Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
“it is not just Negroes but all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy 
of bigotry,” he really meant all of us, including himself. This also includes 
many of the informants on FFL who like to call people Hindus. 
---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Well, Johnson got a lot of legislation passed. He knew how to deal and had the 
leverage to do it. He did not use the concepts of transcendent or dharma in 
that speech. He never struck me as a spiritual person and his use of the word 
'God' in the speech seems the perfunctory inclusion that seems to be required 
in American politics. And probably he only touched up a speech written by his 
speech writers anyway.

 Non sequitur.

  And he was a racist in spite of all of that:

 Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
 Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racis... Lyndon Johnson 
was a racist. He was also the greatest champion of racial equality to occupy 
the White House since Lincoln.

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 Preview by Yahoo

 The office a man holds sometimes allows him to rise above his baser instincts. 
However in spite of all this, the events of the last half year or so show that 
what he accomplished has not erased the problems of race or poverty, of 
inequality; if anything they have taken on a more intense and subtle mantle of 
discord in this country.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 LBJ is actually a good example of the rhetoric of leadership within 
millenarian revolution. [notice spelling with one 'n', not millennial] change.  
For instance LBJ's articulation of transcendent and larger promises in America 
of an evolving dharma-like progression of equal rights for all. Gathering 
people in, see what and how he said it. Read a few of the first few paragraphs 
where he lays things out and see how he reaches for it in rhetoric.   He was 
quite successful with “The Great Society” and then with civil rights and voting 
rights legislation in turn. Was a remarkable point of leadership in broad 
cultural change. Time was ripe and he led rhetorically. Text of “The American 
Promise”..  President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The 
American Promise March 15, 1965 
 President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15,... 
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15, 1965 [As delivered in person before a joint session at 9:02 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

  You can watch him deliver it on YouTube.. 


 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Anartaxius says here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the direction 
and form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these four millenarians 
created broad and lasting cultural changes, for instance. It is informative in 
an examination of organizations and their sociology to look at how in 
leadership they went about doing it, by contrast.   

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark. 

 Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all things will be changed.Millennialism  [by contrast] is a specific form 
of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many sects of 
different religions believe.A Chaney, 

 Revolutionary as an adjective,  the term revolutionary refers to something 
that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book 

 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press
 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi Univ... Maharishi offers the 
indomitable strength of invincibility to the military by bringing military 
power into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 
behavior..   that is a lot of the wrangling going on now within TM.. how to 
proceed.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, wrote :

 The Little Red Book?  Looking at leadership qualities a while ago I got to 
wondering about Mao's voice of leadership in their revolution and sat down and 
read his 'quotations', the little red book. I was wondering 'how' he did it? It 
is quite a tight 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark. 

 Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all things will be changed.Millennialism  [by contrast] is a specific form 
of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many sects of 
different religions believe.A Chaney, 
 Revolutionary as an adjective,  the term revolutionary refers to something 
that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book 

 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press
 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi Univ... Maharishi offers the 
indomitable strength of invincibility to the military by bringing military 
power into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 
behavior..   that is a lot of the wrangling going on now within TM.. how to 
proceed.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, wrote :

 The Little Red Book?  Looking at leadership qualities a while ago I got to 
wondering about Mao's voice of leadership in their revolution and sat down and 
read his 'quotations', the little red book. I was wondering 'how' he did it? It 
is quite a tight organizational prompting and type of capable leadership. 
Seemed something that our own movement has been missing for quite a few years. 
  In process I did a mash-up of “Mao in to TM” to see how it sounded.


 Showing it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by 
knowing the quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective 
leadership that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement 

Did you ever have the same idea about 'Mein Kampf' of Adolf Hitler? 

About Mao: His policies caused the deaths of tens of millions of people during 
his 27-year reign, more than any other Twentieth Century leader... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Doug, if I may pull a Judy on you, I said that (in slightly different words) 
the changes that occur in society seem to not turn out the way the drivers of 
change intended. I did not use the word 'millenarians' because most who have 
been the fount of ideas for change seldom used a 1,000 year cycle as their goal 
post. Millenarians are just a small subset of all those who desire and imagine 
change. For example, Lyndon Johnson's 'Great Society' had much more immediate 
goals, as did the 'New Deal' of Roosevelt. Many of the programs set up in the 
'New Deal' and in the 'Great Society' appear to be leading to a profound fiscal 
crisis for the United States, as is now happening in Greece, where government 
programs there have resulted in a situation where they can only be maintained 
by borrowing money from other countries, but there is a limit on how long that 
is viable. It seems almost certain now that Greece will be forced out of the 
European Union as a result and be forced to print their own currency, which 
will then devalue rather rapidly for a while. This kind of ostentatious 
'millenarial' thinking tends to lead to disaster in the longer run.
Sometimes I think millinarians develop because their immediate goals, such as 
'to develop the full potential of the individual; improve governmental 
achievements; realize the highest ideal of education; eliminate the problems of 
crime and all behaviour that brings unhappiness to the family of man; maximize 
the intelligent use of the environment; bring fulfilment to the economic 
aspirations of individuals and society; and achieve the spiritual goals of 
mankind in this generation', failed to happen and so they let the fulfilment 
day slide off into the future a bit, and then a bit more, and then quite a bit 
Early Christians expected the return of Christ rather immediately, but now that 
date has slide off the scales at about 2,000 years, and it keeps slipping. 
Millenarians are incompetent time keepers, because they are out of touch with 
reality even more than the average Joe who has more immediate goals within 
his/her lifetime.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
Anartaxiussays here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the 
directionand form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these 
fourmillenarians created broad and lasting cultural changes, forinstance. It is 
informative in an examination of organizations andtheir sociology to look at 
how in leadership they went about doingit, by contrast.      

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark.     
Millenarianism (also millenarism)is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movementin a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all thingswill be changed.    Millennialism  [by contrast] isa specific 
form of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle,which many sects of 
different religions believe.    AChaney,
Revolutionary as an adjective, the term revolutionary refers to something that 
has amajor, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book
Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press
|  |
|  | |  | Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Anartaxius says here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the direction 
and form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these four millenarians 
created broad and lasting cultural changes, for instance. It is informative in 
an examination of organizations and their sociology to look at how in 
leadership they went about doing it, by contrast.   

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark. 

 Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all things will be changed.Millennialism  [by contrast] is a specific form 
of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many sects of 
different religions believe.A Chaney, 

 Revolutionary as an adjective,  the term revolutionary refers to something 
that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book 

 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press
 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi Univ... Maharishi offers the 
indomitable strength of invincibility to the military by bringing military 
power into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

  Millennialism  [by contrast] is a 
specific form of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many 
sects of different religions believe.A Chaney,


 Here is another human characteristic, simplifying things according to round 
numbers. We have 10 fingers and a 10-base number system, and we have a baseline 
year of one orbit around the sun (which was explained differently before we 
knew about orbits) and we multiply that year by 10 and by 10x10 (100) and by 
10x10x10 (1000) but except for the base year, these intervals are arbitrarily 
forced by the number system. If we had had a 2-base number system (binary) we 
would have xo (2), xoo (4) and xooo (8), and so on.  In a 2-base system we 
could have a 1024 year cycle (as it would appear in a 10-base system). If we 
had a 3-base number system we could have a 729-year cycle (3x3x3x3x3x3x3) or a 
2187-year cycle (3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3).

 These nice round figures are mostly arbitrary artefacts of the way we think 
which is derived partly from our physical structure, that we count on our 
fingers. The length of the year on Earth also varies slightly today, and its 
length is basically derived from the rotation of the Earth around its axis, one 
day, and how many of those days is needed to complete and orbit. This changes 
every year too, the day getting a bit longer each year. Based on physics and 
mathematics and gravitational dynamics involving tides and the Moon, it has 
been calculated that the day of the early Earth was about 6 hours long 4.5 
billion years ago, and about 21 to 22 hours long 620 million years ago (this 
latter figure has been replicated using other methods as well).

 so if we had been graced with just one arm instead of two, we might have ended 
up with 625-year or 3125-year 'milleniums'.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
LBJ is actually a good example of the rhetoric of leadership within millenarian 
revolution. [notice spelling with one 'n', not millennial] change.  For 
instance LBJ's articulation of transcendent and larger promises in America of 
an evolving dharma-like progression of equal rights for all. Gathering people 
in, see what and how he said it. Read a few of the first few paragraphs where 
he lays things out and see how he reaches for it in rhetoric.   He was quite 
successful with “The Great Society” and then with civil rights and voting 
rights legislation in turn. Was a remarkable point of leadership in broad 
cultural change. Time was ripe and he led rhetorically. Text of “The American 
Promise”..  President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The 
American Promise March 15, 1965 
 President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15,... 
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15, 1965 [As delivered in person before a joint session at 9:02 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
  You can watch him deliver it on YouTube.. 

 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Anartaxius says here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the direction 
and form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these four millenarians 
created broad and lasting cultural changes, for instance. It is informative in 
an examination of organizations and their sociology to look at how in 
leadership they went about doing it, by contrast.   

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark. 

 Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all things will be changed.Millennialism  [by contrast] is a specific form 
of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many sects of 
different religions believe.A Chaney, 

 Revolutionary as an adjective,  the term revolutionary refers to something 
that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book 

 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press
 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi Univ... Maharishi offers the 
indomitable strength of invincibility to the military by bringing military 
power into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Well, Johnson got a lot of legislation passed. He knew how to deal and had the 
leverage to do it. He did not use the concepts of transcendent or dharma in 
that speech. He never struck me as a spiritual person and his use of the word 
'God' in the speech seems the perfunctory inclusion that seems to be required 
in American politics. And probably he only touched up a speech written by his 
speech writers anyway. And he was a racist in spite of all of that:
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racis...Lyndon Johnson was 
a racist. He was also the greatest champion of racial equality to occupy the 
White House since Lincoln. |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

The office a man holds sometimes allows him to rise above his baser instincts. 
However in spite of all this, the events of the last half year or so show that 
what he accomplished has not erased the problems of race or poverty, of 
inequality; if anything they have taken on a more intense and subtle mantle of 
discord in this country.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
LBJ is actually a good exampleof the rhetoric of leadership within millenarian 
revolution. [notice spelling with one 'n', not millennial] change.

 For instance LBJ's articulationof transcendent and larger promises in America 
of an evolvingdharma-like progression of equal rights for all. Gathering 
peoplein, see what and how he said it. Read a few of the first fewparagraphs 
where he lays things out and see how he reaches for it inrhetoric. 

 He was quite successful with “The Great Society” andthen with civil rights and 
voting rights legislation in turn. Was aremarkable point of leadership in broad 
cultural change. Time was ripeand he led rhetorically. 

Text of “The AmericanPromise”.. 

President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15, 1965 
||   President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The 
American Promise March 15,...  President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to 
the Congress: The American Promise March 15, 1965 [As delivered in person 
before a joint session at 9:02 p.m.] ||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


 You can watch him deliver it on YouTube..

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Anartaxiussays here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the 
directionand form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these 
fourmillenarians created broad and lasting cultural changes, forinstance. It is 
informative in an examination of organizations andtheir sociology to look at 
how in leadership they went about doingit, by contrast.      

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark.     
Millenarianism (also millenarism)is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movementin a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all thingswill be changed.    Millennialism  [by contrast] isa specific 
form of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle,which many sects of 
different religions believe.    AChaney,
Revolutionary as an adjective, the term revolutionary refers to something that 
has amajor

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep,residing in that great transcendence of inalienable human right I say, 
'Jai! Lyndon Banes Johnson'!  As I say 'Jai Maharishi Mahesh Yogi!  Maharishi 
saying, Anyone who can think, can meditate.  Jai! for both of their coming 
along and having pluck enough as millenarists and revolutionaries to stand 
forward in our times. Evidently at a time LBJ was quite successful with his 
Great Society and quite evidently with a lasting effect. LBJ: Our mission is 
at once the oldest and the most basic of this country: to right wrong, to do 
justice, to serve man. I urge every member of both parties, Americans of all 
religions and of all colors, from every section of this country, to join me in 
that cause.  “And should we defeat every enemy, should we double our wealth 
and conquer the stars, and still be unequal to this issue, then we will have 
failed as a people and as a nation. For with a country as with a person, What 
is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? 
“This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a 
purpose. The great phrases of that purpose still sound in every American heart, 
North and South: All men are created equal—government by consent of the 
governed—give me liberty or give me death. Well, those are not just clever 
words, or those are not just empty theories. In their name Americans have 
fought and died for two centuries,” 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 LBJ is actually a good example of the rhetoric of leadership within 
millenarian revolution. [notice spelling with one 'n', not millennial] change.  
For instance LBJ's articulation of transcendent and larger promises in America 
of an evolving dharma-like progression of equal rights for all. Gathering 
people in, see what and how he said it. Read a few of the first few paragraphs 
where he lays things out and see how he reaches for it in rhetoric.   He was 
quite successful with “The Great Society” and then with civil rights and voting 
rights legislation in turn. Was a remarkable point of leadership in broad 
cultural change. Time was ripe and he led rhetorically. Text of “The American 
Promise”..  President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The 
American Promise March 15, 1965 
 President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15,... 
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress: The American 
Promise March 15, 1965 [As delivered in person before a joint session at 9:02 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

  You can watch him deliver it on YouTube.. 

 ---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Anartaxius says here that millenarians, 'they seem to never take the direction 
and form intended'. Never? It could be well argued that these four millenarians 
created broad and lasting cultural changes, for instance. It is informative in 
an examination of organizations and their sociology to look at how in 
leadership they went about doing it, by contrast.   

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Yes, Doug, but transformations occur in society almost as a matter of course, 
but they never seem to take the direction and character that those who believed 
there was an upcoming transition would have it. So having a belief, which is a 
pretence to knowledge, one's imagination of what might be or is, is simply a 
superfluous mental attitude that traps the mind in a particular rut while the 
world goes on its merry way. Obviously these beliefs, even if they are wrong 
which they tend to be, do have an influence on the progress of change because 
they alter a person's behaviour, but the underlying forces of change are not 
concerned with imagination.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Mao, Maharishi with his 'Ideal Society', even LBj with his 'Great Society', 
also Roosevelt and the 'New Deal' by effect in culture were the larger 
'revolutionary millenarians' of the last Century with their leadership towards 
creating 'Heavens on Earth'.  As a study I find it informative to look at their 
speeches for the language that activated people and brought people along in 
revolution, by contrast with a TM movement of this Century which in its own 
character of leadership has been unable and in decline for 40 years.  The 
contrast around  'inclusiveness' is stark. 

 Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or 
political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after 
which all things will be 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maharishi's Little Blaze-Orange Book 

 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi University Press 
 Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence | Maharishi Univ... Maharishi offers the 
indomitable strength of invincibility to the military by bringing military 
power into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 
behavior..   that is a lot of the wrangling going on now within TM.. how to 
proceed.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, wrote :

 The Little Red Book?  Looking at leadership qualities a while ago I got to 
wondering about Mao's voice of leadership in their revolution and sat down and 
read his 'quotations', the little red book. I was wondering 'how' he did it? It 
is quite a tight organizational prompting and type of capable leadership. 
Seemed something that our own movement has been missing for quite a few years. 
  In process I did a mash-up of “Mao in to TM” to see how it sounded.


 Showing it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by 
knowing the quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective 
leadership that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement 

Did you ever have the same idea about 'Mein Kampf' of Adolf Hitler? 

About Mao: His policies caused the deaths of tens of millions of people during 
his 27-year reign, more than any other Twentieth Century leader...

Maybe at the time of Mao it was possible to clue people together by a single 
book, and to mass control peoples thoughts. This time is over now, with the 
advent of the Internet transparency has increased so much, that it will be hard 
to control people in the same way. Finally, the TMO has to come to realize this 
too, all the TM secrets are written down in the Internet. Deal with it.




 All we are saying is let's give peace a chance. John Lennon- Give Peace a 
Chance with Lyrics 
 John Lennon- Give Peace a Chance with Lyrics Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon 
with Lyrics :) The music in this video does not belong to me
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 
behavior..   that is a lot of the wrangling going on now within TM.. how to 
proceed.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, wrote :

 Showing it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by 
knowing the quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective 
leadership that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement 

Did you ever have the same idea about 'Mein Kampf' of Adolf Hitler? 

About Mao: His policies caused the deaths of tens of millions of people during 
his 27-year reign, more than any other Twentieth Century leader...

Maybe at the time of Mao it was possible to clue people together by a single 
book, and to mass control peoples thoughts. This time is over now, with the 
advent of the Internet transparency has increased so much, that it will be hard 
to control people in the same way. Finally, the TMO has to come to realize this 
too, all the TM secrets are written down in the Internet. Deal with it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-10 Thread aryavazhi


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not problem if you have some inherent desire to argue.  The fact that you 
so desperately wish to point out difference that don't exist, says a lot.

 Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

 Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

 Culturally, there is great similiarly in what we like in terms of music and 
artisitic expressions.

 You just have a burr in your butt, because of, I don't know what, nor do I 

 If you hitched your wagon to the wrong star  long ago, you seem to repeating 
the same mistake here.

 Let's face it.  

 All the negative attributes to ascribe to me, you accept in, say Barry, 
because you like him.

 But you are too 

I guess you weren't finished here, just interrupted your, and restart below.

---In, wrote :

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs, politically, 
culturally, spiritually, 

You are dead wrong. We are not all 'similar' in our beliefs, instead everyone 
is actually very different - both, in experience and understanding. If you 
don't understand this, it indeed explains, why you are so upset. 

 Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not my problem if you feel some need to be argumentative.

He..? Argumentative? I thought this is a discussion board..


 The fact that you so desperately need to point out differences that don't 
exist, says a lot.

That you don't think the differences exist, says even more about you. I mean, 
you accuse me of being argumentative, so it seems we have a different idea 
about discussion boards. Generally, I find you do not respond to arguments at 
all. There were at least two cases a week ago, were you responded to Barry of 
course, to whom else, and for a moment I thought, you could give some 
insightful comment, about the actualy issue at stake - you know it was about 
the earthquake, and people thinking they could stop it by yagna or Vastu, and 
the like,

and all you did was your usual Ad Hominem, shooting the messanger, not a single 
word about the actual issue. Maybe there is something of an analysis you do, 
but then you don't tell us about. This post here, seems to be longer than your 
usual posting style. Usually what you write can be called oneliners. You just 
split up the line after every sentence with a carriage return. I don't know who 
said, that we have to set every sentence in it's own paragraph. But this style 
is symptomatic for the missing content. That's the reason why many regard you 
now as a troll, all your posts are basically alike, avoid touching the issue, 
are Ad Hominems to Barry, avoid arguments even if you could make them.

To me, most of what you write below, is just a series of platitudes, you never 
even try to go deeper.  You are clearly out to get_Barry, that's the meme you 
create, a throw around with buzzwords like strawman , without ever making an 
attempt to explain.

You are always in shallow waters, glued to the surface of things.


 Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

Gosh, what platitudes..


 Sure, we go in divergent directions from there, but that is the umbrella under 
which we have discourse.

sight what umbrella, again more platitudes. You seem to be given to 
platitudes, simplifications, and generalizations mainly.


 Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

 Culturally, there is great similarly in what we like in terms of music and 
artistic expressions.

 That's seems obvious to me, but perhaps not to you.

 No, not to me, you are right. 

Btw. I am not American, I am European, I have never been to the US, and there 
are many things over there that are strange and bewildering to my mind. If you 
talk of liberal or libertarian bias, we are probably understanding something 
very different under these terms. As it is, I have spend no time at all in 
America, and much time in India, were the culture is again very different, but 
I have much understanding of it - and I have been told so by many Indians, so I 
can compare.


 The fact of the matter is,  all the negative points you call me out on, you 
accept, in say, Barry, because you like him, or agree with his points of view.

I agree with him on the issues I point out when I agree with him. There are 
other issues, where I don't agree. I off and on read stuff by him, and think, 
yeah, he is totally right. 

I know him for about 10 years on-line, and what I say, is what I think. Of 
course, he says many things in a way, I would never say them, so I don't 
necessarily agree with his mode of expression, but I am at the same level with 
MJ. But, I look at the issues, not at the form. Barry very often spices his 
posts up a bit, especially towards the end, but that doesn't invalidate the 
points he is actually 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Little Red Book?  Looking at leadership qualities a while ago I got to 
wondering about Mao's voice of leadership in their revolution and sat down and 
read his 'quotations', the little red book. I was wondering 'how' he did it? It 
is quite a tight organizational prompting and type of capable leadership. 
Seemed something that our own movement has been missing for quite a few years. 
  In process I did a mash-up of “Mao in to TM” to see how it sounded. Showing 
it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by knowing the 
quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective leadership 
that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement organization. 


 All we are saying is let's give peace a chance. John Lennon- Give Peace a 
Chance with Lyrics 
 John Lennon- Give Peace a Chance with Lyrics Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon 
with Lyrics :) The music in this video does not belong to me
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Om son, not any of us are all bad.  Even Turqb here as he is frequently in 
violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines.  Maharishi was a substantial person 
of the 20th Century.  He is worth reading for context.  The story isn't over 
yet.  This being FFL it should be good to have a study group here in the little 
orange book. 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Really, why would any of us who know Marshy to have been a liar, cheat, thief 
and con artist want to read his bull poop book about anything?

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 6:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across his movement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's little blaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace in the world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFL should read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant in any of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks are just out of touch.   


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 The TM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the TM 
revolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book, “Maharishi's Absolute 
Theory of Defense” over to the Soviet sociologists as help towards expanding 
world peace from deep within Mother Russia. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Something akin to MBA schools:
 “Military sociology is one of the most important fields of sociological 
science. It studies formation, development and functioning of the state 
military organization as a social institution in peacetime and wartime, its 
engagement with other social institutions and the society as a whole. The 
focuses of military sociology also include processes and relations among 
individuals and different communities within the very military organization as 
well as social aspects of wars and armed conflicts.”

 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Sociology Center

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way of looking in 
to the creeds of movements. I took and placed some of the essential TM CD's in 
to some of the better scholarly collections that are being built to preserve 
the sociology and give others insight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look in at TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
Mother Divine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communal gatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone by. 
Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from folks here 
about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Now that is an 
interesting link off the tank page. There was a point where songs and anthems 
disappeared from the format of our TM meetings over the years. Proly correlates 
from about the time in the 1990's when the meditating community really started 
to erode here. 
  As a hypothesis the disappearance of song and anthems proly explains a lot in 
the trend-line

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-10 Thread aryavazhi
Showing it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by 
knowing the quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective 
leadership that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement 

Did you ever have the same idea about 'Mein Kampf' of Adolf Hitler? 

About Mao: His policies caused the deaths of tens of millions of people during 
his 27-year reign, more than any other Twentieth Century leader...

Maybe at the time of Mao it was possible to clue people together by a single 
book, and to mass control peoples thoughts. This time is over now, with the 
advent of the Internet transparency has increased so much, that it will be hard 
to control people in the same way. Finally, the TMO has to come to realize this 
too, all the TM secrets are written down in the Internet. Deal with it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for your lengthy and thoughtful reply. 

 Arya, we simply have what I'd call a difference of opinion about things.

 And not to belabor or the point, and to try to tip toe around the ad homenims 
you accuse me of, I'll point out a few things.

 Take MJ for example.

 I don't agree with many of his points

 I believe he filters out data that doesn't fit his view points, (which does 
sometimes bug the hell out of me), but at least he comes at things in a 
straightforward manner of sorts.  There are no hidden agendas.

 But tell me, why is Barry here?

 Is it to practice his writing skills for few hours a day?

 Is it an outlet for him to write TV and movie reviews that he claims people 
pay him to write elsewhere?

 Is it to engage in a back and forth about spiritual (or other) subjects, or is 
it to push people's buttons, as he claims he likes to do?

 He asserts that he is here to expose and study cult like thinking.

 But what it looks like to me and many others, is that cult like thinking is 
anything that doesn't jibe with his opinion on that, or any other subject.

 But there is no need to go round and round about it.

 There will be no resolution. 

 The impetus for this exchange will likely repeat itself in a week or two, or 
maybe a day or two.

 In the meantime, I will continue to make my comments, as I see fit, hopefully 
in way that some find humorous, in the same manner that everyone else here 
makes comments, often impugning other people's beliefs or opinions.

 And for the record, I've never suggested that anyone be banned from FFL.

 As I said before, there was a time when the discourse on FFL was more cordial 
and tolerant, and informative. 

 That ship has sailed forever.

 Perhaps the more interesting notion would be why you and others don't start 
your own site, where you can make sure there are no interlopers to spoil the 

 Certainly, it would eliminate this constant complaining that constitutes a 
large part of the content here.

 Just sayin'.  (-:




---In, wrote :

 --In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not problem if you have some inherent desire to argue.  The fact that you 
so desperately wish to point out difference that don't exist, says a lot.

 Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

 Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

 Culturally, there is great similiarly in what we like in terms of music and 
artisitic expressions.

 You just have a burr in your butt, because of, I don't know what, nor do I 

 If you hitched your wagon to the wrong star  long ago, you seem to repeating 
the same mistake here.

 Let's face it.  

 All the negative attributes to ascribe to me, you accept in, say Barry, 
because you like him.

 But you are too 

I guess you weren't finished here, just interrupted your, and restart below.

---In, wrote :

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs, politically, 
culturally, spiritually, 

You are dead wrong. We are not all 'similar' in our beliefs, instead everyone 
is actually very different - both, in experience and understanding. If you 
don't understand this, it indeed explains, why you are so upset. 

 Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not my problem if you feel some need to be argumentative.

He..? Argumentative? I thought this is a discussion board..


 The fact that you so desperately need to point out differences that don't 
exist, says a lot.

That you don't think the differences exist, says even more about you. I mean, 
you accuse me of being argumentative, so it seems we have a different idea 
about discussion boards. Generally, I find you do not respond to arguments at 
all. There were at least two cases a week ago, were you responded to Barry of 
course, to whom else, and for a moment I thought, you could give some 
insightful comment, about the actualy issue at stake - you know it was about 
the earthquake, and people thinking they could stop it by yagna or Vastu, and 
the like,

and all you did was your usual Ad Hominem, shooting the messanger, not a single 
word about the actual issue. Maybe there is something of an analysis you do, 
but then you don't tell us about. This post here, seems to be longer than your 
usual posting style. Usually what you write can be called oneliners. You just 
split up the line after every sentence with a carriage return. I don't know who 
said, that we have to set every sentence in it's own paragraph. But this style 
is symptomatic for the missing content. That's the reason why many regard you 
now as a troll, all your posts are basically alike, avoid touching the issue, 
are Ad Hominems to Barry, avoid arguments even if you could make them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks 7Ray. Is just more of classic 'Turqb' asserting large strawman-like 
assumptions in method about people and then using the opportunity to publicly 
degrade and humiliate folks here with the insinuating slur. It is formulaic 
meme with him and some others here in a writing methodically to abuse and hurt 
people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups guidelines that way, 
the guy is simply toxic to the community of the group here. Rick as owner of 
this yahoo-group should set in motion something and do something about this. It 
should improve the forum of this yahoo-group.  

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 And yet, Doug is who you continually write about. 

 And your social interaction is primarily on the internet, in front of a 
television, or sitting alone at a bar drinking a beer.

 A frustrated writer stuck in a rut writing variations of the same theme to get 
a rise out of people, out of the misguided notion that you are doing them a 

 It might be sad, but it's really of greater interest as a study in narcissism.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off. 


 In other words, they're fuckin' delusional.






Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 /We have to assume, Buck, that the Turqb posts these strawmen in order to
get your attention. There's no point in posting a fib if you don't get a
reaction from your peer group. I mean, what would be the point? The /TurqB/
can only provide a very limited amount of gossip and info to the lurking
reporters without getting some news from you about Fairfield and the TMO.

/Thanks for trying to help him in his isolation. Even a die-hard informant
like the //TurqB// sometimes feels better when he has someone to talk to.
Apparently, he's doing this for a living. Go figure.

You have to realize that for some people this reading and posting to FFL is
the only spiritual program they have, since they are too undisciplined to
actually have a regular yoga program that they practice./

/All they probably talk about at the cafe over there is local politics, the
immigration problem and Charlie Hebdo. The TurqB being an immigrant
himself, probably doesn't fit in real well, or if he does, he's succumbed
to peer-ressure and turned toward the material side - no spirituality, no
enlightenment or not even a ray of light anymore. Just depression, envy,
and malice remain, with his own delusions of grandeur.//

Quoting [FairfieldLife]


Thanks 7Ray. Is just more of classic 'Turqb' asserting large
strawman-like assumptions in method about people and then using the
opportunity to publicly degrade and humiliate folks here with the
insinuating slur.

It is formulaic meme with him and some others here in a writing
methodically to abuse and hurt people. Often in complete violation of
the Yahoo-groups guidelines that way, the guy is simply toxic to the
community of the group here. Rick as owner of this yahoo-group should
set in motion something and do something about this. It should improve
the forum of this yahoo-group.      

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

  And yet, Doug is who you continually write about.  
   And your social interaction is primarily on the internet, in
front of a television, or sitting alone at a bar drinking a beer.
   A frustrated writer stuck in a rut writing variations of the same
theme to get a rise out of people, out of the misguided notion that you
are doing them a favor.
   It might be sad, but it's really of greater interest as a study
in narcissism.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I would say, rather, it shows something different.

 Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs, politically, 
culturally, spiritually, and yet after a decent interval of tolerant discourse, 
it has become toxic, and one group blames the other for its demise.

 Differences of opinions become grudges, which then become hardened, and last 
for an eternity, basically.

 Rick's hands off philosophy is one that I generally endorse to because it 
shifts the burden of the quality of interaction onto the participants.

 What's the phrase from Benjamin Franklin when the US Constitution was drafted, 
It's a democracy, if you can keep it

 I don't think we've kept it at least as it pertains to a generally 
respectful place for the subjects discussed here.

 Hey, it's Saturday morning.

 Does that qualify as a rant   (-:




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Thanks 7Ray. Is just more of classic 'Turqb' asserting large strawman-like 
assumptions in method about people and then using the opportunity to publicly 
degrade and humiliate folks here with the insinuating slur. It is formulaic 
meme with him and some others here in a writing methodically to abuse and hurt 
people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups guidelines that way, 
the guy is simply toxic to the community of the group here. Rick as owner of 
this yahoo-group should set in motion something and do something about this. It 
should improve the forum of this yahoo-group.  

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 And yet, Doug is who you continually write about. 

 And your social interaction is primarily on the internet, in front of a 
television, or sitting alone at a bar drinking a beer.

 A frustrated writer stuck in a rut writing variations of the same theme to get 
a rise out of people, out of the misguided notion that you are doing them a 

 It might be sad, but it's really of greater interest as a study in narcissism.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off. 


 In other words, they're fuckin' delusional.






Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread aryavazhi


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs, politically, 
culturally, spiritually, 

You are dead wrong. We are not all 'similar' in our beliefs, instead everyone 
is actually very different - both, in experience and understanding. If you 
don't understand this, it indeed explains, why you are so upset. 

Many of us have earned their changes in beliefs the hard way, some more hard, 
some less hard, it takes years, sometimes half of one's life to change the way 
we understand the world. If you could accept this, you would be ranting less, 
and you wouldn't find a need for continuous ad hominems, because your posts are 
hardly ever more. Content 0

The truth is: how can TMers ever hope to create world peace, if they cannot 
even understand those who once followed them? It seems you can only live 
peacefully with people of your own ilk. If there is some little deviation, you 
are immediately at war, and start to demonize your opponents. How many of you 
believe, that Turq. or MJ is some kind of demonic figure, who represents the 
evil forces that want to stop the progress of TM? Of the TB TMers, I am sure 
there are many.

and yet after a decent interval of tolerant discourse, it has become toxic, 

Look at it like this: Somebodies poison is somebody else's medicine. It simply 
depends on your perspective. 

and one group blames the other for its demise.

I think only you blame FFL for the demise, here people are actually happy that 
you left, well if you really would have left.






Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not problem if you have some inherent desire to argue.  The fact that you 
so desperately wish to point out difference that don't exist, says a lot.

 Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

 Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

 Culturally, there is great similiarly in what we like in terms of music and 
artisitic expressions.

 You just have a burr in your butt, because of, I don't know what, nor do I 

 If you hitched your wagon to the wrong star  long ago, you seem to repeating 
the same mistake here.

 Let's face it.  

 All the negative attributes to ascribe to me, you accept in, say Barry, 
because you like him.

 But you are too 

---In, wrote :

 ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs, politically, 
culturally, spiritually, 

You are dead wrong. We are not all 'similar' in our beliefs, instead everyone 
is actually very different - both, in experience and understanding. If you 
don't understand this, it indeed explains, why you are so upset. 

 Look Aryavazhi, 

 It's not my problem if you feel some need to be argumentative.

 The fact that you so desperately need to point out differences that don't 
exist, says a lot.

 Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

 Sure, we go in divergent directions from there, but that is the umbrella under 
which we have discourse.

 Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

 Culturally, there is great similarly in what we like in terms of music and 
artistic expressions.

 That's seems obvious to me, but perhaps not to you.


Many of us have earned their changes in beliefs the hard way, some more hard, 
some less hard, it takes years, sometimes half of one's life to change the way 
we understand the world. If you could accept this, you would be ranting less, 
and you wouldn't find a need for continuous ad hominems, because your posts are 
hardly ever more. Content 0

 The fact of the matter is,  all the negative points you call me out on, you 
accept, in say, Barry, because you like him, or agree with his points of view.

 Barry pushes his anti cult agenda unabashedly.

 I find that he often misrepresents other peoples opinions and relies on straw 
man arguments.

 I call him out on that, but you see those posts of mine as ad hominems, and 
everything he does as on target.

 I guess we just have a difference of opinion.

The truth is: how can TMers ever hope to create world peace, if they cannot 
even understand those who once followed them? It seems you can only live 
peacefully with people of your own ilk. If there is some little deviation, you 
are immediately at war, and start to demonize your opponents. How many of you 
believe, that Turq. or MJ is some kind of demonic figure, who represents the 
evil forces that want to stop the progress of TM? Of the TB TMers, I am sure 
there are many.

 Again, it apparently serves your purposes to jump to conclusions.  

 There is no doubt that Michael Jackson is heavily invested in seeing the 
demise of the TMO.  But the fact of the matter is that he raises many good 
points. He does, in my opinion, choose to filter out anything that does not 
jibe with his narrative, but that's his business.  I can't help but like him.


 I liked Barry for many years, but there comes a point when the 
misrepresentations, the straw man set ups, the downright meanness became too 
much for me.

 And really I think this is the experience a lot of people have with him.  But 
I'd say they choose to leave quietly rather than have an uncomfortable falling 

 But hey, if you find him to be a stand up kind of guy, great.

and yet after a decent interval of tolerant discourse, it has become toxic, 

Look at it like this: Somebodies poison is somebody else's medicine. It simply 
depends on your perspective

 Exactly, just what I am saying.  You single me out as a villain because you 
don't like my opinions. 

and one group blames the other for its demise.

I think only you blame FFL for the demise, here people are actually happy that 
you left, well if you really would have left.

 Yes, as I've said, I don't mind the bland, repetitive posts castigating all 
the usual subjects.

 You may notice, I don't respond to the stuff MJ posts.

 I generally don't even respond to Barry's posts.

 But when I find that he's saying one thing, and doing another, or 
misrepresenting something, then I do speak up.

 It looks like he's down to two or three friends here, so maybe that says 
something as well.

 And what, are there five or six regular posters in the whole lot of 






Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]

It's a Potemkin village all the way down, Steve.

Quoting [FairfieldLife]

 Look Aryavazhi,

  It's not problem if you have some inherent desire to argue.  The  
 fact that you so desperately wish to point out difference that don't  
 exist, says a lot.

  Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

  Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

  Culturally, there is great similiarly in what we like in terms of  
 music and artisitic expressions.

  You just have a burr in your butt, because of, I don't know what,  
 nor do I care.

  If you hitched your wagon to the wrong star  long ago, you seem to  
 repeating the same mistake here.

  Let's face it.

  All the negative attributes to ascribe to me, you accept in, say  
 Barry, because you like him.

  But you are too

 ---In, wrote :

  ---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

  Here you have people, who for the most part have similar beliefs,  
 politically, culturally, spiritually,

 You are dead wrong. We are not all 'similar' in our beliefs, instead  
 everyone is actually very different - both, in experience and  
 understanding. If you don't understand this, it indeed explains, why  
 you are so upset.

  Look Aryavazhi,

  It's not my problem if you feel some need to be argumentative.

  The fact that you so desperately need to point out differences that  
 don't exist, says a lot.

  Most everyone here has an interest in spiritual development.

  Sure, we go in divergent directions from there, but that is the  
 umbrella under which we have discourse.

  Among most here is a liberal, or libertarian bias.

  Culturally, there is great similarly in what we like in terms of  
 music and artistic expressions.

  That's seems obvious to me, but perhaps not to you.

 Many of us have earned their changes in beliefs the hard way, some  
 more hard, some less hard, it takes years, sometimes half of one's  
 life to change the way we understand the world. If you could accept  
 this, you would be ranting less, and you wouldn't find a need for  
 continuous ad hominems, because your posts are hardly ever more.  
 Content 0

  The fact of the matter is,  all the negative points you call me out  
 on, you accept, in say, Barry, because you like him, or agree with  
 his points of view.

  Barry pushes his anti cult agenda unabashedly.

  I find that he often misrepresents other peoples opinions and  
 relies on straw man arguments.

  I call him out on that, but you see those posts of mine as ad  
 hominems, and everything he does as on target.

  I guess we just have a difference of opinion.

 The truth is: how can TMers ever hope to create world peace, if they  
 cannot even understand those who once followed them? It seems you  
 can only live peacefully with people of your own ilk. If there is  
 some little deviation, you are immediately at war, and start to  
 demonize your opponents. How many of you believe, that Turq. or MJ  
 is some kind of demonic figure, who represents the evil forces that  
 want to stop the progress of TM? Of the TB TMers, I am sure there  
 are many.

  Again, it apparently serves your purposes to jump to conclusions.

  There is no doubt that Michael Jackson is heavily invested in  
 seeing the demise of the TMO.  But the fact of the matter is that he  
 raises many good points. He does, in my opinion, choose to filter  
 out anything that does not jibe with his narrative, but that's his  
 business.  I can't help but like him.

  I liked Barry for many years, but there comes a point when the  
 misrepresentations, the straw man set ups, the downright meanness  
 became too much for me.

  And really I think this is the experience a lot of people have with  
 him.  But I'd say they choose to leave quietly rather than have an  
 uncomfortable falling out.

  But hey, if you find him to be a stand up kind of guy, great.

 and yet after a decent interval of tolerant discourse, it has become toxic,

 Look at it like this: Somebodies poison is somebody else's medicine.  
 It simply depends on your perspective

  Exactly, just what I am saying.  You single me out as a villain  
 because you don't like my opinions.

 and one group blames the other for its demise.

 I think only you blame FFL for the demise, here people are actually  
 happy that you left, well if you really would have left.

  Yes, as I've said, I don't mind the bland, repetitive posts  
 castigating all the usual subjects.

  You may notice, I don't respond to the stuff MJ posts.

  I generally don't even respond to Barry's posts.

  But when I find that he's saying one thing, and doing another, or  
 misrepresenting something, then I do speak up.

  It looks like he's down to two or three friends here, so maybe that  
 says something as well.

  And what, are there 

[FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across his movement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's little blaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace in the world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFL should read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant in any of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks are just out of touch.   

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 The TM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the TM 
revolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book, “Maharishi's Absolute 
Theory of Defense” over to the Soviet sociologists as help towards expanding 
world peace from deep within Mother Russia. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Something akin to MBA schools:
 “Military sociology is one of the most important fields of sociological 
science. It studies formation, development and functioning of the state 
military organization as a social institution in peacetime and wartime, its 
engagement with other social institutions and the society as a whole. The 
focuses of military sociology also include processes and relations among 
individuals and different communities within the very military organization as 
well as social aspects of wars and armed conflicts.”

 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Sociology Center

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way of looking in 
to the creeds of movements. I took and placed some of the essential TM CD's in 
to some of the better scholarly collections that are being built to preserve 
the sociology and give others insight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look in at TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
Mother Divine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communal gatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone by. 
Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from folks here 
about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Now that is an 
interesting link off the tank page. There was a point where songs and anthems 
disappeared from the format of our TM meetings over the years. Proly correlates 
from about the time in the 1990's when the meditating community really started 
to erode here. 
  As a hypothesis the disappearance of song and anthems proly explains a lot in 
the trend-line of organizational TM. The Russian military department of 
sociological research ought to look in to the decline of song and anthem within 
TM and its organizational effectiveness as a control to their internal studies 
of sociology. Could possibly explain some of the apostasy exhibited on the 
pages of FFL by people who fell away from TM. ..Some lack of organizational 



---In, hepa7@... wrote :


 Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the Victory 
Parade on Red Sqaure on May 9, 2015. : Ministry of Defence of the Russian 

 Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the Victory 
Parade on Red Sqaure o... Home 
For MediaContact us Site Map English РусскийEnglish Ministry of Defence of the 
Russian Federation (Минобороны России) Multimedia MOD Photo Video Audio 3D

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 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
God I remember the days when I and my TM friends really believed that everyone 
would one day wake up to the glory of TM and TMSP and everyone would be doing 
it, and the world would be happy. We utterly ignored the experience that most 
of us were struggling in various ways financial, relationships and health just 
to name three.
It was delusional. 

  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 10:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
    From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]    Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over 
yet. Bevan and his cronies have not yet paid for all their enormities, David 
Lynch has not yet cracked up in public and been carted off to a mental 
institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison for his various crimes, nor has 
he finished stealing as much of the Indian Movement's assets as he can, John 
Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate real physicists and get horribly 
embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music for his abuse of his position as 
professor at MUM, the Movement has not withered away to the point where Girish 
and the Srivastavas brothers sell off the lands of the MUM campus, but it is 
all coming. 

I can't disagree with your visions of TM's future, Michael, but today all I can 
feel is sadness for the people like Doug whose sense of self and identity are 
so stuck in the past that they are unable to move past it and live in the 
present. They live on dreams of how glorious it all was back when they were 
young and part of what they considered not only a community but a movement, 
one that would change the world forever. They felt important and as if they 
were at the center of great events, and doing something that would be 
remembered forever.

And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles and the only people 
who still believe he taught anything of value are the hangers-on in Fairfield 
and in other closed TM societies. They seem to live for the day that the world 
will wake up and recognize their folly at laughing at Maharishi and at them for 
following him, and will praise them the way they still think of themselves -- 
as noble bringers of a new age and happiness and light and bliss and ice cream 
for everybody. 

In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 

Some people get wiser as they get older, and closer to death. Others, fearing 
that they might have wasted their lives believing in things the world no longer 
values, start to panic and cling even more desperately to the dreams of their 
glorious youth.
I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation with 
people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how important 
they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting with Doug 
and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only encourage them 
to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking them off. 

 #yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054 -- #yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2081460054 
#yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2081460054 
#yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp #yiv2081460054hd 
0;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp #yiv2081460054ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp .yiv2081460054ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp .yiv2081460054ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054ygrp-mkp .yiv2081460054ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2081460054ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2081460054 
#yiv2081460054ygrp-sponsor #yiv2081460054ygrp-lc #yiv2081460054hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2081460054ygrp-sponsor #yiv2081460054ygrp-lc .yiv2081460054ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2081460054 
 #yiv2081460054activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2081460054 
#yiv2081460054activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2081460054 #yiv2081460054activity span 
.yiv2081460054underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2081460054 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]    Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over 
yet. Bevan and his cronies have not yet paid for all their enormities, David 
Lynch has not yet cracked up in public and been carted off to a mental 
institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison for his various crimes, nor has 
he finished stealing as much of the Indian Movement's assets as he can, John 
Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate real physicists and get horribly 
embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music for his abuse of his position as 
professor at MUM, the Movement has not withered away to the point where Girish 
and the Srivastavas brothers sell off the lands of the MUM campus, but it is 
all coming. 

I can't disagree with your visions of TM's future, Michael, but today all I can 
feel is sadness for the people like Doug whose sense of self and identity are 
so stuck in the past that they are unable to move past it and live in the 
present. They live on dreams of how glorious it all was back when they were 
young and part of what they considered not only a community but a movement, 
one that would change the world forever. They felt important and as if they 
were at the center of great events, and doing something that would be 
remembered forever.

And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles and the only people 
who still believe he taught anything of value are the hangers-on in Fairfield 
and in other closed TM societies. They seem to live for the day that the world 
will wake up and recognize their folly at laughing at Maharishi and at them for 
following him, and will praise them the way they still think of themselves -- 
as noble bringers of a new age and happiness and light and bliss and ice cream 
for everybody. 

In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 

Some people get wiser as they get older, and closer to death. Others, fearing 
that they might have wasted their lives believing in things the world no longer 
values, start to panic and cling even more desperately to the dreams of their 
glorious youth.
I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation with 
people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how important 
they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting with Doug 
and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only encourage them 
to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking them off. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You had one job to do - get enlightened in 5-7 years and produce a single 
enlightened student. In over 2 decades, you failed to even hop, much less be 
able to fly or levitate. So who was being delusional? 
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 

 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]   
 Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over yet. Bevan and his cronies have not 
yet paid for all their enormities, David Lynch has not yet cracked up in public 
and been carted off to a mental institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison 
for his various crimes, nor has he finished stealing as much of the Indian 
Movement's assets as he can, John Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate 
real physicists and get horribly embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music 
for his abuse of his position as professor at MUM, the Movement has not 
withered away to the point where Girish and the Srivastavas brothers sell off 
the lands of the MUM campus, but it is all coming. 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I can't disagree with your visions of TM's future, Michael, but today all I 
can feel is sadness for the people like Doug whose sense of self and identity 
are so stuck in the past that they are unable to move past it and live in the 
present. They live on dreams of how glorious it all was back when they were 
young and part of what they considered not only a community but a movement, 
one that would change the world forever. They felt important and as if they 
were at the center of great events, and doing something that would be 
remembered forever.


 And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles and the only people 
who still believe he taught anything of value are the hangers-on in Fairfield 
and in other closed TM societies. They seem to live for the day that the world 
will wake up and recognize their folly at laughing at Maharishi and at them for 
following him, and will praise them the way they still think of themselves -- 
as noble bringers of a new age and happiness and light and bliss and ice cream 
for everybody. 


 In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 


 Some people get wiser as they get older, and closer to death. Others, fearing 
that they might have wasted their lives believing in things the world no longer 
values, start to panic and cling even more desperately to the dreams of their 
glorious youth.

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
According to what I've read, TMer meditation is the most popular yoga on the 
entiren planet. It was very impressive to see Heather Graham featured on the 
cover of Time with a mention of MMY. TMer meditation is so popular that a TMer 
was featured on the Oprah Show on TV. Very impressive. 

'The Science of Meditation'
Time Magazine,,16641,20030804,00.html

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles 

When you consider that TMer meditation is being taught by the Deepakage and the 
Sri Sri, it looks like there are millions of people practicing TMer meditation 
all over the world. Millions of spiritual people take their meditation very 
seriously. Meditation is just what intelligent people do. These days the term 
meditation is a household word and everything is a mantra.

Is there a better way?

and the only people who still believe he taught anything of value are the 
hangers-on in Fairfield and in other closed TM societies...

Non sequitur.
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]   
 Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over yet. Bevan and his cronies have not 
yet paid for all their enormities, David Lynch has not yet cracked up in public 
and been carted off to a mental institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison 
for his various crimes, nor has he finished stealing as much of the Indian 
Movement's assets as he can, John Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate 
real physicists and get horribly embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music 
for his abuse of his position as professor at MUM, the Movement has not 
withered away to the point where Girish and the Srivastavas brothers sell off 
the lands of the MUM campus, but it is all coming. 



 I can't disagree with your visions of TM's future, Michael, but today all I 
can feel is sadness for the people like Doug whose sense of self and identity 
are so stuck in the past that they are unable to move past it and live in the 
present. They live on dreams of how glorious it all was back when they were 
young and part of what they considered not only a community but a movement, 
one that would change the world forever. They felt important and as if they 
were at the center of great events, and doing something that would be 
remembered forever.


 And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles and the only people 
who still believe he taught anything of value are the hangers-on in Fairfield 
and in other closed TM societies. They seem to live for the day that the world 
will wake up and recognize their folly at laughing at Maharishi and at them for 
following him, and will praise them the way they still think of themselves -- 
as noble bringers of a new age and happiness and light and bliss and ice cream 
for everybody. 


 In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 


 Some people get wiser as they get older, and closer to death. Others, fearing 
that they might have wasted their lives believing in things the world no longer 
values, start to panic and cling even more desperately to the dreams of their 
glorious youth.

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's what I'm talking about! Some of us are still waiting for the game to be 
payed out  before we make up out minds. We're just waiting for the evidence to 
be presented.

We still haven't determined why exactly you got kicked out of the  TMO and off 
the MIU campus. So, for lack of information, the jury is still out. Go figure.

The only thing so far that you have confessed to is that you had a big 
pie-hole, you sucked as a table-setter and you failed to show up for work. Sort 
of like you're doing here on FFL, posting all the non sequiturs instead of 
telling us what's really going on. 
---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over yet. Bevan and his cronies have not 
yet paid for all their enormities, David Lynch has not yet cracked up in public 
and been carted off to a mental institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison 
for his various crimes, nor has he finished stealing as much of the Indian 
Movement's assets as he can, John Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate 
real physicists and get horribly embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music 
for his abuse of his position as professor at MUM, the Movement has not 
withered away to the point where Girish and the Srivastavas brothers sell off 
the lands of the MUM campus, but it is all coming. 


 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 7:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
   Om son, not any of us are all bad.  Even Turqb here as he is frequently in 
violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines.  Maharishi was a substantial person 
of the 20th Century.  He is worth reading for context.  The story isn't over 
yet.  This being FFL it should be good to have a study group here in the little 
orange book.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Really, why would any of us who know Marshy to have been a liar, cheat, thief 
and con artist want to read his bull poop book about anything?

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 6:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across his movement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's little blaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace in the world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFL should read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant in any of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks are just out of touch.   


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 The TM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the TM 
revolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book, “Maharishi's Absolute 
Theory of Defense” over to the Soviet sociologists as help towards expanding 
world peace from deep within Mother Russia. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Something akin to MBA schools:
 “Military sociology is one of the most important fields of sociological 
science. It studies formation, development and functioning of the state 
military organization as a social institution in peacetime and wartime, its 
engagement with other social institutions and the society as a whole. The 
focuses of military sociology also include processes and relations among 
individuals and different communities within the very military organization as 
well as social aspects of wars and armed conflicts.”

 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Sociology Center

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way of looking in 
to the creeds of movements. I took and placed some of the essential TM CD's in 
to some of the better scholarly collections that are being built to preserve 
the sociology and give others insight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look in at TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
Mother Divine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communal gatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone by. 
Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from folks here 
about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Now that is an 
interesting link off the tank page

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And yet, Doug is who you continually write about. 

 And your social interaction is primarily on the internet, in front of a 
television, or sitting alone at a bar drinking a beer.

 A frustrated writer stuck in a rut writing variations of the same theme to get 
a rise out of people, out of the misguided notion that you are doing them a 

 It might be sad, but it's really of greater interest as a study in narcissism.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over yet. Bevan and his cronies have not 
yet paid for all their enormities, David Lynch has not yet cracked up in public 
and been carted off to a mental institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison 
for his various crimes, nor has he finished stealing as much of the Indian 
Movement's assets as he can, John Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate 
real physicists and get horribly embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music 
for his abuse of his position as professor at MUM, the Movement has not 
withered away to the point where Girish and the Srivastavas brothers sell off 
the lands of the MUM campus, but it is all coming. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 7:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
    Om son, not any of us are all bad.  Even Turqb here as he is frequently in 
violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines.  Maharishi was a substantial person 
of the 20th Century.  He is worth reading for context.  The story isn't over 
yet.  This being FFL it should be good to have a study group here in the little 
orange book.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Really, why would any of us who know Marshy to have been a liar, cheat, thief 
and con artist want to read his bull poop book about anything?

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 6:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across hismovement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's littleblaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace inthe world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFLshould read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant inany of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks arejust out of touch.   

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

TheTM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the 
TMrevolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book,“Maharishi's 
Absolute Theory of Defense” over to the Sovietsociologists as help towards 
expanding world peace from deep withinMother Russia. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Something akinto MBA schools:“Militarysociology is one of the most important 
fields of sociologicalscience. It studies formation, development and 
functioning of thestate military organization as a social institution in 
peacetime andwartime, its engagement with other social institutions and 
thesociety as a whole. The focuses of military sociology also includeprocesses 
and relations among individuals and different communitieswithin the very 
military organization as well as social aspects ofwars and armed conflicts.”

Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
|  |
|  | Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation 
Sociology Center |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way oflooking in to 
the creeds of movements. I took and placed some ofthe essential TM CD's in to 
some of the better scholarly collectionsthat are being built to preserve the 
sociology and give othersinsight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look inat TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
MotherDivine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communalgatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone 
by.Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from 
folkshere about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Nowthat is an 
interesting link off the tank page. There was a pointwhere songs and anthems 
disappeared from the format of our TM meetings over the years. Proly correlates 
from about the time in the 1990's when themeditating community really started 
to erode here.  As a hypothesisthe disappearance of song and anthems proly 
explains a lot in thetrend-line of organizational TM. The Russian military 
department ofsociological research ought to look in to the decline of song 
andanthem within TM and its organizational effectiveness as a control totheir 
internal studies of sociology. Could possibly explain some ofthe apostasy 
exhibited on the pages of FFL by people who fell awayfrom TM. ..Some lack of 
organizational cohesion.

---In, hepa7@... wrote :

Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Really, why would any of us who know Marshy to have been a liar, cheat, thief 
and con artist want to read his bull poop book about anything?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 6:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
    Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across hismovement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's littleblaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace inthe world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFLshould read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant inany of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks arejust out of touch.   

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

TheTM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the 
TMrevolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book,“Maharishi's 
Absolute Theory of Defense” over to the Sovietsociologists as help towards 
expanding world peace from deep withinMother Russia. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Something akinto MBA schools:“Militarysociology is one of the most important 
fields of sociologicalscience. It studies formation, development and 
functioning of thestate military organization as a social institution in 
peacetime andwartime, its engagement with other social institutions and 
thesociety as a whole. The focuses of military sociology also includeprocesses 
and relations among individuals and different communitieswithin the very 
military organization as well as social aspects ofwars and armed conflicts.”

Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
|  |
|  | Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation 
Sociology Center |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way oflooking in to 
the creeds of movements. I took and placed some ofthe essential TM CD's in to 
some of the better scholarly collectionsthat are being built to preserve the 
sociology and give othersinsight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look inat TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
MotherDivine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communalgatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone 
by.Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from 
folkshere about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Nowthat is an 
interesting link off the tank page. There was a pointwhere songs and anthems 
disappeared from the format of our TM meetings over the years. Proly correlates 
from about the time in the 1990's when themeditating community really started 
to erode here.  As a hypothesisthe disappearance of song and anthems proly 
explains a lot in thetrend-line of organizational TM. The Russian military 
department ofsociological research ought to look in to the decline of song 
andanthem within TM and its organizational effectiveness as a control totheir 
internal studies of sociology. Could possibly explain some ofthe apostasy 
exhibited on the pages of FFL by people who fell awayfrom TM. ..Some lack of 
organizational cohesion.

---In, hepa7@... wrote :

Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the Victory 
Parade on Red Sqaure on May 9, 2015. : Ministry of Defence of the Russian 

|  |
|  | Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the 
Victory Parade on Red Sqaure o... HomeFor MediaContact us Site Map English 
РусскийEnglish Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Минобороны 
России) Multimedia MOD PhotoVideoAudio3D |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv9270602802 #yiv9270602802 -- #yiv9270602802ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Om son, not any of us are all bad.  Even Turqb here as he is frequently in 
violation of the yahoo-groups guidelines.  Maharishi was a substantial person 
of the 20th Century.  He is worth reading for context.  The story isn't over 
yet.  This being FFL it should be good to have a study group here in the little 
orange book. 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Really, why would any of us who know Marshy to have been a liar, cheat, thief 
and con artist want to read his bull poop book about anything?

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 6:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 Chairman Mao had his little red book used to unify across his movement which 
was highly effective at a time. Maharishi's little blaze orange book should be 
used that way as a weapon for peace in the world now. Have you ever read it? 
Spiritually everyone on FFL should read Maharishi's Little Orange Book to at 
least be relevant in any of their posting to the FFL list community. Otherwise 
folks are just out of touch.   


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 The TM movement has a little orange book that unifies the work of the TM 
revolution. We should ship a box load of the orange book, “Maharishi's Absolute 
Theory of Defense” over to the Soviet sociologists as help towards expanding 
world peace from deep within Mother Russia. 


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Something akin to MBA schools:
 “Military sociology is one of the most important fields of sociological 
science. It studies formation, development and functioning of the state 
military organization as a social institution in peacetime and wartime, its 
engagement with other social institutions and the society as a whole. The 
focuses of military sociology also include processes and relations among 
individuals and different communities within the very military organization as 
well as social aspects of wars and armed conflicts.”

 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
 Sociology Center : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Sociology Center

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Songs and anthems of revolutionary movements are a fabulous way of looking in 
to the creeds of movements. I took and placed some of the essential TM CD's in 
to some of the better scholarly collections that are being built to preserve 
the sociology and give others insight in to TM as a large movement, for a 
scholarship to look in at TM in the future ..The Emily Levine, Rick Stanley, 
Mother Divine, and other CD's. I keep some of them on my iphone to play at 
communal gatherings for people to listen to clips as reminder of days gone by. 
Those sound files always trigger really interesting reflections from folks here 
about those times.  

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Group cohesion. Songs and Anthems of the Soviet military.. Now that is an 
interesting link off the tank page. There was a point where songs and anthems 
disappeared from the format of our TM meetings over the years. Proly correlates 
from about the time in the 1990's when the meditating community really started 
to erode here. 
  As a hypothesis the disappearance of song and anthems proly explains a lot in 
the trend-line of organizational TM. The Russian military department of 
sociological research ought to look in to the decline of song and anthem within 
TM and its organizational effectiveness as a control to their internal studies 
of sociology. Could possibly explain some of the apostasy exhibited on the 
pages of FFL by people who fell away from TM. ..Some lack of organizational 



---In, hepa7@... wrote :


 Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the Victory 
Parade on Red Sqaure on May 9, 2015. : Ministry of Defence of the Russian 

 Advanced forward-looking military hardware, which takes part in the Victory 
Parade on Red Sqaure o... Home 
For MediaContact us Site Map English РусскийEnglish Ministry of Defence of the 
Russian Federation (Минобороны России) Multimedia MOD Photo Video Audio 3D

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology

2015-05-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As Winston Churchill once said: if you are young and not idealistic, you 
haven't got a heart. 

 If you are old and not a realist, you haven't got a brain.

 That pretty much sums it up.

 Most of us got over the idealistic phase pretty quickly.

 And you know, the other saying, about taking what you want and leaving the 

 Generally a good philosophy.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 God I remember the days when I and my TM friends really believed that everyone 
would one day wake up to the glory of TM and TMSP and everyone would be doing 
it, and the world would be happy. We utterly ignored the experience that most 
of us were struggling in various ways financial, relationships and health just 
to name three.

 It was delusional. 


 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 10:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Culture of Organizational Groups/Sociology
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]   
 Sigh. You are right, the story isn't over yet. Bevan and his cronies have not 
yet paid for all their enormities, David Lynch has not yet cracked up in public 
and been carted off to a mental institution, Girish has not yet gone to prison 
for his various crimes, nor has he finished stealing as much of the Indian 
Movement's assets as he can, John Hagelin has not yet agreed to publicly debate 
real physicists and get horribly embarrassed, nor has he had to face the music 
for his abuse of his position as professor at MUM, the Movement has not 
withered away to the point where Girish and the Srivastavas brothers sell off 
the lands of the MUM campus, but it is all coming. 



 I can't disagree with your visions of TM's future, Michael, but today all I 
can feel is sadness for the people like Doug whose sense of self and identity 
are so stuck in the past that they are unable to move past it and live in the 
present. They live on dreams of how glorious it all was back when they were 
young and part of what they considered not only a community but a movement, 
one that would change the world forever. They felt important and as if they 
were at the center of great events, and doing something that would be 
remembered forever.


 And now they find themselves in a world that has all but forgotten Maharishi. 
His name is a quite literally a joke in spiritual circles and the only people 
who still believe he taught anything of value are the hangers-on in Fairfield 
and in other closed TM societies. They seem to live for the day that the world 
will wake up and recognize their folly at laughing at Maharishi and at them for 
following him, and will praise them the way they still think of themselves -- 
as noble bringers of a new age and happiness and light and bliss and ice cream 
for everybody. 


 In other words, they're fuckin' delusional. 


 Some people get wiser as they get older, and closer to death. Others, fearing 
that they might have wasted their lives believing in things the world no longer 
values, start to panic and cling even more desperately to the dreams of their 
glorious youth.

 I don't know about you, but I prefer spending the rest of *my* incarnation 
with people who live in the present, not in dreams of the past and how 
important they think they were in that past. I really can't justify interacting 
with Doug and people who think like him any more, because it seems to only 
encourage them to invest more heavily in their delusions, as opposed to shaking 
them off.