Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Steve Nickolas
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Rugxulo wrote:

> The EXE2BIN in "BASE" is literally from OpenWatcom 1.5. And I have no
> idea what you would do with it (or a linker) without some kind of
> compiler. So I think that's a bad idea, even if MS used to do it. I've
> said this before, but apparently nobody agrees with me.

exe2bin and link were removed, not even merely relegated to supplemental, 
from later versions of DOS (3.30 on).  I think that's fine; leave it to 
the compiler to provide those tools.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Rugxulo

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 6:07 PM, Jerome Shidel  wrote:
>> devel\fpc
> Only 2.6.4. 3.0.0 requires LFN or an extensive port.

No, it doesn't need LFNs for the bare minimum cmdline compiler (no
IDE). I'm not even sure the IDE needs LFN, only some rare third-party
units (perhaps) that most people don't directly use.

The installer sees "readme-jvm.txt" inside BASEDOS.ZIP and mistakenly
assumes it needs LFNs, thus you have to manually "check" [x] even the
most basic, required package because of that one "bug." Feel free to
"zip -d *readme-jvm.txt", and see that it changes.

I've tested BASEDOS.ZIP without LFNs, it works fine. Literally, the
only LFN file (AFAIK) is that one "readme-jvm.txt", which is hardly
useful. The minimum compiler *should* (and does) work with SFNs.

> Yes, there are many more packages on his repo. But, I don't think Jim wants
> everything on his repo to be installed when the user selects ALL. His repo
> contains about 500mb of zip files. The current USB stick image that only
> contained packages for BASE and ALL was about 75MB. A lot of which was FPC
> and OW.

IIRC, the old FPC.ZIP is 36 MB, which is just ridiculous. There aren't
many (if any) active FPC users (for FreeDOS) besides maybe Laaca, so
it's certainly not worth polluting the default download just for that.
Laaca already has a working compiler (or two), so he doesn't need FD
1.2 at all. So it's somewhat unfair to bloat up the image (and
download bandwidth) to 75 MB when it could be half of that. Let FPC
users grab it manually outside of the distro itself.

I hate to say that, and maybe you'll disagree, but it's just too big.
Now, we could include a simple (no IDE!) FPC compiler package. As
mentioned, the only absolutely mandatory minimum files are (AFAIK):
install.exe, install.dat,, (but even that one
is semi-optional nowadays).

The problem is that end users demand IDEs and debuggers and lots of
units and full sources, and that is tedious and error-prone to
include. But again, we don't have enough interest to even include FPC
at all. So just save the space and dump it. Let interested users find
it manually (as they've already done). It's not "BASE", it's not that

Just my two cents, I know you'll probably have other ideas.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Rugxulo

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 1:13 PM, Jim Hall  wrote:
> Yes, if it replicated original MS-DOS functionality, it should be in Base.
> This includes programs like APPEND, ASSIGN, ATTRIB, CHKDSK, … UNDELETE,

A lot of things nobody will ever use (e.g. APPEND, ASSIGN, RECOVER).
Even some of the heavier useful ones are too obscure and thus aren't
used every single day. And noobs certain won't use them. (How often do
you mandatory need to run CHKDSK, UNDELETE, UNFORMAT? Not much!)

"BASE" is just probably too big. Sure, some of it is (barely) useful,
but that doesn't mean that it is so crucial as to "always" have

Honestly, I suspect you disagree with me, but even things like ATTRIB
or XCOPY aren't that useful except in certain cases. I don't use them
every day.

I'm not saying so bare bones that we only have shell and kernel, but
it's just too many little pieces for us few left to maintain and keep
lugging around forever. I say split off all the obscure stuff to being
manually grabbed from the iBiblio mirror (or maybe an "extended"
distro) and keep things simple.

> We've always been very careful about extending the
> "Base" list, but over time we have added one or two things that weren't in
> the original MS-DOS. I prefer this list not grow too much. Extra items can
> go in other sets, or just a single "Extras" software set if we don't want to
> continue "Devel" and "Edit" and other sets.

The average user isn't quite hardcore enough to care about all the
little pieces. They just want to run a few select apps. They don't
necessarily need everything and the kitchen sink. Compare what DOSBox
doesn't give or what DOSEMU does give, and you'll see it's quite

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Rugxulo

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Antony Gordon  wrote:
> For Maarten and Mercury, look into DOS versions prior to 5.0, they included

DEBUG is sometimes useful but only rarely (at least outside of
actually debugging separately-assembled programs). By itself, it's
only good for very very simple tests. A full assembler would be more

NASM (even old 16-bit 0.98.39) or JWasmR or (386+) FASM(D) would
probably be more generically useful, IMHO.

> That would complete the DOS experience... well that and some sample BASIC
> programs like GORILLA.BAS

There are other interpreters which I find more useful than BWBasic.
Granted, if someone wants to debug and test it further, okay. But
as-is, I'm not sure it's reliable at all. Maybe something else
(Brandy/BBC) would be more useful, but I haven't tried it (and that
dialect is a bit quirky compared to QB). Hmmm, can't remember, but
that build might be 386+ DJGPP, which I guess some of you would
dislike as default. (I don't know what else, Chipmunk Basic from P2C
compiled by OW??)

Here's what one simple program of mine (from mid 2013) said:

REM tested with Bywater BASIC 2.50 (32-bit DOS OpenWatcom build)
REM *** still broken! doesn't work! don't use! ***

REM bug #1:  "option base 1" confuses SUB args / array bounds
REM bug #2:  CALLing a SUB won't work (hangs) if it has no args
REM bug #3:  sometimes gets confused on multi-statement ':' lines

And no, I don't think I reported these bugs (shame on me). No idea if
3.00 has them as well.

> and having LINK.EXE along with EXE2BIN.

The EXE2BIN in "BASE" is literally from OpenWatcom 1.5. And I have no
idea what you would do with it (or a linker) without some kind of
compiler. So I think that's a bad idea, even if MS used to do it. I've
said this before, but apparently nobody agrees with me.

Honestly, I think we'd "maybe" be better to just include something
unrelated like Awk and Sed (or maybe PicoC, which unlike the former is
32-bit DJGPP, ugh, can't please everyone).

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Mercury Thirteen

On 1/26/2016 7:07 PM, Jerome Shidel wrote:
Yes, there are many more packages on his repo. But, I don't think Jim 
wants everything on his repo to be installed when the user selects 
ALL. His repo contains about 500mb of zip files. The current USB stick 
image that only contained packages for BASE and ALL was about 75MB. A 
lot of which was FPC and OW.

Ahh, ok I see.  :)

*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
/"Why? Because *FreeDOS*, that's why."/
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Jerome,

if Mateusz' repository has "500 MB of packages", then that
would make a good choice for ALL as far as I am concerned:

It easily fits on a CD and you get plenty of DOS stuff :-)

Also, it should fit on most USB sticks as well. Maybe you
could make a list of the LARGEST packages in the repository
and I can tell you which seem okay to omit, if you want to
have the distro small enough to fit even on 512 MB sticks.

That could be a very interesting discussion for my taste :-)

>>> util\4dos
>> Is the license of 4DOS fine at the moment?
> ... There was talk about pulling it. And talk about how bad it would be to 
> not have it. 

Wikipedia says modified MIT license, that is good enough IMHO.

>>> devel\nasm
>> Which version?
> Latest for DOS, I think it is 2.11.08.

I was wondering if we should also provide a 16 bit version. But
remember: It is almost impossible to boot 16 bit hardware from
CD or from USB stick, so users with such hardware will probably
first install a BASE floppy distro and then use FDNPKG to add
packages manually by individual choice anyway. So it might be
better to include ONLY the 32 bit version of NASM 2.11.08 :-)

>>> devel\fpc
> Only 2.6.4. 3.0.0 requires LFN or an extensive port. 

As mentioned, including LFN seems to be a good idea for me.

>>> devel\ow
>> OpenWatcom C AND Assembler?
> I don't use them. But, I have no issue with including them.

What I mean was that it would be GOOD to include both, as well
as other toolchain parts such as MAKE or LINK from OpenWatcom.

Cheers, Eric

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Mercury Thirteen

On 1/26/2016 6:18 PM, Eric Auer wrote:


Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.


Yeah, I'm certain there were many more packages when I went 
through/updated every single one for the ISO I put together months ago. 
Not sure which ones are missing off the top of my head though.

*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
/"Why? Because *FreeDOS*, that's why."/
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over 
its sellers! :)

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jerome Shidel

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 7:00 PM, Mercury Thirteen  wrote:
>> On 1/26/2016 6:18 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>> ...
>> Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
>> list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
>> older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
>> dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.
>> ...
> Yeah, I'm certain there were many more packages when I went through/updated 
> every single one for the ISO I put together months ago. Not sure which ones 
> are missing off the top of my head though.

Yes, there are many more packages on his repo. But, I don't think Jim wants 
everything on his repo to be installed when the user selects ALL. His repo 
contains about 500mb of zip files. The current USB stick image that only 
contained packages for BASE and ALL was about 75MB. A lot of which was FPC and 

> -- 
> This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.
> "Why? Because FreeDOS, that's why."
> Things I endorse:
> - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over its 
> sellers! :)
> FreeDOS
> Samsung
> Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
> Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
> I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve 
> recognition, not for personal gain of any kind.
> --
> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
> Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now
> Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
> ___
> Freedos-devel mailing list

Sent from my iPhone, ignore bad sentence structures, grammatical errors and 
incorrect spell-corrected words.--
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jerome Shidel

Hello all, 

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:18 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:
> Hi Jerome, Jim et al,
> In view of available disk space on normal computers, I would like to
> interpret Jim's view in a broad sense: If ANY version of MS DOS had
> the feature and we have something to provide the same feature, then
> we should make it part of a BASE install. This includes DEBUG, EDIT,
> EDLIN, BASIC, probably even LFN drivers, although LFN are part of a
> MS DOS version that could only be acquired as side-effect of Windows
> installs. But we have it and it is useful for many users. There are
> a few things that never shipped with MS DOS but which are BASE from
> my point of view: A package manager, ZIP / UNZIP and drivers for a
> number of modern pieces of hardware, including USB devices and DVD.
> BASIC is a bit controversial - use BWBASIC, small but limited? Or use
> FreeBASIC, big but versatile? I would say one is enough for BASE but
> we should provide both for the "large" install option :-) When making
> a floppy distro, experience has shown that BASE nevertheless fits on
> two or three disks, with minimal changes, e.g. no BASIC and no EDLIN.
> So as said, I suggest a broad selection of base things to be BASE :-)
> Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
> list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
> older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
> dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.

The ALL list is short. I do keep asking what else? Mainly, I mean what other 
packages from Mateusz' repository. Or other packages he may not have. But, I 
won't be packing up stuff to add so I would need prebuilt packages. :-)

> Jim wrote:
>> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
>> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
>> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
>> the original MS-DOS.
>> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
>> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
>> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."
> Jerome wrote:
> Hi Jerome, Jim et al,
> In view of available disk space on normal computers, I would like to
> interpret Jim's view in a broad sense: If ANY version of MS DOS had
> the feature and we have something to provide the same feature, then
> we should make it part of a BASE install. This includes DEBUG, EDIT,
> EDLIN, BASIC, probably even LFN drivers, although LFN are part of a
> MS DOS version that could only be acquired as side-effect of Windows
> installs. But we have it and it is useful for many users. There are
> a few things that never shipped with MS DOS but which are BASE from
> my point of view: A package manager, ZIP / UNZIP and drivers for a
> number of modern pieces of hardware, including USB devices and DVD.
> BASIC is a bit controversial - use BWBASIC, small but limited? Or use
> FreeBASIC, big but versatile? I would say one is enough for BASE but
> we should provide both for the "large" install option :-) When making
> a floppy distro, experience has shown that BASE nevertheless fits on
> two or three disks, with minimal changes, e.g. no BASIC and no EDLIN.
> So as said, I suggest a broad selection of base things to be BASE :-)
> Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
> list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
> older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
> dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.
> Jim wrote:
>> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
>> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
>> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
>> the original MS-DOS.
>> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
>> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
>> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."
> Jerome wrote:
>> At present, BASE is fairly close to the 1.1 BASE. Of course, it no
>> longer includes XMGR and UIDE. this is the current ALL packages that
>> are installed. Pull rdisk? Anything else?
> It is good to exclude XMGR but Jim's 14 Jan mail spared UIDE, which I
> would really prefer to keep. You can also reduce that to UDVD2 if you
> want a more basic driver. Jim only wrote that we should drop the XMGR
> HIMEM-like XMS / HMA driver from the distro.
>> Please note, that FDI’s floppy boot image needs a CD/DVD driver and
>> it is currently using UDVD2.
>> These are the current additions that are installed when ALL is selected:
>> util\v8power
>> net\mtcp
>> util\4dos
> Is t

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Jerome, Jim et al,

In view of available disk space on normal computers, I would like to
interpret Jim's view in a broad sense: If ANY version of MS DOS had
the feature and we have something to provide the same feature, then
we should make it part of a BASE install. This includes DEBUG, EDIT,
EDLIN, BASIC, probably even LFN drivers, although LFN are part of a
MS DOS version that could only be acquired as side-effect of Windows
installs. But we have it and it is useful for many users. There are
a few things that never shipped with MS DOS but which are BASE from
my point of view: A package manager, ZIP / UNZIP and drivers for a
number of modern pieces of hardware, including USB devices and DVD.

BASIC is a bit controversial - use BWBASIC, small but limited? Or use
FreeBASIC, big but versatile? I would say one is enough for BASE but
we should provide both for the "large" install option :-) When making
a floppy distro, experience has shown that BASE nevertheless fits on
two or three disks, with minimal changes, e.g. no BASIC and no EDLIN.
So as said, I suggest a broad selection of base things to be BASE :-)

Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.

Jim wrote:

> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
> the original MS-DOS.
> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."

Jerome wrote:

> At present, BASE is fairly close to the 1.1 BASE. Of course, it no
> longer includes XMGR and UIDE. this is the current ALL packages that
> are installed. Pull rdisk? Anything else?

It is good to exclude XMGR but Jim's 14 Jan mail spared UIDE, which I
would really prefer to keep. You can also reduce that to UDVD2 if you
want a more basic driver. Jim only wrote that we should drop the XMGR
HIMEM-like XMS / HMA driver from the distro.

> Please note, that FDI’s floppy boot image needs a CD/DVD driver and
> it is currently using UDVD2.
> These are the current additions that are installed when ALL is selected:
> util\v8power
> net\mtcp

> util\4dos

Is the license of 4DOS fine at the moment?

> util\doslfn
> util\fdnpkg

Make the 2 above BASE, if you ask me.

> util\memtest
> util\bootfix

> util\shsufdrv
> util\cwsdpmi
> archiver\zip
> archiver\unzip

I would make those 4 BASE, too.

> util\grep
> util\tee
> util\touch
> util\which
> util\pg
> archiver\tar
> archiver\gzip
> archiver\bz2
> devel\nasm

Which version?

> devel\fpc

> devel\ow

OpenWatcom C AND Assembler? And how about FreeBASIC?

> net\wget
> net\rsync
> net\curl
> Add or remove anything else?

Add Bret's USB drivers, if you ask me. And some choice
of network packet drivers for common real and virtual
hardware, otherwise network tools like WGET do not make
much sense. Availability of free open source network
packet drivers is limited, but I am sure you have a few.

> Jerome

Regards, Eric

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Ralf Quint

On 1/26/2016 12:04 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:

What's the meaning of "+1"?!
That is short for "I am one more person with the exact same 
opinion/point of view"...


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Steve Nickolas
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Louis Santillan wrote:

> Since DOS 1.0, (IBM/ROM-)BASIC[0] & DEBUG[1] were the default programming
> facilities.
> [0]
> [1]

I personally consider BASIC optional.  Also, DEBUG was generally on the 
Supplemental disk up through 3.21.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Steve Nickolas
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Jim Hall wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr. 
> wrote:
>> Personally, I would like BASE to be more or less a minimum viable OS
>> install and ALL to be a most likely
>> wanted install.
>> When I say minimum viable I mean: kernel, freecom, xcopy, deltree, move
>> and a few other more or less
>> absolutes.
>> However, by my understanding of what Jim wants. BASE is supposed to be
>> equivalent to to what
>> was provided with MS-DOS.
>> For us dev types, it is very easy to make a custom package set for FDI or
>> to just
>> roll your own installer.
> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
> the original MS-DOS.
> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."
> Jim

I guess I have a sort of in the middle approach: "install something 
comparable to MS-DOS 3.3", "install something comparable to MS-DOS 6.2", 
"install everything"


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Antony Gordon

For Maarten and Mercury, look into DOS versions prior to 5.0, they included
That would complete the DOS experience... well that and some sample BASIC
programs like GORILLA.BAS and having LINK.EXE along with EXE2BIN.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016, 4:06 PM Jerome E. Shidel Jr. 

> At present, BASE is fairly close to the 1.1 BASE. Of course, it no longer
> includes XMGR and UIDE.
> this is the current ALL packages that are installed. Pull rdisk? Anything
> else?
> Please note, that FDI’s floppy boot image needs a CD/DVD driver and it is
> currently using UDVD2.
> These are the current additions that are installed when ALL is selected:
> util\v8power
> net\mtcp
> util\4dos
> util\doslfn
> util\fdnpkg
> util\memtest
> util\bootfix
> util\shsufdrv
> util\cwsdpmi
> archiver\zip
> archiver\unzip
> util\grep
> util\tee
> util\touch
> util\which
> util\pg
> archiver\tar
> archiver\gzip
> archiver\bz2
> devel\nasm
> devel\fpc
> devel\ow
> net\wget
> net\rsync
> net\curl
> Add or remove anything else?
> Jerome
> --
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.
At present, BASE is fairly close to the 1.1 BASE. Of course, it no longer 
includes XMGR and UIDE.
this is the current ALL packages that are installed. Pull rdisk? Anything else?

Please note, that FDI’s floppy boot image needs a CD/DVD driver and it is 
currently using UDVD2.

These are the current additions that are installed when ALL is selected:







Add or remove anything else?


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jim Hall
> On 1/26/2016 2:54 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:
> Hi,
> I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and
> DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no
> sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part.
> Leave it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)
> Maarten

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Mercury Thirteen 

> +1

I'm also okay with leaving BWBASIC in "Devel" or equivalent. It's been
there for so long, and it does make some sense to keep "development" tools
in one place.
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Maarten Vermeulen
Oh yes! Of course... :/

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Mercury Thirteen" 
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 21:31
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

It's a way of saying I agree with what you said.

On 1/26/2016 3:04 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:

What's the meaning of "+1"?!

Van: Mercury Thirteen
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 21:03
Aan: Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers.
Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2


On 1/26/2016 2:54 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:


I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no 
sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part. Leave 
it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.
"Why? Because FreeDOS, that's why."
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over its 
sellers! :)
Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve recognition, 
not for personal gain of any kind.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.
"Why? Because FreeDOS, that's why."
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over its 
sellers! :)
Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve recognition, 
not for personal gain of any kind.--
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Mercury Thirteen

It's a way of saying I agree with what you said.

On 1/26/2016 3:04 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:

What's the meaning of "+1"?!

Van: Mercury Thirteen <>
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 21:03
Aan: Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers. 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2


On 1/26/2016 2:54 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:


I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It 
makes no sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic 
system part. Leave it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
/"Why? Because *FreeDOS*, that's why."/
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw 
over its sellers! :)

Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve 
recognition, not for personal gain of any kind.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
/"Why? Because *FreeDOS*, that's why."/
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over 
its sellers! :)

Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve 
recognition, not for personal gain of any kind.
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Maarten Vermeulen
Okay but do you mean you want it back in 'base' or is this just info?

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Louis Santillan" 
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 21:02
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

Since DOS 1.0, (IBM/ROM-)BASIC[0] & DEBUG[1] were the default programming 


On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Maarten Vermeulen  wrote:


I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no 
sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part. Leave 
it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


Van: Jim Hall
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 20:49
Aan: Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers.
Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:

On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was 
> small but
> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in
the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.
BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...



A note on history: we had moved the BASIC environments out of "Base" many years 
ago, and put them in "Devel." We originally only had the one BASIC interpreter 
(I think always BWBASIC) but everyone wanted their own favorite BASIC. Since we 
already had a few C compilers and a few assemblers in "Devel," it made sense to 
move BASIC into the "Devel" set.

I'm in favor that BWBASIC should remain in FreeDOS. Maybe we could move BWBASIC 
back into the "Base" set, since it replicates well the original "BASIC 
interpreter" concept from MS-DOS, and put other BASIC systems into "Devel" or 

The BASIC systems currently in "Devel" are:





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Freedos-devel mailing list
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Maarten Vermeulen
What's the meaning of "+1"?!

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Mercury Thirteen" 
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 21:03
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2


On 1/26/2016 2:54 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:


I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no 
sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part. Leave 
it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.
"Why? Because FreeDOS, that's why."
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over its 
sellers! :)
Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve recognition, 
not for personal gain of any kind.--
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Mercury Thirteen


On 1/26/2016 2:54 PM, Maarten Vermeulen wrote:


I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It 
makes no sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic 
system part. Leave it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
/"Why? Because *FreeDOS*, that's why."/
Things I endorse:
ATI - A great eBay replacement which doesn't habitually screw over 
its sellers! :)

Subaru - The most capable AWD ever!
Trump / Cruz 2016 - Make America great again!
I promote these things because awesomeness and excellence deserve 
recognition, not for personal gain of any kind.
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Louis Santillan
Since DOS 1.0, (IBM/ROM-)BASIC[0] & DEBUG[1] were the default programming


On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Maarten Vermeulen 

> Hi,
> I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and
> DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no
> sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part.
> Leave it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)
> Maarten
> --
> Van: Jim Hall 
> Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 20:49
> Aan: Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers.
> Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:
>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>> >   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC
>> was small but
>> > somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
>> >
>> >
>> Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
>> FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in
>> the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.
>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS
>> "distro"...
>> Ralf
> Agreed.
> A note on history: we had moved the BASIC environments out of "Base" many
> years ago, and put them in "Devel." We originally only had the one BASIC
> interpreter (I think always BWBASIC) but everyone wanted their own favorite
> BASIC. Since we already had a few C compilers and a few assemblers in
> "Devel," it made sense to move BASIC into the "Devel" set.
> I'm in favor that BWBASIC should remain in FreeDOS. Maybe we could move
> BWBASIC back into the "Base" set, since it replicates well the original
> "BASIC interpreter" concept from MS-DOS, and put other BASIC systems into
> "Devel" or "Extras."
> The BASIC systems currently in "Devel" are:
>3. FreeBASIC
>4. SmallBASIC
> --
> Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
> Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now
> Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now!
> ___
> Freedos-devel mailing list
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Maarten Vermeulen

I should leave BWBASIC right where it is. As it's for programming and 
DEVELOPING. As it's devloper stuff I would leave it in "devel". It makes no 
sense to put a devloping part from developing to the basic system part. Leave 
it with his brothers (ASM and C). :)


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Jim Hall" 
Verzonden: ‎26-‎1-‎2016 20:49
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:

On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was 
> small but
> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in
the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.
BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...



A note on history: we had moved the BASIC environments out of "Base" many years 
ago, and put them in "Devel." We originally only had the one BASIC interpreter 
(I think always BWBASIC) but everyone wanted their own favorite BASIC. Since we 
already had a few C compilers and a few assemblers in "Devel," it made sense to 
move BASIC into the "Devel" set.

I'm in favor that BWBASIC should remain in FreeDOS. Maybe we could move BWBASIC 
back into the "Base" set, since it replicates well the original "BASIC 
interpreter" concept from MS-DOS, and put other BASIC systems into "Devel" or 

The BASIC systems currently in "Devel" are:




Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jim Hall
On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:

> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
> >   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC
> was small but
> > somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
> >
> >
> Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
> FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in
> the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.
> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...
> Ralf

A note on history: we had moved the BASIC environments out of "Base" many
years ago, and put them in "Devel." We originally only had the one BASIC
interpreter (I think always BWBASIC) but everyone wanted their own favorite
BASIC. Since we already had a few C compilers and a few assemblers in
"Devel," it made sense to move BASIC into the "Devel" set.

I'm in favor that BWBASIC should remain in FreeDOS. Maybe we could move
BWBASIC back into the "Base" set, since it replicates well the original
"BASIC interpreter" concept from MS-DOS, and put other BASIC systems into
"Devel" or "Extras."

The BASIC systems currently in "Devel" are:

   1. BASEC
   3. FreeBASIC
   4. SmallBASIC
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jim Hall
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:45 AM, Tom Ehlert  wrote:

> > On 26/01/2016 12:10, Antony Gordon wrote:
> >> Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and
> >> IBM (and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
> >> operating system.
> > I second that. But it would seem we are isolated in this opinion, since
> > I see all the time people talking about multiple-choice packages,
> > "advanced" modes, "FULL 400M+ install", etc...
> you are not alone. we are at least 3.

Maybe at least 4 :-)

> > ...
> > And only THEN, if I wish/need, I'd install
> > additional stuff using FDNPKG and/or FDINST.
> Tom

I advise keeping FreeDOS simple. I worry that the proposed new installer is
becoming too complex.

At least as early as 2010
I wanted to simplify the FreeDOS install. The installation process should
be a minimum of prompts:

   1. Do you want to install just the "base" FreeDOS, or everything?
   2. Do you want the source code, too?

After that, the install should take care of itself.

Installing "Base; no source code" should take only a few minutes and a
"few" MB of disk space.

Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jim Hall
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:

> Hi Tom, Maarten, Jerome and Rugxulo,
> >> I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
> > fine. we should look for a new boss with more time to care.
> Not THAT, permanently, busy - Jim is busy at the MOMENT with some
> current news :-) Regarding Maarten's mail: No need for complicated
> excuses... Simply don't send patches for kernel and At
> least I am happy with your help such as translations or testing :-)

Yes, it seems I over-committed myself to projects at around the same time I
changed jobs. Oops. I'm busy at work, but also busy with a bunch of other
things that I thought I'd have the time to do.

> I think it is safe to assume that "open and license-safe" are good
> choices. Also it is safe to assume that "mimicks a MS DOS feature"
> is a good reason to be in BASE. However, I think this can be seen
> relaxed regarding drivers: If it mimicks a MS "DOS" 7 feature such
> as LFN, it is useful to people who know "DOS" as part of Windows.
> And if it is a driver for something that did not even exist when
> MS DOS existed, such as USB or DVD drives, it should also be BASE
> because using your hardware seems to be a basic thing for me. Of
> course I would not make camera drivers base, because MS DOS never
> shipped with video editing or chat software by default :-)
Yes, if it replicated original MS-DOS functionality, it should be in Base.
This includes programs like APPEND, ASSIGN, ATTRIB, CHKDSK, … UNDELETE,
UNFORMAT, XCOPY, … etc. We've always been very careful about extending the
"Base" list, but over time we have added one or two things that weren't in
the original MS-DOS. I prefer this list not grow too much. Extra items can
go in other sets, or just a single "Extras" software set if we don't want
to continue "Devel" and "Edit" and other sets.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jim Hall
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr. 

> Personally, I would like BASE to be more or less a minimum viable OS
> install and ALL to be a most likely
> wanted install.
> When I say minimum viable I mean: kernel, freecom, xcopy, deltree, move
> and a few other more or less
> absolutes.
> However, by my understanding of what Jim wants. BASE is supposed to be
> equivalent to to what
> was provided with MS-DOS.
> For us dev types, it is very easy to make a custom package set for FDI or
> to just
> roll your own installer.

Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
the original MS-DOS.

I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.
Personally, I would like BASE to be more or less a minimum viable OS install 
and ALL to be a most likely 
wanted install. 

When I say minimum viable I mean: kernel, freecom, xcopy, deltree, move and a 
few other more or less

However, by my understanding of what Jim wants. BASE is supposed to be 
equivalent to to what 
was provided with MS-DOS. 

For us dev types, it is very easy to make a custom package set for FDI or to 
roll your own installer. 

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:46 AM, Antony Gordon  wrote:
> Hi,
> Exactly. If you want networking, install it afterwards. The same for sound, 
> the myriad of development choices and memory managers. Despite wanting to 
> emulate DOS, it seems FreeDOS more closely emulates a Linux distribution from 
> the verbose initial boot to the "package" selection.
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016, 6:33 AM Mateusz Viste  wrote:
> On 26/01/2016 12:10, Antony Gordon wrote:
> > Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and
> > IBM (and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
> > operating system.
> I second that. But it would seem we are isolated in this opinion, since
> I see all the time people talking about multiple-choice packages,
> "advanced" modes, "FULL 400M+ install", etc...
> What I'd love, as a user, is to be able to put the FreeDOS install CD
> (or floppy) into my computer, select a single choice "Yes, I want to
> install FreeDOS even though it means all existing data will be wiped
> out", and get a FreeDOS shell seconds later. A shell that mimicks what
> MS-DOS 6.x provided. And only THEN, if I wish/need, I'd install
> additional stuff using FDNPKG and/or FDINST.
> Mateusz
> > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016, 7:31 PM Ralf Quint  > > wrote:
> >
> > On 1/23/2016 3:45 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
> >  > Hi again, quick reply,
> >  >
> >  > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  > > wrote:
> >  >> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint
> >>> wrote:
> >  >>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
> >  >>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS,
> > despite some
> >  >>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS
> > "distro"...
> >  >> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
> >  >
> > Well, fix it. It's Open Source
> >
> > Ralf
> >
> --
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> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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> ___
> Freedos-devel mailing list
> --
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> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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> Freedos-devel mailing list

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Antony Gordon

Exactly. If you want networking, install it afterwards. The same for sound,
the myriad of development choices and memory managers. Despite wanting to
emulate DOS, it seems FreeDOS more closely emulates a Linux distribution
from the verbose initial boot to the "package" selection.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016, 6:33 AM Mateusz Viste  wrote:

> On 26/01/2016 12:10, Antony Gordon wrote:
> > Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and
> > IBM (and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
> > operating system.
> I second that. But it would seem we are isolated in this opinion, since
> I see all the time people talking about multiple-choice packages,
> "advanced" modes, "FULL 400M+ install", etc...
> What I'd love, as a user, is to be able to put the FreeDOS install CD
> (or floppy) into my computer, select a single choice "Yes, I want to
> install FreeDOS even though it means all existing data will be wiped
> out", and get a FreeDOS shell seconds later. A shell that mimicks what
> MS-DOS 6.x provided. And only THEN, if I wish/need, I'd install
> additional stuff using FDNPKG and/or FDINST.
> Mateusz
> > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016, 7:31 PM Ralf Quint  > > wrote:
> >
> > On 1/23/2016 3:45 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
> >  > Hi again, quick reply,
> >  >
> >  > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  > > wrote:
> >  >> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint
> >>> wrote:
> >  >>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
> >  >>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS,
> > despite some
> >  >>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS
> > "distro"...
> >  >> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
> >  >
> > Well, fix it. It's Open Source
> >
> > Ralf
> >
> --
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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Tom Ehlert

> On 26/01/2016 12:10, Antony Gordon wrote:
>> Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and
>> IBM (and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
>> operating system.

> I second that. But it would seem we are isolated in this opinion, since
> I see all the time people talking about multiple-choice packages, 
> "advanced" modes, "FULL 400M+ install", etc...

you are not alone. we are at least 3.

> ...
> And only THEN, if I wish/need, I'd install
> additional stuff using FDNPKG and/or FDINST.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Mateusz Viste
On 26/01/2016 12:10, Antony Gordon wrote:
> Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and
> IBM (and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
> operating system.

I second that. But it would seem we are isolated in this opinion, since 
I see all the time people talking about multiple-choice packages, 
"advanced" modes, "FULL 400M+ install", etc...

What I'd love, as a user, is to be able to put the FreeDOS install CD 
(or floppy) into my computer, select a single choice "Yes, I want to 
install FreeDOS even though it means all existing data will be wiped 
out", and get a FreeDOS shell seconds later. A shell that mimicks what 
MS-DOS 6.x provided. And only THEN, if I wish/need, I'd install 
additional stuff using FDNPKG and/or FDINST.


> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016, 7:31 PM Ralf Quint  > wrote:
> On 1/23/2016 3:45 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
>  > Hi again, quick reply,
>  >
>  > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  > wrote:
>  >> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint
>>> wrote:
>  >>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>  >>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS,
> despite some
>  >>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS
> "distro"...
>  >> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
>  >
> Well, fix it. It's Open Source
> Ralf

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-26 Thread Antony Gordon
Things would be so much simpler if FreeDOS emulated the Microsoft and IBM
(and Caldera, Digital Research) counterparts and installed the base
operating system.

All these extra drivers for this, a compiler for that can just be on the CD
and can be installed later.

Jerome, if you could find a copy of DOS 5 or later just to see how the
install goes, actually I think a lot of you all need to revisit what the
default install of DOS gives you.

It would make things a lot more compatible across the myriad of platforms
(both virtual and real hardware).

Anyone using DOS at this point doesn't need their hand held with regard to

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016, 7:31 PM Ralf Quint  wrote:

> On 1/23/2016 3:45 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
> > Hi again, quick reply,
> >
> > On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> >> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint 
> wrote:
> >>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
> >>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite
> some
> >>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS
> "distro"...
> >> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
> >
> Well, fix it. It's Open Source
> Ralf
> ---
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Ralf Quint
On 1/23/2016 3:45 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
> Hi again, quick reply,
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:
>>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
>>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...
>> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
Well, fix it. It's Open Source


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Rugxulo
(dang it, Gmail keyboard shortcuts, accidentally sent too soon!)

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:
>>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
>>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...
>> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.
> A quick check shows that it has had newer releases (from different
> dude), e.g. 2.61 and 3.00

... , so if anyone wants to compile a newer version, feel free. But
again, make sure it actually works with your code. Seriously, I can't
remember exactly, but it had some glaring bugs that just totally put
me off. Maybe I could reinvestigate it.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Rugxulo
Hi again, quick reply,

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:
>> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
>> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...
> IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.

A quick check shows that it has had newer releases (from different
dude), e.g. 2.61 and 3.00

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Rugxulo

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Ralf Quint  wrote:
> On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>>   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was 
>> small but
>> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
> Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
> FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in
> the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.

FreeBASIC is native and does run. Maybe some of the billions of
examples don't run due to third-party libraries. But it does (mostly)
work in pure DOS. But yes, you can also cross-compile (not that I've

> BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some
> shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...

IMO, it was too buggy to use for much.

What ever happened to your own home grown GWBASIC interpreter?

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Ralf Quint
On 1/22/2016 3:36 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
>   Regarding BWBASIC, current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was 
> small but
> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
Sorry, but you are here comparing apples and oranges.
FreeBASIC is a compiler, which doesn't run properly on FreeDOS AFAIK in 
the first place, so you would have to do cross-platform development.
BWBasic is an interpreter, which runs very well on FreeDOS, despite some 
shortcomings, hence should be very well kept within ant FreeDOS "distro"...


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Mercury Thirteen

On 1/22/2016 4:24 PM, Tom Ehlert wrote:

I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.

fine. we should look for a new boss with more time to care.
Now, if Jim were to willingly appoints someone else to take his place, 
that's a different story entirely, but I can't imagine a more 
appropriate person to be the "boss" since he is, after all, the 
*founder* of FreeDOS. It's not ours to pull his project out from under him.

what package for drivers?

maybe ask Jim


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*This has been a Mercury Thirteen transmission.*
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Eric Auer


>> Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
>> as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

> Nah. Their Bash is ancient (2.05b), not well-supported by anyone
> anymore. Most DJGPP stuff mandatorily has to be cross-compiled
> anyways, for various reasons.

Still nice to have SOME bash! Newer versions add lots of
features that only advanced scripts would need anyway, a
phenomenon comparable to newer Office software packs ;-)

All DJGPP-compileable software for DOS involving me does
really compile with DJGPP in DOS, no cross-compiles :-)

DJGPP ports of eg Linux stuff to DOS work better with LFN.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Steve Nickolas
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Louis Santillan wrote:

> So there won't be a 16-bit QBASIC/GW-BASIC/BASICA replacement?  I think
> that is important to have.  Even if it is buggy.

I wouldn't call Bywater a GWBASIC replacment, let alone a QBASIC 


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Santillan
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rugxulo et al,
> >
> > indeed xgrep and grep both have their uses... Regarding BWBASIC,
> > current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was small but
> > somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.
> Literally, I'm not aware of anybody using BWBasic in recent years at
> all. From limited experience, although I did try to play with it a
> bit, unfortunately I found it too buggy. Maybe somebody can correct
> me, but I wouldn't directly recommend it (as is).

So there won't be a 16-bit QBASIC/GW-BASIC/BASICA replacement?  I think
that is important to have.  Even if it is buggy.

> > It should not be a requirement to be 16-bit compatible when we
> > are looking at non-BASE packages. If there are 16-bit versions,
> > it is good to include them, but for example in case of NASM, I
> > would make 32-bit the default. It just works well on common PC.
> NASM 0.98.39 was the last to have a 16-bit build. At least JWasmR
> exists too, but that has its own quirks. So yes, normally the 32-bit
> versions are "good enough".

At least one 16-bit assembler should be included, even if it is limited to
8086 instruction set.
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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Maarten Vermeulen

I didn't even know BWBasic was somewhere. I searched long times for something 
about basic (in the time I liked basic) but couldn't find anything. I am a fan 
of NASM so I wouldn't agree to remove it, but I would agree to add it.. :)

To get it right, we have it about removing/adding compilers?


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Rugxulo" 
Verzonden: ‎23-‎1-‎2016 00:59
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2


On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:
> Hi Rugxulo et al,
> indeed xgrep and grep both have their uses... Regarding BWBASIC,
> current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was small but
> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.

Literally, I'm not aware of anybody using BWBasic in recent years at
all. From limited experience, although I did try to play with it a
bit, unfortunately I found it too buggy. Maybe somebody can correct
me, but I wouldn't directly recommend it (as is).

> Note that the modern compilers (OpenWatcom, FPC (Pascal), Free-
> BASIC, DJGPP and so on) are rather large, so I am glad that they
> are not part of BASE ;-) And do not forget NASM and JWASM... :-)

Maybe we should repackage the FPC.ZIP to use LZMA?? It's certainly
(too) large. I think the extra decompression RAM is probably justified
since the package itself presumably uses a fair few MB.

> What do you mean by BCC? The Borland Museum compiler?

No, actually I'm pretty sure this one is bcc/dev86 (Bruce's C
compiler). But even that has bugs and limitations that makes it less
than ideal (although not too bad overall, just much weaker than
OpenWatcom, for example).

> It should not be a requirement to be 16-bit compatible when we
> are looking at non-BASE packages. If there are 16-bit versions,
> it is good to include them, but for example in case of NASM, I
> would make 32-bit the default. It just works well on common PC.

NASM 0.98.39 was the last to have a 16-bit build. At least JWasmR
exists too, but that has its own quirks. So yes, normally the 32-bit
versions are "good enough".

> Looking at the complete list here:
> Anybody still using VAL,

Maybe Micro-C dude, but I haven't heard anything from him in years.




NASM compatible, supposedly faster, halfway recommended by SmallerC dude.

> S-LANG anybody?

Not directly. Doesn't DOSEMU use that? So does JED (although none of
us ever finalized a public build of that). Not much else, AFAIK.

> I remember REXX was liked by DOS users?

Not at all (unless you mean PC-DOS 7, which I doubt). Maybe you meant
OS/2? Sure, I've dabbled very very lightly in Rexx, but I don't see
anyone else caring, certainly not the Regina dude (hence why we're
still stuck to 3.7 when latest is 3.91). The makefile.dj2 had somewhat
bitrotted, last I checked, but I was never patient enough (yet?) to
diff the versions.

> I guess PACIFIC-C should be dropped (closed source).

I think Jim had wanted to drop it, yes. Of course, I'm not aware of
any obvious projects (still?) using it anyways. OpenWatcom is
presumably much better (overall).

Anyways, the online Software List is in "read-only" mode for the past
few months now (since Jim is too busy to fix it), so I can't remove it
anyways (not that it's hugely important).

> FASM, WASM and JWASM all have fans.

WASM as in Wolfware? Not really popular, no. I'm not aware of anyone
using it in any projects.

> Is CC386 popular?

Not really, no, but it's still fairly nice. Of course, it's abandoned
in favor of Orange C (which is Win32 or HX hosted only).

> Cute to see that there now is a new Forth compiler!

That was a year or so ago when somebody (Zbignew?) requested adding one.

> PS: Dropped as in "not included in the ISO", listing on www is fine.

Of course.

The .iso for 2.0 should presumably be extra minimal, just for purists,
perhaps like "core", and bigger .iso versions can be added later
("extended"). Maybe.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Maarten Vermeulen
Haha yes, I did get that link several times... But still I do not agree. On the 
other hand FDI was fun to do.


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: "Rugxulo" 
Verzonden: ‎23-‎1-‎2016 00:29
Aan: "Technical discussion and questions for FreeDOS developers." 

Onderwerp: Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2


On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Maarten Vermeulen  wrote:
> as you may noticed I do not agree with the MS-DOS rules.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 7:42 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:
> whether to repackage FPC using LZMA depends on whether
> it would unpack with the same hardware requirements that
> FPC has anyway and whether it really makes a difference.
> I could imagine that other files apart from the EXE take
> much of the space in FPC installations...

Most of it is probably program/unit sources.

> What are the ins and outs of Bruce C? Any pointers to an
> earlier DOS thread about it? Have not seen it in the LSM
> software list on as far as I remember?

Somebody else had mirrored this (however incomplete) a long long time ago:

Even somebody (deBath?) had made a limited old 16-bit compile of it
with MSC or such, so that's here:

It's very weak though (no copt?), and I compiled unproto myself
(needed for "-ansi"), as well as (cross-)compiled doselks (which isn't
needed for native anyways).

Then I tried to make a DJGPP-hosted version (which barely worked due
to *nix file hierarchy issues).

Eventually, IIRC, Khusraw rebuilt it himself with DJGPP to work better
natively, so I mirrored that for us too.

I don't know Mateusz's reasons for even being curious about it, and
IIRC I had never discussed it with him either (not that there's much
to say). Steve is (almost) right, it's not quite "ANSI" but it does
support tiny and small models (thus .COM output only, for DOS). So
it's obviously not suitable for "compact" model code (e.g. FD kernel).

> Is Smaller C dude = Micro C dude?

Alexei vs. Dave, so no.   :-)

> Any other YASM users?

Maybe?? I mean, I don't know of any obvious DOS users, but some other
projects use it.

> WASM as in OpenWatcom ASM, also origin of the JWASM fork.

That's not what this is (although JWasm has its own entry):

> Actually I did mean PC DOS, it shipped with REXX, unless
> I confused that bundling with OS/2. It is alledgedly a
> stronger language than BAT and 4DOS. May be nice to have.

Anything is stronger than .BAT. But even 4DOS isn't really considered
a "full" scripting language, is it? But anyways, our build of Regina
(386+) doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, thus no loading
external .so files or anything. So it's still fairly limited to
relatively simplistic code (that doesn't directly access hardware
internals). Like I said, he doesn't even build for DOS anymore, so
apparently "nobody" uses it.

> Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
> as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

Nah. Their Bash is ancient (2.05b), not well-supported by anyone
anymore. Most DJGPP stuff mandatorily has to be cross-compiled
anyways, for various reasons.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Steve Nickolas
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Eric Auer wrote:

> What are the ins and outs of Bruce C? Any pointers to an
> earlier DOS thread about it? Have not seen it in the LSM
> software list on as far as I remember?

I think it's a simple, pre-ANSI, small-model only compiler?

> Actually I did mean PC DOS, it shipped with REXX, unless
> I confused that bundling with OS/2. It is alledgedly a
> stronger language than BAT and 4DOS. May be nice to have.

I *think* PC DOS at least 7.x has REXX?

> Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
> as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

There's the ksh in Gnuish, but it's not technically open source because 
"can't be used commercially"...


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Rugxulo,

whether to repackage FPC using LZMA depends on whether
it would unpack with the same hardware requirements that
FPC has anyway and whether it really makes a difference.
I could imagine that other files apart from the EXE take
much of the space in FPC installations...

What are the ins and outs of Bruce C? Any pointers to an
earlier DOS thread about it? Have not seen it in the LSM
software list on as far as I remember?

Note that in some cases, sources might be meant to be
used with older NASM major versions, so why not provide
that 0.98 version for those who like to work on 286 or
who have source codes meant to compile on 0.98 :-)

Is Smaller C dude = Micro C dude? Any other YASM users?
WASM as in OpenWatcom ASM, also origin of the JWASM fork.

Actually I did mean PC DOS, it shipped with REXX, unless
I confused that bundling with OS/2. It is alledgedly a
stronger language than BAT and 4DOS. May be nice to have.

Well maybe it would also be nice to have some BASH, such
as the DJGPP one - both shell and script language... :-)

Cheers, Eric

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Eric Auer  wrote:
> Hi Rugxulo et al,
> indeed xgrep and grep both have their uses... Regarding BWBASIC,
> current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was small but
> somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.

Literally, I'm not aware of anybody using BWBasic in recent years at
all. From limited experience, although I did try to play with it a
bit, unfortunately I found it too buggy. Maybe somebody can correct
me, but I wouldn't directly recommend it (as is).

> Note that the modern compilers (OpenWatcom, FPC (Pascal), Free-
> BASIC, DJGPP and so on) are rather large, so I am glad that they
> are not part of BASE ;-) And do not forget NASM and JWASM... :-)

Maybe we should repackage the FPC.ZIP to use LZMA?? It's certainly
(too) large. I think the extra decompression RAM is probably justified
since the package itself presumably uses a fair few MB.

> What do you mean by BCC? The Borland Museum compiler?

No, actually I'm pretty sure this one is bcc/dev86 (Bruce's C
compiler). But even that has bugs and limitations that makes it less
than ideal (although not too bad overall, just much weaker than
OpenWatcom, for example).

> It should not be a requirement to be 16-bit compatible when we
> are looking at non-BASE packages. If there are 16-bit versions,
> it is good to include them, but for example in case of NASM, I
> would make 32-bit the default. It just works well on common PC.

NASM 0.98.39 was the last to have a 16-bit build. At least JWasmR
exists too, but that has its own quirks. So yes, normally the 32-bit
versions are "good enough".

> Looking at the complete list here:
> Anybody still using VAL,

Maybe Micro-C dude, but I haven't heard anything from him in years.




NASM compatible, supposedly faster, halfway recommended by SmallerC dude.

> S-LANG anybody?

Not directly. Doesn't DOSEMU use that? So does JED (although none of
us ever finalized a public build of that). Not much else, AFAIK.

> I remember REXX was liked by DOS users?

Not at all (unless you mean PC-DOS 7, which I doubt). Maybe you meant
OS/2? Sure, I've dabbled very very lightly in Rexx, but I don't see
anyone else caring, certainly not the Regina dude (hence why we're
still stuck to 3.7 when latest is 3.91). The makefile.dj2 had somewhat
bitrotted, last I checked, but I was never patient enough (yet?) to
diff the versions.

> I guess PACIFIC-C should be dropped (closed source).

I think Jim had wanted to drop it, yes. Of course, I'm not aware of
any obvious projects (still?) using it anyways. OpenWatcom is
presumably much better (overall).

Anyways, the online Software List is in "read-only" mode for the past
few months now (since Jim is too busy to fix it), so I can't remove it
anyways (not that it's hugely important).

> FASM, WASM and JWASM all have fans.

WASM as in Wolfware? Not really popular, no. I'm not aware of anyone
using it in any projects.

> Is CC386 popular?

Not really, no, but it's still fairly nice. Of course, it's abandoned
in favor of Orange C (which is Win32 or HX hosted only).

> Cute to see that there now is a new Forth compiler!

That was a year or so ago when somebody (Zbignew?) requested adding one.

> PS: Dropped as in "not included in the ISO", listing on www is fine.

Of course.

The .iso for 2.0 should presumably be extra minimal, just for purists,
perhaps like "core", and bigger .iso versions can be added later
("extended"). Maybe.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Rugxulo et al,

indeed xgrep and grep both have their uses... Regarding BWBASIC,
current FreeBASIC is extremely cool while BWBASIC was small but
somewhat sketchy, I would agree to drop BWBASIC from the distro.

Note that the modern compilers (OpenWatcom, FPC (Pascal), Free-
BASIC, DJGPP and so on) are rather large, so I am glad that they
are not part of BASE ;-) And do not forget NASM and JWASM... :-)

What do you mean by BCC? The Borland Museum compiler? That one
is license-wise not suitable for distribution, although Borland
at some point offered it as free download. You can compare that
to the Microsoft essential font package: You cannot ship it with
Linux distros, but you can ship a tool which makes it easy for
users to download them directly from Microsoft after reviewing
and accepting the license.

It should not be a requirement to be 16-bit compatible when we
are looking at non-BASE packages. If there are 16-bit versions,
it is good to include them, but for example in case of NASM, I
would make 32-bit the default. It just works well on common PC.

>> devel\bwbasic
>> devel\bcc
>> These aren't extremely useful (plus fairly buggy) to most people.
>> Someone requested basic and c, I will remove them.
> Well, we already have FreeBASIC and OpenWatcom, which (despite 386+)
> are more robust than the above. Unless you're going for extreme 16-bit

Looking at the complete list here:

Anybody still using VAL, SmallBASIC, BASEC, YASM? S-LANG anybody?
I remember REXX was liked by DOS users? I guess PACIFIC-C should
be dropped (closed source). FASM, WASM and JWASM all have fans. Is
CC386 popular? Cute to see that there now is a new Forth compiler!

Cheers, Eric

PS: Dropped as in "not included in the ISO", listing on www is fine.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Maarten Vermeulen  wrote:
> as you may noticed I do not agree with the MS-DOS rules.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.  wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> "util\grep" and "util\xgrep" (what's the difference?? 32-bit DJGPP
> version??)
> Someone mentions, why not xgrep too. Pulled.

Well, neither is 100% compatible with each other. Xgrep is extremely
small and 16-bit, but DJGPP's GNU grep is much more robust (but bigger
and 386+ only). We just have to decide whether to have both or only
one or neither (or something else?).

I do think Xgrep is very useful, far better than nothing. I actually
use it a lot. My point was that "maybe" we don't need both (by

> devel\bwbasic
> devel\bcc
> These aren't extremely useful (plus fairly buggy) to most people.
> Someone requested basic and c, I will remove them.

Well, we already have FreeBASIC and OpenWatcom, which (despite 386+)
are more robust than the above. Unless you're going for extreme 16-bit
host support, then I don't see a point. And even then, like I said,
they are somewhat buggy. Not horrible, but weak, all things
considered. Maybe better than nothing, but nobody heavily uses them
(if at all) for any major (or minor) FreeDOS projects, AFAIK.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Tom, Maarten, Jerome and Rugxulo,

>> I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.

> fine. we should look for a new boss with more time to care.

Not THAT, permanently, busy - Jim is busy at the MOMENT with some
current news :-) Regarding Maarten's mail: No need for complicated
excuses... Simply don't send patches for kernel and At
least I am happy with your help such as translations or testing :-)

Actually it was Jack himself who suggested to remove XMGR and the
storage drivers. While the context may be complex, I agree that it
is better to use HIMEMX for XMS / HMA boot style and JEMMEX or, in
some cases better, a combine-with-HIMEM classic EMM386 driver for
EMS / UMB / XMS / HMA boot style. I also agree with Rugxulo that a
boot default should probably be only XMS / HMA. It is cool to have
UMB / EMS and it is cool to have virtual A20 by using EMM drivers,
but sometimes there are compatibility issues. So it should be user
choice to enable EMM drivers, not the default setting. Regarding
Jack's storage drivers: I like them and I see no reason to exclude
them, but it is a pity that there only is the choice between one
older version with sources and one newer but closed source version.

As the distro is trying to be completely open, it should probably
ship the older open drivers. It can still mention the newer branch.
In any case, I would NOT enable the storage drivers by default! On
many computers, they are not required and simply improve speed. As
the old version misses some bug fixes, users should be able to make
their own decision whether to use it. Some users even need to use a
storage driver due to BIOS bugs (see RayeR's UltraDMA BTTR thread),
at least when they want to use EMS.

I think it is safe to assume that "open and license-safe" are good
choices. Also it is safe to assume that "mimicks a MS DOS feature"
is a good reason to be in BASE. However, I think this can be seen
relaxed regarding drivers: If it mimicks a MS "DOS" 7 feature such
as LFN, it is useful to people who know "DOS" as part of Windows.

And if it is a driver for something that did not even exist when
MS DOS existed, such as USB or DVD drives, it should also be BASE
because using your hardware seems to be a basic thing for me. Of
course I would not make camera drivers base, because MS DOS never
shipped with video editing or chat software by default :-)

Cheers, Eric

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.

> On Jan 22, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.  
> wrote:
>> I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
>> few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
>> package list files and making any requests you may have for
>> additions or removals.
> "base/rdisk" and "util/udvd2”??

rdisk, because it was there before. (i think)
(but, the shsufdrv seems to work easier)

udvd2, for carom driver support. replacing uide.

> (probably both belong in "util\", but why listed at all in PKG_BASE.LST ??)

(It’s where Mateusz has them on his repo)
(rdisk, ??, udvd2 for working cd/dvd drive, hopefully)

> "; The remaining packages are only installed when ALL is chosen."
> util\cwsdpmi
> archiver\zip
> archiver\unzip
> I can't speak for Jim. For a minor point release like 1.2, he doesn't
> want any major changes. But seriously, it's VERY hard to live without
> these.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.

> On Jan 22, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Rugxulo  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.  
> wrote:
>> I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
>> few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
>> package list files and making any requests you may have for
>> additions or removals.
> "base/rdisk" and "util/udvd2"??
> (probably both belong in "util\", but why listed at all in PKG_BASE.LST ??)
> "; The remaining packages are only installed when ALL is chosen."
> util\cwsdpmi
> archiver\zip
> archiver\unzip
> I can't speak for Jim. For a minor point release like 1.2, he doesn't
> want any major changes. But seriously, it's VERY hard to live without
> these.
> "; Some packages I would like to see in ALL."
> (so you want more premade package .ZIPs from us?? or just
> reclassification of where to put them??)

That section is basically just the packages I felt should be also installed 
“ALL” is chosen. 

> "util\grep" and "util\xgrep" (what's the difference?? 32-bit DJGPP version??)

Someone mentions, why not xgrep too. Pulled.

> util\less (386+ DJGPP unless you want ancient 16-bit GNUish version)
> I assume it is practically recommend to use "util\pg" instead of "util\less".
> util\tee
> util\touch
> util\which
> Not sure how majorly useful these are for most people (e.g. I hardly
> ever use them), but they wouldn't be hard to package up. Besides,
> FreeCOM has a (limited, not as good) built-in "WHICH".
> archiver\tar
> archiver\gzip
> archiver\bz2
> I'm not understanding your ideas here. Are you not using Mateusz's
> packages from "1.1/repos"? He already has these packaged.

The installer uses packages from Mateusz’s repo. At present, I intend 
the installer to keep the same packages in the same places as his
all_cd.iso. However, the FreeDOS 1.2 release won’t contain all
of the packages that he provides. This would provide compatibility
between the two sources for packages. Mateusz’s disc image is 
currently about 500mb. I think the Official FreeDOS release should
be under 100mb.

> Of course, tar and gzip must be ancient 16-bit versions, if you want
> to be ultra compatible. bzip2 never had 16-bit builds, AFAIK. Anyways,
> p7zip already supports all of those archive/compresion formats, and he
> has a package for that as well.
> devel\bwbasic
> devel\bcc
> These aren't extremely useful (plus fairly buggy) to most people.

Someone requested basic and c, I will remove them.

>> Also, Option 1 in the FDCONFIG.SYS file that FDI creates has issues
>> with VirtualBOX. Someone who is more up to date on the memory
>> managers should do an install and take a look at the config files. Then,
>> let me know what needs changed. Otherwise, It won’t get fixed.
> You mean JEMMEX? Just don't make it default at all, make "XMS only"
> (HIMEMX) the default.
>>A couple other minor things.
>> I have tested the USB stick image as a hard drive and it works fine. However,
>> I have no way at present to boot from a DOS formatted USB stick. So, I have
>> not uploaded the USB version.
> PLoP Boot Manager (via floppy [or other methods]) lets me boot a USB
> on my "old" P4. You could try that:

I’m traveling again and won’t be home for a week or so. Currently, I only
have my Mac and It won’t boot a drive partition for Dos. VMware fusion and
Virtual Box won’t simulate boot from USB. When I get home, if I have the time,
I will test it on the a couple machines.

> --
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> ___
> Freedos-devel mailing list

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Maarten Vermeulen

I don't think Jim would be pleased to hear that. But I am a volunteer! :)

I dont know if that's a joke...

Why do I say this? I can give 2 reasons one is serious the other isnt.

the serious reason: Because I agree.

the non-serious reason: Because FreeDOS that's why!

probably this mail will be bad and I will be suspended... Why? Because it's
not nice what I say and so I am not mailing within the rules. But as I
already can't do the real FreeDOS dev part Because automaticly people
that look at MS-DOS (was needed for school) do add MS-DOS stuff. If you get
a copyright issue or something they don't care if you have those people.
What they do care about is if you really did violate copyright. Which
FreeDOS can't do because it's different from MS-DOS. And in this discussion
I heard we did have something as close to MS-DOS. So software chosen by
someone else from leadership is allowed to enter. But people do not. I do
not add MS-DOS source or ideas. It's not worth it. Also it's too simplistic
to say that everyone that gas looked at MS-DOS will add things from it.
Yes, it's to protect. Sure, but not like this. That reasoning is bad
because it's not true and you think for others! >:-(

as you may noticed I do not agree with the MS-DOS rules.


Op vrijdag 22 januari 2016 heeft Tom Ehlert  het
volgende geschreven:

> > I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
> fine. we should look for a new boss with more time to care.
> > what package for drivers?
> maybe ask Jim
> Tom
> --
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> APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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> ___
> Freedos-devel mailing list
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.  wrote:
> I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
> few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
> package list files and making any requests you may have for
> additions or removals.

"base/rdisk" and "util/udvd2"??

(probably both belong in "util\", but why listed at all in PKG_BASE.LST ??)


"; The remaining packages are only installed when ALL is chosen."


I can't speak for Jim. For a minor point release like 1.2, he doesn't
want any major changes. But seriously, it's VERY hard to live without

"; Some packages I would like to see in ALL."

(so you want more premade package .ZIPs from us?? or just
reclassification of where to put them??)

"util\grep" and "util\xgrep" (what's the difference?? 32-bit DJGPP version??)

util\less (386+ DJGPP unless you want ancient 16-bit GNUish version)

I assume it is practically recommend to use "util\pg" instead of "util\less".


Not sure how majorly useful these are for most people (e.g. I hardly
ever use them), but they wouldn't be hard to package up. Besides,
FreeCOM has a (limited, not as good) built-in "WHICH".


I'm not understanding your ideas here. Are you not using Mateusz's
packages from "1.1/repos"? He already has these packaged.

Of course, tar and gzip must be ancient 16-bit versions, if you want
to be ultra compatible. bzip2 never had 16-bit builds, AFAIK. Anyways,
p7zip already supports all of those archive/compresion formats, and he
has a package for that as well.


These aren't extremely useful (plus fairly buggy) to most people.

> Also, Option 1 in the FDCONFIG.SYS file that FDI creates has issues
> with VirtualBOX. Someone who is more up to date on the memory
> managers should do an install and take a look at the config files. Then,
> let me know what needs changed. Otherwise, It won’t get fixed.

You mean JEMMEX? Just don't make it default at all, make "XMS only"
(HIMEMX) the default.

> A couple other minor things.
> I have tested the USB stick image as a hard drive and it works fine. However,
> I have no way at present to boot from a DOS formatted USB stick. So, I have
> not uploaded the USB version.

PLoP Boot Manager (via floppy [or other methods]) lets me boot a USB
on my "old" P4. You could try that:

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Tom Ehlert

> I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
fine. we should look for a new boss with more time to care.

> what package for drivers?
maybe ask Jim


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr.  wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2016, at 3:28 PM, Tom Ehlert  wrote:
> regarding ALL:
> ping, wget and possibly some more belong to the same package as mtcp,

Do you mean same group, e.g. "NET"? Because mTCP is explicitly
8086-friendly while (32-bit DJGPP) builds of GNU Wget are not.

> but only make sense if you also install some package drivers.
> same for rsync and curl

BTW, Michael Kostelev made some more recent builds of Wget and Curl,
if anyone wishes to try them:

There's also "../src", but I'm not exactly sure whether (or how
exactly, correctly) to mirror them for us just yet. These depend on
third-party libraries (not just Watt-32), so it's a bit confusing,
esp. since they aren't easy (for me) to rebuild from scratch.

Those might not be a good idea to include just yet.   :-(

> Ah, I didn’t realize ping was in mtcp. Pulled.
> I don’t see wget in there, just htget.
> what package for drivers?

I assume he means "packet" drivers, e.g. NE2000.COM or PCNTPK.COM.
(Note that not all Crynwr drivers are open source!)

> which is afaik included in, at least the one I have

I don't know what this means.

> I'd put doslfn in the base package
> I thought base was supposed to be as close to MS-DOS as possible.
> However, if Jim says OK, I will put it in there.

I can't speak for him, but my opinion is that it should be separate.
Then again, if it's going on the .iso anyways 

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.
Hello Tom,

> On Jan 22, 2016, at 3:28 PM, Tom Ehlert  wrote:
> Hallo Herr Jerome E. Shidel Jr.,
> am 22. Januar 2016 um 20:33 schrieben Sie:
>> I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
>> However, he stated that he wished to get FreeDOS 1.2 out the 
>> door very soon. He did mention some reasons for getting it 
>> released. But, I’m not going to go into them. 
>> I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
>> few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
>> package list files and making any requests you may have for 
>> additions or removals.
>> Also, Option 1 in the FDCONFIG.SYS file that FDI creates has issues 
>> with VirtualBOX. Someone who is more up to date on the memory 
>> managers should do an install and take a look at the config files. Then,
>> let me know what needs changed. Otherwise, It won’t get fixed.
>> FDI status update:
>> It is still finished. However, I just implemented a couple changes:
>>Removed the XMGR
> if YOU feel like it; seems you are the new boss here
>>and UIDE packages.
> that sounds like a very bad idea

Well, I can be bossy, but usually I’m just really pushy. :-)

Jim said he wanted XMGR and UIDE pulled from the next release. 
I think it may be due to obscure legal reasons. But, you would have to
ask him. 

> regarding ALL:
> ping, wget and possibly some more belong to the same package as mtcp,
> but only make sense if you also install some package drivers.
> same for rsync and curl

Ah, I didn’t realize ping was in mtcp. Pulled.
I don’t see wget in there, just htget.

what package for drivers?

> which is afaik included in , at least the 
> one I have
> I'd put doslfn in the base package

I thought base was supposed to be as close to MS-DOS as possible.
However, if Jim says OK, I will put it in there.

> Tom
> --
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Tom Ehlert
Hallo Herr Jerome E. Shidel Jr.,

am 22. Januar 2016 um 20:33 schrieben Sie:

> I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
> However, he stated that he wished to get FreeDOS 1.2 out the 
> door very soon. He did mention some reasons for getting it 
> released. But, I’m not going to go into them. 

> I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
> few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
> package list files and making any requests you may have for 
> additions or removals.


> Also, Option 1 in the FDCONFIG.SYS file that FDI creates has issues 
> with VirtualBOX. Someone who is more up to date on the memory 
> managers should do an install and take a look at the config files. Then,
> let me know what needs changed. Otherwise, It won’t get fixed.

> FDI status update:

> It is still finished. However, I just implemented a couple changes:

> Removed the XMGR
if YOU feel like it; seems you are the new boss here

> and UIDE packages.
that sounds like a very bad idea

regarding ALL:

ping, wget and possibly some more belong to the same package as mtcp,
but only make sense if you also install some package drivers.
same for rsync and curl

which is afaik included in, at least the one I have

I'd put doslfn in the base package


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Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] FDI and FreeDOS 1.2

2016-01-22 Thread Jerome E. Shidel Jr.
I emailed with Jim the other day. He is extremely busy at present.
However, he stated that he wished to get FreeDOS 1.2 out the 
door very soon. He did mention some reasons for getting it 
released. But, I’m not going to go into them. 

I see no reason why a beta release is not ready in the next
few days-weeks. So, I highly recommend taking a look at the
package list files and making any requests you may have for 
additions or removals.

Also, Option 1 in the FDCONFIG.SYS file that FDI creates has issues 
with VirtualBOX. Someone who is more up to date on the memory 
managers should do an install and take a look at the config files. Then,
let me know what needs changed. Otherwise, It won’t get fixed.

FDI status update:

It is still finished. However, I just implemented a couple changes:

Removed the XMGR and UIDE packages.

Added a few other packages to the ALL package list.

Slightly improved batch file start up DOSDIR and TEMP dir 
detection and configuration. (when present)

Modified a couple lines in the installer. So, that regardless of what 
drive FDI installs to, the boot files are configured to be booting from 
drive C:.

Modified mkFDI to create both Floppy Installer Image for CD Media
and Hard disk image for USB stick installer.

Modified mkFDI to adjust some configuration stuff for different
installer images.

Updated FDI, so when booting from USB/HD image it assumes
default target for install is drive D: (config files will be set for C: 

A couple other minor things.

I have tested the USB stick image as a hard drive and it works fine. However,
I have no way at present to boot from a DOS formatted USB stick. So, I have 
not uploaded the USB version.

Latest FDI image:


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