how do you switch between wireless networks?

2004-04-16 Thread BSD baby
I just got my wireless connection working with a new PCMCIA card.

But I'm still naming the wireless network in my rc.conf file. (DHCP connection)

But as I go to join other wireless DHCP networks around the world,
what's the best way to switch to that network without rebooting to do it from rc.conf?

If there's a tutorial about this kind of thing (besides 
/handbook/network-wireless.html) - please point me there.


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Re: how do you switch between wireless networks?

2004-04-16 Thread BSD baby
 I just got my wireless connection working with a new PCMCIA card.
 But I'm still naming the wireless network in my rc.conf file. (DHCP 
 But as I go to join other wireless DHCP networks around the world,
 what's the best way to switch to that network without rebooting to do it 
 from rc.conf?
 ifconfig interface ssid ssidofwirelessnetwork ip netmask netmask
 should do that trick without rebooting.

What I couldn't find in the handbook was how to do this for DHCP?

If I don't know the IP or netmask, and want to let the DHCP server decide,
how to I tell that to ifconfig?

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Re: ITunes app or player

2004-03-07 Thread BSD baby
 Do we happen to have a port that can make use of ITunes? Moreover - the files 
 you  purchase from them. I think the file extension is m4p.

They're locked Digital Rights Management-controlled AAC files.

Unfortunately you can only play them in real Apple iTunes player or transfer them to 
an iPod.

LUCKILY : as with ALL of the download services (most of which use Windows Media 
you can just click the {BURN TO CD} button, and burn an audio CD,  then pop it in 
FreeBSD machine and rip it to FLAC or MP3 or OGG or whatever you want.

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Re: ITunes app or player

2004-03-07 Thread BSD baby
  LUCKILY : as with ALL of the download services (most of which use Windows
  Media format), you can just click the {BURN TO CD} button, and burn an
  audio CD,  then pop it in your FreeBSD machine and rip it to FLAC or MP3 or
  OGG or whatever you want.
 As true as the above may be, and as lazy as I can be - I was hoping for a more 
 logical (for lack of a better term) way of playing them. Perhaps I was 
 looking for a app that might play them in their native format.

Yeah.  Shit outta luck, though.

My company is one of the main ones actually delivering and encoding all the 
audio to Apple iTunes.   We use all FreeBSD machines for storage, but have
to use actual Apple iTunes software for encoding and listening.

There's no other way.  I've tried.

Hey if you don't know the FLAC audio format, you should.  Especially for
trans-coding other audio formats (like iTunes from CD-Rom) onto your FreeBSD

cd /usr/ports/audio/flac ; make install

It's a *lossless* copy of the audio.  No compressions.  Huge files but sounds great.

You can use a program like this...
cd /usr/ports/audio/abcde ; make install

... to rip your audio CDs into FLAC format.

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Re: Web Editing?

2004-01-19 Thread BSD baby
 What do people here use to edit HTML documents?  I usually use Dreamweaver, 
 but I haven't gotten the time to try to get wine working so I can run 
 Dreamweaver on FreeBSD.

Quanta is your best bet.  It's very similar to Homesite on Windows.  (Which I think is 
bundled with Dreamweaver these days.)


Those of you who haven't looked at it in a long time, check it out again.
Tag-completion for HTML saves many keystrokes over doing things in vi/emacs.
Its syntax hints for PHP are wonderful.
Syntax coloring for every language (even the odd/rare ones, thanks to Kate).

It's KDE-native.

cd /usr/ports/www/quanta ; make install

I use it about 8 hours a day for everything from HTML-making to Ruby-programming, and 
love it.
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if a file is used a lot, does it stay in a RAM cache?

2004-01-12 Thread BSD baby
If a file is loaded off the hard drive a lot, does FreeBSD keep it in RAM?

For my high-traffic website, Apache+PHP, I have a PHP file that I'm going to be 
including a LOT.

The file is 3 megs, though.   Takes a few unfortunate seconds to load into memory off 
of disk the first time.

So - what would it take to keep it in RAM instead of being loaded off of hard drive 
every second of the day?

Does FreeBSD do that automatically or do I need some kind of accelerator app?


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Re: converting real media audio ... ENCODING working?

2003-11-12 Thread BSD baby
While we're on the subject, has anyone gotten the Linux version of the Real Audio 
Producer (encoder) to work?

It's a commercial app from RealNetworks that I downloaded and did a core dump when 
trying to run.
(Sorry I forget details now.)

Just wondering if anyone's ever successfully done RealAudio ENCODING on FreeBSD?

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most direct way to get audio file to sound card?

2003-10-19 Thread BSD baby
What's the most direct way to cat an audio file into the sound card?

The FreeBSD manual talks about wavplay or mpg123 or xmms, but what
if I just want to send an audio file to the sound card without an
application inbetween?

(Reason why - I want to make a quick shell script to play my flac
audio files.  I can use sox to convert to wav or raw on the fly,
but still can't get it to the sound card.)
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Re: wav to mp3?

2003-10-05 Thread BSD baby
 I did a make search in the ports collection and didn't see what (I think) I 
 need, so I'll ask here.
 Is there a utility (or utilities) in ports for converting .wav files to mp3?

/usr/ports/audio/lame has really become the standard.

SO easy to use from the command-line, just do:

lame YourSong.wav
... and it will make the standard 128kbps MP3 file.


lame --preset standard YourSong.wav
... and it will make a super-high-quality audiophile MP3.

If you want to do a batch, you can just use find to loop through them all like this:

find . -name *.wav -exec lame {} \;

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making a HUGE storage thing using hub+NFS+RAID - feedback?

2003-07-20 Thread BSD baby
Before I jump into something new, could I get some thoughts from
someone who's done this kinda thing before in FreeBSD?

I need at least 6 terabytes to be available all at once, NOT online
but just as backup file storage.  But file storage that needs to
be available internally and easily to anyone in the office.

So I thought the best way would be to have:

- 6 boxes each with 8 200gig drives in RAID5   (1.2T each)
each of them cross-connected to...
- 1 box as the hub.

The hub box would use NFS to mount each of the 6 boxes as if they
were on the local filesystem.

The hub box would be the only one directly connected to our office.
The 6 boxes would only be connected to the hub.

Any downside to doing this?  Does NFS freak at a certain size?
Is there a better way?


(We're doing audio archiving of  50,000 CDs.  Yes, legal.)

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how to copy just part of a file?

2003-07-16 Thread BSD baby
Is there an easy built-in way to copy only part of a file?

I want to take a WAV audio file and copy from #__ bytes to
#___ bytes into a new file.

(I'm making 30-second clips of files.)

Though I found a scripting way to do it with PHP, I'm wondering
if there's a more direct way to do it with basic GNU/BSD commands.


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Re: Centrino COU working on FreeBSD?

2003-07-16 Thread BSD baby
 I just wondered whether the Centrino CPU was usable in combination with

Yep!  I'm typing on my Gateway 450x Centrino laptop in FreeBSD 4.8 now.
I *LOVE* it.Looks and works wonderful.

Note that the Centrino built-in wireless ethernet is not recognized, though.
But everything else is perfect.

 If you've got other suggestions to other, better FreeBSD-compliant
 laptops I should buy instead, I'm listening.

The ultimate source is here:

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laptop hard drive spin-down APM stuff - controllable??

2003-06-14 Thread BSD baby
Anyone who's using FreeBSD with a laptop:

I'm having problems with my hard drive spinning down (sleeping) every 30 seconds.

Is that something that's controllable in FreeBSD?   I don't see it in BIOS.
Is it a kernel thing?

This thing sleeps and wakes, sleeps and wakes about every 15 seconds.
Everything else is fine and it doesn't do it when I boot into Windows.

Thanks for any help!

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Re: FLAC audio port in FreeBSD: boom. crash. core dump.

2003-06-06 Thread BSD baby
  On a virgin FreeBSD 4.8 system, I've tried to use the FLAC audio compression port:
  Using no special options on a .wav file:
  flac mysong.wav
  I get Illegal instruction (core dumped).
  I've tried it on 3 different FreeBSD 4.8 boxes, and many different .wav files.
  Has anyone gotten it to work?
 Of course!
 % flac cdda.wav
 options: -P 4096 -b 4608 -m -l 8 -q 0 -r 3,3
 cdda.wav: wrote 39604764 bytes, ratio=0.598
 % uname -rs
 % uname -rs
 Maybe you are building world/kernel/ports with the wrong optimisations

Very strange.

When I went and built from source the non-ports way it worked fine:

./configure ; gmake ; gmake install

(but crashed when using make instead of gmake.)

But still the standard port on a FreeBSD 4.8 system doesn't work.
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FLAC audio port in FreeBSD: boom. crash. core dump.

2003-06-05 Thread BSD baby
On a virgin FreeBSD 4.8 system, I've tried to use the FLAC audio compression port:


Using no special options on a .wav file:
flac mysong.wav

I get Illegal instruction (core dumped).

I've tried it on 3 different FreeBSD 4.8 boxes, and many different .wav files.

Has anyone gotten it to work?
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Re: FreeBSD and Windows XP

2003-06-01 Thread BSD baby
 How do I get my new Win XP box to talk to me FreeBSD Server?
 When I try to map a drive I get :
   The account is not authorized to log in from this station.
 I think it's the Plain Text Password issue.  I've dealt with it before 
 on Win 98 but can't figure out how to configure Win XP to allow a 
 Plain Text Password.

It sounds like you're talking about Samba?

If so, here's my samba config file that works with WinXP *and* Win98:
(Note: I set up a username called shared as the only shared directory.)

valid users = shared
force user = shared
guest account = shared
default case = lower
case sensitive = no
remote announce =
auto services = global
default = global
dns proxy = no 
encrypt passwords = no
null passwords = yes
security = share
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
max log size = 50
server string = dev
netbios name = dev
netbios aliases = dev
workgroup = YourWindowsWorkgroupName
log file = /var/log/samba.log

# Share Definitions ==

path = /home/shared/
writable = yes
force user = shared
force group = shared
guest account = shared
public = yes

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Re: any recommended simple text editors?????

2003-05-31 Thread BSD baby
THANK YOU to whoever recommended ee!

I had never tried that little thing.  It's wonderful.
Though vi is good for me, I'm going to tell beginners
to use ee from now on.  Easiest one I've ever seen.
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Re: Mysql

2003-05-30 Thread BSD baby
 I want to remove my mysql installation and re-install from scratch. Now the
 problem. I have 6 active databases. How can i make sure that i dont loose
 those. And that when i have re-installed, that they work immediatilly ??

The databases are in /var/db/mysql

The smartest thing would be to do (as root user):

mysqladmin -u YourUsername -p shutdown
cd /var/db/mysql
tar cvfz MyDatabases.tgz *
mv MyDatabases.tgz /home/

That will stop your database server, and save all your data in your /home/ dir.

Then, when you want to restore them, IF they're not there after a new install, just do:

cd /var/db/mysql
rm *
tar xvfz /home/MyDatabases.tgz

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Re: Mysql

2003-05-30 Thread BSD baby
  I want to remove my mysql installation and re-install from scratch. Now the
  problem. I have 6 active databases. How can i make sure that i dont loose
  those. And that when i have re-installed, that they work immediatilly ??
 I'd think mysql dump and restore would be the safest way and would
 allow some porting between different verions of MySQL.

Good point.  The mysqldump command you probably want is:

mysqldump -u YourUserName -p -A  alldb.mysql

That should dump all databases.
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Opera browser native FreeBSD (was Re: AbiWord)

2003-03-06 Thread BSD baby
Browser-based apps are what I do, all day.

And Opera is the best, by far:

FreeBSD native.  Fast. Small. Wonderful font-rendering.
Totally HTML/XML standards-compliant, etc.

If you use the web all day, it's worth paying the $39 USD
to these nice people up in Norway who made this great browser.

(To show my support, I bought 10 FreeBSD licenses.)

 If I could only find a non-GNOME/non-KDE/non-Linux
 browser(/email) package with the quality rendering
 of Netscape-4.8 without the bloat...
 ... I'd be pretty happy.  It kinda
 sucks to have to install an entire 100MB linux
 distribution and 25MB of netscape stuff just to
 view the web :)

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Re: Trying to run Quanta, but got error in libfreetype

2003-03-03 Thread BSD baby
You didn't mention your KDE version, but I know that Quanta 3.1
(the one that's in ports now) is meant to be run on KDE 3.1
(also in ports now.)

If you installed KDE from the FreeBSD 4.7 CD-Rom, let's say,
then that's KDE 3.0.   You'd have to do a /usr/ports/x11/kde ;
make install clean to do a fresh KDE 3.1.

I'm no expert on this, I just know that I've got Quanta running
wonderfully on my FreeBSD 4.7 / KDE 3.1 combination.  Just used
the /usr/ports make install for both of them.

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FreeBSD laptop. $799. looks good

2003-02-20 Thread BSD baby
in case anyone didn't hear from Slashdot already, 
Lindows the linux company is selling a nice small
laptop for $799.  And if it'll run Linux I'll bet
it'll run FreeBSD:

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does XFree86 installed from CD lack anything?

2003-02-11 Thread BSD baby
Does the default install of XFree86 4.2 binaries from the 
FreeBSD 4.7 CD-Rom lack any drivers?  PCI video drivers, maybe?

When I set up a new FreeBSD 4.7 box from CD-Rom I choose the
option to install all sources + XFree binaries since I'm 
going to be running XFree86/KDE.

Usually it's not a problem, but on a new box with no AGP slot,
I've tried TWO different XFree-approved PCI video cards and
BOTH give me this error:

Fatal server error:
XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.

my scanpci -v has this:

pci bus 0x cardnum 0x0b function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x002d
 NVidia Riva TNT2 M64
  STATUS0x02b0  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS 0x03 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x15
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x20  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0 0xde00  addr 0xde00  MEM
  BASE1 0xdc08  addr 0xdc00  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  MAX_LAT   0x01  MIN_GNT 0x05  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x0b

my dmesg has this:

pci0: NVidia Riva Ultra Vanta TNT2 graphics accelerator at 12.0 irq 10

Any suggestions?

Will choosing NOT to install XFree86 at install-time then doing a cvsup and
install from /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4 make any difference?

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OpenSSH security hole on FreeBSD?

2003-02-11 Thread BSD baby
I install OpenSSH like this:

cd /usr/ports/security/openssh-portable

That puts things here:

BUT... it seems to be IGNORING the sshd_config!

TWO major security holes:

#1 - It won't let me turn off passwords 
 (PasswordAuthentication no)

#2 - It only requires I type the first 8 characters
 of my password!  (I use 16-character password.)

I don't have these problems on OpenBSD.
Any idea why they would be on FreeBSD?

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Re: does XFree86 installed from CD lack anything?

2003-02-11 Thread BSD baby
  Does the default install of XFree86 4.2 binaries from the 
  FreeBSD 4.7 CD-Rom lack any drivers?  PCI video drivers, maybe?
  When I set up a new FreeBSD 4.7 box from CD-Rom I choose the
  option to install all sources + XFree binaries since I'm 
  going to be running XFree86/KDE.
  Usually it's not a problem, but on a new box with no AGP slot,
  I've tried TWO different XFree-approved PCI video cards and
  BOTH give me this error:
  Fatal server error:
  XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
  Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to xf86PciInfo.h.
  my scanpci -v has this:
  pci bus 0x cardnum 0x0b function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x002d
   NVidia Riva TNT2 M64
STATUS0x02b0  COMMAND 0x0007
CLASS 0x03 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x15
BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x20  CACHE 0x00
BASE0 0xde00  addr 0xde00  MEM
BASE1 0xdc08  addr 0xdc00  MEM PREFETCHABLE
MAX_LAT   0x01  MIN_GNT 0x05  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x0b
 I believe you have to go through the non-trivial exercise of
 installing the Nvidia driver..I have not done this yet, due to lack of
 patience, but several people on the list have been there and done it,
 look back in the recent archives for long discussions on it...
 Or probably someone else will give you a pointer.
 Nvidia support for FreeBSD is very new.

I wish that was it!

But I had the same thing happen with a very standard ATI Rage 128 PCI card.

Exact same errors. The new NVidia card was a last resort.

Both are listed as fully supported by XFree 4.2

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suggested reinstall of KDE when original was from CD-Rom

2003-01-30 Thread BSD Baby
In general I know how to reinstall an updated port, but what about
if I installed KDE from the original FreeBSD 4.7 CD-Rom install at
the same time as I was installing the OS?

In this case, does make deinstall work?  Or is there a better way?

I want to install the new KDE 3.1 from ports in its place.
Any advice appreciated.

(( SORRY to ask the list this!  If it were a little app, I would just
experiment, but man if my KDE gets hosed, that's messy...)


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can we use KDE 3.1 on FreeBSD 4.7?

2003-01-28 Thread BSD baby
Sorry for the newbie Q:

I'd love to start using KDE 3.1 as soon as possible on my FreeBSD 4.7 box.

How will I know when/if it's ready to install from ports?
What's the recommended method?  Just 'cvsup' and see if it's there?

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Re: freebsd curiosity

2003-01-10 Thread BSD baby
  I was told by my UNIX instructor that freebsd had hardware recognition
  trouble.  Is this true and if so has it been fixed?

I find the OPPOSITE to be true!

Hell if Windows isn't recognizing some ethernet card, video card, sound card,
I stick it in my FreeBSD machine where it's instantly recognized, and tells 
me what it is, so I can go back to the Windows machine and try to make it
reognize it.

I'm always AMAZED at how well FreeBSD (and OpenBSD) just recognize things
immediately: no special drivers-CD-or-floppy needed.

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Re: Scanner for FreeBSD

2003-01-10 Thread BSD baby
 what do I have to consider when buying a flat bed scanner for a

I have to piggyback on his question:

Is there any tutorial out there for how to do a USB scan - 
how to scan a page on a USB scanner into Gimp or something?

I've got one here I want to try, but don't know how to start.

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Re: Sound card question

2003-01-01 Thread BSD baby
 Is a PCI sound blaster card supported? 

I've found that FreeBSD 4.7 so far has supported every odd sound card I've thrown its 

Even (especially!) those on-board sound things built into motherboards and laptops 
these days.  FreeBSD supports them all (and Windows usually doesn't without the 
special CD-Rom from the motherboard manufacturer.)

Just add device pcm to the end of the kernel conf file, build a new kernel, and I'll 
bet almost any sound card will work on reboot.

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ssh from one box behind firewall to another

2002-12-31 Thread BSD baby

FreeBSD box A
FreeBSD box B

Can you copy files from box A to box B?

Box A can SSH into Work Firewall.
Work Firewall can SSH into Box B.
Box B can SSH into Home Firewall.
Home Firewall can SSH into Box A.

So - I can SEE the files I want to copy.  I can use vi to edit them.
But don't know how to get them directly from Box A to Box B. 

Right now I'm using scp to copy them to the firewall, then to the internal machine.

Is this a port forwarding kind of thing?  Anyone done it?
Didn't see anything like it in 'man scp' or a Google search.

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do we have to wait for PHP 4.3 port?

2002-12-30 Thread BSD baby
Sorry: new to FreeBSD  (was an OpenBSD guy before this).

I'm impressed with how fast FreeBSD puts new releases into its ports tree.
Now that PHP 4.3 is out, I'm dying to use its new features, so I'm 
wondering if anyone knows a guesstimate on how long it should take for
PHP 4.3 to be in the cvsup'd ports tree

Or - can we just use the new tarball of the source, somehow with the existing 
Makefile + port?

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How do I patch my change into a source file in ports?

2002-12-12 Thread BSD baby
I made a change to this file:
and I want my change to the source file to stick when building the port.

Seems if I do a make clean install it kills my change to the source file.

Do I need to add my diff change to a patch file somehow?

Any tutorial on how to do this?

(Sorry - first time.)


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Re: any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?

2002-11-27 Thread BSD baby
THANKS to everyone for all the help.

I got an HP LaserJet 1200 PostScript ready printer for $375 USD.

Installed /usr/ports/print/apsfilter

Answered some basic setup questions - and it works great!

If you use apsfilter, you don't even need to do the basic /etc/printcap 
settings from the FreeBSD manual.  It creates it for you.

lpr SomeAcrobatFile.pdf

Voila.  Way easier than I expected. 

 Any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?
 I'm finally going to get a printer for my FreeBSD devbox this week.
 Are they all pretty much FreeBSD-compatible?
 or is there some spec I need to look for?
 I assume parallel port is still the way to go
 or is USB really ready on FreeBSD?
 Main thing I want to do is print PDF files, in batches.
 (Send a directory of 300 different PDF files to the printer at once.)
 Are there any command-line tools to do that?
 or do you need an X11 Adobe Acrobat app?

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Re: What is the difference between FreeBSD and OpenBSD...

2002-11-27 Thread BSD baby
(Hey I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I remember asking this same question 
on this same list many years ago.)

 What is the difference between FreeBSD and OpenBSD? 

OpenBSD is best for simple things that you think many people might try to hack.  Also 
for anything that has multiple users with shell accounts on the box.  EXAMPLES: 
firewall, mailserver, fileserver, dns, and most webservers without massive traffic.

FreeBSD holds up under stress better.  Really popular/loaded webservers, 

I've been using OpenBSD for a few years and love it, but had to start moving my 
servers to FreeBSD as they got REALLY popular (50,000 unique users a day, on a dynamic 
MySQL-driven site.)   Still I'm glad I started with OpenBSD, and I still use it for 
everything else.

In my opinion, OpenBSD is a better BEGINNER BSD because it's just pre-configured for 
most things you want to do with it, out of the box.It's a harder one to fuck up. 
  From the sound of your question, I'd guess you're a BSD beginner, and so without 
even knowing what you want to do with it, I'd say go with OpenBSD, because it doesn't 
sound like you're about to sysadmin a massive server with huge loads/needs.

If you feel like giving more details on what you're thinking of using it for, I'll be 
glad to help. 

 Which flavor of BSD is the most secure straight out of the box?


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Re: What is the difference between FreeBSD and OpenBSD...

2002-11-27 Thread BSD baby
 Are there any iso images of this? What are the minimal requirements
 (hardware) in your experience? Thank you.

Hardware info here:

I have a popular mailserver running OpenBSD on a Pentium 166 with 128megs of RAM.  
Running mail lists, and about 50 email accounts.  Holds up great.  Probably the same 
as FreeBSD.

No OFFICIAL ISO images, but you can find some around the 'net.

Here are two working links:

  (Hey I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I remember asking this same 
question on this same list many years ago.)
   What is the difference between FreeBSD and OpenBSD?
  OpenBSD is best for simple things that you think many people might try to hack.  
Also for anything that has multiple users with shell accounts on the box.  EXAMPLES: 
firewall, mailserver, fileserver, dns, and most webservers without massive traffic.
  FreeBSD holds up under stress better.  Really popular/loaded webservers, 
  I've been using OpenBSD for a few years and love it, but had to start moving my 
servers to FreeBSD as they got REALLY popular (50,000 unique users a day, on a 
dynamic MySQL-driven site.)   Still I'm glad I started with OpenBSD, and I still use 
it for everything else.
  In my opinion, OpenBSD is a better BEGINNER BSD because it's just pre-configured 
for most things you want to do with it, out of the box.It's a harder one to 
fuck up.   From the sound of your question, I'd guess you're a BSD beginner, and so 
without even knowing what you want to do with it, I'd say go with OpenBSD, because it 
doesn't sound like you're about to sysadmin a massive server with huge loads/needs.
  If you feel like giving more details on what you're thinking of using it for, I'll 
be glad to help.
   Which flavor of BSD is the most secure straight out of the box?
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Re: any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?

2002-11-25 Thread BSD baby
 And, the most important of all, check the hardware compatibility list of 
 printers suitable for FreeBSD.

Ah!  That's what I was looking for!  Saw no mention of it in the FreeBSD
Handbook or the hardware compatibility link from

I did find this:
Seems the HP Laserjet 1200 would be good for me, since it's Postscript-ready.

 Any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?
 I'm finally going to get a printer for my FreeBSD devbox this week.
 Are they all pretty much FreeBSD-compatible?
 or is there some spec I need to look for?
 I assume parallel port is still the way to go
 or is USB really ready on FreeBSD?
 Main thing I want to do is print PDF files, in batches.
 (Send a directory of 300 different PDF files to the printer at once.)
 Are there any command-line tools to do that?
 or do you need an X11 Adobe Acrobat app?

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any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?

2002-11-24 Thread BSD baby
Any advice before I buy a printer for FreeBSD?

I'm finally going to get a printer for my FreeBSD devbox this week.

Are they all pretty much FreeBSD-compatible?
or is there some spec I need to look for?

I assume parallel port is still the way to go
or is USB really ready on FreeBSD?

Main thing I want to do is print PDF files, in batches.
(Send a directory of 300 different PDF files to the printer at once.)

Are there any command-line tools to do that?
or do you need an X11 Adobe Acrobat app?

Any advice appreciated.


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Re: Are there Console Based MP3 Players ?

2002-07-25 Thread BSD baby

Yes!  I've got a great method I can recommend for mpg123.

My BSD box has no monitor, no XFree, but it has 80 gigs of MP3s
and a great set of speakers hooked up to it.

I ssh into it from whatever room in the house I'm in and use
one of these commands.  (Aliased from ~/.bashrc)

# MP3
alias play='ls -l1 *.mp3  ALL.m3u  mpg123 --list ALL.m3u'
alias playnew='ls -tl1 *.mp3  ALL.m3u  mpg123 --list ALL.m3u'
alias playr='ls -l1 *.mp3  ALL.m3u  mpg123 -z --list ALL.m3u'


cd /mp3/AcidJazz
play # -- plays in alphabetical order
playnew  # -- plays newest-dated MP3s first
playr# -- plays in random order!

I have like 20 gigs of JAZZ in one folder, so it's wonderful
to just type cd /mp3/jazz  playr and have it play randomly
all day long as I program.


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Re: MP3 Conversion Port?

2002-07-23 Thread BSD baby

For the best sound-per-size (bang-per-buck) in MP3 files you 
HAVE to try the --r3mix setting in LAME encoder.  It's 
wonderful.  The audiophile setting, but with a file size 
not much bigger than 128bitrate.

Read more at:

(click on 'QUALITY' link at left)

Lame has it built in so the ONLY setting you need is just

lame --r3mix sourcefile outfile

Most portable devices work with VBR these days.

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