Re: [fossil-users] New Fossil user experiences

2018-07-13 Thread Andy Goth

On 07/13/18 12:23, Warren Young wrote:

In my public Fossil projects, the policy is that any checkin that is
potentially destabilizing should be done on a branch, as should any
coherent line of work that will require multiple checkins to complete.
Trunk is ideally stable at all times, so as long as a checkin is
self-contained and trunk remains as stable as before, direct checkins
to trunk are fine.

That's a good policy, though in this situation all his check-ins have 
been project planning documentation.  The code is my responsibility at 
this point.  Also there's no worry about destabilization because we 
aren't stable to begin with.  Once we have a working platform, I do plan 
to institute a policy like yours.

If your codeveloper is remote from you, I recommend that you relieve
Fossil of the burden of providing the capital-S security for your
project, laying that off on SSH or some VPN technology you trust

If the guy with the money believes Chiselapp's security is good enough 
for him, it's good enough for me, especially since I'd have made it 
fully public if it were entirely my decision.  I just didn't want to put 
implementation details in a section that's expressly public.

For a different paid project much more strongly commercial in nature, I 
hosted Fossil myself to avoid trusting Chiselapp or any other such 
public host.  350MHz Pentium II with 256 megabytes RAM, by the way.

For off-site backups of private repositories, I use the attached
script.  Technically it violates my rule not to put private data on
publicly-accessible servers, but I trust AES, gpg, and my key to turn
that repository data into a blob of useless noise to anyone without
the key.

Thanks.  I may have need of that at some point.

I'll have to leave it to him to make his own macOS binary

Here’s the current trunk, built a couple of hours ago on a macOS
10.13.6 system:

It appears to be linked to the Homebrew version of OpenSSL, so he’ll
need to have that installed to run it.

Not up to me.  I don't have macOS anywhere at home or at work.  We used 
to have some vendor-supplied Mac Minis, but I think they were running 
Linux anyway.

There are two fairly common cases where he may need to sync manually:

1. Fossil UI -> edit wiki.
2. Ditto, but with tickets.

True, though he has just used Chiselapp directly so far, and is now 
focusing on checked-in documents instead.  I'll have to remind him about 
the doc/ckout feature so he can preview his changes.

Andy Goth | 
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] New Fossil user experiences

2018-07-13 Thread Warren Young
On Jul 13, 2018, at 9:39 AM, Andy Goth  wrote:
> On 07/11/18 16:10, Warren Young wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2018, at 8:58 PM, Andy Goth  wrote:
>>> I thought it interesting that he spoke of merging as if it were a
>>> distinct task in the workflow for adding a file.
>> Did he check the file in on a branch and then merge it down to trunk?
> No he did not, but after reading my email to this list, he told me he said 
> merge because his git habit is to always work on a branch.  I took that as an 
> opening to discuss the difference between git and Fossil branches.

In my public Fossil projects, the policy is that any checkin that is 
potentially destabilizing should be done on a branch, as should any coherent 
line of work that will require multiple checkins to complete.  Trunk is ideally 
stable at all times, so as long as a checkin is self-contained and trunk 
remains as stable as before, direct checkins to trunk are fine.

The rule requiring multiple-checkin lines of work to be on a branch doesn’t 
apply if each step along the way is self-contained and doesn’t destabilize 
trunk.  So for example, work on a new script that requires multiple checkins 
can be done directly on the trunk as long as that script isn’t called by 
something other developers run frequently, such as the build system.

This is an ideal not always achieved, but since there are consequences to not 
achieving it, over time developers on the project learn to be thoughtful about 
checking in directly to trunk.

As a result of this policy, a new developer’s first checkin might well be on a 
branch, either because they’re going off on a new development tangent that will 
take them multiple checkins to finish, or because they’re still feeling 
tentative about their work, so they want one of the old hands to okay it before 
merging it to trunk.

>> once publicized, a URL should never die
> our project is private

In that case, I think it’s perfectly fine to delete these docs unceremoniously, 
as needed.

> Only the front page and the wiki are public, and I've been migrating most of 
> our wiki stuff to the private areas because in my opinion it gives away too 
> much secret sauce.  Probably not worth shunning wiki history though.

Until one of the publicly-hosted “private” repository services is designed to 
and audited at the same level we use for VPNs, I’m unwilling to trust any of 

If your codeveloper is remote from you, I recommend that you relieve Fossil of 
the burden of providing the capital-S security for your project, laying that 
off on SSH or some VPN technology you trust instead.

I’m not a black hat, so I haven’t tried to break Fossil’s permission system, 
but I only depend on it about as much as a door lock: it’s a thing to prevent 
civilized users from doing things we’d rather they not do.  If I decide that a 
Fossil repository’s contents shouldn’t be visible to the public, I don’t put it 
on a publicly-accessible server, period.

If you want to treat Fossil as a CMS for your public web site, I’d run it as a 
separate instance, with only those things you’re willing to publicize going out 
to it.

For off-site backups of private repositories, I use the attached script.  
Technically it violates my rule not to put private data on publicly-accessible 
servers, but I trust AES, gpg, and my key to turn that repository data into a 
blob of useless noise to anyone without the key.

There are several things you need to adjust in the script to use it:

1. The “pass” value on line 3.  I use a generated random blob, but it could be 
a passphrase or similar.  If it’s short enough to be called a password, run it 
through an entropy calculator: if your password gives less than 256 bits of 
entropy, you’re artificially weakening the encryption.

2. The repository list used in the “for” loop.

3. The “bdir” output directory.  It could be something like ~/Dropbox/Fossils, 
or it could be a directory sync’d elsewhere by a command that you append to the 

I’ve come to this position not out of specific distrust over Fossil’s security 
design, but out of deep respect for what the ‘hats can do once they’re feeling 
motivated to attack something.  SSH, VPNs, GPG, and AES have all been pounded 
on by the ‘hats sufficiently long and hard that I trust those technologies 
implicitly, as long as the best practices are followed.  

Since Fossil hasn’t attracted that sort of attention yet, I feel that my idea 
of “best practice” for Fossil security is just my opinion and worth only as 
much as that realization implies.

While I’m pontificating on paranoia, I’ll say that a VPN is only a VPN if it is 
truly private.  Technologies which fail to provide the “P” are not VPNs.  
Hence, PPTP is not a VPN, in my view:

> I'll have to leave it to him to make his own macOS binary

Here’s the current trunk, built a couple of hours ago on a macOS 10.13.6 system:

Re: [fossil-users] New Fossil user experiences

2018-07-13 Thread Andy Goth

On 07/11/18 16:10, Warren Young wrote:

On Jul 10, 2018, at 8:58 PM, Andy Goth  wrote:

I thought it interesting that he spoke of merging as if it were a
distinct task in the workflow for adding a file.

Did he check the file in on a branch and then merge it down to trunk?

No he did not, but after reading my email to this list, he told me he 
said merge because his git habit is to always work on a branch.  I took 
that as an opening to discuss the difference between git and Fossil 

"...I'm reading the best practice for fossil is to leave the
deprecated .md in place?"  I'm not sure where he got the idea that
it's best to not delete files

It’s not Fossil-specific at all: once publicized, a URL should never
die, else you get broken links, if only from web crawlers that saw
that document once upon a time and then continue to return it in
search results.

Ah, that makes sense.  Except, our project is private, and at the moment 
the two of us are the only ones with logins.  Only the front page and 
the wiki are public, and I've been migrating most of our wiki stuff to 
the private areas because in my opinion it gives away too much secret 
sauce.  Probably not worth shunning wiki history though.

"People don't much like this behavior, but it's what we have, and it
can be changed."

Did you make it clear that "it can be changed" means your codeveloper
can change it on his end, as opposed to waiting for someone to get
around to changing Fossil for him?

Yes, I told him the command to type to change the setting.  Though at 
the time I was stupidly hoping that it was a versionable setting, in 
which case I could change it for him.  Of course it's not, and I'm not 
asking for it to become one.

Two weeks ago, Fossil trunk was changed so that you no longer need to
reconfigure Fossil’s checkout tree to enable this:

I told him the binary he downloaded from the website probably wouldn't 
have the ability to change the setting on the fly and that I might have 
to provide him with more current binaries.  Though I'll have to leave it 
to him to make his own macOS binary, since I'm only set up to build for 
Linux and Windows at the moment.  (He uses macOS and Windows.)

Regarding fossil changes, he said, "If I get a carriage return/new
line with no prompt, does that mean there are no changes to apply?"
So there seems to be a bit of confusion, or at least hesitancy, about
fossil changes (probably also fossil extras) printing nothing.

That’s not a Fossil issue, it’s a Unix vs Windows issue:
traditionally-designed Unix programs often do their work silently if
no problem occurs and there is nothing to tell the user.

I am well aware.  I'm just reporting new user experience.  It really 
does drive me nuts when programs have a special case to report nothing 
since half the time I've got them talking to other programs (rather than 
a human) and I need to put in a matching special case to not treat "no 
changes found" as the name of a file being changed.

fossil sync

That the sync command stores the given URL blindly here seems like a
UX bug to me.  Just as Fossil re-prompts for a password until it gets
one that works, it should not store the URL until it successfully uses
the given one to sync the local repo.

Very good point.  And if we really do want to force the URL, for example 
in the rare case that the system is being prepared for remote sync'ing 
but the network or server isn't immediately available, that's what 
"fossil remote-url" is for.

This was easily fixed with fossil remote-url.

I’d have told your codeveloper to use “fossil sync URL” here instead,
so he could compare and contrast the incorrect and correct forms of
the command.

Hmm, right.  Good point.

By giving him a different command to back out, he may now be afraid to
use “fossil sync” entirely.

I already told him he should never need to use "fossil sync" manually. 
We've not gotten to the point of using any of the commands that don't 
sync on their own.

He's no dummy.  He's just trying to come out of the git fog.

the default of not deleting the file from disk is confusing to new users.

Yes, well, the argument’s been had for years here.  I take the recent
change on Fossil trunk as a sign that *eventually* the default will
change.  We shall wee.

Nice typo. ;^)

Andy Goth | 
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] New Fossil user experiences

2018-07-11 Thread Warren Young
On Jul 10, 2018, at 8:58 PM, Andy Goth  wrote:
> "Got fossil ui working.  Added, merged and committed"  I 
> thought it interesting that he spoke of merging as if it were a distinct task 
> in the workflow for adding a file.

Did he check the file in on a branch and then merge it down to trunk?

> “...I'm reading the best practice for fossil is to leave the deprecated .md 
> in place?"  I'm not sure where he got the idea that it's best to not delete 
> files

It’s not Fossil-specific at all: once publicized, a URL should never die, else 
you get broken links, if only from web crawlers that saw that document once 
upon a time and then continue to return it in search results.

There are several embedded documentation files in both the Fossil and SQLite 
project repositories that are deprecated, presumably for this reason.

It’s arguable whether this rule applies to your codeveloper, because page 
lifetime also plays into it.  It sounds like the file was only available for 
minutes, and then on a “young” site with very few outside people looking at it, 
if any at all.  So, who could possibly have even known the URL was valid, much 
less cached it semi-permanently?

> “People don't much like this behavior, but it's what we have, and it can be 
> changed.”

Did you make it clear that “it can be changed” means your codeveloper can 
change it on his end, as opposed to waiting for someone to get around to 
changing Fossil for him?

Two weeks ago, Fossil trunk was changed so that you no longer need to 
reconfigure Fossil’s checkout tree to enable this:

That is, the mv-rm-files option is now present in all Fossil builds.  It is 
just not enabled by default.

> Regarding fossil changes, he said, "If I get a carriage return/new line with 
> no prompt, does that mean there are no changes to apply?"  So there seems to 
> be a bit of confusion, or at least hesitancy, about fossil changes (probably 
> also fossil extras) printing nothing.

That’s not a Fossil issue, it’s a Unix vs Windows issue: traditionally-designed 
Unix programs often do their work silently if no problem occurs and there is 
nothing to tell the user.

This design choice is part of Unix’s focus on the shell as a programming 
environment, rather than as a thing to type commands at interactively.  DOS 
never developed this tradition of scripting commands and interpreting stdout 
and stderr, so Windows inherited that, and thus Windows programs tend to 

Compare the operation of Unix cp vs DOS COPY, for example.

Fossil comes out of the Unix tradition, so Fossil only writes output when it 
has something important to tell you, or you asked it to tell you something.

> fossil sync

That the sync command stores the given URL blindly here seems like a UX bug to 
me.  Just as Fossil re-prompts for a password until it gets one that works, it 
should not store the URL until it successfully uses the given one to sync the 
local repo.

> This was easily fixed with fossil remote-url.

I’d have told your codeveloper to use “fossil sync URL” here instead, so he 
could compare and contrast the incorrect and correct forms of the command.

By giving him a different command to back out, he may now be afraid to use 
“fossil sync” entirely.

> the default of not deleting the file from disk is confusing to new users.

Yes, well, the argument’s been had for years here.  I take the recent change on 
Fossil trunk as a sign that *eventually* the default will change.  We shall wee.
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] New Fossil user experiences

2018-07-10 Thread Andy Goth

I'm working on a project with a new Fossil user.  Right now it's just 
the two of us.  He was able to create the Fossil repository on Chiselapp 
without any fuss, but since then it's been all my work, aside from his 
wiki edits.  Until today.  Now is the first time he tried cloning the 
repository onto his computer and checking in edits.  With his 
permission, I'm going to share some of his experiences here.

The first thing he said was "Got fossil ui working.  Added, merged and 
committed"  I thought it interesting that he spoke of 
merging as if it were a distinct task in the workflow for adding a file.

Then a bit later, regarding that same file: "Ah, I'm seeing this would 
be better suited as an addition to the roadmap [a separate document]. 
I'm reading the best practice for fossil is to leave the deprecated .md 
in place?"  I'm not sure where he got the idea that it's best to not 
delete files, but he did.  Maybe I should ask.

I explained to him a bit about fossil changes, commit, rm, extras, etc. 
"'fossil changes' lists all the changes that will be committed the next 
time you do a 'fossil commit'.  By default, 'fossil rm' doesn't delete 
the file from disk, only marks it to be removed in the next commit. 
It'll still stay on disk until you delete the file for real.  People 
don't much like this behavior, but it's what we have, and it can be 

Regarding fossil changes, he said, "If I get a carriage return/new line 
with no prompt, does that mean there are no changes to apply?"  So there 
seems to be a bit of confusion, or at least hesitancy, about fossil 
changes (probably also fossil extras) printing nothing.

Then the big challenge: "I've been trying to get the file removed from 
the online repo, ran fossil rm here and now am having difficulty 

We went around on this for a while until I was able to correctly guess 
that he had typed "fossil sync" in order to "sync" the 
file to Chiselapp.  This was easily fixed with fossil remote-url.

He said, "okay, I want to remove and sync."  I 
responded, "Type 'fossil rm -hard' and 'fossil 
commit'.  The '-hard' will go ahead and delete the file from disk for 
you.  I can change the default to do that all the time if you like, 
since that's what people usually expect."  He said, "Yes please."  From 
that, I take it that the default of not deleting the file from disk is 
confusing to new users.  As for me, "I've gotten used to just typing 

I then looked at the history and found that he actually added and 
deleted twice.  He explained, "Yes, I was trying to 
work off of a git tutorials as I had found the Fossil resources to be a 
bit more sparse.  Even after removing a file you run git add to apply 
those changes."  Interesting.

At that point I asked his permission to share and if he had anything to 
add.  His advice: "Take it a bit further with the quick start tutorial. 
Past the point of cloning or initing I'd like to have a step by step 
through adding, commits, and how the auto feature changes the experience 
from git or how it works in general."

I pointed him to the /md_rules page, and he said, "This will come in 
handy, thank you."  So perhaps we could do better highlighting the 
resources we already have.

Lastly, a technical problem.  I have a markdown document with an image 
in it, but it wasn't showing up for him.  The solution was to look at it 
using /doc since /artifact was preventing the relative URL from 
resolving to a usable resource.

Andy Goth | 
fossil-users mailing list