[FairfieldLife] Re: Cult Mania

2013-02-07 Thread John
The guy is criminally insane.  End of story.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808  wrote:

 Check out this guy!
 Siberian cult leader who claimed he was alien god from the star Sirius
 jailed for ritual rape of dozens of disciples
 * Russian Konstantin Rudnev's cult Ashram Shambala had 30,000
 * Leader forced disciples to take part in orgies, occultism and drugs
 * The 45-year-old said he was 'sent to Earth to enlighten mankind'

 A Russian cult leader has been jailed for 11 years for raping and
 sexually assaulting his followers.
 Konstantin Rudnev, 45, forced his disciples to take part in orgies,
 occultism, and drug-trafficking, a court in Novosibirsk, Siberia heard.
 Former Red Army conscript Rudnev, a self-proclaimed alien god from the
 star Sirius, demanded blind submission from his followers mainly aged
 between 14 and 30.
   [Cult leader: Konstantin Rudnev has been jailed for 11 years after
 Russian authorities spend over a decade trying to bring him to justice]
 Cult leader: Konstantin Rudnev has been jailed for 11 years after
 Russian authorities spent over a decade trying to bring him to justice
 `Rudnev's cult members often lost their money and property and
 abandoned their relatives and friends, and many of them were reported
 missing,' reported the Siberian Times

  ars-in-siberia-for-raping-and-sexually-assaulting-his-followers/ .
 `After joining up, females were forced to take part in `ritual
 rapes' and orgies with Rudnov and other cult leaders, the court was
 One mother told how her son took up yoga classes with the sect - called
 Ashram Shambala - when he was 15, and three years later vanished after
 joining his 30,000 followers.
 More than a dozen followers gave evidence against Rudnev and shocking
 videos were also found showing how some Ashram Shambala followers were
 subjected to violence and sexual abuse.
   [Predator: Rudnev's cult Ashram Shambala had over 30,000 followers
 devoted to his teachings which saw them cut all ties with their families
 and take part in drugs trafficking and sex orgies]
 Predator: Rudnev's cult Ashram Shambala had over 30,000 followers
 devoted to his teachings which saw them cut all ties with their families
 and take part in drugs trafficking and sex orgies
 Media reports suggest some victims were under age.
 His sect was set up before the collapse of the USSR but earlier attempts
 to convict him over a 12 year period had failed because his
 `victims' refused to testify against him in court, said
 prosecutors who had sought a 15 year sentence.
 Rudnev claims to his followers that he was sent to Earth to enlighten
 mankind, drawing up his own bizarre teachings called `The Way of a
 Fool' which mocked traditional views of family life, study and work.
 He was also convicted of creating a religious organisation infringing on
 people's personalities and rights.
 The sect was lucrative and he became a multi-millionaire, preying on the
 vulnerable in a country undergoing massive transformations after the
 collapse of Soviet rule.
   [Guilty: Female members of Rudnev's cult were forced to take part in
 'ritual rapes' some of which were reported to have been underage at the
 Guilty: Female members of Rudnev's cult were forced to take part in
 'ritual rapes' some of which were reported to have been underage at the
 He ran yoga seminars to lure young people who then disowned their
 families and gave their life savings and property to his Ashram Shambala
 According to him, his eccentric 'teachings' took elements from
 the Bible, the Koran, Karmasutra, shamanism, paganism and tantric sex.
 Prosecutors alleged his methods were sinister and involved the
 brainwashing of vulnerable people.
 When he was arrested some 15 people - including a 14 year girl from
 Belarus - were on police search lists after being reported missing by
 Rudnev's lawyer Alexander Nizhinsky said: `We think the verdict
 announced today was not very objective.'
 In 2004, a psychological commission found him criminally insane and he
 was placed in a mental hospital, but later escaped.
 Read more:

 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter
 DailyMail on Facebook

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cult Mania

2013-02-07 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:

 The guy is criminally insane.  End of story.

Not a very convincing story either, Sirius is way too hot to
sustain any sort of life that we might understand - so he wouldn't
have duped me. Just one of the advantages of a good science

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-13 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 You did that once in the past when you came under harsh 
 critisism from Vaj.

Now that'd be something. Like being savaged by a dead sheep?

(Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Healey)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT Totalism to TurqB

2012-11-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I must admit that although I've never read the book
 in question and never will (I'm *really* not interested
 enough in Robin to want to know more about him), I too
 am thankful to who posted it. The controversy it has
 generated has drawn the compulsives out of the woodwork
 and made them go bat shit crazy, so much so that with
 any luck most of them will be gone -- posted out -- by
 Tuesday or Wednesday and the rest of us can enjoy a
 peaceful rest of the week. :-)

Totalism: A Studyof `Brainwashing' in China.Turqb,  I
appreciated the Author's Preface in 'Cults' including the summary of 
Robert Lifton's work on totalism.  Kind of goes along with your other
post on 11 ways to tell your boss is a psychopath.   TM a cult and
necessarily a snare that way to everyone (?); as we used to say about it
in the day,  No, TM can't be a cult it is too dis-organized.
Seeing as you have not joined with the group here and read 'Cults', I
thought to share this bit about Lifton's totalism here for you to look
through at a distance.  As a study it's a good framework for thought
around the whole subject of cults and cult-leaders.-Buck
Robert Jay Lifton, MD, in his

book, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study

of `Brainwashing' in China, points out the eight commonalities

of all systems espousing `totalism.' His book is not about

per se; and yet the thousands of known cults in North America

all profess totalism (meaning they claim to be `all you'll ever

need') and operate by pressing the following eight levers:

1) Loading the language: Cults use specialized

words, whose lofty or esoteric connotations expand

all meanings into absolutes, thereby taking events

out of the ken of normal feeling and discrimination.

2) Milieu control: Cults put newcomers in close

contact with long-timers who often claim to be

novices, quickly sensitiziing neophytes into the

internally consistent world of the cult, both mentally

and environmentally. Expressions of love and

community, even sexual lures, establish an

emotional involvement powerful enough to override

rational inconsistencies. Isolated living can seal the

community from a society which most cults term

`sinful' or even `evil.'

3) `The sacred science': Cults employ a closed

system of thinking, which, to their members, seems

all-inclusive, ultimate, open and makes perfect


4) Mystical manipulation: `Planned spontaneity' is a

common tool that elicits seemingly spontaneous

responses from the group; yet such responses belie a

pressurized system of well-governed behavior.

5) Dispensing of existence: Enforcing cult dynamics

largely by insider-versus-outsider thinking means

that members feel specially chosen to fulfill the

cult's mission. The spiritual health of any member

is determined by the cult leader or authorized


6) Doctrine over person: Employing an absolutist

dogma which is always more important than any

member, cults thrive and members become

expendable once they doubt the dogma.

7) Cult of confession: Having some sort of personal

confessions of sins, often public, whether or not a

member has actually committed such offenses,

keeps members vulnerable and subservient—easily

achieved with anyone whose self-worth is not

totally intact. Control is accomplished by dangling

the highest rewards while simultaneously chaining

members to unworthiness.

8) Demand for purity: Demanding various degrees

of purity—often in the form of abstinence and

austerity—from members, the cult leader can

determine who becomes worthy of promised

spiritual graces.

FFL 11-10-2012

'Cults', a pdf book.


'Cults' thread



[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 
   superiority. It is a testament to her ego fixation and her 
   need to prove her domination. 
  And look at who she needs to pretend to be defending
  to do that. Birds of an ego-feather flock together. :-)
  What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
  and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
  doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
  a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.
 I think that the aspects of cult behavior that most
 concerns me -- having by now gotten used to the sheer
 vindictiveness of TM practitioners who claim to have 
 been practicing the highest path for decades now -- 
 are their inability to be able to discern when they're 
 dealing with real mental illness, and their willingness 
 to use these mentally ill people to further their own 
 vindictive cult goals. 
 I attribute the first failing to having been around
 the TMO for so long, and thus having gotten used to
 the borderline insanity present in many of its adherents
 (excused as mere quirkiness or eccentricity or just
 unstressing), that they feel a need to portray much more
 serious mental illness in the same way. My suspicion is
 that they do this because they feel that if they can
 convince others that people like Robin and Ravi as sane, 
 those others will believe that they are, too. 
 The second failing is more disturbing. I will go on 
 record as saying that I don't believe I've ever seen
 Judy exhibit any more true empathy or loyalty for one
 of the people she defends than either Ravi or Robin
 have. The people she defends are mere props for her,
 potential weapons that she can use to justify her
 vindictiveness and compulsive need to get her 
 enemies. And they last only as long as they toe the
 line and do her bidding. Should any of them cross her, 
 she'll throw them under the bus as quickly as she did 
 John from Brazil or anyone else who once thought her 
 impressive and then later came to their senses and 
 began to see her as more what she is. 
 If I were to rank the different degrees of insanity
 present in this equation, I have to admit that I'd be
 willing to cut both Ravi and Robin a break compared to
 Judy, Raunchydog, and Ann. The former two are IMO 
 legitimately mentally ill, and really have no choice
 in what they do. The latter do what they do to play
 oneupsmanship games and win arguments on a tiny,
 unregarded Internet forum that no one cares about. 
 It's the very pettiness of their motivation that 
 makes them most pathetic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Jason

  ---  turquoiseb no_reply@ 
   What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
   and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
   doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
   a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.
 ---  turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  I attribute the first failing to having been around
  the TMO for so long, and thus having gotten used to
  the borderline insanity present in many of its adherents
  (excused as mere quirkiness or eccentricity or just
  unstressing), that they feel a need to portray much more
  serious mental illness in the same way. My suspicion is
  that they do this because they feel that if they can
  convince others that people like Robin and Ravi as sane, 
  those others will believe that they are, too. 
  If I were to rank the different degrees of insanity
  present in this equation, I have to admit that I'd be
  willing to cut both Ravi and Robin a break compared to
  Judy, Raunchydog, and Ann. The former two are IMO 
  legitimately mentally ill, and really have no choice
  in what they do. The latter do what they do to play
  oneupsmanship games and win arguments on a tiny,
  unregarded Internet forum that no one cares about. 
  It's the very pettiness of their motivation that 
  makes them most pathetic.
---  Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed and commented
 upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your 
 seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown and ungodly
 reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it continues unabated,
 irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.

Robbie Robbie, This is the second post, you are talking like 
a normal human being.

You did that once in the past when you came under harsh 
critisism from Vaj.

It's now obvious that you are capable of talking like a 
normal human.  Why then this huge convulted, contrived dump 
truck dialogue?  What's the point of all this charade?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Jason

  ---  Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it. Using 
   extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others
   is one of your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating
   confusion around the valid issues that have been raised.
 ---  authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Not a tactic, Share, an observation. And I'll stand by it:
  there are people here who are out for Robin's blood--
  --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,
---  laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that from the one 
 comment she's made here in support of her husband's book? How can everyone 
 involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK, Howell and his wife, to name a 
 few) have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*. Evidently, there is 
 much *more* that these abused people need from their abuser than an admission 
 on a public forum that he was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) 
 and is *now* a different person. If we go strictly by what these people are 
 still feeling and seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current 
 writings, it appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard. What's 
 really disgusting is that this is being hashed in public rather than making 
 amends privately between the parties involved.

You don't get it LG, not do others in the forum.

The Stein of Judea is on a supreme mission to prove that 
Maharishi and TM's UC is real and she has to use Robin's 
experience as UC to validiate it.

If Robin's UC was really a delusion, that's bad news for 
her. See how bankrupt the TM true-blue believers are that 
they have no other poster boy to parade other than a 
delusionary nutball who was presumed to be in UC, 25 years 
ago and eventualy ended up in Maharishi's doghouse, then 
became a Catholic and still reeks of Catholicism while still 
apeing Maharishi's schema. 

If Judy was called an 'incarnation of devil' by Robin 25 
years ago in front of her child (if she has one) like the 
way Howard was treated, I doubt Judy would be as charitable 
towards him as she is now.

  Barry, and,
  of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
  what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
  Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)
  Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
  vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
  it a personal crusade against dishonesty.
 Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy, but there is so 
 much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure you see and read about, how can 
 you get any peace or sleep knowing that you can't respond to it all? And why 
 not pursue it where it really counts instead of on an insignificant public 
 forum such as this one? Is it the big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?
 I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum than it 
 deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by anything that's written 
 here, and your insults to others take much away from any credibility to be 
 found in what you write. It's like when the writer starts making insults, 
 then s/he has reached the end of the line and we know we've got 'em.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Jason

  --- Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it. Using
   extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others
   is one of your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating
   confusion around the valid issues that have been raised.
 --- authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Not a tactic, Share, an observation. And I'll stand by it:
  there are people here who are out for Robin's blood--
  --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,
--- laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that from the one
comment she's made here in support of her husband's book? How can everyone
involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK, Howell and his wife, to name a few)
have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*. Evidently, there is much
*more* that these abused people need from their abuser than an admission on a
public forum that he was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) and is
*now* a different person. If we go strictly by what these people are still
feeling and seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings, it
appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard. What's really
disgusting is that this is being hashed in public rather than making amends
privately between the parties involved.

You don't get it LG, not do others in the forum.

The Stein of Judea is on a supreme mission to prove that
Maharishi and TM's UC is real and she has to use Robin's
experience as UC to validiate it.

If Robin's UC was really a delusion, that's bad news for
her. See how bankrupt the TM true-blue believers are that
they have no other poster boy to parade other than a
delusionary nutball who was presumed to be in UC, 25 years
ago and eventualy ended up in Maharishi's doghouse, then
became a Catholic and still reeks of Catholicism while still
apeing Maharishi's schema.

If Judy was called an 'incarnation of devil' by Robin 25
years ago in front of her child (if she has one) like the
way Howell was treated, I doubt Judy would be as charitable
towards him as she is now.

  Barry, and,
  of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
  what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
  Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)


  Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
  vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
  it a personal crusade against dishonesty.

 Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy, but there is so
much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure you see and read about, how can you
get any peace or sleep knowing that you can't respond to it all? And why not
pursue it where it really counts instead of on an insignificant public forum
such as this one? Is it the big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?

 I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum than it
deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by anything that's written here,
and your insults to others take much away from any credibility to be found in
what you write. It's like when the writer starts making insults, then s/he has
reached the end of the line and we know we've got 'em.


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread seventhray1

That's funny Jedi.  Too bad you got your attributions wrong, unless you
knew that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
 --- Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed and
  upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your
  seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown and
  reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it continues
  irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.

 Robbie Robbie, This is the second post, you are talking like
 a normal human being.

 You did that once in the past when you came under harsh
 critisism from Vaj.

 It's now obvious that you are capable of talking like a
 normal human. Why then this huge convulted, contrived dump
 truck dialogue? What's the point of all this charade?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

Robin Carlsen:
  I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to 
  get a hold of the entire person Judy Stein. There 
  might be some slight nitpicks I have here, but 
  essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have 
  captured this woman. Even though she has written 
  in my defense, I still prefer the truth over 
  anything else, and I feel because of your post 
  somehow liberated from any false affection for 
  someone who has taken up my cause. Thank you for 

So, it's all about Robin and Barry.
 Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
 ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
 have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
 what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
 what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
 I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
 cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
 mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
 functions on such an exalted level that they can't
 grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).

If what I've been reading on FFL lately is supposed to
be spiritual teaching, then it's diabolical, fer sure,
if not demonic. Go figure.

Next thing we know emptybill will be telling us that
'vijnana'  doesn't mean consciousness, Robin will be 
telling us that he's not a 'Sufi', and mkjackson will 
say that 'Tai Chi' doesn't have anything to do with 
placement or positioning, and Turq will be making the 
claim that he no longer believes in reincarnation and 
the 'soul-monad'. LoL!!!

 BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
 from your false affections, just whistle.
   That's it?
   You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
   address the rest of the post.
   Afraid ... again?
   However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
   the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
   Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
   delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.
   Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
   pretend to hold back when we all know you as
   you really are.
   So many of us here are loving it.
   Thank you again.

 Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling 
 of superiority.
Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Jason

I beg your pardon. Isn't it Robin's post? 325836

---  seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... wrote:

 That's funny Jedi.  Too bad you got your attributions wrong, unless
 knew that.

  --- Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed
   upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your
   seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown
   reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it continues
   irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.
 ---  Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:

  Robbie Robbie, This is the second post, you are talking like
  a normal human being.
  You did that once in the past when you came under harsh
  critisism from Vaj.
  It's now obvious that you are capable of talking like a
  normal human. Why then this huge convulted, contrived dump
  truck dialogue? What's the point of all this charade?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Richard J. Williams
This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic
Projectionist Post of the Week':


You have already offered more positive considerations than
Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL.

325781 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/325781

Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy,
Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread seventhray1
I believe this quote is attributable to Marek, IIRC.

Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed
upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your
seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown
reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it
irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:
 The Stein of Judea is on a supreme mission to prove that
 Maharishi and TM's UC is real and she has to use Robin's
 experience as UC to validiate it.

That's probably the wrongest you've ever been on FFL, Jason.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

   --- Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it. Using
extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others
is one of your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating
confusion around the valid issues that have been raised.
  --- authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Not a tactic, Share, an observation. And I'll stand by it:
   there are people here who are out for Robin's blood--
   --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,
 --- laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
  A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that from the one
 comment she's made here in support of her husband's book? How can everyone
 involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK, Howell and his wife, to name a 
 have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*. Evidently, there is much
 *more* that these abused people need from their abuser than an admission on a
 public forum that he was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) and is
 *now* a different person. If we go strictly by what these people are still
 feeling and seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings, it
 appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard. What's really
 disgusting is that this is being hashed in public rather than making amends
 privately between the parties involved.
 You don't get it LG, not do others in the forum.
 The Stein of Judea is on a supreme mission to prove that
 Maharishi and TM's UC is real and she has to use Robin's
 experience as UC to validiate it.
 If Robin's UC was really a delusion, that's bad news for
 her. See how bankrupt the TM true-blue believers are that
 they have no other poster boy to parade other than a
 delusionary nutball who was presumed to be in UC, 25 years
 ago and eventualy ended up in Maharishi's doghouse, then
 became a Catholic and still reeks of Catholicism while still
 apeing Maharishi's schema.
 If Judy was called an 'incarnation of devil' by Robin 25
 years ago in front of her child (if she has one) like the
 way Howell was treated, I doubt Judy would be as charitable
 towards him as she is now.

You don't know that for sure. I experienced virtually the same thing as my dear 
friend Brahmi. Virtually all of us did by the end. I don't know if I would 
describe myself as charitable, more like 'over it', 'moved on', 'let it go', 
'taken the knowledge and the experience and transformed myself into a better 
person than I used to be', 'let 25 long intervening years heal me'. And the 
list could go on. 

All any of you can do is conjecture here. 
   Barry, and,
   of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
   what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
   Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)
   Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
   vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
   it a personal crusade against dishonesty.
  Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy, but there is so
 much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure you see and read about, how can you
 get any peace or sleep knowing that you can't respond to it all? And why not
 pursue it where it really counts instead of on an insignificant public forum
 such as this one? Is it the big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?
  I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum than it
 deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by anything that's written here,
 and your insults to others take much away from any credibility to be found in
 what you write. It's like when the writer starts making insults, then s/he has
 reached the end of the line and we know we've got 'em.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
  The Stein of Judea is on a supreme mission to prove that
  Maharishi and TM's UC is real and she has to use Robin's
  experience as UC to validiate it.
 That's probably the wrongest you've ever been on FFL, Jason.

But give him time Judy, there is the whole future for him to best even this 
incomprehensible jumble of english letters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Jason

   ---  Susan wayback71@ wrote:
Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up
about someone you have never met (Robin)?
  ---  authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Oh, shut up, Susan. You have nothing useful to contribute
  Wow! See what I mean?
---  authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 To be clear, I didn't mean here as in FFL but here as in
 this discussion. I've never known Susan to have anything
 important or even interesting to say about personal
 interactions; she seems to have zero insight into human
 relations or individual behavior. She's fine when she's into
 other topics.

It's kinda rare that you act like a thug and a pug. She was 
basicaly asking you a question.  No need to be so abrupt 
about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I think that the aspects of cult behavior that most
 concerns me -- having by now gotten used to the sheer
 vindictiveness of TM practitioners who claim to have 
 been practicing the highest path for decades now -- 
 are their inability to be able to discern when they're 
 dealing with real mental illness,

Oh, I think most of us are well aware of your mental
illness, Barry.

 and their willingness 
 to use these mentally ill people to further their own 
 vindictive cult goals.

I'm not sure how we might use you, however.
 I attribute the first failing to having been around
 the TMO for so long, and thus having gotten used to
 the borderline insanity present in many of its adherents
 (excused as mere quirkiness or eccentricity or just
 unstressing), that they feel a need to portray much more
 serious mental illness in the same way. My suspicion is
 that they do this because they feel that if they can
 convince others that people like Robin and Ravi as sane, 
 those others will believe that they are, too. 
 The second failing is more disturbing. I will go on 
 record as saying that I don't believe I've ever seen
 Judy exhibit any more true empathy or loyalty for one
 of the people she defends than either Ravi or Robin

The people she defends are mere props for her,
 potential weapons that she can use to justify her
 vindictiveness and compulsive need to get her 
 enemies. And they last only as long as they toe the
 line and do her bidding. Should any of them cross her, 
 she'll throw them under the bus as quickly as she did 
 John from Brazil or anyone else who once thought her 
 impressive and then later came to their senses and 
 began to see her as more what she is.

We're all aware of the insanity of Barry's notions, but
let's just get the facts right here. In the first place,
I wasn't a defender of John Manning (do.rflex); he was
one of *my* defenders for years (and one of Barry's 
harshest critics), all the way back to alt.m.t.

In the second place, I didn't throw John under the bus,
he threw *me* under the bus. Why? Because I wasn't an
enthusiastic supporter of Obama in the 2008 presidential

Go figure...

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up
about someone you have never met (Robin)?
   Oh, shut up, Susan. You have nothing useful to contribute
  Wow! See what I mean?
 To be clear, I didn't mean here as in FFL but here as in
 this discussion. I've never known Susan to have anything
 important or even interesting to say about personal
 interactions; she seems to have zero insight into human
 relations or individual behavior. She's fine when she's into
 other topics.

I thought you were reacting to Susan raising the same point
I made that your dogged pursuit of truth may stem from some 
sort of unconscious drive you don't understand. There aint nothing 
wrong with it obviously, except that you seem to pursue it with a ferocious 
black and white gusto that raises more than a few eyebrows. It seems like it's 
your whole life, online anyway. 

I am obviously speculating and playing up to Robin's modus 
operandi in breaking down things that hold people back. But 
obsessive behaviour, no matter how well intentioned, is a problem
that stops you developing. Or isn't it well intentioned? Maybe
it's a way to create stability in your ego by having everyone
in this chaotic, mixed up world appear to agree with you or be 
part of some other that don't deserve your respect(do I make a 
good therapist or what!)

Search your heart Judy, how do you feel ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

2012-11-12 Thread Share Long
Richard, please try to keep up with who it's all about, LOL. Which is actually 
Ann.  Who wasn't even here! 

Before going away, Ann wrote some nasty stuff about me and some FF spiritual 
groups like the Quakers, Liberal Catholics, Sufis, devotional singers and 
practitioners of yoga and qigong.  I replied to her and she replied that it 
reminded her of when I accused Robin of psychological rape.

Then YOU, yes you Richard, made a comment about that which I answered.  Then 
Robin wrote a reply to me.  Then I told him I was at peace about it all and 
hoped he was too and wishing him all best always.  Then the poop really hit the 
scoop.  And here we are!

 From: Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:03 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic 
Projectionist Post of the Week':


You have already offered more positive considerations than 
Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL. 


Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy, 
Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

2012-11-12 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Richard, please try to keep up with who it's all about, LOL. Which is 
 actually Ann.  Who wasn't even here! 
 Before going away, Ann wrote some nasty stuff about me and some FF spiritual 
 groups like the Quakers, Liberal Catholics, Sufis, devotional singers and 
 practitioners of yoga and qigong.  I replied to her and she replied that it 
 reminded her of when I accused Robin of psychological rape.
 Then YOU, yes you Richard, made a comment about that which I answered.  Then 
 Robin wrote a reply to me.  Then I told him I was at peace about it all and 
 hoped he was too and wishing him all best always.  Then the poop really hit 
 the scoop.  And here we are!
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB
 This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic 
 Projectionist Post of the Week':
 You have already offered more positive considerations than 
 Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL. 
 Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy, 
 Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
 Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!

And Buck, he just wants people to come to meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:
 I am obviously speculating and playing up to Robin's modus 
 operandi in breaking down things that hold people back. But 
 obsessive behaviour, no matter how well intentioned, is a problem
 that stops you developing. Or isn't it well intentioned? Maybe
 it's a way to create stability in your ego by having everyone
 in this chaotic, mixed up world appear to agree with you or be 
 part of some other that don't deserve your respect(do I make a 
 good therapist or what!)

Er, what.

 Search your heart Judy, how do you feel ;-)

No, no. It's How are you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  I am obviously speculating and playing up to Robin's modus 
  operandi in breaking down things that hold people back. But 
  obsessive behaviour, no matter how well intentioned, is a problem
  that stops you developing. Or isn't it well intentioned? Maybe
  it's a way to create stability in your ego by having everyone
  in this chaotic, mixed up world appear to agree with you or be 
  part of some other that don't deserve your respect(do I make a 
  good therapist or what!)
 Er, what.
  Search your heart Judy, how do you feel ;-)
 No, no. It's How are you?


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
Folks, we have to expect the anti-Robinites to be
in a state of upset and confusion for awhile. They
fully expected it would be a breeze to turn FFL
members against Robin by making the Cult book

It doesn't seem to have worked out that way. FFLers
aren't about to be bulldozed and propagandized to
suit the agenda of some newbie peddling a book.
Most here either like Robin or have no problem with

Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly 
rejecting the current charges being leveled against

The anti-Robinites were so clumsy and stupid about
their campaign (especially in appointing the hapless
Share their spokesperson and in threatening to make 
an example of Ann by punishing her for declining to
condemn Robin) that instead of humiliating Robin and
triumphantly expelling him from FFL, they have become
figures of ridicule.

Like the Republicans in the election just past, it
will take them some time to recover from the
embarrassment. We'll almost certainly continue to see
see bursts of shaky bravado from those who cannot 
bring themselves to face reality, but they won't last

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 
  superiority. It is a testament to her ego fixation and her 
  need to prove her domination. 
 And look at who she needs to pretend to be defending
 to do that. Birds of an ego-feather flock together. :-)
 What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
 and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
 doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
 a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

2012-11-12 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Richard, please try to keep up with who it's all about, LOL. Which is 
 actually Ann.  Who wasn't even here! 
 Before going away, Ann wrote some nasty stuff about me and some FF spiritual 
 groups like the Quakers, Liberal Catholics, Sufis, devotional singers and 
 practitioners of yoga and qigong.  I replied to her and she replied that it 
 reminded her of when I accused Robin of psychological rape.

That Reader's Digest Version of our conversations is so far from the truth I am 
quite astounded. At this point I am not sure whether to chalk this up to too 
much sugar, lack of sugar or just plain old integrity on your part. I'll assume 
it's the sugar until I can't anymore.
 Then YOU, yes you Richard, made a comment about that which I answered.  Then 
 Robin wrote a reply to me.  Then I told him I was at peace about it all and 
 hoped he was too and wishing him all best always.  Then the poop really hit 
 the scoop.  And here we are!

Yes, here we all are, as if by magic! Isn't life magical Share? I can see the 
pink unicorns and rainbows from here, you too? Why don't we just hug and make 
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB
 This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic 
 Projectionist Post of the Week':
 You have already offered more positive considerations than 
 Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL. 
 Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy, 
 Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
 Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 Folks, we have to expect the anti-Robinites to be
 in a state of upset and confusion for awhile. 

Yeah, right. :-) Just have to comment on this flight
of fancy and the suggestion that Share is in a state
of panic, coming from the person who is only 10 posts
away from posting out for the week *at noon on a Monday*.

Methinks the lady doth project too much. :-)  :-)  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Folks, we have to expect the anti-Robinites to be
  in a state of upset and confusion for awhile. 
 Yeah, right. :-) Just have to comment on this flight
 of fancy and the suggestion that Share is in a state
 of panic,

It would appear that Barry is on the verge of panic as
well. He's so freaked out he's actually been driven to
read my posts. ;-)

 coming from the person who is only 10 posts
 away from posting out for the week

And to count them!

 *at noon on a Monday*.

Yeah, and not the least bit panicked about it. I did
what I needed to do over the weekend.

Barry will continue to froth at the mouth for a while,
but he hasn't been a real player here for some time,
so nobody's going to pay him much attention.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...
 Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
 absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
 cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
 that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
 with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
 as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
 rejecting the current charges being leveled against

For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's changed.  He
can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a chat.  I am
sure he would react just as he says he would.
But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I think many
others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your face demands
that were said to be a part of the WTS experience.
Now you can claim, as Raunchy seems to do, that this is just someone who
processes unflinching honesty in himself, and demands the same in
If that's her opinion, so be it.
But I don''t think that would be the consensus of people who took at
look at these interactions.
And why such a difference of opinion would elicit such strong
incrimination, I don't know.
And rather than Brahmi's assessment being described as despicable,
(hope I recall the correct term used) I think her point of being a
recovering cult teacher to be quite valid.
If you are indeed in recovery, why would you even go near the same
behaviors that got you into trouble in the first place.
But who knows, maybe others see no resemblance to his M-O during those
days and how he interacts here on FFL.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 Folks, we have to expect the anti-Robinites to be
 in a state of upset and confusion for awhile. They
 fully expected it would be a breeze to turn FFL
 members against Robin by making the Cult book
 It doesn't seem to have worked out that way. FFLers
 aren't about to be bulldozed and propagandized to
 suit the agenda of some newbie peddling a book.
 Most here either like Robin or have no problem with
 Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
 absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
 cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
 that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
 with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
 as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly 
 rejecting the current charges being leveled against
 The anti-Robinites were so clumsy and stupid about
 their campaign (especially in appointing the hapless
 Share their spokesperson and in threatening to make 
 an example of Ann by punishing her for declining to
 condemn Robin) that instead of humiliating Robin and
 triumphantly expelling him from FFL, they have become
 figures of ridicule.
 Like the Republicans in the election just past, it
 will take them some time to recover from the
 embarrassment. We'll almost certainly continue to see
 see bursts of shaky bravado from those who cannot 
 bring themselves to face reality, but they won't last

I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.

The way different people can filter reality to suit
their own ends is amazing. I'm sure glad the CULT book
got peddled here as it's really opened the faultlines
even further and poor Judy appears to have disappeared 
into some weird alternative reality where she is as 
victorious as she obviously *needs* to be. Have a nice 
time there and don't forget to write

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 
   superiority. It is a testament to her ego fixation and her 
   need to prove her domination. 
  And look at who she needs to pretend to be defending
  to do that. Birds of an ego-feather flock together. :-)
  What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
  and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
  doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
  a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Folks, we have to expect the anti-Robinites to be
   in a state of upset and confusion for awhile. 
  Yeah, right. :-) Just have to comment on this flight
  of fancy and the suggestion that Share is in a state
  of panic,
 It would appear that Barry is on the verge of panic as
 well. He's so freaked out he's actually been driven to
 read my posts. ;-)
  coming from the person who is only 10 posts
  away from posting out for the week
 And to count them!
  *at noon on a Monday*.
 Yeah, and not the least bit panicked about it. I did
 what I needed to do over the weekend.
 Barry will continue to froth at the mouth for a while,
 but he hasn't been a real player here for some time,
 so nobody's going to pay him much attention.

I've got this special place in my heart for the humiliated, the neglected, the 
last pick on the playground kinda guy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
  absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
  cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
  that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
  with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
  as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
  rejecting the current charges being leveled against

Steve: For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's changed.  He 
can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a chat.  I am sure he 
would react just as he says he would.

Robin: It is not a question of reaction, Steve; it is a question of being able 
to communicate to that person the sense of someone loving and respectful to 
that person such that that person believes in their experience that Robin is 
allowing them to have: an experience of freedom and positivity.

Steve: But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I think many 
others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your face demands that 
were said to be a part of the WTS experience.

Robin: It is question of whether I have, here on FFL, Steve, compromised my 
integrity and violated the integrity of another person, something that I did in 
those Ten Years--since I was ultimately a far more problematic character than 
any of the persons that I 'confronted'. I have made a claim to Bill Howell: it 
is a question of seeing whether that claim is empirically true in the 
subjective experience of any person from my past who sat at that Starbucks 
table with me. You have a feeling for the person I am: Do you doubt you would 
experience someone who was loving and appropriate? What is your intuition about 
this? Now imagine the person of those Ten Years: If I met that person now, I 
would find myself forced to defend myself and to, in effect, stop him from his 
crusade of divine and demoni dramatic truth.

Steve: Now you can claim, as Raunchy seems to do, that this is just someone who 
processes unflinching honesty in himself, and demands the same in others.

Robin: Where have I been dishonest, grandiose, mystically arrogant, violent, 
presumptuous on FFL, Steve? Can you furnish a single instance of someone who is 
exhibiting behaviour which would represent what a former cult leader would 
do--something abnormal and unnatural on its own terms, without reference to any 
antecedent circumstances. If I had not been a former cult leader and was 
posting as I post. Would you have come to the same conclusion as you have here, 

Steve: If that's her opinion, so be it.  

But I don''t think that would be the consensus of people who took at look at 
these interactions.

Robin: What would be the consensus of persons who are examining my posts on 
their own terms, without linking them to what now has become public knowledge 
as to the person I was more then twenty-five years ago? You are an 
infuriatingly naive person, Steve--Your most frustrating trait (for me at 
least) is *You won't process all of the data*. This I can't comprehend. I don't 
see how a point of view can be valid unless it seeks to process ALL of the 
data. Your judgment of Share today is a classic example of this: You don't base 
your judgment on any kind of reading of reality. You based your judgment purely 
within the sentimentality--unconscious--which drives so many of your 
perceptions. I don't understand it; it is shockingly irresponsible--even in a 
moral sense. IMHO.

Steven: And why such a difference of opinion would elicit such strong 
incrimination, I don't know.

Robin: You don't know what you are talking about, Steve--This Share Long 
business. Are you just proffering an opinion *here*? If you think what you are 
saying here only amounts to an opinion, then, according to the literal and 
meaningful definition of that term, you lack the knowledge which would make 
your opinion something more than an opinion. Are your reflections here in the 
same category as what Share as said? They most certainly are, only compared to 
her you are the soul of rationality.

Steve: And rather than Brahmi's assessment being described as despicable, 
(hope I recall the correct term used) I think her point of being a recovering 
cult teacher to be quite valid.

Robin: And that is the point, Steve: In order to convey the context of this 
judgment, you must ignore my letter to Brahmi and my letter to Bill--and then 
you must simply attach yourself to the characters and issues according to how 
your prejudices and biases play upon you. Why not look for the complexity of 
this whole issue, Steve? What is it about your own consciousness which makes 
you, implicitly, believe that raunchy and the rest are not facing up to reality 
as you and Share are--and Barry? Barry this morning said I was insane. Have I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 snip reply to obvious insanity
 I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.
 The way different people can filter reality to suit
 their own ends is amazing. I'm sure glad the CULT book
 got peddled here as it's really opened the faultlines
 even further and poor Judy appears to have disappeared 
 into some weird alternative reality where she is as 
 victorious as she obviously *needs* to be. Have a nice 
 time there and don't forget to write

I must admit that although I've never read the book
in question and never will (I'm *really* not interested
enough in Robin to want to know more about him), I too 
am thankful to who posted it. The controversy it has 
generated has drawn the compulsives out of the woodwork
and made them go bat shit crazy, so much so that with 
any luck most of them will be gone -- posted out -- by 
Tuesday or Wednesday and the rest of us can enjoy a 
peaceful rest of the week. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
  absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
  cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
  that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
  with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
  as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
  rejecting the current charges being leveled against
 For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's changed.  He
 can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a chat.  I am
 sure he would react just as he says he would.
 But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I think many
 others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your face demands
 that were said to be a part of the WTS experience.

Wrong, Steve. No one on FFLife except Ann can honestly claim to see Robin's 
pattern of confrontation during WTS as the *same* for FFLife. Ann was there and 
she doesn't see it. You weren't there. So, whose experience of Robin's behavior 
on FFLife compared to WTS am I to believe, you or Ann? If you can't get your 
facts straight, please don't add to the confusion.

 Now you can claim, as Raunchy seems to do, that this is just someone who
 processes unflinching honesty in himself, and demands the same in
 If that's her opinion, so be it.
 But I don''t think that would be the consensus of people who took at
 look at these interactions.
 And why such a difference of opinion would elicit such strong
 incrimination, I don't know.
 And rather than Brahmi's assessment being described as despicable,
 (hope I recall the correct term used) I think her point of being a
 recovering cult teacher to be quite valid.
 If you are indeed in recovery, why would you even go near the same
 behaviors that got you into trouble in the first place.
 But who knows, maybe others see no resemblance to his M-O during those
 days and how he interacts here on FFL.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread emptybill
Wiki Willy

Now that you bring it up ...

In Buddhist Sanskrit, the term vijñana means discernment - to
perceive apart. As a term for one the five skandha-s, it signifies the
capacity of functioning awareness to apprehend the its own separateness
from form (rupa), sensation (vedana) , consciousness (sanjña) and
volition (samskara).

Here's an explanatory blurb about discernment ...

The prefix  vi- is seen in some commonly used Pali  Sanskrit Buddhist
terms;   such as vimala, vinaya, vinnana/vijnana, visuddha/vishuddha,
vihara,and vipassana/vipashyana.  It is a cognate of the common English
prefix  dis- [or de-].
Note that  most English speakers consider dis-/de- to be a negation.
Actually, it  simply means `apart.'  In many cases, this implies
a kind of negation.  However, there are three or four main functions;
and many times there is  no negation.   I go with three:

A Reversal or Removal.  This is similar to a negation. An example in
English is disappear; to  cease to appear. Another is disconnect; to end
a connection. Disengage,  disservice,  and defuse are other examples in
which dis-  serves to  reverse the meaning of the base word.  An example
of this function is  seen in the Buddhist terms viraga and  vimala.

To sunder, sever, divide,  separate, or take `apart:' Sometimes 
this is sort of like a negations, as in the word dismember — to cut
or  tear off or part. At other times, it simply kind of sorts things
out, as  in delineate. Disseminate is another example in which dis-
means to   divide up, as is discourse.  This kind of function for vi- 
is seen in  the Buddhist terms vinaya, vihara,  and vinnana / vijnana.

An Intensifier:  This use of dis- in English, or vi- in Pali or
Sanskrit, does not  change the meaning of the root word; it sets the use
of the word `apart'  from its common usage. The best example in
English ins disgruntled.  What were we before we became disgruntled?
Were we gruntled? The answer  is yes.  Gruntle is an old verb that meant
to groan,  grunt, or  grumble.   So, gruntled meant that one was
malcontented.  Disgruntled  means to be utterly discontented, an
intensive of gruntled.  There is  also the verb debar; which means
virtually  the same thing as the verb  bar;  but might imply a more
official or permanent prohibition. Also,  disannul intensifies annul.
The vi- in the Buddhist terms vipassana /  vipashyana, and  visuddha /
vishuddha is an intensifier. By the way,   em-,  en-, ex-, il-, in-, and
ir- are other examples are prefixes than  can act like negations; but
are also used as intensifiers.
Finally,  looking at etymologies  has not only helped me understand
Buddhist  terms, it has also helped me better appreciate the nuances of
my own  English language.   Sometimes, the prefix dis- can mean
different things  in the same word, depending on context. An example is
discern. The  `cern; part is from a root that means `to
sift.'  Discern can mean to  see , detect, or recognize intently or
clearly;  in that case dis- is an  intensive.  However, discern can 
also mean to identify differences or  discriminate, in that cases dis- 
serves to indicate division or  separation

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

 Robin Carlsen:
   I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to
   get a hold of the entire person Judy Stein. There
   might be some slight nitpicks I have here, but
   essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have
   captured this woman. Even though she has written
   in my defense, I still prefer the truth over
   anything else, and I feel because of your post
   somehow liberated from any false affection for
   someone who has taken up my cause. Thank you for
 So, it's all about Robin and Barry.

  Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
  ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
  have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
  what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
  what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
  I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
  cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
  mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
  functions on such an exalted level that they can't
  grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
 If what I've been reading on FFL lately is supposed to
 be spiritual teaching, then it's diabolical, fer sure,
 if not demonic. Go figure.

 Next thing we know emptybill will be telling us that
 'vijnana'  doesn't mean consciousness, Robin will be
 telling us that he's not a 'Sufi', and mkjackson will
 say that 'Tai Chi' doesn't have anything to do with
 placement or positioning, and Turq will be making the
 claim that he no longer believes in reincarnation and
 the 'soul-monad'. LoL!!!

  BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
  from your false affections, just whistle.
That's it?
You're becoming weak-minded. You 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
   absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
   cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
   that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
   with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
   as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
   rejecting the current charges being leveled against

 Steve: For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's
changed.  He can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a
chat.  I am sure he would react just as he says he would.

 Robin: It is not a question of reaction, Steve; it is a question of
being able to communicate to that person the sense of someone loving and
respectful to that person such that that person believes in their
experience that Robin is allowing them to have: an experience of freedom
and positivity.
Is this same as saying, Hey, look at me.  What an ass I was.  I've
worked hard to try to work out some of the kinks.  I hope you'll forgive
me, and if you can't then I can accept that too  You mean something
along these lines?  Isn't this how most humans communicate?  Simply.But
if instead, someone started in with a challenge, prompting me to see
things in a certain way, then I say, no thanks.  And from what you've
said, that is the tack it looks like you may be taking.
 Steve: But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I
think many others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your
face demands that were said to be a part of the WTS experience.

 Robin: It is question of whether I have, here on FFL, Steve,
compromised my integrity and violated the integrity of another person,
something that I did in those Ten Years--since I was ultimately a far
more problematic character than any of the persons that I 'confronted'.
I have made a claim to Bill Howell: it is a question of seeing whether
that claim is empirically true in the subjective experience of any
person from my past who sat at that Starbucks table with me. You have a
feeling for the person I am: Do you doubt you would experience someone
who was loving and appropriate? What is your intuition about this? Now
imagine the person of those Ten Years: If I met that person now, I would
find myself forced to defend myself and to, in effect, stop him from his
crusade of divine and demoni dramatic truth.

 Steve: Now you can claim, as Raunchy seems to do, that this is just
someone who processes unflinching honesty in himself, and demands the
same in others.

 Robin: Where have I been dishonest, grandiose, mystically arrogant,
violent, presumptuous on FFL, Steve? Can you furnish a single instance
of someone who is exhibiting behaviour which would represent what a
former cult leader would do--something abnormal and unnatural on its own
terms, without reference to any antecedent circumstances. If I had not
been a former cult leader and was posting as I post. Would you have come
to the same conclusion as you have here, Steve?
Probably not.  But maybe that was the best career path for you.  But it
didn't fully work out.  On the other hand, I wonder what direction you
might have gone in.
 Steve: If that's her opinion, so be it.

 But I don''t think that would be the consensus of people who took at
look at these interactions.

 Robin: What would be the consensus of persons who are examining my
posts on their own terms, without linking them to what now has become
public knowledge as to the person I was more then twenty-five years ago?
You are an infuriatingly naive person, Steve--Your most frustrating
trait (for me at least) is *You won't process all of the data*. This I
can't comprehend. I don't see how a point of view can be valid unless it
seeks to process ALL of the data. Wow, how much time does it take to
process all the data.? All the data sounds pretty daunting, and then
there is the interpretation of the data, right?Your judgment of Share
today is a classic example of this: You don't base your judgment on any
kind of reading of reality. You based your judgment purely within the
sentimentality--unconscious--which drives so many of your perceptions. I
don't understand it; it is shockingly irresponsible--even in a moral
sense. IMHO.
You may be right about this, but the funny thing is that in real life it
seems to be working.  I think that counts for something.  In fact my
best experiences have been along these lines.  And when I say
experiences, I mean real life events that have practical outcomes.   Not
just seeing the universe explode in light or something like that.
 Steven: And why such a difference of opinion would elicit such strong
incrimination, I don't know.

 Robin: You don't know what you are talking about, Steve--This 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
rejecting the current charges being leveled against

Steve: For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's changed. He 
can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a chat. I am sure he 
would react just as he says he would.
Robin: It is not a question of reaction, Steve; it is a question of being able 
to communicate to that person the sense of someone loving and respectful to 
that person such that that person believes in their experience that Robin is 
allowing them to have: an experience of freedom and positivity.

Steve2: Is this same as saying, Hey, look at me.  What an ass I was.  I've 
worked hard to try to work out some of the kinks.  I hope you'll forgive me, 
and if you can't then I can accept that too  You mean something along these 
lines?  Isn't this how most humans communicate?  Simply.

But if instead, someone started in with a challenge, prompting me to see things 
in a certain way, then I say, no thanks.  And from what you've said, that is 
the tack it looks like you may be taking.

Robin2: A profound misreading of what I said, Steve. What I am saying is that 
the entire context of experience--for the person, for me--would be such that 
there would be  substratum of good will, sincerity, lovingness--*the absence of 
whatever was there in the Ten Years*. This does not mean I turn into some robot 
of passivity or meekness such that I refuse to explain myself, or defend 
myself. If the person's agenda is to see me in order to test the extent to 
which they can deliver some form of personal retribution, well, that will be 
handled on the basis of the validity of the charges, the accusations--something 
that would be worked out at the level of intelligence and feeling and respect. 
Not determined then by the cosmic authority of my own consciousness, which was, 
in the final analysis, the determining authority for The Context. I had no 
context before I was enlightened; I currently am not in possession of any 
context (which could, just on the merit of what it is, override and supersede 
the personal context of self-justification of the other person).

You have presumably had some differences with members of your family. How do 
these things get worked out? If someone came to Starbucks to light into me, I 
would not necessarily simply lie down and decide: This person needs to lash out 
and scourge me-becuase of what I have done to him or her. I would assess the 
appropriateness--we would assess the appropriateness--of what was being said on 
the basis of what seemed true to both of us within our experience of each 
other. Get it, Steve? There is more to life than what we have acquired by way 
of opinions about our life and ourselves. You would make lide formulaic. I have 
the bias towards trying to get at the truth. And what I have passed through in 
these twenty five and a half years, you know nothing about whatsoever. I am 
miraculously changed. This would be obvious to anyone from those Ten Years who 
met with me at Starbucks.

Steve: But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I think many 
others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your face demands that 
were said to be a part of the WTS experience.

Robin: It is question of whether I have, here on FFL, Steve, compromised my 
integrity and violated the integrity of another person, something that I did in 
those Ten Years--since I was ultimately a far more problematic character than 
any of the persons that I 'confronted'. I have made a claim to Bill Howell: it 
is a question of seeing whether that claim is empirically true in the 
subjective experience of any person from my past who sat at that Starbucks 
table with me. You have a feeling for the person I am: Do you doubt you would 
experience someone who was loving and appropriate? What is your intuition about 
this? Now imagine the person of those Ten Years: If I met that person now, I 
would find myself forced to defend myself and to, in effect, stop him from his 
crusade of divine and demoni dramatic truth.

 Steve: Now you can claim, as Raunchy seems to do, that this is just someone 
who processes unflinching honesty in himself, and demands the same in others.
Robin: Where have I been dishonest, grandiose, mystically arrogant, violent, 
presumptuous on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-12 Thread seventhray1
Thanks for your lengthy reply.  I read all of it, and enjoyed it.   I
don't know that I will be able to respond to it, but I appreciate the
time you put into it.
Oh, the comment deflector shields up Captain, was something Sulu
always said to Captain Kirk.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
  lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
 Nor was Robin willing to meekly acquiesce to the
 absurd accusation that he had not changed from his
 cult-leader days, or the even more ludicrous notion
 that he had created a new cult on FFL. He responded
 with courage and dignity, taking full responsibility,
 as he always has, for his past behavior but firmly
 rejecting the current charges being leveled against

 Steve: For me the funny thing is, that Robin can say how much he's
changed. He can invite his friends from his WTS days to Starbucks for a
chat. I am sure he would react just as he says he would.

 Robin: It is not a question of reaction, Steve; it is a question of
being able to communicate to that person the sense of someone loving and
respectful to that person such that that person believes in their
experience that Robin is allowing them to have: an experience of freedom
and positivity.

 Steve2: Is this same as saying, Hey, look at me.  What an ass I was. 
I've worked hard to try to work out some of the kinks.  I hope you'll
forgive me, and if you can't then I can accept that too  You mean
something along these lines?  Isn't this how most humans communicate? 

 But if instead, someone started in with a challenge, prompting me to
see things in a certain way, then I say, no thanks.  And from what
you've said, that is the tack it looks like you may be taking.

 Robin2: A profound misreading of what I said, Steve. What I am saying
is that the entire context of experience--for the person, for me--would
be such that there would be  substratum of good will, sincerity,
lovingness--*the absence of whatever was there in the Ten Years*. This
does not mean I turn into some robot of passivity or meekness such that
I refuse to explain myself, or defend myself. If the person's agenda is
to see me in order to test the extent to which they can deliver some
form of personal retribution, well, that will be handled on the basis of
the validity of the charges, the accusations--something that would be
worked out at the level of intelligence and feeling and respect. Not
determined then by the cosmic authority of my own consciousness, which
was, in the final analysis, the determining authority for The Context. I
had no context before I was enlightened; I currently am not in
possession of any context (which could, just on the merit of what it is,
override and supersede the personal context of self-justification of the
other person).

 You have presumably had some differences with members of your family.
How do these things get worked out? If someone came to Starbucks to
light into me, I would not necessarily simply lie down and decide: This
person needs to lash out and scourge me-becuase of what I have done to
him or her. I would assess the appropriateness--we would assess the
appropriateness--of what was being said on the basis of what seemed true
to both of us within our experience of each other. Get it, Steve? There
is more to life than what we have acquired by way of opinions about our
life and ourselves. You would make lide formulaic. I have the bias
towards trying to get at the truth. And what I have passed through in
these twenty five and a half years, you know nothing about whatsoever. I
am miraculously changed. This would be obvious to anyone from those Ten
Years who met with me at Starbucks.

 Steve: But when you look at his interactions here on FFL, I, and I
think many others, see the same pattern of confrontation, and in your
face demands that were said to be a part of the WTS experience.

 Robin: It is question of whether I have, here on FFL, Steve,
compromised my integrity and violated the integrity of another person,
something that I did in those Ten Years--since I was ultimately a far
more problematic character than any of the persons that I 'confronted'.
I have made a claim to Bill Howell: it is a question of seeing whether
that claim is empirically true in the subjective experience of any
person from my past who sat at that Starbucks table with me. You have a
feeling for the person I am: Do you doubt you would experience someone
who was loving and appropriate? What is your intuition about this? Now
imagine the person of those Ten Years: If I met that person now, I would
find myself forced to defend myself and to, in effect, stop 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

2012-11-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Hmmm - I missed any remarks about qigong - I better pay mo better attention

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

Richard, please try to keep up with who it's all about, LOL. Which is actually 
Ann.  Who wasn't even here! 

Before going away, Ann wrote some nasty stuff about me and some FF spiritual 
groups like the Quakers, Liberal Catholics, Sufis, devotional singers and 
practitioners of yoga and qigong.  I replied to her and she replied that it 
reminded her of when I accused Robin of psychological rape.

Then YOU, yes you Richard, made a comment about that which I answered.  Then 
Robin wrote a reply to me.  Then I told him I was at peace about it all and 
hoped he was too and wishing him all best always.  Then the poop really hit the 
scoop.  And here we are!

 From: Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:03 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic 
Projectionist Post of the Week':


You have already offered more positive considerations than 
Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL. 


Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy, 
Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-12 Thread Buck
Hi Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  It is one of 
the things I particularly like about FairfieldLife ever since Rick Archer 
started this forum is that people show up here who were actually there.  Like 
this post.  Thanks for coming out.  It gives perspective to those of us who may 
not have been exactly there and may only have some opinion about what we've 
heard.  Thanks, I at least welcome you here to FFL for at least this reason.
-Buck of the Dome  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:

 I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
 write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
 the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
 that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
 went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
 I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
 thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
 been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
 if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
 this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
 written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
 will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
 being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
 to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
 into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
 what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
   CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
 cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is mainly
 meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
 Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
 asserts that what is written about past events is useless?  Such an
 argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
 literature.  Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
  It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
 such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
 all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
 say he knows more about others than they know about themselves. 
 Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
 crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
 issue?  And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
 this person and that, of pontificating.  It seems that he is addicted to
 an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
  Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
 questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
 any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
 persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
 all-over-the-map rhetoric.  If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
 the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
 propounds.  Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
 necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
 While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
 one real line of humility that he has written on this site.  I carefully
 read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted.  Having
 been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
 doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.
 This will be my one and only post about this matter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Hmmm - I missed any remarks about qigong - I better pay mo
 better attention

Here's the post in question:


When you read the post, you may find Share's characterization
below a little, um, surprising. Among other--well, let's call
them discrepancies, Ann never mentioned qigong, nor did she
ever say Share's reply reminded her of when Share accused
Robin of psychological rape.

You gotta wonder...

  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 10:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB to Richard
 Richard, please try to keep up with who it's all about, LOL. Which is 
 actually Ann.  Who wasn't even here! 
 Before going away, Ann wrote some nasty stuff about me and some FF spiritual 
 groups like the Quakers, Liberal Catholics, Sufis, devotional singers and 
 practitioners of yoga and qigong.  I replied to her and she replied that it 
 reminded her of when I accused Robin of psychological rape.
 Then YOU, yes you Richard, made a comment about that which I answered.  Then 
 Robin wrote a reply to me.  Then I told him I was at peace about it all and 
 hoped he was too and wishing him all best always.  Then the poop really hit 
 the scoop.  And here we are!
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB
 This post should be nominated for Ironic 'Inadvertent Ironic 
 Projectionist Post of the Week':
 You have already offered more positive considerations than 
 Judas has in the five years I've been a denizen of FFL. 
 Share turns on Robin, Judy turns on Share, Robin turns on Judy, 
 Barry turns on Robin, and Bill turns on Robin, Judy, Share and
 Barry. A classic. It just doesn't get any better than this. LoL!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Hi Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book
 CULT.  It is one of the things I particularly like about 
 FairfieldLife ever since Rick Archer started this forum is
 that people show up here who were actually there.  Like
 this post.  Thanks for coming out.  It gives perspective
 to those of us who may not have been exactly there and may
 only have some opinion about what we've heard.

Well, it gives *one* perspective on it. It's not as though
there aren't plenty of others, some of them quite different,
at least two of which are available here on FFL for the

  Thanks, I
 at least welcome you here to FFL for at least this reason.

You might at least want to actually read her post at least
all the way to the end, Buck, where she made it clear this
was to be her one and only post to FFL (IOW, a hit-and-run).

 -Buck of the Dome  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@ wrote:
  I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
  write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
  the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
  that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
  went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
  I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
  thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
  been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
  if one gets out at all.
   What of ancient history could there be about
  this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
  written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
  will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
  being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
  to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
  into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
  what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
  cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is mainly
  meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
  Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
  asserts that what is written about past events is useless?  Such an
  argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
  literature.  Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
   It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
  such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
  all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
  say he knows more about others than they know about themselves. 
  Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
  crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
  issue?  And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
  this person and that, of pontificating.  It seems that he is addicted to
  an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
   Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
  questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
  any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
  persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
  all-over-the-map rhetoric.  If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
  the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
  propounds.  Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
  necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
  While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
  one real line of humility that he has written on this site.  I carefully
  read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted.  Having
  been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
  doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.
  This will be my one and only post about this matter.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
And now..stay tuned for some analysis from the resident retards, dumb
motherfuckers of this list - the paranoid, delusional, narcissist Barry and
the chinless, drooling, salivating puppy salyavin808.

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:50 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...
  Ha ha, you just can't help yourself can you! You have to niggle
  at every little thing thinking you're making some sort of smart
  point about it. What do you think all this enlightenment stuff
  is about if not for self improvement, can't you read what he was
  trying to do? It's therapy and none of it was a million miles
  from what every other shrink is trying to do, they just don't
  do it publicly or abusively is all.

 I stand on my earlier description of what not only
 Robin's primary act -- both then and now -- is, but
 what the act of most of those who support and enable
 him is:

 1. Here are some things I think are WRONG with you.

 2. insert diatribe...often short-story length and
 occasionally novel-length...here

 3. So there. Now you *have* to respond to what I've
 said defensively, and claim that what I've said about
 you isn't true, so we can have an argument in which
 I can prove that what I said was true and that I rule.

 4. If you don't respond defensively to the things I've
 said that are WRONG with you and argue with me, that
 means that something is even MORE WRONG with you.

 Fascinatingly enough, when someone (the people who
 have recently posted their book about their experiences
 with him) run that same number on Robin, he can't even
 bring himself to read it. Imagine what he would have
 said about Curtis ignoring *his* book-length condem-
 nations of him; he would have pitched a hissy fit. Oh
 wait...in fact, he did throw such hissy fits...many

 I'm posting this because a great number of people here
 seem to carry the high-dopamine-generating COMT gene,
 and are absolute suckers for what someone SAYS, and
 unable to see that the words have nothing to do with
 what they ARE. This IMO may have something to do with
 the fact that they run the same NPD numbers on other
 people on a regular basis themselves.

 I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
 psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
 invited them to read what he's written here. All of
 them agree with my assessment of him. First, pretty
 classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and a case
 of NPD that is getting WORSE, not better. The very
 fact that he landed on the Internet -- first on TM-Free
 and now here -- *still* running the same Look at
 me...I'm fascinating if you see the 'real' me...
 and if you'll just sit back and read the next 5000
 words, I'll tell you what that 'real' me is number
 -- indicates someone who is trying to *reestablish*
 his narcissism and delusions of self importance, not
 overcome them.

 The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
 attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
 fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
 believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
 people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
 stroke him. The game for him, as far as I can tell,
 is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
 compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
 with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
 continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
 self importance.

 I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
 NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
 attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
 to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
 orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
 go back to taking this approach.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
And please I beg you..pet them, pet Barry and salyavin808 -
they desperately crave attention, show them we care, show them they have
something coherent, intelligent and important things to say.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Ravi Chivukula

 And now..stay tuned for some analysis from the resident retards, dumb
 motherfuckers of this list - the paranoid, delusional, narcissist Barry and
 the chinless, drooling, salivating puppy salyavin808.

 On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:50 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...
  Ha ha, you just can't help yourself can you! You have to niggle
  at every little thing thinking you're making some sort of smart
  point about it. What do you think all this enlightenment stuff
  is about if not for self improvement, can't you read what he was
  trying to do? It's therapy and none of it was a million miles
  from what every other shrink is trying to do, they just don't
  do it publicly or abusively is all.

 I stand on my earlier description of what not only
 Robin's primary act -- both then and now -- is, but
 what the act of most of those who support and enable
 him is:

 1. Here are some things I think are WRONG with you.

 2. insert diatribe...often short-story length and
 occasionally novel-length...here

 3. So there. Now you *have* to respond to what I've
 said defensively, and claim that what I've said about
 you isn't true, so we can have an argument in which
 I can prove that what I said was true and that I rule.

 4. If you don't respond defensively to the things I've
 said that are WRONG with you and argue with me, that
 means that something is even MORE WRONG with you.

 Fascinatingly enough, when someone (the people who
 have recently posted their book about their experiences
 with him) run that same number on Robin, he can't even
 bring himself to read it. Imagine what he would have
 said about Curtis ignoring *his* book-length condem-
 nations of him; he would have pitched a hissy fit. Oh
 wait...in fact, he did throw such hissy fits...many

 I'm posting this because a great number of people here
 seem to carry the high-dopamine-generating COMT gene,
 and are absolute suckers for what someone SAYS, and
 unable to see that the words have nothing to do with
 what they ARE. This IMO may have something to do with
 the fact that they run the same NPD numbers on other
 people on a regular basis themselves.

 I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
 psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
 invited them to read what he's written here. All of
 them agree with my assessment of him. First, pretty
 classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and a case
 of NPD that is getting WORSE, not better. The very
 fact that he landed on the Internet -- first on TM-Free
 and now here -- *still* running the same Look at
 me...I'm fascinating if you see the 'real' me...
 and if you'll just sit back and read the next 5000
 words, I'll tell you what that 'real' me is number
 -- indicates someone who is trying to *reestablish*
 his narcissism and delusions of self importance, not
 overcome them.

 The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
 attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
 fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
 believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
 people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
 stroke him. The game for him, as far as I can tell,
 is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
 compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
 with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
 continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
 self importance.

 I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
 NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
 attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
 to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
 orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
 go back to taking this approach.


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread laughinggull108

Select the email link mentioned in the above message and request a copy of the 
pdf. Vishnu Datta will probably reply within the day.

I am about halfway through and sometimes feel quite uncomfortable with some of 
the confrontations mentioned. Unlike some of his followers here on FFL, I can 
see the RWC of today in many of the descriptions in the book...his 
drama-queenery, his wry/ironic sense of humor, his mission to get his message 
out as the World Teacher, etc. etc. Also, I believe that although RWC promoted 
the idea of each person finding the highest level of individuality, he didn't 
really believe in it and kept his followers dependent on him just as a true 
cult leader does. As far as being sorry for what he did 25 years ago, I don't 
yet believe that RWC truly means that, and can't figure out why some on FFL 
believe it just by what he writes, without meeting face-to-face and getting to 
know him all over again over a reasonable period of time as he now purports to 
be. Additionally, it's the way in which he expresses his regret (and I'm not 
sure if he's even asked to be forgiven) that doesn't ring as sincere...I get 
the feeling that he is making fun of the person to whom he is responding, as in 
his last lengthy response to Share:


It all sounds reasonable up to a point until he starts condemning some of his 
most avid supporters...that I know he's not being sincere.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 I'm completely out of the loop. Everyone is reading this book, CULT, it 
 seems. Where do I find this book?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   I recently spoke with a friend who is a tenured professor of 
   psychology about cult leaders and whether or the control 
   personality can be cured.  He is not sure it can be.  He is
   also a former TM'er and was well aware of Robin's cult.  He 
   sometimes reads FFL for kicks so I told him to check in on
   Robin's threads here.
  Depending on which and how many threads he reads, he's
  unlikely to get anything but a very superficial picture
  of Robin as he is today.
  There are probably some general statements that can be
  made about cults, but it seems to me individual cults
  are too different from each other to apply such 
  statements with confidence to a given cult, and 
  especially to a given cult leader. Cult leaders are,
  virtually by definition, highly unusual individuals,
  and therefore more likely to be very different from
  one another.
  I also suspect that a former cult leader who spends 25
  years--that is a LONG TIME, folks--working uncompromisingly
  to rid himself of the flawed traits and infirmities
  that caused his downfall is a pretty rare if not unique
  Finally, Robin's aim for his group was for each person
  to achieve the greatest degree of individuality possible.
  Even given the wide variation among cults, that's an
  unusual characteristic. Typically the goal is to achieve
  as much uniformity among the members as possible because
  that facilitates the leader's ability to control them.
  Your psychology professor needs to be aware of these
  elements in some depth before deciding whether Robin is

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread kaladevi108
One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that if people 
see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or however you want to see 
that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically, etc).

Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it should be 
seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to see that 
ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then took on a more 
sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.

And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old show, played 
out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience, desperate for any pulse 
of awakening.

I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:

 I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
 write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
 the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
 that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
 went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
 I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
 thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
 been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
 if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
 this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
 written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
 will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
 being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
 to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
 into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
 what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
   CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
 cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is mainly
 meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
 Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
 asserts that what is written about past events is useless?  Such an
 argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
 literature.  Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
  It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
 such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
 all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
 say he knows more about others than they know about themselves. 
 Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
 crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
 issue?  And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
 this person and that, of pontificating.  It seems that he is addicted to
 an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
  Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
 questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
 any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
 persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
 all-over-the-map rhetoric.  If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
 the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
 propounds.  Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
 necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
 While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
 one real line of humility that he has written on this site.  I carefully
 read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted.  Having
 been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
 doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.
 This will be my one and only post about this matter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 Select the email link mentioned in the above message and request a copy of 
 the pdf. Vishnu Datta will probably reply within the day.
 I am about halfway through and sometimes feel quite uncomfortable with some 
 of the confrontations mentioned. Unlike some of his followers here on FFL, I 
 can see the RWC of today in many of the descriptions in the book...his 
 drama-queenery, his wry/ironic sense of humor, his mission to get his message 
 out as the World Teacher, etc. etc. Also, I believe that although RWC 
 promoted the idea of each person finding the highest level of individuality, 
 he didn't really believe in it and kept his followers dependent on him just 
 as a true cult leader does. As far as being sorry for what he did 25 years 
 ago, I don't yet believe that RWC truly means that, and can't figure out why 
 some on FFL believe it just by what he writes, without meeting face-to-face 
 and getting to know him all over again over a reasonable period of time as he 
 now purports to be. Additionally, it's the way in which he expresses his 
 regret (and I'm not sure if he's even asked to be forgiven) that doesn't ring 
 as sincere...I get the feeling that he is making fun of the person to whom he 
 is responding, as in his last lengthy response to Share:
 It all sounds reasonable up to a point until he starts condemning some of his 
 most avid supporters...that I know he's not being sincere.
laughing-gullible, on his very day Robin will beg for your priestly forgiveness 
for having been a cult leader 25 years ago. I humbly ask you to absolve him of 
all his sins. He will beat his chest in agony and self-flagellate kneeling 
before you in a hair shirt, saying, I am and always have been an incurable 
cult leader. Any attempt at recovery is a failure. I shall forever bear the 
mark of CULT LEADER upon my forehead to forewarn all who would befriend me.  
There ya go, LG. Feel better now? 

Pass the vapors and ready the fainting couch for all the hand wringers going 
apoplectic that Robin has gathered a band of witless followers on FFLife. OMG! 
I just realized I am among the damned who actually like Robin for being as Ravi 
says, the intelligent, wise, sensitive, compassionate man that he is now.

Save me, laughing-gullible, I pray, Oh mighty Robin-Haters of FFLife! I am a 
victim of Robin's cruel incessant damning of my demonic soul to hell. Only the 
insightful light bringers of FFLife who see behind the zebra mask can free me 
from Robin's wretched, menacing, manipulative hold on my mind. Please forgive 
me for being so stooopid.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread Share Long
Thanks LG and it's ok.  I now think of irony as one of the most insidious and 
powerful forms of passive aggressive behavior, especially when used by someone 
like Robin with such well developed intellect and intuition.  And it's a way of 
deflecting from and creating confusion around valid points that are being 
made.  Standard tactics for both cult members and leaders.  

I felt uncomfortable reading Cult also.  Chilling was the word that often came 
to mind.  Not that I found Bill's writing cold as Robin said and Judy echoed.  
But because some of the speech patterns and confrontational techniques used 
then are still being used now.  An example is when Robin was is confronting one 
person and in the middle of that will call out to another, How are you, 
Bill.  BTW, for those who haven't read Cult and thus aren't familiar with that 
technique, it's a warning that more confrontation is coming, in addition to 
what's already happening.  So that not only is the current confrontee made to 
squirm.  So too is the one anticipating being confronted.  A twofer I guess.    

I believe that Robin is sorry for what he did all those years ago.  It seems 
that he has been somewhat successful in his healing journey.  And I'm hoping 
that whatever his diagnosis is, that it's possible for him to have more healing 
than what he seems to have now.  Maybe it's simply that those last stresses are 
so deep and hidden.  I don't know.  I just know that from his exchanges here, I 
think he has a way to go in his healing journey.  I'll continue to wish the 
best for him.  AND I'll continue to eschew enabling.  It IS possible to do 

 From: laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 8:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)


Select the email link mentioned in the above message and request a copy of the 
pdf. Vishnu Datta will probably reply within the day.

I am about halfway through and sometimes feel quite uncomfortable with some of 
the confrontations mentioned. Unlike some of his followers here on FFL, I can 
see the RWC of today in many of the descriptions in the book...his 
drama-queenery, his wry/ironic sense of humor, his mission to get his message 
out as the World Teacher, etc. etc. Also, I believe that although RWC promoted 
the idea of each person finding the highest level of individuality, he didn't 
really believe in it and kept his followers dependent on him just as a true 
cult leader does. As far as being sorry for what he did 25 years ago, I don't 
yet believe that RWC truly means that, and can't figure out why some on FFL 
believe it just by what he writes, without meeting face-to-face and getting to 
know him all over again over a reasonable period of time as he now purports to 
be. Additionally, it's the way in which he expresses his regret (and I'm not 
sure if he's even asked to be forgiven) that
 doesn't ring as sincere...I get the feeling that he is making fun of the 
person to whom he is responding, as in his last lengthy response to Share:


It all sounds reasonable up to a point until he starts condemning some of his 
most avid supporters...that I know he's not being sincere.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 I'm completely out of the loop. Everyone is reading this book, CULT, it 
 seems. Where do I find this book?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   I recently spoke with a friend who is a tenured professor of 
   psychology about cult leaders and whether or the control 
   personality can be cured.  He is not sure it can be.  He is
   also a former TM'er and was well aware of Robin's cult.  He 
   sometimes reads FFL for kicks so I told him to check in on
   Robin's threads here.
  Depending on which and how many threads he reads, he's
  unlikely to get anything but a very superficial picture
  of Robin as he is today.
  There are probably some general statements that can be
  made about cults, but it seems to me individual cults
  are too different from each other to apply such 
  statements with confidence to a given cult, and 
  especially to a given cult leader. Cult leaders are,
  virtually by definition, highly unusual individuals,
  and therefore more likely to be very different from
  one another.
  I also suspect that a former cult leader who spends 25
  years--that is a LONG TIME, folks--working uncompromisingly
  to rid himself of the flawed traits and infirmities
  that caused his downfall is a pretty rare if not unique
  Finally, Robin's aim for his group was for each person
  to achieve the greatest degree of individuality possible.
  Even given the wide variation

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:


 Pass the vapors and ready the fainting couch for all the hand wringers going 
 apoplectic that Robin has gathered a band of witless followers on FFLife. 
 OMG! I just realized I am among the damned who actually like Robin for being 
 as Ravi says, the intelligent, wise, sensitive, compassionate man that he is 

And you know that how? Through his writings without ever having met the man? 
How easily you can be influenced!

 Save me, laughing-gullible, I pray, Oh mighty Robin-Haters of FFLife! I am a 
 victim of Robin's cruel incessant damning of my demonic soul to hell. Only 
 the insightful light bringers of FFLife who see behind the zebra mask can 
 free me from Robin's wretched, menacing, manipulative hold on my mind. Please 
 forgive me for being so stooopid.

I am offering my opinion just as you are. No need to get all bent out of shape. 
Now I suppose I'll hear from Ravi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 Select the email link mentioned in the above message and request a copy of 
 the pdf. Vishnu Datta will probably reply within the day.
 I am about halfway through and sometimes feel quite
 uncomfortable with some of the confrontations mentioned.

It isn't pleasant reading.

 Unlike some of his followers here on FFL

Whps. Robin doesn't have any followers on FFL. He
has admirers and supporters and friends, just like many
if not most others here. The term followers is used by
his adversaries quite deliberately to suggest something
that is not true. Don't fall for it. He isn't teaching,
he isn't leading. He renounced all that a quarter-century
ago. He's just another bozo like the rest of us.

 I can see the RWC of today in many of the descriptions in the
 book...his drama-queenery, his wry/ironic sense of humor, his
 mission to get his message out as the World Teacher,

Well, no, you don't see that last at all in today's Robin.
The World Teacher business is entirely in the past.

 etc. etc. Also, I believe that although RWC promoted the idea
 of each person finding the highest level of individuality, he
 didn't really believe in it and kept his followers dependent
 on him just as a true cult leader does.

I can't say what he believed 25 years ago, and I'm not sure
how you can either. Maybe he'll speak to this.

 As far as being sorry for what he did 25 years ago, I don't
 yet believe that RWC truly means that, and can't figure out
 why some on FFL believe it just by what he writes, without
 meeting face-to-face and getting to know him all over again
 over a reasonable period of time as he now purports to be.

The only person here to whom that might apply is Ann. Nobody
else knew him back then.

Whether meeting face-to-face is necessary to decide that he
means what he says in his posts is an interesting question.
Many of us on FFL have never met each other face-to-face; we
know each other only by what we write. If we all felt that
we could trust each other only after getting to know each
other face-to-face, it seems to me interactions would be
pretty severely constrained.

I think most of us get a sense of whether someone else is
sincere after having read a number of their posts. We know
Barry is a chronic liar, for example. I have never had the
feeling Robin was being insincere, let alone dishonest, in
anything he's said seriously. 

 Additionally, it's the way in which he expresses his regret
 (and I'm not sure if he's even asked to be forgiven) that
 doesn't ring as sincere...

It does to me and to quite a few others here.

 I get the feeling that he is making fun of the person to whom
 he is responding, as in his last lengthy response to Share:
 It all sounds reasonable up to a point until he starts
 condemning some of his most avid supporters...that I know
 he's not being sincere.

Right. Most of us who have followed his posts and know
what he thinks of Share recognized that this was one of
his ironic posts from the very first words. His penchant
for irony can be a little confusing if you aren't
familiar with the context. He expects that anybody who's
been paying attention to what goes on on FFL will know
when he's being ironic and when he isn't.

But if it's one of his ironic posts that has led you to
conclude that he doesn't sincerely regret his past, you'll
be making a huge mistake.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT (How to Order PDF)

2012-11-11 Thread Jason

 ---  raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Pass the vapors and ready the fainting couch for all the hand wringers 
  going apoplectic that Robin has gathered a band of witless followers on 
  FFLife. OMG! I just realized I am among the damned who actually like Robin 
  for being as Ravi says, the intelligent, wise, sensitive, compassionate 
  man that he is now.
---  laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 And you know that how? Through his writings without ever having met the man? 
 How easily you can be influenced!

LG, note she used the word 'wise' on Robin. Ha, thats kinda 

 ---  raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Save me, laughing-gullible, I pray, Oh mighty Robin-Haters of FFLife! I am 
  a victim of Robin's cruel incessant damning of my demonic soul to hell. 
  Only the insightful light bringers of FFLife who see behind the zebra mask 
  can free me from Robin's wretched, menacing, manipulative hold on my mind. 
  Please forgive me for being so stooopid.
---  laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 I am offering my opinion just as you are. No need to get all bent out of 
 shape. Now I suppose I'll hear from Ravi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@... wrote:

 One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense
 that if people see demons, they themselves are possessed by
 demons (or however you want to see that ontologically, 
 neurologically. psychologically, etc).
 Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening,
 it should be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however
 you want to see that ontologically, neurologically or 
 psychologically), which then took on a more sinister turn as he 
 enacted that drama onto innocents.

If you'd read his posts, you'd know that he not only
acknowledges but insists that his enlightenment was
engineered and sustained by negative entities, which,
according to him, took advantage of his own seriously
flawed character traits.

 And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same
 old show, played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented
 audience, desperate for any pulse of awakening.

That's an amusing statement, given how many posts Robin
has made here that are not just radically anti-TM but anti-enlightenment in 

Before you make any further comments concerning whether
Robin has or has not changed, it would probably be a
good idea to read more of what he's written on FFL (or
the TM-Free blog) so you know what his present positions
are and can avoid making gross errors like what you say

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
 psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
 invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
 them agree with my assessment of him.

And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.

No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
someone from their posts to an electronic forum.

 The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
 attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
 fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
 believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
 people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
 stroke him.

Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
you been using the Internet, again?


 The game for him, as far as I can tell,
 is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
 compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
 with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
 continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
 self importance.

Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.

 I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
 NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
 attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
 to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
 orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
 go back to taking this approach.

But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
he writes.

You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed

Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@ wrote:
  [salyavin wrote:]
   I've only just started reading it as it ended up in my
   junk folder (possibly not for karmic reasons) but I'm
   finding it fascinating, can't offer any opinions yet
   other than that Robin was clearly a deluded megalomaniac
  As he himself acknowledges.
   and that the American Psychiatric Association would have
   had him strung up for his therapeutic technique,
  Just so you know, he didn't claim to be a therapist, so
  the APA wouldn't have had anything to say about what
  he was doing.
 Ha ha, you just can't help yourself can you! You have to niggle
 at every little thing thinking you're making some sort of smart
 point about it.

Oh, get off it. All I was doing was giving you a piece
of information it wasn't clear that you (or others who
might be reading this) were aware of.

 What do you think all this enlightenment stuff
 is about if not for self improvement, can't you read what
 he was trying to do?

I guess you missed my point, since you appear to think
what you just said was somehow relevant to what I had

So let me say it another way: Robin didn't claim to be
a therapist, so the APA wouldn't have had anything to
say about what he was doing.

Are there any words in that sentence you don't understand?

This will be my one and only post about this matter.
   Probably a good idea unless you want to spend the rest of
   your life arguing with Robin's self appointed defenders,
   what they get out of it is anyone's guess, it's not like they
   were there.
  None of Robin's defenders, of course, have been defending
  what he did 30 years ago, so that last is a non sequitur.
  They're defending Robin as he is today, because they can
  see that he is no longer what he was back then. They find
  him an appealing human being with many virtues, including
  great intelligence, profound and original thoughtfulness,
  compassion and appreciation, and a finely honed wit.
  To try to crucify him as he is today for what he did in the
  past appears to us grossly unfair and unjust given his
  outspoken condemnation of himself and obviously painful
  regret for his past behavior. Many people, you may be
  surprised to learn, take a certain satisfaction in
  opposing unfairness and injustice. That's what we get out
  of it; it's hardly an obscure secret.
 Again, you get carried away with the knee-jerk defence, all
 I said was he is still recognisable.

Funny, you didn't say anything to that effect. You did say
a couple of other things I wanted to comment on. But I see
you haven't got your reading comprehension tutor working
with you, so there's no point in attempting to dig you out
of your confusion.

 Meaning he's a manipulative, smartarse still.

I don't find him to be the least bit manipulative, and he's
by far the wittiest, most clever smartass on this forum.

 Not as manic as he was perhaps but psychosis 
 wears off eventually for most people.

Not a 10-year psychosis (if that's what it was). He had
to root it out, it didn't just wear off.

 Opposing unfairness and injustice So you're some sort of

It's only superheroes who oppose unfairness and
injustice? Gee, I thought ordinary people did it
 As you are into blame, where would you lay the responsibility
 for Robin's megalomania?

I'm not into blame, and I wouldn't even try to assign
responsibility for something like that. Robin obviously
blames himself, and since he's in a better position to
know than I am, I'll just take his word for it.

 What lessons have you learnt from being near cults?

I wouldn't characterize myself as having been near
cults. I was only ever on the periphery of the TMO, and
that was before it began to become cultish. I haven't
been anywhere near any real cults.

I do think the term cult is too often used in a way
that has the effect of threatening freedom of religion
and freedom of speech, so I'm quite wary of it.

I've taken note of what I call the anti-cult fallacy,
which says that any group that has a few of the supposed 
characteristics of cults is therefore a cult--even if
many groups that nobody would consider cults have the
same characteristics.

Anticultists, in my observation, are extremely sloppy
with their terminology and their logic.

 And as I say, you can
 mistake your inner world for what's going on out there
 all too easily. Robin has delivered us a valuable lesson
 there, and continues to do so.

I see. So you are able infallibly to determine when a
person is making this mistake?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
It is jaw-droppingly astonishing that Barry would
think for even a nanosecond that anyone would assume
he had anything even remotely valid to say about Robin,
ROBIN'S POSTS and has boasted loudly about this on many

Barry has no idea whether Robin has changed from 30
years ago. He has no idea whether Robin is truthful.
He has no idea whether Robin lacks empathy or caring.
He isn't in a position to say WORD ONE about Robin.

The other astonishing thing is Barry's prattling about
how chronic lying is characteristic of Narcissistic
Personality Disorder, when we all know that lying is
Barry's stock in trade. You'd think it would occur to
him that he's indicting himself as suffering from
NPD, but he's utterly oblivious.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Narcissistic Personality Disorder is incredibly difficult
 to treat, and pretty much impossible to self-treat. The
 problem is that the person with NPD considers literally
 everyone he encounters an opportunity to reinforce his 
 self-importance and specialness, and will therefore 
 LIE to them, often unconsciously, because the only thing 
 that matters to him is that someone is continuing to 
 focus on him. I have known therapists who have given up 
 on *ever* attempting to try to treat people with NPD, 
 because it just isn't worth the time, effort, and
 heartbreak. You think that the patient has made some
 progress, and then you find out that it's just another
 layer of the onion, and that everything he's been 
 telling you for the last few months has been a lie,
 merely calculated to keep you playing the game.
 This is my perception of what Robin Carlsen is doing
 on this forum.
 The thing I find most difficult to believe in all of
 this mess is that anyone here truly believes that 
 Robin is in any way different today than he was back
 then. I don't see that. What I see is the exact same
 narcissistic acting out, and the exact same lack of 
 empathy and lack of caring. The only thing important
 to him -- then or now -- seems to be trying to get
 other people to believe *his* version of the Robin
 To believe that Robin has changed, one has to believe
 Robin. I have seen nothing on this forum that convinces
 me he has *ever* made a truthful statement. It's all
 been playing the narcissist's game, and truth is 
 quite irrelevant to that game. 
 The people I feel sorriest for are not those mistreated
 by Robin in the past but those who have fallen for his
 act in the present.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread turquoiseb
Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter 
enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)

Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were 
thinking of writing about your experiences there? Was 
it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
to try to actually write something creative and non-
reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
  psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
  invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
  them agree with my assessment of him.
 And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
 from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
 EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
 No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
 someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
  The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
  attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
  fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
  believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
  people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
  stroke him.
 Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
 you been using the Internet, again?
  The game for him, as far as I can tell,
  is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
  compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
  with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
  continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
  self importance.
 Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
 Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
  I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
  NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
  attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
  to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
  orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
  go back to taking this approach.
 But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
 Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
 tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
 and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
 tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
 his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
 deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
 only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
 originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
 he writes.
 You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
 you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
 Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill

Kaladevi (heh, heh)

Your field of view is limited by unexamined assumptions.

The yogic traditions of India and Tibet categorize jiva-s by guna and
karma, although Buddhists use a different terminology.

Not every human born here is a human jiva or human soul. There are
different types of jiva-s born into human bodies - depending upon their
currently functioning vasana-s or habitual tendencies. Some are daiva,
some manusya and some are rakshasya. Even more to the point, not all of
them are just reborn humans from the gross physical realm. Some are
jiva-s that took a dive from other parts of bhu-mandala, just wanting to
get in on the action.

Perhaps instead you should question if Robin isn't a rakshasa jiva.
That would explain why he has some inherent power but little
faithfulness in anything but himself. It also would explain why he could
excuse himself from ordinary human doubts during his
pseudo-enlightenment. That would also explain how he could later, just
as blindly, proscribe that psychological state when his scheme fell
apart. Likewise, for his attempt to claim restoration to an ordinary
human state. Apparently this can be ascertained by casting their rashi
and bhava jyotish charts.

However, we could just take him at his word It wasn't me ... it just
happened. The devils made me do it.

Lastly, as an Acharya told me … Yes it's true they are a
rakshasa jiva but this person has taken refuge (sharanam) and is now
under the guidance of a form of god.

Perhaps the same here … perhaps not.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@... wrote:

 One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that if
people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or however
you want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,

 Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it
should be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to
see that ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then
took on a more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.

 And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old show,
played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience, desperate
for any pulse of awakening.

 I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@ wrote:
  I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
  write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
  the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin
  that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
  went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
  I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
  thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could
  been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
  if one gets out at all.
   What of ancient history could there be about
  this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
  written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
  will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it
  being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the
  to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I
  into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
  what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
  cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is
  meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
  Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
  asserts that what is written about past events is useless?  Such an
  argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
  literature.  Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
   It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has
  such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would
  all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying
  say he knows more about others than they know about themselves.
  Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
  crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a
  issue?  And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin
  this person and that, of pontificating.  It seems that he is
addicted to
  an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
   Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
  questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people
  any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting
  persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter 
 enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)

Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
me directly. And by name, yet!

 Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were 
 thinking of writing about your experiences there?

I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
their suckers have become weary).

It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
to be worth reading.

 it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
 Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
 that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
 to try to actually write something creative and non-
 reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
   psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
   invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
   them agree with my assessment of him.
  And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
  from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
  EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
  No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
  someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
   The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
   attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
   fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
   believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
   people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
   stroke him.
  Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
  you been using the Internet, again?
   The game for him, as far as I can tell,
   is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
   compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
   with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
   continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
   self importance.
  Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
  Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
   I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
   NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
   attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
   to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
   orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
   go back to taking this approach.
  But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
  Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
  tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
  and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
  tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
  his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
  deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
  only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
  originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
  he writes.
  You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
  you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
  Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:
 However, we could just take him at his word It wasn't me ... it
 just happened. The devils made me do it.

We wouldn't want to do that, however, without noting
that according to Robin, it was his own character flaws
that made it possible for the entities in question to
have control over him, so he takes complete personal
responsibility for all the bad stuff they made him do.

It would be dishonest not to include this as part of
his word.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread kaladevi108
It would appear, by Robin's own account, that he was born human and then 
something entered his soul-jiva in Switzerland. Ayurvedic texts describe a 
number of entities that typically possess human beings, it could be any of a 
group of various entities (asuras, rakshasas, etc.). Some may find this 
offensive (the belief that possession actually exists), so in such a case, 
there are alternate explanations in modern psychiatry.

There are divinations that could be done to find out the actual nature of the 
superimposition, but I seriously doubt that would be helpful to him. He seems 
to believe it is the Vedic Gods that are responsible.

The operative point here you seem to have missed. It is not what type of birth 
he represents, but that like sees like, IOW his peculiar possession (if you 
wish to call it that) allowed him to see demons in others. He then engaged in a 
plan of action that caused harm to others.

From these facts we can triangulate what makes sense and what does not. A 
jyotish chart is forthcoming, so we may be able to examine that for clues in 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Kaladevi (heh, heh)
 Your field of view is limited by unexamined assumptions.
 The yogic traditions of India and Tibet categorize jiva-s by guna and
 karma, although Buddhists use a different terminology.
 Not every human born here is a human jiva or human soul. There are
 different types of jiva-s born into human bodies - depending upon their
 currently functioning vasana-s or habitual tendencies. Some are daiva,
 some manusya and some are rakshasya. Even more to the point, not all of
 them are just reborn humans from the gross physical realm. Some are
 jiva-s that took a dive from other parts of bhu-mandala, just wanting to
 get in on the action.
 Perhaps instead you should question if Robin isn't a rakshasa jiva.
 That would explain why he has some inherent power but little
 faithfulness in anything but himself. It also would explain why he could
 excuse himself from ordinary human doubts during his
 pseudo-enlightenment. That would also explain how he could later, just
 as blindly, proscribe that psychological state when his scheme fell
 apart. Likewise, for his attempt to claim restoration to an ordinary
 human state. Apparently this can be ascertained by casting their rashi
 and bhava jyotish charts.
 However, we could just take him at his word It wasn't me ... it just
 happened. The devils made me do it.
 Lastly, as an Acharya told me … Yes it's true they are a
 rakshasa jiva but this person has taken refuge (sharanam) and is now
 under the guidance of a form of god.
 Perhaps the same here … perhaps not.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@ wrote:
  One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that if
 people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or however
 you want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,
  Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it
 should be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to
 see that ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then
 took on a more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.
  And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old show,
 played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience, desperate
 for any pulse of awakening.
  I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@ wrote:
   I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
   write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
   the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin
   that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
   went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
   I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
   thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could
   been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
   if one gets out at all.
What of ancient history could there be about
   this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
   written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
   will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it
   being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the
   to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I
   into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
   what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
 CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
   cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is
   meant to educate about what cults 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill


It is too easy to simply say psychotic break and then assume this is a
sufficient explanation.The same pertains to spirit possession.

Here in the West we lack a sufficient topology of degrees of being and
alternate types of intelligence. Not all types of daimons are good -
such as the daimon that helped Socrates. That is why the Greek
Neo-platonists talked about kakon daimons ... so-called evil daimons.
But this is also true of the jiva-souls taking birth here. Bhu-mandala
is an enormous expanse and this is just one loka/location.

BTW, asura is a popular term that supposedly is the privative
a/not placed in front of sura - a solar deva. However, according
to Jan Gonda and other polymath Sanskritists, it originally meant giver
of breath and was another title for the primal deva-s. Perhaps this
reflects the descending (pravritti) impulse of souls enfolding deeper
into the field of generation and the role of kakon daimons in
capturing and entraping souls into denser forms of tamo-guna (darkness).
However, that is a bit too much of an explanation like the christian
Gnostics for my taste and Robin doesn't appear to be a descended Archon.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@... wrote:

 It would appear, by Robin's own account, that he was born human and
then something entered his soul-jiva in Switzerland. Ayurvedic texts
describe a number of entities that typically possess human beings, it
could be any of a group of various entities (asuras, rakshasas, etc.).
Some may find this offensive (the belief that possession actually
exists), so in such a case, there are alternate explanations in modern

 There are divinations that could be done to find out the actual nature
of the superimposition, but I seriously doubt that would be helpful to
him. He seems to believe it is the Vedic Gods that are responsible.

 The operative point here you seem to have missed. It is not what type
of birth he represents, but that like sees like, IOW his peculiar
possession (if you wish to call it that) allowed him to see demons in
others. He then engaged in a plan of action that caused harm to others.

 From these facts we can triangulate what makes sense and what does
not. A jyotish chart is forthcoming, so we may be able to examine that
for clues in space-time.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Kaladevi (heh, heh)
  Your field of view is limited by unexamined assumptions.
  The yogic traditions of India and Tibet categorize jiva-s by guna
  karma, although Buddhists use a different terminology.
  Not every human born here is a human jiva or human soul. There are
  different types of jiva-s born into human bodies - depending upon
  currently functioning vasana-s or habitual tendencies. Some are
  some manusya and some are rakshasya. Even more to the point, not all
  them are just reborn humans from the gross physical realm. Some are
  jiva-s that took a dive from other parts of bhu-mandala, just
wanting to
  get in on the action.
  Perhaps instead you should question if Robin isn't a rakshasa jiva.
  That would explain why he has some inherent power but little
  faithfulness in anything but himself. It also would explain why he
  excuse himself from ordinary human doubts during his
  pseudo-enlightenment. That would also explain how he could later,
  as blindly, proscribe that psychological state when his scheme fell
  apart. Likewise, for his attempt to claim restoration to an ordinary
  human state. Apparently this can be ascertained by casting their
  and bhava jyotish charts.
  However, we could just take him at his word It wasn't me ... it
  happened. The devils made me do it.
  Lastly, as an Acharya told me … Yes it's true they are a
  rakshasa jiva but this person has taken refuge (sharanam) and is now
  under the guidance of a form of god.
  Perhaps the same here … perhaps not.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@ wrote:
   One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense
that if
  people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or
  you want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,
   Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening,
  should be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want
  see that ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which
  took on a more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto
   And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old
  played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience,
  for any pulse of awakening.

   I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi108 no_reply@... wrote:

 It would appear, by Robin's own account, that he was born human and then 
 something entered his soul-jiva in Switzerland. Ayurvedic texts describe a 
 number of entities that typically possess human beings, it could be any of a 
 group of various entities (asuras, rakshasas, etc.). Some may find this 
 offensive (the belief that possession actually exists), so in such a case, 
 there are alternate explanations in modern psychiatry.

I don't find it offensive, just ridiculous. Just because it's
old and Indian doesn't mean it's right I'm happy to be able to
tell you. Things have moved on, not in the TMO though, John
Hagelin thinks reading tea leaves is an adequate method of 
divination and will happy misrepresent quantum physics in order
to keep the donations coming in. 

 There are divinations that could be done to find out the actual nature of the 
 superimposition, but I seriously doubt that would be helpful to him. He seems 
 to believe it is the Vedic Gods that are responsible.

There are psychoactive drugs you can take that stop hallucinations,
should you not be enjoying them. Seeing demons in people is a chara-
cteristic symptom of psychosis. Projections of your own inner turmoil
doncha know. All very well understood and nothing to do with gods,
vedic or otherwise. We've moved on. Luckily for the ill amongst us.

 The operative point here you seem to have missed. It is not what type of 
 birth he represents, but that like sees like, IOW his peculiar possession 
 (if you wish to call it that) allowed him to see demons in others. He then 
 engaged in a plan of action that caused harm to others.

You can be forcibly admitted to hospital for this.
 From these facts we can triangulate what makes sense and what does not. A 
 jyotish chart is forthcoming, so we may be able to examine that for clues in 

Good luck and do post your results. Maybe you'll convince and old
sceptic like me...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Share Long
Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it.  Using extreme language 
and attributing extreme motives to others is one of your usual tactics for 
deflecting from and creating confusion around the valid issues that have been 
raised.  Your enabling Robin is actually very harmful to him.  Even if he can't 
or won't see that.  

BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me to get 
their tenor.  Then Jason described how peaceful it was when she was gone and 
what the rest of her posts had been like.  I realized I had made a wise 
decision to give her posts a miss.  I think I managed to avoid the worst of her 
ripping into me.  

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter 
 enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)

Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
me directly. And by name, yet!

 Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were 
 thinking of writing about your experiences there?

I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
their suckers have become weary).

It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
to be worth reading.

 it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
 Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
 that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
 to try to actually write something creative and non-
 reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
   psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
   invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
   them agree with my assessment of him.
  And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
  from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
  EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
  No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
  someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
   The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
   attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
   fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
   believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
   people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
   stroke him.
  Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
  you been using the Internet, again?
   The game for him, as far as I can tell,
   is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
   compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
   with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
   continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
   self importance.
  Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
  Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
   I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
   NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
   attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
   to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
   orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
   go back to taking this approach.
  But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
  Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
  tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
  and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
  tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
  his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
  deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
  only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
  originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
  he writes.
  You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
  you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
  Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Share

2012-11-11 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me to get 
 their tenor. Then Jason described how peaceful it was when she was gone and 
 what the rest of her posts had been like. I realized I had made a wise 
 decision to give her posts a miss. I think I managed to avoid the worst of 
 her ripping into me. 

Good on ya, Share. Remember a month or so ago when I wrote Look away, look 
away, it's hideous!...what you're doing now is what I meant. Also, I think 
you're the type of person who doesn't choose sides. Keep an open mind towards 
all posters here on FFL...some real gems come out of everyone's keyboard 
occasionally. And it's always *your* choice whether or not to respond. (There I 
go again, preaching to the choir!)


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it.  Using extreme 
 language and attributing extreme motives to others is one of your usual 
 tactics for deflecting from and creating confusion around the valid issues 
 that have been raised.  Your enabling Robin is actually very harmful to 
 him.  Even if he can't or won't see that.  
 BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me to get 
 their tenor.  Then Jason described how peaceful it was when she was gone and 
 what the rest of her posts had been like.  I realized I had made a wise 
 decision to give her posts a miss.  I think I managed to avoid the worst of 
 her ripping into me.  
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter 
  enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)
 Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
 me directly. And by name, yet!
  Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were 
  thinking of writing about your experiences there?
 I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
 the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
 their suckers have become weary).
 It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
 don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
 to be worth reading.
  it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
  Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
  that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
  to try to actually write something creative and non-
  reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
them agree with my assessment of him.
   And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
   from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
   EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
   No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
   someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
stroke him.
   Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
   you been using the Internet, again?
The game for him, as far as I can tell,
is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
self importance.
   Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
   Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
go back to taking this approach.
   But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
   Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
   tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
   and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
   tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
   his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
   deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
   only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
   originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
   he writes.
   You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
   you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
   Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up about someone you 
have never met (Robin)? I appreciate your loyalty to someone whose posts you 
admire. But come on.. So you and Barry differ in your assessments of Robin 
- so what?   Apparently even the folks who actually knew Robin and got hurt by 
him have different opinions - that's life.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it.  Using extreme 
 language and attributing extreme motives to others is one of your usual 
 tactics for deflecting from and creating confusion around the valid issues 
 that have been raised.  Your enabling Robin is actually very harmful to 
 him.  Even if he can't or won't see that.  

Yep, Judy does like to polarise things, this You're either
for us or against us line has been especially strong recently.
And Judy just *loves* getting righteous on someone elses behalf,
she's unique like that, I think she's over-compensating for some
guilty secret she's got. Robin should do a confrontation and free
her of it. That'd be ironic.

 BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me to get 
 their tenor.  Then Jason described how peaceful it was when she was gone and 
 what the rest of her posts had been like.  I realized I had made a wise 
 decision to give her posts a miss.  I think I managed to avoid the worst of 
 her ripping into me.  
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter 
  enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)
 Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
 me directly. And by name, yet!
  Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were 
  thinking of writing about your experiences there?
 I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
 the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
 their suckers have become weary).
 It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
 don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
 to be worth reading.
  it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
  Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
  that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
  to try to actually write something creative and non-
  reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
invited them to read what he's written here. All of 
them agree with my assessment of him.
   And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
   from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
   EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
   No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
   someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
stroke him.
   Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
   you been using the Internet, again?
The game for him, as far as I can tell,
is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
self importance.
   Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
   Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
go back to taking this approach.
   But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
   Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
   tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
   and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
   tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
   his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
   deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
   only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
   originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
   he writes.
   You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
   you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
   Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up
 about someone you have never met (Robin)?

Oh, shut up, Susan. You have nothing useful to contribute

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:01 PM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
  Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up
  about someone you have never met (Robin)?

 Oh, shut up, Susan. You have nothing useful to contribute

LOL..my feelings exactly. Shut up Stupid Susan would be more like it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

Oh Ms. Kaladevi what did I do? Why are you comparing me with that old guy,
the former cult leader? I'm just a naive, innocent, gullible guy, a baby
Krishna, that needs to be loved, showered with attention - taken for rides
in a stroller - won't you - please?

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:52 AM, kaladevi108 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that if
 people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or however you
 want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically, etc).

 Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it should
 be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to see that
 ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then took on a
 more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.

 And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old show,
 played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience, desperate
 for any pulse of awakening.

 I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:
  I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT. I
  write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT. I was there, one of
  the folks annihilated by Robin. My son was present when Robin announced
  that I was the incarnation of the Devil. Can you imagine what
  went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
  I stand by this book. The book is actually mild, compared to the
  thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
  been offered. That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
  if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
  this book? It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
  written. Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
  will be in finding the antithesis to that, For William and I, it was
  being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
  to RC, so that grace entered and healing began. For myself, I walked
  into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
  what happened to me. I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
  CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
  cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults. The book is mainly
  meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
  Context. What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
  asserts that what is written about past events is useless? Such an
  argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
  literature. Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
  It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
  such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
  all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
  say he knows more about others than they know about themselves.
  Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
  crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
  issue? And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
  this person and that, of pontificating. It seems that he is addicted to
  an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
  Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
  questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
  any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
  persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
  all-over-the-map rhetoric. If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
  the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
  propounds. Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
  necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
  While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
  one real line of humility that he has written on this site. I carefully
  read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted. Having
  been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
  doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.
  This will be my one and only post about this matter.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Bhairitu
On 11/10/2012 10:48 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 I recently spoke with a friend who is a tenured professor of
 psychology about cult leaders and whether or the control
 personality can be cured. He is not sure it can be.
 Narcissistic Personality Disorder is incredibly difficult
 to treat, and pretty much impossible to self-treat. The
 problem is that the person with NPD considers literally
 everyone he encounters an opportunity to reinforce his
 self-importance and specialness, and will therefore
 LIE to them, often unconsciously, because the only thing
 that matters to him is that someone is continuing to
 focus on him. I have known therapists who have given up
 on *ever* attempting to try to treat people with NPD,
 because it just isn't worth the time, effort, and
 heartbreak. You think that the patient has made some
 progress, and then you find out that it's just another
 layer of the onion, and that everything he's been
 telling you for the last few months has been a lie,
 merely calculated to keep you playing the game.
 This is my perception of what Robin Carlsen is doing
 on this forum.

 The thing I find most difficult to believe in all of
 this mess is that anyone here truly believes that
 Robin is in any way different today than he was back
 then. I don't see that. What I see is the exact same
 narcissistic acting out, and the exact same lack of
 empathy and lack of caring. The only thing important
 to him -- then or now -- seems to be trying to get
 other people to believe *his* version of the Robin

 To believe that Robin has changed, one has to believe
 Robin. I have seen nothing on this forum that convinces
 me he has *ever* made a truthful statement. It's all
 been playing the narcissist's game, and truth is
 quite irrelevant to that game.

 The people I feel sorriest for are not those mistreated
 by Robin in the past but those who have fallen for his
 act in the present.

The other thing is we're not trying to DIAGNOSE here.  We're looking at 
a PROFILE of an archetype or how someone likes to present themselves.  
Hell they could be an actor putting us all on but I doubt it.   It would 
be interesting to know what happens to a person as they grow up that 
makes them try to control others.  It's like a gang leader or bullying 
instinct.  I saw a lot of these back in the fabulous 60s and made 
enemies of them because I wouldn't fall for their shit. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread laughinggull108

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it. Using 
  extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others
  is one of your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating
  confusion around the valid issues that have been raised.
 Not a tactic, Share, an observation. And I'll stand by it:
 there are people here who are out for Robin's blood--
 --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,

A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that from the one 
comment she's made here in support of her husband's book? How can everyone 
involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK, Howell and his wife, to name a few) 
have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*. Evidently, there is much 
*more* that these abused people need from their abuser than an admission on a 
public forum that he was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) and is 
*now* a different person. If we go strictly by what these people are still 
feeling and seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings, it 
appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard. What's really 
disgusting is that this is being hashed in public rather than making amends 
privately between the parties involved.

 Barry, and,
 of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
 what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
 Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)


 Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
 vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
 it a personal crusade against dishonesty.

Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy, but there is so 
much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure you see and read about, how can you 
get any peace or sleep knowing that you can't respond to it all? And why not 
pursue it where it really counts instead of on an insignificant public forum 
such as this one? Is it the big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?

I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum than it 
deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by anything that's written here, 
and your insults to others take much away from any credibility to be found in 
what you write. It's like when the writer starts making insults, then s/he has 
reached the end of the line and we know we've got 'em.


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   Judy, how in the world has all this gotten you so worked up
   about someone you have never met (Robin)?
  Oh, shut up, Susan. You have nothing useful to contribute
 Wow! See what I mean?

To be clear, I didn't mean here as in FFL but here as in
this discussion. I've never known Susan to have anything
important or even interesting to say about personal
interactions; she seems to have zero insight into human
relations or individual behavior. She's fine when she's into
other topics.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill

Yer so right.
He's deceptively usurious
while you are merely bi-polar.

You just need to return to yer
meds while he needs metanoesis.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

 Oh Ms. Kaladevi what did I do? Why are you comparing me with that old
 the former cult leader? I'm just a naive, innocent, gullible guy, a
 Krishna, that needs to be loved, showered with attention - taken for
 in a stroller - won't you - please?

 On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:52 AM, kaladevi108

  One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that
  people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or
however you
  want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,
  Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it
  be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to see
  ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then took
on a
  more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.
  And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old
  played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience,
  for any pulse of awakening.
  I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill


Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of superiority.
It is a testament to her ego fixation and her need to prove her
domination. That is why she offers little in the way of new ideas or
positive commentary.

She cannot fulfill her ego needs that way. She can only berate and
belittle because she has nothing else to offer or apparently nothing
else to do. That is why she is an FFL poster girl for vicious and
spiteful hate-speech.

You have already offered more positive considerations than Judas has in
the five years I've been a denizen of FFL.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it.  Using
extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others is one of
your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating confusion around the
valid issues that have been raised.  Your enabling Robin is actually
very harmful to him.  Even if he can't or won't see that.Â

 BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me
to get their tenor.  Then Jason described how peaceful it was when
she was gone and what the rest of her posts had been like.  I
realized I had made a wise decision to give her posts a miss.  I
think I managed to avoid the worst of her ripping into me.Â

  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter
  enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)

 Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
 me directly. And by name, yet!

  Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were
  thinking of writing about your experiences there?

 I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
 the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
 their suckers have become weary).

 It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
 don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
 to be worth reading.

  it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
  Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
  that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
  to try to actually write something creative and non-
  reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
invited them to read what he's written here. All of
them agree with my assessment of him.
   And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
   from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
   EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
   No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
   someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
stroke him.
   Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
   you been using the Internet, again?
The game for him, as far as I can tell,
is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
self importance.
   Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
   Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
go back to taking this approach.
   But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
   Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
   tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
   and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
   tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
   his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
   deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
   only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
   originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
   he writes.
   You can't bear it that people RESPECT him and think
   you're a sad, pathetic, attention-seeking disturbed
   Robin Carlsen is your worst FFL nightmare.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Robin Carlsen
So true.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of superiority.
 It is a testament to her ego fixation and her need to prove her
 domination. That is why she offers little in the way of new ideas or
 positive commentary.
 She cannot fulfill her ego needs that way. She can only berate and
 belittle because she has nothing else to offer or apparently nothing
 else to do. That is why she is an FFL poster girl for vicious and
 spiteful hate-speech.
 You have already offered more positive considerations than Judas has in
 the five years I've been a denizen of FFL.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
  Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it.  Using
 extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others is one of
 your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating confusion around the
 valid issues that have been raised.  Your enabling Robin is actually
 very harmful to him.  Even if he can't or won't see that.Â
  BTW, TurqB, I only read 2 of Judy's posts and that was enough for me
 to get their tenor.  Then Jason described how peaceful it was when
 she was gone and what the rest of her posts had been like.  I
 realized I had made a wise decision to give her posts a miss.  I
 think I managed to avoid the worst of her ripping into me.Â
   From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:41 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Happy to see that that week you spent in a shelter
   enhanced your humanity, Jude. :-)
  Obviously I touched a nerve. Barry almost never addresses
  me directly. And by name, yet!
   Oh, by the way, where is that story you said you were
   thinking of writing about your experiences there?
  I'll get to it when I get to it (probably not until
  the folks out for Robin's blood have had their fill, or
  their suckers have become weary).
  It'll be just some straightforward observations. I
  don't think a piece of writing needs to be creative
  to be worth reading.
   it the allure of coming back to FFL and ripping into
   Share that put it out of your mind, or the realization
   that if you actually followed through on it you'd have
   to try to actually write something creative and non-
   reactive? Curious minds want to know. :-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
 I have run the sad Robin story past a few of my
 psychiatrist friends as well, and like Bhairitu have
 invited them to read what he's written here. All of
 them agree with my assessment of him.
And we all believe Barry, don't we, class? We know
from long experience how HONEST he is. He would never
EVER tell us anything that wasn't true.
No reputable psychotherapist would attempt to diagnose
someone from their posts to an electronic forum.
 The act, as I perceive it, is about the seeking of
 attention and stroking. Robin actually *loses interest*
 fairly quickly in anyone he's succeeded in getting to
 believe him and believe in him; he doesn't engage these
 people in discussion, and only strokes them when they
 stroke him.
Barry, you are sooo STOOPID. How long have
you been using the Internet, again?
 The game for him, as far as I can tell,
 is still a form of *confrontation*, in which he feels
 compelled to get people TO focus on him and interact
 with him. THAT is what he gets off on. THAT is what
 continually reinforces his delusional feelings of
 self importance.
Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony, Projectionist
Extraordinaire, Button Pusher to the World.
 I honestly feel that it's more of a favor to Robin
 NOT to do this, and to ignore him as the sad, pathetic,
 attention-seeking disturbed personality he is. To respond
 to his attention-trolling, either favorably or unfav-
 orably, merely perpetuates his delusions. I shall now
 go back to taking this approach.
But not for long, because you CANNOT TOLERATE it that
Robin gets more attention here than you do. You can't
tolerate it that he's smarter and funnier and WAY NICER
and VASTLY MORE INTERESTING than you are. You can't
tolerate it that he's a year or two older than you and
his mind is still sharp as a tack, while yours is
deteriorating rapidly. You can't stand it that you not
only lack the chops to match his thoughtfulness and
originality, you aren't even up to understanding what
he writes.
You can't bear

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh emptybaby - the suffering Devi  I have undergone tolerating your senile
induced slanderous, rebellious behavior.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:49 PM, emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:



 Yer so right.
 He's deceptively usurious
 while you are merely bi-polar.

 You just need to return to yer
 meds while he needs metanoesis.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
  I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.
  Oh Ms. Kaladevi what did I do? Why are you comparing me with that old
  the former cult leader? I'm just a naive, innocent, gullible guy, a
  Krishna, that needs to be loved, showered with attention - taken for
  in a stroller - won't you - please?
  On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:52 AM, kaladevi108

   One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense that
   people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or
 however you
   want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,
   Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening, it
   be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to see
   ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then took
 on a
   more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.
   And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old
   played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience,
   for any pulse of awakening.
   I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.


[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill

Are you hiding behind Her skirts again?
Take yer meds and calm down.

Just show Her yer green card and then
promise Her you'd rather be Her fool
than parade around a vicious ahamkara
like Judas.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Oh emptybaby - the suffering Devi  I have undergone tolerating your
 induced slanderous, rebellious behavior.

 On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:49 PM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

  Yer so right.
  He's deceptively usurious
  while you are merely bi-polar.
  You just need to return to yer
  meds while he needs metanoesis.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.
   Oh Ms. Kaladevi what did I do? Why are you comparing me with that
   the former cult leader? I'm just a naive, innocent, gullible guy,
   Krishna, that needs to be loved, showered with attention - taken
   in a stroller - won't you - please?
   On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:52 AM, kaladevi108
One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense
people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or
  however you
want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,
Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening,
be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to
ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then
  on a
more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.
And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old
played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience,
for any pulse of awakening.
I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:
 Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 

Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, no one is out for Robin's blood and you know it. Using 
   extreme language and attributing extreme motives to others
   is one of your usual tactics for deflecting from and creating
   confusion around the valid issues that have been raised.
  Not a tactic, Share, an observation. And I'll stand by it:
  there are people here who are out for Robin's blood--
  --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,
 A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that
 from the one comment she's made here in support of her
 husband's book?

Oh, I see you haven't read her post. Maybe you should do
that before you ask why I said she was disgusting.

 How can everyone involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK,
 Howell and his wife, to name a few)

Those three and Ann are the only ones we've heard from, so,
you know, not exactly everyone, eh?

 have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*.

I don't know. Did someone make such a claim?

 Evidently, there is much *more* that these abused people need
 from their abuser than an admission on a public forum that he
 was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) and is *now*
 a different person.

Sometimes what we think we need is really just what we
*want*. And we don't always get what we want. (I believe
there was a song about that awhile back.)

 If we go strictly by what these people are still feeling and
 seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings,

Is what they're feeling and seeing really manipulative,
or is that an accusation designed to extort something from

 it appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard.
 What's really disgusting is that this is being hashed in
 public rather than making amends privately between the
 parties involved.

If you read the book, you'll see that he *did* try to make
amends in private, and they weren't accepted.

  Barry, and,
  of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
  what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
  Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)
  Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
  vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
  it a personal crusade against dishonesty.
 Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy,
 but there is so much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure
 you see and read about, how can you get any peace or sleep
 knowing that you can't respond to it all?

You know the story about the little girl and the starfish,

 And why not pursue it where it really counts instead of on
 an insignificant public forum such as this one?

How do you know I'm not?

 Is it the
 big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?
 I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum
 than it deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by
 anything that's written here,

Oh, better tell Curtis that.

 and your insults to others take much away from any credibility
 to be found in what you write. It's like when the writer starts
 making insults, then s/he has reached the end of the line and
 we know we've got 'em.

Well, you'd have to have rebutted everything *substantive*
the writer had said before coming to that conclusion, would
you not?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:

  How can everyone involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK,
  Howell and his wife, to name a few)
 Those three and Ann are the only ones we've heard from, so,
 you know, not exactly everyone, eh?

There's also Rory, who apparently did get something valuable from the whole RC 


I found that by doing an advanced search on the website using 'author contains 
Rory' and 'message body contains Robin'

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread emptybill
That's it?

You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
address the rest of the post.
Afraid ... again?

However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.

Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
pretend to hold back when we all know you as
you really are.

So many of us here are loving it.
Thank you again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of

 Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
 and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
 I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:


   --Lord Knows, Howell and his disgusting wife,
  A little harsh there, don't ya think Judy? You got all that
  from the one comment she's made here in support of her
  husband's book?
 Oh, I see you haven't read her post. Maybe you should do
 that before you ask why I said she was disgusting.

I did read it once, but I'll go back and re-read it.

  How can everyone involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK,
  Howell and his wife, to name a few)
 Those three and Ann are the only ones we've heard from, so,
 you know, not exactly everyone, eh?

Another unintentional slip in my writing. I wasn't suggesting *everyone*. I 
guess I should have written *anyone*, huh?

  have it all *wrong* and you've got it all *right*.
 I don't know. Did someone make such a claim?
  Evidently, there is much *more* that these abused people need
  from their abuser than an admission on a public forum that he
  was wrong (notwithstanding flaws in his character) and is *now*
  a different person.
 Sometimes what we think we need is really just what we
 *want*. And we don't always get what we want. (I believe
 there was a song about that awhile back.)
  If we go strictly by what these people are still feeling and
  seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings,
 Is what they're feeling and seeing really manipulative,
 or is that an accusation designed to extort something from

Not an all. I thought I had read that in LK's and Howell's analyses of how RWC 
writes here at FFL...that he is still being manipulative in his writing.

  it appears that he's offered nothing to them in that regard.
  What's really disgusting is that this is being hashed in
  public rather than making amends privately between the
  parties involved.
 If you read the book, you'll see that he *did* try to make
 amends in private, and they weren't accepted.

My bad. I haven't read that far in the book as yet.
   Barry, and,
   of course, yourself. (Don't bother protesting your innocence;
   what on earth would make you think I'd take you seriously?
   Especially when you write vicious posts like this one.)
   Robin can do just fine on his own dealing with the
   vampire crew. But I like to get my own licks in. Call
   it a personal crusade against dishonesty.
  Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy,
  but there is so much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure
  you see and read about, how can you get any peace or sleep
  knowing that you can't respond to it all?
 You know the story about the little girl and the starfish,

I think so...about picking up one of many starfish and throwing it back into 
the ocean as a beginning? Kind of like even the longest journey starts with 
the first step, eh?

  And why not pursue it where it really counts instead of on
  an insignificant public forum such as this one?
 How do you know I'm not?

Where *do* you find the time???

  Is it the
  big-fish-in-a-small-pond syndrome?
  I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum
  than it deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by
  anything that's written here,
 Oh, better tell Curtis that.

That's a lot different in that people can search for CDB's name in relation to 
his work with our young people, and it wouldn't be right to find 
misrepresentations of some statements he's made taken out of context. But I 
guess then you could make a case for some forum members calling RWC disturbed 
and having his employers find that through a search.

  and your insults to others take much away from any credibility
  to be found in what you write. It's like when the writer starts
  making insults, then s/he has reached the end of the line and
  we know we've got 'em.
 Well, you'd have to have rebutted everything *substantive*
 the writer had said before coming to that conclusion, would
 you not?

I've over my head, but I think what I meant was how insults, or maybe I should 
have said name-calling, adds nothing to the argument, and is a turn-off for me 
and perhaps others as well. You don't see that in a true debate, do you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Robin Carlsen
I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a hold of the entire 
person Judy Stein. There might be some slight nitpicks I have here, but 
essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. Even 
though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the truth over anything 
else, and I feel because of your post somehow liberated from any false 
affection for someone who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 That's it?
 You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
 address the rest of the post.
 Afraid ... again?
 However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
 the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
 Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
 delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.
 Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
 pretend to hold back when we all know you as
 you really are.
 So many of us here are loving it.
 Thank you again.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of
  Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
  and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
  I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
   If we go strictly by what these people are still feeling and
   seeing in what they call his *manipulative* current writings,
  Is what they're feeling and seeing really manipulative,
  or is that an accusation designed to extort something from
 Not an all. I thought I had read that in LK's and Howell's
 analyses of how RWC writes here at FFL...that he is still
 being manipulative in his writing.

Right...I meant are *they* (not you) trying to extort
something from him by that manipulative accusation.

I don't recall, BTW, seeing any of them citing *specific*
instances of what they believed was attempted manipulation.
That, to me, is a tell that there's nothing genuinely
behind the accusation.

   Your personal crusade against dishonesty is admirable, Judy,
   but there is so much dishonesty in the world that I'm sure
   you see and read about, how can you get any peace or sleep
   knowing that you can't respond to it all?
  You know the story about the little girl and the starfish,
 I think so...about picking up one of many starfish and throwing
 it back into the ocean as a beginning? Kind of like even the 
 longest journey starts with the first step, eh?


   And why not pursue it where it really counts instead of on
   an insignificant public forum such as this one?
  How do you know I'm not?
 Where *do* you find the time???

I'm semi-retired.

   I think you and many others attribute more power to this forum
   than it deserves. No one's life is going to be ruined by
   anything that's written here,
  Oh, better tell Curtis that.
 That's a lot different in that people can search for CDB's
 name in relation to his work with our young people, and it
 wouldn't be right to find misrepresentations of some
 statements he's made taken out of context. But I guess then
 you could make a case for some forum members calling RWC
 disturbed and having his employers find that through a search.

I think he's also retired, but who knows who else might
be looking around for what purpose?

   and your insults to others take much away from any credibility
   to be found in what you write. It's like when the writer starts
   making insults, then s/he has reached the end of the line and
   we know we've got 'em.
  Well, you'd have to have rebutted everything *substantive*
  the writer had said before coming to that conclusion, would
  you not?
 I've over my head,


 but I think what I meant was how insults, or maybe I should
 have said name-calling, adds nothing to the argument, and
 is a turn-off for me and perhaps others as well. You don't
 see that in a true debate, do you?

No, but this isn't a venue for true debates. It doesn't
add anything to the argument per se, but I think a well-
directed insult--a characterization that has already been
validated by the substantive argument, IOW--can give a
useful perspective on the target of the insult.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a hold of the entire 
 person Judy Stein. There might be some slight nitpicks I have here, but 
 essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. Even 
 though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the truth over anything 
 else, and I feel because of your post somehow liberated from any false 
 affection for someone who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.


Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
functions on such an exalted level that they can't
grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).

BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
from your false affections, just whistle.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  That's it?
  You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
  address the rest of the post.
  Afraid ... again?
  However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
  the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
  Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
  delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.
  Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
  pretend to hold back when we all know you as
  you really are.
  So many of us here are loving it.
  Thank you again.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of
   Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
   and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
   I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a hold of the entire 
  person Judy Stein. There might be some slight nitpicks I have here, but 
  essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. 
  Even though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the truth over 
  anything else, and I feel because of your post somehow liberated from any 
  false affection for someone who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.
 Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
 ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
 have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
 what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
 what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
 I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
 cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
 mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
 functions on such an exalted level that they can't
 grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
 BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
 from your false affections, just whistle.

I am going to unsubscribe after this. The evil being thing is coming back to 
me. That means something--don't you think? I apologize to you for what I said 
to emptybill--I am going to claim I was being ironic--and there is just no way 
you can prove differently.

That one word with which you begin your post: That was the euphemistic title 
that Bill rejected.

I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy. I had a weak 
moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I realize I should not have 
written that post.

Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun of this post, I 
shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.

Bill's book didn't stop me; but this post has.

 But this is part of the beauty and terror and meaning of life. I am sure of 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   That's it?
   You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
   address the rest of the post.
   Afraid ... again?
   However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
   the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
   Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
   delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.
   Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
   pretend to hold back when we all know you as
   you really are.
   So many of us here are loving it.
   Thank you again.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:


 Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of
Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a hold of the 
   entire person Judy Stein. There might be some slight nitpicks I have 
   here, but essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have captured 
   this woman. Even though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the 
   truth over anything else, and I feel because of your post somehow 
   liberated from any false affection for someone who has taken up my cause. 
   Thank you for this.
  Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
  ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
  have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
  what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
  what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
  I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
  cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
  mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
  functions on such an exalted level that they can't
  grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
  BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
  from your false affections, just whistle.
 I am going to unsubscribe after this. The evil being thing is coming back 
 to me. That means something--don't you think? I apologize to you for what I 
 said to emptybill--I am going to claim I was being ironic--and there is just 
 no way you can prove differently.
 That one word with which you begin your post: That was the euphemistic title 
 that Bill rejected.
 I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy. I had a weak 
 moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I realize I should not have 
 written that post.
 Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun of this post, I 
 shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.
 Bill's book didn't stop me; but this post has.
  But this is part of the beauty and terror and meaning of life. I am sure of 
Bon voyage, Asshole.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
That's it?

You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
address the rest of the post.
Afraid ... again?

However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.

Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
pretend to hold back when we all know you as
you really are.

So many of us here are loving it.
Thank you again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of

 Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
 and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
 I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Emily Reyn
Another perfect post from Raunchy.  How *does* she do it?  It couldn't be all 
those years in TM, could it?  Raunchy, I want what you have.  Love, Em.

 From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 4:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a hold of the 
   entire person Judy Stein. There might be some slight nitpicks I have 
   here, but essentially--without prejudice--I believe you have captured 
   this woman. Even though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the 
   truth over anything else, and I feel because of your post somehow 
   liberated from any false affection for someone who has taken up my cause. 
   Thank you for this.
  Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
  ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
  have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
  what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
  what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
  I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
  cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
  mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
  functions on such an exalted level that they can't
  grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
  BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
  from your false affections, just whistle.
 I am going to unsubscribe after this. The evil being thing is coming back 
 to me. That means something--don't you think? I apologize to you for what I 
 said to emptybill--I am going to claim I was being ironic--and there is just 
 no way you can prove differently.
 That one word with which you begin your post: That was the euphemistic title 
 that Bill rejected.
 I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy. I had a weak 
 moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I realize I should not have 
 written that post.
 Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun of this post, I 
 shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.
 Bill's book didn't stop me; but this post has.
  But this is part of the beauty and terror and meaning of life. I am sure of 
Bon voyage, Asshole.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
That's it?

You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
address the rest of the post.
Afraid ... again?

However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.

Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
pretend to hold back when we all know you as
you really are.

So many of us here are loving it.
Thank you again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of

 Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
 and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
 I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)



[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a
   hold of the entire person Judy Stein. There might be some 
   slight nitpicks I have here, but essentially--without
   prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. Even
   though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the
   truth over anything else, and I feel because of your post
   somehow liberated from any false affection for someone
   who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.
  Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
  ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
  have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
  what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
  what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
  I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
  cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
  mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
  functions on such an exalted level that they can't
  grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
  BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
  from your false affections, just whistle.
 I am going to unsubscribe after this.

Oh no!

 The evil being thing is coming back to me. That means
 something--don't you think?

Just shoo it away, for pete's sake. What's the big problem?

 I apologize to you for what I said to emptybill--I am going 
 to claim I was being ironic--and there is just no way you
 can prove differently.

Sheesh, I thought you *were* being ironic! All right,
obviously I'm going to have to help you out here.

 That one word with which you begin your post: That was the 
 euphemistic title that Bill rejected.
 I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy.
 I had a weak moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I
 realize I should not have written that post.

You shouldn't have spilled the beans. I mean, that's sort
of the ultimate irony, that I, who am so good at detecting
your irony, thought you were being ironic when you were
dead serious. You really screwed up this time.

 Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun
 of this post, I shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.

I wouldn't blame her if she did. You've made yourself an
irresistible target.

 Bill's book didn't stop me; but this post has.

I think you've become unhinged by the strain, frankly.

 But this is part of the beauty and terror and meaning of life.
 I am sure of this.

Yah, right. Most of us don't have nearly so much trouble
just getting from day to day.

You need a keeper. I can't spend *all* my time cleaning up
after you.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
That's it?

You're becoming weak-minded. You refused to
address the rest of the post.
Afraid ... again?

However, I'm grateful to you. Once again displaying
the attributes you're so well know to exhibit.
Such an excellent reminder to folks here of your
delusional, self-rewarding shallowness.

Please show us your real hate-filled face. No need to
pretend to hold back when we all know you as
you really are.

So many of us here are loving it.
Thank you again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of

 Translation: I made two stupid errors in a post yesterday
 and she called me on them, made me feel all inferior. (BTW,
 I've just repeated one of them. That'll show her!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a
hold of the entire person Judy Stein. There might be some 
slight nitpicks I have here, but essentially--without
prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. Even
though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the
truth over anything else, and I feel because of your post
somehow liberated from any false affection for someone
who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.

   Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
   ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
   have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
   what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
   what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
   I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
   cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
   mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
   functions on such an exalted level that they can't
   grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
   BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
   from your false affections, just whistle.
MZ: I am going to unsubscribe after this.

AF: Oh no!

MZ2: I overreacted, authfriend. And I think there are persons on FFL who want 
me to stay. No, I think definitely I will unsubscribe. No one likes me outside 
of my followers.

MZ: The evil being thing is coming back to me. That means something--don't 
you think?

AF: Just shoo it away, for pete's sake. What's the big problem?

MZ2: Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

[Interesting, but laugh  as you will, it seems to have been a projection. 
You're not really an evil being, authfriend; but still, you can be one of those 
women who have never been put in their place. Not that I would try to do this. 
But something for you to think about, AF.]

Shoo, Shrew!--this works too.

MZ: I apologize to you for what I said to emptybill--I am going to claim I was 
being ironic--and there is just no way you can prove differently.

AF: Sheesh, I thought you *were* being ironic! All right, obviously I'm going 
to have to help you out here.

MZ2: When I wrote it I was not being ironic. But when I looked at it 
again--after your obnoxious response (mocking me: I don't like it one bit--and 
guess what! I *knew* you were being ironic)--I realized: Hey, MZ: you can just 
get away with telling AF you were being ironic. And who knows? I COULD BE BEING 
IRONIC NOW, and you wouldn't know the difference. ;-) Hah hah: I win this one, 

MZ: That one word with which you begin your post: That was the euphemistic 
title that Bill rejected.

I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy. I had a weak 
moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I realize I should not have 
written that post.

AF: You shouldn't have spilled the beans. I mean, that's sort of the ultimate 
irony, that I, who am so good at detecting your irony, thought you were being 
ironic when you were
dead serious. You really screwed up this time.

MZ2: As a matter of fact I was begin serious, authfriend, moved as I was by the 
pure  Christian passion and conviction  of emptybill. But you got fooled, 
because if I really follow your initial response, it appears you took me to be 
ironic! So, then, what was I to do? How was I to convince you this one time I 
was being sincere? Wolf Wolf Wolf I guess. But no screw-up here, authfriend: 
emptybill told the truth, I knew it--you obviously can't see yourself as others 
see you. That is something we all need to work on: see ourselves from the point 
of view of the other person.

MZ: Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun  of this 
post, I shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.

AF: I wouldn't blame her if she did. You've made yourself an irresistible 

MZ2: And wouldn't you know it: she just went ahead and was insulting to me 
anyway. I guess, without realizing it, I asked for it. Although I don't mind: 
she is, isn't she, part of some cult? According to Dr, Long she is, and I 
certainly believe Dr. Long. Now where was I? I will fight my way through all 
this, authfriend--I was just asking how my negative qualities were doing 
(SL): and they said: Fine, Robin. We're doing just fine. STFU--because we can 
get you anytime we like. I thought raunchy's comments (and link) uncalled-for, 
authfriend. Surely you agree: this was in bad taste. 

MZ: Bill's book didn't stop me; but this post has.

AF: I think you've become unhinged by the strain, frankly.

MZ2: You really are a harridan of the first order, authfriend. I think everyone 
on FFL can agree on this. It has been a strain; I admit it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
from your false affections, just whistle.

 MZ2: I am through with the putdowns, AF. I can make my heart
 clean of spite if you can. How about it? Let's be friends--like
 we were before I felt emptybill's revelation. I think you are
 just playing with me anyhow, and I have had enough of this. I
 won't answer your next post, authfriend. This is it for me.


You're trying to confuse me. After all I've done for you.
It's a shame.

Don't forget about the whistle.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Emily Reyn
Ah ha ha ha ha ha.  Nice of you, Robin, to thank Judy for all the hard work she 
did for you today.  That woman is a trooper.  Dale Carnegie - good one.  Do 
you think Judy would benefit more from How to Win Friends and Influence 
People or How to Stop Worrying and Start Living?

 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 6:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
I believe, emptybill, you are the first poster to get a
hold of the entire person Judy Stein. There might be some 
slight nitpicks I have here, but essentially--without
prejudice--I believe you have captured this woman. Even
though she has written in my defense, I still prefer the
truth over anything else, and I feel because of your post
somehow liberated from any false affection for someone
who has taken up my cause. Thank you for this.

   Why don't you write like a normal person? Then maybe
   ordinary folks could understand you, and I wouldn't
   have to spend my Sunday running around explaining
   what you said. Sometimes even *I* can't figure out
   what the freak you're talking about (for that matter,
   I'm not entirely sure you can either--one of the old
   cult-leader tactics: rattle off a bunch of meaningless
   mumbo-jumbo, and your followers will assume your mind
   functions on such an exalted level that they can't
   grasp the elevated ideas you're expounding).
   BTW, if you need any more help liberating yourself
   from your false affections, just whistle.

MZ: I am going to unsubscribe after this.

AF: Oh no!

MZ2: I overreacted, authfriend. And I think there are persons on FFL who want 
me to stay. No, I think definitely I will unsubscribe. No one likes me outside 
of my followers.

MZ: The evil being thing is coming back to me. That means something--don't 
you think?

AF: Just shoo it away, for pete's sake. What's the big problem?

MZ2: Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

[Interesting, but laugh  as you will, it seems to have been a projection. 
You're not really an evil being, authfriend; but still, you can be one of those 
women who have never been put in their place. Not that I would try to do this. 
But something for you to think about, AF.]

Shoo, Shrew!--this works too.

MZ: I apologize to you for what I said to emptybill--I am going to claim I was 
being ironic--and there is just no way you can prove differently.

AF: Sheesh, I thought you *were* being ironic! All right, obviously I'm going 
to have to help you out here.

MZ2: When I wrote it I was not being ironic. But when I looked at it 
again--after your obnoxious response (mocking me: I don't like it one bit--and 
guess what! I *knew* you were being ironic)--I realized: Hey, MZ: you can just 
get away with telling AF you were being ironic. And who knows? I COULD BE BEING 
IRONIC NOW, and you wouldn't know the difference. ;-) Hah hah: I win this one, 

MZ: That one word with which you begin your post: That was the euphemistic 
title that Bill rejected.

I still believe after this exchange we can be friends, Judy. I had a weak 
moment--OK? After you taunting me like this, I realize I should not have 
written that post.

AF: You shouldn't have spilled the beans. I mean, that's sort of the ultimate 
irony, that I, who am so good at detecting your irony, thought you were being 
ironic when you were
dead serious. You really screwed up this time.

MZ2: As a matter of fact I was begin serious, authfriend, moved as I was by the 
pure  Christian passion and conviction  of emptybill. But you got fooled, 
because if I really follow your initial response, it appears you took me to be 
ironic! So, then, what was I to do? How was I to convince you this one time I 
was being sincere? Wolf Wolf Wolf I guess. But no screw-up here, authfriend: 
emptybill told the truth, I knew it--you obviously can't see yourself as others 
see you. That is something we all need to work on: see ourselves from the point 
of view of the other person.

MZ: Let's work this out, authfriend. If that raunchydog makes fun  of this 
post, I shall be beside myself. Don't do it, raunchy.

AF: I wouldn't blame her if she did. You've made yourself an irresistible 

MZ2: And wouldn't you know it: she just went ahead and was insulting to me 
anyway. I guess, without realizing it, I asked for it. Although I don't mind: 
she is, isn't she, part of some cult? According to Dr, Long she is, and I 
certainly believe Dr. Long. Now where was I? I will fight my way through all 
this, authfriend--I was just asking how my negative

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Emily Reyn
From Rory's autobiography on his website:

Sometime in October, Nancy M. introduced me to Robin Carlson, who was enjoying 
a rather large cult-following in Fairfield at that time. A TM-teacher who had 
experienced some enlightenment, he had now gone rogue and was creating his 
own movement, publishing several extremely complex books, offering courses, and 
passing out his picture for contemplation by his devoted followers. The TM 
Movement was infuriated, sending their security people to spy on his meetings 
and take names of attendees. Soon they were excommunicating all his followers, 
expelling students from the University and asking TM employers to fire any 
Carlsonite employees. While Robin's guru-aspects turned me off, I was 
nonetheless impressed with his gifts.

Robin was a skilled manifester, practicing much the same techniques of 
name-and-form that we practiced in our circle. The difference was that Robin 
showed no great desire to share the knack with his followers, but exhibited it 
as another example of his own superiority. Robin, by the Grace of God, would 
you manifest... a follower would reverently intone, and with grace, Robin 
would condescend to fulfill their desire.

More than this, though, Robin had an interesting --- and disturbing --- 
world-view. An ex-drama-teacher, he saw the world as a divine drama: a 
perennial conflict between the divine and the demonic in each of us. Robin also 
had an enviable certainty that he was always right; he trusted his perceptions 
completely, and did not hesitate to label one as in the grip of the demonic. 
This came as a shock to those of us used to Maharishi's continual focus on the 
good, and omission of anything negative; to me it seemed to fall short of Unity 
Consciousness, wherein one takes full responsibility for one's own perceptions 
as being aspects of Oneself, but it served to stir many of us out of our 

While I didn't care for his world-view, I had to admit that he did, indeed, 
have a razor-sharp intellect, beautiful intuition, deep compassion, and 
unhesitating honesty. When I rose to speak with him at one of his circles, I 
was aghast at the strong dissociation I began experiencing --- as if I weren't 
participating at all, just watching this dance between his mind and mine; or as 
if we were both watching my mind while the conversation flowed on 
automatically. Within the space of a few moments, we went deeper and deeper 
into my mind, until in the spotlight of our combined consciousness, I saw a 
small, squirming, wriggling, power-hungry entity trying to escape the light. It 
--- I --- was shocked and stunned, frozen in Robin's gaze like a deer in 
headlights; I literally couldn't speak for my --- its --- fear that was lodged 
in my throat. You see! Robin shouted triumphantly. The demonic is stupid! I 
was crushed, humiliated, surrounded in a cloud of
 grey-blue light. I went home, sat on the bed, and vomited up old emotions, 
from deep in my belly, sobbing for two hours, until my whole pillow was sodden. 
I could feel angelic hands patting my field all over, anointing me with creamy 
white light. The next day I returned to Robin's and thanked him for what he had 
done; my whole psychic field felt looser and richer. I had begun to let go of 
identifying with my power-center.

From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:

  How can everyone involved in Robin's cult 25+ years ago (LK,
  Howell and his wife, to name a few)
 Those three and Ann are the only ones we've heard from, so,
 you know, not exactly everyone, eh?

There's also Rory, who apparently did get something valuable from the whole RC 


I found that by doing an advanced search on the website using 'author contains 
Rory' and 'message body contains Robin'


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-11 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Emptybaby - stop irritating me. If Devi  I are to continue to tolerate
your behavior here you need to get a few ground rules right viz my
relationship to Devi and proper use of prepositions, references to
medications, DSM labels is a strict no-no - Devi doesn't like that shit. So
please correct and re-submit your responses.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 1:27 PM, emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:



 Are you hiding behind Her skirts again?
 Take yer meds and calm down.

 Just show Her yer green card and then
 promise Her you'd rather be Her fool
 than parade around a vicious ahamkara
 like Judas.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
 chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
  Oh emptybaby - the suffering Devi  I have undergone tolerating your
  induced slanderous, rebellious behavior.
  On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:49 PM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

   Yer so right.
   He's deceptively usurious
   while you are merely bi-polar.
   You just need to return to yer
   meds while he needs metanoesis.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
   chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.
Oh Ms. Kaladevi what did I do? Why are you comparing me with that
the former cult leader? I'm just a naive, innocent, gullible guy,
Krishna, that needs to be loved, showered with attention - taken
in a stroller - won't you - please?
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:52 AM, kaladevi108


 One thing you may want to consider is that it only makes sense
 people see demons, they themselves are possessed by demons (or
   however you
 want to see that ontologically, neurologically. psychologically,

 Rather than seeing Robin's incident in Switzerland as awakening,
 be seen as a case of demonic possession (or however you want to
 ontologically, neurologically or psychologically), which then
   on a
 more sinister turn as he enacted that drama onto innocents.

 And the claim that he's changed is utter BS. It's the same old
 played out in email posts, to a gullible TM-oriented audience,
 for any pulse of awakening.

 I actually see Ravi and Robin as a similar phenomenon.



[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 
 superiority. It is a testament to her ego fixation and her 
 need to prove her domination. 

And look at who she needs to pretend to be defending
to do that. Birds of an ego-feather flock together. :-)

What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Judas Stone is only here to parade her habitual feeling of 
  superiority. It is a testament to her ego fixation and her 
  need to prove her domination. 
 And look at who she needs to pretend to be defending
 to do that. Birds of an ego-feather flock together. :-)
 What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
 and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
 doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
 a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.

I think that the aspects of cult behavior that most
concerns me -- having by now gotten used to the sheer
vindictiveness of TM practitioners who claim to have 
been practicing the highest path for decades now -- 
are their inability to be able to discern when they're 
dealing with real mental illness, and their willingness 
to use these mentally ill people to further their own 
vindictive cult goals. 

I attribute the first failing to having been around
the TMO for so long, and thus having gotten used to
the borderline insanity present in many of its adherents
(excused as mere quirkiness or eccentricity or just
unstressing), that they feel a need to portray much more
serious mental illness in the same way. My suspicion is
that they do this because they feel that if they can
convince others that people like Robin and Ravi as sane, 
those others will believe that they are, too. 

The second failing is more disturbing. I will go on 
record as saying that I don't believe I've ever seen
Judy exhibit any more true empathy or loyalty for one
of the people she defends than either Ravi or Robin
have. The people she defends are mere props for her,
potential weapons that she can use to justify her
vindictiveness and compulsive need to get her 
enemies. And they last only as long as they toe the
line and do her bidding. Should any of them cross her, 
she'll throw them under the bus as quickly as she did 
John from Brazil or anyone else who once thought her 
impressive and then later came to their senses and 
began to see her as more what she is. 

If I were to rank the different degrees of insanity
present in this equation, I have to admit that I'd be
willing to cut both Ravi and Robin a break compared to
Judy, Raunchydog, and Ann. The former two are IMO 
legitimately mentally ill, and really have no choice
in what they do. The latter do what they do to play
oneupsmanship games and win arguments on a tiny,
unregarded Internet forum that no one cares about. 
It's the very pettiness of their motivation that 
makes them most pathetic. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT to Judy and TurqB

2012-11-11 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:

  What I find fascinating is that the more insane Robin
  and Ravi demonstrate themselves to be, the more she
  doubles down on defending them. It's like watching
  a reality TV show called Cults Gone Wild.

 I attribute the first failing to having been around
 the TMO for so long, and thus having gotten used to
 the borderline insanity present in many of its adherents
 (excused as mere quirkiness or eccentricity or just
 unstressing), that they feel a need to portray much more
 serious mental illness in the same way. My suspicion is
 that they do this because they feel that if they can
 convince others that people like Robin and Ravi as sane, 
 those others will believe that they are, too. 

 If I were to rank the different degrees of insanity
 present in this equation, I have to admit that I'd be
 willing to cut both Ravi and Robin a break compared to
 Judy, Raunchydog, and Ann. The former two are IMO 
 legitimately mentally ill, and really have no choice
 in what they do. The latter do what they do to play
 oneupsmanship games and win arguments on a tiny,
 unregarded Internet forum that no one cares about. 
 It's the very pettiness of their motivation that 
 makes them most pathetic.

Dude, your relationships with some folks here has been discussed and commented
upon endlessly and by lots of people. The whole drama, with your participation,
seems to be a significant engine of this forum. For some unknown and ungodly
reason, it is. I don't get it. I don't enjoy it, but it continues unabated,
irregardless. I just let it lie, for the most part.

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-10 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:

Dear Brahmi,

You are wrong about the person I am now, Brahmi. You could not be more wrong. I 
am not the same person I was when I called almost everyone evil--including in a 
most searing way, yourself.

A quarter of a century does change persons. No matter what you say, for Ann 
Woelfe Bater to post as she has posted on FFL must mean, for you to be right, 
that her heart has gone dead, her conscience falsified, her mind utterly 
distorted. Do you believe this about Ann, Brahmi?

In your excoriating letter here you make it very clear that anyone who would 
harbour friendly feelings towards me, or believing me to be a good and loving 
person, clearly is out of their mind. Is Ann Woelfe Bater out of her mind, 
Brahmi? Is she incapable of remembering her own suffering--which, when wrote to 
tell me her sister Christine had drowned in a car (September 1986) was, I am 
sure, equal to your own? 

If you are stating the absolute truth about Robin Carlsen, which surely in your 
soul you believe you are, then it must mean, it has to mean, that Ann Woelfle 
Bater is a traitor to the cause, a traitor to the truth, and a traitor to you, 
whom she considers a dear friend of hers. 

Are you going to speak to her about this anomaly, Brahmi? Were Ann in the same 
frame of mind and heart as she was when she denounced me many years ago--she is 
not one to take things like what I did to her, lightly--this would not change 
my judgment of myself. However, I believe that what comes across in Ann's posts 
on FFL (about myself) holds evidence of a truth which your letter is determined 
to annihilate (to use one of your words). Ann's response to me--I think this is 
obvious to others too--contains something that is very real--it seems so to me, 

She is your friend. You must get her to disavow her friendship with me. And it 
is a friendship which goes down very deep, despite the restrictions which have 
been imposed upon it. What I share with Ann, Brahmi, would give the lie to the 
imperishable judgment that I am in some sense evil--still.

What would be her response to this letter if she read it in your presence? You 
are certain in some extreme way that all that you have said here is true. If 
what you say is as intrinsically true as you feel and know it to be, then Ann 
Woelfe Bater is under a serious and tragic illusion. You must confront her 
about this. Will you?

Ann's understanding of me and experience of me takes nothing away from the 
terror and atrocity of what she (and you) passed through in those three years. 
You and others are driven by a view of me which, I assure you, Brahmi, is 
without merit. What you communicate her is sincerity and outrage: what I know 
about myself makes me certain you do not know me as I am now.

And Ann Woelfe Bater is testimony to this. Testimony which you cannot refute 
except you understand that her response to me is simply incompatible with the 
truth. She should know this. 

I am sorry for the evil that was done to you Brahmi. But I have suffered (even 
though you have determined this is belied by my posts on FFL) for my sins, and 
I am forgiven by what forced me to endure the disillusionment and humiliation 
and despair that such a life as I led in those Ten Years (when supposedly in 
Unity Consciousness) warranted that I undergo.

You don't know me, Brahmi. And someday you will know this truth as well as the 
truth you have a hold of here, based upon my extreme and indefensible behaviour 
during those Ten Years.

 I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
 write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
 the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
 that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
 went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
 I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
 thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
 been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
 if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
 this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
 written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
 will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
 being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
 to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
 into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
 what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
   CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
 cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is mainly
 meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
 Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Robin: 

If you can objectify outside of yourself, do read past Page 45.  I realize how 
difficult this might be.  

 From: Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:

Dear Brahmi,

You are wrong about the person I am now, Brahmi. You could not be more wrong. I 
am not the same person I was when I called almost everyone evil--including in a 
most searing way, yourself.

A quarter of a century does change persons. No matter what you say, for Ann 
Woelfe Bater to post as she has posted on FFL must mean, for you to be right, 
that her heart has gone dead, her conscience falsified, her mind utterly 
distorted. Do you believe this about Ann, Brahmi?

In your excoriating letter here you make it very clear that anyone who would 
harbour friendly feelings towards me, or believing me to be a good and loving 
person, clearly is out of their mind. Is Ann Woelfe Bater out of her mind, 
Brahmi? Is she incapable of remembering her own suffering--which, when wrote to 
tell me her sister Christine had drowned in a car (September 1986) was, I am 
sure, equal to your own? 

If you are stating the absolute truth about Robin Carlsen, which surely in your 
soul you believe you are, then it must mean, it has to mean, that Ann Woelfle 
Bater is a traitor to the cause, a traitor to the truth, and a traitor to you, 
whom she considers a dear friend of hers. 

Are you going to speak to her about this anomaly, Brahmi? Were Ann in the same 
frame of mind and heart as she was when she denounced me many years ago--she is 
not one to take things like what I did to her, lightly--this would not change 
my judgment of myself. However, I believe that what comes across in Ann's posts 
on FFL (about myself) holds evidence of a truth which your letter is determined 
to annihilate (to use one of your words). Ann's response to me--I think this is 
obvious to others too--contains something that is very real--it seems so to me, 

She is your friend. You must get her to disavow her friendship with me. And it 
is a friendship which goes down very deep, despite the restrictions which have 
been imposed upon it. What I share with Ann, Brahmi, would give the lie to the 
imperishable judgment that I am in some sense evil--still.

What would be her response to this letter if she read it in your presence? You 
are certain in some extreme way that all that you have said here is true. If 
what you say is as intrinsically true as you feel and know it to be, then Ann 
Woelfe Bater is under a serious and tragic illusion. You must confront her 
about this. Will you?

Ann's understanding of me and experience of me takes nothing away from the 
terror and atrocity of what she (and you) passed through in those three years. 
You and others are driven by a view of me which, I assure you, Brahmi, is 
without merit. What you communicate her is sincerity and outrage: what I know 
about myself makes me certain you do not know me as I am now.

And Ann Woelfe Bater is testimony to this. Testimony which you cannot refute 
except you understand that her response to me is simply incompatible with the 
truth. She should know this. 

I am sorry for the evil that was done to you Brahmi. But I have suffered (even 
though you have determined this is belied by my posts on FFL) for my sins, and 
I am forgiven by what forced me to endure the disillusionment and humiliation 
and despair that such a life as I led in those Ten Years (when supposedly in 
Unity Consciousness) warranted that I undergo.

You don't know me, Brahmi. And someday you will know this truth as well as the 
truth you have a hold of here, based upon my extreme and indefensible behaviour 
during those Ten Years.


 I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
 write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
 the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
 that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
 went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
 I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
 thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
 been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
 if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
 this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
 written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
 will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
 being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
 to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
 into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
 what happened to me

[FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-10 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:

 I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT.  I
 write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT.  I was there, one of
 the folks annihilated by Robin.  My son was present when Robin announced
 that I was the incarnation of the Devil.  Can you imagine what
 went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
 I stand by this book.  The book is actually mild, compared to the
 thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
 been offered.  That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
 if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
 this book?  It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
 written.  Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
 will be in finding the antithesis to that,  For William and I, it was
 being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
 to RC, so that grace entered and healing began.  For myself, I walked
 into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
 what happened to me.  I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
   CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
 cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults.  The book is mainly
 meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
 Context.  What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
 asserts that what is written about past events is useless?  Such an
 argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
 literature.  Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
  It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
 such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
 all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
 say he knows more about others than they know about themselves. 
 Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
 crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
 issue?  And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
 this person and that, of pontificating.  It seems that he is addicted to
 an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
  Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
 questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
 any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
 persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
 all-over-the-map rhetoric.  If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
 the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
 propounds.  Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
 necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
 While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
 one real line of humility that he has written on this site.  I carefully
 read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted.  Having
 been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
 doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.

Yes, he sure is instantly recognisable!

I've only just started reading it as it ended up in my
junk folder (possibly not for karmic reasons) but I'm
finding it fascinating, can't offer any opinions yet
other than that Robin was clearly a deluded megalomaniac
and that the American Psychiatric Association would have
had him strung up for his therapeutic technique, which
I actually found quite interesting in a My god did people
really get off on this for years? kind of way. But not 
something I'd recommend to anyone.

 This will be my one and only post about this matter.

Probably a good idea unless you want to spend the rest of
your life arguing with Robin's self appointed defenders,
what they get out of it is anyone's guess, it's not like they
were there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: CULT

2012-11-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Aah..the wisdom of the chinless, drooling, salivating puppy :-). A good
sign you can hang on yourself - I haven't been petted lately

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 1:44 PM, salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, baladevim baladevim@... wrote:
  I am Brahmi, the wife of William Howell, author of the book CULT. I
  write about Robin Carlsen's response to CULT. I was there, one of
  the folks annihilated by Robin. My son was present when Robin announced
  that I was the incarnation of the Devil. Can you imagine what
  went through my son to hear such an indictment of a mother whom he
  I stand by this book. The book is actually mild, compared to the
  thousand more stories, confrontations and inner hells that could have
  been offered. That's why it takes 3-5 years to get out of a cult,
  if one gets out at all.
  What of ancient history could there be about
  this book? It feels even more relevant today than when it was first
  written. Cults are devastating and they are destructive. Redemption
  will be in finding the antithesis to that, For William and I, it was
  being fortunate enough to find great souls who represent the antithesis
  to RC, so that grace entered and healing began. For myself, I walked
  into Robin's realm with eyes wide open and do not blame anyone for
  what happened to me. I don't deal in guilt, but I do call a spade a
  CULT deals with suffering, a universal theme, and the
  cruelty and betrayal that characterize all cults. The book is mainly
  meant to educate about what cults are through the details of The
  Context. What kind of intelligent criticism suggests let alone
  asserts that what is written about past events is useless? Such an
  argument infers that history and biography are ridiculous acts of
  literature. Indeed, such an argument threatens the entire field of
  It feels obvious that someone who admittedly has committed
  such acts of terror, treachery and betrayal as Robin Carlsen would at
  all costs avoid the public forum, and be especially wary of trying to
  say he knows more about others than they know about themselves.
  Wouldn't a reformed criminal realize the temptation to again commit
  crimes, just as sobered alcoholics know hat their disease is a lifelong
  issue? And yet here on FFL we see many examples of Robin confronting
  this person and that, of pontificating. It seems that he is addicted to
  an ongoing sense of power and knowingness.
  Which makes Mr. Carlsen's recent diatribe all the more
  questionable and even pathetic in its attempt to convince people about
  any sincerity or true change, which he achieves in part by putting other
  persons, however sincere, down, trying to thoroughly negate them in his
  all-over-the-map rhetoric. If in fact he has not been on his belly, in
  the mud, he has not achieved the so-called change that he profusely
  propounds. Nor has he gained the compassion that such suffering
  necessarily brings to those who are on the path of healing.
  While he has `confessed' to doing terrible things, I cannot find
  one real line of humility that he has written on this site. I carefully
  read and slowly reread every word that Robin recently posted. Having
  been a close witness to his style, his every word leaves no
  doubt in my mind that he is still deluded.

 Yes, he sure is instantly recognisable!

 I've only just started reading it as it ended up in my
 junk folder (possibly not for karmic reasons) but I'm
 finding it fascinating, can't offer any opinions yet
 other than that Robin was clearly a deluded megalomaniac
 and that the American Psychiatric Association would have
 had him strung up for his therapeutic technique, which
 I actually found quite interesting in a My god did people
 really get off on this for years? kind of way. But not
 something I'd recommend to anyone.

  This will be my one and only post about this matter.

 Probably a good idea unless you want to spend the rest of
 your life arguing with Robin's self appointed defenders,
 what they get out of it is anyone's guess, it's not like they
 were there.


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