Re: XML Resolver for Xerces on Kaffe was Re: Hello Gump)

2004-12-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Davanum Srinivas wrote:
i think i poked through all the jars in JDK 1.4 and did not find
it...hence the question.
Found it!!!
The problem is in the XJavac task that Xerces2 uses to compile stuff 
(probably it's a left-over workaround from an ant bug on the javac task).

Now, not only I can't find the sourcecode of that sucker
- Sam Ruby

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Re: a few questions on our descriptors

2004-10-09 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
There are two places where you can put 
 1) inside 
 2) inside 
jakarta-slide.xml uses both.
First of all, what is the rationale behind this? if a project depends on 
another project, why do we need to specify things further for ant?
Think of  elements inside of  as macros.  It expands to a 
 element inside of  and a  element inside of 

Gump has always needed  elements.
Some projects have required the same information (specifically jar 
paths) to be provided to ant as properties.

As noted in the documentation[1], "that has become a common enough 
practice that it makes sense to introduce this element".

Also, I don't understand the difference between:
why are they different? and, if so, why are their methods so similar?
They are intentionally very similar.  A  inside of an  
definition has exactly the same meaning as a  inside of an 
 definition PLUS a  element inside the project definition 
(minus the property attribute).

- Sam Ruby
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Re: Unicode & Python interacting with File Systems

2004-10-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam Jack wrote:
1) Is "\xC3\xA9" a 'single' unicode character already? Is it being
considered as two by accident?
unicode("\xC3\xA9","utf-8") == u'\xe9'¶m_char=00E9
- Sam Ruby
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Re: /usr nearly full

2004-10-03 Thread Sam Ruby
Leo Simons wrote:
Hi gang,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump$ df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 7.4G  1.4G  5.7G  19% /
tmpfs1011M 0 1011M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda6  25G  2.1G   21G   9% /home
/dev/sdb6  32G   26G  3.9G  87% /usr
/usr/local/gump is kinda full, especially as it grows during gump runs 
(ie it was

/dev/sdb6  32G   29G  1.1G  97% /usr
a while ago).
Something's gotta give. Or something has to move from /usr/local/gump to 
Some directories like /usr/local/gump/public/jars seem to only grow.
A cron job such as the following would remove files that are older than 
a week:

find /usr/local/gump/public/jars -ctime +6 | xargs -r rm
- Sam Ruby
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Re: APR, httpd and gump

2004-09-17 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I know next to nothing about python,
So we are in the same boat here 8-)
The key thing seems to be the restriction where all scripts on unix
have to end in ".sh" for some reason,
platform independency, like I said.  In reality I'm only aware of a
single project that uses it, Ant to bootstrap itself.
which typically they don't do. Is it possible to remove this
Should be, but I'm not familiar enough with Python to try either.
It is not that complicated.  The current code looks like:
  # Add .sh  or .bat as appropriate to platform
  if not == 'dos' and not == 'nt':
  scriptfullname += '.sh'
  scriptfullname += '.bat'
One thing that would not be hard to add something like the following:
  if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, scriptfullname)):
- Sam Ruby

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Re: svn commit: rev 36230 - in gump/trunk: . bin cron log mysql python/gump python/gump/core python/gump/document python/gump/document/xdocs python/gump/java python/gump/model python/gump/mysql python/gump/notify python/gump/runner python/gump/shared python/gump/stats python/gump/stats/dbm python/gump/stats/mysql python/gump/utils test

2004-09-09 Thread Sam Ruby
+def configureDB():   
+conn = MySQLdb.Connect(
+host='localhost', user='root',
+passwd='', db='gump',compress=1,
Why is user, passwd, and db hard coded in mysql/
A more general question: does BrutusConfig[1] need to be updated to 
reflect any steps related to the setting up of mysql?

- Sam Ruby
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Re: [RT] a strategy for better gump action/reaction analysis

2004-08-13 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Both projects compiled yesterday. We have artifacts from both in the 
If you can do "cvs update -D", you don't need artifacts.  I used to 
routinely be able to isolate the individual commit that caused a given 
failure by one by one rolling back projects, until the failure went 
away, and then doing a binomial search over the time range to isolate 
the individual commit.

If A builds but B doesn't, there are two possibilies:
 1) B broke itself
 2) A broke B
A breaking B doesn't imply fault.  Counterexample: there were cases 
where log4j had deprecated an interface for literally YEARS (I'm not 
exagerating here), and when they removed it, builds broke.

Nagging on deprecation warnings is difficult.  When the deprecation is 
initially inserted into the development stream, there has been no 
release, and projects are typically (and rightfully) reluctant to step 
up to a daily build.

Since we know that B-yesterda built against A-yesterday, than the result 
of the B-today against A-yesterday will tell us if it's 1) or 2)

Ok, with two projects is easy, what about three?
 C -> B -> A
worked yesterday, but today C is broken and B and A work. Who broke the 

First of all, is it safe to assume that since A is shielded by B and 
both B and A work, A has no influence on C?
What matters is the jars that are used to build C.  If A is visible at 
all, then it it relevant.  It might not be directly involved at compile 
time, but it could be relevant at runtime.  Furthermore, compile time 
often involves things like XSLT translations, so the distinction between 
compile time and runtime is not necessary pertinent.

I remember a Xalan change that broke FOP's build for this reason.
- Sam Ruby
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2004-08-12 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
I'm going to look into:
I've read some good things about it as an RDF parser and triple store. 
Other suggestions welcomed.
Before you do, read this:
And Stefano's comments on N3:
You might also want to take a look at:
- Sam Ruby
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[Fwd: [jira] Commented: (INFRA-95) Please create a mailing list]

2004-07-22 Thread Sam Ruby
Why doesn't the gump PMC "sponsor" this mailing list?
- Sam Ruby
 Original Message 
Subject: [jira] Commented: (INFRA-95) Please create a [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailing list
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 11:02:17 -0700 (PDT)

The following comment has been added to this issue:
 Author: Adam Jack
Created: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 11:02 AM
This request is suspended (and can be closed/deleted) since (per it is an invalid request; 
since no PMC made it.
View this comment:

View the issue:
Here is an overview of the issue:
Key: INFRA-95
Summary: Please create a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
   Type: Task
 Status: Unassigned
   Priority: Major
Project: Infrastructure
 Mailing Lists
   Reporter: Adam Jack
Created: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 8:25 AM
Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 11:02 AM
Based upon this thread, I'd like to request a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing 
This intention for this list is for general Python discussion amongst 
Pythonically inclined (or simply Python using) ASF folk. This list is 
not part of a project, nor does it have (to date) a tighter focus than 
things related to Python.

I am willing to be moderator (and I'll look for another volunteer down 
the road).

I don't know where (if anywhere) this list ought be 'advertized', nor if 
I can do that myself (I doubt I have much Karma @ ASF, I only commit to 
Gump and Depot). Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Please let me know (via comments on this issue) if this request is 
premature/misguided, and/or if I can/should do anything more prior to 
making this request.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

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Re: JDK 1.5

2004-07-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Yeah, there is something so rewarding about the 'thank you' one gets 99% of
the time. Human feedback it is. Thanks.
The other aspect I didn't mention is that you can proceed at whatever 
pace you want.  Building with JDK 1.5 at the moment is a "nice to have". 
 Identify one project a day or one a week or one a month as you have 
time.  While you may see an occasional regression, overall progress 
tends to be cumulative.

- Sam Ruby
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Re: Fw: [CRIMSON] Crimson on JDK1.5

2004-07-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
This seems (to me) the obvious outcome (although I had to ask).
Can anybody help me with why XERCES depends upon CRIMSON?
Is this an historical dependency? [Would that I had the resources to answer
my own questions, but then, I'd still rather get human insights to enhance
Because I am evil?  ;-)
Ant requires an XML parser.  Xerces 2 contained common code (or at least 
package names) with Xerces 1.  The Xerces team routinely used Xerces 1 
in their build environment in order to build Xerces 2.

Every once in a while, and completely unbeknownst to the Xerces 
development team, Xerces 2 would become broken or incomplete, but they 
would not know it because some aspect of Xerces 1 would "bleed through" 
the build environment.

Compiling with a non-Xerces compiler allowed such problems to be identified.
- Sam Ruby

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2004-07-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
I sent e-mail to these folks a week (maybe less) ago, no response (so far):
Who, precisely?  I have found [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be  responsive.
- Sam Ruby
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2004-07-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Anybody aware of the status of BSF?
It got donated to the ASF:
- Sam Ruby
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Re: JDK 1.5

2004-07-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
How do we get the word out about the JDK 1.5 Gump runs?
Teams may not be shooting for JDK1.5 compliance right now, but if Gump could
do the leg work for them, maybe they'd do minor tweaks if needed. I could
see this help user, but I feel it has to start sooner, not later (so no
releases go out w/ minor JDK1.5 nits if could be avoided).
Ought we consider notifications? Other ideas?
The way I did this in prior releases was to build it without 
notification, and then personally approach the projects which had 
failures.  I kept a catalog of problems encountered which I dutifully 
submitted to Sun (who had made public claims about being 100% backwards 
compatible - bunk!).  These problems were, of course, summarily ignored.

My experience was that projects by and large were extremely appreciative 
of being given specific and human feedback, and I found the process to 
be very rewarding.

Still, in the case of 1.4, there was a gap of six months to a year 
before everyone felt confortable with making it "official".

- Sam Ruby
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Re: how to start with gumpy

2004-07-16 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
I want to start using gumpy for our project at MIT.
Is there an howto to start?
If you have never run Gump before, I strongly recommend that you first 
do a "normal" build with Apache projects before you try adding your own 

A good place to start is
- Sam Ruby

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Re: [RT] Was python a good idea?

2004-07-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
Java: it's truly cross-platform and the Gump PMC members all know it
  quite well; easy to install
 * cons: dunno
I've had a fetish for both complete reproducibility and for the overall 
build environment to be provably unable to effect the build environment.

There were a number of cases where this has come in handy - I've been 
able to reproduce problems outside of Gump.

The one notable exception: build.sysclasspath
I'm particularly wary of class loader tricks, particularly when 
interacting with things like bootclasspath and compiling against 
Apache's version of Xalan.  When these tricks work, they are 
unquestionably FM(*).  When these tricks fail, they are also FM.

- Sam Ruby
(*) F'ing Magic.
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Re: [RT] Gump[y] internals re-design

2004-05-13 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

(it is slow to load 600 projects)

- Sam Ruby

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Brutus new kernel

2004-05-11 Thread Sam Ruby
Thom May replaced the stock 386 kernel with a 686-smp one that 
recognizes both processesors, recognizes the Intel hyperthreading, and 
the full 2 gig of RAM.

Rumor has it, that this should make things faster.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Brutus new schedule

2004-05-11 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

0 0,3,6,12,14,15,18,21 * * *  cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; /bin/bash
Is the 14 intentional?

- Sam Ruby

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Re: cron on brutus

2004-05-06 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ crontab -l
30 3,9,12,15,21 * * * cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; /bin/bash >
I keep trying to set values to catch the clock (i.e. I set 30 & 12 at 12:25)
but I can't see a /home/gump/CRON_DID_THIS. I started this 'cos I don't see
any fresh Gump run since I made the edit. Do I have a typo, or mistake? Am I
missing something?
When I've tried to do this in the past, I've always ended up doing 
something like the following:

30 3,9,12,15,21 * * * sh -c "cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; /bin/bash >/home/gump/CRON_DID_THIS 2>&1"

I think it is because redirection is a shell function.
- Sam Ruby
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Re: cron on brutus

2004-05-06 Thread Sam Ruby
Nick Chalko wrote:
Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 1
Any ideas what is wrong
Um, perhaps that sendmail isn't installed on the machine:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sendmail
-bash: sendmail: command not found
- Sam Ruby

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Re: HTTPD down on Brutus?

2004-05-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
I can't seem to get to Brutus via HTTP:
nor can W3.
From what I can tell, httpd was up and crashed, without leaving 
anything in the error log.

I restarted httpd, and now I am doing a dist-upgrade to get the latest 

- Sam Ruby
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Re: Running Gump (public) on Hermes/Brutus N times a day.

2004-05-04 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Does anybody have a problem with me scheduling these two to run public Gump
runs 4 times a day, each ? I'd set the cronjobs to run something like:
Once we get the forrest run out of the picture (sometime, worst case, in
next few weeks I hope) the runs oughtn't take more than an hour or so, so
most of the 6 hours would be idle.
Would folks want these niced?
I don't see a need for "nice" on brutus.  The purpose of that machine is 
to run Gump.  If performance becomes a problem, we can ask for help to 
get the machine to take advantage of it's second CPU and additional memory.

When hermes goes into production, we may lose it for Gump purposes. 
Meanwhile, nice there might be a good idea.

Having gump first sniff to see if it is current running and quickly exit 
if so might be a good idea.  Perhaps using some code like this:
- Sam Ruby
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Re: status blogging

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Beyond those two the next biggest hurdle is the markup that is produced.
 If that is relatively straightforward (in other words, uses techniques
like CSS instead of things like spacer gifs and nested tables), then
building CGIs is downright trivial.
I know Leo has found some ways to build WWW applications in Python that he
is interested in. I would hope his efforts, and these, could share at some
level. Perhaps share a Python webapp framework (if one is picked), but there
is no real need for this to be the case since you are talking simple CGIs.
[When you say CGI I'm reading good old fashioned "common gateway interface",
right?] I guess sharing could just be a WWW server (with auth) and a simple
webapp space/look-and-feel.
Framework?  We don't need to steenken framework.  Take a peek at:

Anything you can do from python can be done via CGI.  Anything.

Below is the source.  Note output is declared as text/plain, but 
text/html, or even application/atom+xml are possible.

I did say "downright trivial".

- Sam Ruby


print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
import cgi, os, sys
print sys.stdin.readline()
fs = cgi.FieldStorage()
print 'type\t',fs.type
print 'headers\t',fs.headers
print 'path\t',os.path.realpath('.')
for arg in fs.list:
  print, arg.value
for (key,value) in  os.environ.items():
  print key, value.strip()
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Re: running gump (again)

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Ruby
robert burrell donkin wrote:

i'm probably going to be (trying) to get gump up and running (again) on 
my mandrake box sometimes soonish but i though it best to enquire as to 
the current state of the code.
Even though you will be running mandrake, it probably is worth taking a 
peek at the following:

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [PMC-VOTE] Bylaws

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm uncomfortable with the two places where the bylaws talk about
requiring unanimous votes.  Both talk about the extremely rare case
of removing a committer and/or PMC member.  Particularly in the case
of a rogue committer, swift action may be required.
Would this become any better if we used any arbitrary majority number
like 3/4 or 2/3?  I don't think so.

From a board perspective, the chair of the PMC is held accountable
to such decisions.

Even if the bylaws don't spell this out, the chair would be able to
act quickly on his/her own.  Do you think we need to clarify the
"superhuman powers" of the chair?
Not necessarily.  What concerns me is the explicit spelling out of 
bylaws that appear to define a process that not only is never expected 
to be executed, but would be counter productive if attempted.

- Sam Ruby

P.S.  With or without any changes related to this comment, you have my 
+1 to proceed with these bylaws.  Bylaws can always be amended.

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Re: headless java question

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a small, standalone testcase for proper headless java
Not that I'd have one.  A simple test would probably be something that
just opens a java.awt.Frame and does nothing else.
Found one:

Simply removing the references go GifEncoder seems to do the trick.

At the moment, the process seems to be to blindly installing what
people tell me might work, and waiting for a run to complete.
If you install Xvfb with all its dependencies you can be sure that
everything for AWT is there as well.  It may be too much, though.
No, it is not enough.  I also had to install libxt6 and libxtst6.

Once done, java -Djava.awt.headless=true MyStandaloneExample ran without 

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [PMC-VOTE] Bylaws

2004-04-13 Thread Sam Ruby
I'm uncomfortable with the two places where the bylaws talk about 
requiring unanimous votes.  Both talk about the extremely rare case of 
removing a committer and/or PMC member.  Particularly in the case of a 
rogue committer, swift action may be required.

My concern is that unamimous does not scale to the current "all active 
committers who have been around long enough to establish a track record" 
approach to defining PMC membership.

From a board perspective, the chair of the PMC is held accountable to 
such decisions.  If such a chair were ever to run amuck, then the board 
would simply replace the chair.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: status blogging

2004-04-13 Thread Sam Ruby
Leo Simons wrote:

Stephen McConnell wrote:

Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

4) The 'root cause/resolution' for outage X/Y (between too parties) 
was Z.
Log it/Blog it...

If this was available I would definitely use it to post details about 
what is going on relative to the projects I'm associated with. 
Furthermore - it would provide an extra hint that there is someone 
somewhere dealing with a problem as opposed to waiting n days for a 
change in status - which is something I would find really valuable in 
terms of projects I'm dependent on.
you know, we do have one of the authorities on blogging and syndication 
right here as a resident gump meister. Someone who happens to know 
python rather well to boot. And someone who's itching to write code 
according to his blog...
The hardest thing is authentication (something that the peas&carrots 
blog sidesteps nicely via CVS).

Starting long running tasks is made possible by platforms that support 
fork (sorry Windows).

Beyond those two the next biggest hurdle is the markup that is produced. 
 If that is relatively straightforward (in other words, uses techniques 
like CSS instead of things like spacer gifs and nested tables), then 
building CGIs is downright trivial.

If we can settle on an authentication mechanism, and agree to not worry 
about Windows initially, and get a clean CSS-based skin for gump pages, 
I can start picking off tasks from Adam's original list.

- Sam Ruby

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headless java question (was: jira GUMP-45)

2004-04-13 Thread Sam Ruby

2004/03/29 02:02:19 ERROR - jorphan.test.AllTests: error adding test
: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException [snip] Caused by:
/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/i386/ cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
Further details are in the JMeter test output, see:
Is there a small, standalone testcase for proper headless java 
operations?  At the moment, the process seems to be to blindly 
installing what people tell me might work, and waiting for a run to 

I could iterate faster with a testcase, and I presume that this would be 
a fairly trivial thing to recreate, but I don't know enough to create 
this myself.

Any takers?

- Sam Ruby

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Re: gumpy.lock (was Re: Server Times (UTC) and Differences)

2004-04-13 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
I'll enter a JIRA entry to look into a real locking mechanism, one where the
OS cleans up upon process termination. [Probably something to do with

- Sam Ruby

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Re: timeout

2004-04-06 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
BTW: Your request to have xdocs pages (for projects, etc.) built as the
come, really ought be doable w/o much change. Calling
ForrestDocumenter.documentModule or ForrestDocumenter.documentProject ought
have no dependencies. Either we write directly to the log directory
(possible) or we write to staging and sync. I don't quite know how to do
this to a staging area, and then sync ('cos there are N pages) but I'd like
to try, otherwise our site could accumulate a lot of flotsom and jetsom.
If you want to have a dig in, feel free. If this area is a little
'convoluted' and you'd like me to have a shot, no problem. I ought be get
there within the next week or so.
I'm travelling at the moment, and quite frankly until Gump gets back to 
the point where I can experiment on a change with a edit/compile/debug 
cycle measured in minutes instead of hours, all of my contributions will 
be "in the margins".  Furthermore, my knowledge of Forrest is nearly 
approximately zero at the moment.

My brief forray into ForrestDocumenter lead me to the conclusion that a 
good percentage of that code is really producing things like tables and 
not particularly Forrest specific.

A way to manage the flotsam and jetsam is to write everything to a 
directory whose name is based on today's date.  "latest" can be a 
symbolic link to the current date.  At the beginning of the run can be 
some code to create the directory if it doesn't exist (and updating the 
symbolic link as required), and to delete all but the last "n" 
directories that may exist.

Anyway, my suggestion is that if you can get something which 
approximately works, I can help complete it.  And we can clearly leave 
the static forrest code in place until there is something worth 
replacing it.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: timeout

2004-04-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

It seems that pgrep doesn't exist on FreeBSD.  The web site started to
materialize once I manually killed the java step that was running.
That I translated to some runaway ant script (we had one recently) and that
is what caused me to bring up the whole 'timeout' thread. It didn't occur to
me you were describing the Forrest run. :-)
OK, lets get back to this issue.  Nobody here seems to know why the 
forrest run takes so long, but it takes a significant fraction of the 
overall run.  It also produces thousands of web pages, only a small 
fraction of which are likely to ever be looked at.  And none of these 
pages are produced until the run is complete.

A better approach would be to run forrest dynamically, i.e. produce (and 
possibly cache) the web page on demand.  I'm not sure what that would 
take to make happen, but it seems to me that the best way to get from 
here to there is to try to do both.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: timeout

2004-04-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I've coding 'timeout' into Python Gump (allowing GumpEnvironment to detect
it & register it, and allowing to use it if
found) as an optional dependency. [I've done this in the hope of helping
Hermes, which (I assume) is still in an uncomfortable situation of having a
rogue child.]
I see no evidence of a rogue child.  What leads you to this conclusion?

Note: hermes was down for a number of hours yesterday due to an operator 

- Sam Ruby

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Re: AWT on Brutus

2004-04-05 Thread Sam Ruby
Christian Geisert wrote:

Stefan Bodewig wrote:


even with java.awt.headless=true some things that use AWT fail on
brutus, for example jelly-tags-swing.  The error looks like this
/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/i386/ cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

On my old RedHat box, libXp is part of the XFree86-libs (for 4.2.x),
no idea where you'd find it in a apt-get based system.  I assume that
libxp-dev: /usr/X11R6/lib/
libxp6: /usr/X11R6/lib/
libxp6: /usr/X11R6/lib/

- Sam Ruby

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Re: System Info

2004-04-04 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:


When both Stefano and Leo both misinterpret me, I realize I failed to
communicate yet again. English truly ought not be counted as my first
language (despite being born a Brit. ;-)
You triggered off this:

As I'm sure you are aware ... there is a strong feeling on this list that

Java pre-requisite ought exist, so Gump can be run in a 'clean'

w/o worrying about CLASSPATHs and such.

But didn't seem to register this, which was part of the same paragraph.

(Might seem odd for a Java Builder,
but Gump may do more/other than Java one day). That said, you seem to have
cleverly worked around that. So long as Python Gump generates it, compiles
it, and runs it -- I can't see folks objecting.

where (1) I agree it is odd [I was being polite] for a Java Builder not to
want Java, but then explained it and (2) I agree that this worked around any
objection. Heck, I never even said they were my objections, I was just
trying to summarize what I understood from prior threads/comments on this
So, for the record (to try to clear up any miscommunication):

- I agreed from the start that this was a nice to have. I said that
'ant --debug' might display it, but that I didn't know how to get it
directly without writing Java. (Seems others don't either.)
- I didn't think this list (from comments I've heard supporting Python Gump)
wanted to have to configure/install/environment a Java compiler, but they
are happy for Python to auto-discover and use one [clearly].
- I agreed that this solution is consistent with the purist (some might say
bootstrap) approach, of starting with pure Python.
- All in all, I agreed this was a good solution to the requirement, and
fitting within what I understood as the philosophy.
That all said, let's please clarify (because it came up again with C, I
believe) and I don't want to be assuming that I understand the views of this
- Do folks want a pure Python Gump, that one can download & run directly?
[This solution investigates and locates tools in the environment and uses
what it finds, even bootstrapping with those to build more of it's own
- Or, are folks ok with Gump having other language components, and requiring
a build prior to being able to run it. Any such build would need to be
automated so we could deploy remote Gump agents. (Clearly this approach is
achievable, traditional Gump did it, and clearly one could use ant in order
to build Java, and perhaps C, etc.)
I prefer the Python approach (even if I do get called a purist and not a
pragmatist, this time. ;). That said, I could live with either.
These questions are not straightfoward.

At the moment, Gump has a nearly hard dependency on the CVS head version 
of a Java project which can't be built by gump.  And the completely 
optional dependency on a completely stable and completely free of 
dependencies "C" program brings up this discussion.  As does the adding 
of some code which will optionally provide version information for java 
in the case where java happens to be installed.

We each apparently place different weights on different attributes.  All 
other things being equal, yes I would prefer a pure Python solution. 
When things aren't equal, I would tend to yeild first on the language 
before yielding on bootstrappability.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Indentation

2004-04-04 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
In Python, indentation is syntactic, and crucial. I'd like some input on how
we can all work on the source, without confusing each other...
Sam's recent addition to uses tabs, and what works & no doubt
looks good to him, but looks wrong to me (see below). [I've been using
pyEclipse inside Eclipse and I chose the option to to save tabs as spaces,
'cos I felt it disambiguated. I'm guessing I have tab set as 4 spaces
somewhere, but I'm not sure. I'm game to change that to 8.]
Sam hates tabs with a passion, so if there were any in there, it was 
because he was editing the files on a machine where he had neglected to 
set up vim properly.  I'll try to be more careful in the future.

My policy is to emulate the number of spaces that I see in the existing 
file when I make changes.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Hermes status

2004-04-02 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
I think we could add a check into GumpEnvironment to detect 'timeout' if
available in the environment, and use it if present, and I think that would
suit any purists (including me) that want Gump to function well out of the
box, with the minimum of installation dependencies.
Why not put 'timeout' in the box?

- Sam Ruby

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System Info (was: Speed of brutus)

2004-04-02 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

And finally, a nit: I see useful information like the name of the java
command ("java") and the Operating System ("posix"), but I don't see the
values of System.getProperties which contains values such as:
   java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
Hmm. No, not directly. If a project repeatedly fails Gump automatically
turns on ant verbose and/or debug, and maybe this show those values. Is
there a way to list these things (above) without writing some Java?
What's wrong with writing some Java?  ;-)

import commands, os, re

TMP_DIR = '/home/rubys/tmp'
properties = [
  public class sysprop {
public static void main(String [] args) {
  for (int i=0; i
os.system('javac ' + JAVA_SOURCE)
cmd='java -cp ' + TMP_DIR + ' sysprop ' + ' '.join(properties)
properties = dict(re.findall('(.*?): (.*)', commands.getoutput(cmd)))
for (key,value) in properties.items():
  print key, "=>", value
- Sam Ruby

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Re: Hermes status

2004-04-02 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Gosh I hate that bit of code:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=5728

All help & creative solutions appreciated:
The way this used to be done was to use a public domain program named 
timeout.  I placed the source in brutus:/home/gump/timeout.tgz, and the 
compiled output and man page in /home/gump/bin.

Timeout was used for all cvs updates and build commands.  Including the 
cvs update of gump itself in the equivalent of gumpy.  Here's how it was 

bash -cp "/home/rubys/bin/timeout 1200"

Where "cp" is the desired "command prefix".

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Hermes status

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
It seems that pstat doesn't exist on FreeBSD.  The web site started to 
materialize once I manually killed the java step that was running.

We'll see what happens tonight.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Hermes status

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
Sam Ruby wrote:

A gump run has started on Hermes (FreeBSD).  This one is configured for
... 2G RAM, Dual Processors, and mirrored RAID0.

- Sam Ruby

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Hermes status

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
A gump run has started on Hermes (FreeBSD).  This one is configured for

Those with the password for [EMAIL PROTECTED], the same password works, but 
the user is gumpuser on hermes (due to a conflict with the group name).

If the output appears comprable to what we are seeing on Brutus 
(Debian), then the plan will be to wipe Brutus and install FreeBSD on it 
(reducing the number of OSs the infrastructure team has to maintain). 
Meanwhile, for a while we will have two xSeries 345s to play with.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: brutus config -> lsd config

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I think we need to ensure we have a 'test' flavour [or test workspace
perhaps] on every box, one that we expect folks to tinker with (when the
main build isn't running). A test workspace would work [other than the
it could mask 'updated'] because we'd only run it at odd times, and we'd
crap on the same output tree (like I often do testing.)
Can I suggest a different approach?  What I used to do with classic gump
was to capture and datestamp the outputs of the "official" runs, keeping
a fixed number live.  This is a simple matter of copying a few
directories at the end of the run.
I've tinkered with this on and off, but not had a separate flag for
'official'. I think it needs to be introduced. (There are mutiple places
where we check isFull() [i.e. 'all' projects not some] -- and we have the
integrate script different (in what it does) than build or update or debug.
There are even comments in the code about 'if official then nag and/or do
rss/atom', but much has been removed since I like to test the whole path
(quickly) on subsets of a profile.)
This brings me onto configuration, see next...
It appears to me that you are looking at Gump as as monolithic tool.  I 
see it as a series of actions: Generate, Update, Make, Publish...

My suggestion is that we should decompose Gump.  There is no reason that 
everything needs to funnel through a single entry point.

There are a number of discrete actions that users may wish to trigger. 
These actions may be triggered from the command line, a gui, a webapp, 
or a cron job.

Focusing initially on the cron job, it needs to run a script.  That 
script can be written entirely in Python (including reading the 
configuration, setting environment variables, etc).  It can do more than 
what one typically does from the command line (e.g., copying of 
directories, nagging, etc).

Key points:

 1) when it does things typically done by "testing", it calls into the 
exact same code.

 2) official, completed outputs are served from a different URL than 
incomplete or testing outputs.

 3) official runs start by cleaning up the work area.  This was done by 
rsync in "classic" gump.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: brutus config -> lsd config

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Are we happy with the gump config on brutus? Is that setup reasonably
Unless we decide to move to tomcat/forrest, I'd say so.
How should that change things?  What's the next step?

Apparently running a forrest server on a different port is as easy as a 
executing a command.  So I would think that the next step would be to 
get gump to produce xdocs during the run in addition to the static 
documents at the end of the run.  Once this was done, forrest can be 
used to dynamically produce content from these xdocs.  Does this sound 
about right?

If there is anything I am not sure I like about the set-up is that we
mirrored the /usr/local/gump from Moof, and I'm not sure if that directory
is the best root one on all. I like things like /var/gump and
/opt/gump/packages and things like that, and (maybe) /home/gump. But, so
long as we can find choices (or a choice) that suits norms on these
platforms, I don't really care.
I already did a few symbolic links from /home/gump to strategic points 
in /usr/local/gump; we certainly can do a few more from /var and /opt.

Oh yes, and I'm still not sure about .bash_profile including one flavours' I didn't take Sam up on his posting (I forget when/werre)
that said, don't expect these settings in cronjob. As such, we are still
using gumpy (that works, but is ugly since it needs three more env variables
& doesn't read the workspace to get the values) not
Why isn't gumpy simply:


For that matter, the cron command can look something like this (omitting 

  bash -c "(.; python"

I think we need to ensure we have a 'test' flavour [or test workspace
perhaps] on every box, one that we expect folks to tinker with (when the
main build isn't running). A test workspace would work [other than the fact
it could mask 'updated'] because we'd only run it at odd times, and we'd not
crap on the same output tree (like I often do testing.)
Can I suggest a different approach?  What I used to do with classic gump 
was to capture and datestamp the outputs of the "official" runs, keeping 
a fixed number live.  This is a simple matter of copying a few 
directories at the end of the run.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: brutus config -> lsd config

2004-04-01 Thread Sam Ruby
Leo Simons wrote:
Are we happy with the gump config on brutus? Is that setup reasonably 

I'd like to mirror on lsd to the maximum extent possible. Since brutus 
is debian and lsd is fedora, the mirroring won't be complete, but we 
should get pretty far.
Not that it is particularly hard, but if you give me an account, I would 
be willing to help set things up.

The differences between debian and fedora primarily involve how you 
install of apache, cvs, python, and subversion.  Oh, and java can be 
installed as an RPM.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Wiki Editor? (was Re: [Gump Wiki] Updated: BrutusConfig)

2004-03-31 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I assume it is Sam improving/completing this content, but this isn't too
  Editor: <>
Anybody mind if I ask infrastructure@ (with subject [wiki]) to investigate?
I assume attribution is of interest.
This simply means that I hadn't bothered to create a user and login.  I 
have now done so.  Note: there is no real security in a wiki.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: java 1.4.2p5 installed on hermes; a few other ports too

2004-03-31 Thread Sam Ruby
Aaron Bannert wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin/java -version
java version "1.4.2-p5"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-p5-aaron_30_mar_2004_16_59, 
mixed mode)

I haven't copied the accounts over, since I'm not sure how we want to do 
that, but
I did create an account for Sam and myself, using our same UIDs from 
(same password as before, Sam).
Thanks!  Just to reiterate what my intentions are: the plan is to see if 
I can get gump up and running on this configuration in order to 
determine if Brutus should be wiped and have FreeBSD installed on it. 
Either way, gump will be removed from Hermes when Hermes goes into 
production.  However, at the discretion of the infrastructure team, Gump 
can be left on Hermes until that point as a part of "burn in" process.

Removing gump will involve removing the 'gump' user, and a 
/usr/local/gump directory.

I've also installed a couple other packages: bash, zsh, screen, and wget.
(and their dependencies)
Can I also get you to install apache, python, and the svn client?

P.S. The script I will be following can be found at:

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Re: Two new pages...

2004-03-30 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam Jack wrote:
BTW: I seem to have to press CTRL-RELOAD on Brutus or I don't see refreshed
pages. I think we ought configure HTTPD to make this more interactive
between browser/server, 'cos Gump pages change frequently. Can somebody
easily change this and add the config change to the BrutusConfig wiki page?
I don't see this behavior with Mozilla on WinXP.  I checked the HTTP 
headers that were being returned, and there are no expired headers being 

I could be wrong, but as near as I can tell, the reason you need to 
press CTRL-RELOAD is because without doing this, the client is not 
sending any requests to the server.  As the server is not getting the 
requests, there is not much that can be changed on the server side to 
fix this.

For Mozilla, this behavior can be controlled by the preferences.  From 
the menu bar, select Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cache.  The 
section to look for is entited "Compare the page in the cache to the 
page on the network".  "When the page is out of date" is a good answer here.

- Sam Ruby

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2004-03-30 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefan Bodewig wrote:
Could anybody with root access to brutus please add my
authorized_keys2 file that can be found on minotaur or moof for me to
brutus' ~bodewig/.ssh - assuming I already have an account on brutus,
that is.
At the moment, we are sharing an account (gump).  I've send you details 
on how to login, after which point you can update the authorized_keys2 
file yourself.  Let me know if you would prefer a separate account...

- Sam Ruby

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[Fwd: Re: /tmp full on jdom server?]

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
All better now.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: /tmp full on jdom server?
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:08:50 -0800
From: Jason Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks.  Freed some space.  Will look into the core cause.


Sam Ruby wrote:

- Sam Ruby
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Re: run gump 4 times a day (Re: Speed of brutus)

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Should we run gump every 6 hours on brutus?
Some thoughts I've had...

Since we have dedicated cycles, why not do it as soon as the last one stops?
What about doing N with --optimise (only build what has changed) and the
Nth+1 a full one?
BTW: Have a separate 'check metadata' loop (that doesn't build just checks)
might be nice for folks committing descriptor changes.
I've not written the code (ok, I did, but I ripped it out -- it was inside
the engine, not outside) but how about an external script that runs
as above [which does CVS update of self in there]?
My recommendation is that we first figure out how often we want to nag, 
and work backwards from that.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Speed of brutus

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Antoine Lévy-Lambert wrote:

Hi Adam,

I have noticed that some cvs update failed due to /tmp being full.
For instance jdom.
I'm pretty sure that "can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv" is 
an indication that there is a problem on the cvs server end.  I'll send 
a note to Jason and Brett to see what's up...

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [RT] Generator vs Serializer

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

My first proposal was to run forrest dynamic for gump. This means that
you don't have to change anything in the code right now *AND* you get
immediate changes as soon as they are written on disk.
I am game to explore alternatives, but this one really attracts me as a
short term fix. Can anybody find time to help install this on moof and/or
brutus and/or other? I'll give Gump a quick --xdocs option so that it leaves
the xdocs it generates are the output [sync'ing/moving to the log directory,
correct?], and not try to run Forrest inlined.
If somebody can give me a "bill of materials" (preferably in the form of 
a list of URLs of installation instructions), I'll take care of this on 

- Sam Ruby

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Gump on FreeBSD?

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Now that we have Gump running on Debian, I'd like to experiment with 
Gump on FreeBSD.  Mostly what I need to have installed are the following:

  apache cvs java python subversion

And for a user named gump to be created, as well as a directory named 
/usr/local/gump which is newown'ed to gump.  And for an Apache alias to 
be set up as follows:

  Alias /gump/public /usr/local/gump/public/results

More specifics on how exactly the Debian machine were set up can be 
found here:

- Sam Ruby

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Speed of brutus

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
I see from

Elapsed Time :  	1 hour 56 mins 20 secs

Putting it mildly, this doesn't look half bad.  I presume that this 
includes the time of cvs/svn checkouts?  Are the logs of the cvs/svn 
checkouts captured?  This sometimes is helpful when trying to track down 
why a build that worked yesterday failed today.

Note that this is only with one CPU and less than one gig of RAM. 
Looking at the build times, it looks to me like gump 2.0 tries to do 
parallel builds whenever possible?

And finally, a nit: I see useful information like the name of the java 
command ("java") and the Operating System ("posix"), but I don't see the 
values of System.getProperties which contains values such as:

   java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
Are these available someplace?

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [RT] Gump GUI development parallel to Gump Remote Agents (Sites)

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I've not had chance to go over Leo's architecture notes in enough detail (at
a quiet time) in order to respond to them completely. I keep wanting to find
time. The first point that I'd like to address, when I do, is that I don't
believe that Python Gump (I will start referring to it as Gump, implying it
is just 2.0) reverted to a batch approach, per se.
Maybe I am splitting hairs, but Gump can perform a 'run' of one or more
projects, upon them alone or the dependency stack beneath them. Since Gump
needs to behave in a certain (dependency) order when N>1, the N=1 case is a
little bloated, but it is doable today.
Perhaps I chose the wrong words to express what I was trying to convey. 
  As usual, a picture is worth a thousand word. Take a look at the 
following urls.
At the present time, it shows a run that started just after noon on 
Sunday, and completed at 9 am the following day.  This happens to show a 
complete run.  Check back in a few hours, and depending on when you 
check, you will find partial results, either on the checkout side or on 
the build side.

I believe that this is a very valuable thing to have.

Note that when you run classic Gump from the command line, much of this 
information goes to stdout instead.  So, I say "build gump" and what I 
get is pretty much identical to what I would get if I were to type in 
"ant" from the proper subdirectory, and with all the right things in my 

This is also very valuable when inviting others into helping debug an 
integration problem.  Simply give them a login on the machine, tell them 
to make whatever changes they like (it will get wiped out next cycle 
anyway), and then type "build " to see if it helps.

I was able to identify exactly where breakages was introduced on 
projects I didn't know by repeatedly issuing "cvs update -D " and 
"build ", doing a binary search over time space until I had 
identified the exact commit that caused the problem.

Yes, we could split the gui into a client and server and solve this (or 
simply rely on XWindows), but there is value in being able to do this 
from the command line.

The reason I care about this distinction is that I feel we don't need a
major re-work in order to satisfy targeted runs. I think this is most
clearly seen if we bring the GUI, that Sam/Nicola worked on, out of
mothballs. I'd love to see that done, 'cos I think it brings good issues to
the surface. With the GUI I think we can allow a user to pick N projects,
and can perform an update or a run, or whatever.
A GUI is a nice thing to have, but not as a replacement for a command 
line interface.

I also think a GUI is especially useful for resolving some of the concerns
over documentation, and timeliness, and format. I think that a listener
(being passed context with status) could be called whenever a project is
built (or whatever) and could represent/display state as it proceeds.
I've always respected the Gump GUI & liked what it brings to this mix, I've
just never had enough cycles to maintain it as I fleshed out the more
'agent' way of doing things. For the GUI to really fly I believe we need
some internals changes (separating all 'run' information into context
objects and off the metadata model objects, so we can re-run without
re-loading metadata) but I think this is worthwhile.
So, my random thought is ... could we find folks to care about this use
case, and bringing it to feature completeness as a parallel effort to the
remote agents and their sites (via forrest or cheetah or both or ...)
While I like the GUI and can invest some cycles there, I will remain 
fundamentally a command line person for 95% of my usage.  So, my RT 
would be for us to flush out what would be required in order to 
implement a dynamic forrest approach.  Let's specify the data formats of 
what is expected to be produced by python gump.  My preference would be 
that this be semantically rich XML (i.e., lacking in presentation 
elements like spacer gifs and the like).  If this can be XHTML with CSS, 
that might be nice (with the semantic information captured in class names).

As to how we evolve from where we are to where this would take us, I 
would suggest that we simply continue to maintain in the current 
document.* classes, but start to augment the other classes to produce 
the specified data.  Once this reaches a critical mass, a dynamic 
Forrest implementation could be initiated, and only after it gets to the 
point where it is deployable would the document.* classes get deprecated.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Downloading Maven to brutus

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Thank you. I'll update the README and post it to the Gump Wiki for a clear
record. I'll cut-n-paste your package install command line, please update it
with these if needed.
Hehe... I actually spent some time to update the Gump Wiki with a 
greatly expanded README (with specific URL references and commands) -- 
and all this was BEFORE I read the above email.

I left out Maven and Forrest, can you add these to the other prereqs 
section?  Preferably with some specific commands and/or URLs.

BTW: We've done moof (although it isn't complete) and now brutus. If we do a
couple more, frm the documentation we generate for these, we ought hopefully
have nailed the steps pretty well.
Exactly.  The next one to conquer is FreeBSD.  And also remember, Brutus 
still can be wiped at any time.  In fact, ideally I would like to plan 
on it being wiped periodically if possible.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Downloading Maven to brutus

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

use wget :)
FYI: I've now installed both lynx and curl.

Thanks, I tried it. Did I do something wrong?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump$ wget
Take a close look at that page.  It is an HTML page telling you where 
you can download maven from, not the tar.gz file itself.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Gump docs solution, makes everyone happy (Re: Gump Thrashing/Spinning...)

2004-03-29 Thread Sam Ruby
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

I'll certainly guilty of being away for a while, but
gump.document.forrest is not a small thing, and to my eyes, not entirely
 > Also, if we want both xdoc and html output we'd need to set
of tempaltes (with code in) which isn't nice.
Maybe my comment got lost... generate html and Forrest can skin that too.

In other words, Forrest can skin an html site.

So, if you make Cheetah output plain html you can see the site natively, 
or decide to have Forrest skin over it and publish it or use a live 

I'm -1 on removing Forrest for output, as it takes away the same visual 
style of the site.
That's darn near a circular definition.  To demonstrate: what's wrong 
with the notion of switching the site to Anakia, which is stable, builds 
consistently with Gump, and powers,, 
and a number of other sites?

Now realize that I am *NOT* proposing Anakia.  What I am proposing is 
that the ability to view a site as it is being produced is a very 
valuable thing to have, and an important consideration both for a 
machine which is a shared resource and for any hope of there ever being 
personal usage of gump.

Beyond that, I would like to reiterate the point that there is value in 
keeping true to the original design where Gump bootstraps its own 

- Sam Ruby

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Re: status

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
It's not all that scary.  I've updated .bash_profile to contain the ...
Not scared, just my *nix knowledge is not "borne again". ;-)

following lines:

  export FORREST_HOME=/usr/local/gump/forrest
  export PATH=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin:$PATH:$FORREST_HOME/bin
I'll move the stuff at /usr/local/gump/public/gump/ in
there, and try the hup command below, thanks.
Note that the nohup command will benifit from you updating .bash_profile 
(presuming that you log off and back on), but cron will NOT.

Thanks for that. I think the last root/admin task we need (which I'd
forgotten earlier, sorry) is for the 'svn' client to be installed/available.

- Sam Ruby

P.S.  Capturing for posterity (don't worry if it doesn't make sense to you)

  apt-get install apache htdate cvs python subversion sudo vim

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Re: cvs commit: gump/profile gump.xml

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Apache Organization
This answers the question I just asked... and even uses the same URL.


- Sam Ruby

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Re: status

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
We really need somebody to place these local information into a .bashrc or
.profile (or wherever) so FORREST_HOME is picked up by a python script.
However, I'm not that guy -- I am too out of touch with such things.
It's not all that scary.  I've updated .bash_profile to contain the 
following lines:

  export FORREST_HOME=/usr/local/gump/forrest
  export PATH=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin:$PATH:$FORREST_HOME/bin
BTW: Don't take this as me being intransigent and not open to moving away
from forrest, this is just for here and now. I personally think we need to
make forrest work for us (I want SVGs) but I think we can remove it as a
mandatory requirement for HTML sites.
Pre-forrest, this was done via ant and batik:

This was also done as a part of the gump run, so it was using the latest 
ant, batik, etc.  Seemed only fair.

Since I've not had much fun running in background (when I hang up,
it dies) -- and because I need the forrest env variables I am adding this
crontab entry:

  nohup python &

Next steps (assuming this above all works) ought be to modify HTTPD
configuration to point to the results in /usr/local/gump/public/results.
Anybody game to take these on?
What url do you want to map to that directory?  For now, I've mapped

But this can be easily changed.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [RT] Generator vs Serializer

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

An alternate approach would be to completely flip this.  Have the
equivalent logic drive the acquisition of certain pieces of information,
which can be processed as it is being received.
Whilst most of the forrest documenter generates pages for single entities
(for workspace/module/project/work) there are a significant number of
statistics/xref pages that rely on all information being available. As such
we'll need at least two phases.
"classic" gump handles such statistics pages separately too.

I'm not much into abstract architectural discussion.  I tend to focus on
tangible and measurable quanties that matter to real people.  In this
case, it is clear that Gump is expected to run for a long period of
time, and I view not having ANY output until EVERYTHING is done as
something less than ideal.
The use case of having 'personal Gumps' (not just relying upon the remote
servers) has not been greatly exercised. [In the main 'cos I don't have the
resources to run it locally]. We are moving more and more towards that usage
though, so I could see how this could start to become important to folks.
I actually think there is considerable value in being able to view live 
results in the mult-hour run too, but it is fair to observe that classic 
gump "grew" in the other direction - being primarily used for my own 
personal builds which I ran multiple times a day, and an occasional 
complete resysnc, which I did every couple of weeks.

For us to get to the point where others are interested in personal 
gumps, we need to make it easier to build profiles which use 
repositories for components that an individual is not interested in 
rebuilding for themselves.

- Sam Ruby

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[RT] Generator vs Serializer

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
> We have gump.document.text, and we could create gump.document.html
> that use cheetah to write it.
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
+1 in removal of forrest and go plain XHTML + CSS. But please, let's use 
a velocity-like approach, not a DOM like approach!
I may be reading too much into Stefano's words, but if so, the following 
is how I see things.

At the moment, gump.document.* take a complete set of knowledge and 
produce a set of artifacts.  The best analogy to Cocoon for this would 
be a serializer which terminates a pipeline.

An alternate approach would be to completely flip this.  Have the 
equivalent logic drive the acquisition of certain pieces of information, 
which can be processed as it is being received.  The best analogy to 
Cocoon for this would be a generator which is at the beginning of a 
pipeline.  Classic gump is closer to this model... after a brief 
generation phase, the execution of the resulting script triggers 
actions, the output of which is intermixed with some static and some 
generated output.

I'm not much into abstract architectural discussion.  I tend to focus on 
tangible and measurable quanties that matter to real people.  In this 
case, it is clear that Gump is expected to run for a long period of 
time, and I view not having ANY output until EVERYTHING is done as 
something less than ideal.

Producing output as the information becomes available can also 
dramatically reduce working set sizes.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: [RT] Let each project run using the last successfull jar from each dependency

2004-03-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Martin Cooper wrote:

On Sat, 27 Mar 2004, Nick Chalko wrote:

Here is an idea to let gump build 100% every time.

Keep the jars from the last success full build of each project. Then a
project fails it will not stop the rest of the tree from building.
I'm just a lurker here, but this seems to defeat the whole purpose of
Gump. Gump's purpose in life is to let people know as soon as possible
when changes in one place break things in other places.
The change you are suggesting would at best delay the guilty party from
being notified of the issues, and at worst result in everything building
successfully every time.
Of course, I may be misinterpreting you entirely...
It is more subtle that that.  What it would do is to enable a nearly 
perfect system to run better, but it could make a bad situation worse.

Example: Xalan is a stable project with a stable set of interfaces. 
However, I have seen it fail to build.  Due to Ant's depedency on Xalan, 
this pretty much wiped out the days's run.  Unnecessarily.

On the other side is projects that rarely build.  If this is obscured by 
substituting in older jars, projects will be provided with misleading 
impression that

One way to mitigate this would be to place an upper bound on how long 
old builds may be used.  Three days old may be fine, but three weeks old 
is probably not.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Gump Thrashing/Spinning...

2004-03-27 Thread Sam Ruby
Nick Chalko wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:


Ok, I think that reducing complexity is critical for wider adoption.

+1 in removal of forrest and go plain XHTML + CSS. But please, let's 
use a velocity-like approach, not a DOM like approach!
I am not sure how removing forrest reduces complexity. It just means we 
have to maintaining the template / site code ourself.
I'll certainly guilty of being away for a while, but 
gump.document.forrest is not a small thing, and to my eyes, not entirely 

A design point for the original gump is that output was viewable as it 
was produced.  Is this the case for gumppy w/ forrest?

- Sam Ruby

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2004-03-27 Thread Sam Ruby
Current status:

A minimal network install of Debian testing [1] was made on one of the 
new IBM xSeries 345 machines.  Being minimal, this kernel does not yet 
recognize the second CPU or second Gig, but my first focus is to get the 
box up and running.  Once running, I plan to attempt to replicate this 
on other operating systems (in particular FreeBSD) for comparison 
purposes.  Once we have had a chance to evaluate the alternatives, the 
plan is to settle down to a single machine, possibly with a completely 
different OS than what is currently installed on brutus, and that 
machine will be called brutus (it likely will be the same physical 
machine, but that's not important either).

The key point is: don't get too comfortable, as things may change.

 - - -

To date, I have installed the following via apt-get: sudo, apache, 
python, and cvs.  In addition, I have installed Sun's j2sdk1.4.2_04.

I created a user called 'gump' and sent the instructions on where to 
find the password to dims, leosimons, and ajack.  Once this machine is 
fully set up, the plan is to make this a public resource for Apache 
committers with a desire to participate, but initially it makes sense to 
keep the list small to minimize stepping on one another's work.

I've followed the /usr/local/gump directory structure pattern that I 
found in place on moof, though I did place packages on a separate hard 
drive, and created a convenient symbolic link to public from /home/gump.

I also copied and updated the /usr/local/gump/README from Moof.  I 
created the 'public' flavour, checked out GUMP, created a brutus.xml 
workspace, and tried to run the first tests.  python gump/ 
failed as follows:

  File "/usr/local/gump/public/gump/python/gump/output/", line 181, in 
if self.db.has_key(key): val=self.db[key]
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/bsddb/", line 142, in has_key
return self.db.has_key(key)
TypeError: String or Integer object expected for key, unicode found
An easy fix for this would be to add "key=str(key)" immediately before 
this line, and in other similar methods.  It might be preferable to do 
this upstream (like when the string is read).

I have not yet proceeded to step 8 which involves forrest.  If the 
consensus is that we want to replace this with a Python solution, I can 
invest the time to make that happen.

- Sam Ruby


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Re: [RT] Gump Architecture

2004-03-27 Thread Sam Ruby
One thing that is possible to do in Python that would have been 
difficult to do in shell script is to parallelize some of the processing.

In a daily build, there are three major components: cvs/svn update, 
copy/rsync, and build.  My recommendation would be to not overdesign 
this (too many processes/threads is not a good thing for performance 
either), but perhaps having exactly three operating as a pipeline would 
be a good thing.

Let's look at two extremes:

1) Fast network, slow CPU.  In this case, after the first few cvs/svn 
updates, a period would occur where one component is building, a 
move/copy for a subsequent next component will be in progress, and a 
cvs/svn update for a third would be running.  The net effect would be 
that the overall time would approximate the time of the builds, plus the 
small increment necessary to "prime the pump", and whatever penalty 
overlapping the I/O with the builds adds.

2) Slow network, fast CPU.  Essentially the reverse of the above, 
whereby the overall time is the time of checkouts plus a small delta.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Gump Thrashing/Spinning...

2004-03-25 Thread Sam Ruby
Leo Simons wrote:
We should probably use a template engine. I'm sure there's a python 
equivalent for something like velocity (or smarty).

I use it in my weblogging software.

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Which gump on the new machines?

2004-03-25 Thread Sam Ruby
Adam Jack wrote:

OK, it looks like there may be a new ASF hosted machine or two running
gump in the next 24 or so hours.  Which gump should be run on it?
Which? As in traditioanl verse Python? I think concensus has been Python for
a while.
Just checking...

We have a README in /usr/local/gump on moof, ought I post it here for folks?
I can't get there this mo, and my eyebrowse search isn't bringing up when I
posted it before. It has the steps involved.
I see it on moof.  I'm not too worried as I generally am a quick 
learner.  ;-)

I'm willing to take the lead in getting it up and running, or simply
suggest it be turned over to somebody who wishes to volunteer.  Once it
is up and running, it is my intent that this be a public resource Gump
I will be online (from a hotel, after workout/dinner) tonight (PST time) and
able to help. I do think we ought use the shared 'gump' account we've been
discussing, that'd be good for a common place for the cronjob, etc.
My guess is that real work won't start until tomorrow.  A shared gump is 
OK with me.


- Sam Ruby

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Re: nagoya much slower again...

2004-03-25 Thread Sam Ruby
Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Who's Gump in whose account? Sam's? Is anybody aware of the outputs, let
alone using them?
Sam, and ask him.  :-)
The outputs (in terms of reports indicating what worked and what did 
not) are directly linked to from  Click on "Nagoya".

In any case, I've commented this entry out of my crontab for now. 
Hopefully we will be seeing a new installation of Gump on separate 
hardware shortly.

- Sam Ruby

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Which gump on the new machines?

2004-03-25 Thread Sam Ruby
OK, it looks like there may be a new ASF hosted machine or two running 
gump in the next 24 or so hours.  Which gump should be run on it?

I'm willing to take the lead in getting it up and running, or simply 
suggest it be turned over to somebody who wishes to volunteer.  Once it 
is up and running, it is my intent that this be a public resource Gump 

- Sam Ruby

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Re: Gump nag mails (was Re: STANDARD_1_0_BRANCH doesn't build)

2004-03-23 Thread Sam Ruby
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

Gump has been trying to tell you about the build problem for the past
three weeks, but looking at the list archives, the nag mails have
never been delivered to the list.
Gump is configured to use Ted Husted's address to send the nag mails
for any taglib failures.  The only reason I can imagine that the mails
are not going to the list is that Ted is no longer subscribed to the
list (at least not using the specific address that Gump uses) and the
moderator didn't moderate the Gump nag mails in.
taglibs-dev has a backlog of 58 moderation requests pending.

Ted Husted unsubscribed from taglibs-dev on 31 Mar 2003.

taglibs-dev has one moderator defined: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As a temporary fix, I added [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the 'allow' list for this 
mailing list.

- Sam Ruby

Two questions:

(1) Dear moderator, why didn't you accept/allow the nag messages?  Are
they unwanted by the taglibs community?  If so, it would be easier to
turn nagging off in Gump than to silently discard them.  At least the
Gump community wouldn't think you'd know about any problems.  Since
all taglibs committers (all Apache committers) are Gump committers as
well, you can easily disable nagging yourself.
(2) If nagging is wanted by the community, should Gump use a different
sender address than Ted's?  Any address would do as long as the mails
get moderated in.


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Re: [VOTE] which OS for new gump machine?

2004-03-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Leo Simons wrote:
The new IBM boxen arrived, and infrastructure@ will be installing them 
this week. There's been quite a bit of talk about which OS to run on the 
machine. From the looks of it, we're probably getting Red Hat Enterprise 
Linux v3 (RHEL3).

This is a quick vote to be sure we're in agreement that's a sane choice. 
Please place your votes:

[] Linux
   [] RHEL
   [] Debian
[] FreeBSD (probably 5.2.x)
My vote is for Debian.  I initially switched to Debian for my own 
personal use when Red Hat end of lifed the non-Enterprise version of the 
OS, but I quickly fell in love with apt-get.

If any help is needed administering this box, count me in.  I have some 
prior experience in configuring Gump boxes, and would like to become 
reacquainted with the Python branch.  ;-)

- Sam Ruby

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