Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-24 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Ann, I gave it my last shot this year.  My father went after me, got 
nowhere, and then went after my daughter.  That was the final straw and I stood 
up for her.  I see no other way it could have turned out.  I look forward to 
taking responsibility in the future for creating my own holiday traditions for 
myself and my children.  Thank you for your cogent thoughts as you are on the 
mark, as usual.  Compassionately, Emily.  

 From: awoelflebater
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning. 
  Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you 
 provided no information at all about what you think.  You exited stage left 
 again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges for life?  Thank you 
 for your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was absolute hell despite 
 the advance preparations I made and I will never do another one with either 
 of my beloved parents in this lifetime, quite seriously.  There is something 
 about a dinner table in our family that is not a good thing.

Don't despair. I no longer have either of my parents left alive or one of my 
sisters and although I miss them at various times for different reasons there 
are times when it is a kind of a relief to be spared the hideous dynamics that 
sometimes accompany family life. And holiday get togethers and meals could 
certainly be one of those types of dynamics which I do not miss. The 
combination of old wounds, alcohol, pent-up emotion all enter the cauldron and 
it can produce a mighty unsavoury brew. I think it is very common for people to 
feel this way after a family gathering and not something you should feel 
terrible about other than you could hope it could have been otherwise. 
Sometimes/mostly these things are not in your control and all you can do is 
live through them and figure more stuff out about life. Maybe you'll feel 
differently next year and want to give it another shot or maybe not.

 Luckily, I have gained immeasurable perspective from participating and 
reading everyone here at FFL, including you.  Luckily, raunchy posted that 
lovely poem about rutabagas.  Compassionately, Emily.   
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
 greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the 
 later ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a 
 wonderful Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to 
  say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are 
  living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a 
  victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance 
  out karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the 
  form of chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in 
  the physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  
 Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
 saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch 
 that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you 
 cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones 
 permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem 
 personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I 
 understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get the part 
 about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do 
 so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are 
 and how exactly you believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this 
 post to help us understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real 
 life? If so, how so?
  To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
  whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in the body 
  stays elevated for a year even after the father has returned.  In turn

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-24 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Barry:  You are highly addicted to FFL and cannot see the forest beyond 
the trees.  You have lost perspective.  Please feel free to exercise your right 
not to read or comment on any of my posts.  Compassionately, Emily.  

 From: awoelflebater
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  I was gone for a week...
 We noticed. And during that time, the Eternal Bitchfest
 died down and more interesting topics started to be
 discussed. Guess that was a coincidence, eh?
  ...and I am most definitely not trying to start a fight. 
 Bullshit. That's *exactly* what you're trying to do.
 You're trying to get in the last word and hopefully
 lure Share into feeling as if she has to do the same
 thing. Hopefully she's smarter than you are, and won't
 fall for it. 
 If what it takes for the Bitchfest to end is you going
 away, please do so again.

Please try and figure out the difference between bitchfests and conversations 
Barry. It would save you having to post unnecessarily. Now maybe you should 
just ignore Emily and go back to doing what you want to do, which is presumably 
not arguing with her or any of the other 'attention vampires' around here. 
Suggestion: read Robin's excellent two posts he wrote yesterday.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-24 Thread Emily Reyn
Yes, we do.  What do you think forgiveness means?  Compassionately, Emily.  

 From: seventhray1
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

We all have blind spots, don't we?

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I was gone for a week and I am most definitely not trying to start a fight. 
  Please don't participate in creating such an us against them reality - 
 this is a farce that most have bought into, dolt-like in my opinion.  I most 
 definitely am farther along the understanding of compassion than your last 
 post to Share. I won't deign to repost it here.  I am stating my 
 understanding and reality around the host of posts that she left unanswered 
 and unaccounted for.  There is no need for her to respond unless she wants 
 to.  Compassionately, Emily
  From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 11:15 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 Five posts in a row, all trying to restart fights that
 blessedly had died down, all signed Compassionately,
 Emily. Someone doesn't understand compassion. 
 Let it go. Discussions here have moved on, even if you
 haven't. The person trying to get in the bitchy
 last word and restart things is YOU, Emily. 
 --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning. 
   Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and 
  you provided no information at all about what you think.  You exited 
  stage left again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges for 
  life?  Thank you for your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was 
  absolute hell despite the advance preparations I made and I will never do 
  another one with either of my beloved parents in this lifetime, quite 
  seriously.  There is something about a dinner table in our family that 
  is not a good thing.  Luckily, I have gained immeasurable perspective 
  from participating and reading everyone here at FFL, including you. 
   Luckily, raunchy posted that lovely poem about rutabagas. 
   Compassionately, Emily.   
   From: Share Long sharelong60@
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
  dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such 
  to greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that 
  the later ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family 
  have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.
   From: raunchydog raunchydog@
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to 
   say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield 
   are living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever 
   feel like a victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as 
   opportunities to balance out karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas 
   leave their influence in the form of chemical and or structural glitches 
   in the physical body, even in the physical component of the psychology, 
   the brain and nervous system.  
  Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
  saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch 
  that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research 
  you cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones 
  permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem 
  personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I 
  understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get the part 
  about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very best to 
  do so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches 
  are and how exactly you believe this effects your life.  Are you offering 
  this post to help us understand your interactions with people on FFLife or 
  in real life? If so, how so?
   To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a 
   child whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in 
   the body stays

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-24 Thread Emily Reyn
Steve, I understand how you could have come to the conclusions below.  With 
Share's love of words and logic, I thought she had the ability to take 
raunchy's questions more seriously, so I figured that this response was a 
choice on her part and I perceived it as a blow-off.  It is likely she was in a 
hurry and she has explained to me that I do not understand the word stress 
correctly in TM-speak.  This is undoubtedly true.  I apologize for using the 
words dismissive and demeaning - that was impolite of me.  Perhaps she can 
invoke the hopopo prayer for me; it's been awhile since that graced the forum.  
Compassionately, Emily.  P.S.  I have to go, but I will hold kind thoughts of 
you today in my heart.  

 From: seventhray1
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning. 
  Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you 
 provided no information at all about what you think. 
Are you referring to Share's reply to RD about stresses which accrue due to 
childhood, or any other trauma one experiences?  And you are saying that Share 
did not adequately answer this question?

Is is not clear to you that this question from Raunchy, (which I assume was 
sincere)  was answered in a completely reasonable fashion.

Even from TM protocol we know that stress has a physiological component.  This 
is not a matter of conjecture right?  What more needs to be said.?  And of 
course this is just what Share said.

For some reason you seem to be keeping up a full court press on Share, Em, 
which is fine.  But it should be of something material, not a trivial matter 
that makes it look like it is you who are harboring a grudge.

 You exited stage left again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges 
for life?  Thank you for your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was 
absolute hell despite the advance preparations I made and I will never do 
another one with either of my beloved parents in this lifetime, quite 
seriously.  There is something about a dinner table in our family that is not 
a good thing.  Luckily, I have gained immeasurable perspective from 
participating and reading everyone here at FFL, including you.  Luckily, 
raunchy posted that lovely poem about rutabagas.  Compassionately, Emily.   
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
 greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the 
 later ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a 
 wonderful Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to 
  say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are 
  living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a 
  victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance 
  out karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the 
  form of chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in 
  the physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  
 Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
 saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch 
 that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you 
 cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones 
 permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem 
 personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I 
 understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get the part 
 about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do 
 so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are 
 and how exactly you believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this 
 post to help us understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real 
 life? If so, how so?
  To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
  whose father goes away for a year

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-23 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning.  
Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you 
provided no information at all about what you think.  You exited stage left 
again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges for life?  Thank you for 
your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was absolute hell despite the 
advance preparations I made and I will never do another one with either of my 
beloved parents in this lifetime, quite seriously.  There is something about a 
dinner table in our family that is not a good thing.  Luckily, I have gained 
immeasurable perspective from participating and reading everyone here at FFL, 
including you.  Luckily, raunchy posted that lovely poem about rutabagas.  
Compassionately, Emily.   

 From: Share Long
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the later 
ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a wonderful 
Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to say 
 to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are living 
 a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a victim.  
 Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance out karmic 
 debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the form of 
 chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in the 
 physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  

Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch that 
effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you cite 
indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones permanently 
effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem personally 
important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I understand if you 
want to keep your medical history private. I get the part about Fairfield being 
a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do so. I guess what it 
comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are and how exactly you 
believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this post to help us 
understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real life? If so, how 

 To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
 whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in the body 
 stays elevated for a year even after the father has returned.  In turn that 
 long term elevated level does something seemingly permanent to the brain.  I 
 say seemingly because I do believe there are powerful and natural techniques 
 for healing even such seemingly permanent damage.  Anyway, these glitches 
 must first be recognized before they can be addressed and healed. 
 This is all simply to say that I don't feel like a victim of anyone or 
 anything.  But I do recognize my glitches and I pursue healing them.  But 
 because I can pursue healing them, I don't feel like a victim at all.  Just 
 the opposite, I feel very fortunate.
 Now to fold in the Antifragile post:  I feel grateful for Fairfield because 
 it is a place where I can fairly easily deal with these glitches and still 
 make something of a contribution to others.  Obviously some people have few 
 glitches.  Perhaps they are the ones who thrive in places like NYC.  But I 
 believe that the world needs all kinds of people.  FF has all kinds, 
 including Jeffrey Smith who is world renowned opponent of GMO and those who 
 are in the Dome 7-8 hours a day and those who are retired and frequent the 
 FF offers a new and very good kind of life.  FFL hopefully helps me integrate 
 all that goodness.  Off to Dome and thank you (-:    


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-23 Thread Emily Reyn
I was gone for a week and I am most definitely not trying to start a fight.  
Please don't participate in creating such an us against them reality - this 
is a farce that most have bought into, dolt-like in my opinion.  I most 
definitely am farther along the understanding of compassion than your last post 
to Share. I won't deign to repost it here.  I am stating my understanding and 
reality around the host of posts that she left unanswered and unaccounted for.  
There is no need for her to respond unless she wants to.  Compassionately, Emily

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

Five posts in a row, all trying to restart fights that
blessedly had died down, all signed Compassionately,
Emily. Someone doesn't understand compassion. 

Let it go. Discussions here have moved on, even if you
haven't. The person trying to get in the bitchy
last word and restart things is YOU, Emily. 

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Share:  This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning. 
  Raunchy was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you 
 provided no information at all about what you think.  You exited stage left 
 again.  Are you one of those people who hold grudges for life?  Thank you 
 for your kind thoughts for my Thanksgiving.  It was absolute hell despite 
 the advance preparations I made and I will never do another one with either 
 of my beloved parents in this lifetime, quite seriously.  There is something 
 about a dinner table in our family that is not a good thing.  Luckily, I 
 have gained immeasurable perspective from participating and reading everyone 
 here at FFL, including you.  Luckily, raunchy posted that lovely poem about 
 rutabagas.  Compassionately, Emily.   
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
 greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the 
 later ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a 
 wonderful Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to 
  say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are 
  living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a 
  victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance 
  out karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the 
  form of chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in 
  the physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  
 Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
 saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch 
 that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you 
 cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones 
 permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem 
 personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I 
 understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get the part 
 about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do 
 so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are 
 and how exactly you believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this 
 post to help us understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real 
 life? If so, how so?
  To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
  whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in the body 
  stays elevated for a year even after the father has returned.  In turn 
  that long term elevated level does something seemingly permanent to the 
  brain.  I say seemingly because I do believe there are powerful and 
  natural techniques for healing even such seemingly permanent damage.  
  Anyway, these glitches must first be recognized before they can be 
  addressed and healed. 
  This is all simply to say that I don't feel like a victim of anyone or 
  anything.  But I do recognize my glitches and I pursue healing them.  But 
  because I can pursue

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-21 Thread Share Long
dear RD, glitch equals stress.  Everybody excepts saints, etc. has such to 
greater or lesser degree.  And they got it right when they said that the later 
ones to go are the real biggies.  Hope you and your family have a wonderful 
Thanksgiving.  You too, Emily in case your lurking.

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to say 
 to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are living 
 a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a victim.  
 Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance out karmic 
 debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the form of 
 chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in the 
 physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.  

Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are you 
saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical glitch that 
effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the research you cite 
indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress hormones permanently 
effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues that seem personally 
important to you, enough so, that you would raise them. I understand if you 
want to keep your medical history private. I get the part about Fairfield being 
a place to heal and you are doing your very best to do so. I guess what it 
comes down to is that I don't know what your gliches are and how exactly you 
believe this effects your life.  Are you offering this post to help us 
understand your interactions with people on FFLife or in real life? If so, how 

 To cite just one example, there is research which indicates that in a child 
 whose father goes away for a year, the level of stress hormones in the body 
 stays elevated for a year even after the father has returned.  In turn that 
 long term elevated level does something seemingly permanent to the brain.  I 
 say seemingly because I do believe there are powerful and natural techniques 
 for healing even such seemingly permanent damage.  Anyway, these glitches 
 must first be recognized before they can be addressed and healed. 
 This is all simply to say that I don't feel like a victim of anyone or 
 anything.  But I do recognize my glitches and I pursue healing them.  But 
 because I can pursue healing them, I don't feel like a victim at all.  Just 
 the opposite, I feel very fortunate.
 Now to fold in the Antifragile post:  I feel grateful for Fairfield because 
 it is a place where I can fairly easily deal with these glitches and still 
 make something of a contribution to others.  Obviously some people have few 
 glitches.  Perhaps they are the ones who thrive in places like NYC.  But I 
 believe that the world needs all kinds of people.  FF has all kinds, 
 including Jeffrey Smith who is world renowned opponent of GMO and those who 
 are in the Dome 7-8 hours a day and those who are retired and frequent the 
 FF offers a new and very good kind of life.  FFL hopefully helps me integrate 
 all that goodness.  Off to Dome and thank you (-:    


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to laughinggull a new kind of good life

2012-11-20 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM, raunchydog wrote:


 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  LG, finally there's an opportunity to say something I've been wanting to
 say to you for a few days.  Which is, I think a lot of us in Fairfield are
 living a new kind of good life.  Consequently I rarely if ever feel like a
 victim.  Even childhood traumas I recognize as opportunities to balance out
 karmic debts.  Nonetheless such traumas leave their influence in the form
 of chemical and or structural glitches in the physical body, even in the
 physical component of the psychology, the brain and nervous system.

 Share, I'd like to better understand what you tell us in this post. Are
 you saying that due to childhood traumas you have a chemical/physical
 glitch that effects your psychology and physiology? Do you believe the
 research you cite indicating parental abandonment causing elevated stress
 hormones permanently effecting the brain applies to you? These are issues
 that seem personally important to you, enough so, that you would raise
 them. I understand if you want to keep your medical history private. I get
 the part about Fairfield being a place to heal and you are doing your very
 best to do so. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know what your
 gliches are and how exactly you believe this effects your life. Are you
 offering this post to help us understand your interactions with people on
 FFLife or in real life? If so, how so?

The impression one would get from Share's actions and words here on FFL is
the opposite of one Share projects in this post - based on her actions
people in FF are living in a fantasy world, in a perpetual victim mindset -
unable to look and deal with reality and running between the pseudo holy
men, healers, quantum light weavers, pastoral counselors to help them
continue their fantasies. So there's definitely a thriving market for all
spiritual con-men  charlatans in FF.