Re: [FairfieldLife] Finally, an anti-gay marriage protest I like

2014-01-05 Thread steve.sundur
Peep show?!  I think you've got full exhibition going on there sometimes. (-:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Finally, an anti-gay marriage protest I like

2014-01-05 Thread steve.sundur
Somebody take Judy's shovel away from her, Please!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Security, Cigars and FUD

2014-01-05 Thread steve.sundur

 Is this where you and Rita got that fake security camera?

---In, punditster@... wrote:

   Our next door neighbor installed several expensive security cameras all
  around his house, with some motion detecting lighting. He's also got a pit
   bull in the yard and a fence all around, even in the front of his house. Go

TurquoiseB  Hard not to take that personally.  :-)

 Nothing personal, but it's funny - he spent over $1,000 on his camera system. 
My fake cams are only $7.95 each. LoL!

 Security camera rule number 1: NEVER tell anyone that your security cameras 
are not real cameras. Repeat after me: NEVER.



 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:56 AM, TurquoiseB turquoiseb@... 
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:
   --- In, 
Richard Williams wrote:

 Our next door neighbor installed several expensive security cameras all
  around his house, with some motion detecting lighting. He's also got a pit
 bull in the yard and a fence all around, even in the front of his house. Go

Hard not to take that personally.  :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Finally, an anti-gay marriage protest I like

2014-01-05 Thread steve.sundur

 well, she did, are nothing... if not persistent!

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Oh, I thought Share had already done that, according to you and Feste.


 Somebody take Judy's shovel away from her, Please!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Finally, an anti-gay marriage protest I like

2014-01-05 Thread steve.sundur
As far as tongues are concerned, though, yours is more like a whole tree with 
the branches all tangled up. That does create a barrier to finding the truth.

 oh yea? Well yours is like a whole tree with all the branches tangled up, 
which just got some fertilizer dumped on it, and then, then, then, the tangler 
monster came and tangled it up double.

 So there!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Holding back

2014-01-02 Thread steve.sundur
The reality of my skiing is that I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as 
good once, as I ever was, and because of that I have more time to spend doing 
other things.  That translates into two days out of five skiing.

 So, the wife and I decided to spend a day walking around Aspen and visiting 
some of the art galleries as we've always wanted to do, sans kids.

 And really, some of the stuff is priced so high, that you don't really want to 
go in, unless it looks really interesting, or you feel they might have 
something you could afford to buy.

 It so happens that the first gallery we went into had some nice pieces.  Of 
course the pricing was still a little too high, although we had a budget of 
around $2,000.00, so we weren't just only browsing.  The asking price on the 
three pieces we wanted was around $3,500.00.

 We eventually settled on $2,450.00, and feel we really enhanced our little 
place out there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Holding back

2014-01-02 Thread steve.sundur
Thanks Bob, 

 I enjoyed your comments.  And yes, I can't seem to make a post without some 
major typographical or spelling error. Sounds like a possible New Year's 
Resolution. (-:

 I like that image of the old boomers, standing in the corner etc., although I 
don't think I agree with it.  

 Grudging respect for Judy?  Sure. I like Judy and her smugness to some extent. 
 Ok, I'm not sure how well it work in a long term relationship, but hell, only 
a few of us seemed paired up anyway. (-:

 Back to the coal mines?  I'm feeling a little giddy right now.  Almost got 
through my first day back.  No major problems. Some decent business, and the 
hockey game tonight.

 Not bad.  

 Even found a day's work for my 20 yr. old son who's going back to Colo tonight 
with a College group of friends.  Yes, Colorado that is, after the first of the 
year.  Oh God!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Holding back

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Hey Bob,

 Thanks for reply.  I've just been catching up on some posts.

 You know what I think part of the problem might be, is that for me, it is 
just a chat room, and so I enjoy it on that basis.  Now Judy doesn't like 
that term.  For her it something more formal. Now, nobody likes, or abides 
lies.  Okay, that's a given. But how in the hell, can someone find so many lies 
in what other people post, day after day, month after month, year after 

 Something wrong there I think.  And do you think, that, just maybe, many or 
most of those lies may just be differences of opinion?

 Talk about a week blanket!  And I can't tell you how many times Judy has 
missed irony in other's postings! Bob, hate to the one to break the news to 
you, but that says something about a person's state of mind.  

 Now, evidently you enjoy the kind of rigor she brings to the place.  And I 
think she is a smart lady, and finds many inconsistencies.  But can there ever 
be too much of a good thing.   I think there can be.

 Also Bob, please excuse my misuse of the work onset to describe Richard's 

 I've just been reading through them, and I think he is a really funny guy.  
And another confession, I've had a few off forum discussions with Share, and I 
think she is a awesome lady. 

 Just a few thoughts  Bob.  I think you get the gist of it.

 I reeling a little right now.  The wife just told me how much the vacation 

 We found an art gallery that had just opened in Aspen.  And they were anxious 
to make a sale,and we needed to replace some artwork over the two beds.  
Luckily that expense will be shared by three.

 But still, sort of reality check going on now.

 Happy first day of the new year!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
And Judy, this might be a perfect example of what I mean by you missing nuance, 
and choosing to interpret something in the worst possible way.

 Share's comment sounds like a rhetorical statement, as in of course the tomb 
was empty, or maybe, like, Richard, you know the tomb was empty, right?

 That is how I would interpret that comment.

 See, we all have ways of communicating, don't we?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Somehow, not all my comment made it.

 I had added, that some of us communicate in a more gentle way, and others in a 
more direct, even harsh manner.  It may depend on which part of our personality 
is more developed.  Not necessarily making a judgment here, just saying that by 
giving people a leeway in how we interpret their comments, might make for a 
more friendly dialog.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Bingo!  For a liberal, (on the most liberal end of the liberal scale), you 
continually show an extreme amount of intolerance, judgementalness, (if that's 
a word), and narrow mindedness.  

 But in your mind, it's called The Truth, so, no worries.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Says our Judy boring us in her usual fashion.

 Says our Stevie, intolerantly, judgmentally, and narrow-mindedly.

 (What was it you thought I was calling The Truth in my mind, again?)

 Oh, and I didn't know I was that liberal. But perhaps you don't read my 
political posts.

 Judy, you spin whatever, however, anyway it suits you.  Whether or not it 
makes sense, is another matter.  But it looks like this is your career, so at 
least you are good at it.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Hi Share,

 Second attempt at this message.  I did not follow the conversation with 
Richard and may have missed some nuances.  But when someone is condescending, 
you don't usually miss that.  That's what I was commenting on of course.  I 
just noticed that Judy is anxious, as always, to stretch some tiny point into a 
prolonged disagreement.  Her legacy, I suppose.  Recorded for posterity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Holding back

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Hey Bob,

 Giving things are good, hard look is good.

 Parsing something into idiocy, or for the purposes of trying to win an 
argument is bad.

 I think it works something like that.

 Have you ever had a kitten, where any little playful movement elicits a full 
pounce response.  That's kinda what I'm talking about with Judy. Where any 
little point, or disagreement becomes the grounds for an argument, if she feels 
like arguing, which usually seems to be the case.

 And since you and Judy have asked for examples of her missing irony, it 
happened (particularly) in a post I made about Robin some time ago.  My post 
was so outlandish that I was shocked anyone could have taken it seriously. But 
take it seriously she did, and I was then too embarrassed (for her) to point it 

 Fortunately most everyone else got, and when it came up later in a 
discussion, I was quite relieved that the misconception could be finally 
cleared up.  Since then there have been several other instances.  But if you 
think I'm making it up, just disregard the comment as some kind of fabrication 
on my part.  

 And sorry again for my misspellings.  I was anxious to get out the door. The 
wife's birthday is on the fourth. Naturally she's felt cheated all her life by 
having her birthday so close to Christmas.  But it sure made it easy finding 
something nice today at 50% off.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
I'm really sorry about that Judy.  You'll just have to forgive me, por favor

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-30 Thread steve.sundur
Hi Bob,

 Those are high accolades you afford to Judy.  

 And perhaps viewed from a particular angle I suppose they might all apply.

 But from another angle, or a maybe a wider view, those positive traits might 
be offset by other, less attractive attributes.

 As for Barry and Share, I enjoy what they bring to the site.  And as far the 
onset of Richards volume, perhaps, I can't take much of it in right now, but 
can't say I mind it much.

 Right now we're off to Woody Creek Tavern, Hunter Thompson's old watering hole 
for a burger.

 Happy New Year to you, she who must be listened to, and the daughter.




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-28 Thread steve.sundur
Hi Share.

 I took two days off from skiing to get some business done.  But my sister 
arrived last night, so the family is getting ready for some skiing and boarding.

 The town of Aspen looks very festive, and the village of Snowmass looks like 
Emerald City as you are driving up to it.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-28 Thread steve.sundur
 What may escape you is that the content of your posts are mostly the same.  
So, in that manner the quantity doesn't matter.  Whether you take a look at 
number one, or number 20 or number 150 of your posts, it is the same content.  
And unfortunately, not particularly interesting, except in some instances.
 I find Richard to be pretty entertaining and informative.  Now, I know what 
that does to you, but it may be something you need to live with. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-28 Thread steve.sundur
Thanks Bob, I feel fortunate to be able spend time with family in a special 
place doing fun activities.
 First, I do enjoy Richard's writing style.  Now, I know that has nothing to do 
with content, but style points do count for me.
 Second, it has been my observation that some edge has been taken off his 
comments*, and  because of this, it has made him more readable.
 Third, I find Judy to have an overbearing style, lacking tact and the 
inability, (purposely or unaware) ignoring nuance.  And so, when Richard 
attacks her on these fronts, I find it humorous.
 As for his content, I enjoy some of the pictures and situations he describes.  
I also find some of his links interesting, but I typically don't have the time 
to click on them.
 That's the best I can do.
 I hope your daughter is doing well.  I am immensely enjoying skiing with mine. 
 * Certainly Richards comments to Judy have edge.  Please see item three.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-28 Thread steve.sundur
 I feel I must mention this before the close of the year.
 Best Advice of the Year on FFL, bar none, was from Share to Judy, Judy, it's 
just a chat room
 Can you imagine how transformative that would be if Judy could take that to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-27 Thread steve.sundur
Judy, unfortunately this is where dialoguing with you starts to go downhill, 
IMO.  This has been where parsing, mind reading, and other features set in.  
And at the end of the discussion, there is nothing to show for it.  Nothing 
gained.  So, I might take a pass. 
 The only advice I can offer is to perhaps broaden the range of possibilities 
of meaning in what a person might be saying. You might see things differently.  
But I don't really see that happening.  
 I'm afraid it wouldn't offer near the satisfaction as your present means of 
interacting.  That is to say, the two standard model.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-27 Thread steve.sundur
Sure Judy.  Thanks for the feedback.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-27 Thread steve.sundur
Probably not a record Ann,  I'm guessing that belongs to Judy.  But, yea, I 
think it is a good thing.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-27 Thread steve.sundur
easy error to make, if it indeed it is an error, considering that you have been 
the number one weekly poster with our without limits for going on 8 years or 

 why don't let us know what your high number has been so we can see how close 
it is to 235.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-27 Thread steve.sundur
Is there really much difference between 150 posts a week and 250?  I'm not sure 
that there is.  But if you want to keep score, I would bet that more of 
Richard's posts deal with original content than what we are seeing from you.  
Just say'n.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
That's pretty damned funny Richard.  I don't mean to be an enabler, but I'm 
gonna come out of hiding for this one.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Back on alt.meditation.transcendental...

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
I renounce all previous titles, and henceforth declare Judy Richard's Wind-Up 
Toy.  :-)
 Another funny, (objectively speaking)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment.  
And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.
 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin. (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of psychological rape, another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, got too frisky here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there.


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists frisky fellers had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:


 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Go for a calm, relaxing, four-minute cross-country ski break

2013-12-25 Thread steve.sundur
Methinks it could be short lived if we get around to playing it again.  I did 
better than I expected this first day of skiing.  But quite exhausted.  Gonna 
see if I can get through these remaining posts before nodding off.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Go for a calm, relaxing, four-minute cross-country ski break

2013-12-24 Thread steve.sundur
Well I just trounced my son and daughter in Ms. Packman, so that was satisfying.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Go for a calm, relaxing, four-minute cross-country ski break

2013-12-23 Thread steve.sundur
Thanks Barry, I needed that.   Heading out to Colo tomorrow early.  By default 
I am the ski partner for my daughter as the boys snow board, and the wife 
doesn't ski anymore.  

 That brought back memories of yesteryear when I had a little more stamina and 
therefore courage.

 Right now, I'm worried that my prarabdha karma making getting a little thin. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yoga room at O#39;Hare

2013-12-17 Thread steve.sundur
Rick just eats this stuff up.  Rising sign of the Age of Enlightenment sort 
of thing, I guess.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-17 Thread steve.sundur
some others may have heard this as well, that Elf the movie is becoming the 
nostalgia Christmas movie for the coming generation replacing, Its' a 
Wonderful Life, Miracle on 42nd Street, and A Christmas Story.

 I really don't know how I feel about that.  (-: (although I am not familiar 
with A Christmas Story)

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Richard Enigma

2013-12-16 Thread steve.sundur
Well, I actually nominating Richard as FFL Person of the Year.  The person 
who has made the biggest difference 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Richard Enigma

2013-12-16 Thread steve.sundur
Actually, I'm nominating Richard as FFL Person of the Year for 2013.  As the 
individual who has made the biggest difference to the FFL chat room.

 And going back, I'm nominating Share as Person of the Year for 2012, and 
Emily as FFL, POTY for 2011, and Ravi for 2010.  

 Bob Price should get a runner up for one of those years.

 And yes, I give Share credit for bringing out a much more interesting side of 

 Ok, I'm nominating Edg for 2009.


[FairfieldLife] RE: The Richard Enigma

2013-12-16 Thread steve.sundur
Yes, more like that.  Although, in Richard's case, it's been a long time since 
I've enjoyed his posts.  

 And I think it has something to do with Share.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-16 Thread steve.sundur
 You do make me laugh though, you really do and I thank you for that

 And that, my dear, is what we need more of.  Richard has a way of writing that 
I enjoy.  And let's face it, he knows how to push a button or two as well.  And 
isn't it fun, as well, to see what comes from that!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: BTW, don#39;t bother with BBC America#39;s Atlantis

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Right.  Sometimes there's no explaining why a subject matter captures ones 
 And it could be the same reason that I found Star Wars, (especially the early 
installments), Avatar, and Lord of the Rings so enjoyable - that element of 
 And also, for me, likely a form of escape.
 I can't say that I would be singled out as a proponent of the existence of 
Atlantis.  I just enjoy reading about it.
 But I must admit, I think it would have been neat to see James Cameron 
dedicate the funds he spent going to the bottom of the ocean (and not fining 
much) spent on some research to see if there was any evidence of the fabled 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BTW, don#39;t bother with BBC America#39;s Atlantis

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Hi Share,

 Just checking in for a minute.  But had to offer a second opinion abut Hunger 
Games II.  Luckily we saw it at a matinee, when it was only $5.00.  I found it 
boring, with uninspired acting.  IMO, you won't be missing anything if you skip 

 That goes for Gravity as well.  Another boring ass movie IMHO.

 Yes, I always like some new insight into Atlantis.  I don't know if it 
existed, but if I had to make a wager on it, I would say it did exist.

 Hockey is off to a great start, and we've able to go to many games.

 Theresa is such a conscientious student that she sometimes is not able to go.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Oh, okay.  I'm not sure if it's something so grand as that, but it generally 
seems to be a pleasant sensation.

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Well as regards the meal.  It sounds like our expectations are similar.  And in 
this case I think they were met.  At least for the moment!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Good suggestions Richard.  Thank you.  The closest they might come to that 
would be to attend the St. Louis branch of the state college.  In this case 
 But I will be honest about it, at the high school graduation ceremony where 
both sons went, and which happens to have the highest average ACT scores in the 
city, when they announce for each student, which college or university they 
will be attending, no would dare indicate community college.  Or even probably 
technical school. That is not to say, that some might not end up going that 
route, (I know for a fact that many of them do) but at least initially that 
would not be a generally accepted option.  And I'm not saying that it makes any 
sense, but that is the way it is.
 Now the scenario you describe above, fits my oldest son perfectly.  He would 
have been far better going the community college route. He could have stayed at 
home, had a part time job, a car, and income. Instead we (and he) have spent a 
lot of money for tuition, room and board for what appears to be a pretty 
mediocre result.
 My wife grew up without a father for most of her life, worked very hard in 
high school and always had part time jobs. She attended UMSL for most of her 
college career, then transferred to Middlebury where she got her undergrad 
degree, then back to UMSL for Master's degree, before she got snatched up by 
IBM where she worked for 13 years.
 The daughter seems to have inherited her work ethic.  I guess they boys take 
more after me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: BTW, don#39;t bother with BBC America#39;s Atlantis

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope she recovers fully.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: BTW, don#39;t bother with BBC America#39;s Atlantis

2013-12-06 Thread steve.sundur
I wonder what that could be.  I'll have to pay closer attention to what happens 
when I post.

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-05 Thread steve.sundur
Yes, number one son in the midst of his junior year, trying to get his bearings 
to some extent.  But this year he has had to take on a job to help meet his 
living expenses.  I think, that was part of the problem last year - too much 
time on his hands.  
 Wife and number two son are in Milwaukee right now visiting some colleges.  He 
was not accepted into Madison, but there are other colleges in the area he is 
considering.  Not that he would have gone to Madison.  There were many other 
considerations, not the least of which was financial and the large size of the 
 But about those lobster tails.  I had been wanting lobster tails for about the 
last five years, (at least), but never could bring myself to shell out the 
cheddar for them.  But on Saturday, I had it in my mind that was what I was 
going to get.  As I was going through the menu, and seeing the ultra high 
prices on things, I said to myself, (before I got to the lobster tails), that 
as long as they were in the $40.00 range, I would get them.  Well, turns out 
they were $50.00 and some odd cents, and I got them anyway, and thoroughly 
enjoyed them.
 But you know what's bad?  Now I want them again!  So much for impressions.  
 Cold and snowy here!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-05 Thread steve.sundur
You know what I've noticed, is that when I access FFL while I am signed into my 
business e-mail, which is a yahoo account, I get the old format, and it makes 
it much more enjoyable.  But once I sign on with my FFL account it's back to 
 Hey, anyone know why sometimes you might hear a high pitched sound in your 
ears, and things change perception-wise for an moment or two?
 I just had that happen.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pretty Stunning

2013-12-05 Thread steve.sundur
Share, you've brought out a different side of Richard, if you don't mind me 
saying.  A much more enjoyable to read side.
 Hell, I was tempted to call  him on his cell phone the other day just to say, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: BTW, don#39;t bother with BBC America#39;s Atlantis

2013-12-05 Thread steve.sundur
I admit that I am fascinated by Atlantis subject matter.  I tend to gobble up 
books on the subject.  And yes,  pretty much the tales end up the same - evil 
overcoming good and the place gets destroyed.  But in most cases it took 
thousands of years for that to happen.  Even taking into account the 
possibility of three different cataclysmic events.
 So, I'm thinking, hey, they did pretty good if they were able to hold it 
together for long periods of time like that.  I mean the US of A is a little 
over 200 years, and look at the divisions we have.

[FairfieldLife] RE: A musical instructional video to lighten your day

2013-12-04 Thread steve.sundur
Glad you did, pass it along.

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-04 Thread steve.sundur
My sisters were in town for Thanksgiving.  On Saturday we celebrated the 
retiring of some legacy debt from the dad.  I had the most delicious lobster 
tails with drawn butter.  The sisters shared a large filet - medium rare, my 
wife had sword fish, son had a small filet m-r, cousin had a pork chop and 
cousin's friend had roast of lamb.  Tast!

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn#39;t more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-01 Thread steve.sundur
I think this forum would be a much duller place without Emily's contributions.  
I may take issue with some of those contributions, but I think what she posts 
is a damn sight more interesting than most of the fare here.


---In, emptybill@... wrote:

 Yep Bhari2, that has become my question also.

 So Emily, since you never learned TM, why are you here on this forum? 

 Is this your little gossip parlor?

 Maybe instead this is this your prayer hut. So which deity do you pray to 
anyway? Yhvh? Jesus? Christos Pantocrator? Is it a He, a She or an It? Maybe a 


 What caused you to choose a barroom like FFL to wander around in and critique 
the inhabitants?


 ---In, noozguru@... wrote:

 So Emily, tell us why you are on FFL and have no background in TM?  I would 
think you'd feel like a fish out of water.
 On 12/01/2013 12:45 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   O.K.  Share, let's try one more time.  Re: What's unfortunate is that Emily 
used to wrote some interesting posts...
 Share:  What posts of mine did you used to find interesting? 
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Jeez! Now Emily has gone bonkers too!
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 2:33 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... 
emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Conversation between Share and Emily:
 Share: It's raining in Iowa.
 Emily:  Share, is it raining in Fairfield?
 Share:  Emily, I heard it on the news today that it's raining.
 Emily:  Share, is it raining outside your door?
 Share: Emily, the Farmer's Almanac says that it will be raining this winter. 
 Emily:  Share, I'm asking you if it is raining in Fairfield and specifically 
outside your door.
 Barry:  Share, Emily is one of Ravi's minions so disregard her, and btw, 
STFU, you are causing all this.
 Emily:  Share, does it upset you that Barry just told you to STFU?
 Share:  Emily, Barry is like a half-brother to me.  Also, Jon Grayweather, 
who is an expert on what women want out of sex, says that having sex in the 
rain is good for pitta types.
 Emily:  Share, are you a pitta type?
 Bhairitu:  Share, have you tried juicing grass?  It's very good for pitta 
 Richard:  Share, I went to Whole Foods today and bought spinach.
 Share:  Richard, there is a Whole Foods in Iowa and I will be going next 
 Emily:  Share, is it raining in Iowa today?
 Share:  Emily, you are honing in on my conversation with Richard in a mean 
and spiteful way.
 Emily:  Share, *you* said it was raining in Iowa today, I just wanted to know 
if it was raining in Fairfield and specifically outside your door.  
 Share:  Emily, you are being repetitive and vicious and critical and negative 
and I am only responding in-kind.  You are one of Judy's minions and I hate 
her so I hate you too.  I will stand up for myself.
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 What's unfortunate is that Emily used to wrote some interesting posts but once 
she got on Judy's bandwagon she's become imo sort of repetitive.
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:22 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... 
anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   Authfriend's modus operandi: A falsis principiis proficisci. (Marcus Tullius 

RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn#39;t more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-01 Thread steve.sundur
Well, I hope this is okay to say, but I think it may make it easier to have 
onsite two parent input.  Right now the 20 year old is listing somewhat in his 
junior year.  (I delivered a ping pong table down to him today.  After we set 
it up, he beat me in an overtime game.) 

 But he's got some challenges going on in deciding what direction he wants to 
go in, and he's got some party influences that he needs to bring into balance.

 And yes, it takes every bit of sanity (and flexibility) we can muster!

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Steve and I have something in common; we are both blessed with having 
children/teens in the house.  It is important that we stay sane and grounded in 
*reality.*  I think this may be easier for Steve than it is for me, but I'm 
just guessing.  

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote:

 I think this forum would be a much duller place without Emily's contributions. 
 I may take issue with some of those contributions, but I think what she posts 
is a damn sight more interesting than most of the fare here.


 ---In, emptybill@... wrote:

 Yep Bhari2, that has become my question also.

 So Emily, since you never learned TM, why are you here on this forum? 

 Is this your little gossip parlor?

 Maybe instead this is this your prayer hut. So which deity do you pray to 
anyway? Yhvh? Jesus? Christos Pantocrator? Is it a He, a She or an It? Maybe a 


 What caused you to choose a barroom like FFL to wander around in and critique 
the inhabitants?


 ---In, noozguru@... wrote:

 So Emily, tell us why you are on FFL and have no background in TM?  I would 
think you'd feel like a fish out of water.
 On 12/01/2013 12:45 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   O.K.  Share, let's try one more time.  Re: What's unfortunate is that Emily 
used to wrote some interesting posts...
 Share:  What posts of mine did you used to find interesting? 
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Jeez! Now Emily has gone bonkers too!
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 2:33 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... 
emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Conversation between Share and Emily:
 Share: It's raining in Iowa.
 Emily:  Share, is it raining in Fairfield?
 Share:  Emily, I heard it on the news today that it's raining.
 Emily:  Share, is it raining outside your door?
 Share: Emily, the Farmer's Almanac says that it will be raining this winter. 
 Emily:  Share, I'm asking you if it is raining in Fairfield and specifically 
outside your door.
 Barry:  Share, Emily is one of Ravi's minions so disregard her, and btw, 
STFU, you are causing all this.
 Emily:  Share, does it upset you that Barry just told you to STFU?
 Share:  Emily, Barry is like a half-brother to me.  Also, Jon Grayweather, 
who is an expert on what women want out of sex, says that having sex in the 
rain is good for pitta types.
 Emily:  Share, are you a pitta type?
 Bhairitu:  Share, have you tried juicing grass?  It's very good for pitta 
 Richard:  Share, I went to Whole Foods today and bought spinach.
 Share:  Richard, there is a Whole Foods in Iowa and I will be going next 
 Emily:  Share, is it raining in Iowa today?
 Share:  Emily, you are honing in on my conversation with Richard in a mean 
and spiteful way.
 Emily:  Share, *you* said it was raining in Iowa today, I just wanted to know 
if it was raining in Fairfield and specifically outside your door.  
 Share:  Emily, you are being repetitive and vicious and critical and negative 
and I am only responding in-kind.  You are one of Judy's minions and I hate 
her so I hate you too.  I will stand up for myself.
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 What's unfortunate is that Emily used to wrote some interesting posts but once 
she got on Judy's bandwagon she's become imo sort of repetitive.
 On Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:22 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... 
anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   Authfriend's modus operandi: A falsis principiis proficisci. (Marcus Tullius 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Judy Stein#39;s Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread steve.sundur
 Now that was pretty funny.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu wrote:
 Some people on FFL forget it's just a chat group. 

 That should be the mantra of Fairfield Life:


 The TM advanced technique version would be:




[FairfieldLife] RE: Childhood dreams don#39;t have to be let in childhood

2013-11-29 Thread steve.sundur
Hey Barry,
 Wanted to let you know how much everyone here (in the family) enjoyed that 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 Thanks to Red Bull Media House, at least one young boy's dreams became a 
reality. I simply cannot imagine how many takes and bandages went into the 
making of this, but it sure paid off: 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
 Funny, funny, funny!

---In, wrote:

 The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they  know when Mom is 
really angry  with them.
 On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive 
 ---In, wrote:
 Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.
 On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the 
 ---In, wrote:
 While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second mouse that 
gets the cheese.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
 I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, 
who said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they 
channel much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That 
is, into an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In, wrote:

 Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in 
sports what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our 
future! Go, Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi Share,
 Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
 So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
 Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
 Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck 
with Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
 Happy autumn to you all!  

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but 
I got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
 Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
 Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
 Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up 
close to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.
 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelong60@... sharelong60@... 
   Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 


---In, wrote:

 Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In, wrote:

 --- In, TurquoiseB wrote:
 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

 OMG, another one:













[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
 Good stuff Barry!
 And curling.  Ya gotta love curling!

---In, wrote:

 --- In, Steve Sundur wrote:
 I was just reading a passage from a book by Ken Carey from 
 many years ago, who said that professional sports are really 
  quite positive in that they channel much of aggression we 
 have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into an 
 organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me. What do you think?

 I think that some sports can even rechannel macho energies
and counter the effects of misogyny. Take curling, in which
guys get to use a broom for the first time in their lives. :-)

Then again, the misogyny quotient is probably balanced out
in the sport of Wife Carrying, number 8 in this set:
I'm really not sure how to rank Chess Boxing on this scale. :-)

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
Well, that was my take.   Maybe it's just obvious, but in spite of all the big 
money and other flaws, so many people dialed into sports does help mitigate 
overall societal aggression.  At least I think that is the point he is making.  
Specifically, because it is organized, and more importantly, because of the 
agreed upon rules, it helps to process that energy in a generally positive way.
 And then, (and I think this has been discussed here many times), does 
pornography lesson the acting out of sexual crimes, or does it abet it.
 Oh,  I just finished watching the last episode of BB.  I feel satisfied.
 My friend just texted me.  He's already at the stadium and the game doesn't 
start for another 4 hours!!

---In, wrote:

 Whoops, Steve, I just meant that if people are channeling aggression by 
watching and playing sports, wouldn't that help society be less violent in 
general? It's a controversy in Film and TV studies: does watching violence in 
media cause more or less violence?

 It's weird to realize that professional sports are also part of the world of 
entertainment and so they must be well, entertaining, whatever it takes.

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:25 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   I understand what you are saying, but taking the big picture, it makes sense 
to me.  Of course there will always be incidents, but overall, reading that 
(Ken Carey's deal), sort of changed my perspective some.
 I don't know if I see the connection with mass shootings.  I will concede that 
abuse of women does sometimes spike in places where that home team loses a big 
game. But I'm a little more kindly disposed to pro sports now, than I was 
 The one sport where you still have out and out fights is hockey.  But they are 
moderating that some.  My son says that many of those fights are not a result 
of anger per se, but rather, one team trying to break the momentum of the 
other team.  I challenged him on that, and he provided some pretty good 
evidence to back up his position.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:11 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, I think that's a good point about athletics allowing for aggressive 
tendencies to be expressed in a relatively safe way. Yet our society continues 
to have mass shootings, etc. And I think soccer matches are known for the crowd 
riots afterwards. It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. One thing for sure, LOTS 
of money involved!

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:08 AM, steve.sundur@... steve.sundur@... 
   Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they 
really hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next 
year they are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But 
what I don't see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
 I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, 
who said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they 
channel much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That 
is, into an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In, wrote:

 Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in 
sports what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our 
future! Go, Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi Share,
 Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
 So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
 Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
 Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck 
with Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
 Happy autumn to you all!  

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but 
I got intrigued

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread steve.sundur
Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In, wrote:

 --- In, TurquoiseB wrote:
 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

 OMG, another one:

[FairfieldLife] For Anyone Who Feels They Have Problems

2013-09-15 Thread steve.sundur

[FairfieldLife] RE: Why that chips bag got smaller

2013-09-02 Thread steve.sundur

RE: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: The betrayal by Western students

2013-09-02 Thread steve.sundur

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