Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark
Well I'm afraid I'm a little uncertain what you mean by halloween games 
there charles, or how Shades is not one.

This could of course just be cultural since I suspect haloween is more a 
major thing in the Us than it is over here,  usually here it's confined 
to tv, the odd themed party or evening for social groups, and occasionally 
kids showing up to extort money or sweets nominally in costume.

I therefore assumed haloween games meant games with a creepy or 
frightening atmosphere, which certainly would count shades and nightjar 
simply for their atmosphere, just as the Horror genre of literature or films 
is more about atmosphere than about subject.

Harry Potter I agree is not a horror series, it's fantasy, though ideas like 
the dementors are pretty nasty, where as a book like Steven King's It, 
despite involving very many fantasy elements I'd definitely call horror 
first for the high amount of monster related deaths, warping of reality in 
many passages and often very atmospheric descriptions.

interestingly enough, I'm reading doctor sleep at the moment by Steven king 
which I wouldn't! class as horror, simply because it hasn't quite had that 
level of reality bending weerdness, although it is a sequel to the shining, 
which certainly was horror.

Really, it's a slippery concept at the best of times, especially since it 
can occur in so many different genres from psychological fiction to Sf. 
Heck, Doctor who frequently dips into the horror genre, yet one of the 
scariest and most horific Doctor Who audio plays I've ever heard was the 8th 
Doctor Story The Cannibalists, in which most of the characters were actually 
robots! For why I found it particularly scary see the review I wrote on:

Thinking about it, if we call horror simply stuff that is scary, well 
haunted house and chillingham probably need removing from that list since 
both were more comedy themed around old monster or ghost ideas, like a Ghost 
train at a fair, than seriously spooky, or at least I found them so. Then 
again, what an individual finds scary is probably very much dependent on 
that individual's own experience, and though some ideas like warping of 
reality or alteration of the everyday into something alarming are pretty 
universal, whether you find these terrifying or just interestingly 
atmospheric is likely up to you.

Beware the Grue!

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Well even in the horror genre there is such a wide amount of what a person 
finds scary and how various elements are combined. For example, you mention 
the nightmare on elmstreet series as slasher. Yes, they are about a killer 
with a glove with knives on the fingers who likes slashing up kids, however 
equally there is the fantasy aspect of him being dead and coming back from 
beyond the grave to attack people in their dreams.

I actually watched the first Four Freddy Cruger films when I was 10, and 
found them not the least scary, indeed it was their fantasy elements that 
interested me more than the gorey deaths.

Bare in mind I'd also watched the Alien films, Terminator, Robocop, etc, 
indeed my mum went with me to the video shop to wrent Alien 3 and the man 
behind the counter said do you know this is 15 rated where upon my mum 
just said oh yes,  it's fine!

Actual films or books for that matter that scared me could be very 
different, princeply because what I tended to find scary weren't the sort of 
things which horror writers tended to often put in films. One of these is 
intense pain.

I don't mind watching a fight or seeing someone quickly and bloodily 
murdered, but I tend to find someone being tortured or dying slowly really 
bothers me. This often meant that I found kids series and films, in which 
the evil villain would torment people with the famous agony beam, more 
disturbing than something like Freddy Cruger's creative murderings.

This should explain part of the reason why I found Shades of Doom so 
atmospheric, since I was effectively running through the dark away from 
monsters with highly interesting sounds, and if those monsters got me my 
character would suffer a very painful death,  indeed I remember the 
first time I triggered the Gelatinous blob on stage 2, and suddenly having 
something with that crackling, burning slime sound coming for me, something 
which took all my amo, and kept on coming until it got and murdered me was 
pretty unsettling,  though in a good way, interestingly enough, I used a 
double headphone hookup to display shades to a friend of mine who is a major 
fan of the graphical doom series and of horror in general, and he stated he 
found the lack of actual visuals in Shades made it rather scarier for him 
than any of the similar graphical games he'd played, particularly since he 
was left to imagine! all the monsters and how exactly they attacked and 
killed the player.

Of course, the other thing I sometimes find disturbing is that sort of 
warping of reality, that twisting reality out of true just slightly and 
making it a little more disturbing, but I can think of comparatively few 
films (event horizon is one), that manage this, albeit it is a technique 
which writers like Philip K dick, Ray bradbery and Steven King are masters 

I can't however actually think of a game that had this quality, although 
since it's something i've noticed in a few doctor who audio dramas it is 
possible to achieve in audio with appropriately disorientating sounds and 

Now there! would be a project for a game developer :D.

Beware the Grue!


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[Audyssey] Rr2 questions was: Re: BA games on iPhone, was: RE: The Apple iphone, was RE: building in the storm 8 games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Che.

I can't speak for mac access but I agree with you on ios potential, albeit I 
haven't been quite as disappointed with audio games,  I've mentioned my 
liking for somethinelse's work in Papasangre and the Nightjar, and while 
both essentially could! have been equally done on pc, the fact that Ios can 
support such well done audio in first person is encouraging, (I'm looking 
forward to seeing hopefully deeper gameplay in Pappa 2).

One question about Rr2, what will e the status of rr1 once it is released? 
Will Rr2 replace the game entirely, ie, be essentialy version 2.0, rather 
than a sequell. If it is (as I suspect), a completely new version, then what 
happens to all the existing tracks made for rr1, will they be compatible 
with the new version?

I just ask because people have created some quite fun tracks for the 
original game and it'd be a shame if they were made obsolete, even if they 
don't contain new features or gameplay additions to rr2.

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Help with Self-destruction.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Michael.

Might I suggest you read the entry for Self Destruct a little more 
carefully, I wrote careful instructions on where to find the Keygen.exe file 
that gives you your game key on that page, and I know for certain you did 
not read them since you even got the game's title wrong.

While I don't mind answering questions on list, really when the answer to 
your question is on the very page you downloaded the game from (a page I 
took the time to write myself), you can see why it is slightly irritating!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I can sort of relate to that in a way. When I was a kid a lot of
movies that were rated R, were suppose to be too scary for kids,
weren't. I watched most of the horror thrillers by the time I was 10
and most of them didn't even effect me. I think a lot of it is I knew
that it was all fake so that ultra rational side of me kept me from
being terrified of things that weren't really happening.

The original Halloween movie was sort of scary to me back then, but
now I am older I can point out exactly why I was scared by it. In the
original movie it was more about suspense than killing people and
there were many scenes where you thought Michael was going to jump out
at the girl, she looks and there was nothing there, which was
unsettling because in your mind you expect something scary and there
isn't anything. Then, just when the girl thinks the coast is clear
here comes a hand with a knife in it to stab her. That sort of
suspenseful build up was scary enough, but the music also helped drive
the tension up too.

However, by and large a lot of those movies didn't bother me as a kid.
Even if there was a scene or two that unsettled me in those movies I
didn't wine or blubber like  a baby. I somehow just reminded myself it
wasn't real and got over it.

In fact, the only movie that really scared me as a kid was Night of
the Living Dead. I know it is pretty stupid of me, but I was terrified
of death I guess and the idea that dead people would come back to
feast on the living was terrifying beyond belief. No amount of telling
myself it wasn't real could convince me of that reality. I didn't go
to funerals or graveyards for a couple of years after seeing that
movie, because I was certain a zombie would shamble out of the trees
or something and carry me off and eat me. LOL!

However, the point is I know what you mean. We all have our own
personal fears, things that trigger our fight and flight responses,and
its not the same for everyone. That is why some horror movies do it
for some people and some don't. Same goes for games I suppose.

The only game I can definitely say gave me chills was Silent Hill for
the Play Station.  Its very disturbing on a mental level, and besides
warping reality they use a lot of imagery that acts upon your psyche.
I don't know of a way that the same effect can be done in audio but I
suppose it could be done. The problem is describing a scene isn't the
same as seeing it.

For example, you might be in a room seeing blood dripping from the
ceiling and running down the walls and pooling on the floor.
Describing it might be a bit disturbing for some people, but reading
about it is not as mentally disturbing is seeing it on your TV screen.
There is something truly disturbing about seeing blood dripping that
makes my skin crawl, but reading about it in a book or game does
nothing to me. So I haven't a clue of how to give a blind gamer that
same disturbing effect of unease and terror.


On 10/6/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Well even in the horror genre there is such a wide amount of what a person
 finds scary and how various elements are combined. For example, you mention

 the nightmare on elmstreet series as slasher. Yes, they are about a killer
 with a glove with knives on the fingers who likes slashing up kids, however

 equally there is the fantasy aspect of him being dead and coming back from
 beyond the grave to attack people in their dreams.

 I actually watched the first Four Freddy Cruger films when I was 10, and
 found them not the least scary, indeed it was their fantasy elements that
 interested me more than the gorey deaths.

 Bare in mind I'd also watched the Alien films, Terminator, Robocop, etc,
 indeed my mum went with me to the video shop to wrent Alien 3 and the man
 behind the counter said do you know this is 15 rated where upon my mum
 just said oh yes,  it's fine!

 Actual films or books for that matter that scared me could be very
 different, princeply because what I tended to find scary weren't the sort of

 things which horror writers tended to often put in films. One of these is
 intense pain.

 I don't mind watching a fight or seeing someone quickly and bloodily
 murdered, but I tend to find someone being tortured or dying slowly really
 bothers me. This often meant that I found kids series and films, in which
 the evil villain would torment people with the famous agony beam, more
 disturbing than something like Freddy Cruger's creative murderings.

 This should explain part of the reason why I found Shades of Doom so
 atmospheric, since I was effectively running through the dark away from
 monsters with highly interesting sounds, and if those monsters got me my
 character would suffer a very painful death,  indeed I remember the
 first time I triggered the Gelatinous blob on stage 2, and suddenly having
 something with that crackling, burning slime sound coming for me, something

 which took all my amo, and kept on coming until it 

Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I suspect Halloween here in the States is more or less the same as in
the U.K. During the month of October Halloween is pretty much a
holiday where kids dress up in cheap costumes and go around the
neighbor hood asking for sweets or candy. Movie channels like American
movie Classics plays a wide arrange of movies which they feel are
seasonal, and as said before what is and is not appropriate for
Halloween is really a slippery concept. You might end up with anything
from old science fiction classics like War of the Worlds, Invasion of
the Body Snatchers, and Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman to slashers
like Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. Plus an assortment
of the old Hammer films like Dracula and Frankenstein. Its a pretty
open ended genre as far as I am concerned, because anything with a
slightly horror theme to it seems to be included as being Halloween
related. Although, it really comes down to personal opinion as to
weather or not something like War of the Worlds is a horror movie at
all let alone as having any relevant's to Halloween beyond Orson
Well's 1938 radio broadcast for Halloween.

That's what gets me about Charles saying Shades of Doom is not a
Halloween game. I don't know what criteria he is using, but I
personally think many of the basic horror movie game elements is there
and it should be classified as appropriate for Halloween. We have a
largely empty lab filled with monsters from mutated humans to mutated
dogs, blobs straight out of films like the Blob, silent walkers that
reminds me of the Invisible Man, and the Boss kind of scared the crap
out of me the first time I fought him. LOL!


On 10/6/13, dark wrote:
 Well I'm afraid I'm a little uncertain what you mean by halloween games
 there charles, or how Shades is not one.

 This could of course just be cultural since I suspect haloween is more a
 major thing in the Us than it is over here,  usually here it's confined

 to tv, the odd themed party or evening for social groups, and occasionally
 kids showing up to extort money or sweets nominally in costume.

 I therefore assumed haloween games meant games with a creepy or
 frightening atmosphere, which certainly would count shades and nightjar
 simply for their atmosphere, just as the Horror genre of literature or films

 is more about atmosphere than about subject.

 Harry Potter I agree is not a horror series, it's fantasy, though ideas like

 the dementors are pretty nasty, where as a book like Steven King's It,
 despite involving very many fantasy elements I'd definitely call horror
 first for the high amount of monster related deaths, warping of reality in
 many passages and often very atmospheric descriptions.

 interestingly enough, I'm reading doctor sleep at the moment by Steven king

 which I wouldn't! class as horror, simply because it hasn't quite had that
 level of reality bending weerdness, although it is a sequel to the shining,

 which certainly was horror.

 Really, it's a slippery concept at the best of times, especially since it
 can occur in so many different genres from psychological fiction to Sf.
 Heck, Doctor who frequently dips into the horror genre, yet one of the
 scariest and most horific Doctor Who audio plays I've ever heard was the 8th

 Doctor Story The Cannibalists, in which most of the characters were actually

 robots! For why I found it particularly scary see the review I wrote on:

 Thinking about it, if we call horror simply stuff that is scary, well
 haunted house and chillingham probably need removing from that list since
 both were more comedy themed around old monster or ghost ideas, like a Ghost

 train at a fair, than seriously spooky, or at least I found them so. Then
 again, what an individual finds scary is probably very much dependent on
 that individual's own experience, and though some ideas like warping of
 reality or alteration of the everyday into something alarming are pretty
 universal, whether you find these terrifying or just interestingly
 atmospheric is likely up to you.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] BA games on iPhone, was: RE: The Apple iphone, was RE: building in the storm 8 games.

2013-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Che,

I assume by finger acrobatics you are talking about the way you have
to interact with GUI components to activate them etc with VoiceOver. I
agree it is strange, not as efficient as using Jaws, but after a while
it becomes second nature. I think Mac OS X accessibility is very good,
but it is fundamentally different in  concept from the way Windows
accessibility works. Different from Linux for that matter as well.


On 10/5/13, Che Martin wrote:
 Hey ya
 Bryan and all,
   I'd love to do RR on iphone, but it is a very complex game, so probably
   At this point, I don't have the programming skills to do even a hello
 world on iOS.
  However, I have looked very seriously at iOS development, going so far as
 to buy a Mac Book Pro so I could start learning objective C, since you
 program for iOS on a PC.
   However, I was so sorely dissapointed by Mac accessibility I haven't
 picked up the Mac for months.
   After using an iphone for over a year now, when I bought the Mac, I just
 assumed the accessibility would be as polished as what is offered with iOs,
 man was I in for a rude awakening after spending 1600 bucks.
   Some of the decisions made by the Apple accessibility folks are amazingly
 puzzling to say the least.
   Why do we have to do finger acrobatics to get the simplist of things done
 on a mac?
   I could go on and on about the terrible interface, but bottom line, its
 very frustrating for no good reason, its just bad design all around, and I
 don't understand it.
   I know lots of blind folks are using macs exclusively, but having spent
 several weeks patiently and tenaciously trying to work with the mac, I am
 confident that I could run circles around any mac user using voiceover
 versus windows and jaws when it comes to efficiency and productiveness.
   I am no apple hater, I made the switch from android to iphone a while
 back, and have no regrets.  I love my iphone and ipad, and appreciate the
 time and money Apple has put into accessibility for iOS.
   I don't care about the operating system, I am no fan boy of any system, I
 just want to be able to create my designs efficiently and effectively, but
 the accessibility implementation on Mac is just sad so far.
   Hopefully there will be major improvements soon to voiceover on the mac,
 because obviously the future of audio games lies in the mobile platforms,
 and apple is way ahead of the curve with iOs when it comes to a mobile
 platform for the blind.
   I have some design ideas for iOs, and I too have been mostly dissapointed
 by the current crop of audio games available on iOs, though there are some
 standouts, it just seems the potential has so far not even been scratched.
   The possibilities are amazing on mobile platforms for the blind, with the
 accelerometers, positional feedback, vibration and so forth, developers
 need the door to their ideas to be cracked open a little wider.
   I know it can be done, as many other blind developers have developed for
 iOS and android, and I'll keep my finger on the pulse of mobile
 but for now its PC for me and Blind Adrenaline.
   If other blind developers are on this list and have had success with iOS
 development, I'd love to hear from you, my email address is:
   If I have missed the boat as far as blind developers posting success
 stories on list here, my apologies, I very infrequently check this list.
   Regarding Rail Racer, if you liked the first version, your gonna love the
 new one, I've spent more time improving this one than I spent on the
 entirety of making RR 1, and this time around I have a lot more programming
 experience under my belt.
   I personally think rr2 will be in the top 3 of audio games as far as
 replayablility and pure fun, along with swamp and time of conflict.
   Happy gaming all,

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Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

That's an interesting point, suspense and actual fear are two different 

I love the moetion trackers in the alien films. just going along the dark 
corridor watching the pulses of light with the tick tick tick and hearing 
Hudson read off four meters,  three meters,   With you knowing that 
the aliens are closing in but having no idea where they will appear from or 
how they will strike. This is definitely something I've experienced with 
films, albeit Halloween didn't do as much for me with that as something like 
Aliens did,  heck, I've had books and audio dramas do the same thing if 
they are written well, like the bit in It where Bill and Richy go into the 
abandoned building in search of the Warewolf, or indeed the final conclusion 
in the sewers.

That however just makes me keyed up, excited and emotionally engaged with 
what I'm reading/viewing/playing, not exactly scared or unsettled.

Regarding distruction of reality in audio, well it's actually something I've 
seen Big Finish in their Doctor who series achieve on several occasions. 
They don't use a narrator, but there's no real magic formular, just A, good 
direction, music and sound editing, and B, a use of audio concepts that are 
scary in themselves just by sound.
For example, the story chimes of midnight (also an 8th doctor story), 
involves an old edwardian house with a repeating time loop which cycles at 
midnight, thus the chimes play a huge part in the audio landscape of the 
story, as do the reactions of certain characters, repeating phrases and 
concepts, and just the right amount of sampling on things like the ubiquitus 

Another example might be scherzo, in which the doctor and his assistant are 
trapped in an alternate universe where the information cannot be processed 
by senses. This is amazingly scary, and achieved with minimal effort. Early 
in the story the Tardis melts (achieved with lots of affects), and then most 
of the play involves the doctor and his assistant trying to find out what is 
going on. Their voices are absolutely muffled with no ecco, and behind is 
only a very minimal white noise effect. Indeed, I'd go so far as saying 
Scherzo is a form of horror which could even be done! on film,  at least 
unless you heavily employed the concept of films which show only a 
characters' perspective from a sensory or artistic sense rather than simply 
a nuanced telling of events (which is something more often done in Japanese 
Anime and cinimar than in the west).

Also, of course in audio good writing helps, for example dialogue that tells 
the listener what an object, especially a horrifying object is and 
identifies a sound without seeming patronising or intrusive.

For example, lets say you had a first person game which similar to Silent 
Hill, but where you were in radio contact with another person. You might 
here a single, slow drip that eccos round the room your in, then a splash, 
then some louder splashes, then a slow trickling sound. When you go to 
investigate, you hear the sounds of your footsteps changing to a more 
sticky, mushy sound, the person on the radio asks what is going on and you 
say blood!  it's blood! your character doesn't need to panic or 
scream, just identify with the correct amount of alarm that the substance 
which you've heard the dripping from is actually blood. This is also why you 
couldn't just hear something trickling away and examine it to be told rain 
of blood since again it's the suspense, the eccos, the sound of a liquid 
thicker than water that cause the person to feel horror at the 
identification of blood dripping down the wall, not merely the fact of the 
blood itself, (after all, blood really isn't that scary in and of itself).

Again, it's all audio presentation, though unfortunately this is an area 
where the more sound effects and clever audio editing technology (not to 
mention good actors), the better, since while an indi graphical game artist 
could likely pixel a pretty convincingly scary monster or environment, in 
audio your at the mercy of what you can afford, and atmospherically this can 
be problematic.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] BA games on iPhone, was: RE: The Apple iphone, was RE: building in the storm 8 games.

2013-10-06 Thread Scott Chesworth
Che was probably talking about the amount of modifier keys that need
to be held down to execute some VoiceOver specific commands. I own a
Mac, use it often, but would agree that it's ridiculous. Case in
point, had I been reading this thread using Gmail's web interface in
Safari and wanted to jump back a heading, I would've had to hold down
five keys at once to activate a command that gets done using two keys
in practically every other screen reader. Sure, there are a few ways
around it, and even a way to get it down to my goal of two with a bit
of extra button pushing here and there, but that doesn't make the way
things are configured by default any closer to Apple's usual standard
of a smooth and effortless user experience. I would say that
accessibility in OS X is pretty solid on paper, but VO itself is
currently a mess.

Btw, I'm proper excited about RR2!


On 10/6/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Che,

 I assume by finger acrobatics you are talking about the way you have
 to interact with GUI components to activate them etc with VoiceOver. I
 agree it is strange, not as efficient as using Jaws, but after a while
 it becomes second nature. I think Mac OS X accessibility is very good,
 but it is fundamentally different in  concept from the way Windows
 accessibility works. Different from Linux for that matter as well.


 On 10/5/13, Che Martin wrote:
Hey ya
 Bryan and all,
   I'd love to do RR on iphone, but it is a very complex game, so probably
   At this point, I don't have the programming skills to do even a hello
 world on iOS.
  However, I have looked very seriously at iOS development, going so far
 to buy a Mac Book Pro so I could start learning objective C, since you
 program for iOS on a PC.
   However, I was so sorely dissapointed by Mac accessibility I haven't
 picked up the Mac for months.
   After using an iphone for over a year now, when I bought the Mac, I
 assumed the accessibility would be as polished as what is offered with
 man was I in for a rude awakening after spending 1600 bucks.
   Some of the decisions made by the Apple accessibility folks are
 puzzling to say the least.
   Why do we have to do finger acrobatics to get the simplist of things
 on a mac?
   I could go on and on about the terrible interface, but bottom line, its
 very frustrating for no good reason, its just bad design all around, and
 don't understand it.
   I know lots of blind folks are using macs exclusively, but having spent
 several weeks patiently and tenaciously trying to work with the mac, I am
 confident that I could run circles around any mac user using voiceover
 versus windows and jaws when it comes to efficiency and productiveness.
   I am no apple hater, I made the switch from android to iphone a while
 back, and have no regrets.  I love my iphone and ipad, and appreciate the
 time and money Apple has put into accessibility for iOS.
   I don't care about the operating system, I am no fan boy of any system,
 just want to be able to create my designs efficiently and effectively,
 the accessibility implementation on Mac is just sad so far.
   Hopefully there will be major improvements soon to voiceover on the
 because obviously the future of audio games lies in the mobile platforms,
 and apple is way ahead of the curve with iOs when it comes to a mobile
 platform for the blind.
   I have some design ideas for iOs, and I too have been mostly
 by the current crop of audio games available on iOs, though there are
 standouts, it just seems the potential has so far not even been
   The possibilities are amazing on mobile platforms for the blind, with
 accelerometers, positional feedback, vibration and so forth, developers
 need the door to their ideas to be cracked open a little wider.
   I know it can be done, as many other blind developers have developed
 iOS and android, and I'll keep my finger on the pulse of mobile
 but for now its PC for me and Blind Adrenaline.
   If other blind developers are on this list and have had success with
 development, I'd love to hear from you, my email address is:
   If I have missed the boat as far as blind developers posting success
 stories on list here, my apologies, I very infrequently check this list.
   Regarding Rail Racer, if you liked the first version, your gonna love
 new one, I've spent more time improving this one than I spent on the
 entirety of making RR 1, and this time around I have a lot more
 experience under my belt.
   I personally think rr2 will be in the top 3 of audio games as far as
 replayablility and pure fun, along with swamp and time of conflict.
   Happy gaming all,

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the 

[Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Darren Harris
Hi guys


I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite accessible.
I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.

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Re: [Audyssey] Help with Self-destruction.

2013-10-06 Thread michael barnes

Hello, Greg.

It didn't install the key gen on the desktop, but it did install it in 
the program files folder.

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Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Charles.

I was thinking about when I first joined the list a few years ago.
Someone had mention that Treasure hunt was kinda a horror game.
I remember I was asking about scary games and I had got a list of 
different games.

Some of the games was Descent into Madness and of course Shades of Doom.

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Re: [Audyssey] Solara Updated!

2013-10-06 Thread Ron hopkins

Hello.   I was wondering is there an ap for the eye phone to play muds with?

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[Audyssey] space games.

2013-10-06 Thread loriduncan
Hi everyone, I am very much into science fiction books at the moment, and am 
wondering why there arn’t more space-themed games out there, other than 
shooters like Trupanum and judgement day.  A lot of sound-based space games 
seem to be shooter games, but what about space exploration type games, maybe 
even Doctor Who.  When you think of the vast number of space games there are 
out there for sighted people, it’s such a shame they can’t be made accessible 
for the blind.  
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Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Very true. I've been thinking of some horror type games for a long
time, perhaps something like Silent Hill, but I don't have the
finances to create a truly horrifying audio experience. Just something
as changing the sounds of the footsteps from a slosh to a sticky slush
probably would cost more than I have to spend. Then I'd ave to have
the dialog that has the character identifying the substance as blood.
On top of that then add in the musical score and its beyond the budget
of a blind audio game developer.

All I can say is we could probably do a lot with audio as you said,
but we need a bigger budget to start with. Plus we need a bigger
market to finance such games. There is a reason audio games seem
cheaply made, and that is because there is not much money to be had
from creating audio games. No money means no big budget horror
thrillers like Silent Hill for the blind.


On 10/6/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 That's an interesting point, suspense and actual fear are two different

 I love the moetion trackers in the alien films. just going along the dark
 corridor watching the pulses of light with the tick tick tick and hearing
 Hudson read off four meters,  three meters,   With you knowing that
 the aliens are closing in but having no idea where they will appear from or

 how they will strike. This is definitely something I've experienced with
 films, albeit Halloween didn't do as much for me with that as something like

 Aliens did,  heck, I've had books and audio dramas do the same thing if

 they are written well, like the bit in It where Bill and Richy go into the
 abandoned building in search of the Warewolf, or indeed the final conclusion

 in the sewers.

 That however just makes me keyed up, excited and emotionally engaged with
 what I'm reading/viewing/playing, not exactly scared or unsettled.

 Regarding distruction of reality in audio, well it's actually something I've

 seen Big Finish in their Doctor who series achieve on several occasions.
 They don't use a narrator, but there's no real magic formular, just A, good

 direction, music and sound editing, and B, a use of audio concepts that are

 scary in themselves just by sound.
 For example, the story chimes of midnight (also an 8th doctor story),
 involves an old edwardian house with a repeating time loop which cycles at
 midnight, thus the chimes play a huge part in the audio landscape of the
 story, as do the reactions of certain characters, repeating phrases and
 concepts, and just the right amount of sampling on things like the ubiquitus


 Another example might be scherzo, in which the doctor and his assistant are

 trapped in an alternate universe where the information cannot be processed
 by senses. This is amazingly scary, and achieved with minimal effort. Early

 in the story the Tardis melts (achieved with lots of affects), and then most

 of the play involves the doctor and his assistant trying to find out what is

 going on. Their voices are absolutely muffled with no ecco, and behind is
 only a very minimal white noise effect. Indeed, I'd go so far as saying
 Scherzo is a form of horror which could even be done! on film,  at least

 unless you heavily employed the concept of films which show only a
 characters' perspective from a sensory or artistic sense rather than simply

 a nuanced telling of events (which is something more often done in Japanese

 Anime and cinimar than in the west).

 Also, of course in audio good writing helps, for example dialogue that tells

 the listener what an object, especially a horrifying object is and
 identifies a sound without seeming patronising or intrusive.

 For example, lets say you had a first person game which similar to Silent
 Hill, but where you were in radio contact with another person. You might
 here a single, slow drip that eccos round the room your in, then a splash,
 then some louder splashes, then a slow trickling sound. When you go to
 investigate, you hear the sounds of your footsteps changing to a more
 sticky, mushy sound, the person on the radio asks what is going on and you
 say blood!  it's blood! your character doesn't need to panic or
 scream, just identify with the correct amount of alarm that the substance
 which you've heard the dripping from is actually blood. This is also why you

 couldn't just hear something trickling away and examine it to be told rain

 of blood since again it's the suspense, the eccos, the sound of a liquid
 thicker than water that cause the person to feel horror at the
 identification of blood dripping down the wall, not merely the fact of the
 blood itself, (after all, blood really isn't that scary in and of itself).

 Again, it's all audio presentation, though unfortunately this is an area
 where the more sound effects and clever audio editing technology (not to
 mention good actors), the better, since while an indi graphical game artist

 could likely pixel a pretty 

Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Darren.

What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
least a little information.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi guys

I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite 

I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Darren Harris
hi dark,

basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's a 
persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at least i 
haven't been attacked yet. 

Sent from my iPad

 On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.
 What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.
 While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
 least a little information.
 All the best,
 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.
 Hi guys
 I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite accessible.
 I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.
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Re: [Audyssey] Solara Updated!

2013-10-06 Thread Dallas O'Brien
yes. mud rammer seems to be the best i've seen so far for accessibility.

On 06/10/2013, Ron hopkins wrote:
 Hello.   I was wondering is there an ap for the eye phone to play muds

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Re: [Audyssey] space games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Laura.

As a fellow doctor who fan I completely agree, more space themed games that 
involved more than just shooting would be good.

Lords of the Galaxy from Vip gameszone comes close, and it does have rather 
nice sounds, but there the waay imbalancee of the exchange coins option 
and how useful markit planets are as compared to everything else basically 
made the main theme of the game completely irrelivant.

I'm always amazed vipgameszone never actually released an update of the game 
to fix such things, since usually those are what get solved in the first 
public version, and with the nice atmosphere and sounds of the game it's a 
major shame they didn't put more work in.

Terraformers does at least involve exploring an alien planet and is rather 
adventure/puzzle than action, though it's a shame it's so short.

There are a couple of stratogy games like galaxy ranger and startrek final 
conflict and trek 2000, but these are more about beating your enemies than 
actually exploring space and encountering new stuff, (another reason I'd 
love to see tom work on a more single ship startrek game).

Smugglers is likely the best in a single program, particularly smugglers 5, 
since though the theme is war and trade and the games are very much economic 
and battle stratogy, there is at least a rather large galaxy and you can 
encounter many different enemies and land on many worlds, especially in 
Smugglers 5 with it's gamebook adventures on every single planet and random 
battle encounters.

Actually thinking about it, smugglers 5 might foot the bill very well 
provided you can use your screen readers' virtual curser to interact with 
the interface (it's well worth the time).

Apart from that, The best you will get is turning to text games and muds. 
While there are various muds like Miriani and Star conquest, they are pretty 
intense about player killing, meaning that if your primarily interested in 
exploring the galaxy, seaking out new life and new civilizations etc etc, 
not! interacting with (much less blowing up), other players they don't help 
too much.

The same is true of most brouser space games, particularly since most take 
the trade and war thing a bit too seriously rather than the exploring (I 
wonder why that is, since to me that's much! more the interest of space 

By far the best sace game is core exiles, which doesn't have! player 
competing and does! let you explore planets and derelict spacecraft, though 
that's of course brouser only and multiplayer, although it's multiplayer 
trade and cooperation rather than multiplayer slaughter each other 
mercilessly which all the other space games are.


Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] BA games on iPhone, was: RE: The Apple iphone, was RE: building in the storm 8 games.

2013-10-06 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Scott,

Just use the rotor on the trackpad and then all you need do is flick up or down 
with one finger to navigate between headings.

For this particular case, it is even quicker than with something like JFW.

I agree that there still needs to be quite a bit of streamlining to say the 
least, but I do also think that with the trackpad navigation for one thing, it 
has become quite fast to move around much of the time.

If you haven't checked out trackpad commander or hot spots, then definitely 
check them out as they can really make your life way way way easier! :)

To kind of bring this back to gaming, I definitely think moving on from the 
keyboard as a game controller is a great thing. So I for one, am super glad 
that devs are starting to use other devices like the mouse and more 'analog' 
approaches for game control.

I'm looking forward to this only becoming more prevalent and flexible as 
technology improves.

Just my thoughts…


Cara :)
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On Oct 6, 2013, at 5:32 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

Che was probably talking about the amount of modifier keys that need
to be held down to execute some VoiceOver specific commands. I own a
Mac, use it often, but would agree that it's ridiculous. Case in
point, had I been reading this thread using Gmail's web interface in
Safari and wanted to jump back a heading, I would've had to hold down
five keys at once to activate a command that gets done using two keys
in practically every other screen reader. Sure, there are a few ways
around it, and even a way to get it down to my goal of two with a bit
of extra button pushing here and there, but that doesn't make the way
things are configured by default any closer to Apple's usual standard
of a smooth and effortless user experience. I would say that
accessibility in OS X is pretty solid on paper, but VO itself is
currently a mess.

Btw, I'm proper excited about RR2!


On 10/6/13, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Che,
 I assume by finger acrobatics you are talking about the way you have
 to interact with GUI components to activate them etc with VoiceOver. I
 agree it is strange, not as efficient as using Jaws, but after a while
 it becomes second nature. I think Mac OS X accessibility is very good,
 but it is fundamentally different in  concept from the way Windows
 accessibility works. Different from Linux for that matter as well.
 On 10/5/13, Che Martin wrote:
Hey ya
 Bryan and all,
  I'd love to do RR on iphone, but it is a very complex game, so probably
  At this point, I don't have the programming skills to do even a hello
 world on iOS.
 However, I have looked very seriously at iOS development, going so far
 to buy a Mac Book Pro so I could start learning objective C, since you
 program for iOS on a PC.
  However, I was so sorely dissapointed by Mac accessibility I haven't
 picked up the Mac for months.
  After using an iphone for over a year now, when I bought the Mac, I
 assumed the accessibility would be as polished as what is offered with
 man was I in for a rude awakening after spending 1600 bucks.
  Some of the decisions made by the Apple accessibility folks are
 puzzling to say the least.
  Why do we have to do finger acrobatics to get the simplist of things
 on a mac?
  I could go on and on about the terrible interface, but bottom line, its
 very frustrating for no good reason, its just bad design all around, and
 don't understand it.
  I know lots of blind folks are using macs exclusively, but having spent
 several weeks patiently and tenaciously trying to work with the mac, I am
 confident that I could run circles around any mac user using voiceover
 versus windows and jaws when it comes to efficiency and productiveness.
  I am no apple hater, I made the switch from android to iphone a while
 back, and have no regrets.  I love my iphone and ipad, and appreciate the
 time and money Apple has put into accessibility for iOS.
  I don't care about the operating system, I am no fan boy of any system,
 just want to be able to create my designs efficiently and effectively,
 the accessibility implementation on Mac is just sad so far.
  Hopefully there will be major improvements soon to voiceover on the
 because obviously the future of audio games lies in the mobile platforms,
 and apple is way ahead of the curve with iOs when it comes to a mobile
 platform for the blind.
  I have some design ideas for iOs, and I too have been mostly
 by the current crop of audio games available on iOs, though there are
 standouts, it just seems the potential has so far not even been
  The possibilities are amazing on mobile platforms for the blind, with

Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Shannon Dyer
Is this a web-based game, or something you install on a mac, windows, or IOS 

On Oct 6, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Darren Harris 

 hi dark,
 basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's a 
 persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at least 
 i haven't been attacked yet. 
 Sent from my iPad
 On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.
 What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.
 While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
 least a little information.
 All the best,
 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.
 Hi guys
 I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite accessible.
 I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.
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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Darren Harris
it's web based. which you'll see by clicking on the link. 

Sent from my iPad

 On 6 Oct 2013, at 16:37, Shannon Dyer wrote:
 Is this a web-based game, or something you install on a mac, windows, or IOS 
 On Oct 6, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Darren Harris 
 hi dark,
 basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's a 
 persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at least 
 i haven't been attacked yet. 
 Sent from my iPad
 On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.
 What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.
 While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
 least a little information.
 All the best,
 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.
 Hi guys
 I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite accessible.
 I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.
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[Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

To be honest, the problem does not just seem lack of finances. AFter all, 
indi developers, while not having the cash for huge, fullmotion 3D graphics 
have created some amazingly atmospheric and workable games, (just go check 
out the charts on a site like gamehippo and you'll see what I mean). The 
problem seems more one of the limitations of audio.

If your an indi developer and you want a wall dripping blood in your game, 
well you find a pixel artist to draw you one, then animate it, - indeed 
many indi companies are a pixel artist plus a coder.

With the sort of animation software freely available to handle sprites, it's 
quite possible to get a game that looks as good as anything produced in the 
mainstream 10 years ago, and of course since your artist can just draw you 
stuff from scratch, well you pretty much have no content limits.

Want a slavering monster? fine! want a wall dripping blood? also fine! want 
an undead zombie cammel spitting clouds of poisonous gas,  well that 
might take a little creative drawing, but still the right person and the 
right animation software and there you go!

This is just not possible in audio simply because you can't create sound 
effects from scratch.

However one thing I've always wondered is why don't audio sound designers, 
instead of perchicing expensive libraries turn to the sorts of techniques 
people like the Bbc used to use 50 or 60 years ago.

For example, you want a sticky sound of footstpes in blood? Well if you 
can't find an expensive library, why not just fill a small bole with mud, 
position your mike (probably in a waterproof container), next to it and 
dabble your hand forceably up and down.

Since the vast majority of noises the human ear detects are essentially 
identified more by context than by absolute, instant identification such as 
images, then the context will fill in the blanks,  I know some devs have 
done this, such as Ryan strunk and his use of splitting raw onion to 
simulate bone cracks.

Lastly, regarding actors, well I've heard far too much good quality internet 
indi produced audio drama to convince me that you need to pay massive 
prices, not to mention having met several amazing ameter actors myself,   
heck, I'll admit I'm myself working on a voice acting project at the moment, 
(though admitedly it's not precisely for an audio game).

If a person's acting skills aren't up to the task, well that is why you hold 
auditions, and also your responsability as director,  heck I learnt more 
about acting myself by stage directors just telling me I want it done like 
that before I even had one class in performance, and even though I have 
studdied performance a little, I'd still considder myself primarily a 
singer. That however doesn't stop me voice acting.

While I am quite aware just how expensive things like sound libraries are 
(I've checked myself), at the same time, since there is no way in Hell an 
audio game developer is ever going to get their hands on a free million or 
so for development we, and that's as much the community as the developers 
should really start thinking a little more creatively, --- -and not just 
with writing code.

As I said, I've voice acted myself and would be happy to do it again. I also 
wouldn't mind doing monster or animal sfx.

While I don't personally have skills in sound editing or really any 
recording devices that would do well with anything bar voice, such is not 
true of others, look at all the topics in the offtopic room of about sound editing and sound creation.

So if we have some people who act, and some people who sound edit and some 
people who write code,  well isn't it a little stupid not! to make use 
of all of these people's tallents?

And lastly it goes without saying that tools like Philip's new music creator 
will be great aides to anyone in such endeavours.

I know this point has been made before, but sometimes I just feel a little 
frustrated with a discussion yet again ending with if we only had the cash 
and there's nothing we can do about it

Well we're not going to get the cash, but maybe we, as a community could! do 
something about it.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More Halloween type games.

Hi Dark,

Very true. I've been thinking of some horror type games for a long
time, perhaps something like Silent Hill, but I don't have the
finances to create a truly horrifying audio experience. Just something
as changing the sounds of the footsteps from a slosh to a sticky slush
probably would cost more than I have to spend. Then I'd ave to have
the dialog that has the character identifying the substance as blood.
On top of that then add in the musical score and its beyond the budget
of a blind audio game developer.

All I can say is 

Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Darren.

I looked at this one but there's a bloody stupid image capture on the 
registration page. Is there another way to register?

those things should be banned, especially for eople who can't use firefox 
(which only works some of the time anyway as I understand).

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

hi dark,

basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's 
a persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at 
least i haven't been attacked yet.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:

Hi Darren.

What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
least a little information.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi guys

I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite 
I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go 

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Kimberly Qualls
Amen Dark!

On 10/6/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.

 I looked at this one but there's a bloody stupid image capture on the
 registration page. Is there another way to register?

 those things should be banned, especially for eople who can't use firefox
 (which only works some of the time anyway as I understand).

 Beware the grue!

 - Original Message -
 From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

 hi dark,

 basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's

 a persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at
 least i haven't been attacked yet.

 Sent from my iPad

 On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:

 Hi Darren.

 What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

 While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at

 least a little information.

 All the best,

 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

 Hi guys

 I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite
 I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Darren Harris
don't know. you could try contacting the game admin. but i got passed it easily 
with firefox. 

Sent from my iPad

 On 6 Oct 2013, at 18:26, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.
 I looked at this one but there's a bloody stupid image capture on the 
 registration page. Is there another way to register?
 those things should be banned, especially for eople who can't use firefox 
 (which only works some of the time anyway as I understand).
 Beware the grue!
 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.
 hi dark,
 basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. it's a 
 persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many pvp at least 
 i haven't been attacked yet.
 Sent from my iPad
 On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:
 Hi Darren.
 What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.
 While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
 least a little information.
 All the best,
 - Original Message - From: Darren Harris

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Re: [Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread Ryan Strunk
I'm surprised you still remember that. Thank you.
That sound was absolutely disgusting in context. I wonder if I still have it
lying around somewhere.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 12:25 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

Hi Tom.

To be honest, the problem does not just seem lack of finances. AFter all, 
indi developers, while not having the cash for huge, fullmotion 3D graphics 
have created some amazingly atmospheric and workable games, (just go check 
out the charts on a site like gamehippo and you'll see what I mean). The 
problem seems more one of the limitations of audio.

If your an indi developer and you want a wall dripping blood in your game, 
well you find a pixel artist to draw you one, then animate it, - indeed 
many indi companies are a pixel artist plus a coder.

With the sort of animation software freely available to handle sprites, it's

quite possible to get a game that looks as good as anything produced in the 
mainstream 10 years ago, and of course since your artist can just draw you 
stuff from scratch, well you pretty much have no content limits.

Want a slavering monster? fine! want a wall dripping blood? also fine! want 
an undead zombie cammel spitting clouds of poisonous gas,  well that 
might take a little creative drawing, but still the right person and the 
right animation software and there you go!

This is just not possible in audio simply because you can't create sound 
effects from scratch.

However one thing I've always wondered is why don't audio sound designers, 
instead of perchicing expensive libraries turn to the sorts of techniques 
people like the Bbc used to use 50 or 60 years ago.

For example, you want a sticky sound of footstpes in blood? Well if you 
can't find an expensive library, why not just fill a small bole with mud, 
position your mike (probably in a waterproof container), next to it and 
dabble your hand forceably up and down.

Since the vast majority of noises the human ear detects are essentially 
identified more by context than by absolute, instant identification such as 
images, then the context will fill in the blanks,  I know some devs have

done this, such as Ryan strunk and his use of splitting raw onion to 
simulate bone cracks.

Lastly, regarding actors, well I've heard far too much good quality internet

indi produced audio drama to convince me that you need to pay massive 
prices, not to mention having met several amazing ameter actors myself, 

heck, I'll admit I'm myself working on a voice acting project at the moment,

(though admitedly it's not precisely for an audio game).

If a person's acting skills aren't up to the task, well that is why you hold

auditions, and also your responsability as director,  heck I learnt more

about acting myself by stage directors just telling me I want it done like 
that before I even had one class in performance, and even though I have 
studdied performance a little, I'd still considder myself primarily a 
singer. That however doesn't stop me voice acting.

While I am quite aware just how expensive things like sound libraries are 
(I've checked myself), at the same time, since there is no way in Hell an 
audio game developer is ever going to get their hands on a free million or 
so for development we, and that's as much the community as the developers 
should really start thinking a little more creatively, --- -and not just 
with writing code.

As I said, I've voice acted myself and would be happy to do it again. I also

wouldn't mind doing monster or animal sfx.

While I don't personally have skills in sound editing or really any 
recording devices that would do well with anything bar voice, such is not 
true of others, look at all the topics in the offtopic room of about sound editing and sound creation.

So if we have some people who act, and some people who sound edit and some 
people who write code,  well isn't it a little stupid not! to make use 
of all of these people's tallents?

And lastly it goes without saying that tools like Philip's new music creator

will be great aides to anyone in such endeavours.

I know this point has been made before, but sometimes I just feel a little 
frustrated with a discussion yet again ending with if we only had the cash 
and there's nothing we can do about it

Well we're not going to get the cash, but maybe we, as a community could! do

something about it.

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi ryan.

I've actually not heard the sound, it just struck me as a really good idea 
and something sound designers should probably try more of.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread dark
Well firefox crashes on me constantly, not to mention slowing my pc so much 
it's ridiculous, so I'll have to miss this game unless the admin is willing 
to create accounts for people who can't get past the capture or change to an 
audio friendly system.

Perhaps you could contact them in game Dareen and point out the issue, heck 
even with Firefox as I understand the solution is far from perfect since 
after all the point of those stupid captures is not! to be soluable by a 

Myself, as administrator of a forum that employs none of these and personal 
booter of spambots, I can absolutely say they are completely unnecessary if 
your mods do their job properly, especially since at least some spambots are 
actual humans paid to post advertising crud anyway!

Either way if you could perhaps contact the game staff that owuld help.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

don't know. you could try contacting the game admin. but i got passed it 
easily with firefox.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 18:26, dark wrote:

Hi Darren.

I looked at this one but there's a bloody stupid image capture on the 
registration page. Is there another way to register?

those things should be banned, especially for eople who can't use firefox 
(which only works some of the time anyway as I understand).

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

hi dark,

basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. 
it's a persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many 
pvp at least i haven't been attacked yet.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:

Hi Darren.

What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate 
at least a little information.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Charles Rivard

How about some details?  Thanks.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 7:40 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi guys

I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite 

I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go here.

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe and Audyssey.

2013-10-06 Thread Charles Rivard
A lot of list traffic can be avoided if, when a list member finds a game 
they find accessible, rather than giving a link and suggested that others 
give it a try, you give information about the game right at the start.  Give 
some idea of what the game is about, what you do to access it, and 
basically, a short game review.  This will save time for those who wouldn't 
be interested and maybe get others interested.

This is the purpose of the Audyssey magazine, I know, but we haven't gotten 
any editions in so darned long, this list should, I think, be used to convey 
information of this variety so that gamers will stay interested.  I, for 
one, am extremely disappointed in the total lack of Audyssey.  issues.  They 
were to have been a quarterly magazine.  If anyone knows the status of the 
next issue, if there is even going to be one, send it along?  Thanks.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

it's web based. which you'll see by clicking on the link.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 16:37, Shannon Dyer wrote:

Is this a web-based game, or something you install on a mac, windows, or 
IOS device?

On Oct 6, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Darren Harris wrote:

hi dark,

basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. 
it's a persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many 
pvp at least i haven't been attacked yet.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:

Hi Darren.

What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate 
at least a little information.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi guys

I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite 
I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go 

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Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

2013-10-06 Thread Charles Rivard
Well, because of the capsha, I'll pass.  I totally agree that they should be 
done away with unless those who design them can successfully use them with 
their computer monitor turned off.  If they can design them using this 
criteria, I might consider it an option.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling 
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi Darren.

I looked at this one but there's a bloody stupid image capture on the 
registration page. Is there another way to register?

those things should be banned, especially for eople who can't use firefox 
(which only works some of the time anyway as I understand).

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] vast universe.

hi dark,

basically you start off with a very basic colony and you build it up. 
it's a persistent universe. there's npc's that can attack you not many 
pvp at least i haven't been attacked yet.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2013, at 14:37, dark wrote:

Hi Darren.

What exactly is this one about? another sf trader? or is it a mud.

While I'm certainly not aversed to trying another game I'd appreciate at 
least a little information.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] vast universe.

Hi guys

I've been playing this game for a little while now. looks quite 
I'll post my recruitment link here. if you wana give it a go then go 

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Re: [Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Okay, you have a point that we audio game developers could do more to
custom create our own sounds, but unfortunately it requires a
creativity of a different sort. Something like breaking an onion to
make it sound like a cracking bone just is not something that would
occur to someone like me. Although, I suppose learning how to do
things like that might just require practice and suggestions. However,
having the know-how to make sound effects isn't enough. If I want top
studio quality sounds then I am going to have to pay for a high
quality microphone and probably get something professional like
Soundforge for editing. That's certainly doable, but not a small
investment by any means.

As far as voices for games goes I guess it all depends on if the
developer is concerned about amateur, semi-professional, or
professional voice talent. As for myself I prefer to hire someone for
a game from because I am likely to get semi-professional
talent for a reasonable price, and I don't have to go through a bunch
of amateurs who may or may not have the right kind of recording
equipment. A more important reason is simply that I've already tried
three times to hire a female from the VI community to do Angela Carter
in Mysteries of the Ancients and in each and every single case the
voice actress baled on me part way through production. So I pretty
much said, screw it.

From now on I am going to take money from sales and spend somewhere
between $100 and %$500 and hire an actress with a contract to do the
voice overs for my games because I am likely to get exactly what I
want with decent recordings from someone who knows what they are doing
rather than picking someone at random and asking them to try out for
the part.

As far as Phillip's new Elias Engine it is not a music creator. Its a
mixing engine that allows a game developer to set triggers to fade in
certain music tracks, fade them out, or switch musical scores based on
the triggers in the game. However, it is absolutely useless unless a
developer has a composer compose and create the music tracks for the
game. Hiring a top notch music composer costs big bucks.


On 10/6/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 To be honest, the problem does not just seem lack of finances. AFter all,
 indi developers, while not having the cash for huge, fullmotion 3D graphics

 have created some amazingly atmospheric and workable games, (just go check
 out the charts on a site like gamehippo and you'll see what I mean). The
 problem seems more one of the limitations of audio.

 If your an indi developer and you want a wall dripping blood in your game,
 well you find a pixel artist to draw you one, then animate it, - indeed

 many indi companies are a pixel artist plus a coder.

 With the sort of animation software freely available to handle sprites, it's

 quite possible to get a game that looks as good as anything produced in the

 mainstream 10 years ago, and of course since your artist can just draw you
 stuff from scratch, well you pretty much have no content limits.

 Want a slavering monster? fine! want a wall dripping blood? also fine! want

 an undead zombie cammel spitting clouds of poisonous gas,  well that
 might take a little creative drawing, but still the right person and the
 right animation software and there you go!

 This is just not possible in audio simply because you can't create sound
 effects from scratch.

 However one thing I've always wondered is why don't audio sound designers,
 instead of perchicing expensive libraries turn to the sorts of techniques
 people like the Bbc used to use 50 or 60 years ago.

 For example, you want a sticky sound of footstpes in blood? Well if you
 can't find an expensive library, why not just fill a small bole with mud,
 position your mike (probably in a waterproof container), next to it and
 dabble your hand forceably up and down.

 Since the vast majority of noises the human ear detects are essentially
 identified more by context than by absolute, instant identification such as

 images, then the context will fill in the blanks,  I know some devs have

 done this, such as Ryan strunk and his use of splitting raw onion to
 simulate bone cracks.

 Lastly, regarding actors, well I've heard far too much good quality internet

 indi produced audio drama to convince me that you need to pay massive
 prices, not to mention having met several amazing ameter actors myself, 

 heck, I'll admit I'm myself working on a voice acting project at the moment,

 (though admitedly it's not precisely for an audio game).

 If a person's acting skills aren't up to the task, well that is why you hold

 auditions, and also your responsability as director,  heck I learnt more

 about acting myself by stage directors just telling me I want it done like

 that before I even had one class in performance, and even though I have
 studdied performance a little, I'd still considder myself primarily a

Re: [Audyssey] audio limitations was: Re: More Halloween type games.

2013-10-06 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Well with spending money to hyer someone,  fair enough if you like, 
however you might have slightly missed my point about sounds. This wasn't 
that developers! should be more creative about sounds,  developers are 
busy with code, it was that that is a job of sound designers!

As I said, with indi graphical games, developers nearly always have the 
artwork created by someone with the appropriate skills, indeed their are 
graphic artists who lend their skills out for nothing.

I have noticed many blind people experimenting with sounds and sound 
creation,  well maybe those! are the people who could help with sfx, not 
developers themselves.

This again, is why I spoke about the community generally, and didn't direct 
my remarks specifically at game developers,  ditto on acting.

Beware the Grue!


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[Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.

2013-10-06 Thread michael barnes


I reinstall the game, I went to were it put the key gen at on my PC.
Then I place it in the Self-destruct folder, and when I press enter on 
it it told me the following.

Error there is no product id game will now close
Run-time error '424':

Object required

The game didn't even put a uninstall file in the Self-destruct directory.
So I have to uninstall the game from the control panel.
Please help thanks!

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Re: [Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.

2013-10-06 Thread Greg Steel

Hi if you want I can send a download link for the last release
- Original Message - 
From: michael barnes

Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 9:39 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.


I reinstall the game, I went to were it put the key gen at on my PC.
Then I place it in the Self-destruct folder, and when I press enter on it 
it told me the following.

Error there is no product id game will now close
Run-time error '424':

Object required

The game didn't even put a uninstall file in the Self-destruct directory.
So I have to uninstall the game from the control panel.
Please help thanks!

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Re: [Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.

2013-10-06 Thread michael barnes

Hello, Greg.

That would be great!

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[Audyssey] has shared 'sd116.exe' with you using Bitcasa!

2013-10-06 Thread Greg Steel
Hi here is the link I use bitcasa. has shared 'sd116.exe' with you using Bitcasa!
Click on the link below for instructions on how to access the folder:

- The Bitcasa Team
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Re: [Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.

2013-10-06 Thread Greg Steel

Hi here is a link to the game.
- Original Message - 
From: michael barnes

Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Another question on Self-destruct.

Hello, Greg.

That would be great!

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