Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
There is a lot of truth in what you say Ann - yet I think it is ignoring a 
great deal of evidence to believe that years of TM practice and TMSP practice 
ESPECIALY when done in a close knit community of other TMSP'ers does not lead 
to certain types of mentality. I'll just leave it at that. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some
 present here at FFL. Again, I can understand this - it is not the way I 
operate but it probably leads to less confrontation than I get in my life for 
being straight up. This is not a condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on 
things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 3:37 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The semitic race includes Arabs, so if we blast Saudi Arabia are we 
being anti-semitics?

/You are incorrect: the word semitic refers to a language group, not a 
race of people. You may have confused race and an ethno-religious group 
that originated from the Israelites in the ancient Near East./

And someone said to bash Zionism is being anti-Jewish.

/When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking 
anti-Semitism./ - Martin Luther King

That's like saying all Christians are Republicans.

/Non sequitur. Judaism is the religion, philosophy, and way of life of 
the Jewish people./

Zionists are a right wing political faction.

/Non sequitur. Antisemitism is prejudice against, hatred of, or 
discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial 
group. /

As far as Dan goes I had him in my Dangeon anyway for being an abusive 
poster and only replied to comments he started indirectly about TV or 

/So, you had Dan in your Jew folder. You realize you have just posted 
an anti-Semitic message, right?/

On 10/04/2014 12:07 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive 
about any antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough 
to close FFL down.   It may not be right to surrender, but it does 
avoid the danger not yet come.

If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to the world's ability to have free speech 
would be hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively 
defensive, hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything? 
 Think of all the downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world 
has smacked them as badly as were the Jews.

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.might have to 
do so, cuz this shit's gotta stop.

And, hey, for what Israel is doing to Palestine while Jews around the 
world remain mostly silent, I say they've lost their right to bitch 
about Hitler.   They should go back to dissing the Pharaoh.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread feste37
I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 3:23 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all.

/It has already been established that you are not following the FFL 

You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the right 
choice of words

/Non sequitur. You are showing some definite signs of amti-Semitism with 
regards to Dan, the fact that he was Jewish and a proponent of TM makes 
the issue more complicated than you acknowledge. Also, there seems to be 
some gender bias directed toward Share. ///Apparently your supervisor at 
MIU was female. Go figure.//

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that you were the low man 
working in food service at MIU.///

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that the only person to 
report a glow in their brain after practicing TM was Barry, who 
claimed that at a Rama show the whole room turned golden and even the 
security guards saw it. Nobody has claimed to have seen a glowing 
brain in a Golden Dome at MUM - that's just the color of the roof 
material. Go figure.

that leads you to believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a 
courteous thing and that's why you are doing it now?

/Non sequitur. There are no TM bashers on this list//. It has already 
been established that TM is a religion.//The bashing of someone's 
religion is not allowed on FFL. Therefore you should refrain from 
bashing anyone's religion on FFL and avoid posting any anti-Semitic 

Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that the TMSP has no 
effect on a person's personal behavior.


*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo 
your remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan 
was no longer here to defend himself.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) 
courtesy to me, then my behavior was not low in any respect, so you 
did not address the scurrilous nature of your false allegation towards 
me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie to behave in such a fashion - 
I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore the truth, say 
whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to what 
you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in 
the Movement

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I 
think Dan brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes 
gentleness to FFL. And actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's 
posts too. IMO, it's a loss that they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action in and of itself since it was performed by a 
TM'er. - Share's mind set.

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the 
difference is that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 3:42 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Michael, anyone who takes such obvious pleasure in, as you did when 
Steve and Dan were arguing, such a person imo, has no credibility when 
it comes to saying what is or isn't WONDERFUL behavior.

Maybe it's time to review the definition of a Troll - /A person who 
sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses./

Also the fact that though you've been shown, even by an objective 
lurker, how wrong you were about TMO and suicide, you have not 
recanted your original statement that the TMO ignores it.

Plus the fact that you continue to make such negative allegations 
about people and an organization with whom you've had no contact in 

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:23 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo 
your remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan 
was no longer here to defend himself.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) 
courtesy to me, then my behavior was not low in any respect, so you 
did not address the scurrilous nature of your false allegation towards 
me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie to behave in such a fashion - 
I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore the truth, say 
whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to what 
you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in 
the Movement

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I 
think Dan brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes 
gentleness to FFL. And actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's 
posts too. IMO, it's a loss that they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action in and of itself since it was performed by a 
TM'er. - Share's mind set.

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the 
difference is that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 4:35 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I am only wrong about TM and suicide and the TMO and suicide in your 
mind. In what way did ANYONE negate what I said about the TMO NOT 
being inthe forefront of ANY attempts at providing succor for those 
suffering in Fairfield?

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that you have not been 
within 1000 miles of Iowa in decades. Therefore you would have no idea 
what the residents of Fairfield are currently attempting in providing 
succor for those suffering. It has already been established that Rick 
Archer instigated this discussion group in an effort to help people with 
suicidal tendencies, case in point./

In fact, the lady who gave that very informative post affirmed the 
effort in Fairfield was NOT being led by the Movement. You really are 
a TM junkie aren't you?

/Non sequitur. It has already been established that the practice of TM 
or TMSP has zero effects on suicide rates in Iowa. It has not been 
established that the practice of TM is addictive. Case in point./

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 4:42 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, anyone who takes such obvious pleasure in, as you did when 
Steve and Dan were arguing, such a person imo, has no credibility when 
it comes to saying what is or isn't WONDERFUL behavior.

Also the fact that though you've been shown, even by an objective 
lurker, how wrong you were about TMO and suicide, you have not 
recanted your original statement that the TMO ignores it.

Plus the fact that you continue to make such negative allegations 
about people and an organization with whom you've had no contact in 

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:23 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo 
your remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan 
was no longer here to defend himself.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) 
courtesy to me, then my behavior was not low in any respect, so you 
did not address the scurrilous nature of your false allegation towards 
me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie to behave in such a fashion - 
I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore the truth, say 
whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to what 
you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in 
the Movement

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I 
think Dan brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes 
gentleness to FFL. And actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's 
posts too. IMO, it's a loss that they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 There is a lot of truth in what you say Ann - yet I think it is ignoring a 
great deal of evidence to believe that years of TM practice and TMSP practice 
ESPECIALY when done in a close knit community of other TMSP'ers does not lead 
to certain types of mentality. I'll just leave it at that. 


 Now, here is where I think you are correct but I also think there is the 
chicken and the egg thing going on here. When you get too many people of like 
minds or of similar interest together in a community (let alone a room) you are 
definitely going to get a kind of homogenous aspect that arises. There will be 
a tendency for many of these like-minded folks to tow and to proselytize along 
the party lines. And this will be self perpetuating. I look at some of my old 
acquaintances on FB and their interaction with each other and there are a lot 
of JGD's spoken amid the platitudes we are all familiar with - platitudes about 
health and death and knowledge and MMY. 

 I mean, I lived in FF for 4 years and have seen it and been part of it so I 
recognize that it is still going on, not that it is all bad or all mush brained 
but there is a mentality, as you say, that exists. I don't, however, 
necessarily think TM creates this mentality (and not every person in FF is like 
what I have described, BTW) I think those who are followers and 
wanna-be-believers are drawn to communities or at least to movements that 
encourage mass homogeneity or simply find themselves nestling down in the 
aspects of these interest groups that allow for a kind of think/speak and way 
of life that is firmly ensconced in whatever those movements support. 

 I'm getting lost in my words here but do you see what I am trying to say? The 
video someone posted of the old MIU recruitment tape or whatever it was is a 
typical example. All these soft spoken and rather naive (but well intentioned) 
people speaking the same lingo and making sure they sound like everyone else 
who believes what they do. You'll see it in church groups, the military, the 
RCMP, sports teams etc, etc. It is everywhere. TM has its own flavor and lingo 
but similar aspects of this is everywhere on the planet. I guess my point is 
that people gravitate towards like minded others where they feel safe and 
understood and liked. In order to accomplish this we all conform a little bit 
to make our acceptance with others happen. 

 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I find it fascinating that those hell bent on knocking TM are simply the other 
side of the coin. Anti-TBs, as fundamentalist in their beliefs as they were, as 
cult fanatics. It is a process to grow out of one thing and into another, but 
those trying to escape their own cult mentality, accuse everyone else of having 
it too.  What they don't recognize is that the TM practice has a goal, and that 
goal is spiritual liberation, established in Being, enlightenment.
 So, they point out all the mood making in the MUM community, and feel good 
about themselves for as long as it takes to write their screed. But at the end 
of the day, there is a fundamental (there's that word again) realization, that 
they have failed, and simply pointing fingers now, will never ensure their 
success. It is a sad thing, to see those locked in waking state, actually 
champion it, because they cannot imagine living any other way.
 Solution: Apologize to yourselves, for wasting so much of your life, and start 
TM, again. Otherwise, their blindness just overtakes them.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 There is a lot of truth in what you say Ann - yet I think it is ignoring a 
great deal of evidence to believe that years of TM practice and TMSP practice 
ESPECIALY when done in a close knit community of other TMSP'ers does not lead 
to certain types of mentality. I'll just leave it at that. 


 Now, here is where I think you are correct but I also think there is the 
chicken and the egg thing going on here. When you get too many people of like 
minds or of similar interest together in a community (let alone a room) you are 
definitely going to get a kind of homogenous aspect that arises. There will be 
a tendency for many of these like-minded folks to tow and to proselytize along 
the party lines. And this will be self perpetuating. I look at some of my old 
acquaintances on FB and their interaction with each other and there are a lot 
of JGD's spoken amid the platitudes we are all familiar with - platitudes about 
health and death and knowledge and MMY. 

 I mean, I lived in FF for 4 years and have seen it and been part of it so I 
recognize that it is still going on, not that it is all bad or all mush brained 
but there is a mentality, as you say, that exists. I don't, however, 
necessarily think TM creates this mentality (and not every person in FF is like 
what I have described, BTW) I think those who are followers and 
wanna-be-believers are drawn to communities or at least to movements that 
encourage mass homogeneity or simply find themselves nestling down in the 
aspects of these interest groups that allow for a kind of think/speak and way 
of life that is firmly ensconced in whatever those movements support. 

 I'm getting lost in my words here but do you see what I am trying to say? The 
video someone posted of the old MIU recruitment tape or whatever it was is a 
typical example. All these soft spoken and rather naive (but well intentioned) 
people speaking the same lingo and making sure they sound like everyone else 
who believes what they do. You'll see it in church groups, the military, the 
RCMP, sports teams etc, etc. It is everywhere. TM has its own flavor and lingo 
but similar aspects of this is everywhere on the planet. I guess my point is 
that people gravitate towards like minded others where they feel safe and 
understood and liked. In order to accomplish this we all conform a little bit 
to make our acceptance with others happen. 

 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of authority 
on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say your years of TMSP 
have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have Willy posts routed 
automatically to the trash.

 From: feste37
Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I figure Rick took the initiative to set this place up, and moderate it, and it 
is his call. I certainly would not want the responsibility for maintaining FFL, 
and I consider it a service of his, that I really enjoy. As long as no one gets 
too serious about it, FFL is fine as it stands.

---In, wrote :

 I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

On 10/4/2014 8:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous

/Considering that MJ was posting anti-Semitic messages about Dan's 
religion and personal faith, I would rate Dan's responses to MJ pretty 
constrained and courteous, in context.

How can you have a conversation with someone like MJ who constantly 
posts non sequiturs using inferences or conclusions that do not follow 
from the premises or evidence presented. There is no evidence that Dan's 
teacher was a charlatan, con-man, thief, or seducer of women, or 
that his religion is fake. Dan should have the right to post here his 
opinion on the spiritual life without personal attacks.//It was pretty 
obvious who was breaking the FFL Guidelines./ /It has already been 
established that Jedi_Spock was banned just for defaming the Torah./ /Go 

and he had a good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling 
on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is 
that Share is not responding the way she is because of TM or the fact 
that TM induces some sort of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't 
like to get into kerfuffles with others unless she feels that enough 
others are ready to back her up. She is careful to court favor, in her 
innocuous way, with the guys here and fair enough. I don't blame her 
but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a friendly pat on 
the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for what it is 
- internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and she 
is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and 
is unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. 
Again, I can understand this - it is not the way I operate but it 
probably leads to less confrontation than I get in my life for being 
straight up. This is not a condemnation of Share, it is simply my take 
on things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 9:21 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

/Everyone does realize that Dan is probably reading every message posted 
here, right?The conversation with Dan might not be over if he 
chooses to joins us on Google Groups or another Yahoo Group. Not that he 
cares anymore - he's probably already reached conclusions about the 
integrity of the current respondents on FFL. Sometimes, silence says 
more about people than what they do say. Go figure./

Usenet Archives:

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem 
courteous and he had a good time playing with most of us here, 
sometimes smiling on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. 
But the point is, is that Share is not responding the way she is 
because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort of glow. Share 
is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with others 
unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and 
fair enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to 
see beyond a friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of 
what she writes for what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill 
will. She defends bawee and she is defending Dan and that is her MO; 
she wants to be liked by all, and is unwilling to look past the facade 
that some present here at FFL. Again, I can understand this - it is 
not the way I operate but it probably leads to less confrontation than 
I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a condemnation of 
Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, thank you for helping me find the words. That's what I meant when I 
said Dan was courteous to MJ. I meant compared to MJ's continual and 
inflammatory remarks, Dan was courteous and sometimes even gentle with him.  

 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 9:28 AM, 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 ---In, mjackson74@... wrote :
   And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous 
wasn't the right choice of words 
  But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 
  Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.
 On 10/4/2014 8:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous  
 Considering that MJ was posting anti-Semitic messages about Dan's religion and 
personal faith, I would rate Dan's responses to MJ pretty constrained and 
courteous, in context. 
 How can you have a conversation with someone like MJ who constantly posts non 
sequiturs using inferences or conclusions that do not follow from the premises 
or evidence presented. There is no evidence that Dan's teacher was a 
charlatan, con-man, thief, or seducer of women, or that his religion is 
fake. Dan should have the right to post here his opinion on the spiritual 
life without personal attacks. It was pretty obvious who was breaking the FFL 
Guidelines. It has already been established that Jedi_Spock was banned just for 
defaming the Torah. Go figure.
and he had a good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling 
on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that 
Share is not responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM 
induces some  sort of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into 
kerfuffles with others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back 
her up. She is careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here 
and fair enough. I don't  blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see 
beyond a friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she 
writes for what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends 
bawee and she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by 
all, and is unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. 
Again, I can understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably 
leads to less confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This 
is not a condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV. 

  #yiv9090941134 #yiv9090941134 -- #yiv9090941134ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9090941134 #yiv9090941134actions 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9090941134 .yiv9090941134attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9090941134 .yiv9090941134attach label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
feste, I agree with all you say here. Or at least, make their banishment 
temporary, say for one week. I think people should be given a warning and 
probationary time before being banned completely. 

 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 7:47 AM, feste37 

     I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to 
the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.
I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.
As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.
Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I 
mean this in a positive way.Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to 
the end.Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten 
him alive.Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One 
thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw 
Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his 
wife and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his 
As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

  On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words
But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, I think someone who has it, should send me a check for a million dollars. 
Make that two million.  

 Why do some here act as if they are members of congress, finalizing 

 Good luck with that Share, unless you are willing to issue the warning, track 
those on probation, and determine when they have violated same, all with Rick 
and Alex's blessing.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 feste, I agree with all you say here. Or at least, make their banishment 
temporary, say for one week. I think people should be given a warning and 
probationary time before being banned completely. 


 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 7:47 AM, feste37 wrote:

   I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to 
the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 10:20 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

/Non sequitur. All we need to know is Rick's rule. //What is Rick's 
rule? Just explain it to us using good grammar in plain English. It's 
not complicated - or is it?/

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection 
towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what 
he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of 
Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one where Mac 
asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the 
females on this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem 
courteous and he had a good time playing with most of us here, 
sometimes smiling on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. 
But the point is, is that Share is not responding the way she is 
because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort of glow. Share 
is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with others 
unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and 
fair enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to 
see beyond a friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of 
what she writes for what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill 
will. She defends bawee and she is defending Dan and that is her MO; 
she wants to be liked by all, and is unwilling to look past the facade 
that some present here at FFL. Again, I can understand this - it is 
not the way I operate but it probably leads to less confrontation than 
I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a condemnation of 
Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, first of all, there is also Seraphita, so three women. Secondly, I think 
there are valid reasons why I'm more comfortable with the FFL men rather than 
the women. Finally, my main point was that after Dan's booting, your initial 
comments about him were not positive. And yet, you had just been having what 
seemed like a friendly exchange with him!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:01 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.
I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.
As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.
Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I 
mean this in a positive way.Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to 
the end.Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten 
him alive.Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One 
thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw 
Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his 
wife and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his 
As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

  On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words
But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.

  #yiv9256291980 #yiv9256291980 -- #yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9256291980 
#yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9256291980 
#yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp #yiv9256291980hd 
0;}#yiv9256291980 #yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp #yiv9256291980ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9256291980 #yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp .yiv9256291980ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9256291980 #yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp .yiv9256291980ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9256291980 #yiv9256291980ygrp-mkp 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Are you really as weak as you appear? All we NEED to know is Rick's rule... 
Really? A pair of balls would be an ample substitute, Richard. I hope all your 
whining is in jest. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/4/2014 10:20 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind 
spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

 Non sequitur. All we need to know is Rick's rule. What is Rick's rule? Just 
explain it to us using good grammar in plain English. It's not complicated - or 
is it?
awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.
 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] 
mailto:awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words
 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 
 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.
 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/5/2014 7:47 AM, feste37 wrote:

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed.

/So, we are agreed./

But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.

/And agreed./

I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he 
or she should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one 
of them is spot-on in its analysis.

/The entire thread is viewable in the FFL Mail Archives://

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection 
towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what 
he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of 
Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one where Mac 
asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the 
females on this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem 
courteous and he had a good time playing with most of us here, 
sometimes smiling on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. 
But the point is, is that Share is not responding the way she is 
because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort of glow. Share 
is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with others 
unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and 
fair enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to 
see beyond a friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of 
what she writes for what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill 
will. She defends bawee and she is defending Dan and that is her MO; 
she wants to be liked by all, and is unwilling to look past the facade 
that some present here at FFL. Again, I can understand 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 I find it fascinating that those hell bent on knocking TM are simply the other 
side of the coin. Anti-TBs, as fundamentalist in their beliefs as they were, as 
cult fanatics. It is a process to grow out of one thing and into another, but 
those trying to escape their own cult mentality, accuse everyone else of having 
it too.  What they don't recognize is that the TM practice has a goal, and that 
goal is spiritual liberation, established in Being, enlightenment.

 True enough. I mean, I read bawee and MJ and others who are so anti-belief in 
belief and it astounds me that they don't see they have replaced one thing for 
another. bawee is positively aglow with it and yet - he can't see the 
substitution he has made. He still wallows in deep-seated beliefs and talks the 
talk that he does. He has simply taken off his rose-colored glasses and 
replaced them with green-tinted models. 

 So, they point out all the mood making in the MUM community, and feel good 
about themselves for as long as it takes to write their screed. But at the end 
of the day, there is a fundamental (there's that word again) realization, that 
they have failed, and simply pointing fingers now, will never ensure their 
success. It is a sad thing, to see those locked in waking state, actually 
champion it, because they cannot imagine living any other way.
 Solution: Apologize to yourselves, for wasting so much of your life, and start 
TM, again. Otherwise, their blindness just overtakes them.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Willy who? :-D

On 10/05/2014 07:03 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of 
authority on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say 
your years of TMSP have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have 
Willy posts routed automatically to the trash.

*From:* feste37
*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous 
complaint to the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he 
or she should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one 
of them is spot-on in its analysis.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection 
towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what 
he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of 
Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one where Mac 
asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the 
females on this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem 
courteous and he had a good time playing with most of us here, 
sometimes smiling on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. 
But the point is, is that Share is not responding the way she is 
because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort of glow. Share 
is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with others 
unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and 
fair enough. I don't blame

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/5/2014 9:03 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o

/Obviously you are prejudiced against Texans./

as any kind of authority on anything except being a nut job then I 
would have to say your years of TMSP have really done a number on you.

/Non sequitur. You have in a previous message already established that 
the TMSP has zero effect on an individuals personality//./

Most on FFL have Willy posts routed automatically to the trash.

/You realize that creating folders and filters in Yahoo Mail in order to 
read FFL discussion messages is evidence of prejudice, right?//

Yahoo FFL is supposed to be a threaded discussion. When readers view FFL 
messages in email they don't get the benefit of sequential, threaded 
message structure. Often people can't follow along with the conversation 
and take things out of context when messages are posted as mail replies. 
Case in point./

*From:* feste37
*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous 
complaint to the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he 
or she should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one 
of them is spot-on in its analysis.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection 
towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what 
he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of 
Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one where Mac 
asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the 
females on this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
That's rich and typically TM-ish. Like saying TM leads to enlightenment if you 
compare it to how unenlightened a heroin addict is. The TM-er's aren't really 
enlightened, but by comparison, we can SAY that its LIKE enlightenment. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Richard, thank you for helping me find the words. That's what I meant when I 
said Dan was courteous to MJ. I meant compared to MJ's continual and 
inflammatory remarks, Dan was courteous and sometimes even gentle with him.  

On Sunday, October 5, 2014 9:28 AM, 'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you 
are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

On 10/4/2014 8:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous

Considering that MJ was posting anti-Semitic messages about Dan's religion and 
personal faith, I would rate Dan's responses to MJ pretty constrained and 
courteous, in context. 

How can you have a conversation with someone like MJ who
  constantly posts non sequiturs using inferences or conclusions
  that do not follow from the premises or evidence presented. There
  is no evidence that Dan's teacher was a charlatan, con-man,
  thief, or seducer of women, or that his religion is fake. Dan
  should have the right to post here his opinion on the spiritual
  life without personal attacks.It was pretty obvious who was breaking the 
FFL Guidelines. It has already been established that Jedi_Spock was banned just 
for defaming the Torah. Go figure.

and he had a good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the 
outside but not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is 
not responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some 
sort of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles 
with others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She 
is careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for
 being straight up. This is not a condemnation of Share, it is simply my take 
on things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/5/2014 11:53 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Willy who? :-D

/The Willy who sent you running over to Yahoo Groups? /

/Subject: The Rainbow Body//
//Author: Willytex//
//Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental//
//Date: 8/10/13//

/So, why do almost all of your messages all end on one line, and all 
begin with RE?/

On 10/05/2014 07:03 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of 
authority on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say 
your years of TMSP have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have 
Willy posts routed automatically to the trash.

*From:* feste37
*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous 
complaint to the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their 
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident 
he or she should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every 
one of them is spot-on in its analysis.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose 
affection towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost 
every post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. 
And yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did 
what he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you 
think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one 
where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the 
females on this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/5/2014 3:11 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

That's rich and typically TM-ish.

/Non sequitur. There are no TM-ish - that's just an acronym you made 
up for the purposes of confusing the issue.

Like saying TM leads to enlightenment if you compare it to how 
unenlightened a heroin addict is.

/Non sequitur. It has not been established that TM leads to 

The TM-er's aren't really enlightened, but by comparison, we can SAY 
that its LIKE enlightenment.

/Non sequitur. There are no TM-er's - that's just an acronym you made 
up for the purposes of confusing the issue.


*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 10:33 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Richard, thank you for helping me find the words. That's what I meant 
when I said Dan was courteous to MJ. I meant compared to MJ's 
continual and inflammatory remarks, Dan was courteous and sometimes 
even gentle with him.

On Sunday, October 5, 2014 9:28 AM, 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife] 

---In, mjackson74@... 
mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe 
courteous wasn't the right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no 
matter what Danny Boy said or did, eh?

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to 
believe that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and 
that's why you are doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL 

On 10/4/2014 8:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. 
First, not for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem 

/Considering that MJ was posting anti-Semitic messages about Dan's 
religion and personal faith, I would rate Dan's responses to MJ pretty 
constrained and courteous, in context.

How can you have a conversation with someone like MJ who constantly 
posts non sequiturs using inferences or conclusions that do not follow 
from the premises or evidence presented. There is no evidence that 
Dan's teacher was a charlatan, con-man, thief, or seducer of 
women, or that his religion is fake. Dan should have the right to 
post here his opinion on the spiritual life without personal 
attacks.//It was pretty obvious who was breaking the FFL Guidelines./ 
/It has already been established that Jedi_Spock was banned just for 
defaming the Torah./ /Go figure./

and he had a good time playing with most of us here, sometimes 
smiling on the outside but not necessarily on the inside. But the 
point is, is that Share is not responding the way she is because of 
TM or the fact that TM induces some sort of glow. Share is Share, 
MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with others unless she 
feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is careful to 
court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see 
beyond a friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of 
what she writes for what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill 
will. She defends bawee and she is defending Dan and that is her MO; 
she wants to be liked by all, and is unwilling to look past the 
facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can understand this - 
it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is 
not a condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Exactly. They are still dealing with their same cult-addled mindset, only 
pointing it in the opposite direction. No transcendence, and a lot of 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 I find it fascinating that those hell bent on knocking TM are simply the other 
side of the coin. Anti-TBs, as fundamentalist in their beliefs as they were, as 
cult fanatics. It is a process to grow out of one thing and into another, but 
those trying to escape their own cult mentality, accuse everyone else of having 
it too.  What they don't recognize is that the TM practice has a goal, and that 
goal is spiritual liberation, established in Being, enlightenment.

 True enough. I mean, I read bawee and MJ and others who are so anti-belief in 
belief and it astounds me that they don't see they have replaced one thing for 
another. bawee is positively aglow with it and yet - he can't see the 
substitution he has made. He still wallows in deep-seated beliefs and talks the 
talk that he does. He has simply taken off his rose-colored glasses and 
replaced them with green-tinted models. 

 So, they point out all the mood making in the MUM community, and feel good 
about themselves for as long as it takes to write their screed. But at the end 
of the day, there is a fundamental (there's that word again) realization, that 
they have failed, and simply pointing fingers now, will never ensure their 
success. It is a sad thing, to see those locked in waking state, actually 
champion it, because they cannot imagine living any other way.
 Solution: Apologize to yourselves, for wasting so much of your life, and start 
TM, again. Otherwise, their blindness just overtakes them.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Poor Michael, there he goes again, now, in the tradition of Salyavin, telling 
us whose posts we should read, and even upping the ante, by informing us of our 
reading habits. 

 And yet, it is the Michaels and Salyavins who claim to be the most clear eyed 
and objective observers.

 Don't it just always work out like that?

 Those who rail against supposed misplaced trust and authority, and the first 
to display those autocratic tendencies when an opportunity arises..

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of authority 
on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say your years of TMSP 
have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have Willy posts routed 
automatically to the trash.


 From: feste37
 Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to 
the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  



---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
forget ebola.  foot in mouth disease, Michael?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 That's rich and typically TM-ish. Like saying TM leads to enlightenment if you 
compare it to how unenlightened a heroin addict is. The TM-er's aren't really 
enlightened, but by comparison, we can SAY that its LIKE enlightenment. 


 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   Richard, thank you for helping me find the words. That's what I meant when I 
said Dan was courteous to MJ. I meant compared to MJ's continual and 
inflammatory remarks, Dan was courteous and sometimes even gentle with him.  

 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 9:28 AM, 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words
 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 
 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

 On 10/4/2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous

 Considering that MJ was posting anti-Semitic messages about Dan's religion and 
personal faith, I would rate Dan's responses to MJ pretty constrained and 
courteous, in context. 
 How can you have a conversation with someone like MJ who constantly posts non 
sequiturs using inferences or conclusions that do not follow from the premises 
or evidence presented. There is no evidence that Dan's teacher was a 
charlatan, con-man, thief, or seducer of women, or that his religion is 
fake. Dan should have the right to post here his opinion on the spiritual 
life without personal attacks. It was pretty obvious who was breaking the FFL 
Guidelines. It has already been established that Jedi_Spock was banned just for 
defaming the Torah. Go figure.
 and he had a good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the 
outside but not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is 
not responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some 
sort of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles 
with others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She 
is careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think it was highly inappropriate for Dan to go all nuclear over Jedi's 

 There was no threat.  Just an opinion Dan found offensive.

 That said, I'd like also, to see them both reinstated.


 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 feste, I agree with all you say here. Or at least, make their banishment 
temporary, say for one week. I think people should be given a warning and 
probationary time before being banned completely. 


 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 7:47 AM, feste37 wrote:

   I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to 
the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You like you god WIlly Tex have reading comprehension problems -  in no way 
does my post tell anyone whose post to read, nor has Sal ever done so to my 
knowledge. But it is in the TM tradition to make shit up, so I'll cut you some 
slack since even tho you claim not to do TM much anymore, you still do all 
things TM-ish.

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Poor Michael, there he goes again, now, in the tradition of Salyavin, telling 
us whose posts we should read, and even upping the ante, by informing us of our 
reading habits.

And yet, it is the Michaels and Salyavins who claim to be the most clear eyed 
and objective observers.

Don't it just always work out like that?

Those who rail against supposed misplaced trust and authority, and the first to 
display those autocratic tendencies when an opportunity arises..

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of authority 
on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say your years of TMSP 
have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have Willy posts routed 
automatically to the trash.

 From: feste37
Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I
certainly could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but 
that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here's the great mystery Michael, and yes, it is hard to get your head around 

 Life is Bliss, even when it's not.  It's still bliss.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 You like you god WIlly Tex have reading comprehension problems -  in no way 
does my post tell anyone whose post to read, nor has Sal ever done so to my 
knowledge. But it is in the TM tradition to make shit up, so I'll cut you some 
slack since even tho you claim not to do TM much anymore, you still do all 
things TM-ish.


 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 6:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   Poor Michael, there he goes again, now, in the tradition of Salyavin, 
telling us whose posts we should read, and even upping the ante, by informing 
us of our reading habits.

 And yet, it is the Michaels and Salyavins who claim to be the most clear eyed 
and objective observers.

 Don't it just always work out like that?

 Those who rail against supposed misplaced trust and authority, and the first 
to display those autocratic tendencies when an opportunity arises..


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of authority 
on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say your years of TMSP 
have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have Willy posts routed 
automatically to the trash.


 From: feste37
 Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to 
the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  



---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-05 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/5/2014 7:49 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
You like you god WIlly Tex have reading comprehension problems -  in 
no way does my post tell anyone whose post to read, nor has Sal ever 
done so to my knowledge. But it is in the TM tradition to make shit 
up, so I'll cut you some slack since even tho you claim not to do TM 
much anymore, you still do all things TM-ish.

/Non sequitur. There is no TM tradition. You are trying to 
mind-control everyone by posting cult propaganda to the group. We will 
cut you some slack because you have a comprehension problem.//There is 
no TM/ - e/veryone meditates and we are all transcending all the time, 
even without a technique. /

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 6:38 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Poor Michael, there he goes again, now, in the tradition of Salyavin, 
telling us whose posts we should read, and even upping the ante, by 
informing us of our reading habits.

And yet, it is the Michaels and Salyavins who claim to be the most 
clear eyed and objective observers.

Don't it just always work out like that?

Those who rail against supposed misplaced trust and authority, and the 
first to display those autocratic tendencies when an opportunity arises..

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Jesus, Feste! If you take Willy Tex the Texan whack-o as any kind of 
authority on anything except being a nut job then I would have to say 
your years of TMSP have really done a number on you. Most on FFL have 
Willy posts routed automatically to the trash.

*From:* feste37
*Sent:* Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were 
unjustly removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous 
complaint to the ADL, which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he 
or she should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one 
of them is spot-on in its analysis.

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a 
blind spot you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in 
general, was atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I 
doubt very much he was that sloppy with his superiors, during his 
career. Same as people who, despite being punctual for work, cannot 
show up on time, socially. An arrogant attitude, masking as 
casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his need to have 
us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to 
have. I would worry if they were to like me.

Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection 
towards me would positively alarm me.

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every 
post of his.

Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly 
could respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it 
as knee jerk? He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees 
but that's about as far as the accuracy of your statement goes.

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right 
before he was booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And 
yet you now say nothing positive about him.

I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? 
I'll assume you said yes.

Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, 
daughters. He doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.

Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him 
because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it 
hasn't eaten him alive.
Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes 
some not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the 
internet. One thing I would say is that I understand why Rick did what 
he did once he saw Dan's last post to him. BTW, what did you think of 
Dan's post to Mac about his wife and the game shows, the one where Mac 
asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 

Did you realize

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of 
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone 
says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal 

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message 
as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the 
Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when 
Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's 
message and put a ban on him posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. 
This should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for 
expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to 
follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message 
history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about 
posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread feste37
Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings? 
 Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 
 Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure.
 P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to follow 
the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference is 
that there is no TMO ADL!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 

     Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old 
Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, 
vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary 
criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his 
hate speech against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and 
libelous accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very 
curious double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H,Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty ofanti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  Ifsomeone says TM is of the devil etc. 
with ALL CAPS etcwill yougive equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock'smessage as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock'sopinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked andgot really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL,so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's beendeleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned fromFFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever.Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficultto follow the 
conversation, and when you fail to click on Showmessage history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's ruleis about posting messages.

  #yiv9731249047 #yiv9731249047 -- #yiv9731249047ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9731249047 
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{margin:0;}#yiv9731249047 #yiv9731249047ygrp-mkp .yiv9731249047ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9731249047 #yiv9731249047ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9731249047ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9731249047 
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4px;}#yiv9731249047 .yiv9731249047bold 
.yiv9731249047bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9731249047 dd.yiv9731249047last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9731249047 dd.yiv9731249047last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9731249047 
dd.yiv9731249047last p span.yiv9731249047yshortcuts 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9731249047 div.yiv9731249047attach-table 
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div.yiv9731249047file-title a:active, #yiv9731249047 
div.yiv9731249047file-title a:hover, #yiv9731249047 div.yiv9731249047file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9731249047 div.yiv9731249047photo-title a, 
#yiv9731249047 div.yiv9731249047photo-title a:active, #yiv9731249047 
div.yiv9731249047photo-title a:hover, #yiv9731249047 
div.yiv9731249047photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9731249047 
div#yiv9731249047ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9731249047ygrp-msg p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/3/2014 12:13 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

... imagine a White Supremacist were in here spewing outrageous 
nastiness on a regular basis.

It looks like Rick hasn't been reading the messages on his own 
discussion group. Go figure.

/Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also not 
welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If you 
wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't post it./

I think most all would agree that he should be banned. So it’s a 
matter of degree, and when someone moves a bit too far in that 
direction, in my opinion, he should be warned and if he ignores the 
warning, banned.

[] *On Behalf Of *Duveyoung

*Sent:* Friday, October 3, 2014 11:36 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of 
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone 
says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal 

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for 
what they are, see?

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting 
here regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But 
that's just me as if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed 
up, I'd never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're 
here, lemonade can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches 
were never helped by TM -- a strong warning to any who are being 
sucked into the promised-heavens.

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there 
saying, I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh? 
 Oh, maybe YOU would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the 

Of course, if your party were the ideal conversation pit with 
everyone being civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, 
because I love to scream.  Sigh..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
two birds, one stone.

---In, wrote :

 Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings? 
 Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 
 Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure.
 P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to follow 
the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL - ahh, the 
company I keep, Curtis, Turq and all the other gods!

I don't hate Marshy and Company, just disgusted by their behavior - so now tell 
me Feste, what sort of libel have I committed, eh? Tell me what I have said 
that is libelous, given the accepted definition of libel, which is a published 
false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation

It is only libel if it is written and published, and if it is false. If true, 
it cannot be libel and if it is unclear whether or not it is true, but the 
author as clearly identified the statement as opinion then it is not libel.

Much of what I have written here has been identified by me as my opinion and 
the rest, well, I invite the Movement to sue me anytime it likes.

 From: feste37
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you
give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever.
Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL 

 Spellcheck, dude. It's spelled r-i-d-i-c-u-l-e-d.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL - ahh, 
the company I keep, Curtis, Turq and all the other gods!

 I don't hate Marshy and Company, just disgusted by their behavior - so now 
tell me Feste, what sort of libel have I committed, eh? Tell me what I have 
said that is libelous, given the accepted definition of libel, which is a 
published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written 

 It is only libel if it is written and published, and if it is false. If true, 
it cannot be libel and if it is unclear whether or not it is true, but the 
author as clearly identified the statement as opinion then it is not libel.

 Much of what I have written here has been identified by me as my opinion and 
the rest, well, I invite the Movement to sue me anytime it likes.


 From: feste37
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
   Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings? 
 Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 
 Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure.
 P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to follow 
the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference is 
that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you
give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever.
Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Good one Fleet!

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL

Spellcheck, dude. It's spelled r-i-d-i-c-u-l-e-d.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL - ahh, the 
company I keep, Curtis, Turq and all the other gods!

I don't hate Marshy and Company, just disgusted by their behavior - so now tell 
me Feste, what sort of libel have I committed, eh? Tell me what I have said 
that is libelous, given the accepted definition of libel, which is a published
false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation

It is only libel if it is written and published, and if it is false. If true, 
it cannot be libel and if it is unclear whether or not it is true, but the 
author as clearly identified the statement as opinion then it is not libel.

Much of what I have written here has been identified by me as my opinion and 
the rest, well, I invite the Movement to sue me anytime it likes.

 From: feste37
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you
give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever.
Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I agree with Feste. As much as I don't care much for Jedi due to his having 
been creepy and offensive in private emails to me in the past, I don't think 
his comment about the Torah and Judaism warranted a ban from FFL. As for 
booting Dan, I don't really care one way or the other.

---In, wrote :

 Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings? 
 Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 
 Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure.
 P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to follow 
the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And 
actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference 
is that there is no TMO ADL!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 

     Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old 
Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, 
vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary 
criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his 
hate speech against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and 
libelous accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very 
curious double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H,Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty ofanti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  Ifsomeone says TM is of the devil etc. 
with ALL CAPS etcwill yougive equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock'smessage as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock'sopinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked andgot really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL,so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's beendeleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned fromFFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever.Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficultto follow the 
conversation, and when you fail to click on Showmessage history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's ruleis about posting messages.



 #yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382 -- #yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4742691382 
#yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4742691382 
#yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp #yiv4742691382hd 
0;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp #yiv4742691382ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp .yiv4742691382ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp .yiv4742691382ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382ygrp-mkp .yiv4742691382ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4742691382ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4742691382 
#yiv4742691382ygrp-sponsor #yiv4742691382ygrp-lc #yiv4742691382hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4742691382ygrp-sponsor #yiv4742691382ygrp-lc .yiv4742691382ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv4742691382 
 #yiv4742691382activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv4742691382 
#yiv4742691382activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4742691382 #yiv4742691382activity span 
.yiv4742691382underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4742691382 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4742691382 .yiv4742691382attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4742691382 .yiv4742691382attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4742691382 .yiv4742691382attach label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Michael, I do realize that you twice called me a liar in this post. Plus you 
implied that I said or wrote what you put in quotation marks in the last 

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference 
is that there is no TMO ADL!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 

     Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old 
Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, 
vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary 
criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his 
hate speech against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and 
libelous accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very 
curious double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H,Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty ofanti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  Ifsomeone says TM is of the devil etc. 
with ALL CAPS etcwill yougive equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock'smessage as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock'sopinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked andgot really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL,so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's beendeleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned fromFFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever.Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficultto follow the 
conversation, and when you fail to click on Showmessage history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's ruleis about posting messages.



 #yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954 -- #yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2712711954 
#yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2712711954 
#yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp #yiv2712711954hd 
0;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp #yiv2712711954ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp .yiv2712711954ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp .yiv2712711954ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954ygrp-mkp .yiv2712711954ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2712711954ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2712711954 
#yiv2712711954ygrp-sponsor #yiv2712711954ygrp-lc #yiv2712711954hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2712711954ygrp-sponsor #yiv2712711954ygrp-lc .yiv2712711954ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2712711954 
 #yiv2712711954activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2712711954 
#yiv2712711954activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2712711954 #yiv2712711954activity span 
.yiv2712711954underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2712711954 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2712711954 .yiv2712711954attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2712711954 .yiv2712711954attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2712711954 .yiv2712711954attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv2712711954 .yiv2712711954attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2712711954 blockquote {margin:0 0 0

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I viewed it as burning a flag.   

 It's too bad, because something like that is usually in the rearview mirror in 
a matter minutes unless someone overreacts, as Dan did.


---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

 I agree with Feste. As much as I don't care much for Jedi due to his having 
been creepy and offensive in private emails to me in the past, I don't think 
his comment about the Torah and Judaism warranted a ban from FFL. As for 
booting Dan, I don't really care one way or the other.

---In, wrote :

 Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings? 
 Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's message as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's opinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked and got really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 
 Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been deleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned from FFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever. Go figure.
 P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult to follow 
the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show message history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion that I 
was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) courtesy to me, then 
my behavior was not low in any respect, so you did not address the scurrilous 
nature of your false allegation towards me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie 
to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore 
the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to 
what you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in the Movement

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!

Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of 
fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And actually I 
thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference is 
that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you
give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever.
Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Duveyoung
Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive about any 
antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough to close FFL down.   
It may not be right to surrender, but it does avoid the danger not yet come.

If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to the world's ability to have free speech would be 
hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively defensive, 
hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything?  Think of all the 
downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world has smacked them as badly 
as were the Jews.

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.might have to do so, cuz 
this shit's gotta stop.

And, hey, for what Israel is doing to Palestine while Jews around the world 
remain mostly silent, I say they've lost their right to bitch about Hitler.   
They should go back to dissing the Pharaoh.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo your 
remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan was no longer 
here to defend himself.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) courtesy to 
me, then my behavior was not low in any respect, so you did not address the 
scurrilous nature of your false allegation towards me, but its not unusual for 
a TM junkie to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught 
everyone to ignore the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to 
pay no attention to what you said before.
So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in the Movement

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And 
actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference 
is that there is no TMO ADL!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 

     Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old 
Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, 
vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary 
criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his 
hate speech against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and 
libelous accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very 
curious double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H,Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty ofanti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  Ifsomeone says TM is of the devil etc. 
with ALL CAPS etcwill yougive equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock'smessage as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock'sopinion about the Jewish 
religion. It looks like Rick panicked andgot really scared when Dan threatened 
to file a report to the ADL,so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on 
him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's beendeleted. This 
should be notice to you: you could be banned fromFFL for expressing your 
opinion and all you messages deleted forever.Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficultto follow the 
conversation, and when you fail to click on Showmessage history, other 
informants don't even know what Rick's ruleis about posting messages.





 #yiv4387147064 #yiv4387147064 -- #yiv4387147064ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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#yiv4387147064ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4387147064

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

/It looks like the forum has lost it's moral compass and without Judy to 
moderate, the group has fallen further into disrepute. To make matters 
worse, now the apparent victim has been banned too. Obviously there's 
some prejudice when a religious belief can't even be discussed.//

//This all could have been settled with just a few words in a private 
email or two. //

//It looks like attention has been called to the rampant anti-Semitism 
and libelous accusations posted to the FFL forum - and now the cover-up 
with the deletion of the offending message. While the informants get to 
continue posting their negative propaganda and gend//er bias. /

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill
you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted
forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo your 
remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan was no longer 
here to defend himself.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion that I 
was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) courtesy to me, then 
my behavior was not low in any respect, so you did not address the scurrilous 
nature of your false allegation towards me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie 
to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore 
the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to 
what you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in the Movement

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!

Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of 
fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And actually I 
thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference is 
that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you
give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as anti-Semetic, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. 

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted forever.
Go figure.

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 11:53 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

two birds, one stone.

/That's one solution - stone the victim complaining; remove the 
offending message; and then ban the informant so he can't post a 
rebuttal.//Go figure./

---In, wrote :

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty
of anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.
 If someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS
etcwill you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked
and got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to
the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him
posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's
been deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be
banned from FFL for expressing your opinion and all you
messages deleted forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it
difficult to follow the conversation, and when you fail to
click on Show message history, other informants don't even
know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The semitic race includes Arabs, so if we blast Saudi Arabia are we 
being anti-semitics?  And someone said to bash Zionism is being 
anti-Jewish.  That's like saying all Christians are Republicans.  
Zionists are a right wing political faction.

As far as Dan goes I had him in my Dangeon anyway for being an abusive 
poster and only replied to comments he started indirectly about TV or 

On 10/04/2014 12:07 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive 
about any antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough 
to close FFL down.   It may not be right to surrender, but it does 
avoid the danger not yet come.

If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to the world's ability to have free speech 
would be hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively 
defensive, hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything?  Think 
of all the downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world has 
smacked them as badly as were the Jews.

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.might have to 
do so, cuz this shit's gotta stop.

And, hey, for what Israel is doing to Palestine while Jews around the 
world remain mostly silent, I say they've lost their right to bitch 
about Hitler.   They should go back to dissing the Pharaoh.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Michael, anyone who takes such obvious pleasure in, as you did when Steve and 
Dan were arguing, such a person imo, has no credibility when it comes to saying 
what is or isn't WONDERFUL behavior. 

Also the fact that though you've been shown, even by an objective lurker, how 
wrong you were about TMO and suicide, you have not recanted your original 
statement that the TMO ignores it.
Plus the fact that you continue to make such negative allegations about people 
and an organization with whom you've had no contact in decades.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:23 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been 
courteous to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous 
wasn't the right choice of words
But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo your 
remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan was no longer 
here to defend himself.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) courtesy to 
me, then my behavior was not low in any respect, so you did not address the 
scurrilous nature of your false allegation towards me, but its not unusual for 
a TM junkie to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught 
everyone to ignore the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to 
pay no attention to what you said before.
So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in the Movement

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And 
actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule
    feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference 
is that there is no TMO ADL!

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 

     Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old 
Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, 
vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary 
criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his 
hate speech against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and 
libelous accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very 
curious double standards operating here. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H,Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty ofanti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  Ifsomeone says TM is of the devil etc. 
with ALL CAPS etcwill yougive equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock'smessage as 
anti-Semetic, when in fact

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

/Non sequitur.//The term Low comment has not been defined.//It has 
already been established that you are  mean to Share, but your age or 
gender, in the context of //Danny Boy, has not been established./

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

/Non sequitur. Apparently you don't even understand Rick's rule:/

/1)  Please refrain from personal attacks, insults and excessive venting. /

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action in and of itself since it was performed by a 
TM'er. - Share's mind set.

/Non sequitur.//There are no TMers - that's just a derogatory and 
prejudiced term you made up./

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the 
difference is that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill
you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted
forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 12:04 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL

Spellcheck, dude. It's spelled r-i-d-i-c-u-l-e-d.

ahh, the company I keep, Curtis, Turq and all the other gods!

/Trolls - Individuals who sends duplicitous messages to get angry 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

It seems I have replaced Turq as the most reviled person here on FFL - 
ahh, the company I keep, Curtis, Turq and all the other gods!

I don't hate Marshy and Company, just disgusted by their behavior - so 
now tell me Feste, what sort of libel have I committed, eh? Tell me 
what I have said that is libelous, given the accepted definition of 
libel, which is a published false statement that is damaging to a 
person's reputation; a written defamation

It is only libel if it is written and published, and if it is false. 
If true, it cannot be libel and if it is unclear whether or not it is 
true, but the author as clearly identified the statement as opinion 
then it is not libel.

Much of what I have written here has been identified by me as my 
opinion and the rest, well, I invite the Movement to sue me anytime it 

*From:* feste37
*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:08 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty
of anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.
 If someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS
etcwill you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked
and got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to
the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him
posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's
been deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be
banned from FFL for expressing your opinion and all you
messages deleted forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it
difficult to follow the conversation, and when you fail to
click on Show message history, other informants don't even
know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I am only wrong about TM and suicide and the TMO and suicide in your mind. In 
what way did ANYONE negate what I said about the TMO NOT being inthe forefront 
of ANY attempts at providing succor for those suffering in Fairfield? In fact, 
the lady who gave that very informative post affirmed the effort in Fairfield 
was NOT being led by the Movement. You really are a TM junkie aren't you?

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, anyone who takes such obvious pleasure in, as you did when Steve and 
Dan were arguing, such a person imo, has no credibility when it comes to saying 
what is or isn't WONDERFUL behavior. 

Also the fact that though you've been shown, even by an objective lurker, how 
wrong you were about TMO and suicide, you have not recanted your original 
statement that the TMO ignores it.

Plus the fact that you continue to make such negative allegations about people 
and an organization with whom you've had no contact in decades.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:23 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

Michael, imo Dan was often kind and or courteous to you and also imo your 
remark to Rick was low given that he was; also low in that Dan was no longer 
here to defend himself.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion that I 
was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) courtesy to me, then 
my behavior was not low in any respect, so you did not address the scurrilous 
nature of your false allegation towards me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie 
to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught everyone to ignore 
the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to pay no attention to 
what you said before.

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in the Movement

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!

Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I think Dan 
brought a lot of 
fun and intelligence and sometimes gentleness to FFL. And actually I 
thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's posts too. IMO, it's a loss that 
they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show any 
willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, claiming I made 
a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me - a lie which Ann kindly 

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant behavior is 
just really alright. 

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or objectionable 
action in and of itself since it was performed by a TM'er. - Share's mind set. 

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the difference is 
that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 12:14 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
I agree with Feste. As much as I don't care much for Jedi due to his 
having been creepy and offensive in private emails to me in the past, 
I don't think his comment about the Torah and Judaism warranted a ban 
from FFL.

/The Jedi already had received a warning from Rick, but before Jedi 
could post a response, Rick banned him. The moderator should at least 
give the guy a chance to post a rebuttal if he is being falsely accused./ /

Somehow Rick convicted Jedi as guilty of posting anti-Semitism when the 
Jedi was just posting an opinion of the Torah. //Go figure./

/As for Dan, I can't see any reason to boot him just because he sent a 
complaint to the ADL.

Why didn't Rick send a complaint to the ADL - he's supposed to be the 
moderator. There's even a button to click on Yahoo Groups to send a 
complaint to the Yahoo administrators if anyone breaks the Yahoo Groups 


As for booting Dan, I don't really care one way or the other.

---In, wrote :

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty
of anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.
 If someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS
etcwill you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked
and got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to
the ADL, so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him
posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's
been deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be
banned from FFL for expressing your opinion and all you
messages deleted forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it
difficult to follow the conversation, and when you fail to
click on Show message history, other informants don't even
know what Rick's rule is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 12:37 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Michael, I do realize that you twice called me a liar in this post. 
Plus you implied that I said or wrote what you put in quotation marks 
in the last paragraph.

/It is against the FFL rules to call an individual a liar - if he had 
any integrity, he would ban himself./

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action in and of itself since it was performed by a 
TM'er. - Share's mind set.

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the 
difference is that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill
you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted
forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/4/2014 1:56 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
since he never was courteous to me, as you claimed, and your assertion 
that I was behaving in a low manner based on his (nonexistent) 
courtesy to me, then my behavior was not low in any respect,

/Non sequitur.

so you did not address the scurrilous nature of your false allegation 
towards me, but its not unusual for a TM junkie

/Non sequitur. You just broke Rick's rule number 1), which was a low 
thing to do. You are breaking the FFL  rules and you are guilty as 
charged.//As a courtesy to Share and to the group, you should apologize 
and refrain from further rule-breaking. Thank you./

to behave in such a fashion - I mean after all Marshy taught everyone 
to ignore the truth, say whatever you like and then tell everyone to 
pay no attention to what you said before.

/Non sequitur./

So I won't hold it against you - its just the upbringing you had in 
the Movement

/Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or 
actual experience./

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

So Michael, does this not count?!
Share to Ann at 7:11 am: Ann, maybe courteous wasn't the best word. I 
think Dan brought a lot of fun and intelligence and sometimes 
gentleness to FFL. And actually I thoroughly enjoyed some of jedi's 
posts too. IMO, it's a loss that they're gone.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:03 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

Ohhh, Share thinks I am a mean old man - yet I have not seen you show 
any willingness to take back the false statement you made about me, 
claiming I made a low comment since Danny Boy was so courteous to me 
- a lie which Ann kindly exposed.

But I guess since you have the TM glow around you, your unpleasant 
behavior is just really alright.

Any action done by a TM'er cannot by definition be a wrong or 
objectionable action in and of itself since it was performed by a 
TM'er. - Share's mind set.

*From:* Share Long [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

feste, thank you for saying this about MJ. I agree. I guess the 
difference is that there is no TMO ADL!

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:08 AM, feste37 wrote:

Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of 
Judaism seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the 
Old Testament is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: 
jealous, vindictive, vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's 
mere literary criticism. Yet on this board Little Mickey Jackson is 
allowed to spew forth his hate speech against MMY and the TMO every 
single day, full of crude insults and libelous accusations—and that's 
considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious double 
standards operating here.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If
someone says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill
you give equal warnings?

Everyone makes mistakes. It looks like Rick considered Spock's
message as /anti-Semetic/, when in fact it was just Spock's
opinion about the Jewish religion. It looks like Rick panicked and
got really scared when Dan threatened to file a report to the ADL,
so Rick deleted Spock's message and put a ban on him posting. /

Now we don't even know what jedi_spock posted because it's been
deleted. This should be notice to you: you could be banned from
FFL for expressing your opinion and all you messages deleted
forever. Go figure./

P.S. When you change the subject title, Edg, you make it difficult
to follow the conversation, and when you fail to click on Show
message history, other informants don't even know what Rick's rule
is about posting messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/4/2014 2:07 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive 
about any antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough 
to close FFL down.   It may not be right to surrender, but it does 
avoid the danger not yet come.

/It has not been established that antisemitism has been posted to FFL 
- that's just Rick's opinion.//It has also not been established that 
ant-Semitism is rampant on FFL. //

We have not yet received a report from the ADL or from the Yahoo 
administrators, so the jury is still out on the nature of the original 


If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to the world's ability to have free speech 
would be hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

/Non sequitur. //If Yahoo were to close down FFL it wouldn't be because 
of a few anti-Semitic messages, it would probably be because of your 
posting about the private sex life of the MUM faculty members./

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively 
defensive, hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything?  Think 
of all the downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world has 
smacked them as badly as were the Jews.

/Non sequitur. /

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.might have to 
do so, cuz this shit's gotta stop.

/Non sequitur.


And, hey, for what Israel is doing to Palestine while Jews around the 
world remain mostly silent, I say they've lost their right to bitch 
about Hitler.   They should go back to dissing the Pharaoh.

/You realize that you've just posted an anti-Semitic remark, right?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 

I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob mentality 
wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of his. 

As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 

As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a politician.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words
But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 

Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe that 
attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.

I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.

  #yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482 -- #yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3837071482 
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#yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp #yiv3837071482hd 
0;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp #yiv3837071482ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp .yiv3837071482ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp .yiv3837071482ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482ygrp-mkp .yiv3837071482ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3837071482ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3837071482 
#yiv3837071482ygrp-sponsor #yiv3837071482ygrp-lc #yiv3837071482hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3837071482ygrp-sponsor #yiv3837071482ygrp-lc .yiv3837071482ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv3837071482 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv3837071482 #yiv3837071482activity span 
.yiv3837071482underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv3837071482 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv3837071482 .yiv3837071482attach label 
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4px;}#yiv3837071482 .yiv3837071482bold 
.yiv3837071482bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv3837071482 dd.yiv3837071482last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv3837071482 dd.yiv3837071482last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv3837071482 
dd.yiv3837071482last p span.yiv3837071482yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv3837071482 div.yiv3837071482attach-table div div a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Ann, there are several people here whose dislike I am very happy to have. I 
would worry if they were to like me. 


 Yes, I can relate, I have my own personal top charters whose affection towards 
me would positively alarm me.

 I have not defended turq in quite some time. Nor do I engage in mob 
mentality wrt him. But you react in knee jerk fashion to almost every post of 


 Not knee jerk. I think carefully about how I respond and I certainly could 
respond to more of his posts than I do. Why do you describe it as knee jerk? 
He might be a jerk and I do possess a couple of knees but that's about as far 
as the accuracy of your statement goes.

 As for your being straight up, now it's my turn to giggle. Right before he was 
booted off, you and Dan were joshing back and forth. And yet you now say 
nothing positive about him. 


 I certainly can say lots of things positive about him. Wanna hear? I'll 
assume you said yes.

 Dan loves women, all sorts of women - sisters, mothers, wives, daughters. He 
doesn't appear in the least misogynistic.
 Dan is smart. Very, very smart. And I mean this in a positive way.
 Dan is loyal. He would defend his family and TM to the end.
 Dan is a cosmopolitan kind of guy. I told him that I admired him because he 
lives in one of the coolest cities in the world and it hasn't eaten him alive.
 Is this okay with you? I have another perception of Dan that includes some 
not-so-glowing attributes. But what do I know? This is the internet. One thing 
I would say is that I understand why Rick did what he did once he saw Dan's 
last post to him. BTW, what did you think of Dan's post to Mac about his wife 
and the game shows, the one where Mac asked him who had pissed in his Cheerios?

 As I said to you some time ago, I think you could do quite well as a 


 Did you realize you are for more deferential to the males than the females on 
this forum? Of course, we are the only two left here.

 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:42 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:



---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 And yet Ann busted you when she said that in fact Dan had not been courteous 
to me at all. You back peddled and said Oh uh, maybe courteous wasn't the 
right choice of words

 But you just can't let go of the idea of me being a low person no matter what 
Danny Boy said or did, eh? 


 Is it part of your TM induced glow in your brain that leads you to believe 
that attacking a TM basher is actually a courteous thing and that's why you are 
doing it now? Ahh, TMSP leads to such WONDERFUL behavior.


 I think you might be barking up the wrong, but usual, tree here MJ. First, not 
for one moment did Dan's discourse with you ever seem courteous and he had a 
good time playing with most of us here, sometimes smiling on the outside but 
not necessarily on the inside. But the point is, is that Share is not 
responding the way she is because of TM or the fact that TM induces some sort 
of glow. Share is Share, MJ. She doesn't like to get into kerfuffles with 
others unless she feels that enough others are ready to back her up. She is 
careful to court favor, in her innocuous way, with the guys here and fair 
enough. I don't blame her but this leads to her unwillingness to see beyond a 
friendly pat on the back or superficial endorsement of what she writes for 
what it is - internet trolling or camouflaged ill will. She defends bawee and 
she is defending Dan and that is her MO; she wants to be liked by all, and is 
unwilling to look past the facade that some present here at FFL. Again, I can 
understand this - it is not the way I operate but it probably leads to less 
confrontation than I get in my life for being straight up. This is not a 
condemnation of Share, it is simply my take on things YMMV.






RE: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]
You make good points, although TM folks haven’t been persecuted the way Jews 
have, so anti-semitism is a touchier issue, as racism would be too. As with all 
such things, there’s no clear-cut demarkation. No absolute right or wrong. Hard 
to judge wisely, especially with my drive-by style of moderating. But again to 
your point, imagine a White Supremacist were in here spewing outrageous 
nastiness on a regular basis. I think most all would agree that he should be 
banned. So it’s a matter of degree, and when someone moves a bit too far in 
that direction, in my opinion, he should be warned and if he ignores the 
warning, banned.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule



H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings?

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for what they 
are, see?  

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting here 
regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But that's just me as 
if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed up, I'd 
never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're here, lemonade 
can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches were never helped by TM 
-- a strong warning to any who are being sucked into the promised-heavens.  

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there saying, 
I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh?  Oh, maybe YOU 
would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the results.

Of course, if your party were the ideal conversation pit with everyone being 
civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, because I love to scream.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/3/2014 11:36 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of 
anti-religion to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone 
says TM is of the devil etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal 

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for 
what they are, see?

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting 
here regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But 
that's just me as if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed 
up, I'd never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're 
here, lemonade can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches 
were never helped by TM -- a strong warning to any who are being 
sucked into the promised-heavens.

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there 
saying, I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh? 
 Oh, maybe YOU would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the 

/So, I wonder where Edg's head was when the subject of anti-semitism 
came up on FFL?//



Of course, if your party were the ideal conversation pit with 
everyone being civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, 
because I love to scream.  Sigh..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there 
saying, I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh? 
 Oh, maybe YOU would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the 

Ha ha! If only they had been at my intro  - would-a saved me a lot of 
foolishness. And even tho Nabby would never admit it, the Movement would NEVER 
allow him to be at any public PR about the Movement were they to know of his 
Benjy Creme proclivities. 

 From: Duveyoung
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion to 
go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings?

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for what they 
are, see?  

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting here 
regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But that's just me as 
if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed up, I'd 
never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're here, lemonade 
can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches were never helped by TM 
-- a strong warning to any who are being sucked into the promised-heavens.  

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there saying, 
I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh?  Oh, maybe YOU 
would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the results.

Of course, if your party were the ideal conversation pit with everyone being 
civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, because I love to scream.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there 
saying, I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh? 
 Oh, maybe YOU would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the 

On 10/3/2014 1:02 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ha ha! If only they had been at my intro  - would-a saved me a lot of 

/You still have not retracted your statement accusing Nabby of being a 
Nazi Jew Killer. Why not?/

And even tho Nabby would never admit it, the Movement would NEVER 
allow him to be at any public PR about the Movement were they to know 
of his Benjy Creme proclivities.

/The Nazis murdered over five million Jews and ISIS murders hundreds of 
Christians, Jews, and other minorities including women children - but 
your enemy is the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Go figure./

RE: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Having a conversation about TM right now with a friend in Brazil. 

 The point I made to him seems relevant.


 TM has two ways of affecting people (hopefully for the good):

 1) rest during TM may make some condition better;

 2) the growing stability of the relaxed EEG trait outside of TM may tend to 
slow the progression of some problem.


 If a person's problems aren't affected in any way by the above, then there's 
no obvious way that TM would help their specific problem, personality or 



---In, rick@... wrote :

 You make good points, although TM folks haven’t been persecuted the way Jews 
have, so anti-semitism is a touchier issue, as racism would be too. As with all 
such things, there’s no clear-cut demarkation. No absolute right or wrong. Hard 
to judge wisely, especially with my drive-by style of moderating. But again to 
your point, imagine a White Supremacist were in here spewing outrageous 
nastiness on a regular basis. I think most all would agree that he should be 
banned. So it’s a matter of degree, and when someone moves a bit too far in 
that direction, in my opinion, he should be warned and if he ignores the 
warning, banned.
 From: [] On 
Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings?

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for what they 
are, see?  

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting here 
regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But that's just me as 
if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed up, I'd 
never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're here, lemonade 
can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches were never helped by TM 
-- a strong warning to any who are being sucked into the promised-heavens.  

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there saying, 
I'm a long time TMer! -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh?  Oh, maybe YOU 
would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the results.

Of course, if your party were the ideal conversation pit with everyone being 
civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, because I love to scream.  