Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread shaun everiss
well I did say I was out of touch, I am not a dev just a tester/ 
light hacker programming after all is not my strong point, light 
scripter maybe doodler but not programmer.

Its good that vb games can be done for multiplatforms now.

At 09:22 PM 3/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun and all,

A few comments about the message below.

Yes, older versions of Visual Basic, such as Visual Basic 6, are not
Mac and Linux compatible, but that does not mean a person can not
write apps for Mac and Linux in Visual Basic. Newer versions of the
Mono Framework supports Visual Basic 2010 and comes with a Visual
Basic .NET command line  compiler. So that means its possible to write
both C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET apps for Mac OS and Linux.

The problem with Mac OS and .NET apps is there is no way to just click
on an executable and run it the way you can in Windows and Linux. For
some reason I haven't figured out the only way to get a C# .NET or VB
.NET appp to run on Mac OS is to open a terminal and launch it like
mono program.exe
which is obviously less friendly than clicking an icon or browsing for
the exe file and clicking on it. If a person is willing to launch apps
from the terminal then .NET will work on Mac.

As far as Python goes the big problem is Python version. The pyc files
are runtime version specific meaning if you compile it for Python
2.7.3 and your target machine only has Python 2.6.x the application
obviously won't run. the solution for this problem is to compile
platform specific versions with its own runtime interpreter in the
executable which means the developer needs a Mac, Linux PC, and
Windows PC to build target versions for all three platforms.

As far as C or C++ goes that is really rough for cross-platform
development. Yes, it can be done, but it is not as simple or as easy
as you make it out to be.  There are a lot of technical considerations
I won't even get into here just because I'd need a novel rather than a
message to get into them all.

On 3/24/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 hmm I am not as up with the play as I should be.
 It depends on the types of games that would work.
 python works with macs pcs both windows and linux.
 I know there is the mono dotnet opensource framework and thats
 supposed to work with everything with the same features as the
 windows dotnet client has.
 Now I have used in the past pascal and there is  probably a client
 for all platforms.
 Standard c or c in general should work, linux is basically c anyway,
 so no big issue loads of compilers for all platforms.
 So a lot of stuff probably works visual basic probably won't work
 outside windows.
 Most stuff should work with windows from 98 up to server 2012, mac is
 slightly more tricky as is linux but I think a lot of stuff can be
 sourced for each os.
 We do have an issue with anything over that.
 I know we do have windows rt should we use it though no access
 supports = no use I'd imagine for now anyway.
 Mac I am not sure but there should be no issue as is linux.
 The iphone with restrictions may work though a lot seem to be jail
 breaking their units.
 Android is probably the option for least resistance.
 Its google and opensource probably has its apis somewhere  online.
 the ios stuff if you make it by the rules needs  licences by apple.
 and if you hack it well I don't know, I have been wanting an ios
 device for all the games with the reviews, but after all the hastle
 with all the restrictions I am not sure if I should just get  one of
 the nexus devices.
 If there are sighted devs there is always  xna I am not sure what we
 would need to run on xbox but assumedly  its supposed to run on xbox
 360s potentually.
 The rest soni etc nes whatever I am not sure about access but we
 already  have a large extent of reach and choice on platform.
 ok not steam but we probably don't need that.
 there is also blackburry but hardly anyone uses that anyway.

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Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread shaun everiss

there a re a few more passages in the game you don't need to complete the game.
Right however the game almost never uses them,   maybe items will be 
put obscurely, or items and monsters will be dropped in passages but 
items are not dropped in passages randomely as a rule even main ones.
items can be behind locked doors even if you can't get to the doors, 
ie a security key may be behind a door that was locked.
or a wafter may be on a monster that does not exist in the game or a 
message may be on a monster that you can't find.
I still play the game on normal level because its good for a good 
keyboard bash.
Out of most of the old games I have lonewolf is the only other and 
thats with the borgified mod on it only.

At 10:26 PM 3/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

As you know I'm an exploration fiend, so the maze aspect of shades 
of doom is very much something else I like about the game, 
aprticularly given that David did a great job with ambient sound 
sources in the maze which give it an interesting background to 
explore too even though the game didn't involve much music. combine 
this with the item randomization and you've got a great game with 
lots of replay.

The two things I'd have liked to see in shades most are 1, more 
enemies, since the 7 or so types the game has do seem a little samy 
after a while especially mid game,  and 2, more areas which it was 
not! necessary to complete to finish the game, but which added to 
the over all levels.

To explain, as it stand you need to pretty much go everywhere on 
each level to make sure you get all the data wafers and those 
messages. it'd be great to see a game that has false trails as well 
as genuine routes through the levels, so that people can choose to 
explore fully or to just head for the exit. This would be 
particularly of advantage in a game with stat boosts or other extras 
to collect, since then there is always the possibility that 
exploring leads to more items.

this is something many of my favourite exploration games do, indeed 
in many of the more recent and large size fan created Turrican 
levels, there are so many false trails that finding the correct 
route is near impossible, aprticularly considdering Turrican levels 
can have their exit anywhere, and some of the fan created ones are 
truly gigantic!

While I know some people find exploration in audio based games a 
trial, I'd say that thanks to shades and swamp, not to mention 
previous mota betas ad games like Airic, we're familiar enough now 
over using things like coordinates, difference in environment (be 
these sound sources, room names or whatever), to be albe to have 
maps at least as complex as those in a game like Original prince of persia.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Trying to contact

2013-03-26 Thread shaun everiss
yeah for ages I have had issues with one of my games pipe classic 
registering it appears their support email box is full and I havn't 
been able to get in contact I know justin is on twitter   but I don't 
use that for anything bar viewing.

At 11:03 AM 3/26/2013, you wrote:

Hey everyone,

This is a copy of an EMail I wrote to blindsoftware. I can not reach 
them by Email, by phone, or through there website. Did they shut down?

Anyways, here's the Email:
I've been trying to contact you for weeks now. I've emailed, I've called the company, ETC. This is my 
last attempt. Oh, just so you know, your 
Email bounced back at me.
I just restored all my unlock codes for all the games, but I'm 
having some trouble getting classic pipe, and classic troopanum to 
work. I remember back when I had them working last, there was a 
separate file I needed to install to make those work. I don't know 
what kinda file it is, but I do not have it.

The error I keep getting is:
Pipe 1.0 graphic 798
graphic 775  Error 1556 license file not valid for this computer.
All the other games work besides these two. The error is the same 
for both as far as the error.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [Audyssey] killing replay value - Re: replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread shaun everiss
hmmm 2 different perspectives, I never had a console and never played 
one, my first  games were of disks I only learned the real games when 
I got the net in 95 till then I was not aware of most things.

so I am a bit behind in some ways.

At 01:58 PM 3/26/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

Well, honestly I personally can't relate. I came from a completely
mainstream gaming experience before I went blind and so I have a
different perspective on this. I didn't play as many text adventures
or simple games as some of you have because immediately after losing
my sight I went after games like Shades of Doom and Lone Wolf that
were more or less like games I had been playing before I lost my
sight.That isn't to say I didn't play simple games, I certainly did,
but I guess I always maintained a certain  level of competency towards
more complex games.


On 3/25/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 I know tom and I suspect that  although we are caipible a lot of us
 me included have been playing simple stuff for ages to adjust is a
 bit of a curve, I know it actually frightens me that I can't handle
 everything at once.

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Re: [Audyssey] shades of doom

2013-03-26 Thread shaun everiss
well I did buy the cheats, its the only way I have been able to beat 
the tds and the bosses, I know thats probably not the way to do it 
but otherwise I would never beat the game, I have beaten all other 
monsters though.

At 02:38 PM 3/26/2013, you wrote:
I think the only reason I haven't beaten Shades of Doom is that I 
just haven't sat down and played it for long stretches of time.  As 
to why, I don't know, because I do like the game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] killing replay value - Re: replayability 
andUsagameswas Re: Looking For Something New to Play

Hi Dark,

Exactly. I think that more than anything else is what I'd like to see
in more audio games. Even if someone creates a walkthrough or gives
away some hint or clue how to beat a game there is still some
challenge required to actually beat the game. Of course, as with
everything else I suppose there will always be some people who can't
complete the game no matter how hard they try.

For example, I have heard of a few people on the list who have tried
to beat Shades of doom and can't. I'm not sure of the specific reasons
for that either they find the mazes too complex, can't hit what they
shoot at, and a few other complaints but the point remains that sort
of game isn't for everyone. Some people can't handle games of a
certain complexity, and there isn't much a game developer can do to
resolve that situation, because sometimes a certain type of game is
too hard for some and too easy for others. The best a game developer
can do is build in difficulty settings and hope the customer finds one
that works for him/her. For me though Shades of Doom is well balanced
between complexity and difficulty, and a balance I hope to reach with
my own games.


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Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Well this is again why I'd like to see side scrollers introduced to audio 
gamers, since the amount of fun  I've had with turrican, metroid, mega man 
and such games over the years is just staggering, and it's a shame that 
there are so many people who believe a 1D game like q9 is the be all and end 

That being said, something full 3D would be good too, provided the nav 
system was there. Personally, what I found irritating in monkey business 
wasn't so much that the navigation system was lacking, but that it was 
simply imprecise. You'd hear something in front of you, walk forward and 
then walk straight past it, or be told something was to your right, turn 
right and then miss it. Shades, and the gma engine generally,  not to 
mention technoshock which was heavily based on it, uses a very precise 
system in it's audio to identify where objects are, so that if you turn so 
that something is centered in the sterrio field, you are! facing it, which 
to me is as much a contributing factor to shades success as it's various 

i might also add though that on this front, swamp is pretty awsome too, 
letting you explore very large maps with things appearing at random and even 
collection missions too.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

to be honest my thinking of castaways was a little different. Rather than 
thinking of the existing game but with some additions, I was myself 
considdering essentially the same system, but with a more complex and 
realistic setup. For example, in castaways all your farms produce food at a 
constant wrate, yet in reality we know that crops are planted in spring and 
then harvested in autumn, just in time for the winter. Similarly, in 
castaways it was necessary to chop and prepare lumber for building houses or 
barrels, yet nobody ever needed a fire,  and while the taylers and 
weavers made cloth for bandages or ship sales, nobody made cloth for clothes 
or leather for shoes.

I'd love myself to really get to fully control a society, see it grow, 
experience natural desasters like floods or attacks from bandits, nurse 
people through the hard times and see them increase through the better 
times. heck, dwarf fortress even had personalities for it's people by giving 
people a certain proclivity to do better at a given job, and making them get 
board if they didn't do that job, and even including a set of behaviours 
that they would engage in if they got board or if they were satisfied.

this is why I would so love to see a more complex castaways Ii with a full 
scale civilization system.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] shades of doom

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

You really should try beating the game without a single cheat code. I
personally found it more rewarding.

I'll admit the temporal disturbance is difficult to destroy, but
really all you have to do is trap it in an unused room, and it will
never bother you again. There is no need to stand there pumping ammo
into it. :D

As for the Boss he is a son of a gun to take down without cheats, but
it can be done if you are a quick shot. I found certain weapons like
the laser gun are more effective in killing him faster than with the
automatic bolt gun. Although, often I switch between weapons just for
target practice. However, I kill him more often than not.

On 3/26/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well I did buy the cheats, its the only way I have been able to beat
 the tds and the bosses, I know thats probably not the way to do it
 but otherwise I would never beat the game, I have beaten all other
 monsters though.

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Re: [Audyssey] killing replay value - Re: replayability andUsagameswas Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

well the question of difficulty is an interesting one. i've noticed that 
where in a lot of the classic games, extra difficulty came from more 
enemies, differences in enemy behaviour , or slightly different challenges, 
in audio games it's usually just a matter of faster ractions. This of course 
goes straight back to the ractive vs judgement based gameplay distinction, 
since while playing a game like shades where you must learn the mechanics 
and judge appropriate is harder, it is A, more satisfying, and also B, more 
open to alteration in difficulty by giving leeway to a persons judgements.

Take mario brothers as an example. On the first level there are only two 
comparatively small pits that mario can fall into, meaning it doesn't matter 
where a player walks or how much she/he bounces around when clonking the 
enemies on the head. On 1-3 however, almost the entire floor is an abyss, 
meaning that getting marrio to perform a quick stop after a jump is far more 
crytical to a players survival.

as I've said before, its this! sort of difficulty we need more of in audio 
games, rather than just the effectively boppit style hear it, hit it sort of 
gameplay that a lot of games have relied upon.

don't get me wrong, games like troopanum or super egghunt are still worth 
playing, but I'd just love as a general rule audio games to get away from 
that sort of mechanic, even in simpler, arcade style games, (gma lander 
managed this nicely).

While I have noticed a distinct improvement in this over the past few years, 
it's still very much an area audio games need to improve on. Yes, it sdoes 
mean more difficult games, because at rock bottom it is harder to learn and 
judge something than just to react, but at the same time it also means games 
that offer far more rewards and interesting challenges to the players.

While I totally agree that different people have different likes and 
dislikes, at the same time I would! like to see things change in the 
judgement vs reaction scales. it was the judgement and mechanics angles that 
made all those old atari games so dam difficult in the first place after 
all, which also contributed to how addictive they were.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] killing replay value - Re: replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread dark
One thing I have noticed though, is that a lot of people playing audio games 
sort of expect! a game to be learnable the first time.

Back in the old atari 2600days, it was quite usualy to stick on a game like 
space invaders or berzerk and laast approximately five seconds, heck, even 
when i first played original marrio brothers, I was lucky to complete level 
1-1. Admitedly, I was slightly worse at this than other people due to field 
of vision issues, which probably gave me a little more patience, however if 
you talk to any old school gamers they will say the same thing, back in the 
1980's and even 90's, games had to be a lot harder.

While I know there are some people who can really try with a certain game 
but find it not their thing, or that it requires skills they simply do not 
have,  I am like that myself with grid based puzzles in audio, at the 
same time I do sometimes wonder how much effort certain people are willing 
to put into a game.

this isn't people's fault, again, reaction based games are very easy to 
understand and play, however at the same time if we do want! things to 
change, maybe this is an area people need to considder. Heck, it took me 
several hours to get to grips with lw, and even now I will admit I'm not 
particularly good at the game, but I know that to be my own lack of practice 
and spacial coordination, which, if I sat down with the game for a few days 
are things I could acquire, rather than explicitely the ault of David 
greenwood for designing an unplayable game.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Ah, I see. Well, as far as burning out goes that was true a few months
ago, but not now. A few things have changed since then, and I've
gotten my priorities straight so to speak.

Back in 2008 through 2011 I was spending every available minute I had
on developing the engine, developing MOTA, researching this or that,
and not spending much time with my family or giving myself room to
breath. Then, in 2012 I became quite sick. I caught the flu a couple
of times, came down with a nasty cold, and to top things off I fell
down a few months ago while getting out of the bathtub and injured my
neck. All of these things lead to me taking time off from game
development, and in the process I realized I was killing myself
working too hard.

At this point I am still working on developing games, but I don't push
myself. If I feel tired I take a nap instead. If I need to watch my
son for a few hours that will get top priority. If I feel like working
on some game or project that has nothing to do with the games on
preorder I do it. Basically, I just don't push myself too hard, and
I've realized what is most important is my own happiness and
satisfaction above all else. So the games will get done when they are
done and in what time I have to set aside for them, but I won't push
myself to the burnout point any more.


On 3/26/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 no problem tom I was just worried you were burning yourself out over
 the games and I don't want you to, I have no issue on honor my issue
 was that you were developing because you had to and not enjoying it
 and well I was worried you were going to burn out, I have seen
 several small time devs just burn or go away with no trace and I
 don't want you to be one of these people.
 You were the first that even thought or at least one of them that
 thought about trying to modernise our games which up to when you
 started were using old tech.
 I know a lot has improved since you started sertainly we have more at
 our disposal than ever before.
 I was just concerned thats all.

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Re: [Audyssey] patience - Re: replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking ForSomething New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread dark

Hi Tom.
While I understand the need to work on practice games etc, I do think it's a 
shame to put work into games that never see the light of day. I do not 
myself have any interest in playing adult games, but many other people do, 
therefore Perhaps you could have a specific page for adult orientated games 
on the usa games site with a warning about the games' content.

Recently an adult xxx rated mod for the game pontes escape was created. the 
developer of Pontes escape said he didn't want to have the mod on the pontes 
site, since as pontes is a charity foundation he didn't want to get into 
trouble with them, but didn't mind me putting a link to the download 
position of the mod on the pontes escape page of the forum along with a 
warning about it's content.

Btw, I'll also add that your working on multiple projects is a real 
vindication of good old Mr. marks, since this was another reason he 
cryticized the production line system as it dehumanized people by forcing 
them to put efforts into just one task.

Beware the Grue!


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[Audyssey] The orb of zot

2013-03-26 Thread Lisa Hayes
HI all Im looking for an old game called either the orb of zot or the wizards 
caStle yuou had to travel through a wizards castle to get the orb of zot any 
help appreciated thanks in advance. 
Lisa Hayes
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Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

2013-03-26 Thread dark

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at 
I've actually been toying with giving it a page on the db, 
since it is an rpg, and while it does use some ascii graphics to show your 
environment when you use a flaire, or read the map, they aren't really 
complicated as they just show the environment around the room your in in 8 

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa Hayes

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

HI all Im looking for an old game called either the orb of zot or the 
wizards caStle yuou had to travel through a wizards castle to get the orb 
of zot any help appreciated thanks in advance.

Lisa Hayes
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[Audyssey] Stright Fighter.

2013-03-26 Thread Gabriel Battaglia (Kriyaban)

Hi All.
I would like to play again to a very old coin up which took days and days of my 

Is there any Stright Fighter playable under Windows, MacOS or iOS some 

If not, would be great also to listen to some audio review of the game itself.


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[Audyssey] Castaway

2013-03-26 Thread Shadow Dragon
Along this same line, there's a game I've been looking for called Castaway. 
It was an old text adventure for dos, and I don't think it's been ported to 
any other systems. From what I remember of it, you wash up on an island 
after your ship crashes, being the only survivor, and you have to find your 
way off the island. It had different races you could pick, some strategy in 
the beginning of the game as you had to buy a few items for initial survival 
based on the meager supply of gold you washed up with, and RPG-like 
mechanics, it was quite similar to The Orb of Zott but a little more 
advanced. If anyone knows where I can find it, I'd appreciate the 

From: dark
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:18 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at 
I've actually been toying with giving it a page on the db, 
since it is an rpg, and while it does use some ascii graphics to show your 
environment when you use a flaire, or read the map, they aren't really 
complicated as they just show the environment around the room your in in 8 

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Castaway

2013-03-26 Thread dark
Baf's lists an old dos text game called castaway, see but though it has the plot you mention 
regarding being washed up on a tropical island, there's nothing about rpg 
mechanics or choosing races, it just seems to be an early if style game.

You could of course also try google, that was where I found a copy of 

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Shadow Dragon

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:04 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Castaway

Along this same line, there's a game I've been looking for called 
Castaway. It was an old text adventure for dos, and I don't think it's 
been ported to any other systems. From what I remember of it, you wash up 
on an island after your ship crashes, being the only survivor, and you 
have to find your way off the island. It had different races you could 
pick, some strategy in the beginning of the game as you had to buy a few 
items for initial survival based on the meager supply of gold you washed 
up with, and RPG-like mechanics, it was quite similar to The Orb of Zott 
but a little more advanced. If anyone knows where I can find it, I'd 
appreciate the information.

From: dark
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:18 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at I've actually been toying with giving it 
a page on the db, since it is an rpg, and while it does 
use some ascii graphics to show your environment when you use a flaire, 
or read the map, they aren't really complicated as they just show the 
environment around the room your in in 8 directions.

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Castaway

2013-03-26 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu


There is a game called Castaway in the if-archive under games/pc, here is 
its description:
Castaway, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's 
difficulty rating: Introductory. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers 
(e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing 
from your screen.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-Original Message- 
From: Shadow Dragon

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:04 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Castaway

Along this same line, there's a game I've been looking for called Castaway.
It was an old text adventure for dos, and I don't think it's been ported to
any other systems. From what I remember of it, you wash up on an island
after your ship crashes, being the only survivor, and you have to find your
way off the island. It had different races you could pick, some strategy in
the beginning of the game as you had to buy a few items for initial survival
based on the meager supply of gold you washed up with, and RPG-like
mechanics, it was quite similar to The Orb of Zott but a little more
advanced. If anyone knows where I can find it, I'd appreciate the

From: dark
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:18 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at 
I've actually been toying with giving it a page on the db, 
since it is an rpg, and while it does use some ascii graphics to show your 
environment when you use a flaire, or read the map, they aren't really 
complicated as they just show the environment around the room your in in 8 

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,


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[Audyssey] absence

2013-03-26 Thread dark
mmany appologies for the absence but i'm afraid i have ceverely damaged my 
ledft arm when i slipped on some ice. it isn't broken, but it is extremely 
badly sprained. i would like to continue our discussion but at the moment i can 
t type since i only have one hand and dad has had to type this for me.i will 
get back to you as soon as i am able.

all the best

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Re: [Audyssey] absence

2013-03-26 Thread Jacob Kruger

Hope you feel better soon.

Stay well!

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: dark

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:00 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] absence

mmany appologies for the absence but i'm afraid i have ceverely damaged my 
ledft arm when i slipped on some ice. it isn't broken, but it is extremely 
badly sprained. i would like to continue our discussion but at the moment 
i can t type since i only have one hand and dad has had to type this for 
me.i will get back to you as soon as i am able.

all the best

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[Audyssey] from whare can i get custom track and vehicles for topspeed3

2013-03-26 Thread austin pinto
hi all i like playing topspeed3 i have rased on almost all of the
tracks and used all of the default vehicles i would like to install
more tracks and vehicles in my game from whare can i get them i also
want to play the game with my sighted brother but he tells me when i
am rasing he cant see anything on the screen is this the  default in
the game if no what should i do to make things visible

surch for me on facebook, google+, orkut..
follow me on twitter.
contact me on skype.

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Re: [Audyssey] absence

2013-03-26 Thread Christina
Aw, feel better soon.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:00 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] absence

mmany appologies for the absence but i'm afraid i have ceverely damaged my
ledft arm when i slipped on some ice. it isn't broken, but it is extremely
badly sprained. i would like to continue our discussion but at the moment i
can t type since i only have one hand and dad has had to type this for me.i
will get back to you as soon as i am able.

all the best

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[Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread James Howard
so, I decided to get back into playing swamp today, but when I went to
log on, I got this error message saying that my registration was
rejected or something like that, and I kept getting this connection
interrupted message over and over again, but the map loaded, so I'm
not sure what's wrong.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky

Was this on the testing server or the main one?  If it was on the testing 
server, underscores are no longer allowed in names.  If you already have a name 
registered, you can keep using your usual underscore, but when creating new 
names it won't allow it.  Since I cleared the records on the testing server a 
few days ago, you are actually creating a new character if you sign on to it 
for the first time.

If none of this applies to you, please let me know and I'll look in to the 

- Aprone

 From: James Howard

 so, I decided to get back into
 playing swamp today, but when I went to
 log on, I got this error message saying that my registration
 rejected or something like that, and I kept getting this
 interrupted message over and over again, but the map loaded,
 so I'm
 not sure what's wrong.

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[Audyssey] Swamp death/wound sounds

2013-03-26 Thread Johnny Tai
Just thought I bring this up again- since last time I mentioned this, the
response was that the issue wasn't big enough to really worth fixing at the
No matter which voice profile you're using...female...male...when you get
hit/killed/bit...even though others hear your proper injured sounds, you
your self still always hear the default male wound/death sounds.
It's not a big issue gameplaywise, but does subtract to the overall feel of
the game somewhat- my girlfriend noticed that...she said...why am I sounding
like a guy when I am bitten?
Maybe when creating a character there should be an option on gender, and the
game can select the proper sounds accordingly?

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp death/wound sounds

2013-03-26 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky

  This is because the screaming player you hear is part of the same zombie 
attack recording.  When Swamp started to expand into a larger game, new sounds 
were split up to give more room to customize things, but the player pain sounds 
are from the very beginning.  Since customizing player voices was a relatively 
late addition to the game, new zombies that were added followed the same 
pattern of attack and scream in a single file.  There was no reason to change 
the format since it would only require the existing zombies to need to be 
redone, and there were no custom voices so the end result would still sound 
exactly the same.

- Aprone

--- On Tue, 3/26/13, Johnny Tai wrote:

 Just thought I bring this up again-
 since last time I mentioned this, the
 response was that the issue wasn't big enough to really
 worth fixing at the
 No matter which voice profile you're
 using...female...male...when you get
 hit/killed/bit...even though others hear your proper injured
 sounds, you
 your self still always hear the default male wound/death
 It's not a big issue gameplaywise, but does subtract to the
 overall feel of
 the game somewhat- my girlfriend noticed that...she
 said...why am I sounding
 like a guy when I am bitten?
 Maybe when creating a character there should be an option on
 gender, and the
 game can select the proper sounds accordingly?

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Re: [Audyssey] Castaway

2013-03-26 Thread Shadow Dragon
Hmm, sadly that doesn't seem to be it. And also, I've done enough googling 
trying to find this game that I got discouraged. I played it once at a 
summer camp and have been looking for it ever since. Haven't actually tried 
to find it in a while, but the mension of Wizard's Castle made me think of 
it so figured I'd ask on here. I'm starting to wonder if the game wasn't 
actually called something different, I was pretty sure the lady that showed 
me it at camp said it was Castaway, but looking at the solution for this 
game it seems to have no RPG mechanics and to be very simple, so I don't 
think it's what I'm looking for. Thanks for the Baf's reminder though, maybe 
I'll look through their Dos section and see if I can find it.

From: dark
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 06:22 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Castaway

Baf's lists an old dos text game called castaway, see but though it has the plot you mention 
regarding being washed up on a tropical island, there's nothing about rpg 
mechanics or choosing races, it just seems to be an early if style game.

You could of course also try google, that was where I found a copy of 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread James Howard
as far as I know, its the main server, but I'm not sure, I just
downloaded the latest version off your sight and ran that, didn't see
anything about a server selection.

On 3/26/13, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

 Was this on the testing server or the main one?  If it was on the
 testing server, underscores are no longer allowed in names.  If you already
 have a name registered, you can keep using your usual underscore, but when
 creating new names it won't allow it.  Since I cleared the records on the
 testing server a few days ago, you are actually creating a new character if
 you sign on to it for the first time.

 If none of this applies to you, please let me know and I'll look in to the

 - Aprone

 From: James Howard

 so, I decided to get back into
 playing swamp today, but when I went to
 log on, I got this error message saying that my registration
 rejected or something like that, and I kept getting this
 interrupted message over and over again, but the map loaded,
 so I'm
 not sure what's wrong.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread Richard Sherman

The current released version is 2.8. The test version is 2.9. so check to 
see what version you are currently running. If you just download swamp from 
the site, then more likely it is version 2.8. you have to specifically 
download a separate zipped file and install it to be running 2.9 on the test 


- Original Message - 
From: James Howard
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 5:26 PM

as far as I know, its the main server, but I'm not sure, I just
downloaded the latest version off your sight and ran that, didn't see
anything about a server selection.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread James Howard
I checked the version, it is 2.8

On 3/26/13, Richard Sherman wrote:

 The current released version is 2.8. The test version is 2.9. so check to
 see what version you are currently running. If you just download swamp from

 the site, then more likely it is version 2.8. you have to specifically
 download a separate zipped file and install it to be running 2.9 on the test



 - Original Message -
 From: James Howard
 Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 5:26 PM

 as far as I know, its the main server, but I'm not sure, I just
 downloaded the latest version off your sight and ran that, didn't see
 anything about a server selection.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Problem

2013-03-26 Thread Richard Sherman

then drop Aprone a direct message. include any user and relevant info you 
think he might tneed.

Be patient. He works so it might not be resolved until tomorrow.

BTW, were you trying to create a new user or sign into an old one. If an old 
one, after about a month it might have been deleted. Be sure to give as 
detailed info as you can so Aprone can resolve your situation as best as 

Good luck.

- Original Message - 
From: James Howard
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:12 PM

I checked the version, it is 2.8

On 3/26/13, Richard Sherman wrote:

 The current released version is 2.8. The test version is 2.9. so check to 
 see what version you are currently running. If you just download swamp 
 from the site, then more likely it is version 2.8. you have to 
 specifically download a separate zipped file and install it to be running 
 2.9 on the test version.



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Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

2013-03-26 Thread Lisa Hayes

dArk many thanks i loved this game and now can play it again.
Lisa Hayes

- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at 
I've actually been toying with giving it a page on the db, 
since it is an rpg, and while it does use some ascii graphics to show your 
environment when you use a flaire, or read the map, they aren't really 
complicated as they just show the environment around the room your in in 8 

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa Hayes

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

HI all Im looking for an old game called either the orb of zot or the 
wizards caStle yuou had to travel through a wizards castle to get the orb 
of zot any help appreciated thanks in advance.

Lisa Hayes
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Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

2013-03-26 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu
Oh wow, this is seriously primitive rogue like adventuring, sorta reminds me 
of a game put out by Light wave Consultancy called Rogue which I cant find 

All the best, Ibrahim.

-Original Message- 
From: Lisa Hayes

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

dArk many thanks i loved this game and now can play it again.
Lisa Hayes

- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

Hi lisa.

A zcode version of the game exists, which will run in winfrotz or any 
similar if interpreter. You can find it at 
I've actually been toying with giving it a page on the db, 
since it is an rpg, and while it does use some ascii graphics to show your 
environment when you use a flaire, or read the map, they aren't really 
complicated as they just show the environment around the room your in in 8 

the only thing I will say is note that you might need a virtual curser as 
well with this one, since you can't just go by what is shown on the turn 


all the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Lisa Hayes

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] The orb of zot

HI all Im looking for an old game called either the orb of zot or the 
wizards caStle yuou had to travel through a wizards castle to get the orb 
of zot any help appreciated thanks in advance.

Lisa Hayes
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Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Sure. I do understand your point of view as it is rather distressing
to know how many V.I. gamers assume that something like Q9 is the be
all and end all to side-scrollers when guys like you and I know

Fact of the matter is that for better than a decade side-scrollers
were the primary style of games for Nintendo, Sega, and PC and it gave
rise to such popular series as Megaman, Super Mario, Donkey Kong,
Castlevania, and so on. Since I figure the majority of blind PC users
were unable to fully enjoy the original side-scrollers they are
lacking some huge conceptual differences between a simple
side-scroller like Q9 and say Mario Brothers.

There are a whole bunch of conceptual differences that just haven't
been fully realized by the blind gaming community. For far too long a
lot of games have you push the up arrow key and the left or right
arrow key x time to jump a pit etc. This is not only very unrealistic,
but lacks the skill and grace of games with a traditional analog jump
system in place. Games where how high and far you jumped were based on
a number of factors like if you were running before you jumped,
weather or not you were  jumping off a ledge,and how long you held
down the jump button while using the directional cross to  control the
characters movement. Even when you landed you would occasionally
bounce or slide which made it difficult for a precision pinpoint
landing. Such things haven't been the norm in audio games, and I
suspect it is because a true analog jump system requires good hand and
eye coordination so yes we could use a few good side-scrollers of that
type to at least introduce the V.I. community to what they are

At the same time I am personally equally conscious of the fact we
haven't had many FPS games that lives up to mainstream standards. Yes,
Shades of Doom is good, and yes Swamp introduces us to the online FPS
type affair, but I've seen a lot of features that have never been
introduced in any audio game for one reason or another.

Let's take a Third Person Shooter like the infamous tomb Raider for
example. In that series you can get Lara Croft to perform a wide range
of acrobatic maneuvers above and beyond just jumps. She can do
summersaults, flips, rolls, and swan dive off a ledge into a lake. She
can safety drop from ledges, swing from ropes and vines, army crawl
under swirling blades, as well as run up to a ledge etc and vault over
it. In Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary Lara carries a grappling
hook which she uses to swing over traps and to climb up to areas of
the tomb inaccessible through any other means. Point being that there
are a lot of aspects to a full on 3d game that no 2d side-scroller can
quite compare to.

Regarding nav systems I have to agree here. Monkey Business was
imprecise, and I'm not quite sure why that was. However, I do know of
the issue you speak of where you would here the beep, beep, beep of
the object locator only to walk past the item, or walk around it
several times before picking up the coin, sword, or whatever it was
you were trying to pik up. Oh, that use to bug the heck out of me.


On 3/26/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Well this is again why I'd like to see side scrollers introduced to audio
 gamers, since the amount of fun  I've had with turrican, metroid, mega man
 and such games over the years is just staggering, and it's a shame that
 there are so many people who believe a 1D game like q9 is the be all and end


 That being said, something full 3D would be good too, provided the nav
 system was there. Personally, what I found irritating in monkey business
 wasn't so much that the navigation system was lacking, but that it was
 simply imprecise. You'd hear something in front of you, walk forward and
 then walk straight past it, or be told something was to your right, turn
 right and then miss it. Shades, and the gma engine generally,  not to
 mention technoshock which was heavily based on it, uses a very precise
 system in it's audio to identify where objects are, so that if you turn so
 that something is centered in the sterrio field, you are! facing it, which
 to me is as much a contributing factor to shades success as it's various

 i might also add though that on this front, swamp is pretty awsome too,
 letting you explore very large maps with things appearing at random and even

 collection missions too.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Oh, I realize that. However, may this serve as a reminder open mouth
insert foot when you pass around incorrect information or talk about
things you don't really know anything about. You can do more harm than
good spreading baseless information around.

On 3/26/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well I did say I was out of touch, I am not a dev just a tester/
 light hacker programming after all is not my strong point, light
 scripter maybe doodler but not programmer.
 Its good that vb games can be done for multiplatforms now.

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[Audyssey] Puppet nightmares question

2013-03-26 Thread Sarah Haake


since Puppet Nightmares was a topic here quite a few times now and it sounds 
like a good game, I registered today to try it myself.

The problem is though, that I can't even get past the starting point. The 
toy maker in the tutorial says I should click the arrows to continue with 
the story. But I can't find any arrows to click anywhere on the site. I even 
tried the journal to see if it says where to go next, but it just says the 
same thing, to click some arrows I can't find.

I'm using Firefox with NVDA.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best regards

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[Audyssey] Awesome Game Found for the iPhone

2013-03-26 Thread Shadow Dragon
So I've been on somewhat of an iOS game spree lately, and I just happened to 
stumble across a completely awesome one totally by accident. But first, a 
slightly less awesome game.

I found Pocket Summoner Episode 1: Dragon Master on AppleVis. You collect 
spirits called guards to battle other spirits and players, and complete quests. 
Unlike the typical Kingdoms styles games, this one actually has some dialogue. 
The missions themselves don't have descriptions, but ocasionally there's some 
dialogue that at least fills in gaps and gives some background. There are tons 
of guardians to collect, transform and gain abilities with. I think the game is 
second language hence the oddness in dialogue in some places, but it's still 
pretty cool. Battle is sadly automatic so the game still has a pretty casual 
feel, but it's still worth a play. Be warned that there are some unlabelled 
buttons, but they're pretty easy to figure out. For example, on the guards 
screen, the first button after a guard's name changes that guard to your active 
guard for questing, and the second brings up the guard's info and training 
screen. If anyone signs up, I'd appreciate it if you used my friend code. It 
gives us both 5 gold coins, which you can cash in for various rewards and 
recharges. My code is:


And now, for the truly awesome find.

This one's not on AppleVis, but when I was getting Pocket Summoner, I also 
discovered a game called Monster Kingdom. It's similar to Pocket Summoner in 
that you collect monsters and train them up, but it's not nearly as casual. For 
one, it has a complete, in-depth story with dialogue scattered all over the 
place. It's got a complete soundtrack, and sound effects for every ability and 
attack, pretty good ones at that. Battle is most definitely not automatic and 
the abilities do more than just damage, most of the ones I've seen have very 
useful effects, like damage over time, crippling your opponent or buffs that 
are incredibly useful, like Mana Shield, which lets your mana supply take some 
of the damage that would have normally gone to your HP. There are a lot of 
monsters to collect, evolutions, upgradable abilities, crafting, battling with 
other trainers and more. And the best part, it's about 90% accessible. There's 
only a couple parts I've had trouble with so far. Selecting your initial 
monster, and monsters in battle, is a bit tricky. You have to turn VoiceOver 
off and tap on the screen for both. In the first case, it brings up info about 
the monster you picked and I'm not sure if you can go back and pick another 
one, I picked the water turtle thing. In battle, the monsters seem to be lined 
up in the center of the screen from left to right, and when you tap on one, 
after a couple seconds you'll hear a chime signifying that your turn has 
started, so that's not too hard. Crafting is also a little tricky since most of 
the components aren't labelled and the screen is kind of awkward, but I think 
it can be done as long as you just keep trying after collecting some 
components. Everything else works with VoiceOver and for the most part, is 
clearly labelled.

One thing I should explain is the battle system. As the tutorial says, touch an 
ability to see info on it, swipe up to cast it. What this translates into is, 
double tap an ability to bring up info, and to use it, you'll need to double 
tap and hold while on the abilities name till you hear the triple tone from 
VoiceOver, then swipe up and the ability will activate. Your abilities in 
battle are lined up along the extreme bottom edge of the screen. The life and 
mana of your current monster are on the top left corner of the screen, slightly 
away from the edge, and your opponents is on the right. The swap button is in 
the very top left corner, and the battle menu is in the top center. In the menu 
you can flee, or look in detail at your or your opponents monsters' stats. If 
you bring up the battle menu, you have to click the battle menu again to close 
it before you can continue with the battle. I hope this all makes sense.

The only problem I have with the game is that it uses an energy system, so you 
can't play as much as you want. And you can't even raise the energy stat 
manually like in some games, instead you gain 5 extra energy whenever you 
complete a zone and unlock a new one. So it's a little limited for my liking, 
but still awesome.

I plan to hunt down some contact info for the devs of this game and ask them if 
they could fix the issues that VoiceOver has, I'm pretty sure they'd be simple 
fixes, especially given how well the game already works with it. If anyone else 
decides to play, I'd appreciate help giving feedback, especially if you find 
any other problems I haven't encountered yet. The more, the marrier, as they 
say. I personally think this game has tons of potential and even though I'm 
already able to play and have advanced to the third zone, I'd love to have more 
fine control 

Re: [Audyssey] Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Mohsin Ali
Hi , I completely agree with Dark, when I 1st played CastAways , I was
reminded of Age of Empire and StrongHold Crusader,

though CastAways is not completely like ant of them but development
and stretegy are the similar parts.

I myself will love oo have the new and upgraded version of CastAways
,just like Dark suggested .


On 3/24/13, dark wrote:
 Hi john.

 As regards castaways, I'm afraid I disagree, not that it isn't small, but
 that it is complete.

 Myself, I'd love! to see a full castaways Ii with similar mechanics, but on

 a far larger scale, so that you could go from your small population of
 survivers, right up to a full city, could trade, develope new technologies,

 endure natural desasters or wars etc.

 I have a friend who is a big stratogy fan, and plays extensively the indi
 graphical game (and sadly not accessible), dwarf fortress. I could never
 myself see the appeal of such games, since all the experience I had ever had

 of them was abasially the stuff like ateraeon or 1000 ad, where you just set

 some resources to producing then sit back and watch, (not that

 but the reactive gameplay in swamp, the need to change priorities, considder

 people, alter what your doing according to goals you want to accomplish,
 rather than just set stuff up in an optimum way was something I found quite

 new, particularly since ulike some of the military stratogy games like Sound

 rts, in Castaways there was as much emphasis on the production and building

 end, and taking care of your population, keeping them safe through sickness

 desasters etc as there was of pure military attacks.

 so, while I'm a huge castaways fan, i can see so many ways in which the game

 could be expanded it's unbelievable, and I really do hope Aprone will work
 on a more complete castaways in the future.

 Beware the grue!


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Some are those who are awake while sleeping and others are those who
are sleeping while they are awake 
Always be careful for little mistakes in life , because nobody slips
by the mountains but the little stones 
life is not that you live for yourself , but its actually when you
live for others 
Always do good but to others but never expect the same from them 
life is too short so, live it before its gone   with
best regards
Mohsin Ali
if you wana contact me then, my ,

Skype ID is: mohsin.ameer2
Facebook ID is:

Email ID is :

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[Audyssey] Inquiry From Popular Mechanics

2013-03-26 Thread Ashley Taylor

I am a journalist writing an article about computer games for the blind and
would really appreciate your input. Please only reply to this post if you
are willing for me to quote you in my article (for the Popular Mechanics
website). It would be helpful if you could describe yourself as you'd like
me to describe you in the article.

What are the qualities of a good computer game for the blind? What does it
have to have to work well for someone who can't see?

For blind or visually impaired gamers, what are your favorite audio games,
and why? Which games designed for sighted people are these most analogous

What are some examples of games for the blind that I can play online?

What do you think is the most interesting factoid about games for the blind?

Thank you,
Ashley Taylor
Writer and journalist
(270) 485-1753
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[Audyssey] can you suggest some muds?

2013-03-26 Thread Keith
Hi, I have been going to a bunch of mud pages on the mud connector site, and 
entering the world info into mush z, but more often than not, I either get a 
connection problem, or a time out  error.

I have tried dark forces (star wars)
Cyberpunk 2080 Night City Chronicles
d20MUD  Star Wars
Shadowrun - Augmented Realities
shadowrun - Seattle 2064
Zombie Town
Star Wars -  Dark Forces RPG
Legends of the Jedi
gamma world
Rifts Chronicles of Kingsdale
RIFTs Rise From Chaos
Macross New Horizon
Shadow Run - Seattle 2064
Shadowrun - Augmented Realities

Kind of frustrating.

Cyber assault has loaded up, along with some of the marvel comic book ones, 
but the marvel ones I cannot create a player character because it tells me 
to log in a guest, and when I type the command, it does some odd things.

Are not all games mush z compatible?

Or do Muds lose their TCIP addresses and becomes obsolete?  Noticed that on 
several games, like the Anodyne  and gamma world games

Thanks for any help and suggestions you all ccan give me.  Also, is there a 
mud group to join so I can take these discussions away from this list, don't 
want to clutter the list with my stupidity.


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[Audyssey] Replayability and USA Games

2013-03-26 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu
Hi Everyone.

Sorry for reposting this thread but I’ve been having problems with my email.  
Anyway, meant to reply to Shaun’s message, here is my message and the rest of 
the thread to keep it in context.

Hi Shaun.

Jesus Christ, Shaun, your attitude absolutely sucks.  James North was a 
brilliant innovator, his games are testaments to what can be achieved with 
diligence, commitment and passion.  Sadly James lost that passion because of 
individuals like you, always pushing for more, always wining about 
inadequacies, always piling on the pressure for this and that to be 
released.  James might have been a negligent developer in the end, he might 
have lost interest and heart in the blind community, but it was only because 
of the base ingratitude of so many people.  In the end, I wouldn't have been 
surprised if he wasn't above ripping off people with promises of games he 
never intended to release, or perhaps he did, but put them on the back 
burner.  Whatever, he had a life too, and so far in my soul opinion, games 
like Monkey Business, ESP Pinball Classic, Chain Reaction, Alien Outback and 
Dynaman just go to show the wide range of his talents as a developer.  The 
blind gaming community lost a true innovator when he stopped developing and 
disappeared, I doubt he'd ever have anything to do with the blind strata of 
society ever again after what he experienced.  Now you dare to take pot 
shots at Thomas Ward who out of his own pocket for the most part is 
developing MOTA, I wouldn't be surprised if shits like you don't end up 
pushing us back to an age when all we can play are text based RPG and MUD 
games, text adventure and the like because no one wants to develop for us.

Rant over, if you want to participate in our community, do it 
constructively, otherwise it might be wise for you to unsubscribe.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-Original Message- 
From: shaun everiss
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 4:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For 
Something New to Play

to be honest it may be easier at this point if you just gave  an old
crappy directx8 version with all the sound as it was 3 years back to
people that  payed for it maybe the one you had to stop because of
copywrite or its levels and change the title and drop it.
I know thats probably not what you want to hear and for ages I
supported you but I have moved on from that game and you probably should to.
Lets face it, the espsoftworks/ james north experience has been a
major changer in the history of this community and a big lesson and
will always be the point or one of the points where we started trying
to make things properly.
I don't know about the rest but the monti/ mota game has been going
far to long.
And to be honest  can anyone actually remember what it was about.
Yes the racing game and the others james promised were a shame to
loose but several years are between now and then.
Yes they were good ideas still are but to be honest all that stuff
has been hanging to long.
I vote you just drop all james games you promised its to long in any
case, and its really pushed other things away.
I myself am still waiting for the second installment of stfc or
whatever you finally call it.
Ofcause I also await anything new that is going on.
However the only thing I can remember  are the people on the form
complaining about each beta and everything.
And while times were tough back then I feel to much time has been
lost, to selvage anything.
3 story changes and a load of other stuff and then things went away.
At some point to be coming back but I never was fully interested in
that sort of game anyway though the racing game maybe.
And to be honest we do need more sims.
Even so you need to ask yourself why you are even doing these at all.
These are your games, no one elses.
It is all history now no matter how much cash was wasted its probably
not worth it to just satisfy any other  whiners on here.
If others think me as been a rood nut tell me and I'll shutup however
I think, enough is enough.
James games should be put in a bin and left to rot.
They were created before a lot of the newer tech came out and while I
was really for it all 10 years   back that was 10 years.
And at any rate the industry seems to be basically  at a standstill.
A lot of stuff needs to happen before things start moving again.
swamp is just about the only thing that keeps the industry active at
least on the user end.
Now that eventually will end, if that is all that is,  it may come to
pass that the audiogame market is for all perposes dead or at least
stopped for now.
I don't really want old games that well came out of one of the big
wars that happened so long ago that I forgot what everything was about.
Ofcause tom if you want to continue it should be your reason and
your's alone that decides it.
I think all obligations should be turfed, 10 years ago I would have
preasured you day and night to do something but 

Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Ibrahim Gucukoglu

Hi Shaun.

Jesus Christ, Shaun, your attitude absolutely sucks.  James North was a 
brilliant innovator, his games are testaments to what can be achieved with 
diligence, commitment and passion.  Sadly James lost that passion because of 
individuals like you, always pushing for more, always wining about 
inadequacies, always piling on the pressure for this and that to be 
released.  James might have been a negligent developer in the end, he might 
have lost interest and heart in the blind community, but it was only because 
of the base ingratitude of so many people.  In the end, I wouldn't have been 
surprised if he wasn't above ripping off people with promises of games he 
never intended to release, or perhaps he did, but put them on the back 
burner.  Whatever, he had a life too, and so far in my soul opinion, games 
like Monkey Business, ESP Pinball Classic, Chain Reaction, Alien Outback and 
Dynaman just go to show the wide range of his talents as a developer.  The 
blind gaming community lost a true innovator when he stopped developing and 
disappeared, I doubt he'd ever have anything to do with the blind strata of 
society ever again after what he experienced.  Now you dare to take pot 
shots at Thomas Ward who out of his own pocket for the most part is 
developing MOTA, I wouldn't be surprised if shits like you don't end up 
pushing us back to an age when all we can play are text based RPG and MUD 
games, text adventure and the like because no one wants to develop for us.

Rant over, if you want to participate in our community, do it 
constructively, otherwise it might be wise for you to unsubscribe.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-Original Message- 
From: shaun everiss

Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 4:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For 
Something New to Play

to be honest it may be easier at this point if you just gave  an old
crappy directx8 version with all the sound as it was 3 years back to
people that  payed for it maybe the one you had to stop because of
copywrite or its levels and change the title and drop it.
I know thats probably not what you want to hear and for ages I
supported you but I have moved on from that game and you probably should to.
Lets face it, the espsoftworks/ james north experience has been a
major changer in the history of this community and a big lesson and
will always be the point or one of the points where we started trying
to make things properly.
I don't know about the rest but the monti/ mota game has been going
far to long.
And to be honest  can anyone actually remember what it was about.
Yes the racing game and the others james promised were a shame to
loose but several years are between now and then.
Yes they were good ideas still are but to be honest all that stuff
has been hanging to long.
I vote you just drop all james games you promised its to long in any
case, and its really pushed other things away.
I myself am still waiting for the second installment of stfc or
whatever you finally call it.
Ofcause I also await anything new that is going on.
However the only thing I can remember  are the people on the form
complaining about each beta and everything.
And while times were tough back then I feel to much time has been
lost, to selvage anything.
3 story changes and a load of other stuff and then things went away.
At some point to be coming back but I never was fully interested in
that sort of game anyway though the racing game maybe.
And to be honest we do need more sims.
Even so you need to ask yourself why you are even doing these at all.
These are your games, no one elses.
It is all history now no matter how much cash was wasted its probably
not worth it to just satisfy any other  whiners on here.
If others think me as been a rood nut tell me and I'll shutup however
I think, enough is enough.
James games should be put in a bin and left to rot.
They were created before a lot of the newer tech came out and while I
was really for it all 10 years   back that was 10 years.
And at any rate the industry seems to be basically  at a standstill.
A lot of stuff needs to happen before things start moving again.
swamp is just about the only thing that keeps the industry active at
least on the user end.
Now that eventually will end, if that is all that is,  it may come to
pass that the audiogame market is for all perposes dead or at least
stopped for now.
I don't really want old games that well came out of one of the big
wars that happened so long ago that I forgot what everything was about.
Ofcause tom if you want to continue it should be your reason and
your's alone that decides it.
I think all obligations should be turfed, 10 years ago I would have
preasured you day and night to do something but well.

At 01:57 PM 3/25/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dark,

You aren't the only one who is frustrated. None more so than me since
the last few months I've fallen into a kind of funk. One where time
has no 

Re: [Audyssey] Looking For Something New to Play

2013-03-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Those are some good points. I hadn't really thought about them before,
but you are essentially correct. There are some essential jobs just
missing from Castaways such as a cobbler for making shoes or a Taylor
for making clothing. The problem is because Castaways is mission based
all the jobs work towards a common goal such as building a ship to
sail away or to fortify a settlement from monster hoards. What we need
is something more like Sim City where we get to design a community
from the ground up and watch it grow.

The more I think about it one possible good idea in this direction is
a game where you get to buy land and start your own frontier town out
in the American West. You would have to have lumberjacks cut wood for
the houses and other buildings, have to have mills to cut and make the
wooden boards for building, have to have builders, and then assemble a
small town. From their you would assign jobs such as tailors to make
clothing, have a blacksmith to make guns and ammunition, a bar tender
to serve drinks in the saloon, have a cook at the village diner, a
frontier doctor, and so on. All of this could work similar to
Castaways but on a larger scale, and could be set in a different time
and location.

Plus the mediaeval fantasy setting is getting a bit old anyway.
Instead of fighting goblins and such why don't we have a game that is
based on a real historical time and place, and includes historical
enemies such as the Blackfoot who were very resistant to white
settlers from the east, and were not above raiding and burning the
nearby frontier towns when they could.

Besides the enemy raiders I could see a wide range of natural
disasters that you'd have to prepare for and guard against. One of the
most brutal are the winter snows. Things like a good blizzard could
effectively shut down a frontier town for days, and the citizens of
said town better have plenty of wood and food stores set aside or
people will begin freezing or dying. As the towns overseer you'd be
responsible to make sure everyone stays warm and is well fed through
the winter months.

So I do see where you are going. A Castaways II or something like it
would be a nice idea. Maybe someday if I get free of my own projects
I'll consider it. Lol.


On 3/26/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 to be honest my thinking of castaways was a little different. Rather than
 thinking of the existing game but with some additions, I was myself
 considdering essentially the same system, but with a more complex and
 realistic setup. For example, in castaways all your farms produce food at a

 constant wrate, yet in reality we know that crops are planted in spring and

 then harvested in autumn, just in time for the winter. Similarly, in
 castaways it was necessary to chop and prepare lumber for building houses or

 barrels, yet nobody ever needed a fire,  and while the taylers and
 weavers made cloth for bandages or ship sales, nobody made cloth for clothes

 or leather for shoes.

 I'd love myself to really get to fully control a society, see it grow,
 experience natural desasters like floods or attacks from bandits, nurse
 people through the hard times and see them increase through the better
 times. heck, dwarf fortress even had personalities for it's people by giving

 people a certain proclivity to do better at a given job, and making them get

 board if they didn't do that job, and even including a set of behaviours
 that they would engage in if they got board or if they were satisfied.

 this is why I would so love to see a more complex castaways Ii with a full
 scale civilization system.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Inquiry From Popular Mechanics

2013-03-26 Thread Mich
Hello. as a blind gamer my self. I like the games shades of doom a audio 
version of the old doom game. I like it since it is a fps game meaning a 
first person shooter game and those are the games that I like. the object of 
the game is to kill monsters and things and shut down an experiment. this 
game is made by gma games. there website is  I also like 
Jim kitchen's games. he makes free sapi games and window games. his website 
is kitchen'. I also like q 9. this is made by blastbay studios. the object 
of this game is to get the little alien q9 back to his ship. wile battling 
things like bares, bats, and other things. you have to go through several 
worlds like the jungle world, the cave world, the mountain world and the 
death world. The audio game community has allot of other audio games. some 
of witch can be played on line. one that comes to mind is swamp. it is 
another zombie shooting game. The audio game community though has nothing 
like anything like say grand theth audo. all though others on this list 
might be able to shed more light on that since there are gamers and 
developers on this list. to me what makes a good audio game is good sounds 
and a good story line. I tend to go for the fps games my self since I am not 
in to txt adventure games. I hope I have helped ancer your questions and 
feel free to quote me in your article. my name is Mich Verrier I am blind 
and I am 29 and I live in New Liskeard Ontario Canada.
- Original Message - 
From: Ashley Taylor

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:42 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Inquiry From Popular Mechanics


I am a journalist writing an article about computer games for the blind 

would really appreciate your input. Please only reply to this post if you
are willing for me to quote you in my article (for the Popular Mechanics
website). It would be helpful if you could describe yourself as you'd like
me to describe you in the article.

What are the qualities of a good computer game for the blind? What does it
have to have to work well for someone who can't see?

For blind or visually impaired gamers, what are your favorite audio games,
and why? Which games designed for sighted people are these most analogous

What are some examples of games for the blind that I can play online?

What do you think is the most interesting factoid about games for the 

Thank you,
Ashley Taylor
Writer and journalist
(270) 485-1753
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Re: [Audyssey] Awesome Game Found for the iPhone

2013-03-26 Thread ryan chou
this sounds quite fun, might go check it out

On 3/24/13, Shadow Dragon wrote:
 So I've been on somewhat of an iOS game spree lately, and I just happened to
 stumble across a completely awesome one totally by accident. But first, a
 slightly less awesome game.

 I found Pocket Summoner Episode 1: Dragon Master on AppleVis. You collect
 spirits called guards to battle other spirits and players, and complete
 quests. Unlike the typical Kingdoms styles games, this one actually has some
 dialogue. The missions themselves don't have descriptions, but ocasionally
 there's some dialogue that at least fills in gaps and gives some background.
 There are tons of guardians to collect, transform and gain abilities with. I
 think the game is second language hence the oddness in dialogue in some
 places, but it's still pretty cool. Battle is sadly automatic so the game
 still has a pretty casual feel, but it's still worth a play. Be warned that
 there are some unlabelled buttons, but they're pretty easy to figure out.
 For example, on the guards screen, the first button after a guard's name
 changes that guard to your active guard for questing, and the second brings
 up the guard's info and training screen. If anyone signs up, I'd appreciate
 it if you used my friend code. It gives us both 5 gold coins, which you can
 cash in for various rewards and recharges. My code is:


 And now, for the truly awesome find.

 This one's not on AppleVis, but when I was getting Pocket Summoner, I also
 discovered a game called Monster Kingdom. It's similar to Pocket Summoner in
 that you collect monsters and train them up, but it's not nearly as casual.
 For one, it has a complete, in-depth story with dialogue scattered all over
 the place. It's got a complete soundtrack, and sound effects for every
 ability and attack, pretty good ones at that. Battle is most definitely not
 automatic and the abilities do more than just damage, most of the ones I've
 seen have very useful effects, like damage over time, crippling your
 opponent or buffs that are incredibly useful, like Mana Shield, which lets
 your mana supply take some of the damage that would have normally gone to
 your HP. There are a lot of monsters to collect, evolutions, upgradable
 abilities, crafting, battling with other trainers and more. And the best
 part, it's about 90% accessible. There's only a couple parts I've had
 trouble with so far. Selecting your initial monster, and monsters in battle,
 is a bit tricky. You have to turn VoiceOver off and tap on the screen for
 both. In the first case, it brings up info about the monster you picked and
 I'm not sure if you can go back and pick another one, I picked the water
 turtle thing. In battle, the monsters seem to be lined up in the center of
 the screen from left to right, and when you tap on one, after a couple
 seconds you'll hear a chime signifying that your turn has started, so that's
 not too hard. Crafting is also a little tricky since most of the components
 aren't labelled and the screen is kind of awkward, but I think it can be
 done as long as you just keep trying after collecting some components.
 Everything else works with VoiceOver and for the most part, is clearly

 One thing I should explain is the battle system. As the tutorial says, touch
 an ability to see info on it, swipe up to cast it. What this translates into
 is, double tap an ability to bring up info, and to use it, you'll need to
 double tap and hold while on the abilities name till you hear the triple
 tone from VoiceOver, then swipe up and the ability will activate. Your
 abilities in battle are lined up along the extreme bottom edge of the
 screen. The life and mana of your current monster are on the top left corner
 of the screen, slightly away from the edge, and your opponents is on the
 right. The swap button is in the very top left corner, and the battle menu
 is in the top center. In the menu you can flee, or look in detail at your or
 your opponents monsters' stats. If you bring up the battle menu, you have to
 click the battle menu again to close it before you can continue with the
 battle. I hope this all makes sense.

 The only problem I have with the game is that it uses an energy system, so
 you can't play as much as you want. And you can't even raise the energy stat
 manually like in some games, instead you gain 5 extra energy whenever you
 complete a zone and unlock a new one. So it's a little limited for my
 liking, but still awesome.

 I plan to hunt down some contact info for the devs of this game and ask them
 if they could fix the issues that VoiceOver has, I'm pretty sure they'd be
 simple fixes, especially given how well the game already works with it. If
 anyone else decides to play, I'd appreciate help giving feedback, especially
 if you find any other problems I haven't encountered yet. The more, the
 marrier, as they say. I personally think this game has tons of