Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-26 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
 This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
 circumstances change that would warrant me to write back

Shri Fernandes,

Sorry to see you take your marbles and go home. It looks like you could not 
achieve what you boasted about on Goanet for so long. It must be really 
embarrassing for you. Even in your last post all you could manage was more 
empty threats, fake boasts and lame insults violating two important anti-abuse 
rules of Goanet.

Your circumstances have certainly changed on Goanet. It is hard for any 
sensible person to take you seriously from now on. So as I had predicted, all 
this ended in a shameful disappointment for you. Once again, I am sorry about 



P.S. BTW, two more things:

1. I had asked you to return the money that both the U.S. government and the 
Indian government has spent on your education. Please tell me where you were 
educated, so I can calculate how much it is. You also need to return the 
government contract money that your employer has received to pay your wages.

2. Since you know nothing about medical research, let alone my own, let me 
inform you that if you come to our hospital, I will tell you and show you 
exactly how my research will benefit you and the younger generations that will 
carry your genes.

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
 This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
 circumstances change that would warrant me to write back
 I haven't yet exercized the full potential of my
 retaliation. I am definitely not going to reveal to you what
 I got in my arsenal. In military terms - its called 'element
 of surprise'. I reserve the right to retain all options on
 the table and I shall use my options at the time of my
 choosing. For now, I shall keep you guessing :)
 There is zero chance of any benefit senhor Helekar's
 research is going to benefit any humans. The only cure that
 could come from the non-sense that he is talking about, is
 either with the use of stem cells or by altering human DNA
 with the use of a virus that could be used to 'fix' the
 genetic damage to the concerned individual. So please go
 ahead and return my tax money back to the US federal
 Because I requested him to return the 'dole' back to the US
 government, senhor Helekar wants me to return the tax payer
 money I might have gotten for my education in India. Does
 this punk have any idea, how much money I have paid to the
 Indian government in taxes? I have given much more to India
 than what I got.
 Just this year alone, I paid some close to Rs 1,000,000
 (some US $20,000) in customs duty for some stuff that I sent
 to Goa. I could have easily bribed some Babu - far less
 money - at the Indian customs and sneaked my stuff in. But I
 paid the money to the Indian government via actual bank
 transfers. India should be proud of an OCI like me. Don't
 you agree :) .
 Finally, this punk admits that the US is the number one
 country in the world for technological advancement. He also
 admits (though half heartedly) that India is no match for
 the US. 
 How cool is that for this hypocrite?
 Jim F
 New York


* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-26 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
- Francis Rodrigues wrote:

Forgetting the Can Spam Act...selective amnesia.

--- Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as 'being shanghaied' :-)

- Santosh Helekar wrote:

I have helped set up two Goan public forums - Goenchim Xapotam and Amchea 
Goencarancheo Dhirio.   


GL responds:

This is my last post on this thread and hopefully we-all will see the last of 
the spam mail from Goans on the now infamous e-mail list. This is for those who 
still have their humor intact. There is always evolution, . even among 

What do we call, when an e-mail list put together by a registered legitimate or 
over-the top Goan forum, is then enthusiastically or fraudulently used / 
permitted / allowed, to be used or is the building block for registered or 
non-registered spam mailing?

I would designate/ term this practice, by design or through selective 
amnesia, as being SANTOSHED.  

I am applying for copyright to this term. In the interim, I encourage all Goans 
to use and make the word being santoshed popular.  If successful, next year 
this time, this word will make it into the New English Words list and in 
ten years, this will likely make it into the Webster Dictionary.

Imagine a Goanet contribution to the e-net vocabulary while honoring a Goan for 
an innovation.

Regards, GL


* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

 Let me repeat this once again, I have set you in my cross-wires as the next 
 target. You are messing with the wrong guy.

So what else is new? Instead of logic and reason, we have another instance of 
the same senseless verbal exercise of compensation for impotence from Shri 
Fernandes – another empty public threat and more hot air. We used to call them 
pokio fotaxio in Chimbel. But it is clear that he has been trying awfully hard 
without success to do the following:

1. Make me shut up, or shut me down, as he put it.

2. Get me to stop carrying on a discussion about issues that interest me in any 
Goan forum I want to.

3. Get me kicked out of Goanet.

4. Get me fired from my job.

5. Cause me to not be able to practice my profession.

6. Take the award I have received away from me, or make me give it back.

And now he is talking about cross wires and targets. Apart from being an 
admission of his impotence to do anything to me so far, after all the vacuous 
bravado and threatening he has already engaged in on Goanet, I am not sure what 
he means by the specific words he has used, and how far this man is capable of 
going. So I would like to know from him the following:

Shri Fernandes, What exactly are you threatening to do to me this time?

I will wait for him to answer this question. But at this point one thing is 
clear from all this. There is nothing logical, rational or sensible about this 
man’s behavior that we are witnessing. To me another thing that is clear is 
that this is an exercise that will only end in disappointment for him, unless 
he relents.

He will not be able to do any of the things I have listed above that he wants 
to do to me. He can rant and rave, huff and puff and blow as much steam as he 
has in him till the cows come home on Goanet. He is absolutely powerless as far 
as doing anything to me or anybody else. He may delude himself that he is the 
wrong guy to mess with. But the truth is that he is simply wrong.

Now let me address the atrocious points and questions he has raised below:

 I disagreed with that assertion, which is when you decided to forward my 
 response to your own little private list. The members of this list, then 
 went on to SPAM me endlessly.

This is another of Fernandes’ bogus self-aggrandizing delusions. Fernandes 
appears to have been born yesterday. The truth is I have been discussing this 
issue with, and copying my responses to, people on the other Goan mailing list 
long before he entered this discussion on Goanet. In the thread in question my 
first response copied to that mailing list was to Adv. Radharao Gracias’ 
article posted on Goanet and GX by Floriano. The present response will also be 
copied there, regardless of what Fernandes or anybody else thinks. In a free 
democracy each individual has a fundamental right to express his/her opinion 
wherever he/she wants, and in however many forums he/she wants. Nobody can do 
anything about it.

 Now that you admit that you got dole from the US federal government agency 
 (National Science Foundation) to run your little birdie experiment, I'd like 
 to request you to return the grant back to the agency.

The above statement reveals that Fernandes quite obviously does not value 
scientific advancement supported by highly competitive and coveted public 
funding obtained through sheer hard work and intellectual rigor. Had it not 
been for public funding of scientific research and institutions like the 
National Science Foundation, Fernandes would not have a computer or an internet 
or the “complex” mathematics that keeps him employed rather than spend his time 
threatening, bloviating and abusing others.

 If India is so great, what are you doing here in the US?

As I have already said in response to Adv. Gracias, the U.S. is the best place 
in the world to do the kind of research that I am doing. The fact that U.S. is 
greater than India in my field does not mean India is not great. I have already 
pointed out why India is greater than many European, North and South American 
and Asian countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Australia, South Korea, 
Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, etc., in terms of Nobel 
Prizes awarded for work done in the same country.

 Why are you using my money (my taxpayer money) to further your knowledge?

Another emission from the depths of ignorance! I am using my taxpayer money, my 
skills, my mind and my blood and sweat to advance scientific knowledge for the 
benefit of all humankind, so one day when Fernandes and/or his descendants need 
the best treatment for some brain disorder they will have the chance to get it.

 Why don't you go back to India and beg with the Indian government for the 

Either Fernandes believes he did not beg with some employer to obtain the 
computer job he is doing, and his employer did not beg for a government/private 
contract, or he has 

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
So you took out one target. I assume even though you live in New York City, 
you did not use Mafia tactics.  May be what you did was neutralized / neutered 
made miskut.  Mercifully, you have spared us from knowing his name - 
obviously tongue-in-cheek statement.:=)). I am fairly certain it is not a 
woman. Goan women do not behave badly and you are too much of a gentleman to do 
such thing to a woman.  So you went after the guy with the biggest 
you-know-what-I-mean.  Hence supurlo goenkars like moi should just go about our 
normal work. After-all while some are fortunate, most of us have to work to 
our sanity.

Now each goanetter thinks that the person you have neutered is the Numbro Uno 
on their list of abusers (the source of the dadagiri).  So we all say thank-you 
for giving each of us that peace of mind, that we could use on his weekend.  
Interestingly you may or may not know, the spam mail in my e-mail box has now 
stopped. It is all 'ekdom thanda'.

So why were so many polite posts from several Goans (privately and publicly) 
ignored by few Goans. Have they lost sight of the 'Folkways and Mores' of the 
Goan community? ... till you came along.:=))  Not to loose this 'learning 
moment', what exactly is Folkways and Mores? And why do we need to observe 
them? See my next post for answers.

Regards, GL

--- Jim Fernandes wrote:

I am glad to report to you all that I took out one target this morning. This 
target had been bothering me on an external list for some time. I had been 
requesting these people to remove me from their list for weeks, but they 
wouldn't. After the action I took earlier today, I have been given to 
that I would not be bothered again. Good job. I appreciate that.

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Real fun watching Goan cyberspace's No. 1
Spam Hound (SH) squirm, with none of his
sneer-buddies backing up his false bluster!

Even more hilarious - neuro Helekar who
spent the better part of a year spitting
out authoritative quotes at poor Fr. Ivo,
now feebly quotes the widely-discredited
Wikipedia as his sole authority on spam!!

Forgetting the Can Spam Act...selective amnesia?
He barely escaped being nuked - just that I've
very little interest in these scientific pseuds!


--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

 Jim Fernandes:
 The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is
 because, a fellow GoaNetter named Santosh Helekar
 included me in this non-GoaNet related group, when I
 responded to a thread on GoaNet. He had no business of
 cross-pollinating debates and then include my email ID,
 in such external groups, without my permission.

 In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as
 'being shanghaied'



 From: Gilbert Lawrence
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Polination

 Please STOP YOUR SPAM MAIL. Which part to this do
 you not understand? Once again you are cross-posting
 to start another ring-ma-roll. Unless this is your
 method of informing others to stop being weeds.

 Why did you cross-post my post on this thread to?one
 other?forum and not all the others to which you belong?
 Please ONCE AGAIN, let us know which of these multiple
 forums did you put together?or are registered?in your name.?


 - Santosh Helekar

 Since Gilbert has now gotten into this debate, while
 simultaneously denying that he has no intention of doing it,
 I would like to ask him the following questions to be able
 to provide appropriate answers because of my longstanding
 membership of several Goan internet forums:

MSN Dating: Find someone special. Start now.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Jim Fernandes
Dr Lawrence,

My family and I were away on a weekend getaway checking out the great mansions 
and enjoying the ambience of Newport, Rhode Island. We just got back a little 
while ago and decided to go through my inbox.

I found your note rather amusing. No, I didn't have to use any of my boys 
from the bronx for my operation. It was executed in plain and simple old 
fashioned way.

My advice to you and to any GoaNetter out there is, to net let bullies get the 
better of you. Even though I am a Catholic and the bible tells us to 'extend 
the other cheek, if we are hit on one', I operate slightly differently - I hit 
back twice as hard!


Jim F
New York

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 From: Gilbert Lawrence
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 Date: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 12:06 AM
 So you took out one target. I
 assume even though you live in New York City, 
 you did not use Mafia tactics.  May be what you did was
 neutralized / neutered / 
 made miskut.  Mercifully, you have spared us from knowing
 his name - 
 obviously tongue-in-cheek statement.:=)). I am fairly
 certain it is not a 
 woman. Goan women do not behave badly and you are too much
 of a gentleman to do 
 such thing to a woman.  So you went after the guy with the
 you-know-what-I-mean.  Hence supurlo goenkars like moi
 should just go about our 
 normal work. After-all while some are fortunate, most of us
 have to work to keep 
 our sanity.
 Now each goanetter thinks that the person you have neutered
 is the Numbro Uno 
 on their list of abusers (the source of the dadagiri). 
 So we all say thank-you 
 for giving each of us that peace of mind, that we could use
 on his weekend.  
 Interestingly you may or may not know, the spam mail in my
 e-mail box has now 
 stopped. It is all 'ekdom thanda'.
 So why were so many polite posts from several Goans
 (privately and publicly) 
 ignored by few Goans. Have they lost sight of the
 'Folkways and Mores' of the 
 Goan community? ... till you came along.:=))  Not to loose
 this 'learning 
 moment', what exactly is Folkways and Mores? And why do
 we need to observe 
 them? See my next post for answers.
 Regards, GL
 --- Jim Fernandes wrote:
 I am glad to report to you all that I took out one target
 this morning. This 
 target had been bothering me on an external list for some
 time. I had been 
 requesting these people to remove me from their list for
 weeks, but they 
 wouldn't. After the action I took earlier today, I have
 been given to understand 
 that I would not be bothered again. Good job. I appreciate
 * * *
 IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
 Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain,
 Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new
 *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports.
 your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
After Gilbert and Marshall, now another member with personal issues is 
discharging his puerile potshots at me again. Speaking of backing up, it 
appears that all the backing up is being done by the now defunct FCA Rodriquez 
and Company. Most of these characters who have never shown any ability to stand 
up on their own in a sober rational debate appear to have been recruited as 
sidekicks and hecklers in this thread. But FCA Rodriguez is in a delirium of 
his own. He babbles I escaped being nuked by his Nerf gun, and fantasizes 
that I quoted something from the Wikipedia.

I would recommend to FCA that he hide behind the skirts of Waylusha and Isabel 
again. He is no match for Gilbert.



--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Francis Rodrigues wrote:
 Real fun watching Goan cyberspace's No. 1
 Spam Hound (SH) squirm, with none of his
 sneer-buddies backing up his false bluster!
 Even more hilarious - neuro Helekar who
 spent the better part of a year spitting
 out authoritative quotes at poor Fr. Ivo,
 now feebly quotes the widely-discredited
 Wikipedia as his sole authority on spam!!
 Forgetting the Can Spam Act...selective amnesia?
 He barely escaped being nuked - just that I've
 very little interest in these scientific pseuds!

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-25 Thread Jim Fernandes
Senhore Helekar,

This is my last email to you on this thread - unless circumstances change that 
would warrant me to write back again.

I haven't yet exercized the full potential of my retaliation. I am definitely 
not going to reveal to you what I got in my arsenal. In military terms - its 
called 'element of surprise'. I reserve the right to retain all options on the 
table and I shall use my options at the time of my choosing. For now, I shall 
keep you guessing :)

There is zero chance of any benefit senhor Helekar's research is going to 
benefit any humans. The only cure that could come from the non-sense that he is 
talking about, is either with the use of stem cells or by altering human DNA 
with the use of a virus that could be used to 'fix' the genetic damage to the 
concerned individual. So please go ahead and return my tax money back to the US 
federal agency.

Because I requested him to return the 'dole' back to the US government, senhor 
Helekar wants me to return the tax payer money I might have gotten for my 
education in India. Does this punk have any idea, how much money I have paid to 
the Indian government in taxes? I have given much more to India than what I got.

Just this year alone, I paid some close to Rs 1,000,000 (some US $20,000) in 
customs duty for some stuff that I sent to Goa. I could have easily bribed some 
Babu - far less money - at the Indian customs and sneaked my stuff in. But I 
paid the money to the Indian government via actual bank transfers. India should 
be proud of an OCI like me. Don't you agree :) .

Finally, this punk admits that the US is the number one country in the world 
for technological advancement. He also admits (though half heartedly) that 
India is no match for the US. 

How cool is that for this hypocrite?

Jim F
New York

--- On Sat, 7/24/10, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
 Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 8:58 PM
 --- On Fri, 7/23/10, Jim Fernandes
 And now he is talking about cross wires and targets. Apart
 from being an admission of his impotence to do anything to
 me so far, ...
 Shri Fernandes, What exactly are you threatening to do to
 me this time?

 He will not be able to do any of the things I have listed
 above that he wants to do to me. He can rant and rave, huff
 and puff and blow as much steam as he has in him till the
 cows come home on Goanet. He is absolutely powerless as far
 as doing anything to me or anybody else. 
  If India is so great, what are you doing here in the
 As I have already said in response to Adv. Gracias, the
 U.S. is the best place in the world to do the kind of
 research that I am doing. The fact that U.S. is greater than
 India in my field does not mean India is not great. I have
 already pointed out why India is greater than many European,
 North and South American and Asian countries, such as
 Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Australia, South Korea, Argentina,
 Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, etc., in terms of
 Nobel Prizes awarded for work done in the same country.
  Why are you using my money (my taxpayer money) to
 further your knowledge?
 Another emission from the depths of ignorance! I am using
 my taxpayer money, my skills, my mind and my blood and sweat
 to advance scientific knowledge for the benefit of all
 humankind, so one day when Fernandes and/or his descendants
 need the best treatment for some brain disorder they will
 have the chance to get it.
  Why don't you go back to India and beg with the Indian
 government for the grant?
 It is also highly likely that someone’s donations and
 taxpayer money supported Fernandes’ education in the U.S.
 and India. So if anybody should return public money it is
 Fernandes who should do it, because unlike me, he is not


* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-24 Thread Jim Fernandes
Dear GoaNetters,

I am glad to report to you all that I took out one target this morning. This 
target had been bothering me on an external list for some time. I had been 
requesting these people to remove me from their list for weeks, but they 
wouldn't. After the action I took earlier today, I have been given to 
understand that I would not be bothered again. 

Good job. I appreciate that.

I'd like to state once again, that a debate that starts on GoaNet (at least 
where my response is concerned) would stay on GoaNet. Do not ever try to drag 
me elsewhere - my retaliation when I respond back, would be catastrophic.

Now, coming to Senhor Helekar, I am not about done with you just yet. We have 
finally come full circle :)

The initial debate on GoaNet started with the thread wherein you claimed how 
great India is and how great scientific material India has contributed to the 
rest of the world. I disagreed with that assertion, which is when you decided 
to forward my response to your own little private list. The members of this 
list, then went on to SPAM me endlessly.

Now that you admit that you got dole from the US federal government agency 
(National Science Foundation) to run your little birdie experiment, I'd like to 
request you to return the grant back to the agency.

If India is so great, what are you doing here in the US? Why are you using my 
money (my taxpayer money) to further your knowledge? Why don't you go back to 
India and beg with the Indian government for the grant?

Let me repeat this once again, I have set you in my cross-wires as the next 
target. You are messing with the wrong guy.

Jim F

--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
 Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 12:32 PM
 --- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jim Fernandes
  Since I am not able to make you understand simple
 logic, let me make take this to the REAL next level.
 Shri Fernandes,
 Sorry to break this to you, but the fact that you are
 becoming increasingly desperate to take things to what you
 consider to be the next level clearly shows that logic is
 What you have written below is a tragic escalation of a
 personal hatred you have developed towards me because your
 inability to present a logical and sensible argument in
 I had merely cced to you and to another Goan Indian forum,
 my Goanet response to your and Nascimento Caldeira's public
 criticism of scientific advancement in India on Goanet. In
 So your silly insinuation of copyright violation on my part
 is nothing but malicious slander, as is the case with
 So I am telling you again. There is nothing you can do to
 me personally. Please feel free to cc my public posts to
 anybody you want. You will not be violating any copyright or
 breaking any Goanet rules. Please don't let your imagination
 Lastly, Thanks for providing a link to the announcement
 that I have received a scientific award from the U.S.
 National Science Foundation.
 P.S. BTW, please don't be shy to include your own
 supervisors and employer(s) on the cc list. You might

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Jim Fernandes
Senhor Helekar,

Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic, let me make take this 
to the REAL next level.

You did the following:
1. A response of mine to an ongoing GoaNet was forwarded by you, to your own 
little private list and you included my email ID in that list, thereby breaking 
GoaNet rule first.

2. You and members of that list engaged in what I call SPAM - because at least 
some folks continued sending me emails, when I categorically 
requested to remove me from that list.

3. As Fred pointed out in one his emails, I still own copyright of the email I 
write on GoaNet. You forwarded it out to an external group without my 

Once you break the rules, whatever follows - including my language - is nothing 
but self defense. You left the door open for me to slam you whichever way I 
want - its that simple.

Now, here's what I am going to do, if I am forced to continue putting up with 
your garbage:

1. Copy the SPAM from your private list to your address at 

2. Include all people of my choosing from the upper management at Baylor 
College of Medicine in that SPAM list

3. Include J. Steven de Belle and all upper management at the National Science 
Foundation in that SPAM list

Let them also get a taste of what I am talking about here at GoaNet.

If all this does not ring a bell in your neurons, take a look at the below 


You are messing up with the wrong guy. You may be a neuro scientist. In my line 
of work, we deal with complex mathematical problems and convert them to 
computer programs - Which makes me think like a chess player. I keep several 
moves ready much before my opponent makes his.

Now go back crying to your Bahama Mama and complain to her that I whacked you 
yet one more time :)

Jim F
New York.

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
 Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 11:02 PM
 Shri Fernandes,
 It looks like you are at a point now that you need some
 kind of emotional release. Unfortunately, I suspect you are
 afraid to do this in public. But you have started escalating
 your abusive behavior to a new level. You have now also
 graduated to lying about what I said in response to the
 personal attack that you initiated against me on Goanet. 
 First, here are new examples of your indecent abusive
 verbiage and name-calling directed at me in continued clear
 violation of a Goanet rule:
 Are you visually challenged or brain dead?
 Shri Jim Fernandes abusing me

 Shri Fernandes, you are wasting your hot air. Your
 persistent abuse will invariably lead to a public
 embarrassment for you. There is nothing you can do to me.

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[] Goa launch next month. See Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic, let me make take 
 this to the REAL next level.

Shri Fernandes,

Sorry to break this to you, but the fact that you are becoming increasingly 
desperate to take things to what you consider to be the next level clearly 
shows that logic is not your forte. There is no logic in anything you have 
written so far on Goanet, and in especially what you have written below. 

What you have written below is a tragic escalation of a personal hatred you 
have developed towards me because your inability to present a logical and 
sensible argument in support of your imaginary Goanet rules and your public 
statements. It is an abusive public threat against an individual who has done 
nothing wrong to you personally. 

I had merely cced to you and to another Goan Indian forum, my Goanet response 
to your and Nascimento Caldeira's public criticism of scientific advancement in 
India on Goanet. In it there was a clear representation that it was my response 
to your and his public posts. Here is that public response of mine in the very 
public Goanet and GX archives:

Please note that appended to my response are accurate attributions of whatever 
the two of you had written on Goanet, with these automatically attached phrases:

--- On Thu, 7/1/10, Nascy Caldeira nascy...@...  wrote:

--- On Thu, 1/7/10, Jim Fernandes amigo...@... wrote:

So your silly insinuation of copyright violation on my part is nothing but 
malicious slander, as is the case with delirious threats you are making in this 
latest post of yours appended below.

Following my cc to you and to the other Goan mailing list in question, as soon 
as you asked not to be cced on reply all responses by me and to me by others, 
I promptly removed your email address from my subsequent responses. I told you 
so immediately after you started abusing others on that list with the most 
filthy and obnoxious language one has ever heard. Not satisfied with doing that 
you started attacking and abusing me personally in that forum and on Goanet. 
Now you have reached a state wherein you are overcome with anger and malice 
towards me.

So I am telling you again. There is nothing you can do to me personally. Please 
feel free to cc my public posts to anybody you want. You will not be violating 
any copyright or breaking any Goanet rules. Please don't let your imagination 
tell you otherwise. And, since you forgot to include the email address of the 
President of the United States and the Prime Minister of India, I am giving 
their contact information below:

Now, here are my specific responses to the additional nonsense you have written 

 You are messing up with the wrong guy. You may be a neuro
 scientist. In my line of work, we deal with complex
 mathematical problems and convert them to computer programs
 - Which makes me think like a chess player. I keep several
 moves ready much before my opponent makes his.

From what I have seen of you on Goanet, the only move you are capable of is 
publicly abusing people who have done nothing wrong to you, and with whom you 
merely have some disagreements. If this is what you did in a real chess 
tournament you would not only be beaten like a drum by your opponent, but 
kicked out of the tournament by the referees after your very first move.

 Now go back crying to your Bahama Mama and complain to her
 that I whacked you yet one more time :)

You are once again publicly abusing a fellow Goanetter, and breaking the 
following Goanet rules:

Do not use foul, offensive or abusive language.

Do not engage in personal attacks.

Please see:

Lastly, Thanks for providing a link to the announcement that I have received a 
scientific award from the U.S. National Science Foundation.



P.S. BTW, please don't be shy to include your own supervisors and employer(s) 
on the cc list. You might receive a promotion to a chess grand master or a 
complex mathematical computer keyboard operator or something.

--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

 Senhor Helekar,
 Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic,
 let me make take this to the REAL next level.
 You did the following:
 1. A response of mine to an ongoing GoaNet was forwarded by
 you, to your own little private list and you included my
 email ID in that list, thereby breaking GoaNet rule first.
 2. You and members of that list engaged in what I call SPAM
 - because at least some folks continued sending me emails,
 when I categorically 
 requested to remove me from that list.
 3. As Fred pointed out in one his emails, I still own
 copyright of the 

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
Adding to what is said below, I am writing this to let you know that another 
fellow Goanetter named Marshall Mendonza sent me an unsolicited email, adding 
me to his private cc list of friends and supporters, with the sole purpose of 
issuing a legal threat against me. He had no business threatening me in this 
manner, in the company of his community of his allies and political supporters. 
To provide you with proof of what I am saying here, I kindly request Marshall 
Mendonza to give me permission to post his email threatening me, drawing 
support from other members of his gang.



--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Marshall Mendonza wrote:

 Jim Fernandes:
 The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is because, a
 fellow GoaNetter
 named Santosh Helekar included me in this non-GoaNet
 related group, when I
 responded to a thread on GoaNet. He had no business of
 debates and then include my email ID, in such external
 groups, without my
 In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as
 'being shanghaied'


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[] Goa launch next month. See Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
Shri Fernandes,

It looks like you are at a point now that you need some kind of emotional 
release. Unfortunately, I suspect you are afraid to do this in public. But you 
have started escalating your abusive behavior to a new level. You have now also 
graduated to lying about what I said in response to the personal attack that 
you initiated against me on Goanet. 

First, here are new examples of your indecent abusive verbiage and name-calling 
directed at me in continued clear violation of a Goanet rule:

Are you visually challenged or brain dead?
Shri Jim Fernandes abusing me

 A looser like senhor Helekar when he realizes he is loosing a debate, he 
forwards his target's email address to his private list as a punishment, whose 
at least one member engages in spam.
Shri Jim Fernandes abusing me more

Second, here is the lie that you are now telling Goanetters about what I said 
in response to your initial personal attack against me, in violation of another 
Goanet rule:

Some days ago, you claimed GoaNet has no rules whatesoever.
Shri Jim Fernandes lying in public about what I said.

This is what I actually said in my post some days ago:

These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are a figment of your imagination. 
Goanet has no such rules.
Santosh Helekar referring to the specific fictitious rules and etiquettes 
that Shri Fernandes was fantasizing about.

Please note the phrases bogus rules and etiquettes of yours and no such 

Please see the following link to my relevant Goanet post:

Here is Shri Fernandes' statement about these specific fictitious rules to 
which I referred as such rules:

I have posted this topic on GoaNet because the debate started on GoaNet - you 
took it private to some group you obviously feel comfortable with. This is in 
clear violation of net etiquette and GoaNet rules.
Shri Jim Fernandes fabricating some new non-existent Goanet rules

Please see

The fact that I have always been fully aware of Goanet rules is clear from the 
following response of mine to Admin Noronha in the same thread immediately 

Instead of sticking to existing Goanet rules, and abiding by them himself, in 
the first place, while strictly observing the duties of an administrator 
entrusted with the responsibility of running a mailing list, Admin Noronha is 
manufacturing bogus controversies.
.Santosh Helekar

Please see: 

Now, let me address the new canards you are pulling and the empty threats you 
are making in this public forum, unable to point to a single Goanet rule that 
explicitly states what you have fabricated from your imagination.

Shri Jim Fernandes wrote:

 What portion of the above rule do you not understand senhor

The portion of your mentality that drives you to post only a portion of the 
entire rule. The important main portion of the rule that you conveniently left 
out of your quote is the following:

Do not post spam.
Goanet Rule

Please see:

Sensible Goanetters will immediately understand why you deceptively left out 
this portion. To be fair to you, let me hasten to add that I am not sure if, in 
your current emotional state, you have managed to deceive yourself, in the 
first place, as well. But calm, sober and sensible people would have no problem 
understanding that the above rule, as stated, prohibits the posting of spam 
only on Goanet, not in any other forum. Goanet has no control over the posting 
of any of its publicly displayed content in any other private or public forum.

Shri Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Cross posts means anything from GoaNet to the outside lists
 and vice-versa.

This is another figment of your imagination. There is no such statement 
anywhere in Goanet Rules. The spam rule simply states that members should not 
post spam on Goanet, and that it treats cross posts posted on it as spam. It 
has no control over what is posted in other forums subsequently.

Please read the rules again:

Shri Jim Fernandes wrote:
 You are free to engage in spam, but I'll do what I have to
 do to shut you down.

Shri Fernandes, you are wasting your hot air. Your persistent abuse will 
invariably lead to a public embarrassment for you. There is nothing you can do 
to me.



--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Senhor Helekar,
 Some days ago, you claimed GoaNet has no rules whatesoever.
 When I gave you the relevant link, you claimed not seeing
 the relevant rule there. Are you visually challenged or
 brain dead?
 It appears that spoon feeding you with the relevant rule
 was not enough. Now you want me to sing a lullaby to you,
 huh? My 

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
I have no intention of getting in this debate. Yet every forum has to be 
registered under some-body's name. Under whose name are the various 
over-the-top goan forums registered? After all an individual/ someone had the 
courage to coin the name and register the forum on yahoo. Please have the 
courage to own-up to this. 

Finally, moderated or not, the individual who created the forums is responsible 
for the forum they created and the weed that they planted among some of us; 
whose e-mail addresses have been hijacked.  Or have the courage to weed-out the 

I am having my-fill of tax-free entertainment. Whom should I send my 
contribution to?  Please keep it up.

Regards, GL

--- Jim Fernandes

By the time I got back from my vacation, it was a pleasant surprise that I am 
finally out of their list!
OK - So I am back fresh from my short vacation and ready to skin Mr Helekar ... 
A Side Note To The Side Kick: I don't understand what this unofficial GoaNet 
side kick Josephine AKA Bahama Mama is getting excited about. This joker with 
his pea sized brain cannot compreshend the simple logic behind the use of my 
language on their list. I classify pricks like these, as natures freaks. 

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
Since Gilbert has now gotten into this debate, while simultaneously denying 
that he has no intention of doing it, I would like to ask him the following 
questions to be able to provide appropriate answers because of my longstanding 
membership of several Goan internet forums:

1. To which Goan forums is he referring?

2. Why does he call these forums over-the-top?

3. What does he mean by registration of Goan forums?

4. To whom is he referring as the weed or weed(s) planted in these forum?

5. What criteria does he use to classify another human being as a weed?

I have no idea why Gilbert thinks one requires courage to answer questions 
regarding any Goan forum, especially ones that might prove embarrassing to the 
questioner, in this case, Gilbert himself. But I am hoping that he has the 
courage to answer mine above.



--- On Wed, 7/21/10, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 I have no intention of getting in
 this debate. Yet every forum has to be 
 registered under some-body's name. Under whose name are
 the various 
 over-the-top goan forums registered? After all an
 individual/ someone had the 
 courage to coin the name and register the forum on yahoo.
 Please have the 
 courage to own-up to this. 
 Finally, moderated or not, the individual who created the
 forums is responsible 
 for the forum they created and the weed that they planted
 among some of us; 
 whose e-mail addresses have been hijacked.  Or have the
 courage to weed-out the 
 I am having my-fill of tax-free entertainment. Whom should
 I send my 
 contribution to?  Please keep it up.
 Regards, GL

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-20 Thread Jim Fernandes

Senhor Helekar,

Some days ago, you claimed GoaNet has no rules whatesoever. When I  
gave you the relevant link, you claimed not seeing the relevant rule  
there. Are you visually challenged or brain dead?

It appears that spoon feeding you with the relevant rule was not  
enough. Now you want me to sing a lullaby to you, huh? My four year  
old can do better than that!

So here goes a relevant section the rule:

Goanet treats repeated postings, commercial posts, lengthy reposts of  
an original email, cross posts, among other things, as spam. If you're  
replying to an email and quoting it, quote the minimum and delete the  

What portion of the above rule do you not understand senhor Helekar?

Cross posts means anything from GoaNet to the outside lists and vice- 

A looser like senhor Helekar when he realizes he is loosing a debate,  
he forwards his target's email address to his private list as a  
punishment, whose at least one member engages in spam.

You are free to engage in spam, but I'll do what I have to do to shut  
you down.

Jim F
New York

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Santosh Helekar  

Shri Fernandes,

It is clear that you are not able to quote a single Goanet rule  
which explicitly states that I cannot post my Goanet post anywhere  
else, nor that I have to ask your permission to do it, as you  
claimed. So now you are resorting to this kabuki dance of asking me  
to search for key words.

Any sensible person knows that for Goanet to call something a cross  
post it has to be posted somewhere else before. A response that is  
first posted
on Goanet is not a cross post by definition. It may be a cross post  
later on in some other forum if it is posted there. That forum can  
then reject it as a cross post if it wants.

So I will say this again one more time. I have every right to post  
or cc a response to your nonsense anywhere I want. There is nothing  
you can do about it, nor anyone else. If you abuse me in response,  
it is you who will be thrown out of Goanet for breaking the rules,  
not me.



Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-19 Thread Jim Fernandes
OK - So I am back fresh from my short vacation and ready to skin Mr Helekar ... 

In my humble opinion, GoaNet admin is doing a fantastic job. Folks like Fred 
and Bosco (and possibly more people) are putting in countless hours, to ensure 
the network is running as smooth as possible. While hardly anybody ever thanks 
them for their FREE work, all one usually finds is a constant criticism of the 
admin team - and Mr Helekar is no exception. All they need to do now is to 
enforce GoaNet rules uniformly and kick out garbage from this sane network of 

Mr Helekar is conveniently leading us to believe that he is either very naive 
or that he is genuinely ignorant. To cover his misdeeds, Mr Helekar is now 
using warped logic to make his point. There is a saying, 
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. In Mr Helekars 
terms, this saying would amount to If you can lead it to water and make it 
drink - it must be a horse!. 


Cross posting of GoaNet debates has been dis-allowed for years. I am not 
exactly sure of when the rules were made (Please check with Herman / GoaNet 
admin team), but one used to get a copy of the rules
whenever he/she first subscribed to GoaNet.

It is not the figment of my imagination, but a click on the below URL might 
help Mr Helekar to refresh his neurons with GoaNet rules:

Mr Helekar cross posted my response to an on-going GoaNet debate to an outside 
entity. This is a clear violation of GoaNet rules. That entity harvested my 
email address to post totally unrelated messages back to me. When I politely 
requested the members of this entity to kindly remove me from their list, at 
least one person refused to take my email address out. I pleaded to remove my 
email ID from their list both privately and publicly - not once or twice - but 
several times - with no luck.

Since nothing worked, I finally resorted to using what I call 'third degree 
French'. If I am forced to put up with their crap, then the members of this 
outside entity better get used to mine - its as simple as that. 
I never gave Mr Helekar permission to post my response on GoaNet to an outside 
entity to begin with. 

So the real question becomes: Who broke the rules first?

By the time I got back from my vacation, it was a pleasant surprise that I am 
finally out of their list!

A Side Note To The Side Kick:
I don't understand what this unofficial GoaNet side kick Josephine AKA Bahama 
Mama is getting excited about. This joker with his pea sized brain cannot 
compreshend the simple logic behind the use of my language on their list.

I classify pricks like these, as natures freaks. 

Jim F
New York

--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
 Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 3:26 PM
 Shri Fernandes,
 These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are a figment of
 your imagination. Goanet has no such rules. It is a public
 forum. Discussions on it can be continued in any other forum
 or mailing list. What a private free citizen does in this
 regard is his/her own business. Nobody can do anything about
 it. Permission is needed only to post private emails and
 discussions in public forums, not the other way round. For
 eaxmple, I need permission from you to post in a Goan public
 forum the filthy abusive emails you have cced to me and
 others personally. Please give me that permission. We will
 then see who broke the rules, etiquettes and laws.
 Regarding the electronic proof you have against me to nail
 me, I give you full permission to post it on Goanet. It will
 give people a chance to assess the credibility of your

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
It is not the figment of my imagination, but a click on the
 below URL might help Mr Helekar to refresh his neurons with
 GoaNet rules:

Once again, Shri Fernandes is spouting nonsense from his imagination rather 
than what is displayed in black and white on the above Goanet rules page. There 
is no Goanet rule which prevents a Goanetter from posting elsewhere or ccing to 
a Goanetter anything that is first posted on Goanet. There is no Goanet rule 
which requires that permission be asked of a Goanetter to post or cc a response 
to him elsewhere. Admin Noronha himself posts a lot of his Goanet material in 
other Goan forums such as Goa Research Net and Secular Goa forums, and his 
sundry blogs and websites. So do many other Goanetters.

For example, here is one Noronha emission on Goanet:

Here is a cross post of the same drivel on Goa Research Net:

 So the real question becomes: Who broke the rules first?

Indeed, the answer to this question is it is Shri Fernandes, not me, who broke 
the rules and still continues to break them. Here is the rule that he broke 

Do not engage in personal attacks
Goanet Rule

Please note below that he continues to break it even now:

I don't understand what this unofficial GoaNet side kick Josephine AKA Bahama 
Mama is getting excited about. This joker with his pea sized brain cannot 
compreshend the simple logic behind the use of my language on their list.

I classify pricks like these, as natures freaks.
Shri Jim Fernandes abusing another Goanetter

The foul language above also breaks the following Goanet rule:

Do not use foul, offensive or abusive language.

Maintain a level of decency and respect to fellow Goanetters at all times. 
Goanet Rule



--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

 OK - So I am back fresh from my short
 vacation and ready to skin Mr Helekar ... :)
 In my humble opinion, GoaNet admin is doing a fantastic
 job. Folks like Fred and Bosco (and possibly more people)
 are putting in countless hours, to ensure the network is
 running as smooth as possible. While hardly anybody ever
 thanks them for their FREE work, all one usually finds is a
 constant criticism of the admin team - and Mr Helekar is no
 exception. All they need to do now is to enforce GoaNet
 rules uniformly and kick out garbage from this sane network
 of Goans.
 Mr Helekar is conveniently leading us to believe that he is
 either very naive or that he is genuinely ignorant. To cover
 his misdeeds, Mr Helekar is now using warped logic to make
 his point. There is a saying, 
 You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it
 drink. In Mr Helekars terms, this saying would amount to
 If you can lead it to water and make it drink - it must be
 a horse!. 
 Cross posting of GoaNet debates has been dis-allowed for
 years. I am not exactly sure of when the rules were made
 (Please check with Herman / GoaNet admin team), but one used
 to get a copy of the rules
 whenever he/she first subscribed to GoaNet.
 It is not the figment of my imagination, but a click on the
 below URL might help Mr Helekar to refresh his neurons with
 GoaNet rules:
 Mr Helekar cross posted my response to an on-going GoaNet
 debate to an outside entity. This is a clear violation of
 GoaNet rules. That entity harvested my email address to
 post totally unrelated messages back to me. When I politely
 requested the members of this entity to kindly remove me
 from their list, at least one person refused to take my
 email address out. I pleaded to remove my email ID from
 their list both privately and publicly - not once or twice -
 but several times - with no luck.
 Since nothing worked, I finally resorted to using what I
 call 'third degree French'. If I am forced to put up with
 their crap, then the members of this outside entity better
 get used to mine - its as simple as that. 
 I never gave Mr Helekar permission to post my response on
 GoaNet to an outside entity to begin with. 
 So the real question becomes: Who broke the rules first?
 By the time I got back from my vacation, it was a pleasant
 surprise that I am finally out of their list!
 A Side Note To The Side Kick:
 I don't understand what this unofficial GoaNet side kick
 Josephine AKA Bahama Mama is getting excited about. This
 joker with his pea sized brain cannot compreshend the simple
 logic behind the use of my language on their list.
 I classify pricks like these, as natures freaks. 
 Jim F
 New York


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-19 Thread Jim Fernandes

Senhor Helekar,

This is basically my point - you are conveniently omitting pieces of  
GoaNet rules to suit your argument.

I am not into spoon feeding, but will make exception for senhor  
Helekars sake:

Please search for the key word cross posts in GoaNet rules and you  
will see what I mean by my assertion. Please check whether GoaNet dis- 
allows cross posts.

If others are cross-posting your responses you have a right to take up  
your case. You have NO right to cross-post mine.

In the same vein when I see someone or some entity mis-using my email  
ID to publicly claim that I am in their mailing list, I reserve the  
right to use any language I want - to pay back - specially if they  
refuse to remove my ID from their list.

Had you not cross-posted my GoaNet email to your private list, you and  
your Old Boy Network, you would have saved yourself a lot of grief.

Bahama Mama got my rebuke because he asked for it :)

Better get used to my language if you decide to break GoaNet rules to  
post my GoaNet messages to other lists. I am going haunt you even in  
your dreams :)

You have no argument to challenge my response post-facto. You broke  
the rule first - therefore whatever follows is a consequence of your  
initiative. If you think I broke GoaNet rule, it is because you broke  
it first. I am only defending myself.

Does that make sense?

Jim F
New York

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Santosh Helekar  

--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

It is not the figment of my imagination, but a click on the
below URL might help Mr Helekar to refresh his neurons with
GoaNet rules:

Once again, Shri Fernandes is spouting nonsense from his imagination  
rather than what is displayed in black and white on the above Goanet  
rules page. There is no Goanet rule which prevents a Goanetter from  
posting elsewhere or ccing to a Goanetter anything that is first  
posted on Goanet. There is no Goanet rule which requires that  
permission be asked of a Goanetter to post or cc a response to him  
elsewhere. Admin Noronha himself posts a lot of his Goanet material  
in other Goan forums such as Goa Research Net and Secular Goa  
forums, and his sundry blogs and websites. So do many other  

For example, here is one Noronha emission on Goanet:

Here is a cross post of the same drivel on Goa Research Net:

So the real question becomes: Who broke the rules first?

Indeed, the answer to this question is it is Shri Fernandes, not me,  
who broke the rules and still continues to break them. Here is the  
rule that he broke previously:

Do not engage in personal attacks
Goanet Rule

Please note below that he continues to break it even now:


Maintain a level of decency and respect to fellow Goanetters at all  

Goanet Rule



Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
Shri Fernandes,

It is clear that you are not able to quote a single Goanet rule which 
explicitly states that I cannot post my Goanet post anywhere else, nor that I 
have to ask your permission to do it, as you claimed. So now you are resorting 
to this kabuki dance of asking me to search for key words. 

Any sensible person knows that for Goanet to call something a cross post it has 
to be posted somewhere else before. A response that is first posted 
on Goanet is not a cross post by definition. It may be a cross post later on in 
some other forum if it is posted there. That forum can then reject it as a 
cross post if it wants.

So I will say this again one more time. I have every right to post or cc a 
response to your nonsense anywhere I want. There is nothing you can do about 
it, nor anyone else. If you abuse me in response, it is you who will be thrown 
out of Goanet for breaking the rules, not me.



--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

 Senhor Helekar,
 This is basically my point - you are conveniently omitting
 pieces of GoaNet rules to suit your argument.
 I am not into spoon feeding, but will make exception for
 senhor Helekars sake:
 Please search for the key word cross posts in GoaNet
 rules and you will see what I mean by my assertion. Please
 check whether GoaNet dis-allows cross posts.
 If others are cross-posting your responses you have a right
 to take up your case. You have NO right to cross-post mine.
 In the same vein when I see someone or some entity
 mis-using my email ID to publicly claim that I am in their
 mailing list, I reserve the right to use any language I want
 - to pay back - specially if they refuse to remove my ID
 from their list.
 Had you not cross-posted my GoaNet email to your private
 list, you and your Old Boy Network, you would have saved
 yourself a lot of grief.
 Bahama Mama got my rebuke because he asked for it :)
 Better get used to my language if you decide to break
 GoaNet rules to post my GoaNet messages to other lists. I am
 going haunt you even in your dreams :)
 You have no argument to challenge my response post-facto.
 You broke the rule first - therefore whatever follows is a
 consequence of your initiative. If you think I broke GoaNet
 rule, it is because you broke it first. I am only defending
 Does that make sense?
 Jim F
 New York


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-13 Thread Francis Rodrigues


I'm in the midst of the Canadian Open at the Westin
Harbour Castle, having just finished the Ontario Open:

I get in circa 3 am, and the last thing I want to read
is more of your sozzled fabrications and fairy tales.

Here's some free advice -

If you are so fascinated by my life and times that you
cannot let a single post of mine go unanswered without
your knee-jerk contrary interjectionsget over it!

I don't welcome your grubby attentions, and if you do
continue shamelessly following me around, the general
populace is going to label you shempdi, which, given
your utter ignorance of Konkani, you'll have to get some
poor soul to translate for you. Given their deteriorating
and rambling quality, and their 'happy hour' timings, your
posts have already achieved the widespread notoriety of
shempdi tight. Again, some friendly translation needed!

Despite your best attempts (and total ignorance of the
subject and Konkani) to malign my best-selling SongBook
Greatest Konkani Song Hits, it is already in its third
printing in under a year. You don't have to take my word
for it - get one of your bosom buddies in Goa itself to
check out sales at the two main music outlets, Furtados
and Pedro Fernandes - where stocks are often replenished
on a weekly basis. In San Francisco recently, as George
Pinto will vouch for, copies on sale briefly were snapped
up in two min. flat! Seems folks know something you don't.

They also know that the inclusion of original transcriptions
of international hits that have hit a chord in the Konkani
diaspora like Malaika (Swahili), Encosta Tua Cabecinha
(Portuguese), Maria Pitache (Damanese), amongst heaps of
others, have made the book a collectors' item amongst many
communities, not just Goan or Mangalorean. And for you to
display an abysmal lack of brain cells to not comprehend why
Malaika is included in a SongBook of the Konkani diaspora,
is an embarrassment not only to yourself but your family too.

If and when you are ever able to produce a body of writing
that even resembles a book, we will congratulate you. But
until such time, take my advice - grow up, and get out more.


 On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 Mervyn Lobo wrote
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination?

 You were part of the same group that was spamming me too.
 I had to warn you?several times and then send a notice to your email provider
 before you stoped.

MSN Dating: Find someone special. Start now.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Francis Rodrigues wrote:

Check the heading above.
Here is what I had to say on the topic:

You were part of the same group that was spamming me too.
I had to warn you several times and then send a notice to your 
email provider before you stoped.

Your reply to this fact was a long, babbling, and incoherent
email that touched on every subject except the one being discussed.

Paul D. Octopus
BTW, you have found me in a most excellent mood and in high er, 
spirits. One of my exploration companies announced over the weekend 
that they found enormous amounts of gold in Tanzania. The stock 
price of CAN has since exploded. It is time for another vacation

Francis Rodrigues wrote:


I'm in the midst of the Canadian Open at the Westin
Harbour Castle, having just finished the Ontario Open:

I get in circa 3 am, and the last thing I want to read
is more of your sozzled fabrications and fairy tales.

Here's some free advice -

If you are so fascinated by my life and times that you
cannot let a single post of mine go unanswered without
your knee-jerk contrary interjectionsget over it!

I don't welcome your grubby attentions, and if you do
continue shamelessly following me around, the general
populace is going to label you shempdi, which, given
your utter ignorance of Konkani, you'll have to get some
poor soul to translate for you. Given their deteriorating
and rambling quality, and their 'happy hour' timings, your
posts have already achieved the widespread notoriety of
shempdi tight. Again, some friendly translation needed!

Despite your best attempts (and total ignorance of the
subject and Konkani) to malign my best-selling SongBook
Greatest Konkani Song Hits, it is already in its third
printing in under a year. You don't have to take my word
for it - get one of your bosom buddies in Goa itself to
check out sales at the two main music outlets, Furtados
and Pedro Fernandes - where stocks are often replenished
on a weekly basis. In San Francisco recently, as George
Pinto will vouch for, copies on sale briefly were snapped
up in two min. flat! Seems folks know something you don't.

They also know that the inclusion of original transcriptions
of international hits that have hit a chord in the Konkani
diaspora like Malaika (Swahili), Encosta Tua Cabecinha
(Portuguese), Maria Pitache (Damanese), amongst heaps of
others, have made the book a collectors' item amongst many
communities, not just Goan or Mangalorean. And for you to
display an abysmal lack of brain cells to not comprehend why
Malaika is included in a SongBook of the Konkani diaspora,
is an embarrassment not only to yourself but your family too.

If and when you are ever able to produce a body of writing
that even resembles a book, we will congratulate you. But
until such time, take my advice - grow up, and get out more.


 On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 Mervyn Lobo wrote
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination?

 You were part of the same group that was spamming me too.
 I had to warn you?several times and then send a notice to your email provider
 before you stoped.

MSN Dating: Find someone special. Start now.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 It is so easy to bad-mouth others. Goans make a virtue to those crab-like 
 traits with convoluted arguments and sophistry.

Why is Gilbert badmounthing and abusing other Goans and other Goan forums on 
Goanet. Is he afflicted with the crab mentality? Is he jealous of his fellow 
Goans, and want to pull them down by any means he can?



--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
 The sad part, the main proponents of this over-the-top
 Goan site are 
 individuals who are hyper-critical of Goanet moderators. 
 So they went ahead and formed their own site - Amchea
 Goencarachio Dhirio ani 
 thea bhair GX.  They (and we) soon discovered that the
 only way they maintained 
 their circulation is to create an unsolicited list of
 e-mails. And then force 
 individuals to continue to be on them; despite repeated
 private and public 
 requests to remove our names from these lists.  So much
 for netiquette and 
 logic; generated after graduate and
 post-graduate college degrees. Saiba bogos!
 As many of the leaders of this alternative site are my
 colleagues, it saddens me 
 that their stature and credibility has been eroded by their
 own doing.  Yet, 
 they have themselves to blame for the abysmal showing.
 As pointed-out, 
 on occasion, one can love their explanations and their
 misinformation. But taken 
 en-mass, after one-day's posts, the postings were a
 tragedy and an 
 embarrassment, that all except the posters could see. 
 I only hope they feel the least bit of guilt or
 responsibility.  And appreciate 
 the efforts and success of existing Goan net sites. This
 should teach them 
 thank them for the 
 yeomen work.  It is so easy to bad-mouth others. Goans
 make a virtue to those 
 crab-like traits with convoluted arguments and sophistry.
 Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
Bosco wrote:

Rico, Eddie, Jim, etc are only expressing themselves too simply.

Does Goanet consider personal attacks against fellow Goans by individuals such 
as Francis, Gilbert, etc. expressing themselves too simply? 




Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-12 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Santosh Helekar

 Bosco wrote:

 Rico, Eddie, Jim, etc are only expressing themselves
 too simply.

 Does Goanet consider personal attacks against fellow Goans by
 individuals such as Francis, Gilbert, etc. expressing themselves
 too simply?

RESPONSE: Goanet = Owners, Administrators, Moderators, 
Subscribersand also online followers, well-wishers. Ami Sogle Ek!! I 
hope some of these individuals respond to this query.

Additionally, in the last 48 hours, do we ONLY recognize personal 
attacks against fellow Goans from individuals such as Francis, Gilbert ??

- B

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Santosh Helekar

The Wikipedia definitions of email harvesting and email spam below make 
it crystal clear...blah...blah...blah..

RESPONSE: Thanks for the humour..but dont take these complaints 
too seriously. Rico, Eddie, Jim, etc are only expressing themselves 
too simply.whenever I am cc'ed the odd message, thanks to a sincere 
Goenkar, I do enjoy the humourespecially two senior citizens happily 
abusing each other!! What phun yaaar!!! Ekdom majaa!!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Edward Verdes

You admit that my name does flash on your groups..why shud even part of the
email id with my name be exposed on your groups if I am not a member of that 
group or not even related to that discussion?
If anyone wants to send a message to any of the half exposed ids one has to 
sign in the yahoo account.
I am also exposed to the others in the long list that you have created which 
is CCed to many including the groups.

Now you have gone and posted a message on your group with my and Freds name 
as subject line, that we are
spreading it not true that my Name is appearing in the 
messages in your group without me being a member
there? Why are you discussing behind my backs? Pls tell goanetters what 
falsehoods I have spread here?

I am subscribed to goanet and I have no problem with goanet flashing my ID, 
but am not the member of goemchim xapotam
or diryeo so my name shud not appear on that group and even pvt. list that 
you have created.

Edward Verdes

- Original Message -
From: Santosh Helekar

--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Edward Verdes wrote:

I had asked to be off this list but still I am email ID is 
being flashed on goemchim xapotom and also another recently formed 
group...though am no longer subscribed to these groups.

Like Admin Noronha, Eddie is telling you a falsehood here regarding 
Goenchim Xapotam and another Goan Yahoo group. Unlike Goanet, Yahoo groups 
do not allow complete email addresses to be flashed to the public on the 
internet. Instead, you see something like this:

Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@...  wrote:

Please see the following GX post for example:

On the other hand, Goanet flashes Eddie's email address every time he 
posts on it. It is displayed as follows:

eddieverdes at

Please see this link on the Goanet archives:



Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Edward Verdes

Dear Dr. Colaco,
Pls tell me why should even my name and half email address (which appears in
the CC msgs and can be replied to) appear on Goemchimxaptom, when I am not a 

of that group and when am not even connected with the discussions?

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: J. Colaco  jc

Dear Eddie Verdes,

re: your 'email ID is being flashed on goemchim xapotom'

Could you please direct us to an URL which will confirm the above
quoted statement from you?


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Santosh Helekar
Francis (FCA) Rodriguez wrote:

Only a threat to inform his employer stopped the dysfunctional Helekar from 
spamming me too. He does not believe in a Do Not Spam policy. Helekar is 
not a don't - just a can't!

Please note that FCA Rodriguez has found this an opportunity to abuse me 
because of his personal issues. What he is saying above is false. Nobody is 
afraid of FCA Rodriguez's threats. I for one simply complied with his request 
to be removed from GX and the cc list, as I have done for others. Waylusha 
still receives all the emails on the cc list. Isabel Joannes has done so as 
well. All fake IDs on Goanet who abuse others because of personal issues are 
placed on the cc list by default. Since FCA shares his computer with Isabel and 
Waylusha, he still receives all the posts on the cc list. If he does not want 
Waylusha and Isabel to receive emails on the list, then I would ask them to 
send us a polite request.




Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Santosh Helekar
Edward Verdes wrote:

Pls tell goanetters what falsehoods I have spread here?


The falsehoods you have spread and are spreading now are the following:

1. That your email ID is flashed on GX and AGD.
2. That someone can get your email ID by simply signing onto a Yahoo account.
3. That we are discussing you and Admin Noronha behind your backs. (Both you 
and Noronha were personally cced any post mentioning your names, in addition to 
them being posted on Goanet and/or GX. Admin Noronha is permanent member of GX, 
as well as the cc list).
4. That your name is appearing in all the messages posted on GX.
5. That I am responsible for creating a long cc list.



--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Edward Verdes wrote:

 You admit that my name does flash on your groups..why shud
 even part of the
 email id with my name be exposed on your groups if I am not
 a member of that group or not even related to that
 If anyone wants to send a message to any of the half
 exposed ids one has to sign in the yahoo account.
 I am also exposed to the others in the long list that you
 have created which is CCed to many including the groups.
 Now you have gone and posted a message on your group with
 my and Freds name as subject line, that we are
 spreading it not true that my Name is
 appearing in the messages in your group without me being a
 there? Why are you discussing behind my backs? Pls tell
 goanetters what falsehoods I have spread here?
 I am subscribed to goanet and I have no problem with goanet
 flashing my ID, but am not the member of goemchim xapotam
 or diryeo so my name shud not appear on that group and even
 pvt. list that you have created.
 Edward Verdes


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Edward Verdes

You have still not answered my question why even part of my email address 
which can be replied by the group members

is appearing in GX and AGD of which I am not a member?

Your point no 1 n 2..Here is a msg i just checked on GX. I am not a memeber 
but still i can access it.
on opening the msg one can see the email ids that are in the mail
just hit on any email id links and it will ask u to sign in your yahoo 

where you can write a mail

Your point no 3. When I had posted on goanet with the abv subject line, was 
it not sufficient
that you discuss it here instead of posting on GX and changing the subject 
line as

Eddie and Noronha spreading falsehoods on Goanet
Is this not discussing me behind my back? knowing that I am not a member of 

Why is it necessary to send a pvt cc when you are posting it goanet?

.And finally pls tell us who created the pvt list initially?

Edward Verdes
- Original Message 
From: Santosh Helekar

Pls tell goanetters what falsehoods I have spread here?


The falsehoods you have spread and are spreading now are the following:

1. That your email ID is flashed on GX and AGD.
2. That someone can get your email ID by simply signing onto a Yahoo 
3. That we are discussing you and Admin Noronha behind your backs. (Both 
you and Noronha were personally cced any post mentioning your names, in 
addition to them being posted on Goanet and/or GX. Admin Noronha is 
permanent member of GX, as well as the cc list).

4. That your name is appearing in all the messages posted on GX.
5. That I am responsible for creating a long cc list.



--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Edward Verdes wrote:

You admit that my name does flash on your groups..why shud
even part of the
email id with my name be exposed on your groups if I am not
a member of that group or not even related to that
If anyone wants to send a message to any of the half
exposed ids one has to sign in the yahoo account.
I am also exposed to the others in the long list that you
have created which is CCed to many including the groups.
Now you have gone and posted a message on your group with
my and Freds name as subject line, that we are
spreading it not true that my Name is
appearing in the messages in your group without me being a
there? Why are you discussing behind my backs? Pls tell
goanetters what falsehoods I have spread here?

I am subscribed to goanet and I have no problem with goanet
flashing my ID, but am not the member of goemchim xapotam
or diryeo so my name shud not appear on that group and even
pvt. list that you have created.

Edward Verdes

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 11 July 2010 04:02, Edward Verdes wrote:
Dear Dr. Colaco,
Pls tell me why should even my name and half email address (which
appears in the CC msgs and can be replied to) appear on
Goemchimxaptom, when I am not a member of that group and when am not
even connected with the discussions?


Dear Eddie Verdes,

Once again, I ask .Could you please direct me (us) to an URL which
will confirm the above quoted statement from you?

I ask this question so that I can verify and determine what I am
responding about.

I am not very good at providing comments in a vacuum or in vacuous responses.


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Santosh Helekar

Here are answers to your questions.

--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Edward Verdes wrote:

 You have still not answered my question why even part of my
 email address which can be replied by the group members
 is appearing in GX and AGD of which I am not a member?

The reason your name (not your email address) appeared on GX in that message is 
because someone posted that message containing your name to that forum. Neither 
I nor Yahoo groups can prevent a free private citizen from mentioning your name 
in a message to any forum, including Goanet, or ccing a message to you.

 Your point no 1 n 2..Here is a msg i just checked on GX. I
 am not a memeber but still i can access it.
 on opening the msg one can see the email ids that are in
 the mail just hit on any email id links and it will ask u to sign in
 your yahoo address where you can write a mail

Again you are spreading falsehoods. You have access to GX on the web because GX 
archives are public, just like Goanet. Nobody can see the email IDs that are in 
the mail. If you hit on the email id links, you are asked to sign in on that 
group website. You cannot sign in on that website if you are not a member of 
that Yahoo group. Even if you are a member, you still cannot see any of the 
email IDs of the members, unless you also receive emails from that group.

 Your point no 3. When I had posted on goanet with the abv subject line, was 
 it not sufficient that you discuss it here instead of posting on GX and 
 changing the subject line as Eddie and Noronha spreading falsehoods on 

No, because GXers have a right to know when someone is badmouthing their forum 
in another Goan forum.

Is this not discussing me behind my back? knowing that I am not a member of 

No, because you received a cc of that post, and because GX archives are public.

 Why is it necessary to send a pvt cc when you are posting
 it goanet?

Because Goanet being a heavily moderated list there is chance that the cced 
post might not appear on it, or appear on it only after a delay of several days.

 And finally pls tell us who created the pvt list initially?

I don't know. But certainly not me.




Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-11 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
- Frederick Noronha wrote

I suspect that (like me) you secretly are dying to read who's posting what on 
this list. It is so much entertainment. That too without tax!

 -- GL responds
The sad part, the main proponents of this over-the-top Goan site are 
individuals who are hyper-critical of Goanet moderators.  

So they went ahead and formed their own site - Amchea Goencarachio Dhirio ani 
thea bhair GX.  They (and we) soon discovered that the only way they maintained 
their circulation is to create an unsolicited list of e-mails. And then force 
individuals to continue to be on them; despite repeated private and public 
requests to remove our names from these lists.  So much for netiquette and 
logic; generated after graduate and post-graduate college degrees. Saiba bogos!
As many of the leaders of this alternative site are my colleagues, it saddens 
that their stature and credibility has been eroded by their own doing.  Yet, 
they have themselves to blame for the abysmal showing. As pointed-out, 
on occasion, one can love their explanations and their misinformation. But 
en-mass, after one-day's posts, the postings were a tragedy and an 
embarrassment, that all except the posters could see. 

I only hope they feel the least bit of guilt or responsibility.  And appreciate 
the efforts and success of existing Goan net sites. This should teach them 
yeomen work.  It is so easy to bad-mouth others. Goans make a virtue to those 
crab-like traits with convoluted arguments and sophistry.
Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
Instead of sticking to existing Goanet rules, and abiding by them himself, in 
the first place, while strictly observing the duties of an administrator 
entrusted with the responsibility of running a mailing list, Admin Noronha is 
manufacturing bogus controversies. He is corrupting the meaning of the words 
harvesting and spamming to smear people, one of whom is not even a member 
of Goanet. 

A response to a message or an article posted on a public mailing list cced to 
its author and to another mailing list to guard against its being blocked or 
delayed for several days, does not constitute spamming or harvesting of email 
addresses. There are many Goanetters who like to debate issues privately and on 
other mailing lists to avoid being subjected to the making up of arbitrary 
rules based on erratic personal biases and fabricated definitions of common 
words, as above. Speaking for myself, when I participate in these debates or cc 
my Goanet response to the author of an original public post, I always comply 
with the latter's wishes, if he or she asks me not to cc subsequent responses 
to him or her, any more.



--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:

 I think the point is not about
 quoting from a  public archive, but
 rather *harvesting* email IDs from a public mailing list
 and then
 *spamming* people out of their mind... Even when there are
 requests from them to be taken off the cc list they
 didn't ask to be
 on, in the first place.
 As for me, I find this sometimes rather entertaining and
 keeps one in
 humour on a slow day in Goa. (Someone seems to be so keen
 to ensure I
 read them via this list, that they placed my address on
 -- so everytime I read the incessant circle of abuses, a
 goes out :-) And you thought eyeballs came cheap?)
 In addition, such an endeavour keeps other grumpy old men
 like me
 busy, so that lessens the kind of damage that can be done
 had they to
 run loose and amuck on more widely-read fora.
 Only problem is: when someone wants to get off this
 'spammers list'
 and he's dragged back kicking and squealing everytime. I
 think this is
 as unfair as laughing at the pig we're going to slice up
 for the
 feast, as he keeps protesting!
 On 10 July 2010 00:56, Santosh Helekar
  Shri Fernandes,
  These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are
  a figment of your imagination. Goanet has no
  such rules. It is a public forum. Discussions
  on it can be continued in any other forum or
  mailing list. What a private free citizen does
  in this regard is his/her own business. Nobody
  can do anything about it. Permission is needed
  only to post private emails and discussions
  in public forums, not the other way round.
  For eaxmple, I need permission from you to
  post in a Goan public forum the filthy abusive
  emails you have cced to me and
  others personally. Please give me that
  permission. We will then see who broke
  the rules, etiquettes and laws.
  Regarding the electronic proof you have
  against me to nail me, I give you full
  permission to post it on Goanet. It will
  give people a chance to assess the credibility
  of your claims.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 10 July 2010 12:30, Santosh Helekar wrote:
 Noronha is manufacturing bogus controversies.
 He is corrupting the meaning of the words
 harvesting and spamming to smear people

E-mail harvesting is the process of obtaining lists of e-mail
addresses using various methods for use in bulk e-mail or other
purposes usually grouped as spam...
Another common method is the use of special software known as
harvesting bots or harvesters, which spider Web pages, postings on
Usenet, mailing list archives, internet forums and other online
sources to obtain e-mail addresses from public data.

E-mail spam, also known as junk e-mail, is a subset of spam that
involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by
e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE).
Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that email is
unsolicited and sent in bulk. UCE refers specifically to unsolicited
commercial e-mail.

Everyone who has been a unwilling victim of the spammers list knows
that this is exactly what happened (though no software was used to
harvest address, it was done manually).

I do not think it is very edifying to see grown men pour scorn and
heap abuse on each other's head, by the bucketful, and believe that it
is debate. What is even more tragic is that some of the gentlemen on
this list are highly qualified experts in their own respective fields.

Have we Goans lost the gene for rational discussion? FN

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 10 July 2010 09:36, Frederick Noronha wrote:

 I do not think it is very edifying to see grown men pour scorn and
 heap abuse on each other's head, by the bucketful, and believe that it
 is debate. What is even more tragic is that some of the gentlemen on
 this list are highly qualified experts in their own respective fields.

 Have we Goans lost the gene for rational discussion? FN

COMMENT: Please, kindly correct me if I am wrong; I think that since the
departure of one, Goanet has become a much better forum. Time was when the
only thing discussed here was the Iraq war and the validity of finding
w.m.d.'s; this was on a daily basis, with a lot of invective thrown in for
good measure - as if to make a point. one such example wasanyone with
half a brainThank God that we do now have more than half a brain!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Edward Verdes

I too am on this list for the reason that I had replied to a post on goanet 
a year back.
I had asked to be off this list but still I am email ID is being 
flashed on
goemchim xapotom and also another recently formed group...though am no 
subscribed to these groups. When I was on holidays my mailbox was clogged 
with junk

from this group, specially by some guys who seem to have no work at all.
I have blocked most  of them, but I still get mails as new ids are being 

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Noronha

Only problem is: when someone wants to get off this 'spammers list'
and he's dragged back kicking and squealing everytime. I think this is
as unfair as laughing at the pig we're going to slice up for the
feast, as he keeps protesting!


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Edward Verdes wrote:

 I had asked to be off this list but still I am email ID is being 
 flashed on goemchim xapotom and also another recently formed group...though 
 am no longer subscribed to these groups.

Like Admin Noronha, Eddie is telling you a falsehood here regarding Goenchim 
Xapotam and another Goan Yahoo group. Unlike Goanet, Yahoo groups do not allow 
complete email addresses to be flashed to the public on the internet. Instead, 
you see something like this:

Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@...  wrote:

Please see the following GX post for example:

On the other hand, Goanet flashes Eddie's email address every time he posts on 
it. It is displayed as follows:

eddieverdes at

Please see this link on the Goanet archives:




Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Eddie Verdes,

re: your 'email ID is being flashed on goemchim xapotom'

Could you please direct us to an URL which will confirm the above
quoted statement from you?



 Edward Verdes wrote:

 I had asked to be off this list but still I am email ID is
being flashed on goemchim xapotom and also another recently formed
group...though am no longer subscribed to these groups.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 11 July 2010 03:17, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 So in honesty, our prayers should go for these 6-9 bloviators. Hope they 
 their karmic rewards they have earned as quickly as possible.  But very likely
 they will only get those karmic rewards when they get our names off their spam

Dear GL, I suspect that (like me) you secretly are dying to read who's
posting what on this list. It is so much entertainment. That too
without tax!

[Remember the times when we paid entertainment tax even to watch a
two-rupee movie? Now, thanks to the Inox scam (started by one
political hero and continued by another), we pay for overpriced
tickets, but no tax.]

To be honest, I think such networks are a
Buddhist-Yogic-Judaic-Christian-Islamic-Hindu-militaristic conspiracy
to spread the virtues of equanimity
[] As long as you don't get
worked up, or disappointed in this race called Goans, I don't think
even your physician would be overburdened.

My nightmare scenario is that someone actually takes me off one of
these lists! Where would I get my day's entertainment from? While
nobody seems to how to get off the lists, I'm willing to bet that
nobody knows either of how one can get ON these lists! As of now, it
is a priviledge of only a select few. Either you are born into it,

For those who are curious, check out:

For some reason, the Dhirio archives are not open to non-subscribers.
Is that because of the law on dhirio in Goa? Or are the bulls
misbehaving there too? FN

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
The Wikipedia definitions of email harvesting and email spam below make it 
crystal clear how Admin Noronha is distorting these meanings to badmouth those 
who like being subscribed to alternative Goan mailing lists, such as Goenchim 
Xapotam, or be on a cc list consisting of Goans who have quit Goanet, rightly 
or wrongly, in their opinion, out of personal distaste for its lack of 
transparency and excessive ideological control. 

So let me set the record straight to readers who have been misled by the 
smokescreen created by Noronha and others, in this thread.

Some Goans, including me, like to post our writings on other Goan mailing lists 
such as Goenchim Xapotam (GX) and a cc list consisting of non-Goanetters such 
as Miguel Braganza, Cornel Da Costa, Anand Virgincar, Mario Goveia, Kevin 
Saldanha, etc. We like these lists because, unlike Goanet, they are completely 
transparent and unmoderated. Everybody is equal on these lists. On these lists 
an administrator like Admin Noronha cannot exercise control over what others 
say. No wonder he does not like them.

One of the principles some of us like to abide by is when we respond to a 
Goanet post either on Goanet or in the latter forums, we want to make sure we 
cc our responses to the authors of the posts to which we are responding. This 
courtesy ensures that these authors remain aware of any subsequent discussions 
that might ensue. We do not want these authors to be abused, smeared or 
badmouthed behind their back, without being afforded a chance to defend 

Now this can lead to the following three inadvertent problems:

1. The author might not appreciate a response to his post, and the follow-up 
arguments being cced to him.

2. Other members of these lists might use the reply all option to post 
unrelated messages to these unmoderated lists, which might lead to unwanted 
emails in the cced author's inbox. Speaking for myself, whenever an author has 
requested me to remove his/her name from these lists in such cases, I have 
promptly complied with their request.

3. One of the members of these lists might decide to cc his responses to some 
of his friends, in which case the latter would receive all subsequent responses 
when the reply all option is used by everybody. This happens all the time 
even with regard to official email correspondence in large institutions. For 
example, Admin Noronha added Miguel Braganza to the cc list of non-Goanetters, 
and Miguel in turn added some of his friends to that list recently - 
personalities that were completely unknown to most of us. Any person who would 
then tell others in a public forum that Admin Noronha harvested Miguel's email 
address, and Miguel did so to those of his friends to spam them would not be 
telling the truth.

Indeed, the above description should reveal to any reasonable person that none 
of this amounts to harvesting of emails or spamming, as claimed by Admin 



--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
 E-mail harvesting is the process of obtaining lists of
 addresses using various methods for use in bulk e-mail or
 purposes usually grouped as spam...
 Another common method is the use of special software known
 harvesting bots or harvesters, which spider Web pages,
 postings on
 Usenet, mailing list archives, internet forums and other
 sources to obtain e-mail addresses from public data.
 E-mail spam, also known as junk e-mail, is a subset of spam
 involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous
 recipients by
 e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk
 e-mail (UBE).
 Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that email
 unsolicited and sent in bulk. UCE refers specifically to
 commercial e-mail.
 Everyone who has been a unwilling victim of the spammers
 list knows
 that this is exactly what happened (though no software was
 used to
 harvest address, it was done manually).
 I do not think it is very edifying to see grown men pour
 scorn and
 heap abuse on each other's head, by the bucketful, and
 believe that it
 is debate. What is even more tragic is that some of the
 gentlemen on
 this list are highly qualified experts in their own
 respective fields.
 Have we Goans lost the gene for rational discussion? FN


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
The following personal attack against me because of a private matter was posted 
in this forum by Jim Fernandes without my permission in clear violation of laws 
governing such public forums. I would request Goanet moderators not to allow on 
public forums such personal attacks originating from private exchanges. 

As for ccing public responses to publicly displayed posts to authors of these 
posts or to other mailing lists, there is no breach of any kind. Nobody can 
prevent any free citizen of the world from ccing anything in the public domain 
to anybody, and eliciting comment or discussion. No permission is required from 
Jim Fernandes or anybody else. Cross pollination in the public domain is a good 
thing. On the other hand, attacking people publicly because of private issues, 
or hurling publicly or on cc lists the filthiest obscenities at them is 
unlawful, subject to legal and criminal action.



--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:
 The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is because, a
 fellow GoaNetter named Santosh Helekar included me in this
 non-GoaNet related group, when I responded to a thread on
 GoaNet. He had no business of cross-pollinating debates and
 then include my email ID, in such external groups, without
 my permission. If it was a matter of sending one-on-one
 emails, its altogether a different story.
 GoaNet admin should take note of this breach. If a member
 is found to cross pollinate GoaNet debates in the future,
 he/she should be dropped from GoaNet membership.
 I have been on GoaNet since 1996. This is a great place to
 meet other Goans and over the years, I must add, that I have
 made several friends on GoaNet. 
 My only request is, if you wish to debate me, come on
 GoaNet - don't drag me elsewhere.
 Jim F
 New York.


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-09 Thread Jim Fernandes
Mr Helekar,

You are the one who started this non-sense by taking a GoaNet debate to an 
outside entity. Therefore, you are the one who initiated this break in 

I have posted this topic on GoaNet because the debate started on GoaNet - you 
took it private to some group you obviously feel comfortable with. This is in 
clear violation of net etiquette and GoaNet rules.

I dare you to take me to any court of law - I have all the electronic proof 
with me to nail you.

I am heading to a nice vacation with my family, so I won't be able to respond 
to any more emails till my return.

Jim F
New York

--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
 Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 12:49 PM
 The following personal attack against
 me because of a private matter was posted in this forum by
 Jim Fernandes without my permission in clear violation of
 laws governing such public forums. I would request Goanet
 moderators not to allow on public forums such personal
 attacks originating from private exchanges. 
 As for ccing public responses to publicly displayed posts
 to authors of these posts or to other mailing lists, there
 is no breach of any kind. Nobody can prevent any free
 citizen of the world from ccing anything in the public
 domain to anybody, and eliciting comment or discussion. No
 permission is required from Jim Fernandes or anybody else.
 Cross pollination in the public domain is a good thing. On
 the other hand, attacking people publicly because of private
 issues, or hurling publicly or on cc lists the filthiest
 obscenities at them is unlawful, subject to legal and
 criminal action.
 --- On Fri, 7/9/10, Jim Fernandes
  The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is
 because, a
  fellow GoaNetter named Santosh Helekar included me in
  non-GoaNet related group, when I responded to a thread
  GoaNet. He had no business of cross-pollinating
 debates and
  then include my email ID, in such external groups,
  my permission. If it was a matter of sending
  emails, its altogether a different story.
  GoaNet admin should take note of this breach. If a
  is found to cross pollinate GoaNet debates in the
  he/she should be dropped from GoaNet membership.
  I have been on GoaNet since 1996. This is a great
 place to
  meet other Goans and over the years, I must add, that
 I have
  made several friends on GoaNet. 
  My only request is, if you wish to debate me, come on
  GoaNet - don't drag me elsewhere.
  Jim F
  New York.

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
Shri Fernandes,

These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are a figment of your imagination. 
Goanet has no such rules. It is a public forum. Discussions on it can be 
continued in any other forum or mailing list. What a private free citizen does 
in this regard is his/her own business. Nobody can do anything about it. 
Permission is needed only to post private emails and discussions in public 
forums, not the other way round. For eaxmple, I need permission from you to 
post in a Goan public forum the filthy abusive emails you have cced to me and 
others personally. Please give me that permission. We will then see who broke 
the rules, etiquettes and laws.

Regarding the electronic proof you have against me to nail me, I give you full 
permission to post it on Goanet. It will give people a chance to assess the 
credibility of your claims.



--- On Fri, 7/9/10, Jim Fernandes wrote:

 Mr Helekar,
 You are the one who started this non-sense by taking a
 GoaNet debate to an outside entity. Therefore, you are the
 one who initiated this break in etiquette.
 I have posted this topic on GoaNet because the debate
 started on GoaNet - you took it private to some group you
 obviously feel comfortable with. This is in clear violation
 of net etiquette and GoaNet rules.
 I dare you to take me to any court of law - I have all the
 electronic proof with me to nail you.
 I am heading to a nice vacation with my family, so I won't
 be able to respond to any more emails till my return.
 Jim F
 New York


Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Santosh Helekar wrote: On the other hand,
attacking people publicly because of private issues, or hurling
publicly or on cc lists the filthiest obscenities at them is unlawful,
subject to legal and criminal action.


My dear Santoshbab,

While I understand the courtesy you extended by ccing the person in
reference, I would suggest that, in future, you please refrain from
inviting the users of filthy language to the table.

I was most shocked to learn that Goans could use such vile language in
their communications. But then, sometimes I suppose, the low-class
really shows.

I would also request you to refrain from taking any legal action
against such individuals. Win or lose, individuals of your calibre
should consider not bothering with riff-raff. Those who live in the
gutter should be able to enjoy their filthy language, undisturbed..



Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
I think the point is not about quoting from a  public archive, but
rather *harvesting* email IDs from a public mailing list and then
*spamming* people out of their mind... Even when there are repeated
requests from them to be taken off the cc list they didn't ask to be
on, in the first place.

As for me, I find this sometimes rather entertaining and keeps one in
humour on a slow day in Goa. (Someone seems to be so keen to ensure I
read them via this list, that they placed my address on
-- so everytime I read the incessant circle of abuses, a notification
goes out :-) And you thought eyeballs came cheap?)

In addition, such an endeavour keeps other grumpy old men like me
busy, so that lessens the kind of damage that can be done had they to
run loose and amuck on more widely-read fora.

Only problem is: when someone wants to get off this 'spammers list'
and he's dragged back kicking and squealing everytime. I think this is
as unfair as laughing at the pig we're going to slice up for the
feast, as he keeps protesting!


On 10 July 2010 00:56, Santosh Helekar wrote:
 Shri Fernandes,
 These bogus rules and etiquettes of yours are
 a figment of your imagination. Goanet has no
 such rules. It is a public forum. Discussions
 on it can be continued in any other forum or
 mailing list. What a private free citizen does
 in this regard is his/her own business. Nobody
 can do anything about it. Permission is needed
 only to post private emails and discussions
 in public forums, not the other way round.
 For eaxmple, I need permission from you to
 post in a Goan public forum the filthy abusive
 emails you have cced to me and
 others personally. Please give me that
 permission. We will then see who broke
 the rules, etiquettes and laws.
 Regarding the electronic proof you have
 against me to nail me, I give you full
 permission to post it on Goanet. It will
 give people a chance to assess the credibility
 of your claims.