Cacti Problem

2006-10-26 Thread riccardo_diago
Hi guys,
I got a problem installing cacti on Freebsd 6.1 on sparc.
I did:
1. download and install from port net/cacti
2. check if mysql was running
3. I did all the steps u find in cacti/docs/INSTALL (except for the
default user that is 'cacti' and not 'cactiuser')
4. check permissions on rra and log dir
-BEGIN DUMP this is a dump of my cacti dir---

-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   15141 Oct 26 08:52 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel  71 Oct 26 08:52 README
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel5892 Oct 26 08:52 about.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel4773 Oct 26 08:52 auth_changepassword.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6189 Oct 26 08:52 auth_login.php
-rw---   1 root   wheel  170643 Oct 26 08:52 cacti.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   13108 Oct 26 08:52 cdef.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   16569 Oct 26 08:52 cmd.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel5917 Oct 26 08:52 color.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel2753 Oct 26 08:52 copy_cacti_user.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   17536 Oct 26 08:52 data_input.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   28164 Oct 26 08:52 data_queries.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   44092 Oct 26 08:52 data_sources.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   30344 Oct 26 08:52 data_templates.php
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   wheel 512 Oct 26 08:52 docs
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6110 Oct 26 08:52 gprint_presets.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   10498 Oct 26 08:52 graph.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel3423 Oct 26 08:52 graph_image.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6319 Oct 26 08:52 graph_settings.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   22578 Oct 26 08:52 graph_templates.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   10097 Oct 26 08:52 graph_templates_inputs.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   17367 Oct 26 08:52 graph_templates_items.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   23122 Oct 26 08:52 graph_view.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   46835 Oct 26 08:52 graphs.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   11945 Oct 26 08:52 graphs_items.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   30802 Oct 26 08:52 graphs_new.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   33450 Oct 26 08:52 host.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   14236 Oct 26 08:52 host_templates.php
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   wheel1536 Oct 26 08:52 images
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   wheel 512 Oct 26 08:52 include
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel2271 Oct 26 08:52 index.php
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   wheel 512 Oct 26 08:52 install
drwxr-xr-x   3 root   wheel1024 Oct 26 08:52 lib
drwxr-xr-x   2 cacti  cacti 512 Oct 26 08:52 log
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel1796 Oct 26 08:52 logout.php
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   wheel 512 Oct 26 08:52 plugins
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel9491 Oct 26 08:52 poller.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel4673 Oct 26 08:52 poller_commands.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel2325 Oct 26 08:52 poller_export.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel4343 Oct 26 08:52 poller_reindex_hosts.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel4170 Oct 26 08:52 rebuild_poller_cache.php
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   wheel 512 Oct 26 08:52 resource
drwxr-xr-x   2 cacti  cacti 512 Oct 26 08:52 rra
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6622 Oct 26 08:52 rra.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6760 Oct 26 08:52 script_server.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel 353 Oct 26 08:52
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   wheel1024 Oct 26 08:52 scripts
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel4833 Oct 26 08:52 settings.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel6813 Oct 26 08:52 templates_export.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel5954 Oct 26 08:52 templates_import.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   17463 Oct 26 08:52 tree.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   27829 Oct 26 08:52 user_admin.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel   11480 Oct 26 08:52 utilities.php

5. add these lines to Apache22:

Alias /cacti /usr/local/share/cacti/
DirectoryMatch /usr/local/share/cacti/

Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all
IfModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag short_open_tag On
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag register_argc_argv On
php_flag track_vars On
# this setting is necessary for some locales
php_value mbstring.func_overload 0
php_value include_path .

DirectoryIndex index.php

6. Finally I went to the web browser and I saw this message:

An error occurred while loading
Connection to host is broken.

There is anybody can help me out w/ that?

thanks a lot in advance.


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Live resizing of a mounted partition

2006-10-26 Thread bsd


I am planning to install a remote RAID system.
This RAID will be attached to my server via a SCSI attachement and  
mounted on my server.

If I ever decide to add disks in the RAID how could I do that ?
I've read about growfs - is that the right tool is there any pre- 
requisite in order to use this tool ?

Is there any tools to do that while my partition is mounted (growfs  
does not seem to allow that) ?



Gregober --- PGP ID -- 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@


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local smtp agent

2006-10-26 Thread ke han
I have an application on my FreeBSD 6.1 server which needs to send  
out e-mail.  I have access to a a well managed SMTP server on another  
server.  I would like to send e-mail from my app to a local SMTP  
agent which then handles sending to the real SMTP server in a more  
fault-tolerant manner than I can easily achieve with my app code.
I believe this to be a typical scenario.  What is the recommended  
approach?  Use the default sendmail?or use procmail?  Is there a  
howto someone can point me to?  Does the recommendation change if the  
local SMTP agent needs to connect to the real SMTP server using TLS  
with id and password?

thanks, ke han
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: The results of your email commands]

2006-10-26 Thread Jonathan Arnold

Gary Kline wrote:

Folks, how can I un-sub from the -queestions list that is sent to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] when the mailer thinks I am NOT a Subscriber???  See my //HERE
tag below

Can't you unsubscribe via the web interface:

Jonathan Arnold (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Daemon Dancing in the Dark, a FreeBSD weblog:

UNIX is user-friendly. It's just a bit picky about who its friends are.

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Re: Shell question

2006-10-26 Thread Jack Stone

From: Warren Block [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Shell question
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:35:55 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Jack Stone wrote:

I have managed to piece together a shell script that is able to retrieve 
the domains from the spams of the day and summarize those in a special 
file that can then be added to the sendmail's rejects in the access.db. 
But, first I have to eyeball the list and remove any obvious good-guy 

I would like to create another list of those same good guys that can be 
added to each day as they show up, then compare it to the above main list 
and delete the good guy domains before adding to the access.db.

Greylisting will be much more effective than this approach, and is easier 
to implement.  Combine that with sbl-xbl and maybe a few other DNSBLs, add 
greet_pause of five or ten seconds, and you have much more effectiveness 
with less false positives and much less maintenance. Adding clamav rounds 
out the whole thing.  I wrote an article that covers some of this:

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

This shell script is just icing on the cake -- In addition to the DNSBLs, I 
have had all of those other filters running for years plus milter-regex in 
the front line, then greylist, then clamav, SA.

It's the SA (SpamAssassin) that provides me the list of bad-guy domains. 
It's a very short list so I can always still eyeball it and remove any 
obvious good ones. It's just sometimes I have made a mistake and let in a 
good guy, say, like one of my own domains. If I had a good-guy list to 
watch over my shoulder and check the bad-guy list before adding to the 
access-reject, then those would never happen again. Those bad guys are 
pretty obvious by their names.

Even if the domains are throw-aways, I can stop a few more this way 
although I have to purge the sendmail access DB ever so often. My users 
might get 1 or 2 spams a month with my line of defenses. Takes a lot of my 
time, but worth the results. This shell would be a big help tho.

Would appreciate any more tips on how to have my daily bad-guy list checked 
against the good-guy list. Both are flat files with the domains listed in a 
single column.

Thanks guys!


Try Search Survival Kits: Fix up your home and better handle your cash with 
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Re: Cacti Problem

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/26/06, riccardo_diago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

An error occurred while loading
Connection to host is broken.

This sounds like a problem with network and/or apache,
irrelevant to cacti.
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Re: local smtp agent

2006-10-26 Thread Vince
ke han wrote:
 I have an application on my FreeBSD 6.1 server which needs to send out
 e-mail.  I have access to a a well managed SMTP server on another
 server.  I would like to send e-mail from my app to a local SMTP agent
 which then handles sending to the real SMTP server in a more
 fault-tolerant manner than I can easily achieve with my app code.
Very sensible, I've seen a lot of problems from developers trying to
reinvent the wheel/smtp daemon ;)

 I believe this to be a typical scenario.  What is the recommended
 approach?  Use the default sendmail?or use procmail?  Is there a howto
 someone can point me to?  Does the recommendation change if the local
 SMTP agent needs to connect to the real SMTP server using TLS with id
 and password?
ssmtp is a good if basic approach. (/usr/ports/mail/ssmtp)
I believe it supports TLS  and auth although its been a while since i
looked. (actually found a howto here which says it does)
I'm just not sure about error handling (says it doesnt do queue's so if
your real server is un-contactable i'm not sure how it handles that.)
If this is an issue you might want a real MTA that will queue it and
retry with your SMTP server set as a smarthost.

 You can use the base sendmail (just need a
define(`SMART_HOST', `your.mail.server')
in the .mc file and i think the default for sendmail in FreeBSD is to
just work  for outgoing, however getting TLS and auth involved makes it
a lot more complex.
I wouldnt really recommend it unless you fancy getting stuck into some
semi complex sendmail config but if your interested
See the section about sendmail
acting as a client and for the TLS side.
and look in /etc/mail/ ( is a good starting .mc file but will
need tweaking)

Pretty much any of the MTAs in /usr/ports/mail can do what you want
though, my favorites being postfix and exim.

Hope this helps,

 thanks, ke han
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Re: Live resizing of a mounted partition

2006-10-26 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis
On Thursday 26 October 2006 14:20, bsd wrote:
 Is there any tools to do that while my partition is mounted (growfs  
 does not seem to allow that) ?

No, this cannot be done, since the kernel doesn't support
resizing a mounted filesystem. It's not matter of tool.


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Re: Live resizing of a mounted partition

2006-10-26 Thread P.U.Kruppa

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, bsd wrote:


I am planning to install a remote RAID system.
This RAID will be attached to my server via a SCSI attachement and mounted on 
my server.

If I ever decide to add disks in the RAID how could I do that ?
I've read about growfs - is that the right tool is there any pre-requisite in 
order to use this tool ?
I guess the simpliest way would be just to mount the additional 
drive(s) on directories where most space is needed.

Does that help?


Is there any tools to do that while my partition is mounted (growfs does not 
seem to allow that) ?



Gregober --- PGP ID -- 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@


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Peter Ulrich Kruppa
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Re: Live resizing of a mounted partition

2006-10-26 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Is there any tools to do that while my partition is mounted (growfs does not 
seem to allow that) ?

AFAIK - no.
umount, growfs, mount

so you have to make small root partition, and partitions for others, so 
you will be able to do this without shutdown, and (with good care) 

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Re: freebsd-update vs. make buildworld

2006-10-26 Thread Colin Percival
Paul Schmehl wrote:
 I use
 both methods; freebsd-update when I'm using a GENERIC kernel with no
 changes and the traditional method when the source has been altered, the
 kernel is customized or the processor is not supported under

FWIW, the version of FreeBSD Update which is now in the base system
(starting with 6.2-BETA1) supports upgrading the world, kernel, and
source code separately, so on systems with custom kernel configurations
you'll be able to use FreeBSD Update to update the world + source code
and then only rebuild the kernel.

Colin Percival
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Audio recording / home studio type questions

2006-10-26 Thread Dan Sikorsky

My name is Dan, I'm new to this list, I'm a sysadmin.

I have a freebsd / gnome desktop at home, and I have a piece of hardware 
Called guitar port... perhaps some of you are familiar

well, this is one of those devices that the company only supports 
windows  ( )
when i start my machine, freebsd posts it as Line 6 guitar port blah 
blah and i think I caught the device name Ugen1 or something similar

(I'm assuming this is usb..generic, as it is a usb audio card)

has anyone had any luck running this thing?
or does anyone have any recommendations on how to ndis this card using 
its windows drivers... I've only ever ndis'd wireless cards.
I cant find any relevant info on line, and line6 support wont help me 
because its not windows.

if this is a flop, what is a solid card (mulitracking pref.) usb/ or 
pci, that is bsd compatible, and will work with some

of the great software out there, like Beast

also, any other recording  setup recommendations?

I will be recording guitar / bass /drums /vocals  .. I have all mics / 
preamp necessary

Thank you,

Dan Sikorsky
*Systems Admin/GoldMine Admin*,Inc., Inc.
845-471-5200 x220
One Civic Center Plaza,
Suite 506
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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Synaptic touchpad not accepting taps....

2006-10-26 Thread Eric Schuele


This arguably, might not be a FreeBSD question... but here goes.

I have a multiboot system.  FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE, Ubuntu Linux, and
WinXP.  The touchpad works just fine in all three OSes.  However, If I
am in Linux, and reboot (not poweroff + poweron) and go back into
FreeBSD, then my touchpad will not allow me to tap or double tap.

For example, once the wm comes up (enlightenment) I can not use the
touchpad to select a window, push a button, or double click things.  I
can/must use the buttons associated with the touchpad, not the pad itself.

The above does not occur when shifting from WinXP to FreeBSD.

My question is:
Is there anyway to reset the touch pad while the machine is up and
running?  Anything I can do to bring it back without having to resort to
powering the system down and then turning it back on.

Not quite sure what relevant info to post here, as things are in fact
working.  Just not when I bounce from Linux back to FreeBSD.


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Re: pfspamd greylisting stuttering at everything

2006-10-26 Thread Michael W. Lucas
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 08:20:32AM +0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
  I'm set up just like the man page, but every incoming connection is
  being stuttered at.  This plays havoc with incoming legit mail, of
  course, and I've been forced to fall back on older antispam tools.
 Are you sure you are actually seeing stuttering, not just the
 greylisting database getting (slowly) initialized?  

[sorry for the delay answering, I needed to spend some quality time
with my mailserver to answer this thoroughly.]

Well, if I manually telnet to port 25 from any machine, I get about
one character a second.  And I get taunted.  I don't think that's the
innocuous 451 error mentioned in the manual.

 You should expect a 'silent period' while the machines which are
 trying to send you mail prove their good intentions to your
 greylister.  The point of greylisting, after all, is to force
 correspondents to retry 'within a reasonable time'.  The lower
 threshold for 'reasonable' is set with the first of the -G arguments
 to spamd.  The other factor is how long the correspondent takes to
 actually retry, which depends on a number of other factors you really
 can't influence much, such as the size of that server's outgoing

I've let it run for three hours this morning.

Before starting pfspamd today, I checked my spamdb.  spamdb listed 12
entries.  After 3 hours, spamdb listed the same 12 entries.  My spamd
logs to /var/log/spam, which has many interesting entries in it:

Oct 26 11:18:31 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: (GREY) [EMAIL 
Oct 26 11:18:40 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: connected (12/1)
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: From: Leila Wood 
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Subject: caustic assent
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: This is a 
multi-part message in MIME format.
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: 
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: Content-Type: 
text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: !DOCTYPE html 
PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: html
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body: head
Oct 26 11:18:47 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: Body:  meta 
content=text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type
Oct 26 11:19:13 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: disconnected after 
390 seconds.
Oct 26 11:19:15 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: disconnected after 390 
Oct 26 11:19:34 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: disconnected after 390 
Oct 26 11:19:48 bewilderbeast spamd[731]: connected (10/1)

So, bad stuff is making it there.

Good stuff is as well, though.  I sent an email from work to test the

bewilderbeast~;grep gkn /var/log/spamd
Oct 26 11:33:59 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: (GREY) [EMAIL 
Oct 26 11:35:42 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: From: Michael Lucas 
Oct 26 11:35:42 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: Body: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oct 26 11:41:50 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: (GREY) [EMAIL 
Oct 26 11:43:33 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: From: Michael Lucas 
Oct 26 11:43:33 bewilderbeast spamd[4622]: Body: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ten minute delay between the first and last attempt.
I'm running spamd as below:

pfspamd_flags=-v -G7:4:864 -r451

This tells me that after seven minutes, the next attempt should be
graylisted and handed to my mail server.

bewilderbeast~;grep gkn /var/log/maillog


bewilderbeast~;spamdb | grep gkn

Nothing again.

 I would give the initial database buildup a few hours at least.  If
 you're impatient and you have a few addresses which you consider
 'known good', you could whitelist them using 
   # spamdb -a nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

I'd rather avoid whitelisting manually, except perhaps my home IP,
until I know greylisting works on its own.

 see spamdb(8) for details.  I suppose that man page could do with a
 bit more text.

All of spamd could use some documentation, but that'll happen.  ;-)

 PS  My favorite quote about spamd and greylisting at the moment is this
 recent message to openbsd-misc:

That's what inspired me to try this.

Thanks for your help, it's nice to know I'm not missing anything
really obvious.



Re: freebsd

2006-10-26 Thread Norberto Meijome
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:20:53 -0400
Jerry McAllister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you mean a web content management tool, then that is
 something else again.   I am not sure if there is anything good
 available in Opensource Freeware, but maybe someone else will
 have an idea.

by no means exhaustive 
includes some commercial and  OSS

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been
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Re: Shell question

2006-10-26 Thread Jordan Gordeev

Jack Stone wrote:

From: Warren Block [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Shell question
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:35:55 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Jack Stone wrote:

I have managed to piece together a shell script that is able to 
retrieve the domains from the spams of the day and summarize those in 
a special file that can then be added to the sendmail's rejects in 
the access.db. But, first I have to eyeball the list and remove any 
obvious good-guy domains.

I would like to create another list of those same good guys that can 
be added to each day as they show up, then compare it to the above 
main list and delete the good guy domains before adding to the 

Greylisting will be much more effective than this approach, and is 
easier to implement.  Combine that with sbl-xbl and maybe a few other 
DNSBLs, add greet_pause of five or ten seconds, and you have much more 
effectiveness with less false positives and much less maintenance. 
Adding clamav rounds out the whole thing.  I wrote an article that 
covers some of this:

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

This shell script is just icing on the cake -- In addition to the 
DNSBLs, I have had all of those other filters running for years plus 
milter-regex in the front line, then greylist, then clamav, SA.

It's the SA (SpamAssassin) that provides me the list of bad-guy domains. 
It's a very short list so I can always still eyeball it and remove any 
obvious good ones. It's just sometimes I have made a mistake and let in 
a good guy, say, like one of my own domains. If I had a good-guy list 
to watch over my shoulder and check the bad-guy list before adding to 
the access-reject, then those would never happen again. Those bad guys 
are pretty obvious by their names.

Even if the domains are throw-aways, I can stop a few more this way 
although I have to purge the sendmail access DB ever so often. My users 
might get 1 or 2 spams a month with my line of defenses. Takes a lot of 
my time, but worth the results. This shell would be a big help tho.

Would appreciate any more tips on how to have my daily bad-guy list 
checked against the good-guy list. Both are flat files with the domains 
listed in a single column.

Thanks guys!


See comm(1).
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Chipset support question

2006-10-26 Thread Hanns Hartman

Does anybody know if the Atheros AR2413 Chipset is supported by the
ath driver or if there are plans to add support.  I have searched
quite a bit for this answer with no luck.
thanks in advance
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Re: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

2006-10-26 Thread Kris Kennaway
This is a FAQ; you have something linked to two thread libraries.


On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 12:18:57PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
   Out of no where I started to get :
 Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 87 in file 
 /libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno = 0)
   On alot of programs. I thought it had to do with GTK/GNOME so I
 did :
   pkgdb -Ff
   portupgrade -rf pkg-config\*
   as per the 20061014 instructions. I got to ORBit2.0 and it did
 it again. The compile was called as :
 configure:22617: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  
  conftest.c -pthread -Wl,--export-dynamic -L/usr/local/lib -lgobject-2.0 
 ad-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -liconv5
 and gave :
 Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 87 in file 
 /libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno = 0)
   If I look at all the libraries :
 -lgobject-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
 -lgthread-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
 -lgmodule-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
 -lglib-2.0: New as of Oct 25 09:53
   So I'm stuck now... Help
   My /etc/libmap.conf only does mapping by file, not
 generically  :
   Thanks, Tuc
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Re: Shell question

2006-10-26 Thread Jack Stone

From: Jordan Gordeev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Shell question
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:05:50 +0300

Jack Stone wrote:

From: Warren Block [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Shell question
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:35:55 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Jack Stone wrote:

I have managed to piece together a shell script that is able to retrieve 
the domains from the spams of the day and summarize those in a special 
file that can then be added to the sendmail's rejects in the access.db. 
But, first I have to eyeball the list and remove any obvious good-guy 

I would like to create another list of those same good guys that can be 
added to each day as they show up, then compare it to the above main 
list and delete the good guy domains before adding to the access.db.

Greylisting will be much more effective than this approach, and is easier 
to implement.  Combine that with sbl-xbl and maybe a few other DNSBLs, 
add greet_pause of five or ten seconds, and you have much more 
effectiveness with less false positives and much less maintenance. Adding 
clamav rounds out the whole thing.  I wrote an article that covers some 
of this:

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

This shell script is just icing on the cake -- In addition to the DNSBLs, 
I have had all of those other filters running for years plus milter-regex 
in the front line, then greylist, then clamav, SA.

It's the SA (SpamAssassin) that provides me the list of bad-guy domains. 
It's a very short list so I can always still eyeball it and remove any 
obvious good ones. It's just sometimes I have made a mistake and let in a 
good guy, say, like one of my own domains. If I had a good-guy list to 
watch over my shoulder and check the bad-guy list before adding to the 
access-reject, then those would never happen again. Those bad guys are 
pretty obvious by their names.

Even if the domains are throw-aways, I can stop a few more this way 
although I have to purge the sendmail access DB ever so often. My users 
might get 1 or 2 spams a month with my line of defenses. Takes a lot of my 
time, but worth the results. This shell would be a big help tho.

Would appreciate any more tips on how to have my daily bad-guy list 
checked against the good-guy list. Both are flat files with the domains 
listed in a single column.

Thanks guys!


See comm(1).

Yep, that's it!!



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FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950

2006-10-26 Thread Marthias, Santosso
Hello All,


We have DELL PowerEdge 2950 with RAID controller PERC 5/i and 6 Fujitsu
73GB SAS disks.

We created 3 RAID-1 virtual disks out of the 6 disks :

VD0 = RAID-1 using disk0 and disk1

VD1 = RAID-1 using disk2 and disk3

VD2 = RAID-1 using disk4 and disk5


After that we installed FreeBSD 6.1. 

The FreeBSD 6.1 OS went to the first virtual disk (shown as mfid0 in
sysinstall), we choose standard for Install Boot Manager.

The other 2 virtual disks we're using for data partition (entire mfid1
mount as /data and entire mfid2 mount as /data/app), we choose none for
Install Boot Manager.


The installation completed with no error. 

However, once the server in boot process, it shows error for
/dev/mfid0s1a and require fsck on it. We tried to fsck but it failed.
And looks like at this point the OS has corrupted.


One thing is working, if we only use mfid0 for OS installation and leave
(not use at all) mfid1 and mfid2, then the server rebooted fine after
the OS installation (we get the login prompt).

The problem is we want to have mfid0 for OS, mfid1 for /data, and mfid2
for /data/app separated from each other and not together in one big
virtual disk.


Anybody know about this issue? Any suggestion?


Best Regards,

Santosso Marthias

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Re: Chipset support question

2006-10-26 Thread Erik Trulsson
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 10:18:59AM -0700, Hanns Hartman wrote:
 Does anybody know if the Atheros AR2413 Chipset is supported by the
 ath driver or if there are plans to add support.  I have searched
 quite a bit for this answer with no luck.
 thanks in advance

Yes, it is supported.

Insert your favourite quote here.
Erik Trulsson
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Re: Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false

2006-10-26 Thread David Robillard

I appreciate the help thanks!

Sure, I'll send the script to you in an individual email instead of as
an attachement to the list. Should anyone on the list want a copy,
just drop me an email.

I'd appreciate the script though, definitely, as any resource I have to learn 
all Unix script languages properly will only help in my becoming a better Unix 
admin as well as script more common tasks to help make my life a bit easier.

When I've started to write shell scripts, I read a nice book which
covered sh, csh and ksh with lots of examples. That was the first
edition, but it's now in it's fourth edition and now have coverage of
bash and tcsh plus you get info on sed  awk.

UNIX Shells By Example, Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall PTR; 4th
edition (Sep 24 2004), 1200 pages, ISBN: 013147572


Otherwise, you can always Google around for unix shell script and
such. There are a lot of sites on the topic. I would select one from a

Have fun!

David Robillard
UNIX systems administrator  Oracle DBA
CISSP, RHCE  Sun Certified Security Administrator
Montreal: +1 514 966 0122
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Re: FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950

2006-10-26 Thread Erik Trulsson
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 12:27:00PM -0600, Marthias, Santosso wrote:
 Hello All,
 We have DELL PowerEdge 2950 with RAID controller PERC 5/i and 6 Fujitsu
 73GB SAS disks.
 We created 3 RAID-1 virtual disks out of the 6 disks :
 VD0 = RAID-1 using disk0 and disk1
 VD1 = RAID-1 using disk2 and disk3
 VD2 = RAID-1 using disk4 and disk5
 After that we installed FreeBSD 6.1. 
 The FreeBSD 6.1 OS went to the first virtual disk (shown as mfid0 in
 sysinstall), we choose standard for Install Boot Manager.
 The other 2 virtual disks we're using for data partition (entire mfid1
 mount as /data and entire mfid2 mount as /data/app), we choose none for
 Install Boot Manager.
 The installation completed with no error. 
 However, once the server in boot process, it shows error for
 /dev/mfid0s1a and require fsck on it. We tried to fsck but it failed.
 And looks like at this point the OS has corrupted.
 One thing is working, if we only use mfid0 for OS installation and leave
 (not use at all) mfid1 and mfid2, then the server rebooted fine after
 the OS installation (we get the login prompt).
 The problem is we want to have mfid0 for OS, mfid1 for /data, and mfid2
 for /data/app separated from each other and not together in one big
 virtual disk.
 Anybody know about this issue? Any suggestion?

There have been several bug fixes and improvements made to the mfi(4) driver
since 6.1 was released, including one that is supposed to fix problems with
multiple volumes.

I would suggest trying the latest 6.2-BETA and see if that works better. (It
probably will.)

Insert your favourite quote here.
Erik Trulsson
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Re: traffic analysis tools

2006-10-26 Thread Alex de Kruijff
On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 10:19:34AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 Hey people,
 I'd like something to look at traffic use through my gateway, so I know how
 much of my upload bandwidth and download bandwidth is in use at any time.
 Ideally it'll tell me from where, so I can look at internal abusers, or get an
 idea of where hits are coming from.
 Off the top of my head, I can think of two tools.
 1. ntop - great web interface, but I've found it unstable
 2. iptraf - good curses interface, but I'm looking for trend monitoring
 3. mrtg - as I'm running snmp, so I could just monitor it from a desktop
 running mrtg...
 Any other suggestions?

The firewall ipfw comes with a counter option. You could collect this
information out the firewall with ipa into its database. Then create
graphs with mrtg. I have two articles about how to do this on my


Please copy the original recipients, otherwise I may not read your reply.

Howtos based on my personal use, including information about 
setting up a firewall and creating traffic graphs with MRTG

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Re: How to do health check

2006-10-26 Thread Alex de Kruijff
On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 02:36:50PM +0300, Simon Phoenix wrote:
 Hash: SHA512
 Faiyaz Ali said the following on 19.10.2006 09:55:
  I'm new in unix world,
  1) how to do helthcheck on unix machine ?
  2) how the check on system information eg. RAM, CPU, HD capacity
 1) I'm using healthd for check temperature sensors and speed of coolers.
 There are other software for this.

You can check the temperatures for S.M.A.R.T. enabled hard disks with 


Please copy the original recipients, otherwise I may not read your reply.

Howtos based on my personal use, including information about 
setting up a firewall and creating traffic graphs with MRTG

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Re: ClamAV upgrade

2006-10-26 Thread Alex de Kruijff
On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 06:36:00PM +0300, Toomas Aas wrote:
 Darryl Hoar wrote:
 evidently I don't have freshclam installed on 
 the system as /usr/local/etc/rc.d does not
 contain clamac-freshclam.   
 As you mmention, you have ClamAV 0.83. If it is installed from FreeBSD 
 ports/packages, this old version didn't have separate startup script for 
 freshclam, but the freshclam binary itself should still exist (use 
 'which freshclam' to find it).
 That being said, you really should update to newer version, 0.83 is 
 quite old.
 Is there any trick to installing freshclam ?
 Or do I just use /usr/ports ?
 Just use ports (to upgrade ClamAV). Freshclam is part of ClamAV.

Afther updating your sources you could upgrade easy with portupgrade
clamav if you installed the port portupgrade. If you haven't then it
wise to install this port.


Please copy the original recipients, otherwise I may not read your reply.

Howtos based on my personal use, including information about 
setting up a firewall and creating traffic graphs with MRTG

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Re: Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false

2006-10-26 Thread Damian Wiest
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 02:36:06PM -0400, David Robillard wrote:
 I appreciate the help thanks!
 Sure, I'll send the script to you in an individual email instead of as
 an attachement to the list. Should anyone on the list want a copy,
 just drop me an email.
 I'd appreciate the script though, definitely, as any resource I have to 
 learn all Unix script languages properly will only help in my becoming a 
 better Unix admin as well as script more common tasks to help make my life 
 a bit easier.
 When I've started to write shell scripts, I read a nice book which
 covered sh, csh and ksh with lots of examples. That was the first
 edition, but it's now in it's fourth edition and now have coverage of
 bash and tcsh plus you get info on sed  awk.
 UNIX Shells By Example, Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall PTR; 4th
 edition (Sep 24 2004), 1200 pages, ISBN: 013147572
 Otherwise, you can always Google around for unix shell script and
 such. There are a lot of sites on the topic. I would select one from a
 Have fun!
 David Robillard
 UNIX systems administrator  Oracle DBA
 CISSP, RHCE  Sun Certified Security Administrator
 Montreal: +1 514 966 0122

I inherited an older edition of UNIX Shell by Example and agree it's 
a good book.  I'd also recommend O'Reilly's Classic Shell Scripting 

I probably shouldn't encourage this sort of thing, but you can find
the entire O'Reilly CD Bookshelf on the web if you want to sample
the books before buying.


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Leapseconds and zoneinfo

2006-10-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Several months ago, I rebuild the zoneinfo data bases on
the freeBSD systems we have to be ready for the new Daylight
Saving Time or Summer time rules.  I got the leapseconds file and
the North American data base and used zic to build a new version.

The first time I did this, I included the leapseconds
data base in to the command as in

zic -L leapseconds northamerica

What I got was a file slightly larger than the current
version of localtime which, in the Central Time Zone is a copy of

I didn't think much of the difference since it is a
replacement for what was there and installed it.  The local time
was 23 seconds behind what it should be.  There have been 23
leapseconds added since 1972, I think, so I figured we didn't
need  to have them in there.  After recompiling the data base
without the leapseconds, each system's UTC seconds perfectly
matched the local time's seconds which is what is supposed to

Then, we come to today.  I was experimenting with a
FreeBSD system and noticed that the date;date -u commands yielded
time stamps that were off by 23 seconds, but in the other
direction.  This time, I ran the command in the form you see
above, with the leapseconds, and now that system's seconds
perfectly match between UTC and Central time (CDT in Summer and
CST) in Winter.

Why would this one system which is an old 266 MHZ Pentium
running FreeBSD 4.10 be different?  Another old Pentium running
FreeBSD4.7 needed the leapseconds removed before it gave the
correct seconds for both UTC and Central time.

I did verify that Chicago was the same file on the odd
system as it was on all the normal ones, normal being that the
seconds are correct for both UtC and local.

So, for some reason, about 5 FreeBSD systems work
properly without the leapseconds data base and one needed it.  Why?

It would stand to reason that all the systems need the
leapseconds since that agrees with the rules for calculating
correct time.

Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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PHP compile arguements

2006-10-26 Thread Andreas Widerøe Andersen

I need to recompile PHP on my FreeBSD 6.1 STABLE system with two compile
arguements and I don't know how to do this.

What would the correct compile arguements be when using PORTINSTALL for:

WITH apache and WITHOUT versioning?

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qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64

2006-10-26 Thread O. Hartmann
Before sending a PR, I would like to ask you and maybe someone reveals
my faults in this subject.

Since a couple of weeks I can not build PHP 5.1.6 anymore. I can do it
by hand, but not with the ports system. cups and qt are dependend on PHP
and I would like to fix that problem. It seems that several ports do not
build anymore especially on AMD64 arch, since I have a i386 box (Pentium
4) with nearly the same software status and configuration and I can
check that there is everything o.k.

This is the last error when trying to build Qt library, it dies in PHP.
PHP dies with an error of a non working xml.

After I deinstalled PHP and several other stuff and tried to reinstall,
I can not install PHP anymore due to the shown error.

Any help is highly appreciated!


/bin/sh /usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/libtool --silent
 --mode=compile cc  -Imain/ -I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/main/
OM_INC -I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/include
/php-5.1.6/main -I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6
k/php-5.1.6/ext/date/lib -I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/TSRM
/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/Zend-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
  -c main/internal_functions.c -o main/internal_functions.lo
/bin/sh /usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.1.6/libtool --silent
 --mode=link cc -export-dynamic -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
   ext/date/php_date.lo ext/date/lib/astro.lo ext/date/lib/dow.lo
arse_date.lo ext/date/lib/parse_tz.lo ext/date/lib/timelib.lo
ixtime.lo ext/date/lib/unixtime2tm.lo ext/reflection/php_reflection.lo
hp_spl.lo ext/spl/spl_functions.lo ext/spl/spl_engine.lo
o ext/spl/spl_array.lo ext/spl/spl_directory.lo ext/spl/spl_sxe.lo
xceptions.lo ext/spl/spl_observer.lo regex/regcomp.lo regex/regexec.lo
error.lo regex/regfree.lo ext/standard/array.lo ext/standard/base64.lo
ard/basic_functions.lo ext/standard/browscap.lo ext/standard/crc32.lo
rd/crypt.lo ext/standard/cyr_convert.lo ext/standard/datetime.lo
r.lo ext/standard/dl.lo ext/standard/dns.lo ext/standard/exec.lo
le.lo ext/standard/filestat.lo ext/standard/flock_compat.lo
ed_print.lo ext/standard/fsock.lo ext/standard/head.lo
ext/standard/html.lo ext/
standard/image.lo ext/standard/info.lo ext/standard/iptc.lo
ext/standard/link.lo ext/standard/mail.lo ext/standard/math.lo
lo ext/standard/metaphone.lo ext/standard/microtime.lo
ext/standard/pack.lo ext/
standard/pageinfo.lo ext/standard/quot_print.lo ext/standard/rand.lo
d/reg.lo ext/standard/soundex.lo ext/standard/string.lo
ext/standard/scanf.lo ex
t/standard/syslog.lo ext/standard/type.lo ext/standard/uniqid.lo
l.lo ext/standard/url_scanner.lo ext/standard/var.lo
ext/standard/assert.lo ext/standard/strnatcmp.lo
ext/standard/levenshtein.lo ext
/standard/incomplete_class.lo ext/standard/url_scanner_ex.lo
pen_wrapper.lo ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.lo
.lo ext/standard/credits.lo ext/standard/css.lo
 ext/standard/ftok.lo ext/standard/sha1.lo ext/standard/user_filters.lo
dard/uuencode.lo ext/standard/filters.lo ext/standard/proc_open.lo
streamsfuncs.lo ext/standard/http.lo TSRM/TSRM.lo TSRM/tsrm_strtok_r.lo
m_virtual_cwd.lo main/main.lo main/snprintf.lo main/spprintf.lo
.lo main/safe_mode.lo main/fopen_wrappers.lo main/alloca.lo
main/php_ini.lo main/SAPI.lo main/rfc1867.lo main/php_content_types.lo
cpy.lo main/strlcat.lo main/mergesort.lo main/reentrancy.lo
o main/php_ticks.lo main/network.lo main/php_open_temporary_file.lo
os.lo main/output.lo main/suhosin_patch.lo main/streams/streams.lo
cast.lo main/streams/memory.lo main/streams/filter.lo
.lo main/streams/userspace.lo main/streams/transports.lo
lo main/streams/mmap.lo Zend/zend_language_parser.lo
lo Zend/zend_ini_parser.lo Zend/zend_ini_scanner.lo Zend/zend_alloc.lo
_compile.lo Zend/zend_constants.lo Zend/zend_dynamic_array.lo
API.lo Zend/zend_highlight.lo Zend/zend_llist.lo Zend/zend_opcode.lo
perators.lo Zend/zend_ptr_stack.lo Zend/zend_stack.lo
Zend/zend_variables.lo Zen
d/zend.lo Zend/zend_API.lo Zend/zend_extensions.lo Zend/zend_hash.lo
ist.lo Zend/zend_indent.lo Zend/zend_builtin_functions.lo
Zend/zend_sprintf.lo Z
end/zend_ini.lo Zend/zend_qsort.lo Zend/zend_multibyte.lo
Zend/zend_ts_hash.lo Z
end/zend_stream.lo Zend/zend_iterators.lo Zend/zend_interfaces.lo

Re: FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:27:00 -0600 Marthias, Santosso 

One thing is working, if we only use mfid0 for OS installation and leave
(not use at all) mfid1 and mfid2, then the server rebooted fine after
the OS installation (we get the login prompt).

The problem is we want to have mfid0 for OS, mfid1 for /data, and mfid2
for /data/app separated from each other and not together in one big
virtual disk.

Anybody know about this issue? Any suggestion?

Simple.  Run sysinstall (as root) and use fdisk to setup your slices (mfid1 
for /data and mfid2 for /data/app) and label to label them properly and set 
up the file systems.  Then edit /etc/fstab (if needed - it should be edited 
during this process) to make sure they're mounted on boot.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

Re: PHP compile arguements

2006-10-26 Thread Josh Paetzel
On Thursday 26 October 2006 15:04, Andreas Widerøe Andersen wrote:
 I need to recompile PHP on my FreeBSD 6.1 STABLE system with two
 compile arguements and I don't know how to do this.

 What would the correct compile arguements be when using PORTINSTALL

 WITH apache and WITHOUT versioning?


If you use the lang/php5 port and do a make config it will pop up a 
dialog box which will allow you to select the apache option.  To take 
out versioning you'll have to edit the port's Makefile and 
remove --enable-versioning from the CONFIGURE_ARGS 


Josh Paetzel
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Intel 965P (USB issues) and FreeBSD 6.2-PRE

2006-10-26 Thread Torbjoern Haarstad Orskaug


I recently bought a new computer with a Intel Core 2 Duo processor and
a MSI P965 Neo motherboard. When I boot FreeBSD with the USB
controller disabled from BIOS, everything runs smooth as ever.
However, when I enable the controller the kernel panics with:

usb0: EHCI version 1.0
usb0: wrong number of companions (2 != 0)
usb0: EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller on ehci0
usb0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0: Intel EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, adrr 1
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable
usb0: port reset timeout
uhub0: port 1 reset failed
panic: usbd_transfer: not done

Any suggestions?


Torbjoern Haarstad Orskaug
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Re: Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false

2006-10-26 Thread Juha Saarinen

On 10/27/06, Damian Wiest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I inherited an older edition of UNIX Shell by Example and agree it's
a good book.  I'd also recommend O'Reilly's Classic Shell Scripting

I probably shouldn't encourage this sort of thing, but you can find
the entire O'Reilly CD Bookshelf on the web if you want to sample
the books before buying.

You can also check out the Shell Scripting mailing list at

List-Post: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Has some knowledgeable and helpful people on it, and it's fairly
low-traffic too.

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Re: how to use the freebsd help

2006-10-26 Thread J. Armando Velazco Velazco

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, shonbir singh tomar wrote:

 i have installed the freebsd but i  dont know how to use it after installation 
a black scrren comes prompting for login and password after login by
root or user a # or $ sign appears its the console mode how i want to use 
window mode how can i use it plz help me

Hi!, you need to read over the FreeBSD project; the basic thing is
root is the superuser; (Administrator in other systems) and this user is 
only for administration of the system; he can do it all.
	Others users, them work normally: Programmers, web designers, Unix 
Lovers :), etc, etc.

Basic commands:

	ls, cd, cp , mv, rm, su, mkdir, rmdir, etc. You can obtain details 
of these commands with man, for example:



recommended links:

Good day.

 i am a new user to bsd
 i will be very thankful to u if u help me plz...
 contact me as soon as possible plz...

   No lo intentes, hazlo o no lo hagas, pero no lo intentes; a
menudo se dice que no hay Arte sin Disciplina, ni Disciplina
   \sin sacrificio... creo que tienen raz'on ;)/
\___  _/
 o o
J. Armando Velazco Velazco
Soluciones noether
Cel. (55) 20695732

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Dell 2950 Perc 5/i RAID Controller and FreeBSD 6.1 Question

2006-10-26 Thread Krempasky, Mark

We have a new Dell 2950 with 6 disks, we have verified that the bios and
raid controller firmware are up to date.

Our issue is: after creating 3, RAID 1 virtual disk groups and
initializing them we successfully install FreeBSD 6.1 on the first raid
We then create a file system on the second raid group which seems to
wipe out the FreeBSD install on the first disk group. 

It seems as though FreeBSD6.1 is not differentiating between the
different disk groups thus when you make changes to 1 group it will
write the changes to the other.

Anyone have any ideas on how to get FreeBSD6.1 to differentiate between
the different virtual disk groups on a Dell 2950?

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Re: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

2006-10-26 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET

Thanks... Any idea where to look for the answer? I did find
references, but to UPDATING that didn't exist. Wondered how all 
of a sudden items I haven't recompiled in a while started having

Thanks, Tuc

 This is a FAQ; you have something linked to two thread libraries.
 On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 12:18:57PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
  Out of no where I started to get :
  Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 87 in file /usr/=
  /libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno =3D 0)
  On alot of programs. I thought it had to do with GTK/GNOME so I
  did :
pkgdb -Ff
portupgrade -rf pkg-config\*
  as per the 20061014 instructions. I got to ORBit2.0 and it did
  it again. The compile was called as :
  configure:22617: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  -L/usr/lo=
   conftest.c -pthread -Wl,--export-dynamic -L/usr/local/lib -lgobject-2.0 =
  ad-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -liconv5
  and gave :
  Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 87 in file /usr/=
  /libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno =3D 0)
  If I look at all the libraries :
  -lgobject-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
  -lgthread-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
  -lgmodule-2.0 : New as of Oct 25 09:53
  -lglib-2.0: New as of Oct 25 09:53
  So I'm stuck now... Help
  My /etc/libmap.conf only does mapping by file, not
  generically  :

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Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/'

2006-10-26 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET

Trying to compile wireshark (Which I had running
previously) and I get :

libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/' or 
unhandled argument `/usr/X11R6/lib/'

The reason it can't find it is its in /usr/local/lib
now. But why is wireshark thinking its in /usr/X11R6/lib? I
saw something about GNOME trying to change the location of libraries,
but I don't know what it is that might be telling it the wrong

Thanks, Tuc
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NFS client attr caching question..

2006-10-26 Thread Jeff Mohler

Can anyone answer these questions?

What size the NFS client attribute cache is?
Is it a per mount cache, or a systemwide cache?

Id appreciate any insight into these answers.
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Re: Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/'

2006-10-26 Thread Karol Kwiatkowski
On 27/10/2006 00:37, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
   Trying to compile wireshark (Which I had running
 previously) and I get :
 libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/' 
 or unhandled argument `/usr/X11R6/lib/'
   The reason it can't find it is its in /usr/local/lib
 now. But why is wireshark thinking its in /usr/X11R6/lib? I
 saw something about GNOME trying to change the location of libraries,
 but I don't know what it is that might be telling it the wrong

I've seen that few times already, basically some gnome's libraries
weren't upgraded properly (not only pango). For a quick fix you can
either find out which one is to blame or upgrade everything on which
broken port depends, in case of wireshark:

# portupgrade -fR wireshark

The proper method, however, is described in /usr/ports/UPDATING
(20061014) and use that if you're not sure what above quick method can
brake ;)

   Thanks, Tuc



Karol Kwiatkowski  freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/'

2006-10-26 Thread Vladimir Kushnir

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:


Trying to compile wireshark (Which I had running
previously) and I get :

libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/' or 
unhandled argument `/usr/X11R6/lib/'

The reason it can't find it is its in /usr/local/lib
now. But why is wireshark thinking its in /usr/X11R6/lib? I
saw something about GNOME trying to change the location of libraries,
but I don't know what it is that might be telling it the wrong

Thanks, Tuc

You've got some pre-GNOME-2.16 librar{y/ies} which references 
/usr/X11R6/lib/ Just check which one (I had some 
non-port and had to use grep: 
grep -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libpango `find /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/local/lib -name 
) and reinstall it. BTW, you can get this error with other libs (GTK2, 
for one) as well.

Hope this helps,
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Set default python to 2.5?

2006-10-26 Thread Nicolas Blais
Can anyone tell me how to set the default python to 2.5. I've updated python 
to 2.5 about 2 weeks ago when it became default. Since some were having 
issues, it was defaulted back to 2.4. 
I'm not having any problems (and I have lots of ports that use python), and 
would like to keep 2.5, but everytime I portupgrade, I'm asked to upgrade 
python-2.5 to python-2.4.3,1 and anything that depends on python which would 
need updating tries to install 2.4.3,1. 

Is there a make.conf flag or something I can do to make 2.5 my default python?


FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Sat Oct  7 15:11:02 EDT 2006 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CLK01A 
PGP? :

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the

2006-10-26 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
 On 27/10/2006 00:37, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
  Trying to compile wireshark (Which I had running
  previously) and I get :
  libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/X11R6/lib/libpangocairo-1.=' or unhandled argument `/usr/X11R6/lib/'
  The reason it can't find it is its in /usr/local/lib
  now. But why is wireshark thinking its in /usr/X11R6/lib? I
  saw something about GNOME trying to change the location of libraries,
  but I don't know what it is that might be telling it the wrong
 I've seen that few times already, basically some gnome's libraries
 weren't upgraded properly (not only pango). For a quick fix you can
 either find out which one is to blame or upgrade everything on which
 broken port depends, in case of wireshark:
 # portupgrade -fR wireshark

Ok, thanks, will try that(See below)
 The proper method, however, is described in /usr/ports/UPDATING
 (20061014) and use that if you're not sure what above quick method can
 brake ;)
I've done it twice already... I'm on my third time, but this
time I'm scripting the session since when I do 3 or 4 of them fail.
2-3 from fetch issues, and one for an uninstall issue. I need to find
out better why the uninstall/fetch issues are happening and then
progress from there.

Thanks, Tuc
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Re: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

2006-10-26 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 06:33:09PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
   Thanks... Any idea where to look for the answer? I did find
 references, but to UPDATING that didn't exist. Wondered how all 
 of a sudden items I haven't recompiled in a while started having

You had old packages linked against an old version of the library from
a previous revision of FreeBSD, and they only broke when your recent
update changed one of them to link to both versions.

portupgrade -fa is the most convenient way to solve this.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library

2006-10-26 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
 On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
  Trying to compile wireshark (Which I had running
  previously) and I get :
  libtool: link: cannot find the library 
  `/usr/X11R6/lib/' or unhandled argument 
  The reason it can't find it is its in /usr/local/lib
  now. But why is wireshark thinking its in /usr/X11R6/lib? I
  saw something about GNOME trying to change the location of libraries,
  but I don't know what it is that might be telling it the wrong
  Thanks, Tuc
 You've got some pre-GNOME-2.16 librar{y/ies} which references 
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ Just check which one (I had some 
 non-port and had to use grep: 
 grep -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libpango `find /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/local/lib -name 
 ) and reinstall it. BTW, you can get this error with other libs (GTK2, 
 for one) as well.
 Hope this helps,

Thank you very much, thats a great way to do it. I've never used the
grep -l . The list of what it found is below. I have a feeling that the gtk-2.0
is the one thats failing the uninstall. Perhaps then other ones are skipped
because of it. 

Thanks, Tuc
himinbjorg# grep -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libpango `find /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/local/lib 
-name *.la`

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Re: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

2006-10-26 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
 On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 06:33:09PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
  Thanks... Any idea where to look for the answer? I did find
  references, but to UPDATING that didn't exist. Wondered how all=20
  of a sudden items I haven't recompiled in a while started having
 You had old packages linked against an old version of the library from
 a previous revision of FreeBSD, and they only broke when your recent
 update changed one of them to link to both versions.

FreeBSD 5.5-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 
5.5-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jun 20 15:27:48 EDT 2006 [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/HIMINBJORG53noagp  i386

As you see, I haven't updated my base OS in 4 months.

 portupgrade -fa is the most convenient way to solve this.
That scares me to no ever loving end. I usually end up
with issues. I'm doing a portupgrade -rf pkg-config\* for the
3rd time right now. It hasn't worked properly the other 2
times. Some packages had fetch errors, and one had uninstall
issues.  Whenever I've done an upgrade before, ruby and perl
usually end up broken pretty bad.

Thanks, Tuc
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Re: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

2006-10-26 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 08:34:52PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 06:33:09PM -0400, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
 Thanks... Any idea where to look for the answer? I did find
   references, but to UPDATING that didn't exist. Wondered how all=20
   of a sudden items I haven't recompiled in a while started having
  You had old packages linked against an old version of the library from
  a previous revision of FreeBSD, and they only broke when your recent
  update changed one of them to link to both versions.
 FreeBSD 5.5-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 
 5.5-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jun 20 15:27:48 EDT 2006 [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/HIMINBJORG53noagp  i386
   As you see, I haven't updated my base OS in 4 months.

OK, but that doesn't rule out what I said.  You have *some* files
still left over from an older version of FreeBSD, in particular,
including the following:

a) an old copy of a thread library

b) old packages linked to this old thread library 

  portupgrade -fa is the most convenient way to solve this.
   That scares me to no ever loving end. I usually end up
 with issues. I'm doing a portupgrade -rf pkg-config\* for the
 3rd time right now. It hasn't worked properly the other 2

Probably for the same reason, i.e. you're not updating a consistent
subset of your packages.  There are packages that do not depend on
pkg-config that probably need to be updated too, and since you're not
updating them then you'll break things that require the new version.

In fact, doing a portupgrade -fa is the usual way you *fix* such
inconsistencies, as I've already said.


Description: PGP signature

FreeBSD question

2006-10-26 Thread Nikhil Patel
1. I want to teach basic unix command, shell scripting to my students, does BSD 
is same like Unix?
  2. Can I install FreeBSD on Pentium PC that has 2 partition 1 has windows XP 
and 1 will have FreeBSD.
  3. Is installation process easy?

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ 
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Ports collection issue

2006-10-26 Thread Rik Davis
  I'm a die hard freebsd user, but I am finding myself becomeing quite 
frustrated with why you completely pulled the 5.4 ports collection off of your 
ftp sites.
  When I try to use my /stand/sysinstall now and attempt to connect to you ftp 
server, I ge the error that it cannot locate the 5.4-RELEASE packages. Why 
would you remove a collection that is still in such high demand by those of us 
that have yet to upgrade our binaries to a later version?
  I depend on that being there, but this is not leaving a very pleasant taste 
in my mouth. Also, this is not the first time I have seen you do this. What am 
I supposed to do now that I no longer have access to those packages?
  Adrian Brooks

Do you Yahoo!?
 Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.
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Re: Ports collection issue

2006-10-26 Thread Lane
On Thursday 26 October 2006 19:07, Rik Davis wrote:

   I'm a die hard freebsd user, but I am finding myself becomeing quite
 frustrated with why you completely pulled the 5.4 ports collection off of
 your ftp sites.

   When I try to use my /stand/sysinstall now and attempt to connect to you
 ftp server, I ge the error that it cannot locate the 5.4-RELEASE packages.
 Why would you remove a collection that is still in such high demand by
 those of us that have yet to upgrade our binaries to a later version?

   I depend on that being there, but this is not leaving a very pleasant
 taste in my mouth. Also, this is not the first time I have seen you do
 this. What am I supposed to do now that I no longer have access to those


   Adrian Brooks


Use /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui and create a cvsupfile.  You can then 
selectively install src-all, src-contrib, ports-all and any of the various 
ports sub-trees that you need (but stick with ports-all).

cvsup will get the proper Makefiles and whatnot for you.

Email me if you need help setting that up.

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Re: Ports collection issue

2006-10-26 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 05:07:54PM -0700, Rik Davis wrote:

 I'm a die hard freebsd user, but I am finding myself becomeing quite
 frustrated with why you completely pulled the 5.4 ports collection
 off of your ftp sites.

Because 5.4 was released nearly 18 months ago and disk space is

Note that even after moving aside the 5.4 packages to make enough room
to fit the forthcoming 6.2 packages, the FTP site takes up close to
half a terabyte of space.

 When I try to use my /stand/sysinstall now and attempt to connect to
 you ftp server, I ge the error that it cannot locate the 5.4-RELEASE
 packages. Why would you remove a collection that is still in such
 high demand by those of us that have yet to upgrade our binaries to
 a later version?

 I depend on that being there, but this is not leaving a very
 pleasant taste in my mouth. Also, this is not the first time I have
 seen you do this. What am I supposed to do now that I no longer have
 access to those packages?

Use an alternative mirror which still carries the old releases.  For
example, and probably others.

In future you might like to consider alternative explanations than
malicious intent on the part of FreeBSD to harm you, before posting.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Ports collection issue

2006-10-26 Thread Garrett Cooper
Hash: SHA1

Lane wrote:
 On Thursday 26 October 2006 19:07, Rik Davis wrote:

   I'm a die hard freebsd user, but I am finding myself becomeing quite
 frustrated with why you completely pulled the 5.4 ports collection off of
 your ftp sites.

   When I try to use my /stand/sysinstall now and attempt to connect to you
 ftp server, I ge the error that it cannot locate the 5.4-RELEASE packages.
 Why would you remove a collection that is still in such high demand by
 those of us that have yet to upgrade our binaries to a later version?

   I depend on that being there, but this is not leaving a very pleasant
 taste in my mouth. Also, this is not the first time I have seen you do
 this. What am I supposed to do now that I no longer have access to those


   Adrian Brooks

 Use /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui and create a cvsupfile.  You can then 
 selectively install src-all, src-contrib, ports-all and any of the various 
 ports sub-trees that you need (but stick with ports-all).
 cvsup will get the proper Makefiles and whatnot for you.
 Email me if you need help setting that up.

Please note the fact that a lot of software distributors,
regardless of whether you pay for the product or not, have a limited set
of supported versions of their software for a reason.
In this case FreeBSD did phase out their old versions of
software for a reason, and that was supportability and space as Kris
mentioned. So, please upgrade to the latest version of your major
version fork (5.5 I believe).
That is all.
- -Garrett
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: FreeBSD question

2006-10-26 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On October 26, 2006 4:17:37 PM -0700 Nikhil Patel 

1. I want to teach basic unix command, shell scripting to my students,
does BSD is same like Unix?

Yes.  BSD is just like Unix.  In fact, it *is* Unix.

  2. Can I install FreeBSD on Pentium PC that has 2 partition 1 has
windows XP and 1 will have FreeBSD.

I have that very setup on my laptop.  If you have Windows installed 
already, just begine the install of FreeBSD and choose the BSD boot 
manager.  It will set everything up for you.

  3. Is installation process easy?

Yes, but if you're unfamiliar with it, you might want to print out the 
instructions from the FreeBSD Handbook.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

altering text files.

2006-10-26 Thread jekillen

Hello fellow FreeBSD users;

I have a technical question about text files:

Is there a way to edit a text file via a script
by searching and replacing small portions
of a text file, instead of having to rewrite
the whole file for what may be negligible
alterations? I'm assuming not, but I'm not
really sure.

My interest is with any scripting or even
compiled language, but specifically the
use of php to edit files on a web server.

I have created an application for a web
client that allows the client to contact their
site and make changes to a file that lists
event date, title, location, subject. And
creates a separate file for details related
to each event listing. I'm concerned about
allowing the client to edit the listings and
detail files in the event that a mistake is
made in the data entered from a event
posting form. (I don't want to have to
manually edit the files for them in this event)

So, the idea of correcting the spelling of
a word like is when it was spelled  it seems
over kill  (to over write a whole file just to change
one character).

Thanks in advance;
Jeff k

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Re: cvsup

2006-10-26 Thread Jeff Mohler

hmm..Im running the latest code, but I dont see that file fastest_cvsup.

On 10/25/06, Kent Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 25 October 2006 06:07, eoghan wrote:
 On 25 Oct 2006, at 14:03, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
  eoghan wrote:
  Trying to cvsup my ports and server is saying:
  Rejected by server: Access limit exceeded, try again later
  So im using
  but have tried, and
  and get the same message... is there something wrong?
  try E.g. for
  Germany,, etc.

 Thanks, that works for me... but the others used to work all the
 time... anyway updating now...
 Thanks again

Try using fastest_cvsup and you can see what kind of response the
servers are providing. I did a
fastest_cvsup -c us
and it showed at 1837 UTC that 1 and 3 were at the limit and cvsup6 is
probably down.

They update from the master on the hour and you need to wait 10-15
minutes for the update to finish. There isn't any magic time where they
all work but you can find one closer to the next update where you get
through almost all of the time.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA I am Andean project.
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Re: Ports collection issue

2006-10-26 Thread Lane
On Thursday 26 October 2006 23:16, Garrett Cooper wrote:
 Lane wrote:
  On Thursday 26 October 2006 19:07, Rik Davis wrote:
I'm a die hard freebsd user, but I am finding myself becomeing quite
  frustrated with why you completely pulled the 5.4 ports collection off
  of your ftp sites.
When I try to use my /stand/sysinstall now and attempt to connect to
  you ftp server, I ge the error that it cannot locate the 5.4-RELEASE
  packages. Why would you remove a collection that is still in such high
  demand by those of us that have yet to upgrade our binaries to a later
I depend on that being there, but this is not leaving a very pleasant
  taste in my mouth. Also, this is not the first time I have seen you do
  this. What am I supposed to do now that I no longer have access to those
Adrian Brooks
  Use /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui and create a cvsupfile.  You can
  then selectively install src-all, src-contrib, ports-all and any of the
  various ports sub-trees that you need (but stick with ports-all).
  cvsup will get the proper Makefiles and whatnot for you.
  Email me if you need help setting that up.

   Please note the fact that a lot of software distributors,
 regardless of whether you pay for the product or not, have a limited set
 of supported versions of their software for a reason.
   In this case FreeBSD did phase out their old versions of
 software for a reason, and that was supportability and space as Kris
 mentioned. So, please upgrade to the latest version of your major
 version fork (5.5 I believe).
   That is all.

Just a note for clarification:

While the source and ports collection for 5.X may NOT be available using 
sysinstall, it should be recognized that sysinstall is really only reliable 
for initial installation of whatever is the current version (give or take a 
release or two).

cvsup and portupgrade are the preferred methods for maintaining the software.

Just for verification I have recently used cvsup to download the entire 
FreeBSD-3.4 system, including ports (That's right, 3.4).  While the ports may 
not be tied directly to the kernel version, they are there as well.

So, space considerations may be important to the maintainers, but I think they 
put a premium on continuity.  And being able to go backward three different 
versions is pretty darned cool!

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Re: FreeBSD question

2006-10-26 Thread Bachilo Dmitry
В сообщении от Пятница 27 октября 2006 06:17 Nikhil Patel написал(a):
 1. I want to teach basic unix command, shell scripting to my students, does
 BSD is same like Unix?

   2. Can I install FreeBSD on Pentium PC that has 2 partition 1 has windows
 XP and 1 will have FreeBSD.

   3. Is installation process easy?

1. Well, yes, it is. FreeBSD has standard shells like sh, bash, csh and so on.
2. Shure, many people do so.
3. I depends on you, If you are a shell scripting teacher, you should know 
much about UNIX and that means the installation will be a pleasure, because 
you will understand sysinstall's questions.

That's it.


С уважением, Бачило Дмитрий
Best Regards, Bachilo Dmitry
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Re: altering text files.

2006-10-26 Thread Lane
On Thursday 26 October 2006 23:38, jekillen wrote:
 Hello fellow FreeBSD users;

 I have a technical question about text files:

 Is there a way to edit a text file via a script
 by searching and replacing small portions
 of a text file, instead of having to rewrite
 the whole file for what may be negligible
 alterations? I'm assuming not, but I'm not
 really sure.

 My interest is with any scripting or even
 compiled language, but specifically the
 use of php to edit files on a web server.

 I have created an application for a web
 client that allows the client to contact their
 site and make changes to a file that lists
 event date, title, location, subject. And
 creates a separate file for details related
 to each event listing. I'm concerned about
 allowing the client to edit the listings and
 detail files in the event that a mistake is
 made in the data entered from a event
 posting form. (I don't want to have to
 manually edit the files for them in this event)

 So, the idea of correcting the spelling of
 a word like is when it was spelled  it seems
 over kill  (to over write a whole file just to change
 one character).

 Thanks in advance;
 Jeff k

 ___ mailing list
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man sed

is your friend.

awk is awkward, but it may be useful as well

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Re: cvsup

2006-10-26 Thread Lane
On Wednesday 25 October 2006 07:52, eoghan wrote:
 Trying to cvsup my ports and server is saying:
 Rejected by server: Access limit exceeded, try again later
 So im using
 but have tried, and
 and get the same message... is there something wrong?
 ___ mailing list
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I use as the others usually return that error message when 
I try them (usually when I'm in a hurry).

cvsup4 is fairly reliable, too.

___ mailing list
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Re: cvsup

2006-10-26 Thread Brian

Jeff Mohler wrote:

hmm..Im running the latest code, but I dont see that file fastest_cvsup.

On 10/25/06, Kent Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 25 October 2006 06:07, eoghan wrote:
 On 25 Oct 2006, at 14:03, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
  eoghan wrote:
  Trying to cvsup my ports and server is saying:
  Rejected by server: Access limit exceeded, try again later
  So im using
  but have tried, and
  and get the same message... is there something wrong?
  try E.g. for
  Germany,, etc.

 Thanks, that works for me... but the others used to work all the
 time... anyway updating now...
 Thanks again

Try using fastest_cvsup and you can see what kind of response the
servers are providing. I did a
fastest_cvsup -c us
and it showed at 1837 UTC that 1 and 3 were at the limit and cvsup6 is
probably down.

They update from the master on the hour and you need to wait 10-15
minutes for the update to finish. There isn't any magic time where they
all work but you can find one closer to the next update where you get
through almost all of the time.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA I am Andean project.
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It is an optional item.  Running pkg_add -r fastest_cvsup will get it 
for you.


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Re: cvsup

2006-10-26 Thread Jeff Mohler

Thanks muchly.


On 10/26/06, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jeff Mohler wrote:
 hmm..Im running the latest code, but I dont see that file fastest_cvsup.

 On 10/25/06, Kent Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 25 October 2006 06:07, eoghan wrote:
  On 25 Oct 2006, at 14:03, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
   eoghan wrote:
   Trying to cvsup my ports and server is saying:
   Rejected by server: Access limit exceeded, try again later
   So im using
   but have tried, and
   and get the same message... is there something wrong?
   try E.g. for
   Germany,, etc.
  Thanks, that works for me... but the others used to work all the
  time... anyway updating now...
  Thanks again

 Try using fastest_cvsup and you can see what kind of response the
 servers are providing. I did a
 fastest_cvsup -c us
 and it showed at 1837 UTC that 1 and 3 were at the limit and cvsup6 is
 probably down.

 They update from the master on the hour and you need to wait 10-15
 minutes for the update to finish. There isn't any magic time where they
 all work but you can find one closer to the next update where you get
 through almost all of the time.


 Kent Stewart
 Richland, WA I am Andean project.
 ___ mailing list
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It is an optional item.  Running pkg_add -r fastest_cvsup will get it
for you.


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Re: Intel 965P (USB issues) and FreeBSD 6.2-PRE

2006-10-26 Thread Erik Norgaard

Torbjoern Haarstad Orskaug wrote:


I recently bought a new computer with a Intel Core 2 Duo processor and
a MSI P965 Neo motherboard. When I boot FreeBSD with the USB
controller disabled from BIOS, everything runs smooth as ever.
However, when I enable the controller the kernel panics with:

usb0: EHCI version 1.0
usb0: wrong number of companions (2 != 0)
usb0: EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller on ehci0
usb0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0: Intel EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, adrr 1
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable
usb0: port reset timeout
uhub0: port 1 reset failed
panic: usbd_transfer: not done

Any suggestions?

Try boot -v to get more info.

Cheers, Erik
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