Re: line layout commit (coments on Keiron's commit)

2002-04-29 Thread Keiron Liddle

Hi Karen,

Its seems that there are gotcha's no matter what direction we take.
I will try to present the reasons behind the approach I am taking.
I welcome your input and I will look at the code to see how your code 

It seems we need a set of tough cases that we need to be able to handle 
to be confident of the correct approach.

So why flatten the inline layout managers?
If we have an example like this:

blockSome text basic-linka paragraph of textblockwith a 
block/blockand more text/basic-link and inline background=blueblue 
backgroundinline color=green green text blocka block/block more 

The basic link produces/returns both inline areas and a block area, so it 
is not possible to say that the basic-link element or its layout manager 
would produce inline areas. So how should this be handled. If it is 
flattened things are easier. The layout manager can then keep range 
information like: starts link, ends link.

Determining line breaks:
blocktext on a hyphenated line with a colinline 
color=redour/inlineed word/block
In this case the text layout manager cannot determine a break after col, 
only the line layout manager can work out a suitable break point or 
hyphenation. (I don't know what your code does but this is why I simply 
get areas from the text layout manager)

12. This is the idea of the range properties. I can see how putting 
everything in a single inline area could be useful as long as other things 
are easily transparent.
I was thinking of getting this information from the inline layout managers 
so that the line layout manager can deal with it appropriately.

3. Ideally the layout process should start as soon as the first block is 
ended (no matter how deep it is). So something like, when starting a block 
level element the layout manager is added to the parent, when a block 
level element is ended then the layout process starts and adds the areas 
from that block etc.
How this will happen in practice I haven't really thought about. If the 
iterator can do that then we should use it.

On 2002.04.29 00:16 Karen Lease wrote:
 Hi Keiron,
 Here are a few comments on your new layoutmgr stuff (which is definitely
 more advanced than mine in most ways) :
 1. I can't figure out how/where you manage space-start, space-end,
 border, padding, background etc (ie, any non-inherited properties) for
 non leaf node inline FO, ie: fo:inline and fo:basic-link. As you said,
 you're flattening the inline LM, so in fact, you're just adding the FO
 children of the inline. I think that if these FO _must_ create real
 inline areas if they have any non-inherited properties. If they don't
 they are acting kind of like fo:wrapper, and in that case, I agree we
 don't need a separate layout manager, because no area needs to be
 For basic-link, I think it would also be easier if it created an inline
 area containing its child areas even if it doesn't have any
 non-ineritable layout type properites. We could hang the linking
 information on that area (or areas, if it split across lines).
 But if we make nested inline areas, then the space adjustment as written
 in the LineLayoutManager won't work correctly, because it won't see the
 nested spaces.
 2. Lack of context information: I ended up adding a LayoutContext oject
 to pass information down to the LM(s) generating the areas. This is to
 handle things like space-specifiers which can accumulate from various
 tree levels, and also to indicate when a LM is generating a break (or an
 Area) which is first in its parent area. That can influence things like
 conditional space and borders and padding. What's a pain with that stuff
 is that it changes the IPD, so until we know where the area is going to
 be placed, we don't know exactly how big it will be.
 3. I'd like to avoid having to generate all the child LM before starting
 to layout any given level. This would limit us to waiting for a whole
 fo:flow to be done (unless we special case at that level). I think we
 can find a way to pull on the layout managers and still keep the
 flexibility you gain with the addLayoutManager(List) approach. I think
 it could be done with some kind of Iterator. (OK, I'm on kind of an
 Iterator fling recently, but they _are_ really handy. :-)

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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-29 Thread Keiron Liddle

I agree.
That's why I want to get through this stage so that it is possible to 
concentrate on smaller self contained parts.

For now I think these are the parts:
- come up with our best line layout manager process
- create a block/pagination process
- document possible difficult cases, this will help everyone see why 
things are done in a particular way

and the first one should be handled like you said.

Then we should be ready to break things down into smaller parts for 

On 2002.04.28 23:47 Karen Lease wrote:
 I think the ownership idea is a good one. Especially since we now have
 some new committers who are full of energy and we have a batch of new
 code in the redesign branch which people can (and should!) look at and
 respond to. I think we can start like this:
 a) review the code which Kerion and I have committed in the last couple
 of days.
 b) discuss it here on the list; if it would then seem useful to have a
 more instantaneous forum to work out issues, we can work on setting that
 c) parcel out work on the code to various owners. There's lot's to do,
 so no one should feel left out.
 d) Communicate on the list (I think it's better than using the Status
 file, more spontaneous) about what we intend to do in the next
 iteration (next couple of weeks say). We could use a specific tag line
 like [PLANNING UPDATE] or some such so these messages wouldn't get lost
 in the forest.

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RE: line layout commit

2002-04-29 Thread Rhett Aultman

I live in the US.  Florida, to be exact.  I'd like to be able to attend and be a part 
of chat meetings, but I realize that I'm small potatoes on this project, so my needs 
should be secondary.

-Original Message-
From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:19 PM
To: fop-dev
Subject: Re: line layout commit

K, K, A and other developers,

Regular chat sessions would probably have been useful here, and I think 
that they might still be useful. Probably every interested party but me 
is in the time zone spanned by Keiron and Arved. Anyone in the US? It 
should be possible for you to arrange some times. I would love to 
eavesdrop, and I would try to attend. What times would suit the three of 
you? Do you think it would be useful?


Karen Lease wrote:

Hi Keiron,

On the one hand, I'm happy to see new work in the LayoutManagers.

On the other hand, it turns out, I have been plugging (unfortunately
really slowly) away at the Break Possibility ideas I mentioned a while
back and just this very evening I had gotten the Line and Text
LayoutManagers to where they were actually generating areas based on the
BreakPoss ... and maybe it was ready for CVS.

... really I'm not kidding.

That was when I discovered that you had beat me to it by a few hours. I
only saw your thinking aloud mail last night and my feeling was that
apart from the flattening of inline LM idea, there might not be such a
big difference in our approaches. But of course, the code itself is
quite different.

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Very cool. I will try to pry away from my other project and also doing my
income taxes and put in some quality time checking this out this weekend.
Sounds like we are basically at the point where a bunch of us can usefully
pitch in. :-)

-Original Message-
From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hi Developers,

I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level
areas and build line areas.

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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-28 Thread Karen Lease


I think the ownership idea is a good one. Especially since we now have
some new committers who are full of energy and we have a batch of new
code in the redesign branch which people can (and should!) look at and
respond to. I think we can start like this:

a) review the code which Kerion and I have committed in the last couple
of days.

b) discuss it here on the list; if it would then seem useful to have a
more instantaneous forum to work out issues, we can work on setting that

c) parcel out work on the code to various owners. There's lot's to do,
so no one should feel left out.

d) Communicate on the list (I think it's better than using the Status
file, more spontaneous) about what we intend to do in the next
iteration (next couple of weeks say). We could use a specific tag line
like [PLANNING UPDATE] or some such so these messages wouldn't get lost
in the forest.


Arved Sandstrom wrote:
 I have some thoughts and suggestions, some of which we might adopt with
 varying degrees of success.
 1. I can see a place for structured (that is, planned) communication:
 conference calls, scheduled meetings on a system like Peter describes, use
 of something like MSN Messenger, setting up an IRC channel and everyone
 getting together there. But I don't think that's the problem at the moment.
 2. Can we do better with CVS? Maybe...reserved checkouts is overkill but
 perhaps watch features are indicated. We currently get commit notifications
 (I suspect through loginfo, probably, rather than a watch feature), but we
 don't know when someone started work on a file. If we used watches, we could
 set things up so Karen might get notifications on 'cvs edit' for
 such-and-such a package, Peter might get 'cvs edit' notifications on another
 package that he selects, and so forth, whatever is of interest.
 This would at least give us notifications at the other end of the process,
 which is when a developer (say, Keiron) _starts_ to work on a file.
 This is a bandaid, though. I am just as bad as Karen when it comes to
 wanting to have everything just-so before I check something in. This is OK
 with reserved checkout systems like SourceSafe default, but it's lousy for
 the unreserved checkout CVS case.
 I would nevertheless suggest maybe trying the watch features. I would
 otherwise really stress the use of a single-point-of-reference file, like
 STATUS, but I have my doubts about that. It has not proved out so far. What
 would be really sweet is if we had a visual aid that supplemented cvs watch
 features, maybe a page on the website that you could access that would
 indicate that a certain developer has run 'cvs edit' on file A, for example.
 Maybe ViewCVS does this already, I don't know.
 What we lack is ownership. We've got a whack of committers and a fair-few
 active ones, and maybe it's now time to allocate ownership of stuff on both
 branches. Ownership does _not_ mean you are the only person working in that
 package or packages - what it means is you are the POC for work being done
 in that package. You are the arbiter of disputes. We could even combine this
 with BugZilla ownership, possibly.
 Comments? If folks are agreed or at least not against it I can set up what
 needs to be setup.
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Karen Lease
  Sent: April 27, 2002 12:20 PM
  Subject: Re: line layout commit
 [ SNIP ]
  At any rate, I'm certainly not averse to having some more structured
  kind of communication about where to go from here be that a chat or just
  some discussion on the list of where we are and where we should go. As I
  mentioned, I'm going to dive in to his new stuff and study it carefully
  today and tomorrow; I'll probably have some questions and remarks at
  that point.
 [ SNIP ]
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Re: line layout commit (part 2)

2002-04-28 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Foppers,

I've gone ahead and committed the major part of the Break Possibility
approach to layout managers which I have developped. It leaves Keiron's
new code intact (except for a couple of changes I needed to make to be
able to subclass his LineLayoutManager). It's also not activated; to do
so there are two changes to make: create a TextBPLayoutManager instead of a
org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.BlockLayoutManager:  create a
LineBPLayoutManager instead of a LineLayoutManager

Both changes are in comments. This code will run for blocks containing
text but not much else. It's mostly just to illustrate the idea.
I didn't try to work in the block-level versions of the BP layout
managers, at least not for now.

In most ways, it's a good deal less functional than Keiron's code;
however it does have some code to handle resolution of sequences of
space specifiers, and the text layout code has the start of some
word-space handling.

It might be helpful to have another look at the design document
describing the general idea when looking at the code.


Keiron Liddle wrote:
 Hi Developers,
 I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
 I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level
 areas and build line areas.
 If you run it over or you will see that it mostly
 works for these examples.
 It does the spacing and vertical alignment.

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Re: line layout commit (coments on Keiron's commit)

2002-04-28 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Keiron,

Here are a few comments on your new layoutmgr stuff (which is definitely
more advanced than mine in most ways) :

1. I can't figure out how/where you manage space-start, space-end,
border, padding, background etc (ie, any non-inherited properties) for
non leaf node inline FO, ie: fo:inline and fo:basic-link. As you said,
you're flattening the inline LM, so in fact, you're just adding the FO
children of the inline. I think that if these FO _must_ create real
inline areas if they have any non-inherited properties. If they don't
they are acting kind of like fo:wrapper, and in that case, I agree we
don't need a separate layout manager, because no area needs to be

For basic-link, I think it would also be easier if it created an inline
area containing its child areas even if it doesn't have any
non-ineritable layout type properites. We could hang the linking
information on that area (or areas, if it split across lines).

But if we make nested inline areas, then the space adjustment as written
in the LineLayoutManager won't work correctly, because it won't see the
nested spaces.

2. Lack of context information: I ended up adding a LayoutContext oject
to pass information down to the LM(s) generating the areas. This is to
handle things like space-specifiers which can accumulate from various
tree levels, and also to indicate when a LM is generating a break (or an
Area) which is first in its parent area. That can influence things like
conditional space and borders and padding. What's a pain with that stuff
is that it changes the IPD, so until we know where the area is going to
be placed, we don't know exactly how big it will be.

3. I'd like to avoid having to generate all the child LM before starting
to layout any given level. This would limit us to waiting for a whole
fo:flow to be done (unless we special case at that level). I think we
can find a way to pull on the layout managers and still keep the
flexibility you gain with the addLayoutManager(List) approach. I think
it could be done with some kind of Iterator. (OK, I'm on kind of an
Iterator fling recently, but they _are_ really handy. :-)


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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Arved Sandstrom wrote:
 What we lack is ownership. We could even combine this
 with BugZilla ownership, possibly.

Creating an assigned bugzilla entry (ENH) works for
other projects. I still think it's not quite sufficient
for broad-scoped changes like the current redesign, but
it might work well in the future when core changes will
become more incremental again.


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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-28 Thread Peter B. West


See comments below.

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

1. I can see a place for structured (that is, planned) communication:
conference calls, scheduled meetings on a system like Peter describes, use
of something like MSN Messenger, setting up an IRC channel and everyone
getting together there. But I don't think that's the problem at the moment.

The problem is going to be with the timing. Scheduling a regulat chat 
would be a good idea because folks can try to schedule around that and, 
who knows, it could get to be a habit.

2. Can we do better with CVS? ,,, If we used watches, we could
set things up so Karen might get notifications on 'cvs edit' for
such-and-such a package, Peter might get 'cvs edit' notifications on another
package that he selects, and so forth, whatever is of interest.

This would at least give us notifications at the other end of the process,
which is when a developer (say, Keiron) _starts_ to work on a file.

This is a bandaid, though. I am just as bad as Karen when it comes to
wanting to have everything just-so before I check something in. This is OK
with reserved checkout systems like SourceSafe default, but it's lousy for
the unreserved checkout CVS case.

Yes and no. I think that the motivation for the CVS model was 
dissatisfaction with the RCS/SCCS lock model in precisely these 
situations; multiple developers, with some in the process of lengthy 
modifcations. I'm with you and Karen on this. My flesh creeps at the 
idea of committing code which I know to be in a shambolic state. It's 
worse if I have to then merge in someone else's changes, then iterate 
over the whole process a couple of days later.

The situation is worse at the moment because basic design issues are 
being worked out on the fly, so there are going to be large, 
incompatible areas of the code between Karen and Keiron until the design 
is settled. My design is even more incompatible, so when I check my code 
in, I will be setting up my own branch. It seems to me that Karen might 
productively branch her changes, and track what Keiron is doing by 
merging in from his code. Take the current issue with her subclassing of 
Keiron's code. She need not have the code commented out in her branch, 
and she can explore the issues in safety. When she has proven the 
concept, she can merge back into the trunk. I don't think she is going 
to be left behind, but if she cannot develop her ideas in relative 
isolation from other ongoing and incompatible changes, a lot of her time 
may be spent in tedious merging activity.

I would nevertheless suggest maybe trying the watch features.


What we lack is ownership. We've got a whack of committers and a fair-few
active ones, and maybe it's now time to allocate ownership of stuff on both
branches. Ownership does _not_ mean you are the only person working in that
package or packages - what it means is you are the POC for work being done
in that package. You are the arbiter of disputes. We could even combine this
with BugZilla ownership, possibly.

The only trouble I see with this is that the only ones who are really 
familiar with the code are also *very* busy with development, part-time.


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RE: line layout commit

2002-04-27 Thread Arved Sandstrom

I have some thoughts and suggestions, some of which we might adopt with
varying degrees of success.

1. I can see a place for structured (that is, planned) communication:
conference calls, scheduled meetings on a system like Peter describes, use
of something like MSN Messenger, setting up an IRC channel and everyone
getting together there. But I don't think that's the problem at the moment.

2. Can we do better with CVS? Maybe...reserved checkouts is overkill but
perhaps watch features are indicated. We currently get commit notifications
(I suspect through loginfo, probably, rather than a watch feature), but we
don't know when someone started work on a file. If we used watches, we could
set things up so Karen might get notifications on 'cvs edit' for
such-and-such a package, Peter might get 'cvs edit' notifications on another
package that he selects, and so forth, whatever is of interest.

This would at least give us notifications at the other end of the process,
which is when a developer (say, Keiron) _starts_ to work on a file.

This is a bandaid, though. I am just as bad as Karen when it comes to
wanting to have everything just-so before I check something in. This is OK
with reserved checkout systems like SourceSafe default, but it's lousy for
the unreserved checkout CVS case.

I would nevertheless suggest maybe trying the watch features. I would
otherwise really stress the use of a single-point-of-reference file, like
STATUS, but I have my doubts about that. It has not proved out so far. What
would be really sweet is if we had a visual aid that supplemented cvs watch
features, maybe a page on the website that you could access that would
indicate that a certain developer has run 'cvs edit' on file A, for example.
Maybe ViewCVS does this already, I don't know.

What we lack is ownership. We've got a whack of committers and a fair-few
active ones, and maybe it's now time to allocate ownership of stuff on both
branches. Ownership does _not_ mean you are the only person working in that
package or packages - what it means is you are the POC for work being done
in that package. You are the arbiter of disputes. We could even combine this
with BugZilla ownership, possibly.

Comments? If folks are agreed or at least not against it I can set up what
needs to be setup.


 -Original Message-
 Karen Lease
 Sent: April 27, 2002 12:20 PM
 Subject: Re: line layout commit

[ SNIP ]

 At any rate, I'm certainly not averse to having some more structured
 kind of communication about where to go from here be that a chat or just
 some discussion on the list of where we are and where we should go. As I
 mentioned, I'm going to dive in to his new stuff and study it carefully
 today and tomorrow; I'll probably have some questions and remarks at
 that point.

[ SNIP ]

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line layout commit

2002-04-26 Thread Keiron Liddle

Hi Developers,

I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level 
areas and build line areas.
If you run it over or you will see that it mostly 
works for these examples.
It does the spacing and vertical alignment.

The main things that need thinking about are:
- range properties
- wrapping (ie. no wrap)
- whitespace and linefeed handling
- Unicode BIDI (this looks hard)

It is very rough at the moment, the idea is to get a basis so that inline 
areas can be created and put into line areas and this will fit into the 
overall design.

This leaves us with a simpler way of handing inline areas.

So whats next?

It is possible to start looking at fully implementing inline areas, eg. 
image, instream-foreign-object, leader, character.
Getting pagination working will be a big step forward.
Then we need to block area layout managers, like tables and lists.

So what do people think?


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RE: line layout commit

2002-04-26 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Very cool. I will try to pry away from my other project and also doing my
income taxes and put in some quality time checking this out this weekend.
Sounds like we are basically at the point where a bunch of us can usefully
pitch in. :-)

As far as the Unicode bidi algorithm is concerned, yup, no kidding. :-) Have
you looked at the Java reference implementation for it? :-) Not a trivial


 -Original Message-
 From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: April 26, 2002 10:16 AM
 Subject: line layout commit

 Hi Developers,

 I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
 I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level
 areas and build line areas.
 If you run it over or you will see that
 it mostly
 works for these examples.
 It does the spacing and vertical alignment.

 The main things that need thinking about are:
 - range properties
 - wrapping (ie. no wrap)
 - whitespace and linefeed handling
 - Unicode BIDI (this looks hard)

 It is very rough at the moment, the idea is to get a basis so that inline
 areas can be created and put into line areas and this will fit into the
 overall design.

 This leaves us with a simpler way of handing inline areas.

 So whats next?

 It is possible to start looking at fully implementing inline areas, eg.
 image, instream-foreign-object, leader, character.
 Getting pagination working will be a big step forward.
 Then we need to block area layout managers, like tables and lists.

 So what do people think?


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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-26 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Keiron,

On the one hand, I'm happy to see new work in the LayoutManagers.

On the other hand, it turns out, I have been plugging (unfortunately
really slowly) away at the Break Possibility ideas I mentioned a while
back and just this very evening I had gotten the Line and Text
LayoutManagers to where they were actually generating areas based on the
BreakPoss ... and maybe it was ready for CVS.

... really I'm not kidding.

That was when I discovered that you had beat me to it by a few hours. I
only saw your thinking aloud mail last night and my feeling was that
apart from the flattening of inline LM idea, there might not be such a
big difference in our approaches. But of course, the code itself is
quite different.

I had done a bunch of work in Text and Line LM, but mostly it was
totally new code, so after the CVS update your new stuff and mine are
more or less coexisting. But I'll have another look at this tomorrow
when I'm less tired to understand the details of your new stuff and to
see if there's any useful way to integrate mine into it. It looks like
you didn't change TextLayoutManager that much, so maybe some of my
changes there could be worked in.

The big difference is that I'm first generating a bunch of BreakPoss
on the inline level which the LineLayoutManager is using to choose a
break. In theory, it could do this for several lines at a time, but
right now, it's just trying to do one. The the LineLM is also generating
BreakPoss which represent the LineAreas it would create. Those
eventually get bubbled up to the FlowLayoutManager which does basically
the same thing as the LineLM. When it's happy, it uses the BreakPoss
objects to have all the lower level LM generate the actual areas.

I'll also have to adapt to the switch between getLayoutManager and
addLayoutMangers though. I remember you mentioning this a while back,
but I had continued to work along the original path. Don't think that
will be too hard to do though.

What I liked about the original approach is the idea that we could be
laying out the tree in one thread and building it in another. But maybe
that's still possible, just on a different level of chunking.

At any rate, I'll try to see if I can add anything useful to your work. 
Do you think it's worthwhile trying to integrate the BreakPoss stuff or
to commit it in some form so it would be public? 


Arved Sandstrom wrote:
 Very cool. I will try to pry away from my other project and also doing my
 income taxes and put in some quality time checking this out this weekend.
 Sounds like we are basically at the point where a bunch of us can usefully
 pitch in. :-)
 As far as the Unicode bidi algorithm is concerned, yup, no kidding. :-) Have
 you looked at the Java reference implementation for it? :-) Not a trivial
  -Original Message-
  From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: April 26, 2002 10:16 AM
  Subject: line layout commit
  Hi Developers,
  I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
  I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level
  areas and build line areas.
  If you run it over or you will see that
  it mostly
  works for these examples.
  It does the spacing and vertical alignment.
  The main things that need thinking about are:
  - range properties
  - wrapping (ie. no wrap)
  - whitespace and linefeed handling
  - Unicode BIDI (this looks hard)
  It is very rough at the moment, the idea is to get a basis so that inline
  areas can be created and put into line areas and this will fit into the
  overall design.
  This leaves us with a simpler way of handing inline areas.
  So whats next?
  It is possible to start looking at fully implementing inline areas, eg.
  image, instream-foreign-object, leader, character.
  Getting pagination working will be a big step forward.
  Then we need to block area layout managers, like tables and lists.
  So what do people think?
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Re: line layout commit

2002-04-26 Thread Peter B. West

K, K, A and other developers,

Regular chat sessions would probably have been useful here, and I think 
that they might still be useful. Probably every interested party but me 
is in the time zone spanned by Keiron and Arved. Anyone in the US? It 
should be possible for you to arrange some times. I would love to 
eavesdrop, and I would try to attend. What times would suit the three of 
you? Do you think it would be useful?


Karen Lease wrote:

Hi Keiron,

On the one hand, I'm happy to see new work in the LayoutManagers.

On the other hand, it turns out, I have been plugging (unfortunately
really slowly) away at the Break Possibility ideas I mentioned a while
back and just this very evening I had gotten the Line and Text
LayoutManagers to where they were actually generating areas based on the
BreakPoss ... and maybe it was ready for CVS.

... really I'm not kidding.

That was when I discovered that you had beat me to it by a few hours. I
only saw your thinking aloud mail last night and my feeling was that
apart from the flattening of inline LM idea, there might not be such a
big difference in our approaches. But of course, the code itself is
quite different.

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Very cool. I will try to pry away from my other project and also doing my
income taxes and put in some quality time checking this out this weekend.
Sounds like we are basically at the point where a bunch of us can usefully
pitch in. :-)

-Original Message-
From: Keiron Liddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hi Developers,

I just committed a bunch of changes to the line layout.
I think it now has a reasonable basis to further develop the inline level
areas and build line areas.

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