[Goanet] God and You

2011-11-24 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Goanetters. While the Bible teaches us one thing we are given another type 
of religion and hope God will save us when we go to Him. I wonder what God will 
do with those who have forcebly given us alternate gods leaving the almighty 
God the Father of Jesus without glory and worship. Exodus chapter 20 verse 4 
clearly teaches us that God the father is the Almighty God and we cannot make 
any other gods before Him. I request each and every goa netter who wishes to 
read to go through this passage. Is the Roman Catholic Church believes that God 
the Father is the only God and that we have no other gods before him ? If this 
commandment that was given to Moses by the Almighty Lord is not observed and 
respected than we may not see God at all.We might say then" woe to us wished we 
were not born as human beings. what is the use of our religion if we cannot 
reach Heaven the place all desire to be ! Could some one tell me if Rosary is a 
prayer and if statues forms a part of our religio
 n. If ours is the true religion and founded by Christ through his sacrifice 
then we should do away with the statues of all kind as Lord does not like it. 
Read the bible feel the power of the holy spirit and do not recite insipid 
prayers. Hope the holy Spirit enlighten all those whose brains have become 
coroded with paganism. albert


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[Goanet] God and You

2011-10-09 Thread Albert Desouza

De.ar GoanettersGod created each one of us with his infinite love. God loves 
you and me irrespective of what we are .We often use other gods to make favours 
with the Almighty God our Father and think we are justified with all our 
rituals .We give this excuse and that excuse for our methods that we have 
adopted for our prayers and we often condem other religious believers like how 
the Jews did. Our priests often critise the believers and make fun of them but 
what will we use at the time of our judgement ? can we give testimony of rosary 
to God and say we have this weapon of salvation ? think and let me know . 
albert de souza   

[Goanet] God and You

2011-08-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Goan netters
God dwells in you and He has made your body His temple. He is the power, the 
creator and love. We cannot achieve any better legacy but God's relationship 
with you that makes us really divine people of God. He has given us a simple 
formula to be happy in this world and in the next world too. If one does not 
know what happiness is he or she will not reliquinish the taste of happiness in 
the next world. Be happy in this world and be happy with what you have and not 
try to possesses the same like your neighbours. The unhappiness in this world 
is not God made one but man made one. Though our needs are not that many our 
pride has brought us the downfall. Many build mansions without haaGod has 
actually given us simple living. Just love God and just love your fellow man. 
Mary the mother of Jesus whom we call  Saibin Maim has just done that. While on 
one side we sing loud Pau maie the other side we do not show any concern for 
others .Mary was full of concern for others. While our parents  are dying 
hopelessly in the home for the aged we are shouting hossana in the church. Qui 
bono for whose good are we doing all these ? While people are visiting Mary's 
s, rines all over the globe our divorce files , police files and even court 
files keep on increasing and most of the cases are one brother fighting against 
the other. One human being is trying to kill other human beings and both are 
created by the same Father. Today our religion is giving us just a title. Our 
churches should be called church pvt ltd because going to church has no meaning 
on our life . we go just to show others that we belong to that church and many 
times give donations just because we want our names to re called out .Holiness 
is what God has to give you . Mother Theresa just loved God through human 
beings and God has made her great. No need to make her a saint she was already 
one. Albert de souza 

[Goanet] God and You

2011-01-20 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We must learn to accept God as our Father. Jesus accepted God 
as his father and always did His will. Mary the mother of Jesus accepted God as 
her lord and did His will. We talk about our holiness without God. If only we 
had faith in Our Father and went to Him as little children of His our life on 
earth would have been a joyous life one can imagine to have. But we tend to 
make our own religion. A religion of greed, pride, boasting .We have  laid our 
full trust in human beings who cannot even bring you back to life once you lay 
still. Jesus brought Lazarus from the dead not by himself but with the support 
of His Father. Can we do that ? To be closer to the Father we have to be closer 
to His creations. One cannot love God when he divides His creations on base of 
colour, wealth, caste etc. If we hug the poor and the needy we are hugging our 
creator, our saviour. You can call yourself a christian only if you know to 
love all beings on earth. It is easy to love rich persons on earth. It is 
easier to love a beautiful person on earth but it is really difficult to love a 
dalit, an adivasi person, a harizan !Learn to glorify the Lord. Begin your day 
by praising the Lord Your God. Amen 

[Goanet] God and You

2011-01-03 Thread Albert Desouza

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Roman Catholics have a feeling of superiority. They always believe that theirs 
is the true religion founded by Christ and that we are all saved. Apart from 
hearing masses, and saying rosaries and attending feasts which are stereotype 
what do we have to say we are the children of God ? Nothing. John was from 
labour class. He lived in an ouNow tthouse of one rich catholic widow and did 
all her work. He lived with his wife and three children. None of the members 
ever went to school. John's mother looked after the kitchen when all the five 
family members went to work. They did not know to pray either and sometimes 
they had to work on sundays so going for mass was impossible. Many devout 
catholics made him work on sundays and paid him less because poor John did not 
know much of money matters. He had no savings and the day there was no work 
there was no food. It was Good friday. People were rushing to the church. John 
was busy breaking an old tree of a pious religious lady in her b
 ack yard. He was not even aware that it was Good friday. Just then someone 
rebuked him and shouted at him for not going to church. It was the day of 
penance and fasting. You have to go to church shouted the good old lady. Poor 
John felt hurt that he was not attending the church and left his work rushed 
home and wore a crumpled old shirt and made his way to the church. Everyone's 
gaze was on his crumpled shirt. Some one next to him caught his hand and asked 
him whether he could not iron his shirt. It was in the month of October. John 
was sitting outside his house . His mother was critically ill in Govt. hospital 
and he could not go to work .Two members of his family had to remain in the 
hospital. A couple came to his door and wanted to speak about christ. John got 
irritated and said " Christ is for those whose stomach has its fill not for 
poor John who has not been able to get food because there is no work. What will 
I do with your sermon on Christ ? I want money. " The husba
 nd opened his purse and gave him some dole and went away promissing to come 
again. Next day a team of helpers descended at his house. They were a group of 
protestants. They promised to send his children to school and promised to give 
John a decent job. John's children went to school. John and his wife got a job 
on monthly salary with free food at their centre. John and his family were free 
on sundays and attended Praise and worship. His clothes were now different, his 
looks were now different. His family was very happy. Some of the catholics 
around his house came to know that John had become a believer and they went to 
his house. They fired him for joining that group. You will be condemned to hell 
. You will not get your last sacraments. save your soul John. This time John 
really got angry. He stood straight and put his chest out and said. Did you 
know that John really existed on this soil ? I wore crumpled clothes and you 
made me work on sundays and even of Good friday that
  time you never thought I had a soul. You paid me less and I accepted it. No 
one thought about my children's education .Now that I have become a believer 
and got my identity that I am a child of God you thought of my salvation and my 
soul. Don't worry My God will save me for my heart is with God .albert de souza 

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[Goanet] God and You

2010-12-22 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Christmas means the birth of the Jesus. The word became flesh 
and dwelt into this world.God came into this world in the form of Jesus to 
bring us salvation. Jesus gave us assurance that he would lead us to the 
father.Is our religion bringing us salvaton ? No. As long as the catholics do 
not embrace Jesus in word and in thought no salvation can come to us. In the 
life of Jesus he assured Nicodemus salvation. Today he is assuring us 
salvation. We are after worldly gods. We have been embracing instruments that 
are paganic. No human beings can save us except christ then why do we not 
embrace Christ and holding his hand we go to the Father. God himself has 
promised to become our Father. He has promised salvation to us. He has promised 
to look and take care of us. Let us hold God's hand and fall into an embrace 
with Him and allow God to love and nourish us with his loving self. In this 
christmas let us take a resolution not to care too much for statues but to read 
bible and make it part of our self. Every right step in this world is mentioned 
in the Bible. God speaks to us in the Bible and unless and until we make a 
habit and pray to the Lord our God directly by opening our hearts we will 
remain as strangers in the eyes of God. Amen

[Goanet] God and you

2010-11-20 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God lives in You for you are a special person before God. When 
you were in the womb of your mother God knew you and had written a history for 
you.That was God's plan. Today human beings have tendancy to draw up their own 
plan and when it does not match with God's plan you tend to get frustrated and 
curse God for sending you sufferings and misfortunes. We do not need structural 
church to serve God. We do not need great leaders to help us in salvation. we 
ought to be  for able to live with God and the blessings will give us entry 
into heaven. Today most of us have wrong notion of our religion. Will our 
religion bring salvation to us ? To get salvation we need Jesus for Jesus alone 
has given us assurance that if any one wants to reach to the Father they have 
to first reach to him. Inspite of this sound assurance many of us tend to make 
mistakes and write their own hypothesis. We are fooled into a belief that is 
not true . how can human being give such a assurance of something that he has 
not seen before ? How can we talk about the kingdom of God when we have never 
seen God on this earth and we will never see him with our mortal eyes ? How can 
we stand up and talk something that is not been revealed to us by the Father ? 
Does anyone realise the punishment we may receive for this ?What is the use if 
we gain the whole world, have lot of money in our bank and we have received all 
the earthly honours and in the end we just dissappear into the fires of hell ? 
Jesus has spoken of heaven and of hell. He has told us clearly who can enter 
into the kingdom of heaven. He has told us who is the  owner of hell. Our egos 
have drowned us into the reality of life. Our greed has made us a drunkard. Our 
plans to reach the space of the stars have made us what God had not planned and 
so the hair of your head will not move without the will of God. Let us make 
this body of us a temple of the living God. let us embrace God and let us 
praise and worship him. We cannot see God and we cannot see Jesus unless we 
allow him to be born in the stable of our heart so let us clean our self form 
greed, egoism, pride, filty thoughts and deeds etc. 

[Goanet] God and You

2010-11-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Every moment of our life we ought to bind ourselves to the 
Father which is the main tree and we are the branches. We have to give glory to 
God and we will receive glory only when He wishes to. In God's kingdom there 
are no kings and no scholars except whom God wishes .Many times we glorify 
ourselves. Many times we crown ourselves and seek earthly glory. Earthly glory 
will cease to exist when the sun goes down .Riches make us acknowledged by 
those born in the earth and will return to the earth but the riches that God 
gives are eternal. We cannot glorify those which has no life. We can crown 
those which cannot move or talk. Our life should be God with us. While we hold 
our hands with God on one side we hold our brother's hand the other side. We 
have to love our brother who has no earthly riches and cannot pay us back. Many 
times we are too friendly with the haves and not bothered to reach our hands to 
those who have not. If you call yourself a christian then follow Jesus nd do 
not condemn those who are with him and for him for if we are with Christ then 
why put barriers ? Nothing on this earth can replace Jesus christ the son of 
true God. The bible cannot be replaced with any other form of item which has 
not come to us from christ. The bible contains words coming down to us from God 
either directly or through prophets. We cannot create history when we are not 
kings. If God is our king then the kingdom of God is best known to God alone 
and not to his saints or angels. Mary the mother of Jesus called God as her 
Lord and so it is our duty to put God on higher pedestal then place Jesus 
closer and imitate Mary as the role model of every human beings. Mary did not 
ask us to pray to her. She will not  do that. She has told us to do the will of 
God and so the will of God stated in Genesis is " Increase and multiple and 
fill the earth. Mary had concern for human beings but we her followers do not 
have any concern for others. We do not care for our parents when they are old. 
We do not care for our spouses and we do not love our own children . Then how 
can we be Mary's bakti ? Do not be "dongis" The dongis are pretending to be 
very holy. They pray like the pharises shaking their whole body as if God is 
sending on them fire from heaven. While we wear white clothes like the earthly 
netas our hearts are full of muck coming from the earth . Greed, hatred, 
jealousy and pride has been blocking our heart that we cannot allow the word of 
God to penetrate into the linnings of our heart. Be born again if your want to 
enter the kingdom of God. Nothing except Jesus can save you and those who try 
to put barriers between christian and christian by placing mother mary as an 
instrument to win your hearts doom to those type of leaders for hell is yours.  

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
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[Goanet] God and You O

2010-11-05 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Jesus fixed his religion on love. It was love that made God 
become flesh and dwell among us. The ten commandments are also based on love 
for God and love for human beings. The word love has vanished from the 
dictionary. Roman Catholics can win a gold medal for celebrating feasts in 
dozen. Every year we celebrate around 400 feasts but our lives have not changed 
at all. We speak loudly the words that have no meaning to us. God created every 
human beings but our earthly religions have divided us and made us bitter 
enemies. Our castes have put big huge partitions between us . Why ? why have we 
built such airtight compartments and have grown seeds of hatred between 
brothers and brothers sisters and sisters ? If a catholic boy wants to marry a 
hindu or muslim girl he has to climb and jump hurdles before he can marry her 
or him. So many times young boys and girls have ended their lives because they 
are left with no energy to win a battle. so many times the relations have 
caused bloodsheds and what not just because the boy selected by the girl from a 
particular family is not of that religion. how many of us really follow our 
religion as God wants us to follow ? Is the sun not shining on the hindus , 
muslims and christians ? even among the christians we have several demonitions. 
The Roman catholics feel they are superior because according to them Jesus 
donated his mother to them but the church received this donation only in 1917 
when the church was spliting. Quo vadis dommini. For whom did you shed your 
precious blood oh Lord when your sacrifice has gone into waste. Forgive us Lord 
for not knowing you. Amen 

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] God and You

2010-10-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Catholic religion is a religion of words. While our words speak 
one thing our actions show another thing. The common hymn in the church says " 
Ami soglim ek. meaning we are all one but in reality we are divided based on 
our caste. While Jesus clearly says " I am the truth , etc etc we still do not 
know what is the truth. While Jesus says "The Father and I are one who ever 
wants to reach the father should come to me, yet we believe that saints and 
Mother Mary will take us to Heaven. While Jesus speak of Heaven and hell we 
have created Purgotory. While we ought to have believed in the Almighty God we 
have given him a mother. Now the question I want to ask the learned " Where is 
God ! is he in the church alone or is He with us where ever we go ! While Jesus 
has taught us the Our Father we have created a rosary which makes no meaning. 
Repeated prayer even God won't understand. I have never seen a priest reciting 
a rosary in the church during Novenas. I have never seen Priests bringing our 
lady 's statue and doing what they tell us to do. While St.Paul tells us about 
not having statues in letter to the Romans our churches are full of them. They 
are been carried during processions and at the end of the journey they bless us 
with the lifeless statues. So I want to ask this question to those who can 
answer them. Why was there a God who created heaven and earth ? who created 
life on earth and is Power unto Himself and who told Moses I am who am and who 
gave Moses the ten commandments and while the very first commandment speaks 
firmly of God's Power "I am the Lord thy God who is our God today ? 

[Goanet] God and You

2010-09-23 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert Writes:- Roman Catholics must try to read the Bible and ask God to grow 
your wisdom to understand God and His only son Jesus in a better way. By 
putting Mary as a armour before God will not help you in any way. Accept God as 
your heavenly Father and know that He is the power, and He is the everything in 
your life. Build up a relationship with God instead of putting your faith on 
dead statues. St.Paul to the Romans says we should not make statues of God in 
any way. It is mentioned in the first chapter. I wonder when our learned 
leaders will be enlightened by the Holy Spirit and will start preaching the 
word of God instead of telling us foreign arabian stories. It is a shame that 
we are zero with the bible. We only know what is given in the daily focus. 
Sunday reading is rarely understood by anyone because we do not have he bible 
with us for reference. While verbally we talk of Jesus Christ as our saviour in 
reality we still adore paganism. None of us know what we are praying and to 
whom we are praying. There is no reason in calling the other denominations as 
inferior products because they do not celebrate Mary's feast as we do and there 
is no need to put other religious belief down and harp that we are having Jesus 
Christ alive in our churches. Today instead of becoming confused with our 
beliefs why do we not take the bible and pray with the Bible ? why don't we 
learn to accept Christ as our saviour ? 

[Goanet] God and You

2010-08-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- If only we had understood the meaning of God and His 
commandments, His power, His love we would not have our life like we do today. 
In today's life we find external drama but internally there is a vaccum because 
God does not live within us. Hatred has replaced love. The first commandment 
which orders us to serve only the true God has been replaced with false gods. 
Do we have peace within us ? No never without Christ. Just look at one another 
when you enter the church. Gloom has descended on us. We are totally strangers 
to one another. Even at the time of offering what is called peace we gracefully 
behave as enemies or totally strangers. We like to point a finger at others. 
Many times the ministers and MLAS are our target. We feel hurt because 
catholics are shown as drunkards. We cry heaven to earth when we see a cross 
broken but if one had to see that same cross before someone broke it one would 
see the cross looking shabby without any colour. No one has even time to honour 
that cross .Why do you cry from roof tops and from mountain cliffs because it 
is broken ? we see crosses solemnly erected along the road side which are gone 
black after the rains. No one honours those crosses nor light a candle. why 
make a big show ? Heart of heart we have no reverence to God. We pray to Mary 
mother of Jesus not out of love for her but what will neighbours feel I have 
joined the believers if I do not attend the novenas. For us novena of our lady 
is just another ritual. Pray the rosary with the lips keeping the heart else 
where. At home one finds people making a big show with the rosary. some will 
use it like a necklace while others will throw it all around the house. We do 
not know the value of the Bible. Many of us do not posses a bible and many of 
them have never opened a bible. Are you a christian then !I doubt. Christianity 
was never founded. It came down from heaven through christ. Roman Catholics 
cannot call themselves as Christians. Their mode of prayer, their mode of 
living, their mode of self is not that of Christ. Christ just preached one 
thing. Love God with your whole heart and above all things and love your 
neighbour as Jesus has loved us. Mary did the same. She did God's plan and she 
had concern for others. Those who shout "Ave Maria" from the roof tops are 
liars if they do not have concern for others. Take a blank page and write if 
your history and find out if you are follower of Christ or even follower of 

Re: [Goanet] God and You

2010-06-06 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 6 June 2010 13:32, Albert Desouza  wrote:

> Albert writes:-God loves you and me. Our religion that Jesus gave us
> through his blood contains just one sentence I love you. If we say that to
> our Almighty Father "God I love you, " we would never sin because that would
> cut us off from the Almighty Father.

RESPONSE: Oops, some one working in Woking, just down the road from me,
criticised me and opined that Albert wrote better than him.

Now why one Earth would I say to Jesus 'I love you' because we would never
sin  - we would be cut off from the Almighty Father!.

Albert believes in the Holy Trinity? I wonder

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] God and You

2010-06-06 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-God loves you and me. Our religion that Jesus gave us through 
his blood contains just one sentence I love you. If we say that to our Almighty 
Father "God I love you, " we would never sin because that would cut us off from 
the Almighty Father.Jesus has made this life on earth so simple to live for us 
by giving us just that one commandment Love your God and Love your fellowmen. 
How wonderful this world would have been. But no. We want to chose our path 
which goes away from God, away from fellowmen and we are ruled by greed, 
hatred, pride, etc and so the blood that Jesus shared for us is going waste 
because it was love that made God become flesh, it was love that made God 
create this beautiful earth and put in beautiful people in it and it was love 
that made God forgive us all our trespasses on earth. God is ready to forgive 
all of us only if like prodigal sons we are ready to go into the embrace of the 
aLMIGHTY. God still loves us. He hates our sins but does not hate us. Lets us 
therefore close the path of evil that we are now walking and chose to walk 
holding God's hand for our Almighty Father knows what is best for us.   

Bollywood, beauties and the latest flicks on MSN entertainment

[Goanet] God and You

2010-05-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- you are resting at home and the front door is open and you are 
enjoying the fresh breeze.Suddenly you get the visitor a couple who comes to 
your door with the message " we have come to give you the good news of the 
Lord." but instead of calling them in and allowing them to tell you the message 
that Jesus is the Mesiah you react violently and drive them out and abuse them 
calling them false prophets. Why do you react like that ! because you are not 
sure of your religion.You do not know Christ to distinguish between false 
prophets and the true shepherd. You are ignorant of the bible because you never 
open it.  You react because you do not have a bible and you do not know the 
meaning of the word of God and the value of the Bible. Today many Hindus have 
begun to read Bible. I met a Hindu woman who without asking came to me and 
started to speak about Jesus. She told me about the beatitudes and about Paul's 
letter to the Romans. I did not react violantly because I know the value of 
God's word.Jesus has told us to spread the gospel. For Roman Catholics it is 
only theoritical and not practical because we do not mind talking about 
politics and we do not mind talking about the priests and nuns and of the 
rising price but we feel ashamed to speak what is in the bible because we have 
no knowledge of the same and when we open the same it will be like someone 
talking about the atmosphLovere without knowing how many gases it contains.Many 
times we console ourselves by saying that Jesus has given us his mother who 
will save us. Catholic Religion is just a hollow religion which does not 
contain any aerodome to allow landing of plane of love and where there is no 
love there is no God and where there is no God there is no peace and when we do 
not have peace we cannot achieve salvation. Jesus has clearly said " I am the 
truth the life . read these words yourselves. Do not console yourself that 
your religion has been founded by Christ and you have every right to enter into 
the kingdom of heaven. Let these thoughts not be just infactuations and hope 
you do not lose happiness in heaven because you refused to accept Jesus through 
the Bible. After death there won't be any of these so called leaders to back 
you and help you nor can you come back to tell your family that all is not well 
with our religion because our catholic religion is mere theory but lacking in 
love for fellow men.   
The amazing world in sharp snaps

[Goanet] God and You

2010-04-27 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Roman Catholics do not show reverence to the Holy Bible and if 
they did they would keep it on a pedestrial and lighted a oil lamp to show that 
it is the word of God. We know very little of the Bible and do not want to know 
it either. The church has shown very little interest in the word of God and I 
often wonder which heaven are we planning to enter !Many times people try to 
tell us about the bible but we are always suspicious of those people who speak 
about the bible. To capture heaven Jesus must be born in your heart and your 
body must be the temple of the Holy Spirit. We care so much about the material 
church even though it is closed and no one visits them, What if these unwanted 
and unused churches are converted into some small scale industries. what if I 
send my proposal towards this ? There will be hue and cry and people will start 
abusing me and call me essentric etc. because we do not know the meaning of the 
word church. My body is the temple of the living God and that is so if few of 
us gather under a mango tree and pray won't that form a church ? We are so 
worried about feast which are meaningless but we do not care for our brethrens 
who are starving. We celebrate birthdays and other days in a grand style but we 
have amidst us those who have no shelter to live and are sleeping in the open. 
There are some who eat only once in a day and have knowned hunger from  
childhood. Are these not the children of the living God ? are only Roman 
catholics children of the living God ? Will only Roman catholics reach heaven 
and what about others !Some one told me to go to heaven we have to be baptised 
but what is baptism ? How many of us know that they have received baptism ? did 
we receive baptism of the holy spirit ? are we born again the word that Jesus 
himself used to tell us that we have to be born again meaning we have to change 
ourselves from what we are and follow christ. Jesus has given us assurance that 
if we want to go to the Father we have to come to him and no one else. How can 
we believe in someone who has not seen the father rather than believe in the 
one who has seen the Father ? What is going on in our lives is a tiatr .    
Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

[Goanet] God and You

2010-04-05 Thread Albert Desouza
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Albert writes:- If only if we had  realise that Jesus is the Hub of our 
Christianity we would not be going away from the creator. Its high time we make 
use of the Bible as it contains the word of God. No other prayer can be used as 
a substitute for the word of God as it is the food of the body and food of the 
soul. Much damage has been done by our so called spiritual leaders by creating 
in the minds of human beings that Mary can interceed for us and that she is the 
queen of heaven. Wearing rosaries and reciting rosaries we are only creating 
hurdles in the pathway to Heaven. We are in no way superior that we have entry 
to Heaven and we have no right to despise others because they do not recite 
rosary and attend mass. God forgive those who cannot forgive themselves.

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[Goanet] God and you

2010-03-27 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-God being a creator of everything on earth and heaven suffered 
humilation when He became man. God had to take shape of his creation and become 
Jesus. He did all this for love of man. What did man do ? murder the creator 
the healer etc. Did God put a crown on his head ? did He put any title or 
subtitle against his name ? When Moses encountered God at the burning bush, God 
just told him " Iam who am." He did not boast about himself each time He spoke 
either to Moses or Abraham. Today man was prestigeous title against their name. 
They want earthly crown on their heads. They held their heads in pride to show 
superiority and boast of their being elected or selected .We will be 
celebrating Good Friday on this Friday. We did it last year too. We will be 
staging a tiatr at the church ground where image of Jesus will be crucified and 
people will be crying and shouting and mourning and the next day that same 
Jesus will be forgotten forever. Jesus gave us just two commandments. Love God 
and Love human beings. Our tiatrs will have no meaning if our hearts do not 
acke for the fellow man suffering physical or mental or spiritual tortures. 
There are many unhappy human beings on this planet. They have been deprived of 
their happiness by other fellow human beings. Some of them have been cheated, 
or their happiness is killed by others. They too have right to live and right 
to love. Many youngsters will be there who are deprived of parental love for no 
fault of theirs. Their parents have given them tons of notes but no morsel of 
love. They are roaming from Cafias to Pontius Pilate to see if they can buy 
love with the notes that they have. Many parents who have spent all their life 
carrying burden of tortures for their love ones depriving their own pleasures 
and happiness. They have toiled and moiled from morn to evening just to gain 
happeness for their offspring and now they are tortured in the homes for the 
aged. They get enough food and the nuns take lot of care but what love they 
expect from their offspring cannot be given by the nuns. The nuns try to make 
these old people happy but they are not. The children of those unfortunate 
parents will be celebrating Good friday with fasting and mourning and by 
wearing black . Hypocrites.   
Fight for the top Test spot

[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-09 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God so loved the world that He was prepared to die for us and 
so He took a body form and created Jesus who became man and called himself the 
son of man.Jesus always loved his father and respected Him.The whole 
Christianity is based on love. Love from God to Man and love of man to man. 
Jesus abridged the ten commandments into just two simple commandments. Love God 
with your whole heart and love each other as Jesus has loved us. In what way 
did Jesus love God ? He loved God and it is because this love for His Father he 
ventured into this mission on earth. Jesus did not bother about the thorns that 
would poke him, or the stone poke while walking with the cross or the 
scouraging he would receive. He was concerned to wipe out the sins of humanity 
and to bind the bond of love between man and man. The greatest pain the Jesus 
is still suffering today is because the bond of love uniting man with another 
man is broken. It is replaced with hatred .Today one man is not ready to look 
into the eyes of another man. He does not love another man at all. There is no 
love between husband and wife .They are ready for a divorce . No love between 
parents and children. Between brothers and brothers or sisters and sisters or 
brothers and sisters. There is no love in the world at all. That is the reason 
our newspapers are filled with the stories of rape and murders. Our court 
folders are filed with cases of divorces and other lithigations which could 
have been avoided if there was love existing between people and people. 
Fight for the top Test spot

[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-07 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Moses saw a burning bush and went close to it. He heard God 
talking to Moses but the later did not see God. In the old testament God spoke 
to certain people. He spoke to Adam, He spoke to Abraham, Moses etc .You think 
God does not speak to us ? where do we have time to God ? Our prayers are from 
the prayer book. Our prayers are tailor made which are just coming out from the 
mouth without any meaning. We say angelus, Rosary etc etc but does this prayer 
connect us to the Lord ? a big NO. In today's world we do not have happiness in 
our heart and most of us in this world are in despair because our hearts do not 
touch the Lord. We are not bound with the Lord. MY subject is God and You. IN 
chemistry we have bonds explained by putting dots or dashes. Lets us learn to 
put God - You . The dash signifies the combination or tying of a cord of love 
with God and in that case you do not have to despair. Our body would not have 
been a sick body only if we had laid our thrust with the Lord. God is our 
loving father. He brings peace into your life, your family. when you want to 
pray as a family open the bible and pray using the psalms . You will find that 
the Holy spirit will fill your heart with love for God and you will be in 
praise and worship and the words will just flow from your mouth without any 
problem. The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want anything more that He gives 

Green cities and the melting world

[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-06 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-Let us draw four columns and try to fill in. In the first column 
we write "God " then in the second it is Jesus, third it is Mary and fourth it 
is you. God is our creator. He has built a relationship with his son Jesus .God 
was always happy that Jesus was binded to God the Father and in his mission The 
Father was always sought for help and blessings. In the life of Jesus his life 
was that of simplicity and free from pride and hatred. He was in relationship 
with Mary his mother and lived with her for thirty long years. Jesus christ was 
a true missionary and worked honestly to spread the word of God among the jews 
and the people who sought to listen to the word of God. Mary was the mother of 
Jesus. A humble Armenian lady who obeyed God the Father and did her utmost to 
fulfil God's plan. It was God's plan that Mary should bring Jesus into the 
world. It was not God's plan that Mary should be elevated to the status of God 
as today the church has done. She loved her fellow people all around her 
begining with Joseph who was her  husband, Jesus who was her son her cousins 
and friends. Her concern to the bridial couple when they ran short of wine 
speaks volumes of her generousity and love for others. Her mission got over 
when she stood at the cross to see her son die as per the wishes of God the 
Father. Last is you. Do you have a covenant with the Father, son, Mary and the 
rest of the people in the world ? Do you do God's plan ? find out 
Fight for the top Test spot

[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-05 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-Some of the Jews asked Jesus as to why his disciples were not 
fasting.To this Jesus replied that there is no need to fast when the bridegroom 
is around. We the Roman Catholics make a big farce about fasting. Some fast on 
ash wednesday and Good friday. I do not know how others fast but as a child i 
remember that we were forced to fast. This is what we did on the fast day. Eat 
one or half bread in the morning without butter, have our regular meal in the 
after noon and half meal at night. I do not understand the meaning of this type 
of fast.Some others ate cunji on the fast day. I feel if someone really want to 
fast they will stop eating till six in the evening. When I attended a retreat 
at Potta Chalakuddi, kerala, we had one day fasting. It was optional.Those who 
fasted went without food till six in the evening. That was actually fasting.In 
today's world we need to fast as many of us are far away from Jesus. 
What does Budget 2010 mean for you? Catch all the latest news, updates and 
analysis on MSN Budget Special

[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-04 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- The Holy Spirit works wonders in us. Jesus did not start his 
mission without receiving the Holy spirit. We all have to receive the Holy 
Spirit in us if we want to be vibrant. At the baptism of Jesus the Holy spirit 
came in the form of a dove. At pentacost the apostles received the holy spirit 
in the form of tongues of fire and then the apostles became fierce as a tiger 
or leopold. We need to receive the Holy spirit within us. Our body is the 
temple of the Holy Ghost and if that is so one must know to respect our body 
and the body of others. When we sin we drive away the Holy Ghost from our body 
and request the satan to take possession of our body. If you believe that your 
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit then you will not allow your body to 
receive hatred, pride, envy etc which will harm the temple of the Holy Ghost. 
One should avoid speaking evil of others. One should avoid having hate feelings 
and avoid being proud. Let your self be as simple as possible. Like Jesus who 
washed the feet of his disciples we too should bend low and touch the feet of 
our brothers and sisters.   
What does Budget 2010 mean for you? Catch all the latest news, updates and 
analysis on MSN Budget Special

[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-28 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes:- Let us draw a comparision with the life of catholics with that 
of Christ. Jesus Christ was always obedient to the God's plan. For him the Plan 
was the cross. He had to first carry it on his shoulders for other's sake and 
then shed his precious blood and with the blood a new religion of love would be 
born. The religion which Jesus Christ founded was very simple. Love God with 
all your heart and love one another as Jesus has loved us. Yet we find this 
religion so difficult and so harsh to follow. Those in prayer boast of their 
holiness yet far away from God's love and love for human beings. God has given 
us just ten commandments which would bind us together with God and bind us 
together with fellow human beings. We have never tried to hold the cords 
together that bound us with human beings so how can we unite ourselves with God 
who is not seen by us ? God loves you and His love is unconditional yet we 
distance ourselves from Him by indulging ourselves in serving
  gods that have no life and cannot help us. Jesus always treated God as His 
Father and obeyed all His commandments. He united with the Father from Manager 
to the Cross and always did what the Father wanted him to do and that is why 
God himself declared that Jesus was His son in whom He was well pleased. Jesus 
always received the Holy Spirit the force that was required to preach the word 
of God. Today Rosary has replaced the word of God.  
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-02-27 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes:- One must know to give reverence to the Father. St.Paul writes 
in his letter to the Romans that we cannot give more reverence to the creations 
than the creator. God the Father is the creator and He has created number of 
Creations to whom we literally adore. In our daily prayer we do not invoke 
God's blessings. Today we see lot of sinful ways going on in the world because 
we have have sinned against God and broken the first commandment. I do not know 
what will the Judgement on the last day. what if we are kept on the left side 
where we shall be gnashing our teeth and blaming this one and that one ? what 
if Jesus tells us that he does not know us ? Change your life. To change our 
life we should have a desire to do so. We should be born again to receive the 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-19 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes:- The Bible is the authentic book of the Christian and through 
the Bible we can get nourishment for our body and for our soul. My body is the 
temple of God. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the son of the 
Living God. This has been proved .During the baptism of Jesus God spoke from 
Heaven that Jesus is his beloved son. Even the evil spirit in the man said that 
Jesus was the son of God. Peter with the power of the Holy Spirit testified 
that Jesus was the son of the living God. Accept him as your Lord and your 
master. Today Jesus wants to hold your hand. The Holy Spirit wants to lead your 
way in this world and direct you in the right direction. My body is the temple 
of God. Learn to keep your body clean. Keep your heart clean and like Jesus let 
us love one another because we are children of the same almighty Father.
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-02-17 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes: I cannot understand the big noise of R.Catholics about fasting. 
Everyone talks about the fast on ash wednesday. when we get up we have a nice 
breakfast. We must eat less- today is ash wednesday fasting day. then in the 
afternoon we eat rice with fish- today is fasting day eat less. In the evening 
we have a nice dinner. Today is fasting day eat less. what is the big noise 
about it ? all tiatr and khell tiatrs . Jesus fasted for 40 days. The bible 
does not speak how he fasted. He never told or ordered his disciples to 
fast.Why does the church order the christians to fast ? why it is published in 
the newspapers ? because this fast is a first scene of our tiatr. When I 
attended a retreat in Potta they requested us to fast one day. It was optional. 
Those who were not fasting could get coupons for food. We went without eating 
till around 5 pm .There were prayer programme as usual but less in number and 
people prayed .we only drank water and at five in the evening we broke our 
fast. Since it was voluntary it had a meaning. The Lord Jesus said" There is no 
need to fast when the bridgroom is with you. Those who fast are not followers 
of christ because they are anxiously waiting for the second coming when they 
are not satisfied with the first coming. I always pray to Jesus that his second 
coming should not have a crown of thorns on his head and a crucifix on his 
shoulders. His first coming was a waste of time because love is replaced by 
hate. unselfishness is replaced by selfishness, pride and greed. God has been 
replaced with idols. Crown of thorns by crown of pearls. Stable with palaces. 
wooden stool with a rich throne. Who is your God today ? is it a human being or 
the spirit of God ! If it is human being or earth that I should say you will 
die and go down along with the earthly crowns. Don't we find palaces sinking 
down in the earth in the past ? Choice is yours.    
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-16 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes:-The goal of the whole history is Jesus Christ. God reaches this 
goal inspite of infidelity, apostasy, idolatry and the betrayal. Even when men 
do evil they bring God's plan of salvation to fulfillment. We have Caiphas in 
the new testament. Caiphas is trying to justify the the death sentence against 
Christ on political grounds But the Holy Spirit who employs Caiphas as an 
instrument draws an entirely different meaning from his words. if we take 
psalms and pray using them, one gets a clear experience of God in life. Jesus 
has said not to anxious of life as to what we will eat, what we will dress etc 
for he tells us about the birds in the air, etc etc. Jesus has told us to seek 
the kingdom of God and his righteousness. The obstacle to the kingdom of God is 
sin. The greatest of sin is idioltary. Today Roman Catholicism is providing us 
nothing but external glory. On Ash wednesday we all rush to Church to show that 
we are going to enter into lent and put ash on our f
 oreheads and fast . But in reality we do not bring jesus Christ in our life 
and in fact our religion has become man made like all other religions. The 
christianity that Jesus found on the cross through his blood is different 
completely and we catholics are not prepared to accept that Jesus is the core 
centre of our lives and no other person. The clergy itself need a change of 
life. They are filled with pride " I know everything" Even Jesus never said "I 
know everything." jesus tells us that we should trust in ABBA father. Our 
religion tells usthat Mary is our saviour, our interceptor. Mary is a human 
being created by God to bring Jesus into this world. If you love Mary so much 
please be another Mary. Do the will of God and love your neighbour as Mary did 
they becoming a bakti of Mary has a meaning. The baktis neither love God nor 
other human beings. I will not repeat again. Love yourself, your husband, your 
wife, your children, mother father and the inlaws and then the one n
 ext door and see how life will change
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-15 Thread Albert Desouza
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Albert writes:- Describe Jesus Christ:- He was a simple man. He loved the poor 
and the needy. He was with the sick and the depressed. His words were words of 
wisdom came through the Spirit of God. Before he started on his mission he 
received the sacrament of Baptism. He started his mission when he was blessed 
by His Father and received the Holy spirit which came to him in the form of a 
dove. Then he became vibrant. God is teaching us through Jesus. Be simple not 
in appeareance only but simple in words, deeds, our life should be simple like 
Jesus. Think what is good. When you see a criminal we always condem him. Do we 
try to find out why he became a criminal ? Our judgement is based on what we 
see. God's judgement is in what type of heart we have and what type of deeds we 
have committed. God's Judgement is different from ours. One day I was at a 
party. A believer I mean Born again Christian known to us came . He did not say 
anything. Just Hallo and smiles. he sat with us for just five minutes spoke 
very little just asking us how we were. After he was gone there were some who 
started their debate and speeches. They started condemming him because he has 
left the church. I did not like it. I asked them whther they had come for a 
party or funeral. why did they not talk when he was sitting here ? I told them 
that I could get him so that he can defend all allegations. " Tum-i bhi 
believer zalai kitem re ? " I told him that I was born a believer. If they do 
not know their religion they should jump in the river and get refreshed. I told 
them to read the bible to which one drunked replied> Jesun apli mai amcam 
dilea. Ti mai amcam sorgar vorteli. He believer amcam kitem sangtelet ? Jesu 
che main amcam sanglam, apleak ullo mar ani apunn mornachea vellar pavteli 
mhonn. " I did not want to discus. I told him to finish his drink, have more, 
and when you are saturated go home and dip your head in the bucket of water and 
you will see the truth. 
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-02-14 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- At a wedding a professor from Rachol Seminary said these words 
when he was raising the toast. When Aishwarya Bachan received the prize as Miss 
world as to what makes someone beautiful She replied that a person becomes 
beautiful when the heart remains beautiful and has inner beautiful qualities. 
Let us analyse our selves. We celebrate feasts of Mary by the dozen. But we do 
not love anyone. Divorces increasing, parents in the homes increasing, children 
are neglected etc etc. Yet we proudly sing " Bhau bhoini" in the church. those 
near the mikes sing the loudest. The word love is in the dictionary. We sing 
sometimes " Ami sogle ek " But in reality we are divided by caste, colour and 
creed. Why do we sing such hymns in the church ? While our lips give all 
praises our hearts are full of self pride, envy, anger, hatred, greed, What 
makes us great ? Why do we Roman catholics consider ourselves great, holy and 
closer to God ? I heard someone saying" Jesun amcam apli avoi dilea. " I wonder 
when Jesus passed on his mother to us. I never heard about Jesus donating his 
mother. why we all have our earthly mothers do we love her ? then how can you 
love spirtual mother Mary who is not here with us ? Can her statue talk ? 
answer us ? our mother can talk, she can answer us then why not keep her in 
your house and talk to her, kiss her etc. We celebrate Mothers day but no 
mother. we celebrate children's day but no children . we celebrate all sorts of 
days without paying much attention. There are number of children who are 
homeless.< go without food, clothes . do we care ? 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- I was just thinking of God and His blessings for the day when I 
switched on the computer. Accidently my mouse pointer touched the Audio on the 
computer where one cd was recorded and the words came " My life would suck 
without You." Actually this a song by Kelly but the words came down deep into 
my heart. Really my life without God would wither away and get sucked or rather 
dehydrated that is what I took the meaning to be in my context. Yes my life 
would wither and become like the leaf kept in the dark room for about four 
days. What is the use of life without ABBA Father ? Many people fail to 
understand and feel they have to continue the ritual which our forefathers left 
for us. One day I attended a funeral. The body was in the house and the priest 
had not come. I noticed a wiskey bottle under the corpse. Further still I 
noticed wills cigerette packet, and some other eatables. I had no courage to 
fight with the people and create a scene .Once I was told the parish priest 
somewhere before blessing the body put his hand inside the coffin and removed 
Caju feni bottle, beedies, etc etc and gave a big sermon to the relations on 
this for nearly an hour and then started his prayers but that will not affect 
such type of people who are born with superstitions. Today my life will suck 
without you Lord. Today you are replaced and many feel that there are other 
human beings ready to take us to heaven and so we are praying to your 
creations. Lord forgive us because we have not read the Bible which says" I and 
the Father are one. Who ever wants to come to my Father should come to me." 
these are the words of Jesus when he was on earth. Its an assurance. Others 
have not given this assurance. Those who say this should not be condemmed. It 
reads of ignorant mind when people compare you to a believer just because you 
want to pray to ABBA the father. Annoint yourself and have a covennant with the 
heavenly Father like Abraham and Moses and Jesus Christ did.Read Paul's letters 
and find the answer yourself.
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- When you open the Bible one reads the life of Jesus written in 
four gospels. It is very clear that we have a message from God through His son 
Jesus for us. We ought to believe in Jesus because he is come from the Father, 
and he has lived in the Father . Jesus's clear cut message is " I and the 
Father are one." He has given us assurance that he is the saviour come from 
Heaven, the one who has lived with the Almighty God, who has seen Heaven etc 
etc. If we want to go to our Father we have to go to Jesus. No where in the 
Bible is the mention made of any other source by which we can reach our Father. 
We have to believe in God and His son Jesus instead of believing human beings 
who have neither seen the Father nor the son. No human beings have seen Heaven 
and so the theory created by Human beings cannot be taken for granted to be 
true. We have to read the word of God for God speaks to us. We cannot be 
carried away by stories told by human beings even if they are true because it 
contradicts the facts told to us by God Himself through Jesus Christ. What ever 
faith you may have or whatever faith you might have created in yourself with 
just a false belief cannot be a criteria or arguments laid by you to justify 
what you have in your mind to be true. The Word of God superceeds the word of 
human beings. The word coming from God is true. The commandment " I am am Your 
Lord your God cannot be replaced by any sentence. Only God is our king, our 
power, our salvation. He is our creator, our saviour and our Father and there 
is no replacement. Your mind should be kept open for the seed of God to grow 
within you. If you plant rocks in your body, you will have to reap rocks and we 
cannot eat rocks. Amen  
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-10 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Has any one of us realised that we have a mighty God who wants 
to be our Father, that means we are His children ? Ask and you shall receive. 
But I cannot understand what prevents us from asking directly to the Father for 
all our needs including money that is needed to buy bread, etc etc. Our 
Almighty Father does not want to intefer in our affairs. He wants us to have 
complete freedom to do what we want to do but when we are in need we can 
definitely look to Heaven and ask directly our Powerful Father what ever we 
want. People are suffering from depressions, diabetics, high low blood pressure 
etc etc and we believe in human doctors more than we  believe in God. We make 
fun of others who preach the word of God. We make fun of others who pray to God 
through Jesus for cure . Did not the lady who suffered from haemorage for 
twelve years touch the gown of Jesus ? What a faith!Our church teaches of faith 
but never did I hear what that faith means. No one has right to critize someone 
who is preaching the word of God. The word of God is not sold in the market. 
Jeremias prophet when he was a young boy was asked by God to preach. Jeremias 
was afraid and told the Lord that he was a young boy to which God told him that 
he will put the words in his mouth. When the Holy Spirit descended on the 
apostles some of them though not educated (like Peter) became vibrant and 
preached the word of God to thousands of people. Let the seed grow. If you try 
to pluck it before it take roots, you are under the wrath of God who can just 
make you vanish like air.(carbon dioxide) Many people have been instructed not 
to watch God Channel because the teachings are false. How can you say that 
without watching and you yourself not knowing what is the right thing ? One 
must know that a bible with 44 chapters and bible with 48 chapters is same. 
People do not even read one chapter so what are the chapters to do ? you mean 
to say that the bible with more chapters is a valid bible that you are a fool. 
People who are confused should not be spiritual leaders. One does not require a 
paper to preach the word of God. Like Jeremias the words are put by the 
Almighty. Heaven must make you wise not schools.    

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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-07 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Pride and God will not ride together. If you are annointed by 
God the Father, your life automatically will be full of simplicity. Many times 
our spiritual leaders feel that they know everything under the sun. But the way 
our religion has become one does not know whther we still follow what our fore 
fathers did before conversion. Do we know that there is God the Father who is 
our creator, saviour, and everything ? and that God the Father does not have a 
begining or end or father and mother ? then please do not make the creation the 
mother of the creator because it goes against the first commandment. I want 
everyone who calls himself  a Catholic to receive the Lord and bring about a 
change in yourself or you may be condemmed. Read the word of God and appreciate 
the one who does instead of sitting somewhere and making fun of others who are 
preaching the word of God. Rosaries and devotions to Maries will not help. Be a 
follower of Christ. Our leaders should receive the Holy Spirit and be true 
followersof Christ instead ofbecoming jews who murdered Christ two thousand 
years ago on a tree   
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-02 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God created the world and He created Human beings in His 
likeness. But with the sin of man there was a barrier between Man and God but 
God did not stop loving man. It was this love for humanity that made God send 
His only begotton son into this world to be treated very badly. Jesus might not 
have felt the pain so much that time as much as he is feeling now. Why did 
Jesus come into this world ? He came to change man. He came to touch each and 
every sinner. He came to unite human beings. But after his death we have gone 
back to where we have started. today greed has over ruled human being. From 
septre to the crown everyone wants to become richer. Today love for human 
beings have been replaced by cruelity. Parents are cruel to their children when 
they do not think it is necessary for mothers to hug their children when born. 
They leave them in charge of servants . Today children have no love for elderly 
parents. They have strong love for their wealth. Today kisses have been 
replaced by swords, and guns. We have no compassion for the wastage of human 
blood provided that blood fetches money or gold. Our newspapers, TVs are full 
of this news. Its become rituals. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-01 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Those who have not yet read the Bible should do so for in the 
new Testament it is mentioned all over that Jesus is the son of man. The Bible 
is the food of the body and soul. We speak of Mary as the Mother of God and our 
mother and we celebrate unteem feasts of Mary. Already our parish priest has 
announced the feast of Lourdes to start on 2nd February 2010 First there will 
be the Rosary followed by Mass. This is our routine programme and the chairs 
will be occupied mostly by ladies .Mary is the Mother of Jesus and she has 
taught me two important things. 1.To follow God's plan 2 To show concern for 
others. When God sent a messenger to Mary to become the mother of Jesus through 
the Holy Spirit she said Yes. How many of us say Yes to the Lord ? I know two 
things that God has asked me to do. a) Increase and multiply and fill the 
earth. - what do modern ladies who crowed at the church do ? just two are 
enough. b) God has told me to accept Him as the Almighty Lord.- " I am the Lord 
thy God you shall not have strange gods before me. What do we do ? keep 
thousand statues and pray before them, kiss them and glorify them. 2. Mary 
showed concern for others. She was deeply concerned about Elizabeth her cousin 
who was pregnant at late age. She was concerned about the bridgegroom when wine 
got over. Do we have any concern ? Abortion is our motto. We leave a month old 
kid with the care of ayahs or grandmothers. Our parents who have given us life 
are dumped in the homes for the aged. We are busy in the office when children 
need us. Husband and wife do not see eye for eye. We have no concern for the 
poor and the needy. we have no concern for our neighbours. etc etc etc. Why 
celebrate these feasts ? Why do you pretend to be Holy ? If you have no love 
for yourself how can you love God? 
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

Re: [Goanet] God and you

2010-01-31 Thread floriano

Sorry to say, but you are wrong, indeed,  very wrong.

Jesus never called himself the 'Son of Man'. He has been maliciously 
misinterpretted, misquoted.

He called himself the Son of God, his heavenly father... Didn't he?
Otherwise, how could he have suffered what he suffered?
Can a human being, a son of man, bear the sufferings  he went through?

He was God, that is why he went throught the mock drill of the suffering and 
ultimately the crucifiction. He knew he could bear it like a joke, to fool 
you, me, the  world. And we, even today, parade him and his sufferings 
through the streets to showcase that he was a super-human being, the God who 
could suffer without batting his eyelids.

And what he said at his last supper, the last toast to his friends, 
disciples, is  around for 2010 years as a witness to his deeds.
He told them to remember him by his toast, and to go about remembering him 
for infinity, that he raised the toast and said what he said.

Aren't our priest world-wide doing just that? I mean the elbow exercises of 
lifting and putting down the toast material that Jesus used for his last 

Forgive me, Albert, the world over, if I am wrong.


- Original Message - 
From: "Albert Desouza" 

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 9:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] God and you

Albert writes:- God chose Paul 

Jesus called himself the son of Man. Meaning that he was just like us and 
so needed a mother..
Jesus always called himself son of man and this term is a simplied version 
of humility.

[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-30 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God chose Paul to be his strong disciple. When once he was Saul 
who hated Jesus and destroyed his followers the Lord touched him and converted 
him to Paul. In the letter to the Romans in the very first chapter Paul tells 
us to adore the Living God. He says that we should not make idols and worship 
them or else God will punish you. Today idol worshippers have got their 
inflated passions and it is for this reason that man goes after a woman and 
wants her passionately even though she is not his wife. Roman Catholics should 
make a habit of reading the Bible word for word. We should ask God to help us 
to find the meaning of each line in the Bible. The word of God is the food for 
the body and for the soul. We should do away with stereotype prayers and 
rituals. We should do away with praying to idols. Let us learn to build a 
covenant with God. Abraham built covenant with God and brought happiness to his 
door step. Before he built a covenant with God Abraham did not know that Living 
God existed and might have worshipped the sun and the moon like the other 
Egyptians. We should stop criticising people who according to you are pagans 
for you yourself is a pagan who believes that statues have life. We have made 
Mary the source of our worship and believe that she will interceed with Jesus 
for us. How can you just take it for granted that Mary is our saviour when she 
has not assured us at all. God has created Mary to be the mother of Jesus. God 
planned that Mary would bring Jesus and give it to the world. Mary cannot be 
called the Mother of God for simple reason the creation is not greater than the 
creator. Jesus called himself the son of Man. Meaning that he was just like us 
and so needed a mother.Mary has only one name and there should be only one 
feast. Mary should not be used as a diversion for our ingnorance. Its pity that 
many of us including the clergy and the other religious do not know about the 
word of God and hence they are reluctant to preach the word of God. No one born 
of human should glorify yourself unless God glorifies you. Do not put crown of 
gold on your head and do not make yourself great .Jesus always called himself 
son of man and this term is a simplied version of humility. 
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-24 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- I had written several times that I would like through this 
goanet some basic information. I am not asking anyone to climb mount Everest. 
The information I need is this. The Roman Catholic Church  in Goa is registered 
under society act. What is the name of this society ? who are the ordinary 
members of this society ? and who are the governing members of this society ? 
Can some one who is called director of communication for the church give me 
this answer ? Every one is shouting from the roof top that church property is 
sold. The church property belongs to the society named xyz registered under the 
society act of 1860. You and I who are just making noise have no share in that 
property even though you might have donated the same. The church buildings, 
statues etc etc which are in the church belongs to this society xyz .You and I 
have no share in that movable and immovable property. So if you do not want 
anyone to sell the property you should not donate. Do not give any money for 
the church. Till the Roman Catholic church does not give the catholic members 
of spiritual church only it is trying to hide something. Roman Catholics have 
just little right and that is you can attend church services, and burry the 
dead in the cemetry which is leased out to you for three years. As per rule you 
cannot even buy the grave or build a tomb over there. It is illegal. Can any 
priest on the goanet refute what I have said ? I challenge all of you. Is there 
any religious head who can give me information on the above ?   
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[Goanet] God and YOU

2010-01-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- If Xano Moidekar has any axe to grind against me he is free to 
grind and you can use any number of names even filty words to describe me but 
Please do not make Mockery of Heaven. You say there will be pigs there, etc is 
not a cup of my tea. Already our religion has not been up to mark and we 
ourselves are to be blamed. We are not united among ourselves and many of us do 
not know which is the correct part to Heaven. There are two parts created. In 
our Path which is simple we just go to church in the morning,attend novenas and 
prayers .say a number of rosaries,visit shrines like Valankani,Potta, etc etc 
but remain the same. Our fathers and mothers -aged home. Some may have a wife 
some may have divorced--- etc.The second path is the path of action. The path 
that Mary the mother of Jesus followed. The Almighty God is the source of 
POwer, love, etc. From Him all good and even the bad things have come. This God 
is a true lover . He will suck your blood with love and ready to do anything 
for you. So you turn to the least of the least and look after them. You can do 
charity any way you want, Raise them above the Ground so that they can see 
Jesus. Spend for them according to your will and according to what you can. Do 
not allow them to go bed without anything eaten. How can you allow them ? Do 
Not worry about your neighbours bad things. Just select the good things from 
bad people and just ignore the bad.One day a Jailor woke up on a christmas day 
with a vow that he would be kind to the prisoners. He thought that he would 
find out the good points within them. He found one of the prisoner was a 
sculptor who could do any design on the wood. There was another one who was a 
very good desiel Mechanical engineer .One by one he started using them in the 
prison. A day came when they all became refined.The Jailor asked the Governor 
of his state to allow them to work somewhere as they had nowere to go. At least 
five of them had served a long term, dispissed by their familys and no where to 
go. There was a positive answer. These crimals were really rehabilated. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-  Sometimes we tend to be hyper emotionals when we get to know 
about about religious heads. Our top leaders sometimes want to keep quiet for 
some personal reasons.See the CD case. I do not have the proper background of 
the case and so I shall not side any side. All the faithfuls who have tilted 
too much on the priests side did not see any reason. Anger rose to the head and 
muscles were exposed and so now lets break the house, and what ever there is 
along the road. That person must be taught a lesson.He will not venture to do 
it again. In the melee some poor people's house became roofless. What a loss 
What should be our correct atttitude ? Once after the eight o clock week day 
mass an announement was made that a priest was murdered by two non goans.After 
mass every one gathered to find out about the murder and each person was 
throwing vemon. Later on I heard lots of unwanted things about this priest . 
Since the matter was in the court I said it is better to wait and see. The 
murderers were acquited . The judge knew what judgment to give. Lots of letters 
appeared in the newspaper asking for appeal of the case which never took plan. 
Thank God the mob did not burn the police station and what ever station they 
could find on the road. Every religious leadear kept quiet why should I blow my 
own trumpet ? He is not my father in law nor my parish priest.What are we ? 
Where do you place your self in society? October month we have collected lot of 
money for the mission. I do not know where the money has gone but I am sure 
many lay people will write ens (The clergy will maintain silence as if they 
have not read) that the our priests are doing very well in Africa in the 
Mission. They are working in the remote areas and riskying their lives. What 
about us ? Don't we require the word of God ? If any Roman Catholic enters the 
camp of new born again christians there will be hue and cry. Why ! just like 
that. Some ladies will run to the parish priest and cry before him! others will 
try to meet him or his wife or his mother and pour their woes to them with a 
long complain, Sometimes the parish priest may warn you-I will not give you the 
last sacrament and burry you. This is a black mail. 
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-15 Thread Xanno Moidecar
Albert I do hope you realise that when you go up to your heaven, you will find 
us all there.  Catholics, Hindus with 'their' deities, Muslims, Sikhs, and so 
on and so forth?

And best of all, also the pigs, fowls, cattle and fish you feasted on here in 
our vale of tears.

Imagine that.  Maybe not.  Might be too traumatic.

Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-14 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We need to change our lives. God lives in our hearts but He 
will not like to live if our hearts are dirty.There is no love between Mother 
in law and daughter in law because of our pride. Very few people are different 
from these type of hatred. The world today is ruled by greed and money. Our 
fore fathers lived a happy life and died a happy death too. The worse religion 
is the religion of fake appearences. Many people are seen in the church everday 
say rosary everday but they have no peace in their lives. Because there is an 
important food missing in them -the word of God. Everything is mentioned in the 
Bible. Instead we prefer to become pagans and believe in pagan gods. we spend 
lot of money visiting this diety and that . 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes"- Before Jesus came down to the earth people believed in all 
types of gods. Some believed in Bhel. others believed in Ra which is the sun 
god. Here there were lots of members. These members were divided into clans the 
head of the clan had a coin shaped crop cut on the back of the head. Each of 
these heads would elect one head who covered his crop cut with a purple cap.He 
carried a stave which was curved. The top most leader wore a white cap on the 
back of his head. Each of the leaders made wafers  of wheat and dried in the 
sun. To focus rays of the sun they used magnifying lens . The sun burnt wafers  
was then distributed among its members. The feast of sun god was celebrated on 
25th December with much fun fare. The egyptians believed in many dieties. Jesus 
tried to change the jews. You are aware what Jesus did. After the death and 
resurection of Jesus and later his ascension those who were for Jesus called 
themselves believers. This group was never accepted in the area and suffered 
lots of persecution. They got support only when constantine became the king and 
he became the head of the church and then Rome became the head place of 
christianity. The whole religion found by Jesus Christ by shedding His blood 
got converted into Palace and sofiscation and hierchary. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- In continuation to what I had written earlier.Then came the 
split in the christian church. Various demoniations were born. We had 
lutherians, etc etc which broke up from the main body. The flow was big and to 
keep the remaining faithfuls Mary was born.Then came the apparitians and news 
spread that Mary wanted us to say the rosary. So the church converted Jesus 
into Mary centred church and told people that if you start devotions to Mary 
you will be saved. The church till today lays emphasis to say the Rosary and 
gives very little importance to Bible. The bible passages are used only at the 
three readings in mass. The church has introduced daily flash to keep the 
people away from reading the bible minutely.If one reads the Bible with the 
help of God there is bound to get revealations and one will definetly find that 
the church is not Jesus oriented. 
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Re: [Goanet] God and you

2010-01-13 Thread floriano

Oh my God, Xannea Moidekara,
And I thought you knew.
FYI, the Church in amchem Goem is 'CATHOLIC'.


PS: The barefoot walking, master critic of his time, crucified for taunting
people in authority... who are you, Sir??  Have we met anytime before??
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour What's Zat???... Change the
name plate of Goa Church

- Original Message - 
From: "Xanno Moidecar" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 3:54 PM
Subject: [Goanet] God and you

Or the church in Goem will no longer have the right to claim it is


Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-13 Thread Xanno Moidecar
I apologise to Albert for jumping to the conclusion that he was taking pot 
shots at the Catholics because he had changed his church.  His bit about 
‘meeting the wrong saint and Mary not wanting us to say the rosary’, sent me 

The fact that he is still a practicing Catholic, I obviously welcome, but 
should have no bearing on anyone pointing out the flaws of my church.  If 
someone rightly points out a fault, we Catholics must thank them and work 
toward correcting it.

Albert's allegations about priests of the church is unassailable.  No one can 
rightfully dispute his charge.  I grew up being constantly told that ‘padricho 
sermao vhonienk nhoi’; a priest’s sermon is not meant for his sister-in-law.   
This I put down to human nature.  Something we hope and pray that GOD in his 
mercy and magnanimity will help us overcome.

I am feeling a bit sensitive about the church in Goem at the moment.  I still 
am not sure of all the facts.  However, one thing is clear: if the church in 
Colva was used as a base to mount an attack on someone who has been critical of 
a servant of Christ; irrespective of whether the criticism is right or wrong or 
vested or not; the teachings of our founder exhort us to turn the other cheek.

Whether the critics of the ‘padri’ were driven by hatred for him or his church 
is immaterial.  It is even not relevant that they were touting the truth. 

If malicious slander is being flouted proper legal channels should be accessed.

Violence has never been acceptable to the church of the Christ.  It is not an 
option for the church in Goem.

The Patriarch must make this very clear.  He must stress unequivocally this 
cornerstone of Christianity.

Or the church in Goem will no longer have the right to claim it is Christian.


Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] God and You a reply to xano moidekar

2010-01-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert replies: -My fore fathers got converted to christianity in 1510. If I 
was further converted to other demomination I would not bother to write on this 
forum. First know your religion properly, know the priest their assests their 
behaviour and then point out an accusing finger at me. I am still a Roman 
Catholic . I go for mass on sundays but find no pleasure in what the priests 
are preaching for they do not preach the word of God.This has been clarified by 
a priest from Rophu channel. Do not be a blind leading the blind. Wake up and 
seek Jesus. Forget about me. The kings crown worn by our leaders will not lead 
us to heaven.  
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-12 Thread Xanno Moidecar
Albert DSouza is obviously a new convert to a version of Christianity, and 
displays all the zeal and convictions of one who has apparently seen the light. 
 His posts under this heading have been taking pot shots at the Roman Catholic 
Church in Goem.  

I have said before that critics of my Church should not only be given free rein 
but where relevant the Patriarch should take heed and use the finger pointing 
to correct and heal his fold.  I have also mentioned that cases of  gratuitous 
offence by pathological detractors should be treated with silent disdain.

Tony D’Sa has requested Mr DSouza for substantiation of his allegations about 
priests morally straying and destroying the lives of vulnerable womenfolk.  
Unfortunately human nature being what it is, there are going to be cases that 
Mr DSouza could cite. 

No human organisation has ever been and will ever be pristine and blameless.  
We Roman Catholics must accept this with humility and where culpable, confess 
our sins, express our remorse and try out best to right our wrongs.  

Mr DSouza’s criticisms if confined to human erring would have not only been 
acceptable; they should be, if correct, welcomed as the Goemcar version of the 
writing on the wall.  

Mr DSouza is however, straying into the realms of theological debate.  His new 
found faith; Christian he claims, apparently goads him into denigrating and 
dismissing that what the Catholic Church holds dear and holy.

He should not be allowed to do that on any respectable fora.

Praying to his god is one thing.  Demonising someone else’s religion 
needlessly, especially when he obviously does not understand it, is 

Having clarified this, we should, as our faith teaches, forgive him as he 
understands not what he says.


Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-11 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We get peace when we are in the presence of God. Jesus is the 
prince of peace. When he rose from the dead the first words he spoke was " 
Peace be with you. " In today's world our lives have never become peaceful 
because we do not read the word of God. The word of God is the bread of life. 
Reading daily flash is not the word of God. There are many people who are 
trying to block the word of God. They have many stories to tell and theories to 
put before you but when it comes to prove it they cannot. what Ignatius once 
said to Francis " who does it profit a man  I will not repeat it. I hope 
these words do not be true in your life. What when you die you discover your 
train was running on a wrong track ? and that while some station masters were 
trying to draw your attention you never paid any heed to them and rebuked them. 
What will you do if you find your favourite saint is not there ? Mary has never 
asked you to say the rosary. This prayer has been created by some priest 
because they found exodus of christians moving out. 

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Re: [Goanet] God and You

2010-01-08 Thread Tony de Sa

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Albert Desouza   writes:

Today priests and nuns have become sexy and crazy. Many priest have
destroyed a family life of others. Many innocent ladies whose husbands were
abroad were made pregant by priests and instead of helping these poor ladies
who were discarded by their husbands they were made to beg on the streets.
Money collected for charity has been misused. We do not know how it is used
but the poor has never seen it. Whose sins should be forgiven yours or ours!

Pretty strong statements Albert. A little bit of substantiation would be

Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-08 Thread Albert Desouza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Albert writes:- The word of God is food for the body and for the soul. How nice 
we all would have been if we only read the word of God.Instead we chose to do 
away with the word of God and we do not want anyone to speak about the word of 
God. God is happiness. God is love. God is power. Nothing on this earth can 
replace the above. When God gave Moses the ten commandments Jesus compiled them 
into two. It was necessary for Jesus to come into this world but his mission 
has been made futile by the Devil in uniform who have made their own rules 
regarding the kingdom of heaven. When Jesus tell us clearly that he can take us 
to His Father.Why do you preach something different? 
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[Goanet] God and you

2010-01-08 Thread Albert Desouza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Albert writes:- Fr.Caldeira asks for forgiveness. But he does not give 
explanation as to who should be forgiven, the priest or the lay people. For two 
thousand years and more after Jesus Christ left this earth with just few 
disciples the church did a u turn and instead of the religion created by Christ 
by transformation of human into godly human beings, a mighty crown of gold and 
diamond was put on the head of the church and the church of God was converted 
into a church of Kings. Will you ask for forgiveness ? Pope, cardinals and 
bishops with richly gowns came into existance and the crown of thorns and the 
blood of Jesus Christ dissappeared. The Roman Catholic church never received 
any battering instead those who opposed it got it. The lutherians etc etc broke 
away from the church . Did the church then ask for forgiveness of sins which 
were worse than killing the innocent children when Jesus was born ? sex, money 
etc etc openly found its way into the church. There is a history of crimes 
which I do not want to write. In India specially in Goa people were forced to 
receive Christ. What is seen in the church of today ? Where is Christ, the one 
who came from Heaven and died for you and me ? dissappeared . Today priests and 
nuns have become sexy and crazy. Many priest have destroyed a family life of 
others. Many innocent ladies whose husbands were abroad were made pregant by 
priests and instead of helping these poor ladies who were discarded by their 
husbands they were made to beg on the streets. Money collected for charity has 
been misused. We do not know how it is used but the poor has never seen it. 
Whose sins should be forgiven yours or ours! The church forces extensions of 
buildings along the church on the lay people without giving a pie from its 
coffers and in many villages poor people are forced to donate. They do because 
it is the house of God. Lets hear from Fr.Caldeira. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2010-01-05 Thread Albert Desouza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Albert writes:- What has happened to Colva is not at all a good positive sign. 
Jesus Christ brought peace to the world but we are yet to be peaceful. Why is 
the world at war ? Why is that we cannot bring peace to ourself ? It is because 
we are not followers of Jesus Christ. Examine your conscience and see wther 
what Jesus taught you when he was on this earth is fulfilled by you. The 
catholic church instead of uniting human beings with the Lord has been sowing 
seeds of hatred. I will not forget once when a Catholic had gone away from the 
church and had become born again and when the member from that family expired 
and wanted buriel the priest rang the bell and gathered all faithful and told 
them to boycott the funeral and not to allow the dead to be burried. Don't the 
born again refused burrial in our cememtry so much so that the family of the 
dead have to hunt for a burriel ground and then we catholics feel happy that we 
have refused burrial to them. Many times these very people (born again) who in 
the past had given donations and now are denied burrial. This land belongs to 
God. Do we have right to deny burrial ? Today a CD is causing war in colva. Can 
we sit together and find out if really the CD is causing harm than good ? Today 
the catholics have felt offended and hurt because of the cd but did any one 
feel hurt when a catholic priest was cutting down Johova's witness from the 
pulpit at old God during the novenas of SFX which was telecasted ? Can anyone 
speak out on what I have written ! 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- The birth of Christ within us should change our lives. For many 
Christmas means midnight mass, crib, star, sweets, fire works, midnight dance 
.This is outward sign and cannot change our lives. The word of God is missing 
with us. What we actually receive is just snacks. We are still pagans like our 
ancestors and believe in pagan gods . Our religion is based on different 
feasts, different sermons, different stories which have no significance to the 
word of God. During Jesus' time there was only the Passover and the reading of 
the scroll. They prayed in synogue and they read the word of God. Jesus did not 
create a religion but he changed human beings into lovable human beings. The 
early christians received baptism in the Holy Spirit .They were never accepted 
by the other people but they had the Spirit of God with them. The Devil took 
its possesion and this God's religion was taken over by Kings who wanted 
thrones,palaces and luxuries which has remained till this date. We do not 
contain anything to boast except that like the Jews we have received the 
baptism of water .Mary ought to have taught us to say yes to God's plan which 
she really did, and to show concern for others but we are blinded by false 
teachers that Mary will hold our hand and take us to Jesus. If that is what we 
really believe than Heaven may not be yours. Is it necessary to give so many 
names to Mary who was a simple loving God fearing woman of Jerusalem who always 
did what God told her to do ? Who has promissed that if you celebrate Mary's 
thousand feast that she will interceed for us ? She did not say, Jesus did not 
say God did not say so how can we make presumation ! We should have authority 
to preach the way we do. Catholicsm is a farce. We have nothing to boast. Our 
prayers are standard prayers which has to be made by heart and the same prayers 
have seen centuries because our leaders are not capable of leading us to the 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-23 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes;- It was the same christmas crib last year, the same midnight 
mass the same sermon and same wishes every year. Those who have have made lots 
of sweets or rather bought lots and had turkey on their table and those who 
have not might have made neureos of just moong last year but this year I do not 
think they can afford the price of sugar, oil, or moog. For these people it is 
very hard to be happy during the season  except the difference that they might 
receive a parcel from the rich and well to do containing rice and other things, 
may be some old clothes and shoes etc. What about these people for the rest of 
the eleven months Does any one think of them ? Many live in thatched huts 
leaking during the monsoons. Their mistake is that there is no proper income 
coming or may be the head of this family is working on temporary basis may be 
in electricity or water works or home guard and their services is not made 
permanent and they do not have any godfather to help them nor any one who is 
catholic and holding the government like our catholic ministers have never even 
bothered to look at them and sympathise. We are catholic for name sake, 
Catholic because we attend mass every day, we are members of this association 
and that association and appear to be very religious . We do not miss any 
Rosary in the evening or before the dead .Everyone knows me as the one leading 
prayers for this function and that function. While my lips are in service to 
God my heart has no place for the poor. If Jesus has to say when you do to the 
least of my breathen you do it to me, what more better prayers there can be in 
elevating the pangs of hunger of the poor ? Can we make a resolution to adopt a 
poor child in his or her own home by providing the basic necessities of that 
child or giving him or her the best education that you can afford or help the 
child towards the expenses of the school or home etc or by offering one month's 
lunch to the family. In today's world usually there are only four members in 
the house. Father, mother, and two children. Those who can afford ground plus 
two can afford this. 
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[Goanet] God and you

2009-12-23 Thread Albert Desouza

Albertwrites:- who is interested in God ! who is really in love with his or her 
own religion ? We most of the time  behave as fanatics and what we try to 
potrait is just a scene and we are all actors. Roman Catholics are the best 
actors with their clergy as heroes. When Pope John Paul came to Goa in 1986 the 
religious had their chairs reserved and a few priviledged ones whose godfathers 
existed with the clergy. The rest had to stand. We ordinary harizans of the 
church the lay people were separated from the most highly holy religious by a 
baricade and a strong posse of policemen and ushers were kept to see that we do 
not cross the border made between the Devil and the Holy. We reached there at 
four in the morning .Nice music but ache in the legs. I was young and could 
stand but right in front of me were elderly couple the man told me that he was 
81 years while his wife was 79 and I was hundred percent sure that they could 
not sit down on the ground which the good Lord God had created. I managed to 
sit down on the floor. The man was struggling. He had aches in his legs and in 
his back. To our bad luck the water bottles too was confiscated from us because 
we had taken glass bottles. The mass started at 8.30 am I could not hear the 
mass as I was having problem of sitting on the ground and the people were 
falling me. I could see empty chairs in front of me. One Hindu police officer 
saw the plight of the lay people specially the old and he ordered the ushers to 
allow the old people first and the others later. I was a crook. I caught hold 
of the old man and led him to the chairs as fast as I could. The man was 
thankful to me and I was thankful to him. When we reached the place one of the 
nun started to grumble saying this is reserved for the religious. The old man 
lost his temper and fired the nun that she had to hide her face. This is our 
religion. Neither the organisers ever had concerned for the people like us. 
Instead of preaching the word of God our religous heads stand before the mike 
in old Goa and condem the believers like Jovoah witness and the entire 
proceedings are telecasted on local tv channel . What sorry figure are we 
showing to the world ?    
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-17 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- In the life of Jesus, he was an ordinary Jew and followed all 
the customs of the Jews. He might not have been happy with them but he never 
entered into the preaching field till he received Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 
Before He received baptism he only took time to select his disciples. Many of 
them were uneducated. Why did Jesus select uneducated or less educated 
disciples ! "Poor in spirit." The first thing Jesus did was to receive Baptism. 
John Baptised Jesus as per customs but in real practice he was Baptised with 
the power of the Holy Spirit which came down in the form of a dove and the 
voice came from Heaven " This is my only son" We have ample proof that there is 
God the Father who is omnipotent, who is the power, who is the lover, then we 
have Jesus "The word became flesh and dwelt among men " and the dove which came 
was the Holy spirit. Before we celebrate christmas let us receive the Holy 
Spirit and let the power of the Lord descend on us and we become the true 
Christ .Let us all be ready to do God's will not by mere words but in our 
actions. " Increase and multiply and fill the earth. Let each christian try to 
bring into this world as many children that God has planned for us. We have 
money for fast food, for extra car, for the latest expensive car to compete 
with the Jones, money to celebrate our birthdays on a grand scale, to build 
bunglows where we cannot live like human beings, money to give our son and 
daugther to spend on discos, drugs may be, to spend money on parties etc etc 
but we do not have money to bring one child into this world. Every house you go 
mostly you see one girl and one boy ( some might have been killed and thrown in 
the hospital dustbin ) Each one of you know your personal life more than me for 
I know that I am one of the worse person on earth while you may say that I am a 
saint for I look like one to the outside world and like how the Jews condemned 
the tax collectors and glorified the scribes and Pharises Jesus did just the 
opposite. He ate with the former and condemmed the later. God will Judge us 
with what he have inside us while the world will judge as to how you look in 
your appearences.  
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God has created a family. He gave us an ideal family called the 
Holy Family. In that Holy Family there was the earthly head _ Joseph, his wife 
Mary and son Jesus. In reality Jesus should have been on the top then Mary and 
lastly Joseph. This would have been felt among any one of us the reason being 
Jesus was God himself, Mary was his mother and Joseph had actually no role to 
play. But God wanted all of us to note that the father of the family is the 
head and so He made Joseph as the family. When Jesus was in trouble God sent 
his angel to Joseph. It was not to Jesus (of course he was very small) nor to 
Mary. What ever had to be told was told to Joseph. When Jesus was lost in 
Jerusalem, Mary said " Your father and I were looking out for you. In today's 
world we do not care for the Father. In today's world do the Roman Catholics 
ever care for the Almighty Father ? The church gives all the glory to Mary who 
is termed as Mother of God a term which is blasemious initself. The Roman 
Church gives glory to various saints when they do not have any signs from 
Heaven that the saints have to be glorified. But it has failed to give Glory to 
God. The church forcebly tells us to say the evening Rosary which was not 
created by God or Mary herself. I do not think even Mary the Mother of Jesus is 
ever happy with all the glorification that is given to her. While on one side 
we celebrate so many feasts of Mary but our lives have never become like her. 
She did the will of God and showed concern for others we have neither. I wonder 
if our clergy is aware of what they are doing. All stories told about 
apparation and of the Eucharist will have to be accounted in God's court. It 
may be what Ignatius Loyala once said to Francis Xavier may have to be said to 
you clergy. So it should be " Repent and change your life. Receive the Baptism 
of the Holy Spirit and admit that God is the Almighty Lord and there is no 
other gods before him. Mary is the mother of Jesus who should be our model to 
follow but not to be worshipped. This christmas let us who can afford adopt one 
child from the poor family. Let the child grow in his or her own environment. 
Let us pay to fulfil all his or her dream and that he or she might rise about 
poverty to be someone in this world. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-14 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God has given us the ten commandments. The first three binds us 
to God whereas the last seven binds us to other human beings. Many times we 
take the literal meaning of the commandments. One of the commandment says "Thou 
shall not steal " It does not only mean that you should not steal someone's 
wealth, property or materials alone. It means you should not steal other 
person's happiness too. Other person's comforts too. Many times we try to put 
other person down. Many times by our action we deprive the other person of 
peace and happiness. Our words, our actions, our behaviour towards society 
should be such that it gives others happiness and those who think about others 
like Mary thought of Elizabeth her cousin sister or at the wedding of Canna are 
infact great people before the eyes of the Lord. The other commandment says " 
Thou shall not kill." we cannot favour abortion for it is killing the God given 
foetus which has life. Only the creator of life can destroy life. 

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Peter was a fisherman whom Jesus chose to be his disciple. He 
was not an educated man .But there was a time when the Holy spirit would come 
upon him to reveal the most inner secrets of God. He would receive inspiration 
through the Holy Spirit. " You are the son of the Mighty God " was the reply he 
gave when Jesus asked them as to who they think he was. Though there were many 
disciples present only Peter received the Holy spirit. The revelation of God's 
kingdom is not found in the books. We cannot have scholars of scriptures. Mere 
reading Bible or written books may be in Hebrew, greek, or English does not 
make one master of God's inner secrets. Many times reference is made to Church 
scholars. To get to God's revelations or to get to know about God's kingdom one 
must humble himself, open his or her heart and ask the Holy Spirit to come into 
you. With this power of God one is able to speak the word of God. Learning 
Philosophy and Theology one does not know about 
 God's kingdom unless it is revealed by the Father. One can easily read the 
Bible. If you just take the book and read you are reading history but if you 
pray to God to send His Holy spirit so that you will know what the Bible 
contains, God will inspire the hidden truth about God's kingdom to you. God 
will speak to you through the word of God. The question whther lay person can 
preach the word of God is left to God .If an uneducated Peter could preach to 
the thousands of Jews after receiving the Holy spirit I cannot understand why 
an ordinary lay person cannot preach the word of God. We are supposed to spread 
the word of God. The clergy cannot suppress any one from preaching the word of 
God. Many times the Charismatic movements die because the clergy try to stop 
the promotion of such moments by putting barriers.Many times lay person is not 
allowed to preach .The church premises are seldom given to movements run by the 
lay persons so much so that the lay person has to use open 
 grounds and have to incur heavy expenses to preach the word of God.One should 
not play with God. We have to love God and follow His command. We just cannot 
allow the devil to rule over us. The word of God should spread like wild fire. 
When God wants His word to spread like wild fire He will see that He removes 
the people who try to put barriers. It has happend in the west it might happen 
here too. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-12 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- There are lots of pagan beliefs in the Catholic church. Holy 
water, wearing a scapulor etc etc. I do not want to eloborate on this as many 
people who have been habituated to believe all these will get angry and use 
unwanted words and I believe that one must not bring anger unnecessarily on 
anyone. If one goes on the net one will find the Egyptians had similar beliefs. 
They believed in the sun god. They believed in several deties. Some of the 
deties had head of the ram and body of the human being. The name of the sun god 
was Ra from where the second note of the musical scale re comes. The leaders of 
these groups would cut their back part of the head in the form of coin to show 
that they believed in sun god. The leader of different clans wore a robed and 
wore a purple cap covering the coin shaped cut at the back and the top leader 
covered his back part of the head with a white cap and carried a stave with a 
curved top.The egyptians celebrated the feast of sun go
 d on 25th December each year. When Jesus Christ came into the world there were 
different types of people believing in different beliefs. The Israel were 
influenced by the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans. Jesus came to change 
all these and to focus on the Almighty God. One must know that when Moses went 
up the mountain to collect the ten commandments the people down were restless 
and went to their pagan beliefs. We are having the same kind of structure 
within us. While we feel we are doing the right thing and look at others 
specially the believers with condemination I do not know how God is judging us 
from top. Roman Catholics will try to suppress the flow of the word of God. If 
any catholic speaks a little different and ask people to believe in the true 
living God we point a finger at him or her and suspect that she might be a 
believer. We are so harden that we do not want to change ourselves. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-12 Thread Albert Desouza

We have to approach God only through Jesus, however, as we consider Mary the
mother of Jesus, we pray to her to intercede with her son, Jesus, in the
belief that Jesus does not say no to his mother. Remember, at Cana wedding,
all Mary said to Jesus was 'they have run out of wine (or something like
that)'. The result was the first miracle.Albert replies:- We have God, Jesus 
and Mary. God is power. He is the saviour and He  is the creator. The very 
first commandment the King of the universe and the king of Heaven has ordered 
us to only adore Him and show reverence to Him alone as powerfully He has said 
" I am the Lord thy God. " It is a very forceful command that God has given us. 
Jesus. He has clearly told us that if we want to go the Father we have to go 
through Jesus and Jesus alone for I and the Father are one. Then where is the 
question of Mary coming in the picture ? Who is great you or Jesus ? Mary has 
not spoken anything. She was there present when the Holy Spirit descended on 
the apostles but she did not become a preacher. She was not selected by God to 
preach the word of God for her mission on this earth was over. Her mission was 
to bring Jesus into this world and give it to the populace. Jesus was the 
preacher. His mission was to preach the word of God. Secondly please do not 
baptise Mary with thousand names. We are mad to do this. Mary has taught us to 
Accept God's plan. His plan to us to increase and Multiply. If you love Mary so 
much please bring more children in this world as in Genesis God told us 
increase and Multiply and fill the earth. Second thing of Mary is concern for 
others. Please show concern to the elderly parents who are made orphans in the 
home for the aged. Don't bluff that you are praying to Mary and that she will 
interceed for us. She has never promissed any one that she will intereceed for 
anyone. Don't make your own religion .
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-11 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-which ever village you visit one must see a church. Many of such 
churches have huge structures and one can see lots of vacant rooms where 
sometimes broken furniture is placed or some statutes. Others are just locked. 
In each village there are rich people and poor people and among the poor there 
might be less poor and more poor. Everyday one will see mass going on and 
sacraments are instituted .But many of us are not aware the hardship some 
people are undergoing because much money is not coming and the families just 
cannot afford to buy essential commodities they need to sustain life and for 
these people feasts have no meaning. Many might not be even in a position to 
attend a sunday mass for want of proper clothes or they might be standing 
outside somewhere in the corner to hear a mass. One might see a crumbled shirt 
or crumbled dress and we may not like to see them again. Its during christmas 
season everyone becomes extraordinary Christians and they go in search of these 
poor masses to give them one kilo of rice and may be some christmas sweets and 
some old clothes .Has any one ever given a thought that unused rooms in our 
churches could be used to start some small scale industries where these po0r 
people can earn more money and be happy ? Industry in a church Nao podser. The 
church is the temple of God and one should not mix God with money or business. 
These will be the remarks of many but ultimately what did Jesus say  " When you 
do to these least of my breatherns you do it to me." we could give employment 
to women, have school for the drop outs, get them small jobs, form associations 
of various skill labourers so that people employ these skill workers . etc etc. 
We could have small co operatives societies in the church and get marketable 
products at less profit. etc etc. But neither the church ever thought of all 
these nor will they allow any lay person to do this and if at all by any chance 
the parish priest allows one or two people to carry on business there will be 
at least ten to pull them down. Our religion is based on theories and theories 
only. We are great to praise God with our lips but not praise his creations.
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Re: [Goanet] God and You

2009-12-11 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity scene in 
1223 at Greccio, Italy, in an attempt to place the emphasis of Christmas upon 
the worship of Christ rather than upon secular materialism and gift giving. 
Staged in a cave near Greccio, St. Francis' nativity scene was a living one 
with humans and animals cast in the Biblical roles. 

- Original Message 
> From: MD 
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Sent: Fri, 11 December, 2009 5:52:33 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] God and You
> Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/sets/72157622843319441/
> Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa
> During the Christmas time, we have the custom of making/preparing(or
> whatever) a crib
> where in we display the new born Jesus with his worldly parents, Mary
> included. Why?

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-11 Thread MD

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

During the Christmas time, we have the custom of making/preparing(or
whatever) a crib
where in we display the new born Jesus with his worldly parents, Mary
included. Why?

We have to approach God only through Jesus, however, as we consider Mary the
mother of Jesus, we pray to her to intercede with her son, Jesus, in the
belief that Jesus does not say no to his mother.  Remember, at Cana wedding,
all Mary said to Jesus was 'they have run out of wine (or something like
that)'.  The result was the first miracle.

Those who are against it (honouring Mary), are free to say their own prayer,
God does not require us to pray in a pre-written format.  (Hope such
people respect their own biological mother on planet earth and look after
her well when she is old and frail instead of wearing black the whole year
one she has passed away!!)  God is there to judge everyone.

Feasts are mainly to celebrate and what is wrong if we celebrate?


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 17:55:14 +
From: Albert Desouza 
Subject: [Goanet] God and You
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Albert writes:- We have not understood Jesus' first coming what will we
understand about his second coming? In the first coming of Jesus, he changed
the attitude of Jews then and it is ours now.Jesus taught us that rules are
made for man and not the other way about. Where is it written that Roman
Catholics have achieved the kingdom of heaven ? on what ground can we say
that? We never follow the first commandment of God which says that " I am
the Almighty God and there can be no other gods before me ? Roman Catholics
have converted Mary into a Person having hundred heads with each head
bearing one name. We feel that Mary will take us to Heaven. We are told to
replace Prayers with Rosary. Could'nt our religious leaders teach us a
better way to bow before the Almighty God, adore Him, ? We have nothing of
that sort. What we have is celebration of feasts. Wearing of opmus and going
about in processions. The more gondals the better is the feast and the more
musicians the feast is grand .We hear mass, roam around the fair go home
drink a large dose of Whiskey, eat sorpotel with sanna and go to bed to wake
up late at night to find that our head is aching because we had too many
pegs. Our lives are the same, our attitude are the same, our behaviour is
the same. We are selfish people always thinking about the crown that should
come to our head and we think of glory that we have to achieve in this world
and that the world should recognise us as great people. We boast of our
attire and our power but when we go seven feet down the earth it becomes
septre and crown must tumble down and dust be equally made. Your pride, your
false glory, your intelligent, your philosophy, and other logy will be
burried with you. A placard at your grave will sound better which should
read" Here is a fool who boasted of his greatness and now is lying still not
knowing that worms are formed of his beautiful and grand body .

[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-09 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We have not understood Jesus' first coming what will we 
understand about his second coming? In the first coming of Jesus, he changed 
the attitude of Jews then and it is ours now.Jesus taught us that rules are 
made for man and not the other way about. Where is it written that Roman 
Catholics have achieved the kingdom of heaven ? on what ground can we say that? 
We never follow the first commandment of God which says that " I am the 
Almighty God and there can be no other gods before me ? Roman Catholics have 
converted Mary into a Person having hundred heads with each head bearing one 
name. We feel that Mary will take us to Heaven. We are told to replace Prayers 
with Rosary. Could'nt our religious leaders teach us a better way to bow before 
the Almighty God, adore Him, ? We have nothing of that sort. What we have is 
celebration of feasts. Wearing of opmus and going about in processions. The 
more gondals the better is the feast and the more musicians the feast is grand 
.We hear mass, roam around the fair go home drink a large dose of Whiskey, eat 
sorpotel with sanna and go to bed to wake up late at night to find that our 
head is aching because we had too many pegs. Our lives are the same, our 
attitude are the same, our behaviour is the same. We are selfish people always 
thinking about the crown that should come to our head and we think of glory 
that we have to achieve in this world and that the world should recognise us as 
great people. We boast of our attire and our power but when we go seven feet 
down the earth it becomes septre and crown must tumble down and dust be equally 
made. Your pride, your false glory, your intelligent, your philosophy, and 
other logy will be burried with you. A placard at your grave will sound better 
which should read" Here is a fool who boasted of his greatness and now is lying 
still not knowing that worms are formed of his beautiful and grand body .   
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[Goanet] God and you

2009-12-08 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Never raise yourself high above others and do not give a 
feeling to others that you are master of the universe unless God gives glory to 
you. Mother Theresa was a simple weak woman who landed on Indian soil. Everyone 
knows her history where she began her mission and where she ended. Because of 
her simplicity God raised her up to the sky and made her a famous person. She 
could be compared to any monarch on earth but her possessions were even lesser 
than a roadside pimp. From a home under a tree she reached to huge structures. 
She never boasted of her being a saint or that she was doing a job of looking 
after lepers yet God glorified her and allowed her to be the winner of the 
world's greatest prize -the Nobel Prize which ordinary person cannot just get. 
Yet there are others who take privilege of calling themselves religious and 
expect others like us to accept that they are very holy, intelligent etc etc. I 
remember when I was in school I used to always have a konkani skit staged for 
the parent's day. It was mine and mine alone. But one year I felt I should try 
something else and opted for an indian dance. When this was announced at the 
general assembly of teachers everyone was suprised that I had opted for an 
indian dance. One religious person was given a konkani skit and she agreed. We 
were to start our practices after the Diwali holidays. I had planned what to do 
and whom to approach for help etc etc but when I came to school the religious 
came to me to plead for a change which I agreed . I had to inform my religious 
head about the change. The head accused me for changing even though I told him 
that it was not my idea. He described the religious as intelligent, efficient 
etc etc and said that I was useless, lethargic etc etc. This made me hot and I 
told the concern religious that i will train the children for the dance and she 
should train for the skit. Quickly the religious made her confession and the 
skit came to me without any apology. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-05 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God expects us to be born in a stable. It means that our life 
should be simple .Those who live in stables usually are the poor. These poor 
people inspite of being poor they often think about others. It is the rich 
sometimes that are selfish. Shortly we will be celebrating Christmas. More than 
two thousand years ago Jesus was born in a stable. Herod wanted to do away with 
Jesus but God protected Jesus because Jesus had already built up a relation 
bond with God and when there is a cord that binds you with God no one can touch 
you. Do you accept God as the centre of your life ? Do you accept Him as the 
master, a King, a power ? Then get rid of all paganisms that you are surrounded 
with. The statues in your home has no life and cannot answer your prayers. We 
are like the musk deer which has a special gland in its body and this gland 
secretes a juice which gives an aroma. This musk deer roams the whole forest in 
search of that object which gives aroma little realising that it is within it. 
We have God within us, yet we roam from state to state in search of God and 
when we do not find Him we get dissappointed. Our leaders are lazy and hence no 
one wants us to preach the word of God. They have found a shortcut which may 
take us to Hell. Our prayers are not directed towards God and when Jesus tells 
us that it is He who can reach us to the Father which mortal can give us 
assurance that we can reach God the Father by holding hands of saints and that 
rosary is the weapon of salvation ? Is mortal higher than Jesus ? has any 
mortal seen the father ? 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-12-02 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Someone wrote that the clergy is selling church property. 
People ought to know certain facts regarding the church property. As far as I 
know the church in Goa is a registered co operative society registered under 
1860 society act. It has a general body and Managing committee. But why has the 
Roman Catholic Church till today kept the names of this general Body as well as 
the managing body as a top secret I do not know. If Roman Catholic church is 
the body of God, founded on the blood of Jesus Christ then everything in the 
church and what ever that is going on should not be kept a secret. It was the 
duty of the Bishop to disclose who are the members of this society. If all the 
Roman Catholics are not members of this society why are we contributing to the 
cofers of this society ? The church is collecting illegally what ever it is 
collecting by means of church collection and donations. Let the Bishop in the 
first case without feeling hurt or without his ego getting damaged make a 
public statement or send a circular to each and every church regarding the list 
of the members belonging to the General Body of the church and the list of the 
managing committee .Once this list is out we the roman catholics have no right 
to question about the sale of the church property as that property does not 
belong to us. The term church actually means the society under which every 
assets of the church is registered. It is just like our communidades. Do non 
gaunkars right to open their mouth and speak no.
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-28 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Many times we are engulfed with pride that we do not understand 
the basic rules to be a christian. The other day I was invited for a wedding at 
Palm Dale little beyond Bom Jesus Convent. The road here and there was blocked 
because of the novenas and as such we had to take a route via the bypass. It 
was eleven thirty night and the driver of the rickshaw in which we were 
travelling was not familiar with the road but went on and on and in the dark 
and under the forest cover one did not know where we had reached but with 
Divine providence carried on and reached a small church or chapel in front of 
which there were some youth playing badminton. One of the youth had spotted a 
nice beard and seems to be a hero of the lot and spoke in salcette accent. But 
what surprised me was when we asked him the direction to reach Panjim he began 
to mock us for not knowing the way. "Tumi Ponje vochpak noklot ? Tumi Ponje 
vochpak noklot tor kuim thaun devleat tor tumi ? " but there was another of the 
lot who told us to go straight and turn right and you will soon reach Panjim. 
We christians who term ourselves as Catholics and we have Mother Mary to 
interceed for us do not know that Mary was always there to help others in need. 
I wanted to cry shame on you but kept cool and quiet too. I just said " Father 
forgive him for he does not know what he is talking about."This particular 
church or chapel as Icould not figure out lies close to the Merces Junction on 
the bypass from  
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-27 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Can any one tell me as to who has given us the Roman Catholics 
to feel that our religion is a true religion and all other religions are not? 
Our behaviour speaks volumes. Jesus Christ is the word that became flesh. He 
did not start any religion .Christianity came up when the Jews who followed 
Christ started to follow the teachings of Christ. What did Jesus teach ? He 
just taught simple things. 1. To make God Your King and to adore only Him. To 
Love God in the first place before we love any other human beings and likewise 
we are supposed to love each and every human beings because they are God's 
creation. Today what is Roman Catholicism ? Truly speaking it is nothing. There 
is no God in the religion neither there is love in the religion. This religion 
makes us proud people. This religion teaches us to sought glory and to glorify 
ourselves. The rest is history
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes"- Jesus never sought any glory. If at all he worked wonders he 
glorified the one who had sent him. He was God himself but never said so. 
whenever he worked any miracle he raised his eyes to heaven and prayed to His 
Father. Then why do we seek glory ? why are adjectives used to describe who we 
are ? is it because we want people to think we are great when we are not ? why 
must our atire be colourful to ask for false praises ? Today the descendents of 
Jesus look like they are descendents of Pontius Pilate. The atire is kingly, 
the mode of transport is great. we are cheating ourselves into glorifying us 
when God does not. One thing remarkable of Mother Theresa is her simplicity. 
Her " Poti" containing clothes really speaks volume of her sanctity. If at all 
she got noble prize, God wanted her to be glorified and she did the right thing 
in accepting the same. Is there anyone among us who are like that ? she had a 
vocation to serve the Lord and she did it. God has given us ten commandments. 
God has given us freedom. One of the commandment says thou shall not steal. If 
that is so how come some people who cannot afford a cycle are roaming in top 
cars costing lakhs of rupees ? what are you trying to potrate that Christ has 
taught us to rob ? Are we following Jesus Christ who had no place to be born, 
no place to be burried and we his followers are making tons of money without 
putting even an inch of effort ? Our catholic religion has never been the 
religion of Jesus Come what may believe it or not. This religion is a drama and 
we are all acting and we will be acting till life goes out and when we reach 
before God we may never see God. There might be no one to hold our hand and 
take us to God and His heaven and all our dreams that angels and saints will 
interceed for us has gone into vapour and we woke up quite late and now we 
cannot do anything. we cannot come back to tell the people remaining on earth 
that our religion has nothing in it and it is just a drama ,.   
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-20 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Caroline was the only daughter while Robert and Andre were her 
brothers. Robert and Andre moved to the west from gulf and settled there 
.Caroline had a bad luck when her husband died leaving her with two small 
children. She moved from her husband's house to her mother's house and stayed 
with her widowed mother. Her brothers never bothered to come down to Goa nor 
even send their mother any money. Caroline managed to feed four mouths by 
working in somebody's kitchen. She felt that her brothers were not interested 
in the property and so she gave up her husband's house and property in favour 
of her brother in law and received a small amount from settlement which she put 
in the fixed deposit. She managed to educate her parents. As years passed by 
her mother's health started to detoriate and most of the savings which she 
managed to get from sale of field product went to pay the bills of the doctors. 
A time came when she had to sell some gold which her mother had to buy 
medicines. Her mother passed away and now she thought she would live a very 
happy life till her sons stood on their own. One fine day both her brothers 
came and they wanted to sell their house. They even managed to get a buyer. 
Caroline was in a fix. where will she go now ? She was not aware as to how much 
the sale of the house would be and how much she would get. Though she tried to 
convince her brothers that she has no house of her own, they were not prepared 
to listen to her as their house would fetch them around a crore and a half. 
Caroline was not aware for how much the brothers sold the house and the 
property .They gave her ten lakhs and with that she managed to buy a small flat 
somewhere .The brothers were contented that they got a big price for the house 
of their parents without spending a pie. How they managed to take their price 
abroad we do not know but the two brothers never felt a bit of uneasiness to 
cheat their only sister.    
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes: The cross on which our saviour has died is very important tool 
for me. It has two beams. The vertical and horrizontal. For me the vertical 
beam connects the earth with its human beings and all that is there on the 
planet to Almighty Father who is the sole power in heaven and on earth while 
the horizontal beam connects human beings on the left and the human beings on 
the right to one another. "Love one another as I have loved you " Jesus told us 
before he went to Heaven to the Father. Yet it is so difficult. Do you know why 
cyclones come ? Why houses collapse ? God wants human beings to love one 
another and help one another and as that love has failed God pulls human beings 
with a force. Today love has been replaced with greed. Justice has been 
replaced with injustice. Christmas is coming near. Lord Jesus wants to be born 
again in your stable (yourself) there is too much of dirt and you have no time 
to clean it. While you sing "Gloria with your lips, your heart is full of envy, 
pride, greed which cannot be cleaned. Be born again. Be born wise. The bible 
contains the word of God. The word of God is the life of a body, the food of 
the soul. Touch your heart and feel its pulse. Your heart is longing for the 
love of the Almighty Lord yet you remain far away. God loves you and me even 
though we are greedy for power and money. God loves you unconditionally. You 
pray because you are afraid to die and afraid that God might punish you because 
you are a idol worshipper. Your statues have no life says St.Paul and so you 
too have no life. You just recite insipid prayers .You should pray by uplifting 
your heart .Tears should flow down your eyes when you pray. " Open my eyes 
Lord, that I may see Jesus. To feel and to touch him and be with him forever. 
Open my ears Lord, That I may listen to the word of God and that I may grow 
with the word of God. open my heart Lord, that I may love Jesus. Open my self 
Lord, that I may be with you forever. Pray by reading the psalm. Don't read 
only psalm no 91 like a fool. Read what you feel like reading.Amen  
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-13 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- The Jews were fanatics and so are we.We neither know our 
religion nor would like to learn it .The Bible tells us about Jesus. He came to 
tell the Jews then and to us now that strict rituals will not  take us 
anywhere.God wants us to have liberal thoughts. In Catholic religion there are 
too many dos and don'ts. Once in church at the begining of elevation time many 
of us felt like kneeling. The priest announced "Please stand " so everyone 
except me stood up. We are so rigid with our prayers even. We cannot pray with 
our hearts open to God. We have to say the rigid rosary and the clergy will 
remind the faithfuls specially the ladies are trained by them to be faithful to 
their nonsense. It has to be ten hail Marys which sometimes we say like the 
parrots. Once when Fr.Emidio was the vicar at Parra Church I attended a funeral 
and was surprised that Fr.Emeidio was just reciting a prayer without a prayer 
book and was encouraging the faithful to do like wise and the whole prayer 
service in the cemetry took around half an hour because everyone started 
praying in their own language and this should be the prayer. While God wants us 
to read the Bible the church will come with Daily flash. The word of God is the 
food for our body and for our soul. We ought to remove our fanactism from our 
interior. Those who are with Christ are not against christ. Hence God has 
created the Christians, created the Hindus, and the Muslims and everyone. His 
heaven is for everyone who love Him and remain bonded with Him. God will not 
see whther you have received baptism or not. God will inspect your heart. 
Masses and Rosaries and Novenas will not serve you. To go to Heaven you need 
Witness. Every Judge gives verdict based on human witness. When you do to the 
least of my breathens you do it to me is the key word of our religion. How many 
people these days have become homeless and family less did any one bother about 
them ! or did we say " Government has started a process for them let them do 
it. We Catholics are heartless people and have no right to enter the kingdom of 
heaven. Many are seen running from pillar to post to gain salvation when God is 
dwelling in our homes why search Him among the dead ? why do you pray before 
Lifeless gods ?not my words. Its in the bible.  
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-03 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:-  I am a Roman Catholic who attends mass only on sundays. I 
appreciate your love for Mary the mother of Jesus and the Rosary but i do not 
know whther everyone who tries to cry from roof top about Mary and many of us 
who try to condem the people of other faith including the believers know who 
Mary is. If one loves Mary , and want to celebrate her feasts in dozen should 
try to answer this question to me. If you do not want to answer it to me then 
answer it to yourself. How come there is divorce , abortion, family planning, 
among the catholics when Mary is the centre of love ? How come our elderly 
parents are neglected by us by dumping them in the homes for aged ? How is that 
catholic parents not bothered about their children and leave them in the care 
of ayahs since the time they are born ? The teenagers are neglected ! Brothers 
do not see eye to eye. Neighbours are not in talking terms. There is no peace 
in homes. Husbands drink, while wife flirts. Why do we need counselling and 
psychatrist ? it is because You are not bonded with the Lord the Almighty God 
that is the answer. We indulge ourselves in too many outdated beliefs without 
trying to find the answer. You do not have the wisdom to get the answers unless 
you close your eyes and ask God to send you the Holy Spirit to guide you in 
this. if all of you had to do this then we do not need to go to any medical 
practioner. There is always a direction coming to you from the Word of God. 
This word of God is neglected by the Roman Catholics. Please read it .
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-02 Thread Cajetan Alvares
Wise Albert has spoken:
are the jews not our ancestors ? was Jesus not a Jew ?
Reply: Jews are not my ancestors neither are they of Eric that is why he
told you to see a Doctor for insulting his and my ancestors on Goanet.
Was Jesus a Jew? NO! Albert, like you and me he was a half caste. (if jews
are my ancestors)

Re: [Goanet] God and You

2009-11-02 Thread eric pinto
   My sympathies go out to your hapless housemates - they cannot delete !  


From: Albert Desouza 
To: Major domo goanet 
Sent: Mon, November 2, 2009 12:30:01 PM
Subject: [Goanet] God and You

Albert writes:- We are born with stuborn rituals. Many of these so called 
rituals have descended into us from our ancient religion that our fore fathers 
practised until we became christians.  We are in fact Christian the word that 
means Christlike. It is not a religion to boast but a way of life that one 
lives. God the father through Moses gave us just ten commandments but Jesus in 
his own Glory and Glory descended on him from His almighty Father shortened the 
ten commandments into just two. How many of us are paying attention to the 
first Commandment ? The world would have been a better place to live if only we 
had to read the word of God and meditate on it. We would have got so much of 
inspiration if we had just to mediate the word of God. But instead we prefer to 
make fun of others, criticise other person's belief etc etc. It is a fact that 
Jesus told us through the Bible about heaven and hell. When I questioned the 
existance of Purgortory one mr.
 Eric Pinto suggested me to see the doctor. For what?  for speaking the truth,? 
for highlighting what Jesus said ? Just because the masses for thousand of 
years believed that there exist purgotary it does not make a truth. So if we 
are to follow the theory that our ancestors did this and that and so it is 
true, then what our ancestors did before they were forcebly baptised should 
also be taken as truth. There was no need for Jesus to take so much trouble to 
come down on earth if we had to continue what the Jews believed that time . 
They believed in sun god are we doing it ? why not ? are the jews not our 
ancestors ? was Jesus not a Jew ? 
New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.


[Goanet] God and You

2009-11-02 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We are born with stuborn rituals. Many of these so called 
rituals have descended into us from our ancient religion that our fore fathers 
practised until we became christians.  We are in fact Christian the word that 
means Christlike. It is not a religion to boast but a way of life that one 
lives. God the father through Moses gave us just ten commandments but Jesus in 
his own Glory and Glory descended on him from His almighty Father shortened the 
ten commandments into just two. How many of us are paying attention to the 
first Commandment ? The world would have been a better place to live if only we 
had to read the word of God and meditate on it. We would have got so much of 
inspiration if we had just to mediate the word of God. But instead we prefer to 
make fun of others, criticise other person's belief etc etc. It is a fact that 
Jesus told us through the Bible about heaven and hell. When I questioned the 
existance of Purgortory one mr. Eric Pinto suggested me to see the doctor. For 
what?  for speaking the truth,? for highlighting what Jesus said ? Just because 
the masses for thousand of years believed that there exist purgotary it does 
not make a truth. So if we are to follow the theory that our ancestors did this 
and that and so it is true, then what our ancestors did before they were 
forcebly baptised should also be taken as truth. There was no need for Jesus to 
take so much trouble to come down on earth if we had to continue what the Jews 
believed that time . They believed in sun god are we doing it ? why not ? are 
the jews not our ancestors ? was Jesus not a Jew ? 
New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-31 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- There are many people in Goa who attend novenas, feasts, 
masses, and say rosary everyday but still they do not get what they want. many 
of these are praying for lots of things on earth. Some of them have no peace in 
their house. Sickness, courtcase, fights with neighbours, fights with people 
living under the same roof, drunkard husband, wandering son etc etc and inspite 
of going to church and living what is supposed to be a holy life yet their 
environment does not change because they are not praying to the Almighty Father 
and they are not routing their prayers through Jesus. Jesus has clearly said" I 
am the resurection and the Life who ever comes to me will be saved."Our prayers 
have no meaning. Our masses have no meaning. Our feast has no meaning. They are 
just rituals. When you attend a wedding in some ofthe famous open air halls one 
finds the same programme every where. Same is the case with our feasts, our 
novenas. We attend because we are forced to attend. We attend because " What 
other people will think of me" Many of us think that our religion is created by 
our God. Many of us think that Heaven is created by Our God. That we have every 
right and others need to be saved. Actually it is the other way around. Jesus 
has said that prostitutes and dancing girls will enter the kingdom of God and 
not you. Change your life. Be born again. Receive the baptism from the Holy 
Spirit. One who is with Jesus is for Jesus.
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-29 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Whenever I visit any home for the aged, I see them either 
sitting at the gate or entrance waiting for someone. This one can see specially 
in the evenings. By the time the sun sets one can easily see the wrinkles on 
their faces, and sour in their mouth. They were expecting someone but that 
someone did not turn up. How can we be so heartless to dump our beloved parents 
who have given us the best in the homes ? Though the nuns looking after them 
may try to give them their best but they cannot substitute the children born to 
them. Honour your father and Mother .Remember your parents love you. This is a 
sublime love. It is coming from the core of their heart. One who cannot 
understand this sublime love will never be happy in future. How wicked are the 
people who do not bother about their parents but on their death they bother for 
inch of land or inch of house for which they have not spent an inch of money. 
how can we be so rude in our behaviour. Today land in Goa is very expensive and 
one cannot get it so easily. Today everyone is bothered about the silver coins 
but never bothered about a couple who brought them into this world. But as 
years go by grey hair are seen on your head which keeps on turning grey and 
grey. Wrinkles are forming on your heroic face. You are getting old. You may 
have sent your son for best education to australia and he has not come back. 
You are anxiously waiting and waiting but he does not come. who will cart you 
to the home for the aged ? You have the house which you have not built. You 
have the property which you have not bought but you have no one to continue to 
live in this house which you have greedly aquired.
Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Shortly we will be celebrating Christmas. Is it going to be the 
same christmas like last year ? For some it will be a christmas like Jesus 
Christ had  two thousand years ago when his mother Mary and foster father 
Joseph could not find place to stay when time came for Jesus to be born. Many 
people from Canacona and other places in Bicholim and sanquelim and assonora 
who have lost their belongings may not celebrate their christmas for like 
Christ they also do not have any roof over their head. No one from Bardez is 
aware what has happened to these people. Whether they are building their homes 
or living under the roof provided by God. There are still others who may have 
roof  but they do not have a heart to continue to live. These people may have 
lost their beloved ones and the whole world has come to an end. Let us 
specially remember the family of those people where the father and son have 
been electrocuted. Has anyone bothered to give them something .The boy studied 
in the higher secondary of my school in siolim. I do not think the family will 
have courage to celebrate christmas because they have lost everything. I do not 
know whther anyone from that area will come forward to do any collection for 
that family. I do not mind asking some of my friends to donate  to them 
generously and I am sure my friends on the goanet will help this family as they 
had done for Bhavesh from Nagoa Bardez when her daughter had to undergo heart 
operation. Can't we help this family ? Someone from Morjim who is connected on 
goanet and who knows the family give us the bank account of that family so that 
some one can send money to them as christmas gift. I hope I am not boasting. 

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[Goanet] God and you

2009-10-22 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- We are so concerned about the Christians in Orissa and 
concerned about christianity in Africa but is it not our duty to show concern 
to what is going on in Goa ? Jesus came and restricted his mission only to the 
Jews. Was Jesus mad ? He never visited the gentiles. Only once he went to 
Samaria and spoke to the woman at the well. Today the Roman catholics are going 
from place to place anxiously waiting to hear the word of God. Our Sunday 
Homily is the story of Jack and Jill because the one who is supposed to preach 
the word of God was so busy that he had no time to prepare .God wants us to 
spread the good news but if I am not aware of the good news what news can I 
give to others? Today the people of canacona do not need advice or lectures or 
theories. They need help. They have lost their shelter. Jesus is living in 
those huts which are washed away and he is waiting for help. We collect tons of 
money for Mission sunday but the church does not feel the need to conduct the 
word of God. There are many lay people who are eager to spread the word of God 
but the clergy will never allow them to step their foot near the altar. Our 
egos have reached the sky that we cannot see God sitting on the ground holding 
His almighty hands to embrace you. We like to put other denominations down. 
They are closer to God. They have collected the slum children roaming on the 
streets without proper food and clothing and shelter and have given them God's 
house to live and taken great care. The other denominations are busy spreading 
the word of God, distributing bible to those who do not have. Do we have any 
right to point accusing finger at them? No
Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-19 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Going for mass, attending hundred and one novenas and 
celebrating one thousand feasts do not make us christians. God has put only two 
things before us one is Love of God and the second one is love of man. In 
today's world neither the church is encouraging love of man nor the faithful 
who throng to the churches in thousands. Human beings will have just two 
children. The difference between the first and the second will be at least five 
to six years. There is no communication between the two. They will live in a 
huge mansion but separated fifty metres apart surrounded by at least two to 
three huge dogs which get more love and attention than the children born from 
the Almighty God. The children get packets of money in lieu of love and time 
which none of them really want. The parents are so busy making money that the 
children are seen even at one in the night. Husband and wife live on contract 
basis. sometimes they live just mere partners and are always on war. So many 
divorce cases that the files are piling in the court of the land as well as the 
court of the church but no clergy has time to help to prevent these cases. Mere 
praying with our lips while our hearts are filled with filth is of no use. i 
want each and every the so called christian to hold his right hand to his chest 
and listen to the talk of his own heart . Find out if you have made illegal 
money, robbed someone's land, cheated someone, used family planning means to 
hold back children, had abortion, harrased someone, and caused anxiety to 
others and dragged others to court unnecessary. 
Newsmakers and happenings from around the world – just one click away on MSN 

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-18 Thread Albert Desouza

On 13/x Albert wrote:  Man has no right to manipulate God's kingdom. We have no 
right to preach
something we have not witnessed. Mary has been created by God not to replace
Him. He will not tolerate if any one of us replaces God with mary. It is
blasfamy to give more importa
nce to Mary and make her the person who has power to take you to heaven or
interceed for us. Don't listen to this.
 My comments:
God said:  Gods ways
are not man?s (Albert?s) ways.
For man it is impossible but for God everything is possible.
Listen if you have ears.
 (It isblasfamy to give more importance
to Mary)  See how God intervenes ?
Albert writes:- We go by the Bible. In the old testament we have evidence from 
the Bible about what God told us through the prophets. God gave us the ten 
commandments through Moses. He spoke to Moses at the burning bush. Later God 
spoke to Abraham etc etc. Then came Jesus.For three years He preached. This has 
been recorded in the new testament. Jesus said " I am the way the truth...
He has clearly told us that if we want to go to the Father we have to route our 
way through him only. He also gave us assurance that He and the Father are one. 
Mary lived for many years. For thirty years she lived with Jesus and brought 
him up with love and affection. The Bible does not speak about Mary there after 
till Jesus is on the way to calvarey. She meets Jesus and remains with him till 
the end of his life on earth. Jesus gave her in charge of his friend to look 
after her. Mary was there with the apostles when the Holy spirit arrived. Only 
some of the apostles became preachers but Mary never uttered any  word. 

Newsmakers and happenings from around the world – just one click away on MSN 

[Goanet] God and you

2009-10-18 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Albert writes:- I would prefer to have only Mary who should be called Mary the 
mother of Jesus and her feast should be celebrated once a year only. I want 
every christian to remember Mary as a woman who lived to fulfil God's wish and 
those who love Mary should fulfil God's wish. God in Genenis said " Increase 
and Multiply and fill the earth. If that is God's wish why family planning ? 
Why make this world a place not suitable to live ? Cause a survey to be done in 
catholic homes. Big house ground plus one two children, Elder is ten years 
older than the younger may be seven or eight. There is no communication between 
spouses between parents and children. To bribe children are given a motorbike 
and money. Result your son or daughter never enters your palace before eleven 
at night. May be later. Disco and night out parties are their fascinations. 
Children drink and take drugs. They want happiness which you have not given 
them. Many times these mothers are seen at churches attending novenas of Marys 
which has no significance to the reality. Saying Rosary and attending Masses 
everyday and going from place to place for different feast have no meaning to 
what Mary said " Hi assa Doniachi chakon" Here am I the hand maid of the Lord." 
mary should love to others. She had concerned for Elizabeth. She had concern 
for the bridgroom at Cana. Do we the followers of Mary have ? Our novenas 
should begin from home. Parents should love each other, no divorce. Parents 
should have concern for their children. For their elderly parents who are 
lingering in homes for the aged. Then celebrating Mary's feast or becoming her 
bakti will have meaning

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[Goanet] God and you

2009-10-17 Thread joseph fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

On 13/x Albert wrote:  Man has no right to manipulate God's kingdom. We have no 
right to preach
something we have not witnessed. Mary has been created by God not to replace
Him. He will not tolerate if any one of us replaces God with mary. It is
blasfamy to give more importa
nce to Mary and make her the person who has power to take you to heaven or
interceed for us. Don't listen to this.
My comments:
God said:  Gods ways
are not man’s (Albert’s) ways.
For man it is impossible but for God everything is possible.
Listen if you have ears.
(It isblasfamy to give more importance
to Mary)  See how God intervenes ?
Joseph Fernandes

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[Goanet] God and you

2009-10-16 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Albert writes:- God has been communicating with man ever since the beginning of 
the world. He spoke to Moses gave us the ten commandments, spoke to Abraham 
promissed him the promise land, built a covenant with him .He sent Isaiah, and 
many other prophets. Each of these prophets spoke nothing but making God the 
centre of our lives. God finally sent His son Jesus. Jesus is the bridge 
between us and God. For thirty years Jesus put a solid foundation to families 
and he finished his mission of propagating God's word to the chosen people 
within three years. Jesus made God as the point of power and he stood between 
God and man. He promissed to be a mediator for man and so our prayers should be 
directed to him to be sent to the Father. Man has no right to manipulate God's 
kingdom. We have no right to preach something we have not witnessed. Mary has 
been created by God not to replace Him. He will not tolerate if any one of us 
replaces God with mary. It is blasfamy to give more importance to Mary and make 
her the person who has power to take you to heaven or interceed for us. Don't 
listen to this.
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-15 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Albert writes:- God has given us the ten commandments. The first one states I 
am the Lord thy God. In this commandment God wants us to accept Him as the 
Almighty. In various chapters of the Bible in the old testament God speaks to 
us about idoltary. Isaiah tells us not to worship idols. He says that idols are 
made of wood or clay. What actually are we all doing today ? we have so much 
importance to dead statues. We have forgotten the living God. The word of God 
is the bread of life. It is soothing, cooling and everlasting. Some of the 
Hindus have accepted Jesus and have started to read the word of God and we who 
we think are the only chosen race is yet to know what Bible is. We fancy 
ourselves with daily flash which is not the word of God. We believe that Mother 
Mary will save us when she is not and she is not because she has never 
promissed anyone. It is Jesus who has promissed to take us to the Father. Jesus 
is our saviour. The law of land does not hold good to Law of God. God is 
ommnipotent and it is only Jesus who has seen the Father and no one else. We 
cannot manipulate God's word or about God's kingdom. The flood at canacona 
should be an eye opener to us. Those people suffered for our sins. Much more is 
to come unless we bind ourselves to the Almighty Father and accept Him as our 
creator our master and our ruler. 
Newsmakers and happenings from around the world – just one click away on MSN 

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-06 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Albert writes:- Its time to wake up and help our brothers and sisters who are 
victims of the recent floods in Goa. Its high time the Goa church start some 
movement to rehabilate the poor children of God. We are there to help anyone 
who wants to start this movement. Websites cannot build houses, we need hands.
Newsmakers and happenings from around the world – just one click away on MSN 

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-04 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- People from Canacona and other similar places in the south and 
also Bicholim, Assonora and other similar places need your prayers and support. 
It is at this time that the so called called caritas should step in and bring 
Jesus into the homes of these lonely people. Its easy to estimate the loss 
because every village has a church and they have a parish priest. I know 
Poiginin is run by the MSFS fathers .It is their duty to send a call for help 
and we must help them for Jesus said when you do to the least of my breathens 
you do it to me. I hope Nicholas Da Costa is paying attention to this.

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-28 Thread Albert Desouza

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Albert writes:- Criticism and accusation are synonym.Our life will not end if 
we do not put someone down. This comes more out of jealousy .Our life would 
have been a better place to live if only we had to concentrate on our behaviour 
towards ourselves, our family and our neighbours. We do not laugh at ourselves 
when we send our parents to the home for the aged, a home full of torture not 
because the nuns are not looking after their inmates but because that home is 
devoid of family love. The nuns and other inmates may kiss and hug the older 
generation the senior citizen but to what ever degree of love they may pour it 
becomes null and void. We do not laugh at ourselves when the husband divorces 
his wife or wife divorces her husband and leave children at their own mercy. We 
do not laugh at ourselves when our husband is away and wife is seen in company 
of other men. Even the clergy uses the pulpit to put the believers down by 
their smart criticism. They sometimes are not aware t
 hat their sermon comes live on tv .Instead I would be happy if they kneel down 
before mass and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten them as to what they should 
speak. Sometimes the sermons put one to sleep. Therefore if each one of us try 
to be closer to God and burry our pride in the mud, and be like Jesus who is 
the son of the Almighty God did not feel below his dignity to be born in a 
stable. Septre and Crown must tumble down and dust be equally made. 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-26 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- St.Paul warns us against false Teachings.1Timothy. Who are the 
false teachers.Let me speak about this into two parts. 1. The time when St.Paul 
wrote this letter and 2. now. 
Initially Egypt and other places had Roman, Greek and Egyptian influence. 
People believed in various gods. Some believed in sun god Ra. Apart from that 
they also had lots of goddesses. During the time of Moses people still believed 
in these type of gods. Those of whom gathered with Moses started the Mosaic 
laws. So when Jesus came into the world he had to face Jews who were fanatics. 
Hence they did not accept Jesus. Paul was one who did not accept Jesus. He was 
infact persecuting the first early christians. God had His own plans. He Chose 
Paul. He pulled him up and made him fall to the ground and repent for his mis 
deeds. Paul had an encounter with God and with His divine touch God made Paul 
his weapon to spread the word of God. 
2. Now. Have we accepted Jesus Christ and believe that he is the son of God ? 
Do you want to turn away from your present day life and be  a missionary of God 
to spread the Word ? Then you should forget about all that is ungodly on this 
earth. We should clean our heart and do away with our evil ways .Like Paul we 
should forget our sins and take measures to bring about a change in ourselves. 
To read and absorb the word of God and do away with our traditional practices 
of prayer and worship something that has no connection with God.
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[Goanet] God and you

2009-09-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Who is a true Christian ? Is it one who goes for mass everyday 
and prays the whole day ? I had a job to be done one day and entered an 
office.It was three in the afternoon and someone pointed to a clerk whose eyes 
were closed in prayer. She was a Christian and prayed everyday at three. I 
waited anxiously for fifteen minutes but she would not open her eyes that means 
she will not do my work and that means I will have to go home and come back 
again. I got restless and shook her to wake her up. She looked at me sternly. " 
What kind of a Christian are you ? " she asked me. One must pray at three for 
half an hour to remember that Jesus died at that time of the day. My answer to 
her was " Madam you should not pray at three but you should pray the whole day. 
Take voluntary retirement and stay at home. You are not paid to pray. Many 
times we judge people from outward behaviour. The true Christian is the one who 
is practical in his or her life style. Simple. One day I was seated in a bank 
waiting for my turn to go the cashier. I could see an elderly man entering the 
bank with a walking stick in my hand. I could have got up to help him get down 
the steps but I was engrossed in my own thoughts and pride. Next to me a lady 
at least five six years older to me was seated. Looking at her I knew she was 
not a Christian lady. She ran up the door and caught his hand brought him down 
and made him sit . Asked him why he was there . He wanted to withdraw money 
.She went to one counter brought a withdrawl  slip filled it for him and got 
the money for him. She counted the amount and helped him put it in his purse. 
By the time I finished my work I saw her bring a rickshaw to help him go home . 
Live Search extreme As India feels the heat of poll season, get all the info 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-23 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- Why must we divide ourselves into Christians, Hindus, Muslims 
Parses etc ? Are all of us not created by one and one Almighty God ? What is 
there in names whether I have Hindu names or I have names of trees ? There are 
so many names that I have come across which are neither Christian names nor 
Hindu names. They are not even names of human beings. So many of the Christian 
names are either difficult to write or difficult to pronounce. Many of our 
names are made up of two combinations one of the father and the second one of 
the mother that always sounds funny. Some of our teachers will vouch for me 
that they find it so difficult to get the names of their students. Its either 
Kisley, Tamsly, footsly, or ghostly, etc. Why boast to say that Christians 
having hindu names are cowards ? We have Rajendra, Jawahal, Azad etc some of 
them  were my class mates and they were very brave people and sportpersons and 
highly intelligent too. Could we call them cowards just because they had names 
of their names ? sounds foolish.  I think the writer wants to show his ignorance

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-13 Thread Albert Desouza

albert writes:- those Roman Catholics who have attended the sunday mass must 
have read or heard the letter of Jacob. It speaks about your deeds. We Roman 
catholics have very few good deeds. We are more theoritical than practical. We 
have read a dozen times the words of Jesus " when you do to the least of my 
breathrens you do it to me" who is this least breathen ? In one context we may 
understand it that when you give alms to the poor you give it to God. In the 
other context one may see that instead of giving money or food the needy are 
those who need help. You will find the needy in your own home. Your elderly 
parents need your help. They may not need money or food but they may be poor 
and lacking in love.You go to any home for the aged. The inmates have their 
eyes focused on the gate or the main entrance of the home. One will see all old 
people sitting at the entrance waiting for someone. What kind of a Christian 
are you that you find it so difficult to keep your parents into your own house 
? Why go for mass ? why pray the rosary ? why pray at all ? Many of us who call 
ourselves the true christian find it difficult to live with our spouses. it is 
easy to divorce your spouse. Make excuses and declare your spouse unfaithful. 
If you are a Christian have you given a thought about your children ? that they 
miss you ? That your children will be deprived of your love ? I came accross a 
young boy who refused to study and when I spoke to him he told me that his 
father has separated from his mother married another person and brought her in 
my house. My mother has found a man and got married to him and is living 
separately. My father is least bothered about me. I am his only son and he and 
his new wife do not even give me food. This boy is only thirteen years old. 
Where will he go ? No father, no mother. Within a year the boy took to drinks 
and started falling .He left school. Thanks to some of his elder relatives he 
was given a shelter and they managed to get rid of his dirty habbit. 

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-12 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

Albert writes:- God become man. This was the biggest miracle that mankind has 
experienced at that time and are experiencing now. This is a great day for 
celebration for us. God suffered humilation when He became man . His birth took 
place in a stable. He had to run away from human beings (Herod) He had to carry 
a cross for us. He had to shed his precious blood wear a crown of thorns and 
suffer pain for us. This event took place two thousand and more years ago. 
Today we have replaced the jews in mocking Jesus when we give so much 
importance to other gods (wealth, our houses, our greed, etc) we love to adore 
pagan gods. It is not our fault. It is the fault of our leaders who have lured 
us into this sinful behaviour. I do not know whether our leaders are aware that 
this train is on the wrong track or not . If they do not know they should be 
born again and be embedded in Jesus Christ or else our mission is not 

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-09-07 Thread Albert Desouza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

Albert writes:- Taken from Proverbs:- Learn what i teach you my son and never 
orget what I tell you to do. Listen to what is wise and try to understand it. 
Beg for knowledge plead for insight. Look for it as hard as you would look for 
silver and gold. if you do you will know what it means to fear the Lord and you 
will suceed in learning about God. It is Lord who gives you wisdom. From Him 
comes knowledge, and understanding. He provides help and protection for those 
who are righteous and honest. He protects those who treat others fairly and 
guards those who are devoted to him. If you listen to me you will know what is 
right just and fair. You will know what you should do .You will become wise and 
your knowledge will give you pleasure. Your insight and understanding will 
protect you and prevent you from doing the wrong things. 

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[Goanet] God and You

2009-08-27 Thread Albert Desouza

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Albert writes:- One must know the value of the Bible. It gives us immense 
knowledge of God's kingdom. God's plan is explained in the Genesis. Increase 
and multiple says the Lord. The ten commandments explained in Exodus and later 
repeated by Jesus himself teaches us the way to go in this world and later to 
unite with our Master and our Lord. Our life would be a an interesting one had 
we to just love God with our whole heart. We would be free from any tension, 
diseases if only we had known that God is our Father. THe lady who was sick for 
twelve years recognised Jesus as God and touched his garment to get a cure. The 
ten lepers came to Jesus because they accepted Jesus as God and the cure came 
to them. Why do you hesitate to ask the Father all that you need ? Our clergy 
has converted us into guinea pigs. They have pushed into our throat a stupid 
way of praying. We do not know to pray because we have not been taught to open 
our hearts to God and pour out our sorrows. The clergy
  know only part of the bible called " The daily flash and the rosary and the 
psalm no 91. Our prayers are outdated. We speak to idols which cannot answer us 
and hence we panic and in his panic we roam here and there for salvation. Some 
people run to Vallankini because someone has told them that particular Mary can 
work Miracles. If saints and mother Mary could make miracles why do we need God 
? Mary herself bowed and said " My soul magnifies the Lord. " Accept God as 
your creator, your saviour and only Jesus can help you to achieve salvation. 
Mary should be our model. If you love Mary immitate her. She accepted the Lord, 
you too should. She accepted God's plan and concern for others, why don't you ? 

We all see it as it is. But on MSN India, the difference lies in perspective.

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