Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, as all knowledge is provisional, I am sure 
 we will discover much more on this theme--
 particularly from historians.
Mario observes:


Bill Clinton would love you, man :-))  It all depends
on what the meaning of 'is' is is the mantra that
guides you both :-))

As the comical Oracle of relativism you have
pronounced once again with utmost certitude all
knowledge is provisional.  Is your certitude on this
issue provisional as well?

I'm waiting with bated breath to discover whether the
provisional knowledge that 2 plus 2 equals 4 has
changed due to additional research and reflection :-))

And please use some other object, not yourself, when
you try to see whether the provisional principles of
gravity have changed:-))

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Dubai Terrorism/response to Mario

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Re your post, unfortunately, Mario does not wish to
 understand what most of the world has to say about 
 the disastrous American war in Iraq 

Mario responds:

As has become customary with most of those who
disagree with me, I see that you, as a spokesman for
most of the world have been reduced to attempted
ridicule while unable to dispute a single specific
fact among all that I detailed in response to

You keep repeating left-wing propaganda ad nauseum and
ignoring all the actual facts.  You cite world
opinion which Bush cares little about in his support
for democracy, while you support about 20,000
murderous anti-freedom insurgents while callously
ignoring the democratic desires of 25 million Iraqis.

Your cynical and callous goal, along with the entire
left-wing worldwide, is to blow smoke in our eyes with
pious claims of being a humanist, while relentlessly
supporting one of the most brutal and sadistic tyrants
of our lifetime.

Your every prevaricating word shows that you continue
to hope against hope that the Americans will fail to
liberate the Iraqis and provide them with the freedom
and democracy that THREE successful and DEATH-DEFYING
elections, have confirmed that they want beyond a
shadow of any doubt.

Cornel continues:
 At the latest count, 2500 young American soldiers
 have lost their lives, two are killed each day, 
 80,000 have been wounded and are treated badly on 
 their return instead of as heroes as one might have
 expected. The Iraqi deaths which run into many many 
 thousands are not even recorded by the American 

Mario observes:

Your shameful crocodile tears will impress your fellow
anti-freedom left-wingers, not any Iraqi, nor anyone
involved in their liberation.

First of all, the 2,500 Americans voluntarily and
heroically gave their lives to give the Iraqis a
chance at freedom and democracy.  Compare their
service and sacrifice whith you, who hides in a
democratic country while supporting murderous
anti-freedom terrorists targeting innocent civilians.

Secondly, your claims that they are being treated
shabbily is a blatant falsehood that is being spread
by people like you who despise what they did and whose
hatred for 25 million Iraqis runs so deep that their
propaganda trumps their veracity.

Regarding Iraqi deaths, they pale in comparison with
what the Iraqis faced under Saddam.  Perhaps the BBC
has failed to inform you about Saddam's rape rooms,
torture chambers and hundreds of Mass graves with
hundreds of thousands of skeletons tossed in like
thrash.  In addition, these are martyrs to the freedom
of Iraq, whereas their predecessors were simply killed
by Saddam for opposing his own brutal and sadistic
dictatorship.  They had no hope.  Iraq now does.

Cornel says dismissively:

 I once said that if the whole world said that the
 sky was blue, Mario was capable of insisting it was 
 red! Need I say more?
Mario responds:

Yes, you need to explain why you falsely claim to be a
humanist while ignoring thefreely expressed  desires
of 25 million Iraqis.  You need to explain why you are
supporting the suicidal maniacs who are targeting and
killing Iraqi civilians, for what?  To try and deny
them freedom and democracy. 

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Re: Re: [Goanet] Goa's other Films Fest fruit Gene Bank

2006-06-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

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On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 Gabe Menezes wrote :

Comment: Yes and when it is completed, please give us advance 

so that we may be able to attend the House Warming Party!

Gabe Menezes

Dear Gabe,

Any day is good enough for celebration, why
wait maybe another five months for a formality?
You are put on notice: you, Lily and the boyz
are welcome, anytime, just don't forget to
give me a tinkle the previous day!

Regards, Valmiki

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Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Francisco Colaco

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Dear Elisabeth,

Your letter is not a day too late! It is so nice, so
concise, so much food for thought. It says it all. I
don't know why Goanet allows the same old issues to be
raked up again and again, as if one derives a
masochistic pleasure in licking one's own past wounds,
further lending ammunition to one's own newfound
enemies. Everytime such unnecessary debates are
revived, I live in agony, all the more so because of
the vitiated communal atmosphere in which we live in
our otherwise peaceful State, and look askance: Why,
why, I keep asking?

As you rightly put it:

Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps
churches were built atop temples. All of that happened
in the social and political context of that era. We as
Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say the
least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
religious tension stoked. 

I can give many many more examples like the one you
quote above.

You have rightly said it, It is high time that we all
act with responsibility and restraint. 

The editors of Goanet also must share the blame for
allowing such unhealthy debates to go on and on in a
repetitive and unending manner.

Dr. Francisco Colaco
--- Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear fellow posters,
 I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
 moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
 discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
 Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
 pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise
 on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
 that we live in today. Christians have to show some
 responsibility in the assertions that they make.
 Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps
 were built atop temples. All of that happened in the
 social and political context of that era. We as
 Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
 Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say
 least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
 certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
 feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
 religious tension stoked.
 It didn't take long for the Babri Mosque to fall. It
 won't take long before the legitimacy of our
 is called into question. Yes, it is nice to sit in
 NRI lounge chairs and debate about issues, but in
 zeal to debate our point of view, let us also show
 some restraint and responsibility. 
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[Goanet] Foeticide in India

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
I know you wanted the women on this forum to share
their views on the matter of foeticide in India. Again
apologies for the delay.

Let me preface my post by saying that as the mother of
a daughter I find female foetocide abhorrent to say
the least. There are not enough poems to describe the
loveliness of a daughter.

With respect to the doctors who were hailed off to
jail for aborting the female foetus, I do not find
this an acceptable solution. Our medical professionals
cannot be held accountable for something that is
primarily not illegal in India, which is abortion.

I have to wonder, were the parents also jailed? For
the real culprits are the parents. It is however
impossible to prove motive when trying to punish
parents and the government cannot be society's moral
custodian on this issue. Since I have been bestowed
the credentials of left-wing intellectual, and in
keeping with them, I am fundamentally not opposed to
abortion. It is the undisputed right of the women or
at the very least the parents.

Which brings us back to the Salwaar Kameez. We have to
ask ourselves, what sort of society are we creating in
India. Are we creating a society that values women,
that treats them with dignity and respect? Or are we
creating a society that perpetuates inequalities and
demeans women at every point, or even more
sadistically caricatures them into either Madonnas
or whores. 

We have to change society at its roots. You'll find
that foeticide is almost nonexistent in Goa. There is
a reason for that. Education and respect for gender
equality (as much as was possible within the social
context of that time) have been an important part of
our culture.

We have to change society at its roots. And when
changes take place in society (such as Salwaar Kammez
as the uniform) it may seem benign to the naked eye,
but we have to ask questions as to what its actual
implications are. Which explains my outrage at the
Salwaar Kameez. Also I've never really looked good in
one :))


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Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Cornel,
I too agree with your position on evangelisation.
Infact I am against evangelisation by any religion or
sect. Goa, particularly has to be very careful about
being evangelised into the Believers ideology but
that is another post and another hobby horse of mine
to ride.


--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, my real worry is about the assertive stance
 of the Catholic Church 
 to evangelise in India/Asia etc. I do not want this
 precisely for the 
 reasons you have identified. This generates real
 fear in me because the 
 approach is pretty provocative I think.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: [Goanet] Goanet as a learning instrument

2006-06-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

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On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 Mario Goveia wrote :

I think the archives will show that we are on the same
page on this

I'm glad to learn that.  Goanet admins, who we mutually
admire, will sure be relieved :-)

I am actively engaged in discussions on Israel with a
number of American Jews and Palestinians who are
either friends or business associates.  It is
interesting that they will accept pointed criticisms
from me that they will not accept from each other
because they see me as unbiased.

Tell you what, dear Mario.  I think it's time that
Kofi A. or George B. appointed you an Ambassador of Peace
to the troubled mid-East.

Regards, Valmiki

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[Goanet] Re: DEAR AUNTY - No. 9: WEEKLY HUMOR :-))

2006-06-19 Thread George Pinto

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--- Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The U.S. drew Italy with only 9 of 11 men at the World Cup. How?Osama
 Dear Osama:Isn't it obvious ?  They're experts at 9/11 !

Hi Francis

Although corny at times, your weekly humour is a delightful addition to Goan 
cyberspace. More
significant, is your great talent at word play and connecting seemingly 
unrelated dots to generate
humour. Like Dominic's attempt, can we expect a book soon with these 

Keep it up.


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[Goanet] Progressive Presbyterians: Mother, Child and Womb

2006-06-19 Thread George Pinto

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Excerpt: 'The divine Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — could also 
be known as Mother,
Child and Womb or Rock, Redeemer, Friend at some Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) services under an
action Monday by the church's national assembly.'

See story at

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[Goanet] Goa news for June 20, 2006

2006-06-19 Thread Goanet News Service

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Goa News from Yahoo! News and

Visit for the full stories.

*** Illegal sale of homes to foreigners in Goa (NDTV)

Goa has drawn people from all over the world for decades. Some
people decided to stay back for good and buy beautiful old
homes in the state. But NDTV found that foreigners buying homes
in Goa are not always following the rules, which makes these
sales illegal.
sale of homes to foreigners in Goaid=89140

*** Report: (NDTV)

Portugese culture is today so imbibed in the lives of Goans
that it's difficult to imagine Goa without its Portugese
connection. But when it comes to football, Brazil is a clear
roots for Brazilid=28781

*** Wild animals encroaching on India's new city settlements
(Channel NewsAsia)

GOA, India : Wild animals, squeezed out of their natural
habitats by man, are in turn encroaching into human
settlements. That's a frequent phenomenon in India, as cities
expand rapidly outwards.

*** Cong supports govt over English in primary schools (Navhind

Panaji, June 19: The Goa pradesh Congress committee, at its
meeting held at the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry hall,
today fully supported the government and the Education
Minister, Mr Luizinho Faleiro for introducing English language
subject in Marathi and Konkani medium schools and further
recommended setting up of a panel for drafting state education

*** Rane firm on reforms in education (The Hindu)

PANAJI: The Goa Government has ruled out changing its decision
to usher in reforms in the primary education system. To
prevent the Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its
allies from hijacking the sensitive issue when the State ...

*** PLIVA sets up group's fourth RD centre in Goa (PharmaBiz)

PLIVA, the 85 year old generics company based in East Europe,
set up its new Research and Development facility PLIVA Research
(India) Private Ltd, in Goa on Wednesday. This is the fourth RD
center within the Group.

*** Claims of Goa Liberation struggle heroes to be settled:
Rane (New Kerala)

Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane today said pending
claims of the state's liberation struggle heroes would be
settled soon. All the claims have been discussed at the
meetings, attended by representatives of freedom fighters...

*** Goa govt to find out foreigners illegally owning properties
(New Kerala)

Panaji: With the violation of the Foreign Exchange Management
Act (FEMA), 1999 by foreigners brought to the notice by police,
Goa government has activated its concerned departments to find
out foreigners illegally owning properties in the state.

*** Jamir lauds Goa's overall development (New Kerala)

Panaji: Lauding the overall development of the state in the
past few years, Goa Governor S C Jamir today urged the people
to work for transforming the state into a more harmonious and
progressive one.

*** Goa to celebrate Revolution Day on June 18 (New Kerala)

Panaji: Several functions would be held by the government and
educational institutions all over the state to mark the Goa
Revolution day tomorrow.

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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Re: [Goanet] For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

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On 19/06/06, Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

By Kul Bhushan

For NRIs, investing in the Indian market is akin to bungee jumping -
considering what has happened over the past few weeks.

An adventure sport, bungee jumping involves jumping from a high
platform with one end of an elastic cord attached to the ankles. When
the person jumps, the cord will stretch to take up the energy of the
fall - and the jumper will spar upwards as the cord snaps back. The
jumper oscillates up and down until the energy of the jump is

Comment: Known as a dead cat bounce! I'd say buyer beware (Caveat
emptor) - Sure you could make a load of money if the trend is really
up - better to be safe than sorry. Wait for the market to show itself!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Flexible code

2006-06-19 Thread Santosh Helekar

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So, as we can see, religion does not give us a rock
solid moral code that has survived unchanged for
thousands of years, as was erroneously stated in this
forum. The post below and the religious texts
themselves provide us with ample facts in support of
this contention. These facts are as follows:

1. Many ancient practices described in religious texts
have now been regarded as barbaric and immoral, and
have therefore been abolished by all modern secular

2. The sanitized and abridged example of a common
moral code of two major world religions has been shown
to have been conveniently revised to generate three

3. No rational moral basis has been provided for the
first four commandments of one of the revised versions
of this flexible code.

4. The argument that this religious moral code is
immoral because of the associated prescription of
death penalty, including death by stoning, for its
violation, has not been refuted.

5. A new situational moral revision is presented, one
that offers an unsubstantiated blanket denial of the
existence of the penalty of death, in the face of
explicit statements that can be seen even in modern
revised versions of the ancient religious text in

6. The convenient denial of the amply documented death
penalty leaves one to wonder what sort of adverse
consequence takes its place in the modern sanitized
revision of this pliable religious moral code. For
example, what personal or public consequence awaits
thou if thou make unto thee any graven image, or any
likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that
is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under
the earth?



Mario Goveia wrote:

The comments above refer to what the individual
unorganized atheists CLAIM to believe.  If they make
an exception due to convenience, there would be no
personal or public consequences unless they break
some law

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[Goanet] Vasco Civic Consumer Forum to act as a facilitator.

2006-06-19 Thread Goacan

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED,
The time is come for the people of Goa
Vasco Civic  Consumer Forum launched
At long last Vasco citizens have got together to convene a
Consumer Rights and Civic Action Group. This forum was
convened with the active guidance and encouragement of
the GOACAN - Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network.
At its first meeting held on 23rd March at the St. Andrew's
High School classroom, Mr. Roland Martins, Co-ordinator of the
Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN)
and the Goa Desc Resource Centre, elaborated
on the role and relevance of the Forum. He stressed the
need for such a citizen group to ensure the rights of the
consumer and the accountability of the authorities responsible
for providing the various civic infrastructure facilities.

Mr. Martins elaborated on the provisions of the Consumer
Protection Act 1986. He informed that there were various
requirements under the Act that needed to be implemented.

The Vasco Forum has been appropriately launched during
the GOACAN Consumer Rights Awareness Fortnight,
which was observed from the 15th to 30th March 06.

The Forum, which will function like a self-help group, will
aim to discover the consumer and civic facilities and services
available in Vasco and their redressal systems. It will look at
the grey areas and explore the rights and responsibilities of a
citizen as a consumer and a civic individual. It will ascertain
the agency responsible for providing each service.

Further regarding civic issues, the Forum will undertake the exercise
of identifying problems ward wise and map each ward. It will
endeavour to set up Garbage Management Committees at ward
level as per the Garbage Management Act. At the outset it will
undertake the task of getting all Senior Citizens registered with
the Social Welfare Dept. It will also obtain the important
telephone numbers of the various officials of the civic agencies
and copies of their Citizen's Charter. The Forum will encourage
the citizens to register their complaints in writing with the
departments concerned with a copy to the Forum, and provide
guidance and assistance in the follow up and redressal.

The Forum aims to act as a facilitator rather than a complaints cell.
It will also take a positive constructive stance in interacting with the
various authorities and agencies. It will aim to find viable solutions
to the various issues through informed interactions with the depts.
concerned and seek the implementation of the various provisions
of the regulations in the time frames laid down in the Citizen's

The Forum will meet monthly on every fourth Thursday at
6pm at the St. Andrew's High School, Vasco. Citizens are welcome
to attend the meetings and actively participate in the endeavors of the
Forum in improving the quality of life of the citizens of Vasco and of
the neighbourhood. All correspondence can be addressed to the
forum at the following address:

Mr. Higino Rebelo
Vasco Civic and Consumer Forum
Ground Floor, Villa Rebelo
near KTC Bus Stand, Mundvel
VASCO  403 802
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Report adapted from VASCO WATCH Vol.6 No.14 page 1
30 March - 13 April 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78  Mapusa,  Goa 403 507

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[Goanet] Re: GOA London Ruby n Reita Faria

2006-06-19 Thread Frederick Noronha

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GOA London Ruby n Reita Faria Mon Jun 12 19:12:03 PDT 2006
I was curious how Reita looked and here is a picture I found (on the
following link,
Does anyone know what happened to Imelda, the presenter on All India
Radio? Always curious what she looked like?

Hi PN, Don't you Google?

If you did, what would have emerged is:

* AIR did an interview with her recently:

IMELDA! Rainbow FM 105.4, Goa's FM station, goes forward into the
past next week and meets up with Panjim-born Imelda Dias, who was
convent educated in British India and, at an early age, forged a
career in broadcasting by joining the commercial services of the
then nsacent Radio Goa, later renamed EMISSORA DE GOA. Imelda
served as newsreader, translator and programmer. She was
evacuated to Portugal in 1961. She also worked for the Emissora
Nacional, broadcasting programmes to India and Africa. On her
return, she joined the local station of All India Radio and
handled broadcasts in English and Portuguese. Recently, she
authored a collection of short stories entitled *Shattered
Lives*. Join RJs Yolanda and Savio, Feb 16, 8 to 9 pm. (H)

* She gets mentioned recently (2005) in a tribute to Goan women:
Imelda Tavora was the first Goan Radio Star among women.

* Imelda's daughter-in-law Dr Tithi was victim of a brutal murder at
her home, by robbers: In Goa, after her marriage in 1987 to Carlos
Tavora (who runs the popular
Udupi-style Navtara Hotel and other businesses and who's mother Imelda was a
prominent name on the airwaves of Panjim in past decades), she was a
consultant to the INS Mandovi Naval Base.

* Her sister-in-law's death was noted:
VELSAO: Alba Dias e Souza. Wilfe of late Guilherme de Souza,
mother/in-law of Marconi/Maria dos ANjos, Ramona/Raul, Nelson/
Amanda, sister/in-law of Imelda/late Lube, late Dr Angelo/
Christine, Aires/Maite, sister-in-law of Suzanne/late Dr Alvaro
Loyola Furtado, daughter/in-law of late Maximiana/late
Basilio Dias (Panjim), late Jovita/late Roldao de Souza (Velsao).
Grandmum of Natasha, Chelsea, Andre, Michelle, Johanna, Iiona.
Funeral from Sapna Plaza, 4th Floor, Flat No 10 to Velsao.

If I recalled right, she had also published a book recently. Of
course, fast-changing Goa has a number of young RJs (radio jockeys),
mostly in their twenties, and the younger generation would have
forgotten the voice of Imelda, which was almost like a signature
'tune' each afternoon, when many of us waited for the Western music
programmes to start at 1.05 pm. (Now there's a lot more of Western
music on FM radio. We're waiting for Xavier's College campus radio to
get started, and another two private FM long-delayed stations are
slated to come up in Goa too.)

Another radio person who doesn't get the attention due is Libia Lobo
Sardessai (widow of the late former ambassador to Angola and ex-Goa
Today editor for awhile Waman Sardessai). Libia and team ran an
underground (though I guess, Government of India-supported) radio
station in the pre-1961 era out of the jungles around Belgaum. She has
a whole lot of manuscripts, just waiting to be published, but is
awaiting the Romi Konkani skills (the broadcasts then were obviously
in this script) for this to happen! FN

PS: As you could gauge from the above, I fell in love with radio by
the time I was eleven! I still prefer it to TV, though my paens of
praise are now directed to technologies like WorldSpace (or community
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436

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RE: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-19 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias

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Cornel, there are a lot of misunderstandings in Goanet.

Most of them can be avoided if we make the extra effort to understand each
other. Unfortunately, that does not happen often. Hence, the forum as a
whole loses out tremendously because instead of making it a learning
instrument we rather use it to destroy each others' points of view. Instead
of learning and understanding each other all we try to do is score points.

As that was not enough, we then have a censorship team which is far from
understanding and far from neutral. But this is my opinion and I have made
it clear to Herman Carneiro and to the other administrators more than once.

But nothing much changes around here anyway. This is why there is not much
to learn in this forum.

You thought Constantino was giving you a 'mouthful' by replying with a
dictionary definition and by addressing you with the title of Prof.

I am 100% sure Constantino did not intend to give you a 'mouthful'. But that
is because I know Constantino well and have got a lot in common with him.
Your reading was obviously different and that was the cause of the problem.

Constantino is a master in diplomacy and I still believe that you
misunderstood him completely. I think his last response to you is very

Anyway, what is the point of going through this all over again?

Lets just move on.

Best regards

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of cornel
 Sent: 19 June 2006 15:40
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961
 Hi Paulo
 I have only just seen your post and am sorry I could therefore not have
 replied sooner.
 I have to disagree with your view that I had misunderstood Constantino.
 I had not assumed anything when I asked Constantino, most politely, and
 briefly, what he meant by Continental Portugal in his presentation? He
 have given me a simple answer and I would have been more than happy.
 However, I got a 'mouthful' instead before I could even duck!  So, where
 my misunderstanding in the first instance? I did not even have the time
 opportunity to misunderstand Constantino! If in doubt, please read his
 reply to my very humble question.
 I really would be very intrigued if you disagreed with the comment above.

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[Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches- response to Mario

2006-06-19 Thread Vivek

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Hello Mario:

I did not selectively associate you with anything. I
mentioned your name along with Gilbert's and marlon's
and others.

In my opinion and in the opinion of many historians
there is no perhaps or maybe as far as atrocities
on the local population including destruction of hindu
temples is concerned.It is well documented by
independent historians and the writings of people like
Francis xavier too reflect that barbarity.

I also belive that such wanton acts of religious
extremism in the past should not be used to justify
and encourage more such acts in our present times.

At the same times such incidents should not be brushed
under the carpet under the pretense of maintaining
communal harmony or by refering to other issues like
sati manusmriti and aryan invasion or hindutva.

I belive it would be a good start for all of us if
accept that what the portuguese and other colonial
missionaries of bygone era incuding francis xavier did
was an extreme example of religious bigotry and

I also do not agree with your assertion that
criticising such acts by christian zealots in the past
is in any way related to christianity bashing.

One should not confuse the criticism of zealots and
fanatics as the criticism of religion itself.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: India gobbling the world - Malthus was never wrong!

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

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Dear Mario,
Let me first apologise for the delay in responding. I
have been otherwise occupied. Summer in Minnesota is a
wonderful time of year. I hope you visit us sometimes.

Let me preface this post by saying that I have
tremendous respect for Dr Singh. If the Mahatma is the
Father of the Nation, then certainly Dr Singh
deserves the honour as the Architect of India's
Modern Economy. I am in no way, begrudging India the
tremendous strides it has made, which seemed almost
impossible given the bleak scenario it was faced with
just a few years back.

Having said that, any serious economist has to be
gravely concerned with India's population. Even the
article link that someone provided on this forum had
this to say:

Last year per capita income in India was $3,300; in
China it was $6,800. Prosperity and progress haven't
touched many of the nearly 650,000 villages where more
than two-thirds of India's population lives. 

Backbreaking, empty-stomach poverty, which China has
been tackling successfully for decades, is still all
too common in India. Education for women -- the key
driver of China's rise to become the workshop of the
world -- lags terribly in India. 

It is true that you are either a Malthusian economist
or you are not. For better or for worse. I am. The
basic premise of Malthus' paper was never really
wrong. That resources are not infinite and that
unchecked populations will be detrimental. In the time
that he made his observations, food was the essential
resource. In our time, poverty is not defined as not
having enough to eat, although for large sections of
the world population it does not even meet this

In the time we live in, we can be abysmally poor,
living in urban ghettos, sharing accommodation with
rodents, drinking water from infested sewers, being
subjected to all the ills that poverty brings with it,
drugs, prostitution, alcoholism, violence. This is the
poverty that grips us.

To keep my post as brief as possible, let me sum up by
saying that the reason I constantly harp on population
in India is because both national parties, The
Congress and the BJP have forsaken any concerted
efforts to curtail population. It is unpopular to do
so and politics in India is all about the vote bank.

India is poised to become the most populous country by
the year 2015. Heaven help us all.


 Mario observes:
 Based on this India and China should have been
 mass starvation by now.  However, because people
 sit still in the face of problems but develop
 solutions, both countries are self-sufficient in
 food supplies, and are even exporting food.

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2006-06-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves

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Goa everyone believes is indeed a land of SUN FUN 
PLENTY. There's so much of SUN that every one believes
one can make hay while the sun shines.

After this writer reported the case of  a fake civil
engineer from Pulvado Benaulim Salcete Goa  who  is
still evading arrest.  

Here is a case of another   doctor who is now
believed to be put on the run.  He has a flourishing
practice in South Goa Salcete Taluka at two places to
be precise.

The testimonials of the Doctor as was given to
understand to this writer by an individual, for
investigations,  is that he possess the qualification
on M.H.M.B.S and the same is from (BOM) which means
Bombay University. But  the Registration Number is
maintained  as a secret as of now?

What surprises  one is that many RMP's look amazed at
the abbreviation M.H.M.B.S and what it could stand
for?  Is it a qualification under allopathy, ayurveda,
homoeopathy, unani or what have you they wonder?

One senior Registered Medical Practioner disclosed to
this writer this evening that this could be a
qualification issued by the Calcutta University (now
Kolkatta) somewhere before 1940 to those practicing

But  if this is true then the Doctor who is in
possession of this degree or Diploma in homoeopathy
could definitely not be genuine one as he definitely
appears to be born much later then 1940.

On a look at the body language of this Doctor when
this writer saw him at one of his consultancy room 
there was an indication that he is aware that his game
is up. 

But until such time the Indian Medical Council, the
Maharashtra Council for Homoeopathy or the Calcutta
University fails to give a clarification on the query,
raised by this writer  the name of the Doctor has
been withheld.

Meanwhile this writer would appreciate if any of the
readers could  assist this writer in deciphering the
meaning of M.H.M.B.S . 
Incidentally this Doctor is well connected, in high
social circles  just like the fake civil engineer
who is now on the run.

The Indian Medical Association in Goa should have a
re-look at all the testimonials of the Doctors
practicing in Goa just as a measure of abundant

Similarly all other Medical Associations and
Institutions connected with the medical practitioners
should follow suit. 

There would be a temptation for a notorious Doctor to
feign ignorance of where his/her testimonials lie or
that they could be eaten by white ants or lost in a
fire as the common alibi when exposed.

But fear not in such cases surely one would remember
his alma mater the portals of the Institution from
where he/she passed through and once this information
is obtained the Institution would readily make
available the information. If they dont this writer is
willing to assist free of cost.

One hint is to have a look at Doctors who begin
practice in slum areas or rural areas where ST/SC's
abound, there may be some exceptions though but here
this could be his/her ideal laboratory to start with
with no questions asked by the unlettered patients.

For the patients visiting the Doctors they would do
well to ensure that the Registration Number the
Institute/Council/Place is clearly mentioned. 

Feel free to ask your Doctor from which University
he/she has passed out or obtained his/her
testimonials.  Merely by years of practice one need
not possess genuine credentials. The Income Tax Rules
also makes it mandatory for Doctors to maintain a
record of their clients diagnosis, payment of fees and
therefore this information can be yours for the asking
under The Right to Information Act  Rules in force
from 12/10/2005

It is already on record that the fake 
Civil Engineer  now on the run was entrusted several
jobs by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. Though the
Archdiocese has yet not issued a clarification on
their stand vis-a-vis the fake civil engineer even
well over two months now. It is clear that they have
resigned to their fate of being duped.  At best they
could stop payment of outstandings to the fake
civil engineer and recover or seek indemnity if the
structures so restored constructed suffer damage or
ruin within reasonable time.

You too could pounce on another fake professional --Be
on alert, and watch out for more on this issue.

Borda Margao Goa

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Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In your last post you claimed some historical facts.
 You did so with much confidence (to prove me
 wrong!).  Obviously as a smart individual, you would
 not be making a fool of yourself.  So, I can only
 blame the authors of the books and web pages that
 you read (as obviously you, like me, were not there
 in the 16th century).  
 You make my point. And I have made this repeatedly! 
 Some amateurs are writing these history books, web
 pages and expressing opinions not supported by
 facts. This false facts either make their biases; or
 their bias is the cause for the false facts. The
 other two reasons may be: plain ignorance, ani
 sodanchem kaneos muree.
Mario adds:

This reminds me of the history books we had in school
written by British historians.  Who can forget that
the number of Brits cited in the books would never fit
in the Black Hole of Calcutta without being piled
three deep, or kaneos of 500 intrepid Brits
defeating armies of thousands of Indians, etc. etc.

But let's not be too hasty in declaring young Marlon
as being reluctant to make a fool of himself :-)) 
Based on his endless repetitions of deliberately false
assertions about the opinions of others, hoping no one
will notice or remember the facts, it is a toss up
that he is even quoting his own sources accurately.

The one thing we can be sure about based on extensive
evidence in the archives is that his spin will be
consistently anti-Christian on the grounds that he is
really doing Christians a favor by exposing their
insecurities.  This is accompanied by the sophistry 
that he is really not anti-Christian because he
supports freedom of religion and that he has
contributed to Christian causes, which I'm sure he has
the receipts and cancelled checks to prove:-))

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2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pull the other leg it has bells on it.You draw a
 fine distinction to take credit for yourself while 
 ridiculing others. Not many are amused by your 
 antics as the posts on Goanet indicate.

Mario responds:

Cornel, unlike you, I supplement any ridicule I use in
very rare and extreme situations - for example all
your recent posts, repeating over and over again your
belief that 2 + 2 is only provisionally equal to 4 -
with detailed explanations of my position.

Here we again see that your response to my detailed
and logical explanation is sadly lacking in any
specifics, any facts, or any logic.

Why are you so reluctant to be specific, when
everything you say is provisional? :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Government Apathy Traffic Discipline/Control

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- John Eric Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to state the history of  government 
 apathy in Goa is frightenning, because it repeats
 itself with impunity! 

Mario observes:

You have dissected the problem like a surgeon with a
scalpel, or hit the nail on the head with devastating
force, or whatever analogy is appropriate :-))

Career bureaucrats have a natural inclination to cover
up their apathy and a vested interest in doing so.

I commend you for bringing the authorities face to
face with their bullshit with your strongly worded
letter.  Please continue to rub their noses in it
relentlessly to make it more difficult for them to
sink back into their customary apathy.

In my mind you now join Chandrasekharan, Melinda and
Valmiki as one of the day-to-day heroes who are
actually addressing all this official apathy, which is
an age old problem across the sub-continent.

I don't see any other option but for people of
goodwill, like yourselves, to continue trying, because
the alternative is unacceptable in terms of each and
every life that is now at risk.

This reminds me of a letter that President Nixon, no
stranger to adversity, wrote to his arch political
adversary, Ted Kennedy, after his personal tragedy at
Chappaquidick, You are not a loser when you fail,
only when you quit.

For what you face, quitting is not an option.

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[Goanet] Goa: British Actress Lucie Eadon Traces Her Roots in India

2006-06-19 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

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Goa: British Actress Lucie Eadon Traces Her Roots in India 
Speaking to daijiworld special correspondent Ares at Anjuna, Lucie Eadon 
explains her special mission
June 18, 2006

Goa: Lucie Eadon is a movie material in England because of her talents. But she 
can be better movie material in India and filmmaker Ashutosh Gowarikar can work 
on the sequel for his Lagan, if he works on the story of writer-cum-actress 
Lucie Eadon.  Lucie's story dates back to British India - somewhere in 1849. 
Right from my great grandfather to my mother's side, my family history is more 
in India than in England, said this 28-year-old actress, who is down in India 
with a special mission.  I want to track down entire history and find out 
places where my ancestors stayed, worked... everything, stated Lucie who met 
this reporter at Anjuna beach in Goa as a tourist. 

Lucie's family history in Goa is tied up with the British armed forces and East 
India company. My great grandfather William Fredrick Eadon married my great 
grandmother Winifred Mary in Mumbai which was then Bombay in 1921, she stated. 
 Down in India with her fiancé, Luke Meander, Lucie, does not carry much 
information about her roots in India.  With whatever tit bits available she is 
scouting for her roots here. 

Back home in London, my mother is helping me by providing information... Mom 
has done research on my family and it is her insistence that brought me down in 
India on this mission, Lucie says. 

Lucie knows that her search would take her to cities like Mumbai, Calcutta, 
Allahabad, Puri and others. One Mr Singh, who is my father's friend in Mumbai 
will help me.. let's see, I am yet to meet him, said Lucie, who is a freelance 
writer with The Times, London.  I want visit all houses where they lived. My 
grandmother was born in Mumbai and later traveled to Calcutta, Lucie says.  
Lucie's great grandfather was civil engineer in railways and was engaged in 
building bridges all over India. 

Her mission got a set back seven years ago when her grandmother expired. She 
was born in India, studied here. She used to narrate stories of India and how 
she was not allowed to study in public school fearing that she would be grown 
as average ordinary Indian child, Lucie recalls. 

Lucie's family left India in mid-19th century never to come back. She loved 
India and wanted to come back... she always told us stories about this great 
land, Lucie says with emotions in her eyes.  What I imagined about India from 
my grandmother's stories was something different from what I have seen during 
my visit... But I love India.. I like this place and people, Lucie says.  She 
is skeptical whether she would be able to put pieces of information together 
and find out her roots. There are very few pictures of my great grandfather 
with us.  But still I am working on whatever I have.. If I succeed, I will 
surely write a book on my roots in India, Lucie adds.



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[Goanet] Goan discussion on degrees of affiliation to differnt faiths

2006-06-19 Thread cornel

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Firstly, I am at a loss to understand your current talk of anti-Catholic 
views. How can you possibly arrive at such a view when, as in my case, all 
one is seeking is historical veracity on the temple/church issue in Goa 
because of intellectual curiosity?

Secondly, I want to suggest that you might end up taking the Zionist kind of 
line that any criticism of Israeli policy on the occupation of Palestinian 
land is anti-semitism. Surely, you do not believe in this kind of nonsense 
that is  subscribed by, for instance, Orthodox Jews against Progressive Jews 
within Israel and in the Jewish Diaspora.

Thirdly, one more example may be pertinent. There are extreme views which 
have argued that the Jewish Holocaust (aka Irving etc)  never took place in 
German controlled lands in WW2. However, we know  that the evidence of death 
camps etc is there for all to see to be able to dismiss the rantings of 
modern day Nazis. I have also personally been to Dacau etc to see for 
myself -- to make sense, if at all possible, of  man's grotesque brutality 
to fellow man in the name of a demented ideology. However, I have strong 
reservations about the only European country (Austria) that treats Holocaust 
denial as an imprisonable offence. In other words, the element of 
proportionality must come into play and thus finding criticism of aspects of 
Catholicism cannot possibly be seen as anti-Catholic except by those who 
might be deemed to be rather narrow minded.

In my own case, just as I have reservations about aspects of Judaism, 
Hinduism and Islam by way of examples, I have honest reservations about 
aspects of Catholic doctrine. In what way does this make me anti-Catholic? 
Some Catholic priests indeed share my reservations and this is one of the 
reasons why there is a substantial exodus from the priesthood and a serious 
decline in entry into the vocation. Are such people anti-Catholic as per 
your highly questionable and indeterminate criteria?

After reading the above, I would be interested to see if you might wish to 
reconsider your blanket term anti-Catholic.

Kind regards
- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Destruction of Hindu temples and replaced by Catholic 

Hi Cornel,
I will assume that the following is the British way of saying, I stand 
Now if we can only get the other Goan anti-Catholics on the same page as 
you, I will have done my missionary work. Pray, please tell us where do 
you keep reading this Goan anti-Catholic propaganda?

Kind Regards, GL
--- cornel wrote:
I definitely made no claim that I was in any way certain that Hindu 
temples were destroyed for Catholic churches to be built over them. To say 
I had read about this is not to make a claim.

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[Goanet] Visit of Kuwait's Amir to India

2006-06-19 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

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Amir`s visit heralds boom for economy - Commerce
chamber DG   

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber

MUMBAI June 19, 2006 (KUNA) -- The visit of His
Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah to India already realized its goals, and most
particularly in the field of economics and trade,
Kuwait`s Chamber of Commerce and Industry Director
General Ahmad Rashid Al-Haroun told KUNA.

Al-Haroun said a visit of such a large delegation of
this status and one headed by His Highness the Amir is
no doubt an exceptional event and a visit that is sure
to bring positive results. On the talks with the
Indian side, he said they covered all aspects of the
economy including direct and indirect investment,
investment by the state through Kuwait Investment
Authority, and private sector investment.

The private sector was keen on fostering strategic
partnerships during the visit, Al-Haroun noted, and
the delegation comprised figures and representatives
who are capable of handling this task, which was
stressed as a priority by His Highness the Amir in his
previous tours.

Al-Haroun added His Highness Sheikh Sabah is the man
who engineered and planned the Kuwaiti economy when he
was prime minister and is now keen to establish the
state as a strong commercial, economic, services,
monetary, and investment center and keen on utilizing
opportunities stemming from proximity with the
region`s biggest populations in Iraq and Iran.

The chamber director general expressed hope the fruit
of this tour would be seen evidently in return visits
and pointed out there were initial agreements on many
issues during the visit.

On seeing realization of agreements in the coming
months, Al-Haroun stressed We will see more
partnerships and many investments on both sides. His
Highness the Amir and his accompanying delegation had
during the visit to India signed a number of
agreements. These include an agreement on double
taxation, a cultural Memo of Understanding, a Memo of
Understanding between the two chambers of commerce and
industry on boosting trade and investment, and
agreements on scientific and technological cooperation
between the two states.

- Forwarded by 

ABOUT GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER  This first of its kind Gulf-Goans 
e-newsletter archived at is dedicated to 
Goans around the Globe and is moderated/edited by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994) 
and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of website. 
EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop (Goa) 

Only if we can restrain ourselves is good conversation possible. Good 
talk rises upon much discipline.
~John Erskine~

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Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

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On 19/06/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear fellow posters,

I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise anyone
on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
that we live in today. Christians have to show some
responsibility in the assertions that they make.

RESPONSE: Now that was indeed an nice responsible post; while not
wanting to hide our past, it certainly does not behove us, to publicly
wear sack cloth and ashes and parade around Margao Bazaar, extolling
sins committed and apologizing for the past. This has already been
done many, many times before and we acknowledge it. Let us now move
forward !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] OFFTOPIC: Re: Goa and Wikipedia...

2006-06-19 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hey Mario, what are you doing reading a Marxist paper like the NYT :-)

On a more serious note: Sorry for ending up on an offtopic note... but
just to answer Mario.

The headline below is true but misleading. It suggests that the entire
Wikipedia has shifted away from an anyone can edit policy. Well, as
you will see, some 82+179 articles were 'protected'. Currently, there
are 1.1 million articles in the English wikipedia alone (1,199,376
articles in English, to be precise as of 2.24 pm in Goa). So, only a
tiny fraction have been blocked from editing due to their contentious

Wikipedia strives for a NPOV (neutral point of view) approach. Anyway,
even on the blocked articles, it's open to anyone to go to the DISCUSS
page of every article, and state one's views clearly. For instance,
when I saw the Goa page being distorted by the 'colonialism started in
1961' lobby, instead of fighting an edit-reedit-rereedit battle, I
simply went and made my point on the DISCUSS page. It worked, and the
editors were convinced about the points put forth (still visible and
on the record).

BTW, have you contributed to the Wikipedia? Or will we rest content in
pointing out flaws in it? Peace, and no offence meant! FN

Fred, Are you aware of the following development at Wikipedia?
Growing Wikipedia Revises Its 'Anyone Can Edit' Policy.

June 17, 2006
Growing Wikipedia Revises Its 'Anyone Can Edit' Policy

Wikipedia is the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Unless
you want to edit the entries on Albert Einstein, human rights in China
or Christina Aguilera.

Wikipedia's come-one, come-all invitation to write and edit articles,
and the surprisingly successful results, have captured the public
imagination. But it is not the experiment in freewheeling collective
creativity it might seem to be, because maintaining so much openness
inevitably involves some tradeoffs.

At its core, Wikipedia is not just a reference work but also an online
community that has built itself a bureaucracy of sorts — one that, in
response to well-publicized problems with some entries, has recently
grown more elaborate. It has a clear power structure that gives
volunteer administrators the authority to exercise editorial control,
delete unsuitable articles and protect those that are vulnerable to

Those measures can put some entries outside of the anyone can edit
realm. The list changes rapidly, but as of yesterday, the entries for
Einstein and Ms. Aguilera were among 82 that administrators had
protected from all editing, mostly because of repeated vandalism or
disputes over what should be said. Another 179 entries — including
those for George W. Bush, Islam and Adolf Hitler — were
semi-protected, open to editing only by people who had been
registered at the site for at least four days. (See a List of
Protected Entries)
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436

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[Goanet] RE: PROOF: Boiling Temperature of Water.

2006-06-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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The Rust Belt is an area of great knowledge from
ancient times. May I point out to you that your
certainty that 2+2=4, has been conclusively
disproven to show that not only is 2+2 not 4,
but that indeed  3=4 !!  Here is their proof:

Given: a + b = c
This can also be written as:
(4a #8722; 3a) + (4b #8722; 3b) = (4c #8722; 3c) .
After reorganizing:
4a + 4b #8722; 4c = 3a + 3b #8722; 3c .
Take the constants out of the brackets:
4(a + b #8722; c) = 3(a + b #8722; c) .
Remove the same term left and right:
Thus 4 = 3.
 source: 'Toledo Observer'

Cornel to Mario:
Also, please stop kidding us about your science knowledge and nonsense 
about true knowledge. There is no such thing as true knowlege in the 
natural world as all human knowledge is provisonal. The only certainty that 
exists is that because we are born, we will die. All other knowledge, is 
provisionally constructed knowledge, as a heuristic device to make sense of 
chaos in the world including that 2+2=4.

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Re: [Goanet] Destruction of Hindu temples and replaced byCatholicChurches

2006-06-19 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
Your response below relating to the temple/church discussion confirms for 
me that you definitely have a comprehension problem over a straightforward 
open question.

Secondly, I reiterate absolutely that there is no such thing as true 
knowledge. I provided two separate very reasoned explanations about this 
issue for you and all on Goanet but unfortunately Goanet has not yet been 
able to transmit my posts. I understand that this is because it has to give 
priority to posts more directly related to Goa. However, I am in no hurry to 
press my point about the non existence of true knowledge. The world's 
trained and educated scientific community would be wholly in agreement with 
this position.

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Destruction of Hindu temples and replaced 

--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I definitely made no claim that I was in any way
certain that Hindu temples were destroyed for
Catholic churches to be built over them. To say I
had read about this is not to make a claim.
Are you experiencing some difficulty in

Mario replies:

For an adult whose comprehension of the world is such
that you can say with utmost conviction, would
even be pressed very hard to refer to anything in
science as true knowledge. I can see that one would
be pressed very hard to say that anything is true, or
not true.

BTW, why did you ask in such detail on June 15, Do
you accept or do not accept from whatever hard
evidence you can garner, that Hindu temples were
destroyed in Goa and that a number of Catholic
churches, were built instead, on roughly the same
sites where the temples were destroyed?

This sure sounded as if you accepted what you were

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Re: [Goanet] Sharing is fun... Goa photos in cyberspace

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (broadband is just here, and unlimited use costs a 
 fairly affordable Rs 900 p.m) kept me from getting 
 swollen headed... so far.
Mario responds:

Now, now, Fred.  Let's not get carried away :-))

Fred writes:

 The photo both were referring to is at
 But after seeing their comments, I'm beginning to
 get vain. 

Mario replies:

Your pictures are excellent, so we'll allow you a
little vanity.  But, remember, like the sum of 2 + 2,
this, too, is provisional, and we will not hesitate
to puncture your vanity if conditions change :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-19 Thread cornel

Hi Paulo
I have only just seen your post and am sorry I could therefore not have 
replied sooner.

I have to disagree with your view that I had misunderstood Constantino.

I had not assumed anything when I asked Constantino, most politely, and very 
briefly, what he meant by Continental Portugal in his presentation? He could 
have given me a simple answer and I would have been more than happy. 
However, I got a 'mouthful' instead before I could even duck!  So, where was 
my misunderstanding in the first instance? I did not even have the time nor 
opportunity to misunderstand Constantino! If in doubt, please read his first 
reply to my very humble question.

I really would be very intrigued if you disagreed with the comment above.

- Original Message - 
From: Paulo Colaco Dias [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!'
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

Cornel, I think you misunderstood Constantino.

He did not mean to say that Portugal was a continent... :-)
Far from it.

Continental Portugal is an acceptable term commonly used in Portugal and
by other continental European countries. I see no problem with the 

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[Goanet] will prevail! Well done Churchill by :Jerry Fernandes, Saligao

2006-06-19 Thread Stephen Fernandes
will prevail! Well done Churchill
Jerry Fernandes, Saligao 
Today if there’s one Goan politician (forget the sting
operations) who stands tall among all the rest in Goa
then it is none other than South Goa MP, Churchill
Alemao. Inspite of not being highly educated, this
true blooded Goan politician have always been a big
hit who have fought many battles and who have managed
to hit right on target on every sensitive issue in

From Konkani agitation, Konkan Railway agitation to
Anti-Mopa agitation and more recently by raising his
voice and putting pressure against the much publicized
controversial movie ‘Da Vinci Code’ (which later was
withdrawn due to public pressure), Churchill has
proved that he alone is a man of principles and guts
who is interested in safeguarding Goa’s interest.
Anyway, we are all proud of you Churchill Alemao for
fighting for our cause in Goa. You alone seem to
understand and the pulse of every true Goan and no one
else. May the good  God bless you and your family and
keep you in good health always. Keep it up Churchill…
Goa loves you always…. Keep fighting for Goa and save
it from that ultimate disaster… God bless you. 

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[Goanet] Shigmo Festival in Goa

2006-06-19 Thread Anjali Rao

Please send the below mentioned mail to all the members in the mailing list.
Hi, all the members,
I intend to initiate a study on origin of shigmo festival which is organised in Goa with that to the shigmo or carnival organised in parts of Africa.I think there must be some connections as there are substantial siddi population in Goa which has their origin in Africa.

I will be grateful if you suggest me some resource person or some source which can help me.
Dr. Anjali Rao,
Department of Philosophy
Resi: Girivar, opp. Dhempe College, Miramar Beach, Post: Caranzalem.Goa 403002
HomePhone: 0832 2465825 /2462351 / 2462195

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[Goanet] Update on Macazana Priest Murder Case : Police filed Chargesheet

2006-06-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
Priest Murder Case: Police Filed Chargesheet
 - The Macazana Priest Fr. Eusebio Ferrao was murdered on 17th March 2006
 - The two accused Manish Dhubey and Amit Sukla were  nabbed on 21st March
 - The Investigation regarding the murder of the priest has been completed (NT)
 - The police have registered  an offence under Section 302 of the  IPC (NT)
 - The police filed a chargesheet the duo in the court Saturday (H)
 - ‘UP duo killed priest over unfulfilled job promise’ says Police (H)
 - ‘Both Amit and Manish allegedly killed the Priest over an altercation on the 
promise of providing job’ says SP (South)Shekar Prabhudesai (H).
 - The Investigation Officer (IO) PI Harish Madkaikar did not mention about the
motive behind the murder in the brief facts of the case attached to the 
 - However, the IO did mention in the brief facts  that  the duo with their 
intention’ committed the murder of the deceased priest by pressing his mouth and
nose with the pillow.(H)
 - What exactly was the ‘common intention’ found no mention in the brief facts. 
 - IO says there is no need to explain the motive in the brief facts, even as 
police officers admitted that the police normally cite a brief note on the 
behind any offence (H)
 - New Twist: The police now say that both Amit and Manish were intercepted at
Curtorim market on the wee hours of March 18 after they fled the Macazana 
House. Sources said the duo provided their names, addresses and the telephone
numbers to the beat police personnel, before proceeding to the Margao Railway
Station (H).
 - These telephone numbers and other information later heped the police to go 
on a
hot chase of the two accused, who were finally nabbed at Nagpur-Maharastra while
they were on their way to their native palce at Chandpur-Salori, Allahabad, UP 
 - In the chargesheet running over 100 pages, the police have also attached the
statement of Archbishop Fillip Neri Ferrao, complainant Fr. James Tores e Silva,
prime witness and mess boy Sunil Rodrigues, post mortem report etc (H)
 - The two accused are in Judicial custody (NT).
JoeSays: It seems cases like this (booked u/s 302 etc)  take a minimum of  18 
to come up for hearing in the court. A similar murder case in Vasco where in  
Verenkar was kidnapped and later murdered by his son-in-law on January 17, 
2005. The
hearing of this murder case began on 16th June 2006. Next hearing is on 30th 
The police has registered this case under Section 302 of IPC. There are five 
in this case who are in judicial custody.
 As for the Priest murder case, we have already seen some new twists in the
story/case (as above) and it won’t surprise me should there be further twist/s 
the story at the time of hearing in the court. For this, one will have to wait 
another 13 months (if it takes minimum of 18 months as in Vasco Doctor Murder 

Or else meet them (MANISH  AMIT)  here (over 520 people met them already on the

  #2: Manish and Amit
The killers of Fr. Eusebio Ferrao (Macazana Parish Priest) 
•  520 views  /2 comments  

  for Goa  NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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[Goanet] Regretful incidents that occurr regularly when flying Indian Airlines to and fro Goa to Kuwait

2006-06-19 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
Respected Sirs, Through your well-readmedia I wish to express my deep regret at certain un-required incidents that occurred at Indian Airlines and encounteredspecially by theGoa bound passengers.My family (my wife, mum, and 2 children travelled to Goa on 10th June 2006 Indian Airlines Flight IC-576 Kuwait-Goa-Chennai. The first thing I noticed at the Indian Airlines counter at Kuwait International Airport (baggage checking-loading) was the Indian Airlines Baggage Collecting officers(?)/porters were so rude to the travelers i.e. that kept shouting at everyone and did not spare any one for even a gram of excess weight. More over they were very strict with carrying of our
 hand baggage too and insisted on not allowing more than 5kg/passenger.  So far, this is was tolerable and that's fine with us.However, at the time of purchasing our tickets it was clearly stated by the Reservation staff as 40kgs/passenger verbally. I purchased the ticket one month early as we all know it very well by now that Indian Airlines always tries to make the best use of the seasonal rush by raising their fares. Just a weak before their departure I went to reconfirm my families tickets and the weight allowance. I was very very surprised to learn that Indian Airlines had now amended the baggage allowance to 30kgs and hand baggage to not exceed more than 5kgs. Hence, my family did not exceed the weight limitation knowing well the Indian Airlines counter staff attitude and the overall Indian Airlines behaviour pattern. I am paying approximately Rs. 3.00 extra over the regular fare for my family - only R.K. Dewat and the Indian Airlines management can justify this fare! May God bless them abundantly.Now the sad part of it is that my family reached Goa on 10th June-06 and while checking at the baggage receiving end, learned that the baggage of the whole family was not loaded by Indian Airlines at Kuwait airport. Upon enquiring, the officer in charge told my family that the cargo would be loaded and it will be sent on the next connecting flight and would inform my family when to collect the baggage. My Entire families clothes, medicines for my mother and children were in the baggage. They were left without any thing in hand except for the hand bags which had nothing more than a few papers and petty/small items. Moreover my family traveled on a month's vacation, and I was to follow a couple of weeks later as we had planned our holidays in advance in minute detail and every passing day is important to our family. After a couple of days, we received intimation and  My wife went to collect the cargo at the Dabolim (Goa) airport -a distance of over 40 KMs. from our home. When asked for compensation the cargo handling staff of Indian Airlines wereagain too arrogant to speak on the matter and even hesitated to discuss it.   Is it at all our fault if our baggage was not loaded by
 the Indian Airlines staff at the Kuwait airport? Are we to bear the mental torture, anxiety and pain for the Indian Airlines staff mistakes? My wife had to literally run around the Indian Airlines officer's at Goa Airport and  to request for transportation compensation. Atlast after negotiating she managed to get only peanuts of the value she actually spent for her to and from trip and YES had to waste an entire day. Also, we learnt from other passengers, that on this particular Indian Airlines
 flight 50 Goa-bound passengers baggage were offloaded, and none of the passengers were notified to take off. Also, no one at the Goa Airport (Indian Airlines staff] bothered to inform the passengers that their baggage is left behind at Kuwait Airport only after waiting for hours for their baggage, when they went to the Airport In Charge they requested them to make a Lost Baggage Claim. The Indian Airlines flight staff just went merrily to their homes without even a word to anyone! Don't you think this is totally unfair when the ticket fare on the Kuwait-Goa-Kuwait sector is the highest and Goa passengers still have to go through this bad experiences. Furthermore to my surprise even the following second Indian Airlines flight which left on 13 th June had some cargo offloaded. Again, unfortunately my sister-in-lawand colleagues traveled on this flight. When she reached at
 the Goa airport she was notified that her luggage was also left behind. So this is just the beginning of the season. God knows what its going to be for the next flights to Goa .I went to the Indian Airlines office
 in Kuwait City nextmorning and was surprised to find out that the officer incharge (R.K.Dewat) who attended me did not even have an Office for himself. I related the facts to this Indian Airlines staffer, regretably in the midst of others who were present at this Indian Airlines facility, which in itself speaks volumes. At first R.K. Dewatwas not even ready to listen to what I was saying. He only insisted saying that people carry excess weight and for this reason we 

Re: [Goanet] Goa's other Films Fest fruit Gene Bank

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 19/06/06, Valmiki Faleiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Goa's other Films Fest  fruit Gene Bank

By Valmiki Faleiro


I had this aunt, T.Olinda, dad's unmarried sister. Green fingers, she raised
her own seedlings, made her own grafts. She used the bone of a particular
deer's antler to make the inverted-triangle incision in the mother tree and
anthill soil to 'bandage' her surgery - for success, she said. She counted
with pride at least 22 fruit varieties at any given time in the family yard …
pink Grape Fruit (Pomelo), half a dozen types of Lime, both varieties of
Chikoo and its cousin Adama (AdanvFoll in Konkani). A weakness for citrus and
sapota! Then there were mango and mulberry, cashew and coffee … the list is
long, but of course, coconut, of which she had one from Seychelles and another
that bore nuts 15 inches in diameter. All seeded or grafted with her own hands.

While building a new house, the trees were rampaged by an army of labourers
camped in the backyard. House now almost complete, I turned to the backyard. I
must restore at least 22 varieties. 

Comment: Yes and when it is completed, please give us advance notice,
so that we may be able to attend the House Warming Party!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Environmental outfit fears water pollution from oil spill

2006-06-19 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Environmental outfit fears water pollution from oil spill
Monday June 19 2006 11:51 IST 

SIRSI: Owing to the oil slick from a privately owned ship, 'MV Ocean
Sereya', which hit an offshore rock at the Devagadh lighthouse in
Karwar, near here recently, the Vrukshalaksha Andolan, an environmental
organisation, suspects severe water pollution and has urged for a
detailed study by concerned experts.

Speaking to reporters at Karwar, Ananth Hegde of the organisation, said
apart from the oil slick, other dangerous components like lead, mercury,
tin and other chemicals, might cause water pollution.

The organisation urged for a detailed study by the Goa National
Institute of Oceanography and said the district administration,
Department of Port and Ships and the Coast Guard, should take the
necessary steps to prevent such mishaps in future.

Dc admits leakage: It was possible to remove 226 tonnes of oil from the
ill-fated 'M V Ocean Sereya' ship and the remaining 430 tonnes of oil
were already spilt, said Deputy Commissioner of Uttar Kannada district,
Reeteshkumar Singh.

Speaking to reporters recently, he said a detailed study on the leakage
and its effect, had been carried out and in the last 12 days, underwater
experts, ship salvage party and other parties, had succeeded in removing
oil from the tankers. Efforts to take out the dilapidated ship from the
sea would be initiated only after the monsoon, he added.

Regarding the mishap, the director general of Water Transport, had
demanded a bank guarantee of Rs 17.75 crore from the ship owner as
compensation, he said, adding that, sufficient precautionary measures
were taken to control water pollution. 

The department of Fisheries had demanded Rs 20 lakh compensation from
the ship owner and the district administration and the department of
Port would also demand appropriate compensation from the shipping
company, he added.



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[Goanet] High time Goans get Positive

2006-06-19 Thread Edward Verdes
High time Goans get Positive - By Plastino D'Costa

Engage a Goan in a conversation, and the story he might tell you will be of
misery, if you happen
to be a silent listener, he will make sure you have pity on him and
everybody in Goa, the closer
the relationship the worse the story. Are Goans really in such a bad shape
or is it a case of
seeing the glass half empty?

With such a negative mindset embedded, how can we expect our GenerationNext
to perform?
Of course things are not great in Goa, but they are not hopeless either. It
is everybody's duty to
point out the wrongs of the society, but strictly in the hope of making a
better future, and not to
create a pessimistic society.

We are used to talking negative all the time, that it has become a part of
our lives.
Goa might be the only place where Goans actually pay money to watch Konkani
where actors proudly advertise that they are Tragedy Kings or Tragedy Queens
or whatever.
It means tragedy sells in Goa, thereby making it slowly a pessimistic
society. Even Bollywood
gave up on their tragedy king's long time ago, because it did not reflect
the society anymore.

Children during their  formative years look up to their elders for guidance,
and eventually
behave like them. If you create an environment of pessimism, even if they
are born to succeed,
we might be conditioning them to fail. Adolescent age is full of hope,
desires, dreams and pessimistic
society could stifle all that.

Today Indian society is all about confidence and confidence comes when you
think positive.
Why should Goa be any different? Thinking positive is the only  way our
chances increase in finding
a solution  to a problem. Our GenerationNext might acquire the best of
education in schools
and colleges, but without a positive attitude most of it will be neutralized
with the systematic
negative influence of our society.

Having negative thoughts and feelings are not uncommon, but when negative
feelings outnumber the
positive ones it affects performance, growth, happiness. When people are
negative it affects their
self-confidence. Goans who talk negative might actually be using negative
psychology, little knowing
that it actually affects them also. Conscious or sub-conscious negative talk
should be discouraged
from the society.

Thinking negative might be justified for our past generation, as they lived
in a period of transition
from an easy Portuguese Past to a difficult uncertain Indian future and no
transition is
easy. But now India's future is not uncertain anymore and our GenerationNext
has no excuse to
think negative or feel hopeless.

Positive thinking eventually helps in getting the job done. Imagine, you
rise early morning and
you have an important assignment at hand for the day, if your mind believes
you will succeed,
chances are high you will succeed, however, if your mind believes you will
not, whatever chances you had
to succeed becomes nil. You will achieve what your mind believes in.

Positive thinking people give positive vibes and this reflects on people
close to them, and those
people will take it to others and eventually the whole society will be full
of people with
positive attitude. Remember  we are all born to succeed, if Goans can
succeed outside Goa,
then why not in Goa, it means Goan environment needs to be made conducive
for success.

Meantime, authorities can do their bit, to put an end to dishing too much
tragedy in the name
of entertainment. If sex and violence is bad and controlled by censors, let
there be, control
on excessive tragedy shown in the form of entertainment. If sex and violence
corrupts the society
then depicting tragedy for no reason makes the population timid. We need
confident Goans
and we need to remove all obstacles that come in the way.

Why bother about this Tiatr going Goan? Because, come election-day and this
thinking, tragedy seeking timid Goan, by his sheer strength of his number,
the verdict on our face, it is this Goan who neutralizes the positive vote.
he is in majority at the moment.

Goans in position of influence on the society choose to ignore this subject.
Of course there is an incentive for vote seekers  to keep the population
timid,  so that
they depend on them for every small thing. But Goans who sincerely want to
society for the better can do their bit by making sure people in their
circle change
mindset from negative to positive.

Remember all systems are designed to work, even the Goan system, be it the
government, bureaucratic for the private sector. All systems have to get the
job done,
it has to complete the loop, there might be loop holes in the system, but by
positive you can actually focus on the loop and not the loop holes.

If we need Goa to change, we need to change the mindset of Goans from
pessimism to optimism.
The government does not control the way you think. Of course it might put
but once you think positive, you will overcome these obstacles, 

[Goanet] For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

2006-06-19 Thread Frederick Noronha

For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

By Kul Bhushan

For NRIs, investing in the Indian market is akin to bungee jumping -
considering what has happened over the past few weeks.

An adventure sport, bungee jumping involves jumping from a high
platform with one end of an elastic cord attached to the ankles. When
the person jumps, the cord will stretch to take up the energy of the
fall - and the jumper will spar upwards as the cord snaps back. The
jumper oscillates up and down until the energy of the jump is

Starting off at a very high level of 12,612 on May 10, the Bombay
Stock Exchange Index, or Sensex, took a deep dive of 1,100 points on
Maniac Monday - May 22 - as it stretched to its limit but the elastic
cord of the sound Indian economy tied to the investor bounced it back
to lose 456 points. On May 18, the Sensex was down 1,300 points.
Investors had high blood pressure, angina pains, migraines and some
even attempted suicide. Again, the Sensex swooshed down but regained
soon. The upward movement happened quickly but has not reached the
same peak. By June 16, the Sensex had topped the 10,000 mark, closing
at 9,885 - gaining 955 points in two days.

Bungee jumping remains a spectacular attraction and an exhilarating
experience for all who participate, attracting people from a wide
background but not the faint hearted. Spectators of all ages stand in
awe, witnessing the many people who just have to do it for thrills.
Investors get this adrenaline - and super profits - with the sharp
rise of the Sensex. The falls have been equally breathtaking to wipe
the profits from a quarter to half and again the upswing.

The big question that surges through the head of the bungee jumper as
he swooshes up and down is: Will I survive? As the stock market
crashed, it was the same question for the Indian economy to take the
slack and bounce.

The short answer is 'Yes'. Although tied to the world economy, the
Indian economy is on the road to rapid sustainable growth. Foreign
institutional investors have pumped in over $40 billion into the
Indian market and when the US interest rates go up or some other
global economic activity affects them, they withdraw their funds - but
not all of them. Why - because they are sure about India's medium term

The NRIs are sending over $20 billion to India annually and may be
double this figure if we add the unofficial transfers. India's foreign
exchange reserves stand at $163 billion and other economic indicators
are positive. Rising interest rates and oil prices that slow down the
world economy can reduce the profits of Indian companies from a hefty
30 percent to 15 per cent but even half that figure makes attractive
investment in their stocks. At that rate, profits double in five years
and double again in the next five years. The Sensex stood at 2,900 in
April 2003 and quadrupled to 12,600 in three years, the latest 'bungee
fall' notwithstanding.

In 10 or more years, equities have beaten every other asset class for
high returns. However, they are also the most risky. So the primary
quality of the investor should be patience during the upheavals. An
analysis of Sensex data by AbunDanze, a financial planning firm,
proves the value of patience over a long run of 10 years.

This analysis of the Sensex data over 1979-2006 clearly shows that
stupendous returns in some years average out negative returns in other
years. Over any one-year rolling period, the Sensex posted negative
returns 10 out of 27 times but nil over any 15-year period.

Risk (the capacity to incur a loss) loses its potency over longer
periods. For example, when we analyze the Sensex over the last 25
years, the probability of incurring a loss in any given year is 37 per
cent. This probability decreases to 20 per cent over any three-year
period, 13 per cent over any five-year period, 5.5 per cent over any
10-year period and zero over any 15-year period.

Why has the market recovered so rapidly? Simple, because the smart
investors are entering the market at these low prices. One NRI
investor is holding on for the Sensex to touch 8,000. He may never get
that trough. It's not about timing the market but the time you stay
invested in the market.

Bungee jumping is not for people with high blood pressure, orthopaedic
problems or heart disease. If undertaken with all precautions and
using all the safety measures, bungee jumping is safe and thrilling.
So is equity investing over time. Are you ready to jump?

(A media consultant to a UN Agency, Kul Bhushan previously worked
abroad as a newspaper editor and has travelled to over 55 countries.
He lives in New Delhi and can be contacted at
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Goa Revolution Day /Melinda Coutinho Powell

2006-06-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Melinda, scroll down...

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 Melinda Powell wrote :

We speak and no one listens.Only after repeated
protests,there is an impact.

The recent protest at the Zuari bridge where the
commuters took to the streets and blocked the bridge ,brought 
about swift action from the Govt..

Melinda Coutinho Powell

I will forward a piece I wrote for the Herald
last Sat morn (17/June), on the fiasco about
the partial closure of the Zuari Bridge, which
appeared at Page 2 anchor, the day you attended
the Cuncolim Consumer Forum meet.  Check my
opening sentences.

We may rave and rant.  In the face of huge
fortunes amassed by our politicos, plundering
the public kitty, nothing's gonna change in
Goa -- not even the next election results.
Unless we are willing to march on the streets
and bare our chests like Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia
did at Margao 60 years ago (telling the Portuguese
police 'commandante' that he would not stop his
fiery speech, as ordered, and daring the cop,
the service revolver drawn, to shoot him)
60 years ago.

We will have to march on the streets and bare
our chests, to get results.  That's the reason
I tipped the hat to the brave Goenkars who
blocked the Zuari Bridge last Friday.

We need a Che Guevarra.  Times have made a Gandhi

Just a thought.

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[Goanet] Re: DEAR AUNTY or UNCLE !

2006-06-19 Thread Jen Lewis
Dear Aunty,

I believe we were only looking for Clar-ification and a FranC answer
from the ever-mysterious Au-dacious(in the brave sense) Aunty!

However you DO make me smile with your strange ways :-)

Could someone solve the mysteRY of the KaunTI?


--- Clara Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   We are confused ! Is Aunty an Uncle or is Uncle an Aunty? Ed.Verd 
 Jen Lewis.
   Dear Ed  Jen:Smart thinking Jen-ius! Did you jointly ask this
 'jenius loves company' or 'two Eds are
 better than one.?!
 OK, Aunty would rather be mysterious on
 all forums, as
 she has fans from all genders, whom, as
 an 'agony aunt'
 she wouldn't like to 'aunt-agonize' ! If
 she can make you
 laugh (even tho' she's a phoren import!),
 that's import-aunt!

 Aunty Ponty.
Is Aunty an Uncle or vice-versa ? Eddie
I'm confused too! Which is which?  Jen 
 Do you Yahoo!?
  Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. 

Birmingham UK

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2006-06-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves
It is shocking to learn from the Honorable Minister
for Education, Mr Luizinho Faleiro M.Com, LL.B that
the reason for introducing English at the primary
level from this academic year 2006-2007 is owing to
the fact that there was a 40% rate of drop outs at the
Primary school level as the students studying in
Konkani (in Devanagari script the official language
NOT Roman script) and Marathi were unable to come to
terms with English at the V Standard onwards.

To support this claim and that of his  Cabinet
constituting the Indian National Congress led
coalition of NCP MGP and Independent, he states that
he has conducted a State wide survey and the figures
40% speak out for themselves. Apparently the parents /
guardians spoke for their children/wards.  

Niether the details of the questionaire nor the views
of those surveyed or interviewed are  made public till

While the introduction of English as a subject is
indeed welcome given the dismal performance of the
students that have graduated thus far the first batch
in 2004-2005 and the reason is true in case of those
from Marathi medium.

This writer interacted with several people to know
their views on the above and their observations are at
variance with that of the Honorable Minister and they
are willing to subject him to strict proof of his
contention on the floor of the Goa Legislative
Assembly come the month long session beginning 10th
July 2006.

But first the facts:
I)   Vide  circular no:61
DE/Acad.I/PolicyDecision/Medium/Pry/344/90/1284 dated
21.5.1990 the medium of instruction was introduced in
a phased manner from academic year and the successful
ones passed the X, XII, Graduation TY as under (excld
the current and next academic year) 
1990-91 STD I   PASSED X  1999-00 XII 01-02 TY 04-05
1991-92 STD II  PASSED X  2000-01 XII 02-03 TY 05-06
1992-93 STD III PASSED X  2001-02 XII 03-04 TY 06-07
1993-94 STD 1V  PASSED X  2002-03 XII 04-05 TY 07-08

The Minister would do well to explain with facts:

a) what is the number of students that were enrolled
in 1990-91 in  the 123 Diocesan run schools that
switched over to Konkani in Devanagari script ithe
official language (instead of Konkani in Roman script)
b) what is the number of drop outs at the V, X, XII
and TY level from this lot?
c) How many parents of these students (mainly  from
the minority community ) expressed resentment that the
students enrolled in 1990-91 dropped out because
i) they were unfamiliar with Konkani in the devanagari
script?  OR 
ii) the teachers who were conversant with the English
medium were made to overnight switch over to Konkani
in Devanagari and since they themselves were asked to
perforce learn as well as teach the children, the
teachers  were frustrated and had to  drop out.
In regard to students from Marathi medium schools the 
Honorable Minister should clarify separately

a)  what is the number of students that were enrolled
in 1990-91 in  the Marathi medium primary schools  
b) what is the number of drop outs at the V, X, XII
and TY level from this lot?
It is a fact that the protoganist of Konkani only in
Devanagari script have commended the introduction of
English as one subject. This will indeed help our
children no doubt. 

But they have done this under the guise of their
multifaceted NGOs or through their spokesperson but
mainly from the Bahujan Samaj who ride piggy back on
these only Devanagari Konkani protoganists.  

The reason being that they believe that with English
now as one subject at the Primary level Konkani in
Devanagari as the NATURAL SCRIPT is now a fait
accompli (as postulated in 1939 by Shanbag at Karwar
and by the Sahitya Akademi on 21.11.1981) and  there
HAVE cheered the decision of the Honorable Minister.

Let it be clear that once the above facts are obtained

from the Honorable Minister for Education it will be
abundantly clear that atleast in the 123 run diocesan
run schools the reason for drop outs and low level of
English of those that have graduated is because
Konkani in Devanagari and not Roman script was made
the official language.

The Honourable Minister is on record as confirmed by
this writer in the precincts of the Goa Legislative
Assembly in his Chamber in August 2005  as having
stated that he is ---NOT IN FAVOUR OF TOUCHING THE
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ACT 1987 at this juncture TO AMEND

Hence his intentions of introducing ENGLISH as a
subject is an alibi to escape from this demand of
recognition to Konkani in Roman script which has since
got the support of ex CM Mr Manohar Parrikar the
Bahujan Samaj and members of his BJP besides Mr
Mathany Saldanha, the Deputy 

Re: [Goanet] Re: Hello people2

2006-06-19 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hello Mario :: 
Thanks for the endorsement. 
It was time to light the candle, instead of cursing the darkness. 
Also Cecilia, my friend and wife is now stronger after all her travails so 
yours truly and truly think 
and gaze into the spectrum a bit more. It has been a good steeplechase. 
So its time for this Goan to rock with paint : ), celebrate a bit, and see 
where it leads. 

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 08:34:44 -0700 (PDT), Mario Goveia wrote
 --- Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Fred et al, 
  I have been quiet for a long time now. Thought I’d
  share some of my recent work and info on an 
  upcoming trip to London for Art in Action.
 Mario responds:
 Holy Cow!  Where have you been, man?!  I'm sure glad
 you decided to stop being quiet.  Your art is
 exquisitely brilliant and positively world class, and
 I'm going to let all my friends know about you.

Internet Channel --

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[Goanet] Zuari Bridge is Opened for all Types of Vehicles

2006-06-19 Thread Edward Verdes
Goa, Jun 19: After the rasta roko carried out by the people near the Zuari
Bridge on Friday 16, the Zuari Bridge is temporarily opened for all tupes of
vehiocles including heavyt vehicles.

The state River Navigation Department had sent 5 ferry boats to the
concerned ferry route of Agassaim and Cortalim.  But the people never opted
for this route and went on their bikes, four-wheelers and also by walk.

The ferries were just kept anchored at the ferry point without being used.
By late afternoon on Friday, the highway authority had to withdraw its
notification of not allowing the heavy vehicles on the Zuari Bridge for the
time being and allow all types of vehilces to run on the bridge.

 For pics check out :

RE =  Sharing is fun... Goa photos in cyberspace

Fred,  pics by Rajtilak Naik for Daijiworld News Network are also great.
Check out his Goa

Edward Verdes
Chinchinim/Jeddah, KSA

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[Goanet] Hummanem / Parkonnem - Konkani Riddles

2006-06-19 Thread Edward Verdes

Kitem tem sangxi? 

1. Abba mhuntlear lagta, Arey mhuntlear lagona.
(If you say Abba it touches, If you say Arey it does not.)
 2. Tin mattem, dha paiem, mathi khavun mukhar veta.
 ( Three heads, ten legs, eats earth and moves forward)
 3. Tin paiemcho tikdo ghoddo, tacher bosla kallo cheddo.
(Horse with three legs, riding on him is a black servant)
 4. Gobrant lollta, udkant morta.
 5. Nexil'lem kaddun, baint uddta.
 6.Ath assa, paiem na, gollo assa mathem na...
 7. Tunvem ugoddlem, anvem pollelem.
 8. Fatrar nachta, sorier lamta.

For answers check :'Konkani%20proverbs'
or try to figure out below

Edward Verdes
Chinchinim/Jeddah, KSA

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Re: [Goanet] Communidades

2006-06-19 Thread Edward Verdes
Shud have been 'Tuje Maincho Ghov' instead of Tujea Ma..or Tuzo..
I stand corrected.

btw it was not clear if the author was a male or female..I presumed
the writer was female, from the email header and at another point
where she mentioned ghowhich could have been a 
different version as in 'gho' n re.  
 If you don't mind Sir, could you please justify your syntax
 vis-a-vis that used by the author-to-be.Let us keep aside the spellings.
 Hope yuo'll kindly oblige.
 Richard Cabral

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2006-06-19 Thread Philip Thomas

With fuel prices spiralling and uncertain, fe takes a look at what is being
done to give citizens a reliable and affordable public transport system. A
report across states

Delhi's transport policy is ad hoc, sadly inadequate


Four years after it was first promised, the city government hasn't moved on
a proposal for a multi-modal transport authority, although it was supposed
to be something the chief minister favours. Three years before, the
government had spoken of electric trolley buses, high capacity buses (HCBs)
and a light rail transit (LRT) system, besides a mono-rail. Till date, with
the exception of five HCBs, none of the other projects has gone anywhere.
Electric trolley buses were to be introduced on two corridors by the end of
2003. Today, the project is as good as shelved. The LRT system met the same
fate. Despite numerous feasibility studies, the project has not seen the
light of day.

As for the mono-rail, the idea was to have one for the walled city. But it
has failed to enthuse the Union urban ministry, which would have to arrange
the finances. Three corridors had been tentatively identified, but lack the
backing of a proper study.


Goa amy also need to plan (and implement) urban transport systems in an
integrated way. Let's hope Financial Express (FE) covers Goa in its survey
too. (GOG should be monitoring and pushing for proper coverage of Goa in the
national news.  But that's another story.) Cheers.

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[Goanet] Government Apathy Traffic Discipline/Control

2006-06-19 Thread John Eric Gomes
I read with interest the  fol:-
 The Government is considering Road Safety as part of
 the syllabus in schools and colleges.Wonderful.But
 by the time this becomes a reality, several more
 youth would have lost their lives.I cant help being
 skeptical ,we need action not talk.Soon this will
 be a forgotten topic unless we all write/email the
 Director of Transport and the Traffic Police ,that
 education in road safety is a priority.
 At the monthly  consumers Traffic meeting at Margao
 Police Station, this month the topic of RSP(Road
 Safety Patrol) in schools came up. There were
 various excuses from the Traffic Police - 
Mario responds:

I don't blame you for being skeptical, since you are
dealing face-to-face with some of the very people who
contribute to the problem, but please don't give up.

You are heroically tackling an age old problem rooted
in a tradition of official carelessness and a woeful
lack of civic sense among average citizens, so every
baby step has huge positive implications for the long

Please send us the name, title and email address of
anyone you want us to contact.  I am confident that
all of Goanet, local and diaspora, will support you on
this, since it is our fellow Goans whose lives are at
stake here, if not our own and that of our families
when we are visiting Goa.

I would like to state
The history of  government apathy in Goa is frightenning,because it repeats
itself with impunity! They wait for calamities,and after the fire fighting
is over,
Investigating agencies set up stating the guilty will be punished no matter
who,and  other sanctimonious   pronouncements, go back to their sucessful
and lucretive
old ways. Namely, work in compartments, see that no one can be held
responsible, delay action on those of them indicted so time and transfers
take care of the rest. There is no proper handing over procedure enforced,
so files may not be easily found. It is easy to bury the matter.There are no
consequences enforced for bungling, wrong action, lethargy and delays.The
huge cost and pain caused to the public is almost irrelevant!
2. Recall the 1986 Mandovi bridge collapse due technical faults, and
cracks in the Zuari bridge handling such matters thereafter since then! No
lessons learnt, no punishment for officials indicted, collosal waste in
finances, no recovery, public and Press  have forgotten to follow up, keep
up the pressure. Nearer home,I have been
trying  to follow up on notifications and action to improve traffic
discipline on Panaji/Mapusa NH-17. Also some procedure for transferring ,
handing/taking over  by officials, which otherwise brings progress/action to
a standstill. Most Urgent and  Top Priority on their letter heads mean
nothing! .No one asks why the delay, who is responsible, demand an ATR etc.
The old Bus shelter is broken( after 10 years), without the new one coming
up first. Achievement? Buses still stop as before  and now people have to
stand in the rain.Our PM is trying desperately to  crack the whip to
sensitise the bureaucracy and government modus operandi, and it is high time
the Goa government gets its act together.My letter to The Chief Secretary
sent yesterday is appended below:-
Ref my E mail  letter to you Tues May 30, 2006, THE SITUATION REMAINS
THE SAME TO DATE. The same old bureaucratic bullshit (sorry Sir,I mean it)
that has been used to delay this matter for the last 10 years is repeating
itself yet
again.Having sucessfully delayed action/implementation till monsoons, it
will once again follow the same route.Nandini Paliwal who was following up
has been transferred, and if the Collector and CS are kept busy/transferred,
we will have to start from scratch again. My letter on government procedures
for transfer/handing over are also hanging fire. Departments cant find
files/letters and I  have given my file for xerox umpteen times to try
expedite matters.

2.  The monsoons have stopped for quite a while now! Speed breakers can be
put with quick drying mixture or when there is a lull in the monsoons. Where
there is a will, there is a way. I humbly suggest the PM needs all the help
he can get to sensitise the  Goa bureaucracy to efficiency.
All the departments concerned  may please be asked for an ATR on the Minutes
of the Meeting held in The Collectorate  North Goa on 23/3/06, which spelt
out details and deadlines.Your letter should probably end with Nehrus
must be some consequences for non compliance of agreed deadlines whilst
public are dying, getting killed/maimed in traffic accidents as a result of
such gross apathy!

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

John Eric Gomes

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[Goanet] DEAR AUNTY - No. 9: WEEKLY HUMOR :-))

2006-06-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues


The U.S. drew Italy with only 9 of 11 men at the World Cup. How?Osama
Dear Osama:Isn't it obvious ?  They're experts at 9/11 !
Goanet catches all Goan types - old fish, cold fish, goldfish, who debate 
and argue endlessly on any topic. What is the attraction ??Nettie.

Dear Nettie:Well darling, you know..debate catches de fish !
3. India's national flower is the lotus. What is Goa's own flower ?  Fulam.
Dear Fulam:   Alfred Rose.
News: Activists claim foul play behind compensation from govt. Shady folks 
exploiting the call-girls return to Baina red-light areas. Comment.  Shanu.

Dear Shanu:Too many crooks spoil the broth-el !
Is it true Aga, the builder's ghost, cracked the Zuari bridge ? Pittu.
Dea Pittu: Yes, there was too much 'Aga sighing' at one end !
All businesses in Goa display Sole  so sign in commercial 
buildings. Why not in religious buildings like churches ?  Loiola

Dear Loiola: In churches, the Pope is the 'soul' proprietor !
Was the Indian national anthem actually secretly composed by a Goan? Tagore.

Dear Tagore:   Yes, it was a Goan aunty - Joana Goana Mana.
News: The Chief Minister has declared 2006 - the year of the farmer. We 
distribute guddis. Where's best place to celebrate farmer's year?   Kisan.

Dear Kisan:   Farmagudi.
I heard you recently visited the Middle East .'Dubai' ?   Landis.

Dear Landis: Oh yes..lots of clothes !
Konkani Knock! Knock!' jokes better than English ones. More please!  Remy.
Dear Remy:Knock! Knock!Konn??Aum!!Aum konn??
Arre, pisha..Alziemher's zal re?
I think I love you, I hope you're not married! What's your maiden name? Seby
Dear Seby:   My 'maiden aim' is to stay single, darling !
My daughter works for the watch company at Verna. Now she wants to marry a 
drunkard there who will ruin us. Shall I give him tight ? Aristo.

Dear Aristo:   Better to Titan your daughter's belt first.
Disclaimer: No personal replies. Post all problems online.'Goan Life' 
material all original  copyright. Forward with due acknowledgement:-))

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[Goanet] Goa Revolution Day /Melinda Coutinho Powell

2006-06-19 Thread Melinda Powell
Hi All,
I attended a very interesting meeting hosted by the Cuncolim Civic and
Consumer forum, yest June 18th ,Goa Revolution day.
After their regular monthly meeting,they had a guest speaker Mr Prajal
Sakhardande(Dhempe college History Prof,Goa Heritage Action group) who spoke
on After Liberation,are we truly free?.Mr Prajal gave us a background of
the freedom struggle,the significance of 18th June,and the fight for lost
civil liberties.He threw open questions to the audience on issues of
governance,corruption and it was a very interesting interactive session.

The fight for liberties must continue today,and each one is responsible for
playing their part.We speak and no one listens.Only after repeated
protests,there is an impact.More people need to join in the struggle More
people need to be aware of what is actually happening in Goa and do
something about it.The recent protest at the Zuari bridge where the
commuters took to the streets and blocked the bridge ,brought about swift
action from the Govt..
Those living abroad and care about Goa (I know many on this forum who do)
need to write letters to the editors of different newspapers and shame the
Government into doing something constructive.
Those living here need to come out of their cosy cocoons and be involved in
bringing about change.I also know many on this forum who are doing a
lot(political parties,social organisations)of good work ,but my appeal is to
the average person who so far has done nothing.Let this be a beginning.Get
involved in local issues,your Village Panchayats.,etcAttend Gram Sabha
meetings. .Be aware of legislations that are being passed ,dont get fooled
by politicians promises - examine,assess,deliberate ,have an opinion.If we
want to bring about change,instead of lamenting we need to get involved with

Melinda Coutinho Powell

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[Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear fellow posters,

I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise anyone
on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
that we live in today. Christians have to show some
responsibility in the assertions that they make.

Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps churches
were built atop temples. All of that happened in the
social and political context of that era. We as
Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say the
least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
religious tension stoked.

It didn't take long for the Babri Mosque to fall. It
won't take long before the legitimacy of our churches
is called into question. Yes, it is nice to sit in our
NRI lounge chairs and debate about issues, but in our
zeal to debate our point of view, let us also show
some restraint and responsibility. 


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[Goanet] Fusion Lounge launched in Goa

2006-06-19 Thread Jazz Goa
The Brown Indian Band formed by bassplayer Colin
D'Cruz features accomplished Indian classical
musicians in concert with jazz virtuosos. Indian
classical music can be compared to jazz as both are
forms of improvised music. Indian classical music is
linear and uses just one scale (raga) to improvise
within a composition whereas jazz has a much broader
palette for improvisation where multiple scales can be
used to improvise through harmonic changes (chords).
Indian classical music however, has some of the
world's most complex rhythm structures and subtle
quarter tones that add an exciting new dimension to
jazz. The Brown Indian Band uses the best of both
forms of improvisation to create a chilled out sound
of world music. The band's debut album titled 'Fusion
Lounge' is available in Goa at Vibes Music in margao
and can be purchased worldwide online at 
Hear sample sounds from the album at:

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Re: [Goanet] GOA FREEDOM FIGHTERS EXIST 60 years later?

2006-06-19 Thread floriano
Sad but true.
You expect the present dispensation to initiate an inquiry and put an end
to this tamasha???
Think again.


[Say NO to SECOND TERM  for MLAs]


A thorough review shall be initiated through a settingup of a committee of
veteran freedom fighters ofGoa to divest fake entries from the list of
freedom fighters. The legitimate freedom fighters should have no objection
to such a move which shall go a long way in restoring the much eroded
respect for the genuine freedom fighters still living and active as well as
saving the exchequer and the tax-payers a lot of financial burden. It is
absurd that after 43 years of libaration, more freedom fighters are being
registered into this list. New entries into the list of Goa's freedom
fighters effected during the rule of the RSS-BJP with active collusion of
Goa's then Governor Mr. Kidarnath Sahani shall be reviewed as also those
freedom fighters who have been involved in the street and house name plaque
vandalism of Mala-Fontainhas , Panjim shall be brought to account.

- Original Message -
From: godfrey gonsalves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:03 PM
Subject: [Goanet] GOA FREEDOM FIGHTERS EXIST 60 years later?

 If a youth at the age of 12 years took part in the
 freedom movement announced by Dr Ram Manohar Lohia on
 June 18 in 1946, against the Portuguese rule 60 years
 ago, he would have been born in the year 1934 and
 would be 72 years today.

 It is unbelieveable though that an youth of 12 years
 would have understood the meaning of a freedom movment
 considering the fact that many passed out their
 matriculation then at the age of 22 years.

 Hence what is shocking is that 60 years thereafter
 (1946) freedom fighters continue to be honoured on
 this historic day.  This year there were 22 of them

 But what surprises many is that there is also
 reservation for children of freedom fighters in the

 Does it mean that freedom fighters  born in 1934 and
 before still have children below the age of 18 years
 or 22 years to merit such concessions or reservation
 of seats in educational institutions.

 Will the Government order an enquiry into these
 concessions/reservations and put an end to honouring
 of freedom fighters?


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Re: [Goanet] GOA FREEDOM FIGHTERS EXIST 60 years later?

2006-06-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
Valid points, dear Godfrey.  Let me tell you how
one such Freedom Fighter reportedly became one. 
The story is not mine.

The inimitable Radharao Gracias tells the story how Shambu 
graduated into a freedom fighter.  Shambu’s wife suffered,
almost perennially, from the proverbial ‘headache.’  
So afternoons, after a hearty meal, Shamboo went rambling.
Towards the yonder paddies behind his house.  

Shambu would spot comely Jackin working in the field.  
He would crouch, cup his hands and call out from the bandh, 
“Oh Jackin, Oh jackin.”  It so happened that one fine
afternoon Agente Monteiro was passing by.  He heard 
Shambu’s entreaties of “Oh Jackin” as “Jai Hind” and 
promptly our Shamboo was on his way to a Tamrapatra --
and lifelong benefits for self and family, including
pension and a slew of State freebies.

If one goes by stories of virility, your hypothesis at
Para 2 below, may not be valid :-)
Regards, Valmiki

On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 godfrey gonsalves wrote :

Hence what is shocking is that 60 years thereafter
(1946) freedom fighters continue to be honoured on
this historic day.  This year there were 22 of them

Does it mean that freedom fighters  born in 1934 and
before still have children below the age of 18 years
or 22 years to merit such concessions or reservation
of seats in educational institutions.


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Re: Re: Re: [Goanet] Goanet as a learning instrument

2006-06-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 Mario Goveia wrote :

--- Mario Goveia wrote:

My suggestion to Goanet is that they should accept
paid advertising and remunerate these administrators.

Goanet does have paid advertising, doesn't it?
(The admins have a sharp eye for unpaid advertising
slipped in the guise of free posts - remember the
rather unpleasant 'Expressions' episode a few years
ago?)  But Goanet's paid advertising can hardly boast
of any volumes.  I suggest paid Matrimonials, in
place of the current free compilation.
(I should have been the first to place such an ad,
but then, it's my grave misfortune that I can no more
legally queue in the marriage market!)

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[Goanet] Goa ... and Wikipedia

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia
--- On Sun, June 11, Fred Noronha wrote: ::: please see
and contribute. -FN

Mario adds:
Are you aware of the following development at

Growing Wikipedia Revises Its 'Anyone Can Edit'

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[Goanet] AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - Junachi 19vi, 2006!

2006-06-19 Thread domnic fernandes

Gorgori utram haddam moddinant punn tim kallzam toddtat.

(Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

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