RE: how to disable plain ftp when server is configured with explicit ftp

2019-02-08 Thread Gary Bell
This is how I do it - I have the server listening on both an internal and 
external interface and check that download attempts on the external one are 
secure before allowing it. The internal interface is plain FTP:

public FtpletResult onDownloadStart(FtpSession session, FtpRequest request) 
throws FtpException, IOException {

if (isExternalInterface(session) && ! 
isSecureConnection(session)) {
//security issue, either the control or data port is 
LOG.error("About to start a download, but either the 
control or data connection is unsecure. Download aborted.");
FtpReply.REPLY_550_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN, "Session is not secure. Issue 
PROT P command first.");
return FtpletResult.SKIP;

private boolean isSecureConnection(FtpSession session) {
return (session.isSecure() && 

Best Regards,
Gary Bell

RE: Restricting hidden files to upload

2017-02-20 Thread Gary Bell
Sorry, didn't read the OP properly. I would agree with John. I do something 
similar in my code.

RE: Custom welcome message

2017-02-17 Thread Gary Bell
Hi Faseela, it looks like Filezilla is hiding the response string returned from 
ftpserver unless an error occurs (in which case it shows the full log in the 
log window). On filezilla 3.14.1, I got it to show the custom response message 
all the time by setting the debug level in the preferences to "2 - Info". Not 
sure if this is an option for you?

RE: Custom welcome message

2017-02-16 Thread Gary Bell
Hi, I just tried that out and it worked form me on FtpServer-1.1.0. This is 
what I did:

0. Downloaded the latest FtpServer zip file and extracted it.
1. Created a new folder called \res\messages
2. Added a new file called FtpStatus.gen
3. Added my custom message for login like so:

220=JESTER ready for connection. WARNING! All activity on this site is 
monitored and tracked. Authorised personnel only.

4. Edited the res\conf\ftpd-typical.xml file to add the following element under 
the  tag:

5. Started ftpserver under a cmd shell, passing in the config file to use:

Bin\ftpd.bat \res\conf\ftpd-typical.xml

6. Connected to it using ftp client built into Windows 7 via the command prompt 
on port 2121

Observed that the 220 greeting showed my new message.

In production, I actually set the custome messages using a message factory when 
I am setting up the ftp server instance. 

 -- cut 

FtpServerFactory factory = new FtpServerFactory();

//Customised server messages (optional)
String customMessageFile = 
if ( customMessageFile != null) {
LOG.debug("Custom message resource specified: " + 
File f = new File(customMessageFile);
if (f.exists()) {
LOG.debug("Message file exists, configuring.");
MessageResourceFactory messageFactory = new 

} else {
LOG.error("Custom message bundle 
\""+customMessageFile + "\" specified, but does not exist. Not loaded.");
 cut ---

Best Regards,

Gary Bell is on holiday

2012-07-08 Thread gary . bell

I will be out of the office starting  06/07/2012 and will not return until

I will be on holiday for two weeks starting from next Monday the 9th of
July. Please find below the Belfast RPST support arrangements during my
absence and the shutdown next week. Please continue to Cc me on any emails

Week starting Monday 9th July - Friday 13th July
- Reduced support available during normal Belfast office hours.
- Release issues on Thursday  Friday such as XFR failures may have to wait
until the following Monday.
- Please send any support requests to Charles Landreville

Week starting Monday 16th July - Friday 20th July

- Normal support available during normal Belfast office hours.
- Please send any support requests to John Mitchell

Best Regards,

Gary Bell
Belfast RPST lead

Gary Bell is out of the office on Company business

2012-01-18 Thread gary . bell

I will be out of the office starting  16/01/2012 and will not return until

For CSeries release support, please contact John Mitchell on Belfast ext.
62457 // (please Cc me on any emails).

Gary Bell is out of the office on Company business

2012-01-12 Thread gary . bell

I will be out of the office starting  10/01/2012 and will not return until

For CSeries release support, please contact John Mitchell on Belfast ext.
62457 // (please Cc me on any emails).

Re: Accessing Files from other users home folder?

2011-12-15 Thread gary . bell
We use symbolic links to link the same file to more than one user. So the
file actually sits in /files/common/documents/test.txt and is symbolically
linked into /home/userA and /home/userB. For the next version of our code
we intend to implement a custom filesystem that will remove the need for
unix symlinks to achieve the same result.

Best Regards,

Gary Bell

 Nilesh Apte   
 nilesh.apte13@gm   To   
 15/12/2011 06:54   
 Please respond to Subject 
 ftpserver-users@m Accessing Files from other users   home folder?


Can a ftp user access a file from other ftp users' home directory (or
sub directory)?

For example,

1. UserA has his home directory as /home/UserA
2. UserB has his home directory as /home/UserB

3. UserA has a file at following folder location,

4. When UserB connect to apache ftp server, he will see / (which maps
to /home/UserB) as his root directory.
5. Can UserB issue *GET /home/UserA/documents/test.txt* to retrieve
the file?

I tried running ftp server stand alone in 5 minutes link, and this
seems to be not supported out of the box.
I get 550 ... : No such file or directory error.

What is the recommended/best way to share files between various ftp users?


RE: How to limit file upload and download to a set of directories.

2009-10-21 Thread gary . bell
I have something sort of similar in my code. I only allow uploads to a
specific directory which for me is a well-defined name. Hope this helps:

- cut ---
public FtpletResult beforeCommand(FtpSession session, FtpRequest request)
  throws FtpException, IOException {

String cmd = request.getCommand().toUpperCase();
User user = session.getUser();

if (cmd.equals(STOR) || cmd.equals(STOU) || cmd.equals(
APPE)) {
  if (! isUploadDirectory(user,request.getArgument()) {
LOG.debug(Attempt to upload files to non-shared
upload area. Command will be aborted.);
REPLY_550_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN,Read-only;  + cmd +  not permitted
by administrator.);
return FtpletResult.SKIP;
cut -

Best Regards,


Re: FtpServer hitting its limit?

2009-10-08 Thread gary . bell
There is a good article on the time_wait state of sockets at which mentions the
SO_LINGER settings:

...Because of these potential problems with TIME_WAIT assassinations, one
should not avoid the TIME_WAIT state by setting the SO_LINGER option to
send an RST instead of the normal TCP connection termination
(FIN/ACK/FIN/ACK). The TIME_WAIT state is there for a reason; it's your
friend and it's there to help you :-)

Might be of some help.

Best Regards,


Re: Stability and reliability issues

2009-04-07 Thread gary . bell
I have seen similar ocurrences to the cannot connect to server incident
mentioned. For us, this was caused by the ftpserver _sometimes_ picking a
(passive) port that our firewall was not allowing through from the client.
I changed the passive port range setting in ftpserver to match the firewall
port range and it has worked ok since. I guess it therefore follows you
could also get this if you have set up a port range and you run out of
ports momentarily under heavy demand. This can also happen with clients
such as filezilla that can open many ports at once to transfer files.

I have also seen the max logins reached error as well for a user account
that was just set up and therefore could not have reached any limit. Since
this was the first occurrence in many months of continuous operation, I
just restarted the server and everything was OK. I might peer more closely
into the source code now.

Best Regards,

Gary Bell