Re: [Gimp-docs] Help building help.

2013-08-19 Thread Jihui Choi
I did install texlive-full as well on ubuntu 12.04
Though there are still problems, I'm happy with it. At least I can make a
pdf for korean and that means I can move to next step.

And when I started this work, I said I wanted to do this for many years
like 10-20 years.
I stopped it for a while because of my long trip for almost 3 years and
others.. But now I'm back and I believe someone will show up to work with
me soon. :)

Jihui Choi

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 12:43:57AM +0900, Jihui Choi wrote:
> > wow.. it works! I made a pdf file for korean. it doesn't show any korean
> > character though.
> > I reckon that's just a font problem. I read a document about this before.
> Same problem here.
> Only chapter titles in korean chars.
> The other text is blank... :-(
> I've made a
> apt-get install texlive-full
> with no visible difference though.
> I think that this is a _big_ problem for many reasons:
> 1) english is more understandable by American and European people than
>for asiatic people. It is a bit hironic that asiatic
>people (pdf) translation isn't working...
> 2) now that we have a constant korean translator voluteer we have
>to do something to not make him go away... ;-)
> --
> Marco Ciampa
> ++
> | Linux User  #78271 |
> | FSFE fellow   #364 |
> ++
> ___
> gimp-docs-list mailing list
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] Help building help.

2013-08-18 Thread Jihui Choi
wow.. it works! I made a pdf file for korean. it doesn't show any korean
character though.
I reckon that's just a font problem. I read a document about this before.

Thank you, Marco!!

ps. I'm going to Milan in the middle of Sep. if you are in Italy, I want to
meet you. :)

Jihui Choi

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 04:02:46PM +0200, Marco Ciampa wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > xelatex was not installed but autoconf did not signal the problem ...
> anyway... to me...
> >
> > make pdf-it
> >
> > ...
> >
> > no new compilation is needed
> > running last-compilation scripts...
> > Character U+E0 (à) not in font 'cmmi10'
> > Character U+2CB (ˋ) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Bold/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+2CB (ˋ) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+3B1 (α) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+2245 (≅) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+592A (太) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+5CF6 (島) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+672C (本) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+6768 (杨) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+7EA2 (红) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+826F (良) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+828A (芊) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+8521 (蔡) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+C9C0 (지) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+CD5C (최) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > Character U+D76C (희) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> > 'gimp.pdf' successfully built
> >
> > works ;-)
> and even ...
> make pdf-ko
> Character U+D6C4 (후) not in font
> 'FreeSans/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D6C4 (후) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Italic/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D6C4 (후) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D6CC (훌) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D6E8 (훨) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D718 (휘) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D71C (휜) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D720 (휠) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Bold/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D720 (휠) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D734 (휴) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Bold/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D734 (휴) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D749 (흉) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D750 (흐) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Bold/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D750 (흐) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Italic/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D750 (흐) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D751 (흑) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D754 (흔) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D761 (흡) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D765 (흥) not in font
> 'FreeSans/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D765 (흥) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D769 (흩) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Italic/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D76C (희) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D770 (흰) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Italic/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D770 (흰) not in font 'URW Palladio L
> Roman/ICU:mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D788 (히) not in font
> 'FreeSans/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;'
> Character U+D788 (히) not in font 

[Gimp-docs] [Korean] Translation update

2013-08-18 Thread Jihui Choi
Hi, all.

I've just finished to chapter 4(Part I).
I checked validate and made html as well.

no errors, no problems.
Please commit this.

File :

Thank you.

Jihui Choi
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] Help building help.

2013-08-18 Thread Jihui Choi
Hi, Marco.

Is any advance?
Recently I tried to make pdf file, for test, pdf-en.
I met above same errors.

If you have any, please let me know.

Some people-especially old people- prefer hard copies, like a book. For
that pdf version is very good solution. Of course pdf is great for e-book
reader for tablet or smartphone. Unfortunately we've had lots of problems
with CJK languages. Thus I almost give it up but if it's possible to make
gimp-help-2 to a pdf file, it would be wonderful.

Jihui Choi

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 02:41:02PM -0400, john Culleton wrote:
> > Elaborate things break more often then simple things. All I want is a
> > Gimp Manual in pdf form for version 2.8. I can print this out, put it
> > in a ring binder and use it as needed. What I got instead was a
> > package with the guts of the manual in xml. I tried autogen, then
> > ./configure, and then make.  Consistently I get these error messages:
> >
> >
> > Making all in quickreference
> > make[1]: Entering directory
> > `/home/safe/Documents/gimp-help-2.8.0/quickreference' make[1]: *** No
> > rule to make target `svg/gimp-keys-ca.svg', needed by `svg'.  Stop.
> > make[1]: Leaving directory
> > `/home/safe/Documents/gimp-help-2.8.0/quickreference' make: ***
> > [all-recursive] Error 1
> >
> > Before I start hacking around eliminating references to the
> > quickreference is there a standard solution to my problem?
> >
> > I don't want to spend days learning about docbook, wonderful though it
> > may be. I have a project under way and I need to look some things in
> > the manual.
> >
> > Anyone have a copy they are willing to share? Slackware 14 if anyone
> > cares.
> >
> I have another error:
> $make pdf-it
> *** Making PDF (it) ...
> Build the book set list...
> xsltproc -o /tmp/tmpxAwlqk/doclist.txt --xinclude --xincludestyle
> doclist.xsl /home/marco/git-gnome/gimp-help-2/xml/it/gimp.xml
> Build the listings...
> xsltproc -o /tmp/tmpxAwlqk/listings.xml --xinclude --xincludestyle --param
> current.dir '/home/marco/git-gnome/gimp-help-2/xml/it'
> /usr/share/dblatex/xsl/common/mklistings.xsl
> /home/marco/git-gnome/gimp-help-2/xml/it/gimp.xml
> xsltproc -o gimp.rtex --xinclude --xincludestyle --param current.dir
> '/home/marco/git-gnome/gimp-help-2/xml/it' --param listings.xml
> '/tmp/tmpxAwlqk/listings.xml' /tmp/tmpxAwlqk/custom.xsl
> /home/marco/git-gnome/gimp-help-2/xml/it/gimp.xml
> XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.4-3)
> ===
> literal: default template used in programlisting or screen
> literal: default template used in programlisting or screen
> Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "para"
> (linkend=text-to-path)
> Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "para"
> (linkend=text-along-path)
> Image 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-1.png' not found
> Image 'images/toolbox/paths-transform-2.png' not found
> Image '../images/tool-options/stock-gravity-east-24.png' not found
> Build gimp.pdf
> built-in module xetex registered
> no support found for ifthen
> no support found for ifxetex
> no support found for fontspec
> no support found for xltxtra
> no support found for fontenc
> no support found for ucs
> no support found for inputenc
> no support found for fancybox
> built-in module makeidx registered
> no support found for babel
> no support found for cmap
> no support found for db2latex
> built-in module bibtopic registered
> building additional files...
> checking if compiling is necessary...
> the output file doesn't exist
> xelatex -interaction=batchmode gimp.tex
> A possible reason for transformation failure is invalid DocBook
> (as reported by xmllint)
> Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> make: *** [pdf/it/gimp.pdf] Errore 1
> but
>  log/it-xmllint.log
> contains
>  it: no errors.
> Any hint?
> --
> Marco Ciampa
> ++
> | Linux User  #78271 |
> | FSFE fellow   #364 |
> ++
> ___
> gimp-docs-list mailing list
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] [typo] duplicated sentences..

2013-08-11 Thread Jihui Choi
Sorry, my mistake.
Those are different slightly.

Jihui Choi

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Jihui Choi  wrote:

> Hi.
> I found something strange.
> The end of this page,
> in Show Image Selection section, there are two sentences.
> "It is not available for dialogs docked below the Toolbox. This option is
> interesting only if you have several open images on your screen."
> And just below this, same sentences repeated.
> "Auto Follow Active Image
> It is not available for dialogs docked below the Toolbox. This option is
> interesting only if you have several open images on your screen."
> Is this intended, or not?
> --
> Regards,
> Jihui Choi
gimp-docs-list mailing list

[Gimp-docs] [typo] duplicated sentences..

2013-08-11 Thread Jihui Choi
I found something strange.

The end of this page,
in Show Image Selection section, there are two sentences.

"It is not available for dialogs docked below the Toolbox. This option is
interesting only if you have several open images on your screen."

And just below this, same sentences repeated.

"Auto Follow Active Image
It is not available for dialogs docked below the Toolbox. This option is
interesting only if you have several open images on your screen."

Is this intended, or not?

Jihui Choi
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] GIMP DOCS, Korean translation patch

2013-07-23 Thread Jihui Choi
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:
> Please complete one .po file at a time and check for errors.
Alright, I'll do it soon.
I think translations of ko/glossary.po are very old and bad.
(I did when I was a really beginner. I am still a beginner though.)
So I'm going to re-translate all of them. :)

Thank you, Marco.

Jihui Choi

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 05:31:24PM +0900, Jihui Choi wrote:
> > Here is the link of my file.
> > Sorry for unconvinience.
> >
> >
> >
> Committed. I just erased almost all entries from po/ko/glossary.po since
> I incurred in the same that core dump that you have seen already. I
> figured out that that file was heavily corrupted and choosed to discard
> it to a safe state until I have seen a
> make validate-ko
> without errors.
> Please complete one .po file at a time and check for errors. Sometimes
> make validate will not suffice since some misplaced xtml tags are tricky
> to check automatically.
> Keep on with the good work!
> bye
> --
> Marco Ciampa
> ++
> | Linux User  #78271 |
> | FSFE fellow   #364 |
> ++
> ___
> gimp-docs-list mailing list
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] GIMP DOCS, Korean translation patch

2013-07-22 Thread Jihui Choi
Here is the link of my file.
Sorry for unconvinience.

Jihui Choi

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Jihui Choi  wrote:

> Hello, all.
> I checked and updated all ko-po files in sources. And I added some new
> translation and fixed fuzzies.
> Since the purpose of this patch is just a rebooting of my work, there's
> not much differencies.
> Anyway I made sure there's no error. (make validate-ko => no errors)
> If someone who has an authority to commit does it for me, I'll be happy
> very much.
> Thank you.
> --
> Regards,
> Jihui Choi
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] Please check a update file on

2013-07-21 Thread Jihui Choi
There's no error on centos 6.4, but is on ubuntu 13.04.
Humm.. I'm not used to centos though.

anyway there're another errors in ko/using.po, but I think I can handle
Thank you again, Marco.

Jihui Choi

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 11:02:00PM +0900, Jihui Choi wrote:
> > Hi, Marco.
> > Thank you for your answer.
> >
> > I've just gotten source from git and checked validation. I got some
> errors.
> > I didn't do anything after I cloned source from git.
> >
> > ---
> > ubuntu@ubuntu:~/gimp-help-2$ make validate-ko
> > [PO]  po/ko/appendix.po
> > 178 translated messages, 197 fuzzy translations, 370 untranslated
> messages.
> > [XML] xml/ko/glossary/glossary.xml
> > /bin/bash: line 1: 22327 Segmentation fault  (core dumped)
> That is weird and should not happen.
> Are you shure of your linux installation or of your hardware?
> --
> Marco Ciampa
> ++
> | Linux User  #78271 |
> | FSFE fellow   #364 |
> ++
> ___
> gimp-docs-list mailing list
gimp-docs-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-docs] Please check a update file on

2013-07-21 Thread Jihui Choi
Hi, Marco.
Thank you for your answer.

I've just gotten source from git and checked validation. I got some errors.
I didn't do anything after I cloned source from git.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/gimp-help-2$ make validate-ko
[PO]  po/ko/appendix.po
178 translated messages, 197 fuzzy translations, 370 untranslated messages.
[XML] xml/ko/glossary/glossary.xml
/bin/bash: line 1: 22327 Segmentation fault  (core dumped)
./tools/ --mode=gimphelp --po-file=${pofile} --language=ko
--output=xml/ko/glossary/glossary.xml ${srcfile}
*** Validating XML (ko) ...

and log/ko-xmllint.log is on

I found xml/ko/glossary/glossary.xml is empty. Though there's contents in

How can I make glossary.xml or fix this error?

Jihui Choi

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Marco Ciampa  wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 05:27:44PM +0900, Jihui Choi wrote:
> > Hello, all.
> > I'm Jihui Choi.
> >
> > I used to translate and maintain korean translation, but for the last
> > several years I didn't.
> > I'm gonna start again but I don't know where I should start from.
> > Now it seems everyone works on, right?
> AFAIK no.
> We (I) appear there because the site reflects git commits.
> > Btw, I uploaded a updated file on
> >
> >
> >
> > Please check these files out and commit. Thank you.
> I think that it is better if you use git and then post here a patch
> checking for validation of your translations with
> make validate-ko
> You have to install all the necessary tools to be able to build an html
> version of the manual, of course.
> If you need some assistance, please ask.
> PS: it is easier if you use linux...
> --
> Marco Ciampa
> ++
> | Linux User  #78271 |
> | FSFE fellow   #364 |
> ++
> ___
> gimp-docs-list mailing list
gimp-docs-list mailing list

[Gimp-docs] Please check a update file on

2013-07-09 Thread Jihui Choi
Hello, all.
I'm Jihui Choi.

I used to translate and maintain korean translation, but for the last
several years I didn't.
I'm gonna start again but I don't know where I should start from.
Now it seems everyone works on, right?

Btw, I uploaded a updated file on

Please check these files out and commit. Thank you.

Jihui Choi
gimp-docs-list mailing list