Re: [Goanet] Where is my Goa? Nigerians hold the state to ransom. -- By Nisser Dias

2013-11-06 Thread marlon menezes

Bravo Nisser! It is good to know that you hate these dark skinned people 
(niggers as you call them). I personally hate hindus, muslims and non Goans in 
general. Perhaps we can combine our mutual bigotry and racism and find common 
platform to clean up Goa. We could start by booting out all dark skinned hindus 
and muslims from Goa. While it is a difficult compromise on my part, I will for 
now, tolerate the continued residency of fair skinned hindus, muslims and non 
Goans in Goa. As quid pro quo, I expect you to allow the continue residency of 
all dark skinned christians in Goa. 

It is time us Goanese all unite and support Goa and Goanese businesses. I for 
one, will make it a point to solely visit Goanese drug joints (no paan 
intended) when I make my next run to restock my pharmaceuticals cabinet (wink, 
wink).  Nisser, as for you, I do want to make it clear that I will not 
appreciate you hanging around the cheap non-Goan brothels around Bania. As a 
person who as been around you surely know that while the Goanese brothels may 
be a little more expensive, you get far better bang for your buck there ... 
if you know what I mean ;-)
BTW, your coded messages for mob rule is simply brilliant! Yes, I get it. It is 
time we form roving gangs to patrol the streets of Goa to enforce our unique 
Goan values of laziness, drunkenness and holier than thou, hypocrisy. 

No cheers!  


On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 8:17 AM, Nisser Dias wrote:
*By Nisser
5th Nov 2013*

*Where is my Goa?*

*Nigerians hold the state to ransom*

            Last week Goa was outraged by rowdy and wild Nigerians and our
police who are supposed to protect our lives and property were literally
made to look like tin soldiers. They did not know what to do or which way
to turn while the rampaging niggers went about blocking the national
highway, destroying the dividers and barricades, abusing and beating
locals, police and even stripping nude in full glare of the public. That
they did not have respect even for the dead was displayed when they removed
the corpse of their countryman and dumped it on the highway thereby
exposing their uncouth and uncivilized manner.

            Above all this, what was laid bare was the ineffective,
hopelessness and lack of authority and decision making by the magistrate
and senior police officers present there to tackle the situation. Due to
which innocent people using the national highway had to face inconvenience
for hours together. Not forgetting the suffering of the motorists was
shamefully aggravated by the Porvorim MLA Rohan Kaunte, when he along with
his cronies blocked the highway demanding transfer of a senior lady police

            The question that is on our mind is why were the police
hesitant in striking down on the unwanted guests when they waylaid them,
assaulted them and even damaged government property and stripped the Goa
police and the Home minister of their self respect. We are not ready to
accept chief minister Manohar Parrikar’s statement or rather rhetoric that
the police were outnumbered as the rein-enforcement were caught in a
traffic jam and could not reach the site. Firstly, because hundreds of
locals had gathered at the site and were willing to assist the police in
curbing the rampaging niggers. The citizens do have an obligation to help
the police in times of emergency. And in the end it was the locals
themselves who decided enough was enough risking their lives took on the
Nigerians and made them beat a hasty retreat. But now our popular chief
minister wants to press criminal charges against the locals for restoring
some degree of esteem.

            What Chief Minister who also rules over of the Home ministry
has to do is initiate a thorough enquiry into the role of one of his
favourite police officers namely DySP Mahesh Goankar for being in the midst
of the Nigerians and over-ruling his senior officer SP Karthik Kashyap’s
orders to lathi charge the Nigerians. SP Karthik is an IPS officer DySP
Mahesh is a GPS officer. Let us assume for a moment that SP Karthik heed
his junior officer’s advice since being a Goan he could have doused the
tempers, but the situation or the attitude did not change, the Nigerians
continued their riots. What is the connection between the DySP Mahesh
Goankar and Nigerians? Does the all knowing Parrikar really want to unearth
the truth?

            Chief minister who also hold Home portfolio arrived at the site
and asked the police to take charge and then everything started falling in
place that is the police started lathi charge. The question here is why did
the police not adhere to the orders of the magistrate present there. Does
the chief minister have magisterial powers to order the police to carry out
lathi charge? Was it required that chief minister visit the site, could he
not direct his force to take charge, arrest or round-up the Nigerian
hooligans, disperse the locals and 

Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors

2013-06-03 Thread marlon menezes
First some basic info:
Energy density (energy per unit mass) of a Li-ion battery is around 2% that of 
gasoline. Alternatively, I would need 50 pounds of Li-ion to carry the same 
energy as 1 pound of gasoline.
Energy efficiency of a gasoline engine ~ 20% vs 90% for electric, which means 
that an electric car does not need the same amount of energy to move a unit 
distance, which means that the electric car would need ~10 pounds of Li-ion to 
have the same range as 1 pound of gasoline.
Therefore, battery technology has to improve by a factor of 10 to become 
equivalent to gasoline (not including costs). This is definitely not going to 
happen in the next 5 years. A more likely scenario is that batteries will be 
competitive in 15-20 years from now.

Next, about the claim that electric cars are zero emissions:  In a typical 
country, around 50% of the electricity is produced by fossil fuels, which in 
many cases is coal, which is amongst the worst polluter in terms of COx per 
unit of energy output.   Again, in 15-20 years from now, the energy mix will 
probably change drastically, with coal being displaced by cleaner gas and with 
nuclear being replaced with wind and some solar. But the bottom line is that 
electric cars are not necessarily zero emissions vehicles due to the source of 
their power.

Now, regarding the Tesla:
The cost of a battery in the Tesla is between $30K to 40K, depending upon the 
model. Even in the cheaper Nissan Leaf, around a third to half the price of the 
car is just the battery. Secondly, Tesla's super chargers are not compatible 
with parallel electric infrastructure that is being established with other 
companies and cities. It is like going to a gas station and finding out that 
the nozzle does not fit!

About electric cars in general, the consensus is that there is not going to 
mass electrification of propulsion systems until the fundamental battery 
technology is figured out, which as I said may be 15-20 years away.  However, 
there is going to be greater electrification of various subsystems in a car. 
Right now hydraulic steering and brakes are being displaced by electric 
steering and regenerative braking. Various components such as the fuel and 
water pumps are now becoming electric. Other components up for electrification 
are electric enhanced turbos and electric valve trains. All these additions can 
contribute to a significant improvement in engine efficiency, with modest 
battery capacities.  These changes, coupled with continuous improvements in 
engine efficiency (combustion and mechanical) means that it is possible that 
the internal combustion engine will still be chugging along as the as main 
propulsion source decades from now. 

Finally, will the Chinese come up with something to threaten the establishment? 
By the time, battery technology becomes cheap enough, it will have become a 
commodity.  Most of us don't care about what brand of gasoline we buy. It is 
the packaging and engineering of the overall product that matters, rather than 
the the brand of gasoline in it! It is also very unlikely that the Chinese will 
have a lock on battery technology.  A few years ago, there was a big splash 
when China's largest battery maker,  BYD announced its intent to build an 
electric car for a very low price. It even attracted attention from Warren 
Buffet. So far, BYD has failed to come up with anything substantial. 
Ironically, this battery company mostly makes cars powered by ... yep, gasoline 

 From: Mervyn Lobo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors

Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Secondly, as a marketing strategy, the company is initially installing so 

 Super Charging stations along major interstate highways that take 
 you from Los Angeles to New York - a distance of about 2500 miles (or about 
 Kms.). These fast charging stations are charged using Solar Power to 
 power themselves. Tesla's model-S takes only about 20 minutes to partially 
 charge it's battery, that will take your car 200 miles at a time (a full 
 charge can take you some 300 miles). To lure customers, the company is giving 
 away the charging for free.
 Eventually, they may slap a fee to charge the car, 
 but that is immaterial at this point.

Good luck on your bet. 

Looking forward, the day will probably come when the car that does not cost 
anything to refuel, will also be on the top of the list of most stolen cars. I 
do not want to be Juan Carlos and be subjected to high insurance premiums. A 
more scary thought is if the 'free' fuel supply is electronically monitored, 
Uncle Sam will know exactly where and when you are in the land of liberty. 

 Can you imagine what would happen if the company installs these solar powered 
 fast charging stations along all major US 

Re: [Goanet] Is your job safe?

2013-04-12 Thread marlon menezes
So to summarize, if globalization effects someone else, it is good, but if it 
affects you, your career or your industry, it is bad!

ps. if someone from India or planet Krypton can do my job for half or even 
quarter the price that I am being paid, I guess it would be time to look for a 
new career or move back to India. 

 From: Jim Fernandes
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is your job safe?


As implied by your response, obviously you are too short sighted to understand 
the negative effects of globalization.

When you come back with your next response, please bring some meat with your 
arguments - don't just dismiss my post with a one liner (or two) :) .

The suggestion that globalization is always beneficial to its participants at 
all levels - is not true. However, globalization is great, when competition 
between participants is executed on level playing field.

For example, when one nation (Nation A) produces goods and then exports it to 
another nation (Nation B), it benefits both participants in this trade, 
provided at least three things happen:
1. Nation A produces its goods at Market Prices without government 
intervention to subsidize its production
2. There is no currency manipulation between the participants
2. Trade barriers are removed between the participants.

This type of trade is beneficial to both participants because it brings 
efficiency into the system, thereby benefiting the consumer. I am absolutely OK 
with this.

Examples of situations where globalization is bad - is in situations, where we 
have an employer in Nation A, that bulk replaces a portion of its workforce 
by employing cheap labor from Nation B. I would describe this type of activity 
as nothing short of being termed as legalized human trafficking.

What these so called Indian software companies (or human traffickers) do, is to 
merely provide cheap bodies to their Western clients. For this reason, these 
companies are sometimes referred to as body shops. Most of the techies the 
Indian companies send to the West, are 20-something trained software 
professionals, who are often single and un-attached and who are then paid below 
market prices in their destination countries. 

This is nothing but a glorified exploitation of humans - a situation where the 
foreign employee is willing to work for low wages in the West, because of even 
lower wages in their respective home countries. 

The reason many young Indian professionals are able to survive on lower wages 
in the West is because, they live in cheap cramped quarters as room-mates - 
often 4 to 8 persons living in a one bedroom apartment. In order to cut cost 
even further, they often share everything from a car to utilities to groceries 
and essentially give up on every sense of privacy. 

Had the US government not tied these guys as slaves to their India based 
employers, by way of hooking up their employment status in the US to their work 
visas, they would have readily jumped to another employer for a few Yankee 
bucks more!

For all its weakness, this type of controlled globalization of labor, may be 
considered as beneficial, if there is a real job opening (that does not replace 
a local), mainly because it supports local economies. In this situation, the 
host country gets to collect taxes on salaries paid to the foreign worker and 
it is expected that the worker, spends at least a small portion of his/her 
earnings in the local economy. 

In the RBC article I included in my post, some of the foreign workers are 
expected to replace the locals in Canada - not because the local employees are 
duds, but because the local workers cannot compete with the foreign workers on 
lower wages. 

The reason? 

One cannot live like Ghattis in the West - specially, if you have a spouse to 
support and kids to send to school.

That brings me to the meat of the RBC article:
In the article, it is argued that a few dozen RBC jobs in Canada would be 
off-shored to India. If the employment was terminated for cause, nobody would 
have issues with it.

But this is Bulk Replacement.

What exactly is its benefit to Canada or to the communities RBC serves in 
Canada, where the bank supposedly makes it money? 

Please don't come back with a pathetic argument and state that RBC has no 
social / shareholder responsibility in this matter. So please read on 

For starters, the Canadian government collect no taxes on jobs that go 
overseas. Secondly, the ghost employees are based in a foreign country - they 
are not in Canada to spend their earnings, where the money would have 
circulated to support its economy. Thirdly, the employees who are displaced in 
Canada may have to foreclose on their mortgages if they cannot find employment 
that pays comparable salary to support their mortgages. This in turn, would 
hurt a local Canadian bank or worse, possibly 

Re: [Goanet] Is your job safe?

2013-04-10 Thread marlon menezes
What exactly is the problem here? If industry can get cheaper, but equally good 
employees, it should be able to do so. This is what globalization is all about. 
If you wish to over pay for your products and services, please do, but don't 
force your quaint ideas on all of us.

 From: Jim Fernandes
Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2013 11:29 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Is your job safe?
The scumbags are at it again.

Canadians should take their money out of RBS in masse and put it elsewhere. Or 
the least they can do is, find a legal excuse to terminate RBS license to 
operate in Canada.

Smart Canadians should take this message to Twitter / Facebook or other social 
avenues and slam these pigs.

Please see attached:

Jim Fernandes.
New York.

Re: [Goanet] the end result of ideologies!

2012-07-27 Thread marlon menezes
But then, Mario G does the same on GX!

 From: Santosh Helekar

I guess Goanet will never be able to rid itself of xenophobic, conspiratorial, 
persecutory, chauvinistic, racist and casteist propaganda.



 From: petronela Souza Roy
What really died in AUSCHWITZ?

Here's an interesting viewpoint. The following is a copy of an article written 
by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez and published in a Spanish 
newspaper on Jan. 15 2011. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the 
message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.


By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez

Re: [Goanet] Mapusa, the failed city - NOT

2012-07-16 Thread marlon menezes

As a Mapusacar, I find your post extremely upsetting.  The Mapusa Friday market 
is, if I can quote Cecil, world famous, all over Goa. I find it extremely 
humorous that you, a resident of Vasco would dare comment about Mapusa. Vasco 
is so quaint, it makes a remote village in Bihar look like a bustling 

Yes, we do have a parking problem in Mapusa - this is a reflection of our 
higher levels of economic development compared to you lesser Vascoites who 
keep trespassing our haven in your overfilled KTC buses. Regarding your reply 
from Reginald Laurenco, my suggestion is that you wait for another few more 
years. We Mapusacars have better things to do, than reply to some irrelevant 
request from an immigrant from Vasco. In any case, he is quite busy dealing 
with very mess being created by your Vasco brothers who keep migrating to 
Mapusa in the jam packed KTC buses.  And you have the nerve to talk about 

As a blue blooded, true son of the soil, I find it very saddening to see my 
Mapusa being ruined by the immigrants from Vasco.  This is written in the hope 
that some one like Nasci will hear the cry of agonized Bardezkars and do 
something about preserving Mapusa. 


From: Tony de Sa

Mapusa is a failed city. Sad that the taluka town of Bardez which once had
the best organized market in Goa has been allowed to become a shambles by
the powers that be. More so when the present Chief Minister and his Deputy
are both from Mapusa.

The bus stand is in a terrible state. There is garbage all around, people
urinate freely and the stench is awful. Sewage oozes out and forms a lake
in the parking lot of the bus stand. That is where the RTO conducts its
inspections. Two years back I wrote to Reginald Laurenco who was the
chairman of KTC - he promised an inspection which never materialized.

The market is today badly organized with no order or system. Garbage
abounds. The state of the gutters is unbeiievable. After seeing the state
of the drainage system in Mapusa, could one believe that we live in a
nation that is capable of a nuke and putting vehicles in orbit? Even
Mohenjodaro and Harappa had better drainage systems.

Parking space is not sufficient and no arrangements are made for
restricting the entry of vehichles or controlling their flow. The traffic
cops who patrol in Mapusa do not believe in preventive methods but rather
punitive methods on hapless victims like motorbike riders.

This is written in the hope that some one will hear the cry of agonized
Bardezkars and do something about Mapusa.

** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  ** 

[Goanet] Industrial blackmail - or Soter's hypocricy?

2012-07-15 Thread marlon menezes
Talk about having your cake and wanting to eat it hypocrisy. Soter claims to be 
against the mining interests, but yet, wants employment to be created by the 
very same industry. If we want Goa to be less dependent on mining, then, let 
them layoff their staff and let us see what happens. 

 From: SOTER
This is a perfect case of blackmailing to violate environment laws. Sometime 
ago mining transporters had descended on the streets. When the casinos were 
under pressure they paraded what is claimed to be theior over 4,000 employees 
to protest. how long will industry blackmail Goans?

Re: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

2012-06-08 Thread marlon menezes
This is what you said:
Protestants often spread misinformation about the Catholic Church, as can be 
seen now and then on this forum . Sounds like stereotyping to me!

From: Gabriel de Figueiredo

AFAIK, there has been no attempt by any Roman Catholic Church missionary to 
make a statement that converting to Catholicism would cure them of diseases and 
ailments. I also understand that this claim (of a cure) is made by certain 
cults purporting to be Christian. Although the Pope has full responsibility for 
the Roman Catholic Church, he is not responsible for the behaviour of the 
missionaries of the protestant churches and cults. Protestants often spread 
misinformation about the Catholic Church, as can be seen now and then on this 


 From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that I had elevated Catholics 
over other trouble making christian groups. 

Re: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

2012-06-07 Thread marlon menezes

A couple of points before I proceed:
1) Please don't shoot the messenger. What I quoted is what many christians 
believe and what many believe to be the official policy of the catholic church. 
2) Sarcasm alert
3) Note that the original poster (Gabriel) elevated Catholics over other 
trouble making christian groups. It is a very common attitude shared by many 
intolerant persons of any faith viz people of other faiths.

So to answer your question, yes, many catholics/christians do believe that even 
a person like Mahatma Gandhi would be in hell. What is the official policy of 
the Catholic church? I guess it depends upon who you ask and how 
they interpret the policy of the church. In the long time past, the party line 
was very clear - if you were a non christian, you could say hello to hell. 
Today it is apparently more nuanced, but I am not an expert on these 
matters. Of course, the church continues to maintain its intolerance of 
homosexuality. What is hinduism's viewpoint on this?



Marlon Meneses wrote: We catholics have our priorities right. We know that
Protestants and other Christians have half a chance of attaining salvation.
Cannot say the same about the non-christian heathens and migrants though!

From: U. G. Barad  

If Marlon was not saying the above in jest, then I would like ask him  if he
thinks that souls like that of Mahatma Gandhi are in

Re: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

2012-06-04 Thread marlon menezes
Good to know that Roman Catholics don't allegedly make statements about 
miraculous cures, except for the minor issue of eternal damnation and suffering 
in the after life if they don't accept jesus as their savior. I also fully 
agree with Gabriel that Catholics don't spread falsehoods about the Protestants 
- they only do it to the idol worshiping Hindus and the Muslim crazies, as can 
be seen very now and then, on this forum. We catholics have our priorities 
right. We know that Protestants and other Christians have half a chance of 
attaining salvation. Cant say the same about the non-christian heathens and 
migrants though!


 From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was:  Sanal Edamaruku trial)
AFAIK, there has been no attempt by any Roman Catholic Church missionary to 
make a statement that converting to Catholicism would cure them of diseases and 
ailments. I also understand that this claim (of a cure) is made by certain 
cults purporting to be Christian. Although the Pope has full responsibility for 
the Roman Catholic Church, he is not responsible for the behaviour of the 
missionaries of the protestant churches and cults. Protestants often spread 
misinformation about the Catholic Church, as can be seen now and then on this 

Re: [Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

2012-05-23 Thread marlon menezes
I am a little confused by Gabe's post. Does he want the offended christian 
extremists belonging to the CSF to emulate that select group extremist muslims 
into conducting violence against civil society? Or is he implying that the 
christian extremists are not as violent as some of the muslim Jihadies and that 
Sanal should thank his lucky stars that he is still alive. In this post, Gabe 
is sounding a lot like former goanetter Mario G who would take any opportunity 
to disparage muslims.


From: Santosh Helekar
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

Wouldn't this comment about Muslims in the interview and in the subject line 
hurt the feelings of Muslims?

Here is the rhetorical question in the interview, which insinuates ina public 
forum that Muslims in general are intolerant:

Would he have dared to make any uncharitable remarks against the Muslim 

Please see:

Perhaps, now Muslims have a reason to file a criminal law suit under the 
blasphemy law, IPC Section 295A.



- Original Message -
 From: Gabe Menezes

 *“Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!*
 *Targeting of Edamaruku has created an impression that the Church is
 intolerant of any *
 *rationalist viewpoint?*
 This is incorrect. We are not opposed to rationalist perspectives. In fact
 we encourage them. We never claimed that the dripping cross in Vile Parle
 was a miracle. It is quite possible that it has a natural explanation.
 Edamaruku’s comments were thus unwarranted.

Re: [Goanet] Support Sanal Edumaraku

2012-05-23 Thread marlon menezes

Are you talking about yourself? If I recall correctly, it is you who constantly 
wishes to portray the christians as a persecuted and threatened minority in 
India that is in the midst of the evil hindu hoards. It is also interesting 
that you only seem to engage in your verbal flame throwing against individuals 
with non christian sounding names (such as Santosh). On a side note, it is a 
real pity that organizations such as the Christian Secular Forum (CS?F) 
continue to bring such disrepute to the mostly moderate christian community in 
India, by their incitement of hate against gays, their attempts to muzzle free 
speech via judicial means (the Sanal case) as well as extrajudicial means 
(threatening violence during the showing of the DaVinci Code) and their seeming 
intolerance towards peoples of other faiths and view points.

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Mendonza

When exposed for his ignorance, the poster develops a persecution complex.
What's new? We have seen it all.



*Repeated attempts have been made by the author of the post appended below
to communalize this issue and garner cheap sympathy from co-religionist
partisans by invoking Biblical quotes and associating me with right-wing
Hindu extremists such as Bal Thackeray. A Thackeray reference has also been
insinuated in this discussion by GA* Noronha. Despite these shenanigans, it
is very refreshing to note that there is a broad agreement among
secular-minded Goans in several Goan cyberforums on this issue. They are
strongly opposed to the blasphemy law and the tactics used by right-wing
religious fanatics in prosecuting and inciting hatred against Sanal



Re: [Goanet] Manohar Parrikar, solve my problem yesterday

2012-04-20 Thread marlon menezes

Perhaps a person like Soter would better fit into your model. Unlike a person 
such as Claude who has been steadfast in defending Goa's environment, folks 
like Soter gave the prior administration a token slap on the wrist, (or was it 
a pat on the back?), thanks to their apparently secular credentials. For a 
person so deluded into publicly predicting on Goanet that Kamat's Korrupt 
Kangress party was headed for a victory, the final results surely must have 
come as a shock. 


 From: Rajan P. Parrikar

Claude has a lot of patience, sometimes running into decades, when he pursues
his cases in courts of law.  It is perplexing that he gives no breather to 
Parrikar, who has just completed 4 weeks in office.  Is Claude unaware that for
the last 7 years we had a criminal raj?  The Kangress crime syndicate that ruled
Goa shat on it and looted it.  Now you want a fix in a month or two or three?  
la-la land is Claude living in?  Surely he and we will have plenty of time to
slam Manohar-bab if he does not deliver.

Re: [Goanet] Congress defeat introspection

2012-03-11 Thread Marlon Menezes
As a congress sycophant, you were predicting a great congress victory on 
goanet... but if wishes were horses...
Time to get over it and get in touch with your inner elitist self, Soter. Your 
party was walloped and if you can't figure why, you have a problem. 

On Mar 10, 2012, at 8:19 PM, SOTER wrote:

 Does Arwin Mesquita claim that the present dispensation is free from 
 criminals and tainted elements? 
 How would one classify a tainted individual? As per Arwin standards, Observer 
 Standards, BJP standards, ?
 Does Arwin mean to say that the following evils will dissapppear during the 
 rule of this new dispensation?
 (1) High level of Corruption (2) Crime at seriously high
 levels (3) Drugs Issue courtesy its own MLA's (4) RP2021 treachery (5)
 Ignoring promise by Sonia Gandhi to give Special Status to Goa for
 preserving its 

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] Cancelling Carnival was the RIGHT thing to do

2012-02-19 Thread marlon menezes
We all know that the current administration cares a lot about the people of 
Goa. Hence what Rajan says does indeed make a lot of sense. However, I would 
not stop there. To show his deep concern for Goa, I would also urge the CM to 
also stop all diwali, christmas and New Years celebrations later this year. If 
Goa observes muslim holidays, those should be cancelled as well.  


 From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Cancelling Carnival was the RIGHT thing to do
To Goanet -

event, that is.  No decent folk would think twice about it.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-16 Thread marlon menezes
I am surprised that Marshall did not accuse me of being a hinduvta apologist - 
after all, my opinions were in line with those of Santosh's. I think we can all 
agree that the CSF is a communal organization that seeks to promote what it 
sees as a christian point of view by projecting its views as being superior to 
those of competitor religions. Many on the receiving end would consider this 
to be abusive and denigrating. I say, it is free speech - a right that needs to 
be protected. Ironically, the CSF itself wishes to trample on the rights of 
others who disagree with its principles as was the case with movies like the Da 
Vinci Code, or the rights of gays and homosexuals. I would agree with Marshall 
that the CSF cannot be compared to the Sangh Pavivar due the latter's role in 
violence against minorities. However, a quick peek at the CSF's website gives a 
very clear insight to its fundamentalist and intolerant tone. Perhaps the lack 
of violence from the
 CSF is more due to its lack of ability than intent. Is the CSF secular? Hell 
no. It should rename itself to the CCF, the Christian Communal Forum.


 From: Marshall Mendonza
To: goanet 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple 
prostitutes | The CSF
As a sangh parivar (hindutva) apologist/sympathiser, Santosh's
response was on expected lines. One can let one's imagination run riot
and come to as many conclusions as one desires.Helping women in
distress come out of prostitution can in no way be said to constitute
anti-hindu sentiments as Santosh would like to mislead us and give a
communal flavour.

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Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-15 Thread marlon menezes
From: Marshall Mendonza

2. I went through the article in question. Nowhere does it point out
any flaw in the Hindu religion.  I quote from the article-

A devadasis who discovers a relationship with Christ becomes a
powerful witness in her community, according to one Christian worker.
These new lives in Christ become witnesses against the practice that
enslaved them and for the Savior who set them free. 
The above statement implies that this prostitution/enslavement is part of the 
Hindu practice while the path through christianity offers them salvation. 
Conclusion: hinduism is inferior, christianity is superior. If Nasci had a 
little more finesse in his writing ability, he would make a perfect reporter 
for the CSF.

From: Marshall Mendonza

3. Further, Sandesh's response was against the Church and conversion
and not against the CSF as Santosh would like to mislead us. I quote
Sandesh 'in the end the motive of the Church is always to convert (as
always)...'. Unfortunately, the false propaganda unleashed by the
hindutva forces has taken root in the minds of ordinary people like
Sandesh. The word conversion has been somehow given a negative
meaning. Proselytising is done by all religions and even atheists. Has
anyone seen the Hare Rama, Hare Krishna worshippers. I have seen them
in Bombay, Poona, Delhi and even in Russia where they dance and pray
in public and distribute their literature. change.
I would agree with this. Bans on proselytizing as are currently in place in 
India, are just another intrusion by the government into the lives of its 
citizens. The right of constituents of one religion to propagate their favored 
religion, and their right to demonize competitor religions (as this article 
subtly does) should be sacrosanct. Religions, can often be equated to 
commercial enterprises that are out to capture market share using various 
marketing tools/propaganda at their disposal. If Tata can be allowed to compete 
with Maruti, why should not christianty not be allowed to compete with 
hinduism?  So long as violence is not used to espouse one's point of view, I 
see no problem with it. Alternatively, there are many (the majority?) within 
their respective religious communities that do not seek to impose their belief 
system on their competitors and primarily undertake actions to benefit 
society as a whole. It seems like the CSF is part of the
 former category, but it is wrong for Sandesh to assume that the church as a 
whole and presumably christians in general share that attitude.


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Re: [Goanet] British decorations/awards for Goans

2012-01-15 Thread marlon menezes
- Original Message -

From:  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Marlon, Your attempt to derail the discussion with labels,
strawmen and other bogeys doesn't appeal to me.  Yes, Robert
Mugabe was my hero -- but that was in 1983, when he indeed
was an articulate spokesman for the intersts of the Third
World.  The corrupting influence of years in power does sadly
distort people and their priorities, though one could say
that Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela (though after
a shorter stint in power) have come out in far better light.

Let me quote Jessica Kuper to convince you that understanding
society need not be the same thingy as working with applied
materials. Yet, I must have said something right to get you
worked up enough to enter this debate. 

Fred, it is not that you were right, but, rather that you are always on the 
left :-)
Your mention of Nyerere and Mandela in the same light as Mugabe is very valid. 
I shudder to think what could have happened if Gandhi or MLK were allowed the 
luxury of influencing their respective nations into their twilight years. The 
corrupting influence of years in power does distort people's views and 
priorities.  Conversely, it could be argued that when one occupies the 
commanding heights of authority for a long time, one can anticipate and predict 
issues, plots and sabotage that most subjects fail to comprehend.  As goanet's 
longest standing volunteer and head of its pre-crime unit,  I'm sure you have 
encountered numerous activities that could have remotely or randomly  subverted 
this forum. In fact you vaguely alluded to in the 2010 Goanetter's meeting. In 
light of this, the moderation of posts on goanet, the sometimes long and 
mysterious delays in posts etc, seem very understandable.

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Re: [Goanet] British decorations/awards for Goans

2012-01-13 Thread marlon menezes
I second Fred's sentiments on this. How can we celebrate the successes of 
these Goan quislings, who in effect assisted in the British subjugation of the 
native African population? Is this any different from the French Vichy regime 
that cooperated with the occupying Nazi regime in deporting the Jews to the 
concentration camps?

I had always questioned Fred's sympathies for Colonel Mugabe's black first 
collectivist policies in Zimbabwe. I now know why.  Fred has the innate ability 
to see a broader/longer term picture of issues and subjects that escapes most 
of us. Conversely, the positive comments made by Vichy Vivian D'souza in favor 
of these British awards in understandable, given the devastating role he played 
as Commissioner of vegetable oil production of East Africa.  Vivian's ill 
gotten gains during his term in Africa are quite evident from the beautiful 
property he now occupies in Goa. I suspect Comrade Fred is already ahead of me 
on this, but if I were to humbly attempt to anticipate his thoughts, I would 
say that such illicit wealth owned by Vivian and others be expropriated and be 
given to the tens of thousands of destitute Goan freedom fighters, who continue 
to be treated as second class citizens in the very land they liberated.


 From: Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] British decorations/awards for Goans
On 12 January 2012 19:09, Vivian A. DSouza wrote:

 Nice to hear that so many Goans were recognized for their sterling
 services to the Colonial Government in East Africa.

Viv and others on this thread:

Isn't this a contradiction in terms? In a post-colonial era, what does it
mean to be have offered sterling services to the Colonial Government in
East Africa or anywhere else for that matter?

I'd rather celebrate the achievements of the handful of Goans who
worshipped at the altar of social justice, and took the huge risk kof
supported the underdog... and the Black African cause... when the wind was
blowing in the other direction. Pio Gama Pinto. Fritz DeSouza. Aquino
Braganca. Or even the Assagaonkar, Armande de Souza in the Ceylon of
another era []
Among others, I guess.

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Re: [Goanet] Kingfisher Airlines to sell property to fly out of debt crisis

2011-11-14 Thread marlon menezes
 Goanet Classifieds 

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email by 15 November 2011

 Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Kingfisher's model was simply unsustainable. High level of service + low 
pricing simply does not compute. However, the government's role cannot be 
discounted either. If there is an airline that needs to be shut down, it is Air 
India. Despite massive write offs, just 10 years ago, It now has debts of over 
42,000 crores - makes KF's debts look pretty puny. The govt. also continues to 
give preferential treatment to Air India for its domestic and international 
slots and has banned very large plans such as the A380 from India's airspace to 
ensure reduced capacity and higher prices for Air India.

There should not be any state aid for KF or AI. Let them both die.


From: Gabe Menezes

The management of the airline, which has cancelled 200 flights in the past
week, leading to fears it is close to
says its plan will result in debt coming down from Rs 6,500 crore to Rs
3,000 crore.

Over the weekend, reports that the government might move to bail out
Kingfisher has met with strong opposition from politicians and sections of
industry. If it's a free market economy, those who die must die, said Bajaj
Chairman Rahul
The principal opposition party, the
and the CPM have strongly opposed government help to Kingfisher.


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Re: [Goanet] Through The Wormhole: Is there a Sixth Sense?

2011-09-14 Thread marlon menezes
Totally agree with Nunes' views. If anyone wants to research a topic, there is 
a wealth of information online. Using a browser does not require much skill! 
While Con's intent to serve the online community is appreciated,  the fact is 
that his posts are ad hoc and unrelated to the discussions on this list. 
Furthermore, he is not generating any unique content and is providing us a  
generic service that can be provided for by any of the  thousands of readers 
on goanet. Imagine the chaos if even a handful of people started posting links 
to random topics on goanet.

Unless Con in unable to elucidate his opinions, he would better serve goanet  
by partaking in the discussions on goanet, rather than demonstrating to us his 
now well established cut and pasting skills. 


From: lyrawmn

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 2.
The latter smacked of quackery.  
You guessed correctly which posts are more likely to be deleted, en masse. 
 Further, I find the stated aim to enlighten Goanet readers:
“to know all about things that matter concerning our universe, art, history, 
biographies etc., etc.,it is a 'mine of knowledge' waiting to be unearthed by 
your curious minds.  ”,   
is condescending, arrogant and plainly offensive when the writer presumes that 
Goanetters are ignorant and in need of his brand of enlightenment.   

That is, in addition to his being a self-styled arbiter of what he considers   
“ Useless ad infinitum discussions!!!  ”   on Goanet. 
I. Nunes

From: Con Menezes
To: Goanet
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 4:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Through The Wormhole: Is there a Sixth Sense? | Watch Free 
Documentary Online

Appears that I have stirred up a hornet's nest in my 'unending discussions'  
criticism. mostly agreeably positive.
As a departure from those boring  topics,  here is one of the many  interesting 
documentaries that will enable Goanetters to know all about things that matter 
concerning our universe, art, history, biographies etc., etc.,  it is a 'mine 
of knowledge' waiting to be unearthed  by your curious minds.

[Goanet] Goa's Occupation (was Pictures of dead Bin Laden won't be released....)

2011-05-11 Thread marlon menezes
Guys, guys,

The problem is not with America and nor is it with Pakistan. The real problem 
India's continued occupation of Kashmir and Goa, that is forcing the Pakistani 
military to support extremists and insurgents to fight the mighty Indian 
occupiers. It is time that we the oppressed and occupied peoples of Goa join 
hands with our Kashmiri and Talibani brothers and break this yoke of occupation.

We will need to decide on whether  Rene Barreto, who leads the Global Goan 
Government Alliance, or  Bernardo Colaco, who leads the Goa Independence Clown  
party will lead us to new depths. Regardless, once freedom  is achieved, we 
should all demand that World Goa Day be renamed to Goa Independence day.
To quote the Beastie Boys:You gotta fight, for your right, to paarrty. I 
suggest this be made Independent Goa's national anthem.


Jim Fernandes wrote:
 In an interview with '60 minutes' last night, President Obama made it clear, 
 that anybody who has sympathies with bin Laden, need to get their head 

From: Mervyn Lobo 
Thank you for making my point so clear!
Every time an African leader announces that he has killed his enemy,
people climb trees around the state house, chant and start dancing,
waving tree branches in the air. While I don't think this has happened in the 
USA, such scenes are now not too far away as everyone loves a strong man, 
one who goes to his enemy's hometown and kills him. Why bother with a 
court case when everyone knows that the accused is guilty?

Re: [Goanet] Bollywood Should Stop Insulting Goans

2011-04-07 Thread marlon menezes
So how ironic then, that, in this unfolding drama, Angelo wishes to take the 
role of a male hero who swoops in and rescues weak and powerless women who are 
stuck in their kitchens (or bedrooms) and unable to act on their own.

This issue is not about the right of groups to protest a movie, but rather 
whether extremist elements within society have the right to muzzle free speech 
or the right to freely conduct business by attempting to ban such activities. 
Nor do we need male vigilantes and bigots (like Bernard Colaco) to protect Goan 
culture and their women.


From: pinheiro

Selma, lets not colour everything in artist form.  Today, Art and literature 
become more about money and less of Art and literature.  Dum Maro Dum is not a 
documentary movie which highlights the evils of society rather a commercial 
which is made to make money out of social evil.It is important that Goans 
wake and protest to  derogatory remarks as it is related Goan Women. Goa 
is not all about sun sand and sex.  Besides, it is more important we respect 
sisters, mothers and daughters. We Men are nothing without women. Stop treating 
women as slaves at home and outside. Women role goes far beyond KITCHEN and 


Agnelo Pinheiro

Re: [Goanet] What the independent journalist does not want you to read

2011-02-23 Thread marlon menezes
Will Parrikar jr. please provide us with evidence for his claim of the 
purchased media, or is Penguin jr just following instructions from Parrikar Sr 
and jumping off a cliff? 

BTW, what's up with this hindi speaking pseudo-Goan migrant's continued 
obsession with poop? Also, can someone please tell jr. that there is no person 
by the name of Goanet.


From: Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

The scoop on Advani's 'apology' to Sonia is now emerging.  It was 
nothing of the sort although the Kangress-purchased media translated
regret for Sonia's distress as apology and spun it as if she
had been absolved of Swiss bank money.  Our own local 
independent journo jumped headlong into what he thought 
was a scoop but instead it turned out to be poop.  Oopsie.

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost

2011-02-22 Thread marlon menezes
Marshal, just because Indian society frowns upon mental illness and keeps it 
behind the closet and just because the medical institutions do not have the 
resources to properly diagnose mental illness, does not mean that there is less 
of it there!

Soter, it is not economic prosperity that is leading to the surge in diabetes 
and cardio-vascular issues, but rather ignorance about diet and health. Yet 
another misdiagnosis by Soter, who seems to be advocating a return to an age of 
poverty and ignorance instead of affluence and enlightenment.


From: soter

Marshal wrote:
Incidentally, the USA and Canada among the most affluent countries in the
world have the highest number of psychiatric cases.

Marshall, we do not need to support our case on the number of psychiatric cases 
in USA and Canada. All we need to do is measure the Goan prosperity after 
transition from farming to white collar and foreign jobs.
Goa has now been declared the diabetes capital of India. We have doctors and 
clinics flourishing at every nook and corner of the State. Even our government 
hospitals are now being turned into private super speciality hospitals. The 
pharmaceutical campanies are thriving. It is not uncommon to find a Goan with a 
by-pass or  stent or pace maker. Leave aside the cholestrol affected Goan 
to desperately fight the condition by spending thousands  in the gym. Farming 
brings you poverty but economic prosperity brings even the cardio-vascular 
surgeon to your doorstep, leave aside the bank manager from the neighbouring 

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost

2011-02-22 Thread marlon menezes
What Soter says about prices of produce is correct. But is it not the unchecked 
powers of the government that is responsible for this? It works both ways - 
sometimes in favor of the farmers and sometimes in favor of the consumers.  
the government imposes price controls or bans exports, the farmer cannot get 
market price for his produce. When the government subsidies water usage for the 
farmer (mostly ground water), it encourages waste and a receding water table. 
Ditto for fertilizers, diesel fuel, electricity . What does not change 
however, is regardless of whether the government giveth or taketh, it always 
gets its cut. Unfortunately, leftists like Soter believe that the government is 
the solution, when it is in fact the main problem.

As far as mechanization, it has been already stated that this has not been 
implemented very successfully thanks to farm sizes being relatively small in 


From: soter

Mervyn wrote:
As a former farm labourer, I can assure all here that farm work is back
and the sure path to poverty. Real economic progress comes from
Green/golden rice fields should remain only in the realms of nostalgics
and dreamers.

This is typical 'town boy' argument as Pinheiro has rightly labelled it in one 
of his posts.
If it is cheap labour that was the problem then the machines have now been put 
into operation in several areas. This should fix the problem if it is so simple.
Mervyn acknowledges that farm work is back breaking  but no sooner the onions 
and potato prices increase, we have the 'town boys' screaming against price 
urging government to put curbs on exports and so on.  Farming is back breaking 
for those who become habitual with living on other people's so to say blood and 
While we have a fast growing  tribe of blood sucker 'town boys' who sell their 
services and skills to the highest bidder in the inudstrialised market, when it 
comes to agricultural produce this very 'town boy' wants cheap labour and his 
vegetables and milk at a throw away price. For his own rare product, he will 
keep a high price but when it comes to buying his food the same parameters will 
never be acceptable to 'Town boys'. This is the hypocrisy of an urbanised 
industrial economy and its exploitative mindsets.


Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Magic .. aka Miracles

2011-02-18 Thread marlon menezes
I think the confusion in this discussion is in part the result of an erroneous 
subject header - which I have now corrected. Dr. ... er .. Fr. Ivo is an expert 
in the subject of Eucharistic Magic. Please give him the benefit of the doubt 
this issue.


From: Santosh Helekar
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 11:58:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Miracles

The response appended below shows that the detailed explanation I gave in my 
last post regarding the biological impossibility of having a type AB blood with 
only a single set of chromosomes derived from the mother was not understood at 
all. This is the problem with people who make these wild nonsensical claims 
about modern science confirming their parochial supernatural beliefs. They 
understand the science even if you explain it to them in simple terms. I hope 
the situation is different with others who cared to read my post. My 
was pitched to a high school educated lay person. But a student with a 9th 
standard level of understanding of biology should have had no problem following 
the argument.



Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost

2011-02-18 Thread marlon menezes

No matter how you (or Soter) attempt to slice and dice it - the fact remains 
that the obsolete labor intensive methods of agriculture cannot survive without 
low cost labor. If in case you missed it, I vaguely mentioned it on the subject 
header. Unless you wish to invent a backwards time machine, it is highly 
unlikely you will get cheap Goan labor in the future. 

I also agree with you and Soter that the solution to the problem of high food 
prices - is even higher cost, low volume agricultural practices. You suggested 
subsidies for farmers to enhance more agriculture. Presumably the money for 
would also grow in the paddy fields. 

As for Parrikar, the hindi speaking pseudo Goan migrant who has a penchant for 
picturesque verbal diarrhea, may I suggest he use his dung to promote 
sustainable agriculture in Soter's and Pinheiro's communes.


From: pinheiro

Back then (before 90's) the paddy cultivation in Goan households was more of 
family and neighbors affair.  Back then, the Family structure was not as we see 
it today (1 or 2 kids) as most families had four or more children or they were 
living with extended families.  Did some wrote  on this forum that he cannot 
many pregnant ladies in Goa.  The field work was  carried out by within each 
house hold or in barter system.  The people use to work in each others fields 
(no money paid) even if outside labour was used, they were paid in kind (paddy) 
not cash.  

With the change in lifestyle and thanks to faulty education system the paddy 
cultivation and agriculture as a whole is on decline.  Successive government 
failed to come with sustainable agricultural policies.  Cumminidade land gifted 
to tiller who have no interest in paddy cultivation or any other crop. One 
solution for revival of paddy cultivation would be formation of co-operative 
movement and then government extending support to them by give free or 
to buy small / medium size machines to till and harvest paddy. 

From: Rajan P. Parrikar

Translation: Although I, Marlon I-know-how-to-spell Menezes, got called out
bullsh*tting on matters I know nothing about, I will continue to make an ass
of myself in a public forum.

Marlon-bhaiyya (as in UP bhaiyya) should wonder no  more.  Big daddy P
is related to me, as is potato-head Digu.

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

2011-02-16 Thread marlon menezes
Perhaps Parrikar's name is real. In fact, one wonders if Parrikar is related to 
his big daddy namesake in the opposition and is ranting against current 
government officials to foster his master's agenda?

As far as cheap labor is concerned, I guess, he shares Soter's leftist views in 
restricting the free mobility of labor. At least Soter lives in Goa. Perhaps 
non-immigrants, like him and Arwin should move back to Goa and replace the 
manual ghanti labor they so despise. They would both be well qualified for 
this work.

From: Rajan P. Parrikar

But on the topic of fields being destroyed, Marlon Menezes is talking
out of his behind.  I had given the specific example of Taleigao, where
communidade land has been commandeered by Monserrate and
his band of thugs for construction.  The space for cultivation for
the local gaude has shrunk to a patch here and a patch there.
Exactly the same thing has happened everywhere else in Goa.
Fields - often communidade fields - have been converted from
agricultural to commercial purposes for the express purpose of
erecting concrete structures and filling the pockets of politicos,
sarpanchas, panchas, and of course the builders.

All this is so well known that it is surprising that Marlon Menezes
is so out of touch with Goa.  Perhaps he is a non-Goan masquerading
as a Goan.  Many ghatis in Goa these days change their names
from, say, Rudrappa, to Ronald D'Souza.  Who knows, 
Marlon I-know-how-to-spell Menezes may well be one of those.



Re: [Goanet] Re. Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost (manual)

2011-02-16 Thread marlon menezes

From: Arwin Mesquita
(1) Surely you must limitation of land in accomodating more people and the
need to maintain a balance towards agriculture vs. destructive development.

This has nothing to do with the migrant workers.

From: Arwin Mesquita
(2) Surely you must understand the essence of controlled migration and why
its necessary; or maybe perhap you do not and your own personal interests 
immigrant status make up your myophic views.
Population migration is based on demand and supply. If there is no demand for 
their services, migrants will not come to Goa. What gives you the right to 
restrict a business person from employing any person he or she wishes to use?

From: Arwin Mesquita
(3) I appreciate that labour is an issue but do we follow a herd mentality
in converting  Agricultural land into concrete jungle; or to we look at CAN
DO possibilities of maximising on agriculture.
Again, what does this have to do with migrant workers? If Goa is (and I agree 
is) being turned into a mess, it is not because of the migrant workers, but 
because of people in power/authority who let it happen.The absence of cheap 
labor in the farms is another reason why agricultural land is being lost/sold. 
Furthermore, the small size of many farms plots, does not make them amenable 
towards mechanization. To make matters worse, you have unqualified socialists 
like Soter who are against any forms of mechanization. Please do yourself and 
others a favor and talk to the landowners who have difficulty getting manual 
labor to work on their lands. 

From: Arwin Mesquita
Please do write to the Goan Media on you support to Goa turning into a
concrete Jungle. Let see the feedback. Also please do state you status, i.e.
in Goa/NRI/ Citizen of  another country

It is the policies that you support this is causing to the loss of agricultural 
land. I would add another status category to your list above - Hypocrite NRI. 
I think that is an apt descriptor of you!


[Goanet] Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost manual labor

2011-02-15 Thread marlon menezes
This is another example of hypocrisy by anti-immigrant, non-resident pseudo 
Goans like Arwin and Rajan.

One reason why agriculture is a dying industry in Goa because of the lack of 
manpower. There is limited manpower thanks to the large out flow of Goans, like 
Arwin and Rajan to other parts of India and the world.

Landowners would like to get access to manual labor to get farm work done, but 
we have anti-immigrant bashers like Arwin and Rajan, and extreme leftists like 
Soter who oppose such free movement of labor to satisfy market needs. Have 
anti-free market, anti-immigrant clowns ever spoken to farmers and landowners 
about the problems they face?

With the land lying fallow, it makes a lot of sense for the landowners to sell 
their properties to the construction industry. It is almost as if the 
anti-immigrant groups are working hand in glove with the land sharks. 



From: Rajan P. Parrikar

On the way back to Panjim this morning from an early photo shoot
in Loutolim, I saw a Goan farmer selling fresh vegetables by the 
roadside in Agacaim.

Gaunthi vaingim -

Looking at these magnificent brinjals I couldn't help but reflect on 
what might have been if Goan agriculture - and with it our traditional
farmers, mostly gaude - had not been systematically destroyed
and diminished.  You can't get this quality of produce and its taste 
anywhere in the world, not even in fertile California.

Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-16 Thread marlon menezes
There is no fuel blockade on Cuba. The fact that they cant afford to buy fuel 
a testament to their economic failure. Not that I am against organic gardening. 
I would be happy to send Soter some of my home made compost. The problem with 
organic gardening is that it is very labor intensive and fundamentally very 
costly. The high cost of organic produce may not be a problem for an elitist 
like Soter, but I suspect it would be a problem for those who do not engage in 
dodgy real estate transactions or who do not have the benefit of a rich 

If Soter would take the trouble to talk to farmers in Goa, he would realize 
one of their biggest gripes is the lack of manpower. Oops, I forgot, the great 
Soter also happens to against the influx of cheap labor from other parts of 
India. Perhaps Soter can join the anti-immigrant, immigrant Arwin in 
sustainable organic farming in the deserts of the middle east.


From: soter

Why does everyone shy away from citing the greatest miracle of Cuba that 
to survive the economic blockade imposed on it just through revival of 
agriculture and that too totally organic? Traditional means of tilling the land 
were recommissioned to cope with lack of fuel for the machines.
We have capitalist champions talking about freeing the controls. Now see what 
has happened to petrol prices in India.
One cannot expect an urbanised mindset to understand anything except be slaves 
of an economy and porocure their food from food chains.


Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-15 Thread marlon menezes
From: Venantius J Pinto
He did reject the factory model of industrialization,and rather preferred
that a machine be kept idle than a man/person. This I deeply believed from
the time I was around 20 that this should have been the model for India, Not
having NAM and then chucking it all away. It is know that Gandhi preferred
that money be in the pockets of the factory owners rather than extra money
in the hands of the workers. 
You do make a lot of sense. Why implement automation and industrialization when 
thousands of workers could be gainfully employed instead? With that in mind, 
don't your trash your computer and hand deliver your reply to me and the other 
10,000 (Fred, please provide latest count) or so netters. I guarantee that you 
will be fully employed with this task and I will also pay you the several 
fractions of a paise it currently costs me to receive my messages 
electronically! Please do not rely on any mechanized form of transport to 
deliver me your reply.

From: Venantius J Pinto
Also when we look at the license raj etc., it helps to note that Mrs Gandhi
took advice from industrialists -- right so, but who in the first place
could not imagine the idea of competition, Most of them simply could not see
other ways of operating and furthering a country like India.
This is false. At the onset of independence, the very few large scale private 
enterprises that existed was taken over by the government - it was after all 
decreed that the government will occupy the commanding heights of the 
The takeover of all banks, the airlines, energy and the steel industries are 
some examples that come to mind.

From: soter
It  is only when we withdraw from the 'Mad rush' which Gandhi spoke about,
that  will we be able to see the contradictions in what is called progress.
When  we produce for profits that the rotting of food begins, when we produce  
to sustain ourselves we can enjoy every bit of it.
Is Soter suggesting we all revert to an agrarian lifestyle and spend 12 hours a 
day tending to our own vegetable patch gardens? I thought they tried it out in 
the Great Leap in China and apparently folks in N.Korea are still perfecting 
this model, without much success. You may be shocked to know that even not 
taking into account currency/PPP factors, much of the basic necessities such as 
food and clothing are cheaper in absolute terms in N.America and it is in 
I suspect the concepts of efficiency and productivity are alien to you. If you 
don't believe in such concepts, I suggest you join Venantius in hand delivering 
your reply to me. Just so that I can recognize you, make sure you grow a beard 
and wear a non-dyed loin cloth  when you come.


Re: [Goanet] Rahul's misfired price blame

2011-01-12 Thread marlon menezes
So are you saying that India should revert back to the days of even greater 
government controls? If anything, it is the very lack of continued economic 
liberalization that is in part contributing to this inflation. Some 40% of 
India's produce gets ruined even before it reaches the market place. India's 
food processing and logistics need to be opened up to the free market. Right 
now, international multi-brand stores are banned from entering the Indian 
market. Without that, there is not going to be any best of practices expertise 
and implementation in food processing and logistics management. 

The leftists and congress are reluctant to implement these reforms because it 
would go against the interests of a large chunk of their vote banks - the mom 
and pop retail vendors. However, the benefits to society  would be huge. There 
would be significant increases in income in India's rural hinterland which 
potentially slow down the crazy rush towards urbanization. Furthermore, the 
reduction in waste would serve to keep prices in check. Abusive big government 
tyranny is the biggest threat to its people.


From: soter
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 3:00:24 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Rahul's misfired price blame

Rahul Gandhi now seems confused over the rising food prices. Blaming it on the 
allies in government is not a mature political statement. The faster he 
that the country is paying for the disastrous adventures of the economist 
of Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Manmohan Singh and PC Chidambaram, the better will 
be for the nation. The mad rush to become an economic super power is only going 
to contribute to a breakdown of peace in this country. This has already been 
predicted by Mahatma Gandhi when he said; A day will come when they will 
exclaim, 'What have we been doing?' One after another many civilisations have 
risen, flourished, declined and disappeared. And inspite of their big boast of 
human progress, I am invited to ask; To what end all this? What's the purpose? 

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] will be in the UK next weekend

2010-12-10 Thread marlon menezes
We are making a 3 day trip to the UK. Arriving on the 18th and leaving on the 
21st. What is your phone #?

 Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.
Cell 512 968 4744

Re: [Goanet] Re.Goan migrants in the Gulf are causing harm to Arab

2010-07-01 Thread marlon menezes

You obviously replied in haste, because you did not check your facts:

1) I did not know that the Gulf countries were beaming centers of democracy for 
its locals. Last time I checked, most were ruled by monarchies who deny the 
rights of their citizens and continue to let in migrant lemmings to do their 
bidding. At least Goans have the choice of the ballot box. They fact that some 
of them are easily fooled by politicians who give them cheap tokens or token 
interviews, is another story!
2) I lived and grew up in the Middle East and know the drill there. They have 
been talking about measures to protect their identities and economies for an 
eternity. The bottom line is that so long as migrants like you continue to live 
and work there and continue to vastly outnumber the locals, their cultures and 
customs will continue to be overwhelmed.
3)  As a migrant worker in the Gulf, you do not have any rights to gain local 
citizenship  as you claim. Isn't it ironic that you proudly claim Indian 
citizenship, while living abroad, while you choose to deny other Indian 
citizens to travel, live and work in parts of their own country! As for me, how 
do you know that I am still not an Indian citizen? In any case, I don't go 
around like a hypocrite asking that Indian citizen migrants be thrown out of 

The bottom line still remains: if you want to prevent migrants from coming in 
and taking jobs that you would have done, why don't you move back to Goa? You 
will also contribute to preserving the local Arab cultures that are under 
threat from migrants such as you.

Again, please read this article to understand the destructive impact migrants 
like you are having on the native and now minority Arabs. Your simple act of 
moving back to Goa will alleviate both issues and perhaps people will take you 
more seriously. I know I will!

Qataris do not see themselves as coddled. Sure, they do not 
have to pay 
for electricity, water, education or health care, and 
they are given 
land and low-cost loans to build houses when they 
marry. They are 
eligible for public assistance if they do not have a job, often receive 
generous pensions and acknowledge they will not 
take any jobs they do 
not consider suitable for them. 
But they 
also complain that they do not get paid as much as foreigners, 
that foreigners get most of the top jobs in critical industries, 
like finance, higher education and the media. There is also pervasive 
frustration that English has become the language of employment, not 
Arabic, and that local hospitals, restaurants, markets and streets are 
crowded with foreigners. 
“There is a crisis here,” said Muhammad 
al-Mesfer, a political science 
professor at Qatar University. “The 
foreigners are crowding us out.” 
The tension in Qatar is similar to 
what has surfaced in Dubai, United 
Arab Emirates, where local people are also vastly 
outnumbered by 
foreigners and are sometimes likened to colonial 
rulers in their own 


- Original Message 
From: Arwin Mesquita
To: Goanet
Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 12:42:09 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Re.Goan migrants in the Gulf are causing harm to Arab

-Perhaps you are deliberately ignorant of the fact that Goan Migrants do not
get Citizenship, neither do they influence the Politics as they dont have
voting rights
- Perhaps you are even more Ignorant of the fact that Arab Government are
slowly but surely adopting measure to protect thier identity.
-It appears you are more defensive  with the objective to protect your
immigrant status in you adopted country. Unlike many I could have also given
up my citizenship but chose not to..

[Goanet] Goan migrants in the Gulf are causing harm to Arab culture

2010-06-30 Thread marlon menezes
Arwin has very little credibility in this matter:

1) He lives in the Gulf and wants to prevent people from other parts of India 
to move to Goa.
2) Unlike Goa, the expat populations in the Gulf far outnumber the local Arab 

While so called Goan patriots such as Arvin call for the preservation of Goan 
culture from the hoards of outsiders coming into Goa, folks like him who live 
in the Gulf, outnumber the local Arab population and are contributing to the 
destruction of the local Arab cultures. Arwin can contribute to solving both 
issues by simply moving back to Goa. Unless Arwin is brave enough to do this, 
he is not a Goan patriot, but a phony hypocrite.

Here is a relevant article regarding the issues being faced by the Arab locals, 
thanks to the destructive effects of immigrant workers like Arwin.


Qataris do not see themselves as coddled. Sure, they do not have to pay 
for electricity, water, education or health care, and they are given 
land and low-cost loans to build houses when they marry. They are 
eligible for public assistance if they do not have a job, often receive 
generous pensions and acknowledge they will not take any jobs they do 
not consider suitable for them. 
But they also complain that they do not get paid as much as foreigners, 
and that foreigners get most of the top jobs in critical industries, 
like finance, higher education and the media. There is also pervasive 
frustration that English has become the language of employment, not 
Arabic, and that local hospitals, restaurants, markets and streets are 
always crowded with foreigners. 
“There is a crisis here,” said Muhammad al-Mesfer, a political science 
professor at Qatar University. “The foreigners are crowding us out.” 
The tension in Qatar is similar to what has surfaced in Dubai, United 
Arab Emirates, where local people are also vastly outnumbered by 
foreigners and are sometimes likened to colonial rulers in their own 
“There are about 300 employees at my work and only 4 or 5 Qataris,” said Mr. 
Ali, the technician at an electric company. “I walk into work and I feel like I 
am in India.” 


- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Tue, June 29, 2010 12:57:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

Arwin, Are you suggesting that the borders of other states are closed
to Goans going and settling there? We already have what you call a
jolly good cocktail... and Goans have been benefitting from this for
some generations now. FN

On 29 June 2010 17:33, Arwin Mesquita wrote:
 Lets put ur logic to all other Indian States and Other Indian Countries. How
 are Indian States divided today?
 Why have borders/identities and lets be a jolly good cocktail?
 Let everyone do it and perhaps I could agree!!

Re: [Goanet] World Cup sweepstake entries....

2010-06-02 Thread marlon menezes
My congrats to Elora and Milan for winning this competition :-)

 Marlon Menezes

- Original Message 
From: Gabe Menezes

GERMANY - Elora Lobo; Milan Kojnok

Re: [Goanet] No woman is safe… Letter to the Editor in Herald

2010-06-02 Thread marlon menezes
I do find it strange that someone would mix up toothpaste with rat poison. 
Furthermore, the family's public comments should not necessarily be taken at 
face value. Perhaps they have been threatened or been paid off by the powers 
that be. That fact that the deceased has been linked to a poli-goon makes this 
whole episode very suspicious. 

 Marlon Menezes

- Original Message 
From: Gabe Menezes

RESPONSE: The girl's folks contend that Nadia died after mistakenly brushing
her teeth with 'Ratol' - guess she might have ingested some...who doesn't
ingest toothpaste? There is no one else involved with her sad demise - end
of story as far as the family is concerned.

In come the women activists, quickly followed by the Police - Chances of
getting anyone in this mess imlicated, are remote if not downright
impossible. Any proof will have long disappeared if there was any. Records
of Mobile phone calls mean nothing - they were family friends! Nothing will
stick, now over to you voters of Benaulim Consitituency - stick to your
dorji who killed seven with one blow.

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Re: For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

2010-04-29 Thread marlon menezes
While your quest is noble, the online effort as structured may not be very 
effective. Almost 15 years ago, we had an online effort to set up an internet 
node in Goa - which was one of the first few nodes in India. 

There was an online petition component, which at that time got a lot of 
attention from the powers that be because it was novel. However, the key factor 
was getting many people and organizations on board.

The current online petition has the following weaknesses:
1) As mentioned below, a online petition is not viewed as seriously as a hard 
copy petition. In fact in many multi-channel campaigns, an online signature is 
given a fraction of the weight as a signed signature. The reason of course is 
that the effort involved in garnering signatures online is trivial compared to 
a paper effort.

2) There is of course the issue of lack of verification of individual's 
identities which again reduces the legitimacy of the effort.

3) I may be wrong, but the effort seems to have been done in isolation and does 
not give the reader a close connection to the issues being faced. 

My suggestions are as follows:
1) There are many NGO and environmental groups and individuals who I would 
think would support this effort. Why not join up with them and form an 
integrated marketing effort with pictures, video and data to highlight this 
issue. Much of the content is already out there. Once this is done, an effort 
needs to be made to advertise it on as many online forums and websites as 

2) When you are online, it is very difficult to surmount the issue of identity 
verification. Still, interfacing it with social networking sites such as 
facebook would give a lot more weight to each signature as it would tend to 
give more credence to the signer being real.


Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.

- Original Message 
From: Carmen Miranda
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 4:47:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Re:  For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

Dear Mr Tony de Sa

Regarding your reply to Venantius questions:

Re[1] This is a very moot point. IMHO A physical i.e. paper petition is
worth much more than an electronic one. When a physical petition is sent,
there is acknowledgment by the receiver/ receiver's office. This gives the
petition a reasonable chance of being seen by the addressee. As a rule I do
not generally sign an email petition because the collection of email ids
generated by the petition would make a spammer's day.

Re: [2] In Goa at least this was not done.
Like everyone else Mr de Sa, you are entitled to your opinion about this
However, I would like to point out that we are now living in a Global
Village, and this is the era of internet technology and communication. The
electronic petition is a modern way to tackle petitions and in our case was
the only way to also give an opportunity to goans all over the world who are
very concerned and distressed about what is going on in Goa to express their
feelings and get involved.

As it happens the Minister of Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh is a
modern minister using the modern technology of communications all the time,
and is someone who we happen to know  reads e-mails and responds to people
who try to communicate with him.  If at all necessary we can also send him a
print out of the petition, but that would be a waste of paper.

I myself  participate in many such international petitions which have proved
to be very efective. I don't get any spam as a result of participating in
such international efforts.

Finally, when was the last time you tried to get a goan in Goa to go
from door to door, or stand in places of worship and public places trying to
get signatures for a petition?  You can't even get them to sign this
petition which does not require any physical effort and time!

We did actually try to get paper signatures in Goa for your information and

Carmen Miranda

Re: [Goanet] win 'humbles' Obama.

2010-03-29 Thread marlon menezes

- Original Message 
From: J. Colaco  jc

marlon menezes wrote:

[1] MD, do you use your auto insurance when you do an oil change or
routine work on you car?
[2]Likewise, why should insurance come into the picture for routine
medical care?
[3]The whole notion of using insurance for routine care is bogus.
[4]While there are some benefits (such as reducing costly emergency
care) the new system only propagates this concept of using the costly
insurance system for routine care for the entire population.


From: J. Colaco  jc
Isn't the Auto insurance that Marlon refers to - an insurance in case
of a Collision?

Is an (say) oil change necessitated by a collision? If not, why is he
using that example to make a indefensible point?
My point is that why do we have to bring in the insurance system that entails 
costly over head/paper work/documentation/high fixed cost etc for routine 
health care? It is like using a costly Saturn V rocket to pick up groceries. In 
my opinion, routine care should be a low cost direct cash transaction between 
the doctor and the patient, with no involvement of the bureaucracy. 

Would you rather prevent (say) Measles, Chicken Pox, Diphtheria,
Tetanus, Whooping cough than treat those conditions?

Would you rather identify the presence of early High Blood Pressure
than treat the complications?
I fully agree that prevention is better and more importantly, cheaper than the 
cure, to which I would add the corollary, that cheaper routine preventative 
care is better than expensive routine care. The costs of most of these routine 
care treatments are detections is quite low - unless one gets the insurance 
process involved, which then balloons the costs. This is true regardless 
whether it is paid for via the employee/employer or the government. The 
reforms are basically just passing the buck from the employee/employer to the 
government. While there will probably be cost savings from the reduction in 
costly emergency care, it will do nothing to reduce the costs of routine care. 
Furthermore, knowing how inefficiently governments work, routine care costs 
will probably increase.

Again, I am not really arguing about public/private insurance coverage. What I 
am stating is that there has to be a monetary threshold before the expensive 
insurance system kicks in. Having a high cost bureaucracy (public or private) 
to deal with what should be low cost routine care, makes everything expensive.

One way the insurance companies have tried to incorporate this concept is via a 
cumulative deductible. Jim gave an example of the $3000 deductible he has for 
his family. However, even here, the insurance process/bureaucracy  is still 
involved (to a lesser degree perhaps) in tracking the deductible amounts, so 
the cost savings are not fully gained. The cost savings with this approach may 
be around 10-15%. On the other hand, if one were to skip the insurance 
bureaucracy for routine care, routine care costs could be even lower.


Re: [Goanet] win 'humbles' Obama.

2010-03-25 Thread marlon menezes

There is a lot of fat in state (and federal) budgets that can and should be 
cut. For all its capitalist credentials, the average public sector (federal, 
state and cities) worker is better paid and has better benefits than one in the 
private sector. A lot of them have been promised lavish pensions that have not 
been budgeted for and reversing such entitlements will be very challenging from 
a legal point of view. The amount of abuse by state are quite incredible. For 
example pensions are based on the employee's last annual salary, so employees 
often spike their pre-retirement salaries by working overtime in their last 
year. Another common trick is to retire for a few years and join back again 
after a few years (as per local laws). Net result? These workers are 
effectively taking in a double salary thanks to their pension and  salary with 
their new job.  

BTW, it was just announced today that the US Social Security program will 
experience a negative cash outflow this year. The earlier estimate was 2017. 
And now of course, we have this new boondoggle known as public health care.  
I'm sorry, but many aspects of society here has just gotten plain lazy if not 
spoilt. We just expect a lot for doing nothing. When I see bums begging for 
money in America, I am often tempted to give them a piece of my mind on what 
real poverty is.

 Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.

- Original Message 
From: Mervyn Lobo

While the US residents ponder how much more taxes they will have to pay for the 
medical system in the country, the rest of the world has a weightier problem 
i.e. Should
US states be allowed to go bankrupt? When you lend money to a company, you know
the risks involved and you get a premium corresponding to the risk you take. 

On the other hand, people lending money to US states got low rewards as they 
relied on 
the fact that the state could always raise revenue by increasing taxes. Now 
that it is 
becoming clearer that some states and even the federal govt is in no position 
to raise taxes, 
because of the state of the US economy and the large number of unemployed 
there is this huge possibility that some govts will be unable to service their 
debts and
will default on them. If you or your financial institution has lent money to a 
state govt,
these are interesting times

This new health system was long over due but the US will pay dearly for it. 


Re: [Goanet] win 'humbles' Obama.

2010-03-23 Thread marlon menezes

As my late advisor in Grad school used to say, if something is being offered to 
you for free,  you better watch out.  The fact is nothing is or was ever free 
- unless you believe in the proverbial statement that money grows on trees. 
Even a socialist knows that!  The pre-Obama socialized health care system 
forced medical institutions to provide free emergency health care to 
individuals regardless of their ability to pay.  Two problems with that: First 
of all, emergency care is multiple times more costly to the hospital than 
routine care. Secondly, these costs are then passed on by the hospitals to 
those who have insurance, thus resulting in society and industry still having 
to pay for these costs. So, what exactly is free, or free market in the 
pre-Obama set up?

Regarding the reforms that are being proposed, I have serious doubts about 
anything that has significant government involvement in it and am absolutely 
against it. In my opinion, we should be moving to a more pay at the point of 
service system in which routine care does not involve the the insurance middle 
men, who needlessly complicate the process. The whole point of insurance, 
whether for one's home, or one's vehicle or for health should be to take care 
of the unforeseen disasters - and not for day to day/routine issues.   If I 
seek routine care in America and I tell the health provider that I wish to pay 
with cash, discounts of as much as 50% are possible because it saves them the 
costs and hassles of having to deal with the insurance companies. 
 Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.

- Original Message 
From: viviana
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Mon, March 22, 2010 11:47:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] win 'humbles' Obama.

Mervyn - 

Thank you for your response.  I just can't figure out what it has to do with 
what I wrote?  

The fact remains that EVERYONE in the States has access to immediate health 
care, regardless of ability to pay; my nephew is only one example, I know many 
people who have the benefit of the best medical care in the world and they pay 

So what's the point of putting a bureacracy between people and their physicians 
if not to get rich from it?  Obama is in the pocket of the insurance industry 
or why would he want to force everyone in the country to buy insurance?  


[Goanet] Uncouth Goans and Goan Jews (was Rupya Reputation)

2010-03-03 Thread marlon menezes
As a Goan Jew, I can say that we would have no issues with India adopting the  
swastik as a symbol of its currency. Most of us are quite aware of Hindu 
symbols and the need, nay the right, for Hindus and India to express its 
heritage with pride. The alliance and mutual understanding between Jews and 
Hindus is quite natural as we were both targets of Christian aggression and 

Goan catholics in  particular need to wake up from their slumber and cease the 
comical worship of their ONE god(s) ... you know, God the father et al,  the 
Mother of god and the endless demi-Gods also known as the saints. And, what is 
it with Goans and their disgusting affinity to be named after anti-Jewish 
tyrants? I understand that there are quite a few Hitlers and Stalins living in 
Goa. In fact, isn't there a person by the name of Naz.. er.. Nasci on goanet? 
When a person such as this is allowed to broadcast his bigotry and intolerance 
on this forum, it sends shivers down my spine. The few prominent Churchills 
around, cannot make up for the verbal and emotional torture we Jews suffer, 
when we hear their names and what they have to say. 

Besides their terrible choices with names and their religion, catholic Goan 
cuisine is quite horrid as well. To have names such as Leitao is one thing, but 
to be eating a leitao makes me dream of the finer cuisine that was served to 
the prisoners in Aushwitz. Perhaps it is because I was scarred for life as a 
child. My renunciation of my imposed christian faith and Goan culture was 
sealed when I had to take the throne in my grand mothers house and watch the 
pigs lap it up from underneath me ... and not much later to have the same 
animal served to me on a plate. It does not stop there. The look of a goan 
sausage, all twirled up in a tidy brown pile is quite visually assaulting - if 
you know what I mean. If you want to eat pork, that is fine, but why do you 
take pleasure in eating it in a form that also resembles the animal's staple 
diet? Presumably this is Nasci's definition of a pork consuming Modern Goan 

There are a lot of non-resident Goans who continue to screech about the 
non-Goan influx into Goa. Let me say that contrary to your christian tenant 
that we Jews are cheap, the fact is that we are rich and spend a lot of money. 
It is our desire to have another Jewish homeland in N.Goa and there are a lot 
of you willing to sell it to us at market rates. FYI, the next time, you visit 
the Goan Jewish territories of Aramabol, please make sure you respect our 
refined culture and values. Uncouth catholic Goans, with evil sounding names 
should stay away however.


- Original Message 
From: Nascy Caldeira

mine is a 'modern Goan Indian' culture with a worldly look, not a
narrow parochial one like the majority of Indians; and I must say, I
had cultivated this modern Indian Culture much much before, I landed
Down Under.

My migration to being 'Modern Man'
in the international sense  was made possible first by my ancestors in
Goa, who broke away from the conservative primitive madness of the Indian 
and reformed; that is, so many of us; so much so that we can integrate
and make ourselves 'at home' in any culture, anywhere in the world, and
Be Accepted!!!

Sad to say that I feel most uncomfortable with the traditional Indian Culture 
whilst not only in India but even in the Goa of today. Why? Because everything 
is so much 'pochpochit' !!!

Hard Feelings! I mourn for the 'primitiveness' of the majority of
Indians. I identify myself as truly modern and worldly integrating
person of Indian origin. I love BEEF and BACON; most of the world does!

Nascy Caldeira.


- Original Message 
From: Cecil Pinto
Geometrically, the Swastika can be regarded as (the area inside of) an
irregular icosagon  or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi
swastika were fixed based on a 5x5 diagonal grid.

Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the
absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of
swastikas that are each other's mirror image.

Re: [Goanet] How many researchers are sincere to their research ?

2010-02-02 Thread marlon menezes
There is academic research and there is industrial research. In academic 
research, where the results are public, the work is verified/replicated by 
competitor research groups. Since competition is fierce, every legitimate 
attempt is made the competitors to poke holes in the results, for it inevitably 
could mean more funding for the party that comes up with the best explanation 
or result. I'm sure many are familiar with the gene cloning fraud case in Korea 
recently, or the discredited cold fusion work about two decades ago. Yes, one 
can fake the results for a short while, but rather quickly, you will get caught.

In industrial research, the end goal is to make the end product work in a way 
that is better  (e.g. higher throughput, better quality/capability) and cheaper 
that what is currently out there, with the final critic being the end use 
customer. Again, one can't really fake your results, or else in the end, the 
company's profitability will be affected.  What the company will usually do is 
that it will make attempts to maintain secrecy of or IP protect the approach 
taken to achieve the results. 

Folks like Gabriel and Mario seem to be quite out of touch, if not ignorant on 
how research is conducted and verified in academia and industry. Bottom line is 
that one does not rely on a scientist's or company's integrity or sincerity, 
but rather, on the impersonal collective exchange and verification of results 
to determine what works and what doesn't.


- Original Message 
From: Santosh Helekar

Samir is mistaken. The peer-review process and scientific research have served 
humanity quite well. They are singularly responsible for all the scientific and 
technological advancement on which Samir and Gabriel depend for their day to 
day living and livelihood. The self-regulatory and self-corrective mechanisms 
that are uniquely built into the nature of science ensure that truth always 
prevails over falsehood in the long run.



--- On Tue, 2/2/10, Samir Kelekar wrote:

 If the results of your research means
 that you will lose a huge amount of funding, how
 many researchers will be sincere to their research and
 publish their findings sincerely?
 Some may not publish false things, but may remain silent
 and not publish contrary
 In many areas, research today is a game that is funded by
 big finance. And one requires
 very high level of integrity to stick to one's research
 findings, and go ahead.

Re: [Goanet] Colva (CD), Maina-Curtorim, Rachol, Fatorda etc - A report

2010-01-26 Thread marlon menezes
This is the Lord speading. How dare you claim to be GODfrey? Let me assure you 
that Joe's post below is in keeping with my intentions. You do know that I work 
in mysterious ways. Everything is under control and there is no need for you 
earthlings to stress too much about this issue. Rest assured that I have 
blessed Joe with abundant chalice fulls of peace and love.

Lord nolRam.

- Original Message 
From: Romeo Ferns

Hello Joe.
Your tirade against Fr. Diego is astounding.Accusations of this kind are 
uncalled for unless you can substantiate them.If we catholics accuse our 
priests in such a manner, then what can we expect from our non christian 
friends. No wonder we have so many attacks on our churches.
The best thing under such circumstances is to offer a prayer for Fr. Diego so 
that the good Lord will intervene 
and resolve the issue in His own way and in His time.
Get rid of the malice you hold in your heart for Fr. Diego
and I am sure that the Lord will bless you with peace and joy.

Godfrey Rasquinha
United Arab Emirates

- Original Message 
From: JoeGoaUk
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 4:42:19 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Colva (CD), Maina-Curtorim, Rachol, Fatorda etc - A report

Colva (CD), Maina-Curtorim, Rachol, Fatorda etc - A report

So, it was right about the news that was making rounds 
on the internet (including some pvt mails into my inbox) 
that the priest did help or helping a lady  including help with the new house.

The report  (see link below) also says that..

Re: [Goanet] Attack the Message - Not the Messenger!

2010-01-14 Thread marlon menezes
What in Eddie's message makes you think that he is being defensive about 
attacks on NRGs? You're making an issue of a non-issue. All he said was that he 
was tired of the bickering.
Personally, I love the bickering on goanet. Where else would one get such free 
entertainment? Keep in coming guys!

- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha

My good and every-helpful long-time friend (since 1995 at least) Eddie
Fernandes has many positive things to be said about him.

But one aspect I disagree strongly with is his tendency to get
ultra-defensive whenever expats are criticised... or get worked up
when our dubious political class here threatens the
questionably-bought properties of British expats here :-)

We can agree to disagree, of course. But what is this about
concentrating on the message, and not the messenger? Expats or even
resident-Goans for that matter are not messengers here... They are
key players in this you-versus-us drama.

[Goanet] The goan connection to the US president (was Poor American)

2010-01-13 Thread marlon menezes
There is a Goan connection to the current American president. Fitz D'souza 
( , 
in a story told to me at this year's New Year's eve party at his house in 
Bambolim, told me that he was one of three on the committee who decided on the 
scholarship application of Barack's father to come to the US.  Good or bad, the 
rest is history.


- Original Message 
From: Tony de Sa

and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in AMERICA




Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Colva

2010-01-01 Thread marlon menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Calvert is incommunicado, for obvious reasons. Some more facts on Calvert: He 
is another infamous alumnus from Mt. Abu and my classmate, who went by the pet 
name of crow or Kallu thanks to his name, dark complexion and his love of 
animals. He introduced me to birding and he and I would somtimes bunk school 
and go into the forests to check out the wildlife. Being in a bording school in 
the middle of nowhere, partaking in such an activity was highly illegal and 
subject to severe physical punishment. Luckily, we never got caught. While I 
have reformed  ;-) it looks like Calvert has continued to be a rebel.


- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha

Calvert Dogui Bodmas Gonsalves should be able to, as you appear to
be on his Facebook friends list :-)

2009/12/30 marlon menezes

 For once I fully agree with Soter. The attack by the church
 mob on the person's property, and more specifically, one
 that was holding his mother, child and wife needs to
 be condemned. Hopefully, the publicity will result in
 greater commercial success of his music video.
 Is there anyone who can provide me with the name
 and contact information of the priest?

Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation od Colva

2009-12-31 Thread marlon menezes

Yes, basically, I have disagreed with pretty much all of your posts - until 
now. Your comments on the mob attacks on Calvert partly make  up for it :-)
Does anyone have the contact information of Bishop Nieare (spelling??). We need 
to our voice heard at the highest levels of the church.

- Original Message 
From: soter
Sent: Wed, December 30, 2009 2:27:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation od Colva

Marlon said: For once I fully agree with Soter.. Marlon, is it the case 
that you disagree with everything else from Soter? Time and experience is the 
best judge.-soter

Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Colva

2009-12-29 Thread marlon menezes

For once I fully agree with Soter. The attack by the church mob on the person's 
property, and more specifically, one that was holding his mother, child and 
wife needs to be condemned. Hopefully, the publicity will result in greater 
commercial success of his music video.

Is there anyone who can provide me with the name and contact information of the 

- Original Message 
From: soter
Sent: Tue, December 29, 2009 5:48:36 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Colva

The attack on the house and other property of a person from Colva accused of 
producing a controversial CD is to be condemned. Such means resorted to by so 
called followers of Jesus Christ, that too during Christmas, and supposedly 
provoked by lay church leaders is all the more deplorable. Are we any beter 
than the Bajrang Dal, Ram Sena, Taliban and all such fanatical fringe elements 
that suppress freedom of expression through terror. The hurt sentiments are 
understandable but will violence acheive any solution? In fact, the attack on 
the producer generates more publicity, curiosity and sympathy among the people 
which would only boost the sales of the CD. Instead of denying his involvement 
in inciting the parishioners as reported in a section of the press, the Parish 
Priest should have outrightly condmened such use of violence as it is against 
christian teachings. 
It is unfortunate that people of Goa have got enough time and energy to quarrel 
on issues of religion but hardly anyone reacts over abuses against the human 
person, especially woman and children, and the mass scale rape and plunder of 
Goa's natural resources. 
Will Goans invest  their capacities and energies for more productive purposes 
in the New Year 2010 in order to establish the kingdom of Justice and Peace in 
the world which  the message of Christmas is all about? 

-Soter D'Souza

Re: [Goanet] Goa _ The paradise of criminals

2009-12-26 Thread marlon menezes


You are unfortunately wrong, but in a good way! The real issue here is the 
negative impact tourism is having on Goa's unique culture. As you have so 
eloquently said so many times on this forum, Goa's culture needs to be 
protected at all costs from the evils of tourism, mining, the ghattis etc.

The taxi drivers were probably drunk, thanks to the unique Goan culture of 
cheap (but good) booze. Also, they were simply trying to send a message to the 
tourists that they are not welcome here  - something you will surely 

I think your shrill cries for protecting Goa are finally getting though even to 
the taxi drivers!


- Original Message 
From: soter
Sent: Sat, December 26, 2009 1:48:53 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa _ The paradise of criminals

The corrupted society of Goa has once again demonstrated that it's enemy is 
within. Russian women had to spend the early morning hours of the Christmas 
hiding in the forest to evade the advances of their rapists. Our taxi drivers 
and motorcycle pilots were one of the safest mode of public transport and women 
would trust this mode of transport even late into the night. But now the news 
that a taxi driver had tried to rape some Russian women is very very very sad, 
but not at all surprising. Just like politicians and police have lost control 
over their sexual urge, even the public transport operators seem to be 
succumbing to their lustful desires. The naked truth that Goa has been highly 
criminalised is being exposed day in and day out. How long will everyone deny 
this? What more ghastly proof do we Goans require to be shaken up from our 
denial mode? Now what will Goa's ostrich Chief Minister Digmabara and North Goa 
MP Shanty Naik have to say? Going by
 their rhetoric, the answer
  will possibly be 'women must not travel by public transport in Goa.


Re: [Goanet] Goa to host India�s first carbon neutr al wedding

2009-12-14 Thread marlon menezes

What Fred is actually saying is that as far as the environment in concerned, it 
is better that humanity remains of limited economic means - after all, the 
poorer you are, the less likely you are to over consume and thus emit less 
carbon. Unfortunately given Fred's leftist leanings, he also seems to be saying 
that remaining poor is also the solution to this problem. 

Given that today's economy is based on cheap carbon based energy, one can in 
general make the link between carbon emission and wealth/consumption. The 
solution to this is in the switch to non carbon based energy sources that 
continues to experience tremendous drops in costs due to technological 
progress. The second leg to this solution is to reduce the energy intensity per 
unit of production by increasing efficiency.

As much as 40% of one's carbon foot print comes from one's home. In many places 
in the US, solar is already cost competitive with the grid, if the costs are 
amortized over 30 years. Unfortunately, this also means that users have to pay 
steep upfront costs to get such a system going. Many cities/utilities are now 
allowing these costs to be amortized via property taxes. Effectively, the home 
owners get a loan from the utility or city to pay for the set-up. They then 
payback the loan through higher property taxes, while saving the equivalent 
amount through lower utility bills. It is a zero sum game for the consumer, but 
a plus for the environment.  The other advantage with this set-up is that it is 
portable. If the owner sells the home, the setup (costs and savings) are 
automatically and invisibly transferred to the new owner. The transfer 
rights/costs under this system are far less complicated than if the first owner 
paid for the system outright.

With subsidies etc, the costs can be even lower. I recently converted our home 
to solar power.  My long term solar costs come to around 3.9c/kwhr. This 
compares with the commercial rate from the utility at 11c/kwhr. Even better, 
these costs remain fixed over the life (30yrs) of the panels, while one can 
safely assume utility costs will increase over this equivalent period.

Even  with the recession in the US, demand for clean energy (primarily wind and 
solar) continues to increase at a rapid rate due to steady decreases in costs. 
This year for example, growth rates in the US are estimated to be around 40%. 
Over the past decade, it has been around 20% per year, compounded. Right now, 
thanks to very generous subsidies, the biggest market in the world by far is 
Germany (around 50% of the world's solar demand). However, based on current 
trends, the US will inevitably become the largest consumer of solar power 
within the next decade. 


- Original Message 
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:57:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to host India�s first carbon neutral wedding


Who said anything about planting trees in a rural setting? Plant them where you 
are - make sure you have enough space for trees when you are building a house. 

The context in which I said whatever I said was in the context of a couple 
getting married. Right.  This means a house, in the long run, and children (if 
the couple are so endowed - there are lots of people not so lucky to have 
children, but that is another story).  This is nothing to do with the rich and 
greedy and the foreign countries (do I sense envy here?), but is everything 
about being practical.

Controlling population is not an old bogey. It is stark reality, and if you 
haven't already felt its effects in that super-populated area, it is high time 
you did. The more feet you have the more you consume..  Add to that greater 
affluence and access to modern trinkets, and you have massive pollution both in 
creation and in destruction of material goods, aside from being able to produce 
sufficient food and grain. 


- Original Message 
 From: Frederick Noronha
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Sent: Sat, 12 December, 2009 11:52:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to host India�s first carbon neutral wedding
 Theoretically, the trees would be planted in some rural setting in the
 'developing' world, bringing money to the poor. But won't this result
 in a double-whammy really? The super-rich, rich and middle-classes,
 freed of the guilt of the responsibility, could easily go on to
 consume more AND the poor, getting the advantage of heightened
 purchasing power, would also do likewise?
 On one point though, a bit to differ: don't blame overpopulation
 alone. This has been made into a bogey for many decades now. The
 bigger threat, even here in the context of the Indian (and Goan)
 affluent classes, is over-consumption! FN

[Goanet] Technical analysis of mixing Virgin coconut oil with Holy water

2009-12-11 Thread marlon menezes

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Dear Dr/Fr. Ivo, President Floriano and St. Fred:

Some of my family members are strong believers in the power of holy water. 
Since the three of you have provided irrefutable proof on the power of virgin 
coconut oil, my obvious question is what do you think about the combination of 
the two? One would think that the multiplying/interaction effect could  
contribute to a tremendous revolution in personal wellbeing!

When one mixes things, we must of course understand the interaction parameter 
between the constituents. For example, would mixing the oil with the holy water 
make the water less holy? My gut feeling tells me no, after all, the oil being 
virgin, should have a high level of holiness associated with it. On the other 
hand, if one were to mix non virgin oil ... things could get pretty screwed up, 
no pun intended.

There would of course be some technical challenges. We all know that one can't 
simply just mix oil and water. Duh!  One would need some sort of emulsifying 
agent to bind the holy water to the oil. Detergents are a good emulsifying 
agent. I postulate that detergents are quite holy -  after all it is said that 
cleanliness is next to godliness. 

With the technical analysis complete, the next step would be to conduct 
clinical trials on unholy ailments such as AIDS and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). 
For this we should be able to count of Floriano's large voter bank that will 
theoretically going to vote for him during the next erection. 

Good publicity is key as well. For that, we can rely on the power of Goanet and 
its patron saint Fred to reach all the non-migrant infested corners of Goa (due 
to limited quantities, this Goan medical revolution will be reserved for Goans 
only). All true Goans having symptoms of blue blood, your miracle cure awaits 



- Original Message 
From: Ivo da C.Souza

***People die at any age. In our families there have been people who lived for 
long years (80 or more). But even today there are people who die young. 
Statistics will not give us accurately the data. True, medicine has advanced 
today by leaps and bounds. Yet there are limitations and other risk factors. 
People die young. Old people who have preserved themselves well can live for 
long (90 and more), not because of modern medicine, but because of self-care. 
Modern medicine helps, as well as homeopathy and other medical systems, and 
careful diet, prayer and peaceful environment. No one knows about the future.

Re: [Goanet] Where are the Goans?

2009-11-24 Thread marlon menezes
As Goanet's patron saint, Fred is holier than thou.
In Fred's world, if you live abroad, believe in free market capitalism, don't 
have a long beard, don't wear thick rimmed nerdy glasses and don't walk around 
in sandals (the cane is optional though) and keep muttering something about 
linux, open source, copyleft, open communism, er, commons, you cannot be one of 
the chosen few. George, did you not shave off your beard recently? Tsk, tsk.


- Original Message 
From: George Pinto
To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 12:13:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Where are the Goans?

Frederick logic in the statement below suffers and here is why: what some expat 
Goans (myself) have been writing is very similar to what Goans in Goa are 
writing, saying on some current issues in Goa. Is it Frederick's position that 
expat Goans are wrong simply by virtue of being expats?


--- On Mon, 11/23/09, Frederick Noronha wrote:

 I doubt very much that fulminations from another continent
 (or during holidays here) are going to take us any closer to the
 solutions that Goa need. FN

Re: [Goanet] Questioning the conventional wisdom on global warming

2009-11-10 Thread marlon menezes
It looks like Mario gets his inspiration from Iran's Ahmednijad's school of 
thought. The latter claims that there was no holocaust. Given that only 0.2% of 
the world's population was eradicated in the gas chambers, I guess it is easy 
for both Mario and Ahmednijad to assume that such small fractions are 


- Original Message 
From: Mario Goveia
Sent: Mon, November 9, 2009 1:19:04 PM
Subject: [Goanet]  Questioning the conventional wisdom on global warming

Mario Goveia wrote: 

 Let's leave aside for now the questionable notion that 0.04% [rounded 
 off] of a clear gas in the atmosphere can trap heat like a greenhouse 
 while letting in heat from the sun.

[Goanet] Business Week's Asia's Best Young Entrepreneurs

2009-11-09 Thread marlon menezes
One of them is Carlos Fernandes. He is of Goan origin from Mumbai and is 
currently based in Singapore. He was in the Bay Area for a short one year stint 
about 5 years ago.

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Re: For Rs. 50,000/-, they killed 4 people

2009-11-03 Thread marlon menezes
Mario is turning out to be quite the ladies man. No wonder Gabe is a little 

Watch out Isabella! Just because Mario says he is tall, dark and handsome does 
not mean it is so. This is the internet!


- Original Message 
From: Isabella Rebello-Hamm
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 5:41:11 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Re:  For Rs. 50,000/-, they killed 4 people

Thank you Mario! You are not only educated but also a gentleman. I 
respect you.

Re: [Goanet] Healthcare in America

2009-10-27 Thread marlon menezes
Sorry, but the whole concept of medical insurance in the US needs to be 
revisited. If I have a flat tire, or have to do an oil change, does my auto 
insurance cover it? No. Likewise, why does one need to get insurance into the 
mix for routine care? By its very definition, insurance, should be for 
catastrophic coverage and maybe for the very young. Yet, if I have have a cold, 
my super duper insurance system invariably gets involved. A simple visit will 
cost the system several hundreds of dollars. Yet, if one were to offer to pay 
the doctor cash, discounts of as much as 50% are quite normal. The proposed 
reforms will do very little to cut down such overhead and in the long run, will 
probably increase costs - after all the government is a bottomless pit in its 
ability to print money. I say no to routine care coverage for the general 
population, including the aged. If the aged were not intelligent enough to plan 
for higher routine, non catastrophic medical
 costs, too bad. Likewise, most provisions of the extravagant medicare system 
passed by the equally wasteful Republicans that covers prescription drugs for 
seniors needs to be scrapped. 

Bringing in insurance to deal with routine care leads to higher costs for the 
industry and masks the true costs for the end user. In the end however, someone 
has to pay for it, be it the employees, the government  or whoever.


- Original Message 
From: Gilbert Lawrence
Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 8:27:36 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Healthcare in America

With the political debate in USA about healthcare, all the worms are  
surfacing.  See link

Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers and Global Cooling

2009-10-27 Thread marlon menezes
Mario, I can give you a vial of cyanide with a concentration of 0.04%. If you 
think it is insignificant, please do us a favor and lap it all up. Just because 
a number is small does not make it insignificant. Dopants as little 0.01% 
(and much less) can change the properties of materials drastically. I suggest 
you stick to your tirades against islamic fundamentalism and muslims in general 
(preferably off goanet) and leave economics and science to others a little more 
qualified than you.


- Original Message 
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:38:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes

If MBA Scientist Mario's claim's of global cooling are correct, the though of 
public transportation in the freezing north sends shivers down my spine.

From: Mario Goveia
Let's leave aside for now the questionable notion that 0.04% of a clear gas in 
the atmosphere can trap heat like a greenhouse while letting in heat from the 

Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers and Global Cooling

2009-10-26 Thread marlon menezes
-Original Message-

From: marlon menezes

 Toronto (where I once lived) does have pretty good public transportation.
 As a foreign student (i.e., no parent's car to borrow), it was pretty much
 a necessity. Still, using it was a bitch - specially in the freezing winters.
 Waiting for a bus in -20C weather for 20 minutes is not something I recall
 with much fondness.

- Original Message 
From: Bosco D

RESPONSE: The Red Rocket has improved a fair bit this decade. While the bus 
frequencies have improved, the temperatures haven't.;-)

If MBA Scientist Mario's claim's of global cooling are correct, the though of 
public transportation in the freezing north sends shivers down my spine.


Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

2009-10-24 Thread marlon menezes
Toronto (where I once lived) does have pretty good public transportation. As a 
foreign student (i.e., no parent's car to borrow), it was pretty much a 
necessity. Still, using it was a bitch - specially in the freezing winters. 
Waiting for a bus in -20C weather for 20 minutes is not something I recall with 
much fondness. The Toronto Metro area is large and sprawling, and its 
underground subway system is quite limited, which means that one has to rely 
extensively on its surface (slow, cold) bus system. Actually, even utilizing 
one's own private transportation in a snow storm can be downright scary. As 
much as I enjoy snow and skiing, this is one Goan who has no desire to move 
back from the land of the Free to the land of Freezing!

Fred's comments regarding public transportation  - also known as the last mile 
problem, are not unique to Goa. Coverage of remote areas is often spotty. 
Travel times are unacceptably long etc. 


- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Sat, October 24, 2009 10:35:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

mmdm, After hearing about how nice Canada is, could we have some way
of (i) shifting the entire Goan population to Canada or (ii) trying to
get solutions that work in Goa itself?

Would appreciate any pointers in either direction. Best, FN

PS: Marlon, commuting between the towns in Goa might be easier, but
not if you're here permanently, have limited time in which to do one's
work, and need to cross to diverse areas including villages.

I'm sure anyone who has been a long time commuter in Goa would agree.
In places like Saligao, the number of buses on the
Calangute-Saligao-Panjim route have remained static for over 20 years,
or even reduced in number!

Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

2009-10-23 Thread marlon menezes
I'm not too sure how you can say that pubic transportation in Goa is bad. I can 
pretty much travel to any location in Goa without having to rely on personal 
transportation. If you want bad public transportation, come to America! On the 
other hand, public transportation may not necessarily be an effective model 
here given the sprawling nature of its cities and the availability of cheap 

- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 5:53:40 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

One in five people in Malaysia have a moped or motorbike. Greece also
has the second-highest proportion of two-wheeler ownership in the
world (Public Radio International, Oct 19, 2009).

Wonder how Goa would rate if judged on this scale? Higher than
Malaysia? Does this reflect in the high accident rates (what with
Goanetter Aires Rodrigues campaigning against helmets, etc)? Or is it
also a reflection of the abysmal public transportation here? Or both?

Re: [Goanet] Remo Laments Goa's Woes, India's Ills in Latest Video

2009-10-07 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I don't recall his song lamenting about the alleged migrant hoard destroying 
Goa. So much for your failed attempt to link migrants to the environmental and 
political issues facing Goa.

- Original Message 
From: Arwin Mesquita


*Sunday, October 04, 2009* *7:44:25 PM (IST)*
Remo Laments Goa's Woes, India's Ills in Latest Video

*By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar*

*Panaji, Oct 4 (IANS)* Rampant mining, beach erosion and over zealous
exploitation of land resources in Goa find 'top of the chart' mention in
noted musician and singer Remo Fernandes' latest video India, I cry.

The video was exclusively premiered on popular social networking site
Facebook Oct 3, a day after Mahatma Gandhi's birthday in an uncharacteristic
low key online launch.


2009-10-07 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

- Original Message 

From: Mervyn Lobo

The Govt's removal of the regulations allowed for financial
institutions to make gambles that were insane. The sad part 
of the situation is that those who lobbied the Govt to remove 
the regulations are the very people who are in charge of the 
US treasury today.

The cherry on the icing is that Obama's adm is unable/unwilling
to re-instate the rules that prevent bankers from making insane 
bets with their depositors money. The situation is going to get
a lot worse before it gets better.
Actually, the banks in the US have become overly cautious now. There is very 
little lending going on in the real economy, despite the massive bailouts to 
the banks. Hence while money supply has technically increased ala quantitative 
easing, it is not really flowing into the economy, which is why we continue to 
be under deflationary pressure. The reckless lending by the banks has been 
replaced by reckless lending by the government. In the US, around 80% of the 
home loans have a backed by the US govt stamp on them. We see money being 
poured into stimulus programs that in my opinion are only bringing in future 
demand forward, but which do nothing to set up sustainable growth. Of course, 
the thinking is that the Keynesian approach will help stimulate growth. However 
the current world wide downturn is not because of a credit crisis, but rather 
should be labeled as a debt crisis. Debt based stimulation to  solve a debt 
problem amounts to kicking the can
 further down the road. I for one, question this so called economic recovery, 
be it in the US or China. I see tepid growth in the US for the next few years 
and I think China will follow very shortly. The latter is on a govt. induced 
stimulus high right now, but will it last? I think less export driven economies 
such as India and Brazil will do better than China over the next few years.

- Original Message 
From: Mervyn Lobo

As each day goes by, the countries with sound banking systems
have been publically demanding an alternative currency to the dollar. 
Recently the UN and the IMF joined Russia, China, India and Brazil 
in this demand.

Until an agreement can be reached on this new world currency,
there is always the currency that has worked well in times of
economic crises. Gold. It hit another record high price today.

I would not put all my money in Gold, but it is certainly one of many hedges 
one should have. Averaged over the last 30 years, Gold has been a loser. A 
world currency? Huh, I think you have a better chance of wishing for world 
peace! No pun intended, but there are so many conflicting signs at the moment: 
Gold is up, the markets are up, which are in conflict with the fact that we are 
still witnessing deflation and high bond prices. One thing for sure: these are 
uncertain times indeed.


Re: [Goanet] Solar Installation

2009-10-06 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

What sort of solar installation are you looking for? Solar thermal heaters, 
photo voltaic?

- Original Message 
From: Seb dc
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 5:14:00 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Solar Installation

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I am looking out to fit Solar equipment for my place in Goa. Can any goanetter 
guide me to the nearest agency in Margao, who does the installation work with

Thanks alot for your help!!


Re: [Goanet] Frederick Noronha's GoaNet

2009-09-23 Thread marlon menezes
You make it sound like as if Fred has done a bad thing in raising goanet. He 
IS the person who has put in most of the grunt work in establishing Goanet as 
Goa's premier discussion forum. I for one salute Fred's presistence in keeping 
this forum going. You may call him Godfather, I call him Goanet's Patron Saint.

- Original Message 
From: Cecil Pinto

Look at Godfather.

When we refer to the book we say Mario Puzo's Godfather.
When we refer to the movie we say Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather.

Similarly I suggest we start refering to GoaNet as Frederick
Noronha's GoaNet or FN's GoaNet to avoid confusion in the years to

No disrespect to Herman Carneiro who founded GoaNet or Bosco D'Mello
who does most of the work, but we all know it is Frederick Noronha'
baby finally. It is Frederick who 'raised' GoaNet and continues to
nurture and protect it valiantly from real and imagined attackers.

I think it will be a fitting tribute to our Frederick's effort  to
have GoaNet named after him. Anyone objecting to my proposal of
referring to GoaNet as Frederick Noronha's GoaNet please state your
objections clearly. We need not change the name or anything. Just
common usage will do.




2009-09-22 Thread marlon menezes
What about those of us who have both cristian and hindu names? If read in an 
alternate direction, my name is Nolram. Unlike all those cowardly cristian 
infant fluent speaking newborns who willfully chose hindu names, I was born 
mute.  Thankfully  a diet rich in the holy Goan trinity (feni, sausages, cashew 
nuts), inspired my parents to choose a name that paid homage to all the gods. 
Like you I  wish and bray that the Lard will inspire more parents to be more 
daring in their choice of names for their children who are unable to speak 7 
languages at birth. My favorite Goan Christian name is Leitao, as it is one of 
the key ingredients of the holy Goan trinity. May people with such names be 
unfraid, such they they boldly face persecution, ridicule and even emotional 
torture. May the Lard give these believers in the Goan trinity the courage that 
they do not hide their faith in the power of the sausage.
Praise the Lard,

- Original Message 
From: Jorge Dias
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:32:20 AM

Those Christians in India who are operating with Hindu names are doing this
to protect their skin from Hindu facist forces. May God give these
christians the courage that they do not hide their christian faith.

May God also give the Clergy the wisdom and vision that they guide their
flocks in the right direction and utilize church resources and properties
for the welfare and upliftment of the poor catholics of their parish.

May God also give the Christian missionaries the courage to preach the
Gospel of Christ where the upper caste hindus and brahmins live and not just
where the dalits, tribals and slumdwellers live.

A *Christian* Warrior is someone who is not afraid to pick up their cross
and follow Christ. They know that to live is Christ, and to die is gain, and
they are willing to give what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot
lose. They live by The Vision. They wake up every morning prepared for
battle, waging the war against sin and death so that all might come to life
in Christ. They are fearless. Unafraid, they boldly face persecution,
ridicule, and even torture with unwavering faith and a steadfast heart.

Their battles are often silent.
Their victories go unnoticed by the world.
They fight not against people, but against sin.
They do not strive for earthly treasure, but for heavenly rewards.
They wield the weapons of truth, prayer, and love.

God Bless You.
Jorge Dias.

Re: [Goanet] Natekar Sonia's aam aadmi act

2009-09-18 Thread marlon menezes
You are stating the obvious. Obviously this is a political show by the Congress 
folks. However, unlike the infamous yatra by RSS thugs and Advani, this yatra 
is not leading to the deaths of thousands of people or the destruction on 
religious monuments. The Indian Minority electorate is faced with two choices: 
vote for someone who might rip you off (Congress) or someone who might kill you 
(BJP). The choice is obvious.

- Original Message 
From: Vinay Natekar
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 5:57:35 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Natekar  Sonia's aam aadmi act

HahaHaha!!!  The dimwits  like you  fail  to understand all this austerity 
drama by these thick skinned kkangress leaders. It is only a farce for one VVIP 
traveling  economy class, dozens of  genuine passengers has to forgo their 
travel as these VVIPs  will be  traveling along with their security and  
followers.  Will your Sonia aka maintain this austerity for ever or is it just 
a publicity stunt in view of forthcoming Maharashtra Assembly elections ? 
If you add all the hidden and not-so-hidden costs, this exercise in austerity 
is in fact an eye-wash. Let us, therefore, bring some sanity into the debate 
over austerity. By shamelessly displaying this austerity these leaders are 
making fetish of simplicity. When things are turning horrible for common 
Indians these people play stunts to divert public attention from real spiraling 
NDA  rule had  managed the finance effectively and paid part of the earlier 
taken loans. But this corrupt  kkangress has  screwed our economy. They are 
neither serious in security affairs  nor sincere in handling economy.  
Travelling in economy class and train are just not enough to stop the wasteful 
state expenditure. 

Can you see what is happening in the  country?  Those who support corrupt 
kkangress,   their minds never ask them are they SAFE in their own country ? 
Kkangress  knows very well how to exploit people of our country  because they 
know that Indians are not united and they have been doing this for last 60 

Re: [Goanet] Healthcare Horror Stories

2009-09-16 Thread marlon menezes
- Original Message 

From: Mario Goveia

Marlon wrote:

The focus of any reform in the US should be to tackle the issue of high costs. 
I don't see how the current government options alleviating this problem. The 
focus should be streamlining medical records and processes, tort reform and 
reducing the grip of the American Medical ASSociation, to name a few.

Mario responds:

Here we see some glimmer of wheat among all the chaff.  However, this 
self-proclaimed paragon of libertarianism and free market principles, who 
nevertheless thought it wise to help the most radical left winger in US history 
elected President by relentlessly attacking his opponents with a barrage of 
selected half-truths, doesn't think it is a priority that the 1,300 health 
insurance programs who control payments for most private medical services in 
the US are not allowed to freely compete nationwide as all other insurance 
programs have to do.
Sure I want insurance companies to be able to sell insurance across state 
lines. When did I said I was against it? It would not have helped me when I had 
my injury though, because I was able to get medical treatment within the state 
I was visiting - I just had to drive 2.5 hours to a nearby city with a busted 
shoulder to get it. Maybe the problem is that there are 1300 health insurance 
programs around. The damn system is so fragmented and inefficient. One of the 
biggest strikes against a government system is that there can be very little 
incentive to control costs, specfically because the govenment can in theory 
print unlimited amounts of money to fund it. No private company can compete 
against the Government of the United States.

As for the US elections that you keep shedding tears about, last time I 
checked, I was not supporting Obama - not that I liked Bimbo Palin either. My 
choice was Republican candidate Ron Paul. He is one of the few who as a good 
grasp of economics, history while lacking the illusions of reckless foreign 
empire building like the previous administration. The fact remains that the 
mostly incompetent and sometimes, immoral and anti-constitutional policies of 
the Cheney administration led to vast disillusment of the US replublican party, 
leading to an extreme counter revolt by the US electorate and hence the current 
left leaning US president.  This is a normal self/over correcting mechanism 
that happens in most functioning democracies, including India. If only the same 
would take place in Goa! Never mind, in Goan politics, there is no choice 
between left or right, but rather a choice between corrupt and communal.


Re: [Goanet] Healthcare Horror Stories

2009-09-14 Thread marlon menezes
I will admit that
the current high cost medical system in the US is not that great. I've
always had private health care. About 12 years ago, I had a sports
injury while I had temporarily relocated out of state for some
training. I was able to get emergency treatment for my injury, but when
it came time to get follow up treatment, I was told that I had to drive
two hours so that I could be within my private insurer's network ...
except that I could not drive as I had busted my arm. Ouch! what a pain
that was! Of course, I had the option of going for out of network care,
but given that I was then a broke, fresh out of school individual, I would not 
have been able to afford it.  Luckily, my training
assignment was only for 6 weeks and I eventually returned home and got
the follow up treatment that I needed.

Mario is the only one who thinks the current medical system in the US is cheap 
and of good value... that is because the US government pays for his welfare, 
thanks to our tax dollars! Getting something for almost nothing is great for 
him I guess.  The focus of any reform in the US should be to tackle the issue 
of high costs. I don't see how the current government options alleviating this 
problem. The focus should be streamlining medical records and processes, tort 
reform and reducing the grip of the American Medical ASSociation, to name a few.


- Original Message 
From: Mervyn Lobo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 3:59:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Healthcare Horror Stories
The WHO ranks France with the worlds number one health care system.
Health care is free to residents in France.
Wikipedia has some interesting info on their system:

The USA spends twice as much as France does and ranks 37th.
There is something sick with a system that spends twice as much only to rank
37th. To add insult to sickness, the for profit insurance companies refuse to
pay for treatment once a person gets sick in the US.

Now what was the number for bankruptcies caused by health problems for


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Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Goa Electricity Dept responsible for the death of Joaquim 55 and his Son 20?

2009-09-06 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

The question on who is to blame is an interesting question. The electricity 
department, the politicians? I say it is society in general. The lackadaisical 
attitude to safety is evident in many levels of society - road safety, hygiene, 
general maintenance, the environment etc. It is not only public infrastructure 
that is poorly maintained. For many, the sense of  responsibility, hygiene and 
cleanliness seems to end at one's front door. Who elects the incompetent 
politicians? May one hazard to say that it is the generally ignorant and 
communal Goan population?
The only long term solution for this is good quality education for the masses.

- Original Message 
From: Naguesh Bhatcar


Booking the Electricity Department will not help. As I had mentioned in one of 
my previous posts,
the person who will get suspended will either be the poor lineman or the Junior 
Engineer, in charge
of that area. We need accountability at the political level.

When the power line snapped and hit the ground, the safety devices should have 
tripped. However,

all these circuit breakers must have been bypassed to see that there is no 
interruption in supply! In many

cases because the fuses keep on blowing, thick wire is used, so much so that 
you can see red hot fuses

in the open fuse boxes, below the transformers! 

India in general pays scant attention to the infrastructure that is necessary 
to build a nation.
Goa is no different. There is no planning, substandard equipment is acquired 
and there is inadequate
training for the staff. All the Ministers and the Chairmen of corporations need 
to have that latest car
with the red light on it, whereas the Electricity Department will not get the 
vehicles or the equipment
required to attend to faults. 

Politicians go and promote all these schemes to provide electricity to all. 
However, they don't ascertain
if there is adequate supply available. Transformers are overloaded and there is 
fair amount of pilfering,
not only to households but to industrial units, in connivance with the powers 
that be! 

Whatever infrastructure projects that are launched, only lead to lining the 
pockets of politicians.
The factor of safety is compromised to allow the politicians to make more money.

One must commend BEST and the city of Bombay for providing interrupted power 
supply to such a large
city. Can we ever expect that to happen in Goa?

I had heard recently, that Birlas offered to build power plants in Goa, using 
garbage that is generated.
When the politicians asked for their cut, they withdrew.

Naguesh Bhatcar

Re: [Goanet] Goa... to Doha

2009-08-28 Thread marlon menezes

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Pretty good for people who live in Texas and in particular Houston as there is 
a direct flight from Houston to Doha. Beats having to take those wierd charter 
flights from Europe.
Houston -- Doha -- Goa

- Original Message 
From: Clinton Vaz

This is great news. I've been traveling by Qatar the past few occasions (via 
mumbai) as they have been the cheapest so far.

Great connectivity, great facilities at the Doha Airport, Free WiFi, and above 
all the in fight service is exceptional.

Seems you can get a Mumbai-Stockholm return ticket for endast 3800SEK!! (About 
26000 Rupees!) I checked last week. That's great that they will start out from 
Goa itself. That finally makes Europe within 12 hours reach from Goa with a 
scheduled full service flight finally!


Re: [Goanet] Mario, Kerala and Cuba

2009-08-21 Thread marlon menezes

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:


The HDI values for both Kerala and Cuba are quite high and belie their low 
economic scores. My whole point was to identify yet again, Mario's inability to 
make a consistent argument. He praises Kerala's HDI achievements while 
previously slamming Cuba's model that is very similar to that of Kerala's.  
Ditto for his bashing of the health care systems outside the US, while then 
himself admitting that the US system that he praised so much earlier is 

Mario seems to have the problem of making adhoc, single parameter, idealogical 
based and often arrogant judgements on other (non US) countries and societies. 
As we can see, making sweeping statements with limited analysis continues to 
get himself into trouble. He is is worst critic! It is this all black or white, 
for us or against us type of thinking that has gotten the US into so much 
economic and military trouble over the past decade. In principle, I share many 
if not most of Mario's views on economic liberalism, but I try to avoid making 
grandiose and arrogant denunciations of other nations and societies that have 
chosen alternate models for their health care or their general economies.  
Mario, like Big Brother Government that he derides so much, seems to think he 
knows what is best for the rest of the world.


- Original Message 
From: Alfred de Tavares

Kerala holds the record for having had the first ever elected communist govt.
On another tack, Cuba's medical infrastructure has been judged seccond to none,

[Goanet] Mario, Kerala and Cuba

2009-08-20 Thread marlon menezes

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Sorry to be bringing up a red herring, or should I say a red flag, but Kerala 
also just happens to have had a communist led alliance leading it for the past 
few decades. Kerala has very high government spending, specially on social 
programs - quite the antithesis to Mario's supposedly free market credentials. 
Its per capita income is far below that of Goa's and for its large size has 
very little industry to speak of. Among the large Indian states, it has the 
largest percentage of its working population working as migrants in other parts 
of the country and the world. Luckily, Mario does not have to travel very far 
to enjoy such a socialist paradise. Fidel Castro's Cuba is only a few hours 
away from him. Kerala is the Cuba of India.

It looks like Mario can't seem to be able to make his mind. Just a while ago, 
he was bashing Cuba. More recently, he was stating that the US medical system 
was the best in the world while he bashed those of Canada and Britain. But 
oops, now he admits that the medical system in the US is actually bankrupt. 
Global cooling or is it global warming now?? Was Pope John Paul actually an Al 
Qaieda operative?? 

Apparently, Mario thinks, we Goans are unique in electing bad politicians and 
choosing bad bureaucrats as well. Tell us more Secret Agent Mario. Comedic 
relief is always welcome on goanet.


- Original Message 
From: Mario Goveia

While a small army of Goan crabs from politicians to bureaucrats to developers 
are busy tearing Goa down, people from another Indian state are busy building 
India up:

1. Indian Defense Minister is from Kerala 
2. Indian Foreign Secretary is from Kerala 
Hats Off to Kerala 

Re: [Goanet] Kerkar Art Complex Invite

2009-08-19 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

If I recall correctly, there were some folks on Goanet who were supportive of 
the attempts to ban the Da Vinci Code in Goa. The claim then was that the 
desire to ban the movie using any means possible only represented the 
democratic views of these folks.

- Original Message 
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न
Ironically, the apologists of one set of bigots are citing the other
case of bigotry to justify their stance. FN

2009/8/19 George Pinto

 A few years ago, some extremists shut down The
 DA VINCI Code movie in Goa, now other self-appointed
 moral police want to impose their personal values
 on everyone in a secular democracy. Our freedoms
 are too precious to leave to the extremists.

[Goanet] MMs: Mario, Medicare and Marxism

2009-08-18 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

-Original Message-

From: Mario Goveia

 The economically weakest nations, like Zimbabwe and many other
 African nations, many Latin American nations, and Cuba and N. Korea,
 are economic basket cases because of their own corruption,
 oppression and incompetent internal policies which assume that a small
 number of powerful elites know what's good for everyone else, better
 than they do.

From: Bosco D'Mello
#1) What has Zimbabwe, N. Korea, etc have to do with the Pope in this instance? 
even Aiyar-ji for that matter.

#2) I suppose the 'powerful elites' referred to above also include the 
pinheads on Wall Street who have sucked trillions of dollars of the tax-payers 

#3) Weeks later, Aiyar-ji continues to confound Mario-G. Kamaal hai!!


Don't you know, Mario is the resident expert and sole voice of truth - even in 
things he knows nothing about. He seems to be particularly knowledgeable about:
i) Popes: His now famous claim that Pope John Paul was sympathetic to Al Qaieda 
 because of the Pope's opposition to the Iraq war. His latest implication that 
the current Pope is a Marxist is a nice one too! Come to think of it, is there 
anyone on Goanet who he has not accused of being a Marxist!
ii) Global Cooling: His many posts on goanet claiming that the planet was 
actually growing cooler (which he has recently retracted).
iii) The evils of socialized medicine for others, while he himself has milked 
the US socialized medical system and made unhealthy lifestyle choices to boot.
iv) The US economy is sound and strongest in the world - just before the 
economic collapse last year!

As the saying goes, the truth hurts.


Re: [Goanet] socialized health care does not work in America

2009-08-15 Thread marlon menezes

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm


Sometimes, the truth hurts. 

- Original Message 
From: Roland Francis

Marlon, getting personal is a sure sign of weakness.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 1:58 AM, marlon wrote:


 First of all, chill out. I am really concerned about your well being. Your 
 high Body Mass Index, as well as the high levels of stress being caused to 
 you by logic and facts makes you a prime candidate for cardiac arrest! If you 
 were to depart us in cyberspace, who will replace your dim wit, your highly 
 rationed rationale or your comprehensibly, incomprehensible logic?

Re: [Goanet] The euphoria has evaporated

2009-08-12 Thread marlon menezes
From: Mario Goveia

In the meantime, life in the US is terrible and racist. Millions are not 
covered by health insurance. Millions are dying in the streets writhing in pain 
while others pass them by without compassion. The life expectancy is 
I am quite surprised that Mario would change in views of the US in such a short 
time. It does not make sense for such drastic changes to take place in a matter 
of just 7 months of the Obama presidency.. but then again, this is the same 
Mario who has in the past advocated the claim of Global Cooling, or more 
recently claimed that the Pope supports socialism or that the late John Paul 
sympathized with 911 attackers because of his opposition to the Iraq war.

From: Mario Goveia
We have a saying in America, You get what you pay for.  The best never comes 
cheap, and the best does not involve waiting in line for a medical procedure or 
test when your life may be in jeopardy, or suffering excruciating pain because 
some government bureaucrat says so.
That is very true. Or as my Professor used to say, if someone is offering you 
something for free, you better watch out.

The problem with the above statement is that Americans want the best, but don't 
have the means to pay for it. Furthermore, those who are currently 
beneficiaries of this unsustainable system, quite logically fear that any 
changes would mean a significant reduction of their benefits. Mario, who so 
vocally opposes socialized medicine is one of its biggest beneficiary via the 
Medicare system. He is (logically) opposed to sharing his socialized benefits 
with those who do not have access to this. Unless services are cut, or taxes 
increased (after all you get what you pay for, right?), Medicare is 
accumulating trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities. Other forms of 
implicit socialization of its medical care is that government diktat requires 
that hospitals provide expensive emergency care to the uninsured population. 
Unless Mario thinks that money grows on trees, or believes in ponzi schemes, 
someone has to pay for these costs.

The current socialized system does not penalize its selective beneficiaries for 
their unhealthy lifestyles. Cardio related issues, most often due to unhealthy 
diets, being over weight etc is one of the biggest costs to the medical system. 
Unfortunately, this socialized system, does not penalize such individuals who 
are already in the system for their unhealthy choices. I recall, Mario 
himself admitting to being overweight. So here we have a case of a person who 
shrieks against socialized medicine, while attempting to exempt himself from 
the rules he wishes to set for others!!

Contrary to Mario's claim that the socialized system in the US is functioning 
fine, the facts speak otherwise. On a per capita basis, the US spends around 
40-60% more than the OECD average, but yet, ranks near the bottom as far as 
various health metrics are concerned. Clearly the current path of socialized 
medicine that the US is taking is not sustainable.

My preferred path would be to have a solely private system with basic 
socialized coverage for children and the handicapped only. I also do not 
support free health care for the aged. Higher premiums should be expected for 
older people - that is an expected cost of getting older and should be factored 
in by individuals during their working years. Obviously, insurance companies 
should not have the right to terminate pre-existing medical coverage after a 
certain age.


[Goanet] Anyone done Lasik eye surgery in Goa?

2009-08-11 Thread marlon menezes
I'm curious to know if anyone has done this kind of eye surgery in Goa. A quick 
google check does indicate that this is available in Goa, but my main intent is 
to get feedback from people who may know someone, or who may have themselves 
used it.

Re: [Goanet] Influx of uncontrolled Migrants into Goa

2009-08-10 Thread marlon menezes
Excuses, excuses!
If you have flown out of the coop, you have done it because you value your 
economic interests more than preserving Goa's culture. And guess, what? There 
is nothing wrong with that. Most of us who live outside Goa, do so for economic 
reasons, because we have a stronger craving for physical wealth than for 
preserving some hard to measure aspect of preserving Goa or its culture. Trying 
to influence the future of Goa and attempting to victimize the migrants from 
afar is less likely to succeed than controlling the Mars rovers from Earth. 
Bottom line is that migrants, foreigners etc have come to Goa because it makes 
economic sense for them and for the economy as a whole. This is how free 
markets and free societies are supposed to work. The real issue in Goa is not 
the migrants, but bad governence - mostly Goans, elected by mostly Goans.

- Original Message 
From: Freddy Fernandes
Just because one has flown the coop, that does not mean all others have to do
the same, we would rather hold on to, and fight it out. We have not abandoned
like may be your good self, but are still in touch with reality and live and
stay in Goa when ever we can and have taken active part in helping our villagers
to fight mining, land grabbing and mega housing and continue to do so from
outside Goa or from within Goa and I know for sure that if Arwin wants to settle
abroad he would be able to do so without any problem but his love for Goa keeps
him bonded with Goa. One who does not know Arwin may question his credibility
but people who know him will surely not and for your kind information we are lot
more than just a holiday Goans.

Re: [Goanet] Comedy Show

2009-08-07 Thread marlon menezes

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


Count me in. Assuming I make it to Goa this year, I will at most only be able 
to stay at the Taj Aguada Prison for 2 weeks. Do they take rambunctious 3 and 5 
year olds? If so, please inform them to make arrangements for my kids as well. 
Perhaps they can keep them locked up for a bit longer than 3 weeks (.. I'm 
thinking 10 years).

- Original Message 
From: Santosh Helekar


Here is what I think all of us should write in our emails to the speaker and 
other MLAs. But more importantly, we should write it as a letter-petition to 
the Herald newspaper with our names on it:


Dear Sir,

I agree with Samir Kelekar that the Goa Vidhan Sabha is a comedy show. The 
threat of imprisonment issued from its chair and benches against a private 
citizen for speaking his mind in public, just proved this fact. I am willing to 
spend time in prison with Samir to defend my right to freely express this 
opinion of mine in this free democratic country of ours.


Santosh Helekar 

Goanetters, if you are willing to add your name to this petition, please say so 
in this forum or privately to me. I will send it to the editor of Herald as 
soon as I receive 100 names. I need to know how many people will be there with 
us because I have to make reservations at Aguada. We need at least 100 bodkam 
because ex-President Pandurang has told me that we get a special discount for a 
party of 100 or more. 

Regarding sending the above letter as an email to the actors in the comedy 
show, their email addresses are listed on the following website:



Re: [Goanet] Influx of uncontrolled Migrants into Goa

2009-08-07 Thread marlon menezes

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


- Original Message 

From: Freddy Fernandes

Some have even asked Arwin to leave the Gulf and go to Goa and start acting on
his notions rather than filling up cyberspace, is it a guilt feeling that they
have, of having left their home land for greener pastures, and want to be
respected by their accommodators, they need not have that guilt feeling and I am
sure our Goans in other countries will never ever out number the locals and
dirty their surroundings,  I would like to tell those guys who think like wise
that Awirn has done and is still doing a lot more for Goa and Goans from here in
the Gulf and during his numerous visits to Goa, than what the wise guys must
have collectively done for Goa.
Sorry, Arwin has very limited credibility in this regard, because he has 
himself abandoned Goa for greener pastures abroad. The large outflux of Goans 
is one reason why openings have been created for non-Goans to enter Goa. Rajan, 
who is a US citizen who maintains a US residence is another part time patriot.  
Based on  your email, it looks like you too are holiday Goan. If and when I 
hear  the real  full time locals in Goa start complaining (e.g. FN, Cecil 
Pinto, my parents and family) about the so called  ghatti (aka Indian Nigger) 
influx, I will reverse my opinions.
If you guys don't like the way Goa is turning out to be, you have two choices: 
move to Goa permanently and bring change, or just leave Goa for good. 

Re: [Goanet] Re. Non-Goans to exceed Goans in Goa in coming years

2009-08-03 Thread marlon menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Rather that trying to fight it (you will lose trying to do so), the better 
approach would be to try and take advantage of this influx. At the low end, the 
cheap labor is highly needed. At the high end, the skilled non-Goans also 
provide skills that are not available locally, or which Goans have migrated out 
of state or out of the country to take advantage of. Why should a business 
person in Goa be restricted from hiring a Goan, when he or she may be able to 
get a cheaper or better person from another part of the country? Such 
restrictions are an implicit tax on businesses. 40% of the Silicon Valley's 
population is foreign born and only around 20% of its population is native and 
it is doing great. If you are so concerned about Goa being overrun by non 
Goans, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go back to Goa. I 
do not buy your argument that you are a temporary immigrant.
Goa should operate as a free market entity. There should be minimal 
restrictions of land and property ownership - either foreign or domestic. No 
self appointed God should have the right to restrict locals from selling their 
property to the highest legal bidder.

- Original Message 
From: Arwin Mesquita
To: Goanet
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 12:29:01 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re. Non-Goans to exceed Goans in Goa in coming years

Ref below post: The “Cementing” principle has not only shaped Goa’s Identity
today but also many other identities/countries around the world each in
their respective way. But surely, we appreciate that other Countries will
not allow inward migration to exceed tolerable levels, to the detriment of
their local identity, language, living standards etc. Of course, we
understand that migrations are natural but have to be in a controlled
manner; for instance Goan Immigrants among other immigrants to overseas
countries, are gradually being integrated into the culture/identities of
their adopted counties, because those countries have and enforcing even
stronger immigration policies to keep migration in control. But in Goa the
rate of Non-Goans coming into Goa is too high/un-controlled and instead of
Non-Goans being integrated into Goan Identity, the danger is that it will be
vice-versa; needless to mention of course the other effects on Goa’s
environment, ecology, living standards etc


Re: [Goanet] May be Rest in Darkness_McNamara: From the Tokyo Firestorm to the World Bank

2009-07-08 Thread marlon menezes

I agree with Mario. I don't consider Cockburn credible. But then, I don't 
consider Mario very credible either. When McNamara himself states regret for 
the Vietnam war (in his book In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of 
Vietnam by McNamara), one has to take his words far more seriously than those 
of Mario or Cockburn.

As far as the Khmer Rouge are concerned, it was Vietnam that ended the 
holocaust in Cambodia. Vietnam would have been incapable of doing so, were it 
under US siege. US policy at that time was to ignore the genocide in Cambodia 
as the Khmer Rouge were mortal enemies of Vietnam. Another example of the laws 
of unintended consequences - as was the case with the Mujahadeen and the 
Taliban in Afghanistan, or the 2nd Gulf War that made Iran the power broker in 
the Middle East today. 

These various failures show that no single political party in the US has a sole 
lock on stupid foreign policy. Unfortunately, some narrow minded individuals 
can't seem to understand this.


--- On Wed, 7/8/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

 From: Mario Goveia

 Readers of Counterpunch and author Alexander Cockburn need
 to know that this is a far left wing publication and
 Cockburn is a vicious and mean-spirited Marxist-sympathiser
 and anti-Semite, as demonstrated by this sentiment at the
 death of a political opponent May He Rest in Darkness.
 Robert McNamara's legacy was marred by the left wing and
 the Democrat party in America when they cut the military
 budget on the verge of a VietCong military collapse. 
 This is not my opinion but that of VietCong General Giap,
 who mentioned in his memoires that he was shocked when the
 Americans began to pull out because his forces were
 virtually on their knees after their failed Tet offensive.
 After the war, the VietCong and Khmer Rouge, whom Cockburn
 and his Marxist colleagues had described as benign freedom
 fighters, massacred some 3 million innocent Vietnamese and
 Real freedom fighters do not massacre their own people.

[Goanet] Treatment of British families in Goa/need based buying

2009-06-29 Thread marlon menezes


What exactly is need based buying? Who determines who needs and who does not 
need? Furthermore, are you really sure you are really reflecting the views of 
the local side? What about the locals who wants to sell their property at the 
highest price possible? Why do you wish to restrict their rights to get the 
best deal possible?

Instead of promoting rather arbitrary laws that seek to restrict individual 
freedoms, the better approach would be to push for a system that provides 
greater clarity and transparency to all the parties. Everyone who has bought or 
sold property in Goa (perhaps this applies to India in general) knows that 
there are two books - official and under the table. Accurate official 
statistical information on parameters like prices is an oxymoron and ownership 
rights are byzantine. Conversely, there is much data from around the world (as 
well as within India) to suggest that your rent and price control schemes do 
not work, for they only serve to choke long term supply in the affected market.


--- On Sun, 6/28/09, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न wrote:

 You guys talk about local thinking. But what about expat
 Isn't it strange that nobody sheds a single tear for the
 many Goans-in-Goa
 who can't afford to buy a home after working hard their
 full life here? And
 the expat/foreigner/non-resident buying of homes is only
 pushing up
 speculation (not need-based buying) in the unreal real
 estate sector.
 It all says something about our attitudes, values, and
 which side we choose
 to take! FN

Re: [Goanet] Governments Goan Identity Hypocrisy

2009-06-11 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Arwin Mesquita wrote:
 For instance, it is well
 known that
 Mega-Projects have a detrimental effect on the demography
 of Goa; by not
 bringing in so many migrant workers but also by the huge
 influx of Rich
 Non-Goans purchasing apartments; which are beyond the reach
 of most Goans!!
What about the needs of the rich Goans? Why should their rights be trampled 
upon? Sorry, I believe in equal rights for rich and poor Goans. 

 For instance at Sirvoii, Quepem there is Mega-Project
 called “PEACE VALLEY”
 by Sanathan Buiders; details can be viewed over the
 internet i.e. 200 crore
 project over 75,663 sq km complete with 57 villas, 174
 apartments Golf
 Courses, Horse Riding, Helipad etc I would understand that
 these apartments
 would be beyond the reach of ordinary goans and am curious
 to know who the
 purchasers will be? 
It may be out of reach of ordinary Goans, but what about the extraordinary 
Goans, expat Goans, temporary (for most of one's life) expat Goans, such as 
you, wanna be Goans etc?

Since places like Peace Valley seem to be antithetical to Goan culture, 
perhaps you can establish an alternate venue to promote our dying culture. We 
can call it Death Valley. Instead of golf courses etc, we can have shooting 
ranges, so that we can shoot ourselves in the foot. 

Dev Boredom Korum 

Re: [Goanet] Villains of the Financial Mess (inflation)

2009-06-07 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Mario Goveia wrote: 
 Mario responds:
 Nice try, Marlon.  But Cheney is a lot smarter than
 the morons who try to demonize him with facts out of
 context.  He was not talking about 12% of GDP deficits.
 In the range he was talking about, he was, in fact,
 The morons obsessed with the absolute size of the deficits
 rarely stop to consider that it is not the absolute size of
 the deficit that matters but the deficit as a percentage of
 GDP, which in Cheney's world, since 1980, were in a range of
 4% or less as a percentage of GDP, and we had low inflation
 as well throughout the period.
Not really. The problem was that the Bush administration went into huge 
deficits to artificially grow an economy that was already growing. From a +2% 
surplus, it left the nation with a 4% deficit, clearly one of the worst records 
ever. As we now know, the economic growth during the Bush era was a mirage. He 
managed a 6% change from surplus to deficit when the country was still growing. 
In many ways, that is worse that what Obama is doing now - also a 6% delta 
thanks to Bush's economic parting gift - the worst recession since the great 
depression. Every basic household knows (or should know) the importance of 
saving during the good times in order to cover the bad times. Unfortunately the 
Bush administration failed econ 101.

 Inflation has more to do with the growth of the money
 supply and productivity, which is why it will kick up out of
 sight pretty soon.
 Marlon wrote:
 The US core CPI value does not include such components as
 food, energy and housing. Hence if you don't eat food, don't
 drive a vehicle, or don't own a home, then yes, there has
 not been any significant inflation in the US!
 Mario responds:
 Sigh!  I have no idea where you come up with such
 silly ideas.  Perhaps if you take the time to read the
 following you will see exactly what is included and why:

Sigh!, where do you come up with your cut and paste research. The Federal 
Reserve, which has a lot more authority and power than the BLS uses the core 
inflation rate to determine govt. policy. These are the guys that set important 
economic parameters such as interest rates. This core rate does not include 
such things as food and energy. Please do a search on core inflation rate and 
the Federal reserve. You are chasing up the wrong agency.


Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-07 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:

 For those who are not aware of it, the Canadian health
 care system is funded by the 
 Federal Govt AND the province you live in with most
 services provided by private entities. 
 As a frequent user of the system, I am totally satisfied
 with the services I receive in Ontario. 
Isn't it ironic that Mario, the self appointed critic of other nation's 
socialized health care is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the patchwork 
socialized medicinal system in America? Right now, for example, he is entitled 
to virtually free coverage of all his prescription medication - an extravagant 
legacy of the previous US government. Furthermore, no budgetary allowances were 
made on how to pay for this by its beneficiaries, or by the government in 
general. This means that US society will not just be paying for Mario's health 
care now, but also after he is long gone. 


--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:  
 I am confident that Barrack (blessed be, his
 name) will use the Canadian model to 
 radically change the US health care system. However, since
 the US is essentially 
 broke, there is the possibility that the needed changes
 will only be implemented in 
 a watered down or superficial manner.  
The problem with the US system is definitely not because it is underfunded. 
Quite the contrary, the US spends a far larger share of its GNP on health care 
than Canada. For a variety of reasons, US health care is just too expensive for 
the return one gets.


Re: [Goanet] NEWS-INDIA: Cheapest Car Rides on Govt Subsidies (IPS)

2009-06-05 Thread marlon menezes

You live in Goa, not me. I am not an expert on what the mining companies in Goa 
are doing. Why do you choose to highlight some claims made against the Tatas 
and the Nano, while choosing to be silent about the apparent environmental 
degradation happening in Goa?

 2009/6/4 marlon menezes
  Hence the net annual revenue for the State is
 $75million. Assuming simple
  interest, it will take the state 8000 years to recoup
 its investment in this
  project. This does not make sense.
  Fred, where do you get this stuff from?

--- On Thu, 6/4/09, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न wrote:
 Inter-Press Service (IPS).
 Btw, I wonder if Marlon would have a calculation on the
 number of years it
 would take Goa (her environment, the people and the State)
 to recoup the
 investment in mining here? Does that make sense? FN

Re: [Goanet] NEWS-INDIA: Cheapest Car Rides on Govt Subsidies (IPS)

2009-06-04 Thread marlon menezes

I agree with Nagesh. The author of the article seems to have an agenda against 
TATA. Some of the claims made in the article seem to be verge on the 
ridiculous, specially the claim that the State of Gujrat is offering subsidies 
worth $600 billion, as mentioned below:

According to an internal document that was leaked to the media, the
Gujarat government is providing Tata Motors subsidies worth a
substantial 600 billion dollars for locating its plant in the western
Indian state

Lets do some basic math on these numbers:
1) As rough ball park, we can conservatively assume that each car will be sold 
for around $3000, which is 50% more than the base price.
2) Production volumes are planned to be around 250K per year.
3) Assume state taxes are around 10% (this is obviously too high).

Hence the net annual revenue for the State is $75million. Assuming simple 
interest, it will take the state 8000 years to recoup its investment in this 
project. This does not make sense.

Fred, where do you get this stuff from?


--- On Mon, 6/1/09, Naguesh Bhatcar wrote:

 From: Naguesh Bhatcar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] NEWS-INDIA: Cheapest Car Rides on Govt Subsidies (IPS)
 To: Goanet
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 10:30 PM
 This by far is the most negative
 article about the Nano. I have read that the Nano
 has been generally well received across the country.
 Granted that more cars on
 the road will create more pollution, but the current sales
 of scooters and 
 with 2 stroke engines will pollute the atmosphere, more
 than the Nano. All this is
 the price that the country pays for progress and economic
 I hope the author of this article also goes after all the
 Industrialists like 
 Birlas and the rest. The author has to come to Goa and do
 an investigative
 reporting on the effects of mining.
 I would be curious to know as to which company has stuck to
 the rules and has
 not been controversial in its dealings. I never understood
 as to what Mamta 
 achieved by her agitation, other than giving away thousands
 of jobs to Gujarat. Now
 as Minister for Railways, she can employ a lot more from
 West Bengal!
 Naguesh Bhatcar

Re: [Goanet] Villains of the Financial Mess

2009-06-03 Thread marlon menezes

The former US Vice Moron, Dick Cheney said that deficits (ie. debt) did not 
matter. That administration then went on a spending spree with its major 
expansion in Medicare, its poorly executed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan etc. 
Instead of facing up to these costs then and asking its citizens to make the 
hard sacrifices, President Bush and the feds encouraged its citizens to go into 
a debt induced spending spree. The same was tried during the failed Vietnam 
war. The result was huge deficits and hyper inflation in the US after an 
initial period of false prosperity. 

The problem with Paul Krugman is that he is advocating huge levels of deficit 
spending to get the US out of the current mess. I really don't understand how 
anyone can solve the problem of excessive debt, but going into even more debt. 
They should have let GM and many of the banks fail. Nations often perform best 
under adversity. This downturn is a natural correction to the excesses of the 
past. I fear the policies of the current US government are only pushing the day 
of reckoning to some date in the future. I don't want to be holding too many 
US$ when that happens maybe it is already happening.


--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 From: Gilbert Lawrence
 Subject: [Goanet] Villains of the Financial Mess
 Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 11:07 PM
 Yesterday was a red-letter day for
 American industry. General Motors, the largest private
 company in the USA, and perhaps the world, filed for
 bankruptcy. The auto industry in the USA was started about
 100 years ago.  Now the largest auto-market in the world is
 reported to be China.  It is just a matter of time that
 Chinese and Indian made cars will be sold in the USA. One
 report, I read gives three years for the Tata Nanos to be
 sold in the USA.
 As in any failure, there are multiple factors at work. And
 these factors are usually at work over a long period of
 time. Here are two articles from the New York Times that
 reviews the villains of the financial mess.  One of the
 articles written by a respected authority who won a Nobel
 prize in economics. He could be described as the model of
 respectable intellectual centrism.

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism

2009-06-03 Thread marlon menezes

If high quality medical services can be provided in India, then why not? The 
cost structure in the US, specially for medical care is way out of whack. As a 
fraction of GDP, the US pays 50% more than the UK (or around 60-70% more on a 
per capita basis), but yet, an average citizen in the UK has a longer life 
expectancy than in the US. The US must look into medical outsourcing to reduce 

Older individuals and people who have unhealthy lifestyles (eg. over weight, 
smokers etc) should be made to pay higher costs to reflect their true costs. 
Hospitals in the US should have the right to reject treating emergency patients 
if they don't have insurance, even it is fatal to the subjects in question. The 
current approach in the US is that basic health care is ignored, but the govt. 
then steps in and forces hospitals to provide high cost emergency care. 


--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

 From: Mario Goveia
 Subject: [Goanet]  The state of US capitalism
 Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 6:45 PM
 Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 19:08:25 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Mervyn Lobo
 The US Govt today became the owner of General Motors. As
 one Toronto paper explained, the US govt will also
 simultaneously serve as the company's regulator, tax
 collector, customer. pension backstop and lender. I love
 Mario responds:
 Of course you do, since you were one of those who supported
 the election of the radical socialist government of Messiah
 Hussein [Peace be upon him!]
 Now he is trying to make the US just like Canada. 
 If he succeeds in making the US health care system as
 efficient as Canada's the Canadians will have no option but
 to go to India for serious treatments.

Re: [Goanet] Is It True?

2009-05-20 Thread marlon menezes

That is because America still rules Europe. Maybe in a few years, the Eulopeans 
will get a little more Chinese.

--- On Tue, 5/19/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

 From: Mario Goveia
 Subject: [Goanet]  Is It True?
 Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 1:34 PM
 Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 12:49:29 -0400
 From: Roland Francis
 Johanna the Icelandic runner-up of the 2009 Eurovision Song
 Is she a beauty?
 Mario responds:
 Yes, she is.
 How come they all sing in an American accent in Europe?

[Goanet] The Goanet McCarthy Award (was Muslim Demographics)

2009-05-11 Thread marlon menezes

Fully agree with Fred. Like the stock market, past performance is no guarantee 
for future results. If anything, the numbers clearly indicate that the trend in 
the more educated muslim countries is way, way down. According to the latest 
stats produced by the UN, 8 of the 15 fastest declines in population growth 
rate were in the Middle East.

From the statistics, one will note that Iran's rate is now below replacement 
rate (ie. it will soon have a declining population). The biggest military power 
in the Middle East - Israel, has a growth rate that is almost double that of 
Iran's. Why does Mario persist with his Muslims be damned rhetoric? Is he 
competing with the other M for the Goanet McCarthy award for anti-christian 


--- On Sun, 5/10/09, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न wrote:

 It's interesting to see the post-Cold
 War search for a New Enemy
 (Islam is unfortunately the prime target) bring
 Rightwingers and
 Islamophobes of all kinds onto the same side.

  Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 23:46:05 -0400
  From: Roland Francis
  An undeniable trend, or skewed statistics designed by
  Christians to scare.
  Which is it?
  See the seven and a half minute YouTube video.
  Mario responds:
  Do you have some facts to show that the statistics are
 skewed, or are you trying to obfuscate or deny the
 undeniable trend??

Re: [Goanet] Shantidoot

2009-04-20 Thread marlon menezes

I am who I am.
Poetic justice, shall we say?

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

Mario asks:

Are you Shantidoot, or his abuser?

Re: [Goanet] Chicken soup in Anjuna

2009-04-20 Thread marlon menezes

Sorry Maria, you are way off ... yet again.
I have a clothes washer that uses silver nano particles to disinfect clothes, 
without needing detergent or hot water. I think in Mervyn's case, it would have 
to be gold dust. As Mervyn has educated us on this forum, gold is the magical 
elixir for lot of problems :-)

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo

It is funny (to me) to find out that there are Goan doctors who will 
even contemplate 'chicken soup' as medication.

Mario adds:

C'mon, Mervyn, give me a break.  This shows you know as much about chicken soup 
as about gold or the USA or the stock market or Somali pirates:-))

If you knew anything about the stock market you would know that Gilbert is one 
of the biggest stockholders in Campbell's Soup and is also the guy who writes 
all those Chicken Soup for the... books which have made him a 
gazillionaire:-))  All his patients are fed chicken soup for three days before 
he examines them: )) 

Re: [Goanet] Shantidoot

2009-04-18 Thread marlon menezes

Thanks to popular demand, I shall return!

--- On Sat, 4/18/09, Mario Goveia wrote:

From: Mario Goveia
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Shantidoot
Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009, 11:11 AM

George Pinto wrote:

I am deeply troubled that one poster or a few posters caused Shantidoot not to 
further post his daily limericks. Whatever the facts were, I request Shantidoot 
to start resume posting. His creative genius, along with Francis' Daily Grook, 
are gifts that cyber Goans should not be denied due to the actions of one 
person (or a few).

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 23:40:39 +0200
From: Alfred de Tavares

Hear! Hear!!

Mario responds:

Deeply troubled??? Hear! Hear!???

Kitem re???   Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Surely we can muster a lot more passion and outrage than this !!!???

Re: [Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-27 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Thu, 3/26/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:
 I am sure you are aware that the Japanese Govt has been
 financing the research for the hybrid cars of Toyota and 
 Nissan for the past ten years. Japan wants to clean up the
 air in its cities. The US car manufacturers, on the other
 put all their money and efforts into lobbying the US govt
 NOT to improve emission standards. For that reason
 people want the US car manufacturers to pay the price.
 They are voting with their wallets, buying hybrids instead 
 of gas guzzlers.
And the US companies are now paying the price, as they should. The US has also 
announced a battery research program - basically to fund basic research at 
various universities. I think this a better approach than working with 
industry.  This is a reversal of the last decade or so, which saw significant 
cut in university science budgets via the NSF (in god we trust!).

WRT Hybrids, let me say that they are a money looser. They make their 
manufacturers no money and save their drivers none even with gasoline at double 
the current price. The math on this is pretty easy. Sales are actually down 
significantly now because consumers are realizing that they are not a good 
value proposition, and have the driving dynamics of a golf cart. Like their 
American counterparts, the German manufacturers have so far stayed away from 
Hybrids, but they are still doing quite well. For now, hybrids are a halo 
marketing gimmick. 

The problem with US cars, and specially with Chrysler is that they simply suck 
(there are few gems however). Tractor like driving dynamics, cheap interiors, 
so-so gas mileage etc. Let me go on record to say that Toyota, is at risk of 
becoming the new GM. Most Toyotas have personalities that are as appealing as 
bath tubs   but I digress :)


 Just this morning, Bloomberg had a slew of reports about
 the Chinese Govt introducing subsidies to promote 
 alternative energy production. Here are the numbers, the
 Chinese Govt will provide a subsidy of US$2.93 per
 watt for solar projects with a generation capacity of at
 least 50 kilowatts. Note the price is per watt. This is a
 heck of a lot 
 of money. All the Chinese solar stocks prices jumped (went
 thru the roof?) today. If you are interested, the ones 
 that trade in N. America are:
 Suntech Power Holdings, STP
 Yingli Green Energy,   YGE 
 JA Solar Holdings,  JASO
 LDK Solar Co,    LDK

Yes, it was a good boost to the market. The US federal government also has a 
30% tax rebate. Current solar prices are around $7/watt (installed). That comes 
to a subsidy of $2.10 per watt. Where I live, I also get an additional local 
rebate of $4.50 per watt. I am waiting for final IRS interpretation of the laws 
(on whether rebates are taxable), but if the above holds, I can basically get 
solar to power around 80% of my needs for a few thousand dollars. That is a one 
time payment and the electricity needs are covered for the next 25-30 years! As 
solar programmes like this proliferate across the world (Germany is the leader 
right now by far), it is possible that a solar boom could occur sooner than 
expected. The current expectation was another 5-10 years as solar costs come 
down to become competitive without govt. rebates. 

 In addition, this morning, Hussein bin Obama said on his
 Internet Town Hall meet that the US auto industry must be
 not symbolically but so that people could have jobs. 
 Socialism at its best.  
This is really upsetting, specially in the case of Chrysler. They are privately 
owned, which means that share holders  and the country at large get no benefits 
of this largess, their products stink and their sales have fallen off the 
cliff. Unlike AIG, Chrysler is too small to survive. I really don't get it.


Re: [Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-26 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:
The request was for numbers.
I live in a world where numbers are everything, and sentiment is not worth a 
In simple terms, it is much easier to understand a salesman who informs you 
that your investment will make 4% annually
verses a salesman who tells you, I will make you lots of money.  
I think you missed out my comment that 70% of the world's venture capital was 
being invested in America. Technological innovation and its commercialization 
is what ultimately determines a nation's standard of living.

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:
WRT your two points:
1) The Chinese have and are marketing an electric car that is far more advanced 
than anything the US has to offer. This is 
just the beginning of inovation that will surely come out of China. Here is the 
link to the NPR program.
BYD is a good company, but the details on this car remain sketchy. Lithium ion 
has several issues: cost, safety, recharge speed and energy density . Except 
via fuzzy accounting or excessive govt. subsidies, I do not see how anyone can 
make these cars so cheap ($22K). Toyota, a company that is acknowledged to be 
the most efficient auto manufacturer in the world, loses money on every hybrid 
car its sells - and hybrids are far cheaper than plug in electrics.

For now, they are a marketing halo product. Even GM's soon to be released and 
much acclaimed plug in electric car, the Volt, is a dubious proposition. GM 
is marketing this car as something that will save it. It will not. In the next 
10 years, I believe the biggest bang for the buck in engine efficiency will 
come from the implementation of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition 
(HCCI) technology - and not from the more sexy hybrid or battery technology. 
Perhaps by then, battery technology will become more mainstream.

As far as battery research is concerned, most of the cutting edge work is 
happening in America - not China. Ironically, the future may be in the use of a 
variation of the common lead acid battery known as the lead carbon battery.

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo wrote:
2) When you report false numbers in China, the Govt takes you outside and 
shoots you. When you report false numbers
in the USSA, the govt gives you a bonus, prints money to pay the bonus and then 
passes legislation to tax 90% of
the bonus. The final part of this process is for the USSA govt to appoint 
managers to run the companies that have fantasy
profits/losses. In this regard, it feel that the Chinese method promotes far 
more fiscal responsibility than the USSA's  
'democratic' method. 

In China, anything is the truth - so long as the government says it is so. Your 
understanding of China is rather naive.

Regarding the much maligned issue of the AIG bonuses, the fact is that the 
original core team responsible for this mess, were fired, forced out or had 
quit a long time ago. The current staff that were supposed to get the bonuses 
were brought in at the government's request to clean up house and many of the 
executives were receiving no salaries. But yes, fundamentally, the US is wrong 
in letting these companies live. They should have been shut down in the first 


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