[galaxy-user] Manipulate FASTQ question

2011-09-19 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
I currently have read names with the format:
@N57638:1:64JU0AAXX:1:1:1057:943 1:Y:0:
and would like to change them to the format:

I use Manipulate FASTQ, on all reads and set 'Manipulate Reads on:' to 
'Name/Identifier', ('String Translate' becomes the only option). 
I then set the 'From:' field to '1:Y:0:' and the 'To:' field to '/1' (without 
the literal quotes). 
I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 37, in 
line 25, in main
   new_read = fastq_manipulator.match_and_manipulate_read( fastq_read )
 line 15, in match_and_manipulate_read
   new_read = manipulate_read( fastq_read )
 line 8, in manipulate_read
   new_read.identifier = @%s % new_read.identifier[1:].translate( maketrans( 
binascii.unhexlify( 313a593a303a ), binascii.unhexlify( 2f31 ) ) )
ValueError: maketrans arguments must have same length

So, do the From and To fields really need to be the same length?
This seems rather strange and unhelpful.
Am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park, 
Norwich NR4 7UH.

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Re: [galaxy-user] version tophat and cufflinks

2011-10-11 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Hi Dongdong,
The version of TopHat is 1.2.0 and Cufflinks is 1.0.1.
The full list of all Galaxy dependencies can be found on the wiki at:

All the best,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

From: dongdong zhaoweiming 
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 17:57:51 +0100
To: galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edumailto:galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edu 
Subject: [galaxy-user] version tophat and cufflinks


May I ask what is the version of TopHat and cufflinks in the galaxy?
Thanks a lot!
weimin zhao

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Re: [galaxy-user] Regarding .exe file

2011-11-15 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Any tool that can be run from the command line, whether it be a .exe, .sh,
.pl, .ph, etc, can be installed in Galaxy.
All this is explained on the wiki. The best page to start would be:


Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 14/11/2011 04:47, Shambhavi Srivastava
shambhavi.srivast...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Galaxy users,
Is it possible to install .exe files in galaxy?If yes then how?


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Re: [galaxy-user] 'Draw quality score Boxplot' error

2011-11-29 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
I've had this problem before and find that although the job 'fails', the
boxplot is actually created. If you click on the 'eye' in the boxplot
history item, you should still be able to see and save your plot.

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 28/11/2011 16:21, Avik Datta reach4a...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Caroline,
Try to change the default font of gnuplot


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Caroline Proux k...@pasteur.fr wrote:

Hi,I have illumina ChipSeq data and I want to use the Draw quality score
I run thequality format converter (ASCII numeric). But the  Draw
quality score Boxplot do an error An error occurred running this
job:Could not find/open font when opening font arial, ..

where is my problem?

thank you so much

Caroline Proux


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Avik Datta

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Re: [galaxy-user] Chip-seq data

2011-11-30 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Your ChipSeq data is already in fastq format. It appears to have Illunima
quality scores, so you'll need to use the NGS:QC and manipulation  FASTQ
Groomer tool, using 'Illumina 1.3+' as input and 'Sanger' quality format
as output.
As to using MACS, I've never used it before but you should be able to get
your answers by reading the manual at:
Hope this helps,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 29/11/2011 15:16, Giuseppe Petrosino petros...@ceinge.unina.it

Hi,I have illumina ChipSeq data in txt format with this structure:


Can I convert into Fastq format?If so, how can I?
Furthermore, after using Map with Bowtie for Illumina, how can I use MACS
(Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq) if I have two files for IP samples and
two files for Control samples?
Thank you so much.


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Re: [galaxy-user] extract genome sequence

2012-09-24 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
One way to do this is to create an interval file with the new co-ordinates
(+/- 5kb) and then use the Fetch Sequences  Extract genomic DNA tool.
To create a new co-ordinates file, input your annotation file into the
Text Manipulation  Compute tool, using expressions like c3 = c3-5000 to
get your new co-ordinates. You'll get 2 new columns in the final output
file and then use the Text Manipulation  Cut tool to extract the columns
you need to create an interval file.
Hope this helps.

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 24/09/2012 09:02, Björn Grüning
bjoern.gruen...@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de wrote:

Hi Yan,

did you know the tool extractfeat from the EMBOSS suite (its in the

I don't know offhand if it can work in batch mode, but its possible to
add that feature.


 Hi everyone,

 I have the genome sequence and gene annotation file. Is there a tool
 on Galaxy to extract the 5,000 bp upstream, 5,000 bp downstream and
 genome sequences of the genes (including exons and introns) from the
 genome sequence? Any suggestions are highly appreciated! Thanks!
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Björn Grüning
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 9
D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.

Tel.:  +49 761 203-4872
Fax.:  +49 761 203-97769
E-Mail: bjoern.gruen...@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de
Web: http://www.pharmaceutical-bioinformatics.org/

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Re: [galaxy-user] History items remain pending (grey color)

2013-03-26 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Hi Priya,
If you are using one of the public Galaxy servers (e.g.
http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/), then it's quite probable that there a lots of
jobs queued in the system by other users. If your history item is grey
that means the job has been successfully submitted and is waiting its turn
in the queueing system. When the system is busy it will take longer for
the jobs to be submitted due to the high demand.
In short - give it some time, it will run eventually.
Best wishes,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 25/03/2013 23:01, Priya Bhatt priya.bh...@loni.ucla.edu wrote:

Dear Galaxy Users,

Forgive me in advance, but I am a VERY new Galaxy user!

I am trying to go through the Galaxy 101 tutorial provided on the galaxy
website (https://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/u/aun1/p/galaxy101).  The first step
asks to get exon data of Chromosome 22 from UCSC database, and the second
step asks to get the SNP data from the same database.  When I do these
two steps, I understand the history items should turn green once they are
processed, however after a few hours these items remain grey.  Am I doing
something wrong?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
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Re: [galaxy-user] Cuffdiff version not apparent

2013-11-05 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Hi Cory,
A list of Galaxy dependancies can be found on the wiki at:
...although many tools allow a range of tool versions.

You can also identify the information about the specific tool versions by
clicking on the View Details Œi¹ icon of a history item created by that
tool and looking at the Tool Version field.
If you¹re using the Galaxy public server (https://usegalaxy.org/) then
clicking on the Œi¹ icon of a cuffdiff output file will show:

Tool Version:cuffdiff v2.1.1 (4046M)
Hope this helps.


Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 04/11/2013 20:57, Cory Dunn cd...@ku.edu.tr wrote:

Dear Galaxy Staff:

I was wondering which version of Cuffdiff is currently running on Galaxy.
 The wrapper version is 0.0.6, but I did not see the actual version of
the underlying software under the Tool Version field (please see
attached screen grab).

Thanks for your help,
Cory Dunn

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[galaxy-user] Creating a Trackster visualisation from a reference in your history

2014-01-23 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
I’m struggling to figure out how to visualise a SAM file in Trackster as a 
normal user (i.e. without admin privileges). I’ve tried both my local install 
and use galaxy.org.
This is what I’ve done on usegalaxy.org:
Uploaded paired-end fastq sequences and a reference fasta file.
Mapped with BWA.
Clicked on SAM output – Visualize  Trackster
Chose 'View in new visualisation’, then ‘Add a Custom Build’.
In the ‘Add a Custom Build’ I give my build the name ‘solanum_reference’ and 
the key ‘solanum_reference_1’. I select the fasta mapping reference from my 
history under the ‘FASTA’ tab and under the Len File entry I upload a .len file 
(tab-delimited) called ‘solanum_reference_1.len’.
I navigate back to my SAM history item, associate the Database/Build with my 
new build (via the Edit attributes icon) and then again Visualize  Trackster  
View in New Visualization. I name the Browser, select my ‘solanum_reference’ as 
the 'Reference genome build' and hit ‘Create’.
The view changes to the Trackster Browser and at the top I reads: Preparing 
data, This can take a while for a large dataset…..etc., etc. 
After a few minutes, this changes too: “Cannot display dataset due to an 
error.” If I click on ‘View error’ I get:

Couldn't open /galaxy/data/chrom/solanum_reference_1.len , No such file or 

Is it possible to create a custom build and use it to view a SAM file without 
adding the .len and .2bit files in to the Galaxy file system as an 
If so, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601
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Re: [galaxy-user] Summary Statistics

2014-05-23 Thread graham etherington (TSL)
Hi Dominique,
I’d use the original fasta file and input it into the 'Fasta Manipulation  
Compute Sequence Length' tool
Then, using the output, run the 'Statistics  Summary Statistics for any 
numerical column' tool on c2.
That will give you all the info you’re after.

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601
Twitter: @bioinformatiks

From: Dominique Cowart dac...@gmail.commailto:dac...@gmail.com
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014 12:29
To: galaxy-u...@bx.psu.edumailto:galaxy-u...@bx.psu.edu 
Subject: [galaxy-user] Summary Statistics


I am attempting to use Galaxy to calculate the mean sequence read length and 
identify the range of read lengths for my 454 data. The data has already been 
divided into columns:

I have attempted to use the Summary Statistics button, however it appears to 
only be for numerical data and not sequence data. Is this tool/task available
via Galaxy?

Thank you in advance,

Dominique Cowart

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