Re: [Goanet] Reflection on anti-Christian violence in India.

2009-03-06 Thread Santosh Helekar


Are you sure you are not falsely accusing me of changing facts? Please read my 
post again. Perhaps, there is something that prevents you from recognizing the 
irony in it.

But in case you don't, let me spell out that I was fully aware that the story 
was from last year. What was curious to me was that it was posted now, after 
the swami and so many other people have been murdered and displaced, and 
churches and properties have been destroyed. It was also apparent to me that 
the Cardinal might have been mistaken because the swami's subsequent murder 
indicates that he might also have been attacked in the past, as was reported in 
other news stories at that time. 



--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Edward Verdes wrote:

 Santosh Bab...please read Nelsons
 post againThe Cardinal was refering to the attacks on
 Christians in Dec 2007
 where else the Swami was murderered in Aug 23 2008. Heres
 below what the post said...see how well you have taken only
 line and changed the factsgreat work!


[Goanet] Acting Our Age in the 21st Century

2009-03-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

(An article that appeared in Herald on March 5, 2009)

It is sad to see people still becoming suckers for flapdoodle like astrology 
and quack medicine, says SANTOSH A HELEKAR

It has been rather disappointing to watch the growth of irrationality and
anti-intellectualism in India and the world in recent years, seemingly in
defiance of all the remarkable scientific and technological progress that has 
occurred. Two examples of flapdoodle show the most disturbing trends in this 

The first is the resurgence of the belief in astrology. There is not a single 
prominent newspaper or magazine in any country in the world today that does not 
carry an astrological or sun signs column in its pages. People continue to buy 
this scam. What is even more depressing is that many of life's critical 
decisions are being made based on it. A glaring instance of the fact that this 
malaise has risen to the alarming heights of being granted an official stamp of 
approval in India was the University Grants Commission's decision in 2001 to 
include Vedic Astrology as a valid academic discipline in the nation's 
universities. The prospect of having a whole new generation of eager people 
indoctrinated in this delusional practice in their daily lives, that too in the 
hallowed halls of our academic institutions, still looms as large as ever.

How could this happen despite the fact that astrology in all its forms has been 
debunked by bucket loads of scientific studies? One recent large-scale study 
involved what are known as time-twins. These are unrelated individuals who were 
born at the same time. If the time of birth determines the life or destiny of 
any human being then two such beings born at the same time must share many 
features or events in their lives in common. This prediction has been directly 
tested by the said study. And, lo and behold, it has found that there are 
absolutely no similarities between time-twins on over 100 different parameters, 
including occupation, longevity, marital status, love of music, health status, 
level of anxiety, tendency for aggression, etc.

To those who rest their convictions on the poignancy of anecdotes, I would like 
to provide the following prophecies unfurled by one of world's renowned `Vedic 
astrologers' on 31 August 2001 for the upcoming month of September 2001:

Monthly Global Predictions for September 2001 (Date posted: August 31, 2001) 
Compared to August the month of September is likely to be relatively a lot less 
stressful for most of the world, especially from natural and man-made 
accidents, terrorism, and violence standpoints. Also, after the first week of 
September, expect some relief to the volatile region of Israel and Palestine.

As we all know by now, these predictions were not exactly on target. You might 
think therefore that this `eminent' astrologer might have suffered a major 
public embarrassment from this. Heck no! You could not be more wrong. This guy 
managed to insure himself from such a setback by also predicting the exact 
opposite of the above predictions. He concluded his 31st August statement by 
making the following `counter-predictions':

Except for the first 10 days of the month, pretty much the entire month is
going to be filled with events that have to deal with both man-made and natural 
calamities, especially for the United States, and to some extent both the 
continents of America.

If you go through his other monthly predictions, you will find that there is no 
way he can ever be wrong because every single month he predicts everything that 
can possibly happen in this world, in the most general terms possible. This is 
one of the many techniques successful astrologers use to fool the public. Those 
who tend to stick their neck out by being a little bolder and more selective in 
their predictions provide disclaimers in small print at the end of their 
columns, like the one below taken from another highly prominent Vedic 
astrological column.

Disclaimer: The author and publishers of this column do not claim that any of 
these astrological predictions will come true. Readers are advised to use their 
own discretion in their personal and financial matters. The author and 
publishers of this column are not liable for any consequences of readers 
believing in this work.

The second example of the newfangled devotion to kookiness is the uncritical 
acceptance of all manner of quack remedies under the cover of alternative 
medicine. Over the last two decades, untested and unregulated treatments with 
no grounding whatsoever, except in the fantasies of fakirs, have proliferated 
like wild herbs and mushrooms, catapulting them into a multi-billion dollar 
international industry. Many have been shown to be outright frauds.

From the standpoint of public health and safety it is therefore important to 
recognize indicators which, if present in advertisements, news reports and 
promotional materials, should arouse strong suspicions of 

Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience, God and Soul

2009-03-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

Fr. Ivo wrote:

Religion has a scientific basis in universe and human being. This is what 
Dr.Santosh will not be able to understand...

I explain below exactly how Fr. Ivo raises the scientific illiteracy of 
Goanetters who are unfortunate enough to read his posts in this thread.

Religion has a scientific basis in universe and human being.
..Fr. Ivo

The absurdity in this statement becomes apparent when one asks the question 
Which religion? 

Christianity believes in a creator and a personal deity. Buddhism and atheism 
do not. Which belief has a scientific basis? A person with some science 
education would say neither, because such supernatural beliefs cannot be 
verified or falsified by observation or experiment.

This book is not religious or philosophical. It is scientific. It is based 
on neuroscientific experiments. I can challenge Dr.Santosh on this point.
.Fr. Ivo

I would say that the best preparation for the challenge would be to read a high 
school textbook on science. 

The Beauregard book is not scientific because it makes wild unscientific 
speculative claims. The claims are unscientific because they cannot be verified 
or falsified by observation or experiment. Two examples of such bogus 
unscientific claims are the following:

But that hard problem ceases to be a problem once we understand the universe 
itself as a product of consciousness. We might expect living beings to evolve 
towards consciousness if consciousness underlies the universe. Consciousness is 
an irreducible quality.
.Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary

I do not doubt in principle that a contemplative might contact a reality 
outside herself during a mystical experience.
.Mario Beauregard

But what is even more outrageous is that the Beauregard book endorses 
Intelligent Design creationism and spooky parapsychological phenomena such as 
telepathy. In fact, the authors make the incredible claim that there is strong 
evidence for these psi phenomena. The amount of unscientific gullibility 
displayed by these authors is mind-boggling.

What Dr.Santosh accepts is scientific, what he rejects is unscientific
..Fr. Ivo

Fr. Ivo would not have made the above statement if he were not so well versed 
in the misunderstanding of the difference between scientific and unscientific. 
The elementary high school textbook of science would tell us that for a claim 
to be regarded as scientific it must be testable, i.e. it must be verifiable or 
falsifiable by observation or experiment. None of Beauregard’s claims are 
testable. They are just rehashed preconceived personal religious beliefs and 
airy speculations with absolutely no scientific value whatsoever. 

The point that Dr.Mario makes is that the mystical experiences are created by 
a reality outside the brain.
.Fr. Ivo

This is a great example of an unscientific claim because it cannot be verified 
or falsified by a scientific observation or experiment. The supernatural 
reality outside the brain cannot be objectively detected or measured by 
independent means. The belief that it does or does not exist is therefore a 
religious or philosophical belief.

Beauregard claims in the book that he has no doubt that this supernatural 
reality exists. I say to him, more power to you for believing in the dogma of 
your religion, but please stop fooling your readers (many of whom, like Fr. 
Ivo, have no clue as to what the science in neuroscience stands for) that this 
is your scientific conclusion.



Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience, God and Soul

2009-03-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

Let me state once again why Fr. Ivo's posts in this thread are compounding the 
ignorance of Goanetters regarding neuroscience, and making them more 
scientifically illiterate.

Fr. Ivo does not understand that science has nothing to do with the 
supernatural concepts of Christianity or any other religion. He keeps trying to 
mix his religion with science, and misinforms readers in the process. This is 
also true of his latest attempt at describing what is written in some book that 
he has read. He seems to believe that what is written in that book are 
scientific facts. This is a false belief.

The book Spiritual Brain written by a neuroscientist called Mario Beauregard 
and a journalist called Denyse O'Leary is not a scientific book. It is a book 
about the religious and philosophical beliefs of the neuroscientist Mario 
Beauregard. Anybody can write such a book, and get it published, because it 
does not have to go through a rigorous scientific peer review process. The fact 
that Beauregard happens to be a neuroscientist is incidental. His religious 
beliefs have no more credibility than those of anybody else. 

As I have said before, Beauregard has published two short peer-reviewed 
scientific papers wherein he has merely recorded the activity of the brain 
during mystical experiences in Carmelite nuns. That is all. These recordings do 
not justify a belief or non-belief in supernatural entities such as God or 
soul. They do not compel anybody, let alone a neuroscientist, to believe 
anything about materialism or spiritualism. Despite this, in their book 
Beauregard and O'Leary make wild unscientific speculations about the former's 
supernatural religious and philosophical beliefs. None of these speculations 
can ever be experimentally verified or falsified. That is why they are 
unscientific. They do not contribute anything to the genuine neuroscientific 
literature. Fr. Ivo has unfortunately been fooled by these unwarranted 
speculations, and is trying to mislead Goanetters into believing that they are 
scientific conclusions of a neuroscientist.

He also keeps bringing up the word mediated without understanding its meaning 
in my field of neuroscience. He puts all kinds of words in my mouth in doing 

The word mediated has a very specific meaning in biology. In the present 
context it means that if you block the specific brain activity, you will 
prevent or abort the spiritual experiences that are mediated by it. Of course, 
not being a neuroscientist Fr. Ivo is not expected to know this.



--- On Wed, 3/4/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza wrote:

 Dr.Mario has published a book on The Spiritual Mind.
 He describes there his experiments and his scientific
But he forgets that mediated does not mean created by the
 brain, as Dr.Mario has clearly discussed in his book, which
 was written in the light of brain-imaging studies of his
 doctoral students. 


Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Mario Goveia wrote:
 What he describes as a Republican Senator's blog does,
 in fact contain links to numerous sources of peer-reviewed
 studies written by reputable and respected scientists who
 disagree with Santosh's point of view. 

The above statement is false. The Republican senator's blog does not provide 
links to any peer-reviewed scientific studies at all. Almost all of the links 
are to other political blogs (such as, many of which deny 
that global warming is taking place in the first place), and to news items in 
popular media websites, with sensational titles such as Al Gore is a 
greenhouse gas bag.

The one apparently peer-reviewed paper (not study) it refers to is a 
biographical account of a solar physicist (who died in 2006), and a description 
of his unproven solar inertial motion hypothesis.

Please see

I have already shown you how the claim that the sun is responsible for global 
warming has been refuted.

The only other scientific document which the Republican senator's political 
blog refers to is the following non-peer reviewed publication of Stephen 

I have already told you how the said political blog is misleading people on the 
work of Stephen Schwartz described in the above link. Here again is the link to 
Dr. Schwartz's page on the cause of global warming:

Regarding the non-peer reviewed document provided by the Heartland Institute 
(, the scientific 
credentials and affiliations of its contributors have not been stated. A search 
through the scientific literature shows that none of these contributors have 
published any peer-reviewed criticisms on global warming in mainstream 
scientific journals. The same is true of S. Fred Singer and Frederick Seitz. 
Neither of these individuals have provided any peer-reviewed scientific 
argument backed by objective evidence for their denials of any of the main 
conclusions regarding global warming in any mainstream scientific journal.

Political statements and sound bites like the ones provided in the post 
appended below do not tell us what evidence and scientific rationale these 
people have for denying peer-reviewed data and/or conclusions of climate 
scientists currently active in the global warming field, and whether their 
arguments pass scientific muster. What's more, all of the speculative arguments 
that they have made on internet blogs and websites, and in popular media and 
books have been roundly refuted by climate scientists. 

The situation in this case is nearly exactly the same as it is with the denials 
related to the theory of evolution by natural selection, and the denial of the 
fact that AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.



--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

 The Heartland report was compiled and edited by a scientist
 and professor of Environmental Science:
 S. Fred Singer
 President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
 Distinguished Research Professor, George Mason University
 Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, University of
 Fred Singer writes, We regret that many advocates in
 the debate have chosen to give up debating the science and
 now focus almost exclusively on questioning the motives of
 ‘skeptics,’ name-calling, and ad hominem attacks. We
 view this as a sign of desperation on their part, and a sign
 that the debate has shifted toward climate realism.
 Mario asks, Sound familiar?
 The foreword of the report was written by a Past President
 of the National Academy of Sciences and the American
 Physical Society:
 Frederick Seitz
 President Emeritus, Rockefeller University
 Past President, National Academy of Sciences
 Past President, American Physical Society
 Chairman, Science and Environmental Policy
 Frederick Seitz says, Our concern about the
 environment, going back some 40 years, has taught us
 important lessons. It is one thing to impose drastic
 measures and harsh economic penalties when an environmental
 is clear-cut and severe. It is foolish to do so when the
 problem is largely hypothetical and not substantiated by
 observations. As NIPCC shows by offering an independent,
 non-governmental ‘second opinion’ on the ‘global
 warming’ issue, we do not currently have any convincing
 evidence or observations of significant climate change from
 other than natural causes.
 I would venture to say that such eminent scientists who are
 environmental experts know at least as much as Santosh, who
 is a scientist in an unrelated field, on the issue of
 whether there is universal consensus on the
 causes of climate change and whether the science is

Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience, God and Soul

2009-03-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Tue, 3/3/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza wrote:

I corrected Dr.Santosh Helekar, who quoted Dr.Mario, saying: the mystical
 experiences are mediated by several brain regions and
 systems, and misinterpreted the word mediated as a denial of God's 

The above assertion is bogus. I did not provide any such interpretation or 
misinterpretation of the word mediated. Fr. Ivo is clearly fantasizing that 
he corrected me. He is giving you false information regarding me and recent my 
post on this topic on Goanet. Here is the link to that post of mine:

Mario Beauregard has published only two short papers on mystical experiences in 
professional scientific literature. In those papers, he has invoked neither God 
nor soul in his interpretations. Science has nothing to do with these 
supernatural concepts. What Fr. Ivo says on the subject of Neuroscience is pure 




Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-02 Thread Santosh Helekar

The problem with the post below again is that it does not cite any original 
scientific source. The only sources it cites are political and ideological in 
nature. They are:;


The first is a Republican senator's blog, and the second a document provided by 
a socio-economic policy institute whose mission is clarified in the following 

Heartland's mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions 
to social and economic problems.

Now whom would you trust on the subject of climate science? The work of the 
majority of world's climate scientists and the science academies of their 
countries or a U.S. senator and some sociologists and economists of a public 
policy institute?
The fact that the material from the latter political and ideological sources 
cannot be trusted is clear from the following post which quotes excerpts that 
misrepresent the work of Stephen Schwartz, and rely on casual sound bites of an 
astronomer and a solar physicist from sensational websites and news items 
rather than the published work of climate scientists in mainstream scientific 

Please see below the Brookhaven National Laboratory website of Stephen Schwartz 
to find out that he accepts the evidence indicating human involvement in 
greenhouse gas emissions and global warming:

On another front the speculative claim of a solar physicist that the sun's 
activity is responsible for global warming has now been refuted by a number of 
studies. Please`see for instance the following peer-reviewed scientific paper 
from Stanford University:

Here is the relevant excerpt:
Despite the direct response of the model to solar forcing, even large solar 
irradiance change combined with realistic volcanic forcing over past centuries 
could not explain the late 20th century warming without inclusion of greenhouse 
gas forcing. Although solar and volcanic effects appear to dominate most of the 
slow climate variations within the past thousand years, the impacts of 
greenhouse gases have dominated since the second half of the last century.



--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Mario Goveia wrote:
 According to,, the
 vast majority of the scientists who contribute to the IPCC
 studies have no direct influence on the conclusions
 expressed by the IPCC.
 “Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming bites the
 dust,” declared astronomer Dr. Ian Wilson after reviewing
 the new study which has been accepted for publication in the
 Journal of Geophysical Research.  Another scientist said the
 peer-reviewed study overturned “in one fell swoop” the
 climate fears promoted by the UN and former Vice President
 Al Gore. The study entitled “Heat Capacity, Time Constant,
 and Sensitivity of Earth’s Climate System,” was authored
 by Brookhaven National Lab scientist Stephen Schwartz. See,
 These assertions are debatable according to Solar physicist
 Dr. Pal Brekke, senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre
 in Oslo. Brekke has published more than 40 peer-reviewed
 scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with
 the Earth. 

Re: [Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela

2009-03-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Sun, 3/1/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 For those who live in Ivory Towers and are cut off from
 ground reality 'gaddha and goddha' or 'IIT and ITI' are
 one and the same.

The guy seems to be fond of making up the reality of others, and 
self-righteously believes only his reality is genuine. What else is new?




Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

Mario Goveia wrote:

I did not even address the science of global warming as Santosh falsely 

The misconceptions regarding the science of global warming in Mario’s earlier 
posts are listed at the end of this post. What is important for people to know 
in that context is the following:

1. Genuine scientific debates and consensus are discussed in professional 
scientific journals and conferences, not on websites of politicians or in 
internet petitions. If any scientist disagrees with a scientific issue he 
publishes his disagreement in a scientific journal. That is the only proper 
forum for his scientific peers to judge whether his criticisms are valid or 
not. What is publicized through a politician's website is not science but 

2. The claim made by IPCC that its report is based on the work of 2500 
scientists, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, is correct.

3. If you search genuine peer-reviewed scientific literature on this topic you 
will find that, as in the case of evolution and intelligent design/creationism, 
there is no real debate on the validity and scope of the main scientific claims 
about climate science. The main claims are:

a) Global warming is taking place.

b) It is substantially due to an excess of green houses gases released as a 
result of human activities.

c) It is already causing detrimental effects on the environment.

d) An urgent reduction of green house gas emissions is necessary to prevent 
catastrophic effects in the future.



One of the problems seems to be the overheated claims by some proponents that 
there is universal consensus and the matter is settled science, when 
clearly neither claim is accurate.

The IPCC's claims that thousands of scientists participated in its report has 
also been challenged as false by scientists who were part of the process.

Remember, the controversy is not whether global warming is taking place, but 
whether it is being caused by natural phenomena or human activity, and whether 
reversing or curbing the human activity, specifically CO2 levels, is a) 
necessary, b) economically harmful to poor countries, and c) going to make any 
significant difference, even if it can be done at some reasonable cost.

I have limited these examples in the interests of brevity, and only to make 
the point that the issue is still being furiously debated within the scientific 

The only point to be made here is that there are a significant number of 
scientists who are not yet convinced that the matter is settled and that the 
broad consensus being claimed by some, does not yet exist.

However, what I find strange is Santosh's ability to deny that there is a 
debate going on, and totally ignore the evidence that there are hundreds, if 
not thousands of reputable and respected scientists that disagree with the 
scientific opinions of the organizations cited by him.

Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

The misconceptions like the ones in the post below regarding the science of 
global warming have been addressed by many reputed and responsible scientific 
organizations, all of whom are in full agreement about the scientific issues 
involved. In addition to the report of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 
that I provided earlier, the science academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, 
Canada, the Caribbean, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, 
Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK have jointly issued a statement 
concurring with the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

Here is a link to a website of the British Royal Society dealing with several 
misleading arguments:

Here are some of the misleading arguments that are addressed:

Misleading argument 1 : The Earth's climate is always changing and this is 
nothing to do with humans.

Misleading argument 2 : Carbon dioxide only makes up a small part of the 
atmosphere and so cannot be responsible for global warming.

Misleading argument 3 : Rises in the levels of carbon dioxide in the 
atmosphere are the result of increased temperatures, not the other way round.

Misleading argument 8 : The scale of the negative effects of climate change is 
often overstated and there is no need for urgent action.



--- On Fri, 2/27/09, Mario Goveia wrote:
 Mario responds:
 Thanks for this link from one respected scientific
 organization which certainly lays out the case for the
 proposition that global warming is being caused by human
 Where the doubts arise is when so many reputable and
 respected scientists disagree with the findings of this
 report and that of the UN's IPCC.
 One of the problems seems to be the overheated claims by
 some proponents that there is universal
 consensus and the matter is settled
 science, when clearly neither claim is accurate.  The
 IPCC's claims that thousands of scientists participated
 in its report has also been challenged as false by
 scientists who were part of the process.  Such claims raise
 doubts apart from the science which is complex enough.  For
 example, From 1940 to 1980, when human industrial activity,
 and presumably CO2 levels, were experiencing tremendous
 growth, global temperatures did not rise, and even declined
 for a period of time.
 Remember, the controversy is not whether global warming is
 taking place, but whether it is being caused by natural
 phenomena or human activity, and whether reversing or
 curbing the human activity, specifically CO2 levels, is a)
 necessary, b) economically harmful to poor countries, and c)
 going to make any significant difference, even if it can be
 done at some reasonable cost.
 A concurrent discussion is whether any modest global
 warming in the future may be a net benefit to the world:
 The opposing view is illustrated by the following examples
 from the US Senate report I posted earlier.  I have limited
 these examples in the interests of brevity, and only to make
 the point that the issue is still being furiously debated
 within the scientific community:
 Mario's Conclusion:
 The only point to be made here is that there are a
 significant number of scientists who are not yet convinced
 that the matter is settled and that the broad
 consensus being claimed by some, does not yet


Re: [Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela

2009-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

Vinay Natekar vinaynate...@... wrote:

Do we have to believe in all the copy and paste anti Hindu materials
from various fringe sites you post on Goanet are genuine?

Marshall Mendonza mmendonz...@... wrote:

You have been too immersed in hindutva propaganda to understand or
realise the difference.
Here is an article which critically looks at the reality. Read on.

How do we decide whose reality is genuine? Both seem to be
relentlessly engaged in partisan political propaganda.




Re: [Goanet] An Amazing Re-incarnation story - Carvalho

2009-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, edward desilva wrote:

 Hi Selma,
 Let me put you out of your misery.
 The Barra boy story is true and Reincarnation is also true,
 I found no holes in it.

I guess that settles it then. Selma has no choice now but to believe in 
reincarnation. How can she not trust a random Goanetter who saw a show on 
European TV with his own eyes, which revealed to him the ultimate truth?




Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-02-27 Thread Santosh Helekar

The U. S. National Academy of Sciences, one of the world's most prestigious 
scientific organizations has provided the following update on the science 
behind global warming:

It should clarify doubts and answer basic questions regarding this topic.



--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Mario Goveia wrote:
 What is your explanation for the number of reputable
 scientists who disagree that the global climate change we
 see today is being caused by human activity, as outlined in
 the following opposing report:
 Can you also update us on:


Re: [Goanet] An Amazing Re-incarnation story

2009-02-27 Thread Santosh Helekar


Ian Stevenson at University of Virginia devoted his life to studying such 
cases, and came up empty handed as far as proving the authenticity of the 
claims is concerned. His student Satwant Pasricha continues to investigate 
these anecdotes at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in 
Bangalore, where I worked for some time. From what I remember, almost all of 
their cases can be explained by mundane factors, such as stories told by 
visitors and playmates. It is virtually impossible to rule out such 
contamination in general.



--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Carvalho wrote:
 It features a British boy who is convinced he had a
 previous life on an island called Barra. I've pasted a
 link for those who want to read up on this boy.
 What makes the story amazing is that so many of the details
 he remembered were verified by a trip to the island of
 I wonder, and maybe Santosh specifically could shed some
 light here, because I more often than not tend to be
 skeptical about these things, has there ever been a
 scientific explanation put forward for past life
 recollections that add up.


Re: [Goanet] Slum dog millionaire

2009-02-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Nascy Caldeira wrote:
 All this is due to the Uncouth, Primitive Cultured
 Fascist and neo Fascists parties and communities, I dare

What does this guy mean by uncouth, primitive cultured fascist and neo-fascist 



Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-02-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Thu, 2/26/09, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:

 Well, human activity aka greenhouse effect, is not necessarily the cause of 
 climate change. 

The above statement is false in more than one way.

The term Greenhouse effect refers to the phenomenon wherein certain gases in 
the atmosphere prevent the Earth from radiating its heat into space. As a 
result there is an increase in the atmospheric, surface and deep sea 
temperatures. The main gases that cause this warming are water vapor, carbon 
dioxide, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. The Greenhouse effect can 
therefore result from both natural and man-made causes.

Scientific evidence from several independent sources now indicates that the 
global climate change that we see today is substantially due to the net 
increase in carbon dioxide levels caused by human activity.



Re: [Goanet] GOA: Shiv Sena warns V-Day revellers not to 'cross limits

2009-02-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
This moral policing by Hindu extremists is appalling. I think Goan colleges 
should call the real police on these guys, and make sure they are kept at least 
half a kilometer away from each campus. Pre-emptive law enforcement action is 
the only answer against them.



--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Gabe Menezes wrote:
   Shiv Sena warns V-Day revellers not to 'cross
   Speaking to reporters, state Shiv Sena unit president
 Upendra Gaonkar
 Thursday said Shiv Sena activists have been asked to
 reconnoitre college
 campuses in Goa to ensure that students do not go
 'overboard' with their
 emotions Feb 14.


Re: [Goanet] Gavin D'Costa ... on Darwin and Christians (Times Higher Education)

2009-02-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Goanet News wrote:

 Third, if theology is confident of its truth and there is
 still a contradiction, science must be subject to rigorous
 scrutiny, especially its presuppositions and context.

This is nonsense. Theology of which religion? Why should science care what a 
theologian of any religion says? Theologies and atheologies have nothing to do 
with science.




Re: [Goanet] Fanatic Christian Principal

2009-02-11 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 ***I cannot answer for you, since there is no religion for
 you. God is a figment of mind. Let each one search and find out.
Dialogue will help us to find out the answer.

Aren't you discriminating against me by refusing to answer my question?




Re: [Goanet] Fanatic Christian Principal

2009-02-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Mon, 2/9/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza wrote:

 But all religions cannot be equally good. They can
 also be distorted. We are left with a choice.
 All ways to a goal are not equally good, we choose the best
 one. When there are several remedies of different trade
 marks and medical companies, we choose the best ones. The
 physician is careful to give what he thinks is the best
 product for the patients.

Which religion is the best?




Re: [Goanet] North East

2009-02-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 2/8/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

  An institution linked to the RSS and headed by persons
 associated with the
 RSS is considered multipartisan. Ha ha ha!! That was a good
 joke. Tell us
 another one, just like the other one, tell us another one
 too ..

The above claims that the Institute for Conflict Management and the persons 
associated with it are linked to the RSS are blatant falsehoods.

Even the tenuous earlier statement from a nameless blog that one of its 
principals, Dr. Ajai Sahni was a member of ABVP or Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi 
Parishad when he was a student is not supported by any other independent 
source. Please see the result of this Google search:

Ironically, this search and another one for Dr. Ajai Sahni Akhil Bharatiya 
Vidyarthi Parishad yields the following link:

Please note this quote on the Malegaon and Modasa bomb blasts in particular:

Hindu Jagran Manch behind the Malegaon and Modasa bomb blasts, claims 
Maharashtra Police: The Maharashtra Police on October 22 claimed that the Hindu 
Jagran Manch, an Indore (Madhya Pradesh)-based Hindu extremist group was 
responsible for the September 29 bomb blasts in Malegaon (Maharashtra) and 
Modasa (Gujarat). This extremist group reportedly has links with the Akhil 
Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the student wing of the Rashtriya 
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

A day after, on October 23, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested three 
persons on charges of being involved in the September 29 blast in Malegaon. 
They were identified as a Sadhvi Pragnya Singh Chandrapal Singh, Shiv Narayan 
Gopal Singh Kalsanghra, and Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu. While Pragnya Singh was 
arrested from Surat (Gujarat), the other two persons were arrested from 
unspecified places in Madhya Pradesh. Subsequently, the Nashik Chief Judicial 
Magistrate’s Court remanded the arrested to Police custody till November 3. The 
three accused reportedly had started the Rashtriya Jagran Manch, a sister 
organisation of the RSS. They have been booked under various sections of the 
Indian Explosives Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The ATS 
chief Hemant Karkare said that the Forensic Sciences Laboratory (FSL) report 
had revealed traces of RDX in the September 29 blast in Malegaon. Indian 
Express ; The Hindu, October 23-24, 2008.

Now please tell me if any organization that was linked to ABVP or RSS would 
have posted the above news as a statement of fact on their website.

Other searches for Dr. Ajai Sahni Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and 
Institute for Conflict Management Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh provide 
absolutely no official or unofficial connections between these entities.

The reliance on unnamed partisan blogs by the author of the above post to make 
wild, provocative and slanderous statements against organizations and people is 
very disturbing. 

Please check out the webpages of the blog which was used by him as a source of 
information in this forum to slander members of the Institute for Conflict 

Can anybody tell me who its owner is? 

Who claims responsibility for the authenticity of the information displayed on 

Why is this blog attacking everybody who speaks out against violence committed 
by Maoist extremists, is a businessman, or is in favor of capitalism?

The other disturbing fact about the above poster is the inability to understand 
that it is wrong to engage in guilt by association to slander somebody in a 
public forum. The height of such egregious behavior was a wife being deemed 
guilty by virtue of being associated with her husband who may or may not be 
connected with a political party that the poster is opposed to. The joke really 
is that the wife actually belongs to the Congress party. Please see this 
incredible quote from the said shady blog in terms of the scope of dishonesty 
that it displays:

Ms Rani Gargi Bloeria, is the wife of former Chief Secretary of Jammu and
Kashmir, Dr Sudhir S Bloeria. He is a soldier-turned-bureaucrat who served
as additional secretary (Kashmir Affairs) in the Union home ministry prior
to his appointment as enforcement director. In fact his wife represents him
in the organization. In 2005, Ms. Rani Gargi Bloeria elected as the Deputy
Mayor of Jammu Municipality along with BJP candidate Shri Kavinder Gupta as
the Mayor! It proves her proximity with Hindutva
 even though she represent India's secularist party, Indian National Congress.

Despite all this, since the poster has claimed that he can take on anybody in a 
debate because of his knowledge of facts, I would like to ask him again to 
provide statistical facts regarding fatalities from terrorism 

Re: [Goanet] North East

2009-02-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Mon, 2/9/09, Nascy Caldeira wrote:

 U have surely 'lost the plot' much earlier, and now
 I feel that U are loosing it, and that's for sure! 
 U know what I mean. I nor any goanettors, do not need to be
 a 'Scientist' or a neurosurgeon/ scientist to 
 'read you', behind the lines.

Hi Nasci,

Good to hear from you. Tell me, how many Goanetters misunderstand what is 
written on Goanet as well as you do?

BTW, do you know Jacob George who is linked with Australian corporates? Can you 
do me a favor and check whether he wears western shirt and pants? Otherwise, he 
might be a Hindu.



Re: [Goanet] North East

2009-02-08 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 Would you be kind enough to substantiate what you written
 above giving references to the sources of your information?

I substantiate below my assertion that more lives are being lost from violence 
based on religion, politics and ideology in the North-East than any other part 
of India, including Kashmir.

Here are the fatalities of civilians and security force personnel due to 
terrorism and left-wing extremism in different parts of India, and in the 
states having the top two highest numbers of such fatalities, during 2008 and 

North-East  444 518
North   194 375
East292 140
West335   2
South33  88
Center  102 277

Assam   240 288
Kashmir 159 285

I have calculated these figures from the data provided by The Institute for 
Conflict Management through their South Asia Terrorism Portal at the following 




Re: [Goanet] Of Partisanship, loyalty and Christian fundamentalism

2009-02-08 Thread Santosh Helekar
I believe everything that Selma has written in her post below, and what Marlon 
has said about her. My disagreement with her in my last post is limited to the 
specific comment I made. I have also had a few other disagreements. But the 
world would have been a dull place for me if we had agreed on everything.



--- On Sun, 2/8/09, Carvalho wrote:
 Yes Marlon, we have known each other for nearly ten years
 now :-) How time flies. We were all a lot younger then :-)
 If you ask me honestly whether I am partisan, perhaps I am.
 Only to the point of being afraid for Christians in India
 and loyal to them to a fault. We are all human beings, our
 ethno-religious identity is an important one and as human
 beings we will do all to safe-guard it. This is not a vice
 in a human being, its a virtue. I would do the same to
 protect my child, my family, my country. In that order. 
 Am I partisan that I cannot see the wood from the trees?
 Not at all. When I first came on Goanet, Santosh was being
 hounded by quite a few Christian zealots who thought he was
 being disrespectful to Christianity. I believe I was one of
 his staunch supporters. Perhaps my partisan slip was well
 hidden then. I would do the same this very day again. No
 person should ever be hounded for beliefs that do not
 intrude or infringe on others. I've been very vocal
 about the many wrongs in Christian thinking, from professing
 the superiority of its beliefs, to its almost diabolical
 condemnation of homosexuality to its perpetuation of a
 belief in Creationism. 
 There is a time when we must assess what is wrong within
 our community and there is a time when we must stand up for
 it and protect it and for me that time is now.
 In closing, I would like to say a word about
 fundamentalism. It cannot thrive without state
 protection. To speak of militant Christian fundamentalism in
 India is a oxymoron, because fundamentalism, like racism is
 virtually defunct without state protection. And that is what
 is worrying in India at the moment.


Re: [Goanet] North-eastern states of India

2009-02-08 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 Without being modest I can confidently state that I can take them on any 
 debate. They pathetically lack knowledge of facts and rely more on 
 rhetoric, sarcasm, ridicule, one-upmanship and last wordism.

I did not know that the man had such a high opinion of himself. The 
rationalization offered for copy and paste jobs is rather weak. But I would 
love to see what he means by debate and knowledge of facts. It is certainly 
true that nobody can take him on as far as copying and pasting recycled news 
stories from fringe websites is concerned.




Re: [Goanet] North East

2009-02-08 Thread Santosh Helekar
The guilts by association dug up by Marshall in the following post are very 
creative and funny. The best ones are:

Prof. George Jacob, is a career academician with links with Australian 
corporates and neo cons.

Mr. K.P.S. Gill, former 
Director General of Police of Punjab is the President of this institution. He 
is more known as Butcher of Punjab due to his extra judicial killing history 
in Punjab.

Ms Rani Gargi Bloeria, is the wife of former Chief Secretary of Jammu and 
Kashmir, Dr Sudhir S Bloeria.

I am sure this guy can link anybody and their relatives and pets to some 
organization that is opposed to or by his partisan ideology. However, the only 
people I know who would be opposed to Australian corporates are communists and 
Marxists. I am not sure why he cares about their point of view, and why that 
would impress Goanetters very much.

I also noticed that one of the organizations to whose website he has referred 
is a foreign organization militating against the Indian government because of 
its counter-insurgency actions in Punjab. Here is the link to their website:

But more importantly, people who are interested in evidence and objective data 
can look up and find out exactly how the Institute for Conflict Management 
obtained the fatality numbers that I provided. Every single fatality is 
documented through law enforcement sources and mainstream media reports. For 
example, here is a link to the record of fatalities in major incidents in 
Nagaland for the year 2008:

Having provided fatality numbers in India from a source that I consider to be 
multi-partisan, and whose authenticity can be verified independently from 
mainstream media and law enforcement agencies, I would request Marshall to 
provide such numbers from his own partisan sources. Apparently, he has 
knowledge of facts, and has read a lot about the North-East. So let us see how 
his statistical facts contradict what I have provided.



--- On Sun, 2/8/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 I did a quick google search on the institute to find out
 its credentials.
 And guess what I found. Refer below. Need I say more


Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Carvalho wrote:
 Is Marshall Mendonca, fabricating news or is he reporting
 news as it happens?

When one merely copies and pastes, the fabrication, if any, would have to be 
done by the partisan website from which one copies. When one circulates news 
reports from mainstream media outlets such as Times of India, one has to 
cherry-pick items that serve to promote one's own partisan agenda, and ignore 
other similar stories from other quarters e.g. murders committed by communists. 
Both types of activities have been noted on Goanet.




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 What one sees depends on where one stands.

This appears to be an admission of bias in the conduct of this copy and paste 
campaign. Given this admission, it would be good to know what people of other 
perspectives have to say about these issues. I am particularly interested in 
what reasonably neutral observers have to say about issues affecting Goa and 




Re: [Goanet] North-eastern states of India (earlier karnataka the new Hindu bastion )

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
This is a good start. It would be nice if we could have a balanced account from 
some reliable neutral source on how Hindu, Muslim, Christian and other 
religious and political forms of extremism have affected tribal societies in 
India. One would like to know about all violent forces disrupting the lives of 
these people. This is especially important because more lives are being lost 
from violence based on religion, politics and ideology in the North-East than 
any other part of India, including Kashmir.



--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
 2.The northeast has been neglected and has suffered
 tremendously since
 independence. For one, it is geographically separated and
 isolated from the
 rest of India. It is divided into multiple tribes many of
 them from warrior
 races (some even head-hunters), each tribe having its own
 language and
 dialect, some following the matriarchial system, influx of
 people from
 outside who do not understand or appreciate its unique
 culture,lack of
 employment opportunities (there being no industries),
 treated as a colony by
 New Delhi with bureaucrats coming on deputation, throwing
 their weight
 around, living like rulers, harsh laws, excesses carried
 out by the Indian
 security forces, extremely corrupt politicians, bad
 governance, drugs,
 alcoholism, sharing of ethnicity, food habits and culture
 with south east
 asian neighbours, impact of partition, liberation of
 Bangladesh and influx
 of people from there, etc


Re: [Goanet] Fanaticism

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, marlon menezes wrote:

 I actually agree with your sentiments and with much of what
 you say. The real issue is what concrete actions can
 individuals like us, who are thousands of miles from our
 motherland take?

It is good to see Marlon posting again more regularly on contentious topics 
related to secularism. The problem I have with Selma's response to him is that 
she appeared to be asking him to fall in line with her mode of thinking, and of 
those of her ilk, by virtue of the fact that they belong to a particular 
religious community. This type of an appeal to communal groupism is not a very 
healthy thing in a secular forum. Secularism thrives when there are free 
thinking individuals who follow their individual consciences, and express their 
opinions in an unfettered manner with no allegiance to anybody except to the 
ideals and principles that they hold dear.

That is why it is good that we have people like Marlon, Vidyadhar, Cornel and 
Samir who are more critical of the failings of their own community than those 
of others. My own preference is, of course, criticism of the excesses of all 
communities in an even-handed manner, based on firm evidence, and without 
recourse to speculations and generalizations. I also think that most regular 
folk are basically non-violent. Therefore, while there always will be criminals 
and extremists in all societies, crime and extremist violence can never receive 
widespread support. On the other hand softer prejudices and atrocities such as 
campaigns against artistic freedom, food habits, Valentine's day, 
homosexuality, contraception, western music and entertainment, etc. find wider 
acceptance. That is why they need to be spoken out against with equal force.




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
The poster assumes and concludes that the above sentence applies to others 
but not to himself.

This is an obvious deception. I have made no such assumption. I have stated my 
biases quite clearly on many occasions. One of my biases is not to trust 
anything that is copied and pasted from what I consider to be partisan websites.




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Roland Francis wrote:

 And who would you term a reasonably neutral observer
 Santosh? Specifically which individuals on Goanet do you have in
 mind and whom would you find definitely not reasonably

Hi Roland,

Good question. On the issues in question in Goa I would say Valmiki Faleiro, 
Basilio Monteiro, Vivek Menezes (VM), Venantius Pinto, Vivian D'Souza, 
Nandakumar Kamat, Prajal Sakhardande and Cecil Pinto, just to name a few.




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 2/7/09, Roland Francis wrote:

 I may point out that by saying from what I consider
 to be partisan websites, Santosh is unwittingly but clearly
 betraying his own partisanship. At the very least his subjectivity, while
 striving very hard to demonstrate his non-partisanship and objectivity.


Please read my comment carefully. I admitted it is my bias. I am biased against 
partisans and their websites. However, one can use objective criteria to 
recognize partisanship. You don't have to be a partisan to do so. 




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
Hi Sandeep,

I have seen that Stephen Knapp site. I usually avoid all such
partisan sites. I find this war between fringe websites revolting.
That is why I have serious reservations against people who peddle this type of 
information in a thoughtless manner. Did you see how Vinay saw Marshall's 
UCANews and raised him Haindava Keralam? What kind of madness is this?

If you go hunting for stories of crimes in which some religious issue
is involved, I bet there will be plenty taking place every single day.
One can support any narrative one wants by cherry-picking the right
cases. What good is this type of activism or journalism? What purpose
does it serve?



--- On Thu, 2/5/09, Sandeep Heble wrote:
 I largely agree with Santosh's views on this. A one
 sided copy-paste
 campaign is hardly what the doctor would order for a
 secular, progressive and a liberal society. If Hindu
 exists in our Country, so does Islamic and Christian
 A quick google search directed me to the following links:
 There are a lot more links like these but the above 2 would
 for the moment, though I have not verified them for their
 I have not followed this debate too closely but all that I
 would wish
 to add for the time being is that the Christian Right-wing
 looms as large over the secular and liberal fabric of India
 as that of
 the Islamic or the Hindu Right-Wing. In fact, Christian
 in the North East is threatening to break the very idea of
 India into
 Any person truly concerned about the progress of India and
 about the religious extremism that prevails in our Country
 cannot find
 faults with one while living in denial with the other.


Re: [Goanet] Fanatic Christian Principal insults National anthem to approve Prayer on Jesus

2009-02-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
I don't see anything so fancy. In fact, questioning allegiance to the Pope is 
an old idea that lingers among some old timers, and will die with them. What I 
see is extremist political campaigners on both sides go after each other by 
creating cranky rant sites that cull the news media for any report that can be 
used as is or blown out of proportion to advance a partisan agenda.



--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Carvalho wrote:

 Now begins Phase III of the Hindutva campaign against
 Christians in India.
 Phase I - That Christians are responsible for the
 Phase II - That Christians are indulging in mass
 Phase III- Almost on cue, phase III has started. That
 somehow Christians are not loyal Indians, that their loyalty
 belongs elsewhere. Why else would they object to the
 National Anthem being played? 
 This curious trick has already been played well on the
 Muslims. It has been considerably effective. After all given
 Pakistan's proximity to India, given our history during
 Partition, and Pakistan's insidious and subversive
 engagement in India's internal affairs, it is easy to
 convince people that Muslim loyalties lie with Pakistan.
 Even I am not immune to such propaganda.
 Of course the shoe begins to hurt when it's placed on
 the foot of my own community. Now, it becomes apparent, how
 this game is played out in India. I'm quite sure in
 another two years, even moderate Hindus in India will be
 questioning whether Christian allegiance really does belong
 to a distant Pope that sits in the Vatican.
 Cheers Vinay!! how well you represent the truth
 about your country.


Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dr. Jen wrote:

Very worried, I must say. Any goon under some pretext is able to
indulge in violence/wrongdoing and many amongst us support him.

The very fact that some of our colleagues and acquaintances are able
to justify these violent acts is a matter of concern.

This is a very serious accusation. That there are some regular people
amongst us, and colleagues and acquaintances who support and justify
violence. I hope these people are aware that such accusations are made
against them in a public forum. The obvious questions to ask are:

What is wrong with them? Why are they so immoral? Is it their
upbringing, their religion, the fact that they are different in some
way or something else?




Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
Two things are apparent from the following post. The Roman numerals introduced 
by Selma might be appropriate to enumerate them.

I) The man is trying hard to deny that the motive behind his non-stop copy and 
paste campaign is political, and

II) He seems to be oblivious of the fact that relentless recycling of stale 
news for shock value does nothing to promote the secular cause among people who 
are suspicious of any kind of propaganda.



--- On Fri, 2/6/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 Response: For those who wish to live in denial, they will
 continue to do so
 and will find any number of reasons and justifications for
 their actions.
 The poster instead of focussing on the message attributes
 motives to the
 messenger in an attempt to obfuscate issues and divert
 attention. If these
 incidents were not taking place, the media would not be
 reporting on them.
 It is so obvious.
 Like the chinese proverb says  you can wake up a
 person who is sleeping but
 one cannot wake up a person who is pretending to be


Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu

2009-02-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
This is what I think. 

Most people of any religious community do not hate people of other
religious communities, enough to commit violence against them or
impute evil motives to them.

Those who attack, vandalize or kill others marginalize and ostracize
themselves by their actions. No normal sane person would support these
criminals, so any generalization and extrapolation to society or community at 
large based on the atrocious actions of the few is gratuitous and
counterproductive. It tends to be insulting to normal people, irrespective of 
which community it is directed act, and even if no insult is intended.

The only purpose then, that I can think of, for anybody to continue
doing so day in and day out by spouting provocative rhetoric, or
engaging in a single-minded copy and paste campaign, is political, and
it is tawdry.



Selma wrote:

And what is particularly worrying and disheartening, is that moderate, 
unbiased, secular Dr Santosh, seems to want to either be in denial of the 
gravity of the situation or find some tangential explanation for it.

Instead he chooses to think that Marshall's and my posts are in bad taste. 
Marshall is informing the public about what is happening. He is not 
fabricating these situation, merely reporting on them. If this is in bad 
taste, I wonder what constitutes good taste?


Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu intolerance.

2009-02-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
How worried do we have to be that sooner or later the majority of Indians in 
Goa and other states will want to assault girls in bars and kill Christians?



--- On Wed, 2/4/09, Carvalho wrote:

 From: Carvalho
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu intolerance.
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 3:21 AM
 Dear Marshall,
 Thank you for those news articles, which are chilling to
 the bone. In a perverse way, the Mangalore pub incident is
 good news, because now we know that no one is safe from
 Hindu extremism. That sooner or later some excuse will be
 found to attack the disadvantaged and disenfranchised.
 It's interesting that India is paddling backwards so
 fast, we can't even catch our breath. 


Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-02-02 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

Dr.Santosh can learn from me not only about Christianity but also
about the correct interpretation of neuroscientific experiments.

This is obviously a fantasy. Fr. Ivo is not capable of interpreting
neuroscientific experiments correctly because he has not even an
elementary education and training in neuroscience, let alone how to
conduct neuroscientific research. What is also clear is that he simply
does not grasp the main point that I have been repeatedly making.

My main point is that the interpretations of neuroscientific
experiments do not involve claiming any role for supernatural entities
such as god and soul, or any kind of supernatural plane of existence.
The services of a Christian theologian are not required to interpret
of any of our experiments. This is true even for experiments related
to religious experiences.

For example, Mario Beauregard, the scientist that Fr. Ivo keeps
quoting has published two short papers on mystical experiences in
Carmelite nuns. The abstract of one of these short papers is given below:

Neural correlates of a mystical experience in Carmelite nuns.
Beauregard M, Paquette V.

Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Que.,
Canada. mario.beaureg...@...

The main goal of this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
study was to identify the neural correlates of a mystical experience.
The brain activity of Carmelite nuns was measured while they were
subjectively in a state of union with God. This state was associated
with significant loci of activation in the right medial orbitofrontal
cortex, right middle temporal cortex, right inferior and superior
parietal lobules, right caudate, left medial prefrontal cortex, left
anterior cingulate cortex, left inferior parietal lobule, left insula,
left caudate, and left brainstem. Other loci of activation were seen
in the extra-striate visual cortex. These results suggest that
mystical experiences are mediated by several brain regions and systems.

There is nothing intelligent or insightful that Fr. Ivo can say to the
authors or to myself on the interpretation that These results suggest
that mystical experiences are mediated by several brain regions and

Consistent with what I had told you earlier, the authors of the above
paper have concluded nothing about god, soul, Christianity, Buddhism,
spiritualism or religion. So Fr. Ivo's religious beliefs and any
comments he makes on these extraneous issues are of no value to the
above neuroscientific interpretation.

Moreover, all of Fr. Ivo's comments, as those of the Jesuit priests
and the physiology professor he has quoted, are clearly of a very
general and platitudinous nature. From my experience I can say that no
neuroscientist is naive enough to believe that they give us any
specific insight into anything related to the brain.



Re: [Goanet] Biased Reporting by Media

2009-01-31 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Vinay has a point. In my opinion, one should use the term Muslim extremists or 
zealots in the first case, and Hindu extremists or zealots in the second case. 
Both communal bias and squeamish political correctness around religious issues, 
affecting today's journalism is a problem that needs to be addressed candidly 
and head-on.



--- On Fri, 1/30/09, Vinay Natekar wrote:

 In these  incidents they were either  activists/workers
 or hooligans/zealots  and if the religion was a factor in
 this case it should have been reported in both.
 In my opinion the culprits  who are stupid rascals who are
 using the name of our revered god Ram should be booked under
 offence of violence against women and punished severely
 because such actions can not be tolerated in a civilized
 society. But my concern is that the acts of these few vested
 interests should not be equated with the term like Hindu
 terror by this prejudiced media.


Re: [Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

--- On Fri, 1/30/09, edward desilva wrote:

 Actions speak louder than your meaningless 'chamcha' words.

I think what he means by meaningless 'chamcha' words is words such as 
dittermined and refelct that have no meaning in the English language taught 
in a secular school that also teaches Hindi and Marathi.



edward desilva wrote:

How is Good and Bad dittermined?
If you fall back and refelct.


Re: [Goanet] Church - back to front

2009-01-29 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Cecil Pinto wrote:
Interestingly when you are inside a church the section closer to the main 
entrance is called the back of the church with the altar section
being the front. But when you are standing outside a church
the main entrance is called the front with the altar now being the
back of the church.

It is the same in a bus. When you enter through the back door, when the 
kilinder says Mukhar vos re, you have to go to the front of the bus. When you 
enter through the front door, if he says Mukhar vos re, you have to go to the 
back of the bus.




Re: [Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-29 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Thu, 1/29/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza wrote:

 **The State is not a model in teaching to critically discern the truth. 
 The Church is playing a very important role in the education of children. 
 Most Hindus and Muslims, besides Christians, have taken its benefit...

I am not sure what he means by this statement. Does state have no role
to play in the education of children? Only the Church can critically
discern the truth for all children, even the Muslim and Hindu ones,
because it is playing a very important role in education?




Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-29 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Fr. Ivo wrote:

Buddhism is a practical way of life. Christianity is a way of life
based on the truths revealed by God himself.

This pretty much sums up why we cannot learn about anything other than
Christianity from Fr. Ivo.

As far as neuroscience is concerned, my worry is that he is imparting
negative knowledge in this public forum. So let me just bring your
knowledge into positive territory.

The most important thing to know is that neuroscience has no interest
in god or the soul because these are supernatural constructs.
Neuroscience is the scientific study of the brain which is a natural
biological object. The only conditions under which this field of
knowledge has to deal with anything connected with religion is when
people claim to have religious experiences. This can happen normally
in fully normal pious people or in some abnormal conditions, such as
temporal lobe epilepsy.

When neuroscientists who are interested in studying what happens
inside the brain during these experiences have performed modern tests
such as functional MRI, they have found that certain areas of the
brain become electrically very active. They have also found
differences in brain activation between religious and non-religious
people. All this tells us is that such experiences and states of mind
are likely to be produced by particular patterns of activity in the brain.

It tells us nothing about the existence or non-existence of any
supernatural being or realm. If any neuroscientist tells you that it
says something about God or soul or other realities, then he would not
be practicing neuroscience. No sane and self-respecting neuroscientist
would want to risk damage to his professional reputation by claiming
that he has uncovered the soul or found an explanation for god or some
other such codswallop, as Mario would say. If he writes a book with
such a title, then it is mostly because his publisher wants to create
a sensation to sell his book. Either that or the neuroscientist is
mixing his religious belief with his science, and misleading the
public, which according to me is highly unethical.




Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussain - A petition of hate

2009-01-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

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I second Sandeep's condemnation. I also call on people not to support
and contribute to the organizations that are responsible for this
shameful petition.



--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Sandeep Heble wrote:
 Dear all,
 Placed below is a Petition on contemporary India's
 pioneer artist
 M.F. Husain. The petition is being circulated in Hindu
 groups and
 circles. The petition is accompanied by pictures of
 Hussain's Art
 with misleading captions.
 An environment of hatred against Liberal Art in general and
 in particular is being created in the minds of thousands of
 through circulating such petitions based on a one-sided
 full of misrepresentations and a general lack of
 understanding of
 M.F. Hussain, the 94 year old artist, has spent 7 decades
 of his
 illustrious career being influenced by the richness of
 Hindu culture
 and traditions. Today, he is being subjected to the worst
 kinds of
 insults and abuse.
 A petition of this kind is not only an insult to the
 Picasso of
 India but is an insult to the rich, composite and
 plural culture
 that India represents. Art values and principles of Freedom
 expressions are being put under serious threat through such
 poisoning-of- the- minds.
 To protect and preserve Indian Art and the rights of Indian
 thought processes like these need to be nipped in the bud.
 I strongly condemn this petition.


Re: [Goanet] Republic Day thoughts

2009-01-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

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My problem with demands for imposing such a patriotic song on school
children is that the intent is purely political with an eye towards
inciting nationalistic fervor, and creating an issue that has the
potential to divide the electorate. This is exactly the kind of wedge
strategy that has been followed in the U.S. for the last three decades
on school prayer, intelligent design and a variety of other religious
and pseudo-patriotic issues.



--- On Sun, 1/25/09, Sandeep Heble wrote:

 Perhaps the only sensible demand that was made here was for the
 implementation of the National song Vande Mataram in schools. While
 the overall demands became the scope of a major debate and many of
 the objections were entirely valid from secular and liberal quarters,
 what came across as entirely surprising was the objection to the
 implementation of Vande Mataram in schools.


Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Why are these advocates of one particular religion poking their nose
into brain science? Why don't they stick to what they are ordained to
do - preach their faith to their followers and to those they hope to

What is offensive from the standpoint of a universal intellectual
pursuit such as science, as well as from the perspective of other
religions is that they are advising others to be cautious about
scientific findings that contradict their own parochial beliefs. The
clear implication is that their own religious beliefs about the
natural world take precedence over hard scientific evidence.

Contrast this medieval censorship and interference in non-religious
affairs based on the dogma of one solitary religion to the
open-mindedness and deference shown to science by Dalai Lama who
addressed a gathering of neuroscientists a few years back. This is
what he said:

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a
deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes, whether conceptualized as a
transcendent being, as an eternal, unchanging principle such as soul,
or as a fundamental substratum of reality. Both Buddhism and science
prefer to account for the evolution and emergence of the cosmos and
life in terms of the complex interrelations of the natural laws of
cause and effect. From the methodological perspective, both traditions
emphasize the role of empiricism. For example, in the Buddhist
investigative tradition, between the three recognized sources of
knowledge - experience, reason and testimony - it is the evidence of
the experience that takes precedence, with reason coming second and
testimony last. This means that, in the Buddhist investigation of
reality, at least in principle, empirical evidence should triumph over
scriptural authority, no matter how deeply venerated a scripture may
be. Even in the case of knowledge derived through reason or inference,
its validity must derive ultimately from some observed facts of
experience. Because of this methodological standpoint, I have often
remarked to my Buddhist colleagues that the empirically verified
insights of modern cosmology and astronomy must compel us now to
modify, or in some cases reject, many aspects of traditional cosmology
as found in ancient Buddhist texts.

Dalai Lama

Please note his acceptance of the fact that scientific findings always
trump the ancient scriptures, wisdom and teachings of his faith, and
his willingness to revise his religious beliefs in the face of
incontrovertible empirical evidence.

Here is the link to the text of his entire speech:



--- On Fri, 1/23/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 Dear Goanetters,
 I have been discussing long ago about the dialogue between
 Science and Religion.
 My answers were rooted in the knowledge of Science and
 We need to discuss and clarify concepts which may be vital
 for us all.
 Let us see what we have to say about soul from the
 viewpoint of Science and of Religion.

 ***Soul, God Are Beyond Realm Of Neuroscience, Jesuit
 Experts Tell Seminar
 January 22, 2009

 LONAVALA, India (UCAN) -- The realities of the soul,
 spirituality and
 God-experience remain outside the domain of science,
 regardless of
 neuroscientific advancements, two Jesuit scholars
 stressed at a recent Seminar.


Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar

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The two news reports circulated by Fr. Ivo contain bogus information
and distortions regarding the findings of brain science. Contrary to
what has been claimed, no mainstream neuroscientist has ever concerned
himself with studying the existence of supernatural entities such as
God or the soul as part of his/her scientific research. The priests,
the physiology professor and/or the authors of the news reports appear
to be fabricating or falsely speculating and erecting straw men on the
basis of their superficial knowledge of what is written in the lay or
popular science press. These fantasies appear to stem from not being
able to understand the interpretations of results of some experiments
that map what happens in the brains of people who claim to be having
religious experiences.

As far as the existence of a natural mind or self as separate and
distinct from the brain is concerned, an overwhelming amount of
objective neurological evidence indicates that such a substance
dualistic scenario is untenable.

In addition to their misrepresentation of scientific findings, I am
deeply concerned about the fact that the Jesuit priests are reported
to be exhorting people to challenge these findings or view them with
caution on the basis of their own pharisaic religious dogmas.

They also appear to be projecting themselves as speaking for all
religions, when the Dalai Lama has clearly contradicted them from the
Buddhist standpoint. Here are the contradictory assertions:

Contending that the human soul and spirituality are fundamental to all
religions, he insisted that religious believers need to challenge the
conclusion that new findings demonstrate that brain is the soul.

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a
deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes, whether conceptualized as a
transcendent being, as an eternal, unchanging principle such as soul,
or as a fundamental substratum of reality.

I quote below excerpts in support of my contention that the two
priests and the physiology professor (or the news reporters) are
pulling wool over the eyes of their audience/readers with regard to
their allusions to neuroscientific findings. None of the following
claims about neuroscience is true:

The priest said in his keynote address that while all human
experiences have both physical and spiritual dimensions, research in
neuroscience could not reduce the soul to the brain.

Today, however, some neuroscientists have claimed to have uncovered
the soul and spirituality through brain imaging and mapping,
artificial intelligence, computer science in researching the human
brain and mind, the priest continued.

Contending that the human soul and spirituality are fundamental to all
religions, he insisted that religious believers need to challenge the
conclusion that new findings demonstrate that brain is the soul.

The neuroscientists are contending that God, the human soul and
spirituality can be explained in terms of neural networks,
neurotransmitters and brain chemistry. And many believers are offended
by their notion that God is a creation of the human brain instead of
the other way around, he said.

He urged religious believers to welcome emerging ideas, but cautioned
against blind acceptance. Although neurological studies could shed
light on the mysterious workings of the brain, any claim to prove or
disprove God through neurological studies must be taken with caution.
(The irony of the use of the term blind acceptance by a priest who
has to operate on the basis of dogma should not be lost on anybody)

He said the human person cannot be reduced to super-conscious matter
as asserted by some neuroscientists. Human beings are not hard-wired
for belief in God, but deep down, human beings hunger for God, he said.

Such experiences, he added, cannot be researched and quantified on the
psychological basis of the neuronal functions of the brain.



--- On Sat, 1/24/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 ***Totally wrong. Theologians are not poking their
 nose by speaking of soul,
 but scientists are poking their nose into
 religion and theology by denying soul
 in the name of Science. I have already repeated ad nauseam
 that the research 

Re: [Goanet] Save the Environment: Eat Beef!

2009-01-21 Thread Santosh Helekar

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There are two points of misunderstanding here. The output of
greenhouse gases from live cattle is about 3.5%. The output from
automobiles is 17%. But more importantly, 100% of the output from
natural sources like cattle or human emissions is recycled, as opposed
to only 50% from artificial sources such as burning of fossil fuels.
The remaining 50% accumulates in the atmosphere.



--- On Wed, 1/21/09, Anthony M Barreto wrote:

 But mass slaughter of the world’s cattle is no solution
 and besides that would have been okay if we could milk
 aircrafts. But figuratively up to now it is airlines that
 have been milking us – budget airlines being no exception.
 Mass massacre apart, as an environmentalist I do my bit by
 being a beef eater. And like minded people should consider
 the option and help reduce global warming. 


[Goanet] Bogus claims about science (Was: Thousands attend .......)

2009-01-20 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Mon, 1/19/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 We use scientific methods for the intepretation of the Christian

Many discussions on why it is wrong to make such bogus claims about
scientific methods can be retrieved from the Goanet archives. The same
thing is true for the nonsensical claims about faith healing and
miracle cures. Here is a nice article entitled Inherent Dangers of
Faith-Healing Studies telling us why it is dangerous to trust wild
pronouncements on faith healing:



--- On Mon, 1/19/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 Faith healing and miracles are not irrational.


Re: [Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu Congregation at Panjim

2009-01-19 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Mon, 1/19/09, edward desilva wrote:

 Jesus Christ existed. Ram, Sita, Hanuman, Ravana, God with
 an Elephant head, are mythological characters. If you want
 to propagate them as Gods that's your choice.

I think Edward Guirimboy is right to some extent. It is not hard to
believe that a gentleman called Jesus Christ existed, although one
needs faith in the supernatural to believe the miracles that he
performed. This is also true as far as Ram, Sita and one-headed
Raavann are concerned. But Hanuman and Gannapati are like the miracles
of other religions. One needs a heavy dose of faith in the unreal to
believe them.




Re: [Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu Congregation at Panjim

2009-01-16 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Sandeep Heble sandeephe...@... wrote:

That this gathering had Political motives is as true a statement as
the Pope is a Catholic!

The analogy is bogus because these religious activists are injecting
their religion into politics and public affairs, and trying to legally
restrict the rights of others. The Pope, on the other hand, is merely
preaching to his followers the righteous beliefs of his faith, and
perhaps, trying to spread his faith by peaceful persuasion.

If you don't like what the Pope is saying you don't have to listen to
him or follow him. But if you don't like what the Hindutva activists
are planning to do, you have no choice. If they manage to get their
way, you will have to restrict your diet, forcibly sing to their tune,
and write and paint what they tell you.





2009-01-13 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Carvalho elisabeth_...@... wrote:

Santosh, perhaps you can tell us how the Hindu-Christian relationship
is much stronger today than it was in 1961 and also maybe you can
elaborate a little bit on which statement of mine was rhetoric.


Perhaps, I will elaborate on this in greater detail sometime later, if
I am compelled to do it for some reason. But here are my basic points.

1. Politically, Hindus and Christians and the castes were much more
polarized between the two main parties during the MGP-UGP days in the
60's. UGP was supported by Christians and the Hindu GSBs. MGP was
supported almost exclusively by the rest of the Hindus. Having watched
closely one campaign in particular in the early 70's, I know something
about how caste- and religion-based campaigning was done.

2. In terms of culture, Hindus and Christians and the castes have come
much closer together today. This is evident from the following:

a) Indianization of most Christians and westernization of most Hindus
in terms of clothes, language, mannerisms, lifestyle, etc, today
compared to the 60s.

b) Popularity of western music and movies among the Hindus, and
Bollywood music and movies among Christians. One of my regrets is that
I spent my childhood without listening to the Beatles, and by being
only vaguely aware of them.

c) Naming conventions among Christians - A Hindu first name for a
Christian was very rare in my childhood. In fact, I suspect people did
it only as a political statement.

d) Eating habits - beef and pork were rarely eaten by a Hindu then.
Today, this is much more common.

e) Religious and cultural festivals - Carnival was celebrated mostly
by Christians and Narkasur by Hindus. Not true any more.

f) Hindu-Christian and inter-caste weddings were exceedingly rare in
the 60s and 70s. They are much more common today.

g) Eating at a Christian's house or at a restaurant with a Christian
cook was taboo in most Hindu circles. There was much greater
segregation in the type of food eaten in Goan households on the basis
of religion and caste.

h) It is thankfully very hard today to distinguish people on the basis
of caste or religion from their mannerisms and their speech.

i) Sports such as cricket and football are almost equally popular
between Hindus and Christians today compared to yesteryears.

I could go on, but I will stop here for now.





2009-01-12 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Carvalho quoted:

“But the Hindu Goan is Goan first and then Hindu. He does not in his heart 
regard his Christian or Moslem neighbor as a stranger to be despised…It is an 
amazing characteristic of Goan life, that as keenly religious as the Goans are, 
they heartily respect their neighbour’s creed, whatever it may be. There are no 
anathemas, no offenses, no slights, no comparisons, and no discriminations. 
Hindu Goan, Moslem Goan and Christian Goan are cordial to one another in both 
public life and private, in a manner that many other parts of the world would 
do well to imitate.”

This is still true of most Goan Hindus and most Goans in 2009. To think 
otherwise on a whim is equally divisive and dangerous.




[Goanet] The latest Herald article on secularism

2009-01-12 Thread Santosh Helekar

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I have minor disagreements with a couple of points in my friend
Basilio's latest Herald article on secularism. Here they are:

If secularism is skin-deep, it should not surprise anyone because it
is not a lived experience for majority of the people; it does not
address or offer meaning to any of the major issues of life and
death, loss and destruction, and does not function as a moral
leveling or unifying mechanism. It is a recent phenomenon, roughly
300 years old, and has not taken hold of public consciousness;
therefore it has not become part of the cultural DNA of the
individual, as religion has become.

While this is probably true of Europe and United States, secularism,
from the agnostic, atheistic and pluralistic standpoints has a long
tradition in India extending to more than 2500 years ago. From the
atheistic standpoint Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and Greece also have a
rich history, which in the first three cases goes much farther back
than in India. But it is true that unlike religion, which is visceral,
secularism is entirely intellectual in nature. It would be very hard
to impress its value upon the minds of all folk without increasing the
level of literacy in society. So it would be hard to use it as a
political trump card with any kind of mass appeal. It has to be
enforced through the courts as a constitutional principle.

Religion as a socio-anthropological phenomenon will remain with us,
even to the chagrin of the secularists (secularism itself takes on
the character of religion with all its evolving rituals, beliefs,
and missionary like activism).

The Indian brand of secularism would have no problem if religion in
its many forms continued and grew indefinitely. Indeed, pluralism is
enriched by diversification and spread of religious convictions, as
long as there is mutual tolerance. Moreover, the greater the diversity
of religions, the weaker each of them becomes in terms of wielding any
kind of political power because of competing interests. I also do not
believe that a rational concept such as secularism can ever become a
religion because the latter requires certain core ethereal beliefs
that are immutable and are not subject to updating by new knowledge
and change in environment.





2009-01-12 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Carvalho wrote:

Now, do allow some of us the privilege of having an opinion even if it 
doesn't have two independent sources to concur with it and hasn't undergone 
the double-blind testing method.


Now, who has denied you the right of expressing your whimsical opinions on 
Goanet? Please let me have the privilege of disagreeing with you. You are free 
to take refuge in innuendo and insinuations. 

Regarding what you have stated below about Goan election politics, let me just 
say that your rhetoric does not match with the historical and present-day 
realities. We are much better off today in Goa, as far Hindu-Christian and 
caste-based politics is concerned.



P.S. BTW, if you think your rhetoric and other kinds of one-sided propaganda on 
Goanet does not contribute to divisiveness then you are unfortunately mistaken. 
But you will have to find out the truth for yourself.

--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Carvalho wrote:

Santosh your commentary of late is getting really tiresome. Having done your 
best to discredit Marshall Mendonca, the Times of India and Frederick Noronha 
as propagandists, you seem to think that no one other than you is capable of 
forming an unbiased opinion. One is either misinformed, whimsical or saying 
things for effect.

I'm being neither whimsical nor divisive and dangerous. A cursory look at 
affairs in Goa will point to it being far from the picture presented to the 
world in 1961. You may want to live in your own cocoon of comfort but the 
very fact that Goan loyalty is split between BJP and Congress is a telling 
sign of how communal and castiest our voting pattern has become. Now, do 
allow some of us the privilege of having an opinion even if it doesn't have 
two independent sources to concur with it and hasn't undergone the 
double-blind testing method.


Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-09 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Thu, 1/8/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

Wouldn't you be far more productive, not to mention, honest, if you trained 
your sights on Narendra Modi and the VHP instead of continuing to slander an 
American woman whose only connection to the VHP is that she raised funds in 
the US for earthquake victims in Gujarat.

Furthermore, you continue to discredit John Dayal by mentioning him in the 
same sentence as Vijay Prashad.  Unlike Dayal, who can only be accused of 

Frederick has finally admitted elsewhere that his views are politically 
motivated and biased, and that the same is true of everybody else. So I guess 
that should settle the issue as to why he has to hear from the other side(s) on 
Goanet. Why independent corroboration of facts, copied and pasted here, is 
necessary. And why journalists, activists and campaigners need to be questioned 
and criticized in public forums.




[Goanet] Fatalities from terrorism and violent left-wing extremism in 2008

2009-01-09 Thread Santosh Helekar

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There is a very good Indian national security think tank, the Institute for 
Conflict Management, with an anti-terrorist website called South Asia Terrorism 
Portal ( I have been reading articles on it off and on for 
the past few years. They keep track of terrorist activity in India and its 
neighbors on a month to month basis, and provide an estimate of the fatalities 
directly attributable to terrorism and violent left-wing extremism each year. 
The 2008 estimates have just come out. I have calculated the total number of 
fatalities among civilians and security force personnel as a direct result of 
terrorism and violent left-wing extremism. The top ten Indian states with such 
fatalities are as follows:


Assam --- 240 (directly due to terrorism)
Maharashtra - 198 (directly due to terrorism and left-wing extremism)
Jammu  Kashmir - 159 (directly due to terrorism)
Manipur - 144 (directly due to terrorism)
Jharkhand --- 113 (directly due to left-wing extremism)
Chhattisgarh  102 (directly due to left-wing extremism)
Orissa -- 100 (directly due to left-wing extremism)
Rajasthan  80 (directly due to terrorism)
Gujarat -- 57 (directly due to terrorism)
Bihar  56 (directly due to left-wing extremism)

The raw data from which these numbers were obtained are located at:
Fatalities from terrorism -
Fatalities from violent left-wing extremism -



P.S. Please independently corroborate the numbers I have provided from
other neutral sources.


Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-08 Thread Santosh Helekar

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--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Roland Francis wrote:

Have you considered that he wanted to report a perspective other than
what Israel would manage for the reporters it took?


Yes, that consideration itself is the problem for me. I would not trust a 
journalist who writes from the perspective of what only one side in a conflict 
manages for him. His perspective is by definition one-sided propaganda. I 
would also have to critically evaluate the propaganda from the other side. That 
applies to both Israel and Hamas. 

As far as being drunk with power, you would beat me any day. I have read enough 
of the garbage you write about India, to know what your perspective is towards 
the disempowered and the the underprivileged. BTW, brace yourself for the 
tongue-lashing you will receive from Mario.




Re: [Goanet] Journalism and two independent sources for any factual information Was: Re: Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
Frederick --- On Tue, 1/6/09, Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
 Santosh's contention that he got this two independent sources logic
 from sources too many to remember in the American news media isn't
 very convincing to me.


It looks like you do not want to take me at my word, just like I don't want to 
take a Christian or a Hindu campaigner at his/her word when he/she provides 
toll numbers pertaining to Hindu-Christian riots.

Are you suggesting that Dayal's facts are untrue, or attempting to discredit 
Dayal and use the quote to shift attention from the point that my article 
seeks to make? 

As a critical reader I don't know whether to believe those numbers or not in 
the absence of confirmation from a neutral source. 

However, I would love to know whether you would believe these numbers if they 
were produced by a Hindu campaigner. If so, can you please tell me the name of 
one such campaigner as an example?

What I would like to know is I would be interested in knowing if you have any 
other set of figures for the fallout from the recent communal violence in 
Orissa, Karnataka and some other pockets.

I am trying to find out what neutral sources have reported on this issue. I 
will let you know as soon as I have that information.

 From the African and Philippines sites you quote, I am
 still to understand where you got the idea that my writing is a
 transgression of an ethical obligation to make sure that they have
 two independent sources before they report something as fact.

From the African source here is the relevant quote:

Amid diversity, journalist organisations around the world have sought to 
codify professional ethics. Nearly every code of ethics agrees on at least 
three fundamental factors in the practice of journalism: impartiality, accuracy 
and fairness..
Accuracy: Every journalists code stresses the need for accuracy
Many journalistic organisations insist on the two source rule that means that 
every fact must be confirmed by two independent sources before it can be taken 
as reliable.

From the Phillipines source here is the relevant quote:

Recognizing the fallibility, if not the occasional deceit of sources, 
individual reporters and various news organizations develop standards for 
testing the truthfulness of a story. Are two or more independent sources 
providing the same information?

 I would like to ask Santosh (a) whether he recognises a
 difference between news-reports, feature article (such as a cover
 story for a monthly magazine) or news features, and other genres of
 journalism and
 (b) whether he accepts that there can be some difference
 between a fact not otherwise attributed to a single speaker and
 a statement clearly attributed to an identified person?

I believe that if you want a critical reader to trust some information reported 
in a news report, feature article, news feature or other genre of journalism, 
as factually accurate, it is your obligation to see to it that it is confirmed 
by at least two independent sources, preferably neutral ones.




Re: [Goanet] Unqualified apology...

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Hartman de Souza wrote:
I would like him to consider that I may have been somewhat over inflamed by 
that reference to John, and in the process, before checking the context of 
the earlier postings, mistakenly assuming he came from the far right.

This is also a good time to consider that criticism of journalists and 
activists who consider themselves to be secular, and to be fighting in the 
interest of the poor or the minorities need not come from bigots or from the 
far right.




Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Mario Goveia wrote:
 I thought you said that John Dayal had a rock solid
 reputation for integrity.  Now you have proved the opposite,
 that he did, in fact, have an anti-Israeli agenda.  Tsk,
 tsk, tsk.  Not very professional for a news reporter to
 accept favors from one side in a conflict he is covering. 
 Imagine what pro-Palestinian propaganda he must have filed
 as part of his news reports after fraternizing with the

Mario may have a very pertinent point here. Why did this journalist not hitch a 
ride in an Israeli tank?  How can one trust a journalist who only covers one 
side of a major conflict, as an impartial and unbiased source of information?




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
 I expect more from individuals like Dr Santosh Helecar,
 whose recent priorities seem to have included jumping to the rescue of
 the VHPA Inc-linked Sonal Shah, to seek to discredit John Dayal and
 Vijay Prashad, to question activists and campaigners, to proffer
 lengthy arguments that deny the possibility of a polarisation along
 communal lines specially in Goa, et al...

Frederick is now trying to use the crutch of a shameless guilt by association 
to discredit me in a public forum by using the same guilt by association 
tactic. And this while whining about what he calls attempts to discredit John 
Dayal and Vijay Prashad.

I guess Frederick believes he has the right to discredit private citizens in 
public forum but we do not have the right to criticize or question the 
credibility of journalists like him or activists and campaigners.




[Goanet] Credibility of facts reported by religious campaigners/spokespersons

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar

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  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Mario has very nicely stated why it would be unwise to trust what is reported 
by a journalist who has an overt bias in favor or against one side in a 
communal conflict. I illustrate below how in the past the National Commission 
of Minorities has disputed the facts reported by the religious campaigner 
that Frederick used as the only source in one of his recent articles.


The aicc and AICU sent a team of academicians and human rights activists 
including John Dayal, and Jesuit Fathers Jacob and Sebastian to Mathura to 
assess the situation in western UP. The aicc/AICU statement reminded 
authorities that though each incident of violence had its own genesis, they 
were knit in a pattern because of the campaign of hate and openly declared 
mission of the Sangh Parivar that they will oppose missionary activity in the 
country using force if required. In the latest incident in Haryana 3 nuns of 
the FMM order going to the midnight Easter mass at the Rewari Catholic Church 
were stalked and attacked by unknown men on a scooter on Saturday/Sunday 

Excerpt from a statement issued by Joseph D'Souza, Chairman, All India 
Christian Council and John Dayal, National Secretary for Public Affairs, All 
India Christian Council on April 25, 2000

For the full statement please see this link:

REFUTATION OF THE ALLEGATION by The National Commission of Minorities

The Deputy commissioner of Rewari accompanied by Fr. Philip and two nuns Sr. 
Ludmila D'souza and Sister Gertrude Ashram, Rewari visited the commission on 
27th April, 2000 on the request of the commission to brief on the incident 
which took place on 22nd April, 2000 where in two out of the three nuns were 
injured. Sister Ludmila who was unhurt gave out the details of the accident. 
The Deputy commissioner was of the view that this is a case of an accident and 
there were no communal overtones. This was fully corroborated by Fr. Philip 
Parmar and the two nuns who went to the extent of stating that the motive 
behind the publicity with regard to the above accident is not understood as the 
atmosphere in Rewari has all along been very peaceful. They also mentioned that 
some western forces were trying to give a political colour to the incident and 
create a wedge among the Hindus and Christians residing in the town. We are 
therefore of the view that this is a
 case of simple accident and that no communal meaning be attributed to it.

Excerpt from a report prepared by the National Commission of Minorities team 
consisting of Justice Mohammed Shamim, Chairman, Mr. Tarlochan Singh, 
Vice-Chairman, and two members, Mr. John Joseph and Lt. Gen. A. M. Sethna 
(Retd) sometime after April 27, 2000

For the full report please contact The National Commission of Minorities at




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-07 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Frederick FN Noronha wrote:

 Is having Jan Sanghi/RSS roots a cardinal sin:-) Pun intended!

 I think not!

 Vidyadhar Gadgil has himself been in the RSS for a year or
 two, if I recall rightly what he mentioned. For a (usually)
 upper caste Maharashtrian boy (and now, in many more parts of India)
 being in the RSS is simply like membership of a boys club, the Boy
 Scouts of the post-Empire just after the sun set on it, Mocidade
 Portuguesa in Salazar's Goa, or the Young Pioneers of the former
 Eastern Bloc countries.

Why is Vidhyadhar Gadgil not guilty by association with RSS?

On another front, when Frederick was discrediting someone else, using garbage, 
whom he referred to as a strange person for some reason, he called it rightful 
criticism of a public figure or some such thing. Now when people are merely 
unwilling to believe the facts reported by journalists and activists because 
of their overtly stated biases, he is whining that these poor upright folk like 
John Dayal and Vijay Prashad are being unfairly discredited on Goanet.

What a spectacular display of talking from both sides of his mouth, and both 
ends of his body!

This is pure self-serving political posturing based on convenience and the 
wind, not secularism or concern for the minorities of any kind.




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-06 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

I had stated in this thread what in my opinion would be the right thing to do 
if anybody becomes a victim of a violent attack. I had suggested that he/she 
should file a criminal complaint and seek law enforcement action. I had also 
suggested that he/she should not politicize or communalize the crime against 
him/her, and not call a press conference if he/she wants his/her privacy, 
dignity and self-respect to remain unharmed.

Marshall who has no clue about my background disagreed with me, and accused me 
of being out of touch with poor people and victims of crime in India, and that 
in India what I said above is not what a crime victim should do. Marshall also 
appears to believe that information regarding communal violence when presented 
by a single religious and political campaigner or a spokesperson for a 
religious or political organization representing one of the sides in the 
conflict, is to be taken to be factually accurate, and not biased and 
communally slanted in any way. Samir says he agrees with Marshall on all of 
these issues 100%. 

However, neither of them has explicitly stated what steps should be taken by a 
victim of a violent crime, and whether they would like the victim to divulge 
facts about the crime against him/her to a religious and political campaigner 
or spokesperson of a religious and political organization belonging to his/her 
own religion and political party. I would therefore like to ask them the 
following questions:

1. What steps should a victim of a violent crime committed in India take?
2. What should a Christian or Muslim victim do if the criminal happens to be 
3. What should a Hindu or Muslim victim do if the criminal happens to be 
4. What should a Hindu or Christian victim do if the criminal happens to be 
5. What should the victim do if the criminal happens to belong another religion 
or creed?
6. Which Hindu religious and political campaigner or spokesperson for a Hindu 
religious and political organization would you trust to give you accurate facts 
about communal violence involving Hindus and Christians or Hindus and Muslims?




Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Tue, 1/6/09, Hartman de Souza wrote:

The greatness of this country is the fact that in spite of its many syncretic 
traditions and practices, we can allow a bigot like Heble have his say, and 
indeed echo Voltaire when he wrote I may not agree with what you say, but I 
will defend to death your right to say it.

I guess it does not take much for someone to be called a bigot on Goanet. All 
it takes is for an author of a post with a strange name to have a different 
opinion from that of another Goanetter with not so strange a name. And there is 
great irony in this. Please see the dictionary meaning of the word bigot below:

bigot - a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or 




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 Hear ye all men and women!!! Next time any hindutvawadi
 goon attacks you or tries to burn your home or property or attempts to rape 
 a member of your family, please remember to call for at least two
 independent witnesses, preferably not belonging to your religion. Otherwise 
 if the media publicizes your misfortune, your word and that of the 
 journalist will count for nothing, as per some of our wisemen (of Gotham) on 

I humbly request Marshall to kindly not resort to name-calling.

I think Marshall does not understand why journalists have an ethical obligation 
to make sure that they have two independent sources before they report 
something as fact. It is to protect people's rights, including a victim's right 
to privacy. It is also to guard against the spread of rumors and false 
allegations, and to prevent incitement of communal/sectarian feelings and 
violent action.

The sarcasm in the above post from Marshall misleads people as to what they 
should do in the event that they become victims of a crime. I think it is best 
for any person who is attacked by a Hindu, Christian, Muslim or any other kind 
of criminal to take the following steps:

1. Call for help, and seek medical help.

2. Call the police, and lodge a detailed criminal complaint.

3. Cooperative fully with criminal investigators and any independent judicial 

4. Don't politicize or communalize the crime against you because your privacy 
will be lost, and politicians and activists will misuse you for their own 
selfish purposes by distorting everything you say in the print media and the 

5. Don't call a press conference if you want to maintain your privacy and your 
dignity and self-respect.




Re: [Goanet] Forum manners

2009-01-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

From what you, Fred and Melvyn wrote, much of what GX posts appear to be is 
guided by nothing more than petty vengeance, retribution and attention-starved 

Hi Gilbert,

Are you sure these adjectives are not a better description of the above post 
and the state of mind of the supurlo Goencar himself? 

Otherwise, why would anybody want to denigrate GX on Goanet, particularly since 
Melvyn was mainly referring to posts on Goanet. He joined GX on December 30, 
2008, just one day before his post on manners appeared on Goanet.




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Roland Francis wrote:
 Perhaps your advice is better suited to Texas. Even then, I
 am doubtful, things in the redneck state being what they are.

Hi Roland,

I hope your long distance assessment of India is not anything like your doubts 
about Texas. In either case, I would prefer to trust the opinion of a 
journalist who actually lives in India, and practices his profession in an 
ethical and impartial manner to the best of his abilities e.g. Valmiki Faleiro. 
But I tend to agree with you regarding the politicization of judicial inquiries 
such as the inquiry pertaining to Narendra Modi. That is why nobody should 
trust campaigners and spokespersons for religious organizations and political 




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
 Could Santosh tell us where he derrived this understanding from?

From sources too many to remember in the American news media. But here are two 
that I found just now, elsewhere:

1. An article entitled The three foundations of journalism at -

Here is the pertinent quote under the subheading Accuracy:

Accuracy: Every journalists code stresses the need for accuracy. There are no 
prizes for being fast and wrong. Writing for a journalist is the skill of 
presenting information clearly, concisely and effectively. It is based on hard 
facts, so the reporter must know how and where to find reliable information. A 
critical challenge is how to reconcile conflicting accounts of the same event. 
Many journalistic organisations insist on the two source rule that means that 
every fact must be confirmed by two independent sources before it can be taken 
as reliable.

2. An article entitled Media and Conflict in the Philippines from the 
Committee of Concerned Journalists at -

Here is the pertinent quote under the subheading Dispassionate Reporting:

Recognizing the fallibility, if not the occasional deceit of sources, 
individual reporters and various news organizations develop standards for 
testing the truthfulness of a story. Are two or more independent sources 
providing the same information? Did the journalist see and hear the evidence 
himself or herself or get it secondhand? What are the credibility, reputation 
and motivation of the source?




Re: [Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Sun, 1/4/09, Miguel Braganza wrote:
 Do I need to tell you that your question below is mere

Dear Miguel,

No. You have told me more than I needed to know. Thanks. Mark Twain also wrote 
that journalism is the one solitary respectable profession which honors theft 
and admires the thief.




[Goanet] Stirring the communal cauldron

2009-01-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Fri, 1/2/09, Goanet Reader wrote:

 According to editor turned Christian campaigner John Dayal,
 the anti-Christian violence between August 24-Ocober 2,
 2008 had the following toll:

I wonder if Frederick has checked the accuracy of the toll numbers he has 
listed here with a Muslim, a Buddhist or some other non-Christian campaigner. 
As a journalist, I understand it is his responsibility to have at least two 
independent sources for any factual information he provides his readers.




Re: [Goanet] Skin-deep understanding of secularism

2009-01-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:
 What on earth is a Marxist intellectual?
 I did a goggle of the term and it seems like only two
 people have used it before.

Hi Mervyn,

When I did a Google search for Marxist intellectual I got 14,100 hits. Please 




Re: [Goanet] .... has never been communal / Confidential report in the file

2009-01-02 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

But I can say for sure that he has put up a spirited defence of the sangh
parivar. It is all documented in the archives.

A critical reader would question why Marshall continues to demonize a person 
who does not fall for the recycled material that he circulates in this forum. 
Why is Marshall not able to engage in an honest debate on the merits of the 
facts that he tells people he is presenting? Why does he have to lean on the 
crutch of terms such as Sangh Parivar with negative connotations to the 
readership of this forum? It is because he has nothing to show for himself that 
a critical reader would actually believe.

 If you have been following my posts, you would not fail to
 observe that I am strongly against any act of hate or violence from
 whichever source - whether christian, hindu, muslim, atheist, etc.

I have been following Marshall's posts since the time he gratuitously attacked 
me for being skeptical of his partisan material. If you simply count the number 
of copy and paste jobs that he has performed in this forum since then on behalf 
of Christians, Hindus and Muslims who were victims of violence, you will 
realize that the above assertion is utterly bogus. Not only that, he has 
actually attacked Hindus and Muslims who like me treat their religion merely as 
a lifestyle, by equating them with Advani and Jinah.




[Goanet] Skin-deep understanding of secularism

2009-01-02 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or


By Santosh A. Helekar

Secularism as enshrined in the Indian constitution represents two principles: 
a) The idea that the state has no religion, and therefore the two must not 
interfere in each other's affairs, and b) Tolerance towards, and equality of, 
all religions and creeds.

The recent column by Frederick Noronha entitled “Skin-deep Secularism” does not 
appear to have anything to do with secularism as understood above. Here is why.

It claims to show that secular campaigners in Goa are biased along religious 
and casteist lines. But to do that correctly the author would have had to 
explain what the secular position on each of the issues he cites was, and then 
demonstrate how the secular Goans who participated in the debates on those 
issues deviated from that position.

Having debated three of the issues he has used as examples, I can see that he 
has not even come close to doing so. Indeed, the article itself seems to suffer 
from a debilitating bias. It rests on the tacit presumption that the author, 
who himself was a participant in the debates, has a privileged secular vantage 
point, from where he can judge the secular worthiness of the lesser souls 
battling it out under him in Goan cyberspace. What is worse is that he does not 
reveal his own secular cards to the unsuspecting readers for independent 

Perhaps, from his lofty skybox in the coliseum of common public discourse the 
author is unable to see the deeper non-secular issues that were being debated 
in the three examples that he cites, with which I am intimately familiar on 
account of my being in the arena down below. His treatment of the case that any 
secular issue was a point of contention in these examples is demonstrably 
superficial. It merely amounts to the coincidental similarity or dissimilarity 
of the religious identity of a few of the most vocal debaters, and that of the 
people that occupied the center stage in these examples. In short, if 
secularism here is skin-deep it is because Noronha made it so from whole cloth, 
and gave this issue superficial treatment from the journalistic standpoint.

To see why this is so, I would like to focus on the Sonal Shah case first, to 
which I have devoted most time debating.

Sonal Shah, a member of the Obama transition team was accused by a Marxist 
intellectual named Vijay Prashad on political grounds, which included claims 
that she was linked with the worst symbols of fraud and criminality in 
capitalism, and of violent intolerance in Hindu religious fundamentalism - the 
Enron debacle and the 2002 carnage against Muslims following the Godhra 
incident, respectively. Links such as these when made against another 
intellectual, Rashid Khalidi, one of Obama's Chicago acquaintances, Prashad 
himself had railed against as a smear in an article entitled Smearing Rashid 
Khalidi (

Prashad's claims were largely ignored in the American media, but were spread 
far and wide on the internet and Indian media, essentially wholesale without 
any independent fact-checking, and with speculative and tantalizing titles such 
as Will Obama's top aide give Modi visa power? in the Times of India

Many of us, including some respected journalists and eminent Indian 
personalities felt that this was a disingenuous and unfair smear campaign that 
achieved no higher purpose, not the least a secular one. It was taking for 
cheap political purposes the low road of tarnishing the good name of a highly 
accomplished Indian American who had already served with distinction and high 
level national security clearance in the highest echelons of the U. S. 

The fact that Noronha has no case here, not even a superficial one that he 
tried to present, is evident from the fact that neither Shah's accusers nor 
their detractors fell into two clear factions, neatly divided based on their 
nominal religious affiliations. Her principal accusers had Hindu names. Her 
defenders were of several different religious persuasions going simply by their 
appellations. In Goan cyberforums with predominantly Catholic memberships we 
saw that those debating on behalf of her accusers included 5 with Catholic 
names and 2 with Hindu 

[Goanet] Secularism in the pleural cavity

2009-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

Gilbert wrote to Kevin on Goanet:

As usual you and others responding to my post attack the messenger.  You did 
not write any original thoughts. So, as a suggestion, you (and others) could 
respond to:

President Pandurang is very happy that Gilbert has appointed himself the 
messenger on Goanet.  The President had great difficulty understanding 
Gilbert’s latest post on god because this time he said nothing about diet and 
food, but used big words such as pleural secularism and quasi-ethical wonkery, 
and shared extremely original thoughts that you will not find in any book or 
dictionary. Nonetheless, here is how the President finally understood what 
Gilbert meant to say.

The rest of your characterization (and those of others) is a facile little 
bit of quasi-ethical wonkery.:=)) If you do not believe in a soul and 
life-after-death, please have the courage of your conviction to say so 
succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the kathakali dance.

No dictionary gives the meaning of quasi-ethical wonkery. So the President 
asked the very ethical Kazi from Indira Nagar what it means. Kazi Quasim said, 
Humko kya maalum ye wonkar-bonkar kya hai. Koyi humko ye bola to bolo usko hum 
uske wonkar khont marenge. Phir vo kathakali sayi tara karega.

Pleural secularism is the modern lingo for the age-old gnosticism where 
everyone has THEIR  OWN divine soul and personal knowledge of god.  Pleural 
secularism (and other such labels) is nothing more than 'Old wine 
(gnosticism) in a new bottle'.

Because Gilbert used a big medical term, the President had to consult a
Portuguesa anatomie profsor to find out where in the pleural cavity of the 
thorax is this secularism. Many years ago when the President had gone to GMC to 
complain about a problem with his constitution, they put a tube in his side. 
They said the tube was because he had a pleural effusion.  The water that came 
out of the tube was like old wine, and they put it in a new bottle every 6 
hours. May be, Gilbert is talking about something like this, and not the 
secular pluralism in the constitution of India. If so, the President wants to 
know from Gilbert what other such labels besides pleural secularism he should 
put on those new bottles.

About gnosticism, on Gilbert’s advice we have already banned the teaching of 
knowledge (gnana) in our Chimbel schools of thought. Nobody there now has their 
own divine soul and personal knowledge of god. We do not add god to any food 
served to the children, in any case.




[Goanet] Khajim-ethical wonkary

2009-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

Gilbert wrote:

 The rest of your characterization (and those of others) is a facile
 little bit of quasi-ethical wonkery.:=)) If you do not believe in a
 soul and life-after-death, please have the courage of your
 conviction to say so succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the
 kathakali dance.

Because Kazi Quasim was of no help President Pandurang asked the Portuguesa 
dotor and Vhodlo Ghadi to consult the big cirurgiaos in Lisboa about 
quasi-ethical wonkery. Now we have the answer by telegram. It is also a medical 
condition like pleural cyclerism. In Chimbel it is called khajim-ethical 
wonkary. A person suffers from it when he eats too much khajem or kadyobodeyo 
at the fest or zatra. They are made of god. As Gilbert told us, too much god is 
bad for you. The main symptom is wonkary or vomiting. The President now 
understands Gilbert completely. Those who have given up god like Kevin may have 
suffered from khajim-ethical wonkary after seeing too much god on Goanet.

Happy New Year!



P.S. BTW, the President now knows that pleural cyclerism is caused by riding 
cycle daablexitt everyday. Forsu suffered from it because he was riding ladies 
cycle with girls in the front.


Re: [Goanet] Other people's beliefs

2008-12-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Mario Goveia wrote:
 Santosh is absolutely right to be so sad at observing
 intolerance though I hope he does not mean that challenging
 those with opposing views represents intolerance, especially
 when those views are presented in a passive-aggressive
 attack as in the original God sucks post, with
 no supporting commentary or rational point being made, until
 the inevitable outr...,, negative feedback, by others.

Mario, I agree with what you have said. Thanks for keeping people honest.




Re: [Goanet] .... has never been communal / Confidential report in the file

2008-12-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or

--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
 This has reference to the posting of Santosh Helekar under
the subject '.has never been communal' and Dr Barad's
doctored report on the same subject under the heading ' Confidential report 
in the file'

If none of what I have pointed out before convinces you, the above malicious 
linking of my name by Marshall with a doctored report posted by someone else 
should make it clear to most people what we are dealing with here. We are not 
dealing with a genuine effort to inform people or discuss issues in an honest 
manner. Instead, we are seeing a full fledged political campaign to malign and 
destroy people who are not gullible enough to buy his one-sided partisan 

With this (and other things I have presented earlier) in mind, I would urge 
people to independently check any reported facts that Marshall or any other 
politically active person posts in this forum. Please do not rely on anything 
that they post, certainly not on anything that is posted by a person who 
demonizes his detractors and spreads false innuendo and rumors about them. 

Please don't rely on anything that is alleged or denied by any politician or 
activist whether he/she is from the BJP and its allies, the Congress and its 
allies or any of the Communist and other parties. Whether somebody is involved 
in any murder would be investigated by the concerned authorities, and 
ultimately, it has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. 

Regarding the swami's murder the crime branch of the police department in 
Orissa appears to be closing in on a prominent politician and MP named 
Radhakant Nayak. According to the following report entitled Congress MP RK 
Nayak is on run as CB starts chasing in a local news outlet, the crime branch 
has summed its case by stating: Nayak was mastermind of the whole event and 
played a key in the murder case.

Please see

We will soon find out if he is involved in the murder in any way or not.




[Goanet] God, food and Gilbert

2008-12-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
President Pandurang always likes Gilbert's posts. His latest post has a lot of 
uncommon wisdom - wisdom that does not make sense to the common man and woman. 
But like Gilbert President Pandurang is an uncommon man. So he agrees with 
Gilbert all the time. Here are the President's comments on Gilbert's latest 

--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
The concept of God will harm humanity, if humans use / abuse the
 concept for their detriment.  To simplify the concept, even
 (good) food can be bad if not used / eaten at the right
 time, right place and in the right proportions.  As the
 above title itself, and that is reflected today, human
 social values 'suck', and we blame God or our concepts of god for them (our 
 social values).

Gilbert is right. God means jaggery. Too much jaggery is bad for your health. 
You might become fat or diabetic. He is right about sucking god too. When I was 
little I used to suck on a godacho with pez.

Problems that are seen today were not seen / heard a century ago e.g. organ 
transplant, euthanasia, cloning, etc. 

I agree. Organ transplant is a big problem. Because of organ transplants many 
people are not going to heaven very soon these days. Hundred years ago they 
were reaching there immediately.

I would submit that much of today's social problems - divorce, half of all 
child-births born out of wedlock, drug dependency, etc, are a result of LACK 
OF religion and moral values.

Yes, I don't understand why a wife divorces her husband who beats her after 
drinking copachem. Copachem is good for your and your wife's health. I don't 
know why people do not depend on it today like 100 years ago.

 Gnosticism (Greek - knowledge or in sanskrit -
 gnana) refers to a diverse, syncretistic religious movement
 consisting of various belief systems generally united in the
 teaching that humans are divine souls trapped in a material
 world created by an imperfect god, ...

Exactly. Knowledge is very bad for everybody. Hundred years ago nobody had this 
much knowledge as we have today, and we were very happy. Knowledge has 
destroyed our happiness. I wish people become ignorant again like 100 years ago.

 It depends how one uses the concept of God. Just like one
 can use / abuse food.  In the example of food, both
 extremes - the lack of it with starvation due to poverty,
 anorexia (starvation in the midst of plenty); and excess
 consumption (bulimia) are all bad results of a good / needed
 requirement.  Similarly, science is good!  But science can
 / has been abused / contaminated by personal (individual) or
 systemic ('school of thought') failings and abuses.

We make many things out of god in Chimbel like paatollyo, nevreo, godachi 
bhaakri, dodol, etc. If you eat too much of them you are abusing god, which is 
bad. If you don't eat god, there is saakor, but that is bad also. If you don't 
eat anything then you are like the atheist.

Now, you can contaminate god just like science. It depends on where you buy it. 
Some shopkeepers sell god contaminated with scientific chemicals. That is why 
science is bad. In Chimbel we have banned teaching of science because of 
failings (of our students) in our schools of thought. Many children were 
failing in science and abusing our teachers. Next year we are also going to ban 
teaching gnana. We don't want our students to be gnostic.

 Perhaps you missed my article that was posted on Goanet on The Evolution of 
 Religion.  A re-read of that post (posted below) may help and answer some 
 questions and issues.

Gilbert's post on Evolution of Religion requires special attention and 
comments. It is an answer to most questions about god, food and digestion. I 
don't know why so many people on Goanet like Sandeep missed such an important 



for President Pandurang Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Deflections To The Right

2008-12-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
A critical reader would be able to tell why the post appended below and the 
initial post in this thread were meant to project a one-sided biased view 
against Hindu NRIs and their organizations in the U.S. Here are the reasons:

1. The author of the post gratuitously initiated this thread with the subject 
Deflections To The Right, and yet provided a link and excerpt to an article 
talking only about deflections of Hindus and Hindu organizations to the right.

2. He dredged up an article from 2002, and posted it here, without bothering to 
find out if any of the accusations in it were investigated, and found to be 
valid or false over the subsequent 6 years.

3. He did not tell Goanetters that the British Charity Commission has 
investigated these allegations against two Hindu charities in 2005, and have 
found them to be baseless and unfounded. It has completely exonerated the 

4. Accusations of spreading bigotry and divisiveness have been made against 
Christian and Muslim charitable organizations as well, and yet the author 
conveniently did not post any of the articles highlighting them in this forum 
under the general topic Deflections To The Right. So he wants Goanetters to 
believe that it is only Hindus who are deflecting to the right.

5. He wants readers to believe that Hindu NRIs in the U.S. can be easily taken 
for a ride. They are not smart enough to figure out if their money is being 
used for legitimate and peaceful purposes or not.



P.S. BTW, The India Development and Relief Fund, against which these 
unsubstantiated allegations were made is one of the largest international 
Indian charities, and has as its partner such respected and important U.S. 
charity as United Way. Please see for information on it.

--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 1. It is interesting how the poster draws conclusions that
 Hindu NRI's are
 being shown in bad light when the article, in fact, states
 just the
 opposite. That Hindu NRI's are being taken for a ride
 by certain
 organisations by being led to believe that they are
 contributing to temples
 and charity whereas these funds are channelled towards hate
 and violence.


Re: [Goanet] Confidential report in the file

2008-12-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 12/27/08, Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:
 To read more on this topic click the link provided below:

The article copied and posted below from the above link appears to have been 
deliberately altered by the above poster. He has tampered with its text by 
inserting communally-tinged sensational words such as Fanatic and Christian 
Missionary Nayak, which were not present in the original text. This type of 
intentional corruption of a news report for some political or communal purpose 
cannot be tolerated in a public forum such as this one. 

I would like to thank a contributor to the GX forum for pointing this mischief 
out to us.



 --- On Sat, 12/27/08, Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:

 Bhubaneswar : The BJD-BJP government in Orissa is closing
 in on Fanatic
 Christian Congress Rajya Sabha member and former civil
 servant Radhakanta
 Nayak for his role in the conspiracy to kill Lakshmanananda
 The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Orissa
 police is said to be
 preparing a case against Nayak and his Fanatic Christian
 the assurances from the government that Christian
 missionary Nayak would be
 arrested. It was one of our demands and we have been
 given to understand
 that the process is on, a senior BJP leader said.


Re: [Goanet] GX (was: God....)

2008-12-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 12/27/08, Miguel Braganza wrote:
If no list entertains it ad nauseam, subscribe to the unmoderated Goenchim 
Xapotam. Save Goanet from becoming another GX, since the Moderators 
obviously lack the will do prevent this. I will try as long as I am 

Both Sandeep and Miguel are subscribed to GX. They are welcome to carry on this 
debate there.




Re: [Goanet] Other people's beliefs (Was: God Sucks)

2008-12-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
 Many Christians today feel: To get to heaven, they do not
 need the saints.  A few are so smart, they do not need
 Christ. There are the real smart ones who do not need God to
 get to heaven after death. And then, there are some who do
 not believe in a soul and a life after death.  

It is sad to see people making such intolerant sarcastic remarks against people 
who hold beliefs other than themselves. It looks like these people have not 
learned the moral value of secular pluralism after all these years.



Re: [Goanet] Deflections To The Right

2008-12-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
It looks like attempts are being made in this forum to show Hindu NRIs in bad 
light by picking and choosing articles and excerpts from the internet, and 
creating the impression that facts are being reported when no independent 
responsible organizations have confirmed any of the hyperbolic charges. I hope 
people do not fall for such one-sided propaganda.



--- On Sat, 12/27/08, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
 Rekhi, global chairman of The IndUS Entrepreneurs, an
 organisation of South
 Asian businesspeople, claimed that money collected by
 Indian Hindus in
 America and sent to religious groups in India was being
 channelled to target
 minorities. Many overseas Indian Hindus—including
 some in this
 country—finance religious groups in India in the belief
 that the funds will
 be used to build temples, and educate and feed the poor of
 their faith. Many
 would be appalled to know that some recipients of their
 money are out to
 destroy minorities (Christians as well as Muslims) and
 their places of
 worship, wrote Rekhi in the article, co-authored with
 Henry S. Rowen, a
 professor emeritus at Stanford University and senior fellow
 of the Hoover

Re: [Goanet] .... has never been communal

2008-12-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 12/27/08, Miguel Braganza wrote:
 I am with you on this one. Dr. Samir Kelekar seems to have
 been wrongly certified secular by Dr. Selma
 Carvalho, a communal practitioner herself.
 The Khandhamal-Orissa issue is more about the fight for the
 ST tag by a SC community that has converted to Christianity
 and lost reservations[for education, jobs, etc], than about
 religion per se.

In my opinion neither Samir nor Selma are communal. What we are seeing is a 
simple over-reaction to issues that are in some cases wrongly portrayed through 
a unidimensional communal narrative in this forum, by means of a torrent of 
one-sided political propaganda. The Kandhamal violent clashes between Pannas 
and Khands with poaching by Maoists and Hindu extremists is a case in point. 

However, I do notice an unhealthy trend here. In the past, we had to deal with 
propaganda from the well-recognized fringes on the Hindu and Christian right, 
and the atheist, Marxist and New Age left. But the new trend appears to be 
radicalization of the secular moderates towards the fringes on either side. I 
suspect it would lead to much greater polarization.




Re: [Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- In, Sandeep Heble
sandeephe...@... wrote:

 So what's the problem in that? Those who propagate religious
 ideologies constantly hurt the scientific and rational sentiments
of the atheists and the non-believers. Will the preachers stop
 propagating their beliefs on a Science Day? If they have the
freedom of speech and free expression to propagate their bizarre,
illogical, irrational and even evil ideas, why can't the atheists
freely air their own thoughts? Samir has not done anything wrong and
there is no need for him to go on the defensive. One of the
directive principles of the Indian Constitution is to spread
scientific temper and rational thoughts in the society. He is doing
just that.


It is best to leave science out of this argument. Science does not
care what people believe or do not believe as a matter of faith. In my
opinion Samir's flame bait had nothing to do with spreading scientific

People of all beliefs need to be heard, but not by creating false
dichotomies. Science has absolutely nothing to do with theism or
atheism. Its scope is limited to providing a natural understanding of
the world around us. People like Steven Weinberg are doing a great
disservice to science in this regard, by inadvertently encouraging
people to mix religion with science.




Re: [Goanet] Samir has never been communal

2008-12-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Carvalho wrote:
 On this Christmas day I have to defend Samir. To my memory
 he has never been communal. He was the only Hindu to
 immediately condemn the Orissa violence and to my memory has
 never taken a communal position in political issues.

I know that Samir is not a communal-minded guy because I know him for more than 
three decades. 

But this business of deciding who is communal or not based on their 
condemnation of this violence or that, or taking what someone perceives as a 
communal position in political issues, is a rather frivolous and superficial 
way of forming serious opinions about other people. 

It depends on whether or not the person forming the opinion himself/herself has 
a communal bias.  Moreover, it assumes that he/she has a clear understanding of 
the issues in question that is comprehensive enough to know that disagreements 
with him/her on them could only be for communal reasons. Things are never this 
simple in reality. As I have said before, the world is never so black and 
white. That is why relying on such superficial perceptions in a public forum is 
unfair and unhealthy.




Re: [Goanet] Samir has never been communal

2008-12-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Carvalho wrote:

 Next time I form an opinion in life I'll be sure to
 conduct a ten-year objective study, followed by a five page

Dear Selma,

By over forty years of subjective study I have learned that it is better to 
assume people are innocent and good unless they have actually committed some 
offense. And even those who have committed a non-violent offense cannot be 
condemned for life in a public forum. 

For example, it would be extremely unfair and foolish for me to assume that 
those who do not publicly condemn every or any instance of communal violence in 
this forum do this act of omission because they are communal or because they 
condone such violence. Serious public accusations cannot be made as knee-jerk 
reactions to superficial perceptions. They require serious thought.

Merry Christmas to you and everybody else.




Re: [Goanet] The Right to Convert

2008-12-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 12/24/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza wrote:

 Missionaries came to India and Goa and changed the face by
 providing Gospel values.

Did people who lived in India and Goa before the missionaries came not have a 
decent face? Did they not have good values?




Re: [Goanet] Why God sucks --- a good discussion

2008-12-24 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 12/24/08, Samir Kelekar wrote:
 Check the above url.
 There is a good discussion on both pro and cons of why God

I still don't understand the negative feeling towards someone else's icon. The 
reasons they give are quite immature and superficial. Everybody is free to 
state his/her beliefs and positions, but why be emotional about other people's 
harmless beliefs?




Re: [Goanet] Is religion...

2008-12-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
It is the issue that dominates most people's lives. It is the issue around 
which most arguments and conflicts are going on in the world today. Without it 
there would not be any political propaganda in this forum. Many forums such as 
Secular Goa forum and religious forums would have to be closed down. 



--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Frederick FN Noronha wrote:

 ... the only thing there is to discuss on Goanet? After 13+
 here, it seems as if we're having all our bandwidth
 clogged up with
 just one issue. Sad! FN


Re: [Goanet] Foreign Funded charity

2008-12-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 12/21/08, Sandeep Heble wrote:

 I am not per se against an Indian converting from one faith
 to another. If someone is not treated well in his own religion
 or ceases to believe in his own religion's philosophies, ideals
 and beliefs, that person should well be entitled to convert, but the
 conversion must be voluntary, i.e. without the use of unethical
 methods like force, fraud or material inducements.

The use of the word material is noted, but I think inducements should be 
allowed. In my opinion from a legal standpoint judging whether an inducement is 
used in a conversion activity or not is a tough thing. When you tell somebody 
that this is the only way you can be saved or that this is the shortest route 
to heaven, you are by definition using a psychological inducement.

Even tougher is to judge whether the inducement used is fraudulent
because the whole system is based on belief. A religious belief by its
very nature does not have to be supported by scientific evidence. So
if you tell somebody that they will be cured from cancer if they pray
for this saint to intercede on their behalf, as soon as they convert,
and you sincerely believe what you are telling them, then are you
committing a fraud? I have a suspicion that our legal system says no.
Otherwise, it would slide down a slippery slope towards all kinds of
legal precipices related to religious and ethical matters.




Re: [Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
I was hoping that the Supreme court would rule that conversion was legal in all 
circumstances except when physical or psychological coercion or threat was 
used. But it seems it has essentially banned all conversion activity now. I 
fear that this would lead to more strife in areas where conversions and 
re-conversions were going on because there is a huge enforcement problem for 
this kind of a law. Moreover, one of the principal motivations for any 
religious charity to do good in the toughest environments and against great 
odds has been removed. What a pity!



--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Sandeep Heble wrote:

 Follow the news report below to know the legal position of
 this in India.

 Nobody has right to convert: SC
 NEW DELHI: There is no such thing as a fundamental right to
 any person to one's own religion and the government can
 impose certain
 restrictions keeping in view public order, the Supreme
 Court has ruled.


Re: [Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 12/21/08, J. Colaco  jc wrote:

The way the opponents of the Orissa Act argued the case,  I submit, would 
have given the Christians special privileges which would would violate the 
principle of equality.

Dear Josebab,

Thanks for this clarification. Phew! I agree that there is no fundamental right 
to convert.

As you know, on this issue I am more concerned about elimination of the 
motivation to dispense empathy rather than enlightenment. 



--- On Sun, 12/21/08, J. Colaco  jc wrote:
 It is worth noting that Courts rule on the 'issues'
 before them.  All
 the SC has stated, in this case, is that there is NO
 right to convert. I doubt such a fundamental
 right exists in any
 This does not make conversions illegal.


Re: [Goanet] Arun Shourie on Islamic terrorism and failed Pakistani state

2008-12-19 Thread Santosh Helekar

Thanks for those links. I will read them carefully, and see if they answer my 
questions about facts in this case. But regarding your anecdote, we all have 
them. I have a couple myself. One Pakistani person refused to work with me 
professionally because I was Indian. This person believes that India is 
responsible for all their problems, including terrorism. On the flip side, I 
know some Indians who canceled attendance to a party after they found out that 
some Pakistanis were also invited, and these are all highly educated 
non-Hindutva folk. The cause for this kind of prejudice is more likely to be 
uncritical reliance on ideologically biased media in both countries, and 
careless reporting. None of these educated characters in our stories are likely 
to have attended any madrassas or ekal vidyalayas.

As I am sure you understand, these kinds of anecdotes mean very little when 
drawing serious conclusions about the causes of terrorism. I will try to 
examine the evidence about what is actually taught to the children in Pakistan, 
and how many of them are known to have become terrorists. 

My own understanding, so far, based on my limited reading about terrorism 
psychology, and partly echoed by Selma, is that almost all of the terrorist 
recruits are common criminals, of whom there are plenty in every society. It is 
much easier to radicalize criminals, and graduate them to doing greater crimes, 
than normal people with intact innate moral sense. But I will let you know what 
I find.



--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Mario Goveia wrote:
 Here are some sources:\07\25\story_25-7-2006_pg7_1
 I also have a personal anecdote that I could not understand
 at the time, but do now.  A Pakistani physician friend took
 severe umbrage during a social function at my suggestion
 that the partition of the Indian sub-continent was one of
 the worst decisions in world history.  My reasoning was
 based on the fact that Pakistan and Bangladesh, with 95%
 plus Muslim populations, were essentially failed states,
 whereas an undivided secular India would have had about a
 28% Muslim population, double the current percentage, and
 this would have made all Indian minorities stronger.  Not to
 mention eliminated all the angst over Kashmir and the
 BILLIONS spent in human lives and treasure defending
 themselves against each other.


Re: [Goanet] Coconut and HIV

2008-12-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 12/19/08, Roland Francis wrote:

Researches have suggested that coconut helps in reducing the viral load of 

No such researches have been published supporting the above assertion in the 
medical literature. There is only a brief message in 1999 that a study to test 
this hypothesis would be started in the Phillipines. There is no documentary 
evidence in the medical literature since then that the study was ever 
undertaken and completed. The rest of the medical benefits of coconut reported 
in this post also appear to be dubious or dangerously false.



--- On Fri, 12/19/08, Roland Francis wrote:
 Benefits Of Coconut
 Coconut water is believed to lessen the rashes caused by
 chickenpox and measles.
 Coconut water is said to be good for the skin.
 Coconut water is used to treat intestinal worms and
 relieves stomach
 and urinary problems.
 It has been claimed that coconut water is beneficial for
 the people suffering from diabetes.
 Researches have suggested that coconut helps in reducing
 the viral load of HIV.
 The organic iodine content of coconut helps in preventing
 goiter (enlarged non-toxic thyroid).
 Benefits of Coconut Oil
 Apart from being good for the skin and hair of a person,
 coconut oil
 has been found to be beneficial in case of the following
 Heart Diseases
 High Cholesterol Levels
 Too Much Weight


Re: [Goanet] Ekal Vidyalaya and Santosh's excuses

2008-12-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 12/17/08, Samir Kelekar wrote:

You have become another Jose Colaco, playing a kathakali ! Are you also 
taking a law degree from Timbaktu?
Santosh your mask of an unbiased, atheist guy is off and the whole Goanet now 
knows it!!! 

The above angry outburst is inexplicable and unusable from the standpoint of 
filing a complaint with U.S.-based authorities. I don't know how I can forward 
this email to them, and ensure that they will have any respect for Samir or 

I had asked Samir or anybody else to kindly do the following:

Please provide me with actual first-hand evidence from a responsible law 
enforcement agency in a point-wise manner here that Ekal Vidyalaya, VHP America 
and/or Indicorps are/were directly involved in funding any kind of illegal or 
criminal activity in India or anywhere else.

To this Samir copied and pasted a news report in The Hindu saying that the 
Indian government had stopped giving grants to an organization called Friends 
of Tribal Society that runs ekal vidyalayas because they do such things as make 
kids say Jai Shri Ram and use names of Hindu gods to teach the English 

Marshall copied and pasted several websites, all of which, except one were 
recycled material from Samir's copy and paste job. The lone exception had some 
new allegations and speculations.

Since neither Samir nor Marshall was capable of listing in a point-wise manner 
all the illegal and criminal activities carried out by Ekal Vidyalaya 
Foundation, I did the following:

1. I submitted an inquiry with the U.S. based Better Business Bureau at

Here is the text of my inquiry:
I would like to know if Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is a legitimate 
international charity, and whether funds from it have ever been diverted for 
any illegal or criminal activity locally or overseas. I would also like to know 
if any of its funds have been used to cause religious disharmony or for 
political activities. There are some accusations about the latter in the Indian 
print and internet media. Thanks.

2. I did a thorough search for legality of Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, VHP 
America and IndiCorps on Guidestar ( The 
search indicated that they were legal 501c3 charities, and therefore by 
requirement not involved in any illegal, criminal or political activity.

3. Finally, I checked to see if any of them (and Friends of Tribals Society) 
was listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department at on the basis of the following clause:

As used in this chapter [chapter 8 of the INA], the term 'engage in terrorist 
activity' means in an individual capacity or as a member of an organization–
1. to commit or to incite to commit, under circumstances indicating an 
intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity;

None of them was listed.

I will let you know as soon as the Better Business Bureau replies to my inquiry.



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