Re: OT, but cute

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats


On 3/25/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I adopted out a little bobtail boy to a very nice family with a 3.5 year old
and 2 dogs.  His new mom called me last night and told me that when she
asked her son if he wanted a kitty, he said nohe wants TWO kitties!  A
child after my own heart

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread Susan Hoffman
Just got an email from her adopter, the young lady who had been fostering her 
and then moved to Southern California to attend law school.  She has a question 
about a little eye discharge that I wanted to run past the group.  Also does 
anyone know of a good FeLV friendly vet in the Costa Mesa/San Diego area?  (I 
hope Kim joins the group but if anyone has solid info or experience with this 
I'm sure she would be happy to have you email her directly.)
  Anyway, here is Kim's email to me and my reply:
  Kimberly Wah kimberly.wah @ wrote:
Hi Susan,

How are you doing?  How is the cat rescuing/adoption going?  I don't know if 
you remember Esprit but I took her in as a foster kitty in Davis and then ended 
up adopting her.  Esprit had tested positive twice for FeLV and recently her 
eye has begun to drip.  She constantly has fluid (I call it eye booger) below 
her right eye.  I was wondering if you knew whether or not this is a symptom of 
FeLV or anything else and what I can do about it.  Esprit seems to be eating 
well and is still very active but she has a lot of eye goop coming out of that 
one eye. 

Other than that Esprit is having a grand time in my new new apartment.  It's a 
lot bigger (3 bed/2 bath) so she has much more room to run around and has lots 
of windows to stare out of.
  My reply:

  That could be a cold or allergies.  With spring pollen in the air and this 
being Esprit's first spring in southern California, allergies would not be a 
surprise.  You really should join the FeLV email list at  There 
are people on that list who regularly take in FeLV cats and will know a lot 
more about it than me. (And a lot of people on that list are likely to remember 
Esprit.)  They also could probably recommend a good FeLV friendly vet in your 
area.  (A lot of vets will blame every sneeze on the FeLV, view treatment as 
useless, and recommend euthanizing immediately.  It's the same way with FIV+ 
cats and it's so unnecessary.)
  In general, what you describe would not alarm me.  It's one eye, just a 
little, and doesn't seem to effect her appetite or energy, right?  But, because 
she is FeLV+ antibiotics might make sense.  I'm going to post your email to me 
on the FeLV list and see what people think but I really encourage you to join 

Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-25 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/24/07 3:04:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Science  Diet CRAP?

It has been proven that Science Diet (Eukanuba) use a preservative  known to 
be a carsinogenative..
Patti  her gang


** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: OT For those of you who use compounded drugs, for humans or for pets: Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It does not yet have a Bill number as it has not been introduced yet. That
makes THIS the perfect time to write your senators and representatives (as
it will eventually go through the House if it passes the Senate) and tell
them to NOT support it! Here is the FDA news article about it if you want
more info:
It has been created by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), and co-sponsored
by Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

It will first be introduced to the Senate health committee, so contacting
any Senator that is from your state that is on that committee is crucial, as
they have the first stroke of power to dismiss it as bad legislation. Here
is that committee's info:
2007 US Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee

Committee Chair:  Sen.Edward M. Kennedy (DEM-MA)

Sen. Bernard Sanders (IND-VT)

Sen. Christopher Dodd (DEM-CT)

Sen. Tom Harkin (DEM-IA)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (DEM-MD)

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (DEM-NM)

Sen. Patty Murray (DEM-WA)

Sen. Jack Reed (DEM-RI)

Sen. Hillary Clinton (DEM-NY)

Sen. Barack Obama (DEM-IL)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (DEM-OH)

Sen. Michael B. Enzi (REP-WY)

Sen. Judd Gregg (REP-NH)

Sen. Lamar Alexander (REP-TN)

Sen. Richard Burr (REP-NC) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Johnny Isakson (REP-GA)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (REP-AK)

Sen. Orrin Hatch (REP-UT)

Sen. Pat Roberts (REP-KS) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Wayne Allard (REP-CO)

Sen. Tom Coburn (REP-OK)

Again, to find your Senator's and Representative's contact info, go to:

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Another Slinky Update

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It sounds like a good solid plan of action Marissa. I wish him all the best,
and send manifestation energy that he DOES improve after his next dose of

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, it's a common transient herpes infection symptom, so that's something
to consider. It works kind of like genital herpes in humans, it's fine until
one day boom, an outbreak happens, then you treat the outbreak, and it
goes away, till the next time another one flares up. Lysine would be the
only thing I could suggest, if she's not already supplementing with it. Well
Feline Interferon Omega would help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive
for just a little eye booger syndrome, if it's not causing him any
discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's very treatable and not a big concern,
as the outbreaks are usually limited to runny eyes and the occasional
sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer formation, which is not as
common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should never be treated with
steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she completely rules out herpes,
do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye medication that contains steroids. An
antibiotic eye medication wouldn't hurt anything though, just on the off
chance it is some kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is one that
doesn't contain any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS of the
commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in them. Oh,
and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl tablet (up to 12.5
MG - 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it is allergies, that should
help substantially (but will make him groggy).

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: OT For those of you who use compounded drugs, for humans or for pets: Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007

2007-03-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

My senator is *awful* - but at least she is not on that committee.

My congressman, on the other hand, is wonderful.  He has a 100% voting
record of voting like I would if I had the chance, so he has to be


 It does not yet have a Bill number as it has not been introduced yet.
That makes THIS the perfect time to write your senators and representatives
(as it will eventually go through the House if it passes the Senate) and
tell them to NOT support it! Here is the FDA news article about it if you
want more info:
It has been created by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), and co-sponsored
by Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

It will first be introduced to the Senate health committee, so contacting
any Senator that is from your state that is on that committee is crucial, as
they have the first stroke of power to dismiss it as bad legislation. Here
is that committee's info:

*2007 US Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee*

Committee Chair:  Sen.Edward M. Kennedy (DEM-MA)

Sen. Bernard Sanders (IND-VT)

Sen. Christopher Dodd (DEM-CT)

Sen. Tom Harkin (DEM-IA)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (DEM-MD)

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (DEM-NM)

Sen. Patty Murray (DEM-WA)

Sen. Jack Reed (DEM-RI)

Sen. Hillary Clinton (DEM-NY)

Sen. Barack Obama (DEM-IL)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (DEM-OH)

Sen. Michael B. Enzi (REP-WY)

Sen. Judd Gregg (REP-NH)

Sen. Lamar Alexander (REP-TN)

Sen. Richard Burr (REP-NC) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Johnny Isakson (REP-GA)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (REP-AK)

Sen. Orrin Hatch (REP-UT)

Sen. Pat Roberts (REP-KS) - is a co-sponsor

Sen. Wayne Allard (REP-CO)

Sen. Tom Coburn (REP-OK)

Again, to find your Senator's and Representative's contact info, go to:

Special Needs Cat Resources

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!


2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry for your loss, Kelly.

Kelly L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 08:48 PM 3/18/2007, you wrote:

I am so sorry for being late to respond, I lost one of my Babies on Sat so it 
is hard,
This may be something you have thought of but have you used the Immuno 
Regulin?? It is given iV and great in a crisis for their immune system, it is 
availabel without a Rx an Rivival Animal Health,
Kelly lane

  Thanks for the update.  Love and prayers for you and Slinky.

On 3/18/07, Marissa Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

   Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest update.  I brought Slinky 
home this afternoon  The doctor called me this morning and said he was 
doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw him on my way to church and 
he was wanting to jump out of his cage and go home.  :)  
   I went back this afternoon and they said his temp is normal (101 - was 102 
when I went in the morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, etc. were all 
normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry food after I left in the morning.  
He was alert and looking around.  His gums are still pale but they're 
definitely pinker!  
   When we got home I took him out of his carrier...and watched my baby boy run 
across the living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch on the window 
sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't sure I'd even get to bring him home, I 
just about burst into tears!  
   The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate and they're going to have 
me continue his clavamox and baytril and give him sub-q fluids if I need them.  
My friend who's a vet tech will be here tonight to help me take care of him and 
keep an eye on him for the week.  We have a follow-up appointment Thursday 
night to run another CBC and see where we stand. 
   Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely amazing!  I called 2-3 
times last night for updates and they were great about getting them to me.  
They actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with him and told me what 
a wonderful cat he is.  :)  
   Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really alert and energetic for a 
while...but I noticed he was starting to feel warm again.  I took his temp and 
it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out and he wouldn't let me get it 
in again.  :(  I called the hospital to make sure I was supposed to give him 
his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I wasn't overdosing him after he'd been on 
IV abx).  The doctor said to give him the abx and go ahead with sub-q 
fluids...but also said that she's concerned about his ability to regenerate and 
that she thinks I've done all I can for him...and it may be that if he's eating 
and alert that's a good day for him.  
   We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite and then 
started the sub-q's.  Took the temp after the fluids were done and it was 
104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the fluid absorbs.  He's seeming 
a bit more lethargic and sleepy now.  I hate to keep poking and prodding has to be frustrating for him! 
   I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed to be going so well when I 
picked him up!  But my friend (the vet tech) is saying that his body needs time 
to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's what's happening...and not that 
his body is killing the new blood cells.  Please keep up the prayers and good 
thoughts!  I know we've done everything we can...but I really want this to 
work!  I got my baby back for a few hours...and I want more!  
   Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll send more info when I have 

   Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast 
   with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut. 

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Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.13/725 - Release Date: 3/17/2007

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread Marylyn
I have never had a cat that liked a covered box or scented litter.  Mine also 
use the 18 gallon or larger Rubbermaid (or knock off) boxes to give them more 
kicking/scratching room.  Obsidian may have the same preferences.  I wish him 
all the best luck in finding a new home--a forever home this time.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:58 AM
  Subject: Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

  I don't think it has been a terrible experience.  We have learned something 
about Obsidian - he dislikes covered litter boxes and would probably be better 
placed with a kitty friend.  It was a week and a half, so should be no more 
traumatic than being boarded. 

  The adopter has learned something about herself - and yes, she is a young 
woman.  She did have an elderly ferret previously who died after a long 
illness.  I've never had a ferret - perhaps they are less messy - I certainly 
think they are smellier, cute though they are. 

  On 3/25/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
i would MUCH rather have an adopter who recognized her limitations,
early on, and returned the cat that to NOT do so, and have the cat 
stuck there, unloved and resented.

i gather this is a young woman, and this was her first critter on her
own--next time she'll have a much better idea of what's involved, and
be better able to decide whether she's cut out to be a cat parent. at 
least obsidian will be returned to a safe place, and not tossed out
onto the street or into a kill shelter.


On 3/25/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 Condition of her house?  Definitely get the cat back.  Hope she never 
 a child, or a husband or live-in boyfriend, or a houseguest who stays more
 than two days.  (If I was concerned about the condition of my house, I 
 wouldn't let myself live in it.  Just rope everything off and look at it
 from afar.)

 Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think he is coming back.  She emailed me a few days ago and told me she
 didn't think she was cut out to be a good kitty owner.  She's not home
 enough and is too concerned about the condition of her house.  So she 
 bring him back to me and he and I will try again:)

 On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  maybe give her a t-shirt with your scent on it, or a towel or something 
 with your other cats' scents?
  Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  he can sleep whereever he wants.  She says he gets in bed with her for
 20-30 minutes, then gets tired of that and gets out of bed and starts 
 and crying and does that until 5 am..  It almost broke my heart. 
  She says she can't live without sleep forever, and I see her point.   He
 apparently stops crying about 5 am, and she gets to sleep for 2 hours.
 That's not a good schedule for a working person.  She works half a day on 
 Friday and took a nap after getting home.  He allowed her to sleep then.
 She says this weekend she has been sleeping from 5 am to 11 am, but she
 cant' do that during the week.
  Everyone isn't us, Nina.  I wish they were, it would be so much easier. 
 can't keep all these cats either - if I do I can't do rescue.  Though I am
 frustrated and aggravated right now and not wanting to do rescue at the 
  On 3/18/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just by your brief explanation it sounds like this guy is confused 
   scared.  Since he's affectionate during the day, and you hinted that
   she's not giving him attention at night, I'm guessing he's calling out
   for reassurance.  Do you remember me telling the list about Sophie 
   Matilda?  I had her confined to a bathroom because she's cat
   aggressive.  She cried day and night, (but it was worse at night), and
   would only settle down when I was with her.  This went on for what 
   seemed like years, but was really only days.  I got very little sleep,
   (sleeping on a bathroom floor is not so great for my aching back
   either).  The scariest and most upsetting part for me was wondering 
   she would ever stop.  She actually cried herself hoarse.  Well, she 
   settle down and start to feel safe and at home.
   Give us more details.  Is this kitty free 

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats

don't forget, too, that too many people buy the cats are neat and
tidy public-relations campaign line.. they may be neat and tidy
in their own personal hygiene, but can wreak total havoc on the
human's surroundings. as most of us have learned to our chagrin
and amazement. (who knew a cat could get UP that high, with no
climbing points)


oh yeah... for sure! Too concerned for the condition of her house sounds
really bad. Perhaps you would like to consider using my home visit form and
doing pre-adoptive home visits? I have found that I can completely eliminate
those types of adopters by a good home visit with lots of questions (it
takes about 45 minutes to complete it when done right). I'd be happy to send
you a copy of the form if you want it.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread Kelly L

At 08:40 AM 3/25/2007, you wrote:

Totally agree. Steroids can cause the exacerbation of several things, 
Fungus is very common, which could turn a mild case of ringworm into 
a bad one, It slows healing time also. I always keep lots of tubes of 
Terramycin around, and use itonly if it is very bad, sometine gently 
cleaning with plain Normal saline eye drops ( no preservatives) is 
all they seem to need, I am in the middle of an out break with 
several cats having a runny eye, I do add a bit of lysine to theri 
food, but to have it really be effective I do not think they are 
getting enough,,

Kelly Lane

Well, it's a common transient herpes infection symptom, so that's 
something to consider. It works kind of like genital herpes in 
humans, it's fine until one day boom, an outbreak happens, then 
you treat the outbreak, and it goes away, till the next time another 
one flares up. Lysine would be the only thing I could suggest, if 
she's not already supplementing with it. Well Feline Interferon 
Omega would help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive for just 
a little eye booger syndrome, if it's not causing him any 
discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's very treatable and not a big 
concern, as the outbreaks are usually limited to runny eyes and the 
occasional sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer formation, 
which is not as common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should 
never be treated with steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she 
completely rules out herpes, do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye 
medication that contains steroids. An antibiotic eye medication 
wouldn't hurt anything though, just on the off chance it is some 
kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is one that doesn't contain 
any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS of the 
commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in 
them. Oh, and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl 
tablet (up to 12.5 MG - 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it 
is allergies, that should help substantially (but will make him groggy).

Special Needs Cat Resources
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.17/732 - Release Date: 3/24/2007

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread Susan Hoffman
Esprit has never had this before, in well over a year since she left the Merced 
shelter.  She's an older girl, over 5 years, and vaccinated against 
rhinotraceitis, and she's an only cat.  So I think a sudden herpes flareup is 
unlikely.  This is her first spring in southern California though and the plant 
life is very different.  I know the first year in a new climate, for people and 
for cats, can require a little adjustment to new pollens.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Well, it's a common 
transient herpes infection symptom, so that's something to consider. It works 
kind of like genital herpes in humans, it's fine until one day boom, an 
outbreak happens, then you treat the outbreak, and it goes away, till the next 
time another one flares up. Lysine would be the only thing I could suggest, if 
she's not already supplementing with it. Well Feline Interferon Omega would 
help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive for just a little eye booger 
syndrome, if it's not causing him any discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's 
very treatable and not a big concern, as the outbreaks are usually limited to 
runny eyes and the occasional sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer 
formation, which is not as common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should 
never be treated with steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she completely 
rules out herpes, do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye medication that
 contains steroids. An antibiotic eye medication wouldn't hurt anything though, 
just on the off chance it is some kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is 
one that doesn't contain any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS 
of the commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in them. 
Oh, and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl tablet (up to 12.5 
MG - 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it is allergies, that should help 
substantially (but will make him groggy).
Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats

one of my negative coon-a-bees has developed hay-fever-type allergies
in just the past three years--as have i. we're not that far from
where we've lived before, but the vegetation is different and it
knocks up both out (pretty bad when you're fighting with your cat
over who gets the eyedrops first.)

On 3/25/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Esprit has never had this before, in well over a year since she left the
Merced shelter.  She's an older girl, over 5 years, and vaccinated against
rhinotraceitis, and she's an only cat.  So I think a sudden herpes flareup
is unlikely.  This is her first spring in southern California though and the
plant life is very different.  I know the first year in a new climate, for
people and for cats, can require a little adjustment to new pollens.


Well, it's a common transient herpes infection symptom, so that's something
to consider. It works kind of like genital herpes in humans, it's fine until
one day boom, an outbreak happens, then you treat the outbreak, and it
goes away, till the next time another one flares up. Lysine would be the
only thing I could suggest, if she's not already supplementing with it. Well
Feline Interferon Omega would help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive
for just a little eye booger syndrome, if it's not causing him any
discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's very treatable and not a big concern,
as the outbreaks are usually limited to runny eyes and the occasional
sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer formation, which is not as
common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should never be treated with
steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she completely rules out herpes,
do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye medication that contains steroids. An
antibiotic eye medication wouldn't hurt anything though, just on the off
chance it is some kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is one that
doesn't contain any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS of the
commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in them. Oh,
and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl tablet (up to 12.5 MG
- 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it is allergies, that should help
substantially (but will make him groggy).

Special Needs Cat Resources

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

Thanks, but I'm trying to get away from home visits altogether, although I
generally end up doing one informally anyway - I took Sapphire over to his
new mom's house for a trial visit to make sure he didn't freak out around
the kid or the (cat-friendly) dogs.

I'm practicing, as well as I can with the restrictions that are placed upon
me by the local animal control, what are known as open adoptions.

More info about open adoptions can be found here:

Thanks so much for the offer though!


 oh yeah... for sure! Too concerned for the condition of her house
sounds really bad. Perhaps you would like to consider using my home visit
form and doing pre-adoptive home visits? I have found that I can completely
eliminate those types of adopters by a good home visit with lots of
questions (it takes about 45 minutes to complete it when done right). I'd be
happy to send you a copy of the form if you want it.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats

patti, hon, i don't know what you're quoting from, because i think that's
phaewyrn's terminology, not mine, and even if it were, i'm pretty sure i
didn't have anything to say about it yesterday!

my feelings have been noted before--as have yours and phaewyrn's. we
disagree. i think there are FAR worse choices than science diet--

and if we're gonna stop using everything that has or is suspected of having
carcinogens in them, we may as well just give up, because we're living in a
time of such corporate irresponsibility and lack of ethics that there would
be rat poison in human food if it meant production costs were lower and the
manufacturers thought they wouldn't be caught.

i know of far more cats who have died from bacterially caused illness from
being fed raw diets than can be linked to science diet... it's just NOT
black and white.



 In a message dated 3/24/07 3:04:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Science Diet CRAP?

 It has been proven that Science Diet (Eukanuba) use a preservative known
to be a carsinogenative..

Patti  her gang

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from AOL at **

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT For those of you who use compounded drugs, for humans or for pets: Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I was very fortunate this election season (on the state level, and national
congress level), all but ONE of the people I voted for WON!
(I didn't get the right Governor)

Now, if only I could get the right President!

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yeah, try the Benadryl... if it's allergies, it will help. (and if it helps,
it pretty much diagnosis it AS allergies, since benadryl only works to block
the histamine response - an allergy symptom)

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Humm.. well, that's one option. Good luck (I will pray for your cats). I'm
sure you will have much higher adoption numbers than I do.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't have anymore to say on the issue either well, other than
pointing out that the brand I feed isn't being recalled due to bad
manufacturing practices and low quality testing standards. :-)

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread Kimberly Wah

Thanks so much for everyone responding to my questions!  Yes, Esprit
is an indoor, single-house cat.  I give her TransferFactor on a daily
basis.  Her eye isn't inflamed or red-looking at all.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her other than the goop
coming out of that one eye.  I will try the Terramycin and see how it
helps.  Again, thank you so much!

At 09:14 AM 3/25/2007, you wrote:

Either way, unless it looks super inflamed and there is more than clear
water type drainage I might not run to the vet, and for me that is saying
something. If it is allergies Terramycin will not hurt,,,I would avoid
steroid eye drops under any circumstances unless checked out by a vet, Normal
Saline will help in any situation and can do no harm regardless of the
cause,...I assume the cat does not go outdoor,,Is the eye red, and the 3rd
eyelids up,,discolor to the corneas or cloudy looking??Could there be an
injury that is just causing pain,,,

these are the questions a vet would ask,

one of my negative coon-a-bees has developed hay-fever-type allergies
in just the past three years--as have i. we're not that far from
where we've lived before, but the vegetation is different and it
knocks up both out (pretty bad when you're fighting with your cat
over who gets the eyedrops first.)

On 3/25/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Esprit has never had this before, in well over a year since she left the
Merced shelter.  She's an older girl, over 5 years, and vaccinated against
rhinotraceitis, and she's an only cat.  So I think a sudden herpes flareup
is unlikely.  This is her first spring in southern California though and the
plant life is very different.  I know the first year in a new climate, for
people and for cats, can require a little adjustment to new pollens.


Well, it's a common transient herpes infection symptom, so that's something
to consider. It works kind of like genital herpes in humans, it's fine until
one day boom, an outbreak happens, then you treat the outbreak, and it
goes away, till the next time another one flares up. Lysine would be the
only thing I could suggest, if she's not already supplementing with it. Well
Feline Interferon Omega would help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive
for just a little eye booger syndrome, if it's not causing him any
discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's very treatable and not a big concern,
as the outbreaks are usually limited to runny eyes and the occasional
sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer formation, which is not as
common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should never be treated with
steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she completely rules out herpes,
do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye medication that contains steroids. An
antibiotic eye medication wouldn't hurt anything though, just on the off
chance it is some kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is one that
doesn't contain any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS of the
commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in them. Oh,
and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl tablet (up to 12.5 MG
- 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it is allergies, that should help
substantially (but will make him groggy).

Special Needs Cat Resources

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT For those of you who use compounded drugs, for humans or for pets: Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Before I turned into a cat resource website, it was a government
information and citizen resource website. :-)

Here's my old links page, some of the links are now inactive, but you get
the idea:

I'm very active politically, I just don't generally bring my political
opinions to any of the cat groups I am on... unless someone else brings
something up which I feel I can elaborate on and be useful.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: OT For those of you who use compounded drugs, for humans or for pets: Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't think you will find it, because as of the 17th, it hadn't been
submitted yet, according to the news articles. I did a search myself, and
was unable to locate a bill number for it. It is possible that you could
contact Senator Kennedy directly and ask to view a copy.
His contact form:

On a side note, while searching his website for the compounding act (which
doesn't appear to be on there), I found this interesting article, which
seems to verify that his goal is to simply put more money into the hands of
the FDA, one way or another:

Perhaps he has an clandestine personal agenda in which the FDA is the sole

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

No need to pray for them, they assure me they are much happier this way than
they would be being killed.

You know I always liked this list because it was a place to share freely
without being attacked.I value that and I'd hope it would continue.


 Humm.. well, that's one option. Good luck (I will pray for your cats).
I'm sure you will have much higher adoption numbers than I do.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Junior update-not Lymphoma

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
Glad you have some good news, Sally.  Go Junior!  Go Junior!

Sally Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Everyone
  I called the vet today regarding the needle aspiration of the lymph nodes. 
She is confident that it is not Lymphoma. 
  He has fatty tissue and nutrophils indicating inflammation from infection. 
The Baytril will help with the infection. She gave him a months supply. I 
reordered his Transfer Factor Plus. I think that has helped keep him stable. 
  I must say Junior is quite the fighter. His lymph node behind his ear has 
been swollen for a while. The swelling would usually go down at night. He seems 
to has less sight than before. Most of the swelling is on the side of the good 
eye. I am hoping his lack of sight is temporary. 
  The Matacam, she would only give twice a week and would be given to further 
reduce inflammation and pain. She wants to give the Baytril time to work before 
possibly using the Metacam. 
  I feel better that Junior has seen Dr Staunton. 
  Thanks for all your prayers and help. The Fight goes on….
  Sally Davis

Re: Mama Kitty

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
sounds like anemia.  i'm way behind. i hope you have some answers by now.

elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm worried about Mama Kitty this morning.  
  She was diagnosed almost a year ago - and rebounded very well with Acemannan. 
 She's had a wonderful year, is at a healthy weight, and had practically 
reverted to kittenhood!
  I noticed last night though that she didn't seem to be eating.  This morning 
she just seemed very lethargic to me - almost like a rag doll in my arms.  When 
I let her outside - she went straight to some red clay dirt I recently dug and 
was eating that.  Seems like I read here on the list that this is called 
'Pica'.  My first thought was that red clay contains a lot of iron and so 
perhaps she was trying to get a nutrient she needed.  She ate some grass too.  
She really started to stress when I tried to look at her gums and so I didn't 
push it.  I suspect she may be beginning to get anemic though...I just have a 
  Last time she crashed (when she was first diagnosed) - that nictating 
membrane was showing in her eyes and she had lost a good bit of weight (down to 
7lbs).  Her eyes look good now - she just seems sleepy - and her weight seems 
good from what I can tell.  It could be that she is just fighting a URI or some 
kind of infection.  It's so much harder for them to fight off these things when 
they have FeVL+. 
  I got her to eat a couple of bites of food before I left for work.  I put her 
in her favorite chair before I left too because as lethargic as she seems, she 
would hardly be able to defend herself if a big dog came by and wanted to 
harrass her.  
  Called the vet a bit ago and they will see her at 4pm.  Maybe I am just being 
paranoid but with this disease I'm not taking any chances.  Please send prayers 
and good vibes our way.
  elizabeth and mama kitty

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I use the S/O for all 
my cats

  Oops! I stand corrected. Purina does do LIMITED
business with Menufoods.

Purina voluntarily withdraw Mighty Dog® 5.3 ounce
pouch products in response to Menu Foods recall.

However, Purina Mills, Inc. manufactures the majority
of Purina's products.

Purina Mills, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of
animal feed products in the United States, producing
more than five million tons of feed each year.

Through its 50 feed mills, the company produces
thousands of feed formulations specially designed for
various types of animals, including beef and dairy
cattle, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry, pets, and
lab and zoo animals.

Purina also operates more than 35 retail outlets,
which sell animal feed, lawn and garden supplies,
hardware, and related items.

This reminds me of the Simply Orange juice
commerical. They own the trees, the grove, the
oranges. If you are going to make something you might
as well own it.

Purina not only owns their own products, they make it

I just cannot believe that these high-end products
like Nutro do NOT manufacture their own products! I
expected better quality from them.

It is really sad to find out that a common commerical
food manufactures their own product when these high
quality pet food companies do not. 

Makes you wonder if spending that extra dollar for
their expensive prices tag is worth it.

And as far as the Wal-Mart Special Kitty question, I
found the answer. The recall was for the pouches only.

The fish are biting. 
Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

I want to know this too..I have the prescription veterinary recovery formula
or whatever you call it...the one that is like a/d.

On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I use the S/O for
all my cats

*Lora [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

Oops! I stand corrected. Purina does do LIMITED
business with Menufoods.

Purina voluntarily withdraw Mighty Dog(r) 5.3 ounce
pouch products in response to Menu Foods recall.

However, Purina Mills, Inc. manufactures the majority
of Purina's products.

Purina Mills, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of
animal feed products in the United States, producing
more than five million tons of feed each year.

Through its 50 feed mills, the company produces
thousands of feed formulations specially designed for
various types of animals, including beef and dairy
cattle, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry, pets, and
lab and zoo animals.

Purina also operates more than 35 retail outlets,
which sell animal feed, lawn and garden supplies,
hardware, and related items.

This reminds me of the Simply Orange juice
commerical. They own the trees, the grove, the
oranges. If you are going to make something you might
as well own it.

Purina not only owns their own products, they make it

I just cannot believe that these high-end products
like Nutro do NOT manufacture their own products! I
expected better quality from them.

It is really sad to find out that a common commerical
food manufactures their own product when these high
quality pet food companies do not.

Makes you wonder if spending that extra dollar for
their expensive prices tag is worth it.

And as far as the Wal-Mart Special Kitty question, I
found the answer. The recall was for the pouches only.

The fish are biting.
Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Doxy and IR and Epogen, oh my! What to do?

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
I'm keeping you and Slinky in my prayers.

Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all.  First, another brief update on Slinky:
  Last night around 2:30 his temp spiked to 106!  We gave him 75 cc's of fluids 
and that seemed to help.  It's been hovering in the 104.3-104.7 range today.  
Still high, but not as scary as 106.  My friend is giving him fluids (both 
sub-q and oral), keeping him on a cold pack, and taking his temp every hour to 
get a good log.  It seems to start rising in the evening and then spike in the 
middle of the night.
  Our vet appointment is tomorrow at 5:40.  The challenge I'm trying to sort 
out right now is what the next steps should be.  Based on my own research and 
all the info you guys have been so awesome to provide, it seems like there's 
about 3 options: Epogen to increase the red blood cells, Doxy to treat 
possible Hemobartanella, Immuno Regulin to stimulate his immune system.
  The doctor had said she'd consider Epogen if there was some regeneration 
after the transfusion.  She was going to ask around about the IR, and she said 
it wouldn't be wrong to switch to Doxy.  He's out of Baytril now, so I'd like 
to try the Doxy.  The thing is...all of these treatments are going to be 
expensive.  IR isn't too bad...and I could even take him to a cheaper vet to 
get it administered (after the first dose to make sure he doesn't have a big 
reaction).  But I don't know what Doxy and Epogen will cost.  And I'm not sure 
how much my Dad is willing to pay at this point.  
  I'm not sure where to draw the line on trying treatments, spending money, 
putting him through all these things, etc.  He's been very lethargic and while 
he seems a LITTLE pinker, he's still very pale.  I mean, if he has no quality 
of life then I don't want to continue to torture him.  But at the same time, 
would the drugs give him back his quality of life?  Maybe?  I don't know?  He's 
still eating (though not drinking as much but will take water via syringe), so 
does that mean he wants to fight?  
  Do I do all 3 drugs and see what happens?  Or pick one or two?  If I pick one 
or two, how do I decide?  Or do I do them one at a time and then which do I 
start with?
  These are all the things going through my mind right now.  I've got a call in 
to the doctor to talk to her about some of this prior to our appointment (esp. 
since I'd need to order IR if we're going to do it).  I also have to call dad 
and see what he thinks.  But I just don't know how to make these decisions!  I 
feel so ill-equipped for this!  All I know is that he's depending on me and I'm 
responsible for his care...and I have NO clue what to do!!!
  Any thoughts, suggestions, or advice on how to move forward would be awesome! 
 Thanks everyone for being such an incredible support network!!  GLOW to all 
your furkids.

  8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Nina
I was just reading an article in the LA Times...  It answered a question 
I asked yesterday about whether it had  been substantiated by Menu Foods 
that the wheat from China is indeed the culprit for the poisoning.  
Here's part of that article:

Executives at Menu Foods said Friday that they didn't know how the rat 
poison got into their products.  They said they had stopped using an 
ingredient that might be responsible for the contamination.  The company 
declined to say what it was.

We'll systematically go through every ingredient and eliminate them as 
a possibility. said Richard Shields, Menu Foods' executive vice 
president.  We don't believe our quality control was lax.

Because aminopterin is widely used as a rodenticide in China, where Menu 
Foods gets wheat gluten that is used to make pet gravy for some of its 
pet-food brands, there is some suspicion that the country could be the 
origin of the problem.  Although the FDA said it hadn't located the 
exact source of the contamination, it did say it had traced the delivery 
route of wheat gluten supplied to the Menu Foods plants in Kansas and 
New Jersey where the contaminated food was produced.  Menu continues to 
produce pet food at the two plants.

If we knew for certain that the wheat gluten from China was the culprit, 
then I would feel a tiny bit safer as I check every can in the house for 
ingredients that included wheat...  How could it be that Menu Foods is 
systematically checking every ingredient and not have started with the 
ingredient under suspicion?  And if they did, why haven't we been told 
unequivocally whether it is or isn't the ingredient responsible??  I 
don't know why I'm even asking such a question, when Mr. Shields has the 
nerve to be quoted as saying something as stupid as We don't believe 
our quality control was lax.  My guess is he's been having more frank 
and open conversations with his attorneys than he's willing to have with us.


Kelley Saveika wrote:
I want to know this too..I have the prescription veterinary recovery 
formula or whatever you call it...the one that is like a/d.

On 3/25/07, *catatonya* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I use the
S/O for all my cats

Re: Do you remember Esprit?

2007-03-25 Thread Susan Hoffman
Hey, you've joined!  Great!  Welcome to the group.

Kimberly Wah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Thanks so much for everyone responding to my questions!  Yes, Esprit is an 
indoor, single-house cat.  I give her TransferFactor on a daily basis.  Her eye 
isn't inflamed or red-looking at all.  
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her other than the goop coming out 
of that one eye.  I will try the Terramycin and see how it helps.  Again, thank 
you so much!

At 09:14 AM 3/25/2007, you wrote:  

Either way, unless it looks super inflamed and there is more than clear water 
type drainage I might not run to the vet, and for me that is saying something. 
If it is allergies Terramycin will not hurt,,,I would avoid steroid eye drops 
under any circumstances unless checked out by a vet, Normal Saline will help in 
any situation and can do no harm regardless of the cause,...I assume the cat 
does not go outdoor,,Is the eye red, and the 3rd eyelids up,,discolor to the 
corneas or cloudy looking??Could there be an injury that is just causing 
these are the questions a vet would ask,

one of my negative coon-a-bees has developed hay-fever-type allergies
in just the past three years--as have i. we're not that far from  
where we've lived before, but the vegetation is different and it
knocks up both out (pretty bad when you're fighting with your cat
over who gets the eyedrops first.)

On 3/25/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

Esprit has never had this before, in well over a year since she left the
Merced shelter.  She's an older girl, over 5 years, and vaccinated against  
rhinotraceitis, and she's an only cat.  So I think a sudden herpes flareup
is unlikely.  This is her first spring in southern California though and the
plant life is very different.  I know the first year in a new climate, for  
people and for cats, can require a little adjustment to new pollens.


Well, it's a common transient herpes infection symptom, so that's something  
to consider. It works kind of like genital herpes in humans, it's fine until
one day boom, an outbreak happens, then you treat the outbreak, and it
goes away, till the next time another one flares up. Lysine would be the  
only thing I could suggest, if she's not already supplementing with it. Well
Feline Interferon Omega would help, but it's kinda hard to get and expensive
for just a little eye booger syndrome, if it's not causing him any  
discomfort. Even if it is Herpes, it's very treatable and not a big concern,
as the outbreaks are usually limited to runny eyes and the occasional
sneezing. She should watch the eye for ulcer formation, which is not as  
common of a symptom, but more serious. Herpes should never be treated with
steroid eye ointments or drops, so unless she completely rules out herpes,
do NOT use an anti-inflammatory eye medication that contains steroids. An  
antibiotic eye medication wouldn't hurt anything though, just on the off
chance it is some kind of infection. I believe Terramycin is one that
doesn't contain any steroids, just be sure to read the label, as LOTS of the  
commonly prescribed eye ointments and drops DO have steroids in them. Oh,
and one more thing, she can give him a half a benadryl tablet (up to 12.5 MG
- 1/4 tablet if he's a smaller cat)... if it is allergies, that should help  
substantially (but will make him groggy).

Special Needs Cat Resources

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-25 Thread Susan Hoffman
Neither is Friskies and Meow Mix.
  I caught my guys digging through the Chicken Soup and California Natural dry 
food to get at the Meow Mix in the bottom of the troughsuh, I mean bowls.  
So I caved and bought them a big bag of Meow Mix.

  I don't have anymore to say on the issue either well, other than 
pointing out that the brand I feed isn't being recalled due to bad 
manufacturing practices and low quality testing standards. :-)
Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats

did anyone notice that, during the first day or so of this recall,
there was an announcement that they'd identified the source of the
e-coli contamination from last summer? (to be honest, i didn't pay
that much attention to it, because the pet-food thing was more
important.) the point is that it's likely to take months for them to
know for sure, IF THEY EVER DO, just what caused this, AND how
far-reaching it might be.

just found out that one of the FIVs we adopted out at the sanctuary
was a probably victim of the early contamination; he was a little off
his feed, so they gave him a can of his favorite junk food--one of the
recalled brands. very quick deterioration, very much in keeping
with how a rodenticide would affect a cat. GLOW for our bart, an
always-gentlemanly cat who would wait for all the other cats and
kittens to eat before doing so himself

On 3/25/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was just reading an article in the LA Times...  It answered a question I
asked yesterday about whether it had  been substantiated by Menu Foods that
the wheat from China is indeed the culprit for the poisoning.  Here's part
of that article:

 Executives at Menu Foods said Friday that they didn't know how the rat
poison got into their products.  They said they had stopped using an
ingredient that might be responsible for the contamination.  The company
declined to say what it was.

 We'll systematically go through every ingredient and eliminate them as a
possibility. said Richard Shields, Menu Foods' executive vice president.
We don't believe our quality control was lax.

 Because aminopterin is widely used as a rodenticide in China, where Menu
Foods gets wheat gluten that is used to make pet gravy for some of its
pet-food brands, there is some suspicion that the country could be the
origin of the problem.  Although the FDA said it hadn't located the exact
source of the contamination, it did say it had traced the delivery route of
wheat gluten supplied to the Menu Foods plants in Kansas and New Jersey
where the contaminated food was produced.  Menu continues to produce pet
food at the two plants.

 If we knew for certain that the wheat gluten from China was the culprit,
then I would feel a tiny bit safer as I check every can in the house for
ingredients that included wheat...  How could it be that Menu Foods is
systematically checking every ingredient and not have started with the
ingredient under suspicion?  And if they did, why haven't we been told
unequivocally whether it is or isn't the ingredient responsible??  I don't
know why I'm even asking such a question, when Mr. Shields has the nerve to
be quoted as saying something as stupid as We don't believe our quality
control was lax.  My guess is he's been having more frank and open
conversations with his attorneys than he's willing to have with us.

 Kelley Saveika wrote:
I want to know this too..I have the prescription veterinary recovery formula
or whatever you call it...the one that is like a/d.

On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I use the S/O for
all my cats

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Marylyn
I would like to find a comprehensive list of all the foods Menu has anything to 
do with.  Not the recall list but anything to do with.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

  I was just reading an article in the LA Times...  It answered a question I 
asked yesterday about whether it had  been substantiated by Menu Foods that the 
wheat from China is indeed the culprit for the poisoning.  Here's part of that 

  Executives at Menu Foods said Friday that they didn't know how the rat poison 
got into their products.  They said they had stopped using an ingredient that 
might be responsible for the contamination.  The company declined to say what 
it was.

  We'll systematically go through every ingredient and eliminate them as a 
possibility. said Richard Shields, Menu Foods' executive vice president.  We 
don't believe our quality control was lax.

  Because aminopterin is widely used as a rodenticide in China, where Menu 
Foods gets wheat gluten that is used to make pet gravy for some of its 
pet-food brands, there is some suspicion that the country could be the origin 
of the problem.  Although the FDA said it hadn't located the exact source of 
the contamination, it did say it had traced the delivery route of wheat gluten 
supplied to the Menu Foods plants in Kansas and New Jersey where the 
contaminated food was produced.  Menu continues to produce pet food at the two 

  If we knew for certain that the wheat gluten from China was the culprit, then 
I would feel a tiny bit safer as I check every can in the house for ingredients 
that included wheat...  How could it be that Menu Foods is systematically 
checking every ingredient and not have started with the ingredient under 
suspicion?  And if they did, why haven't we been told unequivocally whether it 
is or isn't the ingredient responsible??  I don't know why I'm even asking such 
a question, when Mr. Shields has the nerve to be quoted as saying something as 
stupid as We don't believe our quality control was lax.  My guess is he's 
been having more frank and open conversations with his attorneys than he's 
willing to have with us.

  Kelley Saveika wrote: 
I want to know this too..I have the prescription veterinary recovery 
formula or whatever you call it...the one that is like a/d.

On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I use the S/O for 
all my cats

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Susan Hoffman
Here's a list of foods not on recall list and info on who manufactures them:

Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to find a comprehensive list of all the foods Menu has 
anything to do with.  Not the recall list but anything to do with.
   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
- Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

I was just reading an article in the LA Times...  It answered a question I 
asked yesterday about whether it had  been substantiated by Menu Foods that the 
wheat from China is indeed the culprit for the poisoning.  Here's part of that 

Executives at Menu Foods said Friday that they didn't know how the rat poison 
got into their products.  They said they had stopped using an ingredient that 
might be responsible for the contamination.  The company declined to say what 
it was.

We'll systematically go through every ingredient and eliminate them as a 
possibility. said Richard Shields, Menu Foods' executive vice president.  We 
don't believe our quality control was lax.

Because aminopterin is widely used as a rodenticide in China, where Menu Foods 
gets wheat gluten that is used to make pet gravy for some of its pet-food 
brands, there is some suspicion that the country could be the origin of the 
problem.  Although the FDA said it hadn't located the exact source of the 
contamination, it did say it had traced the delivery route of wheat gluten 
supplied to the Menu Foods plants in Kansas and New Jersey where the 
contaminated food was produced.  Menu continues to produce pet food at the two 

If we knew for certain that the wheat gluten from China was the culprit, then I 
would feel a tiny bit safer as I check every can in the house for ingredients 
that included wheat...  How could it be that Menu Foods is systematically 
checking every ingredient and not have started with the ingredient under 
suspicion?  And if they did, why haven't we been told unequivocally whether it 
is or isn't the ingredient responsible??  I don't know why I'm even asking such 
a question, when Mr. Shields has the nerve to be quoted as saying something as 
stupid as We don't believe our quality control was lax.  My guess is he's 
been having more frank and open conversations with his attorneys than he's 
willing to have with us.

Kelley Saveika wrote:   I want to know this too..I have the prescription 
veterinary recovery formula or whatever you call it...the one that is like a/d.

  On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can someone tell me more 
about the royal canin recall?  I use the S/O for all my cats

Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Nina
I'm sorry about Gentleman Bart MC. 

I don't think at first any of us has any idea about the magnitude of 
this nightmare.  I think I may have mentioned to the list about my 
mother losing her beloved Portuguese Water Dog, Santo, a couple of 
months ago.  He was diagnosed with sudden kidney failure that, even with 
Santo's advance age, puzzled the vet.  I'm very sad to say that the food 
she had been using was on the recall list.


TenHouseCats wrote:

did anyone notice that, during the first day or so of this recall,
there was an announcement that they'd identified the source of the
e-coli contamination from last summer? (to be honest, i didn't pay
that much attention to it, because the pet-food thing was more
important.) the point is that it's likely to take months for them to
know for sure, IF THEY EVER DO, just what caused this, AND how
far-reaching it might be.

just found out that one of the FIVs we adopted out at the sanctuary
was a probably victim of the early contamination; he was a little off
his feed, so they gave him a can of his favorite junk food--one of the
recalled brands. very quick deterioration, very much in keeping
with how a rodenticide would affect a cat. GLOW for our bart, an
always-gentlemanly cat who would wait for all the other cats and
kittens to eat before doing so himself

Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
Prayers for you and Fred, Belinda.

Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Oh Belinda!  So sorry to hear this.  I will definitely be praying for 
Fred...and for you and the dr.  Give him head buts for me!
  GLOW to you!

Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet 
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has 
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half 
turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were 
twitching. He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently 
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets 
yesterday. I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very 
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I 
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning. Then she said 
to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon 
today. He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he 
twitched off and on all night. He was very unsteady on his feet and 
slept for the most part. This morning he is not himself still. He is 
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very 
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good. I gave him his 
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and 
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run 
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and 
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll 
figure it out and can help him feel better. He looks the worse he ever 
has since this all started.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread Nina
I followed this link to the Menu Foods FAQs.  It's mostly a propaganda 
page, but I did see something of value there...  Belinda had posted a 
concern over dry food as well as the wet, but according to this Menu 
Foods page, they only produce wet food, no dry whatsoever.  So unless 
this tainted mystery ingredient found it's way into another 
manufacturer's plant, then dry food should be safe, (I have such a hard 
time typing the word safe right now).


Susan Hoffman wrote:
Here's a list of foods not on recall list and info on who manufactures 

*/Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

I would like to find a comprehensive list of all the foods Menu
has anything to do with.  Not the recall list but anything to do with.
 If you have men

who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal
likewise with their fellow man.
St. Francis

- Original Message -
*From:* Nina mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:51 PM
*Subject:* Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

I was just reading an article in the LA Times...  It answered
a question I asked yesterday about whether it had  been
substantiated by Menu Foods that the wheat from China is
indeed the culprit for the poisoning.  Here's part of that

Executives at Menu Foods said Friday that they didn't know how
the rat poison got into their products.  They said they had
stopped using an ingredient that might be responsible for the
contamination.  The company declined to say what it was.

We'll systematically go through every ingredient and
eliminate them as a possibility. said Richard Shields, Menu
Foods' executive vice president.  We don't believe our
quality control was lax.

Because aminopterin is widely used as a rodenticide in China,
where Menu Foods gets wheat gluten that is used to make pet
gravy for some of its pet-food brands, there is some
suspicion that the country could be the origin of the
problem.  Although the FDA said it hadn't located the exact
source of the contamination, it did say it had traced the
delivery route of wheat gluten supplied to the Menu Foods
plants in Kansas and New Jersey where the contaminated food
was produced.  Menu continues to produce pet food at the two

If we knew for certain that the wheat gluten from China was
the culprit, then I would feel a tiny bit safer as I check
every can in the house for ingredients that included wheat... 
How could it be that Menu Foods is systematically checking

every ingredient and not have started with the ingredient
under suspicion?  And if they did, why haven't we been told
unequivocally whether it is or isn't the ingredient
responsible??  I don't know why I'm even asking such a
question, when Mr. Shields has the nerve to be quoted as
saying something as stupid as We don't believe our quality
control was lax.  My guess is he's been having more frank and
open conversations with his attorneys than he's willing to
have with us.

Kelley Saveika wrote:

I want to know this too..I have the prescription veterinary
recovery formula or whatever you call it...the one that is
like a/d.

On 3/25/07, *catatonya* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me more about the royal canin recall?  I
use the S/O for all my cats

got dogs? pigs' ears recall....

2007-03-25 Thread TenHouseCats

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
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Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The last recall Royal Canin had was almost a year ago, in February/March

Today, I know of no recent recalls, and their website doesn't list any

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Brady Add to CLS please

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Sherry.

Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
THis sweet handsome gray tiger boy won me over at Crashs,on Sunday I 
noticed he didn't look well and we lost him today to FIP.He was a shy boy but I 
helped get him to trust.THe power of Temptations treats. :) This one really 
hurts.Well they all do,I don't usually get too attached to the ones that have a 
chance at getting adopted but I really like this guy.He didn't have felv but 
could we add him to the list?THanks so much

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Re: Junior update-not Lymphoma

2007-03-25 Thread Sally Davis

Hi Tonya,


The swelling in the lymph nodes has gone down. so I guess it was infection
after all. Still not sure where it originated. The most swelling was on his
left side. I do not think his teeth are involved. This is just another
battle in the war.

Sally and Junior

On 3/25/07, catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Glad you have some good news, Sally.  Go Junior!  Go Junior!

Re: Need Advice - Concerning Fred [kind of long]

2007-03-25 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry.  I would be furious too.  But as Kelly said, you need to try to 
control yourself.  You don't want to piss them off.  Your vets have always been 
so wonderful. I know this must have really thrown you for a loop.

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't blame you for being furious either.  I have learned, though, that 
allowing your fury to show doesn't really help your animal in most cases.  
Remember that being calm (or at least pretending to be) is the best way to help 
Fred.   I also would be looking for another vet as soon as he's through this - 
that's how I found my current great vet. 

  On 3/23/07, Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wow, 
Belinda.  I don't blame you for being furious.  You'd think that would be the 
first thing they'd check, wouldn't you?  I don't have any advice for you about 
how to remain calm,  since invariably in confrontations where I'm that angry, I 
end up bursting into tears...not helpful.  I guess ideally, you let the fury 
rule rather than the worry and frustration, so you get that icy calm thing 
going.  Tell them what the other vet said, what YOU found, and what you need 
done, stat.  If the vet you're seeing does gain your trust, that's great, but 
if not, start looking as soon as Fred is past this. 
  Apologize to Fred for all the extra stuff he's gone through, and tell him 
you're on the way to getting it fixed right.  I'm sure he knows you've been 
trying to help, and that there was no way you could know a person you had put 
your trust in wouldn't be competent.  Best of luck at the vet! 
  Diane R.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:47 AM
Subject: Need Advice - Concerning Fred [kind of long]


 Hi Guys,
   I'm really struggling to keep my anger under control.  Fred as you know has 
not been doing well the last few days and I took him in Tuesday and found out 
his blood pressure is sky high again.  Well while I was there I asked the vet 
if she had checked his tube entry site because for the last week there have 
been several occasions when I thought I felt some swelling again, but at other 
times I wasn't sure.  Well she assured me she had and it was fine ... last 
night I was scratching him under his chin and found a huge lump under there 
again, NO mistaking it there was something there!!!   Well I guess I know now 
part of the reason he is feeling so crappy and not bouncing back. 

Those who have read my last few messages about our situation know about us 
battling this infection for about a month and a half.  They were giving me 
clavamox even though the second time it came back he had been on and still was 
on it for 2 weeks.  I'm so upset and angry I am really going to be struggling 
to not go in there and start screaming at everyone! 

The vet I saw Tuesday obviously flat out lied to me, there is NO way she could 
have checked the site like she said and missed that.  Fred has been miserable 
more often than not for over a month and a half because of this infection.  
He's very depressed now and it's going to make it that much harder to get him 
over this now. 

I have an appointment at 11:30 just to check his blood pressure, I made it 
before I found the lump, but am calling the second they open and telling them I 
want to see Dr. Munson the minute she walks in the door, her first appointment 
will have to wait, as far as I'm concerned this is an emergency and this time 
they are going to get it right 

The lump is three bigger than it has ever been and I know Fred is fed up and 
feeling pretty crappy, I hope he can find the fight to get over this hump, 
please, please send him prayers for strength and the will to keep fighting. 

My question, how do I go in there and remain sane, rational and control myself 
because I just want to go in there and tell everyone how incompetent I think 
they are but NOT before we get this infection dealt with and under control?? 

Please pray that I can control myself so I can get the care Fred needs.  The 
vet I'm seeing today is one of two I haven't seen while we have been dealing 
with all this so hopefully she will earn my trust and know what the hell she is 
doing.  Help me guys get my state of mind in a positive frame, it is going to 
be really hard this time! 

-- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties

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Re: OT - HELP, Cat crying all night long.

2007-03-25 Thread Beth Noren

Hi Kelley,
I was surprised at how forgiving and positive you sounded when this adoption
didn't work out.  I just read your link to the Boulder Humane Society's open
adoption program and now
I understand.  What a great approach!  I know of many pet-worthy people in
our area who
have really been turned off by one of the local shelters.  Wonder if it
would do any good
if I forwarded this link to them?  H...

All the best,
Beth  Blue, Scooter, Dash, Moxie, Will Feral, and Max the parrot

On 3/25/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, but I'm trying to get away from home visits altogether, although I
generally end up doing one informally anyway - I took Sapphire over to his
new mom's house for a trial visit to make sure he didn't freak out around
the kid or the (cat-friendly) dogs.

I'm practicing, as well as I can with the restrictions that are placed
upon me by the local animal control, what are known as open adoptions.

More info about open adoptions can be found here:

Thanks so much for the offer though!


  oh yeah... for sure! Too concerned for the condition of her house
 sounds really bad. Perhaps you would like to consider using my home visit
 form and doing pre-adoptive home visits? I have found that I can completely
 eliminate those types of adopters by a good home visit with lots of
 questions (it takes about 45 minutes to complete it when done right). I'd be
 happy to send you a copy of the form if you want it.

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Please help Joey!