cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/design breakpos.xml

2002-03-17 Thread klease

klease  02/03/17 08:05:27

  Added:   docs/design breakpos.xml
  Describe use of break possibility in layout managers
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/design/breakpos.xml
  Index: breakpos.xml
  ?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?
  !-- Overview --
  titleLayout Managers/title
  subtitleBreak Possibility Proposal/subtitle
  person name=Karen Lease email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
  s1 title=Introduction
  As explained in link href=layout.htmlLayout/link,
  the hierarchy of Layout Managers is responsible for building and placing
  areas. Each Layout Manager is responsible for creating and filling
  areas of a particular type, either inline or block. This document
  explains one potential algorithm for this process. It is based on the
  the generation of embreak possibilities/em (BP for short). The
  Layout Managers (LM for short), will generate one or more BP and
  choose the best one. The BP is then used to generate the corresponding
  /s1s1 title=Anatomy of a Break Possibility
  pA break possibility is represented by the BreakPoss class. A
  BreakPoss contains size information in the stacking direction and in
  non-stacking direction (at least for inline areas, it must have both). Flags
  indicating various conditions (ISFIRST, ISLAST, CAN_BREAK_AFTER,
  FORCE_BREAK_AFTER, ANCHORS etc). A BreakPoss contains a reference to
  the top-level LayoutManager which generated it.
  pA BreakPoss contains an object implementing
  the BreakPoss.Position interface. This object is specific to the layout
  manager which created the BreakPoss. It should indicate where the
  break occurs and allow the LM to
  create an area corresponding to the BP. A higher level LM Position
  must somehow reference or wrap the Position returned by its child LM in its
  BreakPoss object. The layout manager  modifies the flags and dimension 
  information in the BP to reflect its own requirements. For example an
  inline FO layout manager might add space-start, space-end, border and
  padding values to the stacking or non-stacking dimensions. It might also
  modify the flags based its on keep properties./p
  s1 title=Turning Break Possibilities into Areas
  pOnce break possibilities have been generated, the galley-level
  layout manager selects the best one 
  and passes it back to the LayoutManager which generated it to create
  the area. A LayoutManager is responsible for
  storing enough information in its Position objects to be able to
  create the corresponding areas./p
  s1 title=A walk-through
  pLayout Managers are created from the top down. First the
  page sequence creates a PageLM and a FlowLM. The PageLM will manage
  finding the right page model (with help from the PageSequenceMaster)
  and managing the balancing act between before-floats, footnotes and
  the normal text flow. The FlowLM will
  manage the normal content in the main flow. We can think of it as a
  emgalley/em manager.
  pIn general, each LM asks its child LMs to return sucessive
  break possibilities. It passes some
  information to the child in a flags object and it gets back
  a break possibility which contains the size in
  the stacking direction as well as information about such things as
  anchors, break conditions and span conditions which can change the
  reference area environment. This process continues down to the lowest
  level of the layout manager hierarchy which corresponds to atomic
  inline-level FOs such as characters or graphics.
  Each layout manager will repeatedly call getNextBreakPoss on its current
  child LM until the child returns a BP with the ISLAST
  flag set. Then the layout manager moves on to its next child LM (ie,
  it asks the next child FO to generate a layout manager.) Galley level
  layout managers which are Line and Flow will return to their parent
  layout managers either when they have finished their content or when
  they encounter a a BP which will fill one of their areas.
  pThe break possibilities are generated from the bottom up.
  All inline content must first be broken into
  lines which are then stacked into block areas. This is done by the
  LineLayoutManager, which creates line areas.
  The LineLM asks its child LM to generate a break possibility, which
  represents a place where the line can end. This
  initially means each potential line-end (primarily spaces or forced
  linefeeds and a few other potential line-end characters such as hard
  hyphens.) The text LM returns an object which stores the size in the
  stacking direction as a MinOptMax triplet
  and a emcost/em, which is based on how well this break
  would satisfy the constraints. The Text LM keeps track of its position in
  the text content and returns the 

cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/design book.xml

2002-03-17 Thread klease

klease  02/03/17 08:09:22

  Modified:docs/design book.xml
  Add breakpos.xml
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.3   +1 -0  xml-fop/docs/design/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/docs/design/book.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- book.xml  8 Mar 2002 09:53:21 -   1.2
  +++ book.xml  17 Mar 2002 16:09:22 -  1.3
  @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 page id=areatree   label=Area Treesource=areas.xml /
 page id=layoutlabel=Layout source=layout.xml /
  +  page id=breakpos  label=Break Possibility source=breakpos.xml /
 page id=renderers  label=Renderers source=renderers.xml /
 page id=useragent  label=User Agent source=useragent.xml /
 page id=optimiselabel=Optimisations source=optimise.xml /

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Break Possibility scheme in new layout

2002-03-17 Thread Karen Lease

I wrote a fairly detailed description of the Break Possibility idea and
put it in the design docs section, for anyone who's interested.

Could someone please tell me the procedure for getting the html version
of the design docs regenerated on the web site? Or does this just
magically happen?


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For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Break Possibility scheme in new layout

2002-03-17 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Hi, Karen

Well, _I_ am interested. :-) Already scanned it once, but I'll definitely
give it a thorough read quite soon.

I think I might be able to resume contributing to FOP layout stuff sooner
than I thought. I don't mean the image stuff which is still on my plate but
more the guts that you and Keiron have already been tackling. The design
ethos that I see expressed in the new FOP so far conforms to how I would do
things anyway - we had lots of discussion about it last year and I don't
recall that anyone expressed dissatisfaction with the idea of managers. I
certainly didn't. :-)

In fact I am using managers in my xslfo-proc prototype. They are really
rough around the edges at the moment but I expect to have fairly clean code
and good design docs for a first prototype release in about 2 weeks. I
already had First PDF yesterday, albeit on a very simple example, and not
without errors. I am hoping that much of the layout design in xslfo-proc can
conform rather closely to New FOP, so that if in future the production C/C++
codebase gets folded back into Apache XML FOP, that there will _not_ be
distinctly different designs.

The main difference I believe is that the tree-based FOP approach lends
itself to more layout sophistication at less cost (in understanding and
complexity) than does a SAX-based approach like xslfo-proc. But because a
SAX-based XSL formatter must also maintain a working subset of FOs, raw
layout, managers, and areas, at some point the approaches blur into each
other. The main difference is other requirements - in the case of xslfo-proc
one of those is memory, so some sophistication will be sacrificed in order
to minimize storage. Ironically, the existing FOP, for all the advantage
that it takes of having the entire tree available to it, may as well have
been written using SAX directly. But I think another advantage of having
xslfo-proc in the wings is that it may provide pointers as to how the new
FOP can be moved to SAX, with little actual impact, hence addressing memory
concerns. We'll see.

In fact I am switching to FOP for the rest of the day, to start looking at
the image layout, so I'll be mixing stuff up a fair bit from now on.


-Original Message-
Karen Lease
Sent: March 17, 2002 12:19 PM
Subject: Break Possibility scheme in new layout

I wrote a fairly detailed description of the Break Possibility idea and
put it in the design docs section, for anyone who's interested.

Could someone please tell me the procedure for getting the html version
of the design docs regenerated on the web site? Or does this just
magically happen?


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cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/design/understanding - New directory

2002-03-17 Thread arved

arved   02/03/17 09:21:14

  xml-fop/docs/design/understanding - New directory

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cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/design/understanding area_tree.xml book.xml fo_tree.xml handling_attributes.xml images.xml layout_managers.xml layout_process.xml pdf_library.xml properties.xml renderers.xml status.xml svg.xml understanding.xml xml_parsing.xml

2002-03-17 Thread arved

arved   02/03/17 09:21:53

  Added:   docs/design/understanding area_tree.xml book.xml fo_tree.xml
handling_attributes.xml images.xml
layout_managers.xml layout_process.xml
pdf_library.xml properties.xml renderers.xml
status.xml svg.xml understanding.xml
  Extra design commentary
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/design/understanding/area_tree.xml
  Index: area_tree.xml
  ?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?
  !-- Overview --
 titleArea Tree/title 
 subtitleAll you wanted to know about the Area Tree !/subtitle 
 authors person name=Keiron Liddle email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 
bodys1 title=Area Tree 
pYet to come :))/p 
noteThe series of notes for developers has started but it has not 
yet gone so far ! Keep watching/note/s1 
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/design/understanding/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  ?xml version=1.0?
  book title=FOP Design copyright=1999-2002 The Apache Software Foundation
external href=;  label=About FOP/
external href=../index.html  label=NEW DESIGN /
page id=index  label=Uderstanding  source=understanding.xml/
page id=xml_parsing  label=XML Parsing  
page id=fo_tree  label=FO Tree  source=fo_tree.xml/
page id=properties  label=Properties  source=properties.xml/
page id=layout_managers  label=Layout Managers  
page id=layout_process  label=Layout Process  
page id=handling_attributes  label=Handling Attributes  
page id=area_tree  label=Area Tree  source=area_tree.xml/
page id=renderers  label=Renderers  source=renderers.xml/
page id=images  label=Images  source=images.xml/
page id=pdf_library  label=PDF Library  
page id=svg  label=SVG  source=svg.xml/
page id=status  label=Status  source=status.xml/
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/design/understanding/fo_tree.xml
  Index: fo_tree.xml
  ?xml version=1.0?
 titleFO Tree/title 
 subtitleAll you wanted to know about FO Tree !/subtitle 
 authors person name=Keiron Liddle email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 
  bodys1 title=FO Tree
  The FO Tree is a representation of the XSL:FO document. This
  represents the strongObjectify/strong step from the
  spec. The strongRefinement/strong step is part of reading
  and using the properties which may happen immediately or
  during the layout process.
  pEach xml element is represented by a java object. For pagination the
  classes are in*/code, for elements in the flow
  they are in*/code and some others are in*./code/p
  pThe base class for all objects in the tree is FONode. The base class for
  all FO Objects is FObj./p
  p(insert diagram here)/p
  pThere is a class for each element in the FO set. An object is created for
  each element in the FO Tree. This object holds the properties for the FO
  When the object is created it is setup. It is given its
  element name, the FOUserAgent - for resolving properties
  etc. - the logger and the attributes. The methods
  codehandleAttributes()/code and
  codesetuserAgent()/code, common to codeFONode/code,
  are used in this process. The object will then be given any
  text data or child elements.  Then the codeend()/code
  method is called.  The end method is used by a number of
  elements to indicate that it can do certain processing since
  all the children have been added.
  pSome validity checking is done during these steps. The user can be warned of the 
error and processing can continue if possible.
  The FO Tree is simply a heirarchy of java objects that
  represent the fo elements from xml. The traversal is done by
  the layout or structure process only in the flow elements.
  s2 title=Properties

cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/design/ - New directory

2002-03-17 Thread arved

arved   02/03/17 09:22:16

  xml-fop/docs/design/ - New directory

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop download.xml embedding.xml implemented.xml output.xml readme.xml relnotes.xml resources.xml running.xml

2002-03-17 Thread klease

klease  02/03/17 09:43:55

  Modified:docs/xml-docs fop.xml
   docs/xml-docs/fop download.xml embedding.xml implemented.xml
output.xml readme.xml relnotes.xml resources.xml
  Submitted by: Jeremias Märki
  Reviewed by:  Karen Lease
  - Added a page How to get Help.
  - Added documentation for Michael's logging changes.
  - Corrected some minor typos.
  - Restructured the Resources page a bit.
  - Added some more information on the PostScript Renderer.
  - Added a comment on the FormattingResults class in Embedding.
  - Added a comment on CVS branches.
  - A few other little additions.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.13  +30 -30xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop.xml
  Index: fop.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- fop.xml   1 Mar 2002 00:02:42 -   1.12
  +++ fop.xml   17 Mar 2002 17:43:55 -  1.13
  @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
   ?xml version=1.0?
  -book title=FOP XSL-FO documentation copyright=1999-2001 The Apache Software 
  -  external href=;  label=Home/
  -  separator/
  -  page id=index  label=About FOP  source=fop/readme.xml/
  -  page id=download   label=Downloadsource=fop/download.xml/
  -  page id=runninglabel=Running FOP source=fop/running.xml/
  -  page id=embedding  label=Embedding source=fop/embedding.xml/
  -  page id=output  label=Ouput Formats source=fop/output.xml/
  -  page id=implementedlabel=Features source=fop/implemented.xml/
  -  page id=todo   label=TODOsource=fop/todo.xml/
  -  page id=limitationslabel=Limitations source=fop/limitations.xml/
  -  page id=examples   label=Examples source=fop/examples.xml/
  -  separator/
  -  page id=svglabel=SVG source=fop/svg.xml/
  -  page id=extensions label=Extensions source=fop/extensions.xml/  
page id=fonts  label=Fonts source=fop/fonts.xml/
  -  page id=config label=Configuration source=fop/configuration.xml
  -  separator/
  -  external href=design/index.html  label=NEW DESIGN /
  -  page id=involved   label=Getting involved source=fop/involved.xml/
  -  page id=compiling  label=Compiling source=fop/compiling.xml/
  -  page id=testinglabel=Testing source=fop/testing.xml/
  -  separator/
  -  page id=relnotes   label=Release Notes source=fop/relnotes.xml/
  -  separator/
  -  faqs id=faqlabel=FAQ source=fop/faq.xml/
  -  page id=bugs   label=Bugs source=fop/bugs.xml/
  -  page id=resources  label=Resources source=fop/resources.xml/
  -  page id=licenselabel=License source=fop/license.xml   /
  +book title=FOP XSL-FO documentation copyright=1999-2002 The Apache Software 
  + external href=; label=Home/
  + separator/
  + page id=index label=About FOP source=fop/readme.xml/
  + page id=download label=Download source=fop/download.xml/
  + page id=relnotes label=Release Notes source=fop/relnotes.xml/
  + page id=gethelp label=How to get Help source=fop/gethelp.xml/
  + separator/
  + page id=running label=Running FOP source=fop/running.xml/
  + page id=embedding label=Embedding source=fop/embedding.xml/
  + page id=output label=Ouput Formats source=fop/output.xml/
  + page id=implemented label=Features source=fop/implemented.xml/
  + page id=todo label=TODO source=fop/todo.xml/
  + page id=limitations label=Limitations source=fop/limitations.xml/
  + page id=examples label=Examples source=fop/examples.xml/
  + separator/
  + page id=svg label=SVG source=fop/svg.xml/
  + page id=extensions label=Extensions source=fop/extensions.xml/
  + page id=fonts label=Fonts source=fop/fonts.xml/
  + page id=config label=Configuration source=fop/configuration.xml/
  + separator/
  + external href=design/index.html label=NEW DESIGN/
  + page id=involved label=Getting involved source=fop/involved.xml/
  + page id=compiling label=Compiling source=fop/compiling.xml/
  + page id=testing label=Testing source=fop/testing.xml/
  + separator/
  + faqs id=faq label=FAQ source=fop/faq.xml/
  + page id=bugs label=Bugs source=fop/bugs.xml/
  + page id=resources label=Resources source=fop/resources.xml/
  + page id=license label=License source=fop/license.xml/
  1.5   +6 -2  xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop/download.xml
  Index: download.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop/download.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- download.xml  

cvs commit: xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop gethelp.xml

2002-03-17 Thread klease

klease  02/03/17 09:46:15

  Added:   docs/xml-docs/fop gethelp.xml
  Submitted by: Jeremias Märki
  Reviewed by:  Karen Lease
  Added a page How to get Help.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop/gethelp.xml
  Index: gethelp.xml
  ?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?
  !-- How to get Help --
  titleHow to get Help/title
  subtitleSolving problems/subtitle
  s1 title=How to get Help
pHave a look at the documentation pages on this site. You 
can find information on how to run FOP, 
how to embedd it, how to add custom fonts etc./p
pConsult the jump href=faq.htmlFAQ/jump to see if your 
question has already been answered before./p
pIf you have a question concerning XSL:FO that is not 
related to FOP directly, please consult the various
resources on the net. See jump 
href=resources.htmlResources/jump for some interesting links./p
pBefore you post your questions to one of the mailing lists, 
please search the mailing list archives, since it's 
possible that your question has already been answered but it 
may not have found its way into the FAQ. You'll
find links to the mailing list archive in the jump 
pIf you still can't solve your problem subscribe to FOP's 
user mailing list and post your question there. Please
don't forget to supply the version you're using, detailed 
error messages etc. This makes it easier to help you. 
The instructions on how to subscribe can be found in the jump 
pPlease don't use Bugzilla to post questions and please ask 
on the user mailing list first, if you think you've 
found a bug./p

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Break Possibility scheme in new layout

2002-03-17 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Arved,

I actually have bits of code using BreakPoss lying around that I am
going to try to commit rather quickly. It doesn't work yet, but it will
give people some ideas. Not sure it will be this week though, since I'm
away on business the whole week. Depends on if the hotel room has a
modem port :-)

I've seen that you are making strides on xslfo-proc, but haven't taken
the time to look at it at all. Not that I wouldn't like to, but my
resources are limited right now.

I'm not convinced that the tree building approach is that much different
than the SAX one either. In fact, the layout managers are really only
looking at one child at a time, so that they could be running in
parallel with the FO tree building. Since tree building is done by SAX,
they could also be pipelined with that. The FO reader/builder is pushing
and the LM are pulling. Does that make sense, or am I just blathering


Arved Sandstrom wrote:
 Hi, Karen
 Well, _I_ am interested. :-) Already scanned it once, but I'll definitely
 give it a thorough read quite soon.
 I think I might be able to resume contributing to FOP layout stuff sooner
 than I thought. I don't mean the image stuff which is still on my plate but
 more the guts that you and Keiron have already been tackling. The design
 ethos that I see expressed in the new FOP so far conforms to how I would do
 things anyway - we had lots of discussion about it last year and I don't
 recall that anyone expressed dissatisfaction with the idea of managers. I
 certainly didn't. :-)
 In fact I am using managers in my xslfo-proc prototype. They are really
 rough around the edges at the moment but I expect to have fairly clean code
 and good design docs for a first prototype release in about 2 weeks. I
 already had First PDF yesterday, albeit on a very simple example, and not
 without errors. I am hoping that much of the layout design in xslfo-proc can
 conform rather closely to New FOP, so that if in future the production C/C++
 codebase gets folded back into Apache XML FOP, that there will _not_ be
 distinctly different designs.
 The main difference I believe is that the tree-based FOP approach lends
 itself to more layout sophistication at less cost (in understanding and
 complexity) than does a SAX-based approach like xslfo-proc. But because a
 SAX-based XSL formatter must also maintain a working subset of FOs, raw
 layout, managers, and areas, at some point the approaches blur into each
 other. The main difference is other requirements - in the case of xslfo-proc
 one of those is memory, so some sophistication will be sacrificed in order
 to minimize storage. Ironically, the existing FOP, for all the advantage
 that it takes of having the entire tree available to it, may as well have
 been written using SAX directly. But I think another advantage of having
 xslfo-proc in the wings is that it may provide pointers as to how the new
 FOP can be moved to SAX, with little actual impact, hence addressing memory
 concerns. We'll see.
 In fact I am switching to FOP for the rest of the day, to start looking at
 the image layout, so I'll be mixing stuff up a fair bit from now on.
 -Original Message-
 Karen Lease
 Sent: March 17, 2002 12:19 PM
 Subject: Break Possibility scheme in new layout
 I wrote a fairly detailed description of the Break Possibility idea and
 put it in the design docs section, for anyone who's interested.
 Could someone please tell me the procedure for getting the html version
 of the design docs regenerated on the web site? Or does this just
 magically happen?
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 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PATCH] Website update

2002-03-17 Thread Karen Lease

Thank you Jeremias. I've committed it.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
 Hi there
 Since Michael did the first cut at the logging stuff and Jörg has
 already submitted something on JAXP, I made the best out of my day off
 and happily hacked around in the xml-docs directory. I hope you will
 like it.
 What I've done:
 - Added a page How to get Help.
 - Added documentation for Michael's logging changes.
 - Corrected some minor typos.
 - Restructured the Resources page a bit.
 - Added some more information on the PostScript Renderer.
 - Added a comment on the FormattingResults class in Embedding.
 - Added a comment on CVS branches.
 - A few other little additions.
 gethelp.xml is new and goes into docs/xml-docs/fop.
 Jeremias Märki

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Bug report for Fop [2002/03/17]

2002-03-17 Thread bugzilla

| Bugzilla Bug ID   |
| +-+
| | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned|
| | OPN=ReopenedVER=Verified(Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
| |   +-+
| |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=CriticalMAJ=Major |
| |   |   MIN=Minor   NOR=Normal  EHN=Ehnancement   |
| |   |   +-+
| |   |   | Date Posted |
| |   |   |  +--+
| |   |   |  | Description  |
| |   |   |  |  |
|  626|New|Nor|2001-02-16|Negative number are shifted slightly towards left.|
|  664|Opn|Nor|2001-02-21|Basic-Link does not move with its content, when us|
|  682|New|Nor|2001-02-22|Lists do not display correctly|
|  684|New|Nor|2001-02-23|border width in tables adds up|
|  808|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Batch processing xml files|
|  836|New|Min|2001-03-05|hyphenation problem with very long words  |
|  839|New|Nor|2001-03-05|Positioning of blocks in a block section. |
|  902|New|Nor|2001-03-08|line-height is not applied corectly when using the|
|  907|New|Nor|2001-03-08|first list-item dropped at very bottom of page.   |
|  928|New|Nor|2001-03-10|Font metrics and setComponent |
|  964|New|Nor|2001-03-13|FOP 0.17 throws exception with basic-link in xsl-r|
| 1063|New|Nor|2001-03-21|fop does not handle large fo files|
| 1130|New|Nor|2001-03-27|Alignment of page-number-citation inside a ToC|
| 1154|New|Nor|2001-03-29|nested lists more than 3 level depth  |
| 1171|New|Nor|2001-03-30|small-caps in static content becomes all-caps |
| 1180|New|Maj|2001-04-02|Problem with monospaced font  |
| 1211|New|Min|2001-04-04|Tables are not formatted properly.|
| 1231|New|Nor|2001-04-05|basic-link can't link to a page-sequence element  |
| 1242|New|Nor|2001-04-06|Error in Font-Documentation   |
| 1261|New|Nor|2001-04-09|problem with rendering of external-graphic in Fop-|
| 1312|New|Blk|2001-04-11|fo:external-graphics using 0.17.0 as well as 0.18.|
| 1318|New|Nor|2001-04-12|problems with tables (column width and when used i|
| 1332|Ass|Nor|2001-04-12|MIF output strings not properly escaped   |
| 1335|New|Nor|2001-04-13|Problem with sample FOP servlet.  |
| 1391|New|Blk|2001-04-19|Bug in border-top-style   |
| 1432|New|Nor|2001-04-20|keep-with-* not functioning for fo:table-row  |
| 1474|New|Maj|2001-04-24|fo:external-graphic rendered as block level object|
| 1531|New|Cri|2001-04-26|Cell Spacing  |
| 1596|New|Maj|2001-05-02|Adobe Acrobat claims Fop output has bad page conte|
| 1640|Ass|Nor|2001-05-07|building formatting object tree gets OutOfMemoryEr|
| 1724|Opn|Nor|2001-05-11|Text alignment in table cells |
| 1759|New|Nor|2001-05-15|table-omit-footer-at-break sometimes cause crash  |
| 1766|New|Maj|2001-05-15|Text matrix in svg get doubled when run thru FOP  |
| 1773|New|Blk|2001-05-16|A table that is bigger than the page produces an e|
| 1859|New|Min|2001-05-22|org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.reset() doesn't fully r|
| 1923|New|Nor|2001-05-28|text-decoration does not work |
| 1952|New|Cri|2001-06-01|color attribute to table content overflowing on ne|
| 1967|New|Nor|2001-06-02|blank-or-not-blank behavior   |
| 1998|New|Nor|2001-06-05|linefeed-treatment not understood |
| 2085|New|Maj|2001-06-08|Out of memory error when building FO Tree |
| 2105|New|Nor|2001-06-11|text-alignment when containing euro sign  |
| 2106|New|Nor|2001-06-11|broken justification with numeric umlaut entities |
| 2107|New|Min|2001-06-11|indentation in em units is larger than the lette|
| 2127|New|Cri|2001-06-12|Preserve the Line breaks  |
| 2150|Ass|Maj|2001-06-13|New page with  a table-header but without any tabl|
| 2153|New|Cri|2001-06-13|Borders are calculated incorrectly|
| 2207|New|Maj|2001-06-18|Embedding problems|
| 2227|New|Nor|2001-06-18|missing class on startup in Fop-0.19.0 compiled do|
| 2279|New|Nor|2001-06-22|block-container property position does not exist|
| 2331|New|Maj|2001-06-26|fo:basic-link in fo:static-content throws an excep|
| 2460|New|Cri|2001-07-05|Mulitple boder lines between the colums in a table|

Image Handling Question

2002-03-17 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Keiron or Karen,

I have a quick question. This is mostly because I am unfamiliar with the 
code. As it stands right now org.apache.fop.area.inline.ImageArea does not 
look like something that the layout process can use; it also doesn't look 
like something that the renderer can use because it supplies only a URL 
reference, not any extra information as to what changes (e.g. scaling) may 
have taken place.

So is it the case that org.apache.fop.image.AbstractFopImage (or something 
like it) is the primary object to be used in layout? And I'm thinking that if 
this is the case, that the ImageArea class should not have a reference to a 
URL, but rather to the AbstractFopImage.

Am I missing something here? I am going to continue on with research - I have 
plenty of serious reading and code review ahead of me, I can see. I wanted to 
ask about _this_ to maybe speed things up with image handling.


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Updates to xml docs

2002-03-17 Thread Peter B. West


After Karen's post on her updates I checked the repository, and I note 
that you have installed the and understanding directories. 
 Many thanks to you and to Cyril.

Attached are cvs diff -u output files for xml-fop/build.xml and 
xml-fop/docs/design/book.xml whcih will bring the documentation onstream.

One note: the .dia files are not necessary; they were used to generate 
the .pngs.


Index: build.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/xml-fop/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -u -r1.51 build.xml
--- build.xml   11 Feb 2002 09:54:47 -  1.51
+++ build.xml   17 Mar 2002 22:38:43 -
@@ -84,8 +84,9 @@
  - package [default] - creates ./build/fop.jar
  - usage - shows a help screen
  - codegen - generates needed java sources from xml resources
- - docs - generates the HTML documentation in ./build/docs
+ - htmldoc - generates the HTML documentation in ./build/docs/html-docs
  - javadocs - generates the API documentation in ./build/javadocs
+ - pdfdoc - generates the PDF documentation in ./build/docs/xml-docs
  - dist - generates the Fop distribution
  - clean - restores the distribution to its original and clean state 
 (excepting dist files)
@@ -308,8 +309,9 @@
 echo message=   package   -- generates the ${name}.jar file (default)/
 echo message=   codegen   -- generates the java files from the xml resources/
 echo message=   compile   -- compiles the source code/
-echo message=   docs  -- generates the HTML documentation/
+echo message=   htmldoc   -- generates the HTML documentation/
 echo message=   javadocs  -- generates the API documentation (java 1.2 only)/
+echo message=   pdfdoc-- generates the PDF documentation/
 echo message=   dist  -- generates the ${Name} distribution as .tar.gz and 
 echo message=   clean -- cleans up the directory (except for the dist 
 echo message=   distclean -- cleans up the directory/
@@ -537,7 +539,10 @@
   target name=html depends=javadocs, htmldoc/
-  target name=htmldoc depends=prepare-src
+  target name=htmldoc depends= html-fop, html-design/
+  target name=html-fop depends=prepare-src
 copy file=${xdocs}/fop.xml
@@ -545,9 +550,29 @@
   classpath refid=libs-build-classpath/
   arg line=targetDirectory=${docs} ${xdocs}/book.xml ${skins}/
+  /target
+  target name=html-design depends=prepare-src, html-newdesign,
+ html-altdesign, html-understanding/
+  target name=html-newdesign depends=prepare-src
 java classname=${doc.generator} fork=yes
   classpath refid=libs-build-classpath/
   arg line=targetDirectory=${docs}/design/ docs/design/book.xml ${skins}/
+  /target
+  target name=html-altdesign depends=prepare-src
+java classname=${doc.generator} fork=yes
+  classpath refid=libs-build-classpath/
+  arg line=targetDirectory=${docs}/design/ 
+docs/design/ ${skins}/
+  /target
+  target name=html-understanding depends=prepare-src
+java classname=${doc.generator} fork=yes
+  classpath refid=libs-build-classpath/
+  arg line=targetDirectory=${docs}/design/understanding 
+docs/design/understanding/book.xml ${skins}/

Index: book.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/xml-fop/docs/design/book.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 book.xml
--- book.xml17 Mar 2002 16:09:22 -  1.3
+++ book.xml17 Mar 2002 22:41:27 -
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 book title=FOP Design copyright=1999-2002 The Apache Software Foundation
   external href=;  label=About FOP/
+  external href=understanding/index.html  label=Understanding /
+  separator/
   page id=index  label=Design  source=intro.xml/
   page id=architecture   label=Architecturesource=architecture.xml /
   page id=propertieslabel=Properties source=properties.xml /
@@ -19,4 +21,7 @@
   page id=extendinglabel=Extending source=extending.xml /
   page id=status label=Status source=status.xml /
+  separator/
+  external  label=ALT DESIGN /
+  separator/

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cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/tools/anttasks

2002-03-17 Thread chrisg

chrisg  02/03/17 15:37:08

  Modified:.Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain CHANGES build.bat
build.xml fop.bat
   docs/examples Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain runtests.bat
   src/org/apache/fop/apps Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/datatypes Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/fo Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/fo/pagination Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/messaging Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/render Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/render/ps Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/render/xml Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/svg Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/tools Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
   src/org/apache/fop/tools/anttasks Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
  Added:   lib  Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain
  Removed: lib  Tag: fop-0_20_2-maintain avalon-framework-4.0.jar
logkit-1.0.jar logkit.LICENSE.txt
  Moved from org.apache.log.Logger to org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger
  (this removes dependency from logkit)
  Submitted by: Michael Gratton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Revision  ChangesPath
  No   revision
  No   revision  +7 -0  xml-fop/CHANGES
  Index: CHANGES
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/CHANGES,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.10.2.8 -r1.10.2.9
  --- CHANGES   1 Mar 2002 12:44:39 -
  +++ CHANGES   17 Mar 2002 23:37:06 -
  @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
  +Done since 0.20.3 release
  +- Moved from org.apache.log.Logger to org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger
  +  (this removes dependency from logkit)
  +  Submitted by: Michael Gratton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Done since 0.20.2 release
   *** General
   - Added correct metrics for euro sign in standard fonts
   +1 -1  xml-fop/build.bat
  Index: build.bat
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/build.bat,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.14.2.2 -r1.14.2.3
  --- build.bat 1 Mar 2002 12:44:39 -
  +++ build.bat 17 Mar 2002 23:37:06 -
  @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   set LIBDIR=lib



   +1 -1  xml-fop/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-fop/,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.15.2.2 -r1.15.2.3
  ---  1 Mar 2002 12:44:39 -
  +++  17 Mar 2002 23:37:06 -
  @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   +3 -5  xml-fop/build.xml
  Index: build.xml

Re: Using Avalon/Logkit

2002-03-17 Thread Christian Geisert

Michael Gratton wrote:


 Anyway, a preliminary, but fully functional patch against the 
 fop-0_20_3 branch can be found here: I just need to 




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