[GNC-dev] UK VAT and "Making Tax Difficult"

2023-01-07 Thread Graham Leggett via gnucash-devel
Hi all,

In the archives there have been discussions over coming up with a way to do the 
UK’s MTD (making tax digital).

The key missing bit is the bridge part - the piece that logs into HMRC and 
passes the JSON message. Does an open source bridge exist?

If an open source bridge does not exist I am going to write one, but if I 
didn’t have to that would be great.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Gnucash.org DNSSec expired March 14th.

2021-04-14 Thread Graham Leggett via gnucash-devel
On 14 Apr 2021, at 10:08, Linas Vepstas  wrote:

> I'm deeply unhappy with dnssec; it's the worst technology I've
> ever had the displeasure of using. I'm finding it quite difficult
> to avoid writing a tirade.

More and more DNS providers are doing hosted DNSSEC - the full you give us the 
TLSA record you want, we do the rest kind of service.

I use https://www.domaindiscount24.com/en, but ymmv.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] [GNC] UK specific: MTD - Making Tax Digital

2021-01-15 Thread Graham Leggett via gnucash-devel
On 14 Jan 2021, at 16:13, Mike Evans  wrote:

>>> Is anyone interest in having a MTD bridge for GnuCash for VAT submissions?
>>> I
>>> have developed a bridge and would be happy to integrate it with GnuCash if
>>> there is still any interest.

+1 and much appreciated - happy to test it out too.


gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Gnucash and the UK's "Making Tax Digital" initiative

2018-11-19 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I just learned with some shock that the UK wants to force SMEs to submit VAT 
returns “via external software packages” by 1 April 2019, and presents a list 
of some 150 packages to choose from. If you’re lucky enough to already be using 
one of those packages, great. If you’re not, you’re facing some disruption.

Gnucash is not on the list (that I could see).

We are not in a position to re-engineer our accounts, but we are in a position 
to submit patches to Gnucash.

This email is exploratory - is anyone on the gnucash dev list interested in the 
UK “Making Tax Digital” initiative, with the aim of getting Gnucash “on the 
list” of approved software? Has anyone done any work in this area?

I am still looking for concrete information on the protocols being used, if 
anyone has information on that it would be useful too.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: cmd line: import of transactions and invoice data

2014-01-01 Thread Graham Leggett
On 01 Jan 2014, at 7:25 PM, John Ralls jra...@ceridwen.us wrote:

 Gnucash *probably* writes things to the XML file in the same order that they 
 were read
 in just because we use linked lists for just about everything internally, but 
 no guarantee of that and it might well create excessive churn in a version 
 system. But we already rename the loaded XML file and write out a new one, so 
 you can
 easily back up a bit.

Gnucash does write things to the XML file in the same order that they were read 
in, we use this property along with a subversion repository to share the 
accounts between various people.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Announcement: GnuCash 2.6.0 Released

2013-12-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 30 Dec 2013, at 5:22 PM, John Ralls jra...@ceridwen.us wrote:

 The Gnucash 2.6.0 MacOSX package can be downloaded from Sourceforge as well.

Has anyone successfully got the MacOSX binary to start up?

I download it, I copy it to applications, I double click on Gnucash, the 
splash screen appears for a brief fraction of a second, and then the 
application exists, logging the following:

2013/12/31 8:42:25,690 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[285]: 
([0x0-0x81e21da].org.gnucash.Gnucash[30105]) Exited with code: 1

Before I go off on another debugging mission, I was hoping to confirm whether 
anyone had tested this before release and whether this is expected to work at 


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Announcement: GnuCash 2.6.0 Released

2013-12-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 31 Dec 2013, at 8:46 AM, Graham Leggett minf...@sharp.fm wrote:

 The Gnucash 2.6.0 MacOSX package can be downloaded from Sourceforge as well.
 Has anyone successfully got the MacOSX binary to start up?
 I download it, I copy it to applications, I double click on Gnucash, the 
 splash screen appears for a brief fraction of a second, and then the 
 application exists, logging the following:
 2013/12/31 8:42:25,690 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[285]: 
 ([0x0-0x81e21da].org.gnucash.Gnucash[30105]) Exited with code: 1

More information, attempting to run gnucash from the command line fails as 

Little-Net:Testing minfrin$ Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash
Application Path /Applications/Testing/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin

(process:30185): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
  76: 0* [setlocale 0 ]

 In procedure setlocale in expression (setlocale LC_ALL ):
 Invalid argument

Attempting to run the Gnucash-bin binary directly causes the binary to crash as 

Little-Net:Testing minfrin$ Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin 
Application Path /Applications/Testing/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin

(process:30195): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Trace/BPT trap: 5

The crash reporter information then pops up, saying the following:

Process: Gnucash-bin [30195]
Identifier:  org.gnucash.Gnucash
Version: 2.6.0 (2.6.0)
Code Type:   X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  bash [369]
User ID: 501

Date/Time:   2013-12-31 08:49:47.750 +0200
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)
Report Version:  10

Interval Since Last Report:  39764 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:   2
Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  12 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
Anonymous UUID:  74E6C23D-9424-2DD7-F90F-B15CDEFE9415

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: 0x0002, 0x

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libglib-2.0.0.dylib 0x02caf593 g_logv + 755
1   libglib-2.0.0.dylib 0x02caf749 g_log + 41
2   libgio-2.0.0.dylib  0x029aaee8 g_settings_set_property + 344
3   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x02c34a99 g_object_new_internal + 1641
4   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x02c3581b g_object_new_valist + 1115
5   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x02c35c42 g_object_new + 66
6   libgio-2.0.0.dylib  0x029aa60c g_settings_new + 60
7   libgncmod-app-utils.dylib   0x01f19548 gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr 
+ 328
8   libgncmod-app-utils.dylib   0x01f1a033 gnc_gsettings_get_float + 35
9   libgncmod-app-utils.dylib   0x01f1c3d8 file_retain_changed_cb + 56
10  libgncmod-app-utils.dylib   0x01f1c420 gnc_prefs_init + 48
11  libgncmod-gnome-utils.dylib 0x002b1e2b gnc_gui_init + 347
12  Gnucash-bin 0x00013369 main + 1001
13  Gnucash-bin 0x00012776 start + 54

Thread 1:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x93fbf0ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d20ac _pthread_workq_return + 45
2   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d1e79 _pthread_wqthread + 448
3   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979b9daa start_wqthread + 30

Thread 2:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x93fbf9ae kevent + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib   0x93f9bc71 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 993
2   libdispatch.dylib   0x93f9b7a9 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x93fbf0ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d20ac _pthread_workq_return + 45
2   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d1e79 _pthread_wqthread + 448
3   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979b9daa start_wqthread + 30

Thread 4:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x93fbf0ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d20ac _pthread_workq_return + 45
2   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979d1e79 _pthread_wqthread + 448
3   libsystem_c.dylib   0x979b9daa start_wqthread + 30

Thread 5:

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0x  ebx: 0x02caf2b1  ecx: 0xbfffeef4  edx: 0x
  edi: 0x0002  esi: 0x022760f0  ebp: 0xb4a8  esp: 0xb000
   ss: 0x0023

Re: Announcement: GnuCash 2.6.0 Released

2013-12-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 31 Dec 2013, at 8:54 AM, Graham Leggett minf...@sharp.fm wrote:

 More information, attempting to run gnucash from the command line fails as 
 Little-Net:Testing minfrin$ Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash
 Application Path /Applications/Testing/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin
 (process:30185): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
   Using the fallback 'C' locale.
  76: 0* [setlocale 0 ]
  In procedure setlocale in expression (setlocale LC_ALL ):
  Invalid argument

An attempt to set a locale manually as follows from the command line works and 
allows Gnucash to start up:

Little-Net:Testing minfrin$ LC_ALL=C Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash
Application Path /Applications/Testing/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin
Preference migration has finished

An attempt to set the locale manually directly on the Gnucash-bin binary causes 
the binary to crash as before, and log the following to the console:

Little-Net:Testing minfrin$ Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash
Application Path /Applications/Testing/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-bin

(process:30185): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
  76: 0* [setlocale 0 ]

 In procedure setlocale in expression (setlocale LC_ALL ):
 Invalid argument

I tried to raise this as a bug in bugzilla, but the forgot password mechanism 
is currently broken, it goes through the complete process of allowing you to 
change your password, confirms that your password has been changed 
successfully, and when you try and log in with your new password, tells you 
your username or password is incorrect.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Announcement: GnuCash 2.6.0 Released

2013-12-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 31 Dec 2013, at 9:14 AM, Graham Leggett minf...@sharp.fm wrote:

 I tried to raise this as a bug in bugzilla, but the forgot password 
 mechanism is currently broken, it goes through the complete process of 
 allowing you to change your password, confirms that your password has been 
 changed successfully, and when you try and log in with your new password, 
 tells you your username or password is incorrect.

Turns out bugzilla truncates passwords without telling the end user, trying a 
shorter password got me in. Raised a bug here: 


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Bug 336843 - Attach files to Transactions

2013-11-14 Thread Graham Leggett
On 14 Nov 2013, at 7:17 AM, David Carlson carlson...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 If there is is a short warning about the fragility of external links
 within the program including a reference to a more thorough discussion
 in a help file, I think that users can decide for themselves whether to
 proceed.  The discussion should include suggestions on ways to minimize
 risks by careful choice of storage locations for example, and how to
 construct references that are less likely to break if the files are
 moved to a different location.

I think people at this point are quite used to links, as long as it is clearly 
indicated that you're storing a link to the file (via a URL) and not the file 
itself you'll have little confusion.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Base And Gnucash

2013-04-29 Thread Graham Leggett
On 29 Apr 2013, at 7:28 PM, John Ralls jra...@ceridwen.us wrote:

 Because Gnucash isn't that kind of a program. It's an accounting program, the 
 exact domain for which SQL was invented. Basically Available, Soft state, 
 Eventual consistency are all anathema to accountants.

Really? I am still waiting for one client's accountant to eventually pay me, 
and I will eventually capture those invoices piled on my desk.

 Would you want your bank to treat your account that way?

My bank does treat my account this way. If you pay me now, I'll eventually 
get the money, maybe in two hours, maybe in two days, maybe 7 days if you gave 
me a cheque.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Approval for Introducing Your Software in Japanese PC magazine

2013-04-28 Thread Graham Leggett
On 28 Apr 2013, at 04:45, John Ralls jra...@ceridwen.us wrote:

 The rules say that you have to distribute all of the source code, but I think 
 that it's become
 pretty common to rely on the fact that the sources are all readily available 
 via the net. You'll
 probably want to get an OK from your lawyers.

The rules say that if you make changes to the code, you must make those changes 
to the source available under the same license.

If you don't make changes to the code, for example you just publish the 
binaries as provided, then just link back to the source here.

The source doesn't need to be on the same physical medium, but does need to be 
available. An example might be binaries on an operating system CD, with source 
available via the operating system website.


 John Ralls
 gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Recommend IDE for coding in C

2013-03-20 Thread Graham Leggett
On 20 Mar 2013, at 7:13 PM, Buddha Buck blaisepas...@gmail.com wrote:

 Both C and C++ are old enough languages that they have a certain amount of
 cruft in their design with makes it hard for IDEs to get their hooks into
 them to provide advanced services.  For instance, while there are
 refactoring tools for Java and C# that work with popular IDEs for those
 languages, there are none for C/C++.

I've been using Eclipse for a number of years for C/C++ development, and while 
not as polished as the Java stuff, it does the job. Eclipse also provides a 
similar set of refactoring tools for C/C++ as to Eclipse for Java, I am sure 
there are differences, but none that I've found insurmountable, so to say there 
are no refactoring tools for C isn't true.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash XML spec (for non-C languages?)

2012-11-06 Thread Graham Leggett
On 06 Nov 2012, at 12:22 PM, Christian Stimming christ...@cstimming.de wrote:

 Hence, even though it is still not yet realistic to find a complete 
 specification of data store access independently from our C library, I think 
 it should be possible to do a specification of a subset of the data. And 
 applications that access and work on only that subset should then be 
 Such as, an Android app that access a gnucash SQL data base, and using only 
 those specified features and data store elements. Voila, there we have our 
 multi-user multi-platform gnucash within reach…

I think the biggest obstacle to using gnucash over the long term is the 
unstable data format, and the inability to interoperate. Once the data format 
is defined, everything flows from there.

I think a formal XSD of the XML format would be a good start.

I use an XSD that works for me, but this isn't ideal, I want to use an XSD I 
can trust.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash XML spec (for non-C languages?)

2012-11-06 Thread Graham Leggett
On 06 Nov 2012, at 3:14 PM, Derek Atkins de...@ihtfp.com wrote:

 Another option would be to have a GnuCash service that runs on a home 
 server and enables remote access to the GnuCash data through a well defined 
 services API. A mobile app would implement the client side of the services 
 API and connect to your running GnuCash service.  Less to set up (no https 
 required) but more work for us because we need to implement more.  This could 
 also enable a web service..  especially if we decide to use xml or json as 
 the transport framework.
 But writing an http service might still be easier, even if it is harder to 
 set up for the average Joe.   I suspect some people would be willing to use a 
 web service run by someone else..  *ponders*

This is an excellent idea.

Plucking a random example, iTunes is both a music playing client, and a music 
serving server. As an end user, I just install iTunes, and without caring how 
the magic happens, my iTunes magically appears to others on my network.

I would love it if gnucash was a service that I could run locally for my own 
consumption as part of the gnucash client installation, or perhaps (suitably 
secured) run with people on my network, or (suitably secured again) share it 
with my accountant.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash XML spec (for non-C languages?)

2012-11-06 Thread Graham Leggett
On 06 Nov 2012, at 3:28 PM, Geert Janssens janssens-ge...@telenet.be wrote:

 Just for completeness, let me repeat what has been said multiple times 
 before: an XSD can't possibly describe the accounting constraints we impose 
 (eg sum of all splits in a transaction should be zero). So at best an XSD can 
 protect you from writing invalid gnucash-xml, but it can't help with ensuring 
 the data still makes sense.

It's not XSD's job to enforce this kind of thing, you're always going to reach 
a garbage-in-garbage-out problem that XSD won't protect you from.

The two key things that an XSD allows you to do is validate the overall 
structure of the gnucash file, and to generate code. This generate code part 
is the killer feature, it suddenly becomes very easy (therefore desirable) to 
develop new gnucash based tools.

 Also, xml is only one of the data store formats we support. There are also 
 three flavours of SQL databases. Same there. You can formalize the database 
 schema, but that doesn't help enforcing additional accounting constraints.

We should formalise the schema too.

Without formalised data formats, there is no way to tell whether something is a 
bug, or a feature.

 Having said all that, I agree an official XSD/Db schema can be a start. 
 Another layer describing the accounting constraints that have to be adhered 
 to should be added at least though.


Initially we might insert these as XSD comments and XSD documentation, and then 
perhaps investigate where XSD might enforce things for us.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GnuCash XML spec (for non-C languages?)

2012-11-05 Thread Graham Leggett
On 05 Nov 2012, at 9:58 AM, Colin Law clan...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I wouldn't go there. Most people, me included, consider their financial data 
 to be extremely sensitive and private. The potential liability from such a 
 cloud storage facility getting hacked is incalculable.
 That is a valid argument against using cloud storage but it does not
 apply to a home server.

I would add to that that static IPs are readily available for basic broadband 
connections, meaning a small business placing their accounts online on their 
own server for the benefit of their customers, or at the very least their 
accountant, is well within reach.

The difficulty in getting our accountant to share access with us is our number 
one headache with gnucash.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Credit notes

2012-08-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 30 Aug 2012, at 18:35, Geert Janssens janssens-ge...@telenet.be wrote:

 Anyone who's good with words, can you voice your opinions here please ?

A credit note is a type of invoice, the other type of invoice being a debit 

I would recommend not making up out own terms for this this, but rather leaving 
it as invoice - debit note and invoice - credit note.

Same for bills. Sometimes vendors will give us a credit note, and we have no 
way to capture it apart from editing the XML file directly.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Thoughts on budgeting

2012-02-19 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

For a while now I have been capturing transactions up to a year ahead (as 
opposed to being behind), entering the expected transaction value. When the 
account is reconciled, the values become actual values.

What this allows me to do is know what my bank account will look like in three 
months time, taking into account things like the VAT return that might be due 
in two months time, and I can get a clear indication of how much money I really 
have to spend, as opposed to what my bank balance is telling me on any given 

What I'd really like is a way to mark transactions as draft transactions, 
perhaps lightly coloured in grey, but otherwise functionally identical to a 
normal transaction. This would clearly distinguish them from actual 
transactions that have actually happened. Perhaps in addition to have a 
reconciliation flag of N, Y or C, there could be a D for draft, and some quick 
way to toggle the transaction between N and D. You could then have reporting 
options where draft transactions are included (ie show me my projected income 
statement for this coming year), or specifically excluded (ie show me actual 
transactions only).

In theory, this would be a low tech, simple way to get a kind of budgeting done.

Thoughts on the idea?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: For The Love Of Bitcoin

2012-02-16 Thread Graham Leggett
On 16 Feb 2012, at 7:45 AM, karmicads wrote:

 I suppose I´d like to see bitcoin supported as a mainstream currency,
 despite the lack of official ISO recognition. I imagine GnuCash not only
 I don't know what our policy is on adding non-ISO currencies to the list
 of currencies.
 That would be a great start. In revision of this policy, I think it may be
 poignant to consider the nature of currency, as shared information about
 what the wider populous values. There are distinct qualitative differences,
 between the officially supported ISO fiat currencies and that of an online
 ´viral´ currency like bitcoin. Firstly, bitcoin´s value is derived by direct
 supply and demand of the marketplace, rather than being authorized by any
 government mandate that it must be used as legal tender. The most obvious
 problem with government fiat currencies in general, is that the extent of
 their value, extends only as far as the legal mandate of their issuing
 government authorities.


I don't see how any of this has anything to do with gnucash - gnucash is an 
accounting system, it accounts for money, but doesn't care as to the origin of 
that money.

Am I right in understanding that you want a currency code for bitcoin included 
in gnucash? The best solution is for bitcoin to get a proper ISO currency code, 
and then gnucash would just support it as an official code. Is there a reason 
why bitcoin doesn't have an ISO code?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Add IRS audit capabilities

2012-02-15 Thread Graham Leggett
On 15 Feb 2012, at 6:15 PM, Ted Creedon wrote:

 Being audited for 2 years, Gnucash is very helpful.
 Suggestion, it would be helpful if receipts, check stubs and other
 documents could be scanned in and made part of the transaction record.
 Binary BLOBS would require a lot of database storage but the generated
 report would be IRS proof.
 The IRS wants the data sorted by account  date.

Ideally you want to store this stuff by reference, and not turn gnucash into a 
content management system.

In other words, if gnucash could store a link to a document, and for extra 
points display that document if practical or launch an external viewer if not, 
it would be ideal.

This is just an extra metadata field against a transaction.

The document could be stored in the cloud, in svn, wherever, it's all just a 

The customer or vendor statements could then include links to data where 
present, give that to the IRS, done.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Strategy

2011-12-04 Thread Graham Leggett
On 03 Dec 2011, at 11:40 PM, Donald Allen wrote:

 Gnucash has been around
 for a long time, and its life-span covers the development of a lot of
 tools. If you were going to start with a blank sheet of paper today, I
 doubt very much whether you would do a lot of the system as it is
 today. The big question is, when is it worth it to cut your losses and
 start over?

I use gnucash because a) it's been around a long time, and b) because gnucash 
is likely to be around a long time still.

Anyone can start over at any time - that's called a new product - but when 
people decide to abandon what they have and start over, that's when you lose 
faith in the project and start to look somewhere else.

Sure, new fandangled languages are shiny, but will they still be popular in 5 
years? No idea. I am happy to bet that C will be around in 5 years, so 
investing in the language as unsexy as it might be for me is a good investment.

I think gnucash needs a heavy set of refactoring. I'd like to see a proper 
libgnucash split out as a separate library that I can depend on in other 
software. I'd like to use a libgnucash library as a basis for a restful service 
that will allow me to share gnucash with others, like my accountant. But I 
don't think gnucash needs to be started over.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Building gnucash for MacPorts + Quartz fails

2011-11-30 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

Having followed the instructions below in an attempt to install a quartz 
version of gnucash, the build fails complaining that it cannot find 
libgtk-x11-2.0.la. It seems that despite being configured for quartz, gnucash 
still attempts an X11 build.


From the logfile for the build:

:info:build grep: /opt/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.la: No such file or directory
:info:build sed: /opt/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.la: No such file or directory
:info:build libtool: link: `/opt/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.la' is not a valid 
libtool archive

Does anyone know of a workaround to make this work?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Building gnucash for MacPorts + Quartz fails

2011-11-30 Thread Graham Leggett
On 30 Nov 2011, at 10:53 PM, David T. wrote:

 My workaround has been to download the dmg off Sourceforge. ;)

I had done that already, and found it depended on X11. I wanted something 
cleaner if that was possible, and it was possible that the people who made the 
quartz build work didn't know it had stopped working in the mean time.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: New data field for invoice object

2011-10-08 Thread Graham Leggett

On 08 Oct 2011, at 8:18 PM, John Ralls wrote:

The way you'd implement an optional type field in an RDB is to  
create a new table for it with two fields, a key (which would be the  
invoice GUID) and the type, and the code for handling that table  
would have to examine the database version and not use it if it's an  
older version. Similarly, your new credit note code would have to  
check with the backend to see if it's OK to create the note, because  
an older version of Gnucash will do the wrong thing with the data.

In my experience, I have been forced to manually change debit notes  
into credit notes when they become necessary by editing the XML  
directly, and gnucash does the right thing with the data afterwards.

What gnucash can't handle is applying payments, because the payment  
code naively assumes all amounts are positive, instead of handling  
both the cases of positive payments and negative payments. But the  
payment is done by this point, so in my case it doesn't matter.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Credit notes analysis

2011-09-11 Thread Graham Leggett

On 11 Sep 2011, at 11:26 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:

I have spent some time to investigate what is needed to support  
credit notes

in GnuCash. The result of my analysis can be found here:

For simplicity I'm using the term credit note as the inverse of  
all invoice
types we support so far (Bill/Invoice/Employee Voucher), not just  
for customer

related transactions.

My conclusion would be that it should be possible to support credit  
without any change to the data model, although maybe one internally  
used field
might hold some new values. It will require a minimal set of  

fixes the the current stable GnuCash version to  avoid some unwanted
confusion, but those are minimal.

I intend to start with an implementation of this fairly soon.

I'm welcoming all feedback, questions, remarks,...

At its simplest, credit notes are just debit notes with a negative  
sign, and it would be ideal if that's all they need to be. In other  
words, regardless of the amounts on the invoice/bill, the total amount  
can be negative or positive, and gnucash just gets on with it.

Where I've had to fiddle with this before to apply payments, I've  
discovered that the code that allocates payments to invoices/bills  
assumes that the payment has a specific sign. We would just need to  
teach this algorithm to behave sensibly with payments and invoice/ 
bills of either sign, and it should work fine.

In the absence of another way to do it, we modify the gnucash file in  
a text editor (and version control the gnucash file in svn) to reverse  
the sign of credit notes, we just haven't had a way of doing it before.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnucash-android implementation (Three projects for Gnucash)

2011-02-06 Thread Graham Leggett

On 06 Feb 2011, at 9:44 PM, Christian Stimming wrote:

There is no such interchange file format available as well at the  
Again: Even though in gnucash we always insisted you have to use the  
C code, the situation now has changed and there is a significant  
user request
which can technically be solved only by re-implementing everything  
in a

different language that will access the SQL directly.

So we, the gnucash team, have to reconsider our original point of  
view and

should better get to live with the new changed situation...

One of the big downsides of the SQL format in it's current  
implementation is it's very difficult to share, and people would share  
the database between a mobile device and say a desktop device, or you  
might want to share your database with the accountant who does your tax.

Sure, you could send them a dump of the whole thing every time, but if  
they make changes, they have to merge them back with yours, which is  
less than ideal.

We currently keep the XML file in an svn repository, and mandate that  
anybody who works on the gnucash file must lock the file before making  
changes. It takes discipline, but everyone has access to the latest  
version when necessary.

It would be very cool if gnucash was available from a restful  
interface, so that a mobile app, a desktop app, any app could take  
advantage of it, regardless of where it was.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Three projects for Gnucash

2011-02-06 Thread Graham Leggett

On 05 Feb 2011, at 11:09 PM, Ryan M. Ward wrote:

1) Implementing a way of storing receipt images (scanned or from a  
cell phone, etc) in a database- referenced by transaction (IE  
from the ledger, you would have the option of looking up the reciept  
associated with a particular transaction, and/or querying a  
collection of transactions and collecting all of their associated  
receipts- my thought here is mainly for income tax purposes- I do  
not envision GNUCash being a tax preparer, but this database would  
be nice for this and other purposes)

Something simple and straightforward would be the ability to store the  
URL of the receipt/invoice against the particular entry, rather than  
the whole invoice itself.

We store all invoices in svn (but invoices could be stored in git, or  
just as files-on-disk or files-on-webserver), and the corresponding  
URL stored.

Functionality could then exist to display the corresponding document,  
or to flag which documents are missing (return 404), etc.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Challenging python coders: Who can create a gnucash-like GUI in python in a few weeks?

2011-01-10 Thread Graham Leggett

On 10 Jan 2011, at 12:24 PM, Christian Stimming wrote:

We've been discussing various future directions for gnucash,  
including a switch to a different programming language for the GUI  
code [1]. GUI coding in C sucks. Because of this, I've experimented  
with C++/Qt and was able to write up a usable gnucash-like register  
window GUI in 2-3 weeks which already includes features that are  
unavailable in conventional gnucash [2]. I chose C++/Qt because  
I'm very familiar and productive with that platform.

Something that would be really awesome would be to look at the GUI  
code in such a way as to ensure that writing the GUI code for the  
native platform would be simple and easy to do.

In other words, it would be awesome if there was a native MacOSX  
version of gnucash, that used the Cocoa interface natively, and a  
native Windows version of gnucash, that used the Windows APIs  
natively, etc.

I think rather than focusing on a GUI, rather focus on a clean API to  
the gnucash core, that a GUI might call easily. That will free up a  
python coder to use the python bindings to make a python based  
interface (as you've suggested), or a Cocoa coder to make MacOSX  
bindings, etc.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Getting 2.4 Released - Yes!

2010-10-20 Thread Graham Leggett

On 20 Oct 2010, at 12:17 AM, AshokR wrote:

By this approach, it is a win-win for both users and developers. The  
get the option to save in  relational database formats to use third- 
reporting tools and integrate with other applications. And the  
get to bake SQLite3 integration code, for a possible future switch  
to that

format as 'native'.


I won't be trusting the SQL stuff as a primary source for my data for  
a long time, but exporting it to a SQL database so I can query against  
it would be very useful.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Trial balance includes data from previous financial years

2010-07-26 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

I am currently struggling with the trial balance report in gnucash  

When I attempt to run a trial balance from 2009-03-01 to 2010-02-28, I  
end up with transactions included in the report from before 2009-03-01.

I keep the same gnucash file spanning multiple years, and the income  
statement and balance sheet are able to show me figures from a  
specific accounting year, however the trial balance doesn't want to  

Is this normal behaviour for the trial balance, or is this a bug? What  
is the significance of the start of adjusting/closing date, and how  
does it relate to the date of report?

According to the title of the trial balance, it is implied that only  
entries after start of adjusting/closing date and on or before date  
of report are included, or have I misunderstood how this works?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Invoice Importer

2010-06-09 Thread Graham Leggett

On 09 Jun 2010, at 3:33 PM, Phil Longstaff wrote:

I've had thoughts of a generic importer, so I'll lay them out here  
and you can use some or all or none of them.

I have used an accounting system in the past which allows CVS files  
to be imported.  You specify the CVS file and which CVS column  
contains which internal data field and then let it run.

What also may be nice to support is the importing of UBL invoices:



gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: We need to prevent multi-user access to the SQL backend (Re: New GnuCash article on LWN)

2010-05-23 Thread Graham Leggett

On 21 May 2010, at 6:04 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Because a situation arises when both of you need to make writes.  

copy is the authoritative copy? Using svn alleviates this somewhat,
but isn't ideal.

The authoritative copy belongs to whomever has the write token.

Otherwise known as the svn lock.

Sharing access is a lot simpler than people think. It is not strictly  
necessary for gnucash instance A to be 100% up to date with gnucash  
instance B.

The only time it does need to be up to date is when an amendment is  
made to a transaction, and at that point you construct the update  
query in that it replaces what gnucash instance A believes was the  
previous version of the transaction. If the query was successful,  
we're done. If the query touched no rows, we know there was a  
conflict, and the user will need to be asked to make their amendment  
again, resolving the conflict.

To keep registers up to date, keep a table containing a last updated  
timestamp on each account. The timestamp's value isn't important, only  
that it has changed. Instance A and instance B polls the table from  
time to time, and reloads any register as necessary.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: We need to prevent multi-user access to the SQL backend (Re: New GnuCash article on LWN)

2010-05-20 Thread Graham Leggett

On 20 May 2010, at 6:32 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Your solution to block the whole database is good enough for me.

It's a real shame that a system fundamentally designed to offer multi
user access to data should be crippled in such a fashion. In the
process, virtually all reasons to use a SQL database are lost.

What was fundamentally designed to offer multi user access?

SQL databases.

most certainly was not, even when it's using a SQL Database for data
storage.  Repeat after me:  GnuCash is NOT a Database Application.   

a standalone application that happens to be able to use a database
instead of SQL, but fundamentally it's still a standalone application.

The fact that the DATABASE can be accessed multi-user has nothing to  
with the fact that GnuCash was NOT designed to handle that and  

needs to protect its data from users who try to do it.

Which over time pretty much renders it useless.

In any practical usage, even in it's simplest form, you start off  
small and simple, and then eventually you reach a point where you want  
to share the file between two people, or share the file with an  
accountant, and you can't.

Which is a real pity, because in my experience gnucash gives about 95%  
of what a small business needs, tripping up on that last little bit.

The fact that gnucash can be asked to save the file in text/xml helps,  
because you can version this in something like svn. But versioning a  
database isn't easy at all.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: We need to prevent multi-user access to the SQL backend (Re: New GnuCash article on LWN)

2010-05-20 Thread Graham Leggett

On 20 May 2010, at 6:55 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Well, over time one would hope that we can slowly rearchitect  
gnucash to

be more aware of multi-user situations.

I'm keen to do some of that work, as I need it directly.

In any practical usage, even in it's simplest form, you start off
small and simple, and then eventually you reach a point where you  

to share the file between two people, or share the file with an
accountant, and you can't.

Why not?

Because a situation arises when both of you need to make writes. Which  
copy is the authoritative copy? Using svn alleviates this somewhat,  
but isn't ideal.

It is really easy to silently lose transactions, if a mixup occurs  
over who holds the master copy of the data file.

The fact that gnucash can be asked to save the file in text/xml  

because you can version this in something like svn. But versioning a
database isn't easy at all.

Why do you need versioning?  Versioning is overkill for data sharing.

It prevents the situation where I add a transaction, then you add a  
transaction, silently overwriting mine.

Not only is the data wrong, it is silently wrong without warning.

On the other hand, once you start going down that road you really  

getting well past what GnuCash was designed for: Home Users and Small
Businesses.  It's a Quicken/Quickbooks replacement, not a Peachtree or
SAP replacement.

I am a small business, there are two partners and an accountant. We  
are nowhere even close to needing SAP.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: We need to prevent multi-user access to the SQL backend (Re: New GnuCash article on LWN)

2010-05-19 Thread Graham Leggett

On 19 May 2010, at 11:47 PM, Per Kjeldaas wrote:

Your solution to block the whole database is good enough for me.

It's a real shame that a system fundamentally designed to offer multi  
user access to data should be crippled in such a fashion. In the  
process, virtually all reasons to use a SQL database are lost.

We use the XML backend, and share it by versioning it in source  
control with mandatory locks. It's not perfect, and requires  
discipline to respect the lock, but it works between three different  
people sharing the responsibility to keep the accounts up to date.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Why is your Software Free

2010-03-27 Thread Graham Leggett

On 25 Mar 2010, at 11:51 PM, Cam KELLY wrote:

  My brother speaks highly of your software and I have a question.
Why is gnucash available for free and/or donation ? I have a limited
understanding of the GNU Software License but if I understand
correctly, you are not required by the license to make gnucash
available at-no-cost.

  I am a software developer with mid-career experience (about 3
years) and have read 'The Success of Open Source' by Steve Weber and
other on-line commentaries at gnu.org. The police I worked with
previously were leery of open-source software and I continue to
transition to independent work : www.CambridgeSoftware.biz.

There are two components to the cost of software, the cost of  
developing it, and the cost of maintaining it. Over time, the cost of  
maintaining the software by far and away exceeds the cost of  
developing it.

The traditional commercial model is to sell you the software  
outright, however this doesn't cover the ongoing maintenance of the  
software, so the company needs to find a way to sell you the same  
software again and again. A common approach is to keep making  
arbitrary changes to the software to keep coming up with new products  
to resell, and this is really wasteful.

The open source model is based on a focus on recovering the  
maintenance cost instead of the development cost, so you'll find the  
key ways open source companies make money is through charging for  
ongoing support. Because there is no pressure to arbitrarily change  
software for change's sake to generate new sales, you'll find open  
source software is far more stable, changes far less frequently, and  
is as a result far less risky to rely on than traditional commercial  

There is second economic incentive for open source, is that the  
authors of the open source software are credited directly for their  
work. Commercial companies generally prefer their developers to remain  
secret to prevent poaching of staff, but that's bad news for the staff  
themselves, whose contributions to software projects contributes to  
the reputations of the developers.

A further economic incentive for end users of software is the fit of  
the software application to their organisation. The chances of a given  
piece of software fitting the problem is very unlikely to approach  
100%, there is always a missing feature of place where the software  
has to be bent to fit. In the case of commercial software, the feature  
will have to be custom developed and negotiated by the company who  
produced the software originally, and this takes lots of time, lots of  
money, and the company can just say no. And for people without time or  
money, this can prove a dealbreaker. With an open source project, the  
end user has the source, and can develop their missing feature  
themselves, or by using skills on the open market, rather than being  
forced to use the skills of the company who control the commercial  

A further significant economic incentive in the favour of open source  
is the quality of code. Open source software is visible warts and all,  
and the reputation of developers is tied into the quality of the code.  
Closed source code is hidden, allowing a multitude of sins to remain  


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Algorithm for allocating payments

2009-11-09 Thread Graham Leggett
marcus.wolsc...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Why write it yourself?

Because jgnucashlib didn't exist when I started writing this code, it's
been around for a while :)

 That code already exists in jGnucashLib.
 I remember that I wrote code to mark transactions
 as being the payment for invoices and for adding
 and posting new invoices from java.

This is excellent, thank you! Do any javadocs exist for this? I see a
todo in the documentation for javadocs.

 Is there a definitive description anywhere of the link between
 transactions, lots and customers?
 transaction and invoice have the same lot-number.
 orders have invoices.
 customers have order.

What is an order (in the xac file)? How are prepayments handled?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Algorithm for allocating payments

2009-11-08 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I am currently trying to create some code to add a payment to a gnucash
xml file in java, and I am struggling to find a proper description of
the procedure I need to create the lots that link the transaction in A/R
with the customer who made the payment.

Is there a definitive description anywhere of the link between
transactions, lots and customers?

So far, my attempts at loading in the modified file into gnucash have
shown the transaction, but no link between the transaction and the
customer. Resaving the file in gnucash shows that the transaction and
lot are present, but no link exists between them.

Is there a way to get gnucash to output any parsing errors while it
attempts to laod a file? So far despite the errors in the file, gnucash
silently loads the file, not revealing that anything is wrong with the
file. Is this possible?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Patch: removed trailing white spaces

2009-09-10 Thread Graham Leggett
Geert Janssens wrote:

 You can ignore this.
 I have found how to disable the automatic trailing whitespace removal in 

+1 to the patch anyway, getting rid of glitches like this prevents other
eclipse users running into the same problem.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: New database backend and multi-user

2009-09-07 Thread Graham Leggett
Phil Longstaff wrote:

 1) locking/transactions - db transactions are used whenever an object is 
 written or updated.  However, no locking is done, and there are certain cases 
 where related objects are not saved in the same db transaction, because the 
 back-end does not have enough information.  For example, when a transaction 
 with multiple splits is saved, each of these is a separate engine object and 
 is saved separately.  The back-end API would need to be modified to add 
 transaction and end-transaction calls so that multiple objects could be 
 saved/committed/rolled back together.

I would say this is a prerequisite whether multi-user or not. We don't
want an error to happen half way through the save, and the end up with a
corrupt database.

This didn't matter in the XML world so much, as if an error occurred
that corrupted data you were unlikely to get the opportunity to save the
corrupted xml file.

 2) Update notification - Most objects are read when the db is opened and not 
 read again.  Some databases (postgres? not mysql?) provide a callback when an 
 update is made, so that data can be refreshed.  An alternative would be a 
 timer to refresh.

A far simpler approach is to just react to errors intelligently.

For example, if you have chosen an option from a dialog box, and you
attempt to commit a transaction depending on that option, and you
discover the option you selected in the dialog box no longer exists
(it's been changed, whatever), just tell the user sorry, conflict,
please make your change again, as the database changed out from beneath

No need for sophisticated error handling, but we do need something more
than the evil message an error has occurred.

 3) Mechanism to handle conflicts - How should the cases be handled when 
 different people make conflicting changes?

You simply pop up an error message to the end user, telling them that a
conflict has occurred and they must abandon their changes and try again.

In theory you won't store up a long list of changes, resulting in a big
conflict, you would rather do one small changes at a time, resulting in
small conflicts which are trivial to redo. Small conflicts are also
extremely unlikely to happen, making the pain both small and seldom.

Don't be tempted to offer the end user the option use my changes and
ignore the conflicted ones, as this is a recipe for pain and angst for
the end user.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] sort when saving

2009-05-03 Thread Graham Leggett
Jim Radford wrote:

 The attached patches sort the slots, lots, book accounts, bill terms,
 customers, employees, entries, invoices, jobs, orders, tax tables and
 vendors before saving them to the gnucash XML file.
 This is an attempt to make saves more idempotent thereby facilitating
 the use of a revision control system on the gnucash XML files.
 With these patches most of the needless and seemingly random churn is
 gone.  I can now for example add or remove a transaction and expect
 there to be no other changes to the gnucash file.
 I'm curious to see if these patches affect save performance noticeably
 for anyone.  They don't for me, but I don't have a very large file.

Definitely +1 for this, will make my life considerably easier.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GNU Cash question

2009-03-24 Thread Graham Leggett

Caren Langenhoven wrote:

This program was recommended to me by my IT guy.

We are in South Africa. The business that I want to run on GNU Cash is VAT 
registered. Will I be able to do my South African VAT(14%) on this program?

I use gnucash for a ZA based business. I use the gnucash VAT features 
for VAT output tax (VAT on invoices), but capture the VAT input tax as a 
line item on bills (VAT on purchases). This is done to stop gnucash 
trying to work out the VAT input tax itself, and to account for input 
and output tax separately (gnucash lumps these two together by default).

So in short, yes.

Id this program PASTEL compliant?

What does pastel compliant mean? (I understand pastel to be a 
product, rather than a standard).


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: String lengths in the SQL backend

2008-11-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Multi-user access is not a goal in the first release, but it is certainly
something that would be nice to add.  And yes, a SQL Backend is necessary
but not sufficient for multi-user.

Not addressing the multi user issue now will cause a significant number 
of bugs to be reported down the line, as there is nothing stopping two 
people from accessing the same database.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: install etc

2008-11-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Carol Brown wrote:

I am starting a small business and have done some research and most 
agree that GnuCash is the best accounting program for Linux. But I am 
dismayed to see that I have to download /source code/, which to me means 
/compile/ and /build/. Arghhh. I don't do compile and build. I am 
starting a business and just want to install and use my accounting 
software. As you can imagine, I have a bazillion other things to do.

Gnucash binaries are available by default in most Linux distributions, 
there is usually no need to try and build binaries yourself.

Take a look in the docs for your distribution to find out what software 
is available, and what it is called, and how to install it.

The package you are looking for is probably called gnucash, or 
potentially gnucash2.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: String lengths in the SQL backend

2008-11-13 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Uhh, yeah.  Sorry.  Totally unreasonable.

The code in question is a user-input field.  Historically accountants
used codes instead of names to keep track of accounts.  So GnuCash provides
a place for you to enter in an Account Code.  But it's a string, not a number.
Granted, most users probably do only use numbers, but there is no
requirement that it be a number.

It is for this exact reason that in standard database schema design, 
codes should not be used as keys.

The end user (or an administrator, or an auditor) should have the power 
to choose the code as they see fit and change the code if they see fit. 
If you have used the code as a key, changing that code becomes difficult 
from a sql perspective.

The XML file already uses a separation between codes and keys: the user 
might enter a code, but internally inside the XML file GUIDs are used as 
keys. Because of this, the code can be changed easily and safely, and 
the end user doesn't have to know or care what a GUID is or even that a 
GUID exists.

It is perfectly reasonable (and recommended) for the primary key to be 
something private to the application (an integer, a GUID, whatever), and 
the code to be just-another-field in the table.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: String lengths in the SQL backend

2008-11-12 Thread Graham Leggett

Phil Longstaff wrote:

I'd have to look back, but I think Derek's reply was the only one.  I'd like 
to open the topic again, because of Rolf's problem.  Can anyone think of a 
reason that account code size limit cannot be reduced to a smaller value (e.g. 
32)?   Will anyone ever enter an account code longer than that?

No matter what you do, any limit that you set will always eventually be 
too small for somebody.

Ideally gnucash should not impose any limit at all - it should be up to 
the entity that creates the database to decide how wide the columns 
should be.

Doing it this way means that database column sizes become the user's 
problem. If the user needs a wider column, the user can make the column 

If the user chooses a database that supports varchars of large size 
efficiently (like postgres), then gnucash should step out the way and 
not impose a limit at all.

In terms of the UI, if gnucash could query the database and say how 
wide is this column? and then use that to limit the widths, again it 
means that widths are the user's problem.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Development on Mac Leopard (10.5.5)

2008-10-26 Thread Graham Leggett

Charles Day wrote:

1. Is it readily possible to do GnuCash development, compilation, and
testing work from within Leopard, via macports or fink or otherwise?


2. Is it just easier to do the work in Linux or XP running in a virtual
machine, e.g. vmware fusion or parallels? (I would rather not have to dual

No. :)

I currently use the macports version of gnucash and it works fine, 
though a big minus is the excessive time taken installing it.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

OFX import and cancel

2008-09-19 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

I have picked up some strange behaviour with the OFX import code.

If you select an OFX file to import, the generic import transaction 
manager appears.

If at this point you click cancel to bail out of the import process, 
the window closes and everything looks fine - until you try to add a 
further transaction to the account.

At this point, all the transactions that would have been touched by the 
OFX import suddenly display themselves as unbalanced (square-in-a-box), 
as the splits have all lost their accounts.

To fix this, you have to reload your xac file from a backup.

If you click on OK on the generic import transaction manager, it works 

Has anyone else seen this before?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t - When does it break?

2008-07-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Ian Lewis wrote:

In other words, the
timezone in which it was entered needs to be stored to figure out what
day it was entered? Otherwise, wouldn't the local timezone be enough
to serve as metadata when converting to a date?

The local timezone changes over time, and this is the source of the 
problem. I moved from one country to another and suddenly my VAT returns 
went haywire because transactions on the 1st of the month were now 
suddenly on the last day of the previous month, and therefore in a 
different VAT period.

Others might live in NY and fly to LA on business for a few days, 
updating their timezone while there. They will face the same problem.

Base accounting cares about dates and not times because accounting wants 
to break accounts into periods. If the date is ambiguous, then the 
period into which that transaction falls is ambiguous, and this affects 
things like tax and VAT returns, which in turn leaves the end user 
facing tax penalties.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: RFC: Timestamps/timezones proposal

2008-07-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Charles Day wrote:

ok, though what happens when the user decides to change the timezone for
account A? (eg. I ask the bank to transfer my account from their Saint
John's branch to their Vancouver branch, 5 timezones apart?) What happens to
the timestamps and dates displayed then?

The timestamps don't change. Only the value displayed.

This breaks double entry accounting.

If account A and account B had different timezones, it means the 
balancing splits within a transaction can fall on different days.

If this happened over the start or end of a period of time, your 
accounts would no longer balance - only half the split falls into the 

In order to be able to trust the data coming out of gnucash, gnucash 
must be completely 100% and absolutely unambiguous about the data. If 
the user specified a day, a month and a year, there must be absolutely 
no way possible at all that circumstances can conspire to have that day 
month and year changed to a different day month and year without the 
user's knowledge. The single and only way a date should change is if the 
user explicitly went in and changed that date, and at no other time.

The only safe way to do this is to store a date as a date, and not a 


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: RFC: Timestamps/timezones proposal

2008-07-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Charles Day wrote:

No, splits don't have posting dates or times. The entire transaction 
uses a single timestamp. That's how it works now. Under this proposal, 
that timestamp would only be *displayed* differently in different 
registers, or not, according to your preference.

This is still very broken.

If the accounts have different timezones, then the split in account A 
can fall on a different date to the split in account B, even though they 
have the same timestamp. User confusion results.

You can try and kludge it as much as you like: A timestamp will never 
reliably represent a date no matter what hoops you jump through.

I disagree. If GnuCash uses timestamps, but a particular user such as 
yourself wants to disable the effects of time of day and time zone 
differences, then GnuCash could be set to use a single time zone for all 
accounts. I imagine there being a global preference called something 
like I want to enter transaction times, which would be off by default, 
causing GnuCash to completely ignore the time zone of your computer, So 
when you moved your computer between time zones, it wouldn't affect your 

Under what circumstances would an end user ever choose the option 
randomly change the dates on my transactions when I change the timezone 
on my machine?

As I have said before, there are *severe penalties* for getting 
financial information incorrect. Tax authorities will *fine* you for 
submitting inaccurate information. This bug exposes gnucash users to non 
trivial risk during a tax audit.

Any fix to this problem must not include scope for a programmer of 
gnucash to accidentally use the system timezone for date calculations 
and in so doing introduce subtle to find and dangerous bugs.

Using timestamps is begging for trouble.


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Re: RFC: Timestamps/timezones proposal

2008-07-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Charles Day wrote:

Tell me how this proposal would cause random date changes. Only the 
*display* of the timestamp changes, and only according to settings that 
you pick yourself.

Try this:

Enter a transaction dated 1 March 2008 in an account with timezone 
UTC+02, with its split in a second account with a timezone of UTC.

Later, the user notices that in the second account, the transaction 
appears on 29 Feb 2008, goes that's odd, and corrects the date to 
say 1 March 2008.

Without the user knowing, the transaction on 1 March is now actually on 
2 March 2008.

Try this:

Create a new account. The account is created with the local timezone as 
a sensible default. User thinks nothing of it and creates an account in 
timezone UTC+02.

Fast forward some time, change your timezone in the mean time. Create a 
new account. The account is created with the local timezone as a 
sensible default. User thinks nothing of it and creates an account in 
timezone UTC.

User encounters the first problem above and goes huh? Wastes lots of 
time, posts it as a bug, and then someone tells the user oh it's 
supposed to work like that.

User ditches gnucash.

You ask the impossible. Using a date alone doesn't guarantee freedom 
from date-related bugs either. Considering the present state, switching 
to a date alone would actually be a larger coding effort, and therefore 
probably more bug prone.

You misunderstand the risk being faced.

If a timestamp is used, it means that every single piece of time related 
code, must correctly respect the account timezone, at all times moving 
forward during development.

As soon as *one* developer at *any* time in the future makes *one* 
mistake with regards to the timezone, the bug is back.

The core premise behind defensive coding is choosing coding strategies 
that make it very difficult to make mistakes.

It is difficult to get a date wrong, because 1 March 2008 is always 
and without exception equal to 1 March 2008. 2 March 2008 is always 
and without exception exactly one day after 1 March 2008.

If you want to make life difficult for yourself and for end users, stick 
with the timestamps.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-17 Thread Graham Leggett

Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

ts:date2008-04-10 18:02:00 -0400/ts:date

The issue here isn't the data file (which I assumed we all agreed
included the needed info).  The issue is that loading the
nice ascii timestamp with timezone into just a time_t field in memory 
(even a 64 bit one) loses critical info: the timezone.

Java code has faced this exact problem for many years (java.util.Date 
isn't a date, but a timestamp with no timezone information), and as a 
result JSR310 has been proposed, which will see a whole new date and 
calendar library in Java targeted for JDK7 (as I understand). The work 
is based on work by the same people who created a date and time handling 
library called Joda Time: http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/

Gnucash suffers the same date problems as do applications that use the 
current built in Java date formatting. For those who don't fully 
understand the implications of date handling, comparing Joda Time to 
java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar should give an idea of the extent 
of the problem.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-17 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Try the string 2008-04-11 00:02:00 +0200. Same timestamp. Different 

* sigh *

Are you intentionally ignoring my repeated statement that we need

No, read back what you said, which was For example, what's
the difference between 2008-04-10 18:02:00 -0400 and
2008-04-10 15:02:00 -0700?   I would argue that there *is* no
difference.  Both timestamps are talking about the exact same time.
And hey look, they both say 2008-04-10.

You are claiming, in this sentence, that the change in timezone doesn't 
cause a change in date. I have showed your assertion to be false for the 
example you gave.

Nah, it's pretty easy to be consistent.  Indeed, GnuCash *IS*
already very consistent on this already.

I have hunted down many bugs, and I can identify bugs that have a high 
risk of coming back, this is one of them.

Remember my point about engineering finance software very carefully? 
Avoiding bug traps like this is one way you do this.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

These rules can certainly vary from place to place, locale to locale,
or even person to person.   Why force the issue?

Because the consequences can be expensive.

I was lucky in that I found and located the source of the problem 
relatively quickly. Had I not found it, I would have sent inaccurate VAT 
returns to the tax authorities, and I would have been hard pressed to 
explain to the tax authorities why my numbers were bogus had I have been 

Computer error is a story the tax people have heard before, and it 
would not have washed.

Finance software is important to engineer very, very carefully, because 
the consequences of getting the numbers wrong are significant and severe.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Yes, but how would you like it if we forced the issue and the way
GnuCash did it was NOT the way you needed it done?  Wouldn't you
prefer to be able to set it up for your particular locale in the
way YOU need it to be done?

I've worked in finance for a long time (first insurance, then investment 
banking) - a date is a universal concept across the world that is very 
different from a timestamp.

These kind of date problems are not unique to gnucash, banking software 
suffers from the same pain when timestamps are used instead of dates, 
particularly in the Java world where there has never been a clear 
distinction between timestamp and date.

Absolutely!  Which is why I think the flexibility is IMPORTANT, because
what you need and what your neighbor needs are not necessarily
the same.  But if GnuCash is agnostic then we can let you set it up one
way and them set it up differently and GnuCash just doesn't care!
You both win.

In this case, using timestamps lets this happen.  Using day stamps
does not.

Using timestamps caused my VAT returns to become bogus the moment I 
moved countries and changed the timezone on my machine. This is not 
flexibility, this is a severe design flaw.


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Re: time_t

2008-07-15 Thread Graham Leggett

Nathan Buchanan wrote:

I guess the real question is - can we wait a couple years for a 64 bit
time_t? Probably, I think.

Are there any systems in wide use that aren't yet 64 bit time_t? I was 
under the impression that OSes had already changed.

A quick look under MacOSX Leopard shows time_t is a long, and on RHEL5 
it is a long int.


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Re: time_t

2008-07-15 Thread Graham Leggett

Nathan Buchanan wrote:

I'm a bit out of my league here...but I believe a long (or long int) is 
defined to be a minimum of 32 bits - so if you're still using a 32 bit 
system(?) (or processor?) you may still get a 32 bit time_t.

You're right - the 64 bit RHEL5 system showed sizeof(time_t) to be 8, 
while Leopard on my Powerbook G4 said 4, as did RHEL4/i386.

Looking at what APR (the Apache portable runtime) does with its portable 
version of time_t, it explicitly defines it as a 64 bit signed type. I 
suspect gnucash may have to do the same.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-15 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Different database engines have different column types for storing
dates/times, so I'm using a 'MMDDHHMMSS' char string.

... in what timezone?Do you always convert to UTC?

The current XML file doesn't convert to UTC, and as a result my computer 
is stuck in the UTC+02 timezone, when I actually live in UTC (within 
spitting distance of Greenwich).

If I don't do this, transactions report themselves as being one day 
early, so transactions on the first of the month suddenly appear on the 
last day of last month, which sends my VAT returns into a spin.

I think this is being caused by dates that are actually dates and not 
times, being stores as times.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: time_t

2008-07-15 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

I think this is being caused by dates that are actually dates and not 
times, being stores as times.

You think incorrectly.

There are LOTS of reasons to store times in transactions.  There ARE
timestamps in the real world.  And there are reasons that some people
want to actually put time stamps into transactions, too (see bug #89439).

I'm not saying that there isn't a bug here, just that your reasoning
is flawed.

I didn't say that *all* timestamps were unnecessary, what I said was 
that dates that are actually dates, and not times, are being stored as 
times, and that this is incorrect.

For an example, look at the date entered in a transaction. The UI only 
allows you to choose a year, a month and a day, and because of this, you 
should only store a year, a month and a day.

A date represents a fixed distance in time, from midnight on the 
previous day, to midnight on the same day, and width of this distance 
could be affected by all sorts of things like leap seconds and daylight 
saving switchover.

In contrast a timestamp represents a fixed point in time, and as you 
vary the timezone, the date could change from yesterday, to today, or 
today, to tomorrow.

If you mix the two up, you get the sorts of weird behaviour that we have 

It is perfectly reasonable to store timestamps for certain things. The 
point in time at which the transaction was captured should be a 
timestamp, not a date.

But if you ask the user for a date (a range of time approx 24 hours in 
length), don't change that to a timestamp (a fixed point in time since 
the epoch), it just generates bugs.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-06-01 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:


in particular the code that implements the invoice and payment processing
and the balancing code to make sure payment are split across invoices

I have found that the current implementation of this particular 
functionality doesn't work that well, as it assumes payments will always 
follow invoices/bills.

In the invoice world this is usually the case, but in the case of bills, 
the payment will often be entered first (the bank statement gets 
reconciled to ensure the customer paid before shipping the goods, and 
both the payment from the customer and the payment to the supplier is 
captured in the process), the supplier takes their time getting their 
bill to you so the bill is captured long after the payment was made.

On top of this, you may have captured the bills in a different order to 
the captured payments, so the payment splits end up not making much 
sense. Then, if you unpost a bill to correct a mistake, it further 
complicates things, because now the bill total may be different and the 
payment splits make even less sense.

This seems to affect the payable and receivable aging, I have often seen 
cases of where payable aging says the vendor is owed X, but the final 
total on the account is zero. As a result I have learned to ignore 
payable aging entirely.

Calculating which invoices are paid and which aren't is a non trivial 
process, for my purposes I implemented a way to flag an invoice as 
unpaid if all the payments made to date by the supplier don't exceed the 
sum of all invoices up until that invoice. Getting that right gave me a 

I suspect that after an invoice or a payment is posted (or reposted) for 
an invoice or bill, what should probably happen is that the flags 
indicating paid / unpaid get reset from scratch each time. This way 
inaccuracies can get smoothed out over time.

In the XML tree, a transaction that belongs to an invoice has slots 
attached with additional information saying a) that the transaction is 
an invoice or a payment (from trans-txn-type), and b) which invoice 
this transaction is associated with.

This has nothing to do with the data in the XML file.  I honestly
forget why the txn-type was created, and I dont remember where
it's used.

The data is respected though - if you manually change the sign, load it 
into gnucash and save it again, the invoice stays an invoice, and the 
payment stays a payment.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-06-01 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Eh?   I receive a bill from my vendor.  It's not due for another
20 days.  I enter it into gnucash and then later on pay it.

Some vendors are COD only, which means the payment will almost always 
come before the invoice. Or the payment is captured before the bill is 
captured, either way has the same effect.

Your algorithm cannot make any assumptions as to the order that 
information will be captured into gnucash.

In your case you're talking about a completely different paradigm.
You're talking POS/Orders, and the gnucash business features don't
implement that right now.  For that you should probably just forego
the business features because you're never in a situation where a
customer owes you money.

Both our customers and our accountant require invoices regardless of 
when and how payment is made, again, this is a legal requirement. As a 
result, using the business features is mandatory for us.

You can choose the first item to get paid.  yes, if you unpost then
it can get confused.  There's certainly some post/unpost/pay series
that gets it very confused but I haven't been able to reproduce this
case in my testing.

I have, in three separate sets of accounts, reproducing it is not difficult.


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Gnucash XAC file XSDs

2008-06-01 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

In order to parse the gnucash XAC file from java, I have generated the 
following XSD files using Trang called from Oxygen XML.

The XSD was generated from my company's XAC file, with additional 
entries added to make sure none of the fields were missed. While it 
works for me so far, it might need some tweaking to be useful for everyone.

In addition, I have added a maven2 project that will turn the XSDs into 
java code automatically via xmlbeans. This makes the XAC file easily 
accessible from java, and makes the information within gnucash available 
to external applications.

Would it be possible to find a home for this code in the gnucash repo?


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Gnucash XAC file XSDs

2008-06-01 Thread Graham Leggett

Josh Sled wrote:

How does this reconcile with the hand-generated Relax-NG schema in

An attempt to convert it with trang throws the following errors:

Severity and DescriptionPathResourceLocation
Creation Time   Id
[Xerces] cos-element-consistent: Error for type '#AnonType_book'. 
Multiple elements with name 'count-data', with different types, appear 
in the model group.
@see: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cos-element-consistent 
gnucash-xsd/target	gnucash-v2.xsd	line 56	1212357352094	8017
[Xerces] cos-element-consistent: Error for type '#AnonType_slotKvpSlot'. 
Multiple elements with name 'value', with different types, appear in the 
model group.
@see: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cos-element-consistent 
gnucash-xsd/target	gnucash-v2.xsd	line 265	1212357352120	8019
[Xerces] cos-nonambig: http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:count-data and 
http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:count-data (or elements from their 
substitution group) violate Unique Particle Attribution. During 
validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two 
@see: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cos-nonambig 
gnucash-xsd/target	gnucash-v2.xsd	line 56	1212357352111	8018
[Xerces] cos-nonambig: http://www.gnucash.org/XML/slot:value and 
http://www.gnucash.org/XML/slot:value (or elements from their 
substitution group) violate Unique Particle Attribution. During 
validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two 
@see: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cos-nonambig 
gnucash-xsd/target	gnucash-v2.xsd	line 265	1212357352146	8020

If we're going to keep a non-authoritative schema, I'd prefer we have just
one, and convert to the other formats.  Though I don't care much, I'd
strongly suggest the much more human-friendly Relax-NG compact syntax for

It definitely makes sense.

Xmlbeans expects XSD though, so before that is practical, we need to 
make sure the relax-ng schema can be converted to the different formats.

I tried to convert the relax-ng to DTD, and got this:

file:/Users/minfrin/src/gnucash/gnucash-xsd/gnucash-v2.rnc:151:5 - 
sorry, not handled: duplicate declaration of element value from 
namespace http://www.gnucash.org/XML/slot;


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Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-31 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Unfortunately it's not that easy.  That check is in there because the
underlying code uses the Value + AccountType to determine if this is an
Invoice or a Payment.  All the linkage logic is based on the invariant
that an Invoice is positive and a Payment is negative  (obviously
the numeric positive/negative is different for A/R and A/P, but let's
not confuse the issue).

Can you confirm in more detail exactly which part of the code makes this 

In the XML tree, a transaction that belongs to an invoice has slots 
attached with additional information saying a) that the transaction is 
an invoice or a payment (from trans-txn-type), and b) which invoice 
this transaction is associated with.

Changing the sign manually on an invoice and saving the file shows 
correct figures for that particular customer, both from within gnucash, 
and from within my web statements (which ignore the sign of the 
transactions completely).

Is the sign check shortcut being used in other reports?


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-31 Thread Graham Leggett

Nathan Buchanan wrote:

2. Use GDA V4. We will probably send time fixing bugs here, but we are
almost guaranteed that a release will happen. The advantages of this
approach is that we will be current with the new GDA and releases will be
done for us (or in conjunction with us - depending on how closely we work
with the GDA team). Work done here will not be towards a dieing version. The
disadvantages are that we will probably be limited to sqlite until the other
providers are completed. We may have to distribute pre-release versions of
the code until there is a 4.0 release, but after that, we hand it over to
the official releases.

I agree with this.

My personal opinion is that we go with #2, use GDA V4. We will need to do
fixes in either #1 or #2. From a maintenance point of view it's better to
put those fixes towards a version that has a reasonable chance of a release.
(This does, of course, assume that V4 actually gets completed). At best the
other providers get implemented and we have all of them available. At worst,
we're stuck with sqlite for a while.

If we really need mysql/postgres right away - it's going to involve
significant work regardless of the option chosen.

I would like postgres, but I would prefer a stable and supported library 
more in the long run even if it mean waiting longer. Use of a library 
attracts development of that library, I think if gnucash uses V4 it will 
be an extra reason for V4 to be maintained and supported.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-30 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

A Process Payment gives you that Negative number.  What you would
do is Process Payment to, say, your checking account.  Then after
the transaction gets posted you can go in and change it from Checking
to Income.  Make sure you only change the account, not the AMOUNT.
Changing the amount will throw off all the numbers.

This doesn't solve the problem of the need to give your customer a 
credit note. This requirement exists in law, as the credit note contains 
tax refund details of VAT amounts on the invoice.

The real fix it to take out the error check that prevents invoices being 
posted that have negative totals.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-29 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Hahahahahahaha!!  Wow, now you're REAY funny!   Have you
forgotten that GnuCash is a Volunteer effort?  *laughs*  Users?

Come across to Apache sometime. We take our users seriously over there.

Last I checked Apache had a whole big funded foundation backing their
development.   Apples and kumquats, I'm afraid.

Having been a member of the foundation for some time (you are using some 
of my code contributions to host your website), I can confirm to you 
that Apache doesn't take it's users seriously because of big funding 
(which Apache doesn't have), but because without users there would be 
zero point in writing the software at all.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-28 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Hahahahahahaha!!  Wow, now you're REAY funny!   Have you
forgotten that GnuCash is a Volunteer effort?  *laughs*  Users?

Come across to Apache sometime. We take our users seriously over there.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: Status

2008-05-27 Thread Graham Leggett

Geert Janssens wrote:

And I have been looking around, although I didn't migrate yet because of the 
huge effort it usually takes: there's 
* Compiere: it does ERP (enterprise resource planning), BPM (Business Project 
Management) and accounting. It's maintained by a company also called 
Compiere, the product is open source based, although it seems the company is 
heading to closing the source. That's why there is now a fork:
* Adempiere: this is a fully open source fork of Compiere. It aims to remain 
as compatible with Compiere as possible, although it seems to merge some 
additional functionality not yet in Compiere, like Point-Of-Sales system, 
Both are (at least for me) very difficult to grasp. I managed to get them 
installed, but I never really managed to use them in a way that was useful.

I tried to evaluate Compiere, and it failed the stability test - I 
didn't complete the install before I was running into baffling 
stacktraces left right and centre.

What I am avoiding is the bloated we-try-do-everything software package, 
that takes forever to learn how to use, forever to fix when it breaks, 
and forever to pay off the huge bloated computer system required to run it.

Instead, I am focusing on finding products that do one thing and do one 
thing well, and gnucash is an example of a product that does double 
entry accounting, and does it well.

Gnucash has some bizaare flaws though: gnucash will actively stop you 
trying to give your customer a refund by refusing to post an invoice 
with a negative total. In the mean time we hack the XML by hand (!), 
but once invoice addition is automated, this problem will go away.

But put it this way, Derek can throw as many tantrums as he likes, we 
plan to use gnucash to move from a small business to a big business (for 
now). :)


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Re: gnucash automation

2008-05-27 Thread Graham Leggett

Christian Stimming wrote:

What the developers here mean by the gnucash API is all the source code that 
lives in src/engine/, also known as the engine here. Most of it is 
documented by doxygen comments in the source code. The source code in 
src/engine depends on glib, but it does not depend on gtk, which should 
underline the fact that this has nothing to do with GUI issues. The gnucash 
model of programming expects any non-GUI program to use the programming API 
that is offered by src/engine in order to open a gnucash data file, extract 
data from it, potentially modify its content, and maybe save it again.

Does the API end up in a shared library that I can link to?


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Re: Another attempt to build gda-dev2

2008-05-07 Thread Graham Leggett

David Reiser wrote:

One thing that will be a problem is that to build from svn, you need 
swig. Fink's swig (the guile parts, anyway) is based on guile 1.8, but 
there is no slib-guile for guile 1.8.

What I did was to build my own version of swig in /opt, pointing it at 
guile 1.6 (via guile16-build configure, etc.).

Hmmm - maybe I can cheat, and run autogen.sh on a Redhat machine, and 
then transfer the tree over to my mac with the autotools intact.

However, you may want to wait a while. I haven't had good experiences 
with the gda-dev2 branch on my mac. It takes hours to convert a 3-year 
gnucash file, and I have yet to succeed at opening any file created by 
gda -- even a newly created file with a single transaction.

I'm keen to take a look and see why.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Export QSF: Bus error

2008-05-02 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

While trying to run export QSF (for invoices), gnucash v2.2.4 bombs out 
with the bus error like so:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x0028
qof_begin_edit (inst=0x6bd1a30) at qofinstance.c:897
897 qofinstance.c: No such file or directory.
in qofinstance.c
(gdb) bt
#0  qof_begin_edit (inst=0x6bd1a30) at qofinstance.c:897
#1  0x002ce92c in qofTransSetDescription (trans=0x6bd1a30, 
desc=0x648a970 Rackspace Managed Hosting) at Transaction.c:1417
#2  0x0022a5e4 in qof_instance_foreach_copy (data=0x331518, 
user_data=0xbfffddc8) at qofsession.c:436

#3  0x028a702c in g_slist_foreach ()
#4  0x0022afcc in qof_instance_copy_to_session (new_session=0x6c972b0, 
original=0x6bbf1d0) at qofsession.c:657
#5  0x0022b400 in recurse_ent_cb (ent=0x6be6080, user_data=0xbfffdf58) 
at qofsession.c:766

#6  0x0287f76c in g_hash_table_foreach ()
#7  0x00219b3c in qof_collection_foreach (col=0x0, cb_func=0, 
user_data=0x58) at qofid.c:359
#8  0x0022b628 in qof_instance_copy_coll_r (new_session=0x1, 
coll=0x6c3b260) at qofsession.c:820
#9  0x02d83264 in gnc_plugin_business_cmd_export_invoice (action=0x0, 
mw=0x0) at gnc-plugin-business.c:730

#10 0x0282a31c in g_closure_invoke ()
#11 0x0283b09c in signal_emit_unlocked_R ()
#12 0x0283c4c8 in g_signal_emit_valist ()
#13 0x0283c72c in g_signal_emit ()
#14 0x02143afc in gtk_action_activate ()
#15 0x0282a31c in g_closure_invoke ()
#16 0x0283b09c in signal_emit_unlocked_R ()
#17 0x0283c4c8 in g_signal_emit_valist ()
#18 0x0283c72c in g_signal_emit ()
#19 0x0239dbd0 in gtk_widget_activate ()
#20 0x02266618 in gtk_menu_shell_activate_item ()
#21 0x02266958 in gtk_menu_shell_button_release ()
#22 0x02251444 in _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED ()
#23 0x0282a31c in g_closure_invoke ()
#24 0x0283b2c0 in signal_emit_unlocked_R ()
#25 0x0283c528 in g_signal_emit_valist ()
#26 0x0283c72c in g_signal_emit ()
#27 0x02398200 in gtk_widget_event_internal ()
#28 0x0224e6dc in gtk_propagate_event ()
#29 0x0224f41c in gtk_main_do_event ()
#30 0x025642d0 in gdk_event_dispatch ()
#31 0x0288f714 in g_main_context_dispatch ()
#32 0x028912f0 in g_main_context_iterate ()
#33 0x028916ec in g_main_loop_run ()
#34 0x0224ea90 in gtk_main ()
#35 0x0103e504 in gnc_ui_start_event_loop () at gnc-gnome-utils.c:450
#36 0x302c in inner_main (closure=0x0, argc=0, argv=0x58) at 
#37 0x026b70d8 in scm_boot_guile (argc=0, argv=0x0, main_func=0x58, 
closure=0x) at init.c:635

#38 0x3888 in main (argc=2, argv=0xb624) at gnucash-bin.c:623


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Another attempt to build gda-dev2

2008-05-01 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

Just tried again to build gda-dev2, and again I am stuck at autogen.sh.

README.dependencies lists lots of dependencies for various Linux 
distros, but makes no mention of fink for MacOSX 10.4, which is what I 
am trying to build for.

Following the various instructions from here 
http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSXInstallation#gnucash-2.2.x hasn't 
helped either, gnucash v2.2.4 works, which seems to be as far as the 
documentation has gone.

I have just successfully built gnucash v2.2.4 from source using fink 
update, but something in gda-dev2 is either different or missing to 
gnucash 2.2.4.

Does anyone know what magic dependency I am missing?

machine-of-doom:~/src/gnucash/gda-dev2 minfrin$ ./autogen.sh
Creating /po/POTFILES.in ...
Creating /aclocal.m4 ...
Running glib-gettextize --force --copy ...
GnuCash note: Please ignore the output of glib-gettextize below!
Copying file mkinstalldirs
Copying file po/Makefile.in.in

Please add the files
  codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4
from the /aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory
or directly to your aclocal.m4 file.
You will also need config.guess and config.sub, which you can get from

GnuCash note: Please ignore the output of glib-gettextize above!

Ensure aclocal.m4 is writable ...
Ensure po/POTFILES.in is writable ...
Running intltoolize --force --copy ...
You should update your 'aclocal.m4' by running aclocal.
Running libtoolize --force --copy ...
Running aclocal  -I macros ...
aclocal:configure.in:52: warning: macro `AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2' not found in 
aclocal:configure.in:82: warning: macro `AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT' not found 
in library
aclocal:configure.in:230: warning: macro `AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0' not found in 

Running autoheader...
Running automake --add-missing --gnu  ...
src/gnome-utils/schemas/Makefile.am:13: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not 
src/gnome-utils/schemas/Makefile.am:19: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not 
src/gnome/schemas/Makefile.am:23: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not appear 
src/gnome/schemas/Makefile.am:29: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not appear 
src/import-export/hbci/schemas/Makefile.am:13: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL 
does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
src/import-export/hbci/schemas/Makefile.am:19: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL 
does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
src/import-export/schemas/Makefile.am:13: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not 
src/import-export/schemas/Makefile.am:19: GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL does not 

**Error**: automake failed.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA Missing records in SQLite

2008-02-27 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Umm.. I can't imagine ANY workaround that gnucash would perform
that would silently break with a gda upgrade.

The biggest example is a workaround to escape strings not already 
escaped through the use of prepared statements. There is no reliable way 
to detect whether prepared statements are supported (apparently), so 
there would in turn not be a reliable way to detect whether or not the 
escaping workaround should be applied. If you apply escaping where it 
isn't required, you get corrupted strings. If you don't apply escaping 
where it is required, you get SQL insert failures.

Oh, I'm all for getting gda fixed..  But there's a timing issue here.
How long does it take to:

1) get GDA to fix the problem
2) get a new GDA release
3) get the new GDA release into the distributions?

Significantly less time than:

1) User experiences sudden corruption of their gnucash file
2) User traces it back to a libgda upgrade
3) Get gnucash to remove the workaround
4) Get a new gnucash release
5) Get the new gnucash release into the distributions.

Rather take longer and do it right, than be impatient and sow the seeds 
of angst, drama and future pain.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA Missing records in SQLite

2008-02-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Except SQLite is a requirement.  If we can't support SQLite then
IMNSHO the project has failed.  So by that, if we have to make
a workaround to get SQLite working, we should.  Note that we can
always key the workaround code based on the version of gda we
find when we build gnucash.

Then someone upgrades libgda, and gnucash silently breaks.

If there are issues with libgda support with sqlite, I suggest fixing 
the issues in libgda. Short term hacks lead to long term pain.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA Missing records in SQLite

2008-02-24 Thread Graham Leggett

Phil Longstaff wrote:

The providers allow it, GDA allows it, but not all of the GDA providers 
use the facilities.  I couldn't find any sqlite3_bind_xxx() calls in the 
GDA sqlite provider, for example.

I agree that the gda backend should change to using the libgda parameter 
functions, but I shouldn't have to do that to work around this problem, 
which is a bug in libgda.

We should be very careful of coding workarounds in gnucash to fix 
limitations in libgda. Time passes, libgda is fixed, and suddenly our 
fix becomes our bug.

We should rather sanity check the backend when we start, to make sure 
that certain basic sane defaults are supported. For example, we might 
(and probably should) require prepared statement support. If prepared 
statement support is missing for that backend, that backend should be 
greyed out (with some hint to the user as to why).

Then - as soon as libgda releases a backend that fits our requirements, 
gnucash suddenly supports that backend.

This is significantly safer in the long term.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA Missing records in SQLite

2008-02-24 Thread Graham Leggett

Phil Longstaff wrote:

There is a function to query the backend to see what features it 
supports, but prepared statements is not in that list.  Also, if we 
require prepared statements, that might cut out the sqlite backend 
because a libgda modification to use it might not propagate out far 
enough.  I know Derek wants to see the xml gnucash file replaced by a 
sqlite db, so we need to be really sure it is unusable before we 
disqualify it.

A quick Google search shows a number of references to prepared statement 
use in sqlite, which suggests to me that prepared statements are supported.

Two things worry me at this point about the current behaviour of libgda:

- Row inserts are failing, but the error is not communicated back to the 
caller. As a result, the database is corrupted in the process.

- libgda doesn't seem to (yet) guarantee that prepared statements are 
used, and therefore that parameters do not need escaping.

The data being saved is financial data, and people are using this data 
to file tax returns and various other mandatory stuff that could prove 
expensive if done incorrectly. Gnucash should be treating this data 
conservatively, and should only be using backends that can give some 
kind of certainty that data won't be corrupted for any reason.

If we have to temporarily disable a backend until that backend works 
correctly, it is the safest thing to do, and offers an incentive to get 
the backend fixed.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA Missing records in SQLite

2008-02-20 Thread Graham Leggett

Mark Johnson wrote:

By examining which transactions, accounts, and splits were missing from 
SQLite (as compared to MySQL), I was able to determine that anything 
which had a single quote in a string (description, name,  memo fields) 
failed to be inserted into SQLite.  This is a one-to-one 
correspondence.  i.e. anything that had a single quote failed.  These 
were the only records missing as compared to MySql.

At the moment, I am guessing that the SQLite provider does not properly 
escape such strings passed to it.  If so, the SQL INSERT statements 
would be illegal and fail.  (I've built just such a bug myself once 
using MySql.)

More study of the SQLite provider is required.  I did not find any 
existing bug reports regarding single quotes and the SQLite provider.  
If  I can confirm my guess, I'll file the bug report.

This sounds more like a symptom of not using prepared statements in 
sqlite. This could be a GDA problem, or it could be sqlite not 
supporting prepared statements.

What is more worrying is that rows are being dropped and no error is 
being thrown. That looks to me like a more serious bug at this point, it 
means that strange data corruption errors are likely and the end user 
will never know.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA save missing records

2008-02-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Mark Johnson wrote:

Do we really want unlimited?  I've alluded to this question in the 
past, but I don't know if there's been a definitive answer.

Speaking for myself, I really want unlimited.

As the accounting system is most often the system data is sent to, 
rather than originated from, it would cause all sorts of hassles if it 
turns out that the description on a transaction was arbitrarily 
truncated, or worse - the transaction was arbitrary ignored or dropped.

I typically cut and paste full text strings from suppliers into invoice 
descriptions, and my suppliers are not limited by length, nor are their 
under any obligation to shorten their product descriptions if it causes 
hassles for me.

This is a bit like the 640k is big enough for everybody story, it 
isn't. :(


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request from German list: Disable editing of transactions

2008-02-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Thilo Pfennig wrote:

Maybe this is a misunderstanding but what I mean is that if I make an
entry into the account bank I think this should still be visible,
because only if it wont there would be an error. I think oen should
distinct the real bank account and the bank account in GnuCash. Sure
these two should match, but for GnuCash the authorative one should be
the GnuCash bank account, shouldnt it?

The authoritative account is the one that is considered right by an 
auditor, and that would be the bank statement, not the gnucash account.

 If tentries are falshe the user should correct them but this should 
be visible.

For what purpose? The only thing an auditor is interested in is whether 
the account matches the bank statement. If the account contains a whole 
lot of extra entries that doesn't match the bank statement, that makes 
the auditor's life more difficult, and in turn you will get a bigger 
auditing bill at the end of the year [1].

It is only after the signoff / locking / reconcilation process that it 
becomes important to track changes, as this affects external procedures 
such as interim reporting and VAT returns.

Of course if a user wants to implement an all accounts are locked 
policy, then they should be empowered to do so, but it certainly 
shouldn't be insisted on for everybody.

[1] This I found first hand in a project, one of the basic requirements 
of the project was to reduce the auditing bill of the company concerned.

If they are just
editable without being visible this would make all accounts that
interact with bank alsio being editable, because only if one can check
both accounts for correctness one is able to make a statement about the
overall correctness of the book keeping. At least thats what I learned.

The problem is that you cannot make a statement about the overall 
correctness of a transaction until both sides have been reconciled, 
and that usually happens at different dates.

It would be quite valid to lock the split in the bank account after 
the bank account was reconciled, but keep the option to move the 
opposite split elsewhere if it was determined that the amount had been 
allocated to the wrong place. Once it is allocated to the right place, 
the other side of the transaction is reconciled, and now both splits 
become locked.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA save missing records

2008-02-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Keith Bellairs wrote:

Speaking as a user and not someone busting his butt on this, I hate the 
idea of unlimited everything when we go to a DB. Most of our databases 
have a mechanism (BLOB/CLOB) to store really big things, usually at the 
cost of indexing or searching (other than with special hacks -- Oracle 
Text, for example).

gnc is not, and should not be, a doc mgmt system. I want fast, fast 
retrieval and summarization. Having a place to store a reference to a 
doc is a great idea; plugging up the data with the docs, not so much.

Of course, it is unforgiveable to just drop rows. Even silently 
truncating data is pretty dubious. Don't know Postgres and Mysql; can't 
we throw an exception so we have a chance to do the right thing (what 
the user needs)?

I'd ask the developers to pick some reasonable size for each column. 
Then publish the schema. Granted this is a big change from the unlimited 
everything, but it seems necessary. If I don't like your column size, I 
should be able to ALTER TABLE and set my own favorites, so please do not 
hard-code the column sizes into the code.

The problem with this is that it introduces inconsistency into the code. 
The XML backend has no concept of line lengths, and is so unlimited. 
The problem was originally found when an attempt was made to import this 
unlimited data into a limited system, such as the current DB system.

Suddenly we have introduced the possibility that perfectly valid data in 
one backend is no longer valid in another. Add to that a user ability to 
change the line lengths and suddenly all bets are off.

Fixed length string widths are an optimisation that helps if you are 
manipulating fixed length strings, but if you aren't - such as with a 
description in a register - the fixed length serves no purpose at all.

As someone who spends a lot of time tracking down nasty problems in 
software, I can tell you that this is exactly one of those seemingly 
harmless issues that can cause some very difficult to find, and 
therefore very expensive bugs in systems. In this case, it was only 
found because mysql and postgresql have different behaviour when string 
lengths are too long, and that was found by a very lucky accident.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: string lengths (was Re: GDA save missing records)

2008-02-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Phil Longstaff wrote:

Well, as I originally said, I can use a TEXT type which allows up to 64K 
byte strings.  Although not unlimited, I assume this is long enough for 
everyone's purposes.  MySQL stores them as 2byte length + chars.  I will
need to check that that libgda has some good method of creating them.  
Of course, I could also just try varchar(2048) instead of varchar(50), 
which should also be sufficient.  I assume that the db tries to optimize
space so that storing a 1000 char string and storing a 1 char string in 
a varchar(2048) don't use the same amount of space.

Generally, the database doesn't do this - it will allocate 2048 chars, 
whether you use 1 char or 1000. The upside of this is that it is very 
quick, the downside is that it wastes a lot of space.

Unlimited or large text strings are optimised, only because they have 
to be to be stored practically.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: string lengths (was Re: GDA save missing records)

2008-02-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Keith Bellairs wrote:

I think that depends on the DB. Using VARCHAR at least gives the engine 
a chance to optimize storage. CHAR is good for truly fixed length strings.

This is true, I mixed up the varchar with the char. Adding a limit to 
varchar is entirely arbitrary though, if the varchar can support a 2 
byte string length, then why not choose the biggest size available?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request from German list: Disable editing of transactions

2008-02-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Christian Stimming wrote:

Makes sense, but do you have any ideas how such a per-account setting can be 
implemented in the GUI? Currently, all per-account settings can be set in 
the Edit Account dialog. However, a setting Make this an inalterable 
account shouldn't be allowed to be disabled again in the GUI, as this would 
make the whole setting moot. Do you think the Edit Account dialog should 
get a button to enable that behaviour? Or do you think this should somehow 
show up in the Create New File wizard? Both would require GUI actions of a 
kind that are not yet implemented there. 

This starts gnucash down the road of having the concept of users, and 
users having some kind of access level. For example the admin user can 
log in, and set these kinds of parameters, while a normal user cannot. 
This isn't a bad thing, but do we want to bite off and chew on so much 
of the problem at once?

There are other parameters other than a lock-date that you would also 
need to protect from modification, such as the currency of the account, 
and other metadata.

Also, from an implementation point of view it's not clear to me which kind of 
editing should be allowed for transactions that contain one split in an 
inalterable account and another one in an editable account. Some fields like 
the transaction date are a per-transaction field (as opposed to per-split) - 
should those fields be allowed to be edited or not?

I'd say any split in an unalterable account should be unalterable, while 
any split in an alterable account should remain alterable. For example, 
if you raise an invoice, you end up with splits in income - sales 
(unalterable), and accounts receivable (alterable). The transaction 
has to balance to zero, otherwise the edit won't be allowed to complete.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request from German list: Disable editing of transactions

2008-02-16 Thread Graham Leggett

Thilo Pfennig wrote:

I think from the acounting perspective every entry consists on som
field like the date, the accounts, some text,... I also dont think a
mix of inalterable accounts and alterable accounts makes much sense
because every entry has two ends, so if one end is inalterable the
other one has to be, too.

This isn't true - each entry can have more than two ends in the form of 
splits, the only requirement is that all the splits add up to zero.

An example of where one split remaining alterable becomes important is 
when one side of the split goes to income - sales (for example), and 
the other side goes to bank account. Gnucash isn't the authoritative 
source for bank account information (the bank is) and therefore it 
should remain editable until the bank statement is reconciled, but 
gnucash is the authoritative source for sales. So it must remain 
possible to allocate the bank split to say petty cash or overs and 
unders if a mistake was found.

Of course if the end user wanted gnucash to treat the bank account as 
uneditable, nothing stops the user from locking both the bank account 
and the sales account.

I have the strong feeling that different views would help. So that one
can look at all without correcting entries. My guess is that it would
be better if all new files where made in the same way but that the view
could be changed (default view / strict accounting view or so).

I designed a system for an insurance company that worked somewhat like 
this. Any invoice they raised could be corrected, but this was 
implemented by automatically reversing out the old entry, and creating a 
new one. The reversal and the original entry reversed were linked together.

This allowed them to view their accounts minus the reversals, while 
their auditors would view the accounts with the reversals and so have 
full visibility of what happened.

To implement this, you would just need to provide a right-click menu 
option reverse this transaction, which would add a mirrored version of 
the transaction for you.

This wouldn't be a solution for everyone though, I certainly wouldn't 
want that on any accounts I was not authoritative for. Keeping it 
configurable would be important.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request from German list: Disable editing of transactions

2008-02-15 Thread Graham Leggett

Christian Stimming wrote:

Some German business users brought up a feature request that sounds a bit 
weird for a programmer: They asked for a gnucash mode of operation where the 
user can not edit older transactions anymore!

Makes perfect sense - wearing my programmer hat on financial systems, 
making it hard to change historical data is a normal part of financial 

I'm still not completely sure how the actual implementation would look like.

The simplest way to implement this is to define a date: transactions 
before this date become read only, and it becomes impossible to enter 
transactions before this date as well. This is enforced by the gui.

This date might be set to a fixed point in time, for example to end of 
the previous tax year - transactions from this year (or this month) can 
be edited, but not last year. The date would be set when the accountant 
signs off the tax return, or when a month is signed off and closed.

Or, the date might be set to a floating date, such as t-1 (yesterday), 
ie transactions can only be created today onwards. This would provide a 
significantly stricter environment, where all incorrect transactions 
would be forced to be reversed and recreated.

You would definitely want to set this per account, because some accounts 
in gnucash are authoritative (eg accounts dealing with the issuing of 
invoices), but other accounts track some external account source, such 
as a bank account. It would be pretty useless if you were prevented from 
correcting errors while reconciling a bank account.

As to trying to go as far as preventing people from modifying the data 
file and cook the books, that is outside the scope of gnucash, just as 
it is out of scope of any accounting program. This is easily prevented 
by taking snapshots of the accounting over time, making it very 
difficult to hide an attempt to make an unauthorised entry. I use 
subversion for this (the gnucash source file is checked into source 
control), but writing the files to read-only DVD or CD solves this problem.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA: empty PostgreSQL table failed workaround

2008-02-14 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

I think the question was more:  Does every table have to HAVE
a primary key?  Yes, the primary key must be unique, but what
if a table has no primary key?  Is that still okay?

It's perfectly ok, yes - but primary keys are used heavily for 
optimisation. Without them, performance will suffer, particularly while 
generating reports.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: GDA referential integrity

2008-01-18 Thread Graham Leggett

Mark Johnson wrote:

This would certainly cause very slow performance.  Here are some sample 
table sizes to give you an idea of how much data I have in gnucash.  I 
don't think it is especially large.  I have seen some users post who 
have quite a few more years of data in gnucash than I.

I suspect this is more a UI problem than a backend problem: the backend 
is slow, and isn't going to (practically) get any faster, meaning the 
user must the given some kind of cue that this a) might take a long 
time, and b) will only take a long time, the first time.

Perhaps some kind export wizard idea might work, in other words, if 
you loaded your data using backend X, under normal circumstances, 
gnucash will save to backend X.

If you loaded your data with backend X, but wanted to save it as backend 
Y, you would need to select a separate save option (called export?), 
which would have a progress bar, and would otherwise signal to the user 
that this is once off and may take a while, and most importantly, 
gnucash hasn't hung.

This will also simplify potential confusion when the user is given lots 
of options when they click on save.

Running further with the idea, save might mean commit any unsaved 
changes. In the XML world, this means the XML file will be saved in 
full. In the database world, a long running transaction might be 
committed. Obviously in the database world, if long running transactions 
are a bad idea or aren't supported, save could just be greyed out.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Building GnuCash 2.2.2 on Mac OS X without Fink or MacPorts

2008-01-09 Thread Graham Leggett

Jeshua Lacock wrote:

We have thousands of users and no one has ever reported a problem  
using /tmp with various binaries.

/tmp means exactly what it says on the tin: It's temporary. Don't put 
anything in /tmp that a user might expect to be permanent.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: r16624 - gnucash/trunk - Remove the spurious m4/ directory. Use macros/ instead.

2007-12-11 Thread Graham Leggett

Christian Stimming [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The whole point of cmake is that it will perform all those platform-checks 
(more precisely: host and target checks) which used to be done by the 
autoconf-generated shell scripts which nobody was able to understand. But the 
price for this is that cmake is required to be installed on the host.

I am with Derek on this one. Autoconf is mature, works on a long list of 
platforms, and does the job.

What will cmake do, apart from restrict the build to fewer systems?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: r16624 - gnucash/trunk - Remove the spurious m4/ directory. Use macros/ instead.

2007-12-11 Thread Graham Leggett

Christian Stimming wrote:

I'm sorry, but the last part is some FUD that doesn't need to be redistributed 
any further. The KDE project explicitly states that already very early into 
the migration to cmake, it built on more platforms than it ever did with 

What kind of adoption does cmake have outside of KDE?

Eg Gnome, Windows, MacOSX, etc?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: The payment amount must be greater than zero

2007-08-20 Thread Graham Leggett
On Mon, August 20, 2007 4:36 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:

 See, this is where you're not quite right.  Gnucash really is a little
 schizophrenic here; it's not sure if it wants to be a Personal finance
 program or a Small Business finance program.  It's really trying to be
 both.  It's NOT trying to transition to being ONLY a business finance

There is no reason why Gnucash cannot be both a personal finance program
or a small business program at the same time, there is very little
difference between the two.

 Having said that; the business features SHOULD be better; but I have
 no time to work on them and nobody else has really come forward to
 spend the many man-months of effort required to bring it up to snuff.
 But no, as a whole, I cannot say that gnucash is transitioning as you
 suggest it is.   Sorry.

My concern is that having spent the many man months of effort, will
patches be considered? Gnucash is probably one of the best candidates out
there to become a proper business accounting application with a few fixes
here and there. What worries me is that when these issues are brought up,
invariably someone infers the problem cannot be fixed or solved.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: The payment amount must be greater than zero

2007-08-20 Thread Graham Leggett

Nigel Titley wrote:

He does have a point though. Feature enhancements take time. None of us 
have enough time.

Neither do the people who need the features, which is why the very first 
step is to ensure that no time is wasted - by asking the list whether 
there is a well understood reason for something being as it is, and 
whether there is a recommended approach to fix it.

There seems to be a perception that every new question on the list is 
inherently a request for the core developers to do work - this is not 
the case. The information that core developers give out ultimately 
expands the core development team, and benefits the project as a whole.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

The payment amount must be greater than zero

2007-08-19 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

I have been trying to make a note of a refund paid back from a vendor, 
and am trying to make a payment with a negative amount, but I get the 
error message:

you must enter the amount of the payment. The payment amount must be 
greater than zero

If you can't add a refund this way, is there an alternative way that 
should be used to note a refund?

I am using v2.2.0.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: The payment amount must be greater than zero

2007-08-19 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Create a new Vendor Bill; or unpost the previous vendor bill and put it 
there. At this point in time GnuCash does not support Credit memos (I 
guess this

would be a Debit memo from a vendor).

In this case, the vendor credited an invoice on a credit card, so 
unposting the previous vendor bill won't work as the credit card 
statement won't match.

It looks like the easiest way to support credit momos, is to just 
remove the error message.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: The payment amount must be greater than zero

2007-08-19 Thread Graham Leggett

Derek Atkins wrote:

Unfortunately it's not THAT simple.  From the UI, yes, but there are
underlying assumptions that the UI is helping enforce.  Entering a
negative amount would break those underlying assumptions.

What underlying assumptions? All cashflows can flow in either direction 
for any number of reasons, the software shouldn't stop figures being 
negative, that's the user's job, should the user choose to.


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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Customer payments not working in v2.0.5

2007-08-03 Thread Graham Leggett
On Fri, August 3, 2007 5:17 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:

 If it's been working for the last five years then what changed between
 the last time it worked and the when it stopped working?

What caused the problem was a change made 3 months ago when I started a
new business in a new country. The problem was subtle - the transactions
made since the change three months ago, some of them were silently
incorrect when you looked at the data file, but still worked.

I think the vector that caused the problem to become visible was when a
customer was added after the currency change from 3 months ago. As soon as
an invoice was raised from this particular customer, the problem started.
Most of the invoices raised are from long running customers.

 This implies, to me, that the Customer's Currency configuration
 is wrong.  I bet you have it set to Locale Currency instead of
 specifying one.

Quite possibly - the principle of least astonishment would dictate that
when you enter the amount of money in the customer payment dialog, that
it would be prefixed with the customer's currency so that this is clear.

Right now, if the currency is wrong, the register fields become blanked
out, and the end user is given no clue as to what is wrong.

 The plot thickens... looking inside the XML of the gnucash data file,
 it looks like gnucash has been ignoring the currencies on each
 register, and instead been using the the gnucash-wide currency for

 Sorry, but that's incorrect.  Transactions entered through a currency-
 based register will use that currency.  Transactions entered through
 a STOCK or MUTUAL register (or the GL) will use the locale currency.
 How do you enter your transactions?

The problems are happening when you raise an invoice, and when you try and
pay for an invoice using customer payment. The general ledger works

 This particular gnucash is responsible for loading two xac files, one
 in one currency, and a second xac file in another currency, but this
 should not make any difference to the xac files themselves - it seems
 they do.

 Data files don't have an inherent currency, so saying one in one
 currency and one in another is wrong on many levels.

So the real problem is that data file has no inherent currency, but
instead relies on the currency that may or may not be present on gnucash
installation where the file was opened.

In order to be accurate, gnucash needs to rely on a well defined currency,
not the currency that happens to be the locale currency on a particular

 I suspect what is happening is that when the certain transactions are
 created, the currency of the transaction is being taken from the
 default currency, instead of the register currency.

 This is true.  There ARE certain cases where it uses the locale
 currency.  In particular: Stock, Mutual, and GL registers, and when
 configured to do so in the business features.

 Also keep in mind that many of the currency configurations are stored
 in GCONF and not in your data file or data metadata file, so things
 like Report Currency dont stay with the data file.

This is definitely broken - an accounting system needs to be repeatable.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Customer payments not working in v2.0.5

2007-08-02 Thread Graham Leggett

Hi all,

Out of the blue, I have been having a problem with customer process 
payments with v2.0.5.

Attempts to add a payment causes a transaction to be created, but the 
value on the transaction stays blank. This is regardless of what you 
type as the value when creating the payment, and it is regardless of any 
attempt to change the values in the transaction in the register.

Deleting the transaction and trying again results in the same problem.

Has anybody seen this problem before?

So far it looks like development on the v2.0.x branch has been ended, 
but the only version of v2.2.x available is v2.2.0, and this isn't 
backwards compatible.

Just how safe is it to upgrade at this point?


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