitely had an experience, but it does not appear to have shaken his world 
 to its roots; instead he seems to have instantly taken it in hand rather than 
 spending years afterward attempting to make sense of the insensible as other 
 teachers have done. There is a gestation period of consolidation and growth 
 in which one is certainly not ready to teach anything; one in fact may never 
 teach anything at all and just choose to live quietly with it away from the 
 eyes of the world.
 Also the integrative experience is just that, one sees the commonality of 
 spiritual traditions with a tendency to prune off the accumulated 
 distractions of history and subsequent interpretation. That Robin maintains 
 an essentially dualistic stance is an indication he did not experience true 
 unity. I would say he had the experience of an ego having a unity-like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/06/2012 06:25 PM, Lord Knows wrote:
 A note to readers of FFL who have found Robin to be very intelligent, 
 erudite, insightful, even at times kind and thoughtful. Yes Robin was all of 
 that and more when we followed him as well, but at bottom Robin is not 
 trustworthy, he is not what he seems.

I had heard of Robin years ago when he was up to his mischief and a 
friend from Fairfield told me about him.  He showed up here posting a 
wall of words which is usually the sign of an uneducated person 
posting.  I suggested he format his posts better or people wouldn't read 
them.  He continues to post long-winded posts which I also usually don't 
bother with.  To me he just reads like a sociopath and certainly not the 
first one I've encountered from the TMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

 Thanks for speaking up. As I have made clear in the
 past, I don't interact with Robin because I believe
 to do so is to become a codependent in helping an
 already mentally ill person to become more so. But
 it's been sad to see him reel in naive people 
 here and do pretty much exactly what you describe. 
 I have watched Fairfield Life and the general dance 
 of spiritual naivete far too long to believe that
 those who have been sucked into his web will actually
 learn from what you said. In fact, they'll probably 
 attack you for doing it. But thank you very much 
 for trying. 

Barry, I agree 100% and could not have said it better. And for
Lordknows, given what you went through all those years ago, I
think your post was not only informative and accurate and 
insightful, but rather generous to Robin.
   Generous to Robin? This is a joke, right?
  Not at all a joke. LordKnows paid for a healing ceremony
  for Robin, and clearly stated Robin's gifts in addition to
  the problems.
 As I went on to make clear, I'm asking whether you truly
 believe LK has been generous to Robin in his portrayals
 of Robin's activities here on FFL (the only activities of
 his you know about firsthand, obviously).

I was not talking only about LK's portrayals of Robin's posts on Ffldlife.  I 
was talking about LK being generous in his assessment of Robin actions in the 
past (30 years ago) and how he sees some of the same patterns remaining, altho 
faded out . And especially generous given how harmful those experiences of 30 
years ago probably were to LK and many others.  Of course, neither you nor I 
was part of Robin's group, so both of us are only basing our opinions on the 
reports of others. Sounds hairraising to me.  If I had been thru that and it 
was as bad as has been suggested, I think I would feel justified in expressing 
the things LK did.
   really think how Lord Knows has characterized Robin's
   activities on FFL bears any resemblance to the reality,
   do you? 
  In my opinion it sounds pretty accurate, and like a horrible
 I beg your pardon? Robin's activities on FFL sound like
 a horrible experience?

No.  I was talking about being in Robins' cult 30 years ago.
 You must mean Lord Knows's characterization of Robin's
 activities 30 years ago. But that wasn't what I asked you
 about. (On the other hand, how would you know whether
 LK's description of Robin 30 years ago was accurate?)
 Now, would you mind answering my question? Do you think
 LK's descriptions of Robin's participation on FFL are

Dealt with above.
  You're *agreeing* with Barry that Robin is
   sucking people into his web?
  I think Robin is brilliant and working things out about himself
  and his beliefs
 That, of course, is what he has repeatedly said himself:
 that he is working things out about himself and his beliefs.

Yes, so we agree about that.
  - and can still be very powerful with words and ideas.  His
  style of thinking and writing are unusual and make me 
  uncomfortable - almost mersmerizing.  I have said this before
  here, and to Robin hmself.
 I think you may be unique in this. I find what Robin writes
 often compelling and fascinating, but it's never made me
 uncomfortable; and I've never seen anybody else suggest that.
  I think he is powerful, without intending to do anything
  negative to others.  He just has incredible power 
 I concur. But again, that isn't what I asked you. Do you
 agree with Barry that Robin is trying to suck people into
 his web?
No, I do not think Robin is doing that intentionally.  But he has a way of 
writing that switches that I feel keeps at least me off balance. Anyway, I 
guess we fundamentally disagree about this and how much we enjoy reading 
Robin's posts. We can agree he is brilliant, incredibly articulate and has 
great knowledge of many fields.  
 And of course that's what LK has suggested as well. Do you
 find that suggestion generous to Robin?

Not generous in that particular instance or phrase, but generous nthe big 
picture and in other ways, as I already explained.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

2012-08-07 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/05/2012 10:34 PM, John wrote:
 I watched it on NASA TV but kept thinking it almost looked staged. 
 Hollywood couldn't have done it better.  Now for them to find an 
 artifact and hope they still show it to us.  There are some things up 
 there from previous pictures that even NASA doesn't know what to make 
 of.  They don't look natural.

I'm sure there are some people who are thinking that this landing is a hoax or 
a great conspiracy by NASA.  But we'll have to accept that this event actually 

This event also reinforces the likely possibility that robots can do the job of 
space exploration just as well as humans would on Mars or elsewhere in the 
solar system.  The use of robots would be safer and cheaper than having humans 
do the work.

There are many obstacles in having humans do the actual exploration of Mars.  
That would mean the astronauts would have to pack oxygen, food and water for at 
least 16 months in the space ship.  Then, there's the likelihood of accidents 
and emergencies that could happen along the way.

[FairfieldLife] Another George Bush Coming Up

2012-08-07 Thread John
This guy appears to be ambitious in making a name for himself.


[FairfieldLife] Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread azgrey
Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
economy of only eight posts in a single day.

The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
*our* cracked pot.

Sun Aug 5, 2012
FFL PostCount

Vaj knows that. 
...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
Vaj wrote
Wonder how Vaj...
...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
Actually it's Barry who...
What Barry means...
The real reason Barry
...if anyone Barry had...
It isn't clear why Barry even ...
...yet another example of Barry's...
I'm guessing Barry has...
Here Barry was...
...such as those Barry has when...
...Barry's standard dual motivation...
Barry's lying.
...in fact it was Barry who... 
...between Barry and...
Barry tried to ... 

It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
those four?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
Is it rude to say I told you so when I actually
did, back on February 8th?  :-)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
 of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
 economy of only eight posts in a single day.
 The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
 with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
 *our* cracked pot.
 Sun Aug 5, 2012
 FFL PostCount
 Vaj knows that. 
 ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
 ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
 Vaj wrote
 Wonder how Vaj...
 ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
 Actually it's Barry who...
 What Barry means...
 The real reason Barry
 ...if anyone Barry had...
 It isn't clear why Barry even ...
 ...yet another example of Barry's...
 I'm guessing Barry has...
 Here Barry was...
 ...such as those Barry has when...
 ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
 Barry's lying.
 ...in fact it was Barry who... 
 ...between Barry and...
 Barry tried to ... 
 It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
 from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
 Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
 how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
 those four?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
 of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
 economy of only eight posts in a single day.
 The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
 with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
 *our* cracked pot.

It's just like AZ to go for the underbelly when the jackals are trying to down 
the antelope. I can always count on you to wait for enough people to start in 
on a subject before you come out of the woodwork. The quintessential coward. 
Sorry, but true.
 Sun Aug 5, 2012
 FFL PostCount
 Vaj knows that. 
 ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
 ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
 Vaj wrote
 Wonder how Vaj...
 ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
 Actually it's Barry who...
 What Barry means...
 The real reason Barry
 ...if anyone Barry had...
 It isn't clear why Barry even ...
 ...yet another example of Barry's...
 I'm guessing Barry has...
 Here Barry was...
 ...such as those Barry has when...
 ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
 Barry's lying.
 ...in fact it was Barry who... 
 ...between Barry and...
 Barry tried to ... 
 It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
 from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
 Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
 how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
 those four?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Is it rude to say I told you so when I actually
 did, back on February 8th?  :-)

Not more than usual, just predictable, gloating and pathetic.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
  of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
  economy of only eight posts in a single day.
  The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
  with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
  *our* cracked pot.
  Sun Aug 5, 2012
  FFL PostCount
  Vaj knows that. 
  ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
  ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
  Vaj wrote
  Wonder how Vaj...
  ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
  Actually it's Barry who...
  What Barry means...
  The real reason Barry
  ...if anyone Barry had...
  It isn't clear why Barry even ...
  ...yet another example of Barry's...
  I'm guessing Barry has...
  Here Barry was...
  ...such as those Barry has when...
  ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
  Barry's lying.
  ...in fact it was Barry who... 
  ...between Barry and...
  Barry tried to ... 
  It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
  from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
  Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
  how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
  those four?

[FairfieldLife] Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of yesteryear)

2012-08-07 Thread lordknows888
Dear Robin,
1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors2)I did not state
that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, I stated I
thought you were mentally unbalanced.3)I live my life holding myself to
a standard of honesty (thanks for the pep talk on the need for honesty
anyway)4)I found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which
could be summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that
honesty  is your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind of
an almost bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect 
you better bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that
frigging honesty ball out of the park.Where do I read this subtext you
ask? At least in part right here  You have staked out a very strong
position; should you have any doubts about standing behind that
position, then it might be more problematic in entering into
disputations with you. After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and
feints that enable me to cover up the fact that I don't have any faith
that the truth will get me through my argument.and right here,   
No, I think innocence and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
LordKnows. And I am hoping you are ready to give it your all. This is
like high class trash talking before playing a game. This has me feeling
shades of yesteryear, I've seen this move before.5) I have also seen you
seem reasonable and temperate initially as you skillfully absorb an
initial hit before marshalling your forces for the counter offensive .
I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years since I've seen your
moves on the court, but it comes back as things play out here. What am I
referencing when I state this you ask,  this   Reasonable and
temperate? I would have thought those two qualities somewhat
incompatible with your description of my character and my motives and my
mental health. Not that you are not allowed to defend yourself,  but do
it out front and don't package it inside a message which is supposed to
be about honesty. Honesty is transparency not hidden double messages. So
you see Robin in your exhortation to honesty you are showing the
opposite,subtle manipulation. 5)I have to tell you Robin that this kind
of bully boy posturing in the guise of an exhortation to honesty is not
an encouraging sign for real honesty, which is at least your stated
intention.6)Robin in my last post I stated that I was still weighing the
pros and cons of entering into a dialogue with you, this last post has
convinced me it is not worth it.What would be the point when right here
in the first post about our potential dialogue you are up to your old

Re: [FairfieldLife] Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of yesteryear)

2012-08-07 Thread Vaj

On Aug 7, 2012, at 4:35 PM, lordknows888 lordknows...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Dear Robin,
 1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors
 2)I did not state that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, I 
 stated I thought you were mentally unbalanced.
 3)I live my life holding myself to a standard of honesty (thanks for the pep 
 talk on the need for honesty anyway)
 4)I found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which could be 
 summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that honesty  is your 
 creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind of an almost bullying 
 posturing which you was  communicating in effect  you better bring your A 
 game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that frigging honesty ball out of the 
 park.Where do I read this subtext you ask? At least in part right here  You 
 have staked out a very strong position; should you have any doubts about 
 standing behind that position, then it might be more problematic in entering 
 into disputations with you. After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and 
 feints that enable me to cover up the fact that I don't have any faith that 
 the truth will get me through my argument.and right here,No, I 
 think innocence and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter, LordKnows. 
 And I am hoping you are ready to give it your all. This is like high class 
 trash talking before playing a game. This has me feeling shades of 
 yesteryear, I've seen this move before.
 5) I have also seen you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you 
 skillfully absorb an initial hit before marshalling your forces for the 
 counter offensive . I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years since 
 I've seen your moves on the court, but it comes back as things play out here. 
 What am I referencing when I state this you ask,  this   Reasonable and 
 temperate? I would have thought those two qualities somewhat incompatible 
 with your description of my character and my motives and my mental health. 
 Not that you are not allowed to defend yourself,  but do it out front and 
 don't package it inside a message which is supposed to be about honesty. 
 Honesty is transparency not hidden double messages. So you see Robin in your 
 exhortation to honesty you are showing the opposite,subtle manipulation. 
 5)I have to tell you Robin that this kind of bully boy posturing in the guise 
 of an exhortation to honesty is not an encouraging sign for real honesty, 
 which is at least your stated intention.
 6)Robin in my last post I stated that I was still weighing the pros and cons 
 of entering into a dialogue with you, this last post has convinced me it is 
 not worth it.What would be the point when right here in the first post about 
 our potential dialogue you are up to your old tricks.

Be careful of the “I’m a wounded animal” type pattern RWC likes to fall back on 
- to suck people in - typically when it’s he who’s on the losing end of a 
particular situation.

I’ve also seen him use if ‘if only you could have felt it as I did' (often 
implying some extraordinary bliss, grace or trophy state) to draw in the 
(largely) TM-related folks here. 

Old tactic, just a “New Fairfield”. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Curiosity Has Landed!

2012-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2012 12:33 PM, John wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 08/05/2012 10:34 PM, John wrote:


 I watched it on NASA TV but kept thinking it almost looked staged.
 Hollywood couldn't have done it better.  Now for them to find an
 artifact and hope they still show it to us.  There are some things up
 there from previous pictures that even NASA doesn't know what to make
 of.  They don't look natural.

 I'm sure there are some people who are thinking that this landing is a hoax 
 or a great conspiracy by NASA.  But we'll have to accept that this event 
 actually happened.

 This event also reinforces the likely possibility that robots can do the job 
 of space exploration just as well as humans would on Mars or elsewhere in the 
 solar system.  The use of robots would be safer and cheaper than having 
 humans do the work.

 There are many obstacles in having humans do the actual exploration of Mars.  
 That would mean the astronauts would have to pack oxygen, food and water for 
 at least 16 months in the space ship.  Then, there's the likelihood of 
 accidents and emergencies that could happen along the way.

I was thinking the staff was asked to ham it up a bit for TV. Nerds 
are usually a bit low key and focused for these things.  I was expecting 
bottles of champagne to be broken out (against guvmint policy).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2012 12:51 PM, azgrey wrote:
 Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
 of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
 economy of only eight posts in a single day.

 The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared
 with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
 *our* cracked pot.

 Sun Aug 5, 2012
 FFL PostCount

 Vaj knows that.
 ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
 ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
 Vaj wrote
 Wonder how Vaj...
 ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
 Actually it's Barry who...
 What Barry means...
 The real reason Barry
 ...if anyone Barry had...
 It isn't clear why Barry even ...
 ...yet another example of Barry's...
 I'm guessing Barry has...
 Here Barry was...
 ...such as those Barry has when...
 ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
 Barry's lying.
 ...in fact it was Barry who...
 ...between Barry and...
 Barry tried to ...

 It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
 from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste,
 Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy,
 how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with
 those four?


Yup, just another day in the life at the Funny Farm Lounge! :-D

[FairfieldLife] Resending post, including Robin's post with mine this time

2012-08-07 Thread lordknows888
 Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra
Dear Lord Knows,

Well, I hope you know what you're doing, that you are not being deceived
in this
temptation to have a conversation about this matter. I trust you will
remain as
serious and non-ambivalent as you were in that first post. You have
staked out a
very strong position; should you have any doubts about standing behind
position, then it might be more problematic in entering into
disputations with
you. After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and feints that enable
me to
cover up the fact that I don't have any faith that the truth will get me
my argument.

I am assuming you are a single author and not a composite of
authors--the latter
would, I think, mean trouble, because what will compel people most is
persons's utterly sincere testimony about Robin Carlsen--if you are
to be one person and you actually represent a collective
consciousness--I can
assure you this will show up in your next post. Because you will
compromise the
truth of your testimony by the falseness of your claim to be a single
No, I think innocence and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
Knows. And I am hoping you are ready to give it your all.

From the tone of this second post of yours, I would almost think you
have been
partially converted away from your

I will be very interested in the tone as you put it, of your next
Reasonable and temperate? I would have thought those two qualities
incompatible with your description of my character and my motives and my

The truth of what happened in those ten years--Lord knows, Lord Knows, I
not want you to be persuaded to mitigate it in any way whatsoever.

So you must at least make this promise to me: You will not let off on
accelerator in driving this truth home to all the readers at FFL.

But sincerity and honesty: this could be the beginning of the Final
Reconciliation--that is, if we are both capable of exercising these two
faculties to the maximum.

And I think we will need to be if we are to get to the bottom of this



#316421  From: lordknows888 lordknows...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue Aug 7, 2012 1:35 pm
Subject: Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of
yesteryear) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/316421
lordknows888 http://profiles.yahoo.com/lordknows888
  [Offline]  Offline
  [Send Email]  Send Email
maZbAlV3s_jy5CWru6g  Dear Robin,
1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors2)I did not state
that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, I stated I
thought you were mentally unbalanced.3)I live my life holding myself to
a standard of honesty (thanks for the pep talk on the need for honesty
anyway)4)I  found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which
could be  summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that
honesty  is  your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind
of an almost  bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect
 you better  bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that
frigging  honesty ball out of the park.Where do I read this subtext you
ask? At  least in part right here  You have staked out a very strong
position;  should you have any doubts about standing behind that
position, then it  might be more problematic in entering into
disputations with you.  After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and
feints that enable me  to cover up the fact that I don't have any faith
that the truth will get  me through my argument.and right here,   
No, I think innocence  and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
LordKnows. And I am  hoping you are ready to give it your all. This is
like high class trash  talking before playing a game. This has me
feeling shades of  yesteryear, I've seen this move before.5) I have also
seen  you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you skillfully
absorb an  initial hit before marshalling your forces for the counter
offensive .  I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years since
I've seen your  moves on the court, but it comes back as things play out
here. What am I  referencing when I state this you ask,  this  
Reasonable and  temperate? I would have thought those two qualities 
somewhat incompatible with your description of my character and my 
motives and my mental health. Not that you are not allowed to defend 
yourself,  but do it out front and don't package it inside a message 
which is supposed to be about honesty. Honesty is transparency not 
hidden double messages. So you see Robin in your exhortation to honesty 
you are showing the opposite,subtle manipulation. 5)I have to  tell you
Robin that this kind of bully 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Great Stupa of Tibetan Buddhism, Ketut too (-:

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen

Dear Share,

Yes, you are right about the decidedly Catholic tone to it. Composed by a 
rotund 13th century Dominican monk. When he first wanted to become a religious 
his two brothers, who were soldiers, confined him in a fortress. I will let 
this account speak for itself, as it bears upon the very theme we are now 

There he remained for nearly two years, praying and studying while his family 
tried any means they could think of to lead him to abandon his vocation. His 
brothers even tried  to damage his virtue, but Thomas drove the temptress out 
of his room with a burning branch he snatched from the fire. It was at this 
time that he received the gift of perfect chastity from God, a gift which was 
told to him by two angels in a dream, in answer to his prayers for purity of 
mind and body.

I think your response to this essay apposite, normal, and appropriate. That 
tone gives this reader the sense of someone demonstrating a waltz with their 
legs and arms tied. That is a response to the ontological context of an old 
universe, a universe which does not exist anymore--that is, the context within 
which this conception of human sexuality and the precepts that naturally follow 
from this such a conception is a different universe from the one we find 
ourselves existing in on August 7, 2012.

You and I were born, then, into a different ontological universe, Share, and so 
your response is a very real one. But you have to imagine: How was it possible 
for someone to believe what this Angelic Doctor says if your experience is 
true? It can only mean one thing--at least to me:--*God changed his universe 
before we were born*.

I think that the present experience of the power of sexuality is beyond any 
supernatural grace originating in the tradition that this Dominican monk so 
faithfully describes here. Christ personally thanked him for writing the book 
from which this passage is taken:  *Summa Theologiae: A Concise Translation* 
edited by Timothy McDermott.

So, then, your sense of it, Share, seems entirely reasonable. It is just that 
I have a different perspective, for if you are right just in the terms in which 
you understand your experience in reading this passage, it must mean that the 
Angelic Doctor--one of the greatest philosophers who has ever lived--was not as 
sensitive or intelligent as you are.

This could never be. And so it is that I have concluded (for other reasons as 
well) that the universe into which you and I were born differs markedly in its 
ontological context from the universe into which this Dominican friar was born.

I maintain that Western culture is severely marred by the spirit matter split 
that began long ago. For me, Share, this simply means that the supernatural 
grace which supported and sustained the conception of sexuality as delineated 
in this essay has gone out of the universe, thus leaving a context in which all 
that suppression and discipline and control exercised over the sexuality of 
human beings now, instead of becoming the means to safeguard the salvation of 
the soul, becomes instead something which seems estranged from what is natural 
and normal. The split between matter and the spirit was always joined by 
supernatural grace, since that split began at the Fall. Once Mary and the Holy 
Ghost abandoned the Church, then the forced waltz began. But before 
this--before the Allied Bombing of the very monastery where this  Angelic 
Doctor lived and prayed--there was a big Party going on, and everyone was 
dancing very freely--within, that is, the powerful grace which gave this monk 
the context to have complete control over her sexuality.

I don't disagree with anything you say after this, either, except that while I 
grant you that sex can be in the service of a profoundly loving and 
self-sacrificing act, it cannot lead one to ultimate truth, to our Creator, the 
Being who first put the man-woman reality inside our bodies.

For me you are entirely convincing in your affirmation that: Nor do I find 
myself distracted from spiritual matters during loving intimacy--but I wonder 
whether your male partner could reciprocate in this. I am anticipating here 
something you say in your next post on this topic: and I will say, Share, that 
all that I have said about sexuality can only apply to the man, for I cannot 
know what that difference is in a woman's experience of the sexual act. It 
certainly would seem to be something other than the man's experience--at least 
it can be so, certainly. And it seems to me that indeed a woman possesses the 
potential to make of this reality something other than I believe we men can 
make of it.

I have been under siege today from a number of sources. So you are right: I am 
walking that tightrope over the falls--but then again, I ask for this kind of 
precariousness in my sense of what I seek from reality. It wasn't so wonderful 
an evening as it turned out, Lord knows. But this is all good. Good for me 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread Share Long
noozguru you made me laugh out loud, will never be able to see acronym FFL 
quite the same.  that's a good thing (-:
ps  maybe will change into my lounging pjs

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Just Another Day In The Life

On 08/07/2012 12:51 PM, azgrey wrote:
 Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
 of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
 economy of only eight posts in a single day.

 The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared
 with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
 *our* cracked pot.

 Sun Aug 5, 2012
 FFL PostCount

 Vaj knows that.
 ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
 ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
 Vaj wrote
 Wonder how Vaj...
 ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
 Actually it's Barry who...
 What Barry means...
 The real reason Barry
 ...if anyone Barry had...
 It isn't clear why Barry even ...
 ...yet another example of Barry's...
 I'm guessing Barry has...
 Here Barry was...
 ...such as those Barry has when...
 ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
 Barry's lying.
 ...in fact it was Barry who...
 ...between Barry and...
 Barry tried to ...

 It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
 from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste,
 Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy,
 how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with
 those four?


Yup, just another day in the life at the Funny Farm Lounge! :-D


[FairfieldLife] Re: Resending post, including Robin's post with mine this time

2012-08-07 Thread awoelflebater
OK, I am changing my mind on the author here. It is sounding less and less like 
the person I know. In fact, it sounds like a different person altogether. I 
wonder what is going on here, are you morphing into a different personae or 
just referencing off others that are very unlike you? All I know is that your 
tone and your character in this latest post is not someone I recognize after 
all. Sorry about that. I guess I was mistaken. And given your tone of the post 
below I agree it would be a good idea to give FFL a miss this time around. We 
have enough negativity here already.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@... wrote:

  Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra
 Dear Lord Knows,
 Well, I hope you know what you're doing, that you are not being deceived
 in this
 temptation to have a conversation about this matter. I trust you will
 remain as
 serious and non-ambivalent as you were in that first post. You have
 staked out a
 very strong position; should you have any doubts about standing behind
 position, then it might be more problematic in entering into
 disputations with
 you. After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and feints that enable
 me to
 cover up the fact that I don't have any faith that the truth will get me
 my argument.
 I am assuming you are a single author and not a composite of
 authors--the latter
 would, I think, mean trouble, because what will compel people most is
 persons's utterly sincere testimony about Robin Carlsen--if you are
 to be one person and you actually represent a collective
 consciousness--I can
 assure you this will show up in your next post. Because you will
 compromise the
 truth of your testimony by the falseness of your claim to be a single
 No, I think innocence and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
 Knows. And I am hoping you are ready to give it your all.
 From the tone of this second post of yours, I would almost think you
 have been
 partially converted away from your
 I will be very interested in the tone as you put it, of your next
 Reasonable and temperate? I would have thought those two qualities
 incompatible with your description of my character and my motives and my
 The truth of what happened in those ten years--Lord knows, Lord Knows, I
 not want you to be persuaded to mitigate it in any way whatsoever.
 So you must at least make this promise to me: You will not let off on
 accelerator in driving this truth home to all the readers at FFL.
 But sincerity and honesty: this could be the beginning of the Final
 Reconciliation--that is, if we are both capable of exercising these two
 faculties to the maximum.
 And I think we will need to be if we are to get to the bottom of this
 #316421  From: lordknows888 lordknows888@...
 Date: Tue Aug 7, 2012 1:35 pm
 Subject: Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of
 yesteryear) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/316421
 lordknows888 http://profiles.yahoo.com/lordknows888
   [Offline]  Offline
   [Send Email]  Send Email
 maZbAlV3s_jy5CWru6g  Dear Robin,
 1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors2)I did not state
 that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, I stated I
 thought you were mentally unbalanced.3)I live my life holding myself to
 a standard of honesty (thanks for the pep talk on the need for honesty
 anyway)4)I  found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which
 could be  summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that
 honesty  is  your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind
 of an almost  bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect
  you better  bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that
 frigging  honesty ball out of the park.Where do I read this subtext you
 ask? At  least in part right here  You have staked out a very strong
 position;  should you have any doubts about standing behind that
 position, then it  might be more problematic in entering into
 disputations with you.  After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and
 feints that enable me  to cover up the fact that I don't have any faith
 that the truth will get  me through my argument.and right here,   
 No, I think innocence  and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
 LordKnows. And I am  hoping you are ready to give it your all. This is
 like high class trash  talking before playing a game. This has me
 feeling shades of  yesteryear, I've seen this move before.5) I have also
 seen  you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you skillfully
 absorb an  initial hit before 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Resending post, including Robin's post with mine this time

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@... wrote:

  Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra
 Dear Lord Knows,
 Well, I hope you know what you're doing, that you are not being deceived
 in this
 temptation to have a conversation about this matter. I trust you will
 remain as
 serious and non-ambivalent as you were in that first post. You have
 staked out a
 very strong position; should you have any doubts about standing behind
 position, then it might be more problematic in entering into
 disputations with
 you. After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and feints that enable
 me to
 cover up the fact that I don't have any faith that the truth will get me
 my argument.
 I am assuming you are a single author and not a composite of
 authors--the latter
 would, I think, mean trouble, because what will compel people most is
 persons's utterly sincere testimony about Robin Carlsen--if you are
 to be one person and you actually represent a collective
 consciousness--I can
 assure you this will show up in your next post. Because you will
 compromise the
 truth of your testimony by the falseness of your claim to be a single
 No, I think innocence and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
 Knows. And I am hoping you are ready to give it your all.
 From the tone of this second post of yours, I would almost think you
 have been
 partially converted away from your
 I will be very interested in the tone as you put it, of your next
 Reasonable and temperate? I would have thought those two qualities
 incompatible with your description of my character and my motives and my
 The truth of what happened in those ten years--Lord knows, Lord Knows, I
 not want you to be persuaded to mitigate it in any way whatsoever.
 So you must at least make this promise to me: You will not let off on
 accelerator in driving this truth home to all the readers at FFL.
 But sincerity and honesty: this could be the beginning of the Final
 Reconciliation--that is, if we are both capable of exercising these two
 faculties to the maximum.
 And I think we will need to be if we are to get to the bottom of this
 #316421  From: lordknows888 lordknows888@...
 Date: Tue Aug 7, 2012 1:35 pm
 Subject: Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of
 yesteryear) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/316421
 lordknows888 http://profiles.yahoo.com/lordknows888
   [Offline]  Offline
   [Send Email]  Send Email
 maZbAlV3s_jy5CWru6g  Dear Robin,
 1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors2)I did not state
 that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, I stated I
 thought you were mentally unbalanced.3)I live my life holding myself to
 a standard of honesty (thanks for the pep talk on the need for honesty
 anyway)4)I  found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which
 could be  summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that
 honesty  is  your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind
 of an almost  bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect
  you better  bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that
 frigging  honesty ball out of the park.Where do I read this subtext you
 ask? At  least in part right here  You have staked out a very strong
 position;  should you have any doubts about standing behind that
 position, then it  might be more problematic in entering into
 disputations with you.  After all, you know all my tricks and ruses and
 feints that enable me  to cover up the fact that I don't have any faith
 that the truth will get  me through my argument.and right here,   
 No, I think innocence  and sincerity are the way to pursue this matter,
 LordKnows. And I am  hoping you are ready to give it your all. This is
 like high class trash  talking before playing a game. This has me
 feeling shades of  yesteryear, I've seen this move before.5) I have also
 seen  you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you skillfully
 absorb an  initial hit before marshalling your forces for the counter
 offensive .  I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years since
 I've seen your  moves on the court, but it comes back as things play out
 here. What am I  referencing when I state this you ask,  this  
 Reasonable and  temperate? I would have thought those two qualities 
 somewhat incompatible with your description of my character and my 
 motives and my mental health. Not that you are not allowed to defend 
 yourself,  but do it out front and don't package it inside a message 
 which is supposed to be about honesty. Honesty is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
  of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
  economy of only eight posts in a single day.
  The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
  with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
  *our* cracked pot.
 It's just like AZ to go for the underbelly when the jackals are trying to 
 down the antelope. I can always count on you to wait for enough people to 
 start in on a subject before you come out of the woodwork. The quintessential 
 coward. Sorry, but true.

Dear Ann, 

But I've always considered you much more porcupine than

Your display of braveheartednessitude while assisting
Feste in denigrating dear sweet Sunshine Sal was sooo
impressive. Good on ya attacking an absent FFLer. 

But you won't mind me pointing that out because you are, 
self-described, nonreactive. bwahahaha, that one *really*
cracked me up when  read it. Yer killin' me girl!

Yours, with xoxoxo, 


(psst: it's the hypocrisy thang, stupid.)

  Sun Aug 5, 2012
  FFL PostCount
  Vaj knows that. 
  ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
  ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
  Vaj wrote
  Wonder how Vaj...
  ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
  Actually it's Barry who...
  What Barry means...
  The real reason Barry
  ...if anyone Barry had...
  It isn't clear why Barry even ...
  ...yet another example of Barry's...
  I'm guessing Barry has...
  Here Barry was...
  ...such as those Barry has when...
  ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
  Barry's lying.
  ...in fact it was Barry who... 
  ...between Barry and...
  Barry tried to ... 
  It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
  from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
  Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
  how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
  those four?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Yifu
So, you've changed in the intervening years.  Have you accepted Jesus as your 
personal Savior?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dear Lord Knows,
 There is something else which you must bear in mind in wondering how I 
 received your categorical judgment of my sanity, my character, and my 
 actions. It is this, Lord Knows: that I believe that the truth about those 
 ten years, about my behaviour, about my enlightenment, about the pain and 
 terror I created in the souls of other human beings, the matter of free will 
 versus cosmic will--that all this is being discussed here inside what I 
 believe is a context of reality where that reality--what created us, what 
 created the universe, what created your first person subjective sense of 
 yourself, what created even your ability to write that post--and for me to 
 respond to it--will pass judgment (perhaps only silently within itself) on 
 Robin Carlsen, and the extent to which you have represented the truth of 
 those ten years.
 I am keenly sensitive, then, Lord Knows, to those cues from within your 
 post--and how you will act in response to the various rebuttals that have 
 been directed towards you since you posted your letter--which would 
 indicate--beyond what you yourself are identified with as the truth of this 
 matter--reality's verdict here. In other words, Lord Knows--this is so 
 important for you to grasp if you are sincere in wanting everyone to know the 
 truth,--despite being the object of your castigation and damnation, I am 
 still seeking to embrace the truth of those ten years. I have been dedicated 
 to this very purpose for the past twenty-five years.
 What this comes down to, Lord Knows, is that you must not let my own desire 
 to know and to be responsible for the truth of my actions and all that 
 happened during those ten years because of the assumption of my 
 enlightenment, overtake and surpass your own honest and sincere determination 
 to get the truth out. My philosophy asks this of me; that is, to recognize 
 there may be more reality and truth inside the consciousness and point of 
 view of another person than myself.
 This, after all, is what got me launched on this self-rehabilitation project 
 of the past twenty-five years. Someone demonstrating a more accurate 
 perception of me than I had of myself. The beginning of the showdown: that I 
 was gravely deceived about who I was and of course about the human normalcy 
 of my enlightenment.
 Now if you do not depend only on the truth of your experience, and, in the 
 face of challenges to the final validity or definitiveness of that 
 experience, become defensive and evasive and belligerent in the presence of 
 the complexities and contradictions of this whole affair, then I shall have 
 to conclude that, in the end, you are not that sure of your judgment, you are 
 not that sure of your sincerity, and you are not willing to go to where you 
 must go in order to know with a sense of conviction and courage that all that 
 you say in your post--and perhaps future posts--is 'true'.
 Because if you are right in what you have said about me, in the kind of 
 person I really am (unchanged from what I was when you knew me), that I am 
 mentally ill, deluded, and simply plain wrong, then you will trust in the 
 objectivity and truthfulness of your testimony--without the need for any 
 personal venom or hatred or irrationality to come into what you write. This 
 at least--perhaps this is a simplification of reality--is how I understand 
 the means to measure the truth of what you have said, what you are going to 
 say, about me. *Reality and truth will do the work for you, Lord Knows*.
 I will then, declare that I hold myself to that standard of truth whereby I 
 utterly trust reality to make its judgment of me known to me--even through 
 you. But if I sense reality's refusal to go along with your judgment of 
 me--at least to some extent--then I shall pay attention to this, because 
 this, after all--and I know this is a point of much bitterness and 
 condemnation for you--this is how my philosophy 'works': I seek the moral and 
 metaphysical and aesthetic cues within the subjectivity of another person 
 which will enable me--if we are arguing about matters where there is some 
 dispute--to know the extent to which reality is getting behind that 
 subjectivity, and the extent to which, because reality is not getting behind 
 that subjectivity, that subjectivity must make up for this, by becoming more 
 strident, more bellicose, more defensive, more isolated.
 If we take your post as corresponding pretty much to the truth about Robin 
 Carlsen then it must follow that anything which is said, which has been said, 
 which will be said, contra your judgment of me, will be received by you 
 within a context wherein your experience is supported by reality (even if you 
 are unaware of this support, I assure you, reality will 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Robin your last post has a double message ((shades of yesteryear)

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Aug 7, 2012, at 4:35 PM, lordknows888 lordknows888@... wrote:
  Dear Robin,
  1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors
  2)I did not state that you were psychotic and that you were going to hell, 
  I stated I thought you were mentally unbalanced.
  3)I live my life holding myself to a standard of honesty (thanks for the 
  pep talk on the need for honesty anyway)
  4)I found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which could be 
  summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that honesty  is 
  your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind of an almost 
  bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect  you better 
  bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that frigging honesty 
  ball out of the park.Where do I read this subtext you ask? At least in 
  part right here  You have staked out a very strong position; should you 
  have any doubts about standing behind that position, then it might be more 
  problematic in entering into disputations with you. After all, you know 
  all my tricks and ruses and feints that enable me to cover up the fact that 
  I don't have any faith that the truth will get me through my argument.
  and right here,No, I think innocence and sincerity are the way to 
  pursue this matter, LordKnows. And I am hoping you are ready to give it 
  your all. This is like high class trash talking before playing a game. 
  This has me feeling shades of yesteryear, I've seen this move before.
  5) I have also seen you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you 
  skillfully absorb an initial hit before marshalling your forces for the 
  counter offensive . I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years 
  since I've seen your moves on the court, but it comes back as things play 
  out here. What am I referencing when I state this you ask,  this   
  Reasonable and temperate? I would have thought those two qualities 
  somewhat incompatible with your description of my character and my motives 
  and my mental health. Not that you are not allowed to defend yourself,  
  but do it out front and don't package it inside a message which is supposed 
  to be about honesty. Honesty is transparency not hidden double messages. So 
  you see Robin in your exhortation to honesty you are showing the 
  opposite,subtle manipulation. 
  5)I have to tell you Robin that this kind of bully boy posturing in the 
  guise of an exhortation to honesty is not an encouraging sign for real 
  honesty, which is at least your stated intention.
  6)Robin in my last post I stated that I was still weighing the pros and 
  cons of entering into a dialogue with you, this last post has convinced me 
  it is not worth it.What would be the point when right here in the first 
  post about our potential dialogue you are up to your old tricks.
 Be careful of the I'm a wounded animal type pattern RWC likes to fall back 
 on - to suck people in - typically when it's he who's on the losing end of a 
 particular situation.
 I've also seen him use if `if only you could have felt it as I did' (often 
 implying some extraordinary bliss, grace or trophy state) to draw in the 
 (largely) TM-related folks here. 
 Old tactic, just a New Fairfield. :-)


Dear Vaj,,

I am sure you can explain this, but why is it that your post here contains what 
Lord Knows posted 22 minutes later. Are you colluding with Lord Knows?--surely 
you can provide some explanation for what seems suspiciously like a joint 
enterprise. But if I am wrong and there is an innocent (I rather think there 
must be, this is too much keystone cops) reason for this, you will tell me what 
it is.

What I find staggering and nonplussing is your depiction of me here. You have 
never met me, Vaj, else you would know how fatally off the mark you are in 
almost everything you say about me--once, that is, you become critical. No one 
who has ever met me would say the things you say. They represent an imaginative 
reading of me--and do not in any way whatsoever contain the force and truth of 
some direct encounter with me. Lord Knows, Lord knows, he does know me--after a 

But again, Vaj, tell us how you preempted LK888's post to me? I am more curious 
than anything else.

You do not know me, Vaj. You are being driven by something other than the 
search for the truth. And by the way: you must tell your friend, Lord Knows 
that he ducked the real fight, and I consider him to be cowardly for doing so. 
*That* should compel him to respond to those first three posts, don't you think?

Especially the third one on free will. Where I have addressed a very personal 
question to him, which in avoiding answering, he damages his credibility 

Of course only in my eyes. I am sure he has garnered sympathy from other 
quarters. For me, though, when I make a serious accusation and judgment about 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Is it rude to say I told you so when I actually
 did, back on February 8th?  :-)

Not at all TurquoiseB.

Reviewing the Judyatri Mantra on a regular basis has the effect
of shining a disinfecting light on her harpy blathering. 

It seems to carry an inoculating power against the Uncle Remis
tarbaby syndrome.  

Carry on. ;-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
  of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
  economy of only eight posts in a single day.
  The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
  with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
  *our* cracked pot.
  Sun Aug 5, 2012
  FFL PostCount
  Vaj knows that. 
  ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
  ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
  Vaj wrote
  Wonder how Vaj...
  ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
  Actually it's Barry who...
  What Barry means...
  The real reason Barry
  ...if anyone Barry had...
  It isn't clear why Barry even ...
  ...yet another example of Barry's...
  I'm guessing Barry has...
  Here Barry was...
  ...such as those Barry has when...
  ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
  Barry's lying.
  ...in fact it was Barry who... 
  ...between Barry and...
  Barry tried to ... 
  It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
  from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
  Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
  how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
  those four?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi Ann

2012-08-07 Thread laughinggull108

Lord Knows, it makes me laugh too, particularly when reading Robin's
responses where he uses your name constantly, sometimes I think as a
little touch-in-cheek like listening to my grandmother saying ...lord
knows this...and lord knows that It's a southern thing, you
know...no, it's a southern thing, lord knows.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@...

 Dear Ann.

 Ann thank you for very kind words and vote of confidence.This has been
a very interesting day for me.I was seriously considering dialoguing
with Robin but if you read my last post you will see how that
unfolded.It would have been interesting but in the end exhausting, and
to what purpose.If Robin would put away his old tricks and really be
honest rather than always writing about the theory of how life supports
honesty, than I agree it could have been potentially very worthwhile. I
think a number of people on this forum would have found it of interest
and it would have been a fullfillmment of my desire to have a genuine
heart to heart conversation with, him as you know. Is it a lost
opportunity? You could look at it that way.What to do? It is not how I
would have wished it to go. As you know from our private conversations I
was genuinely open and willing to find a new Robin, someone who really
had moved on and had stopped his old games.I am aware Robin and others
here would find that hard to believe given my post which was bitter
medicine for Robin to read, but if Robin had been as reasonable and
temperate as he first seemed and open to truly heartfelt honest inquiry
then all could have been different. I do not claim to have the last word
on Robin or anything else for that matter. I wish Robin could hear the
words spoken to his heart Go and sin no more, all is forgiven as if
they were spoken by Christ to him. Just to be clear I have not become a
born again Christian, but when I think of what might be most healing and
helpful to Robin it is just what comes to mind.Robin would probably say
how presumptuous of me to assume he hasn't already experienced this or
something like it, it's true of course I don't know. All I can say is I
don't see the change in him that he seems to feel.

 All the Best
 Lord Knows (my online name makes me laugh a little)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
 of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
 economy of only eight posts in a single day.

I wonder why az quotes from only five of them while
implying all eight were about Barry and Vaj, and claims
they were made in a single day when it was actually 
over two days.

He couldn't have intended to mislead anybody, could he?

 The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
 with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
 *our* cracked pot.
 Sun Aug 5, 2012
 FFL PostCount
 Vaj knows that. 
 ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
 ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
 Vaj wrote
 Wonder how Vaj...
 ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
 Actually it's Barry who...
 What Barry means...
 The real reason Barry
 ...if anyone Barry had...
 It isn't clear why Barry even ...
 ...yet another example of Barry's...
 I'm guessing Barry has...
 Here Barry was...
 ...such as those Barry has when...
 ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
 Barry's lying.
 ...in fact it was Barry who... 
 ...between Barry and...
 Barry tried to ... 
 It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
 from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB.

Right, two posts about Vaj and then three about Barry.
I'm flattered that az was glued to his computer all day
Saturday and Sunday just for the thrill of catching
that stunning moment when I switched my obsession from
Vaj to Barry.

You know what else is stunning? az never seems to be
able to address anything I say concerning Barry or
Vaj (or anybody else, for that matter).

He did appear to be about to do so once, demanding
to see my evidence for something I'd said about Vaj,
claiming he wanted to discuss the issue in question.
I produced the evidence, and we never heard a word
more from az about it.

 I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
 Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
 how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
 those four?

Let's see, now, how long has Ravi been gone from FFL?
Oh, only seven months. Well, that's OK, then. One can't
always be on top of all the fast-paced developments at
FFL, can one? But there are quite a few more of my
minions you could have included who are still posting

Easier for az, I suppose, to reach back more than 12
years into the past for ammunition.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen
Dear Lord Knows,

Just to make sure you understand my position here: I take very seriously the 
truth and the feeling contained inside your initial post. I believe it was in 
some basic sense a just response to those ten years--within a certain 
inevitable perspective. But having had your say, then anything which challenges 
your thesis, your judgment, has to be evaluated according to the extent to 
which it either consolidates your thesis, or brings it--in some respects at 
least--into question.

Now regardless of how it may have seemed to you or to others, I was only 
interested in responding to it with complete honesty and candour. That is, I 
wanted to take all of it into me and see what kind of experience I had once I 
had received it its most extreme point of purported truthfulness. Once I had 
done that, then, over the course of time, certain thoughts occurred to me--You 
must remember that I have been thinking about those ten years for twenty-five 
years now, and you must suppose, because of this, that I have considered all 
possible judgments of myself--and I chose to articulate those thoughts in the 
form of three posts. I did not conceive of what I did as some attempt to 
destroy your testimony in its essential integrity. But having suffered deeply 
and wrestled with this matter over a quarter of a century, I am naturally going 
to have some response to a judgment like yours since I will have to compare it 
with my own interrogation of myself, which I can assure you, in some very real 
way is more severe and searching than is represented by what you have said in 
that initial post.

Now I composed several posts in response to your post, and after the third 
post, I saw that, while I was composing that third post, you had already 
posted, giving there an indication that you were contemplating going against 
your initial decision that you would not be drawn into to answering anything I 
had to say. I am sure, by the way, Lord Knows, that even God himself will give 
us a chance (should there still be something in the way of a personal judgment 
of our souls) to explain ourselves, to defend the  actions of our life--that 
is, if we feel ourselves to have a clear conscience. And that is the difference 
here: whatever atrocities I have committed in my life, I have--although you 
will be furiously opposed to accepting the validity of this--done my penance 
over the course of these twenty-five years. And I have a personal witness to 
this, and his testimony is more sophisticated and profound than your own, as 
expressed in your post. Were you to speak to him and listen to his account of 
the past twenty-five years, you would immediately realize how very serious he 
is, how informed he is, and how his grasp of both the truth of those ten years 
and his grasp of the nature and problems (which were serious and almost 
never-ending) of his friend make your own analysis in your post seem, 
paradoxically enough, superficial. And he himself knows all about the 
excoriating and cruel humiliation and terror of confrontation--perhaps more 
than anyone who lived through those ten years.

So. what I have done, then, Lord Knows, is to meet your post not in the 
ambition to demolish its truthfulness, but instead to meet it within my own 
sense of the truthfulness of those ten years--and the very complex and 
multi-leveled understanding I have gained from these past twenty-five years. 
What I know now about why I behaved as I did, and who I am, goes well beyond 
what I believe can be inferred from your post describing the Robin that you 
knew in those ten years and certainly what you know about the kind of human 
being I am now.

I found your response to my fourth and provocative post a complete indulgence. 
You chose to put your entire focus there, neglecting--perhaps accidentally 
(that still is a serious matter)--to consider what I had said in the three 
posts which followed upon your initial post.

I do not in any way consider this conversation, this dispute to be a matter of 
tactics or moves on the court as you put. I consider it to be almost a matter 
of life and death, since there are souls out there who were part of those ten 
years who will want us--especially if they still have some moments of 
perplexity and torment--to do justice, complete justice to what happened. I do 
believe you have laid out a case against me. I am not shirking my 
responsibilities in facing your charges; but, as I have tried to say here, I 
have lived with the misery and agony of those ten years--and the horror and 
terror of it all--for twenty-five years. That you would think me to be the very 
same person that I was when you last knew me seems intolerant and close-minded 
indeed. You made some reference in your second post to my being more temperate 
and restrained than you would have anticipated in my first two posts to you. 
But then, when I gently derided you for stepping outside of the affective 
context within which you had 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi Ann

2012-08-07 Thread awoelflebater
Dear Lord Knows (Good one by the way),

This is the man I know, this one right here in this post. You have always been 
a thoughtful, sensitive and reasonable person and I like you very much. I think 
FFL and you and Robin and Lord knows who else could benefit from dialogue here 
but I also completely understand why your heart may not be in it. I think I 
understand what you are looking for but I am not sure you will be able to find 
it on a forum format like this one. Even the tone of your second post was 
different from the man I know you to be so maybe it would not bring out the 
best of who you are, and believe me, I know you to be very loving, true and 
honest. You are a true seeker and you have remained a good man throughout it 
all.  I also believe you to have moved on, are happy and surrounded by people 
who love you. I don't believe you to be negative, brooding or vengeful. And I 
understand you to love the knowledge there is to be gleaned from investigation 
of the human condition and the human spirit. If you ever feel in the future to 
jump in again I know that all of us would benefit from the depth of who you are.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@... wrote:

 Dear Ann.
 Ann thank you for very kind words and vote of confidence.This has been a very 
 interesting day for me.I was seriously considering dialoguing with Robin but 
 if you read my last post you will see how that unfolded.It would have been 
 interesting but in the end exhausting, and to what purpose.If Robin would put 
 away his old tricks and really be honest rather than always writing about the 
 theory of how life supports honesty, than I agree it could have been 
 potentially very worthwhile.  I think  a number of people on this forum would 
 have found it of interest and it would have been a fullfillmment of my desire 
 to have a genuine heart to heart conversation with, him as you know. Is it a 
 lost opportunity? You could look at it that way.What to do? It is not how I 
 would have wished it to go. As you know from our private conversations I was 
 genuinely open and willing to find a new Robin, someone who really had moved 
 on and had stopped his old games.I am aware Robin and others here would find 
 that hard to believe given my post which was bitter medicine for Robin to 
 read, but if Robin had been as reasonable and temperate as he first seemed 
 and open to truly heartfelt honest inquiry then all could have been 
 different. I do not claim to have the last word on Robin or anything else for 
 that matter. I wish Robin could hear the words spoken to his heart Go and 
 sin no more, all is forgiven as if they were spoken by Christ to him. Just 
 to be clear I have not become a born again Christian, but when I think of 
 what might be most healing and helpful to Robin it is just what comes to 
 mind.Robin would probably say how presumptuous of me to assume he hasn't 
 already experienced this or something like it, it's true of course I don't 
 know. All I can say is I don't see the change in him that he seems to feel.
 All the Best
 Lord Knows (my online name makes me laugh a little)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
   Here we see, dear and fair readers of FFL, an example
   of doing less and accomplishing more displayed in the
   economy of only eight posts in a single day.
   The bubbling bliss of an obsessive cult-apologist shared 
   with all the world. She might be a cracked pot, but she is
   *our* cracked pot.
  It's just like AZ to go for the underbelly when the jackals are trying to 
  down the antelope. I can always count on you to wait for enough people to 
  start in on a subject before you come out of the woodwork. The 
  quintessential coward. Sorry, but true.
 Dear Ann, 
 But I've always considered you much more porcupine than
 Your display of braveheartednessitude while assisting
 Feste in denigrating dear sweet Sunshine Sal was sooo
 impressive. Good on ya attacking an absent FFLer. 

Huh? Who is Sunshine Sal? I have never commented on her in my life. I never 
read anything she ever wrote.
 But you won't mind me pointing that out because you are, 
 self-described, nonreactive. bwahahaha, that one *really*
 cracked me up when  read it. Yer killin' me girl!

Really, I said that? Show me where. If you can I will gladly retract my 
statement and apologize to you. I need the practice as I told Share anyway.
 Yours, with xoxoxo, 
 (psst: it's the hypocrisy thang, stupid.)
   Sun Aug 5, 2012
   FFL PostCount
   Vaj knows that. 
   ...Vaj's malicious dishonesty.
   ...Vaj's capacity for hatred...
   Vaj wrote
   Wonder how Vaj...
   ...Vaj's penchant for malicious dishonesty ...
   Actually it's Barry who...
   What Barry means...
   The real reason Barry
   ...if anyone Barry had...
   It isn't clear why Barry even ...
   ...yet another example of Barry's...
   I'm guessing Barry has...
   Here Barry was...
   ...such as those Barry has when...
   ...Barry's standard dual motivation...
   Barry's lying.
   ...in fact it was Barry who... 
   ...between Barry and...
   Barry tried to ... 
   It was stunning to watch the obsession turn on a dime
   from Vajradhatu to TurquoiseB. I'm sure Ann, Feste, 
   Nabby, and Raving Lunatic Yogi are s proud. Boy, 
   how would ya like drawing to an inside straight with 
   those four?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi Ann

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@... wrote:
 Dear Ann.
 Ann thank you for very kind words and vote of confidence.This
 has been a very interesting day for me.I was seriously
 considering dialoguing with Robin but if you read my last post
 you will see how that unfolded.It would have been interesting
 but in the end exhausting, and to what purpose.If Robin would
 put away his old tricks and really be honest rather than always
 writing about the theory of how life supports honesty,

Really be honest = humbly accept Lord Knows's scathing
view of him. Old tricks = not accepting that view.

 than I agree it could have been potentially very worthwhile.  I
 think  a number of people on this forum would have found it of
 interest and it would have been a fullfillmment of my desire to
 have a genuine heart to heart conversation with, him as you know.
 Is it a lost opportunity? You could look at it that way.What to
 do? It is not how I would have wished it to go.

It was how you wished it to go as of your first post, where
you declared you had no intention of engaging with Robin.
No indication in that post that you wanted a genuine heart
to heart conversation with him, explicitly to the contrary.

Why do I suspect you may have misrepresented your intentions
to Ann when you talked to her privately?

 As you know from our private conversations I was genuinely open
 and willing to find a new Robin, someone who really had moved
 on and had stopped his old games.I am aware Robin and others
 here would find that hard to believe given my post

That's an understatement.

 which was bitter medicine for Robin to read,

Not bitter, toxic. More like poison than medicine.

 but if Robin had been as
 reasonable and temperate as he first seemed and open to truly 
 heartfelt honest inquiry then all could have been different.

I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. If you had sincerely 
changed your mind about wanting a dialogue with him after
seeing his first posts, you would have responded to those
rather than his fourth. He's right, you chose the coward's
way out.

 I do not claim to have the last word on Robin or anything else
 for that matter. I wish Robin could hear the words spoken to
 his heart Go and sin no more, all is forgiven as if they were
 spoken by Christ to him.

But with the emphasis on sin no more, right? As long as
he behaves as you think he should behave, he's forgiven,
but not otherwise.

What hypocrisy.

 Just to be clear I have not become a born again Christian, but
 when I think of what might be most healing and helpful to Robin
 it is just what comes to mind.

Just to be clear, I do not believe you have it within you
to do anything that might be the least bit healing or
helpful to Robin, nor do I think for one second that this
is your intention.

 Robin would probably say how presumptuous of me to assume he
 hasn't already experienced this or something like it, it's
 true of course I don't know. All I can say is I don't see
 the change in him that he seems to feel.

You have not been looking for it. You've seen what you
wanted to see.

 All the Best
 Lord Knows (my online name makes me laugh a little)

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-08-07 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 04 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 11 00:00:00 2012
284 messages as of (UTC) Wed Aug 08 00:09:41 2012

27 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
23 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
22 Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
20 authfriend jst...@panix.com
15 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
14 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
14 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
14 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
13 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 9 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 5 danfriedman2002 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 5 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 5 Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
 4 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 3 wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 lordknows888 lordknows...@yahoo.com
 3 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 3 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
 3 Joe geezerfr...@yahoo.com
 2 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 2 laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 2 Mark msilver1...@yahoo.com
 2 Lord Knows lordknows...@yahoo.com
 2 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 1 nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 1 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 1 iranitea no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 Seraphita s3raph...@yahoo.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 Dr. Jessie jmer...@vastu2vaastu.com

Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Seraphita

Excerpt from Suzanne Segal's Collision with the Infinite  [New Age
Books, pp80-81]. The Victoria community is a minor episode in the book,
which is anyway essential reading for anyone who took up TM and
subsequently had uncomfortable or alarming experiences of unboundedness
or depersonalization. Note that Robert = Robin Carlsen:

Robert called me late one night. He said he had felt strange ever since
our talk the previous week, and he wondered what I had done to him. This
was the kind of accusation that Robert often levelled at others.
Whenever he felt dissociated, spacey, or dissolved in someone's
presence, he concluded that the person must be evil . . .

. . . At six in the morning, Robert's wife came into my room and woke
me. She said that Robert was outside in the entryway and wanted to speak
with me. What she didn't tell me was that Robert had been telling the
other students in the house that I was evil because I was Jewish.The
previous week, apparently, he had come to the conclusion that all Jews
were evil . . .

I met Robert . . . He started by accusing me of making him feel
strange the previous week, then proceeded to enumerate all the things
I had done to him. Finally he told me I needed to leave right away
because all Jews were evil and therefore were no longer welcome in this
house, which was a sacred space to him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Another Day In The Life

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  Your display of braveheartednessitude while assisting
  Feste in denigrating dear sweet Sunshine Sal was sooo
  impressive. Good on ya attacking an absent FFLer. 
 Huh? Who is Sunshine Sal? I have never commented on her in
 my life. I never read anything she ever wrote.

And you weren't involved at all in the discussion with
Feste about Sal. az has you confused with someone else.

  But you won't mind me pointing that out because you are, 
  self-described, nonreactive. bwahahaha, that one *really*
  cracked me up when  read it. Yer killin' me girl!
 Really, I said that? Show me where. If you can I will gladly 
 retract my statement and apologize to you. I need the practice
 as I told Share anyway.

You once told Vaj you were *UNreactive* with regard to your
WTS days:

[Vaj wrote:]
 Each person will respond very differently. For example one might
 expect someone who was found to be demonic would react strongly,
 someone who never was, less so.

[Ann wrote:]
One might expect that, but I was an heavily confronted numerous
times and I consider myself rather well-adjusted and unreactive,
about this and many other aspects of the old days including dear
old Robin himself. It just doesn't compute with me to not take
total responsibility for my involvement. No one is to blame, for
any of it, except myself and I don't even blame me. It was all
really good and necessary in the end (and in the now).

That was in a very specific context, i.e., that you didn't
blame Robin or anybody else for your experiences with his
group. So that's two strikes on az. Let's see if he goes
for three.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 So, you've changed in the intervening years.  Have you accepted
 Jesus as your personal Savior?

Have you not bothered to read any of Robin's posts?

If he's said once, he's said dozens of times that he
converted to Catholicism back in 1987 and then
deconverted. He no longer follows any religion and
does not believe Jesus is even accessible in the
world any longer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi Ann

2012-08-07 Thread oxcart49
WOW! that is quite a scathing summation Judy about Lord Knows.  I felt that 
Lord Knows post was excellent and hit the nail directly on the head and 
countersunk it.  That post basically was 98% accurate, which for some may be 
difficult to take.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lordknows888 lordknows888@ wrote:
  Dear Ann.
  Ann thank you for very kind words and vote of confidence.This
  has been a very interesting day for me.I was seriously
  considering dialoguing with Robin but if you read my last post
  you will see how that unfolded.It would have been interesting
  but in the end exhausting, and to what purpose.If Robin would
  put away his old tricks and really be honest rather than always
  writing about the theory of how life supports honesty,
 Really be honest = humbly accept Lord Knows's scathing
 view of him. Old tricks = not accepting that view.
  than I agree it could have been potentially very worthwhile.  I
  think  a number of people on this forum would have found it of
  interest and it would have been a fullfillmment of my desire to
  have a genuine heart to heart conversation with, him as you know.
  Is it a lost opportunity? You could look at it that way.What to
  do? It is not how I would have wished it to go.
 It was how you wished it to go as of your first post, where
 you declared you had no intention of engaging with Robin.
 No indication in that post that you wanted a genuine heart
 to heart conversation with him, explicitly to the contrary.
 Why do I suspect you may have misrepresented your intentions
 to Ann when you talked to her privately?
  As you know from our private conversations I was genuinely open
  and willing to find a new Robin, someone who really had moved
  on and had stopped his old games.I am aware Robin and others
  here would find that hard to believe given my post
 That's an understatement.
  which was bitter medicine for Robin to read,
 Not bitter, toxic. More like poison than medicine.
  but if Robin had been as
  reasonable and temperate as he first seemed and open to truly 
  heartfelt honest inquiry then all could have been different.
 I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. If you had sincerely 
 changed your mind about wanting a dialogue with him after
 seeing his first posts, you would have responded to those
 rather than his fourth. He's right, you chose the coward's
 way out.
  I do not claim to have the last word on Robin or anything else
  for that matter. I wish Robin could hear the words spoken to
  his heart Go and sin no more, all is forgiven as if they were
  spoken by Christ to him.
 But with the emphasis on sin no more, right? As long as
 he behaves as you think he should behave, he's forgiven,
 but not otherwise.
 What hypocrisy.
  Just to be clear I have not become a born again Christian, but
  when I think of what might be most healing and helpful to Robin
  it is just what comes to mind.
 Just to be clear, I do not believe you have it within you
 to do anything that might be the least bit healing or
 helpful to Robin, nor do I think for one second that this
 is your intention.
  Robin would probably say how presumptuous of me to assume he
  hasn't already experienced this or something like it, it's
  true of course I don't know. All I can say is I don't see
  the change in him that he seems to feel.
 You have not been looking for it. You've seen what you
 wanted to see.
  All the Best
  Lord Knows (my online name makes me laugh a little)

[FairfieldLife] Greetings from the New York Center for Nonviolent Communication

2012-08-07 Thread nycnvc


We are excited and grateful for the opportunity to share this upcoming
event with you: NVC Discovery Weekend August 31 - September 2, 2012 in
Chelsea, Manhattan http://www.nycnvc.org/dwe.htm . It is a weekend of
learning, sharing and discussing what Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, John
Gray, Marianne Williamson and many more have called:

`dynamic... life-changing... healing...

invaluable... most useful processes you will ever learn...

effective... elegant... intrinsically radical... timely... necessary...

simple... insightful... liberating... concise... essential...

transformative... as radical and changing as the eight-fold

path... a  must read!... powerful!'

NYCNVC is committed to contributing to the growth and development of
anyone wishing to integrate Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into their
lives. The NVC Discovery Weekend is our most popular in-person workshop,
and is the ideal preparation for our residential intensives
http://nycnvc.org/trainings.htm  and 52 week online course
http://nycnvc.org/cc_online_2012.htm  (which this year includes over
1,000 participants from 6 continents and 54 countries).

We are contacting you because we read your mission, it appears to us to
be complementary with our own, and we hope that you will find this event
relevant to the members of your group. If that is not the case, or
should you have any questions or feedback, please contact us directly:
off...@nycnvc.org. I sincerely hope this is of use to you and yours.
(See posting info below)

Kumari and Antonio


Are you enrolled in the NYCNVC Discovery Weekend? (Aug 31 - Sep 2)
A weekend of learning, sharing and discussing what Jack Canfield, Deepak
Chopra, John Gray, Marianne Williamson and many more have called:

`dynamic... life-changing... healing...

invaluable... most useful processes you will ever learn...

effective... elegant... intrinsically radical... timely... necessary...

simple... insightful... liberating... concise... essential...

transformative... as radical and changing as the eight-fold

path... a  must read!... powerful!'

What This training is for anyone who wants a comprehensive introductory
training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with a certified CNVC
trainer. It is also helpful for those who already know NVC and want
deeper integration. The weekend provides the movement and intensity that
many beginners want and the depth practiced NVCers can benefit from. It
is a highly effective way to transform relationships with your friends,
family, and enemies, and bring more compassion, harmony and fun into
your life. The weekend includes experiential exercises, demonstrations,
role plays and more.

When August 31st - September 2nd 2012
Friday 7:00 PM-9:15 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM-4:30 PM, Sunday 9:30 AM-4:30 PM

Where Sivananda Yoga Center (Chelsea, Manhattan)

How Much $260

To register for the Discovery Weekend, visit :
http://www.nycnvc.org/dwe.htm http://www.nycnvc.org/dwe.htm
Questions off...@nycnvc.org or (646) 201-9226

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Robin Carlsen


This was indeed a spectacularly disturbing and violent episode during those ten 
years. I did attempt to find within Suzanne the evidence which seemed to make 
of her someone invulnerable to the reality of everything that I thought I was 
living for as the enlightened man. But this incident has some important 

First of all, my brother is an Orthodox Jew, and has close ties to the state of 
Israel. In the time I spent in Israel in 1985 I had a profound experience of 
the beauty of the Jewish people. They seemed a superior race of people (I have 
already in another post referred to the Jewish settler that I intreviewed, and 
my time in being invited to dinner in a Israeli household where we talked 
freely. I had very serious conversations with many Israelis while I was there. 
I took away an experience of Israel which was ultra-positive, I would say, even 
mystically positive.

And when I returned to North America I had intended to write a book about 
Israel and the Jewish people, especially in regard to the Palestinians. It 
would set out the fact that I believe the Jewish people to be more beautiful 
than any other race of people. They had the genetic credentials, then, to be 
the Chosen People.

But in preparation for writing this book I began to perceive the integrity of 
Jewishness as being something dominant and overpowering, and it seemed that a 
Jewish person subconsciously looked down upon the goyim--the non-Jew. This 
became a metaphysical perception, and dominated my experience. And I especially 
felt my own vulnerability in this context even as I was enlightened and 
presumably beyond the power of being influenced by what I selected out as the 
metaphysical reality of Jewishness.

However, before I became aware of what seemed, from within my enlightenment, to 
be a preternatural form of integrity inside every Jewish person (and my brother 
seemed the exemplary instance of this; I had known him all my life, and 
although we were raised in a goyim household he became convinced while at 
graduate school during the Six Day War that we had Jewish ancestors and he was 
a Jew. So he converted, and as soon as he did--and married an Orthodox Jewish 
woman--he suddenly seemed comprehensible to me. And after that I always saw him 
as a Jew first (which he believed he was) and my brother second. He meanwhile 
looked upon me as the classic and quintessential goyim and he controlled the 
context intellectually, and made it very clear to me the rightness and 
truthfulness of himself as a Jew. He was inside reality; I was now on the 
outside--and he made this the most natural thing there could be. 

When I told an Orthodox Jew the story about all this, this Jewish man insisted 
I come to the synagogue, that my soul was the soul of a Jew, that my mother was 
Jewish, that God had made me a Jew and I must stop thinking I was a Gentile. 
But I never believed in the evidence for my Jewish ancestry (although I did not 
examine this as my brother did), and have remained a goyim to this moment. 
Although after the last 24 hours I am thinking of seeking refuge in the 
enclosed community of the Orthodox here in Toronto. :-) 

(I should just here stipulate that all this began before I had any interest in 
Catholicism; I had always, once I was grown up, rejected Christianity as 
utterly mythological--including the supposed divinity of Christ.

Meanwhile in preparing to write my book I had a personal exchange of letters 
with Benjamin Netanyahu, who was then Israeli Ambassador to the United States.

However, my perception of the metaphysical superiority and power of the Jewish 
people became an obsession, and it dominated my consciousness, even my way of 
seeing reality. Suzanne Segal was the most terrible victim of this perception, 
as I analyzed her in the most ruthless and uncompromising way: attempting to 
get right to the mystical level of her contempt for the goyim. It was perhaps 
the most intense confrontation of the ten years. I can only assume that Suzanne 
now, from where she exists, understands what happened, what drove me into this 
obsession, and even how the integrity of the Jew has always been somewhere--up 
until the the last 75 years or so--a problem for the Gentile since the 
Crucifixion of Christ, although throughout my anti-Semitic period Christ never 
entered into equation.

I do think there is a mystery here which remains not entirely resolved for me, 
but I certainly have no perception of the metaphysical  integrity of a Jew such 
as to make me anti-Semtic. But during one year there, after I returned from 
Israel, I was under the dominion of a prejudice, a prejudice which has gone 
with my enlightenment. Although I have to watch for my tendency to be 
especially alert in the presence of Jew, for I have always found Jewish 
people--with the example of my brother, who is more gifted than I am 
intellectually and musically--to be formidable, much more formidable than the 

[FairfieldLife] Hi Ann

2012-08-07 Thread lordknows888

Dear Ann.

Ann thank you for very kind words and vote of confidence.This has been a very 
interesting day for me.I was seriously considering dialoguing with Robin but if 
you read my last post you will see how that unfolded.It would have been 
interesting but in the end exhausting, and to what purpose.If Robin would put 
away his old tricks and really be honest rather than always writing about the 
theory of how life supports honesty, than I agree it could have been 
potentially very worthwhile.  I think  a number of people on this forum would 
have found it of interest and it would have been a fullfillmment of my desire 
to have a genuine heart to heart conversation with, him as you know. Is it a 
lost opportunity? You could look at it that way.What to do? It is not how I 
would have wished it to go. As you know from our private conversations I was 
genuinely open and willing to find a new Robin, someone who really had moved on 
and had stopped his old games.I am aware Robin and others here would find that 
hard to believe given my post which was bitter medicine for Robin to read, but 
if Robin had been as reasonable and temperate as he first seemed and open to 
truly heartfelt honest inquiry then all could have been different. I do not 
claim to have the last word on Robin or anything else for that matter. I wish 
Robin could hear the words spoken to his heart Go and sin no more, all is 
forgiven as if they were spoken by Christ to him. Just to be clear I have not 
become a born again Christian, but when I think of what might be most healing 
and helpful to Robin it is just what comes to mind.Robin would probably say how 
presumptuous of me to assume he hasn't already experienced this or something 
like it, it's true of course I don't know. All I can say is I don't see the 
change in him that he seems to feel.

All the Best
Lord Knows (my online name makes me laugh a little)