Re: [Finale] fun with MIDI/composer-client public relations

2012-09-28 Thread DeliusFan
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions; you have all been most helpful in 
 shaping my next tack.  Actually, upon one of the suggestions I actually  
listened to the MIDI file of my latest revision at the point in question (I 
just  loathe hearing the piano in MIDI so I had been avoiding it, to be 
completely  honest), and, in fact, it was playing the rhythms perfectly.  Our 
composer  simply can't count his own music, which is a different problem, I'm  
afraid.  I had remembered older Finale versions that slaughtered tremolos  
so I chose to avoid listening to it for no good reason, apparently!
I agree completely as a fellow professional pianist (and musician in  
general) that I'm appalled that anyone would rely on MIDI to learn something;  
we're really and truly lost if that's the case.  I forbade my students when  I 
was a university professor from listening to recordings while they were  
learning pieces lest they just come in and parrot these versions back to me, 
and  I remember similar sentiments expressed to me by my own teachers, 
including the  late Marilyn Neeley.  I told her once I had been listening to  a 
certain recording of the Grieg Concerto, and she quickly snapped at  me that 
she didn't need a "Philippe Entremont clone" coming into the  lesson.  If 
only more people thought this way and listened to multiple  recordings AFTER 
learning a piece and not during the formative process...oh  well, that's 
wishful thinking in a YouTube world, isn't it?  
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] fun with MIDI/composer-client public relations

2012-09-27 Thread DeliusFan
Dear Finalelist,
I am happy to report that my situation from the summer resolved itself  
amicably, so thanks to everyone who gave me advice on that aspect.
I have a new issue, different, but concerning, all the same.  I'm  working 
on engraving a piano sonata for someone who advertised through the  
Orchestralist that I contacted.  Actually, they were looking to have it  
and when it was sent, I told him it needed engraving, first.   This person 
seems to be a journeyman composer, and frequently isn't even sure of  what he 
wants, so somewhere along the way he asked me to create MIDI files for  him. 
 I told him I would give them to him at no extra charge, but I wasn't  
responsible for how they sounded, as I wasn't being paid, nor is there enough  
time in the day, to worry about programming human-style playback as far as 
I'm  concerned.  I mean, it's a piano sonata, not an orchestral piece, and 
these  were in preparation for someone making actual recordings.
What has happened is he has latched onto the idea that the MIDI is this  
perfect demonstration of his music, so if anything sounds a little off to him  
(not note-wise, mind you, but tempo), he goes crazy and starts asking me to 
 alter where things go.  I told him, for instance, that a rit. is a rit. as 
 far as Finale analyzes things, that it doesn't know poco and molto unless  
they're programmed, and, again, I ain't doin' it!  So, in one movement,  
there are tremolos between two chords, and we know how the convention goes for 
 how they are written; these particular ones fill big measures (12/4) 
bars), so  there are lots of double whole notes.  Finale looks at these and is  
literally playing one set of whole notes and then the other set of whole  
notes, and it doesn't know how to tremolo so it sounds pretty silly.  I  
received this note concerning these bars:

It troubles me a little, however, to  have the MIDI misreading your score 
so that it comes out sounding differently  from what I meant. From my 
corres-pondence with other pianists, I get the  impression that they like to 
on the MIDI to help them learn a piece  faster. Thus, if the MIDI gives the 
wrong impression it could confuse them, or  cause them to have to unlearn the 
 slow tempo after they have learned it, which could waste a lot of time. 
Can  you find a way to notate it so that the MIDI plays it right? Listening to 
it a  few more times, I think the whole section with the tremolos (meas. 61 
to 68)  is slowed down to half the tempo I intended. Is there nothing can 
be done  about this? 
I told  him that this would be an issue, and he still isn't listening to 
me.  I  really can't believe that the pianists he picked are so stupid (yes, I 
said  it) that they can't learn the music from looking at the score rather 
than  relying on a computer-generated sound file.  I'm at a loss to know how 
to  respond; this is probably the fourth time he's told me the MIDI is 
right and I  need to change something to make the MIDI better, that the MIDI is 
more  accurate than I give it credit for, etc, etc.  In this case there 
isn't a  thing I can do for him; the convention is the convention.  Let me 
iterate  that these are in about four bars of music that is causing this major 
concern  for him.  Again, how stupid can these performers be?  Count and  
figure it out!  He's given metronome markings, so just play the blasted  note 
values!  I censored myself, there, if you hadn't noticed.
I'm  glad I had the chance to vent; anyone care to comment on this?  I'm 
about  to tell him to just forget it as this is taking way too much time for 
the way  too little money I asked for to do this, anyway.   
Thanks  in advance, as always!  
Michael  Wittenburg  

Finale mailing list

[Finale] arranging and transcription pricing

2012-07-04 Thread DeliusFan
Dear Finale List,
This has always been a point of a big question mark with me, but I wanted  
to get some ideas of pricing structures, even gross, ballpark ones from what 
 seems to be in the market today.  I recently had a deal go very badly 
where  I created over 100 pages of documents and now the client is balking at 
the  price.  I have always charged by the page, which I have always also said, 
 "per part, per score".  I have charged the same price for part and score,  
and I have said that I will even do revisions after payment until the 
client is  completely satisfied.  What happened is the client suddenly viewed 
this,  after the fact, as I was charging, "twice per line".  I said I had to do 
 revisions and editing to all the parts, and that it wasn't just a 
magically  created part (or unedited, for that matter), so time and care for 
turns,  adjusting of dynamics, etc. must be accounted for in some way.  As far 
as I  saw it, my price per page was so low that this was the only way I 
could make any  money.  
In the case of this project, I was also doing arranging and not just  
transcription, which I had never charged differently for, so I came up with a  
higher rate, but kept the "per part, per score" clause.  On top of this, as  a 
lot of these arrangements were meant to go with piano parts that already  
existed, I not only didn't put the piano parts into the arrangement or the  
score, but the client "benefited" since it didn't cause the score to go a 
bunch  of extra pages.  I had to write in a piano part for one particular piece 
 due to transposition, and I was apologetic about it.  Now the client is  
saying that the scores, which were primarily for rehearsal purposes, only, 
are  simply ways to charge them twice.  I should also throw in that this was  
after the client kept adding more and more pieces to arrange and then kept  
checking in, saying that the music wasn't being produced fast enough.  I  
was sending it as it was going, all parts and scores, and pages could have 
been  counted; then I suddenly get an email asking why I hadn't said the price 
would  be so high.  This has all been very distressing.
I will come out and say it; for over 100 pages of music, scores and parts,  
the total for everything came out to a little less than $1500, calculated 
on  $10/page for transcription and $15/page for arranging.  I have been doing 
 this professionally for more than ten years; I really would like to know 
your  thoughts, either privately or publicly as you wish.  I took three weeks 
of  my time working into the night on many occasions to meet this deadline, 
for so  little money, really, and now the client has my music but doesn't 
want to pay;  to make matters worse, I have known the client as a close 
friend and associate  for over ten years, and this may well terminate our 
friendship.  Am I being  unreasonable?  I haven't moved my rates since I began, 
because I haven't  even known how to do so.  
Any and all thoughts are welcome.
Michael Wittenburg
Ridgewood, NJ
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Nice Present (ACTUALLY from Michael Wittenburg)

2012-01-30 Thread DeliusFan
My apologies to everyone; I go to work and come back and I apparently have  
emailed the world.  If only I could be so productive.  Please do not  open 
the link.  I have since changed my password, so my account is again  secure.
A funny last thought is I had people email me whom I hadn't heard from in  
ages.  Amazing how a spam email can help reestablish contact with people  
you've lost touch with.  
Back to matters Finale...
Finale mailing list

[Finale] beaming issue

2011-07-14 Thread DeliusFan
I'm using 2011 for Windows, and I HAVE turned that off, and it STILL  
insists on grouping in fours.  Is there another "switch" somewhere that I'm  
missing that I need to also turn off to stop this?  The one that really  kills 
me is it's still beaming over rests, which I see as a "modern" thing, but  
has no place in my transcriptions/arrangements of Vivaldi.  Is there  another 
place where THIS issue is handled separately from the document  options?
Thanks in advance,
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Unwanted Update Layout

2011-03-21 Thread DeliusFan

In a message dated 3/21/2011 1:01:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Once in  a while, after I've finished this fine-tuning I'll save the file 
and move  on to doing something else to the piece like entering the title 
or credit  information. But then I'll look at one of the systems I 
fine-tuned, and  it's back to the way it was *before* editing. When I 
look at the undo/redo  list, I see that either before or after the 
"document saved" entry (I  can't remember which, now, and I can't seem to 
reproduce the problem),  there's an "Update Layout", which I didn't ask 
for. I have automatic  update layout turned off, and I did not type 
Ctrl-U. Saving the file seems  to trigger it, but I'm not 100% sure about 
I have a corollary question; what do you do when you find a measure  that 
has some odd spacing going on in it, and you want to just reset it back to  
"zero" as it were?  I have tried all kinds of measures (no pun intended),  
but short of deleting the measure and starting again, I haven't had much  
luck.  Even Speedy Entry on the measure won't reset things.
Michael Wittenburg

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: giant fermatas

2011-02-09 Thread DeliusFan
The problem with just enlarging the existing fermata is that the lines got  
way too thick and the symbol looked ridiculous at the size I needed it to  
be.  I noticed in my Baerenreiter Mozart scores that they have designed  
their own narrower line version to place as an "umbrella" over many notes.   I 
wondered if anyone had a good design they'd be willing to share; mine is ok, 
 but it looks a wimpy since it doesn't have at least a gentle broadening of 
the  line in the middle.
Christopher, thanks for the info on smart line; if that's something that's  
been there this whole time and I never knew it, then I'm just an idiot!   
You have to admit that it's a little counter-intuitive to go through smart 
shape  options to get to that dialogue box, though; it seems the first time 
you click  on a smart shape line that the dialogue should be triggered, just 
like dynamics  or articulations.  
Finale mailing list

[Finale] "giant" fermatas

2011-02-08 Thread DeliusFan
I have been finding more and more use of "giant" fermatas, especially in  
operatic rep transcriptions; is there a giant fermata hidden somewhere 
amongst  the myriad random marks?  I made my own, but it looks a little "lame" 
my  opinion, especially as it doesn't really have the same graceful serif 
that the  regular fermata has.  Or does someone have it included in their 
plugins,  perhaps?
Also a suggestion to the developers; make the dotted line smart shape be  
attachable to two different expressive texts (i.e. molto rit. - - - - - - - a 
 tempo), which then will readily transfer to all parts without having to go 
and  draw them in all over the place when you start the extraction process. 
  Also, I really hate having to fiddle with the start and endpoints as they 
will  frequently collide with the very thing you're linking.  
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] transposition of parts in "older" scores: Fin 2011

2011-01-29 Thread DeliusFan
I have only recently gotten used to processing parts from within the main  
Finale document; I just had a case where an orchestration project made me 
enter  everything in "C" and then transpose.  Now that I know the "display in  
concert pitch" tab is in the document menu, this isn't a problem, however 
for  things I've already inputed...
I went back this morning to change my horn in F and trumpet in Bb parts for 
 proper printing.  It's a Verdi banda part, so I wanted to have a similar  
look to their regular opera parts, i.e. no key sigs.  Why is it that after  
I applied my transposition, the moment I hit "ignore key signature" it 
applies  an additional transposition?  Logically this should make the key sig 
away and then replace everything with accidentals.  NOT move notes  around. 
 Perhaps I need a new rubric; could someone give me a better list  of steps 
if one needs to "attack" a part in this manner?  What was weird is  that 
the horn part acted differently than the trumpet even when following the  same 
exact steps.  (The key of the piece was Eb, by the way, which may  account 
for the minor third extra transposition that happened when I hit the  
"ignore" button).  I tried doing steps one at a time, as well as doing the  
transposition and ignore all in one step.  Various havoc followed.   After the 
screaming stopped, I somehow coaxed the notes and accidentals to where  they 
needed to go, but it was maddening to have natural signs where none were  
needed, and then no accidental when it clearly WAS needed.  
Any advice?  Other than I should do some deep breathing  exercises?
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] left page to start

2011-01-14 Thread DeliusFan

In a message dated 1/14/2011 6:29:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Ah,  but one can specify the offset page. When one defines a text block
>  containing a page number, one can define the block to apply to only   
> left
> pages or only right pages. So what I do is to define two  blocks
> conmtaining page numbers with the same offset. I apply One  block so  
> that
> it applies to left pages, I apply tne  other text block to right pages.
> Both blocks use the same page number  offset (ikf a page number  
> offset is
> needed), and in  most cases don't need to give poage numbers another
>  thought.
> ns

This is exactly how I'm doing it. But  Finale is following the real  
page 1 to give me a Right Page when I  want it to follow
the offset number 10 and give me a left.

Steve  P.

I went through this just the other day as I got into a "paper saving mode"; 
 it's two steps and much simpler than going and reversing the page text  
blocks.  Just insert your page, then move to your new page 3 and right  click 
on the page number block (in the text tool, of course), and change the  page 
range back to 2, since it will have changed to 3.  15 seconds, and a  lot 
less clicks than the whole, wait, what side of the page should this page  
number be on?  Maybe that's from doing too much late-at-night work, but I  need 
things that don't give me too many choices or my head explodes from the  
And to everyone, thanks so much for the TG Tools advice; I'm going to see  
if I can't use that today and get some linked parts action going.  I guess  
I have a lot to learn about all the toys in the TG Tools chest...

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Relink extracted parts: possible or not possible?

2011-01-13 Thread DeliusFan
Since I'm of the "old school" Finale users, having really cut my teeth on  
the program almost ten years ago, I never was used to the idea of linked 
parts,  so I have continued doing the usual extraction method.  I'm starting to 
 regret this, especially as I didn't realize that this "unlinks" the parts 
from  the score; I thought that "linked" parts meant "linked extracted" 
parts.  I  guess I need to read the directions a little more.  Now that I've 
spent 30  minutes just making one pass to change of all things, the title, I'm 
really  wanting my parts to be linked again.
Is it possible to do an Indiana Jones-like switcheroo, where I insert the  
part file I've been working on and laid out beautifully into the rough-cut 
part  file that Finale wants to use when I go to select the part in question? 
 I  realize that for certain things I'll probably need to still use some 
part  extraction, but with that being the exception rather than the rule, I'll 
even  allow for some extra cleanup if it will save me some time down the 
Conversely, if someone has a way I can literally cut-and-paste all the  
layout changes I've made and can superimpose them on the part with minimal  
damage, that would be acceptable, too.  I don't think this will work where  
I've exploded the parts into multiple staves, though, such as my double wind  
lines.  But perhaps there's a plugin for that, too?
Michael Wittenburg
Sarasota Opera
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Smart Score: worth the price?

2011-01-10 Thread DeliusFan
Dear List,
The other day I had a cut-and-paste catastrophe involving some files; in  
moving from computer-to-flash-to-computer, some didn't make it, and I ended 
up  having to recreate a lot of extracted, fully laid-out parts from scratch. 
I DID have pdfs of all the files that I had created using CutePdf, which I  
highly recommend; we use the Pro version at Sarasota Opera, but the free 
version  has nice features if all you're looking to do is create them.  At any 
rate,  I had a moment where I thought, maybe I could print, scan, and use  
SmartScoreLite take a crack at them.  But then I read the description and  
saw that it would leave too many things to fix.  I didn't try it, anyway,  
though, so I only have my impression to go on.  The upgrade price gave me  
sticker shock and I immediately closed the browser window rather than  
contemplate it for too long.  So, my question is this: does anyone use the  
version of this program, how useful is it as is, and how powerful is the  full 
version?  Is it really worth 200 bucks?  I ended up staying up  for about 
three hours replacing my files; at least my pdfs gave me a guideline  to go on 
as to what my layout choices had been, and I even found things I wanted  to 
improve on.  So in my case, I don't know that three hours equals $200,  but 
for others, it may totally be worth it.
Comments, please!
Michael Wittenburg
Music Administrator
Sarasota Opera
Finale mailing list

[Finale] TG Tools glitch with part explosion?

2010-12-29 Thread DeliusFan
I have noticed an unfortunate bug in the TG Tools smart explosion of  
multi-part staves; when one extracts these parts, the fermatas over bars of  
rests as well as the manually entered whole rests, themselves, seem to  
disappear.  This is particularly problematic in transcribing Bel canto  opera, 
there are "vuota" bars all over the place.  For now I'm going to  have to go 
in afterward and copy-paste these fermata-rest bars in where they are  
supposed to go; I just spent the last hour cracking open multimeasure rests 
had overrun these fermatas for the simple reason as the program thought they 
 were no longer there.
Has anyone run into any other problems like this that might be a good  
heads-up to know about?
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] changing horn transpositions within a piece

2010-12-14 Thread DeliusFan
Yes, I believe you are following me; I have no problem with just assigning  
text to the player, but especially since I'm working with 
previously-unengraved  music, I'm trying to get correct playback to verify my 
notes faster.  
I'm  down to the final few pages except this one horn part.  I will explore 
the  staff style to see what I can do, but if someone could give me 
quick-and-dirty  instructions in the meantime, I would appreciate it, as my 
is tomorrow,  and the time for experimentation is at an end!
Thanks everyone,
In a message dated 12/14/2010 1:02:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Use  staff styles.  (Sorry in a rush - have to go to work - if no-one  else
fills in the details of how to do this I'll write more this  evening)
Basically you setup a staff style for the particular transposition  and 
it at changes.  I think you need to us an expression (or  just text) to
indicate the change of crook to the player.

All the  best,


Finale mailing list

[Finale] changing horn transpositions within a piece

2010-12-14 Thread DeliusFan
Thanks for everyone's help thus far; I'm making real headway on my  
projects, even if I am working night-and-day.  I have a new issue; I have a  
changing transposition from G to F in the middle of my selection; I was  
surprised this wasn't covered anywhere in the manual, as this is a common issue 
when reengraving 19th Century orchestral scores.  Is there an easy way  to 
create transposition "regions"?
Thanks again,
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Ossia problems in 2011

2010-12-10 Thread DeliusFan
I have never done an ossia in Finale before, let alone 2011.  I  followed 
the instructions, adding a "scratch" staff, marking my source measures,  etc. 
 However, in the process to hide the scratch system, it also hid the  ossia 
itself!  Does anyone know how to work around this issue? 
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Help! Sudden 2011 articulation glitch

2010-12-10 Thread deliusfan


All of a sudden while coming to the end of a piano vocal score project, the 
articulation tool went batty, and no matter what you clicked or typed, a right 
parenthesis started appearing (articulation 39).  I would be holding down the A 
key for accent, and a right parenthesis.  Or, I would group a bunch of notes to 
get the articulation assignment box to open, and suddenly all these notes had 
right parentheses.  Since they appear whenever you click on a note, you can't 
even get the "tool" to open.  Have I inadvertently invoked some macro that 
needs to be undone?  I WAS very tired at the time, and my hands were migrating 
right on my laptop and were sometimes pressing wrong keys.  

Thanks in advance,
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Fin 2011 score part extraction, articulation adjustments

2010-11-20 Thread deliusfan
After a rather long hiatus from Finale, I find myself once again doing a lot of 
engraving tasks on Finale, so I purchased the latest version.  I am amazed that 
certain issues seem to have never changed.  For instance, I don't know who has 
decided why the tremolo (or single or double slashes, for that matter) goes 
where it does, but as a player and engraver, the word "stupid" comes to mind!  
Is there a plugin or global setting I can change to fix these to stop having to 
tweak each and every one?  Whole notes look especially wrong, but even on notes 
with stems, they usually are too far to the right, and then sometimes collide 
with the notehead if the stem lengths change; I don't know why, but they seem 
to measure from the end of the stem rather than from the notehead side.  

Accents are also problematic, especially as soon as you add a second layer in 
your score.  I wish that they didn't make a "global" adjustment on these, but, 
rather, you could use the "flip" command like you do for slurs to get a bunch 
of them quickly to the other side of the note rather than dragging or holding 
down arrow keys.  Can anyone point to a better setting or plugin to help this 
as well?

Finally, in anticipation of what I'm going to have to do very shortly, I need 
some advice on multiple lines on a part and part extraction.  The score which 
I'm engraving to create parts has all doubled winds on single lines, and all 
three trombones on a line.  Is there an easy(ier) way to extract these lines 
yet again into two or three staves, or even on to separate parts altogether?  
I've only used layers where I absolutely had to, as I really hate the above 
problems with accents and staccatos having to be hand adjusted, so in my 
laziness I've made a lot of diads, or chords, in the case of the trombones.  I 
don't care if this costs extra money at this point; I may be able to make my 
company pay for the plugins since it's helping their productivity.  Any advice 
you might lend is greatly appreciated!

Michael Wittenburg
Music Administrator
Sarasota Opera



Finale mailing list

[Finale] having problems creating PDF in 2006c

2008-05-06 Thread deliusfan
I recently tried creating a PDF file in Finale 2006c to send a non-Finale user, 
but?for some reason I was unable to switch the printer to the Acrobat 
Distiller; it was not listed as an option.? I recently had a system failure 
which caused me to do a system repair, the one-step short of reformatting the 
hard drive.? I did have to do an uninstall and reinstallation of Finale, so I'm 
not sure if perhaps this wiped out some of my document options.? Has anyone 
else had this sort of problem, not being able to choose the Acrobat as the 
printer?? I tried sending the file as a Microsoft Image Document, but, 
bizarrely, when we tried opening it this morning, the notehead font had 
suddenly changed to WingDings, which was odd, because I thought that the image 
writer merely captured the picture of the page.? I can open the document on my 
own computer (meaning, outside of Finale), and the document looks perfectly 
fine.? Can anyone give me any advice?? I'm about to go out of town and I need!
  to be able to send readable documents back to my collaborator for the project 
we are creating.

Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] note spacing question

2006-08-03 Thread DeliusFan

I am working on a part extraction job for a composer and I have recently 
upgraded to 2006b, but am noticing many similarities to some of the 
peculiarities of 2003b.  For instance, clicking the speedy note entry on 
any completed bar somehow helps reset the spacing of that bar, up to a 
point.  I noticed this especially with part extraction, that many problems 
of the spacing could be solved simply by clicking through an entire part using 
speedy note entry and then clicking off to see all the measures get 
optimized.  All except some specific bars, for some reason.  Perhaps 
these measures had been tinkered with directly in the score which 
brings settings (for better or worse) to the extracted part.  At any rate, 
I have two questions; is there a better, more efficient manner of doing what I 
have described without simply having to click through an entire part using 
speedy note entry?  Also, for the bars that seem to be frozen and do not 
respond to the above method (many of which have notes either very close or even 
spilling out over their respective barlines), how do I remove any settings which 
seem to be inherent in the measure?  I have tried using the measure 
attributes dialogue box to no effect, and ended up having to go with the 
"nuclear" option and copying measures that weren't in bad repair and replacing 
entries.  I'm hoping there is a simpler solution?
I have one more gripe about a particular bug that existed also back in 
2003.  You're using page layout, you're playing around with the spacing 
between systems, you think you have the proper layout that just fits your pages, 
and then while you're working with the document, a line or lines will just 
reappear out of nowhere and end up on a new final page.  Why is it that 
page layout will just allow systems to go into limbo, making it look like you've 
gotten your layout right, until you go through each page and notice that for 
some reason you have system 10 at the bottom of the first page, and system 12 at 
the top of the second?  I can deal with this bug and check for it in three 
and four page parts, but in long optimized scores this seems like a serious 
pitfall.  And I'm suspecting this bug has been around for more than just 
three years.  
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] "floating rest" problem

2006-06-09 Thread DeliusFan

I have received this question from my composer colleague with whom I work 
on engraving projects with.  I can only pass along his own description 
of the problem because he is using Finale 2006 and I have not yet been able to 
upgrade from 2003.  Apparently, he has a couple of quarter rests that have 
left their measures and migrated to a couple of weird spots on the page.  
On one particular page (in page view) he has a rest between two percussion 
staves, and a second one showing up well over on the desktop (as he has a 
widescreen monitor).  He says he cannot attack these rests with the special 
tools because he can never get a handle for either rest.  What's really too 
bad is that he has this whole score exactly as he wants it, excepting these two 
rests, and he's at the point where he'd rather white them out rather than risk 
damaging his entire layout.  Has anyone had something similar happen to 
them, or does anyone have any ideas about how to go about search-and-destroying 
these rests?
Thanks in advance,
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Merging files question

2005-01-15 Thread DeliusFan
I have a question that has nagged me for some time, and is about to become my current nightmare.  I have a multi-movement work in three files, and the composer who I am working for has asked whether or not these can be put into one file.  I balked, especially thinking about all the hand adjusting that had been done to staves and such to make each score look right.  Does anyone have advice on how to do this without ruining hours of tinkering?  I offered to at least merge the extracted parts (as much as could be done with a shifting percussion instrumentation); can anyone give me a basic checklist as I go about this process so as to not get burned when printing out?  Did I mention, my deadline for parts (the score was finalized today) is next Friday??

Michael Wittenburg
Chattanooga Symphony and Opera
Finale mailing list

[Finale] transposition question clarification

2004-08-22 Thread DeliusFan
BTW, I'm using Finale 2003r.2.  And since we need to have compatible versions, an upgrade at this time is not a viable option.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] "transpostion" of percussion parts using mass edit tool

2004-08-22 Thread DeliusFan
In a piece that I am working on with the composer, we have decided to collapse four percussion parts into two.  I'm preparing to do the mass edit dump of one part into layer two of another.  However, before I can even do that, I need "transpose" all of one of the percussion parts onto another space of the nonpitched staff so that they won't collide.  We happened to write all all four of the percussion parts on the treble clef "C" space, so I'm wanting to move all of percussion two's part down to the "F" space, and then move percussion one up to the "E" space, to give them easy reading room.  However, this became more difficult than it seemed, as the mass edit transposition dialog box won't even touch it.  Not only will it not "transpose" the part down a fifth, it doesn't even come up in the edit undo/redo lists.  Does anyone know a way around this?  As we speak I'm manually moving all the notes of one part down, but I really don't want to have to move around ALL of the parts this way.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Michael Wittenburg
Finale mailing list