script to convert VSD files to PNG and SVG formats?

2012-05-21 Thread

This looks interesting:


Hope this helps.

Nancy Adams

In a message dated 5/21/2012 6:41:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jburgdor at writes:

I?m looking for a script (or an app) to convert [a ton of] Visio SD images 
into  PNG and SVG formats. Anyone know of such a beast? I can?t possibly do  
this task by hand. Thanks! 
--John,  Cisco


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non-Frame question

2010-11-18 Thread

Hi Joel,

In Word 2003:

1. Highlight the characters you want to move.
2. Select Format > Font.
3. Select the Character Spacing tab.
4. In the Position field, click the up or down arrows until you achieve the 
 desired position.


In a message dated 11/17/2010 10:08:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
eleysium at writes:

This is  currently the only list I'm on, so please forgive me for asking a
Word  question:

In Frame you can manually adjust the position of an  individual character so
that a superscript can move even higher. Is there a  way to do this in Word?
I don't mean the standard way of clicking  superscript, I mean manually
moving a character?  Thanks,


Consolidated index - more

2010-07-21 Thread

Hmmm, I had no idea that one could put a book file within a book file. How  
about creating a separate book (done with save as) for your book file that 
you  want to put within the other book, and then delete the generated files?


In a message dated 7/20/2010 8:57:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
cynthia.milton at writes:

Classification: SERCO-PUBLIC

OK, so, I played around a bit  more. I hope the following makes sense to

To recap: the book  file from which I'm generating the index contains
around 200 files and a  book file, thus:

IOM (Index of Markers)
Files . .  .

This book file contains ordinary fm files and generated TOC,  LOT, LOF
and IX files,  thus:

Files . . .  

Now, I noticed that the TOC/LOF/LOT wodge consisted of 14 pages.  So I
inserted a spurious index marker in the Preface (i.e. before  the
generated wodge), and regenerated the consolidated book. Bingo,  the
spurious index entry had the correct page number, and markers on  pages
after the generated wodge produced numbers 14 adrift from reality,  as

The 21-page discrepancy between the reported number of  pages of the
subsidiary book in the consolidated file and the subsidiary  book file is
accounted for by all the generated files, i.e. the front-wodge  and the
IX file. And when I generate a PDF, the generated files in  the
subsidiary book are ignored.

I can only assume that when one  generates a book containing a book (so
to speak), Frame ignores the  generated files in the contained book, for
some reason. 

My  quick-and-dirty will be to temporarily insert a 14-page file in  the
subsidiary book to pad it out. Anyone have any further  thoughts?

Cynthia Milton - 0773 889 5991
Technical Documentation  (Cyclamen - Rollestone)

PDF Error: "A number is out of range"

2009-02-11 Thread
Hi all,

We're using Frame 8 and Acrobat 9.0 Pro . When I save a book to  PDF, Acrobat 
reports the following error: "A number is out of range." Has anyone  
experienced this? How do I fix it?

Thank you,
Nancy Adams
**Nothing says I love you like flowers! Find a florist near you 
now. (

Is FM9 More Stable than FM8?

2009-01-26 Thread
Hi All,

We, at my company, are using FM8, and our files reside on a server. We've  
had numerous problems with crashing and file corruption that we did not have  
when we were using FM7. Is there any opinion on whether this new version, FM9,  
is more stable?

Nancy Adams
**Know Your Numbers: Get tips and tools to help you improve your 
credit score. 

why am I having missing fonts in FM8, and how to correct?

2008-08-14 Thread

Hi Dov,

Thanks for responding. I apologize for my clear ignorance on the topic of  
fonts. I feel better now that I can safely use the fonts I have with Frame  8.

Nancy Adams

In a message dated 8/14/2008 12:56:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
isaacs at writes:


I absolutely did NOT say than any fonts are being  "translated" either in the
background or otherwise. FrameMaker uses Type 1  fonts (please stop using the
term "PostScript fonts" - it means nothing  since by definition, TrueType 
are every bit as much "PostScript  fonts" as are Type 1 fonts) directly 
the glyphs in such fonts to  Unicode. The same type of mapping occurs with
TrueType fonts and OpenType  fonts.

You continue to use FrameMaker with Type 1 fonts the same way  you did in the 

The only problem that I am aware of is where Type  1 fonts that had strange,
undocumented encodings are mapped into Unicode.  This is also a problem with 
other Adobe application as well.  (Example, mapping the Hebrew alphabet into 
Latin A through Z in a font  for ease of keying. That is impossible for any 
based application  to effectively deal with.)

-  Dov

> -Original Message-
> From: ActionA at  [mailto:ActionA at]
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 6:35  AM
> To: Dov Isaacs; framers at
> Subject: Re:  why am I having missing fonts in FM8, and how to correct?
>  Hi,
> Would you be willing to clarify this for the font novice?  From what I read 
into your statement, it
> appears that Type 1 fonts  (the old Adobe PS fonts) are being translated in 
the background into
>  Unicode. Is that accurate? Is there anything special I need to do? Or, can 
I  just go on to use Frame
> and the fonts I have (a combination of PS and  TrueType fonts) just the way 
I always have?
> Thanks,
>  Nancy Adams
> In a message dated 8/14/2008 1:28:56 A.M. Eastern  Daylight Time, 
isaacs at writes:
> FrameMaker 8 continues to  support use of Type 1 fonts (I assume that is
> what you mean by "PS  fonts") as well as TrueType and OpenType fonts. The
> character set of  the Type 1 fonts are mapped into Unicode.
> You don't say what  type of "font errors" you are getting (missing fonts?
> mismapped  characters? What?). If you provide some specific information
> including  the exact font names, source of such fonts, etc. and perhaps
> a sample  document, we could perhaps better analyze the problem you are
>  experiencing and offer some assistance.
>   - Dov
> > -Original Message-
>  > From: Kanti.Mann at
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 13,  2008 7:55 PM
> >
> > Hello:
> >
> > I know  FM8 uses unicode, rather than PS fonts as before, but in an entire
>  > group of 10+ writers, some of us are getting font errors, and some  are
> > not, now that we're all using the ATCS.
> >
>  > Further, many of the errors are for things like Helvetica, which is  
> > anyway!
> >
> > Is there a pointer to an  explanation of why this is happening, and how to
> > fix the  problem?  Sorry if this is already covered, but I couldn't locate
>  > it in the framers archives.
> >
> >
> > Kanti  Mann

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why am I having missing fonts in FM8, and how to correct?

2008-08-14 Thread


Would you be willing to clarify this for the font novice? From what I read  
into your statement, it appears that Type 1 fonts (the old Adobe PS fonts) are  
being translated in the background into Unicode. Is that accurate? Is there  
anything special I need to do? Or, can I just go on to use Frame and the fonts 
I  have (a combination of PS and TrueType fonts) just the way I always have?

Nancy Adams

In a message dated 8/14/2008 1:28:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
isaacs at writes:

FrameMaker 8 continues to support use of Type 1 fonts (I assume that  is
what you mean by "PS fonts") as well as TrueType and OpenType fonts.  The
character set of the Type 1 fonts are mapped into Unicode.

You  don't say what type of "font errors" you are getting (missing  fonts?
mismapped characters? What?). If you provide some specific  information
including the exact font names, source of such fonts, etc. and  perhaps
a sample document, we could perhaps better analyze the problem you  are
experiencing and offer some assistance.

- Dov

> -Original Message-
> From:  Kanti.Mann at
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 7:55  PM
> Hello:
> I know FM8 uses unicode, rather than  PS fonts as before, but in an entire
> group of 10+ writers, some of us  are getting font errors, and some are
> not, now that we're all using  the ATCS.
> Further, many of the errors are for things like  Helvetica, which is there
> anyway!
> Is there a pointer  to an explanation of why this is happening, and how to
> fix the  problem?  Sorry if this is already covered, but I couldn't locate
>  it in the framers archives.
> Kanti  Mann

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**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? 
Read reviews on AOL Autos.  

Validating all hypertext links in a FM book?

2007-12-20 Thread
Interesting question. I'm looking for a tool that will validate HTML links  
as well.

Nancy Adams

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

Color Definition Error Messages in FM8

2007-08-20 Thread

Has anyone gotten the following error message when generating  a book  and 
Frame files that were originally Frame 7.2:

"Color definition for fm_gen_188453 is  inconsistent."

Updating the book worked fine in Frame 7.2. I checked my Frame 8 files and  
there are quite a number of "fm_gen#" color definitions that were not there  
before. What are they from? Is this a Frame 8 bug? Are there any work  arounds?

Nancy Adams

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Changing the Way Structured Documents Open

2007-08-13 Thread
Hi all,

We're using Structured Frame 8. Is there a setting so that when we open  
documents, they always open with Element Boundaries with Tags enabled? If so,  
do I do that?

Nancy Adams

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Structured Frame Question

2007-08-09 Thread
Hi all,

Is it possible to mix unstructured Frame files with structured Frame files  
in the same book?

Nancy Adams

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Questions About Structured Frame Applications

2007-07-27 Thread
Hello Framers,

A while back I posted some questions about creating a Structured Frame  
application so that we can share xml files between Structured Frame and our XML 
publishing system that was created in-house. We also have some legacy material  
in unstructured Frame that we would need to convert into structured Frame.

Since that time, I have completed the XML cookbook and done some playing  
around with Frame's conversion table. I have a few questions I thought someone  
on the list may be able to help me with:

1. I'm sure it's in the Structure Application Developer's Guide somewhere,  
but what is the correct way to tell the conversion table to wrap all the tags 
in  a section within a section tag?

2. How do element tags get into a Structured Frame template? Are they  
created in the template, or are they read in from the EDD? 

3. Why do you define formatting into the EDD? Why not just put that into  the 

4. Why is the EDD not referenced in the file?

5. We have a schema for our home grown XML publishing system, but not a  DTD. 
Do I need to make a DTD from that? Can I just use the schema instead? Or,  do 
I need both?

6. Is there a third-party book I can buy to help me with Structured  Frame?

Any help would be appreciated.

Nancy Adams

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Process for Creating a Structured Frame Application

2007-05-30 Thread
Hi all, 

I work for a company with documents in Frame and documents in a  home-grown 
XML publishing system. We now want to share some of our Frame  documents 
between both systems. I have been assigned the task of figuring out  how that 
work. After printing out the 600+ manaual entitled Structured  Application 
Develper's Guide, I believe I have the general gist of what needs to  be done. 
Since it appears that some of you on this list have a great deal of  experience 
with Structured Frame, I thought I'd run this by you before I submit  my 
findings to my supervisor: 

1. Convert the unstructured Frame documents by:
a. Creating a conversion table
b. Once I apply the  conversion table to the unstructured files, I need to 
manually tweak the  document to finish any left over problems.

2. Create an EDD from the existing schema from our XML publishing  system. 

If I have this right, the schema will provide the EDD with the  structure for 
the documents, but then I have to add the formatting portion to  the EDD as 
well as read/write rules for importing/exporting. 

So, am I on the right track? Am I missing anything?

There is one more thing I'm not sure of: Do I need a DTD as well? If  so, 
what is that used for?

In case this is important,  in our XML publishing system, we have  a schema, 
an XSLT file that sets up the conversion of the XML docs to HTML, and  a 
cascading style sheet.

Nancy Adams

** See what's free at

Strange PDF Problem -- Solution

2007-04-10 Thread
Hi all,

Sorry I didn't give this update sooner--we're in the middle of a software  
The solution was a simple one: we rebuilt our books from scratch. That was  
the only thing that worked. We tried saving the book as mif and that didn't  
work. Once we rebuilt our books from scratch, the problem disappeared. 

Thanks to all who tried to help us in our hour of need. This is a great  list!

Nancy Adams

In a message dated 3/20/2007 2:41:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
ActionA at writes:

Hi  all,

We are experiencing a strange pdf problem. We have several Frame  books that  
we create pdf's from. We're using Frame 7.2 and I select  the Save As feature 
and  then save as pdf. The problem happens when  we change the name of the 
file to  anything different than the  name of the book file (with the .pdf 
extension).  Many of the links  in the index and TOC say that the pdf file 
does not 
exist  because it  seems to be looking for the name of the book file (with 
.pdf   extension) and not the new name of the pdf file.

Has anyone else had  this problem?

Nancy  Adams

** See what's free at

Strange PDF Problem

2007-03-20 Thread

Hi Alan,

I get the same results when I do either: change the name after saving, or  
putting in a name different than the book name while I'm saving as pdf.


In a message dated 3/20/2007 4:32:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
alan at writes:


Strange PDF Problem

2007-03-20 Thread

But shouldn't I be able to enter in a file name different from the book  file 
when I choose File-->Save As? Or do I always have to use the book name.  This 
has worked in the past.


In a message dated 3/20/2007 3:52:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
dgcaller at writes:

Hi  Nancy,

This is not a strange problem. It is the way that Acrobat is  designed.  The
links contain the filenames that exist when you creat  them.  You cannot
change the external name of the file afterward and  expect the internal link
names to change too.  It doesn't  happen.  Your observation is correct.
Acrobat is looking for the  original file names.

The solution is to decide on the final file names  before you save as PDF
from Frame.

Hope this helps.

Diane  Gaskill

-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf  Of ActionA at
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:40 AM
To:  framers at
Subject: Strange PDF Problem

Hi  all,

We are experiencing a strange pdf problem. We have several Frame  books that
we create pdf's from. We're using Frame 7.2 and I select the  Save As feature
and  then save as pdf. The problem happens when we  change the name of the
file to  anything different than the  name of the book file (with the .pdf
extension).  Many of the links in  the index and TOC say that the pdf file
does not
exist  because it  seems to be looking for the name of the book file (with
.pdf   extension) and not the new name of the pdf file.

Has anyone else had  this problem?

Nancy  Adams

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
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Strange PDF Problem

2007-03-20 Thread
Hi all,

We are experiencing a strange pdf problem. We have several Frame books that  
we create pdf's from. We're using Frame 7.2 and I select the Save As feature 
and  then save as pdf. The problem happens when we change the name of the pdf 
file to  anything different than the name of the book file (with the .pdf 
extension).  Many of the links in the index and TOC say that the pdf file does 
exist  because it seems to be looking for the name of the book file (with the 
.pdf  extension) and not the new name of the pdf file.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Nancy Adams

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Disappearing EPS file - Take 2

2007-01-29 Thread
You know, now that I think of it, I can fix the template and then reimport  
the master pages to all of the files that need changing.


Thanks for your help!

Nancy Adams

(no subject)

2007-01-29 Thread
Hi all,

Thanks for your responses. It does appear that there is some sort of bug...  
Indeed the graphic is there, but way off to the side, off the page. Sigh, I 
will  have to reimport this into about 80 documents.

Nancy Adams

Fwd: Disappearing EPS file - Take 2

2007-01-29 Thread


In a message dated 1/29/2007 3:56:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
rebecca.officer at writes:

We see  this too. It appears that updating the figures changes the
bounding box (or  something similar). So the figure is still there, it's
just offset so much  that it becomes invisible. Try a generated list of
figures to check  this.

The only solution we've found is to manually move or  (quicker)
re-import the figure.

Can you please do me a favour and  forward this message to the list? I
don't seem to be able to post to the  list.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>>   30/01/07 08:58 >>>
Hi all,

Wow, so many quick responses,  thank you.

The graphic appears on the master page and it is not in an  anchored
There is no grey box, and the graphic disappears  completely. It has
been saved  
with a tiff preview, but it does  not print either.

Nancy  Adams

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Disappearing EPS file - Take 2

2007-01-29 Thread
Hi all,

Wow, so many quick responses, thank you.

The graphic appears on the master page and it is not in an anchored frame.  
There is no grey box, and the graphic disappears completely. It has been saved  
with a tiff preview, but it does not print either.

Nancy Adams

Disappearing EPS Files

2007-01-29 Thread

I'm having a strange Frame problem:

Frame 7.2
Illustrator CS2

The original eps file was created in Illustrator 10. When I update the eps  
file in Illustrator CS2, the referenced graphic disappears in Frame. Has anyone 
 heard of this? What can I do to fix this? 

Nancy Adams

Frame Keyboard Shortcuts

2006-04-25 Thread
Hi Framers,

I seem to recall that someone on this list put together a comprehensive  list 
of Frame keyboard shortcuts. If anyone has this list, would you mind  sending 
it to me? 

Nancy Adams


2006-03-31 Thread
Thanks, to all who responded to my email. I'm sending the original post to  
my father-in-law as we speak!


Nancy Adams


2006-03-31 Thread

Would someone mind forwarding me the original "Funny" message? I thought it  
was great and I wanted to send it to my father-in-law, but somehow I managed 
to  delete the message.

Nancy Adams