Which layer is active?

2000-12-28 Thread Jim Clark

Greetings to a recently quiet list.

I have a 5-layer xcf template that I use regularly for making buttons. 
Every time it opens, the layer next to the bottom is the active layer by
default.  I do not know if this is true on all images, but it sure is
here.  Cleaarly it is not random.  I want the layer 2 layers up (the
text layer) to be the default.  I saved it with that layer active but
upon the next open the same next-to-the-bottom layer was the active
one.  Not a big deal, but there must be a way to specify which is the
active layer on a frequently used image.  I am still on 1.04 (being one
of the RH 6.2 people who could never get a newer one to compile
successfully), if that makes a difference.  Any ideas?
Jim Clark

Getting Images Into GIMP

2000-11-17 Thread Jim Clark

Howdy all--

I wonder if anyone knows how to copy an image out of Word doc into
GIMP.  We have some documentation images I need to work with, but the
images are locked and I can't seem to see how to extract them.  I do a
control-C to copy a selected image, but there is nothing to paste.  I
would like to think it's something I can accomplish, despite Mr. Bill's
well-known propensity for never letting go of anything.
Jim Clark


2000-11-17 Thread Jim Clark

OOPS!   Sorry, forgot to mention I'm using Star Office as my .doc
Jim Clark

Looking for an image

2000-09-20 Thread Jim Clark

GIMP related in that I will work on the image in GIMP.

I am seeking an image I can use freely on our company Intranet. I have
scoured my CDs and the web for over an hour so far, but have been unable
to find a good image of a red English phone box with no people in it. 
If someone has such an image, and could send it to me, or point me to
where I can find it, I'd be very grateful. 
Jim Clark

variety in letters

2000-09-15 Thread Jim Clark

Well, I made my own bullet, one pixel at a time, but it looks really
good.  Now, here's another question.  I am putting black text on white,
and using the same font at the same size I get 3 very different letter
e's.  Take a look at :
Note how different each final e is.  Is there a reason for this?  This
is at 8X display, but it is a little visible at 1X display too.  I'm
only using 20 pt font.  However, reagardless, it does seem as if it
should do the same thing every time.  Or does it?
Jim Clark

A chance to demonstrate expertise

2000-08-18 Thread Jim Clark

Hello all--
I am a fairly long term, but still mostly not-very-good, GIMP user.  I
received a roll of pictures back that are dreadful.  I cannot imagine
what happened--you know how these whiz-bang cameras do everything for
you--but most of the pictures look like this:
I have placed an xcf version (whopper!) of this charming boy out
there--and I would be eager to see how to improve it.  I have struggled
with it, playing with a number of settings, but cannot really improve
it.  The boy has rather pale skin, the tiles should be white.  If anyone
wanted to work on it and send me a description of the steps they took,
I'd be more than happy to post them and let people evaluate different
methods of repair.  The tutorials I've read are useful, but this picture
has so many things wrong that I just don't know what to do in what
order.  Any takers?
Jim Clark


2000-08-18 Thread Jim Clark

Oops--noticed I did not include the URL of the xcf:
it's http://www.bsmanagement.com/llywelyn/images/cyrus/cyrus.xcf
Jim Clark

No more corrections---this is it!

2000-08-18 Thread Jim Clark

I put a jpg photo for a quick view and a now-compressed version of the
photo I wonder if anyone wants to take a look at and play with at (how's
that for a long-winded description?):

And if you want me to eprform any particular steps in any order, I'll do
my best to oblige.

Jim Clark

My Mac font question

2000-03-10 Thread Jim Clark

This turned into a lively discussion, including a couple of responses
direct to me.
Here's the situation.
On: http://www.fontsite.com/Pages/FFDownloads.html
There's a really neat font that gives a very clear display at 7 point. 
I'd like it very much.  But here's what it says:
Mini 7 was designed by Joe Gillespie. It's only a screen font, so it
doesn't have a printer font as all Type 1 fonts do. It is specifically
designed to be used at 7 points, or what we call "mouse type." Mini 7 is
great for captions or buttons on web graphics. In fact, we've used it in
several places throughout the FontSite. There are two versions--Mini and
Mini Tight--with different metrics. Mini 7 is Freeware and is only
available for the Macintosh

I downloaded it, but it's in that .hqx format.  I read at:
http://www.calarts.edu/network/compress.html I should be able to open
it, but I don't know how.  I have installed plenty of PS fonts, do not
use TT fonts, and would like to know if I can use this font (should I
ever learn how to unstuff the file).

Jim Clark
Informix Software, Inc.


1999-10-12 Thread Jim Clark

Slightly off topic, but still related.
I use RH 6.0 on my work machine.  I am going to install Linux on my home
PC.  I am eager to try a different distribution.  I wonder if anyone has
tried more than one distribution with GIMP?  And has opinions (never
seen a shortage of opinions on this list!) about whether one is better
than another for using Linux primarily for the GIMP?
Jim Clark

Re: mapping to a cylinder?

1999-10-08 Thread Jim Clark

I replied to you individually--got bounced.

Hi Zach--all I have is map to a sphere or a plane.  There's no cylinder
there I see.  Is it my old GIMP? 1.0.4
Jim Clark