PNG doesn't process

2003-01-17 Thread jaccoud


I am having trouble processing graphics. The following block:


Produces a flood of error messages that begin with:

[ERROR] svg graphic could not be built: file:images/level1.svg:-1
An I/O error occured while processing the URI
'file:images/level1.svg#Bevel' spe
cified on the element 
org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeException: file:images/level1.svg:-1
An I/O error occured while processing the URI
'file:images/level1.svg#Bevel' spe
cified on the element 
org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext.getReferencedElement(Unknown So
[followed by a big exception chain]

Looks like Batik cannot process the Bevel filter, so I rendered it
externally as a PNG and edited the graphic to make the background
transparent. Then I got a single error message:

[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage object (Error
ng FopImage object (file:images/level1.png) :

I then converted the PNG into a JPEG file, and it worked as expected.
However, I would like to use SVG or PNG because of the transparency. Are
there limitation in how FOP processes PNG files? I tried other PNG files,
and could not process any of them. Any clue to what is going on?

I am using FOP 0.20.4. I attached the graphic files I used.

(See attached file: level1.jpg)(See attached file: level1.png)(See attached
file: level1.svg)

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.


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Re: preserve space

2003-01-31 Thread jaccoud

Although format is surely not to reside in data files, the XML Rec.
provides for character-level structural preservation, by means of the
special xml:space attribute. If the text is preformatted, your DTD should
declare this attribute as FIXED with the value "preserve" in the elements
in which this is desired (, in your example).
This means, however, that you have to be extra careful and process the
spaces yourself in the stylesheets. For example, with spaces preserved, you
have not
> Red
> Blue
> Green
> Red
unless you want the extra spaces and the initial and ending line-feeds
Preformatted text is not easy to process, and the XML file easily gets
unreadable without the indenting.
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Toufic Nehme  
   Assunto:  Re: preserve space 
  31/01/2003 10:30  
  Favor responder a 



Roberto, I absolutely agree with you. But I don't have any control
over the xml file's structure.
I have this requirement on my desk and the guy who
wrote it out, does not have any idea about xml.
I tried to convince him, but it's very difficult to negociate
in a big organization.

Thank you anyway for the advice, and thanks to all who
gave a hint !!

"Calero, Roberto" wrote:

> "I need to output the text as it is formatted in the xml file."
> WRONG!!! The particular structure of the data in an XML file does not
> have anything to do with "format". To consider it as "format" is a
> misconception.
> Just my 2 cents...
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 3:47 PM
> Subject: RE: preserve space
> Though I am not a Guru in this field, I suggest a small change in the
> xml structure
> as well as in the xsl.
> There may be other solutions. Decide which one would ease your
> building XML.
> XML:
> Red
> Blue
> Green
> XSL:
> -Original Message-
> From: Toufic Nehme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 1:29 AM
> Subject: preserve space
> Hi everyone,
> I have an element with formatted text inside an xml file.
> When I generate my pdf, all spaces, LF and CR are skipped
> in the fo:block.
> I need to output the text as it is formatted in the xml file.
> I tried with 
> in the xsl file, with space-treatment="preserve" in the
> fo:block also, but that didn't resolve the problem.
> exemple:
>  Red
>  Green
>  Blue
> my pdf shows:
>   Red Green Blue
> i need to see:
> Red
> Green
> Blue
> I would appreciate any help.
> Thanks.
> -
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Re: Newbie using blocks

2003-02-18 Thread jaccoud

I assume you are not using hyphenation, because otherwise FOP would have
inserted hyphens on each line break (it can do it with Portuguese rules
too). If that is not the case, try inserting some zero-width spaces (
​ ) between the letters where you might want FOP to break the word
(it cannot just guess).

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Luiz Cezar Medeiros   
  Filho  Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:>Assunto:  Newbie using blocks  

  18/02/2003 15:18  
  Favor responder a 



If i put this in my document:




(means a big word)

Then FOP renders the text outside my margins and definitions... There is
some way to fix this?? I want the big word above to be cropped inside my
block area (inside my block or block-container).

I tried to find some info on  the Internet, but i´m a beginner in the FOP

PS: Sorry about my English

Thanks for the help!

Luiz Cézar

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2003-02-27 Thread jaccoud
Sorry to bother you all with this mundane subject, but I must ask you to
refrain from using Too Many Cryptic Acronyms.
I can find easily the definition for technical acronyms, and even some
common ones like ASAP, BTW and IMHO, but it is very hard to find the
meaning of others -- most of them can't be found in dictionaries, and we
non-anglophones simply have no way of guessing what they mean... I spent 20
minutes on google just to find what is a PITA.
A few extra keystrokes don't hurt, but can do wonders for clarity and save
us a lot of time.
By the way, typing PITA instead of writing it out in full does not minorate
the impact of the expression.


Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
Language is by its very nature a communal thing; that is, it expresses
the exact thing but a compromise--that which is common to you, me, and
everybody.--T. E. Hulme

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2003-02-27 Thread jaccoud

Thank you all for the links, they will surely help when I get stucked

This "lingo" thing feeld like slang, something that restrict groups use to
encode meaning in a way outsiders cannot percieve. Reading text stuffed
with it is like talking to my teenager niece: sometimes I cannot understand
a word...
But I must learn to live with it, otherwise when my 7-month old daughter
begins to talk I willl be excluded

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
All the good maxims already exist in the world; we just fail to apply them.

  "Müller, Markus"  
   Assunto:  AW: TMCA   
  27/02/2003 10:23  
  Favor responder a 




just a little help for finding acromynms:
But you're right, acronyms don't make it easier to read mails.


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2003-02-27 Thread jaccoud

I strongly recommend you to switch to the XMLmind FO converter
(, which gives much better results.
Jfor was donated (and integrated?) to FOP, but has not been enhanced ever

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Eduardo Santilli  
   Assunto:  FOP + JFOR 
  27/02/2003 04:58  
  Favor responder a 



Someone know how to integrate JFOR with FOP

Eduardo Santilli

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Re: how can i wrap text that is not being wrapped?

2003-03-28 Thread jaccoud

FOP cannot guess where to clip the string unless he is taught so. For
common language, that is done with hyphenation rules. For URLs (and other
stuff) there is no standard way of clipping (before the slash, after the
slash, repeat the slash on next line or not? etc.). There are two ways to
provide this information:
  1) Insert zero-width spaces (\u200B) in the points of the string
which are suitable for breaking -- FOP will wrap the text in the first
availabe breaking point before the clipping limit. This must be done in the
FO generation process in the template matching the itens that may contain
such long strings (e.g. @href)
  2) If such rules are very characteristic and predictable, I suggest
writing a special hyphenation rule for a imaginary language "x-url" or
"x-urn" and use the xml:lang attribute to signal FOP that this string uses
special hyphenation. I find this approach quite elegant, but the extra work
is only paid off if the pattern is reincident.

BTW, both URLs you used as example are invalid: neither '\' nor spaces are
allowed in URLs. Use %5C and %20 instead.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
"He whose vision does not cover,
History's three thousand years,
Must in outer darkness hover,
Live within the days frontiers."
  -- Goethe

  Phillip Rhodes
   Assunto:  how can i wrap text 
that is not being wrapped?
  28/03/2003 01:08  
  Favor responder a 



I have some text that does not have any spaces in it.  When FOP renders the

text, it can not break up the text.  FOP will clip it and give warnings
about overflows.

It's a trivial example but here is something that will be clipped:  Notice
the lack of spaces.


Here is an example of something that will be wrapped.  Notice the space
between "blood cholesterol"

How can I get text to be wrapped instead of clipped.  I would rather just
pick any arbitrary character and wrap from there, instead of clipping text.

Less warnings too!;)

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Re: Extra space after cross-reference

2003-04-10 Thread jaccoud

 is useful exactly because it retains whitespace. For example,
because you wrote

on page

instead of
on page
you will always see the extra linebreaks, tabs and spaces used for
indenting in the output (check it!), exactly as you put them in the element
content. Probably, you are inserting these nefarious spaces while formating
the number or placing the period. If you are emmiting any whitespace
(spaces, tabs or linebreaks) between the number and the period, they will
be rendered by the browser, because the normalization that occurs during
rendering only reduces multiple whitespace to a single space -- it never
removes everything.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

   Assunto:  Extra space after 
  10/04/2003 11:57  
  Favor responder a 



I am including a template for cross-references in my stylesheet. The
has the intended result with one exception: it inserts a space when the
following the cross-reference is a period.

Here is what the output looks like:
 "For more information, see Getting Started on page 2 ."

I want the output to be
 "For more information, see Getting Started on page 2."

Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.


on page

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Re: docbook, xmlto, FOP and hyuphenation

2003-04-14 Thread jaccoud

Please note that a document may contain fragments of text written in many
different languages simultaneously. My documents, for example, are mostly
"pt-BR", but ocasionaly I have "en-GB" words interweaved, such as
"software" or "framework", "fr" for "façade", "de" for "Kindergarten", usw.
The best practice is to always specify the language code in the document,
never outside it, since it is very useful metadata. It may be used not only
for hyphenation, but also for ortography check, to select localized
formats, etc. It may also be used to keep multilingual documents -- you may
select the adequate idiom in the view generation layer.
To specify a sole language for the whole document, just use the xml:lang
attribute at the top-level element: this attribute is inherited by the
whole tree. The FOP parameter Mr. Day cited only works when the document
does not specify any language at all -- FOP then provides a convenient way
to specify a fallback language. If you specify the language in the
document, as usual, you should never need it.


Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809

   Nunca discutas com um idiota.  Ele arrasta-te
até ao nível dele, e depois ganha-te em experiência.
   Never argue with an idiot. He drags you to his
level, and then beats you in experience.

  "Robert P. J. 
  Day" Para: FOP users list <[EMAIL 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:>   Assunto:  Re: docbook, xmlto, 
FOP and hyuphenation  

  14/04/2003 07:36  
  Favor responder a 



On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:

> * Robert P. J. Day; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 13 Apr, 2003 wrote:
> >with a single stylesheet fragment.  but there's no parameter
> >which specifies hyphenation *country* as far as i can see.
> >so, at the moment, i don't see how to use this technique
> >to specify that i want my hyphenation country to be "en_GB"
> >using this technique.
> use of the following parameter in your customization
> will do the trick

ironic that i finally took the time to scan the entire list
of FO parms, and that language stuff was *right* down at the
bottom, while i was looking around where the "hyphenate"
parm was.  that will teach me to keep reading.  thanks,
i'll test that shortly.


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list-blocks causing text to repeat

2003-04-28 Thread jaccoud
I'm getting a very strange behaviour using 0.20.5rc2. Every time a
list-block appears in the following pattern:

(several list-items)

the last line of the text-content appears again after the last list-item. I
checked the FO and it is ok, the text only gets duplicated during the
FO->PDF transformation.
Is this a known problem with this release? Must I revert to 0.20.4, where
it seemed to work fine in this aspect (and fail in some others)?

I can send my FOs if it helps, but this happens everywhere.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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Re: list-blocks causing text to repeat

2003-04-28 Thread jaccoud

Well, I tried to download a new snapshot from CVS, but these are from the
redesign branch, which is still not fully functional -- the result was a
mess. I searched the CVS server for a updated to the maintainance branch,
but couldn't locate the files. May you help? (I cannot access the
repository with a CVS client because of a firewall.)
I switched back to 0.20.4 in the meantime. Maybe I should just wait for a
definitive 0.20.5 -- is there a prevision for it?

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

> I'm getting a very strange behaviour using 0.20.5rc2. Every time a
> list-block appears in the following pattern:

See Bug #17472. This is fixed in CVS.


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Re: exit command for

2003-05-05 Thread jaccoud

for-each is not an iteration structure, although you can think that if you
as accustomed to C's for loop. When a for-each structure is entered, each
node in the node-set is processed using the same template, and the results
are concatenated in the same order. The node processing may happen in
parallel, in as many threads as the processor chooses to. Of course, the
processor may choose to do it with a single thread, and process each node
sequentially, but you cannot force this (why would one de-optimize the
processing?). This is why there is no way to 'stop' the iteration -- there
is none.

If you want to iterate, do it with a recursive template. That's the way to
do it in functional programming languages like XSLT. You can thus exert
full control over the iteration.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  05/05/2003 06:35 Assunto:  exit command for 
  Favor responder a 



Hi @ all

Does somewon knows, how i can stop or terminate an  loop?

Weiss jemand, wie ich eine  Schlaufe stoppen oder beenden

Elmar Hurni
Web Technologies & Applications


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Re: Page numbers in PDF

2003-05-08 Thread jaccoud

In my PDF copy of XSLT Quickly, by Bob DuCharme (Manning Publications Co.),
the first pages are numbered i to xv ante the index on the bottom shows "xv
(15/317)". The next page is the first of the first chapter, and the counter
is restarted with arabic numerals. The bottom now shows "1 (16/317)".
However, the book "XML and Java", by the same publisher, which numbers the
pages the same way, does not show them nicely in the bottom window, and
just shows the usual "24/298" for page 1. "Bitter Java", by Bruce A. Tate,
has three differente page sequences, and thay all show correctly in the
bottom window: last page is "G (373/373)".
So, it _is_ feasable, although most people don't care to make the index
display correctly. Unfortunately, sending you the book would, I think,
infringe its copyright, as with the ISO standard Andreas cited (I have it
too, and its index also works correctly). When Ctrl+N is pressed, you can
enter "A", "1" or "i" and Acrobat moves to the correct page sequence. I
wonder if it is possible to have two arabic or roman or alphavbetic

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Clay Leeds
  m>   cc:  
   Assunto:  Re: Page numbers in 
  08/05/2003 13:04  
  Favor responder a 




In all of the PDF documents I've seen (mostly electronic manuals for
programs for Adobe and others) I've always seen the number of pages work
the way you describe (all pages counted together & requiring an offset).
In fact, the window at the bottom of Acrobat shows the page number
you're on out of the total. I've never seen otherwise, and would dearly
love to be shown I'm wrong. Can you provide a URL to a PDF file that has
this otherwise (an attachment might be a faux pas ;-p)?

I just went through every PDF I have (including the ones from Adobe) and
they all count the number of pages inclusively. There are no separate
numbering systems when I do a Ctrl+N.


Andreas Wachowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a docbook document converted to FO and to PDF via FOP (0.20.4).
> document contains two page number sequences. One for the title page and
> of contents in small roman numerals; another for the remainder of the
> document in arabic numbers. So far so good.
> The resulting PDF however numbers the pages from first to last page in
> one sequence. In particular, when I (use Acrobat reader and) look at the
> table of contents and would like to jump to e.g. page 5, I cannot type
> but instead I have to manually add the offset of the first pages (title
> etc.) to arrive at the correct page.
> I have seen at least one PDF document (the C++ ISO standard) in which
> problem was solved. CTRL-N displayed two sequences of page numbers, first
> roman, then the arabic ones - the PDF page numbers matched the page
> displayed in the document.
> I would greatly appreciate if anyone can help me out on this topic.
> Many thanks,
> Andreas

Web Developer - Medata, Inc. -
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Re: how to set quiet mode OFF?

2003-05-21 Thread jaccoud

Divide & conquer? This would be a problem solving method which uses
progressive smaller, easier to solve problems created by splitting the
domain in smaller ones, and at the end combining the individual solutions
to get the global one.
What you probably meant was "halving intervals", which is a equation
solving technique which divides the image in two, tests which one
encompasses the solution, and then proceeds to search again in the narrowed

Sorry, couldn't resist. :-)

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Jeremias Maerki   
   Assunto:  Re: how to set quiet 
mode OFF?   
  21/05/2003 03:31  
  Favor responder a 



Good morning? Be careful when posting to a mailing list read all around
the globe. :-) Sorry, couldn't resist. :-)

You already use the "-d" option which enables debug output. That's the
most verbose mode of the command line interface of FOP. What would you
expect FOP to give you?

Tracking down a problem: I often use "divide & conquer". Comment out
portions of your code and check if the problem goes away. Circle in the
culprit by gradually narrowing the net around it. Tedious, but effective.

I guess you were tracking the #17472 bug Jörg mentioned to you? In this
case, not even the above tip helps.

On 20.05.2003 19:29:25 Gustavo Torreti wrote:
>Good Morning!
>I had tried to get as much verbose as possible in order to
> a problem back to its root, but it seems like "quiet mode" is still
> default to ON, even when I start it with no '-q'...
>Is there someplace I could set it to false, such as the
> configuration file?
>I am using fop 5rc2 in a windows XP machine.
>The beginning of my last fop debug is:
> C:\fop-0.20.5rc2\examples\myapp>fop -d -xml app.xml -xsl app_xsl.xsl
> -pdf app.pdf
> [DEBUG] Input mode:
> [DEBUG] xslt transformation
> [DEBUG] xml input file: app.xml
> [DEBUG] xslt stylesheet: app_xsl.xsl
> [DEBUG] Output mode:
> [DEBUG] pdf
> [DEBUG] output file: app.pdf
> [DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
> [DEBUG] debug mode on
> [DEBUG] dump configuration
> [DEBUG] quiet mode on
>I belive its some xml default I wasn't able to edit (nor

Jeremias Maerki

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Vanishing text in page header

2003-05-27 Thread jaccoud

I'm getting a very strange behaviour and have not been able to identify the
source. I'm using 0.20.4 (tried 0.20.5rc3 but the result was exactly the

I am generating a (possibly) multi-page document, with large header and
footer sections that should appear on each page. However, in the second
page, all text and images in the header are gone, only the space and some
table cell borders are left. The footer, which is laid out in a similar
way, is OK.

I am enclosing the FO and the resultant PDF.

(See attached file: CE-210-3519-02-G.pdf)(See attached file:

Any help would be appreciated.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: Binary data
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Re: Inheritable properties (was: Vanishing text in page header)

2003-05-28 Thread jaccoud

Thanks, I saw the warning but couldn't find what was overflowing the area.
Increasing the header height fixed the problem.

   > >  text-align="left" display-align="center" margin="2mm"
   >You shold move the text-align and display-align properties to the
   >table cell, at least the latter doesn't have an effect otherwise.

I put these properties in table-row to avoid reapeating them in each cell.
I know they have no effect in the row element, but they seem to be
correctly inherited, since I got the results I expected in the cells. I
thought this was a valid way of defining inheritable properties, wasn't it?

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  e>   cc:  
   Assunto:  Re: Vanishing text in 
page header 
  27/05/2003 17:00  
  Favor responder a 



> I am generating a (possibly) multi-page document, with large header and
> footer sections that should appear on each page. However, in the second
> page, all text and images in the header are gone, only the space and some
> table cell borders are left.

Did you get the message
  [WARNING] Some static content could not fit in the area.
This means the static content is not properly reset for the
next page (it will be ok on every other page).
You should decrease the height of the static content or increase
the extent of the region until the message goes away. Simply
adding fixed heigths of the content might give a wrong expected
value for the extent because of possibly added hidden space and
mainly roundoff error.


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Re: transparent graphic problem

2003-05-28 Thread jaccoud

The problem seems not to be in the PDF, but in your printing system. Is it
Postscript-based? In my recollection, Postscript does not support
transparent images. If you have access to a HP printer, try printing using
the PCL driver to check. Or ask Acrobat Reader to "print as image" in the
Print dialogue. (I am not sure if this is the exact text of the option
because my AR is in Portuguese.)
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Martin Regner 
   Assunto:  transparent graphic 
  28/05/2003 09:58  
  Favor responder a 



Hallo there,
i'm frustrated now. I have to generate some pdf-file from an
There has to be some logo in that pdf-file and this logo has transparent
areas. The background contains a backgroundimage. In acrobat the
areas are ok, but if i print the file the transparent area is printed
That looks not so nice. May i do something wrong???.
I tried with different png and gif versions of that logo.
May it doesn't work???
Please help!!!
kind regards
don martio
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Re: Helvetica Standard Font not found

2003-05-28 Thread jaccoud

I suffer from a similar problem. I specified Helvetica for my document, to
assure portability, but it does not work well, because although Helvetica
and its variants Bold and BoldOblique are correctly listed as original
fonts, Acrobat Reader uses Arial to show and print the document. (Yes, I
know they look alike but there are significant differences.)
Does somebody known why? Does it has something to do with Postscript font
substitution tables? (They scare the hell out of me, they are more a
nuisance than a commodity.)
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  "Teator, Michael" 
   Assunto:  Helvetica Standard 
Font not found 
  28/05/2003 09:47  
  Favor responder a 



We are generating PDFs via FOP and decided to use the Helvetica font since
it was one of the 'guaranteed to be there' fonts.

However, we have a significant percentage of users that are complaining
they can not display the PDF properly because Reader is reporting that
Helvetica cannot be found.  The versions of Reader are varied, but even
users with 5.1 are having this problem.

Any ideas?

Michael Teator

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Re: Arial Font

2003-06-04 Thread jaccoud

>BTW, I doubt case matters in here.

It should. According to the FO and CSS2 specs, font names are just strings
(normalised if not quoted), and should match exactly. In FO, particularly,
this should matter, for XML is case-sensitive and font names are explicitly
not limited to latin characters. Remember conversion between lowercase and
uppercase is language-dependent.
However, the CSS2 spec itself is misleading: it specifies generic names in
lowercase ("SERIF" will not work), but the examples for font-family shows
all-lowercase names. I suspect this has something to do with they beeing
OS-bound in some implementations.
I prefer to consider them case sensitive for safety and consistency. Case
insensitivity is a bad inheritance from HTML.
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
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and those who don't.

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Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-26 Thread jaccoud
I'm getting a unindetified space between my table-headers and their
table-bodies. I managed to make them go away by setting the body
space-before to a negative ammount, but I could not identify the source of
the space. I tried setting margin, padding and spaces to zero in both the
header and the body but the space persisted. It appears only when I define
a border around my header. Anyone noticed something similar? (I'm using

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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Re: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-26 Thread jaccoud

Try processing the attached fo. Although there is no specification of space
between the header and body, somehow a ~1.25mm gap crawls its way in.

(See attached file:

Or maybe I am missing something. I do that a lot :-/

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

I can't reproduce (FOP from branch CVS and 0.20.4). Can you please post
a small example?

On 26.06.2003 02:11:34 jaccoud wrote:
> I'm getting a unindetified space between my table-headers and their
> table-bodies. I managed to make them go away by setting the body
> space-before to a negative ammount, but I could not identify the source
> the space. I tried setting margin, padding and spaces to zero in both the
> header and the body but the space persisted. It appears only when I
> a border around my header. Anyone noticed something similar? (I'm using
> 0.20.4)

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-26 Thread jaccoud

Yes, it helps, and it probably will correct another problem I'm getting: if
you noticed, the top and bottom borders are slightly narrower then the side
lines. Can't also figure why. I believed the top and bottom borders should
extend until the outter limits of the lateral borders. They end somewhere
before. Maybe both discrepancies are correlated?
Curious, I figured the border-width was suspiciously equal to the gap
height, but only tried changing the bottom border, not the top one. :-P

Is it worth to register a bug? Is this corrected in 20.5? (Cant' use it
because of another problem.)


Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

Hmm, looks like a bug. I'm sure Jörg knows all about it and I didn't pay
attention again. :-) Funny thing is that the gap between table-header
and table-body is exactly the width of the border-top-width. Change that
value and you change the gap.

- Remove the border-top-* on the table-header
- Add these border-top attributes to table instead.

I hope this helps.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-26 Thread jaccoud

I'll try, but I suspect this will agravate the misalignment borders problem
I just mentioned to Jeremias.
And there _should_ be no inheritance involved, since header and body are

I'll try these tomorrow and see what happens.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

Hash: SHA1

my guess is this has sth to do with inheritance
top or bottom? both get "doubled" by them being defined
in table-header & table-row ( last one implicitly ? )

would try adding them to the row instead & leaving them out
of the table-header ( unless i really needed a header with
multiple rows )



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Re: FW: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-27 Thread jaccoud

>what i mean is this :
>- -table is defined without explicit borders
>- -header is defined without explicit side-borders ( only top & bottom
>- -row, again is defined without explicit borders, but inherits those
>that were explicitly set in the header ( being a child ), and
>since the border-style property is not set for row
>it defaults to 'white/transparant/blank'  (? - one for dev:
>correct?" )
>creating the mysterious gap
>and the 'misalignment' is due to the fact that the
>still are not defined. they only get defined at the
bottom-level of
>header node
>et voila
.[ playing with this inheritance enables u to draw the exterior of
.a box, leaving out the corners. get the pic? or the other way

I must disagree -- the FO spec is quite clear: border properties, both
style and width, are *not* inherited, unless of course you explicitly use
value "inherited". If they are beeing propagated, it is a clear bug.

As to the misalignment, I also fail to understand why the header border
gets to be drawn narrower than the cell border which is contained in it. I
thought borders should be drawn inside the elements area rectangle, but I'm
not sure. If they're supposed to be centered in the area limits, this would
explain the effect. Even if I define a border-left for the header, the cell
border still overlaps it. See the attached files with colored borders.

(See attached file: attached file: header-body.pdf)

Can anyone shed a light on the subject?

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.
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RE: FW: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-27 Thread jaccoud

>well seems to be sth true 'bout what i said (though i wasn't at all
>so did u try to add borders to the table-row in the header?
>[curious to see what happens when we define borders on all three
>levels in different
>colours... perhaps this would shed some light on the problem]

I tried (see attachemnts). Some discoveries:

1) Borders do not work on rows, weither in header or body.
2) Cell borders are centered on the edge of the area rectangle and are
drawn with half of the width to the inner side and half to the outter side.
This explains the misalignment. But I'm not sure this behaviour is
conformant (must read FO spec more carefully). To make the [d]effect go
away, I had to define a border for the header with exactly half the widthof
the cell border, so the overlap but the corners are filled.
3) This still does not explain the gap that started this discussion. I am
pretty convinced it is a bug.

Thanks for the tips.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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RE: FW: Spurious space between table-header and table header.

2003-06-27 Thread jaccoud

oops. forgot the attachments.

(See attached file: attached file: header-body.pdf)

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.
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Corner drawing (Was: Spurious space between table-header and table header.)

2003-06-30 Thread jaccoud

Hmm. PDF specs do not matter here. If some FO construct can't be rendered
in PDF, it should be marked as so. I don't think this is the case with
table borders. It is just complicated per se. The gap seems to be a
miscalculation of the header height, because it is excatly the same width
as the top-border. As to defining only cell borders, it is of course
feasable, but you have to write separate templates for each cell -- I just
took the easier way to avoid needlessly complicating the XSLT. Knowing what
is going on, and what to avoid, there are multiple ways to get around the
As to the misalignment, it is a side-effect of the boerder-collapse. I
tried "separate", as Jeremias sugested, and things got clearer.

BTW: Jeremias, are the borders realy suposed to look like
|   |
|   |
|   |


Shouldn't it be like this:

| \
|  \
|   +--
|   |
|   |
|   |


The latter is used by CSS, and I could not find this specific topic in the
FO spec. Is this a PDF limitation? I becomes important for thick borders of
different colors, when trying to simulate a 3d-effect. ( or 3-deffect :-)

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.


  Delmelle"Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
Amaral/RJ/Petrobras)> Assunto:  FW: FW: Spurious space 
between table-header and table  

  2003-06-28 09:04  

  Favor responder a 


- - - -Original Message-
From: Andreas Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: zaterdag 28 juni 2003 0:30
Subject: RE: FW: Spurious space between table-header and table

hey waddya know... tried this : removed the border defs from the
header & voila
no gap and no misalignment.

downside is u have to define the top & bottom borders for all cells
the row as a workaround ( 'till the row borders are implemented )

anyway, i would definitely use the table-header as an element
containing no border atts & leave these either in the table itself (
for outer borders) or the individual cells (in the absence of an
implementation for the row borders... and come to think of it :
what about column borders? - let's try ;-) )
just try to avoid, as much as possible, any borders that are
defined multiple times.
defining both left & right in the table (or the header) as well as
in the cells seems to 'push' the extent of the left & right borders
of the outer borders a little ( exactly half of the width
of the inner border if i'm correct; vaguely remember
reading sth about this in the pdf-filespec ).
the content area rectangles for table, body and header match
in width. defining border-top-* atts in table affects only the
header. defined in table-header border-top-width also affects
width of table-body, border-style of table-body is not explicitly
set though...
the content area rectangles of the cells are on the 'inside' -
but what's the inside of a border of zero width? -
of the table (either in the header or the body) which would
explain the mysterious gap & the misalignment in this way :

border-top-width from table or table-header is 'inherited' by
table-body, border-top-style however, is not.
=> gap = border-top-width without -style :-)

border-left-width from table-cell pushes the outer
left border slightly, creating the misalignment that 'only' appears
in the upper row (actually it happens in the second as well, which
gets enlightened by adding some colour. if i am not mistaken,
the same proce

RE: Default filename for saving PDF from browser.

2003-07-24 Thread jaccoud

"Save" is disabled because what you see inside a browser plugin is web
content. You can't save to the origin... "Save As", however, is enabled,
and the original filename is offered as default. That seems pretty much
logical and consistent to me.
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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Re: How to generate xml file for particular Font

2003-07-25 Thread jaccoud

Arial is already what you get by default in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Yes, you
specify "Helvetica" but what you get is *not* Helvetica. Just look at the
document properties, font list.
For more on Helvetica/Arial issues, check this:
I'd rather work with Helvetica, too, not this Microsoft fake called Arial,
but since even Adobe, which ethically paid for Helvetica to be included in
Postscript, decided to provide Arial with Acrobar Reader, I just gave up.
As goes a popular Brazilian expression, it would be like "punching a
knife's tip"...
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  "Raghava Reddy

  Narapa Reddy"Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
Amaral/RJ/Petrobras)> Assunto:  How to generate xml 
file for particular Font   

  2003-07-25 05:01  

  Favor responder a 


HI EveryOne

I need to to use arail font in the document, which require  arial.xml in
the UserConfig.xml.

I have tried to generate arail.xml  using PFMReader

C:\fop-0.20.5rc2>java -cp
 org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.PFMReader C:\WINNT\Fonts\Arial.TTF arial.xml

I got the exception OutOfMemoryError

[INFO] PFM Reader v1.1
[INFO] Reading C:\WINNT\Fonts\Arial.TTF...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Can any body tell how to generte .xml file for Font






Raghava Reddy

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Re: 0.20.5 vs hyphenation

2003-08-11 Thread jaccoud

This issue has appeared in the list before (search the archives, please).

The point is that these "words" do not belong to the language being
processed (für Sie, ich glaube es ist Deutsch). FOP can only hyphenate
based on the hyphenation rules, which are language-specific. I don't
believe this is a bug, on the contrary, it is a very consistent behaviour,
because there are no valid German words which contain colons, or percents,
or other peculiar signs. Or English. Or Portuguese. Or words from any other
natural language.

The most semantic consistente way to do what you want without messing with
the code -- I think it is correct as it is -- would be to create a
hyphenation rule file for the language you are trying to hyphenate (say,
"x-url") and assign it to the text using xml:lang. Yes, you can create
hyphenation rules for artificial languages, too. FOP cannot tell the
difference. You can also insert soft hyphens manually, although that would
no function if the hyphenation rules reject the "word" (I have not tried).

Cheers.  <|:-) <--[how would you hyphenate this???]

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  "Julian Reschke"  
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  >   cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
   Assunto:  0.20.5 vs hyphenation  
  2003-08-09 18:38  
  Favor responder a 




I think the non-letter handling in LineArea's hyphenation routine needs to

I'm producing a two-column index which contains keywords from WebDAV specs,
such as "DAV:version-controlled-collection", i.e. the words contain
non-letter characters.

The current implementation seems to have two limitations:

- if a non-letter character other than "/" and "-" is found, the whole word
isn't hyphenated at all.

- the code that tries to identify "-"-separated word parts does this only
once instead of continuing until no space is left.

The result is words like the example above aren't hyphenated at all, and
that words like "version-controlled-collection" will always be hyphenated
after the first minus sign, even if there would have been enough room for

I'm currently testing a patch than changes this to:

- accept *all* non-letter characters as possible hyphenation points,

- continue scanning the word after the first non-letter char was found, and

- add a single hyphenation character if hyphenation occurs at a non-letter
character other than "-".

This seems to work fine for my test cases.

As I'm new to this list I wonder how to proceed? Should I raise a bug and
post the patch?


(patch attached)

bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760
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RE: 0.20.5 vs hyphenation

2003-08-11 Thread jaccoud

I thought the valid chars where the ones declared in the hyphenation file
as thus. The section  lists all valida characters. For example,
the portuguese hyphenation file has a  section which begins with
the line
which makes the common apostrophe (0027), the closing single quote (2019)
and the simple line symbol (2032) all equivalent for hyphenation purposes.
Words with these characters are hyphenated correctly.
Adding colons and other puctuation would however produce undesirable
results, since these characters appear adjacent to words and are thus used
as word delimiters. Code would have to be changed to allow altering these
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  "Julian Reschke"  
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>       cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
   Assunto:  RE: 0.20.5 vs 
  2003-08-11 10:06  
  Favor responder a 




yes, I did search the archives. BTW: the test I am processing is english.

As far as I understand, the issue is that once the code encounters a word
containing non-letters, it doesn't even attempt to hyphenate it at all (so
language settings and hyphenation rules aren't applied anyway). If the word
itself is wider than the current line, it will just overflow (or be wrapped
around silently).

I think that it's definitively better to break the word where the minus
is instead of giving up and producing warnings.

Hope this clarifies a bit,


bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re: 0.20.5 vs hyphenation
> This issue has appeared in the list before (search the archives, please).
> The point is that these "words" do not belong to the language being
> processed (für Sie, ich glaube es ist Deutsch). FOP can only hyphenate
> based on the hyphenation rules, which are language-specific. I don't
> believe this is a bug, on the contrary, it is a very consistent
> because there are no valid German words which contain colons, or
> or other peculiar signs. Or English. Or Portuguese. Or words from
> any other
> natural language.
> The most semantic consistente way to do what you want without messing
> the code -- I think it is correct as it is -- would be to create a
> hyphenation rule file for the language you are trying to hyphenate (say,
> "x-url") and assign it to the text using xml:lang. Yes, you can create
> hyphenation rules for artificial languages, too. FOP cannot tell the
> difference. You can also insert soft hyphens manually, although that
> no function if the hyphenation rules reject the "word" (I have not
> Cheers.  <|:-) <--[how would you hyphenate this???]
> =
> Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
> Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
> mailto:jaccoud [at]
> =
> There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who
> understand binary
> and those who don't.
>   "Julian Reschke"
>>   cc:   (cco:
> Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral/RJ/Petrobras)

RE: 0.20.5 vs hyphenation

2003-08-11 Thread jaccoud

Another observation: the hyphenation character may not be the minus sign.
In fact, this would be semantically inconsistent: the minus sign and the
hyphen are two different Unicode codepoints. See  in the
hyphenation rules.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  "Julian Reschke"  
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]Para: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>   cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
   Assunto:  RE: 0.20.5 vs 
  2003-08-11 10:06  
  Favor responder a 




yes, I did search the archives. BTW: the test I am processing is english.

As far as I understand, the issue is that once the code encounters a word
containing non-letters, it doesn't even attempt to hyphenate it at all (so
language settings and hyphenation rules aren't applied anyway). If the word
itself is wider than the current line, it will just overflow (or be wrapped
around silently).

I think that it's definitively better to break the word where the minus
is instead of giving up and producing warnings.

Hope this clarifies a bit,


bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re: 0.20.5 vs hyphenation
> This issue has appeared in the list before (search the archives, please).
> The point is that these "words" do not belong to the language being
> processed (für Sie, ich glaube es ist Deutsch). FOP can only hyphenate
> based on the hyphenation rules, which are language-specific. I don't
> believe this is a bug, on the contrary, it is a very consistent
> because there are no valid German words which contain colons, or
> or other peculiar signs. Or English. Or Portuguese. Or words from
> any other
> natural language.
> The most semantic consistente way to do what you want without messing
> the code -- I think it is correct as it is -- would be to create a
> hyphenation rule file for the language you are trying to hyphenate (say,
> "x-url") and assign it to the text using xml:lang. Yes, you can create
> hyphenation rules for artificial languages, too. FOP cannot tell the
> difference. You can also insert soft hyphens manually, although that
> no function if the hyphenation rules reject the "word" (I have not
> Cheers.  <|:-) <--[how would you hyphenate this???]
> =
> Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
> Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
> mailto:jaccoud [at]
> =
> There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who
> understand binary
> and those who don't.
>   "Julian Reschke"
>>   cc:   (cco:
> Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral/RJ/Petrobras)
>Assunto:  0.20.5
> vs hyphenation
>   2003-08-09 18:38
>   Favor responder a
>   fop-user
> Hi.
> I think the non-letter handling in LineArea's hyphenation routine needs
> enhanced.
> I'm producing a two-column index which contains keywords from
> WebDAV specs,
> such a


2003-09-04 Thread jaccoud

It is a much worse sin to use kilo as in kilobytes, meaning 2^10 (1024)
instead of 1000, or mega for 2^20 instead of 10^6, or gigaetc.

One has to partially forgive our American friends for such offenses --
after a century, they still don't use the metric system, you cannot ask
them to respect the prefixes.

But Herr Pietschmann is right, you should not mix SI  preffixes with
unstandard units, the resulting symbol can become ambiguous. For example,
what would mean "1 min" ? A minute or a thousandth of a inch -- a miliinch?

By the way, "point" is a terrible measurement unit, because in typography
there are three kinds of points:
  - the Anglo-Saxon point = 1/12 pica = 0,013835 in = 0,3514 mm (no,
it's not exactly 1/72 in !!)
  - the Didot point = 0,3759 mm
  - the Fournier point = 0,3487 mm
Also, a point can be:
  - one hundreth of a carat (weight)
  - an angle equal to 1/32 of a circle (11° 15')
  - a measure of paper thicknes, equal to... surprise: 1/1000 of an
inch   (1 min = 1 pt ???)

Too crazy for me. I'd rather stick to the meter and its multiples.

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.


  Brandstetter Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
  e>   Assunto:  Re: IPD

  2003-09-04 13:43  

  Favor responder a 


On Wednesday 03 September 2003 21:48, J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Should be "1/1000 pt", not millipoint, unless you want to attract
> the wrath of the ISO community for using ISO prefixes with non-ISO
> measurement units...

What's the problem? I doubt that ISO owns a patent on those prefixes :-)


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2003-09-05 Thread jaccoud

One should distinguish carefully between words and symbols.

Words are the domain of languages, and each idiom has distinct orthographic
and word creation rules. For example, you write "2 millimeters" in English,
"2 millimètres" in Frech, "2 Milimetern" in German, "2 milímetros" in
Portuguese, and so on. Each tongue uses its own spelling, capitalization
and plural making rules. However, the _symbol_ is standardized, to avoid
confusion: it is "2 mm" anywhere, even in non-Latin script systems. Even in
cases of different spelling. For example, in Portuguese, kilogram is
written "quilograma", because 'k' does not belong to our alphabet, but the
symbol is always "kg". Two secons is "2 s", never "2 sec". (BTW, there
shold be a space, like "2 mm" and not "2mm", so CSS does not comply. :-)

As our forefathers did, you can create new words using a large variety of
prefixes, Greek or Latin or Saxon or whatever, but you have no right to
mess with the symbol rules, which are object of the International System of
Units, and later of their ISO equivalent. The SI symbols and their prefixes
were carefully chosen to be unanbiguous, that is why you cannot use these
prefixes with non standard units. Neither can you capitalize: "kg" is
kilogram, "KG" stands for kelvin-gauss. (I used these prefixing rules some
years ago to build a symbol parser, used to calculate derived unit
conversion factors. To avoid umbuiguity, prefixes are strictly forbidden
for non-standard symbols.)

Yes, you are free to write "two millipoints",  but not to write "2 mpt".
Nobody will understand anyway. Please use only standard symbols.


Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobras - TI - Negócios Eletrônicos
mailto:jaccoud [at]
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Glen Mazza

  m>   cc:   (cco: Marcelo Jaccoud 
   Assunto:  Re: IPD

  2003-09-04 18:31  

  Favor responder a 


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> One has to partially forgive our American friends
> for such offenses --
> after a century, they still don't use the metric
> system, you cannot ask
> them to respect the prefixes.

Ich bin mit Ihnen gar nicht einverstanden!  The
prefixes milli, centi, kilo, etc. predate ISO by
several centuries at least.  Those are Latin
words--millipoint is fine, just like millennium,
century, or centipede for that matter.

> But Herr Pietschmann is right, you should not mix SI
>  preffixes with
> unstandard units, the resulting symbol can become
> ambiguous. For example,
> what would mean "1 min" ? A minute or a thousandth
> of a inch -- a miliinch?

Yeah, I can't tell you the number of times I got a
note from someone saying he/she'd be back in "30
min.", only to find out he/she meant 30 milli-inches!


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