Re: [Gimp-user] Good books

2003-01-08 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 17:45, Keith Athey wrote:
 The online man pages are not very helpful for doing searches on
 functionality.  Is there a good book/web site anyone can recommend that
 covers gimp functionality at a medium technical level.

Here's a few of my favorite websites about The GIMP:

Tigert lists some good books about GIMP on his website. You can also
find some very nice tutorials there:

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The gap between theory and practice is wider in practice than in
   -- Unknown

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] A nice toy

2003-06-10 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 10:18, johnny wrote:
  1. Let's say I have this image I need to rotate precisely by 2.5 degrees CCW. How I 
 am supposed to do this simple task in Gimp?

The answer is simple. Use the Transform Tool from the toolbox.

  2. I still didn't figure out how to quickly create my own patterns (this is a 
 simple procedure in Photoshop).

It is a simple procedure in GIMP as well.

Patterns are saved with the .pat extension. To make the pattern
available from within gimp-1.2 you should save it to one of the pattern
directories (e.g. ~/.gimp-1.2/patterns/ on GNU/Linux)

  3. A Distort tool seems to be missing in Gimp. Correct me if I am wrong.

Did you check the Image/Filters/Distorts/ menu? Not exactly a tool,
but I am not sure what it is exactly you are looking for here...

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [gimp-user] rotating

2003-06-16 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 13:41, Gene Heskett wrote:
 The popup when the mouse is over it says rotation, shearing, scaling, 
 perspective.  But I was unable (and the manpage is something like 
 yet to be written for at least 1/2 of those functions) unable to get 
 it out of the rotation mode and into one of the last 3 modes.  How is 
 this done?  I tried the usual suspects of shift clicking and didn't 
 seem to hit the magic twanger on the other functions.  Gimp is 1.2.3.

You need to double-click on the tool in the toolbox to get to the tool
options. This goes for all the tools. Another way to show the tool
options is to use the menu File/Dialogs/Tool Options...

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] need gimp grid

2003-07-16 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 09:00, Simon Males wrote:
 Farmiliar with Filters  Render  Gfig...  Display Grid ???
 how can i get such a grid on a normal image?

Ability to show a grid over the canvas and optionally having the tools
snap to it has been added to current CVS HEAD (1.3.x). This feature is
not available in 1.2.x - you can however use guides: try click-n-drag on
the rulers, drag it to somewhere in the image. Maybe that can be helpful
to you...

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Grokking

2003-07-30 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 17:24, BandiPat wrote:
 Also, will there be a new one for the 2.0 version soon to be released or 
 will there be or is there now a manual or tutorial for the new one yet?  
 I haven't done much with the Gimp earlier, but become more interested 
 as the 2.0 nears completetion.  The 1.3.17 looks very nice and is 
 performing very well, so I think it may be time to get into a tutorial 
 of some sort to learn more.

For tutorials you could take a look the beta site

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] plugins

2003-08-14 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 20:20, david wrote:
 Is it possible that someone could give us a clue on how to install a 
 plugin for the gimp.

Yes. You should take a look at the 'gimptool' command - try the '--help'
flag. If the command is not found try installing the gimp-devel package.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Bug Week!

2003-09-05 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
Hi all!

As some of you might already know, next week is the pre-2.0 GIMP Bug
Week. The first pre-releases of 2.0 will start coming out the door
around the end of this month, and we need to get some concentrated
testing done before then, as well as classifying known bugs into those
which will be fixed before 2.0 final and those which will be fixed

For those of you who aren't familiar with the idea, a bug week is a week
when we make an extra effort to find bugs (and fix them) with the
assistance of the general public. We invite people to join up on IRC
(irc:// to give us feedback, to help the developers
prioritize bugs to be fixed, and to report bugs (if you're intimidated
by Bugzilla).

Apart from bug fixing we also need GIMP users to volunteer for bug
triaging. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of bug triaging, the
GNOME Project has a nice description of the bug triage concept - please

So if you're a GIMP user and wants to help the developers getting the
source code in shape for 2.0 - or if you're a developer with (at least)
minimal experience with The GIMP and wants to help fixing bugs in the
source - you should definitely show up at The GIMP Bug Week. 

See you at The GIMP Bug Week!

On behalf of the The GIMP Developers,
Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Screenshot plug-in status

2003-09-07 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
Hi all,

I recently replaced a large part of the screenshot plug-in
(plug-ins/common/screenshot.c) - now it no longer depend on the external
'xwd' utility from XFree86 to work.

I have prepared the screenshot plug-in for compilation on different GDK
back ends than X11, but I have no means experience coding for these back
ends nor the means to test the plug-in on them.

It would be nice if someone on say... win32 ;)... would have a go at
writing the missing win32 part of the select_window() function. It
really should be simple. As a matter of fact that someone could look at
the win32 specific winsnap plug-in to see how it is done there.

The comments in plug-ins/common/screenshot.c explains pretty much what
the code should do.

When the win32 specific part of select_window() has been written and
committed I plan to retire the win32 specific winsnap plug-in in favor
of the new screenshot plug-in.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to write me - or follow up on
the list.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Noise reduction

2003-09-27 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 12:49, Steve Crane wrote:
 I think that what I'm looking for is some ideas/tutorials on different
 techniques that would suit different cases.  I don't much care for a
 script that is more generic.  After all if I wanted the canned approach
 I could just use Windows and Photoshop with it's million and three
 filters.  I prefer to understand why the technique works as this will
 aid me in applying it to future, slightly different cases. has a few tutorials describing
how to remove noise from photographs...

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Mneumonics fighting dynamic shortcuts on 1.3.20

2003-09-27 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:49, Eric Pierce wrote:
 I think I found a little problem with assigning shortcuts on 1.3.20.

This is a know limitation of gtk+ (actually Simon stumbled across it at

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Bugs?

2003-11-07 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 07:08, Eric Pierce wrote:
 #1 If I have 2 or more linked layers and I use the move tool to try to
 move all the layers (with mouse or arrow keys), only the currently
 selected layer moves as opposed to all the linked layers.  In Gimp 1.2.x,
 all linked layers move together when moved.

I can not reproduce this with current CVS HEAD. When I link two layers
and use the move tool on one of them, the other layers moves as well.
Perhaps I misunderstood the problem?

 #2 In Gimp 1.2.x, an asterisk appears next to the file name in the title
 bar when changes have been made to an image.  I don't see an asterisk in
 1.3.  Not a real biggie.  Was it left out on purpose?  Or am I missing a
 preference setting somewhere?

This can be configured using File-Preferences-Title  Status. You need
to add %D* to the beginning of the Image Title Format line. See also

 #3 With an image open, do View-Info Window.  Don't close the Info Window.
  Now click on the image to give it focus and do View-Info Window again. 
 The Info Window doesn't raise above the image.  Shouldn't it come to the
 top and receive focus?

Yes, I would say it should focus the Info Window again. Please file a
bug report on this.

 #4 This next one I've only seen on 1.3.22 under Windows.  In fullscreen
 mode, I see no indication of a selected area (ie., no marching ants) when
 I make a selection.  Note: I did pump up the ant marching speed to 75. 
 I'll have to reset that and see what happens tomorrow at work.

Try right-clicking the image to display the image menu. Then chose
View-Show Selection.

If you would like the selection to be shown by default when in
fullscreen mode you can change the behavior in

 #5 I've noticed some artifacts when doing work at high zoom levels.  To
 replicate this, draw a little something (most anything will work), now
 zoom in on an area.  Next select an area, copy it and move it around with
 the arrow keys.
 Here's what I got just now:
 See all the 1 pixel high artifacts that were left behind as I moved the
 image up to the left and right?  It seems this only works if your zoom
 ratio becomes some exotic ratio like 167:83 as opposed to 1:4 or 4:1. 
 Could this be related to Bug 124073

I can easily reproduce that here. I thought there already was a report
about it in bugzilla, but I can't seem to locate it now. Please file a
bug report about it and attach no_5.png to it.

 That's it.  Anyway, I don't mean to be nitpicky or anything.  I just
 thought this is a good time to address some of these potential bugs since
 we're coming upon 2.0.

Reporting found bugs is always a good thing :)

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] favicon

2003-11-12 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 22:32, Bob Lockie wrote:
 I want to creat an icon file so that I can specify a shortcut icon in my 
 HTML but apparently the gimp (1.2.5) I have cannot read or write 
 (Windows?) icon files.

There is a plug-in for gimp-1.2 called winicon which can load/save MS
Windows .ico files. You can find it on

Alternative you can use a .png file - or even an animated .mng file.
Just specify the right mime type:

link rel=icon href=favicon.mng type=video/x-mng

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP at COMDEX

2003-11-13 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 08:13, Daniel Rogers wrote:
 cl0kd already sent me a screenshot of gimp 1.3.x running on macos 10.3!

One of the cool thing about The GIMP is that it is cross-platform. The
exact same source code can be built on a variety of platforms. I often
meet people who think The GIMP is a GNU/Linux-only thing - maybe it is
worth mentioning that it runs on a large number of platforms?

PS: Have a nice trip to Vegas, Daniel :)
Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] GimpCon 2004 (follow-up)

2003-11-21 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 12:00, David Neary wrote:
 I want to start a new thread to get this discussion (which I
 consider important) back on track.

Good idea.

 So far there are 5 propositions in various stages of development,
 each of which has some + points and some - points.
 2) Lyon
 3) London
 4) Dublin
 5) Chemnitz
 Are there others? We need volunteers. 

Personally I think it would be best to piggy-back on an existing event
given that the organizers wouldn't mind, of course. This would give us
the benefit of an existing infrastructure.

 What facilities do we need? I've been working (in my head) with
 figures of 20-30 people, needing fairly liberal access to
 conference facilities and computer network, preferably staying
 with LUGgers, but perhaps in a hotel.

20-30 people sounds right to me. We need a conference room or similar
(the GimpTent at GIMPCon 2003 wasn't exactly a conference room, but it
filled our need perfectly) and access to the internet. Of course we need
a place/places to sleep as well, but anything from a tent to a hotel
would fit this need.

 Who will manage the money side of things? We need someone who is
 good with numbers, to organise a few people to do fundraising.

It would be ideal if The GIMP Foundation was a reality when we start the
fund-raising. We could then use the conference to evaluate the steps
taken to raise funds - and perhaps improve the process. 

 When is the earliest we could meet? When's the latest reasonable
 date? I like late June, I think June/July/August is our target
 area. Any comments?

I agree. I would say late June, July or early August.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-2.0pre1.tar.bz2 help file

2004-01-08 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 16:41, Alex wrote:
 I've compiled and installed new version of gimp (to
 non-default diresctory). All went well, but when I try
 to use help, help browser said thet it can't fing help
 Is it normal behaviour for pre-release or I missed

This is normal since the help documents has been separated from the main
gimp distribution. They can be found in gimp-help-2 on gnomecvs, but
they are not complete yet.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] SANE support of GIMP-1.3?

2004-01-09 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 19:40, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
 I don't know, but IMO this issue is a __totally blocker__  for 2.0 

How can a 3rd-party plug-in be a blocker for The GIMP 2.0?

 Not only it would hurt the GIMP but the whole GNU/Linux and free 
 software, if there came out a major distribution in which a 
 previously working  scanner would stop working. And distros will 
 include GIMP 2, and send out GIMP 1.2.

I doubt that. There are other means of scanning an image using SANE
apart from using the GIMP plug-in...

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Bug Reports

2004-01-10 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 11:07, david wrote:
 Is there a simple way of repoting a bug?  Can I just post it here?

The simplest way is to point your browser to and
follow the steps there. The GIMP uses GNOME Bugzilla to keep track of
bugs, enhancement requests etc.

Please check if your bug has been reported before prior to posting a new

If you're looking for a more detailed description please take a look at

Hope this helps.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Norwegian language support in the GIMP

2004-01-17 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Sat, 2004-01-17 at 18:37, Conrad Newton wrote:
 The new locales for Norwegian are
 nb_NO  Norwegian bokmal
 nn_NO  Norwegian nynorsk
 Norway has two official languages.

'LANG=nb_NO gimp-1.3' works here, but 'LANG=nn_NO gimp-1.3' doesn't.

 With some programs, I have to call the old locales
 if I want a Norwegian user interface, e.g.
 LANG=no_NO scribus

This also works with gimp-1.3 here.

You could try asking the gnome translation project - more information
about them can be found on

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] installing gimp-gap 1.3.25

2004-02-01 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 02:09, sime wrote:
 checking for gimp-2.0 gimpui-2.0 gimpthumb-2.0... Package gimp-2.0 was 
 not found in the pkg-config search path.
 Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gimp-2.0.pc'
 to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
 No package 'gimp-2.0' found

...and did you try the above?

Most likely you installed gimp-2.0pre2 in prefix /usr/local (default).

If that is the case you need to do the following:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

followed by:

su -c make install

or similar.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Where is gimp-help.xml

2004-02-21 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Fri, 2004-02-20 at 21:00, John Culleton wrote:
 I downolocaded, compiled and installed Gimp 2.0pre3. It
 sieems to work :-) But the help facility depends on a
 file gimp-help.xml that is nowhere on my system. 
 Does it exist somewhere?

Yes, it exists in the gimp-help-2 CVS module - no official tarball
releases has been made of the new help files yet.

If you would like to test the new help files (and the new help browser)
you should check out that module and follow the instructions provided.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Help docs online

2004-03-08 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 13:54, Dave Neary wrote:
 Sven Neumann wrote:
  I think we should somehow get this setup at
  When GIMP-2.0 is out, the GIMP User Manual written by Karin and Olof
  will be pretty much outdated and should IMHO be replaced by the help
  written for GIMP-2.0. What do you think?
 Sounds like a good idea. What would be involved to do that? Would it be a case 
 of having the docs auto-built on a machine or making the URL point to 
 Roman's machine?

I agree. The current on-line manual should be replaced by the files from

Perhaps an automatic build process (much like what is done for the
gimp-web-devel module) can be set up on

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Press pack requests

2004-03-09 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 17:21, Dave Neary wrote:
 I don't like the paragraph at all for a press release. Perhaps just the limited 
 by the collective imagination... part, but it's a bad idea to start comparing 
 ourselves with photoshop at all in a press release. Plus, this isn't even 
 positive language for the most part. We should just drop it, I think (except for 
 the last half of the last sentence, which I've just added to the press release).

I second that. A paragraph like the above mentioned doesn't look good in
a press release - it would probably cause us more trouble than it will
do us good.

I think we should keep the text around, though - it might be well suited
for an explanation of what the GIMP _isn't_ on the web site...?

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] The GIMP Foundation

2004-03-09 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

First of all I'd like to thank Daniel for putting a lot of work into
investigating what needs to be done in order to launch The GIMP

On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 15:58, Daniel Rogers wrote:
 1.  Will TGF have members?  I am talking about members with voting
 privledges, like I described above.  (my vote is yes, btw)

Yes, if we decide to form TGF I believe we should allow the foundation
to have members.

 2.  Should the membership be paid?   (my vote is yes, for like $50 a
 year or some toher small amount.  It helps for tax purposes).

How does paid membership help for tax purposes? What exactly will the
benefit of paid membership be?

 3.  Should the membership have additional rights?

Such as...?

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] installing gimp-2.0pre4

2004-03-16 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 12:10, Andrew Langdon-Davies wrote:
 And now the nitty-gritty: I've installed the Epkowa iscan plug-in for 
 epson scanners, but when I select it from the menu gimp-1.3 crashes as 
 gimp_composite: use=yes, verbose=no
 supported by gimp_composite: +mmx +sse +sse2 -3dnow -altivec -vis
 GLib-ERROR **: could not allocate 1072693248 bytes
 (gimp-1.3:31399): Gimp-Plug-In-WARNING **: gimp-1.3: plug_in_flush(): 
 error: Broken pipe
 plug_in_close: extension aborted before sending its extension_ack message
 (The same plug-in works fine with 1.2)

What you are seeing is a plug-in crash - likely because the plug-in has
not been ported to work with GIMP 2.0.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] Typos [was Re: Press pack]

2004-03-16 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 15:48, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 In Page 3:
 Replace a expert quality photo retouching with an expert
 Replace a image format converter with an image format converter
 Could not find any other typos.

Thank you. I've corrected the typos in my local copy (work in progress).

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Press Pack, take II

2004-03-18 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

I've reformatted the upcoming Press Release and the About the GIMP
documents which Raymond Ostertag, Eric Lamarque, David Neary et al has

The results are available at

Comments and suggestions are very welcome. If you have large changes for
the documents please provide them as 'diff -u' patches against the .tex

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] Get ready for 2.0.0

2004-03-22 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 18:30, Sven Neumann wrote:
 If you cannot join one of these parties, why don't you organize your
 own and Bring out The GIMP with some friends? Please add your party to
 the list at

It would be nice if more people would add the adresses of the
computer/photo magazines of their respective countries to as well.

These lists will be used when we send out the press release for GIMP

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Only XCF filetype recognized by Gimp 2.0

2004-03-25 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 22:28, John Culleton wrote:
 They say pioneers are distinguished by the arrows in their 
 backs. I will revert to 1.25 for a bit. When I tried to 
 import a scanned image into Gimp 2.0 it would not recognize 
 either .ps or .tiff file types. The only file type listed 
 on the open file menu is xcf, and my scanner can't produce 

Sounds like the GIMP is not finding the installed plug-ins at all. Which
platform are you using? Are you using a pre-compiled version of the GIMP
or did you compile your own?

Is there any debug information available in the console?

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Jimmac's videos

2004-03-26 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 02:08, Khiraly wrote:
 I have found really good demonstrating video at Jimmac's website.
 It would be good to put the link at

There already is a link from the frontpage of to Jimmac's

 Im amazing what can Jimmac with Gimp do ...;)

It sure is.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: Pre-releases for Perl bindings, Help pages and GAP + Win32 installer

2004-03-25 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
Hi all,

Pre-releases of the GIMP Perl bindings, the new help pages and the GIMP
Animation Package are now available at and it's
mirror sites. The pre-releases are all updated to work with the recently
released GIMP 2.0.

Gimp-Perl is an extension for writing Gimp Extensions/Plug-ins/Load and
Save-Handlers in Perl. A Gimp-Perl pre-release is available on CPAN and

GIMP-Help is a help system designed for use with the internal GIMP help
browser, external web browser and HTML renderers, and human eyeballs. A
GIMP-Help pre-release is available at

The GIMP-GAP (GIMP Animation Package) is a collection of plug-ins to
extend the GIMP with capabilities to edit and create animations as
sequences of single frames. A pre-release is available at

Jernej Simoni has prepared a GIMP 2.0 installer for use on Microsoft
Windows. The installer is available on Jernej's website at

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Still problems with compiling GIMP 2.0 on ML9.2

2004-03-27 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 07:36, Owen wrote:
 do you have a /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libexif.pc  or is it in
 If the latter, the quick and dirty answer is to copy it to

The more correct way is to do:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Re: Re: Re: Monitor for Gimp

2004-04-05 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 15:00, GSR - FR wrote:
 Some time ago I had the same problem than you: I went from default
 config (or lack of it) to something reasonable (or at least try). Yes,
 of course, my interface changed at first, so I compensated it but did
 not go back to unconfigured state. Since, when I have changed video
 card or monitor, I just had to check their settings, not change the
 interface all over again. That is what makes it desirable, two
 properly adjusted hardware sets will give a similar look.

So would it be possible to do a quick tutorial on how to adjust the
gamma of ones videocard/monitor combination? If yes, I think it would be
nice to have such a tutorial on

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: The GIMP 2.0.1

2004-04-14 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen
The GIMP developers proudly present the GIMP version 2.0.1.

This is a bug-fix release in the stable 2.0 series. The CVS tree has
been branched after the release was made, so that development can
proceed towards GIMP 2.2 which is scheduled for this summer.

GIMP version 2.0.1 is available for download at

Please use one of the mirror sites listed at

Bugs fixed in GIMP 2.0.1

- don't leak file descriptor for the POSIX shm implementation (Yosh)
- fixed path tool undo (#138086, Mitch)
- don't transform drawables away (#138117, Mitch)
- fixed issues with guillotine plug-in (#138314, Joao, Mitch)
- fixed Slide script-fu (#138310, Nils Philippsen)
- don't allow removed items to be accessed thru the PDB (#138311, Mitch)
- skip fonts with invalid names (workaround for #132366, Sven)
- fixed Spinning Globe script-fu (#138253, Sven)
- fixed a bug in the IFSCompose plug-in (#138212, David Necas)
- fixed undo corruption with floating selections (Pedro, Mitch)
- fixed gimprc man-page (Sven)
- align JPEG setjump buffer on 16-byte boundary for ia64 (#138357, Yosh)
- fixed Alien Glow Arrow script-fu (#138524, Sven)
- fixed code that suppresses the transform tool grid (Simon)
- push an undo for changing the text layer modification flag (#137767, Mitch)
- make the user installation work with pixmap themes (#138379, Sven)
- register .jpe as extension for JPEG images (#138776, Bolsh)
- fixed issues with the Lighting Effects plug-in (#138788, William Skaggs)
- don't crash on color corrections on empty selections (#138973, Sven)
- made gimptool-2.0 create missing directories (#138980, Yosh)
- made undo names translatable (#139000, Sven)
- optimized grid drawing (#138081, Sven)
- don't create a gimptool link to gimptool-2.0 (#139024, Sven)
- sanitize rectangle and ellipse selection (#138237, #138103, Pedro)
- fixed problems with Copy-Visible and Drop-Shadow scripts (#138662, Pedro)
- fixed X server authentification problems with gimp-remote (#139158, Sven)
- let Script-Fu PDB marshallers handle NULL strings (#139386, Kevin Cozens)
- fixed rounding error in transformation code (#120490, William Skaggs)
- fixed winclipboard plug-in (Hans Breuer)
- fixed Python Slice script (Yosh)
- fixed configure check for Xmu (#139803, Sven)
- fixed crash when scaling up a floating selection (#138356, Mitch)
- use LC_MESSAGE for help localization (#139917, Sven)
- fixed imagemap file parsers (#139894)

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Basic GIMP compilation question

2004-05-10 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 13:15, Sven Neumann wrote:
 Can you please remove them again? Xach asked us not to put the links
 on the website and we should respect his choice.

Ooops! My apologies - I was not aware of that. I have removed the link

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do I merge pictures?

2004-05-09 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Sun, 2004-05-09 at 11:03, Joachim Schiele wrote:
 you should create a new image with the desired size (of the biggest image of 
 your six images) next you would open all the images (because gimp can open 
 serveral images at once) then use the marker tool select retangular regions 
 an select one of your images and press CTRL+C. now go back to your primary 
 image and press CTRL+V there. Create a new layer, select it and do it again 
 for all the other images.
 new layer -  select it - copy image in

... or just drag-and-drop the layers of the images on to another image.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Basic GIMP compilation question

2004-05-08 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 21:02, Barton Bosch wrote:
 Thanks for the quick response and the link to the RPMs.  Those 
 should be very helpful.  Did I miss this on somehow?

No, the link was not there until now - I just added it to CVS so the web
site should update shortly.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] thank you guys ;-)

2004-05-08 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 11:05, Joachim Schiele wrote:
 this image was completely done with gimp+blender

Very nice looking splash screen - albeit a bit confusing for my eyes.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Install Gimp 2.0

2004-05-17 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 18:03, Squareyes wrote:
 1. Am using Mandrake 9.1, and will use rpmdrake, will these Rpm's be 
 suitable for it?

I think the RPMs provided by Xach is for Red Hat Linux 9 only.

 2. If they are suitable, is there any particular order I should install 
 them in?

If I recall correctly you can just put all the RPMs in one directory and
do rpm -Uvh *.rpm. The installation order will then be determined by
the internal dependencies.

 3. Do I need to install the Rpm's marked as devel. e.g. 
 atk-devel-1.6.0-1.i386.rpm ?

You only need to install the -devel RPMs if you intend to compile
anything against the installed libraries.

 4. Do I need to remove any files relating to the version I am now using?
 I have read on this list that the 2 versions will co-exist.

GIMP 1.2.x and 2.0.x will happily co-exist.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] alternating brighter and normal-color stripes

2004-06-07 Thread Henrik Brix Andersen

On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 21:06, klaus triendl wrote:
 at and other gnome-related sites there is a background image
 at the very top of the site, having alternating brighter and
 normal-color stripes.
 how can i reach this effect?

You could render a white grid (with only horizontal lines in it) on a
transparent layer on top of your image - then play with the layer
opacity until you're satisfied.

There's a plug-in for rendering grids included with the GIMP, but I
haven't got access to a GIMP installation right now, so I can not tell
you the menu path :/

It's somewhere below Image/Filters/Render/ I think.

Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gimp-user mailing list