Re: [Flightgear-devel] trees

2008-01-28 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Quoting Stuart Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Currently I create a 32x32 quadtree across the extent of the trees within the
> tile. If there are trees at each corner of the tile, that effectively means
> Alternative approaches and any comments would be gratefully received.

As I understand it you have a group of 32x32 LOD nodes for each tile.
Have you tried using a quad-tree instead of a single node? That may help
tremendously with the cull performance.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] configure/make/run on MacOS X

2008-01-22 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hi all,

it appears that I've got this one cornered:  when I turn off texture compression
(SGSceneFeatures::setTextureCompression) everything works as advertised.

It looks like there may be a bug in either the 10.4.x/nvidia OpenGL driver or in
OSG handling of texture compression - I suspect the former. Only RGB textures
are compressed properly.

I'm taking this over to osg-devel and/or mac-opengl.

Thanks for the assistance.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] configure/make/run on MacOS X

2008-01-21 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hans Fugal wrote:
> It may not be the same problem, but I remember getting almost no
> helpful indications from either of those debug methods so OTOH it may
> indeed be the same problem. Make sure you don't have conflicting
> plugins in /Library or wherever the OSG release readme says to put
> them, try moving them from /usr/local to /usr, try setting some
> environment variable that I wish I had written down, etc.

After checking the system again I'm confident that the *only* OSG is in 
/usr/local/lib. And again, all the osgexamples as well as my other OSG projects 
are fine.

> One way to be sure is to see if you can tell if this is the first
> texture that it's trying to load. My guess is yes, but if it's not

I put a breakpoint on applyTexImage2D_load and it picked up the following 
textures being loaded:
- Splash1...
- wxecho.rgb
- cirrus.rgba *BANG*

So it's not the first but awfully close. The first one obviously is the splash 
screen which I can see. No idea about the second one. The third one gives the 

Is there anything exciting happening before the environment is initialized?

> then it's not the same problem. Also, if you built OSG from scratch
> maybe you didn't get all the plugins needed by flightgear?

Don't think so, I can open the texture using 'osgviewer --image cirrus.rgba'

Lost a sea,

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] configure/make/run on MacOS X

2008-01-19 Thread Ulrich Hertlein


Hans Fugal wrote:

It compiles and runs the splash screen and setups but then crashes applying a
texture (don't know which).

I don't see that here (MacBook with Leopard), it runs fine. I think I

MacBook Pro with Tiger.

have had a problem like this before and it ended up being related to
the OSG plugin search path. Make sure you only have one set of plugins
and that OSG and FlightGear are successfully finding them.

Seems to be OK at least nobody's complaining about anything i.e. 'fgfs 
--log-level=debug' and OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL don't give away anything.

Are you using the released OSG framework or did you compile OSG yourself?

Compiling myself from svn, as library not framework.
I'm pretty confident that the OSG build is OK as I'm using it for other projects 
as well.

I've attached a gdb backtrace of the crash along with some detail of the images 
it's crashing on (cirrus.rgba). As you can see the crash is actually in the 
OpenGL driver 
(gldAllocVertexBuffer..gldGetTextureLevel..gleGenMipmaps..glTexImage2D) called 
from osg::Texture::applyTexImage2D_load().

The texture and image look fine so maybe this is completely unrelated to the 
actual problem.  If it's the first texture download it could just as well be a 
GL context problem...

I'm just getting my feet wet with the codebase so any help/hints etc. are 

Splash screen progress setting up time & renderer
Updating time
  Current Unix calendar time = 1200738689  warp = 0
  Current GMT = 1/19/2008 10:31:29
  Current Unix calendar time = 1200738689  warp = 0
  Current GMT = 1/19/2008 10:31:29
  Current Julian Date = 2.45448e+06
  COURSE: GMT = 0/19/108 10:31:29
  March 21 noon (GMT) = 1206100800
  Time since 3/21/108 GMT = -62.0615
  days = -62  hours = 10.5247  lon = 0  lst = 18.3914
  COURSE: GMT = 0/19/108 10:31:29
  March 21 noon (GMT) = 1206100800
  Time since 3/21/108 GMT = -62.0615
  days = -62  hours = 10.5247  lon = 122.357  lst = 10.2342
  Current lon=0.00 Sidereal Time = 18.4049
  gst => 210.405
  Current LOCAL Sidereal Time = 10.2478 (10.2478) (diff = 0.0135466)
After fgInitTimeOffset(): warp = 0
Panel visible = 0
Splash screen progress loading scenery objects

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x238ff000
0x0884 in ___memcpy () at 
 No such file or directory.
(gdb) where
#0  0x0884 in ___memcpy () at 
#1  0x18b2a58c in gldAllocVertexBuffer ()
#2  0x18b2b045 in gldGetTextureLevel ()
#3  0x18a9788c in gleGenMipmaps ()
#4  0x1897e7c2 in glTexImage2D_Exec ()
#5  0x92b27517 in glTexImage2D ()
#6  0x06f6a79b in osg::Texture::applyTexImage2D_load (this=0x290d1e60, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], target=3553, image=0x29944a20, inwidth=256, inheight=256, 
numMipmapLevels=1) at 
#7  0x06f72a2c in osg::Texture2D::apply (this=0x290d1e60, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 
#8  0x06fffaa7 in osg::State::applyAttributeList (this=0x76aed20, [EMAIL 
#9  0x06f56625 in osg::State::apply (this=0x76aed20, dstate=0x290d2fa0) at 
#10 0x06cd4722 in osgUtil::RenderLeaf::render (this=0x2ea85d60, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], previous=0x0) at 
#11 0x06cd0896 in osgUtil::RenderBin::drawImplementation (this=0x2ea85580, 
#12 0x06cd0985 in osgUtil::RenderBin::drawImplementation (this=0x2ea852f0, 
#13 0x06cdd242 in osgUtil::RenderStage::drawImplementation (this=0x2ea852f0, 
#14 0x06cdd57c in osgUtil::RenderStage::drawInner (this=0x2ea852f0, [EMAIL 
#15 0x06cdcac3 in osgUtil::RenderStage::draw (this=0x2ea852f0, [EMAIL 
#16 0x06cd4d45 in osgUtil::RenderStage::drawPostRenderStages (this=0x76ad480, 
#17 0x06cdc8f0 in osgUtil::RenderStage::draw (this=0x76ad480, [EMA

[Flightgear-devel] configure/make/run on MacOS X

2008-01-18 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hi all,

is anyone successfully building and running fgfs under MacOS X using configure?

It compiles and runs the splash screen and setups but then crashes applying a 
texture (don't know which).

I'd just like to make sure it's actually a compilation problem and not some 
missing texture file. fgfs is awfully quiet, is there a way to enable debug 
output other than OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL?

I'm aware of the efforts using Xcode but I'm just more comfortable with 
'configure' and a shell (call me a command line animal).


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FG,OSG,MacOS X compile problem

2008-01-08 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hello list,

this is sort-of a n00b question so please be patient; I've been using OSG for
years but only just started with FG...

I'm using OSG SVN trunk on MacOS X and it works fine for my other projects, so
I'm pretty sure this is not an issue with the OSG installation.

However when attempting to compile FlightGear (from CVS) it gives me a weird
error compiling 'ATC/atis.cxx' (it's not this file that's causing the trouble,
it's just the first that includes OSG headers):

/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:191: error: expected ')' before '*' token
/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:192: error: expected ')' before '*' token
/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:193: error: expected ')' before '*' token
/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:194: error: expected ')' before '*' token
...(goes on for a bit)
/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:203: error: 'GenBuffersProc' does not name a
/usr/local/include/osg/BufferObject:204: error: 'BindBufferProc' does not name a
...(similar GL-related complaints)

After some digging it appears that for some reason 'APIENTRY' is not #defined
properly and is causing the compiler to cough up these errors.  (I assume the
rest is just follow-up errors.)

Is anyone running a similar config (MacOS X, OSG trunk, DarwinPorts) or can
maybe shed some light on the issue?

Thanks in advance,

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