Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread

What I'd really like, is a clearer
definition of 'accessibility,' which I know is being done. I mean, must
the game then be accessible to other disabilities, like deaf players, or
players with other dissabilities?
*quote end*

Yes, 'accessibility' includes other disabilities as well.

 ... what I wonder is whether their would actually be a blind person who'd
actually sue just because he/she can't play a game.
*quote end*

Yes, sueing is not easy, at least not in Holland (where I live). Although it
is not very likely just one person will start a lawsuit, I can imagine it is
much easier when a person together with the backing of an organisation such
as the RNIB or a group of blind gamers will start a lawsuit.

 I think some sighted people might get the feeling that, because a game has
to be made accessible for the blind, they'd somehow think that their
standard of game play would be lowered, i.e, blind people can't play
difficult or challenging games, or that some of the challenge of the game
has been taken away because it had to be modified for blind people.
*quote end*

There are several approaches to design a game for the blind, for instance
designing original audio games, making an accessible version of a mainstream
game or designing a mainstream game with accessibility features that can be
turned on and off (also see: Of course,
there are other possibilities as well.

The 'equality in accessible games' is actually a problem the field of game
accessibility has long been facing. This also has to do with what one
considers to be the definition of the term game accessibility. Does it
mean that everyone should be able to control every part of the game (even
though the experience might be very different then), or that the experience
is equal among players with different abilities (even though the players
aren't really playing the exact same game anymore), or both, or... ?
For a long time I was of the opinion that, when taking *every* disability
into account, it was probably better to make specific games for specific
gamers with disabilities. Because the spectrum of disabilities is incredibly
huge and varied, I was of the opinion it was impossible to make a single
game for this whole group. Think for instance of a game like chess. UA Chess
( was designed so that it is
accessible for people with a motoric, hearing and visual disability. But
still, this game cannot be played by people with severe learning
disabilities, simply because the game mechanics are too difficult for
someone who has the mental abilities of a 3 year old.

However, the more I got into the subject and after talking with other people
about their ideas (including the developers of UA Chess), I too have become
more convinced that it might be possible to make games that are accessible
for everyone. Although chess cannot be played by someone with a severe
learning disability, it is equally unlikely that a person with a severe
learning disability will ever want to play chess. I'm currently doing a
project for blind people who also have severe learning disabilities so I
ground this on my own experiences. Likewise, a person interested in playing
chess, probably has the mental capabilities to play chess. Maybe on a very
low level, maybe just with 8 pawns and a queen and no other pieces, maybe ?,
but still.

UA Chess and UA Invaders have been developed with the thought of Universal
Accessibility in mind, meaning access for all in short. The game is made
accessible using parameter, which basically define what type of game is
played. So UA Invaders is not only accessible for people with a visual
disability using the blind parameter- settings, but also for a person with
a physical disability using the one switch parameter-settings.  What is
very interesting about this approach, is that it is possible to customize a
game for each person individually. So if a person is blind and also can only
move one arm, he can still play the game, using both the blind parameter
and one switch parameter-settings. This way every player has his or her own
game universe. The engine, narrative, character design, etc. of the game
remains the same for all players, whereas the actual interface and behaviour
of the game is individually tuned. An concept built upon this idea is the
concept of parallel game universes - meaning that when two players with
different abilities play together, the game universes merge together.
Although two people can experience each others universe at the same time
they experience theirs, they can only perform in their own universe.

So: does this mean people play the exact same game? No. Is the experience
the same? No.

But: do people play equally based upon their abilities? Maybe - if the
complete game and its parameters are designed well? And do the players have
an equal experience? Maybe... do mainstream gamers 

Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread ari
Hi Richard,
Brilliant email! Very interesting about the Universal accessible games, I'm
going to try them. Then I think the direction, as you said, should be more
towards these games, but I still then think that the video games companies
that will want to bother trying to make accessible games might not really
listen to a small group like ours as much, the large organisations for
disabled people should approach these companies.

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Re: [Audyssey] accessible space invaders link

2006-08-09 Thread Maria visiting her folks
Hi can the game just be played or do you have to customize it before you can
play it?


- Original Message - 
From: Ken the Crazy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 4:43 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] accessible space invaders link

 Ken Downey
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[Audyssey] help! trouble with the lite tech horse racing game!

2006-08-09 Thread Maria visiting her folks
Hi listers.

Wonderin if anyone has any ideas?  I just downloaded and installed the
hhorse racing game.  I chose jfw in the configuration choices and when I
started up the game, it just said the horse racing game dialog and jaws
went real strange not reading anythnt until I restarted the computer.  So I
tried running the configuration screen and chose sapi.  Still no luck so I
uninstalled the game and re installed it choosing sapi from the
configuration screen.  Still does the same thing.  Have I missed something?
I play lite cars with no problems.  this game sounds like it could be fun.

thanks Maria

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Re: [Audyssey] longest interactive fiction game???

2006-08-09 Thread Maria visiting her folks
can anyone give me the correct link to the IF archive?  I keep getting a
page not found or page cannot be displayed error.


- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] longest interactive fiction game???

 open winfrotz
 hit control-o to open a new game
 navigate to wherever you placed the game, I have an interactive fiction
 folder where all my IF games go
 arrow down to where the game is and hit enter.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Jen Karns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] longest interactive fiction game???

  I've downloaded winfrotz, now how do I use it to play
  an if game. I have downloaded right now, only azteca
  which is a malinche game.
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Re: [Audyssey] jim's trucker game

2006-08-09 Thread Jim Kitchen
Hi Nicol,

The instructions say that you will burn 7 gallons of fuel per hour while you 

The instructions also say

Your truck has a 200-gallon fuel tank and gets 4.5 miles per gallon of diesel 
Your mileage decreases when you drive faster or slower than 55 miles per hour.

Here are the entire Trucker instructions

Trucker Instructions : 
Trucker is a program which simulates the problems facing a long-haul truck 
Ideally, you can make a good living hauling freight coast-to-coast without 
exceeding the legal load limit.
If all goes well, you can obey speed limits and stop each night for eight hours 
sleep and still make the time schedule.
On a good trip you will be able to earn well over $1,000.00.
However, even the best driver's run into occasional streaks of bad luck and may 
barely break even.
Bad weather, road conditions or a flat tire can place you behind schedule and 
eat up your profits.
You may try to increase your profits by skimping on sleep, driving fast, or 
carrying an overweight load.
However, pushing too hard raises the risk of a traffic accident, and you will 
be fined if you are caught breaking the law.
Your Truck:
You are driving an 18-wheel tractor-trailer combination that can hold 50,000 
pounds of cargo (10,000 pounds more than the legal limit).
You are buying your truck through a bank loan that requires a payment of 
$1,995.00 per month, or $85.00 for each working day.
This amount includes reserves for taxes and insurance.
Your truck has a 200-gallon fuel tank and gets 4.5 miles per gallon of diesel 
Your mileage decreases when you drive faster or slower than 55 miles per hour.
Your fuel gauge is accurate to within five gallons and your speedometer is 
accurate to within three miles per hour.
It is extremely unlikely that you will be involved in a traffic accident in 
good weather.
The danger increases dramatically if you drive at a excessive rate of speed, 
fail to slow down in fog or blizzard, or continue driving after you have become 
An exhausted driver speeding through a snow storm is asking for trouble.
There is always the danger of losing time due to a flat tire.
This danger can be reduced by purchasing retreads or more expensive tires 
before you start your trip, and by promptly replacing your spare tire after a 
The speed limit is 55 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
Generally, Smokey will allow some leeway before pulling you over, but the 
faster you go the more likely you are to attract his attention.
There are also a couple of places along the way where a radar may be in 
operation with strict enforcement.
Whenever you get a traffic ticket, you lose time as you wait to pay your fine 
at the Justice of the Peace.
If you receive more than three tickets, you lose your Interstate Commerce 
Commissiom driver's license.
Truck Stops:
Every three or four hours you will approach a truck stop.
Each stop will take at least one hour while you get coffee, fuel and a spare 
tire if necessary.
The price of diesel fuel and tires will vary unpredictably, but diesel fuel 
will average about $1.00 per gallon.
Truck stops are also the only places where you can sleep.
You may choose when to sleep, but, if you attempt to sleep during the day, you 
will be disturbed by traffic noise.
You can select from three types of cargo to haul for each trip:
1. U.S. MAIL -This contract will pay $.0475 per pound, or $1,900.00 for a 
40,000 pound load on delivery.
2. Freight Forwarding -This contract pays $.05 per pound, or $2,000 for a load. 
However, there is a 10% penalty that is subtracted if you are more than 12 
hours late on delivery.
3. Oranges -This contract will pay $.065 per pound of good oranges delivered to 
New York, or $2,600 for a standard load.
You are required to run the air-conditioning unit in your trailer in order to 
keep the oranges from rotting or freezing.
You will burn seven gallons of fuel per hour while you sleep.
You can choose one of three routes:
Northern route:
This route is the shortest, but also the riskiest. You will leave from Los 
Angeles on Interstate 15 and drive through Las Vegas and Denver.
You then take I-80 through Nebraska, northern Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The total mileage is 2,710.
You will pay a total of $195.00 in tolls and have one chance in eight of 
avoiding weigh stations.
The danger of bad weather is high, and the speed limit is vigorously enforced.
Middle route:
The middle route follows old Route 66 from Los Angeles through northern Arizona 
and Oklahoma into ST.Louis.
Then you cut over to the Pennsylvania Turnpike and follow through to New York.
The total distance is 2,850 miles.
The toll road portion will cost you $240 in fees.
This route has fewer smokies watching your speed and the weather conditions are 
much more favorable than the Northern route.
However, watch the weight in your trailer since there are several truck scales 
in operation.
Southern route:
This route 

[Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello gamers,
Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's 
Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also 
make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the 
sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the 
handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off 
factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by 
rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D 
buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural 
when the job is complete.
Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to 
handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks 
were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just 
using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while 
functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple 
keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space 
arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable 
with keyboard commands.
So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I 
plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a 
long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon 
with this stuff in the works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Mich Verrier
hi tom and all. I am wondering is the new Microsoft dot net frame work up on 
your web sight?or will this be included in the download package for Alfa 2 
of monty?
from Mich Verrier from New Liskeard Ontario Canada
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:52 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

 Hello gamers,
 Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's
 Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also
 make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
 In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the
 sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the
 handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off
 factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by
 rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D
 buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural
 when the job is complete.
 Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to
 handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks
 were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just
 using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while
 functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple
 keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space
 arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable
 with keyboard commands.
 So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I
 plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a
 long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon
 with this stuff in the works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Brandon Cole
I think I speak for quite a few folks when I say that, although all this 
will take some time, your effort is very much appreciated. Keep it up, 
brotha! Haha.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:52 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

 Hello gamers,
 Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's
 Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also
 make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
 In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the
 sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the
 handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off
 factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by
 rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D
 buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural
 when the job is complete.
 Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to
 handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks
 were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just
 using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while
 functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple
 keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space
 arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable
 with keyboard commands.
 So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I
 plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a
 long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon
 with this stuff in the works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread

I still then think that the video games companies that will want to bother 
trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small group 
like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should 
approach these companies.
*quote end*

If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large 
organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread Charles Rivard
Who are these large organizations comprised of??  People.  For the most 
part, us.  Get busy and help??

- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I still then think that the video games companies that will want to bother
 trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small group
 like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should
 approach these companies.
 *quote end*

 If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large
 organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Charles Rivard
You took the words right off my fingertips.

- Original Message - 
From: Brandon Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

I think I speak for quite a few folks when I say that, although all this
 will take some time, your effort is very much appreciated. Keep it up,
 brotha! Haha.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:52 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

 Hello gamers,
 Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's
 Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also
 make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
 In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the
 sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the
 handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off
 factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by
 rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D
 buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural
 when the job is complete.
 Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to
 handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks
 were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just
 using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while
 functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple
 keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space
 arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable
 with keyboard commands.
 So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I
 plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a
 long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon
 with this stuff in the works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Sound Pong

2006-08-09 Thread djc
Running WinXp-Pro


On 8/9/2006 at 1:49 AM Ken the Crazy wrote:

what version of windows are you running?
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Sound Pong

 It came up running here just fine so I have no idea.


 On 8/7/2006 at 4:52 PM shaun everiss wrote:

I just tried that, I even reran the installer for openal in the root
of the spong folder it doesn't work.
At 01:45 PM 8/7/2006, you wrote:

Here's a note for sound pong from The zip file on the
is missing openal32.dll so go grab a copy of that file easily found on
net and put it in the bin folder of sound pong and run spong.exe and
game will come up running. To play Sound Pong press the space bar to
and then use the left and right arrows to keep the ball in play. Press
for an excellent audio help.

  djc's Jukebox: Saturday
 Evenings 9 to
midnight Eastern.

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  djc's Jukebox: Saturday Evenings 9 to
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 djc's Jukebox: Saturday Evenings 9 to
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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread

I don't mean to offend anyone, Charles :) Do you know which of these large 
organisations are currently talking with the game industry about making 
more accessible games?



- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Who are these large organizations comprised of??  People.  For the most
 part, us.  Get busy and help??

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I still then think that the video games companies that will want to 
 trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small group
 like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should
 approach these companies.
 *quote end*

 If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large
 organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread Charles Rivard
Nope, but I do know that they won't if we don't bring it to their attention 
and try to get them to see the significance.

- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I don't mean to offend anyone, Charles :) Do you know which of these 
 organisations are currently talking with the game industry about making
 more accessible games?



 - Original Message - 
 From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Who are these large organizations comprised of??  People.  For the most
 part, us.  Get busy and help??

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I still then think that the video games companies that will want to
 trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small group
 like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should
 approach these companies.
 *quote end*

 If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large
 organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread Charles Rivard
I do know that the NFB (National Federation of the Blind) was, sort of, 
promoting Troopanum, maybe because the creator is blind and he has his own 
company.  But what I meant in my original message was that if major 
organizations for, and of, the blind do not know how important gaming is to 
blind people, they will do nothing to expand it or to make others aware of 
it.  We, as the ones it is important to, should make them aware.  Oh, and by 
the way, no offense was taken by me from your posts.  It's discussion, 

- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Oh sorry, I misunderstood your earlier email... I agree, Charles :)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Nope, but I do know that they won't if we don't bring it to their
 and try to get them to see the significance.

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I don't mean to offend anyone, Charles :) Do you know which of these
 organisations are currently talking with the game industry about making
 more accessible games?



 - Original Message - 
 From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Who are these large organizations comprised of??  People.  For the most
 part, us.  Get busy and help??

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I still then think that the video games companies that will want to
 trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small
 like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should
 approach these companies.
 *quote end*

 If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large
 organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Sarah
O cool. I'm looking forward to the real thing. I'm not familiar with the 
video game but this is going to be fun.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:52 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

Hello gamers,
Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's
Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also
make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the
sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the
handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off
factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by
rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D
buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural
when the job is complete.
Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to
handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks
were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just
using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while
functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple
keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space
arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable
with keyboard commands.
So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I
plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a
long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon
with this stuff in the works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread
Yes :) Well said, Charles!

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

I do know that the NFB (National Federation of the Blind) was, sort of,
 promoting Troopanum, maybe because the creator is blind and he has his own
 company.  But what I meant in my original message was that if major
 organizations for, and of, the blind do not know how important gaming is 
 blind people, they will do nothing to expand it or to make others aware of
 it.  We, as the ones it is important to, should make them aware.  Oh, and 
 the way, no offense was taken by me from your posts.  It's discussion,

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Oh sorry, I misunderstood your earlier email... I agree, Charles :)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Nope, but I do know that they won't if we don't bring it to their
 and try to get them to see the significance.

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I don't mean to offend anyone, Charles :) Do you know which of these
 organisations are currently talking with the game industry about 
 more accessible games?



 - Original Message - 
 From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Who are these large organizations comprised of??  People.  For the 
 part, us.  Get busy and help??

 - Original Message - 
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 I still then think that the video games companies that will want to
 trying to make accessible games might not really listen to a small
 like ours as much, the large organisations for disabled people should
 approach these companies.
 *quote end*

 If you think so, then it is probably up to you to approach the large
 organisations for disabled people and tell them your wishes... :)



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Re: [Audyssey] Seven knights' adventure in Sryth.

2006-08-09 Thread Kellie and Lady J
lol I am trying ot remember.  I finally got accepted on teh site to post.  I 
signed up in june.  My boy friend is still waiting to be approved.  I can't 
remember now if they used the picture or not.  I have sighted assistance 
here if I need it, but the game master is very good about making the game 
accessible for all.

I relaly like it.  He has always responded to my emails and does what he can 
to make it easy to use.  There isa new graphical map system, and he is 
working on a text version for blind players. smiles I think that is great. 
He doesn't have too, and he is making an effort.
Kellie and my loveable Lady J.
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog
aim sionnain74
skype, sabrielle

- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Seven knights' adventure in Sryth.

I didn't know you could get to the forums ... I tried signing up but you
 have to enter something that's in a picture now ... is there another way 
 access them and write on them if you want to?  They didn't have an audio
 link so I gave up on it thinking they weren't accessible.


 At 09:48 AM 8/8/2006, Kellie and Lady J wrote:

Hey brian,
what is teh other special item you are talking about? I might know but I
wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything. and I haven't seen the second 
either, but I read on forems that it is in the game, but I don't have a 
as to where. lol But, I want to see what that sword becomes.
Kellie and my loveable Lady J.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease 
be amused.
aim sionnain74
skype, sabrielle

- Original Message -
From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Seven knights' adventure in Sryth.

  Nope, sorry. You can't get the first gem with you main ccharacter 
  restart them. Once you click Play, you'd have to click the Restart 
  Your stats would be set back to their starting numbers (you don't have 
  reroll them), and you'll have to reset your skills, and but you could 
  that gem. Granted the second one may or may not even be in the game, 
  I told you once the sword is there for the taking, as is another 
  item that currently has no use in the game.
  It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go.
 From: MissWings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: [Audyssey] Seven knights' adventure in Sryth.
 Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 01:00:02 -0500
 Hi all.
 I ran across the quest with the seven knights' statues by accident, and
 defeated them and got the blade of the fox for a weapon.  I don't know 
 I'm missing the story behind the statues or not since like I said I ran
 across them by accident exploring the woods outside Dernsik, but I went
 checked my adventure log and it says that's an ongoing adventure ... 
 only problem is I'd thought I'd done it when I defeated all seven of 
 statues, but according to the log you have to fight them seven times 
 some reason.  I've got another character I can use to go get the
 on the story if I missed it, if there is one, but I'm not sure where to 
 and find out about it.  Also I've been e-mailing back and forth with 
 Peterson for the las tcouple of days about this stuff, but the last 
 of messages I've sent I'm not sure if he's gotten so I thought I'd ask
 about this on list.  I think my e-mail provider may be messing with my
 messages or something so I hope this comes through.  He mentioned
 about getting a gem from the first quest of the Silver Crest, but with 
 main character I screwed that up since I didn't attack it in its nest. 
 there still a way I can get the gem or is it lost with no way of 
 it?  Sorry for the long message all, but I figure maybe someone'll have
 some hints for me on this stuff.
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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread ari
So, if some of us could somehow work on a sort of universal online petition
or document together, that we could somehow then submit to major
organisations like the Rnib, ACB, ONCE, and organisations in countries like
Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Finland,
Canada, and of course Korea and Japan, where gaming amongst the sighted
communities are very popular, something could be done? To promote, for
example, a football game, we should also not rule out football-crazy Brazil,
sorry that I can't think of other countries at the moment. I didn't mention
my country here, since here resources and funding are too stretched.
 How should we go about this? Is it a good idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread Ryan Strunk

While playing games as a hobby is a great undertaking, I think the biggest
obstacle you'll find is that many of these organizations are going to want
to focus on issues that are of greater importance to blind people in
general--issues such as employment, training, etc. I think you have the
right idea with regard to collective action, but in my opinion, games aren't
the highest thing on my list of priorities, what with the blind unemployment
rate around 74%


-Original Message-
Behalf Of ari
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:05 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

So, if some of us could somehow work on a sort of universal online petition
or document together, that we could somehow then submit to major
organisations like the Rnib, ACB, ONCE, and organisations in countries like
Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Finland,
Canada, and of course Korea and Japan, where gaming amongst the sighted
communities are very popular, something could be done? To promote, for
example, a football game, we should also not rule out football-crazy Brazil,
sorry that I can't think of other countries at the moment. I didn't mention
my country here, since here resources and funding are too stretched.
 How should we go about this? Is it a good idea?

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Re: [Audyssey] help! trouble with the lite tech horse racing game!

2006-08-09 Thread shaun everiss
you will need the sapi5 engines if you want to use sapi.
But even with only sam you should still have sapi.
I havn't tried this with jaws could it could be a bug with the game.
At 12:38 AM 8/9/2006, you wrote:

Hi listers.

Wonderin if anyone has any ideas?  I just downloaded and installed the
hhorse racing game.  I chose jfw in the configuration choices and when I
started up the game, it just said the horse racing game dialog and jaws
went real strange not reading anythnt until I restarted the computer.  So I
tried running the configuration screen and chose sapi.  Still no luck so I
uninstalled the game and re installed it choosing sapi from the
configuration screen.  Still does the same thing.  Have I missed something?
I play lite cars with no problems.  this game sounds like it could be fun.

thanks Maria

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread shaun everiss
more flash and more multimedia does not mean inaccessibility.
Its all how you design everything.Its the same with something like 
the pdf format, its only as accessible as its designed.
At 08:20 PM 8/8/2006, you wrote:

Hi Richard and Brandon,
Richard, I agree with you that Brandon should submit his game play to EA and
other game companies. I unfortunately don't share your view that the
companies would make an effort to make some of their future games
accessible. I think the most we can hope for is them modifying a certain
game or making a game accessible, if, for no other reason, to get some good
publicity, that's if they even would bother. These companies are already
earning millions from producing games for the mainstream game community. I
really do think that we are such a small community that I can't see how,
apart from publicity, it would profit them to even think of making a game
like this, unless of course they can somehow drop the blind thing and
somehow market it to the mainstream players as cool, which I don't think
they'd even bother trying.
Another thing I heard yesterday, which I think we should be quite concerned
about, is the fact that online games are using Flash and Multimedia more,
now that connections are getting faster. I'm wondering how long it will be
before the text based online games and online RPG's we know will start to
lose players on a massive scale, and could even start closing down? I think
that a lot of the textbased stuff are being kept alive because of the older
generation of computer enthusiasts, who find textbased play enjoyable, since
they grew up with it. I think their'd really be no interest if someone came
with textbased or audio games to a mainstream school or university, and
tried to get students interested. Some students might find it a bit of a
novelty, but they would of course rather play their games, where they can
see and use brilliant graphics, still have good sound, and use their mice to
just quickly click and make decisions.

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[Audyssey] info on game.

2006-08-09 Thread tonty
hi all,
i have like many in the uk just downloaded a very good adventure game called 
,descent into madness, it is excelent but has so many bugs,i dearly want to 
finish this game but the bugs wont allow it.i went to audio games to ask for 
help but their paranoiaagainst spam would not allow a simple message to get 
through ,this game is briliant and needs finishing so any help or advice would 
be most well appreciated.
many thanks ,tony.

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi, Bryan.
I'm not sure at this point. After all I need to really update the core 
engine massively to introduce the new audio, input, and effects 
management for Alpha 2.
I'm also going to redraw temple 1 to the original 50 by 50 temple it was 
in the Alchemy version as per request and that could take a while to do 
all of those changes.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
 Will we see any of temple two in this new release?

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread shaun everiss
well I have both frameworks loaded tom.
At 12:38 AM 8/10/2006, you wrote:

Hi, Mich.
The new framework is not up there yet as I will be posting it when I
actually have a product which needs it. In fact, it is a good idea I
don't put it up to soon as someone might decide to upgrade to it and
break compatibility with STFC and Monty current which still use 1.1.

Mich Verrier wrote:
  hi tom and all. I am wondering is the new Microsoft dot net frame 
 work up on
  your web sight?or will this be included in the download package for Alfa 2
  of monty?
  from Mich Verrier from New Liskeard Ontario Canada
  - Original Message -
  From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:52 AM
  Subject: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.
  Hello gamers,
  Early this week, Monday, I began the process of updating Montezuma's
  Revenge to the 2.0 .NET Framework. In the process I have decided to also
  make a drastic alteration in the way game audio is handled.
  In Alpha 1 I used a standard stereo pan control, via DirectX, to pan the
  sound effects. While that is generally ok allot of testers felt that the
  handling of sound effects just isn't quite right, and the roll off
  factor for sounds sounds fake and unnatural. I plan to correct this by
  rewriting the audio class for the game and will be using full virtual 3D
  buffers which will correct this issue. It should sound much more natural
  when the job is complete.
  Another major change I have planned is using DirectX DirectInput to
  handle game movement and keyboard control. In Alpha 1 allot of folks
  were discontent with the way keyboard input was handled. True I was just
  using a standard Windows form event to handle input. Again while
  functional the major problem with that was it couldn't support multiple
  keyboard controls such as control+right arrow to speed run or space
  arrow key to jump. As a result this will be changed to be more flexable
  with keyboard commands.
  So what can you expect in the updated release? In the upcoming release I
  plan to really overhall the core engine. This is going to take a quite a
  long time to do. Not sure when Alpha 2 will be out, but it won't be soon
  with this stuff in the works.
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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Brandon,
Like you said it will take quite a while, perhaps a month, to upgrade 
the core engine to 0.2 stable, but I feel it will all be worth it. In 
the end you will get a completely new installation, support for .NET 
Framework 2.0, hopefully better audio, better input, and several fixes 
along the way.

Brandon Cole wrote:
 I think I speak for quite a few folks when I say that, although all this 
 will take some time, your effort is very much appreciated. Keep it up, 
 brotha! Haha.

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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi all,
What I am seeing from the posts is two sides of the same coin. Many feel 
that we as the blind comunity should contact companies directly while 
others feel we should involve RNIB, NFB, AFB, etc. Actually, both sides 
of the issue are correct, and it should be our goal to reach out to both 
to get things to happen.
 If we are truly serious about this the first goal is to get organised. 
Elect a chairman of the movement, elect someone as a contact person, 
someone to draft patitions, etc... In other words form an organisation 
where everyone has a certain job, and raise money to actually carry out 
the goals.
Second, contact other groups for the visually impaired such as NFB to 
aid in this cause. They have the lawyers, funding, support, etc we don't 
have and extra help wouldn't hurt the cause.
Third, find contacts in the game companies such as Microsoft Game 
Studios, Nintendo, Activision, etc... Get the ball rolling and hope to 
get them talking about accessibility in a more than an academic sense.
Fourth, get some media coverage on the movement. Sad to say but our 
freedom of the press can be used to heavy advantage here. Get the public 
at large interested in discussing it, and companies will want to save 
face by doing something to add some accessibility.

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi, Shaun.
That is fine, but the game wouldn't have installed without 1.1. Which is 
the main reason I am not putting up 2.0 yet.

shaun everiss wrote:
 well I have both frameworks loaded tom.

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Re: [Audyssey] Monty news and updates.

2006-08-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Right... That is because you have 1.1 installed. Smile.

shaun everiss wrote:
 and nothing is a miss yet.

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[Audyssey] Blind Game Accessibility Community (was: Gaming Section Live!)

2006-08-09 Thread
Hi Ryan,

You could always make a serial list of problems sorted on priority and start 
at the top. But it doesn't mean that these problems are not related to each 
other and that you can't try and find solutions in a parallel way. Game 
Accessibility is not only an entertainment (quality of life) issue, but it 
concerns education too. More and more games are being made for educational 
and training purposes. This could well mean even more exclusion for the 
blind community in education - which of course has a relationship with 



- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Strunk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!


 While playing games as a hobby is a great undertaking, I think the biggest
 obstacle you'll find is that many of these organizations are going to want
 to focus on issues that are of greater importance to blind people in
 general--issues such as employment, training, etc. I think you have the
 right idea with regard to collective action, but in my opinion, games 
 the highest thing on my list of priorities, what with the blind 
 rate around 74%


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Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

2006-08-09 Thread
Hi Liam,

Please note that I approach the subject *not only* from the point of view of 
Everyone has the right to save the world! (sighted vs. blind). I also 
approach it form the point of view that By making games more accessible the 
industry can reach more gamers (money) and Game Accessibility can lead to 
innovative game design (money and creativity - my first fancy was of course 
audio-only games) and The continuous intergration of games in everyday life 
is creating a more and more inaccessible world.

Maybe there are more important things you as a person should be focusing on 
(are you, by the way?), but maybe there is also this important thing you as 
a community could be focusing on.



- Original Message - 
From: Liam Erven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

 Ryan.  I tend to fully agree.  I feel that as blind people, gaming is a
 privalige and not a right.  You can argue that yes our sighted counter 
 can play games so why can't we?  there are still more important things we
 should be focusing on.  I'm certainly glad others feel the way I do.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Ryan Strunk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Gaming Section Live!

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